#honestly even as rough as it is this still slaps lmao
dollyyun · 1 month
𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬' 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 (𝐣𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐦)
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SYNOPSIS: Jake Sim has got to be more bearable compared to the others. Unlike the rest of his frat members, Jake is friendlier, making him an approachable figure. You recall when you got lost in the campus building during your second week of college in your first year, but Jake found you wandering like a lost puppy and was kind enough to guide you to the place you needed to go. Even after three years, his kindness is engraved in your mind. So, when Jake approaches you, you have little reason to suspect that he has an ill-intention towards you, especially when you have completely fallen for his trap. How can you not? With that charming grin on his handsome countenance and how he makes you comfortable enough to be yourself around him. It’s so easy to be with Jake. Little do you know that he is every bit corruptive like the rest of the knights.
PAIRING: non!idols enha hyung line x fem!reader, jake x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), semi-college au, adulthood, reverse harem, dark themes.
WARNINGS: mentions of christianity, mentions of smoking, virgin & subtle fat shaming, mild bullying, sexual assault, humiliation, profanities, stalker & pervert jake, obsession, corruption, violence, yandere, blood, murder, masturbation, loss of virginity, smut, unprotected sex (no!), softdom!jake (he may be rough at times), ghostface!jake, knife play, grinding, fingering, pussy eating, cum eating, thighs slapping (jake is obsessed with your thighs), manhandling, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, mention of mental illness, toxicity, jake becomes an asshole somewhere in the end, slight angst, crying, heartbreak.
FEATURING: enha maknae line, txt, zerobaseone, le sserafim, ive, aespa.
DISCLAIMER: this fic is inspired by devil's night series written by penelope douglas! also, i am not a Christian, and i didn't bother to do thorough research on the religion, so pardon any false facts or errors.
PART 1, PART 3.1, PART 3.2, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7
PLAYLIST: Often - The Weeknd, Under the Influence - Chris Brown, Meddle About - Chase Atlantic, Church - Chase Atlantic, RUNRUNRUN - Dutch Melrose, Scream - Usher, Lost in the Fire - Gesaffelstein & The Weeknd, Sinners - Ari Abdul, Cold - Maroon 5.
RUBY'S NOTE: honestly, idk what to feel about this (as always i don't feel satisfied with my writing no matter what lmao), especially the wackass smuts, so please lower your expectations. happy reading!
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The smirk tugging at the corner of his plump pink lips adorns his appealing visage as well as his dark gaze, which is beguiling for anyone to heed his command at a single glance without hesitation and enthrals the sisters who are sauntering in his vicinity.
He initiates an enticing wink at the two of them, whose cheeks are emblazoned with pink as they release giggles before one of them composes herself quickly and grabs the other sister with her to walk in haste, leaving him smug at the fact that he still has an effect on ladies. Not even the holy sisters can escape from his allure. This has already been proven in the past, where he seduced two holy sisters and managed to score points when he fucked them on this very sacred ground.
Of course, they were caught engaging in illicit activity by the higher authorities of the church, resulting in the two holy sisters' dismissal from their duties and the church. But did this affect him? Not in the slightest, considering he is the son of both a diplomat and a congregant of this very church. Just like his three best friends, he can get away with anything without having to face any repercussions.
Even if his actions do earn disapproval from others, no one dares meddle in any affairs pertaining to Jake Sim.
His eyes dart around the interior of the divine building, his lips curling into a sneer. Oh, how he hates the church. Just like the rest of his family members, he is a Christian as well, and unlike them, he hates being one.
But once upon a time, he loved and used to take pride in his religion. Whenever his mother, who was a regular member of the church and still is, wanted to go to church, he would tag along with her keenly. He knew and memorised every verse of the Bible and hymns to the heart.
As a matter of fact, he used to be a good and obedient son who often steered clear of trouble or anything that might displease his parents. He even earned the moniker ‘church boy’ given by his peers, and he took pride in it. He can’t deny the fact that he sees you in him, as he was the exact person you are.
However, it all crumbled when he and his family flew over to Australia on that long summer break when he was thirteen. Maybe it was because he affiliated himself with the wrong company behind his parents’ backs, or maybe it was because he had witnessed his father’s first infidelity, in which his father was fucking some woman who eventually turned out to be his own secretary. What made it worse was the fact that it happened in a church.
Jake knew that his father had committed a sin, and naturally, Jake expected his father to make a confession and ask for forgiveness, but he didn’t expect that his father would continue to commit the same sin over and over.
From then on, Jake didn’t see his father like he used to. His hatred for his father runs so deep that the sight of his face simply enrages him. He hates it even more because his father is a pathological liar and remains a cheater without his mother knowing about his infidelity. His father’s infidelity plays a major part in the reason why he doesn’t have faith in religion anymore. 
A sigh leaves him. Just as boredom nearly strikes Jake, his eyes catch the movement of two figures from afar before they zero in on the familiar face who has ignited a newfound desire within him since last night. Dark interest gleams in his eyes as he scans your overall fit. 
Jake can’t deny that there is a tinge of disappointment in him when he sees that your curves cannot be discerned due to the thickness of your black coat that hugs your body as well as your wide black pants. He recalls how you looked truly exquisite in that skimpy skimpy dress that accentuated contours impeccably, and how he got hard for you twice in one night.
Truth be told, Jake doesn’t mind the slightest when a girl chooses to dress modestly or how a girl chooses to dress in general. What matters to him is that he can get them to strip off their clothes and bare naked for him before he gives them the best fucks of their lives. Even if the girl is either too thick or too thin, it doesn’t matter to him, as long as he can dick it into their holes. 
His eyes trail down to your clothed chest as he tucks the bottom of his lips between his teeth. The sight of your lustrous cleavage flashes in his mind vividly, and he can already imagine how plump your breasts are. His cock starts to harden as he fantasises about leaving his marks on your porcelain skin all over your chest while his hands grope and feel the suppleness of your breasts.
Jake shakes his head lightly at the thought and attempts to ignore his hardness before returning his gaze to your face, where there is a smile on your lips while your cheeks are deepened with dimples as you are conversing with the priest.
Jake finds himself lifting a subtle smile from his lips upon seeing your smile. Throughout the university years he has known you, he has always found you adorable. Pretty? Maybe, but you were definitely adorable. Which was also the reason why he didn’t find you enticing. Plus, you often steered clear of any signs of trouble, so he also found you dull.
Jake usually targets women who can most likely match his vigour both in and out of the bedroom, women who are adventurous and perpetually up for a challenge, and who are intrinsically spontaneous and carefree. Those are his kind of women, and they are the ones who are capable of turning him on. 
You are most definitely not his type of woman. Unlike those women who have associated with him in the past, you are not anything like them. You are known as Crestview Meadow’s good girl, the epitome of a perfect student whose GPA is worthy of being envious of, and the kind of student that every professor prefers to teach.
Above all, you are the embodiment of purity ─ not just in the way you carry yourself with grace and dignity everywhere you go, but because there is an ambience you exude that anyone can immediately discern the rarity of goodness within you.
But the fact that you’re good makes you dull and boring, especially when you are constantly surrounded by those friends of yours who are the renowned it girls of the university. It is absurd to him that your friends seem to be protecting you from anyone outside of their inner circle and any cruelty, almost as if they are infantilizing you.
No matter. He will get what he wants, even if he has to ruin what you have with your friends. A smirk tugs at his lips as he proceeds to saunter towards you with his hands tucked in his pocket pants. If only you knew how hypocritical your so-called friends were.
The smirk on his lips drops when he sees the priest touch your shoulder, and his lips deepen into a frown at the close proximity between the two of you. A muscle pulses in his jaw while his footsteps hasten, wanting nothing more than to rip his hand away from your shoulder.
The idea of any man touching you ignites a newfound sensation in him, and he has never felt this way towards any woman ─ those same women whom he had slept with. He recalls vividly when he saw Namgil hovering over you with his hands all over you on Devil's Night, and that was when he saw red in his vision. No one gets to touch you unless it's him.
The sound of his footsteps disrupts the conversation you have been engaging with the priest, prompting you to cease, and your head turns to look at him with widening eyes, but Jake remains his gaze on the priest, and a cold smile touches his lips.
“Father, it’s been more than awhile.” Jake greets, the coldness emanating from him is discernible to you. His eyes dart at the priest’s hand that remains on your shoulder, and the familiar whisper of the devil is encouraging him to break his hand for daring to touch what is his.
“Jake, what a pleasant surprise!” The priest, however, is oblivious to the malicious intent glinting in Jake’s eyes. “How is your mother?”
“She’s doing well.” The lie easily rolls off his tongue. He hasn’t even been checking on his mother, not that she cares enough or whatsoever.
Jake shifts his gaze to you, who is staring at him with indecipherable sentiment glinting in your pretty eyes that nearly mesmerised him. He offers you a smile. “Y/N. I didn’t know you were a regular member of this church.”
Another lie. He knows everything about you, including that you used to visit this church whenever you had free time. He knows that you used to attend church in your neighbouring area regularly, and he knows that you live in a relatively small two-story house, which is rather homey compared to his family’s mansion. He knows your birth date, your favourite colour, and basically any sort of information he wants to find out about you. It took him a span of weeks, and that includes quasi-stalking you even now.
Jake admits that he has grown obsessed with you despite the fact that you are not his ideal type, even before Devil's Night, and there are moments where he fantasises about you even when he doesn't want to.
Jake is curious about you, and his curiosity was sparked long before Devil’s Night. He wants to learn and explore you ─ what makes you different from the others and why there is goodness in you—because he doesn’t believe that there is goodness in this corrupted world. So, he began the process of obtaining information from certain individuals and observing you keenly from afar. He was seamless at it, to the point where you didn’t even realise how often his eyes were on you.
Above all, Jake wants to experiment on you with the intention of dimming that light inside of you, wanting to intoxicate you in a way you won’t even see it coming.
His eyes briefly flicker down at the familiar ring on your forefinger that glimmers under the artificial lights above the ceiling. He knows that it’s not his for the taking, even though he will be the first to take you to his bed soon. 
His gaze returns to yours, and he watches as you blink your eyes, looking a tad surprised, as though you had expected him to disregard your existence. “I’m not. I visit whenever I’m available.” You tell him with an awkward smile gracing your pink lips. “Are you one as well?”
Your soft voice as well as your politeness are something he has always admired, and kindness is one of your qualities that has always remained constant even when others treat you unkindly.
Before he can answer, the priest beats him to it, “Jake is my good friend’s son, but I always refer to him as my nephew, as I knew him when he was young.” The priest gives Jake a warm smile.
A flicker of surprise passes by in your eyes. “Oh, I see. What a small world.” You say, smiling softly and darting your eyes back to Jake. “I’ll get going first. See you around on campus, Jake.”
“Of course.” Jake reciprocates your smile, to which your eyes flicker briefly at his lips that don’t go unnoticed by him, before you proceed to walk away while clutching the strap of your sling purse. 
A frown touches his lips when he notices how you limp as you advance forward, even though you look like you're trying your best not to give away the fact that you're limping.
Jake remains rooted to the ground, his eyes watching your figure get further until you disappear from his sight. 
“What did she come here for?” Jake inquires with the priest. There are no traces of warmth in his tone, while something dark shadows his features.
The priest flattens his lips before sighing. “You know that I can’t disclose any information─”
“Need I remind you that the reason this church remains standing is because of the funds my mother made?” Jake reminds him calmly, and yet his tone sounds sharp, cutting through the air like a knife. “I can easily withdraw those funds, and my mother wouldn’t bat an eye.”
The priest knows well that Jake has the power to do so, and so the elder acquiesces. “She came here to confess her sins.”
Jake raises a single eyebrow at him. “And what were her sins?”
Reluctance resides in the priest as well as the guilt that feels heavy in his heart, but he doesn’t wield enough power to defend himself against the affluent son of his good friend. “I think you have an inkling, son. Surely, you must’ve known she was there during Devil’s Night.”
“Maybe I do.” Jake unfurls a smirk at the priest before patting his shoulder. “Thank you for your service, Father.” The mockery Jake elicits doesn’t go unnoticed by the priest, but the elder smiles weakly in return.
Your phone buzzes as it vibrates on the table for the ninth time, and you don’t bother to spare a glance at your phone screen, knowing that it is either Yunjin, Wonyoung, or Karina. You haven’t been meeting them eye-to-eye since two days ago, and even if they asked you questions, you only gave them vague answers in a curt tone before fleeing your dorm in haste.
After what happened, you started seeing them in a different light. You can’t help but feel uncomfortable around them, and specifically, Yunjin. Although it has been three days since Devil’s Night, the overall events that transpired remain vivid in your mind, unable to erase them.
As for Kazuha, Winter, and the others, you remain amiable with them as usual, but you keep a safe distance between yourself and them, and even they notice your eccentric behaviour that differs from how you usually are. You need some time to collect your thoughts and deal with this internal conflict within yourself.
You did feel better and lighter, though, after confessing your sins to Father. You have been pardoned, and that’s what matters most. You don’t intend to revert to how you acted on Devil’s Night.
Speaking of Devil’s Night, despite the fact that it is over, Halloween isn’t. Hence, there are Halloween ornaments embellished on every part of the campus building. You got to give credit to the knight members, who were in charge of the decorations. Their budget seemed to be higher than last year’s, as evident from the overall decorations, and there are even knight members in spooky costumes strolling out and about while scaring off the students, eliciting screams from them.
Nevertheless, amidst the sombre atmosphere, the merriment, jovial laughter, and chatter from the students are palpable. It is abundantly clear that they genuinely enjoy Halloween, and that bothers you greatly because they don’t seem the slightest mournful over the deaths of twenty-two students ─ three students whom you recognise from your department.
You didn’t exactly know them in the way you know your friends, but still, you are sorrowful over their deaths. How cruel was it to be hunted and killed by those delinquents when they didn’t commit any wrongdoing? What did they do to deserve to die? Or was it all just pure entertainment for those notorious delinquents?
A shrill scream as well as laughter erupting from the other side, across from where you are seated, prompts you to look at the commotion briefly before returning to minding your own business with an eye roll. Just another bunch of students feigning feeling terrified of the knight members scaring them.
Your face twists into a grimace. There is definitely something fundamentally wrong with everyone here, you think. 
Presently, you are in the students’ lounging area that is situated between the two different buildings that belong to the students under the social science and science technological engineering departments. Usually, you would resort to the campus library to do your assignments or some reading, but today you felt compelled to do your work here for some reason, even though you dislike the boisterous commotion that often happens in the lounging area.
The commotion in the background eventually fades out. You continue to type away on your keyboard while your gaze remains on your laptop screen, getting immersed in finishing the final assignment that you have neglected since last week. The submission deadline is by the end of today, but the assignment is a piece of cake for you.
The tension in your shoulders relaxes as soon as you save the document to your file before opening a webpage on your Google Chrome with the intention of submitting your assignment to the school’s portal under your department.
As soon as you click submit, you jolt in your seat, and a shriek of terror emits from you when two students in ghostface masks emerge at your side, frightening you with sonorous ‘boos!’ while holding serrated knives in their gloved hands.
Another thing about this university that you deem absurd is the fact that they allow authentic weapons to be in students’ possessions for this period of Halloween, for as long as there are no casualties.
Your shriek draws the attention of students in your vicinity, causing your cheeks to flush in embarrassment. The unknown ghostfaces erupt into jeering laughter, clearly finding pure delight in frightening you greatly.
You glare at them in disbelief while you attempt to soothe your heart that is beating erratically against your chest, and for once, you want to lash out at them for their inane prank, but as they proceed to remove their ghostface masks, you smack your lips together shut, knowing better than to rebuke the knight members.
You recognise them. Matthew and Gyuvin from the social science department. Even though they’re your juniors by a year, they don’t really respect their seniors, let alone you. Besides, you’re deemed an easy target for most, and now that you’re alone without any of your friends by your side, it makes things easier for anyone to approach you with ill-intention.
“Did you see the horror on her face?” Matthew cackles, slapping Gyuvin’s shoulder. “That was comical!”
Gyuvin chuckles as he wipes an imaginary tear from the corner of his eye. “We should definitely scare her often.”
“That wasn’t funny.” You utter those words before you can even stop yourself. Your remark seems to capture their attention, and for some reason, you gain a newfound confidence in resolution. “In fact, scaring others for your own enjoyment is simply inconsiderate and lazy.”
“Lazy?” Gyuvin scoffs, rolling his eyes. He gives his fellow member a look. “Can you believe her?”
“Yes. Lazy.” You reiterate, glaring at them, but your voice remains soft all the while. “Also, you could’ve injured a student with how careless you were holding your knives─”
“What do you even know about pranks?” Matthew takes a threatening step towards you, resulting in you recoiling in prudence upon noticing the menace he exudes, as evident on his mien. “You know nothing about pranks. All you know is being a goody-two shoes and kissing professors’ asses.”
You hold back an offended gasp, but the distaste you have for them is evident in your eyes, which doesn’t go unnoticed by them. “And you wonder why everyone hates you. You might have a pretty face, but that doesn’t erase the fact that you are a fucking loser who doesn’t know how to have fun.” You refuse to allow Gyuvin’s demeaning words to get to you.
“Plus, she’s probably still a virgin.” Matthew cackles, high-fiving Gyuvin, while you wallow in humiliation. “That explains why she’s insufferable. No one wants to fuck a virgin, let alone a Catholic girl like her.”
Their remarks appear to have attracted the attention of the students in your vicinity, and just as you expected, chuckles and degradation emanate from them directed at you.
Despite their cruelty demoralising your high spirit while your cheeks flush in humiliation, you feel a newfound resentment towards them, with your hand forming into a fist at your side. There is no denying that you are indeed a virgin, but you feel proud of being one.
Besides, your mother used to emphasise how crucial it is for you to safeguard and embrace your chastity. Heeding your mother’s words, you cherish and protect your virginity for the one who is destined to be your soulmate. Hence, you were given a silver ring that latches around your forefinger on your seventeenth birthday, and the ring symbolises purity.
Of course, you took pride in it, subtly flaunting your purity ring everywhere you go, but now that their demeaning words have finally gotten to you, you can’t help wondering if being a virgin plays a major part in why no guys have approached you with the intention of getting you in their bed and additionally makes you unlikeable.
You lower your head, completely disheartened, and you want nothing more than to disappear from their sight while their jeering laughter continues to taunt you.
A loud thud causes you to jolt in surprise with your head now raised, and the sight of Matthew’s face being side-planted on the surface of the table shocks you before your eyes trail to the person who has him pinned on the table with one hand on his back and the other on the table at the side of his head, locked by his strong grips.
The person you definitely don't expect to see. Jake Sim. 
You know that Jake would be strolling out and about around here since he is a computer science major, and you always come across his path. Most of the time, he would give you a brief smile before resuming to talk with his friends or even flirt with girls in the hallway.
By now, the students in your vicinity have quietened by his arrival . Jake’s presence alone is domineering enough to silence them.
“So this was what the two of you have been doing instead of resuming your respective duties.” Jake states calmly, but you are not oblivious to the way his jaw clenches while his deadly grips on Matthew elicit a yelp from the latter. “You were meant to bring fright upon your peers and not humiliate them, but here you are, lazing around.”
“We were! Really!” Gyuvin asserts, and you notice how apparent the nervousness is in his voice.
“H-He’s right!” Matthew stammers out as he makes an attempt to struggle in Jake’s grasps.
“First, you insulted and humiliated a lady. Now, you have the audacity to lie to my face?” Jake’s tongue hits the roof of his mouth, and the corner of his lips curves into a smirk that sends you shivers down your spine upon seeing how pissed-off he is, but you can’t deny that he looks oddly attractive. 
“As your house leader, I expected better from both of you.” Jake continues to speak calmly, but all the while, he has yet to release Matthew. You flinch lightly when Jake’s eyes meet yours briefly before he looks at his knight's members. “Apologise to her.”
“S-Sorry.” Matthew manages to utter, but even you can discern the insincerity in his tone.
With ease, Jake raises him just slightly before slamming him down on the surface of the table once more, eliciting a painful yelp from the latter. “Sorry who?” Jake nearly growls out his words, sending you another shiver.
In all honesty, you could care less about getting an apology from these jerks, but seeing Jake in this light genuinely shocks you. More importantly, why is he defending you in your honour?
“I’m sorry, Y/N! I won’t insult you again!” Matthew rambles out, the fear for his house leader is more than apparent, which brings a pleased smirk from the latter.
“Yes, we’re so sorry!” Gyuvin even bows to you, clutching his ghostface mask.
“The next time I catch you insulting and humiliating any lady, I won’t let it pass so easily.” Jake says sternly before finally releasing Matthew, who wastes no time retrieving his ghostface mask and his knife from the table, fleeing your table with Gyuvin.
“What are you guys looking at?” Jake’s sharp tone causes the students in your vicinity to look away from your table as they resort to minding their own business. 
When Jake’s gaze finally lands on your face, you catch the way his eyes soften and the scowl on his lips flatten. “I’m sorry about them. Are you okay?”
You blink your eyes, clearly taken aback by his duality. You ignore how your heart flutters just slightly at his soft voice as well as his gentle demeanour.
“I’m fine, Jake.” You tell him, your voice wavering subtly as you muster a small smile at him. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Of course, I had to.” Jake says, looking offended as though he were the one who had been humiliated instead of you. “I taught them better than to insult and humiliate a lady. Such conduct is unacceptable to the House of North.”
You can’t help but acquiesce and give him a smile that shoots a cupid arrow to his tainted heart, especially your dimples that he wants to poke his finger in. “Thank you.”
A smile is adorned on his face, and you hold back an endearing chuckle at how sheepish he looks, almost resembling a golden retriever puppy. “Anytime, Y/N.”
As the two of you continue to gaze at each other with sheepish smiles, familiar voices belonging to your best friends echo in the walls of your mind, reminding you of their warning to steer clear of the knights, specifically their leaders. But you ignore those warnings inside your head.
Sure, you have no intention to attract the attention of the other leaders, but this is Jake ─ the guy whose kindness has long since been embedded in your mind. You find it hard to dislike him, even though you are aware of his reputation on campus as a womaniser.
You recall when you got lost in the campus building during your second week of college in your first year three years ago, trying to find your way to the auditorium. That was when Jake found you wandering around like a lost puppy, and he was kind enough to guide you to the place you needed to go without hesitation and even engage in a short, pleasant conversation with you.
Yeah, the Jake you danced intimately with on Devil’s Night should have given you a reason to stay away from him, but you don’t have the heart to do that, especially when he had just defended you in your honour. Plus, to you at least, Jake is undoubtedly amiable, making him an approachable figure unlike the rest of his fraternity members.
Hence, you have decided to lower your guards around him, but then comes the awkwardness after the realisation that you have been gazing at him with a stupid smile on your face.
You break eye contact with him and scratch the back of your head awkwardly. “So, I guess I better get going─”
“Listen, I’ve been wanting to apologise to you.” Jake cuts you off, inviting himself to settle down across from you.
Confused, you stare at him with a single eyebrow arched. “Why are you apologising?”
Jake rubs his nape sheepishly. “For touching and kissing you without consent when we were dancing last Friday night.”
Just like that, a specific memory runs through your mind, and you recall the sensation of his touch that left you wanting more of him.
“It’s okay. I understand that we were tipsy and in the heat of the moment.” You tell him reassuringly, giving him a small smile. “I should be apologising as well for my improper behaviour.” 
Jake holds back a chuckle. Oh, how wrong you were. He was not the slightest tipsy, but he can’t let you know that.
“How was your first ever Devil’s Night?” He asks, striking up a conversation with you and hoping that it will continue on.
Truthfully, your voice sounds pleasant to hear. You’re soft-spoken, complementing your disposition, and whenever you converse with anyone who reciprocates your kindness and the ones who obviously like you, you try your best to maintain appropriate eye contact while listening attentively to them and giving your opinions or remarks if needed. That makes them want to continue speaking to you, and that’s what Jake feels about you. He can listen to you talking for hours, and he wouldn’t get sick of it.
On the other hand, you feel hesitant about whether or not you should answer his question with full honesty because, firstly, he’s one of the leaders, and he was obviously in charge of Devil’s Night. Secondly, you don’t want to offend him by letting him know that it was the worst night you ever had, and you never want to relive that night ever again.
But being a people-pleaser, you resort to giving him white lies as your lips curve into a small smile. “I had the time of my life. You guys were amazing and really outdid yourselves. I can definitely understand the hype behind Devil’s Night from most of the students here.”
You hope that Jake won’t detect your lies, but all the while, your stomach twists with something unpleasant as you speak those words. You even held yourself back from telling him that his fraternity and the rest of the students were downright mental for enjoying Devil’s Night.
Thankfully, Jake seems to believe your white lies and gives you a charming grin that sends another flutter to your beating heart. “I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it.”
Little did you know that Jake knew you meant the opposite of what you said. After all, he had seen the genuine horror on your face and your vulnerability firsthand, considering he and his comrades were hunting you down.
As his eyes rake over your delicate features, he grins cunningly in the back of his mind. Oh, how he desires to see your pretty eyes glistening and tears streaming down your smooth cheeks as he inflicts horror upon you, resulting in you running away from him while he chases after you.
"So, what’s your favourite horror movie?” The interest gleaming in his brown eyes is one of the reasons why you want to continue the conversation with him, aside from the fact that he is practically staring at you like a puppy wanting a treat.
“I’m not a fan of horror movies, but I guess the Scream movie?” You answer unsurely, shrugging your shoulders. “My friends forced me to watch with them since they’re big fans.”
This time, Jake’s interest grows tenfold. He leans his body slightly forward while his lips are curved into a grin. “But did you like them?”
“Kind of?” You answer, and you feel warmth weaving across your cheeks at the intensity of his gaze on your face. Feeling conscious, your fingers make their ascent to the silver cross pendant resting delicately on your chest to fiddle with it. “I mean, the movie was definitely interesting, and I liked the plot, but surprisingly, I wasn’t scared. If anything, I felt grossed out by the amount of bloodshed.”
The way you scrunch your nose is so endearing to him that he itches to lean forward to peck the tip of your nose, but of course, he can only afford to fantasise as always.
“Sorry.” Your cheeks flush delicately in pink as awareness slaps you at how much of a yapper you suddenly become. “I must be rambling by now. You probably wouldn’t want to hear me talk so much.”
“Actually, I do.” A tinge of softness is in his eyes, as is the soft smile unfurling on his plump pink lips. “Has anyone ever told you how pleasant you sound?”
“No.” You answer, your face contorting into confusion, to which he finds you adorable, especially when you tilt your head slightly to one side. 
“Then let me be the first one to tell you. You sound really pleasant to hear.” His smile shoots cupid arrows into your heart. “I like listening to you talk, and if you could talk all day, I would be there by your side to listen to you.”
“Now you’re just flattering me.” You murmur, your eyes zeroing on his pretty lips, and you swear they look and feel soft. The very same lips touched your skin last Friday night.
“No, I’m not. I meant what I said.” His countenance shifts into something serious, almost knocking the breath out of you upon the dark glint in his eye. “If anyone says otherwise, then their hearing must be impaired.”
“Jake!” A familiar voice calls for Jake, which you recognise. You look at the side, spotting Sunghoon and Riki from across the building as they wave at Jake, beckoning him to come over.
You turn your head to face him. “Your friends are calling for you─”
Your breath hitches in your throat when he grabs your hand and holds it tenderly. Your heart flutters as you watch him raise your hand to plant a gentle kiss on your knuckles. The sensation of his soft, plump lips still lingers on your skin, even when he withdraws.
His thumb caresses the back of your hand, sending you tingles, while his brown eyes captivate you in a way that is impossible for you to look away from. “Before I go, can you promise me one thing?”
“What is it?” You ask in a murmur, getting lost in the depths of his eyes, which are swimming with sentiments you can’t decipher.
“If anyone messes with you, even the slightest, let me know, alright?”
A look of confusion furrows your brows. “But─”
“Promise me, love.” He cuts you off sternly, but the tinge of softness remains in his tone that compels you to nod your head, earning a small smile from him. “Good. I’ll see you around soon, yeah?” His low husk at the end sends a foreign sensation through you.
“Okay, Jaeyun.” You say softly without realising that you don’t mean to accidentally call him by his Korean name.
His eyebrow arches attractively at his Korean name, which feels heavenly from your mouth, but he doesn’t comment on it. Instead, he shoots you a smirk, sending one last flutter to your heart.
He rises from his seat and proceeds to leave the table, but not before winking at you. “Goodbye for now, sweet angel.” His smirk remains on his canvas before he turns around and saunters towards his friends.
Sweet angel.
Those two words instantly remind you of the masked men on Devil’s Night, and you begin to wonder if Jake was one of your predators on that night.
“No, he couldn’t be.” You mutter to yourself as you slowly close your laptop.
There is no way Jake could be any of those four masked men that preyed on you. The same charming Jake, whose duality never fails to impress you, simply couldn’t be any of them. Sure, he’s one of their leaders, but there is absolutely no way he was capable of being one of Kim Namgil’s murderers.
As you pack your belongings into your bag, you fail to notice the wicked glint in his heavenly brown-hued eyes earlier.
Your last class ended at six, but instead of heading straight back to your dorm, you went to the cafe down the street nearby the campus to do some reading and studying for your finals while indulging your cravings for the delectable pastries.
You didn’t want to head back to your dorm since you weren’t ready to face your best friends, and you really didn’t want to deal with them, especially after reading all of their texts in which they spammed you relentlessly and even tried calling you. You have a feeling that you’ll be barraged with questions demanding explanations for your abrupt detachment.
A part of you feels guilty for it, knowing that your best friends have always been there for you, even when the rest of their peers often question why they befriended someone who has no status, rank, or abundance of wealth like them.
A sigh leaves your lips as you shake your head lightly before pushing open the door, making your exit out of the cafe establishment. You glance down at your phone screen and notice that the time has struck eight p.m. You should be heading back now, but instead, you decide to take a nightly stroll to clear the remnants of the fog in your head.
The nightly breeze is in your hair with each step you take, ambling on the pavement while your surroundings are in a blur as you go into unfocused mode. Just then, your mind drifts off to Jake Sim.
The moment his face and his charming grin appear in your head, a soft smile unfurls on your pink lips. There is no denying that you do find him attractive and sometimes cute, but truth be told, his kindness was what made you have a crush on him three years ago.
Yes, you had a crush on him, but it only lasted for a while when you found out he was a womaniser. You recall the jealousy brimming in your veins whenever you saw him with different girls clinging to his arm every week. You knew that he wouldn’t bat an eye at you, especially after all the unpleasant words that were spoken about you and circulated on campus.
Most of the students dislike you not because you’re a good girl but because of your status rank and the fact that you do not hail from an affluent background. 
Approximately 96% of the students in Crestview Meadow’s hail from affluent families and are literally Chaebols who wield authority and power the same way as their parents’ do.
Crestview Meadows students are extremely privileged. Not only does the university provide a top-tier higher learning institution compared to any other universities across Sokor, but they also truly accommodate the students’ wants and needs.
For instance, there are massive, tall, and wide apartment complexes that are designed exclusively for students whose homes are far from the campus, also known as the dormitory. It is within a five-minute walk from the enormous, upscale campus. Undoubtedly, the cost of paying for the rent is higher and greater than that of a condominium, especially when there are amenities for the students.
Obviously, money is never an issue for most of the students enrolling at this university, considering the unfathomable wealth they wield. Some do take their wealth and high statuses for granted, but you, on the other hand, feel extremely grateful for not getting yourself into a heavy debt as you have earned numerous scholarships and the university recognises your effort in terms of academics. 
Hence, it is one of the reasons why you are driven and motivated to work hard and maintain your perfect GPA of 4.0.
The commotion of manly laughter shatters your moment of solitude, prompting you to look to the side just for your eyes to widen at the sight of a bunch of familiar faces. Your eyes briefly glance at the establishment before you finally notice that they have emerged from a bar.
You stand frozen, as though seeing them paralyses your whole being. Your eyes instantly meet Sunghoon’s, whose smile transitions to a sneer while a familiar sentiment glints in his eyes. Hatred.
“Y/N, hey!” Sunoo’s voice pulls you away from staring into Sunghoon’s dark eyes any longer. You are taken aback by the blond-haired male’s friendliness as he approaches you with a gleeful grin. You refuse to believe that this is the same guy who was part of Devil’s Night.
“What brings you here?” Sunoo asks, speaking to you in a way that makes you feel as though he is an old friend of yours. “Wait. Don’t tell me that you’re here to have a drink.” Sunoo feigned a shocked gasp. “What happened to the good girl Y/N we know and love?”
You can only afford to chuckle awkwardly, unsure of how to act, and all the while, their gazes on you render you conscious of the way you look.
A barrage of questions are on your mind, wondering if you look okay or ridiculous.
Your fashion sense has always been praised by your girls, and it also elevates your confidence. Your wardrobe mostly consists of either beige, white, black, or pink clothing. Some days you wear skirts that reach above your knees, while other days you wear pants. 
Today, you decided to wear a flared beige skirt and a white tee that is tucked in with a short beige jacket complementing your overall fit, as well as white thigh-high socks that conceal your skin. Your friends have made comments about your thigh-high socks being unnecessary since they want you to flaunt your smooth skin, but of course you refused.
Now, you can’t help but wonder what they think of you as they stare at you. Do they also think that you’re a ridiculous Catholic girl the way the others do?
“You’re scaring her, Sunoo.” Jungwon chides, shoving his shoulder against Sunoo’s. 
When your eyes meet Jungwon’s feline-like eyes, you are reminded of the night when he captured Wonyoung and his warning directed at you. You have an inkling that the hickeys on Wonyoung’s neck were his marks.
“Come on, we’re wasting time here.” Sunghoon grumbles as he walks past you, and you swear you can feel the coldness emanating from his body.
Riki disregards your existence as he heads for his bike, which is parked by the curb alongside the others’. Jungwon sends you a wink while Sunoo casts you another gleeful smile before they proceed on towards their bikes.
You manage to catch Heeseung’s fleeting gaze on your face, and when you turn your head fully to look at him, he is swift to avoid your gaze and advances towards his bike with a cool demeanour.
“Hey, angel.” Jay takes you by surprise by standing close to you, almost knocking the breath out of you with the combo of his strong cologne and cigarette smell emanating from him. As you glance up to meet his dark, lustrous gaze, he gives you his signature smirk that makes anyone fall for him.
“Missed me?” Jay asks you in a seductive lull as he raises his hand to brush the fallen strands from your face, but you back away from him immediately. “Come on, baby. You weren’t like this last Friday night when you danced with me.” He remarks with mockery that you narrow your eyes at.
Just as you are about to speak, Heeseung’s voice interrupts you, and for once, you are thankful to him. “Let’s go, Jay.”
“Always the one to ruin my fun, Heeseung.” Jay heaves a sigh and makes his way to his bike, but not before casting you another smirk that has a clear intent of suggestiveness. 
You watch as Riki, Sunoo, and Jungwon speed off ahead, followed by Sunghoon and Jay. Heeseung seems to be taking his time, and when his eyes meet yours, an indecipherable sentiment dances in his eyes before he pulls down the dark visor and proceeds to speed off with his engine blaring.
You sense his presence from behind you, and his figure is nearly looming over yours. His hot breath fans the shell of your earlobe before he greets you in a soft tone with that husky voice of his. “So we meet again, lovely.”
Your heart nearly lurches in your chest upon seeing how close he is to you, and you swear you can feel his body heat. As you turn around to face him, the smell of smoke fills your nostrils.
“I had no idea you smoked.” You point out politely, your lips pressing thinly. You actually hate the unpleasant smell of smoke.
The smile on Jake’s lips falters upon noticing the expression on your face. “Oh, no, I don’t smoke.” He tells you with the utmost sincerity. “It was theirs, but I swear I don’t smoke.” Even he has no idea why he is affirming with such earnestness.
You nod your head in understanding. Even if he does smoke, it isn’t in any of your business anyway.
“Where were you from?” Jake asks, tilting his head slightly to one side while curiosity sparkles in his eyes.
“I was from the cafe down the street and decided to take a nightly stroll.” You tell him. “What about you? Isn’t it unwise to drink on a school night?”
Jake’s smile curls into a grin as he takes a step forward. “Are you worried for me?”
Your eyebrows pull together. “Yeah, I mean, don’t you have classes tomorrow? Plus, you’re driving.”
“You’re so fucking adorable.” He whispers huskily while your eyes widen in shock at the sudden shift in his demeanour. His eyes meet yours with an indecipherable intensity. “Don’t worry about me, lovely. I drank a little, but I have a high alcohol tolerance.”
“If you say so.” You say before taking a step back. “Just drive safely, okay?”
“Ride with me.” He says so firmly that there is no room for objections.
Your eyes divert to his sleek black bike, and you begin to feel wary. “I don’t know….I’ve never rode a bike before, so I’m a little scared.”
“Don’t be.” Jake grabs your hand without any hesitation and gives it a tender squeeze while his soft, brown eyes are pulling you into him. “As long as you hold on tight to me, you’ll be fine. I’ll keep you safe.”
“I need you to trust me, love.” Jake cuts you off firmly, but his grasp on you remains tender. “Trust me, yeah?” He whispers, and you can’t help but to nod your head.
The next thing you know, he is assisting you with his helmet while you stand in front of him, your eyes staring at his pink plump lips in awe upon the close-up.
“Does it feel too tight?” He asks you, causing you to look into his eyes.
You shake your head, but frown at the realisation. “What about you? It’s dangerous for you to be riding without a helmet.”
“Lovely, you should really stop worrying about me.” He chuckles breathily before guiding you to his bike, which you have trouble mounting due to how high it is.
You become startled when he places both hands on your waist to lift you with ease as you mount his bike. You struggle a little to balance yourself, and when he mounts his bike in front of you with ease, you latch your arms around his waist without any hesitation.
You feel his body visibly tensing before he relaxes and proceeds to switch on the ignition. You ignore the way your breasts are pressed against his back, and you hope he doesn’t mind it. 
“Hold on tight, lovely.” Jake reminds you once more over his shoulder before he takes you by surprise at the abrupt blare of his engine as he drives off.
You close your eyes while tightening your arms around him, your heart beating fast at the speed as the two of you ride against the vindictive wind. He is going at such an insane speed that you swear it is as though he is in a racing competition.
Finally, you dare yourself to flutter your eyes open, and when you do, you no longer feel the trepidation coursing through your veins. Your eyes sparkle with awe as you manage to catch glimpses of the gorgeous city lights. Although you no longer fear riding a bike, your arms remain tight around his waist.
But soon you realise that he is not heading in the direction of your dormitory. “Where are you taking me?” You raise your voice so he can hear you better over the wind.
“Somewhere.” His answer doesn’t satisfy you, yet you choose not to ask any more questions. But the smirk in his tone doesn’t go unnoticed by you. “Oh, and Y/N?”
“Call me Jaeyun from now instead.”
The familiar sight of the golden gate opening automatically greets your sight before he accelerates forward, while you are rendered gobsmacked by the fact that Jake has brought you to the very place where Devil’s Night commenced.
When your eyes sweep over the magnificent palace, you shudder lightly as the events that transpired on that dreadful night play in your mind like a film. Soon, you find yourself entering a massive garage that is equivalent to the biggest living room in the palace, with different vehicle models arrayed impeccably, leaving you in awe.
“Careful.” Jake murmurs to you as he holds you against him at the moment you dismount, resulting in you nearly stumbling forward due to the imbalance and how your ankle throbs familiarly with subtle pain, but thankfully, it is healing rapidly.
“Sorry.” Your cheeks flush in embarrassment as he assists you by removing the helmet from your head and adjusting your tousled hair with a touch of gentleness.
“Thank you.” Your sincerity sends a foreign sensation through him while his eyes meet yours. Soon, a frown touches your lips. “But why exactly did you bring me here?”
“To have fun, of course.” He casts you a grin before beckoning you to follow him, and you do, allowing him to guide you to the door that leads into the palace while you take a brief glance at the garage once more.
“Fun?” You repeat it in incredulity.
His melodious chuckles ring through your head. “Fine. I brought you here because I wanted to hang out with you.” He tells you, and you detect sincerity in his tone. “Plus, I do enjoy your company.”
“If you wanted to hang out with me, you could’ve asked me tomorrow instead.”
“Well, the opportunity was there earlier, so I couldn’t miss it.” He gives you a side glance. “Besides, you looked like you needed something to ease your mind.”
Surprise flickers in your gaze. “I do, actually.”
“Then I’m your man for the night.” His breathy chuckles erupt the butterflies in your tummy. “So, what do you want to do?”
You open your mouth to speak, but an uproar comes from the second floor, prompting you to look up with bewildered eyes. “The others are here?” You ask him, and that is when you finally realise the familiar bikes in the garage earlier that belong to those delinquents.
“Yeah, but don’t mind them.” He says, rolling his eyes.
“Then you should join them instead. You don’t need me to keep you company.”
“But I'd rather be with you, lovely.” He murmurs, catching you off guard when he tugs at your wrist, pulling you closer to him with his hand making its ascent to cradle the cusp of your jaw.
Your breath catches in the back of your throat as his eyes zero in on yours, while each stroke from his thumb on your smooth cheek intensifies the butterflies in your tummy.
This time, you dismiss another commotion coming from above as you are busy getting mesmerised by his dark gaze that holds tumultuous sentiments, yet it seems to be luring you in, enticing you to explore the darkness within him.
“What do you want to do?” He asks softly, still not releasing you.
You ignore a small voice that is imploring you to push him away. “What do you have in mind?”
“Trust me. You wouldn’t want to know, lovely.” His lips curve into a smirk before he drops his hand from your cheek, but his fingers remain latched around your wrist as he pulls you with him. “I’m sure you haven’t had the chance to explore the palace, but first, I want to bring you to our private cinema.”
As Jake drags you with him, heading towards the elevator, your eyes widen as you feel astounded at the fact that this palace has its own cinema, and subsequently, you begin to wonder what else is there in this very palace. You definitely won’t be surprised if there are hidden passages somewhere here.
One thing is certain: you regret agreeing to watch Scream with him.
Your eyes are trained on the large screen, and your face contorts into a grimace when the victim’s blood is oozing from the terrible wound.
A wince leaves your lips while you find yourself instinctively burying your head into his shoulder with your fingers clutching at the hems of his top. You attempt to drown out the noise of the victim’s cries and pleas as well as the eerie sound effect that reverberates throughout the private cinema that is equivalent to the width of that of a public cinema. 
Jake turns his head to glance down at you. A chuckle emits from him as he finds you adorably endearing with how often you have attempted to use him as your shield whenever the gory parts of the movie play on the screen.
“I recall a certain someone telling me in confidence that she wasn’t afraid of watching the movie.” Jake drawls his words out, his lips remaining a smirk as you slowly raise your head to meet his eyes that hold such mischief.
In return, you can only afford to chuckle nervously. You can’t let him know that the reason you’re afraid is because your mind would always drift to the terrible events on Devil’s Night whenever the gory part of the movie came up. Moreover, your skin is crawling with disquietude the longer you’re in this very palace.
Yes, the palace looks magnificent, but you can discern the foreboding atmosphere that sends you involuntary chills every now and then. A part of you is telling you that the moment Jake brought you inside, you ought to be wary and apprehensive of your safety.
“Can we watch something else?” You murmur to him, still clinging to his arm, though not as awkwardly as you did earlier. You remain facing him, but your eyes are crestfallen with your head lowered, allowing the strands of your hair at the side to fall.
“Why? I’m quite enjoying this.” Jake continues to tease you while enjoying the fact that you are clinging to his arm dependently, with your breasts occasionally brushing against his arm.
You surprise yourself when a whine elicits from you and your pink lips form into a small pout as you meet his eyes that seem to be darkening. “Please, Jaeyun?”
His chest rumbles in pleasure at the sound of his name coming out of your mouth. “Fine.” He eventually concedes before reaching out for the controller at the side to put the movie on pause. “It turns out you are afraid of horror and thrillers after all.”
You narrow your eyes at his teasing grin, but you cave in as a sigh leaves your lips. “Yes. Now you can have another laugh at it.”
“Nah, I was just messing with you, lovely.” Jake leans forward to ruffle your hair while you are taken aback by the nonexistent space between the two of you. “Everyone has their own fears.”
“So what are your fears?” You inquire to him, feeling rather keen to know him better.
“I don’t have any.” Jake lies through his cheeky grin. “Tell me yours.”
A niggling of prudence tickles the back of your mind as if to warn you about telling him any parts of your vulnerability that he might potentially use against you. 
But as you get lost in the depths of his devastatingly beautiful brown eyes, you feel a certain compulsion to reveal everything about you, including your worries, to him.
“Genres of thriller and gore, insects,” You begin to list down, murmuring as you do so with your head lowered and your cheeks tinted pink at the fact that he has his full attention on you. “losing my loved ones, being a disappointment and failure to anyone I hold dear close to my heart.”
“You? A failure?” Jake grips your chin gently but firmly enough to force your eyes to meet his. “Lovely, you are the epitome of perfection.”
Your cheeks flare with diffidence, and even if you want to look away from him, you can’t. “I’m not perfect, Jake.”
“Yeah, you are,” Jake leans his face close to yours, causing your breath to hitch, but he stops just close enough until the tips of your noses graze ghostly against each other’s. Your heart flutters at the warmth of his touch from his palm on the side of your thigh, rubbing it tantalisingly slowly. “and wrong name, baby.”
In an instant, he has you hoisted and settles you on top of his lap with your legs straddling his muscular denim-clad thighs while your skirt is hiked up, allowing a teasing peek of your skin. Instinctively, your hands find their way to his shoulders, feeling how toned and broadened they are beneath your touch, which pays off as a result of his consistency in working out.
The cold air in the private cinema shifts drastically. The tension is palpable, and you fear it might snap at any moment in time, especially the way he is gazing at you dangerously with lidded eyes.
You are rendered speechless by the escalation, unable to form any coherent sentences. The heat of his touch on your thighs sends you involuntary shivers down your spine while his dark eyes are penetrating into yours, which are swimming with sentiments you recognise. Danger, desire, and lust.
“You’re so fucking adorable, do you know that?” The low husk in his voice stirs something within you. Your lips go slightly parted at the sensation of his palm rubbing your thigh once more. “Can you do me a favour, lovely?” Although he is asking you, you know that it is a demand.
Your mind is screaming at you to push him away and flee from him, but it is as though his touch and gaze cast a spell on you that renders you compliant.
With the inexplicable haze clouding your better judgement, you nod your head, and his lips curl into a smirk.
“I want to see you in fishnet tights. You’ll look good in them.” His eyes rake all over your body until they fall to your plush thighs. He desires to dig his nails into the suppleness of your flesh, but your thigh-high socks are a hindrance.
His demand leaves you flabbergasted, and you continue to remain silent, to which Jake doesn’t seem satisfied.
He raises his hand to cup your cheek, bringing your full attention to his dark gaze. “Can you do that for me?” He asks firmly, applying pressure to the hesitancy you bear in your mind.
“Yes.” You utter your answer while your mind vehemently disagrees with you. A newfound desire kindles in you, and that is to please Jake.
You feel his hand creeping from your thigh to your buttcheek, eliciting an inaudible gasp from you, before he pulls your body closer to his until you feel something hard touching your core. Your heart lurches in your chest while the tension between the two of you feels suffocating. 
“Jaeyun,” You whisper his name as you feel paralysed by the sensation of his hardened dick beneath you, and you fear that one movement from you will unleash the inner devil that lurks beneath his charming facade. 
His strong cologne infiltrates your senses, enticing you to bury your head into his chest and bask in his scent, but with his face leaning closer to yours, you hold yourself back from doing so.
His nose touches yours while his hot breath fans above your lips. By now, his eyes are darkened and shrouded with lustful desire for you, wanting nothing more than to devour you, fucking you into oblivion.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks softly, contradictory to how he is holding you possessively with his hand holding and palming your buttcheek while the other is wrapped around your waist.
No, you should definitely say no. Your first kiss is reserved solely for the one who will be marrying you.
“Yes.” Your heart pounds harder in anticipation of your answer.
With your consent, he closes the gap between your lips while you flutter your eyes closed, awaiting the kiss.
Just as you envisioned, his warm lips feel soft and plump as he kisses you sweetly, which has your toes almost curling. He kisses like you are made out of glass, and he takes his time as though he is memorising the shape of your lips in the back of his mind.
But you remain unmoving, uncertain of how to kiss him, and embarrassment floods across your cheeks. When he pulls away, your chest tingles with disappointment.
“I’m sorry.” You find yourself apologising to him, your eyes crestfallen. Disheartened, you slouch your shoulders and avoid his gaze. “I don’t know how to kiss.” You mutter weakly while your fingers curl into fists as they rest on his chest.
“Lovely, look at me.” His soft command compels you to heed, and when you raise your head, your heart nearly lurches in your chest when he pulls you by the nape and slams his lips on yours, and this time, there is a sense of urgency and desperation as he kisses you.
Compared to the previous kiss, this kiss is messy, sloppy even, as you are unable to coordinate with how he is kissing you, but what genuinely confuses you is the fact that he doesn’t seem the slightest bothered by how bad you are at kissing. It is as though what matters to him most is the taste of your lips.
Your stomach churns with guilt, yet your core is pooling with newfound desire. Your lips part as you gasp at the sensation of his hardness grinding against yours, and you can almost feel his tip hitting your clothed clit that is aching with forbidden need. You can almost feel how big he is.
Jake grasps the opportunity to force his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch of your hot cavern while his nails dig into the flesh of your ass. You try your best to keep up with him, your tongue tangling with his wet muscle in a mess, yet it is a mess that elicits a moan from the back of your throat.
You move your hips tentatively, testing waters, but soon you are grinding your hips against his while you attempt to feel the delirious friction of your clit rubbing against his pointed tip. A low groan emits from him at how painful his cock is, wanting nothing more than to bury himself inside of you. But he knows that he must wait patiently.
You gasp in pain when he has your bottom lip between his teeth, and you whimper as he tugs and pulls it teasingly, prompting you to flutter your eyes open and meet his dark, hypnotising ones. The corner of his lip tips up in a smirk before he devours you once more, and this time, he is assisting you with the other hand gripping your waist.
“You’re doing so fucking for me, lovely.” He rasps against your wet, parted lips with soft moans, leaving them. “So, so perfect just for me.” He purrs seductively before kissing you, while his praises send your heart fluttering.
“Jake.” You whimper against his lips in need, and goosebumps arise on your skin when he growls into the kiss. It all happens too fast, because the next thing you know, he has you pinned on the couch while your legs remain wrapped around his waist.
Butterflies flutter in your tummy as he leans down to press a gentle kiss on your neck, eliciting a pleasurable sigh from you, but a pained whimper follows when he bites down your skin in a threatening manner.
“Wrong name, baby.” He murmurs against your skin, his hand squeezing the plush of your thigh almost painfully. “What is my name?”
“Jae─” Your eyes roll to the back of your head while a breathless moan leaves your lips at the sensation of his hardened dick grinding against your pussy. “Jaeyun!”
“That’s fucking right.” He pulls away from you, hovering on top of you with his chain necklace dangling above you. You catch a glimpse of his inked tattoo on his collarbone area. “Do you want more?” He grinds again, deliberately.
“N-No.” You deny, shaking your head, but the moan that rips out from your lips betrays you, as does the way you buck up your hips in an attempt to feel for the delirious friction between your clit and his pointed tip.
Jake tuts as he halts his movement, his hand moving to brush the messy strands covering your cheeks. “It’s a sin to lie, my pretty girl.”
“Jaeyun, please!” You plead, throwing away your dignity.
“Nah, I don’t think so.” He chuckles breathily, finding pure delight in the way your eyes are glistening with need. He leans down to place a chaste kiss on your moist lips and remains there before murmuring, “But if you really want more, meet me by the entrance of the palace tomorrow night, and don’t forget to wear your fishnet thighs, yeah?”
No, for God’s sake, you should be saying no.
“Okay.” You breathe out your answer, earning you a grin from him.
You ignore the disappointment in you when he unwraps your legs from his waist and rises from the couch to adjust his denim jacket while you remain motionless, your mind in a muddle. By now, your lips are swollen, and your chest is heaving up and down from the aftermath.
Jake stares down at you with a smirk at the remnants of lust gleaming in those mesmerising eyes of yours before he extends his hand to you, which you gladly accept. As you abruptly stand, your knees nearly buckle underneath you, prompting you to latch your hand onto his bicep for support before you retract your hand from him, as though he is poisonous.
“I’d like to go back to my dorm, please.” You tell him meekly, avoiding his gaze.
You don’t say anything as you allow him to grab your hand and guide you out of the private cinema that is now tainted with traces of your sinful desire for the very delinquent you have been warned to stay away from.
All the while, as he sends you back to your dorm, your clit remains tingling and aching for some relief.
By the time you’ve reached your dorm, the time has nearly struck midnight. You had expected your roommates to be sound asleep, but when you attempt to be tactful by opening the door as quietly as you can and sneaking to your room with light footsteps in the dark, you are being greatly startled as the lights in the living room abruptly switch on, revealing two of your best friends settled in the living room.
The expressions painted on their canvas are certainly not anywhere near satisfactory, while they seem to mirror each other in the way they remain seated on the couch with their stern gazes on your figure.
“It’s nearly midnight, Y/N Kang.” Wonyoung states the obvious, her voice is so emphatic that it almost makes you cringe, because you hate it whenever she gets upset with you.
You chew your inner cheeks as you look away from their gaze while you tighten the clutch on the strap of your backpack. “Yes, and?” You dare to display your defiance, which rarely happens.
Wonyoung scoffs loudly, her disbelief is more than apparent. She rises from the couch and approaches you slowly, her eyes remaining fierce. “You’ve never come back this late! You didn’t even reply to any of our texts or return our calls!” She exclaims. “Do you even know how worried sick we got? The least you could do is inform us of your whereabouts.”
“You’re not my mother.” You snap at her, and you didn’t even intend to, but there is a newfound sensation bubbling within you that you want to unleash. Sure, Wonyoung and you bicker and even fight for a short period of time before returning to normalcy, but this time is different.
It almost feels as though you are completely fed up by their overprotectiveness and the way they often treat you like a helpless kid who knows nothing about what all stereotypical college students are like, and even more so when they often dictate your life choices.
Wonyoung’s glare deters you just slightly. “First, you’ve been giving us the cold shoulders since Saturday, and now you’re getting all attitude on us? I don’t know what happened to you, but you need to stop acting like a bitch.”
You flinch lightly as her words impact you, causing hurt to be written all over your features. Throughout the years you have known her, Wonyoung has never called you a bitch. Upon seeing the hurt reflecting in your eyes, guilt dawns on Wonyoung, but before she can apologise, you cut her off with a cold yet wavering tone.
“The fact that you still don’t even realise it yet proves that either you don’t care or you simply decided to close both eyes.”
“How are we supposed to realise anything when you don’t even confide in us?!” Wonyoung argues back.
“Hey, what’s with all the yelling?” Karina emerges from her room as she yawns, her hair is tangled while she is in her usual pyjamas, which consist of a black singlet and high shorts.
“Because I don’t feel comfortable with you guys anymore!” You raise your voice as you disregard Karina, now in a glaring contest with Wonyoung, while Yunjin’s worry is evident as she stands next to the latter. “After what happened on Devil’s Night, I don’t even know how to look at all of you the same as before.”
Amidst the anger, confusion is visible through Wonyoung’s gaze. “What are you talking about? And why did you bring up Devil’s Night?” 
“Tell us what really happened on Devil’s Night that made you act this way towards us, please.” Yunjin interjects firmly, but her gaze is softened, almost making you forget something about her.
The traumatising events reoccur in your mind as you release a shaky breath while attempting to maintain eye contact with Yunjin. “I saw you in the labyrinth garden. You were with one of the knights.” Your confession throws Yunjin off guard as she flinches visibly. “You were obviously enjoying it, even when the other knights were hunting down the rest of us and killed some students. Not to mention that there were gravely injured ones!”
Yunjin swallows harshly and takes a step forward. “I can explain─”
But your eyes return to Wonyoung before they dart down at her neck bearing hickeys. “Those are from Jungwon when he captured you that same night.” Your presumption proves correct when her cheeks tint pink. “I was worried for you and thought that he did something horrible to you, or worse.”
Getting overwhelmed by the different emotions that coalesce into one, your eyes begin to glisten with tears, blurring your vision with each blink. You can discern the guilt hanging in the cold air that is infused with their silence, but you continue to vent out the feelings you have suppressed.
“The thing that made me most upset about it was the fact that all of you didn’t seem the slightest bothered by what happened on Devil’s Night, including those students who were murdered by the notorious frat delinquents, and their only sins were simply having fun on a normal Halloween night!” You choke a sob with a fallen teardrop sliding down your cheek. “Even the rest of the students acted normal as if Devil’s Night wasn’t inhumane and traumatising enough.”
“That’s just how Devil’s Nights have always been.” Yunjin says her expression remains calmly collected, which infuriates you, because why does she seem indifferent about it? “And for that very reason, Devil’s Night is never meant for anyone with a faint heart.”
“Why are you suddenly blowing up on us about this?” Karina asks, giving you a bewildered stare. “We thought you were fine with it.”
“Because you girls should have told me in the first place how heinous Devil’s Night is!” You retort. “You girls were the ones who thought it was a good idea to bring me along with you in the first place.”
“I recall you agreeing and going to Devil’s Night on your own accord.” Wonyoung remarks annoyedly, her eyes narrowing at you.
“My biggest mistake.” You say in a tone that sounds foreign in your ears while you clench a fist. “You know what? I’m done with this.”
Just as you are about to retire to your room, Yunjin stops you with her inquiry, “At least tell us where you were earlier.”
With your back turned on them, you contemplate before opting for the other route. “None of your business.” You tell her quietly, yet it is resounding for them before you proceed to your room in haste and slam the door shut.
Your mind is on autopilot as you refuse to wallow in whatever feelings are storming all over you, heading for the bathroom to take a shower.
Minutes have passed since you entered the bathroom. Currently, you have just washed off the shampoo from your hair and are rinsing off the lathered soap on your body. Your face is devoid of emotion, but then comes the thought of Jake in your mind.
You recall what happened between the two of you earlier and how disgustingly aroused you were. A muscle pulses in your jaw while self-hatred shrouds you. How could you have done such deplorable acts just after you had sought forgiveness?
The shower steam is starting to fog in the bathroom as you remain under the shower head, allowing the water to rinse you thoroughly and self-reflecting your prior behaviour. 
But it feels as though there are devils whispering into your ears, making you recall again with another perspective how truly aroused you were and the delicious friction between your clit and the pointed tip of his clad cock, how the heat of his touch and his wet, messy kisses ignited your arousal.
You feel the familiar sensation stirring in your core before the essence starts to leak its way to your folds simply by fantasising about your ex-crush burying his thick cock into you. You squeeze your thighs in an attempt to suppress your arousal while simultaneously battling an internal conflict with yourself for being sinful once more.
Finally surrendering yourself to the devil’s lulling whisper, you begin to fantasise about Jake kissing you hotly and messily while groping every part of your body, his husky voice whispering all the dirty things seductively in your ear while he fucks you relentlessly.
You lean your back against the wall, slowly spreading your legs for good measure. Your fingers trail down to your aching clit which is in need of relief, while your free hand fondles your boob. Your head is tilted up with your chest heaving up and down as you circle your clit before you set a pace that is addictive, maintaining momentum that has you breathing heavily now.
Eventually, a moan leaves your lips as you rub and circle your clit fast while your fingers tweak and pull your hardened nipple. You begin to fantasise about Jake again, and this time, you imagine him doing this to you.
You had no idea how truly sensational masturbation was until now. You continue to get lost in the delirium, and you try your utmost to keep your moans at a minimum, but it’s like you lack the ability for control as you release moans that echo throughout the walls of the bathroom which you fear your best friends might hear.
You don’t stop, and you increase the pace as soon as you feel your orgasm impending. With one last moan, you finally come undone, feeling the sticky essence leaking from your wet folds.
With heavy pants, you quickly compose yourself by washing away the evidence of you coming undone. You know you should be disgusted with yourself, but amidst the immense guilt of the blasphemous deed, you feel a certain change within you.
Maybe you should meet him tomorrow by the palace and find out what he has in store for you.
The next morning, you fall into your normal routine ─ waking up early for morning classes despite the lack of sleep last night, and evading your three best friends once again. But one thing is certain is the fact that you have been battling against the internal conflict within you.
Of course, before you fell into the state of slumber, you prayed and sought forgiveness from God with tears brimming in your eyes, but you felt like a hypocrite as soon as you woke up from the sleep filled with a lustful dream of Jake, and you were embarrassed by the fact that even in your sleep, you managed to get wet, as evident by the dampness of your pink underwear.
Throughout your morning class, you have been completely distraught and contemplated hard on your decision to meet Jake by the palace or not, and you tried conjuring any possibilities of tonight's outcome. Against your better judgement, you chose to venture to the route that the rational part of you has been relentlessly trying to stop you.
Your phone buzzes in your hand before you glance down to read a text from your good friend, prompting you to increase your walking pace.
WINTER: I’m on my way to your dorm. As much as I’m happy that you’re finally wearing something sexy for once, do I really want to know what is going on and why?
YOU: I’ll tell you later, but only if you promise to keep it a secret from the others.
WINTER: Our good baby girl is finally being scandalous now? Sign me up! Fine, I promise I won’t reveal your secret to others.
YOU: You’re the best, Minjeongie~
WINTER: I was born to be the best, babe.
You chuckle lightly before lifting your head up, but you bump into a solid back that causes you to stagger a step back. “I’m sorry.” Just as you apologise, his strong arm slings around your neck, causing you to nearly stumble forward under his weight.
“Hey, Y/N.” His sultry voice greets you, sending you bad shivers while your skin crawls with disgust as you finally look at him. You know him mainly because he used to throw vulgar remarks at you, and he and his other pals would often verbally bully you. They stopped when your friends stepped in and defended you from them.
“Alex,” You don’t bother to conceal your grimace as you attempt to shrug off his arm from your shoulder, but that only earns you to be roughly pulled into his side. You ignore the demeaning chuckles from his two pals. “let go of me.”
“I don’t think so, especially after we saw Giselle’s instastory of you wearing that tight dress and dancing like a stripper on Devil’s Night.” Alex’s disgustingly hot breath fans your earlobe as he speaks in a seductive lull. “If I had known beneath your pristine good girl facade is an attractive slut who should put her mouth to good use─”
Having had enough of being slut-shamed once more, you use your elbow to hit him hard in the stomach while a part of you is taken by surprise by your newfound bravery. Alex groans out in pain as he releases you, but his other pal, who goes by the name Simon, grabs your arm and slams you against the wall, eliciting a pained gasp from you at the impact.
By now, you tremble in fear when Simon pins you with no way out, his knee forcefully parting your legs. His lips curl into a sneer as he glares down at you. “Did you forget who we are? I guess it’s time we teach you a little lesson.”
You attempt to shove him by the chest, but your strength is no match compared to his. “Get away from me!” Your voice is laced with desperation for help, hoping that the students in your vicinity will come to save you, but they proceed to mind their own business as if they didn’t see you getting assaulted by your past bullies.
Your three bullies laugh degradingly as they surround you before Simon grabs a fist of your hair to pull your head to the back and force your neck to arch for him to administer his assault on your dainty neck as his lips touch your skin.
The corner of your eye is filled with tears, and this earns you a mockery of ‘awww’ from Alex and his other pal, who goes by Hans.
“No one’s going to help you, bitch.” Hans slaps your cheek lightly while you continue to struggle in Simon’s grasp. “You’re crying? We haven’t even done anything to you yet.
“What a fucking loser, as always.” Alex remarks with a smirk, watching you with a cruel glint in his eye.
Just as you think it’s over for you, a familiar yet sharp voice slices through the air like a knife that nearly has you flinching at how resonant it is. “Release her.”
Never have you ever expected Park Sunghoon to be the one to save you, or so you thought.
Simon doesn’t release the instant, but he does, however, look over his shoulder to cast a sneer at Sunghoon, whose face is devoid of emotion. “Mind your own business, Park. She’s ours to deal with.”
“We didn’t expect you to save your damsel in distress, Sunghoon.” Hans comments with his eyebrow arched, intrigued. “I thought you hated this bitch.”
Your eyes glisten at the moment Sunghoon’s cold eyes meet yours, the familiar sentiment you recognise all too well glints in his dark eyes. His lips curve into a sardonic smirk. “You’re right, but I’m not going to repeat myself when I tell you once again to release Y/N Kang.”
“Why?” Alex asks with a bewildered glare.
All the while, Sunghoon’s eyes remain on yours as he continues to speak, “Because she’s already mine to deal with. Trust me when I say I’ll be doing you guys a favour.”
Simon groans. His hand, which is grabbing a fist of your hair, tightens, eliciting a painful wince from you. “Just a few more minutes, Park. Let me fuck around with her for a little.
Sunghoon’s mere action of his hand gripping Simon’s shoulder firmly takes you by a slight surprise, as does the peculiar glint in his gaze at the back of the latter’s head. “I wasn’t asking, and you’ll do well to remember whose rank is higher between us.”
Simon clenches his jaw before he eventually releases you, allowing you to grasp the opportunity to calm your nerves. “Fine. You want her?” The next thing you know, Simon’s hands are on your shoulders tightly as he shoves you roughly towards Sunghoon, resulting in your tumble, and you find yourself on the ground.
You withstand the painful impact of landing on your knees. With your palms on the ground in front of you, you curl them into fists at the utter humiliation while you hear your three bullies snicker behind you. You allow your hair to cover any parts of your face as you refuse to look up, afraid of the expression on Sunghoon’s face.
“She’s all yours to deal with.” Simon tells Sunghoon with a sense of mockery.
“I don’t suppose you can consider sharing her with us.” Alex inquires smugly.
As you are directly kneeling in front of Sunghoon, you can feel him bending down before you feel his cold fingers gripping your chin tight and forcing you to look up at him.
The concoction of abhorrence and wickedness dance delightfully in his eyes, evoking a sense of foreboding from you. "Sorry, fellas, but you gotta find other girls to prey on. Y/N Kang is mine, and if it makes you feel better, I’ll do her much worse.” Sunghoon tells them, all the while keeping his cruel gaze on your glistening eyes.
His cold eyes rake over your features once more before he lets out a scoff. “Pathetic.” He utters the word to you as he releases your chin roughly.
You hear your three bullies erupt into laughter and praise Sunghoon. You finally find the will to look up and spot the three of them surrounding Sunghoon as they proceed to walk away from you.
With sore knees, you begin to rise from the ground and ignore the stares from the students in your vicinity who had witnessed the entire humiliation.
Your heart squeezes painfully as you recall the cruelty in Sunghoon’s cold gaze. You blame yourself for expecting him to save you when you should have known that he would side with your bullies.
As you wipe another fallen teardrop from your cheek, you advance forward, resuming your journey to your dorm, but your feet are practically dragging with a trail of your disheartened spirit.
All the while, you fail to realise a pair of familiar eyes with inexplicable storms have been watching the entire thing. 
With a face devoid of emotion, he watches your low-spirited figure get further and further before he feels his phone buzzing in his pocket. He whips out his phone and proceeds to read the text notification from his best friend.
SUNGHOON: They took the bait. 
JAKE: Thanks. Remind Jungwon and Riki to lock every entrance and exit tonight.
The corner of Jake’s lips tips up in a smirk, while there is a familiar bloodthirsty glint in his eye as he leans away from the wall to make his way to meet the others.
You stare in incredulity at the garments that are laid out on your bed, while the not-so-subtle squeals from your high-spirited friend don’t go unnoticed by you.
When you specifically asked Winter if you could borrow her fishnet tights, you naturally expected her to bring the aforementioned items, but you definitely did not expect her to bring along some of her garments.
The garments consist of a black long-sleeve button-up crop top and a black pleated skirt that reaches way above your knees, barely covering your thighs. Uncertainty resides in your gaze. One of your biggest insecurities is that your thighs are thicker than your best friends’.
Honestly, you’re not too fat, but neither are you too thin. Your body proportion is something you have always found unusual. Your shoulders are slender, your breasts weigh heavier, and you admit that it hurts to run sometimes. Your snatched waist as well as your hip dips are something you are proud of, but your thighs have always been an issue for you whenever you want to try out denim pants or just pants that don’t cater to your size. Plus, you have always received remarks about your thighs from some people.
“Um, Winter,” You scratch your damp hair while your body remains wrapped in a towel. “I think the fishnet tights are enough since I did specifically ask for them.” You point out the obvious along the lines of light chuckles.
“I know that, duh, but to add some spice, you have to wear these.” Winter’s adamant tone leaves you no choice but to acquiesce. “Now that we’re at it, what is the special occasion? Who are you hooking up with?”
You gasp at her just as you retrieve the pleated skirt and the black top. “I’m not hooking up with anyone!”
“Girl, you can’t fool me. I mean, fishnet tights, seriously?” Winter deadpans. “Plus, there is only one person who has fishnet tights kink, and that very person is the one and only Jake Sim.”
Your cheeks flare with diffidence, but a certain curiosity pops into your mind as you stare at her. “How do you know about that?”
“I’ve heard a thing or two from the girls he had slept with in the past.” Winter says, getting distracted as she inspects her acrylic nails. “So are you going to hook up with him or not?”
“I─” You pause, and uncertainty wraps around your head despite your understanding of the clear intent of his suggestion last night. You heave a sigh. “I don’t know, and I don’t even know why I’m doing this.”
“Face it, babe. Deep inside of you, you want a taste of him.” Winter grins smugly while you grimace in return. “I really want to know all the details about how you and him happened, but that can wait.”
You watch as Winter makes her way to your wardrobe drawer, where you store your undergarments, and pulls it open before she rummages through them.
“Winter!” You shriek as she tosses each out, causing them to be scattered on the floor. “I just had them organised last week!”
“I’ll reorganise them for you later!” Winter chirps before finally having her hands on the pieces she looked for. You hear her gasping dramatically. “Y/N Kang! You sneaky little vixen!”
You groan at the gleeful tone in her exclamation as well as the pretty black lace bra and underwear in her grasp. “Karina bought them for my birthday last year.” You grumble out.
“That’s my girl.” A Cheshire grin adorns Winter’s face at the mention of Karina. She shoves those undergarments into your already-occupied hands. “Now go. I’ll be waiting here to do your makeup gorgeously so Jake won’t be able to keep his hands off of you.”
You roll your eyes in return, but just as you move forward, you halt your steps and look at Winter, who is seated on the edge of your bed, bouncing lightly with the same grin on her face. “I promise to tell you all the details of how it happened, but can you promise me that you won’t tell the others?”
“You have my word.” Winter gives you a firm head nod.
“Not a single soul.” You say firmly.
“Girl, just get your ass into the bathroom and get changed. I’ll keep all of your naughty deeds in full secrecy.”
Your eyes narrow at Winter as she makes the silly gesture of zipping her mouth before you eventually relax the tension in your head and proceed to change.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that a part of you has been looking forward to this night, but by the time you arrive by the gates of the palace, you realise that it is still a little earlier than the time Jake had stated last night.
The cold breeze manages to breach through the thin material of your top, sending you shivers before you latch your arms around your figure in an attempt to warm yourself. The same breeze caresses your legs, which are adorned with fishnet tights, prompting you to press the button at the side as it buzzes.
Just as you retract your hand, a moment of ambivalence hits you. The rational part of you is begging for you to reevaluate your absurd decision to come here, but the moment the golden gates automatically open, you know that it is too late to back out. You can only afford to wallow in regret.
With each step you take forward, your heart gradually pounds hard against your chest, uncertain of what the night holds. Of course, you are expecting something that involves resuming where the two of you left off last night, but at the same time, you are caught up in turmoil.
The loud clanging sound of the golden gates surprises you, prompting you to look over your shoulder to see the gates are closed, unable to make your exit. You swallow harshly before proceeding to venture forward.
Naturally, you head for the palace’s entrance, and as soon as you nearly reach it, a figure sporting all-black attire emerges from the side bush, and just his abrupt presence alone manages to give you a scare as you let out a shriek.
You hear chuckles beneath the grey mask that obscures his identity. “You really do have a faint heart.”
At the sound of his voice, a frown tugs at your lips. “Jungwon?”
Once Jungwon removes his mask, his feline-like eyes lock with yours, and his lips curve into a grin that has inexplicable intent. “You arrived earlier than expected.” He remarks calmly while you shift comfortably under his gaze. “Whatever. Either way, you’re going to get what you want the moment you step foot into our zone.”
Jungwon takes a menacing step forward, and instinctively, you recoil, but Jungwon is swift enough to grab you by the arm and pull you roughly towards him. “Last chance for you. Are you sure you’re up for this?” He asks quietly, his dark eyes scrutinising your face. “Because once you agree, everything that will happen next is essentially consensual.”
The apprehension in your tummy becomes tenfold while your mind is imploring you to run from this place, but your curiosity will always get the best of you. “Yes, I’m up for this.” The words fly out of your mouth affirmatively, and the small voice in your head is berating you for basically digging in your own grave.
A glimmer of delight shines in Jungwon’s eye. “You’re stupid, Y/N.” He remarks with a derogatory chuckle, but there is a certain knowingness etched on his face. “But I can see why he has taken a liking to you.”
You ignore the way his eyes rake all over your figure before he returns his gaze to your face and tightens his grip on your arm. “Let’s go.”
Instead of guiding you into the palace, Jungwon navigates his way around the building while literally dragging you as you struggle to keep up with him.
“Where are you taking me?” You ask, and you nearly stumble due to the roughness of his deadly grip on your arm as he continues to pull you.
Jungwon doesn’t answer your question straight away, and just as you are about to inquire once more, your attention is pulled away from him to the familiar massive labyrinth garden. Those unpleasant memories from Devil’s Night flood your mind while you stagger a step back, flinching in fear.
You haven’t realised Jungwon has released his grip on your arm until his voice draws your attention to him once more. “Jake doesn’t know that you’re here yet, because he is preoccupied with a little something.” Your eyes narrow at his coy smile. “In fact, I shouldn’t have brought you here.”
“Then why have you brought me here?” You ask adamantly, no longer restraining your great annoyance for him.
“To spice things up, as you girls would say. You should head inside and don’t even think about trying to escape.” Jungwon warns you, his smile is no longer on his face. He takes deliberate, slow steps back while keeping his dark gaze trained on your face. “Good luck, Y/N. Hopefully, you’ll survive the night.”
“What?” You frown, watching as he gets further and further away. “Jungwon!”
Concurrently, as soon as you call for Jungwon, a scream belonging to a man pierces through the cold air, startling you. Your heart begins to pound in apprehension as you hear some commotion nearby.
You should have run away, but instead, you take tentative steps forward while you survey your surroundings, and you can discern another noise that sounds awfully akin to those gory movies you watched, as though someone is being stabbed.
“H-Hey, man! We can talk things out instead!”
You frown at the familiar voice of your bully, who sounds frantic and pleading with someone. You halt your steps just as you are about to turn to the right corner, where the source of the commotion is happening.
“You should’ve thought about it the moment you dared to touch and kiss her with your filthy lips.”
You are nearly rendered shocked by the unfamiliar coldness in his tone amidst the palpable darkness. You swallow down a lump in your throat before daring yourself to take a peek, and when you do, your eyes widen in mortification at the gruesome sight of Alex and Han’s lifeless bodies with blood splattered everywhere, but what horrifies you the most is the slit wound on their necks with blood oozing profusely still.
“You’re fucking deranged, Jake!” Simon’s yell pulls your attention to them, and you watch as Simon attempts to crawl backwards away from Jake while his hand is holding the side of his bleeding waist. “To go to this extent just for that fat bitch?!”
You know too well he is referring to you, causing you to wallow momentarily in dejection upon the familiar insult you have heard before. But Simon’s yell pulls your gaze to him again, and this time, you accidentally release an audible gasp that no doubt reaches their ears.
With Jake’s back facing you, you watch in pure horror when he plunges the knife in his grasp deep into Simon’s stomach with no hesitation. Simon coughs out blood, and that is also when you realise how badly fucked up his face looks. 
“The ‘fat bitch’ you referred to has a name, and for the record, she’s not fat.” Jake’s voice sounds deeper, and you can detect the snarl in his tone. “I’m so gonna enjoy killing you for assaulting what’s mine.”
“She’s not worth it!” Simon manages to splutter, wheezing as Jake twists the knife deeper into his stomach before he withdraws the knife to bring it to Simon’s neck. Simon doesn’t have the opportunity to say his last words when Jake swiftly slices his neck with clean precision, as though he is an expert at killing his victim.
You watch as the life in Simon’s eyes perishes before Jake roughly releases him, allowing his body to fall to the ground with a loud thud.
Numbness is all you can feel. As you stare at their lifeless bodies, you have no idea what to feel for them. Internal conflict resides with you. A part of you agrees with the fact that they deserve to die after what they did to you, but the goodness in you feels sorrowful over their deaths. 
The metallic smell of their blood pervades the foreboding atmosphere as well as your nostrils, snapping you out of the trance before you redirect your focus on the man whom you thought wasn’t capable of such a heinous act.
Holding the blood-stained knife that is dripping with the remnants of Simon’s blood, he slowly turns around, giving you a good view of his appearance. Your jaw goes unhinged upon seeing the ghostface mask obscuring his face.
By now, it is too late for you to hide yourself from him, as you can almost feel the intensity of his gaze behind that mask. Trepidation courses through your veins while your stomach churns with uneasiness as you stare at him in a different light.
Jake tilts his head slightly to one side, as though he is curious. “What are you doing out here?”
You don’t answer his question as you dart your eyes at your dead bullies before swallowing harshly. “You killed them.”
Jake takes a step forward, but you instinctively back away from him. “Why the sad face, beautiful? Shouldn’t you be glad that I did you a favour? They won’t be bothering you anymore.”
You curl your hand into a fist while you attempt to soothe your nerves. “But you didn’t have to kill them.” You say shakily.
“Of course, I had to!” Jake’s sudden outburst startles you, making you go flinching. “Don’t you understand? They fucking assaulted you! This is the consequence of their actions!”
“You’re crazy, Jake!” You surprise yourself when you manage to find your voice, but your hand remains trembling in fear for the man you thought was filled with radiant kindness.
Jake halts his steps, and it is hard for you to decipher the expression on his face, but at the moment he releases chuckles, you shiver at how dark and deadly he sounds. “You haven’t seen anything crazy yet, beautiful.”
In a blink of an eye, he charges towards you, and your body goes into a fight-or-flight mode as you find yourself running away from him. You don’t even have the time to marvel at your agility and how you are able to run at this pace, only desperate to fight for your survival.
Behind his mask, a cunning grin smears across his lips, finding the sheer thrill and excitement in preying on you. He purposefully decreases his pace, giving you the illusion that you have managed to outrun him as the two of you have entered the palace.
Things have differed from the original plans he had for you. You weren’t even meant to witness him kill your bullies. He had only intended to let you know after he managed to bury himself inside of you. Part of him is mad at Jungwon, but he can’t deny that this changes things into a rather thrilling adventure.
The darkness lurking beneath his charming countenance relishes the palpable fear and anxiety you exude as he watches you ascend to the second floor in haste.
You stop momentarily to take a breather. Your chest squeezes painfully with each breath you take. As you look around, you silently berate yourself for not making it to the exit of the palace.
“Awww, why did you stop running?” Your body goes frigid upon hearing his voice just a few metres from behind you.
You whip around, staring at him with wide panic eyes. “Let’s play a little game, shall we?” He says, taking one step forward. “You’re going to run and find someplace to hide,” A chuckle of delight leaves his lips. “but if I catch you, I will fuck you, and if you try to escape again, I will kill you.”
Jake does not mean it literally. He just wants to give you a good scare. The way your glistening eyes are staring at him in palpable fear entices the wickedness in him.
The trepidation is making your head dizzy, while the fear enveloping your weak heart springs tears to your eyes. “J-Jaeyun─”
“Run, Y/N.” Jake shocks you as he nearly growls out, but it is as though your body has been paralysed, remaining rooted to the ground. “I said fucking run!”
And you do, picking up the pace. The interior is massive enough for you to aid your refuge from facing Jake’s malignity, and you grasp the opportunity to turn into a deep end corner where the long stretch of corridor displays doors that lead to different rooms.
“You better start hiding, my lovely!”
You dash straight for the flight of stairs next to you, all plans of hiding in one of the rooms are forgotten. When you reach the third floor, you have a hunch that either of these doors are their rooms.
Hearing his footsteps approaching from below, you decide to shove yourself inside an empty store room, which lacks any lights, before closing the door as quietly as you can. You whip out your phone frantically in an attempt to turn on the flashlight while your heart is racing at the familiar fear of being shrouded in total darkness.
With a heavy pant as you lean your back against the wall, you grasp this opportunity to regulate your emotions, which feel like a maelstrom within you. Your hand that is holding your phone remains trembling from the trepidation.
Your phone vibrates as notifications pop up.
WONYOUNG: Hey, can we talk later?
WINTER: Have fun, babe! Don’t forget to tell me all the juicy details ;)
You scoff lightly at Winter’s text. If only she knew that Jake was a psychopathic killer who had murdered your bullies. But then again, you don’t feel the slightest remorse. 
Instead of responding to any of them, you tuck your phone in your pocket and inch closer to the door. You press your ear against the door in an attempt to listen for his voice or footsteps, but there are none. Your hand finds its way to twist the doorknob before you slowly pull open the door. You peek your head outside and check for the coast.
The ominous atmosphere is accompanied by a cold, deadly silence. Mustering courage, you switch off your flashlight and step out of the room. You begin to devise quickly, deciding that you need to find another way to make your escape.
Stealthily, you advance forward, but hesitation is discernible from each step you take. Your inner turmoil persists while your skin is crawling with dread, hating how painfully silent the whole palace is and how dim the lights are getting.
Just as you are about to make your descent to the second floor, a startled gasp leaves your lips when your eyes lock onto the familiar ghostface. He is leaning sideways against the wall with one arm folded while the other is toying around with his knife.
“Hello, love.” Jake greets you, remaining unmoving from his position while you are trembling with palpable fear for your predator. You can already imagine the grin on his face as you detect his tone.
“Jake,” There is a plea in your voice as you take a step back. “please, let me go.”
But Jake simply ignores your plea. You watch as he goes perfectly still, as does the air around you while your figure is transfixed. You draw a sharp breath while your heart pounds erratically against your chest, uncertain of what to expect next.
The movement of his head tilted catches your keen eyes, and without any warning given to you, he catches you off guard when he dashes up to you, and you release fearful shrieks as you attempt to make a run in the opposite direction.
For a moment, you have forgotten that he used to be the captain of the rugby team, and you underestimated his agility.
With his hand firmly on your arm, he pulls you to him until your back hits his solid chest. You swear you hear his low, ragged breaths beneath his mask, and this position reminds you of the night he danced intimately with you, but this time, he has embodied a serial killer that you watched on screen twice.
Jake doesn’t say anything and forcefully drags you to one of the rooms, which you presume is his room. The cold air smacks you in the face as he forces you into his room. He kicks the door closed behind him before guiding you to his king-sized bed and pushing you down without any thoughts of gentleness.
You land face-flat on the mattress with a grunt before quickly turning around, your eyes staring at your own ghostface looming ominously over your figure. Your skirt is hiked way above your thighs as you attempt to scramble away from him, but just as you do, your pulses drum in your ears when he pins you on the bed with his knee in between your parted legs.
The streaks of moonlight streaming into his bedroom window illuminate the mask, allowing you to soak up the image of his ghostface mask up-closed into your frazzling mind as he leans down. Your eyes widen the slightest fraction while your heart nearly lurches in your chest. 
As the faint metallic smell of blood is detectable from his potentially stained black garments, your fear becomes tenfold, but you refrain from allowing the tears that have collected in the rims of your eye to leak out.
"I told you to run, did I not?" The pointed tip of his once blood-stained knife grazes down on your cheek tantalisingly slowly before it reaches your neck.
A tear manages to escape the corner of your eye while you release a whimper that galvanises the wickedness in him. "J-Jake, t-this isn't you─"
"You have no idea who I truly am, lovely." His chuckles that you once found endearing before are laced with malicious intent, and your body trembles with trepidation beneath him when he presses the sharp edge of the knife to your throat. "Do you remember what I told you earlier about what happens if I catch you?"
"You─" Your voice visibly shakes, which denotes fear, and your breath hitches in your throat when he uses his other hand to expertly unbutton your top while he awaits your next words. You swallow a whimper before forcing yourself to speak again. "You will fuck me." You weakly utter the profanity that tastes like poison on your tongue.
"And if you try to escape?" He asks, humming delightfully as he unfastens the last button of your top, now revealing your pretty black lace bra that barely covers the expanse of your plump breasts.
Dread crawls onto your skin as you whisper the next words, "You'll kill me."
You watch as he slowly removes his mask, allowing his long strands to hover over his chiselled forehead. You ignore the way your heart flutters as he smirks down at you with the craze glinting in his eyes. "I'm going to fuck you all night, and you're going to scream my name until you forget yours, but first, spread your legs for me, lovely."
Jake proceeds to unzip the side of your pleated skirt before pulling it down, with you obediently assisting him as you lift your hips, which earns you an appreciative hum from him.
He taps your thigh, a signal you surprisingly understand, and you do as you were told, slowly spreading your legs for him despite the embarrassment flooding scarlet red across your cheeks, but you are thankful that the room barely has any lights. You don’t want him to see the stretch marks around your thighs.
It takes him every ounce of self-restraint from completely pouncing on you and burying his cock to the hilt of your cunt. He can already imagine the sweet taste of your pussy that no one has ever breached.
His eyes rake all over your magnificent figure, and he marvels at how truly perfect you look, especially your thighs that he desires to squeeze around his head as he delves into your cunt.
On the other hand, you take his silence as him judging you, causing your insecurity to resurface until you find yourself closing your thighs, but Jake is not having any of that.
“I said to keep them open, lovely.” Jake speaks through gritted teeth, his hand on the plump of your inner thigh and forcing it open, and you heed his command, not wanting to piss him off any longer.
At the moment his thumb comes into direct contact with your clit, you gasp in surprise. Your mouth opens partially with more inaudible gasps as his thumb begins to stroke your clit tenderly. The thin material of your translucent lace black underwear allows you to feel the friction distinctly.
“Did you dress up all prettily for me, love?” The gentleness in his tone takes you by surprise while he continues his ministration on your now-aching clit, which needs more than his thumb. He hums seductively, leaning down to place a sensual kiss on your throat. “I knew you would never disappoint me. You’re too good. My good fucking girl.”
Butterflies awaken from their slumber in your tummy upon hearing his praise, sending you an odd sensation. Sure, you’ve always earned praise from your family and your friends, but this feels like it's on another level. It makes you crave to seek validation and earn praise from him.
Jake steals your chance to speak as he decides to take you by great surprise when he practically rips your lace underwear, drawing a disbelieving gasp from you. “Jaeyun!”
“It was in the way, lovely.” He nearly whines in between grumbles, surprising you again. Just as he is about to grab both your thighs, you close them again as you shake your head. “Love─”
“They’re too thick.” You allow yourself to display vulnerability over the fact that you’re insecure about your thighs. Your head is turned sideways, and you do not know what the expression on his face is. “M-Maybe we shouldn’t─ Jaeyun!”
A shriek emits from you at the moment he roughly pushes your thighs apart by force and hooks his arms around them before pulling you roughly until your legs are hanging in the air by the bed. That is when you also realise he is kneeling to the ground with his face directly at your clean-shaved pussy.
“Thick or not, I don’t care.” He murmurs, nearly salivating, as his eyes zero in on your pussy. “I’m gonna show you the appreciation you deserve.” He squeezes your thigh with affection.
Something stirs within you, a newfound sentiment, but before you can decipher it, the wet sensation on your folds shocks you before you raise your head slightly to see him lapping his tongue on the heat of your pussy.
“Jae─” You stop midway, your mouth parting open with breathy moans. Your chest heaves up and down, breathing heavily as his wet muscle delves in between your folds. The tip of his nose grazes against your aching clit as he inhales your sweet scent that matches your taste. He continues to eat you out, as though he has been long since deprived of pussy, getting addicted to your taste as he licks your nectar.
Maybe because you’re a virgin, but fuck, you taste divine, unlike anything he imagined. His cock starts to harden at the tightness of your cunt around him.
Eventually, you begin to grind your hips as you desire to feel his tongue deeply into you, and his chest rumbles with approval from your ministration. “Nngh! Oh my god!” A high-pitched moan tears from your throat, rolling your eyes as you throw your head to the back and realise how sensational getting eaten out truly is.
But Jake halts, retracting his tongue from your needy cunt and drawing a whine from you. His tongue hits the roof of his mouth, hating the word that just came out of your mouth.
“God, please, please, please!” You sound pathetic as you plead for him to lap your cunt.
“No more praying for you, baby.” You hear the derogatory tone and husky rasp projecting in his voice, along with that attractive, thick accent.
Your thighs are hurting with the way his nails are digging into your skin, and goosebumps arise on the surface of your skin as he lightly blows at your inviting, wet hole before he takes you by surprise once more as he dives back into you, and this time, the lapping of his tongue on your tongue is messy and sounds utterly obscene.
“Jake!” Your moan sounds disgustingly lewd in your ears, and yet you don’t want this to end, gradually grinding your hips while your fingers are tugging the roots of his raven strands hard, eliciting a groan from him that sends vibration through your body.
“That’s right. Scream my name just like that.” He chuckles darkly as he pulls away from you just slightly before plunging his fingers into you, causing your jaw to unhinge at the abrupt invasion. “This room is your church, and I’m your fucking preacher now, baby.”
You should be hating the words that left his mouth, but instead, you become even more aroused with lust, as it is clouding your better judgement. 
His two fingers thrust in and out of your slick cunt tentatively, watching you under his dark gaze. Despite the raging beast in him that is close to being unleashed, he knows that he should be gentle with you, and he also yearns to make your first memorable.
“You okay?” He asks softly, halting his fingering movement upon seeing your face.
Your glistening eyes meet his dark ones as he hovers on top of you, and you nearly melt at the sweetness of his gaze, such a contrast to the person he was earlier. Your eyes flicker down at his plump lips before you slowly nod your head. “I’m okay. I want─”
You smack your lips shut together, feeling diffident at how needy you sound. A whimper leaves your lips at the loss of his fingers from your pussy.
“What do you want, lovely?” He asks, his gentle tone is an encouragement to you.
“I want more,” You tell him meekly, but the sincerity in you is palpable. Hesitantly, you decide to take initiative as your hands find their way to slither upward to his chest until they latch on the sides of his neck. “and I want you to kiss me.”
His heart soars at how adorable you are, but soon, the darkness inside of him takes control, wanting nothing more than to ruin you by the time he is done with you. Ruin for anyone to take you. Ruin for his best friends to fuck you.
He presses his lips against yours in a heated kiss, savouring the taste of cherry on your lips that has him kissing you with such fervour. Your skin tingles as his hand roams around your body before it rests on the side of your thigh, palming and squeezing the flesh in appreciation.
Satisfaction spreads across his chest as he hums into the kiss at the fact that you remembered his request that you wear fishnet tights.
As he pulls his lips away from yours, you gasp, feeling utterly breathless by the kiss. Your eyes are dazed as he retrieves the knife from the side without you knowing what he has planned for you next.
“Now, lovely, you’re going to fuck yourself onto my knife and cum on the handle.” He commands darkly, pulling you out of the trance as nervousness pulses through you.
“W-What?” You are clearly flabbergasted by the absurdity of his command and the abrupt shift in his demeanour. “But Jaeyun─”
Your breath hitches in your throat as the handle of the knife touches your clit before he drags it down to your wet slit. “Don’t disappoint your preacher now. You’re my good church girl, aren’t you?” The subtle derogatory tone in his voice makes you aroused instead of humiliated.
“Yes.” You whisper, subsequently grinding your slick cunt on the handle with his hand gripping the other edge. With each stroke you administer, you become more aroused amidst the fear of the sharp edge cutting your skin.
You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth, refraining from eliciting a moan. But Jake narrows his eyes at you and, without warning, pushes the handle in between your wet folds threateningly. “Don’t you dare silence out your pretty moans.”
A whimper emits from you, but you don’t stop grinding, needing to achieve the prior climax. But the knife’s handle alone is not enough, prompting your thumb to find its way to your aching clit that is in need of relief.
Jake watches you with heavy lust that shrouds his dark gaze as you masturbate. The tendrils of your brunette waves spread above you gracefully while your lidded eyes are reflecting the same desire as his, and soft moans occasionally leave your mouth as you grind on the knife sensually. Your chest heaves up and down, allowing his eyes to marvel at the plumpness of your breasts, which are still adorned with a black lace bra.
Oh, you are most definitely his wet dream. 
“Jaeyun.” Your pretty moan pulls him out of the trance, and when he looks down at you, your eyes are glistening with needy tears. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Do it, lovely.” He leans down to place a wet kiss on your lips that leaves you wanting more of him. “Wanna see you cum all over this knife.”
He swats your thumb away from your clit and assists you, his thumb circling your clit deliberately fast that has your stomach twist in a knot while his other hand, which is holding the knife, unrelentingly slides up and down on your wet folds.
“J-Jaeyun!” You moan out, throwing your head to the back with your hands now latching onto your breasts to palm them, unintentionally giving him a show to marvel at. With how skillful his thumb is, you feel your orgasm impending.
“Come on, lovely. Cum.” He nearly growls out his command as he quickens the pace of his thumb on your clit, and at once, your thighs slightly tremble as you finally come undone while you roll your eyes to the back.
His tongue slides across his bottom lip as he gazes down, enthralled by the sight of your cum leaking from your wet folds before they drip down to the handle. You whimper when you feel the warm handle come into contact with your folds as he uses it to scoop some of your essence.
Jake brings the handle to your lips. “Open.” On his command, you do, and you are caught off guard when he inserts the handle into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself. “Lick your cum.”
Despite the sticky sensation on your tongue that you find disgusting, your tongue begins to lick and swirl around to capture the remnants of your cum. All the while, your eyes remain fixated on Jake’s, wanting to please him.
His eyes darken with something primal at the image of you sucking and licking his cock the way you do now, but he’ll leave that for the others to teach you, because right now, the only thing he needs is to be inside of you.
He pulls the handle away from your mouth and tosses it elsewhere on the bed before slamming his lips on yours, forcing his tongue into the hot cavern of your mouth and licking the remnants of your cum on your tongue. You moan into the lewd kiss, your hands roaming around his body.
“I’m gonna fuck you raw now,” He murmurs against your wet lips before pulling away. “and I’ll be fucking you as ghostface.”
Your heart quickens in anticipation, and the excitement dancing in your eyes doesn’t go unnoticed by him as he retrieves his mask at the side, chuckling darkly at you. “Yeah? You like the idea of a serial killer fucking you, baby?”
You don’t answer as you watch him shed the mask, obscuring his charming countenance. He unzips his pants and allows them to fall to the ground, prompting you to look at his lower region in surprise to see the visible thickness through the material of his boxer brief.
You look away as soon as he pulls it down. You feel him spreading your thighs once more, and this time, something warm and heavy taps onto your clit causes your body to jolt at the pleasurable sensation. He does it again and again, enjoying how your body responds just by the tip of his cock hitting your clit.
“Please.” You plead in a whimper, hating how he teases you. You attempt to entice him by sensually moving your hips.
“Since you asked so nicely.” He grins behind his mask, collecting the wetness from your folds and using it as lubricant before slowly inserting his dick into your inviting hole that welcomes him, but the tightness is still there, eliciting a hiss from him. “Baby, you’re so fucking tight.”
Your jaw slackens at the girth of his shaft, feeling the thickness that your walls are having a hard time accommodating to his size. A fallen teardrop streaks on your cheek, alarming him.
“It’ll be all right in a moment.” He cups the side of your face, using his thumb to wipe away the tear on your cheek. He grunts as he continues to breach your entry. Your tightness is driving him crazy. “Just gotta get you adjusted to my cock─” Your cunt finally envelopes him wholly. “There we go.” A satisfied groan rumbles deep from his chest, relishing the way your warm walls hug his cock. 
As he slowly thrusts into you, the pain you are feeling is unlike any other. You underestimated his thickness.
More tears are collecting in the rims of your eyes as he drags his cock along your walls, but his constant whisper of reassurances and the way he is cradling your cheek with care alleviate the pain temporarily before it transitions into something you discern pleasure in.
Your hand flies to grip onto his bicep for support, feeling his muscle beneath your touch flex.
Upon hearing feeble moans from your lips, he begins to pick up the pace, thrusting into you fervently with an insatiable hunger for you. His fingers dig into your skin at your hips painfully, but it is an addictive pain you relish.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing me hard, baby.” His husky voice sends your heart fluttering. He grabs one of your legs and holds it to his shoulder, his hand squeezing your calf while you are a tad surprised by how flexible you are. “Talk to me, lovely. Tell me how good I’m making you feel.”
“So, so good.” The sound of your adorable whine has him clenching his jaw, and a loud moan comes from your throat as he snaps his hips against your bum, burying himself to the hilt. “Jaeyun!”
“Fuck, baby.” He grits his teeth as he feels your walls clamping around him tight, as though they never want to let go. “Scream my name again.”
Jake withdraws his cock from you, leaving only the tip to remain in between your folds, before delivering a hard thrust into you with his hips slapping the back of your thighs painfully. You scream his name again before moaning his name like a mantra as he continues to fuck you.
You whimper with tears streaming down your cheeks as you stare at him, loving the pain and pleasure he is giving you. He grabs your other leg to his shoulder and encases your calf with his arms in a lock before fucking deeply into you in a mating press that nearly has your body folded into half.
For a moment, your jaw goes slacken with silent moans emitting from your lips while your eyes go white as they roll to the back in pure ecstasy, feeling the way he is splitting you open.
With high-pitched moans leaking from your nearly drooled lips, you feel the familiar impending orgasm knocking violently on the door. “Jaeyun!” You begin to scream his name over and over, which sounds euphonious to his ears.
“Yeah? You’re close, lovely?” He asks mockingly, fucking into you without any ounce of mercy while his raging cock is in dire need of release, especially with the way your walls are quivering around him. but he holds himself back from cumming so easily. “Fucking cum all over my cock.”
At his command, you release a high-pitched moan as you come undone for the second time, your thighs quivering in his grasp. You take note of how he rubs your thigh almost affectionately.
You whimper weakly, feeling exhausted from the events that happened tonight, but he is unrelentingly fucking into you. “Jaeyun, no more.” You plead helplessly, and yet, your arousal eventually returns to you the heat of your core despite your sensitivity.
“I’ll stop whenever I want to.” He snarls, chasing for his orgasm, his thighs hitting harshly at the back of your thighs and ass as they jiggle before delivering one last harsh thrust and withdrawing from you. His hand latches around his raging cock to rub it fast before sprouts of his cum emerge from the tip, aiming it at your tummy.
“Fuck yes.” He moans out breathily, sending you a flutter at how good he sounds.
The sensation of his sticky cum on your tummy sends you shivers down your spine. Your eyes lazily glance down, only to be rendered appalled by the girth of his cock as it remains pointed towards you. His two fingers scoop his cum from your tummy to bring it to your lips.
Automatically, your lips part open for him to shove his fingers into your mouth, forcing you to swallow his cum while you remain in eye contact with the eye sockets of his mask.
You moan, licking his fingers, and your tongue swirls around them. You look so fucking innocent with the way your doe eyes are staring at him while you suckle and lick the cum off his fingers like a good slut. His cock starts to harden again.
He pulls his fingers away from your mouth and slaps your thigh. “Get up. We aren’t done.” He says sternly as he unzips his bomber jacket and tosses them aside, revealing his fine glory of toned abdominal muscles that allow your eyes to feast on.
Your eyes trail to the ink tattooed on his right collarbone, an interesting yet beautiful design of a snake. 
His hand latches around your forearm to assist you in standing, and when you do, you wobble lightly, but you don’t have time to process anything when he pulls you down. This time, he has you settled on his lap, directly where his cock is.
He grabs his shaft to smack it on your sticky tummy while you hear his low, ragged breaths behind his mask. “You’re going to ride me and take me like the good church girl you are while you confess your sins to me.”
Your breath hitches, feeling him tap his cock on your sensitive clit with his hand on your waist, holding you up slightly as he aims it at your awaiting cunt before he forces you to sink down to his girth, eliciting a moan from you due to the fullness. His cock remains snugly fitted into your pulsating cunt.
“Whenever you are ready.” He says in mockery as he slaps your quivering thigh again. “And I don’t want to see you stop fucking on me.”
With a shaky breath, you grind on him tentatively, unsure if what you’re doing is the right way, but with his hand on your hip serving as an aid, you gain confidence and begin to bounce on him.
“Forgive me, Father,” You struggle to form out the sentence, swallowing a moan at the delirious friction of your walls getting assaulted by the girth of his cock. Your hands latch on his nape for support while your head is tilted to the back, moaning out before speaking shakily again, “for I have sinned.”
“And what are your sins?” Jake asks in between bated breaths, struggling to refrain himself from bucking his hips to meet your thrust.
“For being a hypocrite,” The words fly out of your mouth, as though another person is speaking through you. You bounce on him again, practically using him as you fuck him. “For masturbating myself last night─ Nngh!” You moan as soon as Jake bucks his hips to meet your thrust.
“Did you, now, lovely?” He chuckles darkly, now removing his mask and allowing you to marvel at his chiselled features that glisten with sweat on his skin. The long strands of his hair look damp, but you yearn to run your fingers through them.
“Y-Yes!” You gasp out as he thrusts again, and this deep, you can feel the tip hitting your cervix.
“What else?” He murmurs, his hand traversing your body until it finds the back of your bra before he unclips it expertly. With your assistance, he pulls the bra away from you and tosses it elsewhere.
You lose focus at the moment he leans forward to latch his hot mouth on your perky nipple, licking and sucking it with a hum that sends vibration through your body. His strong arm is encasing your waist to hold you in place, pulling you impossibly closer to his body while he continues to thrust up into you, and the other hand goes to fondle your other boob that is in need of attention.
With his administration on your boobs, you now realise that you are sensitive to having your boobs and nipples played with, which add fuel to your impending orgasm that is threatening to crash down at any moment of time.
Hearing no response from you with the exception of breathy moans from your lips, Jake withdraws from your now glistening nipple and smacks your thigh, causing your body to jolt.
“I said, what else? Including your worst confession.” He demands in a soft tone, such a contrast to the way he is bouncing you on his cock while occasionally smacking your thighs. “Tell me while I baptise your thighs till it hurts.” He smirks cockily before leaning down your chest to capture the silver cross in between his teeth.
Your walls tighten around his cock upon seeing how hot he looks, gazing sultry at you with the silver cross remaining in between his teeth and some of his long strands sticking to his forehead, yet you can discern his mischief.
Tears begin to leak from your eyes at how painfully he smacks your thighs, yet you don’t stop fucking yourself deeply on him, allowing his tip to bruise your cervix. “Forgive me, Father, for I have committed a despicable sin,” You manage to utter in between bated breaths and whimpers, and your body jolts again as his palm lands another smack on your now reddened thigh. “A sin that I swore to protect and reserved my chastity for the one marrying me.”
Something snaps inside of Jake as soon as those words leave your mouth. The green infuses the red in him, driving him to grip your buttcheeks tightly before bringing you down with him as his back hits the mattress.
“Jake!” You scream as he thrusts into you with a newfound vigour, bottoming you with your skin slapping his loudly and your boobs pressed against his warm, solid chest.
“Wrong name again, baby.” With one hand remaining gripping your buttcheek, the other makes its ascent to grab a fist of your hair, tugging your head to the back before he leans up to pepper his kisses all over your throat. 
You gasp in pain as his teeth bite down on your skin. “Jaeyun! That hurt!”
Jake releases your skin, allowing you to fall your head to the nook of his sticky neck. Your lips continue to emit moans and whimpers as he bottoms out harder, wanting to feel you deeply again.
“Just a little more.” He grits his teeth as his jaw clenches, feeling your walls clamp around him as you come undone for the third time of the night. You slump weakly against him, your breaths labouring.
But Jake doesn’t relent. He continues to piston in and out, his hands gripping your buttcheeks deliciously to bring you down on his dick, before he lands a hard smack on your ass as it echoes throughout his room.
Jake grunts out a moan as he quickly unsheathes his dick from your quivering cunt before familiar white cum sprouts from the tip messily on his bedsheets.
“Jaeyun, wait.” You mumble weakly as you feel him manhandling you into a different position, now finding yourself laying on him with your back against his. He ignores your protest, spreading your thighs wide before grabbing his cock to aim into your spent pussy.
“I told you, lovely,” He rasps beside your ear as he inserts his cock back into you, and your velvety walls welcome him once more despite your pathetic protests. “that I'm gonna fuck you all night."
With his hands gripping your hips, he proceeds to thrust up into you while your jaw goes slacken again. Your hands claw at his forearms, squirming to get away from him despite his strength that outweighs yours.
Your defiance has led him to smack down your trembling thigh, and eventually, you surrender, slumping against him while allowing him to fuck into you as though you’re a sexdoll. 
“I’m close.” He whispers beside your ear as he migrates his hand to your cunt and rubs your clit. The other ascends to fondle your boob and tweak your nipple, rolling them between his fingers. The pleasure from both his cock destroying your cunt and his hand assaulting your boob is intensifying. “Cum with me, angel.” He says gently, placing a soft kiss on your temple.
The familiar knot twists in your abdomen before your whole body trembles as you come undone again. He unsheathes his cock from your hole and shoots his cum messily everywhere on your thighs and your outer womanhood.
You remain motionless on top of him with your body trembling from the overstimulation while your breathing is laboured and your lidded eyes are dazed from all the fucking. You hear him breathing heavily, and you feel his heart beating violently against your back. Butterflies flutter around your tummy at the sensation of his touch on your skin as he rubs your inner thighs soothingly.
Everything hurts, and yet, it is the kind of hurt you have grown addicted to and undoubtedly leaves you wanting more.
His fingers grip your chin gently as he turns your head to face him before his lips envelope yours in a kiss that has your toes curling. He kisses you sweetly with fervour, as though he is apologising for being a little rough on you. His hand is rubbing your thigh while the other wraps around your waist protectively.
“You did so well, lovely.” He purrs against your lips before resuming to kiss you ravenously, not having enough of the way you taste. Your heart flutters at his praise. He withdraws from your swollen lips before manhandling you again, and this time, he has you settled beneath him while he hoists one of your legs over his shoulder.
You watch with a fluttering heart as he presses a gentle kiss on your calf and returns his gaze to your face. “You should wear fishnet tights often. You look really good with them.” His sincerity does something to you, as it also distracts you from the familiar split-feeling of his cock breaching your cunt once more.
“But my thighs are thick. They look ugly on them.” You admit that your cheeks flush pink in embarrassment, but you notice how his eyes darken dangerously again.
“You’re perfect the way you are.” He says softly while his thrusts feel slow and deliberate, as though he is taking his time to savour the velvety walls engulfing him. “Don’t ever change yourself. You,” Thrust! “Are,” Thrust! “Fucking perfect.” Thrust!
Lust clouds your head once more while your breathing gets heavier with each passing second, but you feel the exertion of his previous fucks into you dawning on your body.
“Eyes on me.” He orders sternly, and with a weak moan at the way he drags his cock deliciously along your walls, you do. A smirk touches his lips before he snaps his hips against yours painfully. “Good fucking girl. My sweet angel, all for me to fuck and ruin.”
Your eyes roll to the back with your neck bare for his eyes to feast on before he leans down to kiss your neck sensually, licking your skin and leaving marks in his wake.
With your head turned sideways as he continues to fuck into you harder and assaults your neck with his kisses, something captures your attention that causes your eyes to widen. Thanks to the moonlight streaming into his window, you manage to catch a glimpse of a familiar red mask on his table.
The very same mask belongs to one of your predators on Devil’s Night.
When the next day arrives, you remain in the state of your deep slumber, completely spent from last night, as your body aches tremendously and your thighs are sore from being smacked relentlessly.
You stir lightly in your sleep with your face contorting into confusion, but there is a jolting pleasure from your lower region. Your eyes remain closed behind your heavy eyelids, and as a soft moan leaves your lips, your hips automatically buck up, wanting to feel the delirious sensation of a wet muscle flickering your aching clit.
The last thing you remember is you coming undone for the ninth time and Jake carrying your half-conscious body into the bathroom after giving you the best fuck of your life that you will probably remember for the next few weeks.
You flutter your eyelids open, and the familiar sight of his white-painted ceiling greets you. With your naked form displayed on his bed, your nipples harden from the cold air conditioner and from the way a certain someone is lapping your slick cunt from below.
“Jaeyun.” You moan breathily, grinding your hips as he delves into your cunt before pulling back to spit on your clit and catching it with his tongue. Your hands fondle your boobs while you spread your legs widely for him, which has him humming as he suckles your clit.
He resumes lapping your slick cunt as though he is a hungry caveman, and you come sooner than you like, but your eyes widen in shock as he is unrelenting. His chin sheens with your essence, and by now, he is practically drooling all over your cunt.
The sight itself should feel disgusting to you, but you find yourself being enthralled by how hot he looks with half of his face sheens with your cum as soon as he pulls away.
His dark eyes meet yours as they swirl with lust and desire for you, and a smirk smears across his slightly swollen and moist lips. “Good afternoon, sweet angel.”
You marvel at the handsome sight of him in a black-fitting tee that accentuates the muscles on his body and the chain necklace hooked around his neck while his long, dishevelled strands hover over his forehead.
You don't mind waking up to this mouth-watering sight every day.
Before you can open your mouth with the intention to speak about him being one of your predators on Devil's Night, he silences you with his lips, locking yours in a searing kiss, allowing you to taste yourself.
Your fingers find their way to tangle and tug at his soft strands, and your heart flutters as he chuckles breathily against your lips at how needy you are chasing him with his lips as though you are famished.
The sound of his ringtone shatters the heated moment between the two of you, causing him to groan against your lips. Without pulling away from the kiss, his hand reaches out to grab his phone at the side, and his finger presses on the accept button.
He pulls away from your lips just slightly to shift his attention on his phone and presses on speaker mode. “Fuck off, I’m busy.” Jake says to the caller on the line in a pissed-off tone, startling you by his change in demeanour.
“Okay, I see. This is how you repay us for cleaning up your mess.” Jungwon’s sarcasm is discernible.
“What do you want?” Jake asks him gruffly as he tilts your chin to face him once more for him to resume kissing you. You whimper as he playfully nips at your bottom lip before probing his tongue into your mouth while his hand is tweaking and pinching your nipple.
“Jaeyun.” You whisper his name against his lips, wanting to warn him about the obscene sound of your lips smacking against each other’s lips. It is noticeable for Jungwon to realise the reason why Jake is occupied.
But Jake doesn’t give a fuck. He continues to kiss you sloppily before trailing his kisses down to your chest, his hand fondling the plumpness of your boob while the other nipple is occupied with his lips and tongue licking and flickering the bud.
“Listen, I don’t really give a damn about what you and the others want to do, but try to be subtle. I’d hate for Wonyoung to complain and whine at me. Just for your information, she cares greatly for Y/N.”
Your ears perk up at the mention of your best friend and your name, but the curiosity that sparks earlier diminishes when Jake presses his clothed groin against your pussy before he slowly grinds on it.
“Yeah, yeah, now fuck off. I’m very busy.” Jake dismisses Jungwon with a scowl, but as his eyes return to your dazed ones, he smirks down at you before grinding deliberately again, eliciting a soft moan from you.
“Seriously?” You hear the annoyance in Jungwon’s voice before the line goes off, allowing Jake to finally focus on you.
“You’re making me very hard, angel.” Jake groans, loving how your cunt is already leaking with the essence just by him grinding. “No one has ever made me hard the way you do, lovely.”
“I’m still sore, Jaeyun.” You mutter weakly, your lips forming into a small pout that entices him to kiss you, and he does.
"Mmhmm, I bet you are, baby.” He rasps against your lips, his tongue grazing across your bottom lip, while your fingers make their ascent to fiddle with his chain necklace hanging above your chest. “Want me to fuck you again?”
“N-No.” The hesitation in your shaky voice deepens his smirk.
“Yeah? You want me to fuck you good?” He tugs and removes his black tee before tossing it aside. Your eyes feast greedily on his fine glory again, and this time, your fingers graze across his abdominal muscles to feel him while he watches you endearingly.
“I’m exhausted, Jaeyun.” You deliver another lie that contradicts your leaking cunt, which is in desperate need of being stuffed full by his cock.
“I’ll do all the work, baby.” Removing his last garment, his heavy cock slaps down on your wet folds, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. He leans to kiss you once more before murmuring sweetly as he slowly thrust into you, “Just lie down and take it like the good girl you are, sweet angel.”
Least to say that you have a hard time walking with your sore thighs aching tremendously by the time he’s done with you.
After Jake had dropped you off at your dorm, the time struck nine p.m. Fortunately, you have no classes today or tomorrow, so you can take advantage of that to get ample rest.
Apparently, the two of you got caught up in the intense heat. You lost count of the amount of orgasm he managed to bring out of you. Jake fucked you on his bed, in the shower, and even in the kitchen, where you were searching for something to eat, but your hunger was forgotten the moment he seduced you with his dark allure and fucked you from behind.
Even after he had destroyed your pussy, each time he inserted his dick into you, your walls never failed to feel tight around him, as though they were too attached and never wanted to let go of him.
While waiting for the elevator to open, you look at your phone screen, where the camera shows your face. Your eyes widen in disbelief at the noticeable lines of hickeys on one side of your neck. Fresh, purple, and red hickeys.
Your cheeks flush in pink at the realisation that your first crush had stolen your virginity as you tuck your phone in the pocket of your pleated skirt.
Soon, a certain ambience of melancholy envelopes you. Despite him giving you the best fuck of your life, you can’t erase the image of him killing Simon with no remorse or whatsoever and their lifeless bodies in pools of blood. It was as though Jake had done this before with how he killed your bullies impeccably.
A part of you so badly wants to feel some form of sympathy, but instead, you feel like a weight is lifted off your shoulder, relieved by the fact that your three bullies won’t be bothering you ever again. You know that killing is a heinous act and sinful, but you can’t deny the fact that there is a tinge of gratitude in you for Jake.
You release a deep sigh before stepping out of the elevator to head in the direction of your dorm, and subsequently, you feel dreadful about facing your best friends, but you know you can’t hide from them forever.
Speaking of friends, your eyes widen in realisation as you have yet to reply to Winter. You whip out your phone again.
Y/N: Come over tomorrow, and then I’ll tell you.
Just as you shove your phone into your pocket, you stop in front of the door before mustering courage and proceeding to enter with tense shoulders. When you venture further, the sight that beholds you causes your eyebrow to raise.
Wonyoung has her head resting on Jungwon’s thigh, her gaze is trained on the animated television. Jungwon is leaning against the couch comfortably, his hand is occupied with his phone while the other is absentmindedly running his fingers through her soft locks, but his face is tinged with apparent boredom. Neither of them seem to realise your presence by the living, and you grasp the opportunity to stealthily trace your way to your bedroom.
You have been holding back a scoff since the moment you saw them all so comfortable with each other. You can’t help but feel the slightest resentment towards Wonyoung, who has always been adamantly insistent on refusing to affiliate herself with any of the knights.
As soon as you enter your room and close the door quietly, you proceed to take a quick shower, scrubbing every inch of your body. No matter how many scrubs you do, you swear you can feel the heat of his touch on your skin that remains lingering, even after you step out of the shower, all fresh and anew.
Feeling the exertion once more, you waste no time bringing yourself to your inviting bed that you have missed dearly before throwing yourself on the mattress, your face planting down on your pillow.
Just when you are about to snuggle into your fleecy pillow, a knock startles you. Whoever is at the door surely must have seen the lights beneath the space of your door.
“I know you’re in there, Y/N.” Wonyoung’s voice elicits a groan from you. “I’m coming in.”
You silently berate yourself for not locking the door earlier. As she pushes open the door, you turn away from her, attempting to hide your hickeys from her sight.
You hear the frustration in her sigh. “We really need to talk.”
“Has Jungwon left yet?” You ask curtly, your back is facing her as you fiddle with your soft toy. “What was he even doing here anyway? He’s your boyfriend or something?”
There are a couple beats of silence from her before she speaks in a wavering tone. “None of your business. We’re not here to talk about him. We’re here to talk about your disappearance since last night. Where were you?”
You scoff lightly as you stop your fingers from fiddling with your soft toy. “None of your business.” You use her words against her.
“Can you look at me when I’m speaking to you?” Though it is meant to be a question, the way she asks feels demanding, bringing a frown to your lips.
“Can you get out of my room?”
“For God’s sake, Y/N Kang─” Wonyoung stops mid-sentence at the moment you finally turn around to display your annoyance for her. Her sharp gaze immediately spots the lines of hickeys decorating your dainty neck. “What the hell, Y/N?”
Your eyes narrow at the near judgement in her tone. “I’m really tired, Wonyoung. We can talk some other time─”
“Who did you sleep with?” Wonyoung cuts you sharply, causing you to flinch lightly with her tone. “Who the hell did you sleep with last night, Y/N Kang? Was it one of the knights?”
It is as though there is a switch in your behaviour as you begin to lash out at her. “Fine, you really want to know? I slept with Sim Jaeyun.” Your declaration earns a shocking gasp from her, and it appears the volume of your voice attracts your other roommates’ attention as they emerge from behind Wonyoung.
“Our Y/N did what now?” Karina asks, her eyes bulging as she peeks her head over Wonyoung’s shoulder to stare at you.
“You’re bluffing.” Yunjin scoffs in disbelief, refusing to believe that you, a literal saint, have slept with one of the knights’ leaders.
“Believe what you want, but that doesn’t erase the fact that I still slept with him.”
“And you’re proud of that?” Wonyoung gives you an incredulous glare. “Y/N, we’ve told you countless times to stay away from any of them! Especially their leaders! What even spurred you to sleep with Jake Sim?!”
“Does it ever occur to you that I have needs just as the rest of you do?” You say tersely, hating the visible judgement in their eyes. “Don’t be a hypocrite when you girls are affiliating yourself with the same bunch of delinquents that you have been warning me to stay away from.”
“That’s because you’re different!” Wonyoung retorts harshly. “Because you’re not─”
“I’m not like you girls, is that what you were about to say?” You release a derisive laugh that sounds foreign to your ears. You clench a fist. “Was that why you girls befriended me in the first place? Because you pitied me and took me in so others could have some laughs and belittle me for becoming part of your cliques when I didn’t even seem fitting in to them.”
“You’ve misunderstood, Y/N.” Yunjin steps forward, and her once serious gaze softens. “We didn’t want you to become fucked up like us.”
“You can’t fool me.” You shake your head. “If anything, you girls seem perfectly fine.”
“You’re wrong. We’ve been keeping that side of us from you because we didn’t want for you to be affected and drained.” Karina offers you a weak smile. “It’s also the reason why I broke up with him — because he’s a knight. But despite breaking up with him two years ago, it resulted in me becoming mentally unstable.”
“Once you’re deeply involved with any of them, there is no way out.” Yunjin tells you, her tone sounds as grave as Karina’s. A bitter chuckle leaves her lips. “Look at me. I’m still pathetically clinging to the hope that Yeonjun will reciprocate my feelings.”
Your frown deepens, and at the same time, your mind clicks upon finally realising who Yunjin had fucked with on Devil’s Night. “You and Yeonjun were together this whole time?”
Yunjin smiles weakly. “It’s complicated because I’m not even certain of what to label us. Friends with benefits, situationship or whatever But the main thing is that being deeply involved with any of them will take a huge toll on your mental health.”
“Jungwon and I are not in a relationship.” Wonyoung finds herself confessing after contemplating for a few minutes. “In a way, my situation is similar to Yunjin. It’s a constant push and pull. Some days he seems to want me, while other days he acts like he hates me as if I’m a parasite.”
You bask in silence as you allow their words to soak into your muddling mind. To finally know of your best friends’ being affiliated with the knights has you resenting them a little for keeping you in the dark, because Karina doesn’t seem surprised at all upon their revelation. You begin to ponder if your other friends know about this or if they themselves are involved with the knights as well.
Maybe because you’re exhausted and want nothing more than to bury yourself into the pillow, but you really want to get this over with. You sigh. “Then why didn’t you girls just leave? If they don’t want you, shouldn’t that make things easier for you to leave them since they have also given you reasons why you deserve better?” You ask gently upon noticing the vulnerability shining in Yunjin and Wonyoung’s eyes.
“Like Yunjin said, it’s complicated, but at the end of the day, I know that I’m madly in love with him.” Wonyoung gives you a tight smile. “You’ll probably understand it sooner since you’ve begun becoming close to Jake.”
“We really didn’t want this for you and for you to end up like us, but you have free will, so we’re no longer going to decide things for you.” Yunjin says firmly before retreating to her room.
“It may get addictive at first, but trust me when I say you’ll be regretting it.” Wonyoung warns you. “Once things get badly fucked up, I’m not going to be there to comfort you since you should’ve known better.”
With Wonyoung’s one last look into your eyes, your heart slowly breaks into pieces as you can feel the last few strings that are holding your friendship together threaten to snap, and you know that things between you and Wonyoung will never be the same.
“Just a word of advice to be wary of Jake if you have plans on pursuing him.” Karina’s voice draws your attention to her, and you find her leaning sideways against the door with her arms folded across her chest. “I’ve heard some nasty things about him, but the worst of all is that he has a tendency to love-bomb girls.”
Before you can even ask for her to elaborate, Karina proceeds to head to her room, leaving you alone with your muddled mind. A part of you refuses to believe that Jake Sim is not as bad as your best friends described him. You have an inkling of what love-bombing is since Winter and Liz have talked about it. 
In denial, you grab your phone to send him a text, still motivated and refusing to believe your best friends.
Y/N: Hey, Jaeyun. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?”
JAEYUN: I’m surprised you texted me first. Already missing me, lovely? :) 
Y/N: If I say I do?
JAEYUN: Don’t tempt me into coming over to your place, lovely, because I'm this close. To answer your question, I’ll be hanging out with the guys, so I’ll see you around campus on Thursday.
As you and Jake continue the conversation, giggles occasionally emit from you, making you feel giddy just by texting him alone and him flirting with you through the text. Your best friends are wrong about him. Even you can tell how eager and attentive he is through his texts alone.
WINTER: I have some tea to spill.
Y/N: What is it? I’m missing out on a good joke made by Jaeyun.
WINTER:.....girl, as much as I would love to ship the two of you (because, trust me, y’all look so good with each other), Jake is actually an asshole. I’ll explain whenever we meet since I can't come to meet you tomorrow.
Your curiosity just grows tenfold, and you need to learn more about why she claimed that Jake is an asshole. The same Jake Sim, whose eyes are filled with kindness whenever he stares into yours, whose cheeky grin adorns his charming countenance that never fails to make your heart go fluttery.
Your attention is pulled by another text from Winter.
WINTER: You know what? I’m just going to tell you half of the tea here instead. I collected some information from two girls he slept with before. They warned about getting close to him, especially after fucking him, because he’d only lead you on, and once you fell for his trap, that’s when he’d completely ghost you. Essentially, love bombing you.
Y/N: I don’t get it. Karina told me the same thing, but you girls don’t know him like I do.
WINTER: Babe, you’ve just met him and got closer not too long ago. You should leave him before he leaves you instead. Do you know that word has it: he is clinically diagnosed with borderline personality disorder? It makes perfect sense why he is the way he is.
Y/N: I don’t care what you all have to say, but I’m not gonna leave him.
You release an angry huff as you shut your phone before deciding to lie down on the bed. You hate how they all seem so adamantly insistent on trying to get you to leave Jake.
There is no denying that you are already emotionally attached to Sim Jaeyun, so you couldn’t help but defend him, but what struck you deeply was his kindness during your very first meeting with him. You recall his kind gaze and mirthful grin on his countenance when you first conversed with each other, and the sincerity in his tone when he wished you the best throughout your time in Crestview Meadows.
No, the Sim Jaeyun you know is not an asshole.
The familiar ringtone of your phone disrupts your train of thought. You lazily reach out to grab your phone, and when you see the ID caller on the screen, the frown on your lips transitions into a smile before you keenly accept his call and press your phone against your ear.
“Hey, I was wondering if you were okay.” Jake’s husky voice through your phone alone manages to send the familiar flutters to your heart. “You didn’t reply to my last text.”
“I’m fine, Jaeyun.” You tell him, your voice coming out soft. “I’m just tired. By the way, I forgot to thank you for the aftercare.”
“Anytime, Y/N. Besides, there is no way I would leave my girl just like that.” His breathy chuckles cause your smile to widen.
“Your girl?” You ask, playfulness tinges your voice.
Jake hums attractively. “That’s right. You’re my girl, Y/N.” You detect something dark and dangerous that belies his tone. “Get more sleep, yeah? I don’t want my girl to wake up completely lethargic tomorrow.”
“Okay, Jaeyun.” Little do you know that your obedience draws a wicked smirk on his lips.
Two days have passed since you ever had a proper conversation with your other three roommates, but it was mostly you avoiding them. As for Winter, she remains the same, but the judgement in her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by you when you hung out with her yesterday with Rei, Kazuha, and Giselle.
You have been ignoring the small voice in the back of your mind telling you that it isn’t worth it to strain your friendship with them for a man. 
They were wrong about Jake. Even when the next day arrived, he never failed to greet you through his texts and occasionally flirted with you, but you could see that he wanted to continue the conversation with you.
But the odd thing is, he hasn’t been replying to your texts since this morning. You tried calling him once, but it went into voicemail. All the while, your stomach churns with uneasiness.
Now you’re in quite a dilemma. What is your relationship with him? Are you his friends with benefits? Does he see you the way you see him? Does he want you the way you want him to?
Hence, you decide to put an end to all of these questions jumbling your mind by going on a little adventure to find Jake in the science, technological, and engineering building. Your keen eyes dart everywhere, looking for a certain male with long hair strands that you wish to skim your fingers through again.
Annoyance bubbles within you before you decide to muster courage and ask a familiar knight member strolling in your vicinity.
“Have you seen Jake?” You ask him, and your question has him raising his eyebrow.
His eyes scrutinise you for a minute. “He’s in our main quarter.” To your surprise, he nudges his head, beckoning you to follow him, and you do.
The way to the devil’s knights’ main quarter is confusing, but thankfully, it doesn’t take you more than fifteen minutes to reach.
“You’re lucky Heeseung and Sunghoon aren’t inside, or you’ll probably get kicked out by them.” He murmurs to you before opening the door for you.
You cast him a kind smile that caught him off guard. “Thanks, Beomgyu.”
Beomgyu blinks his eyes, faltering at the sight of your smile. “Uhh, you’re welcome?”
You look away from him and proceed to enter. Your jaw goes unhinged at how palatial their main quarter is, and it even consists of two floors. You spot a few knight members on the second floor, and your presence draws their attention to you, but your gaze is fixed intently on a certain someone who is capable of making your heart all fluttery.
But this time, your heart has a discernible crack. There is Jake, seated on the couch and in a heated lip-lock with a girl you don’t recognise. His hands are roaming around her body, reminding you of when he touched you like that. The sound of their lips smacking against each other seems to break your heart piece by piece.
“Y/N, did you find him?” Beomgyu’s voice can be heard from behind, but you are too busy reeling in heartbreak.
It appears that the volume of Beomgyu’s voice manages to reach Jake's ears as the latter pulls away from the kiss, and when his eyes lock with yours at the instant, your heart breaks even more at the lust glinting in his eyes that is meant for the girl in his possession.
“Jaeyun.” You utter his name numbly, and naturally, you expect him to panic and rush over to you to explain, but instead, a cold smirk is drawn on his swollen pink lips.
“What is she doing here, babe?” The girl on his lap glares at you, her lips curling into a sneer as she scans you from head to toe. The distaste is apparent in her gaze.
“How could you?” You manage to find your voice, but it comes out shaky as you refrain from getting emotional.
“How could I what?” His voice holds zero affection for you, and as you stare at him with glistening eyes, he looks entirely different from the Jake you know. His smirk persists while his eyes are filled with an unfamiliar coldness.
You hate how he is staring at you indifferently. It's like he's a stranger.
“I thought I meant something to you.” You say, and a painful lump is stuck in your throat. “I thought we had something─”
“Don’t be delusional, Y/N. Just because we fucked, you thought you meant something to me?” Jake’s cold chuckles sound foreign to you. He continues to gaze at you dangerously cold while his hand is stroking the girl’s waist, causing your tears to finally leak from your eyes. “You’re nothing special, Y/N. Besides, you’re not even close to being my type.”
“What is wrong with you?” You step forward as you clench a fist. “You’re not like this. You’re acting like a complete jerk now.”
Something dark and twisted lurks behind his eyes that you once loved to gaze at. “I told you before that you have no idea who I really am. Now get out and don’t forget to close the door, yeah?”
“Screw you.” You don’t even have time to be surprised by the hatred in your tone as you immediately dash out of their quarter, ignoring Beomgyu’s calling for you.
A sob is threatening to escape from you as more tears stream down your cheeks. The knights in your vicinity shoot you odd looks, but you are too distraught by your newfound heartbreak.
You thought you had something with him, especially when the two of you spent all night talking, texting, and flirting over the phone. You thought you were his girl.
You should have known that, at the end of the day, his playboy tendencies persist and that he will always be a womaniser. You should have listened to your best friends who did warn you, but just like Jake said earlier, you’re delusional.
Amidst the sadness, you wallow in self-hatred. Hatred for falling into his schemes and for allowing him to take away your virginity.
Your shoulder accidentally bumps into a figure, and just as you are about to walk past him, he grabs your arm firmly, prompting you to turn your head to look at him through your tearful eyes, your vision blurring with each blink.
“What are you doing here by our quarter?” Sunghoon’s cold voice doesn’t even deter you, as does the clear distaste in his expression towards you. But the moment he sees your eyes red and slightly swollen from the crying, something stirs within him that feels foreign. It almost feels like he feels sympathetic for you.
“What happened?” He finds himself asking this, and he has no idea why. His grip on your arm becomes tight.
“Don’t act like you care.” You sniffle, refraining from ugly sobbing in front of the very person who hates your guts. Once his grip feels loose, you yank your arm from his grasp and flee the knights’ territory, leaving Sunghoon curious about what happened to you.
As for you, your guilty conscience is gnawing at you to seek forgiveness once more, and when the next day arrives, you find yourself entering the familiar church with bloodshot eyes, an obvious sign that you had been crying all night.
Your best friends were right. The Sim Jaeyun you know now is, in fact, an asshole.
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TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun @b3tt7boop @smg-valeria @lhspeachie @enhaverse713586 @strxwbloody @firstclassjaylee @jwnghyuns @luminouskalopsia @deobitifull @loumin908 @sousydive @pinkkami @skzenhalove @caravm @shinrjj @loljaeyunz @star4rin  @darkjongsung @mlywon @yorukoshii @nshmrarki @lol6sposts @lilyuwon @enha-crumbs @slut4hee @capri-cuntz
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soggyriceee · 11 months
omgomg this is my first time requesting smth lmao i hope it isn’t too obvious but i was wondering if we could have the safeword fic you did for konig and price, for ghost too? btw ur work is amazing💗💗
strawberry | Simon Riley
summary: what le request says
warning: slight ass play, spanking, orgasm denial then overstimulation, degrading, slight praise, forced breeding, angry sex, rough to gentle Simon
thank you anon for your request and for enjoying my work! I had a lot of fun writing this for you so I hope you enjoy~
“ can you just stop and fucking listen?!” Simon yelled, slamming the door behind you both as you entered the apartment. “ i’m listening Simon i’ve been listening.” you hiss at him, turning angrily to meet his equally angry face. it was a petty argument. and you initiated it. why? you were jealous. and angry. but also, a bit horny?
and of course you put on a tight black dress, your whole back exposed to show the top of your tramp stamp. your shoes were no better, black sting heels. and Simon was everything but happy about that of course. so he did one better. “ why is your shirt basically not buttoned?” you snapped at him, watching as he tied his black leather boots. his shirt was a silk black one, maybe two or three buttons up, exposing the top half of his abs. his pants were a nice pair of plain black dress pants, nothing special.“ problem love?” he asked gently, tilting his head up to look at you. you watched as he blindly tied his shoes, your tongue poking the inside of your cheek.
and the club was no better. immediately girls crowded him at the bar as he got you both refills. and even though he’d push them off, you still decided to get some sort of payback. from a one sided competition.
you made your way to the dance floor, hot pink LED lights and smoke covering the floor. other than that it was dark, occasional flashing white lights illuminating the room. the smell of alcohol filled your nose as your slid past people, humming to the song. you made sure not to move too far from your table, making sure to remain in sight of Simon. and he didn’t take long to find you, his jaw clenching as you looked him in his eyes, a smirk on your lips.
it also didn’t take long for a man to come behind you, slipping his hand around your waist. at first you jumped, the feeling of an unfamiliar and honestly skimpy arm compared to Simons throwing you off guard. but seeing how his face twisted into anger almost immediately motivated you to dance on this guy, get a reaction out of Simon. it was only fair , look how many girls he had crawling on him?
this did not end well for either one of you honestly. Simon did one better by inviting a girl to sit at the table. in YOUR seat. and so you decided to crank it up and dance your way over to a table close to Simon, happily sitting on a man’s lap at the table to chose. he was handsome, tall. black wolf cut hair with a nice tames bearer, brown eyes and plump lips. you were shocked there wasn’t a girl coming full speed at you.
this took Simon to his breaking point, slamming the cup onto the table and walking over. you couldn’t even properly flirt with the man before you were yanked off him, dragged behind Simon with his hand gripping your wrist tightly.
he shoved you in the car quickly, your head hitting against the seat. but he didn’t even care. the second he got in the car, the arguing started. ruthless words coming from both sides, your finger jamming into his arm, his hand slapping it away. you both never really argued like this before, and you had a feeling it was because you were both so fucking horny for each other. he had been gone on a mission, just returned two days ago. but neither of you have had the time to properly have sex. only quickies in the morning since you had work. and you were beyond drained by the time you got home, leaving Simon to fuck up into his hand as you laid on his chest.
and so, this arguing led to a final breaking point. a breaking point that happened to come quicker than expected. “ you aren’t listening. your going on your own fucking narrative like always! you saw me push those girls away.” he yelled, slamming the keys on the dining table, watching as you made your way to your shared room. “ stop fucking walking away from me!” he yelled, walking over to you.
just as you made it in the room, you began to close the door. but he was ten toes behind you, his hand already pressed flat against the door. “ i have no intention in-“ he pushed you further inside, slamming the door closed. “ i don’t care what the fuck you want.” he said, locking the door behind him. you swallowed, watching as he made his way over to you. “ can you back up” you said, holding your hand out onto his chest. but he kept moving, flicking your hand away like it was a moth.
your knees his the bed frame and you fell backwards, a gasp coming from you. Simon stood tall above you, looking down at your now quiet figure. he kicked your legs apart, shifting his body to fit between them. “ see where talking too much gets you love?” he said softly, his hand finding your thigh. you looked down, looking at how his veiny hand gripped your thigh, his thumb rubbing small circles on the inner part. you looked back up to meet his eyes, a smirk spread on his lips.
“ j-just stop being fucking annoying.” yoh muttered, scooting back. but his grip was strong on your thigh. he pulled you back to place, your dress shifting up your body as he did. your white thong peaked out, a chuckle coming from him. “what a slut.” he mumbled. and as much as you wanted to talk back, you didn’t. in fact, you clenched when he called you that derogatory name.
he hummed softly, his hand sliding up your inner thigh. his fingers grazed over your clothed cunt, a smile spreading onto his lips when he felt the wet spot. “you weren’t really angry were you lovie?” he whispered, his index finger pressing gently on your clit. you whimpered at the pressure, pulling your bottom lip into your mouth. “answer me, i asked a question.” he said, removing his finger. “n-no.” you quickly said, maybe a bit too quick. he chuckled, shaking his head. “ so desperate.”
his finger rubbed small circles onto your clit, watching your hips buck into the air. " just needed to be fucked huh?" he whispered, licking his lips. you nodded your head, an embarrassed red blush coming onto your cheeks. he chuckled, shaking his head slowly. his fingers picked up in speed, a whimper leaving your lips. your eyes closed, head pressing onto the mattress. but that pleasure was taken away in a matter of seconds.
your head lifted, looking up to him with pleading eyes. "think you deserve to cum? silly girl" he sighed, giving you a small pout. he hooked his finger into your underwear, pulling them down. he moaned quietly as he watched your slick cover your pussy lips, his tongue wetting his lips again. "thats what I like to see" he whispered, tracing his fingers down your cunt to your hole, collecting the slick.
you gasped softly, watching him from below. one of his rough fingers slid in slowly, sliding out just as slow. your pussy squelched around him, a small whimper escaping your lips. he was quick to add a second finger, his fingers picking up in pace. " look at this pussy.. so fucking tight and wet for me huh?" he cooed, tilting his head slightly. his other hand moved up and under your dress, moving up to your breast. your dress was completely up your body at this point, your body on full display for him.
" look at you, so pathetic and helpless under me huh." he whispered, rolling your nipple through his fingers. you whimpered, your legs bending to lift your hips up. he bent down, pressing a kiss onto your neck, his fingers hitting deeper into you. " w-wanna cum.. please" you whined, gripping onto his shirt. he let out a breathy chuckle, his fingers slowing down as he felt your cunt pulse around his fingers. " stop being a whiney bitch" he growled, sliding his fingers out.
you whimpered at his loss of touch, gripping onto his shirt harder to try and get him to stay. but he flicked your hand away, standing straight. " turn around, ass up." he said, pulling his belt off his body. and you did just that.
your quickly turned around, almost embarrassing how fast you moved. but you couldn't wait, you needed him inside you. you needed him pounding into your cunt, making you cum over his dick. you wanted him to be rough with you. no. you needed him to be rough with you.
his hands suddenly gripped your hips, his fingers stabbing into your side. one hand pressed on the lower of your back, pushing you further onto the bed. it hurt slightly, but you were too blinded by the soon coming pleasure you didn't care. " think you deserve to get fucked? dancing on other men, sitting on their laps. think a whore like you deserves my dick?" he growled, slapping his dick onto your pussy. you moved your ass back, trying to feel him length slide between your folds. " please I'm sorry sir, please I need it" you whined, turning your head to look back at him.
he grunted, his hand that was once on your back sliding back to your waist, his other hand remaining at the case of his dick. " show me. show me how sorry you are." he said, sliding his tip alone into your cunt. you both sighed softly, his jaw clenching. you slid back onto his dick, your mouth falling open as his length stretched you out. "fuck" he groaned, his eyes fluttering close.
you took a moment to collect yourself, feeling him pulse inside you. " come on then, fucking bounce that ass against me" he growled, his hand slapping down onto your ass. your gasped, your bottom lip tugging between your teeth. slowly, you moved off his dick, slamming back against his hips. his hand again slapped against your ass, a painfully good sting. " just like that baby, come on. fuck yourself on me." he groaned, watching your figure move back and forth on him.
your head fell back, trying to get him to pull at your hair. when he noticed your pathetic attempt to get what you wanted, he laughed down at you. " want me to pull your hair?" he asked, his hand gripping the flesh of you ass. you nodded, swallowing your whimpers. " well use your fucking words." he growled, digging his nails deeper into your skin. you cried out, your fingers wrapping around the sheets. " p-please sir pull my h..hair." you cried out, moving your hips faster.
he grinned, patting your ass gently. " good girl " he cooed before digging his fingers into your hair, pulling it back. you gasped, your back arching so far back your lips and his were close. " wasn't so hard was it?" he asked, smirking down at you.
your hips continued to move back against him until you began to lose your momentum, your movements slowing down. " getting tired already?" he asked, his free hand sliding from your ass to your hip. you whimpered, looking into his eyes with pleading ones. " n-need you to fuck me.. please" you whimpered, your hips stopping. he smiled down at you, letting your hair go to instead wrap his hand around the side of your neck.
instead of giving you a verbal response, he slid his hips out of your cunt and thrusting back in forcefully, keeping his eyes on yours the entire time. your mouth fell open, your eyes hooding. " keep your eyes on me, wanna watch your face while I fuck this pussy." he growled, his other arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you more into him. his dick rubbed right against your gummy walls, his tip jamming against your cervix with each thrust.
" f-feels so good sir" you whined, feeling your orgasm building up again in your stomach. he grunted, moving his hips rougher, but remaining the same pace. " I bet it does, look at you. so fucking pretty taking this dick." he whispered, a moan slipping past him after. your eyes crossed as his dick hit against your g spot, your pussy pulsing around him. " c-can I cum sir.. please." you begged, looking up at him. " so fucking desperate you are. go on then, cum for me." he replied, gripping your throat tighter.
you finally let your orgasm take over you, your eyes tearing up from the release, your moth falling ajar. your body quivered in his grip, a small smile on his face. " there you go just like that baby.. coating my dick." he whispered, looking down as he slid out, watching your cum coat over his dick. a ring of white was around his base, earning a moan from him.
his hips picked up in pace again, his thrusts fast and deep now. your pussy was still getting over your orgasm, your body shaking in his grasp still. " f-fuck slow down.. please sir." you cried out, gripping not his arm that remained around your waist. but he continued his abuse on your pussy, his tip slamming against your cervix. " oh but you wanted to cum baby.. im just giving you what you begged for." he cooed, his hand on your throat now sliding up to your mouth, puling your jaw down.
drool was quickly to pool in your mouth, sliding down his fingers and hand. he groaned at that feeling, his hips moving faster. " using other men just to get my attention. just to get fucked. couldn't use your words." he growled, his other hand pushing you onto the bed. his hand that was on your mouth moved to your ass, his other hand moving to your opposite cheek. " even now, cant use your fucking words. so go ahead baby, keep not using your words. gonna use you like my personal fuck toy, and your gonna fucking let me." he growled, his knee rising to the bed, allowing him to his your insides deeper, faster.
your head pressed onto the mattress, your hands on either side of your head. your second orgasm was approaching quickly, your back aching from the position. but your discomfort became even more enhanced when you felt his thumb press against your asshole, a yelp coming from you. " s-simon I c-" "what did I say? didn't wanna use your words so stay fucking silent now." he growled, moving his hips faster.
you cried out when his thumb pressed into your ass, a new and uncomfortable feeling for you. but Simon loved it. " fuck love.. feels so good. love using your pussy like this." he moaned, his thrusts become more sloppy. he was close and you were finally going to be able to breathe. or so you thought.
his thumb remained where it was, inching more into your hole with each thrust he gave you. tears poured from your eyes, your makeup completely painting your bed sheets. but that was the least of Simons worried right now. his free hand came around the back of your head, pushing it into the mattress. " shut up, dont wanna hear any of those pathetic moans of yours." he growled, his body pressing over yours.
you cried into the mattress before finally feeling his cum shoot into you, a strained moan coming from Simon above you. " fuck yes.. fuck" he groaned, his hand gripping the back of your head as his hips gave you small quick thrusts.
and you thought he was done, but you were wrong. completely wrong. once he came over his high, he turned your head to the side, allowing you to breath. you were gasping, tears running down your face. he took his thumb out of your hole, sighing as his hands gripped the flesh of your ass once more. " think im done, don't you." he mumbled before sliding out of your cunt.
your cum and his poured out of you, dripping onto the mattress. " look at that baby.. look at the mess we made.. " he said softly, reaching over to slide a finger from your clit to your hole, collecting the wetness that your cunt gave him. your body jerked forward, a small gasp leaving your plump lips. " lets make a bigger mess. " he whispered before flipping you onto your back.
his hands were quick to grip either of your thighs, pulling them apart in butterfly position. your dress still pooled at your boobs, which he didn't mind in this case. his hands rubbed up and down your inner thighs, looking down at your drenched pussy. " so wet, just for me huh? just for my dick." he asked, moving his hips to place his semi hard dick right on top of your pussy. you were about to speak but he shook his head, saying " no words. remember?" so all you gave him was a slow nod, looking up into his eyes.
he smiled before looking back down to your sexs' moving his dick side to side against your folds. without warning, he pushed himself fully inside you, a quiet whimper leaving him. he wasted little time in sitting inside your pussy, wanting to hear your wetness squelch around him. " listen to that pussy lovie.. fuck your so wet." he growled, his hands gripping your thighs.
your head pressed back into the mattress, his thrusts gradually picking up in speed. it was hard to keep yourself from saying any words, especially when he was fucking you as well as he was. but that pleasure soon turned into pain when he raised on of your legs up, keeping the other one in that butterfly position. his tip was hitting your womb directly, emitting painful cried from you. but he loved it. "aww, is it too much for you baby?" he cooed, his hand coming down to cup your face for what you thought would be genuine care and sadness.
but he slid two fingers inside your mouth, hooking around your bottom teeth to pull your jaw down. " see if I fucking care" his thrusts grew in force as well, your moans no longer soft and quiet ones. each thrust he gave you produced a moan from you, your eyes squeezing shut as you endured the pain.
what didn't make it better, was the bulge that Simon began to notice. and when he saw it, he didn't slow down or change the force of his thrusts at all. " look at that.. can barely handle my cock can you? so fucking s-small beneath me" he moaned, watching the drool from your mouth drip down his wrist. your eyes opened, looking up into his fiery ones. you knew he wasn't stopping any time soon, and it was now your mistake of edging him to go this far with you. you began to regret it quickly.
your pussy again began to pulse around his dick, your whimpers growing in pitch. " close again huh? come on then, cum for me." he said, watching that tiny bulge pop up from your tummy. your back arched up and off the bed, your second orgasm washing over you. your legs shook in his grasp, your eyes producing more tears.
and all he did was smile down at you, watching your body tremble from his dick. he loved it, loved to be the one to give your body such a violent reaction. " thats it baby take this dick, show me how badly you wanted it." he moaned, raising his knee to rest on the bed once again.
this wasn't fun nor pleasurable anymore. your pussy was crying out for help as he rammed his dick inside of you, working towards making you finish again. his dick slid in and out with eat, your pussy and his hips making sinful noises when they connected. your cum, his cum and your own wetness covered your inner thighs and his own pelvis, adding to his own pleasure.
his head had fallen back, his moans growing in pitch and frequency. he was close again but wasn't going to allow himself to cum. " come on lovie, cum for me again. s'what you wanted right? to cum." he groaned, head falling back to look down at you. you still couldn't respond if you wanted to because of his fingers still hooked to your jar, adding to the overall uncomfortable feeling you were going through.
tears of pain began to take over the ones that were once pleasurable, your walls and cervix not able to take more of a beating. your body was tired, you were tired. but you couldn't do anything to fight back. you had tried to push him off, but that only resulted in him slapping you, gripping your face straight afterwards and telling you to "take what I give you." in most cases that would be hot, maybe even make you clench around him. but this time it emitted true fear out of you.
his fingers slipped out of your mouth to go down to your clit, causing a painful cry to leave your lips. you tried to pull your knees together, but the position made that everything but easy. " come on you can take more, it's what you wanted remember?" he cooed, watching as your cunt coated his own body. and yes you did want it at first, but not anymore.
“s-simon i cant.. i c-cant-“ his other hand gripped your cheeks, swelling your mouth shut. “i don’t care lovie. this is what you fucking get” he groaned, his eyes watching as strings of cum connected his dick back to your pussy. you were full on crying beneath him, another orgasm making it’s way through your body.
you shook beneath him, his mouth agape as he watched your pussy pulse around him, your cum seeping out. it didn’t take much for him to cum inside you again from that sight alone, his grip on your cheeks tightening. his fingers released your clit and instead made their way to your nipples.
his hips slowed down, but the force of his thrusts didn’t. your body was shutting down and you physically couldn’t take anymore. with his hand still grasping your cheeks, you began yo say “stra-“ but his hand clasped over your mouth, grunting. “ didnt i fucking say shut up.” he growled, his eyes locking onto yours. he hadn’t processed what you were trying to say, he was beyond pussy drunk at this point, he could pull himself out of you.
your body violently shook beneath him, your eyes red and stinging with tears. you both were covered in sweat, Simons hair sticking to his forehead as he pumped himself inside you. when he had relaxed from his previous orgasm, his hips picked up in pace yet again. his hand still rested onto your mouth, silencing you completely and restricting a decent air flow.
because of how sensitive you were, it took only a few thrust for your next orgasm to well up inside you. and this one you couldn’t take. with the lack of air and pure overstimulation, your clawed at his hand helplessly, trying to get him to listen to you, to see you. but by the time he had decided to let you go, your orgasm washed over you and your body shook violently beneath him.
tears of pain and genuine terror came from your eyes, clawing his hand away from your mouth. you couldn’t feel anything in your body, not even your own arms. your mouth was dry, head was light from the lack of oxygen and your cheeks were sore. “s..strawberry” you cried out trying your hardest to push him away from you.
Simon immediately stopped his hips, looking down at your disheveled body. you laid limp below him, body still shaking. a million thoughts began to run in him mind at once, but the loudest one was “what have i done”.
he slid out, a painful cry coming out of you. he didn’t know what to do, he’d never gotten you to this point before. he just watched as your body laid almost lifeless on the bed, cum seeping out of your hole. “i.. i-i’m so..” he couldn’t find the words to even begin to describe how sorry he was. he was like a deer in headlights, unable to move at all.
but he jumped into action the second he saw you begin to move. but when he tried to touch you, your shifted away from him, whimpering the second his hands touched you. he backed away, almost tripping on air.
he watched as your lifelessly crawled further onto the bed, almost like you were pure fleas no bones. the large wet spot where you once were only hurt his chest more, a sign of how far he pushed you. “my love i-“ but your back was to him now, full on sobs escaping you.
your body didn’t stop shaking, not even after you managed to pull a blanket over you. you felt exposed, used. like you were some fleshlight and nothing more. and yes, your and Simon had rough sex, but it was never to this extent. never to the extent you felt unsafe.
as you cried, Simon fought his own tears of anger and disappointment. he had one job, to make sure you felt safe and he completely failed. he didn’t know what to do in this moment, he was still standing. he watched as your body trembled underneath the blanket. he didn’t see his girlfriend anymore. he saw a scared little girl.
he turned to walk towards the bathroom, his eyes blank, face showing no emotion. he didn’t want you to see his emotions, this was about you. and making you feel better. it was about him failure in making you feel safe, he broke a promise he swore he’d never break.
he ran a bath, making sure the water was perfectly warm. he found a few candles in the cabinets from when you bought them a few weeks back, lighting them and placing them around the bathroom. he also managed to find a towel and quickly made his way into the laundry room, throwing it into the dryer so it was warm when you came out.
when he made his way back into the room, he laid his eyes on you first before finding a pair of pants to put on himself. he wanted to hide his body, scared that if you saw it, you’d go into some sort of panic. he also found a nice pair of pajamas for you, tossing them onto the bed.
and finally, he made his way over to you. your body was still shaking, just not as violently as before. your face was hidden under the blanket, soft sniffles coming from underneath. he paused, swallowing the lump in his throat before slowly and gently resting his hand on your covered body. “ my love.. please-“ but shook him off of you, scooting back. his head hung low before he tried again, this time dropping to his knees.
“i want to take care of you.. please. please let me fix this.” he said softly, making sure not to touch you. but he got no response. he rested his head on the bed, sucking in a deep breath and holding it, stopping the tears from escaping. and he stayed like this until he felt your body shift.
he looked up and was met with your eyes alone, your lower face and body still covered. he swallowed, not saying a word. and neither did you. it stayed like this until he reached over slowly for the blanket. “ can i?” he asked softly. when you gave him a small nod, he slowly pulled the blanket off.
his eyes never trailed to your boobs or pussy, his eyes stayed on you the whole time. he was determined to fix this, determined to make you feel safe around him again. “can i lift you?” he asked, standing slowly from his knees. when you gave him another small nod, he lifted you from the bed and immediately made his way over to the bathroom.
he placed you into the tub, watching how you looked around the bathroom at all the candles. “ i..i don’t even know where to begin.” he said softly, looking at you in the tub. “i should’ve listened to you. i’m sorry.” he said, taking your rag and rubbing soap onto it. you watched him silently, giving him only small nods when he asked if it was okay to touch you or move you in any way.
and it remained like this for the remainder of the night. your body was still sore and limp, your head pounding from all the crying. you just laid in bed the rest of the night, Simon staying by your side. he didn’t touch you, didn’t ask you anything. he was still in shock over what had happened. he was cursing himself in his head, angry that he put you through something like this.
his hands were in fists when you reached out slowly, cupping your comparatively small hand on his. he looked down, your eyes closed. “my love?” he asked softly. he didn’t get a verbal response, but he did get a small hum. “do you need anything? food? medicine?” he asked, already prepared to stand and get you whatever it was you needed.
but you shook your head, limply scooting closer to him. he got the idea and stopped you, moving himself closer to you instead. “ are you tired?” he asked, his hand wrapping around your shoulders. you gave him another silent nod, your head finding his chest to nuzzle into.
a soft smile came to his lips before he pulled you closer, watching you fall asleep. and even when you did, he stayed up to making sure you didn’t need anything from him. to make sure you were okay. he didn’t care about sleeping, not when he put you through that.
“i love you” he said softly, rubbing your shoulders as you slept against his chest peacefully. for the first time since this whole thing began, he felt like he was doing right in making you feel good. making you feel safe.
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retroellie · 2 years
Requesting a imagine with Ellie and reader in a semi toxic relationship. They get into an intense argument that leads to rough make up sex with dirty talk :))
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Summary: After weeks of not talking to ellie, the frustration builds up and she finally ruins you.
A/N: Thank you for the ask (: this is the filthiest thing i have ever created and I'm so sorry lmao. I'm trying to get into the groove of writing again so I'm still rusty lol. Also, i had the first part written out months ago.
Warnings: NSFW, Dom!ellie, Slapping, toxic shit, use of sex toys, cunnilingus, slapping, spitting and choking.
Word count: 4.7K
It had been days, maybe weeks since you two had even had a full on conversation let alone felt each other. Ever since Tommy came bearing information about Abby, Ellie had been cold.... distant.  She would no longer cuddle up next to you in bed or pepper your face with kisses.
She was so cold but you followed her anyway. you followed her into the depths of hell, you always would no matter what. You traveled through the hot beaches of santa barbara for days, finding only beans and old chips to eat. At night you would shiver underneath your own jacket, back to back with ellie.
You were slowly reaching your limit, day by day you could feel yourself go more insane. You found yourself sometimes crying silently at night, missing the home you had built with ellie. You even found yourself hitting an infected person so violently and so much more than that was needed that elie had to stop you before you actually hurt yourself.
Ellie wasn't doing any better than you but she was building up her anger for Abby, ready to bash her skull in. She dreamed of what she was going to do and it honestly scared her, her hunger for revenge was actually affecting you at this point.
You both were so tired and so hurt in so many ways, mentally and physically. It was only a matter of time before one of you snapped, the anger and fear and fading love ready to snap. So it didn’t come as a surprise when Ellie snapped at you but it still hurt so bad.
“Ellie I’m sorry... It was an accident.” Your voice was no more than a whisper, embarrassment coursing through your body.
“You think sorry’s gonna get my gun back?!?” She yelled, voice becoming higher each time she talked.
You really didn’t mean to lose her gun, it was in your back pocket while Ellie made a way through the door of a house yall were going to stay at. It must have just slipped out, it really wasn’t that big of a deal but Ellie was under a lot of stress.
“You can have mine! I’m bad with pistols anyways.” You wanted to hug her or kiss her or even punch her stupid face for yelling at you, but you only stood there.
She rubbed her temples, frustration evident on her face. You were so close to snapping, it was literally on the tip of your tongue to tell her how much of a bitch she was being. You were trying to cut her some slack, she's hurt and scared and angry and horrified at the thought of coming face to face with abby.
You sat down on the decaying bed of the abandoned house you guys were at, it felt so lonely here even with ellie. You watched as she slowly paced back and forth, you could tell she was also holding back weeks of cruel words.
"I shouldn't have brought you," She spat. "We wouldn't have had to have this conversation if you weren't so damn messy."
The words hurt you terribly. It felt like the first time you had your heart broken but this time it was even worse, it was by ellie. Your eyes prickled with tears, you knew what she was going through but did she even care about how you felt?!?!
"Fuck you!" You screamed, you shot to your feet. "Do you think I wanna be here?! I'm only here so you don't get yourself  fucking killed."
Ellie stood there, anger in her eyes and hand wrapped around her knife so tightly. You knew she wasn't going to do anything to you, she loves you too much but for a split second you could see her slitting your throat right then and there. You let your tears run down your face, not bothering to hide how much she hurt you.
"I'd be better without you!" She screamed, honestly shocking you because Ellie has never raised her voice at you before. "You're the one who's actually going to get me killed! You're just holding me back!"
That sent you off the edge, you wanted her to slit your throat you begged for her to. Your tears streamed down your face, soaking your tiny tank top you had been wearing. You and Ellie just stood there, not sure what to do next.
You loved Ellie and she loved you but something about this trip damaged your relationship and you two were too tired to fix it. She saw the hurt in your eyes, it almost broke her heart to see it and know she was the one to do that to you.
"Fuck you ellie..." You sobbed out, new sets of tears streaking your face.
You quickly grabbed your backpack, holstering it on your shoulder. You were leaving, not sure where to go but you didn't want to be near her anymore. That was the first time in your entire 6 years of knowing Ellie where you didn't want to be near her, it hurt to be near her anymore.
"Where are you going?" She asked, no not asked, she demanded the answer.
"I'm leaving." You simply said, voice still shaking. "I'd rather get killed than spend another minute with you."
You do agree that was super harsh but you were angry, you just wanted out. You could feel her heart break but you wanted her to hurt like you did so you simply just tried to leave. You tried pushing past her but she was quick, she grabbed your arm.
"Ellie...Let me go." You said, venom in your voice.
"No." She said, staring down at you.
You gritted your teeth while her nails dug into your arm. You wouldn't be surprised if it left a bruise tomorrow. You struggled to get her hand off your arm, wanting nothing more than to leave.
"Ellie! let me go!!" You yelled, frustration evident in your voice.
She gripped on harder, not allowing you to leave. The thing you did next was something you would never do like ever. You whipped your hand around and striked it across her cheek. You felt your heart drop, your hand was actually stinging.
She bunched over, holding onto her cheek. That was way too far, you shouldn't have done it but you just wanted to leave. You reached over to her, hand on her back as she hunched over at the hiss of pain she was feeling.
"Ellie....i am so sorry." You whispered.
Everything went so fast and your emotions got the best of you. your tears had stopped, pure shock making you forget about the fight. You never wanted to hurt her like ever. She stood up straight, slowly revealing her cheek to you. It was red and her eyes stinged with tears. You brought your hand up to your mouth, shocked at the thing you did.
"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to." You softly said, hand still covering your mouth. "I just was an..."
You didn't get to finish your sentence before Ellie grabbed you and mushed her lips to yours. You could swear you could go into shock, you slapping her and now her kissing you was so much. It took you a minute to realize what was going on but once it finally settled you pulled her closer.
Your mouths moved sloppily, teeth clashing and hearts beating a mile a minute. You hated her... but you loved her so fucking much. She grabbed onto your backpack straps and slid it off your body before grabbing your hips roughly. You wrapped your arms around her neck bringing her unbelievably close to her.
She moved her tongue into your mouth, exploring your mouth like it was the first time. You yanked at her hair softly, legs wobbly from all the emotions you had felt in the course of 10 minutes.
Ellie's hand traveled up your waist, moving your shirt as she did so. her cold hands making you shiver and goosebumps form on your skin. You let go over her for a minute so that she could fully take off your shirt, hands in the air so she could do so.
She pulled your shirt off, eyes going straight to your boobs. The sports bra looked so pretty against your skin, she had plans to literally ruin you. She bent down to give them each a slight kiss then bringing a hand up to grope one as she let her kisses linger.
Her kisses made their way up to your neck, searching for a sweet spot and when she found it she bit and sucked at it. You whipped, hands grabbing onto her shoulders. Then she completely stopped.
"Get on your knees." She spoke, venom still coated her words but this time it was mixed with passion.
You did exactly what she said, not wanting to upset her more but also knowing the punishment in store for you. The skin of your knees poked through the rips of your jeans, pieces of wood and broken glass cutting them.
Ellie looked down at you, her cheek was red and blood dripped from her lip. You could taste blood in your mouth, it only added to the excitement. Ellie lowered her hand to her jeans, unbuttoning them and then zipping them down.
You reached up to help her pull her pants down but she smacked your hands away, stopping in her tracks to scold down at you. Your stomach dropped, cheeks burning in embarrassment. She didn't stop at just scolding you, no she had to hurt you like you did her. She grabbed a fist full of your hair, pulling it so unbelievably tight it burned your scalp.
"Don't fucking touch me you stupid slut." Her voice boomed through the room. "You don't get to touch me, so just be the good little slut you are and do the only thing you're good at and eat my pussy. Okay?"
You nodded, loving the way she still asked for consent even when she is being mean (consent is key). That answer wasn't good enough for Ellie though, she wanted to hurt you, ruin you until you were sore for days.
"I didn't hear you, you fucking dumb slut." She yelled, what she did next was new to you.
She gripped onto your hair tighter, slappin you right in the right cheek. The pain rushing straight to your core, you weren't completely opposed to the slap... it was exciting to say the least.
"Yes.... Yes mommy." You said after realizing what had happened.
Ellie smirked, letting go of your hair. Your scalp throbed, you knew how rough ellie could be but this was new. You watched as she pulled her pants all the way down, stepping out of them. You were face to face with her soaking cunt. Your mouth watered, wanting nothing more than to dive into her. You resisted to reach up to touch her, nails digging into your own thighs.
She looked down at you, licking down blood off her lip. She gripped your hair once more, the same force being applied as before. You looked up at her with big doe eyes, almost looking like a lost puppy. If Ellie could scratch that look right off your face she would.
"Open your mouth." She demanded.
You did, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out just for her. Ellie bent over, pursing her lips together to allow a string of spit to fall into your mouth. You took it all, not wanting to disappoint her like you already have. You swallowed it, allowing it to slide down your throat.
A whole new layer of wetness glaze over ellies cunt, that was the hottest thing she has ever seen you do. You swallowed her spit and took it like it was water. She loved you like this, she loved how you worshiped her every move like this and trusted her enough for her to be able to do the nastiest shit to you.
She lowered her fingers to her heat, watching your eyes follow her movements. She started running her fingers through her slit, lightly rubbing her clit.
"Pull your tits out for me..." She spoke, fingers working her clit.
You reached up to pull your boobs out of your sports bra, Ellie moaned softly at your actions. You pulled your arms out of the straps of the bra, allowing the bra to rest on your stomach. Her eyes devoured over your tits, almost like there was no person behind them, just a pair of tits she could use for her pleasure.
She watched as you squeezed your boobs together slightly, chest heaving up and down, sweat dripping down them. Her hand sped up on her clit, making small tight circles on it. She could already feel the coil in her stomach form. She knew she wouldn't last much longer, she's not usually this quick to cum but right now the frustration was getting to her.
She moved the hand that was working her clit away from her core to shove your face between her thighs instead. The sudden movement caught you off guard but it didn't take you long to work your tongue on her clit. You first stuck out your tongue to lick up her slit, collecting her juices on your tongue. Than you started tongue fucking her, sticking out your tongue as far as you can so she could grind her cunt on your face.
She put her free hand on your shoulder so she could balance herself better, one hand still tightly gripping on your hair. She grinded against your face, nose hitting her clit so perfectly. This went on for a couple more seconds, her towering over you and you between her thighs being used as a fuck toy for her. Her moans started to get higher, turning into more of a scream, her cunt clenched over your tongue.
You knew that coil in her stomach was about to burst, you could see it on her face. You stared up at her, watching her come undone on your tongue, feeling her too. She did one last hard thrust before her legs shook and her juices leaked into your mouth. You didn't stop there, tongue fucking her through her orgasm.  She shook violently, trying to keep herself balanced while going through a mind blowing, much needed, orgasm.
Her grip on your hair eased up a bit but not by much. She opened her eyes, face bright red, body covered in goosebumps. She removed your face from between her thighs, watching strings of her cum stretch out and connect to your mouth. Your face was covered with her, it even leaked down your neck onto your tits.
This sight of you caused a whole new layer of sleek to cover her cunt, wanting nothing more than to see your doe face and puppy dog eyes ruined.
"Get up...." She demanded, voice raspy.
You did as you were told, trying to get  up with your shaky legs. You stood in front of her, arousal seeking through your pants, bra pulled down to your stomach, tits soaked with sweat and slick, hair knotted from where she was pulling on it. She smirked evilly, she had nasty plans for you.
"Take your clothes off, all of them." She spoke, eyes boring into you.
You did as you were told once again, stripping yourself of your pants and bra. Ellie made her way to your backpack that was on the floor, pulling out 3 items, a vibe, a strap on and your own knife. Even if you were so angry with her you obviously brought the toys for times like this. The knife made you a bit nervous, you had no idea what she was planning for you.
She came back to you, all three items in her hand. She was taken back by your form for a minute, even through the frustration she still had to admire you. You were fucking hot and she knew it, she would tell you all the time.
"You're gonna do what mommy says, aren't you?" She said moving closer to you.
She placed the knife on the side of your neck, allowing it to slowly drag along your skin. You winced at the sudden pain, the cold metal making you shiver. You could feel drops of thick blood making their way out of the cut she had created. She smirked at your reaction, moving her head to the wounded area. She dragged her tongue across it, collecting the blood on her tongue.
"You're also going to tell mommy if it gets to be too much or if you want her to stop, aren't you?" She reassured, even through this wicked play she had going on Ellie Williams still poked through.
"Yes mommy... I'll be a good girl for you." You spoke.
Ellie dragged her tongue all the way up to your mouth, collecting blood, sweat and slick on her tongue. She shoved her tongue deep into your mouth, allowing you to taste it all. It was a rush for you, it was your heroin. She wrapped a hand around the back of your neck, pulling you closer to her. You were getting lightheaded, her lips so soft and smooth it made you dizzy. Until she stopped completely.
"Lay down on your back on the bed for me then..." She spoke.
You almost jumped to do exactly that, excited for the pain and pleasure she had in store for you. You laid back on the bed, legs dangling over the edge. Ellie stepped back for a minute, just to place the strap on her hips and then she was right above you again.
She looked down at your dripping cunt, spreading your legs wider to get a better look at it. You watched her eyes, feeling a bit embarrassed by how you were already soaked just by looking at her and tasting her.
"Such a dirty little slut huh? making a mess already." She tisked, dipping one of her hands to your cunt and feeling your wetness. "Don't worry mommys going to give you everything your little cunt desires and more. and you're gonna take it won't you?"
The words went straight to your cunt, coating your juices on her fingers. She played with your clit, leaving feather-like touches on it. even the slightest touch made your hips back into her fingers. she chuckled slowly, stopping her movements when she noticed how much you were actually enjoying it. You sighed at the lack of her touches.
She grabbed the vibe that was sittin next to you, before placing it on your bare exposed clit. She spread your legs even more, watching as your lips opened to expose all of you to her. The plastic on your cunt sent shivers down your body.
"Hold your legs open for mommy or i'm going to stop and the dirty little slut won't get anything." Her voice was coated with venom still but you felt oddly confronted by it.
"Yes mommy.... I'll sit still." You replied, voice already shaking.
She smiled down at you, she moved the strap to line up with your cunt. The cold head of the strap made your cunt clench slightly, that was until the small shock of the vibe turning on jerked our body back slightly. You let out a surprised yelp out, not expecting the shock. The pace was slow but didn't last very long since Ellie turned it up.
The vibrating on your bare clit hurt but in a way that sent pleasure shocks through your body. It felt nice in the worst way possible. Ellie teased you with the strap, only allowing the head to thrust in and out of you. You bit down on your lip to suppress the moans coming from you, you were embarrassed, exposed and so turned on. It all sent shocks down your body. You felt a particular hard slap across your face, opening your eyes to see it was Ellie slapping you once more.
"Don't try to hide those filthy moans, fucking whore." she almost spit out. .
It hurt, the slap hurt and the words hurt too but you oddly loved it. You went to speak but were met with the vibe being turned up to the highest it could go. You let the moans seep through your mouth, not wanting to get hit again. You grabbed onto the sheets, twisting them up into your fist.
You had been waiting to be ruined like this all week, wanting nothing more than to be overstimulated and broken down. You just wanted Ellie to be near you, even if that means you have to get punished to do so. Ellie pushed the strap into you further, now the middle of the shaft was far inside you.
You let out a high pitched yelp, it hit your g-spot head on. Ellies body heated up just watching you, her hand gripping your thigh, pushing it down onto the bed. She was in such a daze of anger and arousal, it was an adrenaline rush. She continued the speed she was on right now and honestly embarrassing enough, you were on the edge of cumming just then.
The fast vibrations on your bare clit and the strap being slightly thrusted in and out of you, it was all too much at the same time. Any sudden movement or change would have you cumming within seconds. Ellie noticed how close you were and how in a split second she could have you cumming, so she moved her hips in a sudden jerk so the entire strap was deep inside you.
This caused a huge and sudden orgasm to rip through your body. You came and came hard with a loud scream. Ellie watched as you did so, her face blushing so hard as she watched your cunt go crazy on the strap and your chest heave up and down violently. Your vision went black for a moment and your legs attempted to close but Ellie had been holding them down.
"Has the stupid slut had enough?" She asked, pulling you back to reality.
You couldn't speak, your voice taken by the scream escaping you. You were honestly scared a herd would be able to hear you. That added onto the arousal through, the act of getting not only caught but your throat being ripped out by one of the infected. Kinda hot... kinda scary?? The strap was still nestled deep inside you and the vibe still on your sore bare clit.
"Well...you're gonna take what mommy gives you." She whispered, moving her hand up to your throat.
She gripped on to your throat with more force than usual, she used this leverage to shove the strap deep inside you only to take it out and shove it all the back in. This made your eyes go cross eyes, it hurt the spot in your that made you squeal so perfectly.
Ellie kept it at a steady pace at first, being a little nice to you since she was abusing your cunt more than usual. She kept it nice and fast just for you, the vibe rubbing against your clit. Your body felt like it was on fire, the overstimulation was completely draining you.
She held you as still as she could so she could continue to hit that spot deep inside you. Ellies hips burned just as your body did, doing this after not only an orgasm but also a 2 week walking journey. It was exhausting but much needed, you can only take your anger out on the infected for so long.
"You're such a filthy whore you know that?" She breathed out thrusting her hips faster. "A dirty little whore who doesn't know her place in the world."
Your cunt clenched around the strap, another coil in your stomach forming. Her hand around your neck continued to tighten with every movement of her hips. Your legs were shaking violently, back arching into her.
"You go on this trip with me, wanting to help me but instead fucking everything up!" She spat, anger coating her words.
You were starting to tear up, the mix of hurtful words and your cunt being abused making it so sensitive it hurt. You wanted to cum again though, you needed her to fuck you until you couldn't walk straight.
"The only thing you will ever be good for is this sweet little cunt." She said with a harsh thrust.
That pushed you off the edge, causing you to cum with a cry. You shook, almost unable to control your movements. it felt so good to just let go but it was the scariest thing ever. You felt your soul leave your body for a split second. She just chuckled, keeping the same pace and same position. Not slowing down for a second.
You thought she would stop, fucking you through your orgasm and than allowing you to cool down until you went again. Ellie had other plans, she wanted to completely drain you. She kept going, shoving the strap so deep down you. Her thrust had a rhythm, 4 fast, hard thrust followed by a deep hard thrust.
This had you seeing stars, your clit was so overstimulated and your cunt was sore. Yet you still craved to cum once more, you wanted her deep inside you. She bent down to kiss your boobs, suckling on one of them. It was too much, an orgasm was already bubbling down in your core once more.
The hand on your neck tightened, thrust became more messy as she became more interested in your tits, the vibe rubbing against our overstimulated clit. it had you breathless, not able to control your body anymore. Your tos were permanently curled and your back was aching from how hard you had arched it.
"Just one more time baby." She coaxed you, the first nice thing she had ever said tonight. " Cum one more time on my cock."
Her words made that familiar coil in your stomach snap but this time it was a bit different. This time your pussy clenched down hard and your body completely tensed. You threw your hands up to grab onto Ellie despite her saying she didn't want you too, you had too. You dug your nails into her before letting out the loudest scream of the night.
You came all over the strap and Ellie, squirting out onto both of them. Ellie continued her pace, allowing the vibe to slow down but keep it there. She fucked you through the orgasm, waiting for your body to become limp. Your vision went black once more, hearing going out for a split second and body going completely limp.
Ellie pulled out of your and turned off the vibe. She stared down at you for a split second, seeing how angelic you looked. Even after not showering for days and only eating old beans, you still looked beautiful. She wanted to ruin you, to hurt you but even after all of it she still wanted to make sure you knew you were safe with her.
"Come back to me honey." She whispered.
You hummed softly, turning your head to her voice. She saw the dry blood on the mark she made and her hand print on your throat. She felt bad yes but she also felt so powerful, so fucking good that she brought you pleasure mixed with pain. She laid her head on your shoulder, waiting for your daze to lift up.
She thought about your fight you guys had, she shouldn't have pushed you away. You were just trying to help and she didn't even appreciate that. Maybe she was too caught up on Abby and Joel, but can you blame her? But can she blame you for hitting her? I guess you were both in the wrong.
"Are you still mad at me?" You asked, still out of it but coming back.
"I was never mad at you honey..." She replied.
She snuggled up to you, tossing her jacket over the both of you. She played with your hair, hearing as your breath went back to normal.
"I shouldn't have yelled at you, it's just been so hard..." She said, tears filling her eyes slightly.
"I know my love... but you have to talk to me." You replied, finally opening your eyes.
Honestly you felt like the whole world was spinning right now, you didn't like it but you were here with her and that's all that matters. You guys were going to be just fine, life will go on.
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atopearth · 6 months
Norn9: Var Commons Part 7 - Akito Shukuri Route
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I am very intrigued by the relationship Akito and Nanami share since he obviously knows her powers and whatever she's done in the past. And I have a soft spot for Akito because he's always so considerate towards others by cooking for them all the time and teaching others. I'm glad Heishi stood up for Nanami when Akito couldn't hide his utter disdain towards having to be paired with Nanami. Akito's hatred for Nanami really runs quite deep, although I can understand why he slapped her hand away and wouldn't want Nanami to touch him since touching someone is how she erases memories. I love how Nanami is basically stalking him lmao, I mean I guess it is monitoring haha. I died when Akito was confused about whether he was scared or not of the Hiyoko? that looks like a penguin hahahaha, even his fear is confused😂 HAHAHA, I love Hiyoko Channel and how they bribe Natsuhiko with books and stuff to interview him. It's so cute how one alcoholic drink is his limit, lmao when he took the gun out when the hiyoko called him adorable for that being his limit though😂 Can Akito see and talk to Aion?? Maybe after talking to her, she gives him the water powers? Honestly, it always feels so bad to see and hear how much guilt Nanami feels, enough that she's basically ready to die if Akito wants it and that's very saddening. Of course Akito is too kind to even think about wanting that though. His look of concern towards Nanami when he grabbed her as she nearly fell to her death was very telling of how he really feels. Lmao, I love Kakeru so much, he's had enough of their arguing so he got some handcuffs specifically made just to force them to get along better hahaha. How will Akito cook in peace?!
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Heishi is so random it's hilarious. I love how he was talking about rainbows with Ron, and he was like can you just get to the point hahaha. Poor Akito got electrocuted lol! I guess having Kakeru get sick now is the only way to keep Akito and Nanami stuck together haha, a mad Koharu is always the best. It's tough seeing Nanami and Akito together because as Masamune said, Akito gets hurt when he says crap about Nanami too. He tries his best to distance himself from her so he won't know anything about her circumstances and can keep on hating her, but the more he talks with her, the more he's starting to understand that she hates her powers and for having using used it in the past, and that makes it hard for him to continue hating her. Akito reassuring Nanami that Mikoto and Ron will be okay in his own rough way was sweet. Seeing Nanami so genuinely smile and feel happy that Akito truly is a kind person even to someone he hates so much is so heartwarming. The first thing I thought of was they could just check if the barrier around the ship is still up to see if Mikoto is alive, so I'm glad Nanami realised that haha. LOL at Nanami nuzzling herself against Akito's fluffy ears in the dream hahaha! It was so cute when he ran away lmao. Even though Nanami is still understandably confused, I was really happy when Akito hugged her in real life after the dream and tried to tell her that the one who tried to kill her wasn't him. I'm glad he's communicating with her trying to tell her that he knows that whatever happened in the past isn't completely her fault and that he doesn't blame her as much anymore, or at least not to the extent that he still wants her to die for it.
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It's actually pretty hilarious that Nanami has a solid reason for ruining food, or at least Akito's food, and it's because she doesn't want to get used to how good it is otherwise she won't be able to eat ninja/emergency rations anymore haha! I really like how considerate and thoughtful Heishi is in this route. He always asks Nanami what she wants, checks how she's doing, doesn't force her to do anything but basically lets her know that if she doesn't want to stay with Akito as his partner, she can change any time. It's really nice to see how supportive and kind he is to watch out for her all the time because she doesn't watch out for herself. Akito so thoughtfully caring for Nanami is still the best though, so cutee🥰 I can totally understand why Nanami is scared though. I don't think I could handle Akito hating her again either when he's been so gentle now, it would break my heart too. Omg, when Akito called Nanami cute, I died, they're so adorable. I was so happy for Akito and Nanami when they finally talked and Akito acknowledged that he was selfish and confusing because of his actions towards her. It was so nice when he hugged her. And I was so happy when Heishi was happy and relieved for them because they both finally had a proper talk. I appreciate Heishi so much in this route. It was so sweet when Nanami told Akito that she told Heishi she wanted to stay by Akito's side🥹 On the other hand, I am very curious about this love triangle with Kakeru, Koharu and Senri, like I'm so invested in what's going to happen to them, I hope no one dies. HAHAHA, I died when Akito basically said Nanami was prettier than Koharu and Mikoto, and Nanami responded saying he needs to see an optometrist😂 Omg, I loved it when Nanami asked for Akito's necktie instead of jewellery, that's definitely much more special! Akito so straightforwardly calling Nanami pretty because he finally realised that Nanami doesn't understand his tsundere attitude was so cute hahaha, he tried so hard that Nanami even fainted because of how overwhelmingly sweet it was hahahaha.
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I feel really silly for not realising that Senri is actually Akito's younger brother when they both have the power of water. I was so happy for Senri when he realised he has a brother, it must have been so heartbreaking for Akito all this time to have been right next to him but not be able to be with him because Senri doesn't have memories of Akito. How could he not hate Nanami when Senri was always there reminding him of what he could have but can't have now. Akito kissing Nanami was so cuteee, how did Nanami even resist hahaha. It was nice to know that Akito asked Kakeru to take care of Senri and that's why he always bothered him. I won't say Kakeru was always "right" in the way he dealt with Senri but I do agree with Akito that it did help Senri come out of his room more. I thought Shiro was Kakeru's real dad all this time but he actually captured Kakeru when he was really young and brainwashed him before he was saved by The World?! I feel so bad for Kakeru... Seeing Akito push himself using powers when he's not a proper esper and slowly kill himself is just so tough to watch, especially since you can see how concerned Nanami is. I won't deny that Akito kissing her to reassure her was pretty cool though hahaha. I'm so glad Nanami remembered Akito's advice and stopped herself from adding random stuff to the rice porridge she made for Akito haha. Funnily though, I just realised that Akito hasn't cooked in his own route much at all lol! Now that we know Senri is Akito's little brother, it really makes all those times Akito cooked Senri's favourite food and stuff so much more meaningful, especially when they go back into the past and see how happily Senri talked about loving Akito's cooking and how much he loved Akito.
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I don't blame Nanami because she was forced to erase Senri's memories of Akito, especially since the village people really might have killed Akito to make Senri continue to provide water for their village at the cost of his health and probably his life. But I can understand Akito's hatred especially before he got to know Nanami. Not only did Akito lose his little brother and their whole relationship, but he also lost the ability to protect his brother properly because of it, and that's caused Senri so much pain considering how Akito was the only one who actually cared for him. Senri became all alone and became afraid of people to the point that he doesn't want to interact with anyone, how could Akito and Nanami not feel guilt over that. I couldn't help but cry over Akito and Senri's past. It's so disgusting that the village people chased after Akito who was still a child to kill him just in case Senri remembers him. I can't imagine how terrible Akito must have felt to be forced to leave Senri behind. And I can't imagine what kind of life Senri had to live as basically a doll to give water to this village that just uses him and destroyed the only person who cared about him and made him all alone and think that he can't trust anything or anyone.
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I can see why Akito blames himself and why he couldn't help but hate Nanami as a way to cope with everything, and yeah I can understand that the villagers were desperate but if you're so desperate to save yourselves that you lose your humanity for it, is there even any point in living? If you have to kill a child and force another child to basically be a slave that only exists to do your bidding, is that kind of life worth living? I don't have the answer for that, because many people desperately try their best to live for their own reasons, but knowing that these people didn't even hesitate in choosing to kill children to save themselves disgusts me, especially since the only reason presented in the game was that they didn't want to move somewhere else because this land has always been their ancestors etc so they had to keep it alive. Land that is only prosperous from exploiting children shouldn't exist at all. And lol as usual, this game really likes to skip over the plot, because they literally just said Aion broke and that's all! Lmao when Akito hid in his bed to hide from facing Senri, they're both so scared of facing each other, they're both so adorable😂😂 I really enjoyed how happy the ending was but I really wanted to see Akito and Senri talk!! Hopefully we get it in Last Era. The tragic love ending was pretty sad because Akito chose to live in a fake past where he could protect Senri and save the village, and Nanami chose to stay with him there. Akito trying his best to make jounamagashi because Nanami didn't get a chance to try it was so sweet. Seeing him do so much research and try his best to make it properly was so cuteee, especially when he faced against the hiyokos and didn't let his fear overwhelm him because he prioritised wanting to make Nanami happy.
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Overall, I think Akito had the most satisfying route from beginning to end out of everyone so far. There's still some flaws of course but negligible because Akito was great. I loved seeing the progression of Akito's hatred to understanding and then love. I think the best thing was that even though you know Akito really hated Nanami for some reason, you could also see that he was too nice of a person to truly hate her, I'd say Nanami hated herself more than Akito did. It was really cute to see them awkwardly dance around each other's feelings, be confused about their romantic feelings for each other but still want to be beside the other despite the past. I love how he acknowledged that he distanced himself from Nanami not only because he hated her for what she did, but also because if he didn't know her, it was easier to hate her and blame her. Honestly, I really wished we got a proper reunion between Akito and Senri but I loved their back story and Akito's hatred was totally understandable in the end even if Nanami was forced to do what she did. And the romance was honestly really cute! They're both so shy and awkward at times, but also super adorable in how honest they can be. I loved it when they both tried to get the other to say their first name haha, definitely the best overall route! Kakeru is still my favourite guy though!
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oodlyenough · 1 year
last of us 1x09
wanted to sit on this one for a couple days and use it to sort of summarize the season overall. so this will probably be long af lol
I feel like I actually don't have all that much to say about the final episode itself. It was quite faithful to the game, and hit any note I would've wanted it to hit, I think. Minor adjustments in dialogue or character beat felt quite minor.
However, the finale felt a bit underwhelming to me. I'm not sure why. I don't know if it's just because I knew every story beat ahead of time so none of the shock was there, or if I needed another 15 minutes of runtime to really let some scenes marinate, or whether it was just actually so close to the game that I couldn't fully lose myself in it, or that passively watching Joel shoot people is different to doing it yourself, or what it was. But I ended up not being as impacted by this ep as I am whenever I've played the end of the game. I hope it hit harder for show viewers. It seems like it did.
The biggest change is seeing Anna and Ellie's birth. (Lmao @ baby Ellie just plopping out mid fight. Uh... sure.) I think, as far as immunity explanations go, this worked pretty well - I know fans had speculated as much for a while. It was great to see (and hear) Ashley Johnson -- those first grunts running through the woods were so surreal lol that's Ellie! I know those grunts! "You fuckin' tell them Ellie", from Ellie... wahh.
I think I was expecting more on Marlene and Anna. I feel like... the show attempted to substitute the Marlene gameplay segments at the start with this little bit of backstory and the brief Ellie-Marlene scenes in ep 1. But I think there's something lost in not giving them more bonding time, or making it clearer that Marlene has been aware of/keeping tabs on Ellie for all of Ellie's life. I think Marlene being not-exactly a mother figure but still someone important to Ellie, and someone who loves Ellie herself, makes Marlene's death more meaningful, and a bit of that was lost here. I love that Ellie specifically asks about Marlene in the car, for eg, but I'm not sure it felt as earned.
We substituted the Sarah picture with the Joel suicide attempt backstory, which worked -- lol and I honestly had spent no time wondering at all about Joel's scar, so it was a nice and unexpected callback for me and my gamer hubris.
I think the way they did Joel trying to reach out to Ellie using callbacks from the season worked well, even if it was kind of skincrawling to watch, like, in a secondhand embarrassment sort of way, watching him faceplant over and over with it. Spring Ellie is so rough, somehow every time I play I forget about that change and it's a slap in the face when it comes.
I knew there was no way they'd skip the giraffe but I did not expect them to have a real giraffe ?!?!?! Amazing lmao.
The Controversial Hospital Scene... I had some fears leading up to this ep, where like, if they pitched it wrong it could've ruined the whole thing for me, so I was glad we avoided that. Joel's choice is both horrific and understandable. I have complained at various parts of the series that I think the tv show softened Joel too much by leaving his violence off screen, but I do get the impression now they set it up to "tell" us for 8 episodes about what Joel is capable of and then only, finally, in episode 9 do they really show us. I'm a bit on the fence about this and whether it worked or makes it feel like he suddenly transforms into a superhero(/villain) out of nowhere... but I can see what they were going for, at least. And the slow version of the theme song was well placed.
Can't BELIEVE we didn't get the cameo I was expecting lmaoo honestly my biggest shock of this ep. Nurse Laura Bailey was fun though I can't believe I didn't recognize her lol.
Other, season overview stuff now that we're done:
I'm absolutely shocked there was no brick/bottle easter egg. Shocked and appalled!
I ended up agreeing with the "needs more infected" criticism, although I didn't at first. I don't think the show needs a ton of them, but I DO think the ever-present danger of them is necessary backdrop for the world, and you lose that in the show after episode 5. It seems like everywhere Joel and Ellie went was infected-free. I saw someone on Twitter joke "why do they even need a cure there's only like 3 infected" which... yeah.
Still hate Tess' death. My least favourite part of the entire first season lol
Don't agree with how the show's approach to FEDRA
Maria and Tommy's baby is a real wildcard going forward huh?
Overall I feel like I'd give this season ... I dunno an 8.5? Or 9? 8.75?... out of 10. Ultimately I do prefer the game, but I figured I would. I really enjoyed watching it weekly, will miss it, and can't wait for s2. I think part 2's story will need more retooling to work for television, and tbh that excites me, because for the MOST part the bits where the show deviated a little from the game were my favourites.
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leejenowrld · 4 months
possibly tmi but how does having sex actually feel…? is it really as good as people make it out to be? if its too personal its ok to not answer!!
ofc i will answer!! don’t be silly!! send me more tmi questions, i wanna help you guys as much as i can and honestly don’t feel any shame when asking me personal questions :) if you wanna me how it feels to have a dick in the mouth then do so!! cus i got some answers for that. again a very long answer.
i’m gonna first of all list all the good things and then the maybe not so good things!!
the quick answer is yes, it is really as good as people say it is. if it’s someone you love, trust, communicate with and someone who’s willing to pleasure you as much as you pleasure them. it’s all mutual (it should be) i mean in established relationships sometimes the girl will use the guy to get off and vice versa to spice it up and that’s ok!! it’s spicing it up. like on my birthdays or just when my bf is in an extra lovey mood he’ll make me cum so much that he’ll put it ahead of him cumming, like he’ll cum but not as much as me
also what does it feel like? it’s really hard to describe because it’s unlike any other feeling in the world for me, keep in mind i’m not really an expert 😭i’ve had sex with one guy. and that one guy has a dick that bigger than my face so like… yeah. i can truly feel him in my stomach every time we fuck. i’ve choked on his dick so. many. times. when his dick is in me i just feel like i’m being filled, it’s so much pleasure and tingling and it’s just these emojis “🥰🫶🤩😳🍆😩😖” does that make sense? it just feels like he’s filling my whole body. not even only my pussy, everything is set on fire. when i’m in the moment i don’t ever want it to stop.
if you’re with someone and they only care about them cumming and getting off then run.
anyways. i love sex a lot. i love having sex with my boyfriend a lot. it’s just… it just feels like heaven. when he makes me cum i feel like i’m in heaven. it’s just something so beautiful in my opinion. i love the intimacy, how it makes two people closer, how it’s a love language in itself. it’s so private and personal that i love it. i’m talking about the soft moments here :( the body kissing, the eye contact, the giggling, god yeah it has me weak to my knees.
the rough stuff? yeah! it’s just as good in my opinion. me and my boyfriend are like 80% rough, 20% soft lmao. it’s just what we love 🤷‍♀️ but you need to make sure it’s something you’re comfortable with! make sure you experiment and have those conversations. communication. is. everything. things like slapping, spitting, choking, tying up, blindfolding, they all sound sexy in fic and they are irl! but i’ve found that i prefer it when i’m not sober 😭 but tbh if you love your man like i love my man then honestly i’ll let him do anything with me i just wanna be his fuck doll and he. knows. that. he does whatever the fuck he wants with me and yeah! i’m on board.
the bad stuff? the hurt. it does hurt. even 5 years into fucking my boyfriend i have moments where the pain gets a lot, you get used to it but make sure you take the precautions necessary. and please fucking stay safe! use protection, prevent yourself from catching diseases. it’s really fucking serious so make sure you stay safe and just take care of your sexual health.
and oh my god. please consent. please make sure all parties are comfortable and on board. it’s so important. please. don’t ever overlook this. even in an established relationship. 5 years in and my boyfriend has touched and kissed every inch of my body but he still says “is this okay?” “are you sure?” “do you wanna try this?” which is the bare minimum btw!!
having sex can have a toll on your body. everyone shares the good stuff but it can make you feel very drained and detached. i think there’s a name for it?? idk but i know it’s something that just happens sometimes after intense sexual activity. i know because it happens to my boyfriend sometimes, we’ll fuck like rabbits and then he’ll just be not himself after and at first it made me feel insecure because i was like ??? did i do something wrong :(( but to prevent that miscommunication and misunderstanding you just need to research!!!
he’s explained it as just feeling lost. he told me that it most likely happens because he’s very active, in sports, the gym, with his job, uni, with me so his body takes a toll during post sex :( he just feels drained snd god he sleeps like a baby after it. he’s flat out, he sleeps in seconds sometimes. but most of the time he’ll force himself (and me) to stay awake so he can clean us up and TMI he always makes me piss lmao cus you have to piss after sex!! keep clean and safe guys
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thatpunkmaximoff · 5 months
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[Book Three of Three]
Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 3 out of 5
Wow. Where the hell do I even begin?
First of all, Callum is definitely my favorite. Though he is very much an Archdemon and is rough and tough with his Lady Witch, he’s also very soft with her… and ugh, he melted my heart. I honestly did not expect him to WANT Everly to peg him tho lmao.
Everly was also my favorite girl because she was so pure and innocent, and corrected her path when she saw the true path Kent was leading them all down. These two are perfect for each other.
The trip to Hell was fun, as was Callum and Everly giving each other their metal (their piercings were the best out of all them), but I was NOT a fan of the final battle with the God. Don’t get me wrong, it was good, but THAT ONE SCENE had me gasping.
You know what you did, Harley. How dare you make me take a breather before I got back into reading. Holy shit.
All in all, I loved it. This book felt different and I’m guessing it’s because of Callum’s demon-y sweetness with Everly that I don’t think Leon and Zane quite possessed with their own females.
This trilogy was amazing and I’m so sad to see it end.
Now here are my rambling thoughts...
* So Everly’s mother took her own life? I call bullshit.
* Oh no. Poor Marcus. I can’t believe Jeremiah killed him like that. What a dick.
* She found her Coven family house!
* Callum’s here! And he’s… crazy? lol.
* He got a little excited and went a little feral 😂 Poor Everly doesn’t know what to think. And now she’s given him Sam’s name since he bruised her, and Callum is pissed. FUCK. SHIT. UP!
* Yessssss. Sam deserved that.
* lol the dead grandma speaks through an old radio. Wtf 😂
* I’m getting puppy vibes from Callum. A murderous puppy, but a puppy nonetheless.
* “I’ll be watching. If your father tries to keep you, I’ll ensure you escape. I’ll bring you home.” // “Home… I don’t know if I’ve ever really had a home.” // “Home is wherever I can keep you safe.”
* “You should wear a bell so you don’t give me a heart attack.” // “A bell? Like the one’s humans put on their cats?” He tipped his head curiously. “Only if you promise to drag me around on a leash. then I’ll gladly wear your collar.”
* Callum crawling just short circuited my brain 😂
* Who the fuck is hunting Callum?
* Fuck. Lucifer sent his right-hand to speak with Callum. If Lucifer interferes, I’m gonna be pissed.
* I’ve never been more glad for Kent to be dead. He fucking put magic dampening cuffs on Everly!? I need Callum to see them and lose his shit again.
* Wow. She pegged a demon 😏
* Fuck. Who cuffed Callum?! 😩
* So that’s how the book got in the box.
* Fuck Kent for making her strip like that.
* Fuck Mrs. Hadleigh too! Stupid cunt trying to hit Everly. Dumb bitch fucked around and found out.
* Run away, Everly! And go find out what the fuck happened to your demon.
* “Everly is not, and has never been, a mere fascination. She is my reason, my logic. She is my one and only God. Think I’m mad if you wish. There is nothing left for me in this existence except for her, and I would sooner rip myself apart than allow you or any other being to stand in her way.”
* I fucking hate Lucifer.
* Aww, Callum. He doesn’t wanna claim her because he’s afraid for when she dies… but she’s dying right now, so…
* “No matter what it takes. No matter what I must sacrifice. No matter who I must kill. For you, I would burn this world and the next.”
* Lmfao. Poor Everly is trying to find a spell to get rid of the wraiths before they notice her, and fucking Callum slaps the wall to get their attention 😂
* Goddamn. Callum and rope play. I dig it.
* She can shapeshift!
* Awww. Callum is so soft. Sometimes.
* Ugh. Juniper attempting to attack Everly still pisses me off lol.
* Callum is making me interested in rope play now 😂
* “I love you more than life itself, more than my own freedom. For you and you alone, I’ve stayed alive, Everly. For you, I would face everything I ever feared. I’ve lived a thousand lifetimes and I swear I’ve loved you in every one of them.”
* Oh shit… she walked into Hell with Callum. What’s going to happen here..
* So Callum is going to get a piercing for Everly… and not the other way around? Wow. I kind of wanted Everly to get a piercing tho lol.
* She pierced his dick 😂 and got a matching clit piercing in return. Such a brave little witch.
* I’m so glad the council put Lucifer in his place. Jealous fuck.
* What the fuck!!!! It killed her?! And she was pregnant!? You’re fucking lying.
* Oh my god. She was pregnant!
* She lived. She fucking lived 😭
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pls ramble about something that isn't mentioned often enough in one of your interests
[slams hands down onto table] had to think a bit about this one (apologise for the delay) but buckle up; Imma go on a bit of a Warrior Cats rant because THE SECOND HALF OF THE NEW PROPECHY WAS NOT PLANNED. IT WAS ONLY GONNA BE A TRILOGY OF BOOKS AFTER THE OG SERIES WAS PUBLISHED AND THEN SALES OF THE FIRST SERIES EXPLODED SO HARPERCOLLINS COMMISSIONED ANOTHER SIX-BOOK SERIES.
This is something that's incredibly fascinating to me because I'm one of those readers who's of the opinion that the first six-book series is peak Warrior Cats and then it's all downhill from there (even if there's obviously stuff to enjoy in every series that's been written since!) - but those first three books of The New Prophecy (the second six-book series published) are some of my faves. They might not be as strong in terms of overarching plot, but there are some fantastic character dynamics and it feels like a very compelling continuation of the original series. But then, once they get to the lake and the second half of the new series begins, things just get,,, rough. Some of the character decisions are wild, the romance dynamics implemented at this point in the series remain controversial in the fandom to this day, and there's a lot more jank to be noticed in that plot (honestly, each book kinda has its own separate little plotline - there are lingering threats that still culminate at the end, but I'd argue it doesn't have the same cohesion of the first series). And that's because those latter three books were comparatively way unplanned! Initially, The New Prophecy was a trilogy that served as a next-generation/epilogue followup to the original series, and then it ended up getting stretched into a whole new series. As someone who never much enjoyed the back end of TNP (aside from the Hawkfrost-Brambleclaw confrontation in Dawn, because that shit slaps), it honestly felt kinda vindicating to find out years down the line that there was a meta reason why the vibe felt so different. xDD
In any case, the fact that these books weren't planned for in the way that their immediate predecessors were is something that I haven't really seen discussed in the fandom (not that I'm SUPER plugged into the fandom - maybe I just missed it? :P) which just strikes me as odd because it accounts for so many of the wacky shenanigans we're still discussing all this time down the line xD
(Also this is only tangentially related but me and a friend workshopped how we'd rewrite the series from the second half of TNP onwards and BOY HOWDY is there a lot of stuff that we had cool ideas for. I really wish that the authors had had those ideas instead, yaknow? :P)
Anyways! That's my ramble. I really wish more people in fandom looked at the meta and context of their fave series sometimes, lmao
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stackthedeck · 2 years
mattfoggy 74 and 66 please!
oh my goodness I've gotten so much mileage out of this prompt list I love y'all so much
66. “You made this for me?”
74.“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
Sorry, this took a hot second lmao but I hope this fluff was worth the wait <3
“Good morning.”
Foggy wakes up with the sunlight and Matt wakes up with Foggy. Anything beats his alarm clock screeching the time at him. But Foggy’s voice, the way Matt can feel it deep in his chest before he hears it, the steady beating of his heart, his arms around him, his whole body enveloping him turning the bed into a furnace, even his morning breath. He could do this for the rest of his life. 
“Morning,” Matt mutters back, his voice still rough with sleep. Fuck he needs coffee.
They haven’t made a habit of sleeping with each other—both in the euphemistic and literal sense of the phrase. Just when they're both interested or they’re working late at either of their apartments instead of the office or if Foggy doesn’t want to get a cab back and Matt’s apartment is in walking distance or if Foggy wants to keep Matt from putting on the suit or if they can find any reason.
But they haven’t put a label on it. Friends with benefits maybe? But the benefits aren’t just sex, it’s also cuddling and a shared law firm, frankly a shared life. Honestly, it doesn’t feel that different from college.
Matt buries his head into Foggy’s neck, trying to steal just a few extra minutes of sleep, a little bit more of Foggy’s warmth. His sheets smell like Foggy and Foggy smells like him. The merging of their two scents makes something complicated well up in Matt’s throat, makes him want their hearts to beat in sync.
Foggy kisses the top of his head. “You need a shower, man.”
“I’m alright.” Matt kisses Foggy’s neck with no real force or intention behind it as he’s still walking up, he just wants to taste him, feel him. “Wanna stay in bed a little longer.”
“Nope.” Foggy runs his hand through Matt’s hair and Matt can feel his smile pressed into his skin. “You smell like that godforsaken suit and the dumpster you crawled out of.”
So maybe sleeping together isn’t stopping Matt from putting on the suit. But it gets him back home faster.
“Didn’t hear you complain last night.”
“I don’t complain about anything at four a.m, except not sleeping.”
“You could join me.” Matt pulls back from Foggy just so that he can see him bite his lip. Even after all this time, he can still feel Foggy’s face flushing with heat, hear his heart jump.
“Tempting,” Foggy hums, but it turns into a yawn, “maybe after coffee.”
Matt wriggles closer to Foggy, squeezing him a little tighter than necessary. Foggy precedes to throw the blankets open, letting a cold gust of morning air slap against the both of them. With a groan, Matt untangles himself from Foggy.
“Fine,” he huffs, but he’s not that put out because Foggy’s laughing and he can’t be in a mood when Foggy’s laughing and here with him.
The sound of the water hitting the shower tiles drowns out all other noise, radar sense being pulled down to just Matt’s body. Morning showers are one of the few opportunities he has not to put every piece of input into his mental map. Even so, Matt still finds himself straining to hear Foggy’s heartbeat.
When Matt turns off the water, he’s hit by the smell of coffee and food—scrambled eggs with the yolks still in, bacon, fresh-cut fruit—and above it all is Foggy. He can hear Foggy humming a tune to himself as a spoon clinks against the ceramic mug.
Matt dresses and then walks into the kitchen, his radar sense quickly confirming what he already suspected. Foggy made breakfast. He really shouldn’t have, Matt’s not a breakfast kind of guy, more the type to grab a granola bar as he rushes out the door.
“What’s all this?” Matt asks. He steps closer to his tiny excuse for a dining table but doesn’t sit down. Smelling the air, he can tell that there’s cheese on the eggs and Foggy’s found the hot sauce amongst the disorder of his fridge.
“Breakfast.” Foggy presses a mug into his hand. He doesn’t have to, he could hold it out and Matt could sense it, but Matt finds himself smiling at the gesture anyways. “Or the best I could do. Did you know you only have turkey bacon? Matt, if anyone is allowed to eat real bacon, it’s you. Also, you’re out of flour, I was gonna make pancakes but—”
Matt inhales. Black coffee with two sugars, exactly how he likes it. He doesn’t remember telling Foggy how he takes it, but he must have noticed and remembered.
“You made this for me?” Matt asks, his voice so much smaller than he expected. He’s never let anyone stick around long enough for them to pick up the little details of him much less have anyone care enough to remember them.
“No, I made coffee just for myself in your apartment and then had you hold it for me,” Foggy laughs, “I don’t know if you can tell from my tone, but I’m rolling my eyes, buddy. Obviously, I made you coffee.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s nothing.”
It’s everything.
“Sit down and eat,” Foggy says as he pulls out the chair for Matt, guiding him to it, “I’m seriously concerned by the lack of food in your fridge.”
“I’m getting groceries tomorrow.” Matt takes a bit of the eggs. They’re a little dry, but the cheese and yolk make them rich, some things Matt would neglect if he was cooking for himself.
“Hot sauce at 12 o’clock,” Foggy says over a sip of his own coffee. Just a splash of cream, no sugar, but if they’re at a coffee shop he prefers chai lattes.
“You don’t have to do that,” Matt says as he reaches for the hot sauce.
“Force of habit.” Foggy shrugs. “Does it help or is it annoying?”
“It helps,” Matt says, “but you don’t have to, I can figure it out.”
“No trouble on my part.” Foggy reaches out to take Matt’s hand, squeezing just a little.
“Thanks for staying over,” Matt says, “and I’m sorry for leaving before we could…”
“Well, thank you for coming back in one piece.” Foggy squeezes his hand just a little tighter, like that could keep him safe. 
“You could have gone back to your place,” Matt says, “not had to wait up or sleep next to dumpster smell.”
“Did you want me to?” Foggy’s heartbeat quickens and his fork scrapes against the ceramic plate. Matt winces, not sure which sound is worse.
“I’m trying to say that, I’m glad you didn’t.” Matt squeezes Foggy’s hand back. “It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
Foggy lifts Matt’s hand to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss on his scarred knuckles. “What would you say to being…roommates again?”
“Roommates?” Matt raises his eyebrows as he tries to hold back a chuckle. “Is that all I am to you, something to keep the rent down?”
“I mean—” Foggy cuts himself off with a laugh and suddenly Matt is laughing too and their hands are clasped so tightly and the smell of perfect coffee and food mix with Foggy and it is home.
“Boyfriends,” Foggy says once he and Matt have both stopped laughing at themselves, “what I’m asking is, do you want to be dating, like officially?”
Matt takes a sip of his coffee, knowing that Foggy could make it just how he likes it every morning and that Matt could do the same for him. His sheets could smell like Foggy and Foggy could smell like him. Every morning, he’d wake to the sound of Foggy’s voice and his heart beating in his ear, so close that it’s practically in his own chest. 
“I’d like that.”
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96percentdone · 2 years
Every danganronpa ship that you ship
damn you're gonna make me go back in time huh. okay. the problem with all of these is i try not to think about dangan ronpa lately lmao cause I don't like who I was back then even if I still have some affection for the series. also because ship is a vague word i've limited it to "dynamics i would/have consumed/made content for"
Naegiri: the original ship i had. dr3 truly made everything more complicated you hate to see it.
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Kirihina: this one came about out of spite in dr3.
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sakuraoi: these bitches gay good for them
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komahina: honestly probably still my one true love in this fandom. good for them. also they got a bingo how iconic. also by friends with benefits i actually mean like. "rivalry ust something might have happened in a closet neither is ready to unpack yet" dynamic. especially in post canon scenarios lmao.
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kuzupeko: look man i don't know what to say other than i thought sdr2 chapter 2 slapped. didn't everyone. what do you want from me.
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kuzusouda: okay all i will say about this one is that i shipped this WELL before dr3 happened if you kNOW about my old ask blog you KNOW what went down over there. that is ALL.
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kamukoma: it's just like. dark komahina. what was i supposed to do. not. not be interested? I ALREADY LIKE KOMAHINA LEAVE ME ALONE. IZURU IS FREE REAL ESTATE ANYWAY LOOK IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE WAY THAT KAMUKURA IS A REFLECTION OF HINATA--//gets shot before I can finish my thesis. double bingo.
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Oumasai: no bingo for the v3 otp. that's rough. anyway why would anyone be surprised i liked this one when i like komahina. it's komahina at a 45 degree angle: there are fun parallels that compel me, but the difference in evolution makes it more fun.
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tenmaki: is this dynamic real? no. but do I think that it would be cute? yes. mutually good for each other even. gym buddies. 10/10
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Crossover: this only exists so we all collectively acknowledge the elephant in the room. presenting with my longest deep sigh ever...
Oumakura: also by friends with benefits i do in fact mean enemies with benefits. do not get it twisted. i can't believe this got a bingo.
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bahamutgames · 7 months
October - November 2023
Hello again!! Soon December will be upon us (or maybe it already is by the time I finish this lol. We'll see) and before you know it, 2023 will already be over. Sheesh. But we still have a few days of November and some big things in December to go through so let's take it one step at a time, okay?
Had an interesting time during October as I was finishing some RPGs and fell into a bit of a funk / gamer block after some junk. But thankfully I managed to pull myself out of it and I'm happily chipping away at my next RPG as we speak! I ended up playing a good amount of shorter stuff these past 2 months, so let's go ahead and talk about some of it!
Per the norm, these aren't reviews. Just my thoughts I'm slapping up here. You should play everything I talk about regardless of what I say and form your own opinion. Cool, let's begin!
Pikuniku (January 24, 2019) - Xbox One
As I said earlier, I fell into a bit of depressed slump for a little. And I decided that replaying Pikuniku would fix me. I played this back around the time covid started, so it had been a long while since I played it. And, yeah, it's still REALLY good! Cute visuals, one of my favorite OSTs ever probably, super charming script and story. It's such a good time honestly even if can be a little rough at points. If you haven't played this game before, I've played it twice now and it 100% gets my seal of approval.
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Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd (March 27, 2014) - Playstation Vita
But... Pikuniku, despite how much I adore it. Didn't fix me. No, sadly, I was still in a bit of a slump and not sure what to play next after being drained of my gamer energy. Then I dug through my games to fetch a console for my sister, and happened to accidentally find out my other sister owned a Miku game on vita. I had no idea we had this! And I've been getting more into vocaloid lately. So what the heck? Why not play it?
I used to hate rhythm games but lately I like them a lot more and, yeah, I had a great time with this! Staying up late in bed playing it late at night was a ton of fun. I discovered a lot of new vocaloid songs I hadn't heard before (off the top of my head I really liked Melt and the spooky themed one but I'll have to relisten to them all to say which were favorites). The game is super cute, I think it looks great, I LOVE that there's a lot of costumes for each of the 6 characters, I liked all the music, and honestly yeah this game really made me feel a lot better.
Only things I can say against it is that easy is WAY too easy, not even asking you to use most buttons of the system. While normal was just WAY too brutal, I couldn't even beat Melt on Normal. Maybe I just suck though. Also I think it can be a little difficult to figure out how to equip costumes but it's not that big of a deal. I like the magician miku outfit a lot, fun game :)
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Paratopic (September 6, 2018) - Nintendo Switch
Hey! Here's a game you probably would NOT expect me to play because I avoid horror like the plague lmao. But my brother bought this a long while back, and I saw it sitting there unplayed. And it's like, less than an hour long. So I figured, what the heck? And gave it a shot (shoutouts to my siblings owning random games I guess lol).
Paratopic is interesting because it's meant to be played in one go, with no saving at any point. There's not really any losing either, so it's kind of like an interactive movie. It's told out of order and is also not super in your face about the plot which could be a drawback but it's very clearly the intention so I think it does it very well. Graphics were nice, story is odd and interesting, it's a very unnerving game. I couldn't even relisten to the OST while writing this cause I was too scared (still listening to miku). But again there's no major scares as far as I recall? It's similar to Fatum Batula in art, odd themes, and the fact that it's probably a good horror game for people who hate horror. Not my thing but happy I played through it!
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SLUDGE LIFE : The BIG MUD Sessions (August 2, 2023) - PC
Well anyway, I do. And somehow I missed out on the fact that there was a Sludge Life 2 demo that was free to play and had its own plot! So, naturally, I had to sit down and play it! Not a lot to say because it is a small story, taking place only in one building rather than a big city. But I thought it was a great way to get back into the swing of things with Sludge Life, and I had a blast completing this bite sized story! I even completed the full Gato Mago demo present in the game lol. If you're not sure if you'd like the games, I might honestly recommend playing this to give it a shot since it's easy to complete but has everything present in the main 2 games.
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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass (March 18, 2022) - Nintendo Switch
I talked about the end of the Booster Course Pass a little bit on twitter. But just in case you missed it, I wanted to talk about it here. It's finally done, and honestly I had a blast with it. While this DLC was kinda rough at first, being pricey for some admittedly low quality tracks (at least in terms of graphics) I really think by the end they pulled it together and made this a very worthwhile package with LOTS of new tracks and even new characters that they didn't have to do! I really appreciated it!
This final set of stages was nice, DK Mountain is a classic and it's great to have it back. Rosalina's Ice World was a pleasant surprise! Bowser's Castle 3 seemed like it was gonna be the most boring one but I LOVED it! And Rainbow Road Wii was such a nice send off! Great remake of a great track!
For new tracks, Piranha Plant Cove stood out to me the most. I adored it, as it was brand new to me since I don't play Tour (my younger sister does and she hates this track lmao). But I thought it was gorgeous, has a great aesthetic with the beach/jungle ruins at night, and has great music. It felt like something out of a JRPG which love, and the music particularly reminded me of Sea of Stars a bit!
New characters were great too! Overall while there's still some characters and tracks I wish returned (Wario Stadium, ROB, stuff like that) I do think overall this DLC made MK8DX such a complete package and was totally worth the price of entry I payed however long ago. They brought back some of my all time favorite MK stuff such as Choco Mountain and Petey Piranha.
And honestly, it's looking like MK8 might finally be done. We might actually be moving onto Mario Kart 9 soon which feels crazy to me. MK8 is finished, Tour is done getting new content. I really truly think the next MK thing we see will probably be 9. And I wanted that for YEARS! When they announced the booster pass it rubbed me the wrong was cause I just wanted 9 already. But now that it's here? I'm gonna miss 8 a LOT. It's my favorite one next to DS probably. And it's been the latest Mario Kart for SO long. I remember going to gamestop the day it launched on Wii U to pick it up in 2014 (THAT'S 9 YEARS AGO, BTW. 9 YEARS OF MK8). I've gone through major life changes during the course of MK8's existence. Graduation, learning to drive, moving out (multiple times), presenting in public for the first time. Mario Kart 8 has oddly been a consistent part of my life for a while now. And I'm honestly a little emotional to let it go.
However, I'm very excited to see what comes next from this series. I'm waiting with baited breath for 9, and I'm sure that regardless of what the next game is like, I'll probably love it. It's hard to say goodbye, but I do really love MK8 more the more I think about it and reflect on my time with it. Late night playing with my sister, playing online with friends, playing with randos, driving around the tracks slowly to see all the little details. Thanks for all the good times Mario Kart 8. I'll always be using tilt controls :')
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Super Kiwi 64 (December 2, 2022) - PC
Wow that last one got a little emotional, huh? Let's move onto something I haven't spent a large formative part of my adulthood playing. Siactro is a small indie dev I have become fiercely loyal to, playing just about everything they put out since I first played the original Toree! So when I saw they were making a new 3D Collectathon, I was VERY excited!
And this game lived up! It's great! Some GORGEOUS worlds that look so breath taking with these N64 styled graphics. Some fantastic music to accompany you. It feels WONDERFUL to play, I genuinely am OBSESSED with Kiwi's moveset. Gliding, dashing, stabbing into walls to climb up them. It might make exploring a little easy but exploring is absolutely the focus more than platforming is. And I think these tools make that goal very easy and EXTREMELY fun. In fact, it's so good I'm actually sad it isn't longer. There's only 8 worlds and they're all 100% completed rather quickly. Which is fine, Siactro games tend to be short. But this one was just SO good, I wanted more! That's a positive though I promise!
My only real negatives are that the game doesn't explain the plot too well, you have to play Beeny to understand what's happening. Which is fine for me, but it's odd they did that. I also think it's odd that there's NO ENEMIES! I don't think I took a single hit of damage through the game. I think some cute (CUTE NOT HORRIFYING) enemies would really elevate the game and make it a little tougher. Likewise, I know there's only 5-6 main collectables in each world, but I do think some way to keep track of them would be huge. Even just a hint list so you know what you're looking for. Regardless, super fun game, another banger from Siactro and if you're looking for a shorter 3D collectathon, do give it a look!
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He Fucked the Girl Out of Me (July 24, 2023) - PC
I'm not sure it's appropriate for me to discuss this in this format as this is a deeply personal game for the creator that tackles real life serious subjects about their past. However, it is still a game and it's a game that's VERY good and I think everyone should play!
He Fucked the Girl Out of Me is a visual novel about the creator's life as a transwoman, and their time as a sex worker. It's a very sad game but that's exactly how it should be and it does end well. But I think it's a really interesting game just by the nature of it being an autobiographical game. That's something I've been interested in for a while and this game does it very well. Really putting you into the head of the creator as they take you through the story.
The graphics are nice, looking like a gameboy title. The story is told very well and did honestly make me cry a bit (I'm particularly sensitive though I cry a lot aha). It's a short game but I would love to see more games that tell people's experiences like this, I think getting to play it can give you a look into their life that a book or movie just can't do the same way. I really loved the scenes where you could pick snacks and see her thoughts on them, and I thought the scene where you see what people message you in this line of work was very well done. There's isn't a ton to say about the gameplay side of things, but I think that's fine since again, it is autobiographical and it manages to tell that story very well through a more VN styled approach.
The game tackles topics about shame, and hiding your trauma due to fear of getting in trouble and the trauma that fear adds on top of the shame. It's a something I think a lot of people can relate to even if you don't go through something as traumatic as what the creator of the game went through. It's an important message and I'll absolutely be keeping an eye on this developer going forward. If you've got the time, give this game a shot.
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SLUDGE LIFE 2 (June 27, 2023) - PC
And here we are, Sludge Life 2! As a huge fan of the first, I couldn't resist anymore. I'm a little late but I just HAD to play SL2!! This game picks up RIGHT where The Big Mud Sessions ends off. Big Mud has gone missing after recording, and it's up to Ghost to track him down! All while tagging, making some new friends, and taking pictures of stupid stuff along the way.
It's very similar to the first, but now with the added Ciggy City attached the main town from the first game so there's a LOT more to explore now! Just like the first one it's a ton of fun to run around and platform about while tagging stuff and making friends with random taggers. A lot of them are new this time but there's some familiar faces too. It's still a blast, there's still lots to do, I like that the plot covers some more serious topics, it's very funny, it has great music, I love the graphics. Overall it's a blast! There's a fully uncensored penis in it which is awesome! This is random but I think more games should be allowed to have full uncensored nudity without getting an AO rating.
However, I personally didn't prefer it over SL1 or the Big Mud Sessions. It is fun. But like, I think it wasn't as fun. And it felt like they were leading up to something a little cooler than how it plays out. The death mold felt like it should have been a big thing leading to a big finale. But it's just the bad ending and it's quick and not addressed much, which is how the bomb worked in the first game. But the bomb wasn't teased and didn't feel like it may have been a big deal if that makes sense? I thought Ciggy City could be a little annoying to navigate at times, I don't like Gato Mago as much as the game in the first, I feel like they didn't improve some issues such as it being REALLY hard to find tag spots when you're near 100, I couldn't figure out how to spit in that guy's food! It is still good and I had a great time playing through it, but it just didn't feel as amazing as I was hoping a sequel would feel.
Regardless, I still recommend this series, and I hope we get a Sludge Life 3 that can maybe make good on some of its plot teasing? I am interested to see how the Death Mold will tie into a potential 3rd game as well seeing more uprising against the corruption in the world and the clops. I also would like to see a boss fight, because I really thought the health bar in the trailer meant there was gonna be a boss fight. Doesn't need combat or anything, I think the moveset present in these games could already make for an interesting boss.
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Hello My Name is (Val)iant Or Val's Guide To Having A Broken Vag (June 1, 2023) - PC
Another short visual novel about sex and body stuff! This was also a game I randomly discovered a few weeks ago and had a great time playing through it! This game is more lighthearted than He Fucked the Girl Out of Me, but is still a great time and still has important things to say. You play as Val, a transman who has lived with extreme vaginal pain their whole life. And you see the struggles that comes from doctor negligence and trying to find love with that problem.
This one has some more gameplay like scenes, mainly 2 minigames you play twice. But the way they're handled is VERY interesting! I won't spoil it but there's a Tetris minigame used for talking to doctors, and a Rhythm minigame used for having sex. And the way it contrasts the feelings between 2 different experiences in both situations using these minigames is REALLY well done.
It's not autobiographical I don't think, but is more autobiographical in the sense that it capture's the dev team's past issues with doctors ignoring you, medical racism, and the lack of help and care for people with vagina's comfort in sex and just in their bodies in general. I'm not kidding when I tell you this game taught me more about vaginas than my entire life of sex ed in school. Drop out and play video games, kids. You'll learn more.
Great graphics, great music. I know I shouldn't compare it to HFTGOOM so much but I liked both of these a lot! I would love to see more games about real topics that affect real people in the future, and especially ones that maybe tackle more genres than just Visual Novel (though I understand it is the best medium for this)
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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I (January 19, 2012) - PC
It's time... to talk about Sonic 4... I want to preface this by saying I LOVE SONIC, and I genuinely feel kinda bad whenever I trash on something Sonic related because the series gets so much undeserved hate. And I know I recently had some negative opinions on the Final Horizons DLC but oh my god... Sonic 4 made me appreciate that so much more. Guys, this game sucks. I'm not joking when I say this is probably the worst Sonic game I've ever played.
This game feels so absolutely soulless in a way no other Sonic game can even come close to imitating. It's trying so hard to be like a Classic Sonic game by copying its level themes, concepts, and music style. But it copies absolutely none of the charm in any way. The music just isn't very good (kind of a sin for a Sonic game?). The graphics are REALLY bad imo. It's trying to make all the 3D models look like 2D sprites but it fails MISERABLY. The effect only works on the final boss. I really can't explain it, you'll just have to see the final boss for yourself, it's clearly trying to look like a 2D sprite. The game plays like GARBAGE! Sonic is so slow, takes forever to reach any meaningful speed, and the homing attack doesn't work 99% of the time. It's truly baffling to me.
Speaking of the final boss, that sucks too. The bosses in this game are all rehashes of earlier bosses, but less fun! Big surprise! This game ends with the Death Egg Robot again but unlike the Generations fight with it which is cool. This fight is like, a massive slog that takes FOREVER to kill. I seriously think it may take like 10 minutes to get through if you do perfectly? And it certainly took me about an hour with all my deaths. And the story being like, just the Sonic 1 story is so boring, no one talks, the animations don't look that good. This game just SUCKS. And that's just the game, not even considering the fact it's uploaded to Steam with an error that makes it so you can't launch it without a fan made launcher!
I think what bothers me so much about this game is that people ALWAYS like to flame on the usual suspects when it comes to Sonic. 06, Shadow, stuff like that. But I will die on this hill, those games, while maybe not being GREAT and certainly lacking polish, are FUN and full of heart and soul. Why is this game NEVER brought up? It has barely any, if any, redeeming qualities. I know this was made for youtube reviewers who hated Sonic having friends and stories but I genuinely cannot believe that even they would enjoy just playing Sonic 1 but worse and shorter? Truly a game for no one. Let's move on.
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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II (May 15, 2012) - PC
So right out of the gate, this game is SO much better than the first it's actually jarring. I still don't think it's great. But it's more just, eh, rather than being terrible like Episode I. For improvements, they drop the art style which is a big help. I feel like the music, while still trying to sound like Genesis music, actually works this time and sounds pleasant and fun. And while Sonic is still REALLY slow and the homing attack still doesn't really work, it just feels better to play. And the addition of new content instead of just rehashing old stuff is VERY welcome. Sonic 4 Episode 2 opens with a brand new, gorgeous castle stage. Has Tails who is used for team up moves, and features ACTUALLY NEW BOSSES! Wow!
Overall it is a massive improvement over the first. But it still has a lot of issues. For one, the levels are SO long. Like, they just do not end ever. And they do kind of start to copy other games in the second half . The Tornado level is a SLOG and just not fun. I hate the stupid half pipes (does anyone really like these?) And the bosses are even worse, they're not BAD but they're SO long and all end on this big hit you have to land that can be a chore to get right (the trash golem boss). And the final boss, while it is WAY cooler, lasts SO long!! You have to walk through a not super short level to get to it, watch a not short cutscene, then watch a cutscene after EVERY PHASE. Unskippable, do this upon EVERY DEATH. Not every Game Over, EVERY DEATH!
Whatever, again, it is a LOT better than the first. It's not offensively bad like that one was. But still, kind of an odd game. The boss themes are great though.
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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode Metal (May 15, 2012) - PC
I probably don't have to discuss this as it's just Episode I backwards. But I do have to give some props to this one cause it is kinda neat. And probably the most interesting idea of Sonic 4. Letting you play as Metal is cool, I'm a sucker for stuff like this where you revisit worlds in a different context (you start at the final world and work your way back to the starting world.) It's neat! And even though it's pretty much identical to Sonic 4 Episode 1. It's way shorter, with no bosses. So it's more fun.
Overall I'm happy I tried Sonic 4. But these games just sucked man. If you wanna play one, just play Episode 2 don't even bother with Episode 1. I genuinely get a bit of happiness knowing there was never an Episode 3 I have to suffer through. 2D Sonic still has a place nowadays. But everything offered here is done better in LITERALLY EVERY OTHER ATTEMPT AT A NEW 2D SONIC!
Want classic gameplay with nice classic pixel art? Sonic Mania is there. Want classic gameplay with the modern designs? Sonic Advance Trilogy is better. Want 2D Sonic with homing attacks and boosting and stuff? Sonic Rush games are better. Oh but you can't play as Metal? YOU FOOL!! SONIC RIVALS 1&2 ARE BOTH BETTER AND ALSO HAVE SHADOW AND EVEN ROUGE IS IN THE SECOND ONE!
And when do these games take place? Is it trying to imply this ACTUALLY takes place between Sonic 3 and Adventure? Like is this supposed to be saying Metal is only in heroes BECAUSE of this game? That's nuts right? That sounds insane right?
Again, truly a game for no one. Go play Sonic Rivals.
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Portal (October 10, 2007) - PC
Ah, Portal! You may be surprised to learn I've never beaten this game! And more surprised to learn I've NEVER beaten a Valve game prior to this! I started this game when I was young but got stuck during one of the puzzles (the only where you have to launch yourself across the barrier you can't shoot through?) and dropped it. But I own it again on steam and thought I should give it another go. And I'm glad I did!
This game was SUPER fun! It's short but every level is genuinely cool to try and figure out how to use the portals to their fullest. Which, in of itself, feels very impressive to me. I can't help but feel like programming and making those portals work must have been a NIGHTMARE! But it payed off because again, it's SUPER fun! GLaDOS is really funny during the whole thing, the credits song is of course fantastic, and the creepy parts where you see outside of the experiments were VERY scary and I had to mute the game during them cause they unnerved me so much lmao.
But without a doubt, the best part of this game was the final boss. I thought it was SUPER interesting trying to get the portals lined up to blast GLaDOS. And the context of the fight, with GLaDOS being obsessed with flooding the facility with toxic gas was very funny.
The only real drawback I can say the game has considering it's so short is that the final escape sequence is a little long. But GLaDOS taunting you during it and trying to sound like she's in control of the situation was fun and I did like the part where you have to fight a bunch of the turrets at once.
But yeah! Fun game! Glad I finally beat it! I still hold firm that Chell is the best choice for a Valve character in Smash Bros. cause I'd be SO interested in seeing them make the portals work in that game!
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0 notes
venusiangguk · 3 years
pretty kitty | jjk (m)
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>>pairing: jungkook x reader / gamer!jk x brat!oc
>>genre: established relationship, smut, pwp
>>word count: 5.7k 
>>warnings: hard dom jk, brattiest brat oc, mentions of pet play!!, wearing of cat ears during the deed!!, teasing, hand job, spit, finger sucking, name calling, degradation, tummy bulging, pet names, orgasm denial, begging, masturbation, light pussy slapping, jks a lil mean… so sexy of him, praise kink, flinching, light face slapping, humiliation, size kink, jk biggest cock in the whole world !!, forced orgasm, withheld creampie to forced creampie??, mentions of buzzfeed and 2d cat girls, jk lowkey a simp 🙄, mentions of choking
>>notes: this is more of oc just getting railed with cat ears on LMAO actual pet play stuff will be in part 2 which i will have out next week hopefully seeing as this part wasn’t even supposed to turn into a whole ass one shot -.- anyway!! this is ltgb!couple <3 but you dont have to read that to read this~~
>>summary: you’re jk’s baby, his toy, and now his pretty little pet.
It starts with a buzzfeed quiz.
 ‘What kind of cat are YOU?’
 Your boyfriend is lying next to you, controller in hand and his pink little tongue poked out in concentration. He’s still kinda sweaty and flushed from your last round. Chest rising and falling with deep breaths, his honey blonde locks a little bit askew from you running your tiny hands through it while you rode him. 
 He senses your stare and looks at you for a second, doe-eyes scanning your face, your still bare body. He lingers on your neck before a big hand reaches out, fingertips rubbing on your skin a little.
 “You good, chicky? You’re a little red… was I too rough?”
 Your phone camera comes up and you angle it to look at where his hand just was. Indeed a bit red, and a little sore, but nothing you don’t love. You smile, and shake your head, wiggling a little closer. You’re laying on your side so your curled knees press against the outside of his leg.
 He gives you a small smile and gets back to his game and you get back to your quizz, dutifully answering the questions, truthfully and honestly. After a few clicks and debated answers, you await your results, humming along to the game song that you’ve come to memorize. Surely you’ll be a Russian Blue, or another beautiful and regal breed. 
 The breath you were holding puffs out in a dejected sigh, ending on a pitiful whine. A sphynx? A bald and wrinkly scrotum looking feline? 
 Jeongguk notices your deflated state and cranes his neck a little to see what you’re doing. You turn the phone so he can see better and he snorts a little laugh out when he sees your results. 
 “It’s not funny, Kookie,” you grumble, going to the search bar and typing in ‘breeds of cats’ before clicking on images and pulling up a little picture chart. “Which would I be? For real,” you ask him, sitting up a little, so you both are side by side.
 “I don’t know, I think sphynx is pretty accurate. Aren’t they like super high maintenance and have very specific care instructions?”
 You graciously ignore the backhanded way that he is saying you are also very high maintenance and have very specific care instructions. “...Yes, but so do ragdolls… I mean just look at that coat, so fluffy.”
 You zoom in on the little picture of the fluffy cat on the chart and Jeongguk humors you, laying his head on top of yours. “I could also see you being that one. It’s so pretty and it looks like it would be high maintenance too. And it also looks like it would demand attention 24/7 even while I am gaming. Just like you.” He pauses, fingers doing something intricate with the controller, before continuing a little absently. “But maybe you were dubbed a sphynx because you like being naked all the time.”
 You tut your tongue, and look at your nude state. He had a point. But a ragdoll? It was quite pretty… fur fluffy and well-groomed, eyes blue and icy. You pause, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Are you saying you wish I had blue eyes?”
 “No, of course not. I love looking into your eyes and not being able to see your pupils, chicken. Also, I don’t think cats have brown eyes?” he states, eyes never leaving his game. 
 You hum, contemplative as you turn your head to give his tattooed arm a tiny peck. Google tells you that cats in fact, do not have brown eyes. Your will to bicker dwindles as your brain purrs with thoughts of kittens. 
 You and Jeongguk have been together for like 7 months now… maybe it’s time for a fur baby? One that stays at his place, of course. You can’t risk the tiny demon using your stuff as a scratching toy. 
 With Instagram pulled up on your phone you go to the explore page and then to the ragdoll tag, cooing every time you see a particularly cute one. The kittens look like little clouds and the big ones look like small little princes and princesses. Your thumb is quickly scrolling down the feed when something a little different pops up and catches your eye, making you hastily backtrack. 
 On your slightly cracked screen, is a pair of fluffy ears and tail, as well as what looks like a choker. And while you aren’t 100% familiar with cat accessories this… realistic (you’ve been a slutty kitten for Halloween your fair share of times, the ears and tail incredibly cheap, nowhere near as luxurious as the ones you’re staring at now), you are familiar with pretty things and the set is certainly that. 
 You click on the page and begin scrolling, seeing a lot of other pretty sets, as well as some informational posts, answering many of the unspoken questions in your little brain.
 What is this? Pet play.
 What is pet play? A sub-category in the BDSM community.
 Okay but like what is it actually? A type of role play of sorts.
 Like a furry? No, not like a furry.
 Why do people like it? For many different reasons. Sometimes people just like dressing up and sometimes people like being tied up, humiliated, and being owned.
 You scowl at your phone a little, a small pout on your lips, the last bullet point making your brain buzz just a pinch. You liked those things… Images of Jeongguk plague your mind. Him making you feel like a tiny little toy that’s only useful when you’re making him feel good, him calling you his dumb little baby when you can’t think properly with his cock inside of you. Him filling you all the way up, till you’re stuffed full of his cum and just his.
 “Do you like cat girls?” you peep, eyes still on your phone.
 He hesitates. “2D ones or real ones?”
 You give him side-eyes. “Both?”
 “Only 2D ones, I don’t look at other girls… Haven’t seen one since we started dating, actually.”
 You laugh, taking it upon yourself to settle in his lap facing him, giving him a big kiss. “I love you, but this isn’t a trap. I’m just curious.”
 He gives you a weary look. “I don’t believe you.”
 You hum, laughter still swimming in your eyes, turning and sitting between his legs, back to his chest. Going back to the account you were just on, you go to the tagged photos, finding just what you were looking for. Cute, sexy girls in their cute, sexy kitten gear.
 You pull up one and nudge him a little to get his attention, but he turns his head to the side, avoiding the screen once he realizes what he’s being asked to look at. You fight with him some, phone waving around and him jerking his head in all different directions, crying between laughter asking how you can be so small, yet hold so much evil in your tiny body, why you insist on trapping him in sticky situations. 
 Finally, however, you get him to look with the promise of good intentions, admitting that you’re thinking about getting some ears for yourself maybe. This peaks his interest well enough.
 His eyes are round as they take in the girl on the screen. She’s posed a bit lewdly to show off the tail as well as the collar and leash that’s falling between her breasts, and you see how he hesitates, looking at you, and you just laugh, shove the phone closer.
 “I mean… the ears and tail are kinda sexy… and I like the leash I think. But only that, and they would look much better on you.”
 You make a soft appreciative noise, going to the website linked in their bio while Jeongguk once again starts to play his game, eyes occasionally dropping down to you, but you keep your phone out of view.
 It takes a few weeks for your package to arrive, everything from the shop being handcrafted and made to order. 
 But it finally gets to you when Jeongguk is out. He’s been gone most of the day, away at a streaming event with Jimin and Taehyung. Due back any second now. You haven’t mentioned the cat stuff since that night, and you think after the first few days, your boyfriend has probably forgotten about it. So with your fingers running over the soft fur, you quickly think up a way to surprise him.
 You decide to go for simple and nonchalant, hoping to ease him into it. Even though he seemed interested in theory, in reality, seeing your girlfriend naked on the couch with something long and furry coming out of her ass might be a little shocking. So instead you just place the simple ears on your head, keeping on your lazy outfit; one of his big shirts and some thigh high stockings.
 The ears are white, fuzzy and furry and soft to the touch. The insides are almost like a rougher version of baby pink suede, with tiny black hearts airbrushed into the material. Kind of reminds you of earrings a little. 
 Your tail is the same fur fabric, with a baby pink ribbon at the end to attach the complementary little plug the shop provided as a gift. The plug is a translucent, baby pink, glass one and it’s tiny. Thank god, because anal isn’t something you dabble in very often. It has a little ‘o’ shaped ring at the base, which is where you’ll tie the ribbon. You tuck those away in the drawer of his dresser that’s become yours the past few months, just as you hear his front door open.
 You walk out and see a rather tired looking Jeongguk. He hums, pleased, into the kiss you greet him with and his hands come to your face, pet over your hair a little. He makes a small curious noise when he feels the headband.
 He pulls away and finally looks you over, his eyebrows raising a tad when he sees your ears, and his eyes growing mischievous when sees the rest of you.
 “You look cute,” he says casually, walking away from you. He taps your butt on his way to his kitchen. “Have you been here all day?”
 You make an affirmative noise. “Was waiting for you.”
  You tiptoe over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, resting your cheek on his back. You stay like that, attached to him as he wanders around the kitchen making something to eat. While his food is heating up he laughs softly, spinning around in your hold. He looks down at you, eyes narrowing playfully. One of his hands grips at your bum and the other grips at your jaw, squeezing so your lips push out in a guppy-like manner.
 “A little needy today, hmm?” It sounds a little mean, like he’s making fun of you, but his gaze holds love and mirth.
 “Yeah,” you nod, small hands grabbing at his shirt. You want it off. “Missed you.”
 When you press yourself into him, boobs flush against his stomach, you hear him let out a satisfied little sigh, telling you he missed you too. His hands start to wander some more, slipping under his shirt to squeeze and pull at your cheek and you think that maybe he’ll be easy tonight, too exhausted to make you work for it after his long day. But he gingerly wiggles from your hold when the microwave beeps. 
 Until you grip his big hand in your small one, pulling him back to you with an indignant whine. He regards you with a quirked brow, a look of incredulity on his face even though he knows how you are and should be used to your antics by now. 
 Going with you until you’re hopping onto the kitchen table, he settles between your open legs giving you a wistful gaze that’s decorated with a knowing smile. His thumbs rub into the meat of your thighs until one comes to your kitten ears, rubbing the soft material between his fingers. He then pets at your head, cupping your cheek.
 “You’re not being very good, are you?” he whispers, pinching your cheek a little. “Not being a very good pet? Hmm?” 
 It’s said patronizingly, but his tone, his choice of words- it makes your lashes flutter and a soft gasp sound from the back of your throat. When he presses the softest little kiss to your lips, you chase after him, locking your legs around his waist when he tries to get away again.
 He laughs, shaking his head at you, cupping your face in his palms, jostling you like he’s trying to shake some sense into you. You just pout with your brows furrowed, impatient for his affection.
 “What’s gotten into you? I was only gone for a couple hours and you’re acting like you haven’t seen me in days.”
 You turn away from him with pink tinted cheeks and a scowl. “I just want it,” you say, tightening your legs around him, bringing you both closer, almost body to body.
 “Want what?”
 He already knows what, and is just being obnoxious. You can tell because he subconsciously pushes closer to you, and his tone has taken on that dreamy quality that it gets when he’s turned on. And when your hand drags down his body to touch him over his jeans you feel how he’s just a teensy bit hard in your tiny palm.
 “Want you to fuck me,” you say quietly, squeezing him some, coaxing his cock into getting harder, little by little.
 His hands pet at you some, and you push into the touch, and he pushes into yours. He’s always touchy with you, can’t ever keep his hands to himself most of the time, but you wonder if the circumstances are making him more conscious about it. If it’s deliberate when he rubs his hands over your arms, scratches at your head a little. You all but purr in his hold, getting a little more deliberate with your own touches. He’s not fully there yet, but the bulge in his jeans is obvious. 
 However, Jeongguk is in a mood, and is not giving in as easily as you thought he was going to.
 “I will,” he says, squeezing at your waist. “But I’m hungry, haven’t eaten all day.”
 You clamp your legs before he even starts to move away. Sounds like an excuse to you. “No, now,” you insist, bratty as always, hell bent on getting your way.
 “I’m tired, chicken. I need fuel-”
 Circling your arms around his neck, you kiss him so that he shuts up, slowly trailing your lips wherever you can, words sounding in between each peck, “That’s okay, we can go slow,” you try to sound cute, as if what you’re saying is a compromise and not a selfish way to get what you want, “haven’t done it like that in a while.”
 You bring your lips back to his and kiss him like you mean it, like you’re trying to get him under your spell. He resists a little at first, but melts into your touch quickly enough, angling his head to kiss you deeper, to slip his tongue into your mouth. Pulling away, he sighs, placing chaste pecks on your cheeks, nose, everywhere.
 “Get me there then,” he murmurs between kisses. 
 You let out a breathy giggle, giddy at getting your way, just like always. Bringing your hands from around his neck, you drop them to his pants. You undo the button and push at his tummy a bit so that he backs up enough for you to get his semi out.
 He starts to plump up even more as soon as you get your hand around him, but Jeongguk stays quiet, gazing down as your small hand works over his growing length. After letting you pump him for a few seconds, he finally gives you his attention, a soft smile on his lips. He tucks a little bit of your hair behind your ear, eyes flicking to the kitty ones on your head once more. He leans in some, teases your with a kiss by rubbing his nose against yours, keeping his lips just out of reach.
 “Both hands,” he whispers, smirking at the whimper you let out when he pulls away, withholding his kisses. He lets out a shaky breath when you comply, hands twisting under the crown on the upstroke. He’s just about fully hard when he says, “Spit on it.”
 You work your jaw a little, gathering the spit before you drop your head and let it fall from your mouth down to his cock, stroking a bit quicker with the slick aid. You look at him, expectant of praise, having done what you were told, but he just drops his mouth open a little, a silent moan written on his features. You jut your bottom lip out, a complaint on the tip of your tongue.
 “Shh,” he coos before you can, knowing exactly what he’s doing to you. The corners of his lips quirk up just a bit, like he thinks your need for praise is funny. A hand comes up to your face, his thumb wiping under your lip to get the little bit of drooly wetness that was left behind. He drags your bottom lip down with the pad of his thumb, before putting it in your waiting mouth. 
 You latch your lips around it, licking and sucking for him, as his eyes grow a little glassy and unfocused, his hips starting to barely thrust into your fists. His lashes flutter, and his head tilts back, reveling in your touch. He lets out a soft, airy, ‘Yeah’ that goes straight to your pussy.
 “You’re ready,” you decide for him, speech a little gurgled around his thumb.
 He laughs, hazy and turned on, taking his thumb out of your mouth and slapping your face lightly with his open palm. “You’re such a brat.”
 You shrug, checking behind you to make sure there is nothing that can break on the table. When it’s all clear, you lean back, squirming a little so you're right on the edge, giving Jeongguk easy access.
 He hums when he sees you laid out for him, his big hands wasting no time as they slip under his shirt that you have on, pushing it up to your armpits, your big tits pillowing into plush circles on your chest. Groaning, he brings his hands to them, squeezing them and jiggling them, mesmerized at the way they bounce back into place.
 His hands and eyes then move down the rest of your body and you hear a quiet laugh.
 “No panties?” he asks, glancing at you before his fingers come down to your pussy, spreading your plump folds open so he can see your tiny clit, and sweet, pink center, wet and shiny. He doesn't touch you there anymore than that though, his hands rubbing over your body again, like he can’t get enough of you. Can’t get over how soft and supple you are in his hold, arching for him eagerly. A hand covered in rings, runs down the outside of your thigh, over the white nylon material of your stocking. 
 You playfully bring your foot to his chest, toes wiggling and rubbing against his nipple. He lets out a tiny, unexpected moan, before he glares at you, gripping your ankle and pulling your foot away. He pauses when he sees a little bit of pink on the ball of your foot.
 “Are those toe-beans?”
 You giggle. “Yeah.” Your toes wiggle again.
 He grins laughing a little to himself, bringing a hand down to grip his cock, stroking as his eyes rake over your body. “Not a chicken anymore, are you?” he asks, finally bringing his tip to between your pussy lips. He moves it up and down rubbing against your clit, spreading the wetness between your thighs around your cunt. “My pretty kitty tonight?” he muses thoughtfully.
 You nod your head, wrapping your legs around him again to pull him closer, urging him to slip inside. He gives in,and you mewl as his cock slowly disappears into your pussy, the stretch a pleasant burn. When he pulls out, only to push right back in a bit farther this time, he sees how wet you are by the shine that follows.
 He does that, fucks you slow, with long, steady thrusts. Every time he’s flush against you, you can see that small bulge in your tummy where his fat cock is filling you up. He brushes his fingers over it for a second, like he’s in awe of the way your petite frame takes him, just like every time you get him inside of you. Whenever he gives a particularly hard thrust, your tits bounce and the table knocks against the wall a little.
 “Faster,” you moan, one of your hands playing with your nipple, the other just touching at him, fingertips on his tensed stomach.
 He shakes his head, groans as he slides back in again. “Feels good like this.”
 You huff a little. It does feel good, could probably cum with just his slow thrusts if you were patient. But you’re not, and even though you know you said you both could go slow tonight, you’re greedy and needy, and you just want more.
 Before you can whine at him, he grips the hand you have on his tummy, pushing it down so that it's at your pussy. “Play with yourself, wanna watch,” his voice is quiet, a little rough.
 You do as he says, bringing your fingers down to your opening, gathering a bit of your slick around his cock before rubbing over your clit. You start with tiny, little circles, slow like his thrusts. It feels good enough to aid the little simmer in your belly, making your arousal spike, your pussy tightening as his hips keep pushing into you. Your fingers start to work a little faster, the softest, airy moans that pitch up at the end fall from your lips. The kind that Jeongguk says always drives him crazy.
 “Don’t cum, not until I do,” he pants, getting worked up, your cunt and your noises making his cock ache inside of you.
 With movements faltering just a hint, you roll your eyes internally. He’s cruel and evil- he knew you were right there, just about to fall over the edge. You lick your lips a little. 
 “K,” you say.
  You’re going to cum anyway, you decide, fingers going right back to that pace that gets you reeling.
 You try to keep your telltale orgasm signs at bay. The way that your legs start to close on their own, like the pleasure is too much for you. The way that your breaths start to come out short and staccato, chest rising and falling. The way your brows furrow with concentration as you work to get there. How you let out the most pitiful whine, wanting nothing more than to cum with him inside you.
 You do a piss poor job apparently, that or he knows you too well, because Jeongguk’s grabbing your hand again, this time keeping it in his grip and away from your cunt. 
 With a soft, whiny sob, you say, “Kookie, please-”
 “You’re so bad,” he spits, a tiny laugh of disbelief in his tone. He swats at your pussy, not too hard, but enough to make you cry out softly, and try to close your legs. To little avail, he’s still inside you, between your legs, filling you up. “You were just about to cum even though I literally just told you not to.”
 You turn away from him, a little flushed, embarrassed at being caught before you could even actually finish. He grips your face, fingers digging into the chub of your cheeks.
 “No, look at me,” he says, “You just get so dumb when you get my cock inside you, don’t you?” He uses the hand he has on your face and makes you nod, like you’re agreeing with him. You give him a dirty look and try to get your face free, but he just squeezes tighter, making your eyes water. “Can’t even follow simple instructions?” He shakes your head. “Yeah I know you can’t. So fucking bad. Such a bad little pet.” He draws his cock out until just the swollen tip is still nestled inside before slamming back in.
 It almost takes your breath away, how overwhelming full you feel. Tears well in your eyes from how good it is. Him being upset with you also makes tears fill your eyes. Even more than the painful hold his fingers have on you. But the pleasured tears and the ashamed tears are also mixed with angry, fussy tears. “You’re being selfish,” you spout.
 Jeongguk looks at you for a moment, his hips slowing and his grip on your face loosening a bit. Then he just laughs at you. Balls deep, laughing at you like you’re the most pitiful thing he has ever seen.
 “Shut up,” he tells you, eyes still smiling, thrusts picking up again. “You’re selfish, I wasn’t even home for 30 minutes before you were demanding my cock- you didn’t even let me eat. Spent hours and hours thinking about it, didn’t you?” He lets go of your cheeks and you frown, humiliated because he’s right. You know he’s waiting for an answer so you just barely nod. He smiles, satisfied. “Yeah, so dumb, that’s the only thing you ever think about.”
 He brings his hand to your face again and you flinch a little, cheeks sore from his hold just a bit ago. He coos, smoothing his hand over the fingerprints that he left.  “I’m going to cum first, and then you. Right? You want to be good, don’t you?” His voice sounds like he’s trying to explain something to a child, as his hand drags down your body until his thumb sneaks in between your folds, rubbing at your clit.
 You buckle, a high pitched keen falling from your lips as your legs spread wider, your hands coming up to your knees and pulling them back. “Yeah,” you say, nodding. Mind a little hazy again, just wanting to appease him so he keeps his hands on you, so he’s proud of you. “Wanna be good. For you.”
 “My sweet girl,” he whispers, his hips working skillfully into yours.
 The praise makes you high, and you just know that you look like one of those lewd doujinshi girls with the flushed cheeks and the heart eyes. Huge tits bouncing every time he fucks into you, faster now, while he continues to play with your clit. 
 He moves your legs to his shoulders, and braces himself on the table so that he can ram his cock into you, bends you a little so that he can see the way your face twists as he fucks you deeper. You glance at your belly, looking for that bump, and god there’s something so hot about being able to see just how big he is, how he stuffs you to the absolute brim, every time he shoves his fat cock into your little cunt. 
 It makes you whine and grip at his forearms, nails digging into his flesh and he moans, head rolling back, hips snapping forward even faster like he’s starting to lose control. The tip of his cock kisses places inside of you that make you fuzzy in the head and his girth stretches you out so well, can feel every ridge of him against the sensitive walls of your pussy.
 “Wait-” you say, a little panic lacing your dainty whine. “Slow down, gonna cum-”
 “Don’t __, hold it,” he warns, moving your legs back to his waist. He does slow his thrusts a little, but he’s mean. He brings his fingers back to your clit, rubbing like he wants you to cum, like he knows you’re going to, despite his warnings.
 “Please,” you whimper, hands coming down to grip at his wrist, “you gotta stop or I’m gonna-” you turn your head, bury your face into your shoulder, hiding from him. Your body is so tense with your effort to listen and be good for him, straining against the high that's quickly cornering you.
 “Look at me, baby,” he says, sounds breathy and so turned on, but also like he’s amused, “You’re gonna what?” 
 God, he sounds so smug.
 Your eyes are watery, and your flushed head to toe as you try to keep the rush at bay, but when you look at him and see his condescending smirk that matches his condescending tone, it does you in. Your walls clench around his cock and your clit is so sensitive and his touch is so good, you have no chance really.
 “Gonna cum-” you cry, legs shaking, as your pussy starts to contract around him. Little pulses as you cream all over his length, high pitched moans coloring the air. You bring your hands to your face, covering yourself like you don’t want him to see as you wraith against the table,
 Jeongguk sighs, like this is exactly what he wanted, like forcing you to cum on his cock is the most gratifying thing in the universe. He’s trying to keep from cumming himself, the clench of your hot, soaking cunt almost too much for him, but he focuses on you. The guilty way that you’re hiding from him while simultaneously working your cunt over him makes something short circuit in his brain, so fucking in love. 
 His thrusts start slowing down gradually along with his fingers so that he doesn’t overstimulate you, wanting to only make you feel good.
 He tsks, once you’ve come down, body still thrumming with pleasure tremors as you lay on the table, his cock still throbbing inside of your pussy. “So naughty, baby.”
 You giggle into the hands still over your face, a bit delirious. “Yeah, so naughty.”
 Jeongguk starts fucking into you again, “Don’t seem like you’re sorry for not listening?”
 “You made me, it's your fault,” you tell him, finally looking at him again with hazy cum-drunk eyes. Pawing at the shirt he’s somehow evading losing this whole time, you try to get your breathing under control. He takes it off without complaint and you hum at the sight and feel, his body lean and pretty, a little sweaty and hot under your hands.
 He still sounds sweet, gentle as he tells you, “Hush, gonna pull my cock out and fuck your mouth if you keep talking.”
 You laugh a little again. He’s the one that keeps asking you questions. Your orgasm has made you playful and carefree, just a little toy for him to play with now that he’s taken care of you. “Mmm, cum in my mouth?”
 Jeongguk groans, and you can tell he’s getting close, his hands coming up to grip and play with your tits to get him there, as his hips start to lose their rhythm. “No way, you’re so spoiled and not even fucking sorry. And you never fucking learn. Not cumming inside you at all.”  ”
 That knocks you out of your afterglow quickly, “Wait, no,” you whine.
 Your eyes search for his gaze, a little needy and panicked, but his eyes are closed, and his brows are furrowed, and you’re steadily ignored. The more lost in you that he gets, the more you want his cum. His grunts and groans that turn to needy whines make you keen, and his hands that tremble a little as they rub over your curves bring chills to your body.
 “Fuck,” he moans, “You’re so rotten but your pussy is so good, gonna make me cum.”
 “Inside me?” you chirp, trying again.
 But he just shakes his head, bottom lip getting pulled between his teeth like he’s concentrating and trying to tune you out. Truly just using you for his pleasure as his blonde hair sways a little with every pump of his cock.
 “Please, I want it, Kookie,” you whine.
 “Don’t care,” he grits out, bringing a hand to your tummy, as he looks down his body to where his cock disappears into your pussy. He backs up some, getting ready to pull out and finish on you, as he brings himself as close to the edge as he can with your cunt. “I- Fuck I’m gonna cum,” he whispers, eyes squeezing shut.
 As his hand moves from your belly to his cock, you act quickly. You wrap your legs around his waist again before he’s able to fully pull out, his tip still snug inside. Then you lock them behind him and pull him forward. 
 Jeongguk stumbles a little, his cock sliding right back in, quick and all the way to the hilt. He was so close before that that one last stoke into your wet cunt is all he needed to finish, to spill inside of you. His mouth falls open with a choked gasp and his face scrunching in pleasure. You moan with him as you feel the first hot shot of white paint your pussy, and the way he still milks himself inside, despite your fiendish ways, makes new waves of arousal settle in your lower belly. 
 When Jeongguk drowsily blinks his eyes open he’s met with your sheepish, very pleased with yourself smile.
 “Sorry?” you say, charm turned on heavy.
 He shakes his head at you, a smile playing on his lips as he tries to bite it down. He settles over you more, resting on his forearms, his cock still blanketed by your pussy. He nips your cheek as his fingers play with the white ears on your head. “Why don’t you ever listen, kitty?” He presses that smile he was trying to hide into the apple.
 You giggle, his hair tickling you some, “Isn’t there a saying that’s like ‘don’t ask for permission, ask for forgiveness- it’s easier’?”
 “You did ask, I said no,” his laugh melds with yours. “Gonna make you behave next time, be a good pet for me.”
 You hum, running a hand through his hair, choosing to ignore his threats. “Want me to zap your food again? I bet it’s cold by now.”
HELLO IT IS I, the procrastinator!! but here it is!! back to your regularly scheduled smut, and not soul crushing angst!! i hope you liked it <3 also sorry for splitting it into parts i just havent posted in foreverrr... also the pet play aspect is going to be rather light even in the next part, so if you are unsure of it do not fear!! please do all the things if you enjoyed: reblog, like, comment, share, send an ask~~ as always, i love talking to you guys :*
omg also thanks for helping me hit another milestone as well as a mini one on top of that!! :o
also also, this is what oc was wearing!! soooo cute <3
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okie bye ily muah!!
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shoutogepi · 3 years
First Time BJ HC’s
with Bakugou, Kirishima, Shinsou, & Todoroki
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : [  ✘ 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 (𝟏𝟖+) ] smut!
𝐡𝐜 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 : how would they act while receiving head for the first time?
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : i don’t usually mention this but i did wanna say that they’re all 18+, AS THEY ARE IN EVERYTHING I WRITE. also please minors stay aWAY. LEAVE NOW PLEASE i am begging you. 
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 💥
surprisingly vocal and loud about it!! omg this mf... your panties are def gonna be drenched after giving him head.
fists your hair and shoves your head down, choking you with his dick. he’s just really eager and excited to finally have your mouth on him!! 
lost in the pleasure of it all. so he lets his guard down and ends up making mouth-watering noises for you to indulge in while you service him. 
LOTS of grunts and whispered curses under his breath. 
probably lasts like 5 mins but only because he’s battling himself not to bust every 15 seconds. 
when he does come, he pulls out and paints it across your face. honestly, he’s been dreaming about doing exactly that ever since he first saw you. 
yeah, he knows he’s nasty lol...
asks you if he can take a pic for his spank bank when he’s done. 
Your tongue glides across his hot length, lapping at the bulging veins that line the underside of his shaft. As your lips make their way to the base of his cock, he lets out a gravely moan and your eyes roll back at the sound of it, ignoring the dull ache that’s begun to form at the back of your throat. 
“Deeper, Princess...” the blonde grunts, his hips shifting up so the swollen head of his cock nestles deep into your wet mouth. “Fuck yeah.” 
He pants, vermillion orbs glaring down at you as he lets you off his lap and you sputter for air. The sight of your saliva stringing out between your parted lips and his slick cock makes him ache. Even without your mouth on him, he feels just as hot, like no matter what you do, he gets closer to coming with every second of you on your knees in from of him. 
It’s not long before Bakugou’s deciding you’ve had enough air, slapping his girth against your lips. He swears as your tongue pokes out to trace the ridge of his heavy cock head, the muscle lashing out to caress his skin and take him into your mouth again. 
“Shit, oh my fucking god— fuck—” His grip on your locks tightens as you hollow your cheeks and suck on him, salty pre-come dripping down the back of your tongue. 
Your thighs push together as your core drools for him, his moans clouding your thoughts as you move your neck to pump faster. His balls tighten and the feeling in his stomach sharpens, thighs twitching beneath your splayed fingers. 
“Nnn— no baby, slow down, slo—” You don’t pay him any mind, twirling your tongue extra hard against him as you push him to the back of your mouth. “Fuck!” He moans as he shoves you off him, his cock leaving your lips just fast enough for his release to spray over your cheeks and across one eye. His legs don’t stop shaking even as his cock ceases gushing, his hand coming to cradle the back of your head and smear the white liquid across your lips. 
He groans as your tongue wanders out to meet the digit, cleaning his essence from your mouth with a coy smile. His gaze burns down into yours, desire still simmering in his bright irises. 
“That was fuckin’ hot, Princess,” he commends, watching his come trickle down your face before his fingers reach for his phone. “You’ll let me snap a pic, yeah baby?”
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 🧱
attempts to be really manly about it but just like bakugou, he cannot shut up about how good it feels. vocally admires you the whole time.
he was hesitant to let you go down on him in the first place, because to him, sex should revolve around your pleasure.
so when you told him that making him feel good in turn makes you feel good, he shuts up and pulls his pants down real quick LOLL.
praises you the whole time, treats you like a goddess and he’s your loyal worshipper.
he doesn’t really know what to do with his hands so he alternates between stroking your hair/chin and covering his face when he’s sure he’s making an obscene expression (although fails to actually hide said expressions from you, much to your delight).
when he’s about to come, he gives ample warning and makes sure to ask  where you want him to finish. 
hot and respectful experience, 10/10.
Kirishima throws his head back as he moans, his fingers slipping through the hair at the crown of your head. “That feels so, so good baby girl...” His other hand curls into a fist atop his thigh, which tenses as your nails scrape down the inside of it. 
You look up at him through your lashes, tongue following the thick ridge on the bottom of his length. Fitting him in your mouth is a feat of its own, his cock rock-hard and thicker than you expected between your lips. Connecting gazes with him, you watch as his sharp teeth dig into his bottom lip, his hand slipping from your head to shield the lewd look twisting his features. You can feel your cunt warm at the sight of his furrowed brow and hanging jaw, his ragged panting only egging your ministrations further.  
“What about this, Kiri?” You spoke against his shaft, lips moving across the slick skin and moving to swirl your tongue around his thick head. 
“That’s—” he cuts himself off with a moan when you suck on his sensitive member, sliding half his cock into your warm, wet mouth. “God, you’re amazing!” 
You hum, satisfied with his answer. But that only makes his moans louder, his fingers tugging at the roots of your hair again. Your free hand caresses his heavy sack, thumb rubbing over his soft skin and squeezing ever so slightly. 
Kirishima whimpers your name, forcing your eyes to meet his crimson gaze once again. He looks absolutely wrecked, lips parted and hot puffs of breath escaping as his chest rises and falls quickly. “I’m really close, baby girl... where do you want me to..?”
All he receives is a flirty wink in response before you continue your movements, and he doesn’t bother to hold back the moan nor the desperate expression that crosses his handsome features. After a few moments of going to work his hips begin to shuffle under you and he tenses, and you open your throat and allow him to push his cock into your mouth on his own accord. 
“Holy shit!” He cries as he comes down your throat, his hot spend warming your body as your tongue pets his cock, waiting for him to fall from his high. “You’re so beautiful, baby girl,” he murmurs once he’s done, pulling you up for a passionate kiss. 
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮 🔮
tries to keep his cool and succeeds... for the most part. 
sits back and lets you do your thing, eyes never leaving you for even a second. 
he has a pretty dick and acts like he knows it, but it looks so, so much better slipping in and out of your mouth.
gently fucks your face. he likes having you take your time, which is also why he lasts longer than you were expecting. nothing crazy tho prob like 10 mins max HAHA.
he bites his lip to keep the noises in so he’s no where near as loud as the others... but when the occasional moan does slip out, it makes it only that much better. 
combs his hands through his hair a lot. also thinks about how he’s gonna reciprocate this great favor once you’re done...
oozes a lot of pre throughout the whole ordeal but he actually doesn’t taste too bad?? magic man. comes on your tongue and demands you hold it there for a second before you swallow. o.o
after everything’s done he’s shocked that he was able to control himself so well lmao
“Fuck...” Shinsou breathes the swear out lowly, brow twitching while his rough fingertips glide through his indigo locks. He would smirk at the purr that rumbles through your body at his praise, but your mouth sinks down to the base of his cock and his teeth push deep into his bottom lip instead. 
Violet eyes fixate on your mouth, the way your slobber glistens and trails behind your lips with each purposeful movement of your neck. He wants to allow his eyes to roll into his skull as his swollen head presses against the back of your throat, but he forces his gaze to remain on you, determined not to miss a single second of the show. 
His fingers curl into his roots as your tongue swipes against his flushed skin, allowing a quiet groan to escape as you repeat the movement. Briefly he wonders how you can be so good at this, how he feels like he’s been on the edge of his orgasm for the past five minutes and somehow he’s loving every second of your heavenly torture. 
He licks his lips as your mouth leaves his cock and he watches the strands of saliva that connect the two, how your lips curl into a confident smile as your eyes meet his. Tracing your tongue along the side of his cock up and down, then sucking and nibbling at the same skin immediately afterwards. Another groan tumbles out of him, his hand flying to your hair and tugging your head up so that his erect cock rests against your sealed lips. 
You keep his gaze as your tongue wanders out and pets his head, then slipping the length back into your hot mouth as far as you can. Shinsou lets out a particularly heavy breath at the action, his hips jerking up gently so he pushes all the way into your throat. It’s easy to find a rhythm for the both of you, and for the first time, he lets himself close his eyes and become lost in the feeling of your mouth on him. 
“Just like that, kitty... that’s it, good girl...” He starts to grunt and grow louder as he reaches the cusp of ecstasy, still pushing his cock in between your lips until the feeling becomes too much to hold back anymore. “Hold your tongue out.” 
Following his instruction, your pink muscle is covered in white as he comes, some dripping down your tongue and disappearing down your throat. He strokes himself through it, dipping his thumb in the puddle of his seed after he’s finished before he pushes the finger back and you wrap your lips around the digit as you swallow everything. 
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 ❄️
poor baby, he is sooo flustered and reactive. almost catches on fire a handful of times. 
not super vocal at first but he pants a lot and every time you go further down on him, his breath catches in his throat.
speaking of preTTY DICKS!!!!! he has the prettiest. 
honestly he doesn’t last very long. he just is so sensitive bc he’s never had anything so warm and wet and gorgeous near his cock before. and he prob doesn’t jack off as often as the others so there’s that too.. 
he doesn’t have a clue what to do with his hands, very similar to kirishima in the way that his fingers are either touching you or masking the bottom of his face. he keeps his eyes on you most of the time though, taking mental pictures— hell, a mental video— and frying it into his brain. 
warns you when he’s getting close, moans increasing in depth, frequency, and volume. he’s so head over heels for you that just holding your gaze brings him even closer to the edge. 
doesn’t care where he comes, but seeing his spend on your face does things to him... 
Dual-colored eyes pierce into yours as you hollow your cheeks, wet tongue flush to the delicate skin of his aching member. Shouto’s hand lands over his mouth, long fingers stretching across his face as his brows scrunch beneath his silky locks. A harsh breath falls from his lips as your mouth drops down to the base of his throbbing cock. His contoured abdomen quivering underneath your fingers as he draws in another shaky breath, you savor how his gaze is locked on your tongue snaking around his wide shaft. 
“Ahah~ that feels—” he sucks in between his clenched teeth, fingers on his other hand carding through the hairs falling around your face. “Incredible, angel.” His sock-clad toes curl and drag through the carpet beside your knees, your nails digging into the ample muscle that lines his thighs. The action elicits a broken gasp which in turn makes you moan around his rosy cock. 
His hips buck up and shove his length into your throat even deeper at the vibrations, only making him sigh deeply with bliss. You gag and sputter around him, your throat tightening and forcing another heavy huff from his lungs. He allows you to come up for air, feelings mixed about how the sight of you struggling to breath makes him ache for you even more. 
“Don’t stop, love...” he mumbles, barely cognizant as his head spins, your lips sliding around him and answering his plea instantly. His hand curls around the back of your head, loosely guiding your strokes and forming a makeshift ponytail that keeps most of your hair out of the way. “You look so pretty like this, oh god...” 
The number of grunts and moans floating out of him increases as you find a steady tempo to bob your head to, his fist in your hair allowing your movements to speed up. You can feel him gradually tensing, his pants becoming more breathless and desperate, little pleas falling from his lips as his voice turns more gruff. 
“I’m gonna come,” he cautions abruptly, digits pulling at your roots tighter, his other hand flying up to push his own hair back from his forehead as the pressure builds within him. His frantic gaze meets your calm one, his face contorting with the increasing pleasure. “W-Where should I— Fuck, love— agh, God, I— I’m—” 
His body trembles as he falls over the edge, orgasm wracking through him as thick ribbons of white shoot onto your chin, your hand stroking his slick length as you guide him through the haze of euphoria. He comes a good amount, especially when you stick the head of his cock back inside your mouth and happily allow the last few spurts to coast down your throat. 
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
(ᇴ‿ᇴ) ahh i love smut.. lol lmk why i made toshi so daddy tho tfff 
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hyuuckly · 3 years
f i r s t t i m e w/ t h e m
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— mark and 00’ dream line x fem!reader
— 1.7k words
— smut
warnings: dom!idols, overstimulation, squirting throatfucking, pet names, cockwarming, unprotected sex, mutual masturbation, pussy slapping, spitting
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‹ mark lee ›
i think mark would be the type to ask you if you’re okay with it every other minute because he wouldn’t wanna do anything that’ll hurt you or make you uncomfortable. but once you reassure him for the hundredth time that you’re completely okay with anything he does, he won’t hold back. after asking seven times (at least), and he gets that sure and confident look of yours, oh boy, he will not hold back. definitely the type to slap and grab your ass constantly while he’s thrusting into you. his pace would be slow and steady at first but once you adjust to his size, he’ll snap harder. i think he’d keep his pace slow but the power of his thrust would literally knock you out. i also think he’d be vocal, but moaning and grunting wise. not much talking from him during your first time together because he’s too nervous to come up with sentences. mark would pin your hands above your head when you reach over to try and rub your clit because he wants you to come from only his cock. and he succeeds. he’d also be the type to lick your neck when he sees you sweating. he’d whisper pet names such as baby, princess, babygirl, and kitten into your ear but he’d sound so desperate and fucked out when doing so. he’d want to cum in you if you were okay with it, and he loves to overstimulate you both so he’d continue fucking into you. he’d make sure you cum on his cock twice before pulling out of you. he’d lick the cum out of your pussy but very quickly so you don’t cum again and pass out lmao. overall, mark would definitely make sure you’re completely comfortable with doing it and will literally fuck your brains out steadily the second you give him the green light.
‹ huang renjun ›
ugh renjun would be so gentle with you. i don’t see much foreplay for the first time having sex with him, though. just a lot of groping and touching and feeling your entire body up. he’d be the type to place kisses all over your chest, neck, stomach, face, and thighs while groping your breast and ass. small whispers of praises too, to make sure you feel beautiful. he would also jack himself off while he sucks on your nipples, and he’d make you touch yourself so you guys just watch each other pleasure yourselves. at one point, he’ll just stop whatever he’s doing and admire your body sprawled on the bed, looking so helplessly and desperate for his cock. his dick would jump at the view of your glistening pussy, so ready for him. he’d go slow when entering you, i think he’d tease you for being so tight. “god, darling, so snug around me. hmm let me ruin you.” yeah, he screams corruption kink to me. he would keep a slow pace the whole time but his thrusts are so fucking deep. he’d kiss and suck your tongue while fucking you too. he would bite your collarbones and lick them right after to ease the sting. his moans would sound like whimpers, i think. the look on his face would be so dominant and dark but the noises that escape him would sound broken. renjun is also the type to lightly choke you for the first time, but his grip will gradually tighten overtime. he makes sure you cum first, then he finishes on your bare stomach then picks up his cum with his fingers and makes you lick them clean. ideally, he’d want to decorated your face with his cum or finish in your mouth, but he saves that for when you feel more comfortable.
‹ lee jeno ›
you cannot tell me that jeno is not an ass person. this man would literally go crazy when he sees your bare ass for the first time. he’d make you lay on your stomach on his lap so he could have the perfect view. i think the first time with jeno would be so so so touchy and intense. he’d give you light spanks because he loves to see the way your ass jiggles. he’d also slightly thrust up into you when your laying down on lap unconsciously because he’s just that horny. he’d also finger you in this position, making sure you cum at least two times before taking his monstrous cock (bc we all know he’s packing). he’d coo at you so much, clicking his tongue every time you jolt from the sensitivity. once he thinks your ready, he’d waste no time being inside of you. so no blowjob for him, yet. he’d carry your body so you could lay on your back, and he’s definitely the type to take his dick and tease your clit with it, spreading your juices all around. god, jeno would be ruthless. immediately starts with a rough pace, not fast, but rough. reaches your g-stop with no problem. he would grab your hair and make you maintain eye contact with him while he’s fucking you up and would spit in your mouth then kiss you messily right after. he would make you cum with his dick then he’d pull out but would aim his cum on your clit and slit then spreads it around your pussy with his tip. then he’d lick you clean, making you cum for the fourth time!
‹ lee donghyuck ›
this dude would be such an annoying ass tease! hyuck would mockingly praise you and make cooing noises every time you’d whine when he’d purposely miss your clit when fingering you. this mf would not shut his mouth, he’d be so good at dirty talk ugh (his gemini popping off). he’d be the type to call you his cumslut, cockslut, whore, yeah you get the point. you’d be such a pillow princess with him lmfao. he’d eat you out so well, and would literally not stop eating you out until you yank him off by his hair which he loves and could literally cum from the feeling of the harsh tug. even when you yank him off, he gives you a moment to catch your breath but gets back to work. would definitely make you squirt and he’d drink it all up. “look at my pretty whore, such a slut for my tongue, aren’t you.” whenever you’d close your eyes or look up at the ceiling, he’d pinch your thigh or ass or both because he wants your eyes on him constantly. the only one who’d let you suck his cock during your first time. oh you think you’d have control when sucking him off? nah. he’d fuck your throat. you’d be kneeling for him, looking up at him with doe eyes and he’d admire the view from above, caressing your face and hair before he slides himself in your mouth. he’d be decent and give you time to adjust to his thickness (bc he’s packing too) before going in completely. he’d hold your face steady and just fuck into your mouth, but won’t cum just yet. he’d pull you off the second he feels his climax approaching and push you down so you lay on your back. he gives you a few harsh pussy slaps with his thick cock before entering you. his girth is so thick and would definitely stretch you out. he’d overstimulate you, rubbing your clit hard and fast and sucking on your nipples, flicking his tongue around them while drilling into you incredibly fast. he’d definitely want to cum in you if you let him, but if not, he’d be okay with cumming in your mouth.
‹ na jaemin ›
he is such a soft dom omg. he’d have so many pet names for you. darling, angel, love, sweetheart, baby, pretty girl, everything! “pretty girl, will you let me take care of you? love you?” he could spend all day eating you out because he’s addicted to the way you taste and react to every single motion of his tongue. he would also buy you lingerie to wear if you planned your first time beforehand, and wouldn’t take it off of you because you look so beautiful in it. he’d only pushed your bra up to show your breasts and panties to the side to reveal your wet cunt. he would finger you and suck your clit into oblivion. also another member to make you squirt from eating you out so well and for so long. the squirting would only encourage him to keep going until he literally cannot breathe. he would maintain eye contact when eating you out and would wink at one point just to tease you. he won’t let you suck him off even if you beg because he wants the focus to be on you. even though he would eat your pussy for majority of the time, he won’t let you come on his tongue because he wants to feel your pussy tighten as you cum around his cock instead. he’d enter you carefully, kissing you while doing so in order to distract you from the pain. once he sees all signs of discomfort go away, this boy will not hold back. i don’t think he’d choke you but he’d definitely grip your hips and your breasts so tightly that it lowkey hurts but you honestly don’t care at the moment. not when he’s fucking you so well, he’d hit your g-spot every single time. he’d switch your positions so you’d be on top of him but he’d still be the one thrusting into you because he doesn’t want his princess to be doing any work. he would definitely suck on your titties like it’s the last day on earth while fucking up into you. he’d admire the way they’d bounce at every thrust and could cum from the sight. yeah jaemin’s a tits guy. he would have his sly ass smile on display while fucking you too. you and him would cum at the same time and he’d finish inside. jaemin would move you so you could lay down comfortably but will not pull out because he wants his cum to stay inside (if you’re on birth control). you guys would fall asleep while his cock would still be in you because it feels so warm and comfy.
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dewydovahkiin · 2 years
Okok I said I wouldn’t bother you too much but- Danny my beloved 😩 May I humbly ask for a NSFW Alphabet of my dear Alex (take your time with this one I dont wanna be a bother <3)
-Squid 👉👈
Squid my love ofc I can😩😩 I’ll never turn down a lil dilf love 🥴
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Tachanka NSFW alphabet:
A- aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
Absolute god. He’s a big man and tends to get a lil rough, so Alexsandr makes sure he didn’t do too much damage. Will run a shower for you but don’t let him in. He’ll get excited by the close contact and want to bang you into next week again.
B- bodypart (a favorite bodypart on them/you)
Alexsandr likes himself all around, slightly insecure about the fact he isn’t as well defined and hard-cut like his younger comrades but you don’t seem to mind. On you, a s s. He’s an ass and thigh man. Alex is very touchy as is so expect him to get a good grab or slap of your ass or thigh even while in public.
Despite having a slight breeding kink, he doesn’t really have a preference. Usually asks you where you want it but if you’re too incoherent to respond he’ll go for either on your thighs or stomach. Don’t worry, Alex will clean it up.
D- dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Boy isn’t too kinky so not much to go here. Probably has thought of railing you near where his friends could hear just to show off but he’s sure they’ve probably already heard that, so yeah not much.
E- experience (how much experience do they have?)
Is this even a question? The man can get bitches. Definitely experienced. The dilf fucks
F- favorite position
You riding him. Despite Alexsandr’s preference for being on top and dominating, he just can’t get over the sight of you on him and pleasuring yourself.
G- goofy
He’s got terrible humor both in and out of the bedroom. No matter the situation he’ll crack a few jokes here and there just to see you laugh. Also does tease you after the deed for anything he found funny, like a noise or face you made. If you get huffy about it he’ll apologize with a kiss
H-hair (how well groomed are they?)
Alexsandr has a damn mess down there. Like kapkan I don’t think he even considers trimming it, thinks it adds to his masculinity. Thankfully he isn’t super hairy so it isn’t really in the way.
I- intimacy (how intimate can they be?)
Not too often, but sometimes Alex will slow down and want to take his time. Doesn’t happen on any particular occasion either. He isn’t all blunt and rough and he’ll prove it to you.
J- jack off
Not a whole lot but he still did it, and still does when you’re away as a way to blow off steam or clear his head. When you’re around though he doesn’t.
Before he met you, not a whole lot honestly. The risk of getting caught was too high plus beating ya meat in dangerous situations isn’t ideal so it was an uncommon practice.
K- kink (one or more of their kinks?)
Alexsandr isn’t too kinky but he does have things he finds hot if that makes sense? For example, if you wear harnesses or chokers of any kind, brace yourself.
Besides that, I do think he’s got a breeding kink even if the thought of more kids makes him want to ball up and die. And maybe he likes spanking more than he will admit.
L- location (favorite location to do the deed?)
Normally he’d say your guy’s shared apartment or his dorm but if he’s feeling extra bold he’ll take you anywhere. Public restrooms are a go-to in these cases.
M- motivation (what gets them going?)
Pretty much anything lmao. As stated above, harnesses and chokers/jewelry will have Alex never taking his eyes off of you. Gives him way too many ideas for private time, you look way too damn good to not rail you into next week. Being very touchy with him or just admiring his physique not only flatters him but also turns him on.
N- no (things they wouldn’t do?)
Hurt you in any way is a big one, especially since he’s a large dude with a ton of strength. Always is listening to your body language and any verbal communication for signs he should ease up or stop entirely.
O- oral
God of Head™️. Alexsandr does, in fact, have better uses for his mouth other than being a sarcastic little shit. Much better uses. He’ll have you pulling his hair and screaming his name. He prefers giving to receiving but won’t turn down the opportunity for some sloppy if you’re willing.
P- pace (fast n rough or slow n sensual?)
Alexsandr usually goes for something in between but a little rough. If you manage to rile him up real good or he’s been away from you for long periods of time he’ll be drilling you into the mattress (or other surface). But he does enjoy a good slow session if he’s in the mood. Overall, pretty neutral.
Q- quickie (opinions on quickies?)
He’d rather have actual sex but sometimes he’ll be willing to go for a quickie. He doesn’t mind them too much but quickies won’t be a regular thing.
R- risk (are they willing to take risks/experiment?)
Fucking you in a semi-public place is about as risky as he’s willing to get. Alex won’t mind some experimenting with a little convincing. He’s kinda set in his ways and slightly reluctant to try new things.
S- stamina (how long do they last?)
Looong time. Especially if he takes his time with you, brace yourself. You won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. Or walking regularly when he’s done with you.
T- toy (their opinion on toys/do they own any?)
Alexsandr doesn’t own any and doesn’t like using them. He’d rather use his own dick/fingers/mouth to get you off. They make his ego a little fragile.
U- unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
A whole damn lot. He’ll be sure to flex whenever you look at him and give you a wink. God forbid you work out together, he’s such a fucking show off. When he does get his hands on you he amps it up.
V- volume (how loud are they?)
Alex ain’t too loud but he isn’t silencing himself either. Good chance someone definitely hears what you two are up to if they somehow get close enough.
W- wildcard (random hc)
You two got caught by Timur in the showers. All he saw was Alexsandr’s back and your legs around his waist, thankfully but he swears he’s scarred for life.
X- x ray (what’s in their pants?)
Big man= big dick and he knows it. It makes him smug as hell if he ever catches you staring while he’s wearing grey sweatpants.
Y- yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty normal actually. Alexsandr is usually down to fuck at any time though so if he reads your moods right/ you come onto him he’s always ready.
Z- zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep after?)
The second he’s done taking care of you, he’ll pull you onto his chest and he’s out like a light. Falls asleep super easily especially if you’re in his arms.
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ohnococo · 3 years
Reiner Braun NSFW Headcanons
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Throwing out my read on some NSFW hcs for Reiner because I love the man. As with anything I write, he’s a grown ass man here (post-time skip!)
Also this ended up so fucking long but I spend a lot of time thinking about Reiner Braun lmao
Reiner loves making out. Like loves loves loves it. He’d happily kiss you for hours on end, and his kisses are enough to make you melt. 
He pulls you flush against him when you’re making out, and loves holding your face or lightly brushing his fingers along your cheek. He goes between slow languid kisses - tongue moving against yours, his deep moans echoing in your mouth - to soft gentle pecks with his forehead pressed to yours. He will honestly kiss you til you’re soaking wet and both of your lips are swollen. 
Speaking of, he has a big thing for grinding. He loves having you cum on his thigh or hip - it just blows his mind that he can get you so worked up that you’ll cum through clothes and he gets butterflies in his stomach every time you come undone beneath him. Basically, given the time to during a session with Reiner he’ll have you cumming before you even get undressed. (and lowkey, he’s definitely cum in his pants while just making out). Oh, and he loves having you leave hickeys on them. He cherishes them and gets the warm n’ fuzzies anytime he looks at them after one of your long make out sessions. 
Big on praise: both giving and receiving. If you suck his cock he’ll be babbling his praises the whole time: holding your hair back for you if he needs to, telling you how good you’re making him feel, thanking you every time you let the tip of his large cock breach the tight seal of your throat. On the flip side he loves having you tell him how good he is, you can talk him right into a quick orgasm with your praise - he loves to know he’s your good boy. Loves little non-verbal things too, nods and hums of affirmation as he moves his tongue just right against you. 
This brings me to oral sex. Reiner’s need to please alone has him right on my Official AoT Men Who Eat Pussy Like a Champ roster, but this man has a fat tongue that doesn’t get tired. He’ll groan right into you just from how much he loves getting a taste, and you’ll drive him absolutely wild if you rock against his face or lock your legs around his head to keep his face buried. His goal is to leave you shaking and if his face isn’t a mess he isn’t done. Fav positions for eating you out are this, this, and this. Especially the last one. He’s a strong lad with a thick fucking neck, so don’t worry about hurting him if you sit on his face.
I’m sorry y’all but I hc Reiner as having a serious submissive streak running through him, I just do! I’ll get into that more in a bit but firstly: he can be a switch, though even when he’s taking a more dominant role he’s the most attentive dom and a big softie. Every move is still at your behest and the goal always remains your pleasure. He’s constantly checking in on you, watching your face and listening closely for even the smallest sign of discomfort. A dream dom in a caregiver type role, but he still needs the release of submission.
You can coax a feral side out of Reiner, especially if you show enthusiasm for his actions and assure him it’s what you truly want. Put his hand on your throat, moan when he squeezes lightly, and he’ll be easily encouraged to fuck you harder. He can and will get as rough as you like as long as you’re showing him how much you love it. In general though he won’t initiate anything like choking or face slapping unless you ask or discuss it beforehand - in all honesty he’d be terrified if he did something like that and actually hurt you. Reiner is definitely the type to go soft as soon as you let out of yelp of genuine discomfort (or show you’re no longer enjoying any kind of pain you’ve asked him to inflict) so he tends to play it safe. 
The silver lining of this is that he’s so intensely aware of your every reaction. He’ll notice the way your eyes change when he playfully slaps your ass or jokingly calls you something (like “Prince/Princess” or, thanks to the random Reiner dream my brain blessed me with, “Little Mouse”) and he’ll file even the smallest reaction away to bring out later. He’s an overall attentive lover in that way, and knows when to pull out the things in his arsenal that make you wild.
Now. Sub Reiner. Sweet tender sub Reiner. He loves having you tell him what to do, when to cum, when to wait. Even if you’re in the middle of more vanilla play, tell him to cum for you and he will immediately. 
He loves being overstimulated as well, keep going after he finishes and he’ll be squirming and whining in the most delicious way - and play with his nipples! This man is blessed with sensitive nipples and could almost cum from nipple stim alone. 
He loves begging too, begging to be touched, begging to fuck you, begging to cum, or even begging you make you cum - he loves it all. He just wants to make you happy, just wants you to tell him he’s good. 
Aftercare is an absolute must for Reiner too if he’s been submissive. When he crashes he crashes hard, and needs your comfort afterwards to round off a session properly. He loves having his hair washed by you (and secretly has a sensitive scalp) but as long as you curl up with him to cuddle and kiss him til he falls asleep he’s more than happy. 
He gives as good as he gets when it comes to aftercare too. He’ll check in about anything new you may have tried, making sure you liked it or were happy with how it felt. If he’s had you in an uncomfortable position he’ll stretch you out and rub your muscles to make sure you aren’t stiff or sore, and he really loves running a hot bath for you or helping you wash up afterwards too. He finds scrubbing your back or finger detangling your hair in the shower or tub soothing, and having you clean and comfortable in bed with your head on his chest lets him know he’s done a good job.
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