#hunny's ocs
hunny-pp · 9 months
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rhea x astarion shenanigans, manic pixie dream girl and her sewer rat
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choccos-aaart · 8 months
Commission - Rhea (OC) and Astarion
Did a commission for my beautiful BRO
Commissioned by: @hunny-pp
Character Credits: Rhea - Hunny Astarion - Larian Studios
More about commissions: https://wethuzzandfriends.neocities.org/chocco_encore/commissioninfo
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mjtheartist04 · 8 months
@hypocriticaltypwriter lil sumthin for you wifey👀💖🫶
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cold-neon-ocean · 1 year
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Hollow Knight style Poppy and Hunnie from last year! 
This was my first crack at the HK style so it’s not perfect but it was fun! It was kinda hard to translate Hunnie’s specific bigboyness into the style so I took some liberties, Poppy on the other hand was perfect for this 
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luphorics · 10 months
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[overwatch oc] anyways SHOUT OUT to @hunny-pp for drawing my blorbos together!! i'm so mfin emo........
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hungryblackbird · 8 months
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thank you @hunny-pp for my life.
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inkteresting-art · 11 months
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And then he wore it the whole day
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callsign-bunnie · 9 months
You know what we talked about and discussed. Give me it, or I’ll break your ankles
You know, Blue, if I had known you would threaten my ankles, I don't think I would have agreed to write this /J
Anyway, thanks for helping me brainstorm ideas while I took a break last week (and thanks for the Bribe of ten dollars to write something on my Red List. I dunno, might have to take this off of it. I enjoyed writing it a lot.)
Phillip Graves, a young bright eyed alpha marine, who was taking a vacation in Mexico. He was between deployments, and a few of his buddies had mentioned heading to Mexico for the summer while they were off, and he’d tagged along.
He wasn’t super close friends with any of them, admittedly, he didn’t even really like many of them. Maybe, in some arrogant way, he believed they were beneath him. He knew his worth, he knew exactly where he wanted to end up, and most of them were content to just follow orders.
He would follow whatever orders he was given, for now, but he knew, in his head, that he was destined to be better than them.
Regardless, he got along with them. They weren’t too horrible to be around and he knew having friends was important. (It wasn’t that he couldn’t make friends, either. He actually had quite a few, but none that were also in the military.) So, he would hang out with them. And, he actually liked Mexico.
He’d been born and raised right in Dallas, Texas, so his family had taken several vacations down to Mexico growing up. He was pretty sure his father still owned a timeshare at a resort that was down there, too, though he refused to take advantage of it. That was another way he differed from his military buddies.
He’d never admit to having too much of it, but his buddies seemed willing to ignore their own for any sort of personal gain. He wasn’t. He knew what kind of alpha he was, and he wouldn’t put that aside for anything.
He hated when they called him that, but he put it aside and turned to look at one of his buddies, raising an eyebrow. He was a sort of pudgy alpha, despite being in the military, and he didn’t really like him that much. He disliked him more than any of the others, at least. He didn’t quite seem to grasp his own insignificance. He was… self important, and not in the way Graves was. 
His name was Braeden, too. Graves… didn’t think commentary on that was all too necessary. When he didn’t continue to speak, he sighed softly and gave a sort of strained smile. “What’s up?”
“We were heading to a bar. Want to join? Since it’s the last day we’re here.” Braeden gestured to the four others. They were already at a bar, the hotel bar where they were staying, but… well, he didn’t mind moving to a different bar. 
“Sure.” He nodded, getting out some cash to pay for the singular drink he’d already ordered, and closing out his tab. He thanked the bartender, not bothering with Spanish. He’d tried to learn, took a few classes in High School, but he just couldn’t grasp it. French had been no problem, Spanish on the other hand?
It should have been easy, he knew, but… he just never had. 
Once everyone else had closed their tabs, Graves went back and tipped the bartender where they didn’t. It paid to be the “good” one and… well, he knew his mother might smack him if she saw him watch his friends not tip and didn’t do anything about it. Honestly, she might have still smacked him for the fact that he didn’t verbally correct them. But… he wasn’t in the mood.
As he stepped outside, he shielded his eyes, looking around for his buddies, and heading to the car they’d rented when he saw it. He did walk slowly, enjoying the feeling of sun on his skin. He loved that about the military, he loved being outside, he loved being ankle deep in dirt or mud. 
He loved getting his hands dirty.
When it was clear his friends were getting impatient, he half jogged to the car, getting in the back, and sitting next to Shawn. He didn’t mind Shawn, in fact they’d often shared an eyeroll at Braeden and Grant, the other,’s expense. Shawn was a lot more down to earth, he seemed to get it a lot more than they did.
He had a lot of similar values that Graves did, about how things were. What was expected of them, what they wanted. Granted, Shawn didn’t seem to have the same drive that Graves did, but he wasn’t without it. He wanted to move up, he wanted to be something, and he was willing to put in the work. Graves admired that.
They shared a look as Braeden immediately started to sing along to whatever was on the radio. Braedon couldn’t speak Spanish, either, though, so it ended up mostly sounding like he was yelling babble. 
Graves was very grateful that the car ride hardly lasted longer than ten minutes. 
When they made it to the bar, he followed them in. Of course, they sat at the bar, and the first thing Graves noticed was that the bartender was an omega. He smelled like cinnamon and brown sugar, but like it’d been melted to make the syrup his mother would use for cakes and pastries. 
He was slim, short, and… gorgeous. Big eyes lined with black, short curly hair that bunched around his head and shook as he moved, and a white button down top that was slightly unbuttoned to reveal smooth skin that Graves definitely pulled up a few images of running his mouth over.
Well, he considered his options. Grant was mated, Shawn didn’t seem to take a huge interest in omegas, and… Braeden was… Braeden. Fuck, Braeden might try.
He glanced over at Braeden, seeing he was nudging Grant and making a suggestive face while gesturing to the bartender, who had just promised to be with them in a moment. Braeden might embarrass him and then, even if he doubted Braeden had a chance, Graves would definitely not have a chance.
It was moments like these that he regretted his resolve to try to make friends. 
Finally, the bartender came over, smiling at them. It was a pretty smile, he was clearly young. Graves couldn’t be that much older, since he was only 26, but he’d put this bartender in the 20-21 range. “Hola, I’m Lucas! What can I get for you?”
Braeden opened his mouth, “Hola, chico-”
Graves resisted slamming his head directly into the bar top, just settling on giving the bartender a strained, sympathetic smile. He saw Lucas’s eyes almost go empty, his smile went just the slightest bit plastic, and Graves definitely agreed with the sentiment. 
Braeden, thankfully, just continued. “I’d love a margarita and your number.” Nevermind, not thankfully.
Lucas laughed, softly. “Sorry, I don’t have international calling.” He mimed making a phone call. “Limited phone plan.”
Graves, despite not being religious, prayed that Braedon would just take the loss and move on, but he didn’t. “That’s disappointing. How about what time you get off?”
“Maybe just the margarita.” Shawn spoke up, eyes rolling, and Graves decided he’d have to get him a gift or something as thanks. “Come on, man, just leave the poor omega alone.”
Braeden huffed and muttered something under his breath, but he was on the other side of Grant so Graves couldn’t hear. Shawn then continued, “sorry about him. He wasn’t outside trained. I’ll take whatever beer you have that comes in bottles.”
Lucas smiled, looking grateful, and he crouched for a moment, producing a bottle of Michelob a moment later. Grant ended up just ordering a paloma, speaking low to Braeden. It appeared he was soothing Braeden’s ego, which Graves tried not to roll his eyes at. His ego didn’t need to be soothed.
It was his turn to order, so he smiled at Lucas. “I’m in the mood to try something new. What do you suggest?”
Lucas appeared to give him a once over. “Do you think fruity drinks?”
“I’ll drink whatever you give me,” Graves half grinned, leaning forward a bit. “If you make me something fruity, I’ll enjoy it.”
“Oh? Whatever I give you?” Lucas leaned forward as well, getting this little cocky grin on his face. Fuck, Graves wanted to ruin him. “Hmm… Ever had a Paloma? It’s like a margarita but with grapefruit instead of lime.”
“I love grapefruit.” Graves answered, and then finally leaned back again. “I’ll take it.”
“Perfecto.” Lucas fully grinned and nodded. “Alright, so one margarita, two palomas.” He started to get out the things to make them and Graves avoided Braeden’s eye, practically able to feel his glare.
He could also scent him, even with the small distance, which had him almost rolling his eyes. He shared a look with Shawn before returning to watching Lucas make the drinks. He had started to converse with another bartender in Spanish, which appeared to also be an omega. The other glanced at the four, his eyes catching on Braeden, before he was laughing softly. 
Lucas kept a pleasant smile on his face, though Graves could very easily pick up that they may have been wounding Braeden’s ego more. He allowed himself one glance at Braeden, seeing he was glaring at a napkin.
Grant leaned over to Graves, “come on, man. You didn’t have to… undermine him like that. He was clearly going for it.”
“It was painful for all of us.” Shawn shot back. “If he wants to ‘go for it’ he needs to get better at it. It’s not Phil’s fault that Braeden has no fucking game.”
“Fuck you!” Braeden hissed. “I have game, you have no idea if I was failing or not. If you hadn't interrupted, I might have succeeded.”
“No you wouldn’t have,” the other bartender slid in. “Hi, I’m Rudy. Lucas got called to the back, so I’m going to take over. My English is better, but I don’t think I know what game means.”
Braeden went bright red, but Graves explained. “It’s like play, like… fuck. Charisma?”
“No… carisma.” Rudy laughed, softly. “I do not understand how that correlates to games.”
“To be a player, you have to know how to play the game.” Grant half grinned before suddenly wincing. “I have a wife, I don’t know why I said that.”
Well, at least he remembered. Graves winced, “it’s a loose term, now.”
“Ah.” Rudy nodded and then smiled, before he appeared to finish the cocktails. “One margarita, two palomas,” he said as he poured them, garnished them, and then passed them out. “Lucas will be back if you need anything else.”
All four just nodded and Rudy headed off, sliding right up to another alpha at the bar. It was clear they were close as Rudy immediately was leaning on his elbows, grinning at the alpha, who was grinning back.
Graves didn’t care, sipping his drink, and remarking on how much he hated grapefruit. He was sure it was good to someone else, but he just couldn’t. Regardless, he choked it down, ignoring when Braeden got up and suddenly left the bar. “I’ll pay his tab.” He told Grant, who threw him a glare before also getting up and leaving. “Fine, I’ll pay yours too. Fuck.”
Shawn laughed, softly, and got out some cash. “Here. I’ll… go babysit. Maybe don’t come back to the hotel until late.”
“Don’t worry, I have no plans to.” Graves snorted before nodding. “Have fun.”
“Oh, totally.” Shawn fake saluted before leaving, having to half jog to catch up to the other two. He saw him throw his hands out once he was outside, and he could faintly hear that he was yelling to them, but he couldn’t make out what they were saying.
Oh well, it wasn’t his fault that Braeden completely failed his shot. He turned back to the bar, startling as he met eyes with Lucas. “Fuck!” He exclaimed before immediately holding his chest and panting. 
Lucas appeared to flush before laughing softly, “Mil disculpas, Señor.”
Graves went to jokingly respond back in Spanish, but then he remembered Braeden making that mistake, so he just… refrained. He really didn’t want to turn Lucas off by being too cocky. “No problem. I’m not easy to startle, you should be proud.”
“Hmm… Okay. I will be.” Lucas nodded and then smiled. “How did you enjoy your drink?”
“It was fantastic.” Graves grinned, “but I think I’ll just settle on a bottled beer as well.” He didn’t want to have to force himself through more grapefruit.
Lucas nodded, again, and then crouched once more before producing a beer bottle. He winked at Graves before using the counter to very smoothly pop the cap off of the bottle before handing it to him. Graves remembered Shawn having to pop his own cap off and he tried very hard not to get smug. 
“Where did your friends go?” Lucas asked, once Graves had gotten a sip in. 
Graves shrugged. “Back to the hotel.” He may not have liked Braeden, but he wouldn’t immediately expose him by telling Lucas his ego had been too bruised. 
“Ah. No hay problema, te prefiero.” Lucas gestured to Graves, but all Graves could really pick up was problema, which he knew meant problem. No hay problema meant No Problem. The rest probably wasn’t that important.
So, he just shrugged and went back to sipping his beer, focusing his eyes on the tv screen which was playing soccer. Made sense, it was the season. Then, he was glancing back at Lucas, again, who’d started to wipe down the bar. “Do you like working here?” He asked.
Lucas shrugged. “I do. Could be better, but the tips are good.”
“You speak English fairly well… Get a lot of… uh… gringos?” He’d heard that word so many times, why did he forget it? God, maybe he wasn’t that much better than Braeden.
Lucas laughed, softly, and Graves’ face warmed. “We do. Las Almas… The city of souls gets a lot of visitors.”
“That’s what it means, then? The city of souls?” Graves raised an eyebrow. He liked that, he liked it a lot. 
Lucas smiled and nodded. “Yes. More specifically The Souls. I think, at one point, it was said that we collect them. Like La Parca.”
“La Parca?” Graves frowned, not recognizing that one. “Uh… my Spanish is terrible, I’m sorry.”
“At least you admit it. Hang on, my English is not the best. Rudy!” He called before whistling, causing the other omega to look up from where he was still talking to that alpha. “Qué es la parca en English??”
“Grim reaper.” The alpha was the one to answer. “I think so, anyway.”
Graves ahhed, smiling as Lucas turned back to him. “Las Almas collects souls?”
“Used to. Cartel violence drives them away, now. Mi familia and Rudy’s family are some of the few left that have been here for generations.” Lucas explained, wincing. 
Oh. “Ah.” He murmured and looked back down at his beer, frowning when Lucas got called away. Staving off disappointment, he turned his eyes back to the screen, hoping Lucas might decide to come back when he was done.
Lucas cursed under his breath as he realized Rodolfo had just ditched him. “I swear to God, Rudy, I’m going to fucking kick your ass if you don’t stop fucking my uncle and come back and fucking pick me up.” He hissed into the voicemail he was leaving.
He knew it was no use. Rodolfo and Alejandro were so fucking gross sometimes. He… wished he could blame them, though. Neither’s family approved of the other, so they rarely got time together, and he knew they were just trying to get whatever they could. Especially as both were Special Forces, now, so they apparently didn’t get much time while deployed, either. He wondered why Rudy bothered with a job while on leave.
Eventually, Rudy would probably be back so they could go home. In the meantime, he decided to just hang around the building and run back inside at the slightest threat. 
Sighing, he pushed his hair behind his ears, annoyed as it just fell back in front of his face. He couldn’t wait to go home and shower, exhausted. The only thoughts in his head were that of a hot shower and then falling asleep and not waking up until an hour before his shift the next day.
His eyes immediately drew to movement in the near distance, his heart picking up ever so slightly, before he recognized the alpha from earlier was right outside the front entrance, only just visible due to where Lucas was standing. He appeared to be lighting a cigarette and looking at his phone.
Lucas would admit, he’d found him intriguing. He hadn’t tried any shit Spanish on Lucas, and he’d been really nice conversation. Didn’t talk over him or even really try anything. He wished he’d been able to stick around and keep talking to him, but of course the back had him busy. He was front, he should have been staying in the front.
In a split second decision, he quickly walked to the alpha. “Hey!” He called, before making it to him. “You never told me your name?”
The alpha looked at him, clearly startled, before he was grinning. Lucas liked the way he smiled, it didn’t look rehearsed or like he was trying to be attractive. It was a real grin. “Phillip Graves. You can just call me Phil.”
Lucas flushed and then smiled, “Phil Graves? A bit on the nose…”
“I chose it.” He shrugged. “My real name is Phillip Shepherd. But… that’s not as cool. I changed it when I left home a bit ago.” Then, he winced, and looked down at the ground.
“Oh.” Lucas frowned. “I… I still live with my family. I know that Americans don’t feel the same towards family as we do.”
“No, we don’t. I… didn’t want to be associated with my father anymore.” Phil sighed. “I… don’t honestly know why I’m telling you this. I haven’t told anyone else.”
“That's okay. Me gusta ser especial.” Lucas smiled, trying not to giggle. He really did like being special, especially to alphas. He didn’t get much attention from them, so when he did, it was nice. Well… never from the ones he wanted. “I didn’t hurt your friend’s feelings, did I?” He asked, though he didn’t actually feel bad. He was trying to keep up conversation.
Phil snorted, “Braeden will be fine. Don’t worry.”
“Good.” Lucas feigned relief and then hummed. “So… where are you headed, now?”
“Probably back to our hotel. But… those plans could change at any moment.” He chuckled and looked at Lucas. 
Lucas immediately latched onto the opening, feigning disappointment. “My friend, Rudy… he ditched me for his boyfriend. So, unfortunately, I have no way home as he’s my ride.” Technically, Alejandro could be his ride but Rodolfo had banned him from driving. Lucas couldn’t drive.
Phil raised an eyebrow before chuckling. “I’d offer, but my friends took our car.”
“Damn.” Lucas pouted, though he was secretly pleased. After a moment’s hesitation, he carefully took Phil’s cigarette, taking a drag from it. He actually liked the taste, surprised to be met with a pleasant cherry flavor. “Cherry. One of my favorite flavors.”
Phil didn’t even seem that shocked by Lucas’s action, though his eyes did darken. “You know, I worry about leaving an omega by his lonesome. Wouldn’t want anyone to… take advantage of you.”
Lucas very much hoped Phil would. “I think Rudy left his car here. If you want to… keep me company until he returns.”
Phil grinned before gesturing, “lead the way.”
Lucas happily pulled from the cigarette again before taking Phil’s hand and pulling him to Rodolfo’s car. Once there, he climbed up onto the hood, keeping the cigarette. “Where are you from?” He asked.
Phil leaned against the hood, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Texas. Dallas, specifically. Though… right now, I’m a marine.”
Lucas blinked, quite surprised. “I… didn’t notice. Usually you guys show up in uniform. You also… have this way of standing.”
“I’m not that self important.” Phil laughed. “I know I’m plenty special without the uniform. I don’t think I need to rely on it to get attention.”
He definitely didn’t, he’d caught Lucas’s no problem. “I like how confident you are. But… you don’t seem arrogant.” He admitted, tilting his head. “At least… you’ve very good at hiding it. Some alphas come through and they’re so… so…” Fuck. What was the word? “Engreída. Ah… mierde. Like the… like the word for chicken?” Well, also other things, but Lucas didn’t want to embarrass himself.
“I’m assuming you mean cocky.” Phil chuckled and Lucas turned bright red. “No. I don’t want to be cocky, cocky gets you killed.”
Lucas definitely agreed. In Las Almas, you say the wrong thing to the wrong person, and they kill you with no hesitation, no remorse. Sometimes, in truly horrible ways. “You don’t seem… cocky.”
“I try not to be.” Phil shrugged. “I think… it’s important to know where one stands.”
“Your friend seemed to struggle with that.” Lucas said before he could stop himself, blushing. “That was mean, I’m sorry.”
“But accurate.” Phil laughed, throwing his head back a bit. “No, he’s cocky. Actually, you got the better end of it. He’s said worse.”
“I can’t imagine.” Lucas made a face. He didn’t like alphas like Braeden. Some of them acted so entitled to Lucas’s attention, to his time, just because they were tipping him. He’d rather work without pay than cater to them, but money made the world go round. “I prefer you.”
Phil seemed to pause before he almost appeared to blush. “I’m really glad.”
Lucas leaned forward to him, putting the cigarette to his lips and taking the last drag from it before slowly letting the smoke out, like he’d seen Rodolfo do to Alejandro a few times. “It’s cold.”
Phil tsked, softly, moving closer to Lucas. “We can’t have that, can we?” He shrugged off his jacket before wrapping it around Lucas, and Lucas just melted at the scent that surrounded him. Something floral that he didn’t quite recognize and cigarette smoke. 
He tossed the cigarette to the floor before touching Phil’s collar on his shirt, moving his eyes to look up at Phil through his lashes. “I don’t think it’s quite enough…” 
Phil chuckled, softly, moving to touch Lucas’s chin. His touch did funny things to Lucas’s stomach, causing it to flip and clench. Moments later, the alpha was leaning down and brushing his lips against Lucas’s, making Lucas’s heart flutter. “Did that help?”
Lucas pretended to think before pouting and shaking his head. “No… I do not think so.”
“Let me try harder, then.” 
Lucas just melted as he was properly kissed, turning to grasping Phil’s collar in hopes it might keep him from pulling away. Sadly, he still did, and Lucas had to put a lot of effort into not whining. “Did that help any?”
“No… It’s really cold, I think it’s going to take a lot to fix it.” Lucas fluttered his lashes up at Phil, pressing his legs together slightly. “If you don’t think you’re up to it-”
Phil laughed, loudly, and it was just the right amount of cocky. Perfect. “I’ve got it, sweetheart, don’t worry.”
Lucas grinned, victoriously, closing his eyes as Phil’s mouth found his neck, mouthing along it and biting lightly. It spread warmth and need through his skin, increasing as the alpha’s hand slipped under where his shirt was unbuttoned, feeling over his chest and lightly grasping at the soft bits.
Everywhere he touched, he spread goosebumps across Lucas’s skin, and he reveled in the feeling of it, opening his legs so Phil could move even closer. When Phil’s tongue traced over his collar bone, he couldn’t help whining softly. 
He moved a bit and shoved his hands up Phil’s shirt, feeling over his back, lightly running his nails down it and melting at the soft growl that earned him before the scent of alpha was pouring over him, soaking into his skin.
Finally, Phil’s hands moved to unbutton his shirt and then he was gently pushing Lucas to lay back, undoing Lucas’s jeans and tugging them down. Fingers found their way inside him and Lucas moaned, leaning his head back slightly. 
“You’re so slick…” Phil murmured and Lucas’s skin went dark red. “Tight too, I only have two fingers in and you’re pressing around me.”
Lucas went to respond, but the function was cut off as Phil pressed his fingers deeper inside him, able to reach his back wall with ease. He was opened up and then pulled down the hood, Phil managing to be especially talented by doing this while undoing his own jeans and pushing them down.
Lucas wiggled to make sure he was in a good position, reaching up and grabbing Phil’s arms before the alpha was pushing in. He wasn’t especially big, but Lucas was glad. Too big usually ended up hurting more than it felt good. He’d always preferred being full but not stretched to the limit of pain.
It was definitely a bit of stretch as Phil was still bigger than average, but he filled Lucas to the brim, leaving Lucas to melt against the hood and close his eyes, panting slightly. “Fuck..” Phil groaned, leaning down and putting his forehead on Lucas’s chest. “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight.”
Lucas couldn’t help the smallest bit of pride that he had at that, wrapping what bit of his legs that he could around Phil’s middle to keep him close. When the stretch was gone, Lucas rolled his hips against Phil’s, earning another soft growl. “Message received.” Phil chuckled before lifting back up, pulling out before very quickly thrusting back in. This left Lucas scrambling to clamp a hand over his mouth, not quite wanting anyone to hear.
Phil’s hand replaced his own, which Lucas was grateful for, and then Phil set an almost punishing pace, slow but sharp and hitting deeper and deeper. It had Lucas’s mind empty save for the sensation of cock and pleasure, and he cried into Phil’s hand with each especially hard thrust.
Phil’s mouth moved to his shoulder, likely to muffle his own curses and moans, and something about that had Lucas’s arousal only increasing tenfold. 
When Lucas felt his stomach clench with the need to release, he swatted away Phil’s hand so he could speak. “Knot me, I’m on…” Not wanting to struggle, he just shook his head, “the pill. Pill. I’m on it. No baby.” Fuck, his English wasn’t the best at the best of times, getting fucked definitely did not help.
Phil grunted an acknowledgement before his hand covered Lucas’s mouth again and he was speeding up his pace. Lucas felt every muscle in his body clench before Phil was slamming deep into him, his knot catching. The sensation threw Lucas over the edge and he cried into Phil’s hand as he came, arching his back to the point of cramping.
Then, as he came down, he made a pleased sound at Phil collapsing on top of him, lazily reaching up and petting his hair. “When do you go back to Texas?” 
“Tomorrow.” Phil sighed, lifting his head and looking up at Lucas. 
Lucas frowned but nodded. “Ah.” He put his head back, almost a little glad. He didn’t want to build anything with the alpha. His family would never approve and… well, he was young. He still wanted to flit around before quite settling. This was just a hookup. 
Phil put his head back on his chest, panting softly. “If I’m ever back in Mexico, I’ll hit you up.”
“Hit me up?”
“Find you.” 
“Ohhh…” Lucas laughed, softly, and then shrugged. “I don’t think I’ll mind.” He teased, since he definitely wouldn’t. 
Eventually, once Phil could, he pulled out and then he was a perfect gentleman, taking a tissue and cleaning Lucas up. He even helped Lucas get redressed before Rudy was finally reappearing, Alejandro in tow. “I should go.” Phil said and Lucas agreed. “I’d leave my number, but you said you don’t have international minutes.”
Lucas winced, since he hadn’t really been lying about that. “Sorry,” he smiled, apologetically.
“That’s okay. Have a good night.” Phil chuckled before he was jokingly bowing and leaving, right as Rudy and Alejandro made it to the car.
“Who was that?” Rudy asked, his expression curious but not judgemental. Alejandro did seem a little protective, but after getting told off by Lucas and Rodolfo, he’d seemed to curb that.
Lucas shrugged. “That gringo from before. With the ignorant friend? I told him I was nervous being out here, alone, so he stayed with me. Was a perfect gentleman, too.”
“Better have been.” Alejandro chuckled before sighing. “Come on, let’s go home. Rudy and I deploy, again, soon. So, I’m trying to get in as many late wakings as I can.”
All three laughed before they were heading home. 
A year passed, and Graves would be honest, he’d never quite gotten the omega out of his head. Yes, he’d hooked up with plenty of them, but something about Lucas had stuck with him. Maybe it was his eyes, which Graves had found haunting him at very inopportune times. That was… all of the time.
He’d done his best to ignore it, knowing that door was closed, but… when his next deployment had ended after only 9 months, it had been all too tempting to book a ticket directly to Mexico. Especially considering he was up for re-enlistment. 
He had no plans to not re-enlist, but he had maybe slowly gotten around to it. He could break the rules, because his father wanted him in the military, so he’d just call Dear Old Dad and get it fixed. Only thing that bastard was really good for.
But, he had managed to resist Mexico, instead working on the property he’d spent far too much money on. Family money, but… still. 100 acres, though he had plans to expand it, and it was in Louisiana, where his mother was from, so he felt more like he was at home.
Private, save for the contractors working on some of the rougher patches at the moment, and the gardeners he’d hired to take care of it when he did finally re-enlist. Maybe that was part of why he’d been thinking about Lucas. 
It was lonely.
He’d told himself that he’d wanted a little land to himself, wanting away from the stuffiness of other people, but… he was sorely wrong. It was rough waking up to a cold bed and nothing but silence surrounding him.
But, there were definitely benefits. He could do whatever he wanted, make whatever choices he chose to make. Ultimately, he didn’t regret the purchase. He told himself that, in time, he wouldn’t regret not going to Mexico, either, but… that was a bit harder to convince himself of.
Not with wide brown eyes haunting him around every corner. Muffled moans of his own name, the ghost sensation of skin, the scent of cinnamon and brown sugar syrup. It had flavored his coffee quite a few times, it was driving him crazy.
He awoke with a start to loud knocking on his front door. He awoke, as usual, to the sight of brown eyes in front of him, and he ran a hand down his face, leaning across the bed and grabbing his watch to check the time. 2:30… fuck.
Groaning, he dragged himself from the bed, muttering “yeah, yeah” under his breath when he heard the knocking again. It was almost drowned out by the sound of heavy rain, and he decided that if whoever this was didn’t have a good excuse, he was decking them.
Whoever they were.
When he finally made it to the door, he peeked through the peephole, frowning when he was met with a bit of a shorter individual, who had their hood up, though they were still completely soaked. They appeared to be holding some sort of bundle in their arms, which had him very wary to open the door.
Open it, he still did, rubbing over his face. “Can I help you?” He asked, sighing to make sure it was clear this was an inconvenience.
“I’m so sorry…” He recognized the voice almost instantly, of course he did. It had haunted his dreams and every waking moment between. “I… I didn’t know where else to go.” Lucas was standing right in front of him, clutching something very tightly to his chest under a clear plastic rain coat, and he sounded like he was almost sobbing. 
Graves didn’t hesitate to pull him inside, unable to speak from shock. Lucas, the very omega who he’d spent the last entire year obsessing over, was at his front door, soaked and sobbing. “How did you even find me?”
“It wasn’t easy…” Lucas laughed, softly, though it didn’t have any amusement in it, and he wiped his eyes, shifting the bundle as he did so, and causing a soft cry to come from it.
Dumbly, Graves would admit, he stared at the bundle as he closed the door, his mind perceiving but unwilling to process what it could possibly be. Of course, what else could it be?
Lucas looked down, gently rocking the bundle, and finally a little face appeared in it, eyes closed. “I’m… I’m sorry… I… You don’t have to take responsibility for her, I promise, if you tell me to leave, I will go, I’ll find somewhere else, but-”
“She’s mine?” Graves asked, cutting Lucas off. He was in autopilot, reaching his arms out and taking the baby as Lucas gave her to him. She was so little, almost concerningly little. Her skin was dark, like Lucas’s, but then she was waking from being moved and he was met with bright baby blue eyes…
“She’s yours… You were… the only one I slept with around that time. I… I’m willing to do a test to prove it.” Lucas’s voice was quiet. “I won’t ask for… support or anything, I promise…”
Phil’s heart melted as she looked right up at him, and he took a moment to do the math, figuring she had to only be about four months old. “She’s darling…” He murmured. “Why are you here?” He asked, gently, and turned to Lucas.
“My family… I managed to hide it by moving out, but then they found out after she came and… they were horrible. Cut off every resource I had…” Lucas’s eyes filled with tears, again, and he looked down at the floor. “I had no idea what else to do, I thought if I came here, maybe you could help… or… I don’t know.”
“I’ll help.” Phil said, not even needing to hesitate. “I… You’ll need citizenship to stay. We’ll get married.”
Lucas looked almost shocked, staring at him before he was breaking down into full sobs again, moving forward and hugging Phil, though he was careful not to crush the baby, Phil noticed. He said thanks in quite a few different ways, and Phil just shifted so he could hug him back, kissing his hair softly.
“I’m going to take care of you both. You can stay here while I’m deployed, I’ll make sure you have money.” Phil promised, carefully guiding him to the couch and sitting with him, before continuing to stare at the little child in his arms. “What’s her name?”
“I… named her Sofia.” Lucas murmured, reaching up and brushing aside some of her hair. “She’s four months old…”
“She’ll need diapers and food… Do you breastfeed?” Phil asked, though he did feel a little lost. He’d never really been around babies. He had no siblings, no cousins, no way to be around them. 
“I’m completely flat.” Lucas admitted, touching his chest. “Stress stopped that from… forming.”
“Ah.” Phil didn’t ask about the stress, able to take a few guesses. Sofia looked around the room, her eyes just as big and wide as Lucas’s, and already Phil loved her. He adored her, she was his daughter. “I don’t need a DNA test…” He murmured. “She’s mine.”
Lucas nodded, “she has your eyes…”
Phil laughed, softly, before bringing her up and kissing her forehead. “We’ll go furniture shopping tomorrow. I have an empty bedroom I haven’t done anything to, it can easily become a nursery.”
“Thank you…” Lucas sniffled and wiped his eyes, again. “I was so scared, I- I had nowhere, I had no one.”
“That’s alright. You don’t have to thank me, okay?” Phil shook his head and then looked back down at Sofia. “I’m… not just doing this because she’s my daughter. I have done nothing but think about you for the past year. So many times, I was so close to booking a flight directly to Mexico and tracking you down. I want you to stay with me.”
Lucas looked up at him, clearly surprised, and then he was melting. “Even without her, I think I would have been the same… I was never upset that you were the father.”
“I am so goddamn grateful for that.” Phil grinned. “Tomorrow, we’ll buy everything she needs, and I’ll talk to a friend who’s an ordained minister about putting together a small wedding. We’ll get everything sorted out for you to stay here. If… you want, we can even put you together a bedroom, or you can stay in mine. I’d… really like you to stay in mine.”
“I’ll stay in yours…” Lucas leaned into him, his eyelids drooping. “I walked here… Once I made it to the city, I walked until I found you.”
“Sleep.” Phil insisted, standing and pulling Lucas with him. He guided him to the bedroom and got one of his own shirts for him, so he could sleep in dry clothing, politely looking away and cooing to Sofia as he changed. “I’ll stay up with her so she can also sleep.”
Lucas looked too exhausted to protest, thankfully, and Phil moved to sit in an armchair he had in the corner of the room, watching the omega climb into bed, and chuckling when he almost instantly fell asleep. 
He couldn’t be too angry at this outcome, not when he shifted to touch Sofia’s nose, and she wrestled one of her arms free before grabbing his finger, giggling softly. “Princess…” He murmured, adoring her more and more. “You should sleep, too.”
Her wide eyes went back to looking around the room, though she still had that big smile on her face. Carefully, he scented her, knowing she’d likely know the scent of her father. It was genetics, though he admittedly didn’t know much about it. However, it seemed to be effective, as she rolled to curl closer to Phil, her eyes closing.
He unwrapped her fully from the bundle before gently wrapping one of the blankets back around her so she could be warm while she slept. She looked so much like Lucas, he was very glad for it. 
No, he wasn’t angry about this at all.
“Daddy?” Graves lifted his arm, seeing Sofia was standing in front of the couch, right next to his head. “Mami said you were going again, soon.”
“I am.” Graves confirmed. When he left the military a few years before, he hadn’t told Lucas. He hadn’t told him why, he hadn’t told him that he’d started his own PMC. Lucas was still soft, he was still sweet, and Graves did not want him to know what he did. What he did on his father’s command.
Sofia pouted and Graves chuckled, softly, gently picking her up and laying her on his chest before pulling down the throw blanket and laying it over both of them. She was still so small, though this likely had to do with Lucas already being small, and Graves being small for an alpha. “Why??”
“It’s my job, princess.” Graves explained, taking her stuffed kitten from her and making it dance across the back of the couch, hoping to distract her so she didn’t get too upset. He also hadn’t told Lucas that this time, he’d be going to Las Almas. He’d almost lost his mind when he found out that those lost missiles had ended up there, somehow. 
Small world. Too small.
Sofia pouted more. “I don’t like it…”
“I know, Princess. I’m sorry.” Graves murmured, leaning down to kiss her hair. “I wouldn’t go if I didn’t have to. But, it’s why our house is so big and why you can have any toy you want.”
“And why Mami can order dinner when he doesn’t feel like cooking.” Lucas came over to them both and Graves didn’t even hesitate to get out his wallet, getting out his card and holding it up. “Thank you, baby.”
Graves just snorted, unable to break Lucas of thanking him for everything. Sofia still didn’t look pleased, but she was no longer pouting. When Lucas left, she looked down at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers. “Mami cries when you’re gone. He misses you.”
Ouch. That put a spike of guilt right through Graves’ chest. “How about this, Princess. When I get back from this job, I’ll pull some strings to be back for a few months. We’ll take a vacation, to anywhere you want. Anywhere in the world.”
Sofia’s eyes got big and she put her head back fully to look up at Graves. “You mean that, Daddy?” Her eyes had never faded from that bright baby blue, and he’d grown quite the inability to tell them no. Of course… he had an inability to tell Lucas no, as well. 
“I do. Where would you want to go?” Graves gently made her put her head back to normal, worried about her neck, and he smoothed his hand over the twin braids that Lucas had put in her hair that morning. “We can go to England, France… Spain…” Not Mexico, not after what he was going to have to do. He hoped Lucas would forgive him if he ever found out. “Canada.”
“It’s cold in Canada.” Sofia giggled. “Ms Michaels says it’s cold even in the summer!”
“I’ve never been, so I wouldn’t know. But… I have heard it’s fairly cold.” Graves chuckled, giving her back her cat, finally. “Is Canada where you want to go?”
“I dunno.” She admitted, frowning.
Graves softened and then leaned down to kiss her hair, again. “Think about it, Princess. Wherever you want. When I come back, we’ll go there.”
“What about Disney World?” She looked up at him again.
Laughing, he nodded, “alright. If you want Disney World, we’ll go to Disney World. I think Mami has been wanting to go there, as well.”
“Ahhhhh!” She yelled, shaking her head and kicking her legs. Graves was careful to catch her legs, not wanting a repeat of her kicking him in places he very much would not like to be kicked in. 
When she calmed, she snuggled more into Graves, and he put his arms around her, closing his eyes and listening to Lucas order food in the other room, hearing a common order. Sometimes, he considered closing shop, retiring. He had more than enough money but…
His father would never let that happen. And, he liked his job. 
Graves opened his eyes and looked down to meet hers, smiling. “Yes, Princess?”
“You’ll come home, right?” His heart broke at the little tears that had gathered in the corners of her eyes, and she looked so genuinely fearful that he almost immediately threw everything to the wind, called his father and told him to go fuck himself, and stayed home.
But he couldn’t do that. “I’ll come home, Sofia.” He murmured, touching her forehead. “I promise.”
“Pinky promise?” She held up her pinky and he couldn’t help laughing softly before linking pinkies with her.
“I pinky promise.”
Phillip Graves stared at the inside of a tank, knowing he didn’t have time for this. He was being hunted, and his pursuers were far too clever. “I’m not going in, Oz.” He said into his comms. 
Oz was halfway across the world as of that moment, but he’d still helped them by hacking everything he could on base. “What do you mean, boss?”
“Oz, I get in that tank, I’m not getting back out.” He climbed down from the tank, running a hand over his face. He could hear the explosions and gunshots outside, becoming more and more chaotic, louder and louder, and he was running out of fucking time. 
Oz didn’t respond for a moment, before finally, “I can hack the tank, control it remotely. If you put a body in it, I doubt they’d even check to see if it’s you. Then, you can talk as if you’re in the tank, and lead them astray.”
“Thanks to those animals tearing up my men, a body shouldn’t be too hard to come across.” Phil muttered, very easily finding one as he predicted. He knew the first and last name of the alpha, he knew his kids’ names, he knew the name of the omega he’d married. For a moment, he considered getting in the tank, anyway. 
But, no, he couldn’t. It was selfish, it was wrong, and he knew he’d justify it later by claiming Shadow Company needed a leader, but no. He was being selfish, he was being wrong, and he didn’t fucking care. He’d never ever claimed to be a good man, and he wouldn’t claim that now. 
He stuffed the body in the tank and then sealed it. “Buy me time with it, Oz. Feed my comms to it, and I’ll talk while I leave. Can you get me a helo or a vehicle or something?”
“I’ll call Mila.”
“Do that.” Graves relaxed and then he backed away from the tank, cursing as he heard an explosion come from the doors. He needed to go, now. “I’m going home, Oz.”
“Not that I blame you, can I ask why, sir?”
“I pinky promised.”
Anyway, I'm more than willing to write that follow up with Liliana we joked about, if you still want it, @alexkellersgymshorts
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No taglist, since it's OC content and I'm fairly certain no one is signed up for Lucas (at least my magic Google Sheets is telling me no one is)
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josephslittledeputy · 4 months
WIP... Oh shit, its actually Wednesday??
Tagged by @wrathfulrook @clicheantagonist @marivenah @cassietrn @the-silver-chronicles @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat and I thiiiiink that's it... sorry if you've tagged me & you're not on here, its been a hot minute since I've posted a wip wednesday & my memory is basically Swiss cheese
Tagging anyone who wants to self indulgently share a WIP! Feel free to tag me, I love to read new stuff :)
**Also terribly sorry in advance cause this turned out to be a bit longer than I thought it would be**
WIP 1: OG Verse - fun times with Celeste & Gabriel
He has to resist the urge to throttle her, lest he ruin the inside of his house filled with years of carefully handpicked items, ones he held a certain fondness for. "You ruined my life, Celeste. Or do you not recall?” "Your life?" She tilts her head in mock curiosity. "What life? The one where you were sent anywhere they told you to go, like some mongrel with a barely slackened leash?" “Excuse me?" “We can pretend otherwise. Keep up the illusion that your life was marvelous, picture perfect even. But we both know the truth, don't we?" She takes a step closer. “You were nothing but the High Council’s defanged pup. Cluelessly doing their bidding before I freed you. If anything, you should be thanking me." "Thanking you?" He clenches and unclenches his fist in an attempt to suppress his anger. "Hate me if you must, fight me even, but do it later. Right now we must get out of here. If they do not know where I am yet, they soon will. What do you think will happen once they realize one of their precious dhamphirs has been under their nose this whole time?"
Celeste truly is the nicest individual you'll ever meet :))
Including this little snippet from Gabriel's pov as well cause idk, I just really like it
Unbidden worry strikes him. He listens, waits, and when his ears pick up the sound of soft, even breathing he lets out a breath of his own. Celeste and the baby were still there, unharmed, perhaps even sleeping. It brings an odd sense of comfort, reminiscent of times long forgotten, times he didn’t want to remember. If he did, he’d have to remember what brought them to a halt in the first place and he had a job to do. Grief and old wounds had no place here, at least not at the moment. Kicking his boots off, he treks into the bathroom and gently closes the door behind him. It’s a simple design: Shower to his left, toilet to his right, and a sink with a mirror above it directly across from the door. Leaning against the sink, he ruffles his short, black hair that's shaved on the sides and traces his fingers over an old, faded scar. It runs down almost the whole length of his face, going over his left eye and stopping just shy of the corner of his mouth. Overlapping it is another, only this one goes across his face horizontally, over the bridge of his nose and from cheek to cheek. The only thing that remains of the old Gabriel are his blue eyes, once full of life and mischief, now faded and dull. Turning away from his visage, he heads toward the shower and turns it on, stripping down while he waits for the water to heat up. He doesn’t need a mirror to see the multitude of scars and tattoos that adorn his body. Aching for another drink—if only to dull his senses and lingering memories once more—he curbs the yearning and steps beneath the water.
WIP 2: They Watch From The Pews
Willa squirms, trying to dodge cold fingers that reach out to trace over the letters, caressing them with a sadistic fascination that makes her stomach curdle in disgust. Disgust quickly transforms into a desperation to get away once he finally reveals the knife kept hidden behind his back. “Usually I’d peel the sin off but… I think this will suit you much better, don't you?" Pressing the tip of his blade into her skin, he teasingly drags it across her skin. "Tell me, Deputy, how did you feel when you got the news of Samuel's death?" "Chipper." She spitefully answers with a sneer. John heaves a dramatic sigh and presses the blade down harder, prompting tiny beads of blood to bubble up as he traces over the letters of her tattoo. "You can make this easier for yourself, you know." "I've heard that before. Got me a bullet to the leg." "Because you ran. My men only acted accordingly." "Fuck you and your men, pussy." "My, what a mouth on you." He tuts and makes a deeper cut. Her teeth sink into the leather in her mouth, denying him the satisfaction of hearing her make a noise. Without pause, he moves onto the second letter, brows scrunched up in concentration as he goes over the lines again and again. It isn’t until he’s on the last letter that she finally breaks with a muffled groan. He stops, lifting his eyes from his work. “Comfortable?”
John & Willa are bonding so well. Truly, I think they're starting to get along!
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jumobear · 1 year
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clothed ref for hunny <3
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hunni-hive · 1 year
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hunny-pp · 9 months
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shadow wizard money love between tav/dianthus and gale
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screamingbluepanda · 1 year
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Cannot believe the first thing I'm posting drawing wise is a drawpile doodle but here we are-
Decided to join @maudiemoods magma and drew my bois
Sunrise and Darkside my beloved 🥺💙
Warmup Sun doodle under the cut
He's crunchy but we love him ok
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sleepyniusance · 4 months
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cold-neon-ocean · 1 year
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Something soft of my bees Hunnie and Poppy! I’ve had this lying around for a while and decided to post it! Eventually I’ll get around to rendering it
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kismetmoon · 3 months
i keep thinking about this and it reminds me of them
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[ID: a screenshot of the “Taking your mother to Chili’s tonight” meme, but two original Flatland characters named Atlas and Stella have been added to the margins.
Stella is a creature with dark grey skin, an eye for a head, long eyelashes and a sharp point on top of her head. She is situated beside the blue text that reads “Can i borrow this shirt Dad?”, and above an image of a Hawaiian shirt.
Atlas is a grey isosceles triangle with one eye. He is situated beside the grey text that reads “Do not fucking touch. Taking your father to Chili’s tonight’, with the word ‘not’ being in all capitals and the word ‘father’ being edited in.
End ID].
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