#him going 'we were down the right side me and him' when talking about david leaving
randomfoggytiger · 2 days
The Evolution of Gillian Anderson's Friendship with David Duchovny
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Early friendship:
He was an experienced actor when they started The X Files, she had been receiving unemployment benefit and had been in front of cameras only once before.
And she admits: "I desperately needed someone to show me the ropes and David did. He was wonderful."
There were rumours of a secret romance, which would have got them both fired on the spot. It is a strict studio rule that there will be no intimacy between the stars - off screen as well as on.
But Gillian did find love on The X Files, in the shape of assistant art director Clyde Klotz. And she did turn to Duchovny for advice after acting spontaneously on her wedding night, taking no precautions and finding herself pregnant.
She was horrified, believing she would get herself fired and ruin her career.
[“I went into his trailer,” she recalls, “and I said, ‘David, I’m pregnant.’ It looked like his knees buckled.... And he asked me if it was a good thing. I said, ‘Yeah, it is.’]
But her co-star, who was the only person she confided in apart from her husband, put Gillian's mind at ease.
He advised her not to have an abortion - that things would work out. And they did.
He kept her secret while Gillian thought things over for a month.
David Duchovny is not happy.....
Anderson, sensing Duchovny’s mood, looks down at his hand on her left shoulder and tries to brush it away, as if it were a mosquito. Then she turns and jumps into his arms, laughing, looking like a little girl making trouble for a protective older brother. Startled to be holding her, the smile on Duchovny’s face is forced no longer.
...“We really trust each other,” Duchovny says simply.
There is, between these two, a real-life camaraderie born of necessity, a friendship strong enough to survive too many work hours, and a chemistry powerful enough to rearrange the atoms on-screen. “Whenever we’re acting together,” says Anderson, “it’s there.”
But in real life, Duchovny and Anderson have a relationship as much a conundrum to outsiders as any X-File.
“We have a relationship that is completely odd and fabricated,” Duchovny says. “We’ve been thrown together, two people who don’t know each other, and we’ve been forced to spend more time together than married people do. So you can’t describe our relationship as ‘like’ or ‘dislike.’ ”
Sounds a little frosty.
“It is frosty,” Gillian Anderson agrees when she is read Duchovny’s description of their relationship. “But it’s accurate.” She laughs. “It’s not that we don’t like each other. It’s complicated.”
Question: Can you talk about getting back into these characters after a five or six year period?
David Duchovny: The first two weeks I felt a little awkward and I didn’t really feel like I wanted to do longer scenes. I was just fine running around. Then as soon as Gillian and I started working and it was Mulder and Scully, then I kind of remembered what it was all about and that relationship kind of anchored my performance just as I think the relationship anchors this film.
Shock: What’s that like with David now that you’re not with each other 16 hours a day on a series?
Anderson: It’s great, but it was great then, too. This is like a sibling relationship and I never had siblings.
What is your favourite thing about each other?
Duchovny: Gillian just doesn't give up.... She'll hang in there 'til we get it right.
Anderson: ...The easiest answer, I guess, is his sense of humour. He's always looking at the funny side of things, especially when he's around other actors who are comedians or funny themselves - it can turn into a bit of a contest to see who does the best impressions and such. But aside from that, there's a gentleness inside him that comes out every once in a while that is quite disarming and lovely. It's rare, but very nice.
Q: Was there a sense of almost a bunker mentality where you were at least going through this process with David? You mentioned he had more experience, he had done some bigger films but still the phenomenon that emerged within the first couple years was pretty remarkable. Did it help to have him there too and kind of like “Are you getting this too? Are you going through this too? Is this weird?” 
A: No. No, not really. We talk about the fact that it’s crazy that we didn’t. And that we didn’t take advantage of the fact that we had each other but it was complicated. These were long hours that we were working. We spent more time in each other’s presence than we did with our, you know, spouses and children, etc.
But also, you know, I think we pissed each other off, quite frankly. And I have no doubt that after they’re waiting – we’re gonna roll and somebody has to come in and redo my lips and the difference between the maintenance for guys and gals and we’re shooting in all weather – you know, we never shut down except for one day for weather in the entire show.  We were shooting up in Vancouver through rain, sleet, everything. And my hair would frizz up to here in between takes and they’d have to get the blow dryer out under the tent and we’d be waiting for Gillian’s hair to do another take. You know, that pisses you right off. It adds up. So I, you know, I’m sure there were plenty of things he did that pissed me off too. It just wasn’t, you know, but on the other hand.. NOW, we get to talk about that and we’re probably closer than we’ve ever been. 
Not surprisingly, she and Duchovny also became the story – according to the press, they were having an affair, hated each other or both. “I mean, yes, there were definitely periods when we hated each other.” She starts again. “Hate is too strong a word. We didn’t talk for long periods of time. It was intense, and we were both pains in the arse for the other at various times.”
How was Duchovny a pain in the arse for her? “Erm ...” Ten seconds pass without a word. Meanwhile, her smile gets wider and wider till it’s halfway up her cheeks. “I’m not going to get into it. I’m not even going to begin to get into that. But we are closer today than we ever have been.”
Anderson on working with Duchovny “Our relationship has definitely become a proper friendship over the last few years. I think we’re more on each other’s side. We’re more aware of the other’s needs, wants, concerns, and mindful to take those into consideration— and just sharing more about our experiences in the moment, under the sudden realization that we’re both in this together, and wouldn’t it be nice if it were a collaboration?”
They've worked together for 25 years but Gillian Anderson wants to make one thing clear: David Duchovny does NOT feature in her Ex Files.
While on screen their relationship left viewers wondering whether they would ever hook up romantically, Gillian says that off camera they were never very close.
In fact, she goes so far as to admit: "I don't know much about David Duchovny. If you asked me 10 things about him I'd probably get nine of them wrong."
...But now Gillian sets the record straight, saying: "We were never close. It's true we spent more time together than we have in any other relationship but it doesn't mean we were close.
"Very often when you're working long hours you may have a chit-chat between scenes but you're not really standing around talking about personal lives.
"And very often you don't have meals either at work or outside of work together because you're in each other's company all the time.
"So I actually don't know very much about David Duchovny, but we appreciate and respect each other."
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Stella made a new friend today.
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A huge congratulations to my old friend @davidduchovny on the world premiere of his film Bucky Fucking Dent @tribeca which he wrote, directed and stars in! A massive accomplishment and can’t wait to see it. (ps I’d say some of your prior writer / director gigs with me went pretty well and this was all just yesterday, right? 😉) #Tribeca2023
Awww Double D I’m so sorry. He was your guy. RIP Brick Duchovny
Lastly but not least,
a comment from David, 2024:
"My former X-Files costar Gillian Anderson and I are really good friends. ...When you share a seminal kind of experience in your life-- the huge success we had with that show-- only we know what it's like to be in the center of that. It's almost like being in the same family...."
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lensinski · 8 months
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Gary Neville in BECKHAM
Gary was Mister Sensible. Did he talk a lot then? Gaz? Gaz always talked. And we very rarely listend to him.
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miley1442111 · 3 months
the problem with arguing
a/n: Hi, this is my first story, any constructive criticism is welcomed. This had not been properly edited nor read through because icba lmao :) also I wrote it for a fem!reader but I don't think there's much mention other than Jack calling reader 'mom' so... yeah :)
pairings: aaron hotchner x reader, platonic BAUteam x reader, motherly(If that's a word?)reader x teen!jack hotchner
summary: aaron and you are in a fight, but what happens when a meeting with a witness goes south?
warnings: criminal minds levels of violence, angst, fluff, couple fighting, reader in distress, reader getting injured, mentions of knives, mentions of being stabbed, mentions of being tied up, mentions of hospitals, mentions of killing, mentions of general injury, mentions of guns/shooting, minimal use of y/n.
1.6k + words.
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“We’re here, we’ll update you if anything comes of it,” Morgan promises Hotch over the phone as we walk to the front porch of one of our witnesses. Something about his story is messed up and we were the unlucky ones who had to go talk to him. It’s a pretty house I guess, a little expensive for what a 26 year old man could afford, and what he would want to buy. It’s all fifties style, the entire estate is. Big-enough bungalows with pastel walls and inviting doors with a small porch, just enough for the entry-way and a chair. I knock on the door, exhausted from the past 72 hours. Aaron and I got in a fight before we got to Ohio, it was unnecessary, but we fought all the same. He was mad at me for giving Jack advice that led to a fight between them. I just wanted to kiss and make up 3 days ago but he won’t budge. Maybe it’s because he knows I’m right and doesn’t want to confront it or maybe it’s because I took it too far and overstepped. Jack calls me ‘mom’, I live with him, and Jack came to me for support, he wanted guidance and I gave him it. He was mad at his dad because he missed meeting his girlfriend. His girlfriend, Ava, was a lovely girl, I had been the one there when Jack brought her over for dinner, I was the one trying to suss out if they actually liked each other, and I was the one Jack sat down with for 2 hours after and told everything about her to. All because Aaron was too busy with paperwork in his study. Jack was hurt, which is difficult to do because he’s such an understanding 16 year-old boy. It was also hard because I saw both sides. I’ll be the first to admit that what Aaron did was wrong, but our job is hard and demanding, especially his since he’s the leader of our team… But Jack just wanted 2 hours of his time, not even, just a dinner. A dinner to meet his girlfriend, and Aaron still couldn’t make it. 
I knock again as I huff. 
“Everything alright?” Morgan asks, the regular playful glint in his eye. 
“Tired, mad, over this job. You?” I sigh. 
“Sounds about right,” He chuckles. “How’s Jack doing?” 
A smile spreads across my face. “He has a girlfriend,” Morgan’s face lights up in a smile. 
“My man,” He smirks and I chuckle. “You two met her yet?” 
My face drops again. “I have, Aaron… couldn’t make it to the dinner though. She’s lovely, perfect for Jack. It's so funny, it’s just opposites attract. Jack is so sporty and outspoken and she’s one of the quieter, more into her studies kind of person.” 
The door swings open and we’re met with David, our witness. 
“You two know what time it is?” He yawns. 
“Oh trust us, we know,” Morgan sighs. “Can we ask you a few more questions?” 
“It’s 10pm at night? Can’t this wait ‘till the morning?”
“It’ll only take a few minutes,” I reassure. 
He looks between us for a moment, then sighs. “Quickly.”
We walk inside and are immediately hit with an awful smell. I know that smell. That’s when I see it, a body.
And that’s when it all goes black. 
I wake up in a new room, tied to a chair. I don’t see Derrick anywhere. I don’t see David anywhere. I’m all alone in this grey room. I don’t see a door but I notice a camera, and a screen in front of me. I see Penelope on the screen, then a sign above it with “Don’t make noise” scribbled. I look to my left and see a plastic window, I see Morgan through it, tied up too. He sees me. 
“Y/n? Y/n?! Where are you?” Penelope squeals. I shake my head and she picks up her phone and tries calling mine, it rings and I feel something go into my side. I scream out in pain as I see the blood start trickling out of me. Penelope drops her phone, then picks it up, dialling someone else’s number. 
I get switched to a joint call with Penelope, and the rest of the team, excluding Aaron. 
“Y/n?” Spencer asks and I nod, sobbing in pain. Spencer runs off-screen, leaving Jj and Emily to stare in horror at me.
Spencer comes back with Aaron and we make eye-contact through the screen, and he starts breaking. He’s shouting orders at the policemen in the precinct, he’s shouting orders at the team, and he’s trying not to cry. I know that. I also know I’m the only one who knows that. He hides it pretty well but not from me, not after all of our years together. His eyes squint, his eyebrows furrow more than usual, he starts biting at the skin around his nails. 
“We’re coming to find you. We will find you,” he promises me. I nod slowly as the pain in my side becomes unbearable as the knife is pulled out. 
“Is Morgan with you?” Emily asks and I nod as I bite my lip until it bleeds to stop myself from making too much noise. 
“Is he in the room with you?” Spencer asks. 
I shake my head no. After what feels like an eternity of yes or no questions, they think they’ve located us.I hear banging on the door and then it opens. Spencer is standing there with an entire Swat team behind him. I shake my head to tell them to not make noise but they talk anyway and another knife is put into my leg, I don’t have the strength to stay quiet this time and another finds its way into my arm. I pass out. 
I wake up in a hospital bed, an IV in my arm, Aaron on one side and Jack on the other. Aaron’s asleep in a chair on my left, I grimace, knowing his back will hurt. 
“Mom?!” Jack exclaims as he sees me open my eyes. “Mom!” His eyes fill with tears as he gets up and wraps his arms around me on the bed. 
“Jack,” I sigh in relief. 
“You’re okay! You’re awake!” He smiles brightly, happy that I’m alive. 
Aaron wakes up from the commotion and rushes to my side. “Honey?” He takes my hand and squeezes. “You’re okay.”
I smile at both of them. 
“I’ll go get the doctor,” Jack smiles and he rushes off to find a doctor. 
“Honey I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have-” He starts but I cut him off. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too,” he sighs, tears welling up in his eyes.
“Don’t go all soft now Aaron,” I joke. 
“You make me soft,” He smiles and presses a soft kiss to my cheek. 
Jack comes back in with a doctor. She tells me that I lost a lot of blood and that I will be out of the field for a few months, with 2 weeks of mandatory bedrest, then 4 weeks of physical therapy. 
The next day, the team come in to visit. 
“Hey,” Spencer smiles, walking in first. I’ve always been close to Spencer, he’s always felt like a little brother to me. 
“Hey,” I smile and wince when I hug him, but I know it’s worth it. The rest of the team filter in, smiles on their faces.“So what happened after I went out?”
“Well, they got me, no injuries apart from a concussion,” Morgan says. 
“We got the guy-” Emily starts.
“Aaron got the guy,” Spencer interrupts. “He saw him and just shot him-”
“And then he beat the crap out of him,” Jj says. “It was pretty intense.”
I nod along as they tell me the story, and then we just talk about whatever until Aaron comes in and says visiting hours are over. Spencer leaves me a few more books to read and Jj brings Jack to Ava’s house for the night. Aaron walks in with my dinner on a tray. 
“Hungry?” He smiles. 
“You shot someone for me?” I ask as he places my tray down.
I roll my eyes and smile at him. “Is he alive?”
My face drops. “Oh.” 
“It was the combined bleeding and head trauma that killed him.”
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“I did.” 
I look at my food. “I understand you wanted to protect me-”
“I did that because he doesn’t get to live after doing this to you. Honey, you and Jack are the most important people in my life and I would do anything if it meant that you were safe and sound. Do you want to know how it felt to have what could’ve been my last words to you be ‘stop bothering me’? I was an asshole to you over the Jack situation because I knew you were right. I knew it wasn’t fair to not go to dinner when I was in the house. I knew it was important and it just felt too real. It felt like he was growing up and I just couldn’t take it because I missed so much of his childhood! So I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry that I said everything I said and did what I did, but I am not sorry about hurting that fucking monster,” He takes a deep breath. “Now eat up, it’ll go cold.���
“I love you Aaron, it’s ok. It wasn’t your fault, being a parents is hard.” 
His eyes fill with tears and he looks at me like an injured puppy. 
“Come here,” I smile and move over, allowing room for him to sit with me. He climbs into bed beside me and wraps his arms around me, being careful of my wounds. 
“I love you,” he whispers as I slowly eat my food. 
“I love you too.”
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
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the schumacher problem * femdriver
pairings: mick schumacher x femdriver, logan sargeant x femdriver, oscar piastri x femdriver
notes: hi i skipped 2022 cause i was too lazy to write it <3
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-> 2020
“come here, we need to introduce you to some people.”
“if you’re gonna jump scare me like that one time with david beckham. i’m not going to stand there like an idiot again. i’ve practiced and grown.”
“no, fuck face. we’re introducing you to your team next year. you know… prema? the team giving you a fighting chance in motorsport?”
“i will kick you out of my house, you know.”
“guys, this is the best friend we keep talking about!” oscar beams, jumping over to grab her wrist. he pulls her away from logan and puts a hand on her back, urging her to step forward. “she’s joining prema next year for her f3 career.”
“right, hi,” she smiles with a small nod. she takes a step back and one more towards oscar. “i’m really excited to work with you guys.”
“oh, hey! we’ve met before.” frederik steps forward and smiles. “at one of oscar and logan’s races.”
“how come i’ve never met her before?” a disembodied voice makes her lean slightly forward to peek over oscar’s shoulder. a wide smile and a pair of blue eyes are now looking at her. “you guys are hiding her from me or something?”
“yeah, mate. because we totally keep her in a dungeon cause she's not allowed other friends but us,” logan scoffs. he puts a hand on her back and pushes her a step forward. “you know mick, don’t you, (y/n)? schumacher.”
her back straightens. “oh. the schumacher?” she whispers, turning to logan with wide eyes. “like the man, the myth, the legend: michael schumacher’s son? mick schumacher?”
oscar raises an eyebrow. “i told you we were in prema with mick. what is wrong with you?”
“i don’t know. what do i say to him?”
“mate, i thought you said you practiced?” logan snorts, one hand over his mouth to contain his laughter. “why are you freezing up now?”
“nepotism goes kinda hard. i’m a big fan of him and his dad. this is not the same as the david beckham situation.”
“you’re kinda cute, aren’t you?”
simultaneously, the three best friends turn their head to the german with his head tilted to the side. “me?” she asks, pointing a finger to her chest. she looks around for any other person he could be talking about before settling to look at him again. “you think i’m cute?”
“pretty sure,” frederik smiles with a nod. “it would be kind of awkward if he was talking about oscar, right?”
oscar shrugs. “my girlfriend tells me i’m pretty cute.”
“not the same, dude,” logan mutters. he looks down at her and smacks her shoulder. “hey, snap out of it!”
frederik glances at mick, whose smile has grown a lot more since the redness on her cheeks crept up and she’s resigned to hiding behind oscar’s shoulder. he’s just about to say something when another figure walking into the room catches his attention.
frederik beams and throws his arm up into the air. he grabs her shoulders and forces her to turn around. “oh, robert’s over there! robert! we want you to meet somebody!”
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“hey, great qualifying run.” she turns around and unclips her helmet.
“oh, mick,” she smiles with a nod. she puts her helmet between her legs and fixes her hair. “thank you. i didn’t know you were watching — i thought you were preparing for your own race.”
“i had some extra time,” mick smiles at her. he points to the helmet. “do you need some help? i can help you with that.”
“no, it’s ok-“ she smiles when mick presses his lips into a thin line. “yeah, i need some help. thank you.”
she reaches between her legs and offers mick her helmet. he takes into her hands and steps back, gesturing towards the end of parc ferme.
“so, uh,” she sighs, looking around. “where’s oscar?”
“getting ready for the race.”
“so why aren’t you doing the same?” she shrieks, brushing her hands through her hair. she tries to untangle her hair as they walk. “complacent?”
“not complacent. i know i’m good,” mick grins with a soft giggle. “anyway, are you doing anything tonight? um, after the race?”
she hums, brushing all of her hair over to one shoulder. “ice cream with logan and oscar.”
“you quite like your ice cream, it seems. i heard you guys always get ice cream after your races,” mick grins. “what’s your favourite flavour?
“rocky road with marshmallows.”
“but doesn’t rocky road already have marshmallows?”
“it’s really good. if you want, you can join us tonight. i’m sure they don’t mind.”
"really? are you sure?"
"yeah! then tell me your verdict on my favourite ice cream pairing. you'll love it, i swear."
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"good luck on your race!"
logan looks up from his phone, scowling slightly at the driver in red standing outside the garage. he raises an eyebrow, watching her beam and walk over towards the entrance.
"hey, mick," she laughs, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "wow, i'm starting to see you a lot in my garage. i'd say it's becoming a habit."
"just wanted to wish you luck in person," mick smiles, leaning against the wall. he folds his arms over his chest and leans his weight on one leg as he looks down at her. "confident to make it into the top 10?"
"hopefully. i'm feeling good today," she nods, wide eyes staring up at mick. she has her hands clasped behind her back as she converses with the older driver. "who knows? i might even win the race."
"oh, definitely. i'll be rooting for you."
"thanks, i need that." she takes a step back. "i need to finish my race prep. i'll see you right before your race? the least i can do is wish you luck in person too, since you came all this way."
"okay. make sure you're there - else, i won't start my race without your luck."
she laughs, stepping back and waving as the german walks away. she turns around with a roll of her eyes and a giddy grin on her face. logan, having watched the entire interaction not too far from them, has put his phone down on his lap.
"you know he likes you," logan says, pointing a finger at her. she looks down at him, clueless clearly written all over her face. "you know that, right? there's no way you don't know that."
she hums, raising her eyebrows and then furrowing them. "what are you talking about?"
"he literally has an f2 race to prep for and he walked all the way here to wish you luck," logan explains, unsure of how she's oblivious to the fact. "he could have just texted you. he has your number, doesn't he?"
"i don't think it's as deep as you make it out to be, logan," she shrugs. "you would've done the same."
"yeah, but we literally have been racing against one another for years. we live together!" logan throws his head back, smacking his forehead in frustration. "that's different!"
she presses her lips together and looks off into the distance. "i don't think it's that serious, mate."
logan just shrugs, sinking into his seat as he rolls his eyes. "whatever you wanna believe."
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"hey, wait up!"
oscar turns his head before her, raising an eyebrow as he watches mick run towards them with something in his hands. "hey?" oscar mutters in confusion.
"hi," mick greets him quickly, before turning to the girl standing next to him. "i was at the interview table and they were giving out popsicles. i thought you might appreciate it more than me."
she looks down at it. "oh, thank you. are you sure? i mean... mick... this is yours."
"i don't really like popsicles," mick shrugs, continuing to offer her the cold refreshment. "it's grape. it's really good."
"if it's really go-"
"just take it."
"alright," she nods, taking the popsicle into her hands hesitantly. "do you want something in return? i've got a twix bar in my bag, but it's-"
"i'll see you later! i have an interview i'm late for, actually. just wanted to give you that," mick says hurriedly. he pats her shoulder before he turns and darts off from the direction he initially came from.
she slowly turns to look at oscar, who's got an equally confused stare, looking down at her with a small scowl on his face. "what was that about?"
oscar shrugs. "i don't know, but you should eat that popsicle before it starts melting."
the resume their walk in silence, not fully processing the event that happened too quick for them to consume. she's eating the popsicle now, eyes still squinted in confusion.
"i've been looking for popsicles everywhere and no one can tell me where to get one! everyone in the prema garage has one for some reason," logan screams, approaching her with his hands on his hips. "where did you get yours? why do you have one? is this a sick prank someone is pulling on me?"
she shrugs. "mick gave this to me."
logan slumps his shoulders. "mick gave that to you?"
"yeah," she nods. "interview table or something, he said."
"i was just there! there were no popsicles there!"
oscar looks between his best friends as he sports a growing smile. slowly, he starts bubbling with laughter, clutching his stomach as he points at her. "oh, my god! you're so stupid!"
"mick has a crush on you!" oscar screams. "you've got the epitome of nepotism crushing on you! that's so cute!"
"that's what i told her like weeks ago!" logan points out. "give me that popsicle - i deserve it more than you do."
"oh, piss off!" she screams, swiftly running behind oscar and swatting logan's hands away from her. "i'm sure there's a freezer filled with popsicles in the garage somewhere. you'll find yours."
"no way! mick definitely has a stash dedicated for you! i've only seen red popsicles. i want the grape one!" logan runs around oscar, eager to take the popsicle in the younger girl's hands. "give it to me - he'll give you another one!"
-> 2021
"hey, congrats on the podium."
"thank you- oh, mick! don't you have your debut race to be preparing for?"
"i just wanted to drop by and congratulate you," mick grins. he steps back, scanning her new look in the red race suit he used to sport as well. "red looks good on you."
"it does, doesn't it?" she smiles, twirling with her arms stretched out. "i have to admit - i'm not sure haas colours are yours."
"hey. that's mean."
"maybe i'm just not used to it," she shrugs. she swings her helmet in her hands. "can i watch the race from your garage? you reckon gunther would let me?"
mick laughs, waving off her concerns. "of course, he loves you! just meet me in the garage when you're done? i'll get you a spot."
she waves as he turns to walk away, making one last comment about how he'll be waiting for her before disappearing into the crowd.
"oi, fuck face."
"will it kill you to be nice to me for once, logan?"
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"are you sure about this?" she raises her eyebrows, looking down at the white car with her lips pressed together. "what if i crash this? it's your car."
"don't think so much about it," mick shrugs, hands on his hips as he watches her clutch onto her helmet for dear life. "it's just another car. you've driven an f1 car before, haven't you?"
"once during crash testing. that's not the same!"
"not much of a difference." mick pushes her towards the car and grins. "come on, free practice is about to start. get inside - i didn't beg gunther for nothing."
she looks at him from the corner of her eyes. "okay, but if i crash, don't hold it against me."
"i did kinda force you to test drive my car. no hard feelings if you crash," mick shrugs. "just don't die."
"oh, we'll see about that last part," she sighs, pulling her helmet down her head. "i think about that often - you know, cause i've lived with oscar and logan for like almost half of my life at this point."
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"oh, you're leaving the paddocks alone tonight? did the powerpuff trio get into a fight or something?" mick teases, catching up to her as she taps her card against the reader.
"no, um," she laughs, "lily is in town for oscar and logan's got a date. no way i'm third-wheeling oscar and lily tonight."
mick nods, pressing his lips together. in his head, gears are already turning in his head. true, he finds her cute. but it's not like he can do anything.
she seems very dead set on her racing career.
"i don't actually have anything planned for tonight," he clears his throat. he takes a deep breath, unsure of how she will take his offer. "do you maybe wanna grab some dinner? there's this restaurant nearby that seb always raves about."
he sighs in relief when her face lights up. "really? can we get ice cream too? i was gonna drop by this store near my hotel and eat it while i watch a show - i always have ice cream after my race. i'm not stopping today."
"yeah, there's this ice cream parlour close by," mick nods. actually, he looked into spots in the area when he saw oscar leaving the paddocks with lily and logan rushing to leave by himself 20 minutes ago.
he had it all planned out. "so, what do you say?" he lifts up his car keys. "you can drive if you want."
she gasps, reaching out for the car keys in his hands. "seriously? i get to drive your super expensive car that i know, for a fact, you never let anyone else drive?"
mick nods. "is that a yes?"
she nods excitedly, hopping slightly as she follows him towards where his car is parked. she puts her hand on the door handle right before she goes in. "you must like me if you're letting me drive your car."
he laughs nervously, eyes widening as he opens the door from the passenger side. it seems that she's catching on somehow. "get in before i change my mind."
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"what the hell are you guys doing?"
her and mick, sitting with their backs against the bed frame, merely inches away from the small screen of her nintendo switch in the cramped hotel room turns to the kiwi at the entryway of her hotel room. they've got controllers in their hands, focused on the game on the tiny screen.
"i'm beating mick at mario kart."
"not true," mick mutters. "i'm letting her win after she cried about retiring from her race today."
"you cried?" logan throws his head back, pushing past liam and oscar who are further into the room. he slips his shoes off before jumping on her bed. "are you okay?"
"i didn't cry. i had something in my eye and now mick is telling everyone i cried," she scoffs. "also, i'm beating him fair and square."
"well, uh," liam trails off, holding up two bags. "we got the alcohol you asked us to get on the way back from the track. sorry for your dnf, mate."
"yeah, whatever," she mutters.
"i was talking to mick."
"oh, ok."
"i'm used to it," mick shakes his head. "hey, stop pushing me! you're cheating!"
"it's a power-up!"
"you're pushing me in real life, mate!"
oscar has already hopped over her bed, rummaging her suitcase in silence. "where's the extra controllers? i wanna play too."
liam looks at logan with a small smile, seeing that their friends would be busy with other matters. "tequila?"
logan glances at the pair sitting with their shoulders touching, shoving each other periodically to throw one another off from their game. he looks at liam. "a full shot."
-> 2023
"don't you have a mercedes to be with?" she teases as the door opens, chewing on the inside of her cheek as the german stands at the door. "what are you doing here?"
mick raises an eyebrow. "you literally crashed. i just wanted to see if you're okay."
she smiles. "thank you. i'm okay." she looks down and chomps down on her twix bar as mick takes the empty spot next to sebastian on the couch. "isn't toto looking for you?"
"no, he was asking me to check in on you," mick grins. "is there anything i can help you with? food, drinks, anything?"
"look at the food surrounding her," sebastian laughs, gesturing at the packets of snacks and drinks by her thighs. "i don't think she needs any more food than this."
mick looks at the older man. "i didn't ask you."
she giggles, rolling her eyes. "i'm okay, thank you." she grabs a packet of doritos not too far from her and extends her arm towards them. "snack while we wait for the doctor to come back with my results?"
mick nods, cupping his hands as he awaits the packet. "have oscar and logan come around to find you yet?"
"not yet. these are the ones sebastian brought me from my emergency stash in my garage."
"your what in your garage?"
sebastian sighs, nodding. "she has an emergency stash of snacks in the garage for emergencies. i guess she had a point when she did that because i didn't have to look far for those."
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"what are you two kids whispering about over there?"
she straightens her back from her hunched position in the corner, turning to sebastian with a small and guilty grin. the man in white next to her, also turns to him with wide eyes.
"hi, seb."
"what are you doing in our garage? shouldn't you be in mercedes with toto and susie?"
"i'm on my lunch break," mick smiles, wiping his lips from the brown residue of the chocolate they'd been indulging in previously. "i just brought her something."
sebastian narrows his eyes. "then why are you hiding it from me?"
"no reason," she shrugs, moving slightly towards mick to hide what's behind them from sebastian's sight. "you should go for your meeting, seb."
"you're being very suspicious. what's behind you?"
she shakes her head. "nothing." she looks up at mick and taps his hand. "tell him it's nothing."
"nothing," mick says immediately, pressing his lips into a thin line. "you don't wanna find out."
sebastian sighs. "you didn't bring her rocky road ice cream, did you?"
mick's eyes widen, a confession almost spilling past his lips at his guess. she quickly cuts him off and shakes her head profusely. "of course not! you and noah told me to stop eating ice cream before my races, so of course i'm not eating ice cream."
"i literally see chocolate at the corner of your lips."
"i'm sorry! she wouldn't stop texting me about craving for rocky road and marshmallows!" mick sighs in shame, dropping his head to avoid sebastian's stern stare.
"i told you to stop eating ice cream before a race! it gives you a tummy ache every time! what makes you think this time will be different?"
mick lifts his head with a proud smile. "it's lactose intolerant friendly."
"really?" she coos, turning to him with a bright smile. "that's so nice - where did you get that?"
"i found it in the store when george and i were-"
"stop giving her ice cream before her race!"
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she follows sebastian through the crowd, keeping her head low to avoid getting spotted by the cameras. she's got one last media commitment to head to before she can follow carlos and lando to the nightclub nearby.
hands grabs her shoulders, prompting her look up. "mick!"
"i've been looking for you everywhere!" mick smiles. "congrats on the podium!"
"thank you!" she smiles, wrapping her arms around him for a hug immediately. "you're joining us at the club after, right?"
"of course. congrats again, mate." he wraps his arms around her, squeezing her and twirling her around.
"kid, come on! we don't have time!" sebastian grunts, turning around to tug her out of mick's grasp. "talk to mick later!"
"okay, okay!" she shrieks, letting sebastian pull her away. she turns around to wave at mick. "i'll see you in the club! get me a drink, okay!"
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"i don't get it!" she shrieks, thumbs spamming the buttons of her controller as her eyes fill with tears. "what am i supposed to do?"
"no, just wash the dishes. i'm making the food," mick says calmly, jaw locked as he focuses on the item on the screen. "just wash the dishes."
"mate, are you stupid?" liam screams, one thumb pressing a button as he smacks oscar on the back. "we're losing to mick and (y/n)! we can't let that happen!"
"how about instead of screaming at me, mate, you actually chop up some stupid potatoes! this is why we're losing - you keep micromanaging me!" oscar screams at liam, finally losing his cool.
he had tried to play overcooked as calmly as mick, but it clearly isn't working when he is paired up with liam. logan, sitting at the table, fingers covered in glue with small tears of paper laid around him scoffs.
"thanks for the help, guys. i really appreciate that we're all working on the trophy for the race we're having this weekend," logan speaks monotonously.
"i'm not participating," oscar says.
"in a bit, lo," she mutters, smiling at him momentarily before returning her attention to the screen. "oh, mick, there's a fucking fire! did i cause that? how do i put it out?"
"calm down," mick laughs, his character running around to find the fire extinguisher. "i've got it. just keep washing the dishes."
"oscar! the fucking potatoes!"
"liam, you cunt, you haven't even thrown me a fucking potato! where is the potato? oh, would you look at that? it's in your hands!"
"yeah, i was gonna cut them myself cause you're as good as nothing in this stupid game! next game, i wanna be paired up with mick!"
"no way. i'm having the time of my life," mick scoffs, rolling his eyes as he sends in another order. "we're having so much fun, aren't we, (y/n)?"
"what if we just didn't have a trophy for the scooter race?"
liam and her turn to the american, frowning. "no!"
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @inejismywife @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @love4lando
honourable mention: @localwhoore
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anothermansjeans · 1 month
I need to know what the rest of the bau thought of youtuber Reader when they first met them 😭
ah yes, i love a good bau reaction!! this takes place very early in their relationship 🫶
cw: fluff! mention of drinks, karaoke, MEETING THE TEAM!!
wc: 840
youtuber!reader masterlist
“We really don't have to go.”
You let out a loud laugh as you turned around, clasping a dainty necklace around your neck. “You're kidding, right?”
“I don't want you to feel pressured into meeting everyone. Especially because they'll crack jokes about us– mostly me– and I don't want it to be uncomfortable.” He sat on your bed, wringing his finger together as he spoke.
Once the necklace was secured, you walked towards him and placed your hands on his cheeks, feeling his hands automatically shift up towards your hips. “You could never make me feel pressured, Spence. You do the opposite! I feel so comfortable with you, I don't think meeting new people will kill me.” He let out a breathy laugh and squeezed your hips, prompting you to continue. “Plus, I've already met Penelope. I’m assuming that if your team is as half as caring as she is we’ll get along fine.”
“And the whole “joking about us” thing? You don't care?”
Brushing his hair back, you gave him a playful smile. “What do you think my comment section does to me whenever I bring up my ‘big-brained boyfriend’? I don't give a shit what someone has to say as long as we’re happy. Okay?”
“Okay,” you smiled and placed a peck on his lips. “Now let’s get moving. I’ve heard the bar we’re going to has karaoke and I don't think I’m being my authentic self if I don't embarrass both of us with a terrible duet!”
Standing up and grabbing his jacket and your hand, Spencer let out a rushed, “we are not singing” as the two of you walked out of your apartment.
The two of you did end up singing. Multiple times!
When you first got to the bar, everyone was sitting at a high top waving over once they saw Spencer. Turns out, Penelope already shared a few of your videos with the group prior to your arrival and Emily and JJ were obsessed with you, David Rossi didn't understand the lifestyle (but showed his support), Aaron expressed how happy he was for Spencer and yourself, and Derek was a bit apprehensive– but for good reasons!
After everyone got acquainted, Derek made sure to pull Spencer to the side. “Are you sure you're up for her lifestyle?”
His question didn't come as a surprise to Spencer. It was actually a topic frequently talked about between the two of you, because you're always worried he’ll realize this isn't what he wants. But it is. He wants you. The lifestyle just comes with it. “Yeah, Morgan, I’m sure.” The face he made told Spencer he wasn't buying it. “I know it's soon but… I would do anything for her. It’s not rational and usually I would think these things through but–”
“I get it.” Derek’s words caused Spencer to look at him like a deer in headlights.
“You do?”
“Yeah, man. She seems great so far, I was just worried about. I’m happy for you.” Tilting his head over towards the group Derek, said his next words with a genuine smile, “let’s get back over there before the ladies eat her alive with their questions.”
The two men walked back over to the table as JJ was finishing up her question. “So these magazine companies ask you to do interviews for them on the red carpets?” you let out a small hum, prompting her to ask another question. “Wouldn’t it be easier to live in L.A or New York?”
At her question, you looked over at Spencer sitting back down beside you, and gave a smile before turning back to everyone. “Maybe… I was thinking about it earlier in the year but… things changed in my life and I think I have too much here I can't part with.” A coo of awes filled the table, which caused your cheeks to turn a shade of red. Feeling a hand on your knee, you looked over to Spencer and saw him smiling.
“That was sweet.”
Spencer lifted an eyebrow, squeezing your knee as his words left his mouth, “you're embarrassed now?”
“...just a little…” looking up at him through your lashes, you could see his smile shift to a playful one. “Karaoke might help,” you added, watching as he rolled his eyes.
“And let me guess, me singing with you would help even more?”
“You really are a genius!” The two of you shared smiles, in your own little bubble completely oblivious of the awestruck team around you. “Come on! One song? Please?”
And he couldn't say no to you. So yes, you did end up singing. After a silly duet with just the two of you, Penelope joined in, and then a couple more members had to do a song as well. Multiple songs were sung, drinks shared, and memories made. If the team wasn't so transparent about taking a liken to you, Spencer would've sworn up and down that they loved you… almost as much as he realized he loved you.
youtuber!reader taglist: @im-a-ghost666 @lyd14k4y @happiestcat @hauntedtv13 @obi-wansgirl
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!!
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onakomiyaki · 1 month
just a silly crush (not) pt.1
pairing : daniel ricciardo x childhood friend-brabham!reader ; lewis hamilton x reader (implied, platonic relationship)
summary: even after two decade of constant battle with his own silly first love slash crush and manage to almost win the fight, you're still the one who manage to knock the breath out of him. and yet, here you are, still oblivious to his feeling.
warning: unedited and rushed work (I GOT INSPIRED AFTER TWO CANS OF REDBULL RAAAAAAHHHH), harsh words, childhood trauma (kinda), slowburn (we're talking about 20 years of pining from danny)
a/n : this is set in 2021, so papaya daniel :D
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"c'mon danny, you never say no to a good party!" lando whines as he follow the irritated daniel around like a puppy.
the older man let out a sigh before continuing what he left behind; wiping his helmet. lando stomp his feet once–then let out an exageratted sigh as he sat down beside him.
"just leave your helmet and go out with us!" he insisted.
"lando, no." he sternly said.
"you never say no to a party! especially monaco party."
its true, daniel would never refuse an invitation to a party. in fact, most of the time he would be the one who send out the invitation to everyone on grid. but it's different. today is different.
"it is (y/n) brabham we talked about dan! don't you want to go to her dope party?" lando reason.
if only you knew that is the reason why i refuse to go, lando. daniel thought. "so? why do i have to come along?" he asked, finally facing the young brit.
"uhhh, because it is y/n? she's like a hot topic and the it girl of the paddock right now? daughter of david-fucking-brabham? and maybe i want to know her more?" he answer as if the answer he said is the most obvious answer.
"and i heard from max that she is your friend! so maybe you can-"
"was." daniel stop him.
"damn, okay. she was your friend, whatever. and maybe you can introduce me to her." lando scoff.
your name is still a sour topic to him, leaving a bad taste in his mouth and saying that word killing him inside. yet, he doesn't have the courage to elaborate more to the poor confused lando norris.
(y/n) brabham, the famous australian model turn to actress and daughter of david brabham–yes the david brabham, become the hot flaming topic on the grid after her unexpected debut on the paddock at bahrain gp as lewis hamilton's plus one.
maybe because she was also known for her controversial on stating her dislike over the motorsport that his father (and his family) was famously known for. it was not her cup of tea, she said back in her 2019 famous vogue interview.
and maybe because his father insisted on pushing it to her and her younger sibling. and of course their famous leaked dispute over the death of brabham motor company. either way, (y/n) and formula one has never seen in the same sentences. it is just an unwritten and unspoken rule at this point.
while other drivers didn't think about it a lot, daniel feel like he's about to passed out right then when he saw y/n walking beside lewis, in black mercedes polo—matching with the man beside her–while laughing and waving at the media crew.
max–being the only person who knows about daniel's pathetic one-sided first love– was there to hold daniel's body, giving the poor man some reassuring pats on the back. "mate, if i were (y/n) i would also choose lewis." he said, and daniel swear he's about to knock the blue eyed dutchmen out.
although lewis officialy stated that you were just his friend and fellow ambassador for tommy hilfiger on interview for a few times now, daniel can't help but to get jealous at the 7 times world champion.
because of course you would show up as lewis hamilton's plus one rather than his, despite your history. and after many attempts of invitation and bribery that failed, he just stop asking.
"danny, i hate loud noises and i know how loud those cars are. and also, you know how i feel about the sport"
loud noises his ass.
lando leaning in closer now, shoulder touching his as he stare at the older men with those disgusting puppy eyes. daniel push the younger men on the forehead, as he shake his head.
"oh c'mon now! don't make me call for reinforcement to get you out of here!" lando said as he grab his phone from the back pocket of his jeans, and typing furiously.
"what reinforcement?" daniel asked, eyebrow raised in question.
not even a minute later daniel's motorhome door open, then, enter max verstappen along with carlos sainz and charles leclerc.
"that." lando simply stated as he point to the trio.
max watch in amusement, folding his hand in front of his chest.
"get 'em boys." he said.
"sorry cabrón, we have to get you outta here." carlos said as he walk to his direction, holding his left arm.
"what he said." charles said, grinning as he hold the opposite arm.
"seriously? you're gonna drag me out of my own place?" he asked as he forced to stand up from his seat, not even resisting because god knows how strong these two people are. especially the spaniard.
"yeah, pretty much."
lando, carlos, and charles said at the same time.
daniel then turn his gaze to the dutch, annoyed at how his smirk seems to speak a thousand words despite being the most silent out of four.
"i expect these three gremlins to be the one who did this to me, but you?" he said, eyes glaring at the dutchmen.
"well, beat me for wanting a good source of entertainment for free, ricciardo." max said, shrugging his shoulders.
"i am going to kill you all, with my own hands."
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the–clearly exclusive–club where your party was held is amazing to say the least. it would have been a big fat lie if danny said he was not impressed by the place. he walk through the sea of human, heading straight to the bar as he scan the room.
he already lost lando, carlos, and charles the second they enters the club and god knows where max and kelly are. the lovebird seems to be touchy even before entering the club and now danny needs a glass–or two, of the strongest liquor they legally able to serve.
"oh?" a familiar voice interrupt his train of thoughts as he turn his head to the source.
"they did manage to drag you out of your fortress, i thought carlos was joking. huh, impressive." you said, occupying the empty seat beside him.
"that, they did." is the only response he said as he shot you a thin smile.
"you look good, ricciardo." you smile at him, squeezing his shoulder in friendly manner.
"and so are you, brabham." another dry response from him.
"ugh please, i want to get married just so i can get rid of that cursed last name." you said, rolling your eyes. god you do hate your last name.
"right." he coldly stated.
you nod your head as you brought the martini glass close to your mouth. ah, he's mad at you still, you thought. and he have every right to do so. showing up at the paddock out of nowhere after rejecting his invitations since 2012, without telling him first, was a jerk move.
so, you did the right thing you know.
"sorry about bahrain. i- it was for work purpose." you said, facing him with guilty eyes. you knew this would hurt him.
"its alright, y/n." he answer, refusing to face you because–oh god you look and smell so good and he didn't want to let his wall down. and he knew if he face you, he won't be able to stay mad at you.
you are his kryptonite after all, always have been. but tonight he want be strong. he want to be pissed at you.
"well, enjoy the party i guess. and thanks for coming." you chimed, sliding out from the seat as you rub his shoulder.
daniel's fast reflex is both curse and blessing for him. and boy do he feel like it was a curse. because before even his mind processing what is happening when her hand touch his shoulder, his hand was already firm on your wrist, refusing to let go.
you watch him with a mixed of both puzzled and surprised look.
"danny? you need something?" you asked.
his mouth agape, seems to be clueless and surprised at how fast his hand reacted. damn his good reflex.
"oh–um. no, sorry." he managed to say as words seems to be tied inside his throat, unwiling to spilled out as he stare at you blankly.
"oh-kay?" you said.
he let go of your wrist, as if your skin burn him. as if your skin a flaming fire. "sorry."
you open your mouth to say something, but-
"daniel!" both you and daniel whip your head to the sound.
max is waving his hand at him while kelly was nowhere to be seen. but from the goofy smile, max's disheveled hair, and his flushed cheeks, danny might have some ideas about her whereabout.
"i thought you run away or something." the blue eyed dutchmen said as he approach his former teammate with a smile.
"speak for yourself max, i've been here all the time. where have you been?" daniel said, amused look on his face.
"oh! just–uh–dancing with kelly." he speak, trying to clear his throat.
you let out a giggle which causing max to raised an eyebrow at you. that cause you to start laughing.
"uhh, what so funny y/n?" he asked.
daniel roll his eyes as he pointed max's neck and collarbone. "seems like a good dance, look at you all flushed and littered with lipstick stains."
max turned pale as he hide his neck with his hand, immediately buttoning his shirt up to hide the evidence.
"i'm–ahaha–i'm not... you know what? i'll just go..." he said, quickly turn his heels to walk away from the embarrassing situation he's in.
both you and daniel watch as max trying his best to hide himself in the crowds. and when he is out of sight, daniel let out a holler.
"that little rascal," he said, downing his whiskey "oh right, you were about to say something. what is it?" he asked, turning his body to fully face you now. thanks to max, daniel feel a little more calm now.
you give him a smile, shaking your head. "i forgot about it," you simply said with a shrug "it was nice talking to you daniel, really. i have to go and greet another guest now and um–sorry, again. hope we're cool now?" you said, offering a hand for him to shake.
daniel stare at your awaiting hand, finally giving you that sunshine smile before taking your hand in his, shaking it. "we're cool, brabham," he said "only if you come to spa as my plus one."
"oh... but–i have a catwalk on the race day." you said, opening your calendar app on your phone.
"hmm, zandvoort then?"
"alright. monza?"
"ah another, photoshoots."
"but i can come. the photoshoot will be held in monaco anyways, so it's not that far." you said, showing him your–packed to the year end–schedule.
"really?" daniel said, voice full of hope.
"its only fair if i come to your race since i came for lewis's," she said, smiling at him brightly. "but–"
daniel expression fell, anxiously waiting for what you have to say next.
"you have to win."
he let out the breath he's been holding on, wiping his face before chuckling.
"you have yourself a deal, brabham."
"win that race, ricciardo." you said, giving him a kiss on his cheek.
daniel's grip on your hand loosen as he gave you a warm stare, caramel colored eyes staring at your orbs with some unreadable expression.
"oh i will win this battle, brabham. just wait." he said with more of certainity in his voice now.
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itsthestutterforme · 2 months
Reacher’s Cranky Girl (Jack Reacher Drabble)
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Summary: Reacher finds out that his best girl was having a bad day.
Warnings/Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, reader is black, sneakylink!Reacher, sneakylink!reader, sexual themes (fingering, oral sex, over stimulation, bondage, slapping), MINORS DNI
You woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.
You couldn’t fall asleep until two in the morning so you only had five hours of sleep. You stepped in dog shit on the way to your car so you had to go back into your house to change your shoes.
Only for one of the heels to get stuck in a grate and tear off the back so you just settled for some flats.
You spilled your iced coffee on your silk shirt. At least it wasn’t hot because that would have sent you into a different kind of rampage.
When you finally get to work, your boss chewed your ass out because the printer froze in the middle of printing the investment proposal.
An investment proposal he needed for the board meeting this morning, which meant he either had to push the meeting to this afternoon or had to share the proposal digitally.
At this point, you were counting down the days so you can go home and spend the rest of the day rotting in your bed.
“Maybe I can call Reacher over here to help cheer you up,” your sister suggests, sitting in the chair in front of your desk.
“I’m not in the mood for teasing, Y/S/N.” “I’m not teasing you. I’m just saying that-“
“Not even Reacher can bring me out of this, okay? I just want to go home.”
“Y/N,” “I said leave it, Y/S/N.” You grumbled, shifting your attention back to computer.
“Okay, fine.” She says with full intention of calling Reacher anyway.
Your sister walks past the boss who was on the way to your office. He pops his head in the say, “Y/N, I need the updated spreadsheet ASAP.”
“On it,” “You’re still running point on the presentation, right?”
I thought you said I was incompetent.
“Sure thing. Did the board decide on a time tomorrow?” “Eight a.m.,”
“In that case, I’ll be in at seven thirty to prep.” He nods and gives a soft knock on the door before leaving.
Y/S/N closes the door of her office to call Reacher. He gave her his number when he found out the two of you were going to a concert in Philadelphia.
He knew you were the confrontational type and wouldn’t call anyone if you found yourself in trouble.
He wanted the er on the side of caution so he trusted your sister to let him know if anything happens.
Reacher was your sneaky link that wasn’t really that sneaky. He wasn’t easy to miss. He would walk into your place, fuck your face into the pillows, order the two of you some food, fuck your face into the pillows again then leave in the morning.
“Reacher,” he answers. “Hey, Reacher. It’s Y/S/N.”
“Is everything okay?” “Yeah, everything is fine. Um, when are you hanging out with Y/N next?”
“We didn’t really decide on a day this week,” Reacher states, unsure of where this conversation was going.
“Y/S/N, I’m sure you’re a great woman but I only have a thing for your sister and I’m a loyal man so..”
“Wow, that was not on my bingo card. I’m not trying to hit on you, Reacher. I’m asking if you can pick up Y/N from work today. She’s having a rough time.”
“Oh.. how rough are we talking?” “Like she’s about to bite the boss’ head off,”
“Okay, I’ll be there. What should I bring her?” “I trust your judgment, Reacher.”
With that, Y/S/N hung up and sat down at her desk leaving Reacher dumbfounded in Finlay’s living room while Neagley and David played video games.
“What’s with the face?” Finlay asks, handing him a beer. “What should I get a woman when she’s having a bad day?” Reacher asks everything in the room.
Neagley pauses the game and everyone slowly turning to Reacher who opened Google to find out the answer to his question.
He noticed the silence and looked up from his phone to meet their shocked expressions.
“What?” “You have a girlfriend*?” David questions.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he grumbles. “Then why do you care if she’s upset?” David retorts.
“Because it’s a nice thing to do for someone,” “Right, says the guy who breaks peoples faces for a living.” He presses the resume button on game.
As soon as the clock hit 5 o’clock, you gathered your things and sped walked out of your office. You practically ran into the stairwell when you heard an office door open.
You didn’t have any more energy to give to that god forsaken company today. You rush down seven floors until you reached the front door, inhaling deeply when the fresh spring air filled your lungs.
You heard someone to your right clearing their throat and immediately rolled your eyes. You were not in the mood to hear anyone’s cheesy pick up lines right now.
“Looks like someone’s cranky,” a familiar voice calls and you looked over to see Reacher leaning against his truck.
“Reacher?” You approached him with a confused expression. “Are you looking to invest something or..?” You trail off.
There was no way he was here for you, right?
“No. I’m not here to invest, peach.” He kicks off his car and closed the gap between you, towering over you in the process.
“Then why are you- I’m going to fucking kill her.” You seeth, turning to walk into the parking lot when Reacher stopped you.
“You want to know what sounds better than killing your sister?” he starts, slowly rubbing the sides of your arms.
Your eyes fluttered closed when his rough hands smoothed over your shoulders, humming in response.
“Some curry and sushi for dinner,”
That does sound really good.
“And my face between your thighs for dessert,”
God, that sounded even better.
“How does that sound, peach?” He questions as he continued rubbing your arms.
“Really good,”
“Good because Y/S/N already took your keys and drove your car home. Hop in.” Reacher suggests, opening the car door to hand you a Dunkin iced coffee.
“R-Reacher,” you groaned, twisting away from his eager tongue smoothing between your puffy folds.
He didn’t even wait until you were fully situated. Shutting the door, he took you in his arms and carried you into kitchen.
He set you on the counter and nudged you on your back. You gasped when he tore your pantyhose down your legs and lifted your skirt over your waist.
Pulling your panties to the side, he licks between your folds spearing your tight hole with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh my God,”
Shaking his head, he buries his face deeper in between your legs. He wraps his lips around your clit and sucked harshly on your sensitive nub.
He gathered your slick on his finger tips and sank two fingers into you, expertly thrusting upwards into your gspot causing your body to twitch.
He made it his mission to make you cum quick and hard.
“Mm, fuck.” You rolled your hips to match the thrusts of his fingers when he kitten licks your clit, sending you over the edge.
“I-I, fuck. I’m cumming, Reacher.” “Let it go, peach. Let me taste you.”
Your legs close around his head when your body trembles under the intensity of your orgasm.
A satisfied sigh left your lips when you came down from your high, your limp body was sprawled out on the counter.
He doesn’t slow his fingers and you could feel another orgasm building in your belly. He draws figure eights on your clit with his tongue, causing you to whine.
“Wait, I-“ you push his head away and tried to slide away from him but he pushed against your hand.
“Reacher,” you whimper, twisting your body away and covering your cunt so he would stop long enough for you to breathe.
“Move your hand. I’m not done yet.”
“I need a break,” you breathed out. “Move. Your. Hand. I’m not going to say it again.”
You don’t move fast enough for him and he threw you over your shoulder, smacking your ass hard as punishment. He didn’t care that you yelped out at the sharp sting.
Dropping you on the bed, he stripped down to his boxers.
“Strip,” he commands and you pulled off your clothes in record time.
You pressed your legs together when he approaches the bed when he pulls you closer by your ankles and flipped you on your stomach.
He placed a hand in between your shoulder blades to keep you in place. He straddled your legs and pulled your arms outstretched before tying your hands to the bed post with his belt.
Oh, you were in some deep shit now.
Moaning when you feel his hard cock against your ass cheek, he took your face into his hand and made you look straight back at him.
“You misunderstand, peach. The dinner was for you. The dessert was for me. I’m not going to stop until you’re crying and brainless.”
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astrophileous · 9 months
Love Bugs (Pt. 06)
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Female Reader
Synopsis: You and Derek Morgan have an arrangement. At work, your relationship is strictly business. Under the sheets, it's all about pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less. Until, of course, your feelings start to get involved. Your situation is complicated enough without the unexpexted predicament that suddenly befalls upon you. But with a maniac serial killer on the loose, will you ever get the chance to make everything right?
Warning(s): cursing--there's a lot of it--like a lot, psychopathic behaviors, being held captive, verbal and physical violence, degrading nicknames, talks of death and unaliving someone, strangulation, PLS READ WITH CAUTION BECAUSE THIS PART IS REALLY GRIM I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING
Word Count: 4200-ish
Tag(s): I'm tagging everyone who requested to be tagged prior to the long hiatus, pls tell me if you'd like to NOT be included in the tag list for future updates, thanks! @marvelousgoldroses @jay-2s-world @whore-of-the-pumpkin-patch @maxinehufflepuffprincess @cat-or-kitten @littleshadow17 @itzz-me-duh @geeksareunique @paisleebubbles @whateverrrrrrrrs @crazyunsexycool @louderfortheback @wifeyofeveryone
Author's Note: HI EVERYONE HOW ARE YOU?? I know this is long overdue, but pls enjoy the new part of love bugs! I'm so happy to be posting again and I hope you like what I've got in plans for this series. I think we only have one or maybe two chapters left for this story (depending whether I want to write an epilogue or not lol) but in the meantime, pls enjoy this part and don't forget to LIKE+REBLOG+COMMENT !!! thank you 🌹
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
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The bullpen of FBI headquarters was still reeling in the aftermath of a Derek-Morgan-shaped hurricane.
Emily was just about to enter the vicinity again when she heard the tail end of Derek's furious words, right before Hotch had ordered him to retreat.
"What was that about?" Emily asked as she approached Rossi's side, eyes never straying from the two men who soon disappeared into Hotch's office.
Rossi never addressed Emily's question. Instead, he gestured for her--and everybody else in the room--to be quiet with a finger on his lips, before he pressed the unmute button on the telephone.
The UnSub's head jerked at Rossi's unfamiliar voice. You were barely successful in getting him to calm down following Derek's unexpected outburst, but the sound of Rossi's voice was threatening to throw all of those poor attempts straight out of the window.
"Who is that?" he demanded warily. "Where's Agent Hotchner?"
"He had to step away for a second," Rossi notified. "I'm SSA David Rossi. I also work with Agent Hotchner and Agent (Y/L/N)."
"I know who you are."
"Yeah? I still don't know who you are, though."
A responding groan vibrated from the other line. "Why does everyone keep asking me that? Do you think I'm fucking dumb?"*
"No one thinks anything here, pal. Just wanted to know who I was speaking to, that's all." At the UnSub's clear signs of agitation, Rossi quickly added, "It'd be nice to know the person who clearly means a lot to (Y/N)."
Rossi's reassurance obviously managed to trigger the intended effect it had sought. Everyone could see how the UnSub physically deflated at Rossi's words, meaning that hopefully he was soon going to let his guard down.
"I can't tell you who I am," your assailant said, still adamant, although his resolve was wearing thin with each word he had stated. "You're just gonna use it to track me down and keep us apart."
The last syllable of his sentence was emphasized by the weight of his dagger on the side of your neck. You instinctively winced at the unwelcomed touch of the blade before schooling your expression once more so your captor wouldn't notice.
"I promise you, no one is going to do that," Rossi said.
"He's telling the truth," you decided to chime in, surprising everyone including the UnSub whose grip of the dagger had teetered dangerously closer to your pulse point at the sudden proclamation. "They are good people. They don't break promises or tell lies. I promise you, nothing will come between us."
The silence that fell next was heavy with the UnSub's hesitation. Bracing yourself, you forced your head to tilt back, locking eyes with him who was still standing like a guard dog right behind you.
"I swear, Darling," you vowed.
The lull in your voice--or perhaps the fact that you had called him darling in front of your team, which he could arguably take as a display of affection--must have stirred up something in his twisted mind. He actually preened at you before his eyes went right back towards the direction of the camera on the wall.
"My name is Arthur," he confessed.
A particular thread of memory in your brain immediately lit up.
Back in the bullpen, JJ and Spencer were finally returning with documents containing your phone records that they had promptly asked Kevin to gather. Spencer didn't waste any time before perching himself on his desk to start rummaging through the thick pile of files.
"Arthur?" Rossi repeated the name, eyes flicking over to Garcia with a silent request to start cross-referencing the name with the other names they had acquired so far in the investigation.
The tech analyst didn't need to be told twice. She began typing furiously on her laptop as Rossi's attention was drawn back towards the projector.
The UnSub hadn't moved an inch. His hand was still just as sturdy on your shoulder. The blade was also still just as cold as it pressed onto your skin.
One wrong move, and you would end up no better than a slaughter animal on the cold hard ground.
"Do you have a last name, Arthur?" Rossi asked.
The entire bullpen held their breath in anticipation. Rossi had planted the bait as strategically as he could. It was up to the UnSub to take it and slip up the one information that would give them a major lead to end this case once and for all.
But before the UnSub could respond, a muffled beeping resonated in the air, through the telephone line, and finally into the bullpen. The sound was enough to make your assailant faltered.
"I have to go."
It was the last thing he uttered before the line, along with the livestream, went completely dead.
The atmosphere was laden with restlessness as everyone tried to make peace with the fact that they had just lost the only mean of communication they had with you. Without the feed from the livestream, no one could possibly know what was going on. The team would have no idea if something were to happen to you.
They would have no idea how to determine whether you were alive or dead.
"Did you find anything yet, Garcia?" Rossi questioned, although in all honestly, it sounded more like a desperate plea.
The thick regret behind Garcia's eyes gave Rossi the answer he needed to know.
"I can't find any Arthur in our files, sir," Garcia informed.
"Anything from her phone records? What about the hospital?" Rossi tried again.
Emily shook her head almost remorsefully.
"Nothing yet," Spencer spoke up from his place on the desk. "Not a single thing stands out from her records."
"What now?" JJ sighed, exhaustion and worry beginning to decorate the lines on her face.
The whole bullpen stood still, as if everyone was waiting for a slice of miracle to descend into the room, holding a map that would eventually lead the team to where you were still being held captive. But such a map didn't exist in this piece of reality, and the BAU knew that they were running out of time.
"Garcia, did you record the livestream by any chance?" Spencer asked at last.
"Yeah, of course I did."
Penelope punched a few keys on her keyboard before the projector once again came alive with the footage from the livestream.
"Can you fast forward to the very end?" Spencer requested. "And then play it again backwards to the beginning."
"What are you thinking, Spence?" JJ wondered.
"I don't know. I just... maybe there's a detail we missed. At this point, even the smallest piece of clue is worth pursuing."
Several pair of eyes glued themselves on the screen as the livestream footage ran backward at a faster speed. Bated breaths waited in tension for just the tiniest hint that the team could scour to determine your location.
"Wait. What was that?" Spencer interjected. "Garcia, play that again."
"What? What is it?" Emily spoke up.
"Look at her hand." Spencer stood up from the desk, approaching the screen to get a better look. "She's knocking against the chair. Garcia, zoom in on her hand. The left one."
Penelope did as she was asked. "Is that--"
"It's morse code," Rossi muttered, realization overtaking his countenance.
"What is she saying?" JJ questioned.
"A-U--" Spencer began spelling out loud, "--T... Auto. She's spelling auto."
"Auto?" JJ's forehead creased. "As in... auto shop?"
"Her records said she went to a mechanic a week ago," Spencer recalled. JJ immediately rummaged through the papers on Spencer's desk, but the pages flipping inside of Spencer's mind moved at a thousand times more speed than any normal pair of eyes ever could. "Dinozzo's Auto Service, 894 Southwell Street."
"Got it," Penelope chimed in from her place in front of the laptop. "Dinozzo's Auto Shop. Originally owned by Carlo Dinozzo before it was passed down to his two sons after his death a year ago."
"Any of them named Arthur?" Rossi asked
"Nope. Luca and Piero."
"What about the employees?" Emily suggested.
"No. I'm not seeing any Arthur anywhere near that place."
"We profiled that the UnSub could be holding down a steady job in his everyday life," JJ said. "He might not even be related to that place. Maybe (Y/N) encountered him there by chance?"
"Nah, I doubt it." Rossi shook his head. "The bastard's too sophisticated to leave anything up to chance like that. He must have found a way to orchestrate it one way or another."
"There must be a connection somewhere, then. No way he just chose a random place off the map," Emily muttered. "We should cross-reference the name to anyone associated with the Dinozzos."
Penelope began to frantically type something into her laptop. "We've still got three names here. Oh, never mind. Two names, 'cause one of them is dead."
"What do we have on them?" Spencer asked.
"First is Arthur Doyle. He went to high school with Luca and Piero Dinozzo, works in a local company, and looks like he travels a lot for his job," Penelope explained. "There's also an Arthur Harrison, works as an accountant in the heart of Arlington. His dad and Carlo Dinozzo were long-time pals. Apparently, his dad was an accountant too and used to handle the shop's finances before Arthur inherited the office. Oh."
"What? What'd you find?"
"Arthur was engaged," Penelope murmured, "to a Claire Dumont. They were gonna get married last year but the wedding was called off just one month before the D-day."
"Where's Claire now?" JJ asked.
"She moved to Ohio shortly after the breakup, and... oh my God. Guess what?" Penelope looked up, her eyes widening almost comically. "She just announced her engagement three months ago."
Spencer hummed. "That could be the stressor."
An image of a woman suddenly appeared on screen, right above the paused footage of your hand. Everyone stared at the picture in shock.
"That's Claire Dumont," Penelope murmured.
JJ held her breath. "She and (Y/N) could be sisters."
"We've found our guy," Rossi declared. "Garcia, pull up every known address associated with this man. And hurry, we don't have much time."
"I have three properties so far connected to Arthur Harrison. Sending the addresses to all of your phones."
As JJ, Spencer, and Rossi rushed to exit the bullpen, Emily turned around and called out to the others, "I'm grabbing Morgan and Hotch!"
Without stopping to knock, Emily pushed open the door to Hotch's office, ignoring the slivers of tension dancing around in the air.
"We may have something," Emily announced to the room. "We think we know where (Y/N) is."
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Your assailant--Arthur, as it turned out--pulled his phone out and pressed a few buttons in, silencing the beeping. Once the noise was gone, the room was quiet again.
He looked at you, then. Piercingly. You squirmed underneath his scrutiny.
"Wait here," he eventually said. "I'll be back."
Without taking a second to breathe, Arthur flew past you and towards the direction he had appeared from earlier.
"Wait! Wait. Where are you going?"
The sound of steps ceased on top of concrete. You waited with bated breath for his response. But the only sound ever came was that of the metal door, and as quickly as you could count to three, he was gone.
At last, you were alone once more.
The traces of adrenaline had begun to dissipate out of your system, leaving you in a shivering mess inside that damp concrete room. Once again, you attempted with all of your might to free yourself from the state of confinement you were in. But the metal cuffs binding you to the chair only dug further into your skin the more you tried to escape, while the chair itself stayed nailed in place no matter how hard you tried to rock it.
After a few more minutes of futile attempts, you were forced to face the reality of your situation.
You were never going to get yourself out of that dingy place alone.
Huffing a breath, you knew that there was nothing more you could do except to hope that your team found the hidden message you had left for them to solve.
And with that last thought conquering every room your head, you let yourself succumb to the impending darkness.
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You woke up gasping for air.
It took you a few seconds to remember where you were, to remember that you weren't back in the comfort of your apartment and instead, you were still holed up in the darkened cold room where your abductor had been keeping you captive.
It took a few seconds more to realize that the drowning dream you just had might have been a tad bit more real than you initially thought.
Still reeling in shock, you peered up and locked eyes with your abductor, eyes barely registering the empty bucket he was holding in one of his hands. It didn't take a genius to conclude that he was the one responsible for your drenched state.
"W-what?" you stuttered meekly. "What's going on?"
He only stared at you in response.
You shrieked loudly when Arthur threw the empty bucket against the wall, sending a resounding "bang" throughout the whole room and breaking the plastic object into two misshaped pieces.
"Arthur--" you gasped, searching for your voice that seemed to have disappeared beneath the layers of brewing fear, "--w-what... what are you... what's going on? Talk to me."
"I don't want to talk to you, you fucking bitch."
The beating inside your chest fastened. Before you could ask yet another question, Arthur had lunged forward, grabbing a fistful of your hair and tugging your head back so you could stare directly into his eyes.
"You're a fucking liar," he seethed. "You lied to me. Everything you said was a lie, wasn't it?!"
"I don't--" you hissed, trying to ignore the biting pain in your scalp, "--I don't understand what you're talking about."
"Stop fucking lying!!!"
A sharp smack reverberated in the air.
It was only when the ringing in your ear grew louder did you realize that Arthur had slapped your cheek.
Ignoring the tingling on the side of your face, you lifted your head once more. The room was spinning, tilting your balance left and right, but you held your ground through it all.
"What did I lie to you about, Arthur?" you asked carefully.
He threw something at your feet. It clanged against the hard ground below before landing face up near your toes.
It was your phone.
But the fact that Arthur somehow had your phone in his possession wasn't what caused the sick feeling to stir northward in your belly.
It was what you were seeing on the now cracked screen of your phone: a picture of you and Derek. A selfie that you had impulsively taken of the two of you in bed after one of your nighttime escapades.
For awhile there, you had briefly forgotten about that photo. It was another lost memory in the ocean of rubble left behind in the wake of your fallout with Derek. Seeing that photo again after such a long time triggered waves of emotions that you had been desperately burying for the past few weeks.
The longing, the guilt, the heartache.
The regrets.
The regret of ending your little arrangement so abruptly in such a hostile manner. The regret of not telling Derek sooner about the baby. The regret of maybe never being able to see Derek for one last time.
But most importantly, it was the regret over not revealing the truth of what your heart felt for him that was eating you alive.
"You're fucking him," Arthur fumed, eyes blazing with an indescribable fury that made your entire body shudder.
"Arthur, please... I can explain--"
"Shut the fuck up."
He stepped forward once more, crowding your personal place and rendering you helpless underneath his psychopathic gaze.
"Tell me the truth, and if you dare lie--" Arthur paused, his hand disappearing behind his back before it appeared again with a dagger that he promptly pressed against your abdomen, "--don't ever dream of meeting your child."
"Okay. Okay, I'll tell you the truth."
"You're fucking him, aren't you?"
The bile in your throat had tripled in size. Swallowing it down, you tried to even your voice out as you answered, "I was."
"Ha," he scoffed. "I knew it. You fucking whore. You're no better than any of them."
To your relief, he eventually chose to retract the dagger and stepped away from you, opting to circle the room like a distressed lion in a cage. But even with the blade no longer touching your skin, you knew very well that the danger wasn't over yet and that things could escalate even further in a matter of seconds if you weren't careful.
"Arthur," you called out to him softly, slowly, as to not startle him and risk doing something that would trigger a psychotic break. "Arthur, please. You have to listen to me. That arrangement ended long ago. It meant nothing to me. It happened long before I met you."
Arthur's voice echoed coldly as he replied, "I don't believe you."
"Please, Arthur--"
"That's his child, isn't it?" he cut you off, pointing the tip of the dagger at your belly. "What he said on the phone. He said my child. That's because it's his. You're having Derek Morgan's child."
"I thought you were different. I thought you were the one." The dagger in his hand shook with venom. "But you're just the same as the rest of them."
"I'm not. Please, I'm not--"
"I have to start searching again. For the one. You're not her, which means she's still out there."
"I'll have to get rid of you."
"Arthur, please!" Your voice cracked, leaking of terror and desperation larger than anything you had ever known. When something wet touched the side of your nose, you realized then that you had started to cry. "Arthur, you have to believe me. I've ended everything with him. There's nothing between us anymore."
The words you uttered kept lingering in the air in a bubble made out of despair. But as if every single one of them had fallen on deaf ears, your captor paid no attention to them. Not even a single acknowledgment to your pleas.
Instead, he had begun taking careful steps forward. Silent and deadly, like a predator stalking its prey.
"Arthur, please! I choose you!"
To your shock, his steps faltered upon your words.
For a moment, you could taste relief on the tip of your tongue before it was washed away by the knowledge that you were not entirely out of the woods yet. But from the corner of your eye, you could see the slight loosening of Arthur's grip around the dagger. It filled you with enough hope to push forward.
"I'm choosing you, Arthur," you stated confidently, trying to convince him of your sincerity. "I don't care about Derek. I'm done with him. I'm done with my old life and everyone in it. I'm ready to leave everything behind to be with you. I choose you."
"You choose me?"
"Yes. I choose you to take care of me. To take care of this baby. The three of us can be a family. How does that sound?"
Seconds ticked into minutes. Minutes stretched into a long silence. The anticipation threatened to break your chest in half.
When he finally began to move once more, Arthur surprised you. He threw the dragger towards a darkened corner in the room, far away from his reach and, most importantly, far away from the possibility of it harming the growing life inside of you.
When Arthur took off the ski mask he had been wearing since the first time you opened your eyes in that harrowing place, you weren't at all surprised to see the face staring back at you. After all, it was the same face belonging to the man who had stopped his car for you when your own car had mysteriously broken down in the middle of the road just around two weeks prior. The same face who offered a business card of his friend's auto shop where you eventually went to get your vehicle fixed.
In retrospect, you should have been at least a little bit suspicious by the whole ordeal, but was it really your fault for choosing to put your trust in the good of humanity?
You knew there was no point in dwelling over what-ifs anymore. Arthur would've found a way, like any psychopath would, and you would've still ended up being tied up in this dismal room with him.
"Did you mean it?" Arthur asked.
You put on your best fake smile before answering, "Yes."
He grabbed you in his arms in just two long strides.
You wanted to throw up. You hated the feeling of his fingers stroking your back. You wanted to kick him away and get this piece of shit as far away from you and your baby as possible. You wanted to rid yourself of the lingering smell of him that had now undoubtedly transferred into your skin.
And maybe, you would've done all of those things if it was only your life that was on the line.
Unfortunately, fighting back was a luxury you couldn't afford anymore. So, you were forced to stay quiet instead, letting your captor whisper sweet nothings in your ear as if it didn't repulse you even being in the same room as him.
You were close to counting towards the 200s in your head when, suddenly, a clanking noise in the distance ripped your attention away.
In a split second, Arthur had peeled his arms from around you and got back on his feet. You knew then that he must have heard it, too.
You watched as he stepped away, dragging a crate from one corner of the room and placing it strategically underneath the only opening on the walls. He got on top of the crate to allow himself to peek outside, but whatever he saw must have startled him greatly. Because the next thing you knew, he had backed away from the wall in the blink of an eye, face crumpling in what could only be described as panic.
"The cops are here," he managed to sputter out.
Your heart was hammering inside of its cage. The cops are here. You realized then that the team must have solved the clue you left them. They had solved the case, and they were coming to save you.
Derek was coming to save you.
"What did you do?!"
In a moment of weakness, you had allowed yourself to rejoice in the promise of freedom that you momentarily forgot you actually hadn't possessed it yet. The slip-up was miniscule, but it wasn't fleeting enough to escape the attention of your captor.
"You tricked me!" Arthur's voice boomed throughout the room, carrying rage unlike anything you had ever known. "I trusted you, and you lied to me! Again."
This time, there was no room for negotiation.
Arthur didn't even waste a millisecond before he dove forward. He was a lion, and you were the deer. His sharp teeth were calloused fingers, and they dug into your skin as Arthur tightened his grip around your throat.
"You lied to me. You lied to me."
He repeated those words like a mantra, his voice drowned out by desperate gasps as you tried to scour for what little bit of air you could still revel in. Your feet and arms shook beneath their restrains. Your head pounded from the pressure that had gathered inside your skull.
In that moment, death was imminent.
You could feel it coming. You could feel its claws clutching every single drop of life that was still remaining in your bloodstream. It was a battle between the two, and unfortunately, death was winning.
As the dark spots in your vision spread into a massive blotch, you allowed yourself to say goodbye. To life. To the world. To the memories of your loved ones whose faces you wished you could've memorized one last time.
To Derek, the one who could've been, the one you wished had been.
And to the child in your womb, the one you wished you could've met, the one you wished you could've saved.
When darkness came, you expected it to be cold and unforgiving, but as it turned out, darkness was easy. Simple. It welcomed you into its home with open arms, shielding you from the cruelties of the mundane world.
As it pulled you deeper into its abode, you could faintly hear the sound of your name being called repeatedly. It sounded similar. It sounded like home.
But this was your home now, so without turning back, you allowed darkness to lead you further down the dim path. Away from the pain and the heartbreaks of life. Far from the evil that lurked in the streets behind their well-crafted masks.
In the darkness, there was nothing.
In the darkness, you were nothing.
And nothing was exactly what you were going to be.
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livesincerely · 14 days
“Fuck. Off.”
“Davey, wait, jus’ let me—“
“I don’t wanna hear it.”
“I can explain—“
Davey finally whirls around, his eyes blazing.
“Which part of fuck off,” he enunciates clearly, in a voice like a knife’s edge, “was too difficult for you to understand?”
Jack swallows hard, faltering back a step.
“It’s not what’cha think,” he begs. “I swear it’s not what’cha—“
“And what the fuck would you know about what I think?” Davey asks with a derisive scoff. “I’ll tell you what I think: I think you’re a coward and a traitor and I can’t believe I was stupid enough to trust you when you’ve been lying to me from the moment we met. Tell me, Jack,” he says, his eyes glittering like shattered glass. “Were you playing both sides from the start? Or was Pulitzer’s offer just too good to refuse?”
“It ain’t like that,” Jack pleads. “I didn’t want to, Dave, but I didn’t have a choice.”
“Don’t give me that shit,” Davey says sharply. “You always have a choice.”
“You don’t always have a good one,” Jack says grimly. “An’ a bad choice ain’t no choice at all.”
Davey’s eyes narrow.
“…You get two minutes,” he says finally. “Talk fast.”
“I went to talk’ta Pulitzer, jus’ like I said,” Jack says. “But he was expectin’ me. He started making all these threats about roundin’ everyone up an’ tossin’ ‘em in the refuge like they did Crutchie and— And he said he’d back off, but only if I called off the strike and got the rest of ya to fall in line—“
“And you believed him?” Davey asks, incredulous. “Jack, we were in his sights from the very beginning, he was never actually going to leave us alone—“
“I know that now!” Jack exclaims. “But I thought… I had to try. I had to at least try.”
“That’s not your call to make,” Davey says.
“Isn’t it, though?” Jack asks pointedly. “I’m the leader. I’m the one callin’ the shots. And when somethin’ goes wrong, I’m the one ‘ta blame. After what happened to Crutchie—“
Jack has to stop for a moment, the thought of what happened—what’s happening—to Crutchie almost too much to bear.
“What happened to Crutchie could’ve happened to any of us,” Jack shakily continues, once he thinks his voice won’t crumble to pieces. “They weren’t targetin’ anyone in particular, they could’ve nabbed any of us. So, maybe that’s on me, maybe it ain’t. Maybe Crutch would even tell me it was worth it. But this time…”
Jack scrubs a hand over his face. “Pulitzer’s closing in, Dave, he’s circlin’ us like a fuckin’ vulture, makin’ threats—“
“We knew what we were getting into, we agreed that it was worth the risk—“ Davey interrupts with that same righteous fury.
“No, Dave,” Jack interrupts, and Davey must read something in his expression because he actually stops arguing, his brow furrowed. “Not jus’ we. You. He looked at me, looked me right in the eye, and said your name. He knew your fuckin’ name,” Jack spits out, “an’ said it’d be such a shame if you ended up in the refuge because I didn’t know when’ta quit a lost ‘cause. Said it would be my fault.”
Jack stares at his hands—helpless, useless, idiotic, defeated. Then he rolls his shoulders back, and meets Davey’s gaze head on.
“I can’t let that happen,” he says solemnly. “I can’t be the one that ruins your life. An’ I’m sorry how it all went down, Dave, really, I am. But I’m not sorry for doin’ what little I can to try an’ protect you.”
Davey’s face has gone pale, his mouth pressed in a thin, harsh line.
“Pulitzer threatened me,” he says, his voice strange. “And you caved.”
Jack lets out a heavy breath, low and exhausted. “Yeah.”
“Yes, David. You.”
Davey stares at him. “You’ve known me for three days,” he says, like this is supposed to mean something to him.
Jack throws his hands up in exasperation. “So?”
And Davey starts laughing.
It bubbles out of him, loud and a little hysterical, and he hunches over with the strength of it, clutching his stomach. He laughs and laughs, then laughs some more, tears prickling at the corner of his eyes.
Then suddenly he’s crying, pressing his palms to his eyes as if to physically halt the flow, his shoulders shaking, his lip quivering.
Jack’s heart fractures in his chest.
“Dave,” he says softly, stepping forward. “Davey, I’m— I’m sorry—“
Davey’s head whips up, and his eyes are wild, enraged, behind the tears. He grabs Jack by the collar of his shirt, hard enough to drag him off his feet a little, and starts forcing him backwards, step by furious step.
Jack’s back hits the brick of the alley behind him, and he’s certain that Davey’s gonna haul his arm back and clock him one good.
Instead, he kisses him.
It’s frenzied and frantic, teeth and noses bumping as they clash together. Davey’s hands cradle his jaw, holding him, no, pinning him in place as he ravages his mouth, a force of nature trapped beneath soft skin, breakable bones, and big blue eyes.
It’s overwhelming, it’s dizzying, and Jack can do nothing except give into it, give into him. He fumbles for purchase, cupping a hand around the back of Davey’s head and dragging him closer, kissing back just as desperately, caught in the storm.
But eventually, things start to slow, gentling into something softer, steadier. They’re both panting hard, chasing after each others’ mouths for a few final kisses, chests heaving in tandem.
Davey’s hands find his wrists, pushing him back but not away, and their hands tangle together, their foreheads just barely touching.
“This is bigger than us, Jackie,” Davey says quietly, and Jack sags against him, the first beginnings of hope blooming fresh in his chest. “It’s bigger than any one of us. You can’t sacrifice everything we’ve worked for, not for me. I won’t let you.”
“Dave,” Jack whispers. “I’m sorry.”
“I know you are,” Davey murmurs. “I get it. I’m still absolutely pissed at you for the way you went about it, but I get it.”
“The others,” he starts hesitantly. “Do you think… Will they forgive me?”
Davey’s hand curls around his hip, steady and grounding.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “Yeah, I think they will. They love you too much not to. But you’re probably gonna have to grovel.”
The smallest of smiles pulls at Jack’s mouth, refusing to be stifled.
“Fair enough,” he concedes.
“We can do this,” Davey tells him, and it’s hard not to believe him when he gets that glint in his eyes, steely determination shaping every syllable. “But we have to do it together.”
“Okay,” Jack agrees. “Together.”
Inspired by this and this
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nightgoodomens · 24 days
Long-time listener, first-time caller. Thanks for all my dopamine! :D
Thinking about when the whole Sheen/Tennant saga started, there was a moment during the ITV’s This Morning show broadcast in May 2019 that has never really left my mind.
Throughout the whole interview Michael seems to be openly flirting with David who responds with sheepish smiles. “I certainly love him, does he love me?” asks Michael looking into his eyes. “Oh, he wouldn’t possibly comment on that… that would be far too demonstrative for him” responds David stumbling over his words.  He is not the laid-back David we are used to now. The whole dynamic seems new to him, he seems to be at the stage of getting used to the feral Sheen.
There is a moment (at 3:39 mark) when Michael turns to David and (after looking him up and down) in a low, suggestive voice says: “Now that I've had a TASTE of working with David, I only want to work with David”. There is a big stress on the word “taste”, he even says it a bit louder as if he wanted to make sure everyone heard him but also that no one missed the very obvious subtext of that entire sentence. He also looks right at David's lips when he says it. Ok, I know we are all well aware how Michael has always been, even before the "David era" – he does like his double entendres.
Look closely at David’s reaction – his eyes get visibly bigger and there is a quick, deep inhale – you can see his entire chest moving (you can see it really well in slow motion) followed by a quick startled look to the side and exhaling through his lips close together. He genuinely looks flustered as if Michael was revealing something he shouldn’t be at this moment. I can almost hear him thinking “Oh god, I can’t believe he just said that”.
 The show host perhaps notices David’s reaction as well because she cuts off Michael quickly asking another question. So quickly indeed that Michael didn’t even get to finish that sentence. On top of that, as soon as she starts asking her question (with Michael still talking!) David blurts out a panicky high-pitched “yeah!” as if desperately trying to quickly take away all the attention from what Michael had just said.
For me that was always one of the biggest reasons why I suspected something more might be going on between them. It is very, very subtle but for me that is exactly why it’s so powerful – David’s reaction.
Do you see what I see?
Did they just start something more back then in May 2019? Were they very close to doing so? Is it all just a “joke”?
Answers on the postcard, please. :)
You’re very welcome! 😁
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Gosh this interview…
But does he love me…?
I think at the very least some crushes happened as early as BYT if not hooking up. David never hid that Michael has been on his mind ever since. Their stories about the days before BYT seem to change with time. It would make sense if GO just threw them back together and they were hit with those feelings again hence the intensity of them.
Or there was more. Way more than just crushes from the beginning. David did want to move to LA…
What we can be sure of is that Michael wanted to tell everyone how much he’s in love with David from the moment they got together at GO1. He had zero control of the way he was looking at David and talking about him. And that never changed. And David was so very careful because you can see he knew exactly what Michael was saying every time Michael slipped and nervously tried to fix it.
And to think that now, in 2024, David is full on feral not hiding anything, and Michael is talking about his queer struggles in the 80s, his first crush who was a man and how he processed it, and basically talking about David like they’re together and everyone knows.
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moviecritc · 2 months
deaf, blind and mute ⋆ pato o'ward (ft. david malukas)
pairing: pato o'ward x teammate!fem!oc, david malukas x teammate!fem!oc (platonic)
tropes: secret relationship
summary: pato, david and mía have to do a challege together for the media day and they ended spilling that pato and mía are dating
warnings: chaos, partial smau
a/n: english is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes and poor storytelling.
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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The Arrow McLaren team knew Pato and Mía were sentimentally involved with each other for a long time. When they informed them about it they'd been dating for almost ten months and it's been four month since that meeting. Back then they agreed that they'll keep their relationship private so it doesn't interfere in bussiness and to mantain the team image. Also because of Mía being and dating a driver, she was afraid of losing credibility.
Privately, Pato and Mía were the cutest couple for all of their friends. They met on karting when they were kids, then they reunite many years later in McLaren's Indycar team. They were together in the same team for five years as friends before they started dating.
At that time, Mía was feeling down because she didn't like any guy. The only masculine contact that she liked was Pato's, and thanks to some friend's advice she realized that it was because she was in love with Pato. Meanwhile, Pato had had a crush on Mía for the past five years.
And now they were doing a silly challege for the Arrow McLaren media team because of the upcoming season. Oh and David Malukas was also around.
"Hey guys, it's Mía," she waved at the camera with a smile.
"This is David," he scrunched his nose and imitated Mía.
"And I'm Pato," he said. The team put David in the middle so Pato and Mía didn't get handy all of a sudden. "And we're here to do the deaf, mute and blind challege. Were one of us is going to be deaf, other blind and other mute."
"And we're also baking a cake for the Arrow McLaren anniversary," explained David.
"If that's not enough, they're going to ask us questions once in a while," Mía said, with a smirk. "And all of us are going to be able to answer them
"But that's a lot of work..." David complained.
"I know," Mía whispered.
"Alright! Let's get into work, mates," Pato clapped his hands.
Mía quickly move to his side, messing the organization the team made. "How do we distribute them?" she rubbed her hands together, watching the tape, headphones and band the team got them.
"It looks like a weird sex kit, don't you think?" David said.
"Oh my God, Dave!" Mía exclaimed, hiding a laughter. "You're going mute."
Mía handed him the tape and he gave her a bad look.
"I'll take the headphones," Mía smiled triumphant. "You guys received my playlist, right?"
Mía looked around into the backstage, receiving a nod from their media manager Vic.
"I'm too cool to be mute," David complained.
Meanwhile Mía helped Pato tying the band around his eyes with a silly smile.
"Okey, we're ready," Pato said, after Mía made sure he couldn't see anything.
"Give me a banger, Vic!" Mía said, almost shouting. They started playing Cruel Summer and she sang along from the very first verse.
Pato tried caught her attention so Mía could read the recipe for him. He knew it would be a bad idea to put headphones on her girlfriend.
"Mía!" he didn't shout too much, but she kept singing. "MÍA, I NEED YOU TO READ THE RECIPE OUT LOUD,"
"EH?" she also started to scream.
"THE RECIPE," Pato kept shouting.
"YES!" Pato almost jumped when Mía got it right.
David looked at the camera, sick of the couple.
"NICE!" Mía said and handed Pato the paper so he could read it. "Oh, wait."
Mía read him the recipe trying to control her voice while David had a long face because of not being able to talk.
"Alright," Pato felt around the table, preparing to bake. He search for Mía. "MÍA, I NEED YOU TO GUIDE ME TO MAKE THE CAKE."
"YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOUT, BABE, I CAN READ YOUR LIPS," she nodded with a soft smile.
None of the couple notice the nickname, they must've been used to it. But David looked to Vic quickly, with a scared glance.
"Ok, guys, hand me the butter," Pato extended his hand and Mía had the impulse to lick it. She controlled herself for the team's sake.
"THE WHAT?" she shouted again.
David made space for himself and gave Pato the goddamn butter. Mía looked at them with disgust.
"Why has to be Pato the one to do everything?"
"Because you'd fuck it, hermosa," Pato said, vocalizing slowly so Mía understanded every word.
She gasped but not as loud as the media team after Pato's word.
"Get the fuck out of my way," Mía said, decided to make the cake once and for all. "Dave, let's do this together. Oh, I love this song."
Mía got distracted and started singing No Scrubs.
"Ok, guys. It's time for the first question," Vic said, trying to control everything that had been going on for the whole challenge. "And, please, get Mía's attention."
Both of the guys stared at Mía dancinc in the back and singing along. Pato tapped her shoulder, only to Mía singing it straight to his face. Pato didn't even try to pretend that he despised it. He just stared at her with loving eyes.
"No, I don't want your number. No, I don't wanna give you mine," Mía sang horribly but Pato couldn't stop looking at her.
"Oh my God, guys!" David peeled off the tape from his mouth, his expression fed up. "Hide it a little more, idiots."
Pato stopped laughing and turn his head to David, even though he couldn't see him. He raised his band a little to look at Vic and see what they were doing now.
"WHAT DID HE SAID?" Mía gave Pato a scared stare and took off one of the headphones. "What is going on?"
Mía talk only to Pato, almost whispering. Pato give Vic another glance and she just shrugged her shoulders, downplaying importance.
"Jus Dave being stupid," Pato explained and looked at David rasing his eyebrow, he nodded.
"Oh, nothing out of the ordinary then," Mía smiled and put her headphones back on.
"What was the question again?" Pato said, before giving Mía a loving stare.
patriciooward new post
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patriciooward isn't she lovely?
tagged mia54
liked by elbaoward, davidmalukas and others
davidmalukas she's not
mia54 shut the f up lil dave
elbaoward ok i'm jealouss
mia54 you're married??
mia54 that girl is super cute you must be a lucky man
patriciooward i'm actually forced to be her bf soo mia54 bad for you
user1 pato blink twice if you need help
user2 wait wat
user3 chat is this real?
user4 hell yea, they confirmed it in an arrow mclaren video
user2 do we have to pretend we didn't know or how?
mía54 pretty boy 😘🦆
patriciooward lover girll 😍
user3 i'm taking a bath with a toaster real quick
davidmalukas pato ur my fav wag now 🤩🤩
mia54 he's so housewife core 🥰
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billybennet · 7 months
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James Maguire x reader
Summary: reader is jealous of james and katya, and becomes really good friends with david donnelly, but james thinks david and the reader are something more.
���Who is this?” Katya asks, her accent thick.
“Oh, that's just James,” Erin replies.
“You are handsome,” Katya says, “and also sexy.”
Everyone in the room was shocked by this revelation.
“Is her English not great?” Michelle asks.
Katya looks James up and down before getting up and kissing him.
The girls continued to make comments as you all watched them kiss, but you heard nothing they said. You had been secretly crushing on James for a little while, unbeknownst to your best friends, and the sight of him kissing the Ukrainian had you seeing red.
You were at Brennan's eating lunch with the gang. The girls were all fighting about something or other while you picked at your food silently, when Jenny showed up with her Ukrainian lad.
“Listen, I have a feeling Artem and a few of the others are a bit homesick,” Jenny explained, “It'd be nice for them to spend some time together. So I’m having a soiree at my place tonight. It's going to be great!”
Just then, Erin’s longtime crush and a good friend of yours, David, walks in. You were closer to David than the other girls, as your parents were friends with his.
He looks around the restaurant until he sees Jenny. “Hey, do you have the playlist for tonight then?” he shoots your group a smile and a nod.
Jenny hands him a piece of paper, “I'll need the sound system set up by 7.”
“Is your band playing at this thing?”
“Oh no, I just do a bit of DJing on the side.” he laughs and heads to order some food.
“On second thought, I think this party might be good for Katya,” Erin says to Jenny.
Just then you look up to see James and Katya making out right in the middle of the restaurant. You look down at your food in disgust, then excuse yourself to go to the washroom.
At the party, the first thing you saw when you walked in was David at his DJ stand, you waved hello to him before going to find your friends.
You mingled at the party a bit before you got tired of Erin freaking out about Katya taking James’ virginity. You found yourself hanging out with David, talking and drinking beer. David was cool and you enjoyed talking to him, it got your mind off of James for a bit… until you all heard a commotion upstairs, you followed David and the others to the stairwell, only catching the end of the argument.
“--How dare you? I am poor Ukrainian, so I must be prostitute!” Katya yells. You raise your eyebrows in shock.
Erin comes to address the crowd forming on the stairs, “Hear me out, first she comes on to James here. What would possess her?” you roll your eyes, “Financial gain, that's what!”
“He attractive boy, Erin.” Katya reasons.
“He's English, Katya.” Erin replies offhandedly.
“I have no problem with this.”
“You should,” Michelle butts in.
Erin continues yelling about the condoms in Katya's bag, and the money the Ukrainians have been giving her all evening.
“How the hell do you explain that?” Erin asks Katya in regards to the money.
“I organize, how you say it, whip round. We like to buy Jenny present to thank her for nice party.” Katya explains in her normal, but angry voice.
“Ohhh, you guys!!”Jenny replies sweetly.
Erin is left speechless, as is everyone else.
“So not only you insult me, but you've also spoiled Jenny’s surprise!” Katya adds.
“I think you should leave,” Jenny states. you sink back behind David in the crowd, not wanting to associate or even be seen by your friends. You could feel their eyes on you though, as they passed by in shame.
“You can still hang with me for the rest of the night,” David offered, you smiled slightly at him and nodded.
You spent the next little while drinking and talking, but David could tell you were a little off.
“So what’s up?”
“What do you mean?” you ask, taking a swig of your beer.
“You seem… distracted, sad even.”
“Nah, it's nothing,” you try to brush it off.
“Obviously it's not, so spill.”
“I… I.. have a wee bit of a crush on James…” you say with a pained look on your face.
David nods and hums in agreement. “So the whole Katya thing…?” he trails off.
“Yeah.. that sucks, well, if it's any sentiment, he's gotta be into you too, because like every guy in Derry is into you,” He nudges you shoulder.
You laugh, “Yeah, OK.”
“It’s true!!” David chuckles.
“Okay, okay, I believe you!” you look around at the dwindling party, “Well… I should probably get going,” sigh, getting up from your spot on the floor.
“Want me to walk you home?” David offers, getting up as well.
“Yeah, I’d like that, thanks,” you smile at him as he sticks out his elbow for you to take.
The walk home is full of drunken giggles and nonsense.
When you reached your house, you turned to David to say thank you again, and, unbeknownst to you, James was looking out his window watching. He had been waiting to make sure you got home alright, after he realized you hadn't followed the group out of the party.
“Thank you,” you smiled up at David.
“No problem,” he replied, “we should hang out more.”
“I agree,” you laughed. You leant up on your tiptoes and gave him a peck on the cheek, “Goodnight, David.” With that, you turned on your heel and walked into your house, David yelling ‘goodnight’ after you.
The next couple weeks, James didn't talk to you, which you didn't mind because you had been ignoring him before anyways. Plus now you were in a good mood due to your blooming friendship with David. It’s not that you had romantic feelings for him, but you did really like him, although you would never do something to hurt Erin.
The whole friend group watched in confusion as you and David became closer friends. After a couple weeks of silence James finally blew up.
“Why are you hanging out with him?” You were at Michelle’s house, you and James were alone in the kitchen getting drinks.
“What?” you asked, genuinely confused.
“David, why do you keep hanging out with him?” James repeated.
“I don't know, he's nice and fun to be around..”
“So are we!” James countered.
“Fine. Why did you let Katya kiss you?”
The girls had heard the commotion and came into the kitchen.
“What’s going on?” Erin asked.
No one said anything for a second..
“I saw Y/N kiss David Donnelley!” James exclaims. You gape at him.
“What?” The girls gasp.
“No! I didn't! I kissed him on the cheek-- which is a totally different thing! I was just saying thank you for walking me home!”
“How could you Y/N?” Orla asks, cradling Erin's head.
You shake your head, then turn and leave. James follows you outside, “So what? You're just gonna leave?”
“Yeah! Well, it doesn't feel like I’m welcomed there anymore!” you yell back, exasperated.
“Y/N!” you could hear a change in tone in James’ voice, was that desperation? “Wait! I've been a dick, I’m so sorry!”
You slowly turn towards him, “Yeah, you have been.”
“I’m sorry I just.. didn't like seeing you with him,” James reveals.
“How do you think I felt about Katya?” you say quietly.
James looks at you, confused, for a moment, “Wait-- you mean?” you nod in a response, smiling crookedly.
James runs forward, enveloping you in a hug, “I’m so sorry,” he whispers in your shoulder.
“Me too.” And your lips collide in the most beautiful kiss either of you have ever experienced
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 9
Hello, everyone! We are almost to the end. I have all twelve parts completed and will be posting them every Thursday until the story is fully published.
So what's next? With Royal Pain being done as well, I'm going to try and finish Well Met By Moonlight and Find Your Shade By the Moonlight. I will be back working on the soulmate AU Batshit Soulmate and the next book in the Boy with a Bat series called Never Hold Back Your Step for a Moment. I'm also starting that omegaverse story I thought up here.
We meet Steve's family and find out more about why Steve's parents didn't like that side of the family much.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Eddie and Steve wandered around town for a couple of hours, doing a little sightseeing, a little shopping, and a lot just being themselves for a moment or two.
Soon it was getting close to time and they headed to the diner. They pulled up and got a booth.
Eddie and Steve slid into one side and told the waitress that they were waiting for someone and to just grab them a couple of waters.
The waitress nodded and quickly came back with the waters.
They didn’t have to wait long before Percy came through the door, the little bell announcing his arrival.
Steve waved him over and he smiled in return, hurrying over to the table. Once he was settled he told the waitress they were waiting on one more but if they could get a pot of coffee and two cups please. Eddie and Steve both got sodas.
“Who are we waiting for?” Steve asked nervously.
Percy twisted the ring on his ring hand, looking down at the table. “A friend.”
Eddie and Steve shared a glance, wide-eyed.
Eddie wrote something down on a paper napkin and slid it over to Percy.
Percy took the napkin with frown and then he gasped. “Both of you?”
“Both for me,” Steve murmured.
“Just men for me,” Eddie added.
Percy glanced around the diner nervously, but no one was paying any attention to them at all.
“Oh.” He let out a shuddering breath. “Just him.” He pointed to someone walking up to the diner through the window.
He was a tall man, thin. Long black hair, braided to the small of his back. He wore a suit just as nice as Max’s in a beautiful silver color.
He came over when Percy waved at him. He slid next to Percy and looked Steve and Eddie over.
“Who are these boys, Percy?” he asked gravely.
“This my nephew, Steven and his friend...” Percy began.
Eddie stuck out his hand. “Eddie. Eddie Munson. We’re actually in Kentucky because of my own grandma’s funeral. Steve wanted to come visit his grandma’s grave so we took a drive.”
“Where you from?” Percy asked. “I catch a bit of twang to your voice.”
Eddie grinned. “Indiana mostly, but my family’s from Ashland.”
Percy smiled. “Nice town.”
Steve smiled. “It has been so far.”
“This is David Estevez,” Percy said, shyly. “The reason you’re parents haven’t spoken to me in over a decade.”
“Ah,” Steve said. “Yup, Clint Harrington is a lot of things, but tolerant isn’t one of them and of course my mom just went along with it. Even though it’s her money and her family.”
Eddie clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “Let’s see, not white, not from here, judging from the accent, and not straight... anything I missed?”
David burst out laughing. “Not the right kind of rich. I’m a self-made man. I worked hard to be where I am today and they hate that. I grew up poor in New Mexico and made my money building computers in my mom’s basement. Now, I’m a multi-millionaire CEO of a major tech company.”
“Dustin would love you,” Steve and Eddie said together.
“Who?” David asked with a chuckle.
“He’s this kid we know,” Eddie explained. “He built a CB tower just so he could talk to his girlfriend in Utah and not rack up his mom’s phone bill.”
“He sounds like fun,” Percy said, rolling his eyes.
David dug his fingers into Percy’s side, causing him to squirm and squeak. “As if you wouldn’t love it if I did that for you.”
Percy blushed. “Maybe.”
He cleared his throat. “How are your parents, Steven? I saw on the news that there was a horrible earthquake last March.”
Steve gulped and Eddie gave his hand a squeeze.
“I really wouldn’t know,” he mumbled, looking down at the table, tucking his hands between legs. “I haven’t seen them in a while.”
David and Percy shared a glance.
“They did come back after the earthquake, right?” Percy pressed. “To see if you were all right if nothing else.”
Steve shook his head. “They didn’t come home when I was caught in the mall fire, why would they come home for something as inconsequential as an earthquake?”
“Mall fire?” Percy asked.
“You remember, darling,” David said, “the one from last year where there were thirty people who died?”
Percy expression cleared as understanding dawned, and then it turned horrified. “They didn’t come home for that?”
Steve shook his head again. “They didn’t come home when I got a concussion so bad I was out for several hours, or anytime I got hurt.” He rubbed a scratch that was in the surface of the table mournfully.
“Mom follows Dad around to make sure he keeps it in his pants. Not that it deters him,” he explained. “I heard him bragging once about how it’s a game to him now to see what he can get away with.”
The waitress appeared with their drinks. “Are you guys ready to order?”
“I’m not hungry,” Steve murmured.
The rest of them ordered, with Eddie ordering a side of cheese fries in addition to his regular side of fries.
Once the waitress had gone, Percy leaned forward. “How long has this been going on?”
“The trips started when I fourteen or so,” he continued. “But the older I got, the longer the trips were, until they just stopped coming home sometime around Christmas of last year.”
“Stevie...” Eddie whined. “Why didn’t you say something?”
Steve shrugged. “I’m an adult. It’s not as though I’m a kid anymore.”
Percy took his hand in his. “No, Steven. That’s not how parenting works. Ever. They’re supposed to care about you enough to at least tell you were they’re going and when they’ll be home.”
Steve looked up and into his uncle’s eyes. “The money changed them. They haven’t been my parents in over a decade. I’ve just been this trophy they pulled out whenever it suited them. Had to be first in everything. I’m surprised they only let me get away three sports instead of making me try everything.”
Eddie looked stricken. “The sports weren’t your idea?”
Steve shook his head. “It was a way that they could legally pawn me off to other adults. Probably the reason for all the piano lessons and the tutoring. How I met Nancy by the way. Gotta have the best grades, until someone puts a plate through my head, then I was just as disappointing as they feared I would be.”
Everyone else at the table let out noises of distress.
“You never should have had to go through that,” David whispered fiercely. “Ever. I’m sorry your parents were awful.”
Steve shrugged. “It wasn’t all bad. I have had adults in my life that cared about me. The Chief of Police always kept an eye on me. Dad stopped hitting me after the second time Hop, Chief Hopper, I mean brought me home after...” he trailed off and looked anywhere but at the people in the booth with him.
He cleared his throat.
Their food arrived and that last sentence was left to dangling in the air like the sword of Damocles over their heads.
Percy watched as Eddie pushed the side of cheese fries between him and Steve, taking a bite periodically, but mostly focusing on the rest of his food.
Steve reached out and took one of the fries, chewing mindlessly. And then another and then another.
David smirked when Percy indicated to what Steve was doing.
Eddie pushed them in front of Steve and he just dug into them like a starving man. He took half of his burger and handed it to Steve, too.
Steve took the half with a blush. “Thanks, Eds,” he said softly.
Eddie just smiled fondly and finished his half of the burger.
David started talking to Percy to help fill the silence and soon the sense of dread dissipated as they fell into easy conversation.
Soon they were done and their plates taken away.
David lifted his chin to indicate to Steve. “Where did you learn that if you got cheese fries Steve would eat?”
Eddie and Steve glanced at each other and Steve blushed.
“Is that what he did?” he muttered.
Eddie laughed. “It’s trick I learned from his best friend. When he’s upset he won’t eat, even when he needs to, but if you put something like cheese fries or onion rings near him, he’ll graze until it kick starts his appetite again.”
Steve looked over at him in shock. “Holy shit, I never realized. Who else does that?”
Eddie smiled at him, that closed mouth, fond smile that he was got around Steve. “Dustin and Max mostly. But El and Will have been known to do it once or twice.”
Steve blinked.
“Sounds like you’ve got a lot of people that care about you, Steven,” Percy said with a grin.
Steve nodded, blushing. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
He looked at his watch and sighed. “How’s this,” he said, “why don’t you use that business card I gave you when you get home and David and me will come out to visit you for a few days?”
Steve lit up. “Yeah? You’d do that?”
Eddie grinned. Steve had just gotten his boyhood wish of having an uncle that cared and he could feel the joy and surprise radiating off his friend.
“I’d love to,” Percy said. “I would love to meet your family.”
Steve grinned. “You’ll love them.”
David smiled, too. “I’m sure we will.”
They got up and hugs were passed around everyone and they said their goodbyes.
“Goodbye Uncle Percy,” Steve said, his voice a little rough with emotion. “Bye, Uncle David. I’ll see you both soon.”
David looked happy and shocked at being called Uncle. Jasper’s daughter would never. But here was this nineteen year old boy whom his partner hadn’t spoken to in literal years being more caring and decent after a single afternoon with him, then Beatrice had her whole life.
So he did the only thing he could, he hugged Steve again, more fiercely this time. “Thank you.”
Steve nodded. He wasn’t sure exactly why David was so grateful, but he understood enough.
As Steve and Eddie walked away, Percy and David watched them get into their car.
��How long do you think it’ll take before those boys realize they’re in love with each other?” David asked.
“I don’t know Eddie very well,” Percy said, thoughtfully, “but I imagine they’ll figure it out before we come visit Hawkins.”
David hummed. If he was a betting man, he would have said the end of the week.
But he just had to wait and see.
Pt 10|Pt 11|Pt 12
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @vecnuthy @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @gutterflower77 @genderless-spoon @hel-spawn @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @mamafaithful @yikes-a-bee @dragonmama76 @flaming-reauxster
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bumblesimagines · 1 month
i made breakfast.
let me just grab my things and i'll get out of here.
Love Quinn
i made breakfast.
let me just grab my things and i'll get out of here.
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
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The scent of pancakes drifting through the air filled your nose and reminded your stomach that you'd skipped dinner the night before, a gnawing feeling immediately blossoming in your stomach as your hazy, sleep-riddled mind began envisioning breakfast. Your mouth watered and you sighed, forcing your heavy eyes to open. You must've left a window open-
You blinked and blinked again and blinked one last time for good measure. You stared at the large, wall-length windows that gave a view of a neighborhood straight out of a magazine, a view you certainly never got when you looked out your shabby bedroom window and out onto the bustling, noisy streets of LA. You scrambled up, feeling the soft velvety sheets press against your palms as you took in the bedroom bigger than your apartment. 
"Jesus..." You whispered, running your hand over the covers that definitely were worth more than your rent. Everything about the bed felt cozy. The size of it, the soft mattress your body sunk into, the cool pillows that kept coaxing you into slumber, the warm covers. You'd be half tempted to go back to sleep if it weren't for the worry that replaced the hunger in your stomach. Who owned the bed to begin with? Certainly not any of your friends or exes, unless one of them secretly had a fuckton of money they kept hidden away for unknown reasons. 
The sleepy fog lifted from your brain, clearing away sluggish thoughts and any remaining exhaustion lingering in your body.
With a groan, you lowered the phone from your ear and pressed the bright red button, shaking your head as you made your way back to your friends. "No luck," You sighed, shoving the phone in your back pocket and picking up the dripping beer bottle. A chorus of sighs and quiet mutters followed, your friends exchanging looks and eye rolls. "Delilah's probably standing in front of a board full of pictures and little notes right now with her phone on Do Not Disturb."
"Or," Tessa began with a giggle, half her body leaning into her girlfriend's side. "She's totally getting railed by that cop. What was his name? Devin?"
"David." George corrected her with a snicker, earning a glare from you. He raised his hands in mock surrender, more snickers escaping him. "What? We all know he's been trying to get with her since you two broke up. At least he had the decency to wait, (Y/N)." 
Swallowing down the beer, you shook your head. "I don't want to hear about Delilah or David or her ditching us for whatever reason. She always does this." You sighed, pressing your lips against the rim of the bottle and dropping your eyes onto the bar. A shimmer of disappointment swam with the bitterness, almost morphing into regret before Tessa leaned over, her vanilla-scented perfume invading your nostrils. 
"Well," She purred. "There's a pretty brunette at the end of the bar whose been eyeing you since you walked in here. She's real pretty. I bet a little chat, some drinks here and there, and you'll forget all about Delilah by the end of the night, hm? Why don't you give it a shot?" You turned your head and sure enough, right at the end of the bar sat a vaguely familiar brunette with her eyes locked on you. 
Oh, God, the pretty brunette. You squeezed your eyes shut and wracked your name for a name. Hope? Faith? Verity? Something along those lines, one of those names hippies or real rich people gave their nightmare children. You remembered her eyes, vibrant and an almost grayish blue that sparkled brightly with pure glee under the dim bar lighting. Her hair was brown, dark at the roots but lightened toward the end, her let-down strands framing her face just right. She'd been so eager to talk to you, to even listen. The second you sat beside her on that barstool, her attention never left you for more than a second. Damn. A pretty good score, if you had to be honest.
"Hey, you're awake! Good morning." A sweet voice greeted you, and there she was, standing in the doorway. She smiled widely, the bracelet wrapped around her wrist jingling with each step she took into the room. Even it looked expensive. 
"Morning," You cleared your throat and eyed your neatly folded clothes on the chair by the vanity mirror. Better save your ego then take a sugar-coated blow. "Let me just grab my things and I'll get out of here." You told her, getting up from the far too comfortable bed and making a beeline for your clothes. You grabbed your shirt, and then a hand enveloped yours. 
"It's alright, (Y/N). No worries, I promise." She smiled, her fingers curling around yours. "Please, use the bathroom if you need to. I put a spare toothbrush in there for you. You could take one of the robes and shower if you feel like it. I made breakfast for us. I wasn't sure what you'd like so I made pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon."
"Oh, uhm..." You could certainly get used to her lifestyle. "That's... kind of you." 
"Of course." She placed her other hand on your shoulder and leaned in, pressing her lips against your cheek. "I don't know if you remember but I'm Love. Love Quinn."
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body-face-words · 2 months
Olivier Backstage
Quick analysis suggested by @phantomstars24 !
I'll still be doing the rest of the night, but I felt like this moment could stand alone.
From left to right: Anna - Michael - David - Georgia
Observing their surroundings -
The place seems to be loud/noisy. The people sitting behind David get closer to each other to hear each other better. Could also be that they don't want others to listen in or are so engaged in the conversation that they get closer. There's also many people around them, but they're taking up the most space.
Overall gestures of the group -
Michael, David, and Georgia are shouting or talking loudly at each other. We can see David say something, point at Michael, then looks over at Georgia. Anna talks and tries to put her hand on Michaels shoulder, but he moves away.
David points at Michael or/and Anna while speaking, fidgets with the folder/papers he's holding, looks at Georgia then back at Michael.
Georgia points at everyone as a group with her index finger making a circle, then point David and at herself. Anna looks to Michael and touches or tries to touch his shoulder. Michael nods multiple times, looks and backs away from her.
Anna -
Michael -
Listening - says something causing Michael to look at her for half a second, tries to put her hand on his shoulder but he moves away closer to David. Anna is standing slightly behind Michael.
Edit: it's been pointed on (in the comments) that Anna told Michael that someone was trying to pass by so her moved. Her head looks behind Michael, possibly towards the person passing, and slightly nods her head as Michael moves away.
David -
Nods while David speaks and points at him. He's listening to what David and Georgia are saying but by the angle that his head is, Michael is putting most of his attention on David. Nods his head as Anna speak. Hears Anna speak, looks at her for a split second, shifts his weight onto his left leg, moving away from Anna and closer to David and continues to put his focus onto David. Michael is standing slightly in front of Anna.
Edit: like stated above, Michael was probably getting out the way for someone else to pass through. Behind him, a person it walking through and Anna points that out for him. Her turns quickly to Anna, turns back to David and moves.
Talks while pointing at Michael. Looks at Georgia as his fidgets with the papers/folder he's holding. Looks back at Michael and says something. There's a lot of space between him and Georgia, but he's standing closer to Michael. The folder/papers are on his left side, where Georgia is standing.
Georgia -
Makes a circle with her index finger, indicating all of them, then points at them and herself individually while talking. There's a significant amount of space between her and David, Michael, and Georgia. She's also facing away from them. Her torso is pointing past David. Starts moving away.
Michael seems impatient or frustrated. Quickly nodding his head to what David and Georgia are saying. Snapping his head to Anna, quickly looking and moving away.
David is not sure on what to do. Looking off as he's speaking then fidgeting. His eyebrows seem to be raised. Can be to help him think better or to calm himself down. When he directly looks at Michael, his eyebrows furrow or relax. Remind me when someone is confirming something with another.
Anna's shoulder touch Michael could be two things: to calm him down or to signal that she'll be with Michael. "I'll go with him"/"I'm sticking with him"
Georgia is ready to leave. Fast hand movements signify a sense of wanting to hurry/wrap things up and her body facing away from all of them is also a sign of wanting to/being reading to leave. At the end of this clip, you can see her moving further away.
Overall they were probably talking about who's leaving with who or just making plans on what they were all going to do next. Georgia was ready to leave. Michael was impatient/frustrated/disagreeing with something. David wasn't sure on what to do or how to plan this out. David is holding the folder in his left arm, consciously or unconsciously putting a barrier between himself and Georgia. Anna was mostly keeping herself out of it, retrieving her hand when Michael rejects it.
Let me know if I missed anything!
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hotch-stufff · 2 years
Snippets of Our Life
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Wc: 5.0k
Warnings: A Lot, injuries, surgery, near death experiences, child death, birth, suggestive stuff kinda, hurt/comfort, fluff, but also lots of angst, but a shit ton of fluff too
Description: You and Aaron’s relationship through visits to the hospital.
A/n: Description sounds weird, but it’s basically you and Hotch falling in love and snippets of that. I’m describing this horribly, but just read it, there’s a lot packed into this. I love it, hope you will too <3. Gif not mine.
“Spencer Walter Reid!” Your voice is shrill amongst the hallways as you march into your brother’s hospital room. “What the hell were you thinking?!” You ignore the group of people staring at you confused as you walk swiftly to the side of his bed and grab his chart.
“I-“ you didn’t let him speak.
“I specifically told you no field work until the ankle was healed. Now you’re back in here, with another fracture!” Your voice had lowered significantly, but the anger was still clear.
“I’m sorry, the unsub was going to get away! I did what I needed to do.” You nod but still stare at him grumpily.
“You need to be more careful, stop showing up to my ER.” He nods and you ruffle his hair playfully. He smacks your hand away but you send each other a smile. “Now, introduce me to your team.” You turn and face the group who had just watched you yell at their teammate.
“Oh right, guys, this is Dr. Y/n Reid, my sister.” Their faces change from confusion to understanding. “Y/n, this is Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, JJ, Emily Prentiss, David Rossi, and Aaron Hotchner.” Your eyes linger on the man on the end, he’s handsome no doubt. He stares right back at you and you send him a small smile, something your brother definitely catches.
“Nice to meet you all.”
“It is very nice to meet you.” Derek comes up and takes your hand in his own before pressing a kiss on the back of it. You scoff at his forewardness.
“Morgan, not my sister.” Spencer warns, and you laugh.
“Sorry Morgan, not my type.” He laughs and so does the rest of the group.
You sit and get to know them, and of course share embarrassing stories of Spencer from when he was young. You do take a special interest in Hotch, as the team called him. He’s a bit closed off, but once you get him talking, he doesn’t seem to want to stop. The team seems surprised by this, and you guess he isn’t the talking kind.
Eventually your pager goes off and you bid the team and your brother farewell. You send one last lingering look at Hotch, before leaving and heading down the hall.
You don’t see Hotch again for a few days. You regularly check on your brother, you demanded he stay a few days so you can keep an eye on him. He doesn’t mind, lots of free jello. The team had been taking turns staying with him, and finally it seemed to be his turn.
You walk in the room and find Spence talking his ear off about astrophysics.
“It’s fascinating really, all of the things we don’t know, and the fact that we keep discovering more and more. Like the-“ he cuts himself off when he sees you walk in. Rolling his eyes he scoffs playfully. “I don’t need you to check in every hour Y/n/n.”
“I’m just making sure you are following doctor’s orders.” You eye him and turn to Hotch. “Is he?”
“For the most part. Aside from the resting part.” You chuckle and so does Hotch. Spence just stares at you unamused.
“Well I’m going to grab you some food, some actual food, not just jello.” You say as he holds up a cup. “Care to join me Hotch?”
“Sure Dr. Reid.” He says with no hesitation. The formal title makes you sag a little but a small smile makes its way to your face. You both leave the room with promises of being back soon.
“Aaron.” Hotch says as you walk down the hall.
“Call me Aaron.” You can’t hold back your grin.
“Then please, I insist, call me Y/n.” He nods as you make your way to the cafeteria. Again once he begins talking he doesn’t seem to want to stop. You could talk to this man for hours. He tells you about how good of an agent your brother is, and eventually moves on to more personal subjects like his son Jack.
“He sounds like an angel.” You say softly looking at a picture of Jack on Aaron’s phone.
“He really is. Losing his mom was difficult for him, but he’s adjusting.” His eyes are sad when he says it, but there is also a sense of calm around him.
“God Aaron, I’m so sorry.” You say.
“It’s alright, it was a while ago.”
“Doesn’t make it any better.” He nods sadly and you share a smile before moving on to a more lighthearted topic. Eventually you check your watch and realize nearly an hour had gone by.
“It was really nice to talk to you Aaron.” You say as you walk back to Spence’s room. “We should uh, do it again sometime.” He stiffens beside you and you instantly regret your words.
“That probably wouldn’t be appropriate Dr. Reid.” Your heart falls with the sting of rejection.
“Oh.” You clear your throat. ”Of course Agent Hotchner.” You walk a little quicker, wanting to get back to work as soon as possible.
“Wow, right back?” Spencer chides as you walk back in.
“Yeah um, sorry.” You murmur. “I have to get back to work. We’re going to discharge you tomorrow, so you can get back to work. The nurse will talk it over with you.” You say in a rush before setting his food down and turning to leave.
“Hey hey hey. What happened?” He asks, and you shake your head before Aaron walked back in.
“I need to get back to work.” You press a kiss on his forehead before walking towards the door. Spence stares quizzically at the door before turning to look at the solemn and regretful look in Hotch’s face. He quickly puts two and two together.
“She’s single. She is fantastic with kids. She understands busy schedules, her own is a mess. And from what I can tell from her dating patterns, you seem to be her type. So what happened?” Hotch cursed himself for forgetting how observant the young profiler was.
“It’s inappropriate, she’s your sister. She’s, she’s young.”
“You’re struggling to find excuses. You’re obviously attracted to her. Don’t overthink it Hotch. Just go ask the woman to dinner.” Hotch, admittedly, was taken aback by Reid’s abruptness but knew he was right. He turns to leave the room, and looks around, spotting you at the nurse’s station.
A week later you go on your first date and you remind yourself to send a special thank you to your brother.
“Code Blue!” A voice sounds across the hall and your head snaps up as the alarm goes off. A cart is grabbed and you're already sprinting down to the room.
“She’s coding!” Dr. Greene, a fellow surgeon and close friend, stands above the body of a little girl, performing chest compressions.
“Charge to two hundred!” You say as you step forward, grabbing the paddles and watching her monitor. You hear her parents cry out behind you. “Get them out of here, now.”
“We’ve got a pulse.”
“Prepare an OR!” People rush around as you grab the railing of the bed and move quickly to the elevator. Once you reach the floor, you instruct the nurses to take her in as you and Greene begin scrubbing in.
You don’t say a word but you look at each other and nod before walking in. Two nurses suit you up with gloves, gowns, and masks, and you get to work.
Instruments fly between hands as you begin, doing everything you knew how to.
It was a simple surgery, one you’ve done a thousand times before. But this time on a little girl, Lucy, who was far too sick for her young age. She had been deteriorating week after week, and had finally seemed to be getting better after treatments. Her parents, Mindy and Carl, had grown close to you over the weeks of treatment for their daughter.
“Dr. Reid, there’s a man here to see you. Agent Hotchner.” You smile softly, but continue working.
“Tell him I’m in emergency surgery and will be out as soon as possible.” She nods and stalks out.
Aaron had heard all about Lucy in the weeks since you had started dating. That in itself was its own story. You two understood each other's busy schedule and even had to reschedule your first date three times before it even happened. But you understood each other like no one else seemed to. Tonight he had promised to take you out for a fancy dinner, it would be your fifteenth date and you were just excited to spend time with him.
You prayed the surgery didn’t run too late, but didn’t focus on anything but the precious little girl in front of you. Seconds go by, then minutes, then what feels like hours.
“Heart rates dropping.” Your nurse breaks the silence that fills the room.
“Why, that doesn’t make any sense.” You say, your head shooting to the monitor. You continue working until the beeping intensifies.
“Pressures low and continuing to drop.”
“There’s too much blood.” You say as panic rises. “Sponge. Keep them coming.”
“Where is it coming from?” Greene’s and your own moves become more frantic as her heart rate continues to drop.
“She’s in vfib!”
“Internal Defibrillators!”
“She’s coding!”
“Clear.” Nothing.
“Charge again!”
“Clear!” Nothing.
“Charge Again!” You shout desperately.
“Clear!” Still nothing. Greene backs down and steps back, his shoulders sagging. The nurses take a step back too and you look around.
“What are you doing? Charge again!” You shout.
“Reid.” You shake your head.
“No. Charge again.” You hear the paddles charging. “Clear.” Another shock, and still nothing. Your heart falls and you struggle to take in a breath. You stare at the monitor, praying for something, anything.
“Time of death, 19:07.” You back up and rip your gloves off, your mask soon following. The gown is next as you storm out. You pace the hallway, trying to calm your breathing.
“Reid. I’ll tell the parents.” Greene, Paul, says as he walks out of the OR.
“No.” You murmur. “They need to hear it from me.” He nods before patting your shoulder. You take a deep breath before stalking towards the waiting room. Her parents are sitting but stand when they see you.
“Mindy, Carl.”
“How’s Lucy? Can we see her?” You take a deep breath.
“Lucy was taken into emergency surgery after her heart stopped. There we found internal bleeding, unfortunately…” you have to stop, you’re about to ruin their lives. “Unfortunately her heart stopped again, and we were unable to revive her. She died on the table.” You watch emotions spread over their faces, until they grasp what you said.
“But, but you said she was get, she was getting better.” Mindy says as she falls into her seat, her head in her hands.
“You lied! This is your fault!” Carl yells at you and you back away. You know they need someone to blame.
“Carl, stop.” Mindy grabs his arm and he sits beside her, holding her as they cry. You walk away, and notice Aaron standing in the doorway. You turn and walk swiftly to your office knowing he will follow. You barely make it in the door before turning and crashing into his body as you begin crying.
Loud, ugly sobs fill the room as you cry out for the little girl you grew to love. You can’t seem to catch your breath. Arron soothes you, and rubs his hands through your hair. He moves you to the couch before bringing you even tighter into his arms.
“She was only eight.” You sob. He pulls you back and cups your face.
“What do you need sweetheart?”
“I don’t know. I need, I need you to just hold me. Please.” You stutter.
“Okay, I’ve got you. Let it out.” You sit there for what feels like hours before you finally quiet your sobs and catch your breath.
“I’m sorry.” You mutter out pathetically.
“No honey. Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong.” He rubs his hand up and down your back.
“Its my fault.” You whisper.
“No, it’s not. You did nothing wrong. She was sick, you did everything you could. You did everything you could.” He repeats soothing words as he holds you. He knows what you're feeling and knows that nothing will help. He knows the pain you’re feeling and knows better than anyone that you just need to be sad right now. He doesn’t care that you’re missing your reservation. He just holds you.
He just holds you.
Jack whines as he tugs on his dad’s sleeve.
“Daddy it hurts.”
“I know bud. We just have to wait for the doctor.” No sooner do the words leave his mouth that you are strutting into the room panting.
“I heard Jack was in the hospital! Where’s his chart? Who’s his doctor? What happened? Is he okay?” Hotch barely stops you before you trip over your own feet after reaching to grab his chart.
“Hey, it’s alright sweetheart. He fell off his bike. We are waiting for a doctor.
“It hurts daddy.” Jack whines again.
“Okay hang on. Let’s take a look.” You calm down a bit after seeing Jack all in one piece. “Hey bud.” You say as you stand beside him.
“Miss Y/n?”
“Yeah buddy.” You sit in the edge of his bed. “Can you tell me what hurts?”
“My leg. It really hurts.” You take a glance at his leg, and instantly know there is nothing you personally can do for him besides give him some minor pain meds.
“Alright sweet boy, I’m going to call a special doctor down here, she is going to take a look at your leg and we will get you all bandaged up okay?”
“Will it stop hurting?” He asks, tears filling his eyes. Your heart shatters. And your eyes meet Aaron’s. He sits on the edge of the bed and grabs his son’s hand. Even though he had been trying to calm you down, you could see the stress and worry brimming through his expressions. You know you will need to talk later but for now you focus on the boy in front of you.
“Yes buddy.” Aaron murmurs as he runs his hand over Jack’s forehead soothingly. You quickly get to work on his pain meds and page both ortho and pediatrics just to be safe.
Ortho gets there first, and the doctor, Sarah Gellar, takes one look at you before knowing exactly who the patient is.
“Hi Jack, I’m Dr. Gellar, I hear you hurt your leg?” He nods sadly and she begins her exam. “Alright Bud, I’m going to try and move your leg a bit, can you tell me when it hurts?” He nods and you grab Aaron’s hand. You don’t see it, but he smiles softly at you as he realizes you’ve gone instinctively parent mode instead of doctor mode. His attention quickly moves back to his son as he cries out in pain.
“Alright bud, alright. I’m sorry.” She stands and calls in a nurse. “I think it’s broken, we’re going to take him for x-ray, and then go from there.” You and Aaron nod and rejoin Jack before walking with him and the nurse to x-ray.
An hour and half later you are sitting in a private room, a chipper Jack is picking out his color for his cast. The pain meds had finally kicked in and he could barely feel the pain in his leg anymore.
“Blue! Or Green! Or orange! I don’t know.” Jack looks to you and Aaron for help and you chuckle.
“I thought you hated orange?” Aaron says.
“I do.” He nods firmly.
“Okay, and blue is your favorite color right?” You say and he nods.
“Blue it is.” Jack says. “Man that was tough.” The nurse laughs, and you lightly tickle Jack’s side. He giggles and begins talking about how excited he is to show everyone his cast. Exhaustion hits him soon after the cast is put on, and you sit with him even after his eyes slip close. Aaron on the other side of the bed.
“When does your shift end?” He asks. Jack should be discharged soon, and Aaron wanted to know if you would go home with them.
“It ended hours ago.” You say absentmindedly, staring down lovingly at Jack.
“What?” You look up at him and furrow your brows.
“You, you stayed here after your shift to, to make sure Jack was okay?” He asks.
“Of course I did. He’s your son Aaron, I love him.” Aaron’s eyes well up. He never imagined he would meet someone that would accept him and love his son so much. He is beyond happy as he reaches over and presses a kiss to your lips. “What was that for?”
“I love you.” You stare at him in shock.
“I love you.” Your shock wears off after a minute and you smile and lean over and give him another small peck.
“I love you too.”
“Where is he?” You yell frantically as you run past hospital staff. You know you must look like a crazy woman sprinting down the halls, but you couldn’t care less. You needed to find your husband.
“Dr. Hotchner stop!” The nurse behind you yells but you don’t stop, if anything you push harder to get to the operating rooms. You slid to a stop in front of O.R. 3.
“Aaron.” You whisper out as you pummel through the door, grab a mask and walk through the second door. The surgeon looks up at you and once he realizes who you are his eyes fall with sympathy. Your heart drops at the sight of Aaron. He’s covered in blood, a tube in his mouth. You’re a surgeon, you’ve seen patients like this before.
But this is different.
This is Aaron.
“Y/n you need to get out.” You glare up at one of your closest friends before speaking defiantly.
“No, that’s my husband.” You argue sternly. He sighs, frustrated. “I’m scrubbing in.”
“No, I can’t save your husband if you are in the room, you know that.” He calmly tried to talk you down.
“I can’t lose him. I can’t. Paul, please.” You feel tears slip down your face. Hands grab your arms and begin to tug you back gently.
“Trust me, I’ll do the best I can. I promise.” Your eyes water as you struggle slightly against the hands pulling you back. “I need you to trust m-“
“He, he’s allergic to Amoxicillin. He has at least nine stab wounds across his abdomen. The scar tiss-“ A sob cuts you off. “The scar tissue is still healing. Oh god, please save him.” You let the tears fall.
“I promise I will do everything in my power to bring him back to you Y/n.” You nod in defeat and let the nurse tug you out.
Paul, Dr. Greene, has to wait a few moments to begin working again. The weight settles on his shoulders that his best friend's husband is lying before him and he starts again, fighting for Aaron’s life.
You make your way to the waiting room where you find your husband’s team already waiting. Spencer takes one look at you and is striding to take you in his arms.
“It’s okay. Everything’s alright.” He coos as he brings you to sit with the team. Derek is covered in blood from his attempts at putting pressure on the wound. Penelope sits beside him, a comforting hand on his arm. Emily is pacing, JJ sitting with Rossi.
“What happened?” You choke out.
“An unsub was deteriorating. He knew he was going to die and took as many shots as he could.” Reid explains. “Hotch took a shot to the shoulder and to the abdomen right below his vest. The unsub was shot once in the chest, Hotch’s shot. None of us were close enough to take a shot. He came in the ambulance behind us.” You nod as you take in the words.
As you’re processing, your pager goes off.
“Shit.” You sniffle and pull it out of your pocket to read it. “GSW to the chest. They need a surgeon.” You stand quickly, knowing exactly who this patient had to be. “I gotta go.”
“Bella, is that really a good idea? This man shot your husband.” Rossi asks with uncertainty.
“Which is exactly why I’m going to do everything I can to keep that son of a bitch alive so he can rot in jail.” You walk away determined, you can’t sit around and wait anyways.
You reach OR 1 in record time, scrubbing in with purpose. Your resident stands behind you, scrubbing in as well.
“Are you sure you can do this?” He asks, already having heard about Aaron.
“The other trauma surgeon is Dr. Greene. He’s busy, so that leaves me. I can’t let him die, I won’t give him the satisfaction.”
Four hours later, you are walking back out of the OR, and handing your unconscious patient over to the local police. You strip off your gloves and gown and trudge to the waiting room. You didn’t bother taking a peak in the OR down the hall, already knowing you couldn’t handle the sight of Aaron bloody and bruised again until you knew he was safe.
The team looks up at you when you walk through.
“Son of a bitch is alive, handed him over to police. Any news on Aaron?” You ask impatiently. Spencer shakes his head no and you sag. You find your seat next to him and hold out hope.
You hadn't even thought about calling Jess and Jack yet, but you don’t want to worry them just yet.
What feels like lifetimes but is only forty minutes later, Paul is walking through the doors. You're on your feet before a word leaves his mouth.
“How is he?” You ask, he sighs.
“He coded on the table, twice. But he’s stable now. Both shots were through and through, with minimal damage to his scar tissue. He’ll be sore, and he’s going to hate it, but bed rest for at least a week, and desk work for at least three weeks after that.” You sigh in relief as a weight lifts off your body. You feel as though you’re going to pass out, but Spence is there to catch you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“Can I see him? I need to see him.” Paul nods and you rush past him as he shouts the door number. You hear the team behind you as you walk swiftly down the hall.
You push the door to his room open and nearly collapse on the chair next to Aaron’s bed. He’s unconscious, but just the sight of his chest moving up and down and the sound of the heart monitor is enough to soothe you.
He doesn’t wake for hours. Not until after the team is gone for the night.
“Y/n?” The sound of his voice startles you awake and your head shots up from the spot on the edge of his bed.
“Aaron. You’re awake.” You murmur, wiping the sleep from your eyes. “How do you feel?” You ask.
“Sore, but not terrible considering I got shot.”
“That would be the pain meds.” It’s silent for a few moments before you speak again. “Your heart stopped beating twice on the table.” Your whisper, and it hurts just saying the words. He eyes you with sympathy as you begin rubbing your fingers through his dark strands.
“I’m sorry sweetheart.”
“Greene wouldn’t let me scrub in. Probably for the best.“ He nods and you continue sifting your fingers through his hair as his eyes drift shut. “Don’t ever do that to me again okay?” He smiles and scoots to the side of his bed to make room for you.
“I’ll try.” You smile back and climb up next to him, watchful of his injuries. He wraps his good arm around you and you bury your face in his neck.
“I love you.” You whisper. His lips find themselves at your hairline before he whispers the words back.
“I love you too.”
“I need a doctor!” Aaron’s voice rings out in the OR, eyes flying to look at the two of you. You’re breathing heavily as pain flys through your back. Aaron is sweating from running around and you feel like you’re going to collapse.
“I am a doctor.” You grit out.
“Dr. Hotchner! Are you in-?”
“Labor! Yes! Get me a room!” You yell, your voice straining. Your legs are on fire and Aaron is trying to coach you through the pain as you walk back to a private room.
“I’ll get the doctor down here as soon as possible.” The nurse says as she helps you get comfortable.
“Drugs, I need something. Agh!” A contraction hits and you feel like you are being ripped apart.
“Hi Dr, Hotchner, is this dad?”
“Yes.” Aaron answers as you nod.
“Alright, let’s take a look.” You nod, taking a deep breath. “You’re only a few centimeters dilated. It’s going to be a little bit, we can get you some of the good stuff, but you’re going to get very uncomfortable Y/n.”
“Hee thanks Laura.” She chuckles and pats the bed.
“You know the drill. I suggest some ice chips. That helped me, and something to squeeze.” You grab Aaron’s hand as another contraction hits and she excuses herself to her other patients. He winced at the squeeze and you apologized.
“Squeeze all you want.” He says and you smile at him, though it appears as more of a grimace. He runs his hand through your hair, and you relax a bit.
Thirty minutes later, Spencer is marching through the hall, finding your room.
“There you are!” He comes in. “Your husband is horrible at giving instructions. I mean he told me about a completely different part of the hospital.” Aaron rolls his eyes as you giggle.
“Good to see you, Spence.”
“You too sis. What did the doctor say?”
“It’s going to be a while. Agh.” You shoot upright when another contraction hits. Aaron’s hand finds its way to your back, he rubs gently as he coaxes you through it. Spencer watches, while unnerved that his sister is in pain, it makes him happy that she found someone like Hotch to take care of her like this.
“Would you mind watching Jack for us?” It was no secret Jack loved his Uncle Spencer, and Spencer him. And Jess needed to get to a late shift at work, so with no one to watch him soon, the awaiting parents didn’t need one more thing to worry about.
“Of course I will. Is he at the house?”
“Yes, thank you Spence. We really appreciate it.” He leaves soon, and you're back to hours of pain without relief.
“I want this baby out of me!” You grunt in frustration. Aaron wipes the sweat from your forehead.
“I know sweetheart. You’re doing so good.”
“M’tired.” Dr. Stevens walks back into the room and she takes one look at you before signing in sympathy.
“Alright Y/n, let’s take another look.” She gets down at the end of the table. “Looks like you’re about ten centimeters, it’s time to push mama.” You look at Aaron in panic.
“I’m not ready to be a mom! What if I’m terrible.”
“You won’t be.” Aaron soothes as the doctors begin preparing for the birth of your daughter.
“How do you know?”
“Because you are already an amazing mother to my son, and soon to our precious baby girl.” You smile, and kiss him quickly before you feel another contraction hit, the most painful yet. You yell out in pain.
You aren’t sure how much time passes, seconds, minutes, hours. You don’t care, you just want the pain to be over with.
“I hate you Hotchner!” You yell out. “You’re never touching me again!” Laura laughs and so does Aaron.
“I love you too sweetheart.”
“She’s crowing! Come on Y/n one more push.” You push as hard as you can.
“I can’t, I can’t.”
“You can Y/n, come on one more.” You grunt as you push before a searing pain, and a cry breaks through the room.
You sag on the bed and sigh in relief. Your head turns around the room in search of the baby, but she is quickly swaddled and placed in your arms.
“She’s beautiful.” Aaron murmurs into your hair as he wraps an arm around you.
“Yeah. She’s perfect.” You press your lips to her forehead. “Jack’s gonna be so excited.” You whisper.
“Of course he is. He’s been asking for a sibling since we got married.” You giggle.
“She needs a name.”
“Are we still good with the one we chose?” He asks. You think about it for a second.
“Maybe a change in the middle name?” He looks down at you quizzically.
* * *
Hours later, your family surrounds you, the team included. They coo over the baby, passing her around. Jack can barely sit still when he gets to hold her for a second time.
“She’s so cute!” He exclaims, you all laugh.
“What’s her name?” JJ finally asks, and you smile, your eyes drooping from exhaustion. Aaron sits beside you and you nod at him.
“Her name is Sophie Diana Hotchner.” Spencer looks between you and Aaron and smiles.
“She would have loved it.” You nod and feel yourself slowly falling asleep. You rest peacefully knowing your baby girl is surrounded by the people who love her.
The end :)
Hope you guys liked this one. I loved writing it.
Thanks for reading <3
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