#i don't have that much interest is s2 and so somehow it's like watching out the window while everyone is having fun
threadmonster · 11 months
I don't really know how to describe the feeling? FOMO somehow, maybe? I don't like it though.
It's like when there's two or three popular anime series and everyone is only talking about them and you just sit there after giving them a try like, "yeah, okay I see the appeal but... *munches on some popcorn while rewatching an anime from 10 years ago*"
I don't hate the series that this applies to. I kinda feel like maybe I just don't get it? I have felt this way even in middle school about books.
This is more about experiences outside of tumblr.
#{domino rambles after dark}#that post about how saturated each season is these days and there's no time to watch them all or enjoy them or remember them?#and you have THAT MUCH being aired throughout the year just to only see talk or hype about maybe 5 tops?#again outside of tumblr if i can easily control what i see then it doesn't count#bsd s5? only see it here#a lot of the hype this season is jjk and i get it! i enjoyed s1 and it got me actually watching anime again! but also ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌#i don't have that much interest is s2 and so somehow it's like watching out the window while everyone is having fun#am i also having fun? yes! but still...#that's my 5:30 AM two cents because i was starting to fall asleep#since i am at work falling asleep would be bad#after work i guess i'm gonna go to the stupid store and get some ingredients for ice cream#i wanna make ice cream i have a theory and want to prove it right#it's getting exhausting have to stop periodically to recap a book because i then have to remember the important plot details#when i'm distracted by my love of the character interactions and development#i worked 4 nights in a row and have somehow only read 1.5 books partially due to that#it's fun! but i also lose interest quickly that way#this is when i would like to say 'okay that's enough i'm going to sleep' but alas (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)#this is also primpted by apparently the ceo of mappa saying yuri on ice didn't bring them enough money#but simultaneously not conforming whether the movie is actually being worked on or just canned.#okay now i will shut up because i think this is a lot for the tags to handle
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chubs-deuce · 3 months
Haaard agree on anti-Chaggie post (so sorry Chaggie shippers. We love you)
Alastor is known to steal the attention of people whenever he is on screen. But when he is with Charlie it makes it more interesting! They bounce off of each other in an entertaining way. Even if you don't ship them they are funny. Alastor is getting a kick out of just talking to Charlie. He finds her amusing (probably in a mean way lol). And Charlie while thinks he is an asshole, (cus he is!) she sees he tries to help her even with an obvious hidden ulterior motive.
They don't see eye to eye in their goals but at least they are both real characters with their own motivations and that makes them very dynamic with each other. Also they are both goofs, love 'em
Chaggie has fans within people that just want cute and non-dramatic relationships. Or just a queer couple that is wholesome without any dramatics. Valid!
It's just awkward that Vaggie is all about Charlie. This one thing puts me off. Considering my previous experience with it was in Steven Universe (Rose and Pearl, anyone?). But it's just personal thing. Sometimes things like that are funny like "they are obsessed with this person lololo" or "they are... Uncomfortably obsessed with this person"
[I think it depends on if the other person is on the same level? Charlie seemed somehow dismissive of Vaggie but it can be explained that the plot was just more focused on hotel than them (ugh 8eps. waiting for S2 to have fillers).]
Shipping is all about preferences and that's okay! My friend is a Chaggie shipper and I am a Charlastor shipper. I asked her to explain to me the appeal and she explained it as "a cute couple that has no conflict whatsoever. People like that exist and it's more common than very dramatic or action-driven couples". And I just like a bit fucked up dynamics where I watch someone in that dynamic go through some emotional turmoil (mostly Alastor<3) and also co-workers/housemates dynamic (when I need something cute and simple)
Some people just prefer down to earth things, especially if their life is a rollercoaster. What's important is to respect each other!
Sorry for a lil essay. I just think sometimes it's important to say "these are prefrences. We don't hate you for not liking your thing and the same goes in vice versa"
All fandoms have a group of people that is.... A bit too devoted to something. Respect others even if they don't like the same thing you do. Instead ask them to explain to you why they like it in a non-hostile manner or don't interact at all.
We're all tired of shipping wars, especially when some companies add oil to this fire to monetize more. I just want to get back to old fandom days when you both would be shopping different things and then end up in a make out session /j
Sorry for an essay again. Love your art, especially when you draw unhinged or going insane Alastor because Charlie makes him "feel". Thanks for all the content<3
This!!! So much this!!!
I hardly even need to add anything to this tbh, you already said everything that needs to be said perfectly!
I often like to think of shipping as the more adult version of playing with dolls, and that different people will play with their dolls differently! Some may prefer to follow the instructions on the packaging, playing with the toys exactly as intended, whereas others might find that boring and instead prefer to mix things up and do their own thing!
How I play with my set of dolls should have absolutely no impact on how you play with your own.
Thank you so much for writing out this ask, I'm honestly really glad to see that common sense and critical thinking skills within fandoms haven't completely died out yet lmfao
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elena-gilbert · 7 months
after reading s1 interviews it becomes clear that everything we loved about sylki/sylvie and everything that made sylki/sylvie great came from kate and michael.
s2 doesn't feel like a continuation of s1, sylki dynamic in s2 isn't the same as it was in s1, and sylvie is reduced to a sidelined low-key love interest in s2 when she was a co-protagonist in s1 because kate and michael, the main creators behind s1, are not in charge of s2.
their s1 ideological dispute in the citadel alone was a lot more engaging than their whole relationship in s2.
and the most importantly, i could really get why sylvie fell for loki. he saw her as a hero when everyone else saw her as a villain, he told her she was amazing to fight against the dictatorship, he was caring and attentive towards her. he is a completely different person with her in s2 and he is different in the worst possible way - he has became a stereotypical man invalidating his female "partner's" suffering, anger and opinions.
I think it's clear now that most of Sylki dynamics in season 1 was the brainchild of people who are no longer involved in the show. The new showrunners have a completely different point of view on them. Definitely, it was a conscious step away from romance. 😞
This whole season has been one big nothing for Loki and Sylvie's relationship. I want to hope for some kind of confession and a kiss in the final episode, but it just feels like the writers this season don't really care about their relationship. If cut out all these Sylki moments from s2, you know what happening? Nothing. It will absolutely not affect the plot in general, you could easily watch without it and understanding everything, which cannot be said about s1 where they were the driving force of the plot.
I like Loki but I can't understand his actions towards Sylvie anymore. I tried the first four episodes, honestly. The first-season Loki would never have been so cold to her even if he knew that she was wrong and did not agree with her. He would tried to convince her. You mentioned a fight in the Citadel. Yes, it was a kind of first big fight and a divergence of views on the situation, but God, how well it was done. All their dialogue as well as the fight itself were just *chef's kiss*. And I'm not talking about how much passion there was and the chemistry just sparkled between them! And compare this scene with their fights in season 2. All they do is exchange some random phrases with mutuals accusations and screaming at each other. I can't even call them enemies, they're just strangers. I'm also sorry for Sylvie as a character, her screen time has been cut very much this season and from this we can't understand her point of view. The plot in general is still all right, Loki/Sylvie dynamic just doesn't make any sense and most importantly has absolutely no connection with the first season.
If a miracle happens and they somehow ending the season together as a couple (which I doubt now) it won't be as epic, beautiful and emotional as if it were if Michael and Kate were still running the show.
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andthebubbles · 21 days
okay, some vague overall thoughts for bridgerton 3x01-04 (spoilers ofc)
benedict didn't get much to do. am disappoint. all he did was run away from mamas and debutantes, and find a widow and then he did a lot of fucking. impressive
this so far is the season of the sideplots being more interesting
creloise is the literal damn highlight of the season so far. ESPECIALLY cressida
anthony is also, to me, always the damn highlight of any season. except for s1 on my first watch. heh.
but on that note, since cressida's gone the same way as anthony, now i get to rewatch s1 and s2 cressida scenes and just skjfgnkfg fall in love with her even more, like i did with anthony
ugh, cressida's dad! :( but as someone else said, what's wrong with befriending a bridgerton? haha maybe eloise is not Male enough. THEN LET HER MARRY A WOMAN, U ANCIENT DICK
i love i love i love all the a&b scenes we got, and anthony being the big bro and looking out for gregory
speaking of gregory, what was the purpose of him having a broken arm lmao. IS there a purpose? will there be a purpose?
rip that anthony went on a second honeymoon and had the balls to do it, i miss him being chained to his desk with violet slowly eviscerating him with a blunt knife
(i did detect some potential delicious conflict though re how slow violet's been at moving out of the house. i wonder if the show will get into that)
francesca and john stirling. aaah they snuck that one right by us. i love him and i love them! i'm not sure how much i like francesca yet though; i don't hate her but there's nothing i particularly like yet
so this is the first season where it's not (primarily) told from the point of view of a bridgerton. interesting.
i thought debling would've caught on earlier that some weird shit is going on with pen/colin, and with pen/eloise/cressida. but... well, either he did, or he's as dumb as a doornail (haha i know switched up the phrase). but yeah, at first i liked the idea of pen/debling, but by ep 4 he had become rather flavourless
portia's gonna be shook when she finds out pen and colin are getting married :3 she better be happy for pen! and also like, be nicer to her; i feel like there was a look from her towards the end of the ball in ep 4 where she might be rethinking how she talks to pen
anyway, will add to this post if i think of anything more.
that spoiler we got after the bowral screening of anthony being gifted a venetian glass ball; has that been cut from the ep...? instead he's just holding a ball which he is gonna try and fit into his mouth and/or hole for Science. string somehow attached ofc! can't have it getting lost 😈
SKDJNGK nearly forgot. okay so i have some thoughts re will and alice mondrich. with how gossipy and snipey and judgey the ton is, i'm surprised they were fairly well accepted into the ton. that is something i had not extrapolated on based on s1-2. but i do feel like cressida's mum and her friends are doing them dirty behind their backs. so that's... good... good as in, it doesn't invalidate what i headcanoned for a/b fic lmao
aaaaaand, once again for good measure - anthony's gay lil sit:
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theladyragnell · 1 year
Hi! Question for you once you've had a chance to finish S3 of Ted Lasso: I'd love to hear your perspective on how S3 could have unfolded in a more fulfilling way. No pressure, of course, but I enjoy reading your insights. :)
Okay! I am rolling up my sleeves.
EXPRESSING-OPINIONS-ON-THE-INTERNET CAVEAT: I am not a media critic, and not everything in this post will be cohesive, well-thought-out, and non-contradictory. I do not for a moment pretend that my opinions are Correct, they are merely my own.
SECOND CAVEAT: At this point, with where they left arcs, I'm about 80% sure that depending on how the WGA strike goes (crossing my fingers for them) and any corporate retaliation for that, there will be a spinoff or continuation sans Ted. More of their choices make sense if that is true, even if I don't love the thought (let shows end!!!), so this is all changes I would make assuming s3 is the final season.
The thing about this season, for me, is that any given episode or moment was largely really enjoyable for me! Sure, a few quibbles, and the whole Roy and Keeley thing we will get to in a moment, but if I ignored the fact that I was watching a season, most things worked for me. Looking at it as a season, though, it was too busy, in a way that meant the show dropped a lot of things I wanted to see more of.
So, when pondering this question, I think that there's no way to keep everything I love while getting rid of only the things that annoyed me or that didn't feel right to me. And in the end, I'd rather miss things that weren't there than be annoyed with things that are present, so my take on s3 would streamline a lot of things to engage with others.
Oh boy, this is already long, time for a cut.
Change #1: Roy and Keeley do not break up. There was simply no reason for this, and especially no reason for it to happen off-screen. They can still fight and have difficulties, and Roy can deal with his mental health, but it's just unnecessary drama and I never understood it. This also prevents Roy and Jamie's weird last-episode regression to fighting over her and forcing her into shitty positions.
Change #2: Most of Keeley's plotlines change. All of the KJPR plots and characters were interesting, but they also busied the season up too much. So I'd have her actually building up a one-woman business without Jack (or, tragically, Barbara), maybe doing the Shandy thing and grappling with that for longer, or her dealing with the Establishment the way Rebecca does so often, trying to make them see her as a businesswoman and not a footballer's girlfriend.
Change #3: Beard and Jane break up. We get to carry over the threads from s2 from the Beard episode and from Higgins expressing his concern, instead of treating the way Jane treats him as comedy. We also get to counteract this show's everyone-deserves-not-just-forgiveness-for-everything-but-also-to-be-in-your-life-again message with one instance of someone setting out a boundary and sticking to it.
Change #4: Many of Nate's plots change. As with Barbara, I would really regret losing Jade, but I think there are better uses of Nate's screentime--he was set up to be a real main character in s2 and I felt like I hardly saw him in s3. What I really wanted was for Nate to learn how to have power over people responsibly, I think? I'd have chosen either for him to grit his teeth and stay at West Ham (perhaps while joining the conspiracy to overthrow Rupert) or, when he left, for him to somehow end up coaching a kids' team, and learn gentleness in authority that way. It would pick up this show's really genuinely cool theme of "once one person makes a point of stepping out of the cycle of abuse and trauma it can ripple out around them" in interesting ways.
And while there are many other tweaks I'd make (more Sam, his last focus plot was SO goddamn miserable; eliminate everything about the psychic; goodbye to Rebecca's boat stranger), I'm going to finish with the last big one, which is
Change #5: Ted gets to do something besides reinvent total football, pine for his son, and make speeches that should have been edited down to a third of their length tops. He just seems so checked out this whole season, just talking about how none of the work he's done is on him, all focused on Henry in the wrong ways, so that going back to Kansas felt more like a horrible sacrifice than a choice that will bring him fulfillment or contentment. He was always going to go back to Kansas and his son, much as I wasn't wild about that, but it doesn't feel like a new beginning for him, just like he's going back to his old life with a little more knowledge of football and more knowledge of how to model good parenting and relationships for his kid (while not, from the way I interpreted that last expression, dealing any further with his own mental health). It felt weirdly dark for this show.
(Also I know this show loves its book theming, and I know it's The Wizard of Oz (see: a song from The Wiz playing over the credits to the penultimate episode), but have they considered that in subsequent Oz books Dorothy and her family move back to Oz? Things to consider.)
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
Shoutout to MK for immediately gathering his friends after Monkey King was sealed into the scroll! Even if it was dangerous, he called them and didn‘t try to do everything himself!
let‘s see how long that lasts. I‘m expecting some CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT /neg sometime in the future. I mean, sure, it looks like Wukong started his healing arc. but MK ? Not so much
Sure he had been hoping it would be something small. But he was lying to himself and knew it, the thing overpowered Wukong in 5 seconds flat after all.
But he still ended up being seperated from everyone.
Somehow it legitimately feels like a decent chunk of the season focused on how MK was different from his mentor but still ends up making similar choices… almost like he can‘t escape being like Wukong. Being worse than Wukong. Like it‘s desti- 💥get‘s shot💥
Both MK and Monkey want/ed things to stay as they are. Only MK wants to keep that by staying as he himself is now too, while Wukong wanted to become stronger to protect what he has.
But the world is going to mold MK into one of the most powerful beings to exist whether he wants to or not. It‘ll drag him down kicking and screaming if it has to.
Wukong leaving to get stronger vs. MK leaving because he‘s too strong and doesn’t want to hurt anyone.
Wukong leaving his friends behind by choice vs. MK‘s friends being taken from him, time and time again, even when he asks for help.
Young Wukong intentionally aggravating powerful beings and causing massive destruction vs. MK doing the exact same thing entirely on accident. When he‘s trying to help even.
On one hand, MK leaning on his friends at the beginning of s4 seems like a good thing (and it partly is!), "we're stronger together" and all that. On the other, I can't help but feel part of MK's reliance on his friends—which alone isn't necessarily a bad thing—comes from a place of "I can't do anything on my own" (thank you trigram furnace scene). MK is this very interesting mixed bag, where he wants to be right by his friends sides yet in the same vein believes he should be able to do it without them.
MK leaving in 4x08 was out of the belief that "everything he does just makes things worse", and that if he had stayed he would eventually hurt the people he cares about. In ROTSQ MK went off on his own to procure the trigram furnace to try and prove that he could do it alone.
Mirror MK: "Listen, every time we get in trouble, we turn to Monkey King or our friends or SOMEONE. They tell us a story and we find that smidge of motivation we need. Well—now we're on our own. It's just you."
Ultimately, both of these decisions come from the same place: MK's lack of belief in himself. In s2 and s3 he's not strong enough, but in s4 when he finally has more power he's "too strong", he's "destined to cause nothing but pain and suffering".
I think back to the 3x14 "to pain" scene a lot, because holy fucking shit how can you not, but particularly this line-
MK: "You still think that the universe really wants anything, from any of us?" Lady Bone Demon: "Don't you?" MK: "I try not to think too hard." Lady Bone Demon: "So it would seem."
-in tandem with this line-
MK: "I don't know if all of this happened because it was destined too—but I have to believe that I found the staff so I could use it for good. To help people."
-along with MK's s4 arc, drives me INSANE. MK never thought himself destined for anything, he considered himself a "regular noodle delivery boy with the powers of the Monkey King." But in s4 that distinctly changes, and it does so in such an interesting way with how MK's foil with Wukong develops.
Watching MK go from believing he's not anything special (1x09 and 2x05 you bitches) to believing he is chaos incarnate has been a wild ride, and one that I expect to only continue to go down. Pair that with Wukong being forced to come face to face with the hurt he himself has caused (3x10 and 4x11), and boy are we sure in for a time!
The tragedy of both MK and Wukong is that they hurt people and cause pain when they're trying to exactly the opposite. Different paths, same inevitable end—except the student usually goes farther, don't they?
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Trigun Book Club! Trigun Book Club! (@trigunbookclub)
Way back in the mid-2000's, a young Pancake Ray was working their first job out of college at a local Giant Chain Bookstore and discovered that no one else working the store cared if they spent their breaks sitting on the floor in front of our rather impressive two and a half bays of manga we had and just... read them right there. Much manga was read, and among the titles read were both Trigun and what was available at that time of Trigun Maximum.
I remember very little from that initial read aside from 1) confusing fight scenes, and 2) enough deviation from the anime (which I had recently watched) that I didn't really have a place for at that time. The anime had wormed itself into a very special place in my heart, so between the differences and just not being in a good place spiritually to handle some of its more religious themes, I wasn't really sure what to do with it. It probably didn't help that, back then, the manga was nowhere near finished.
I still read every volume we had, because gods, I read anything that looked even remotely interesting on the manga shelves at that time.
Now, an older and (debatably) wiser Ray is going to be reading these along with the rest of the Trigun Book Club Denizens. But first, I want to start of with a quote from the notes in The New Oxford Annotated Bible (3rd Ed.) in their prelude to I Kings, which is what I'm currently studying:
There is, on the other hand, no neat correlation between sin and judgment in Kings, largely because of the compassionate character of the Judge who accepts the repentant sinner, who does not desire final judgment to fall upon his creatures, and who is always ready to find cause why such judgment should be delayed or mitigated.
It just seemed like something to keep in mind when thinking about the character of Vash... but YMMV.
Stream-of consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 1, Chapters 1-3 below. (More detailed thoughts will be their own posts.)
Trigun Volume 1 Covers
Ok, first off... I love the alternate covers Nightow did. The stark contrast between the serious cleanliness of the covers and the crazy tongue-in-cheek alternate version really sets the tone.
LOL, "Deep Space Planet Future Gun Action!!" Yep, that's it. That's all it is.
How have I never seen Meryl as Luke Skywalker before??
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Chapter 1: The $$60,000,000,000 Man
This poster says "Appearance: Unclear," but it also has a picture of him. I'm not sure what to make of that.
Vash's face is so goofy. It's like if his world isn't ACTIVELY ON FIRE, he doesn't know how to be serious. I do like the belts. When watching S1 of Stampede, I missed the belts. I hope S2 has more belts. Something something fetish gear.
I love that there's actually a tally of all this on a wall somewhere. SEVENTY FREAKING TWO MURDER CASES.
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Kid: "Mom, I want a gun." Mom: "You already have a gun at home." The Gun At Home: *only shoots toy darts when you, a child no older than 8, are living in the Space Wild Wild West and think you need real bullets*
I love how quickly Vash goes from "OMG FOOD" face to SERIOUS EATING FACE.
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And it's immediately followed by this CLOSE-UP ASS SHOT. WHYYYYYY???
I don't know who this cloaked guy who's cocking his shotgun by shaking it vertically is, but I love his stupid hair.
Yeah, you don't get to kill the protagonist THAT fast....
WW isn't even here yet and Nightow's already filling panels with man-tiddies...
LOL, he counted ALL the bullets in that page that was... just... it was just bullet fire. Somehow he counted them all. For every gun. And now everyone else has to leave stripped down to their boxers.
I love that someone, somewhere decided they needed to have a pinball machine all the way out here in nowheresville.
Ah there are the girls. Milly looks so worried about the catcalls, but Meryl? Meryl looks bored.
Chapter 2: Looney Tunes
Ok, first off, this chapter title just makes me think of ep 12 of Stampede when So-and-So starfishes his way out a window before floundering in the air for a second of hangtime and then falling.
Exposition! Huzzah!
Population decline slowing = humans adapting to the new environment. Resilient little buggers.... I know someone who probably HATES that statistic.
So, basically... before July, Vash was small beans. Or going by another name.
Aaaand straight into his goofy poses. This man is made of rubber, I swear.
LOL, why is he talking in French?! I guess a guy's gotta have his hobbies....
But Meryl... I'm with Milly here. Is it really that dangerous??
Ah, yes. The ol' "they'll understand me better if I just speak louder" trick. A favorite of Americans traveling in non-English-speaking countries when said American hasn't bothered to learn even the tiniest bit of the local language.
Current favorite Vash Chaos Pose:
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LOL, "MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES FOR INTERRUPTING THIS CONFUSION." This feels like such a Japanese thing to say. It's like, "I know you're all engaged in frantic chaos right now, and because you're engaged in it, it must be very important to you, so I, the intruder, must offer my sincere regret for interrupting it."
I wonder how this version of Milly will merge with a Milly who was crazy enough to volunteer for the position of Meryl's partner in Stampede.
This Vash is definitely not so keen on being caught, even in the face of suffering women and children.
But here he is, protecting the very people who had guns in his face a second ago.
Chapter 3: Hard Puncher
Current favorite Vash Serious Pose:
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Ok, I have thoughts here.
Sooooo many shonen speed lines....
Current favorite Vash Action Pose (That intense side eye is *chef's kiss*.)
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Man, poor Gosef. But Vash standing over his prone form looks badass.
LOL, the Insurance Girls finally have everyone's attention, and.. they look like they don't want it anymore.
Hahahahaha, there goes the bounty. Can't put a bounty on a natural disaster. The federal government has officially labeled him "not human." *pats Vash*
Actually, he looks kinda happy about this. I guess not having a bounty on your head anymore might do that.
He can still have the head-pats.
The difference in his expression when greeting Meryl versus greeting Milly....
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For as terrible as Mr. Nebraska himself is, I always appreciated how much he seems to genuinely care about his son in his own weird way.
Gods, I'm glad every other version got rid of his gun legs, though. That's... a Thing, and I don't like this Thing.
And just like that, Vash goes from "concerned about these girls constantly being around him" to "mildly intimidated by them." Beautiful.
(Thanks to @trigun-manga-overhaul for their translations and making this series accessible!)
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eidetictelekinetic · 8 months
So, I have a whole post-s2 Good Omens project on the way, but have a look at the first fic in the series, in which, pre-Fall, Aziraphale has a crush on a certain starmaker (I'm calling him Elenath because I'm not getting into "who was Crowley" theories)
He likes the tree rooms overall, really. Cacti have such fascinating shapes. for example, some of them are with the smaller plants and some of them are here, it's all quite interesting. But his favorite tree is one of the weeping willows. It's not the biggest of the prototypes, but it has the thickest leaf growth, and that's really why he likes it. Pushing gently through the fall of pale green leaves to where he usually settles down leaning against the trunk, he turns to Elenath a little nervously. Elenath is looking around, thoughtful.  "It's very green in here. Is that your favorite color?"  "No," Aziraphale says. He doesn't think he has a favorite color, though red's visually quite interesting. "It's not that it's green I like, it's that it's... muted in here." Aziraphale tips his head back against the trunk, watching Elenath, who doesn't seem inclined to sit. He's lifting up long strings of leaves to look at them more closely, running his fingers over the trunk as if trying to learn its texture. Aziraphale thinks Elenath's constant motion, here in a place he comes to for peace, ought to be stressful. But somehow it... it makes the quiet green space even more welcoming, maybe because in his own way Elenath clearly appreciates it as much as Aziraphale does. "What do you mean, muted?" Elenath asks, peering at Aziraphale around a fall of leaves he's playing with. "Oh, well, I guess you wouldn't notice, spending your time out on the edges of Creation like you do, but here at headquarters things can get very bright. Too much so sometimes." "I make stars, remember?" Elenath says dryly. "My work's always bright."  Aziraphale makes a face. "Well, yes, but it's not the same. Like the nebula, before. That was beautiful, and so many colors. Headquarters is all the same, and it gets a bit hard to handle sometimes. So I come here."  Elenath flops down next to Aziraphale in a sprawl that doesn't look like it can possibly be comfortable. "No, I get what you mean. I prefer being out on the edges to working in a group. There's just too much to deal with when there's a bunch of people around. Course, that means I end up needing to flag down random angels flying by for help." "Oh, well, I --- I don't --- that is, if you need extra hands some other time, I'd be happy to help again," Aziraphale says. "Then you wouldn't need to find someone random." Oh, he's being foolish, all of this was foolish, surely what Elenath meant was that one angel is as good as another, and he probably isn't interested in spending time with Aziraphale anyway. Mostly no one is; Raphael is kind enough to, sometimes, and Yarael and Kokabiel will when they aren't off together, but... He's being stupid. "Huh," Elenath says, a strange look in his eyes. Are they a lighter brown than they were before? His wings are a bit darker, though Aziraphale's sure none of it means anything. Anyway, the change suits him. "All right then. Next time, I'll call you." Maybe --- maybe he's not being entirely silly after all.
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 10 months
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ok episode 16 time!
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oh wow i forgot how jarring this episode feels after episode 15 since we just like go right back to where we left off in 14 after sophie's death and the eri reveal
also look at that, prospera got up from her desk chair but immediately sat down again. i wonder if belmeria is aware at all about prospera's mobility issues too
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forgot about this line lol this makes suletta somehow getting her into hots-san pretty much a miracle
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ok yea yea prospera shrug memes aside, this part of this scene is so good lol. like prospera just fucking calls belmeria out on her hypocrisy. belmeria is such a coward lmao.
i don't really have an opinion on the fact that she lived to see the end, but i feel like she doesn't get shit on enough for being complicit in all the evil shit peil gets up to. i was really excited to see prospera call her out at the beginning of this episode when i first watched lol
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the news broadcast frames are always so interesting to me in this whole show lol. like it's probably the easiest and kind of laziest way to do worldbuilding, but given how few eps we got and what a mess s2 is, i guess i'll take it
also cracking up at the wording on this last screencap and focusing entirely on the spacian economy instead of you know the earthian lives being snuffed out for literally no reason
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wonder if they'd been planning to be turncoats since this moment
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i mentioned it before but like this little lesbian snuck cool-san around this whole time lol
also imagine how she felt the moment she turned her phone back on to find a barrage of messages from suletta
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i dont think i'd ever stopped to read the messages here as secelia is scrolling through her phone, so it's interesting to see that last one asking if suletta saved everyone
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the most confusing shot and line to have ever happened in this entire show lmao
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how strong is chuchu that you need suletta and lilique to hold her back
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jubeju gone but not forgotten to the memes
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the birth of something so insane lmao i still can't get over sabinika's existence
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even with magical permet minerals creating quantum entanglement internet capabilities across electronics, how are we supposed to believe guel just made his way up the space elevator with no money or identification
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god i really wanted feng jun to play a bigger role in everything and then lol
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best boy till
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ah, here we go...
i wonder if any of the earth house kids picked up on miorine getting upset when prospera showed up. like you'd think maybe till or something wouldve noticed, right?
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this scene was so satisfying after what a creep el5n has been since his introduction
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love this frame composition. this entire scene is honestly one of my favorites and the voice acting throughout it is top notch
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really gotta wonder about the people who were hating on miorine mid-season. like were they just not paying attention? so much of her emotions are displayed to us through her body language
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and i really just love the part in this scene when suletta starts fidgeting and we SEE miorine notices this. we SEE miorine notice that suletta is deeply uncomfortable with this conversation. it's such a blink or you'll miss it moment and i just really appreciate that detail
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i really wish we would have gotten miorine finding out more about the vanadis incident on-screen instead of it being part of all the things that got off-screened in the second of the show
like at some point her and suletta had to have talked about all this, yeah? suletta even has "first-hand" knowledge of sorts because of eri pummeling her with data transfer memories
i just really want to see that conversation so bad. i can't imagine how miorine feels knowing it was her kuso oyaji that started all this and destroyed elnora's family. it just adds to my headcanon that miorine has not forgiven him at the end
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prince miorine
ok no lie, i was in a terrible mood yesterday and then i opened twitter on my phone and the first thing i saw was anilu's prince ferdinand miorine and i just turned into that meme and was like "MIORINE!"
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*looney tunes wolf whistle gif*
yeah ok getting whiplash again with this episode right after 15. the weird jump back to 14 plot is just so strange
this is a great episode though. like it already heightens the tension and we know something is about to happen but god none of us were ready for 17 lmao
i think i watched the greenhouse conversation a million times after this ep aired and after the 17 break week. i really can't express how amazing i think the voice acting is on that part and although i honestly don't know shit about sound engineering, the softness and vulnerability in miorine's voice throughout that whole scene is just amazing
alright, definitely not watching ep 17 tonight, but gonna try and watch tomorrow
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canayams-art · 3 months
it's meee, the qianqing anon✨ it certainly been a while since ive been in your asks jsjdjdjd the uni has been crazy and the finals were approaching so i had to force my focus on studying instead of screaming about my faves to anyone who was willing to listen :") but now that that's out of the way for a while now because the second semester has already started, im free to go back to my deranged brainrots sjejejejjeke
OH I ALMOST FORGOT very very late merry christmas (if you celebrated) and happy new years!! 🎉🎉
im rewatching the second season of tgcf at the moment and im going crazy over the small lqq moments i missed in my first watch wjejejek he's just such an amazing character and soo 😍 i love/hate that im now restarting the angst 😭😭
SOMEHOW I ALSO MISSED THE BRIEF BLURRY SHI WUDU CAMEO AND I WAS SCREAMING ABOUT IT FOR HALF AN HOUR TO MY FRIEND!! I CANT WAIT TO SEE HIM IN HIS FULL CORRUPTED GLORY IF WE EVER GET GHE BLACK WATER ARC ANIMATED!! he actually might be in my top three favorite characters from tgcf even if i don't talk about him nearly as much as i talk about mq
anyways. LQQ!! i know i already watched everything and i know that i know what's going to happen but man i am not prepared to go through that again! while i am EXTREMELY glad that we got to see him boil qr alive AND slice him in half, THE PAIN THE ANGUISH THE CONFLICT JWJWIEKEKKEJJE
i don't think i will be getting him out of my head anytime soon :")) im even more salty that he doesn't get a more important scenes later in the series :((
unfortunately ive been a bit brain-dead because of the most boring subjects in the world ughhh so i don't have any new lqq and mq thoughts :(( if you do pls share with me, im dying for every crumb of creativity available skkekekeke
also idk if i mentioned this in my last ask, but it makes me so happy that both you and your followers like these little lqq/mq rants 🥹 it makes me excited to share whatever new idea pops into my brain and know that there are somewhere ppl who get just as excited about them as i do
anyways, i hope you're doing well!! 😽😽
Welcome back qianqing anon!!!
I hope finals went well for you and that you’ve been able to catch your breath again. I also hope you enjoyed the holiday season!
Every time I see or think about donghua lqq I feel so grateful to the production team for depicting the way lqq feels and expresses himself so intensely. I know we all know this by now but his arc really is my favorite within the entire story,,, 🥹 It’s a shame we really only see him in the early chapters and the final ones�� I genuinely think his story could easily be its own novel/extra.
Also where does shi wudu show up???! If it’s later in s2 then I haven’t spotted him yet cos I,,,,, still haven’t gotten around to finishing s2 (life got in the way of quality time in lqq land 😭). I feel you though— I find shi wudu interesting in such a way where I love his character but I also feel he 100% got what was coming to him LMAO. Blackwater arc is gonna be so wild to see.
But!! Back to qianqing lol. I was thinking earlier about the fact that lqq answers any personal communication array regardless of who is contacting him. Meanwhile mq haunts the public communication array but gives this vibe that not a lot of people have access to his personal array,,,, made me think about how mq seems like the type who always reaches out to lqq privately, knowing that lqq will always answer, but refuses to give his password in return. Lqq probably asked him once and mq probably told him something like “It’s pointless when I know you’ll answer me no matter what.” (Bonus: maybe mq finally decides to hand his password over when lqq ends up going down to the mortal realm to seek his revenge— like it’s mq’s way of telling lqq that he’s concerned but without flat out saying he’s concerned for lqq LOL)
Anyway! Please always feel free to slide into the inbox. I may be slow to reply to these but they really do make my day. The qianqing brainrot never sleeps 😂
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beevean · 1 year
Let's run the gauntlet! Rate each IDW storyline and Netflixvania season against each other! Like who gets first place in shittiness, who gets second third etc
Not really fair since IDW has more arcs, but I'll try :P
The "best" parts of the two works are S1 and... uh... well this is hard, but I'll go with the very beginning of IDW too. There are already some problems (excessive swearing, lack of Grant/Mr. Tinker and everything related to it), but overall, they're solid, short arcs with not many of the problems that would plague later arcs. I like the fight between Trevor and Alucard, and I like Metal Sonic raining fire and brimstone in his quest to revive his master. Nothing much to say.
I would compare the Surge arc with S2, because, well, #girlboss. Those arcs are all about this new shiny villain strutting their stuff around, declaring themselves the hottest shit ever, shittalking the main villain, and being very, very, very annoying (at least Surge isn't a fake radfem, and tbf, the story never wants us to love her because she's a girl). The heroes take a stepback in favor of the OCs, and a few interesting scenes (the fight against Dracula, the potential of Surge's brainwashing and Kit's cutting speech against the "heroes") don't salvage what's ultimately a very boring, drawn out arc. I can also draw a parallel between Sonic being an utter smug asshole, and Alucard being so mean to poor Trevor.
Not sure what I'd compare to S4 because IDW isn't over yet. Mmmh, I hate S4 because of shipteases that lead to infuriating scenes, so... the current arc? The Whispangle apology drama vs. the "cute" Lenector scenes, both examples of jarring morality? Carmilla and Lanoline being both ineffectual unlikeable #girlbosses? An unlikely villain (whatever passes off as Death/a growing city) that diminishes the importance of the original villain? Yeah, let's go with this.
First place in utter shittiness goes, of course, to the MV arc of IDW and S3 of NFCV! Three words to describe them both: pointless misery porn.
Characters suffer in graphic detail for the sake of suffering, the morals (if we want to call them that) are cynical - the world is unfair, you can't trust anyone, if you're kind you will pay for it - some scenes are simply unfit for the series - many The Walking Dead vibes in what's supposed to be a Sonic adaptation, the two random sex scenes in episode 9 - and characters are at their most stupid and most OOC, and dare I say unlikeable - this is where Sonic officially turns into a preaching asshole who thinks begging Eggman to turn good and throwing Espio's trauma in his face are good things (plus, you know, the whole Metal mess), and whatever salvageable things about Hector as an anti-villain get thrown down the drain as he falls for the same "pretty vampire manipulates him" strategy again. The ending has some bullshit choices too: Super Silver manages to somehow rip the metal virus away from the molecules of the infected people, Isaac conveniently is redirected to a giant mirror that would bring him and his army straight to Syria.
And at the end, all that pain? No longer matters! Cream is happy-go-lucky after watching her mother "die" and being infected herself. Alucard gets over his trauma after one episode. Hector is willing to exchange stupid dick jokes with the woman who turned him into a pet.
But fans appreciate their "depth", although in different ways: for the MV arc, it's the whole dark and edgy vibe and the "moral conflict" of "should Sonic have killed Mr. Tinker?" (no the whole problem is that Sonic let Metal go and no one cares); for S3, it's everything about Isaac and his "character development" that is supposedly peak writing (yeah I sure like the poor little thing who stole Hector's arc and also killed a bunch of innocents without that ever being addressed again).
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anti-dazai-blog · 2 years
I see you're interested in Dazai's treatment of Chuuya rn, but if you don't mind me ranting a bit about Akutagawa feel free to respond. First of all Akutagawa despite his edginess always felt like a really good character to me. During my first watch I didn't try to analyze the characters much, and the tone of the anime made me ignore a lot of the shit Dazai's done. But on my second watch (dw only watched it twice, second time in preparation for watching dead apple I'm not too obsessed haha) it started feeling wrong. I find Akutagawa relatable and he's an important character to me, and Dazai toying with him and his need for approval by giving the approval he wanted to Atsushi was almost uncomfortable to watch. If I had my own attempts to get approval from a person I admired shut down like this I'd crumble and die on the spot, not even being dramatic. The fact no one seems to talk about how he's essentially fueling Akutagawa's hate for Atsushi, which puts Atsushi in danger??? He doesn't care about Atsushi at all, regardless of what the fandom says (and shipping them gives me killing stalking vibes atp. The power imbalance is terrifying). I used to tolerate Dazai as a character but now he makes me angry. He's abusive as fuck both to Akutagawa and Atsushi, yet people mostly recognize his abuse towards Akutagawa.
Not to mention Akutagawa already somewhat freed himself from Dazai's influence (since he left port mafia). In a way he was probably healing just for Dazai to show up and flex that he got a new toy (person to abuse and feed his ego). When Akutagawa was forced to work with Atsushi (s2) and he didn't attempt to sacrifice everything to murder him... that was some serious character development. It showed him as a person healing from trauma and trying to become someone more than just Dazai's victim, forever manipulated to act in a way Dazai planned beforehand (somehow). And despite all this growth Dazai was still an asshole to him.
Oh and just a sidenote his constant half assed suicide attempts feel like a slap in the face to me, someone who attempted more than once. His bandages all over the body feel disrespectful as well. I'm certain there's no way he has so many injuries that need to be bandaged over at the same time. Hell, most wounds would require him to take the bandage off eventually for better healing. The fact he doesn't do it to me implies he doesn't have any injuries under the bandages at all.
I think I wouldn't hate Dazai this much if he wasn't so beloved in the fandom. I don't mind toxic/abusive characters, a well writen one is a delight to include in fanfics and whatnot. But the way his actions are excused and he's seen as sweet and caring (sadly stumbled upon dazai bf imagines) is infuriating.
Hope my rant is not too chaotic. I just saw some more bad headcanons in the tag and had to talk abt it. lol anyway sorry. Have a good day/night ♡
Anon, when I got your asks I saw it was really long, so I pulled out a few index cards to take notes on it. And now that I have, and my thoughts are decently organized, I’ll answer.
First off— feel free to send asks about any character at any time!! My current interest in Chuuya is only because the upcoming chapters are his first manga appearance, and I haven’t written about him in this series yet. Because of the fandom’s love for him (or rather, in this context it would be their love for soukoku [the ship]), I wanted to put a disclaimer about my personal stance and belief in Chuuya’s lack of guilt in any Dazai-related situation. 
Moving on to your ask-
You make a lot of really good points here. I’ll write my response in bullet point format, divided by the paragraphs of your ask.
Paragraph 1’s points-
yeah, the tone of the anime really pushes the viewer’s mind away from just how horrific Dazai’s actions are. It’s like those old sitcoms with laugh tracks— when people on YouTube finally get around to editing the laugh track out, it turns out that every joke is bad at best, and blatantly racist at worst. Except with bsd, instead of there being a bunch of bad jokes, it’s just a fun little two hour compilation of abuse, that’s supposed to be funny because the silly bandage man is doing it. I guess the bsd equivalent of editing out the laugh track would be replacing Dazai with someone who isn’t conventionally attractive.
I agree completely— nearly everything Dazai does is uncomfortable to watch. Not because it’s awful, but because it’s played off as a joke. Awful things happen in media (and in real life) all the time, but what turns it from awful to horrifying is when the witnesses of it (in this case, the audience) laughs along with the abuser instead of sympathizing with the victim. 
And to add on to what you’re saying— Dazai always sees people’s wants and needs, deepest desires, hopes, regrets, insecurities etc… and uses that knowledge to toy with people. It’s his favorite passtime. He doesn’t have a hobby. This is the one and only thing he does in his free time. 
Anon, I’m actively writing my analysis of Chapter 9 (which is 100% Akutagawa-centric, because he’s the only one to interact with Dazai in that chapter). And you just covered half the points I’m gonna make. He really is just fueling Akutagawa’s hatred of Atsushi in that scene, and the first thing Akutagawa does after leaving the dungeon is stab Atsushi straight through the chest. And remember, he’s supposed to be capturing the weretiger ALIVE. But Dazai had to intentionally make Akutagawa’s grievances with Atsushi a personal matter, rather than a professional one like it was prior to now.
Also, I’m very very proud of you for outright calling Dazai abusive, because you’re right and you should say it, and I don’t say it often enough. 
And yes, Dazai has absolutely no regard for Atsushi (or anyone else’s) safety. I think he would try to avoid allowing agency members to get killed, but other than that he really doesn’t care what happens to them.
Now onto paragraph 2 of your (very long but very great) ask-
I’ve always been curious about what Akutagawa was like in the time between Dazai leaving the mafia and Dazai resurfacing. I do have a slight headcanon that he healed a lot in that time, and made a lot of personal progress that was all undone when Dazai showed up again. Tbh I’d like to read a Light Novel on this topic— I’d love for Asagiri to show us how Akutagawa’s life looked a month before Dazai reappeared. 
As you point out, it’s definitely progress on Akutagawa’s part when he didn’t instinctively attack Atsushi in s2. But nonetheless, this is also a part of Dazai’s plan. If he attacks Atsushi, it’s a part of Dazai’s “set up a rivalry” plan. If he doesn’t, it’s a part of Dazai’s “and then the rivals work together” plan. Either way, no matter what he does, Dazai will go to sleep that night patting himself on the back for accomplishing exactly what he hoped to accomplish. Either way, it’s a lose-lose for Akutagawa, because no matter what he does he’ll be playing into Dazai’s hand. Unless, of course, he ditches Atsushi entirely. 
Paragraph 3-
YES YES I’M SO GLAD SOMEONE SAID IT!! I love you anon. Listen. Ok. Listen- I personally have never had to deal with depression and/or thoughts of suicide, so I felt like commenting on this topic would be inappropriate/ out of line for me. But I’ve had many friends who have tried to commit suicide. One of my close friends was in the hospital for almost a year from an attempt. And watching bsd make a joke of it felt.. wrong. But then I look around the fandom and see so many people using Dazai as a coping mechanism of sorts— I get it, he’s a character who many people find easy to like, and it can be nearly comforting in a way, for some people, to screenshot images of Dazai being Dazai and adding a caption of “he’s just like me fr!!” I know well that for people who are actually struggling with suicidal thoughts, it’s easier to find a character you relate to and work out stuff through that character than to have to self-analyze and self-reflect on uncomfortable topics. And I’d much rather have my friends tell my how much they’re “just like Dazai fr!!” than to have to hear all about how badly they wanna jump onto the tracks every time we’re waiting for a train. AND YET. As much as I understand the value of Dazai to many people. It’s not worth it. What’s the point of temporary comfort in a fictional character that’ll only perpetuate your thoughts and echo them back to you. If you wanna die, it’s not going to help that your favorite character does too. Maybe you’ll laugh about it before your death. Maybe your last words will be “he’s just like me fr!!”. And then what. Did it help you? Did it really help you to have someone fictional you relate to? No, it didn’t. Suicide’s not a joke. Silly bandage man should take off his silly bandages and stop making suicide a character gimmick.
Final point- fandoms are always ready to forgive their poor little meow meows. And Dazai is a lot of people’s poor little meow meow. So yeah, no matter what he does it’ll be forgiven. 
And that’s that! Excellent ask, anon!! It’s very well-phrased. I like it. 
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benicebefunny · 1 year
I'm just...Roy yelled at the top of his lungs at a bunch of children, and it's treated as a cute quirk. Yes, of course the context is different with Nate drawing attention to a specific player rather than general yelling and getting super personal, and I obviously do not support yelling at employees, but something about the way people laugh at Roy shouting and breaking things for no reason, Isaac throwing stuff, all the players making life difficult for hotel employees and apparently stealing stuff despite being loaded athletes, Sassy harassing a waiter, Roy discouraging Phoebe from cursing but being proud of her elbowing a girl in the neck as if that's somehow better, etc. while jumping on every negative action by Nate - notably not white, rich, or "traditionally masculine" - as a sign of him being fundamentally bad leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. Nate stands out so much as the only non-rich, non-white character that gets to show real depth and interesting flaws. He's so much fun to watch! But the way people are all "I never liked him", or "I feel vindicated", or wishing violence on him makes it seem like they were looking for an excuse not to like him, and feels so much like the old "people are bullied for a reason, if they're weird, they have it coming".
Like you, I have so much fun watching and (as everyone is painfully aware of by now) talking about Nathan, because he has real depth and interesting flaws. For me, I really enjoy connecting how his actions, feelings, and beliefs connect (or conflict) with the show's broader context. Also, he's funny, quirky, and delightful.
So, yeah, it's frustrating when people flatten him into a Ticking Timebomb of Evil, or the Antithesis of Ted's (presumed) Goodness, or AFC Richmond's Designated Patient.
But it's also kind of sad when people flatten other characters into harmless, lovable comedic caricatures. That's what happens when Nathan's misdeeds are taken seriously, and those of other characters are brushed off as just a joke or an inevitable facet of the football industry. Why would people do that to their faves? Can't they see all the fun I'm having picking apart Nathan's storyline? (*touches earpiece* What's that? My intensity and occasional glibness can come off as barely suppressed rage? Not again!)
There can be some pretty gross subtext to why and how characters are excused from accountability. For example, Colin and Isaac's harassment of Nathan is sometimes excused because it happened Before Coach Lasso (BC, for short). While Nathan's verbal abuse of Will and Colin is framed as worse than literal daily physical assault because it occurred After Arrival of Dad Figure Ted (AD, for short). Ted is positioned as a White Savior who brings enlightenment to the masses, forgiving past sins for all who Believe. And Colin and Isaac are positioned as spiritually immature, ignorant children rather than adults savvy enough to exploit the fucked-up power dynamics of their industry. (You know, like Nathan in S2, but with regular beatings.)
(To be fair to fandom, the White Savior Ted and his Infantilized Himbos trope didn't burst fully formed from our collective fannish head. Canonically, Ted does encourage this kind of thinking. He refers to the players (grown adult men, a significant number of whom are Black) as "boys." He uses the father figure thing a lot. And he did convince them to burn a cherished possession in order to appease spirits he doesn't entirely believe in. A little bit of cult leader behavior there. More things to add to the This Would be Taken Seriously if It Were Nathan pile.)
My point is: it's a double-edged sword. As someone who enjoys the non-Nathan characters, I don't like it when their actions are stripped of their ethical, social, and financial weight. I read it as an insult, a diminishing of the characters.
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egipci · 10 months
Happy WW Em! There has been endless discussion about Dean’s close relationship with John. But... If John lived, do you think Sam could ever have a similarly close relationship with him? Or do you think the Stanford incident and Sam’s childhood has left too big of a stain on their past? If John and Sam had their own closeness, would Dean ever get jealous? Or would he see it as the final stage of his fucked up family healing itself?
Happy we......ek, friend! What a great question--- I think I tend to be much more optimistic than most people when it comes to Sam and John's (non-incestuous) relationship possibilities, but also I'm pretty committed to 1. the idea that John must die, sooner or later, for the show to become the Sam and Dean show (tm) and for Dean specifically to become his own guy and not just a dad-extension, and more controversially that 2. Sam's hate/frustration towards his dad is pretty much resolved before we even see John in s1, if not entirely before the pilot, 3. that John would die to save Sam just as he had for Dean, and 4. that we see significant character development on both their parts in s1 (or at least a significant improvement in their mutual understanding) such that their relationship couldn't really be as bad as it had been when Sam was growing up--- so with these basic assumption in mind, say John's lifespan is extended by like, a year or so. The short answer is: yes, they can grow closer, but not as close as the Dean-John relationship, not because of the trauma of the Stanford fight but because of the nature of the Dean-John relationship itself. There's about two decades of emotional incest there that I don't think Sam or anyone else can really fit into.
The long answer is-- I think the degree to which Sam and John grow closer depends entirely on how much canon changes to allow John to survive. Let's consider some possibilities:
Azazel is happy in 2x1 to stop the reaper from taking Dean solely in exchange for the gun. So, they get Dean back, but they're down the only weapon that take Azazel out. Obviously Sam can't blame his dad for giving up the gun, and he's recommitted to the fight after they've come face-to-face with Azazel, and insofar that he's happy to defer to his dad on hunts they're in a much better place than 1x20, for example. I can see John's "we wouldn't be here if you had taken the shot" blame persisting, if to a much lesser degree, but much more significantly, John's anxieties about Sam breaking bad persist, and there's a lot of very intriguing tension to be located here. John tells Dean, because of course he must tell his lieutenant, and Dean is torn up about it, watches Dad watching Sam, tries and eventually fails to keep it to himself, etc. etc. Sam is used to being outside the Dad-Dean unit, and it probably is better than when he was a kid, but also there's something going on that feels different, because he was right there when Azazel talked about his plans, and he asked John in 2x1 if he knew anything, so eventually he learns he's at-risk of some freaky shit. Does he know that Dad said to Dean they might have to kill him? And if he does, is his reaction similar to his reaction in canon s2, which is --- okay, whatever Dad says, but if someone has to kill me, please Dean it has to be you? Of course in this scenario we get to 2x22 and John makes a deal for Sam's life.
Azazel takes the gun and gives John one year. Or I guess, he takes the gun and John has to make an independent deal for Dean and gets a one year freebie. This compounds the above scenario in an interesting way: I can see John initially telling Sam about his deal and Dean about the Sam situation, and everything eventually comes to light because Dean knows his dad better than anyone (maybe he connects the dots somehow in 2x8) and Sam figures out that something might happen to him etc. etc. --- so now the stakes are doubled for Sam; they have to get Azazel before Azazel gets him, and maybe if they get Azazel before Dad's year is up they can maybe stop the deal (similar to the s3 Lilith hunt, you can even include some version of Ruby here), and of course he's totally onboard with Dad's contingency kill-Sam-before-he-breaks-bad plan. So like, the Sam-John front is probably the best it has ever been, and outside of his obsession with getting Azazel he's really mellowed out with Sam, not in denial about the inevitability of his death. Dean is absolutely inconsolable in all of this, trying to get his dad to stop worrying about Azazel and redirect to trying to stop the deal, he's worried about saving Sam, he's suicidal (as always). We get to 2x22 and John extremely hypocritically tries to stop Dean from making a deal, which he himself has made and would do again for Sam given the chance. (Also imagine John hilariously micro-managing Sam and Dean to prevent the revelation of his very important secrets--- extremely entertaining, as long as he manages it).
John has a year left and doesn't tell anyone. Of course he's motivated to finish the Azazel job before his time runs out, Sam is on board, and sooner or later learns that Azazel has a son crush on him, etc. etc. see above. But we can also imagine how that attempt at reconciliation in 2x1 ("I don't know why we're fighting" etc.) would underlie John's final year, a real palpable softness towards both Sam and Dean that's nice but obviously weird and unusual. There is also tension before Dean learns about the Sam situation and even more after he does, why would his dad place this on him etc. etc. Until suddenly Dad dies (or acts as bait for Azazel in 2x22, knowing he's not coming out of it).
Would Dean feel jealous in any of these? No. I mean, I don't really know why he would. I would need some canon support for this potential jealousy. Much more plausibly he would feel overwhelmed, or put-upon, or whatever, if there were a unified obsessed-with-hunting Dad-Sam front, but I don't really see jealousy within this dynamic (but of course I can be persuaded).
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vulpes-atlantic · 2 years
Gotg 3 theories! (kinda long post)
because thank you @enigma731 for making a post on the trailer as I didn't even know it was out already
Keep in mind that I have only read a few issues of the comics, and that this is just for fun so it's not like I did a bunch of research.
I have played the newer GOTG game and am in the process of playing the telltale game, and have also watched the animated series a bunch of times, (it's honestly really good.) So I do know of Guardians characters that are not in the MCU yet
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2. I'm going to guess that the movie will be focused on Rocket's backstory and possibly the other guardians' as well. Interesting as they definitely haven't been explored much in the MCU.
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Peter somehow acquired a polaroid camera and used it to take a photo of the team? That would be so cute and he actually has a picture of them on his nightstand on the animated show! (S2:E8)
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okay back to the actual trailer-
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2. Rocket's drinking a milkshake or smth so that gives me hope Peter just got knocked unconscious somehow-
3. I don't trust Marvel movies anymore. They "permanently" killed off three different characters I loved-
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Where is that? It looks a bit like Ego's ship? I'm guessing either a celestial building of some kind or the Collecters place (if it has a name I forgot it) Is Peter going to get his celestial powers back? If so, heres hoping he can control them enough that he doesn't become immortal and have to watch the whole team die...
2. Those pink things look a bit like brains of some kind, possibly connected to my celestial ship idea. Maybe they run into another celestial who was related to Ego or something?
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At first, I was thinking astronauts from Earth meet the Guardians or something, but that looks like Mantis? I'm curious why they have the big suits when they had smaller force fields of some kind in previous movies. Maybe a radioactive area of some kind?
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Rocket's love interest from the comics, she made minor appearances/and there were references to her in the games and animated series.
Further making me think Vol.3 will be about Rocket's backstory and character. I'm just crossing my fingers that all of the guardians will get a happy ending...
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Adam Warlock!
Another character from the comics, though he was in the games and animated series as well.
He doesn't really look anything like he usually does in my opinion. But then again the rest of the guardians had very drastic appearance changes in the movies also, SO oh well! Not too big of a deal.
What got me thinking is the fact that the golden gem in his head is the soul stone. (Of course, that could be different for the MCU but it's pretty much always the soul stone so it would make more sense)
I'm wondering if he can use his powers to somehow merge the version of Gamora who got killed for the stone and the current version of her from the past. Whether through somehow merging her soul or giving her the memories of her future self I don't really care, now I'm not entirely sure of the comics but in the animated series he got Gamora to let him use his powers to help her remember a memory of her parents (since she couldn't remember exactly what they looked like.) (S2:E21)
2. Were the stones not destroyed? How does he have Soul? Is it something else? But in that case what is it..?
Looking forward to look back on this once it's out and see what (if anything) I got right :)
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von-frappe · 2 years
top 5 best and worst glee storylines
5 worst
Brittany's president storyline
yeah,,, this is just awful, brittany is really rude and disrespectful towards Kurt but for some reason kurt apologises and has to make amends even though Brittany was so clearly in the wrong, then brittany makes some girl power point and tells the guy she told to be embarrassed about taking his shirt off that it's bullying to call her an idiot for believing in leprechauns, she makes some big issue over how underestimated she is, then proceeds to prove why she was so underestimated in the first place by pledging to ban hurricanes and taking her shirt off on Tuesdays, also some fucking dino themed prom... I hate it here
2. Santana's coming out
the writers did not put an ounce of thought into this, the guy that outed her is somehow the hero?? and the one scene in which Santana takes autonomy and comes out to her peers herself is cut from the episode??? also her coming out to her grandma, although naya is amazing in the scene, is just so out of place, the only time we hear about Santana's grandma prior to this is santana talking about her grandma verbally abusing her, and there's no mention of how the negative reaction from her grandma impacted santana, it's honestly like they forgot it until s6 (which is a dogshit season overall)
3. Rachel bombing her audition
this storyline would be fine if Rachel didn't get into nyada at the end, but her fucking her audition up, being immature and harrasing the dean is rewarded in the end which is just annoying. I understand that Rachel is an extreme person so it's not bad writing that she would act like that after failing an audition it's just shit that she get's rewarded for it
4. the troubletones
an arc where under appreciated glee club members stand up for themselves and get what they deserve??? no,, but what they do have is Santana calling finn fat and brittany joining because santana tricked her into thinking leprechaun asked her to, honestly didn't give a flying fuck if they won or not by the end.
5. Quinn's overall arc
the whole pregnancy thing just took up too much time when I wished s1 focused more on the outcast kids than it did Quinn, the pretty popular girl, but I would be fine with Quinn's arc if it ended at the end of s3, but alas it didn't and I needed to experience s4-6 Quinn. 'I do' is a fun episode but it's unfortunately a gem amongst shit rather than a representative of Quinn. her character goes around in circles to an annoying point, every 5 minutes she comes to the realisation that defining by herself isn't great but proceeds to define herself by more men, then cries when the men she's only using for status/money actually don't really love her.
5 best
s2 klaine
listen, I find the over glorification of s2 klaine compared to other seasons a bit annoying,,, but s2 klaine just hits man,, the fact that they're besties and so clearly in love with each other but their relationship naturally grows from being best friends to boyfriends throughout the course of the season is just so amazing to watch
2. Mercedes path to being a singer
Mercedes was unfortunately so often delegated to being the supporting character for other people's storyline but even though this storyline deserved more, I loved what we did see, mercedes is clearly a strong person who stands for what she wants and is empowered by it, she doesn't let knockbacks stop her from achieving her dreams and it shows a side to her character that we hadn't see before.
3. Kitty's overall arc
yeah this girl is an absolute evil bitch, but it's interesting to watch a character who actually leans into being an awful person instead of trying to justify it with some tragic backstory, yeah the storyline acknowledges kitty's background and how it may affect it her, but they never act like it completely overrides her behaviour, and it's really nice seeing how she changed and actually enjoyed being in the glee club
4. Kurt's coming out
I think this is a really well built up storyline, we understand kurt and we see how much he wants to be accepted by his father and the lengths he will go to get that, we also understand burt and the type of guy he is,, this build up to the tension to Kurt's coming out moment is done in a really nice way that just makes it so satisfying when we get that moment of kurt telling his dad he's gay and his dad does accept him, and I also like that his dad's acceptance isn't completely perfect but it feels authentic.
5. Santana in s4/5B
Santana just really comes into her own and blossoms at these points for me, she isn't just the petty his school cheerleader, she's caring, even if it's expressed in unconventional ways, and she has personal ambition and we see her actually work towards it,, this overall just feels like the perfect progression of high school santana, like it's the most clear and perfect upgrade that we see s6 doesn't exist in this household
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