#i dont even remember what i said in my last reblog of this but
byuntrash101 · 1 year
Girls like me
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dom!reader x sub!felix
smut | nsfw | mdni
nerdsub!felix is adorable, softishdom!reader, felix's freckles ♡, pet names (good boy, babyboy), praising, handjob, corruption kink, semi-public (library), edging, begging, cum eating, this is lowkey wholesome dont @ me...
requested | part of my 2023 prompt event [closed]
Felix's heart flutter when he thinks of you but he's not sure if he can be with a girl like you...
[❛ i’m going to ruin you. ❜ + ❛ no ones here. we can be as loud as we want. ❜]
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You always liked the library. Not because of the books or the fast wifi but because it was quiet and peaceful. Because it was just a place to catch a quick break of it all and… because Felix was always there. 
Felix the straight As student, always buried deep in his notes. He was in your major so you shared most of your classes with him but you never talked to him in class. He was way too bashful and/or focussed.
But here. You could maybe get his cute nose out of the thick books.
So many nights you closed down the library with him. Exchanging cute glances over his oversized square glasses, his rosy cheeks speckled with small freckles. He was adorable. You loved this duality between his timid demeanor and his deep voice always answering back to you with short answers.
You let your forehead rest on your microbiology book and sighed.
If only you hadn’t made that move yesterday. Trying to kiss him was just foolish of you. You remember how regret crept under your skin when he looked back at you with the round eyes of a deer trapped in headlights. You hadn’t seen him since. Not in class and not in the library. WHich was very unlike him. It was almost closing time and you were the only one left here. And still no sign of your favorite most adorable nerd.
You groaned and shook your head chasing the bitter memory away.
But… when you looked back up. Felix was standing right beside your table. His white shirt and beige pants perfectly represented him. His beautifully long blonde hair framing his face, the ends of it resting on his big square glasses. You instantly started smiling. But that smile faded when Felix didn’t return it.
“Hey…” his deep voice started hesitantly. 
“Felix… I” you wanted to apologize but you couldn’t.
“Listen y/n… I…” he was fidgeting with his fingers, anxiously pulling at his nails. “I like you ok…”
You stopped breathing for a while. This was the last thing you were expecting.
“But I don't think I can… be with you” he whispered.
“Why not?” you asked. Getting up from your chair and taking his hand in yours, trying to soothe him, your thumb caressing his slender fingers.
“Because I’ve never been with a girl… Like… you…”
You both knew what it meant. It meant a girl that liked to be in control. That was going to guide him.
Fuck he was so cute, freckled cheeks painted a light shade of pink. Your other hand went to gently wrap around his small waist. You heard him ever so slightly gasp at your touch.
“Why don’t you at least try first, hm?” you leaned over, lips almost touching his. Felix looked like he was expecting a kiss but when you didn’t progress further he looked surprised. “What do you say babyboy?” you asked again.
Felix felt a strange and unknown quiver in his lower stomach at the word. His eyes fluttered between your eyes and your lips when he finally nodded.
And you kissed him very sweetly, slow and sensual, guiding the dance from start to finish and for a guy that was so hesitant he was so good at being obedient. 
“That’s my good boy” you said, opening your eyes back. Felix didn’t expect to like it that much. The daring attitude, the kiss, the praise, the firm touch on his side. Without realizing he was imperceptibly squirming between your arms, looking for friction and before he could even understand what he was going through he was getting hard. Of course you didn’t fail to notice.
His sweet innocent behavior all the while being a needy little boy awakened something in you. Something rougher, hungrier. Something that you kept at bay for a long time. Maybe too long but somehow you needed to keep it under control for just a little longer.
Your hand dropped to his thigh, nails trailing to his clothed hard on. When you finally laid hands on it Felix was biting down on his lip trying so hard not to explode. You gave it a firm squeeze and that sufficed to pull out of him the most melodious and divine moan you’ve ever heard. Shameful, high pitched. Perfect.
You couldn’t hold back anymore. You forcefully shoved him back onto the nearby shelves, making them shake. Your hand slipped to his nape and you growled in his ear.
“My sweet innocent babyboy” you whispered, cooing and lapping at his ear. Felix shuddered again at the word. “I’m going to ruin you.”
Felix felt himself twitch. It was like every single atom of his will was leaving him. With these simple little touches and words he wanted to throw himself at you. Fuck why did he like that so much? 
In one move, almost magically, you stripped him of his bottom clothes and unbuttoned his white shirt exposing his cute pink nipples and flushed chest. You trailed his abs with your sharp nail, lifting goosebumps on his soft skin. Then finally grabbed the aching member, already dripping with thick, slimy precum.
“Fuck you’re so fucking wet for me already” you whispered firmly grabbing the base. You starting slowly jerking him off, at a pace that was pure torture at least for him because it was bliss for you. You smiled at how his face contorted in need, how he gave pathetic little thrusts trying so bad to make you go faster.
“Is this what you wanted?” you asked, lips pressed to his blazing skin. Felix felt like his heart was consuming itself. Like he would burst into flames if he didn’t get to feel more of you right here, right now.
“Yesss!” he answered without a shadow of a doubt.
“So eager” you teased as you went ever so slightly faster. Felix shut his eyes closed and pushed his blonde head back in the books behind him, the yellow strands of hair clasping his sweaty forehead.
You went faster again, your hand perfectly gliding alongside him, from base to tip, gathering more precum and going down again. Your other hand left his nape to play with his balls. 
At the very second you started to fondle them it happened again. That same moan. His hands flew to his mouth as his eyes filled with shame. He was trying so bad to be silent. It was so pathetic and cute. You had to reassure him. Tell him it was okay.
“No one’s here. We can be as loud as we want.” You said. “ I want to hear the beautiful sounds you make.” you pecked the base of his neck.
It was like you had opened a tap. From that moment onwards he reacted to every touch. Letting his beautiful high pitched voice out. A true symphony. He made a variety of sounds you never suspected him to be able to produce. He was giving himself up to you, letting you string him along like a puppet. A well behaved puppy led by his red, veiny and dripping leash.
“Are you close, baby?” you whispered, nibbling on his red ear.
“Yes… Please… I wanna cum” he cried out, fucking himself off in your hands, matching your rhythm perfectly.
“You wanna cum for me baby ?” you bit on his neck. Earning another melodious moan from the freckled boy.
“Yesss… Please!!” his legs were trembling, about to give out.
“No, not yet” you instructed sternly.
His fucked out eyes snapped back to you, full of misery and despair, eyebrows deeply knitted and sweat dripping down his temples.
“Please Please” he pleaded in short and shallow breaths. “I-I’d do anything… Please! Please!” he started to stutter, whining. You took a good look at him. You smirked at the memory of him being so indecisive a second ago, thinking he couldn’t possibly be with you. But look at him now, thrusting his red and weeping cock in your palm, watery eyes full of anguish. He was magnificent. He was begging you so well you decided to allow him.
“Cum, baby” you ordered. “Cum for me right now” 
It was all he needed. He let out a powerful stream of white cum as a beautiful string of moan was cascading from his plump lips, beautiful soft features twisted by relieving pleasure. A long stream even got all the way to your abandoned microbiology book sitting on the table.
You brought your stained fingers to your lips to have a taste of him as he collapsed to the ground, exhausted. The strong taste filled your head and you savored every drop of him.
You got on his level, linking your lips with his. At first he was surprised by the bitter salty taste maybe because he didn’t see you bring your fingers to your tongue but when he realized what this alluring taste was he quickly returned the kiss. Losing himself in his own taste, completely capitulating to you in this final act of submission.
“How was it, baby?” You asked, finally parting from him.
“Great” he briefly answered out of breath. “I wanna do it again” he said, bashful eyes returning. Like it was a whole different person begging for release, eyes half closed and mouth agape a second ago.
“Today I was nice and gentle with you. Next time I’ll show you what girls like me really do to boys like you”.
A/N: should i do a part two ? idk haha i kinda really liked it lol come say hi in my asks if you liked it too!
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my3rzs · 1 year
could i have a xavier thorpe request with an established relationship and the reader gets injured by the hyde or during the fight with crackstone? Thank you im just a sucker for angst.
KEEP YOU SAFE | x.t x fem!reader
summary: after getting a fight with xavier, you get injured
notice: she/her pronouns, swearing, reader gets hurt, overprotective xavier? bianca and xavier were never together, bianca is not a bully in here (i think thats all)
pairing: xavier thorpe x reader
a/n: i spent maybe 5 mins brainstorming abt the summary :’), but reblogs would help and im literally too embarrassed to read this so i could proofread it but enjoy lol, but check the hashtag #xavizgirl so you can see all my works there ahaha
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you and xavier had a fight last week and you haven’t talked to him ever since because he was jealous of a guy he saw you walking to class with,
though it was really stupid, you have to admit you did miss him a lot, you missed his stupid face, how he peppered you with kisses, how he handed you paintings of yourself or one of your favorite things you told him about, cuddling with him almost every night, you just miss him in general.
“hey, do you wanna hang out today? maybe go shopping?” bianca asks
you were too busy staring at a picture with xavier and you in it,
“huh?” you asked cluelessly as you heard muffled noises from her mouth
“let me guess, xavier? you’ve been ranting about the fight between you two for about a week, ya know?” the siren stated
“he’s just so stupid, he didn’t even let me finish what i was trying to say after he pulled me off the fucking guy!” you explained
“well, maybe you should just try confronting the boy. who knows you two just need to talk?” she answers
“well maybe i could do that, but what am i gonna say to him? it’s gonna be so awkward” you whined
“just explain how you’ve been feeling about the fight, how you barely know the guy, and stuff, but it has to be sincere and it has to come from your heart” she advised
“i’ll try my best, thank you bianca, i really owe you for this one okay?” you gave her a smile
“goodluck, y/n!” she gave you a thumbs up
you pulled out your phone go text xavier,,
y/n: hey can we talk?
xay: uh sure? why?
y/n: can we plz just talk
xay: ok, when and where
y/n: like rn, and maybe our spot in the woods
xay: ok be there rn
you hearted his message and put your cellphone into your pocket, you were walking in the forest so that you could meed up with xavier and make things right until a large, hairy, grey, big eyes, bloodshot monster stumbled you over, it looked like a beast or some sort of creature. it trapped you and before you knew it, it’s claw’s scratched your skin through your clothes twice and you were a literal bleeding mess. you tried to run as fast as you could and tried to grab your phone so that you could call an ambulance or xavier but realized you have dropped it while running, and that was all you remembered.
xavier was still waiting for you and he was starting to get impatient and think he was getting pranked, he has texted you nonstop and sent you calls but it kept going to voicemail, eventually.. he gave up and tried to go back to nevemore but he saw your unconscious body and you were bleeding.
“y/n? what the fuck!” he screamed as he saw you
“everything’s gonna be fine, everything’s gonna be fine” he said running to your body panicking and immediately called the ambulance
once they have arrived they took you into the truck, while xavier was so awfully worried and kept blaming himself while pacing, bianca and ajax walked up to him and asked what happened,
“it’s y/n.. she got fucking attacked!” the artist cursed
“hey, it’s gonna be alright, okay? the nurses and doctors are gonna make sure she’s gonna make it” ajax calms him down
“and besides, we can also visit her. dont worry, we’re all here for you xavier” the siren added
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it has been 3 weeks and you still haven’t woken up, xavier was so stressed, his lips are so dry, he looked like he hasn’t eaten in about a week, and he has very dark eye bags, it was the weekend and he decided to go visit you.
he opened the door and saw that you still haven’t woken up, he sighed and put one of his letters on the table.
“i miss you” he muttered while grabbing your cold hands
“it’s all my fault” the blonde boy sighs
you opened your eyes slowly and saw him tearing up a bit, “xavi..?” you say
“y/n! you’re awake!” he looked up and saw that you were awake so he quickly wiped his tears with his sleeve.
“were you crying, xavi?” you asked and tried to sit up and but felt a pain in your stomach and hissed in pain,,
“fuck!” you cried
“hey, hey, hey, the doctors say your stomach is still not okay, so they don’t recommend sitting for now, yeah? but they say it will heal a bit fast, so you’re gonna be okay, alright?” he dodged your question
“xavi.. you’re ignoring my question” you gave him a frown
“i’m not crying, silly. and even if i was it wouldn’t matter, we need to focus on you right now, bubs” he points to you
“and i kinda want to apologize, for you know.. being jealous and overprotective, i’m the reason you got here..” he says
“don’t blame yourself, i should’ve waited for the next day” you chucked reaching out for his hand
he held your hand and kissed your forehead, “i won’t let anything happen to you, i promise i’m gonna keep you safe, okay?” he assured
i didnt know how to end this and got lazy ahahaha
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akq96618 · 3 months
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[ 💜💛🖤❤🤍💙]
(this is just my rambles , pls scroll if u dont want to read jdakjsa ;-;)
ok i'm not good at it, but i'll try to be more serious.
King Ohger is my first sentai after about…10? 11? years since i watch toku as a kid (for sentai, i used to watch shinkenger and power rangers dino force). I start to watch toku again last year because of KR Den-O, simply just bcs i want to rewatch one of my fav childhood tv program. And i cried a lot, not just because of den-o's story but also I remember that I still love toku as much as little me back then
after finished den-o, i crave for more toku to watch, then my older sister told me there's this super sentai that all of the sentai is leaders/kings ((SHE HAVEN'T WATCH KINGOH UNTIL THIS VERY DAY DESPITE BEING ONE OF MY REASON TO WATCH KINGOH, I HATE HER////jk i love u sis)). I didn't watch kingoh while it's ongoing, i binge watch it from ep 1 while it's around eps 20-25. And i regret nothing, i feel a lot of emotions, be it's the good one or even the bad one. I laugh and I cry. I didn't live for 2000 years like jeramie, but i relate to him about dealing with grief and keep everything to yourself bcs you don't want others to worry about you. And the happiness of finally found someone you can rely on, someone that won't say anything but will pat your shoulder and reminds you that they will be on your side no matter what.
I learn a lot of thing from other king too, i learn to be kind from gira and himeno, i learn that it's okay to not care about what people say and be myself the way i am from rita, i learn to stands for what's wrong and didn't back down like yanma, and kaguragi uhm…* shake hands with kagu * yes ur my buddy bro (i swear i have one thing i relate to kagu, i just don't want to tell what it is-)
people can call it 'childish show' (my friend said that when i tell them abt kingoh and kr ;-; that's why i stopped telling abt toku to others and just keep my excitement to myself) and they're still right, but still, kingoh is special to me.
I was ready to be alone on this (I always be), i draw fanarts because i want and i like them so much, and didn't expect at all that i'll found other people that excited about the same thing like me. thank you to everyone who liked, reblog, comment, send asks, i can't always answer everything, but pls know that i appreciate every single of you,
artist, writers, gif maker, friends, everyone.
one day will come the day that my interest maybe will fade away. Until that day come, I'll enjoy my time here and drawing what i want. (((actually this applied to my other fandom too ;-;))))
for you who read this so far, thank u again <3
+ pls have this happy spiders, they're my favorites from all of the finale moments ;-;
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ellies-little-thing · 6 months
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My masterlist <3
pairing: ellie williams x fem!reader
Warnings: Roommate Ellie ,Modern Ellie; swearing; fluf; arguing; Ellie is mean;  smut; reader is referred as she/her; reader has a vagina; drinking; violence (a punch or two) Kind of proofread, English is not my first language.
Author's notes: I love mean Ellie. I dont know if this is very good, i tried my very best and had fun with it. Enjoy! I hope you like it! Likes, reblogs, comments and feedback are always welcome! <3 (sorry, i have vines living in my head rent free)
w/c: 23k
You are in your second year of university and your roommate, Ellie, is the worst roommate anyone could ever have, really. Whether it’s pestering you while studying, not doing the dishes, the TV being too loud or yelling at the people she’s playing video games with, at 3 AM.. it’s always SOMETHING. Tonight, just like always, she didn’t do the dishes and the TV volume was set too high to the point where you couldn’t concentrate on studying. You took the TV remote and muted the volume. You can't handle it anymore. She's been doing this for months and feels no remorse. You're tired of this and decide to do something about it and confront her.
“Hey! What was that for, you asshole?!” Ellie yelled, taking the remote back from you.
“I'm trying to study!” You say clearly annoyed.
"Then put some noise-canceling headphones on and stop stealing the TV. It’s a school night, remember?” Ellie rolled her eyes, putting the volume back up and pausing whatever you were watching. "Can't you go study in the library?" She asked, taking a snack out of the fridge.
“You put on the fucking headphones, and stop being so loud and annoying!” You shout at her.
"Nah, you go study somewhere else!" Ellie pointed towards the door, holding up a bag of snacks and opening it loudly. "Besides, I'm just gonna eat, it'll only be about 5 minutes." She takes out a tiny chocolate croissant and eats it.
“You're impossible...” You pinch the bridge of your nose.
"Nah, but you are with all your studying. I mean, we're in college! This is supposed to be the funnest time of our lives! When else are we going to get to stay up, eat junk food, and watch movies as much as we want?!" Ellie turned up the TV, which was the main cause of your annoyance with her.
“Yeah, we’re in college to get a degree that isn't exactly cheap!” You threw a pillow at her to lower the volume.
“Hey, stop! I could've droped my croissant!” Ellie ducked to avoid the pillow, picking it up and throwing it at you in retaliation.
“Oh, so you want to throw stuff! Fine!” You catch it and throw it at her hitting her square in the face. Ellie put the TV on full volume. “I can play this game better than you can! Can’t study now, can you?”
“I'll unplug it!” You threaten her.
"Try it." Ellie said, leaning back against the couch, eating her snacks, and waiting for you to try something. You get up and walk to the plug. Ellie’s eyes follow you as you walk over to it, but doesn’t say anything, just eating her snack. You unplug the TV. “You’re so lame.” Ellie says under her breath, finishing her snack. You unplugged it without saying one word and went back to your books. Ellie rolls her eyes and plugs the TV back up, pressing the on button and turning it up even louder than previously.
“Fuck you Ellie!” You say angrily.
"You know you love me." Ellie says smugly, laying back and stretching her arms over her head, eating her snacks, seemingly content now that the drama has started.
“If only you could be that lucky.” You respond, happy with your comeback.
“What was that?” Ellie turns her head towards you, taking the last bite of a chip before reaching for another bag and speaking with her mouth full. You take the remote from her and mute the tv. Ellie reaches for the remote, batting your hands away and unmuting it again. "You're being really rude, you know?" Ellie says in between bites from a few more chips.
“You are the one being unbearable!” You shout at her.
“Unbearable? Oh, you are SO adorable! I’m just trying to eat my snack and watch TV! It’s not my fault you’re the one here with the stick up your ass!” Ellie says, her tone and language being increasingly foul with each sentence.
“I swear Ellie, I'll punch you one of these days…” You are very seriously debating it.
“Oh, big scary Y/N is going to punch me because I’m too much fun to be around! Whatever shall I do!” Ellie sarcastically says, throwing her hands up in dramatic fashion before rolling her eyes. You take the remote muting the tv and putting it in your pocket before going back to studying. “Hey! Give that back!” Ellie says, quickly jumping up from the couch and trying to grab the remote in your pocket.
“No!” You yell.
"Give it back right now or else!" Ellie says, trying to dig her hand into your pocket to retrieve the remote.
“Or else what?” You look at her with a challenging look in your eyes.
“Or else you’re gonna have a fight on your hands!” Ellie says, her tone and demeanor shifting from playful and annoying to something more aggressive and serious. “So. Give. It. Back!” Ellie says, pushing her hand further into your pocket. You secure the remote so she isn't able to take it from you. “Hit me then.” You challenge her.
“Oh, I would love to!” Ellie says, stepping forward and slapping your face, though clearly not putting 100% effort into the slap, but still enough to sting. You were actually a little surprised she had the balls to slap you, so you slap back her as hard as you can, and bolt into your room still having the remote with you and lock the door. Ellie's head whips back from the impact of your slap, before her expression filled with rage. She runs up to your locked door, banging on it incessantly, yelling at you to give the remote back. You cry in silence so she doesn't hear or notice. Your face was stinging quite a bit.
"I know you're in there, Y/N! I'm not going to stop until you open this damn door!" Ellie yelled, banging harder and harder. "GIVE ME MY REMOTE BACK!"
“No! Fuck you! Go watch tv with your friends!” You are so angry now.
"I don't NEED friends when I can just annoy you instead!" Ellie says, her voice rising in pitch with the rage she feels. "OPEN THE DOOR!"
“Oh that's right, you don't have any friends because no one likes you!” You spit back at her.
"Oh, you're gonna be really sorry you said that." Ellie says, slamming a shoulder into the locked door. You ignore her as she continues banging on the door, and tries to kick at it. “OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!”
“No! I don't think I will!” You stand your ground.
"YES, YOU WILL!" Ellie continues banging and trying to kick the door open. "OPEN THE DOOR OR ELSE!"
“Or else what? I'm not scared of you!” You say as rage fills your body.
“Or else I’m going to MAKE you open this door!” Ellie says, banging and trying to kick harder. “YOU THINK YOU’RE SAFE IN THERE?”
“What are you gonna do?” You ask her mockingly.
Ellie stops banging on the door and grins in a predatory way. “You know that window of yours can be unlocked from the outside too, right?” Ellie says, her tone and expression showing she was capable of anything if you didn’t let her in.
“Yeah, and we are on the fifth floor you idiot!” You laugh at her.
“Oh, don’t worry, I won't die. Maybe cripple myself a little, but I can still live.” Ellie says, her voice filled with sarcasm as she smiles. "Let me in, or I'm coming in anyway."
“No.” You continue, not budging.
"I said I'm coming in one way or another!" Ellie says, attempting to unlock the door from the outside. You open the door so she can see you step on the remote and break it in front of her. Ellie watches with a smug expression as the remote is being broken, but then rage builds up inside her again as her remote is destroyed. “YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT! YOU COULDN’T JUST GIVE ME MY REMOTE BACK!?” Ellie yells, kicking at the door.
“You can have it now, it's all yours.” You pick the pieces of what was once a remote and  then throw it at her and close your door, locking it again.
"Oh, no! It's too late for me to keep the remote now! You broke it, you dumb ass! So now I just need to come in and teach you some manners instead!" Ellie says, kicking harder and harder at the door. “Go be annoying somewhere else!” You shout through the door.
"No, no I don't think I will." Ellie stops kicking and leans against the door. "You know, it's really easy to kick this door open. Don't make me do it, it might hurt."
“Then you'll have to pay for the repair!”
"Oh? You think I can't afford the repair, huh? How poor do you think I am all of a sudden?" Ellie says in a mocking tone. "And besides, you started this! It's entirely your fault the remote is broken, not mine!"
“Oh it's my fault you are waking up half of the dorm right now?”
"Uh, yeah!" Ellie says with a sneer. "This wouldn't have been an issue if you weren't being such a baby by not sharing the remote! Or better yet, going to the library!"
“Fuck you Ellie.”
"Awww, are you losing your cool? Are you upset?" Ellie taunts you, knowing what she was saying was getting under your skin.
“Go to bed.”
"Aww, no way! I'm not tired! I'm too busy annoying you to be tired!" Ellie says with pride.
"Yeah, hide in your room, little baby Y/N!" Ellie yells. You open the door and flip both of your middle fingers at her.
"Oh, is your voice too tired to not talk to me while you give me the finger? Do you need your nap, baby Y/N?" Ellie taunts you again with a smirk on her face.
“I'll punch you, I swear.” You really want to.
"Oh, I can't wait!" Ellie says, still leaning against the door with a smirk, as if baiting you to attack her. You get closer to her and punch her in the stomach. Ellie steps back as you punch her in the stomach, gasping. "O-Ow! What's the problem with you?!" Ellie leans over, rubbing her midsection as she catches her breath.
“I said I'd do it and so I did.” You say, smirking.
Ellie, still recovering from the punch, glares at you with a scowl. "You hit me?! You shouldn't hit me! Or anyone!" Ellie says, acting like you committed some kind of great sin.
“Like you didnt slap me just now!” You shout at her filled with rage to the tips of the hairs in your head.
"Well, that's different! I'm Ellie! I'm allowed to hit you! In the grand scheme of this world, I'm a lot more important than you are, Y/N! I’m popular and smart, so me hitting you is totally fine!” Ellie says with a haughty expression, as if her status and reputation in the world gave her the right to hit anyone she pleased.
“Sure you are Ellie, sure you are.” Ellie was the class clown and very popular with the girls. You can't lie, she is beautiful and charismatic when she wants to be.
"Ohhhh, is that sarcasm I hear?" Ellie says, rolling her eyes. "You better watch your tone, Y/N! This is Ellie you're talking to.”
“Oh, you're getting smart now? Didn't know you were able to perform miracles!”
"Oh hey, I've always had a few brain cells, just decided not to use them with you, Y/N. You're just not worth the effort.” Ellie says, still smirking.
“Then leave me alone.”
"Nah, I need to teach you some manners first!" Ellie says, pointing a stern finger at you.
“You're such a child…” You say, swinging your head from side to side looking at her.
"Oh wow, I thought you were a bit more mature than that! Saying mean, bad words like that!" Ellie said in a sarcastic tone.
“Yes Ellie, you act like a kid.” You’re not wrong here.
"I DO NOT!" Ellie said defensively, before letting out a huff and crossing her arms.
“Well. you sure look like one right now.” Ellie, frustrated, kicks her feet and looks away, acting like she was offended you called her a child. “Even throwing a temper tantrum… impressive.”
Ellie rolls her eyes. "I am not having a tantrum. A tantrum is what a two-year-old has, I'm a lot older than that, thank you very much!"
“Then what do you call knocking at my door, almost breaking in and shouting at me to give you the remote?”
"I would describe that as just wanting my damn remote back." Ellie says with a smug expression, not realizing she was just describing herself throwing a tantrum.
“Go away!” You almost screamed at her.
"No. I will not go away." Ellie says with pride, not leaving and not willing to back down.
“FINE. Do what you want, I'm going to sleep.”
"Oh, but I don't want you going to sleep." Ellie says with a smirk, blocking the door and not letting you leave.
“I'll punch you again.” You are very serious about this and will do it again if she continues with this attitude.
"I dare you to try." Ellie said, not backing down and staring you dead in the eyes, as if provoking you to attack her now.
You punch her and go back to your room. Ellie falls to the floor, holding her face as her eyes immediately start to water up.  "O-Oh, my god! You actually hit me! I-I'm bleeding! You're gonna pay for that you... you little..." Ellie curls up onto the floor, holding her face and still crying from the pain.
“You're not bleeding.” You say, not even looking back at her.
Ellie wipes at her nose, and it clearly is bleeding a bit. "You hurt me! I can't believe you hurt your roommate! I can't believe that's the person you are! I... I..." Ellie trails off, trying not to completely freak out and cry now that she's actually injured.
“Just leave me alone and stop harassing me!” You close your bedroom door.
Ellie lays on the floor, still holding her injured face and waiting for you to come back and apologize. "Wow, the pain is killing me..." Ellie says quietly to herself, rolling over onto her stomach. "I can't believe that's the person I live with.. I know I'm not a saint, but... I'm just a bit annoying sometimes.. I'm not someone who resorts to violence!" Ellie says, burying her face in a pillow as she cries.
You look at your knuckle and you see a bit of blood. You feel a bit guilty as you lay down on your bed. Ellie keeps crying into the pillow, making sobbing noises and sniffling as she tries to quiet herself. You get up and knock on their door. At the knock on the door, Ellie sits up and wipes her eyes. "Oh... Y/N is that you?"
“Yes, it's me…” You say reluctantly.
"Oh, uh... you gonna say sorry?" Ellie asks, the hope of an apology clearly in her voice.
“Can I come in?”
"Awwww, please do!" Ellie says, sounding like a little kid begging for their parents to let them do something. Ellie, still on the floor and wiping her face with the pillow, opens the door to let you in. "Come in."
You have an ice pack on your hand for her as you enter. "Oh, thank you. I appreciate the help." Ellie says with a small, genuine smile. "Here, let me see that..." Ellie takes the ice pack and places it onto her swollen face.
“I did punch a bit too hard, sorry.” You apologize.
"It's ok. Just don't do it again please, or else, I'll probably have to punch you back." Ellie says, smirking at you and putting the ice pack away. "Now, uh, can we talk about why you were so mean to me earlier? You know, the remote issue?"
“I'm tired of you never letting me have any peace.”
"Oh, I get it now. Why didn't you just say so? I can be annoying, that I completely understand! I just wanted to have some fun, I didn't mean to go overboard." Ellie says, patting your shoulder. "But I guess I did, and I am sorry for that. You know I can be a little over-the-top sometimes. I don't mean to get on your nerves."
“But I did tell you, like a million times!” You're getting angry again.
"Oh, right. You did, didn't you? My bad, I guess I just didn't really take you all that serious, if I'm being honest." Ellie says with a shrug, as if she could help herself. "But, I'll try to be a bit more considerate, Y/N. I don't want to push you over the edge again."
“Ok, i'm gonna go to bed now, good night..” You say dryly.
"Oh, yeah, you're gonna go to bed? Without making me a quick snack?" Ellie asks, her tone becoming mock-complaining. "Y/N, you better make it up to me in the morning! I'll see you!" Ellie says jokingly, smiling at you and waving goodbye.
You just go to your room and try to sleep. You close the door to your room and lay down, waiting to drift off to sleep. But, something keeps nagging at you in the back of your mind. You feel guilty for hurting Ellie, and you're starting to wonder if she's ok. She's been such a bad roommate for so many months now. She has been bad, really bad. But...  she doesn't deserve to be hurt either. You don't want her to keep annoying you, but you certainly don't want to hurt her in the process. You debate with yourself as you lay in bed, unsure of how to move forward.
You wake up the next morning, feeling refreshed and ready for the day. As you start to head to your first class, your mind wanders. You can't help but wonder how Ellie is feeling, if she's ok right now. You head straight to class, determined to put the Ellie situation in the back of your head. You spend your day focusing on your own studies, trying not to worry about Ellie. When you come back to your room at the end of the day, your mind begins to wonder again. After all, she is your roommate, and you do have to live with her for the rest of the semester. Ellie might be annoying, but she is still a person, and she can be nice sometimes. As you enter your living room, you see Ellie sitting on a chair, reading a book. She looks up as you enter, then looks away awkwardly. "Oh, uh... you're back! How was class?" Ellie's voice sounds a bit strained, like she was trying to sound relaxed, but still tense and nervous. “It was ok.” You say to her. You can see her face is a bit bruised where you punched her the night before.
"Oh, nice. Hey, you know, I feel kinda bad now. What happened last night..." Ellie says, not sounding that confident as she spoke. "Not that I was really hurt, but... y'know what, nevermind. I was annoying, I had it coming, end of story." Ellie says, sounding like she was expecting you to be angry with her.
“I just want to be able to rest without you making noise all night long. And for our dorm to not be a complete chaos as you leave stuff everywhere.” You explain to her.
"Yeah, yeah, I completely understand that." Ellie says, nodding with genuine understanding. She didn't like making your nights so uncomfortable, but it was just her nature to be loud and annoying. "Hey, can I ask a favor of you?" Ellie says, with a slightly nervous expression.
“What?” You ask with a tired look on your face.
"... Could I borrow your remote for tonight?" Ellie asks with a sheepish smile, not wanting to ask, but still not wanting to just barge in and take it. "I know I've been annoying, and now that I know you just want to relax, I'll be quiet. But I... I don't want to just sit in my room, bored out of my mind. So... Could I have it back? Only for tonight, I'll give it back tomorrow morning, I promise."
“Sure, here…” You hand her your remote.
"Thank you." Ellie takes the remote from you and gives you a small smile. "Have a nice night. I promise, I won't make a peep."
“Good night.” You say as you walk to your bedroom. You go to bed, feeling like tonight will be quiet for once. Ellie stays up in her room, watching TV and enjoying the remote for herself. 
You wake up the next morning, feeling good and refreshed to see this new and improved Ellie. Now that she's being nicer, hopefully, this will be a fun and peaceful rest of the semester. As you get ready for class, you hear Ellie wake up too. But, just as you expected, not a single peep is heard from her. She must have been serious about not being a nuisance, and you're glad for that. As you take your seat in class and open your notebook, you see Ellie sitting nearby, also starting her day. Seems like things are on their way to improving in the roommate department.
As you and Ellie spend the class doing your work, you feel a slight awkwardness in the air.
Ellie looks back at you a couple of times, maybe sensing the tension. But, she hasn't made a sound or even gotten close to trying to annoy you. Maybe she's learned that you don't respond too favorably to her usual shenanigans! You try to ignore the tension between you and Ellie, just focusing on your course work and getting through the class. As you hear the bell ring, signaling the time is up, you pack up your stuff and begin to head out. Ellie does the same, not saying a word to you, but not really seeming mad either. For a moment, you wonder if this is going to start a new chapter for your roommate relationship.
As you get home that night and head into the living room, you see Ellie playing a video game with a friend. Ellie is completely focused on the game, and doesn't seem to notice you come in at all. While she continues playing the game, she and her friend laugh and exchange jokes and stories as they play together. Ellie actually seems like a fun and nice person when she's not trying to get attention.
You go to your room, not wanting to intrude on Ellie's good time. She seems like she's enjoying herself and having fun, and you don't want to ruin that. As you go to your room, you wonder if Ellie will eventually come to you to talk to you about anything that's been going on with her. A part of you is secretly hoping she will, but you don't want to assume that or get your hopes up. You go to your room and spend your time studying, focusing hard on your tasks as you try to keep your mind off of Ellie. Ellie doesn't seem to interrupt you at all this time, either. Maybe that's just the way she's gonna be now? Calm, quiet and not annoying at all? You know it's probably too early to assume that, but a part of you is optimistic that she's going to behave that way from now on. A small part of you is actually sad that Ellie has gotten a bit quieter. I mean, sure, she was super annoying and it's nicer to get some peace and quiet. But, you enjoyed her presence, and now that she's so quiet, you kinda just feel... lonely and bored.
You hear Ellie's friend leave, meaning that it's just Ellie by herself again. Ellie seems to be just sitting in her room, trying to find something to keep herself entertained without bothering you, which is... really sweet of her, actually. You don't see it often, but Ellie genuinely wants to give you the space that you need, which is incredibly thoughtful of her. You start to think that Ellie must be mad at you for punching her or something, given how quiet she has been just recently. It's not like her to want to be alone that much, unless something has gone wrong. You wish you knew what was up, but you don't want to just assume anything and make Ellie madder.
You send Ellie a text, asking if she's alright. She sees the text, and texts back. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just being a bit obnoxious... thought it'd be best if I just be quiet. I don't wanna bother you so I'm gonna be silent from now on if that's what you prefer." It seems like Ellie actually is taking your complaints to heart and going to be more considerate now.
“Oh, ok... thanks.” You respond. You expected a more heated message from her.
"No problem." Ellie texts back, seeming to appreciate the acknowledgement. She sends you a small smiley emoji, and texts you back a bit more. "Oh, and, uh... sorry for all the noise. For what it's worth, I wasn't purposely trying to bother you. I just get energetic sometimes, and forget how loud I am. Anyways... thanks for being so understanding and sorry for annoying you."
“Sorry for punching you so hard.” You respond. "It's fine, I probably deserved something like that for being so annoying." Ellie seems to be understanding of why you got so pissed off with her, but she's still a bit sad about it. "Just hope that doesn't make you hate me... because, uh, yeah." She sends you another emoji, of a nervous and awkward smile. "I'm gonna let you get back to your studying, I should be fine. Just don't beat me up again, yeah?"
“Okay, good night.” You don't know what else to say.
"Good night. Sleep tight..." Ellie replies with a small emoji of a smiling moon. Maybe Ellie isn't trying to annoy you as much, but she's still your roommate, and she still wants to know you and have a connection with you. She really does care, even if she's not the best at showing it.
The feeling of guilt doesn't seem to go away. You feel like you hurt Ellie's feelings with your outburst, and that thought won't just go away now. Maybe you should see if Ellie is okay with everything, and try to make up with her. “Are you sure you're not mad?” You text her again.
Ellie texts back. "I was a little hurt at first, but you know what? I'm fine. Really, don't worry about it. Besides, sometimes I need a harsh reminder to be more considerate to someone else, you know? It's no big deal." Ellie seems understanding of your feelings, and isn't mad at you over the situation. Her words certainly make you feel a bit better, though.
You lay in your bed, thinking things over. Ellie seems to be understanding of your feelings and not mad at you, and she's even promised to be more considerate. Yet you can't sleep, your thoughts still swirling with the whole Ellie situation. Shouldn't you try to make up with her? You can't keep being mad at her, you'll ruin what you have. Maybe you should go apologize to her, and see if she's willing to forgive you.
Just as you're about to fall asleep, you hear Ellie coming out of her room. You peek out of your room, and find Ellie going back into the living room. As she shuts the door, you can't help but wonder if maybe she's up to something. You get up, pretending that you're heading to the bathroom. You enter the living room and see Ellie in a seat, on her phone with a stern look on her face. She doesn't seem to hear you come in, and you don't want to disturb her.
“Hey?... can't sleep?...”
Ellie looks at you as you speak up, caught off guard by your voice coming out of nowhere. She seems a bit embarrassed and guilty, like she thinks she got caught doing something bad. "Oh! Uh, hello. I was just... trying to find something to do while I couldn't sleep." Ellie smiles nervously, then looks back down at her phone. "Don't feel like you have to stay awake, either. I know I already ruined your sleep schedule this semester, so just... go spend the rest of the night in bed."
“What's the matter?” You ask her.
"Oh, well, I'm just a bit guilty because I know I've been bothering you all semester. I was just wondering if you would forgive me." Ellie looks up from her phone, giving you a guilty expression and looking almost like she's about to start crying. It seems like the guilt of hurting you is seriously starting to get to her, and she wants you to know how sorry she is.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so loud and annoying all the time, and..."
“It's fine, let's just forget about it.” You give her a small smile.
"Thanks, and I will. I know that I can be a loud dumbass a lot of the time, I'm honestly surprised you haven't punched me more." Ellie seems more relaxed now, feeling relieved that you won't hold it against her for too long. It's so weird hearing her swear so casually and sound so chill. It's like Ellie is a completely different person to the one you've known. "Hey, can I borrow the remote back? I want to finish my show before bed, if that's okay."
“Yeah, sure, keep it.” You say trying to give her a sympathetic smile.
"Thanks, Y/N. You're cool." Ellie takes the remote back, and you hear her changing the channel on the TV. Ellie seems pretty content to have the remote back, and you wonder how long this new chill version of Ellie will last. You go back to bed, leaving Ellie to enjoy her show in peace. You wonder if maybe this is the new Ellie, a more calm and considerate version of her. If that's the case, then you two could have a much more friendly relationship from now on, like roommates who are actually friends. You go back to bed, and think about Ellie and if her recent behavior changes are here to stay.
After a few days, you start to see the new and improved Ellie in action more and more.
Ellie seems quieter, but in a good way. She's considerate and thoughtful, and you can tell she's trying to behave differently. As you spend more and more time with her, you find yourself getting used to this version of your roommate. She's still your roommate, but now she doesn't annoy you, and you don't feel annoyed by her. Things are looking up, and you wonder if Ellie's attitude change is permanent.
“Hey, morning.” You say quietly.
"Morning, Y/N." Ellie is in the kitchen, having breakfast just like always. She seems like she's in a pretty good mood, and smiles at you as you come inside. Ellie's new persona sticks out like a sore thumb to you, almost like she has an entire new personality. She's nice, considerate and actually quite charming. It's a stark contrast from what she was when you first shared a dorm, and it's pretty surprising. "How was your sleep?"
“Good, yours?” You ask a bit hesitant.
"I slept pretty well too, thank you." Ellie smiles at you, seeming totally normal and... nice. You're still getting used to the idea of Ellie not being an annoying person, but you're starting to think this is who she really is. Maybe her annoying nature in the past was just her acting out due to not getting enough attention or something, who knows. 
"What are you doing today?" Ellie asks.
“Nothing really, it's the weekend and I don't have any plans.” You tell her.
"Just some relaxation, huh?" Ellie smiles at you, seeming to not mind at all not having any plans. She's become surprisingly chill about things, you never really see her annoyed or angry about stuff nowadays. You think she's enjoying her weekend, maybe just having some coffee and enjoying her time. You wonder if you two could be... friends? It's not impossible, is it?
“This feels weird…” You say not looking at her.
"Weird? What's weird?" Ellie looks up from her coffee, looking at you with a genuinely confused expression on her face. "This is who I am, I guess? I'm trying to be nicer these days." Ellie isn't being hostile, you think she really is just genuinely asking what you mean, trying her best to understand.
“I have never seen you act like this.” You say to her.
"Like... normal?" Ellie is caught a bit off guard by your comment. She still doesn't seem mad about it, though, more confused than anything. "But yeah... this is how I'm gonna be from now on. Hopefully, at least. I'm trying, I swear." Ellie smiles at you again, seeming completely sincere too. She seems genuinely surprised by the fact that you notice this change in her behavior now too. Maybe she thinks this is the default way of acting.
“Thanks.” You say still not very confident with it all.
"No worries. I gotta try to be a better person, it's important." Ellie smiles back at you, and finishes her coffee. Ellie looks a bit exhausted, actually, like she didn't sleep too great. But she's still not acting annoyed or annoying, just... normal. You wonder if, with Ellie acting like this, you two can go back to being friendly roommates now?
"Why are you looking at me so strangely?" Ellie asks, noticing your stare.
“Nothing, sorry I'm gonna go sleep a bit more.” You say trying to make it seem as if you were not staring at her just now.
"It's fine, I understand. You can always catch up on some sleep." Ellie smiles at you, and you notice a faint blush on her face. She's still a bit awkward when being nice, it seems. "I'm gonna go to campus to study, if that's okay." Ellie says, finishing her coffee. She seems like she's getting comfortable in this new role of being nice to you, and not being so defensive about how you think of her.
“Ok, bye.” You say as you go to your bedroom.
"Seeya. Sleep well." Ellie nods at you, and leaves with her stuff to head to campus. As she leaves, you start to think about this new Ellie. She still has her personality, but is no longer annoying you. This could work, right? Ellie and you finally have a friendship, the kind of friendship you've always wanted out of your relationship. Maybe things are looking up with Ellie.
You don't know how Ellie's annoying nature seemed to put you off, but now it seems like she's just... normal? She's not so bad anymore. As you get into bed, you just can't seem to shake this feeling that somehow, Ellie is up to something. What if it's all an act? What if she really is trying to change and be better? As you lay in bed, you think about Ellie's new personality and what it means for your relationship. You're still a bit confused as to why her behavior changed so heavily, it even catches you off-guard from time to time. You think about telling her that she can stop with the act now, but... is it really an act? Maybe this is really Ellie from now on. It's hard to tell, and that uncertainty makes you a bit uneasy.
You hear Ellie coming in from campus, as you stay in your bed and pretend to be asleep.
"Huh... She's back?" You think to yourself, wondering what happened while she was away.
You can hear Ellie put her stuff down and head towards the bathroom. "Y/N, I'm just taking a shower, then I'm going to bed, alright?" Ellie says from the bathroom. She seems pretty convincing as she is this more considerate role, and you just nod and tell her it's fine to use the shower. As Ellie showers, you're back to thinking about your relationship. Things seem better, and you wonder if you and Ellie can be better friends in the future. Maybe she's really trying to change for you, and it's not just an act. Your thoughts are cut short, when you hear Ellie talking to herself in the shower. You stay perfectly still in bed, trying to listen in on what Ellie is saying. You can hear her talking to herself, her voice soft and gentle. She seems to be talking to no one in particular, just saying words out loud to herself. "I just have to keep this up a little longer..." "I can do it... I know I can." The tone is still gentle and peaceful, which means she could just be talking to herself about being nicer.
“A bit longer?” You think to yourself. Your curiosity is getting the better of you, and you can't help but keep listening to Ellie to find out what she's talking about. You listen closely to what is being said, and you can hear her say: "I just have to maintain this, keep it going... I'm just gonna keep being nice." Ellie seems to be trying to stick to this new nice version of herself, and it seems like an active effort that she's putting into it. You wonder if she's trying to change for herself or for you. You keep listening in, and you begin to think that Ellie is trying to change this part of herself for you. However, you notice her start to whisper something new. "I know you don't think I can do it, but I know I can change... I can be a good roommate to Y/N..." Ellie is whispering, but you can hear her clearly say your name to someone. Who could she be talking to at this late hour, and could this be because of you?
You try your best to be as quiet as possible while you listen in, waiting to hear if Ellie will say anything more about you and the fact that she's changing for you. However, Ellie just keeps talking to herself. "I just have to keep doing it, this new me will stick eventually. She'll see, and I'll prove to her that I changed." Ellie seems to be talking to herself, but she seems really determined to change and be a nice roommate. You hear the door to the bathroom close, and a few moments later, Ellie walks into her room, looking all fresh and clean. Ellie is still a bit groggy after her shower, so you decide to stay in bed and pretend to sleep. Ellie goes back into the corner of her room, and looks around to see if everything is in place. She gets comfy in her bed, and you can hear her softly say. "Goodnight, Y/N..." You hear Ellie lay down in her bed, and you try not to move too much while you pretend to sleep. The whole "new Ellie" thing has you curious. She's nice to you now, and she's trying to be your friend. You wonder if Ellie really is trying to change for you, if "new Ellie" is the real Ellie.
You wake up in the morning, and as you get up to shower, you see Ellie still asleep in her bed. Ellie looks peaceful, like she slept well last night. "Ellie seems to be really trying to stick to this new version of herself, maybe she really can change for good?" You think as you head into the bathroom. After the shower you get dressed for the day, and you feel like today could be a good one. The fact that Ellie changed overnight is still confusing, but she seems genuinely nice to you now. Ellie is still asleep in her bed, looking peaceful and content. You think that she is really going to change. Maybe you two can finally be friends, after all these months. You decide to go for a morning walk, and as you get out, you notice that the sun is shining bright in the sky. It's a good day for a walk. Ellie is still asleep as you leave, and you think about how much nicer she is lately. You wonder how long she can stick with this change before she goes back to her old ways, or if she really has changed at all.
After a bit, you come back from your walk. It was a good start to the day, and you feel pretty great. As you come in, you see that Ellie is still asleep. She seems calm and content, still happy to be the new Ellie. Ellie seems to still be sticking to her new personality, and you wonder how long it'll last. Maybe she'll stick with it, and be the new Ellie permanently. Or maybe this is just a phase, or it's an act? Ellie still being asleep and looking so peaceful makes you a bit worried, though. Does she even sleep well as this new Ellie?
You decide to stay in the living room and just relax. Ellie is still asleep in her room, and you wonder how long she's been asleep for now. Maybe it's better to let her get some rest, you think to yourself, since you wonder if this new Ellie even sleeps well when she's so nice. You just watch videos on your phone for a bit, just relaxing and thinking about how different Ellie seems now. You watch videos for about an hour or so, and suddenly, you hear Ellie wake up from her bed and come out. She looks tired, but still a bit refreshed too, like she's had a good amount of sleep. Ellie comes out, stretching a bit, and you wonder if she slept well. She sees you, and her face lights up with her new normal-ness.
"Ohhh, good morning!" Ellie says with a nice smile.
“Morning…” You say, still confused. She seems to be in such a good mood today, you wonder if this change in her behavior is permanent. "How was your sleep?" you ask, looking up at her. Ellie's new and improved mood seems to still be present, and you hope that this is how she will be from now on.
"It was pretty good, how was yours?" Ellie responds. She's still acting all friendly and approachable, looking at you like you're a stranger that she's just met. You wonder if maybe she's trying to give you a chance, or just trying to be polite. Ellie is acting so differently, it's difficult to tell if this kindness is really genuine.
“Fine.” You’re still suspicious of her.
"Good, I'm glad. So... what are we gonna do today?" Ellie asks, looking at you. She seems to be waiting for your response, and she seems genuinely curious at what you're doing today.
“Don't know, nothing planned, you?” You ask her curious.
"Not really. I probably should go to campus and catch up on my studies, though." Ellie says, looking back at you. "I'm happy for you to tag along, if you want company." “Sure” You say, still unsure about all of this.
You leave the apartment together, and head off to campus. As you walk together, Ellie starts to talk again. "So... how are you? You seem nice too." Ellie seems to be asking with genuine curiosity, her tone coming off a bit like she's awkward about asking. She's clearly not used to being nice, and you wonder if this new Ellie will even last.
“I'm sorry but, i have to ask…” You needed to know this.
"What's up?" Ellie responds, looking at you curiously. Ellie seems like she wants to hear what you have to say, and she seems to be asking honestly.
“Are you really trying or just pretending?” You just need to know and hear it from her mouth.
"Well... I am trying, definitely. The last months have been... a bit tough. I've realized that I've been a mean and horrible person. So, I'm trying to be better and nicer. For me. But also for you.." Ellie looks down while saying this, clearly thinking about your question a lot. "I can't guarantee that this is how I'll be for good, I'll probably keep slipping up. But I am trying to be a better person. I hope that's good enough for you."
“Thanks for the honesty.” You give her an awkward smile.
"Yeah, of course, I want to improve. I don't think it's fair for me to keep being horrible to everyone, especially since you're trying to be nice to me. You're my roommate, we should be nice to each other." Ellie smiles at you, as she looks forward while walking. "Is there anything else you want to ask me?" Ellie asks, clearly wanting to answer any and all questions you ask of her.
“Why were you so mean before?” You ask her, looking at the floor as you two walked.
"I dunno... I don't really know why I'm so mean to everyone. I think life kinda made me be like that, you know? It made it hard for me to be nice or pleasant to anyone. It still feels weird when I'm actually being a nice person, but I'm glad I'm improving, at least." Ellie keeps looking at you, hoping to make you understand. "I just wanna be better, I don't want to be a horrible person anymore."
“It's just so weird to see you now, sorry.” It really is weird to see a completely new person in Ellie's body. It doesn't seem right.
"You don't have to apologize. I know I'm being pretty nice, it's probably weird to see me like this, after how horrible and mean I've been to everyone." Ellie says, looking down slightly. "I wanna be nicer though. I do." Ellie is acting weird, but it seems to be because she's not used to being nice like this to people, and not because she's trying to put on a facade or fake it. Ellie is really trying to be nice, but it seems difficult for her still.
Your phone buzzes and you get a text from your group of friends. “My friends just asked me if i wanted to go to a party tonight, you want to come?” You say trying to change the subject.
"A party? Tonight?" Ellie says, a bit shocked by the question. "Well... sure. Sounds a bit sudden, but okay. Are you going?"
“Yeah, my friends are really pushing me to go to this one, not sure why.” You explain.
"Well, why not go out and have a good time? Don't let them push you too much, but also it's okay to have fun." Ellie says, trying to encourage you to go and have some fun. "And yeah, I'll come along."
“Okay.” You smile at her.
A few hours of studying later Ellie says. "Well, we should probably get ready, then. Get dressed, and all that." Ellie is pretty relaxed and nice about all of this, and it makes you think that this new Ellie is really going to last for good.
“Yeah, maybe we should get ready.” You walk back to your dorm to change.
"Alright then, let's go get ready." Ellie goes and gets changed, picking out her favorite t-shirt to wear to the party. "I'm actually really excited for this, I haven't been to a party in months." Ellie says, smiling. Ellie seems to be getting dressed up pretty nicely, excited for the party.
You go to your room and close the door to get dressed and ready. As you close the door, you hear Ellie talking, and you're a bit curious what she's saying. "Well, I don't want to mess this up. I have to make sure Y/N likes me tonight, I need to be nice the whole time. I have to be okay. I have to..." As you listen in, you hear Ellie whispering to herself again. You wonder if she's preparing for the party, and how she can just be nice to you the whole night.
You think to yourself about whether Ellie will be able to stick with this new version of herself. She's being genuinely nice and polite so far, but maybe she's just being fake for the party. Either way, you decided to give her a chance too, and see how it goes tonight. Ellie seems to be trying, and you'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now.
You put on your favorite dress and a bit of makeup, to make yourself look nice for the party too. As you come back outside, Ellie finishes putting up her hair in her usual half bun. "Oh, so we're both gonna look cute tonight! Nice." Ellie says, looking at your dress. Ellie seems to be genuinely excited for the party, and not just faking it.
“Well, thanks.” You say blushing a bit.
"No problem, you look good in that dress." Ellie says, looking you up and down. "Ready?" Ellie asks, seeming excited for the party. She grabs your hand and drags you outside, ready to go to the party and hopefully have a good time. As she grabs your hand you start feeling funny. It doesn't feel right. Ellie is clearly excited to go to the party, and she seems to have her mind set on being nice to you tonight.
You eventually make your way to the party, and Ellie takes you by the hand as you follow her inside. Ellie seems to know some people, and leads you over to a group of her friends. Ellie introduces you to her friends, and you feel like you might be able to make some new, nice friends yourself tonight. Ellie's friends know who she is, and seem surprised that she's been nice as well. They seem to be talking about her and her past behavior, and you start to feel a bit awkward and nervous.
You let go of Ellie's hand, and she seems a bit confused and surprised. You were feeling uncomfortable holding hands with her. "Why are you... letting go?" Ellie asks, looking at you. Ellie seems confused and surprised, and she doesn't understand why you would want to move away from her now. She thought she was making progress in her attempt to be nice, but by letting go of her hand, it seems like you don't trust her anymore.
“I'm just gonna go get us some drinks…” You say as an excuse.
"Oh... okay then. I didn't know you wanted to go get drinks." Ellie says, a bit confused. Ellie still seems nice, but this whole exchange has made her feel confused. She's really trying to be better, and you seemingly just don't trust her at all. Ellie seems a bit sad, but she lets it go and just leans back against the wall. She'll stay here and let you do your thing, and she'll just wait for you to come back with drinks.
You go to the kitchen and pour something into two solo cups. You down your drink in one go and pour it again, then you go back to Ellie as if everythings fine. "Hi. Here's your cup." You say, looking at her like nothing happened. Ellie seems to be pretending like she didn't notice you let go of her hand, and that you don't really trust her. Ellie has her own cup now, and she's acting a bit strange and awkward around you still. And you have no idea why. You started sipping your drink.
"Sorry, I got distracted earlier." Ellie says awkwardly, clearly still pretending like there wasn't anything wrong between you two. Ellie doesn't seem that comfortable still, and you don't know if she's just having a bad day or something, or if she's still putting up an act. Ellie seems to be drinking her drink slowly, not sure what to say to you at the moment.
“Are you okay?” You ask her a bit uncomfortable. "Yeah, I'm fine." Ellie says, sipping on her drink. "Why do you ask?" Ellie looks at you, trying to see if you noticed something. Ellie seems to be wanting to make sure that she's still being nice and not letting her emotions slip up again.
“Nothing.” You try to let the weird interaction go. Ellie seems to relax a little bit now, and she lets go of the awkward conversation. "Anyway... I'm glad we're getting along!" Ellie says, trying to start a better conversation than last time. Ellie seems to be trying to forget about that awkward moment, and move on to enjoying the party. "Shall we try to go and talk to people?" Ellie asks, drinking a bit more of her drink. Ellie and you walk over to a bunch of her friends. She gets a bit excited, and starts to talk to them like this is normal. Ellie tries to introduce you to everyone, and you can feel her smiling and having a good time. You feel a little awkward, but you try to smile and enjoy the party too. After a few minutes you have to go to the bathroom. "Oh, sure. Go to the bathroom, I'll just hang out with my friends. See you in a bit." Ellie seems happy and enjoys her time with her friends while you're gone. As you come back outside, you notice Ellie is still talking to her friends, but she sees you and leaves the conversation with them, walking up to you again. "Hey, I'm glad you're back. We can go back to the party, if you still wanna be there?" Ellie asks, smiling.
“I'm just gonna go get some fresh air, you stay with your friends and catch up!” Ellie looks confused, and seems a bit hurt by your decision. "Okay then, I can hang out with my friends, I guess." Ellie says, sounding a bit annoyed. Ellie decides to go back to her friends, while you go outside. You can see Ellie looking over at you every now and then, probably wanting your attention, or wanting you to come back inside with her.
You go outside, and take some time for yourself. You light up a cigarette to calm yourself down, and take a few drags as you clear your mind. Ellie sees you out there, smoking. She doesn't think it's a good thing for you to do, especially with your asthma. But right now, she decides to mind her own business. Ellie goes back to her friends, and starts to talk again. Just like she said. You can see Ellie looking up at you occasionally, worried that you might leave the party and not stay there with her.
You sit down for a bit. You seem to be trying to calm yourself down and clear your mind. You're out here for quite a bit, and Ellie eventually comes out too. She looks at you, seeming worried. "What are you doing out here still?" She asks, a bit confused. Ellie seems to really want to spend time with you, but right now she's more worried about your safety. She's thinking that you're not safe out here, and she wants to help you.
“Just getting some fresh air…” You say trying not to look at her.
"That's good, I just... I'm worried about you, is all. You know, with your asthma. I just don't think smoking is the best idea." Ellie says, starting to sound like a bit of a mom. She still seems worried about you, and wants to make sure that you're safe. You can feel her eyes on you for now, but she doesn't know what to do, since you don't really want to come back inside.
“It's just once in a while.” You don't really see the problem here.
"I get that it's just every now and then, but I still don't like you doing it. It's not good for you, okay? You have asthma, you can't smoke often if you want to be healthy." Ellie says, looking really worried now. Ellie can't seem to let it go anymore, and she's starting to get slightly angry, because she doesn't think that smoking is a healthy thing to do. She's getting overprotective again, and is sounding a bit like your mom, but she's trying to help you.
“Ellie, I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions, okay?”
"I know you're an adult, but... I care about you. I don't want to see you ruin your health, especially when you have asthma! If you're gonna be making your own decisions, I want to at least make sure you make good ones." Ellie says, clearly a bit mad at you. Ellie doesn't want to be a mom here, but she's getting overprotective again and can't let it go. She's doing it because she cares, but she also wants you to understand that smoking is really bad for you.
“You never cared about it before…” You say quietly.
Ellie seems to have taken offense to that comment. "Well, now I do! And it doesn't matter if I cared or not before, I care about it now." Ellie says, still trying to look out for you. Ellie seems to be really caring right now, to the point where she's almost nagging you or getting mad at you about smoking. She sounds pretty rude, but she's doing this because she cares. "You shouldn't smoke. It's not good for your asthma, and I don't wanna see you get sick over it."
You put your cigarette out, and Ellie starts to calm down a bit. "Good. Smoking is really bad for you. You need to take care of yourself, okay?" Ellie says, now sounding a lot calmer. Ellie still seems to be nagging you a bit, but it's out of genuine care for you, and she doesn't want to see you get hurt.
“I just need to be alone for a bit, i'll go back in a few minutes okay?”
"Oh, yeah, sure. Go ahead. I'll be inside, come find me when you're ready. Don't be gone too long though, alright?" Ellie says, trying to calm herself after that outburst. Ellie seems to have gotten over herself a little bit, and is starting to be nice again. She's happy that you're going back inside, even if she was a bit rude just before.
You come back a bit later and go get another drink. Ellie gets up when she sees you. You and Ellie walk up to the bar, and Ellie orders herself another drink. You notice her smiling and acting a bit happy again. She doesn't seem angry at you anymore, and you and her just walk around the party. She seems to be having a good time, and she's talking to her friends again. You also notice that Ellie has gotten pretty tipsy and drunk. She's not that drunk, but she definitely had a few drinks by now.
“I think you maybe shouldn't be drinking anymore tonight.” You say to her concerned.
"No, no. I'm fine, I know my limits." Ellie tells you, giggling to herself once again. Ellie seems like she's having fun, but you can also see that she's drunk. She probably isn't in the best mood to make good decisions right now, so you might want to be careful with what you do and say around her. You look at her a bit worried and then drink your beer. As you look at her, anyone can see that she's pretty drunk. Ellie seems happy and excited, and probably doesn't notice your look of worry. She tries to take your hand, but misses, and grabs your wrist. She doesn't want to fall over or anything, but she does want to be close to you and hug you.
“Ellie, please let me go.” You are not feeling comfortable with her touching you without a warning. Ellie doesn't want to let you go, but you make it clear that you want her to step away. Ellie doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, so she lets you go. She looks a bit disappointed, but she tries to still act normal. The alcohol from the drinks has made her a bit more emotional than usual, and she seems a bit upset now. You can feel her watching you as you go.
You watch as Ellie approaches another girl at the party. Ellie starts talking to her, laughing and smiling as she does. You can't hear what they're talking about, but Ellie seems really happy talking to this girl. The alcohol is making her less serious now, and she's acting a bit more loose and happy. You see Ellie acting like herself again. She's smiling and laughing, and it seems like she's making a good new friend here. You've never seen this girl before, but she seems like she's enjoying talking to Ellie, and vice versa. The alcohol is definitely making her act a bit differently than you're used to. You look over at the dance floor, and you see Ellie dancing with the girl you just saw her talking to. They're both smiling and having a good time, but you notice Ellie starting to hold the girl a bit more. She seems to like hanging out with this girl, and dancing closely to her. She seems to be enjoying herself, but you can feel that there's almost something more to it than just friends.
You watch as the dance between Ellie and the girl gets more and more intimate. Ellie and the girl start to kiss each other, and you can almost feel the electricity between them. Ellie looks excited, nervous, and happy all at once, as she enjoys this moment with the girl. You can still see Ellie watching you here and there, but now she's really distracted by the girl.
You decide to go to the bathroom, not wanting to watch Ellie make out anymore. Ellie doesn't notice you leaving, and she continues to enjoy her time with this girl for now. After a bit, Ellie breaks away from the girl, and you can see her looking around for you. She's probably trying to see if you're still at the party or not.
You look out, and you see Ellie return back to the girl and make out with her again. Ellie is drunk and having a good time, and she doesn't really care if you left right now. She's having too much fun with this girl, and right now she doesn't want to stop. You see Ellie and this girl start to hug each other more closely, as they continue to make out. You decide to leave, and don't want to deal with Ellie making out with this girl. Ellie doesn't notice you leave, and she goes back to the girl as if it never happened. You leave the party, and Ellie stays there with the girl she just met.
You get home after the party, and start to take off your makeup and your dress. You look at yourself in the mirror, and you know that this isn't how you wanted the night to end. You feel a little sad now, but deep down you know that Ellie was just being her usual self again. She gets excited and can't contain herself, and she's probably not going to remember most of tonight. The party ended in a way you didn't want it to, but you have to accept it. You can try and talk to Ellie about it tomorrow, if you still want to. “Me and her have nothing, I have no right to be jealous.” You say to yourself and you know you're right, you have no right to be jealous. You and Ellie aren't a thing, no matter how much of your own feelings you might project onto her. This girl was just another girl, and Ellie got excited and drank too much. She doesn't think that it's a big deal, but she probably won't remember this in the morning. You can try and talk to her about it tomorrow, but for now you just have to accept the way the night ended.
You try to go to sleep, but you hear Ellie come home. You also hear another voice though, probably that of the other girl. You know that you shouldn't try and listen to them, but at the same time you probably want to hear what they're talking about. It may not be anything important, but it could be something related to you. At the same time, if you listen then you could risk Ellie not liking you anymore, because she might think that you were spying on her.
You try your best to ignore the noises outside your room, but after a while the sounds become harder to ignore. You start hearing moans outside, and you can't help but be curious about them. The sounds are getting pretty loud now, and you might have to find out what's going on outside. You look through the gap in the door, without making any noise. You see Ellie and the girl taking their clothes off, as they seem to be getting ready to do something. You quickly turn away and walk back to bed, trying to act like you didn't notice anything. You want to pretend that this never happened, and that you're sleeping peacefully in your bed right now. Ellie doesn't seem to have noticed you looking at her, so you're safe for now.
They go at it for about an hour, and you were there to listen to it the whole time. You couldn't sleep because of the noise, but you didn't want to say or do anything about it. You didn't want them to know that you were there. You listened to them go at it for an hour, and you're feeling a bit angry and sad now. You also notice that you're starting to feel a bit jealous of this girl. You should try to avoid thinking about it, and try to sleep again. You try to sleep, but it's not that easy. You're frustrated and feeling a bit jealous, and you can't seem to just let go of the whole thing with Ellie. The noises finally stop, but you still have to go to sleep. Try to focus on how you're feeling right now, and don't blame Ellie too much. It's not her fault that she was drunk and didn't make the right choices. You want to be her friend, and you need to learn to let things go sometimes.
You wait until you're sure that Ellie and the other girl are sleeping in her room. Then, you decide to go to the bathroom to let your emotions out a bit. You close the bathroom door and look at yourself in the mirror. You're feeling frustrated and jealous about what happened, and you know that you need to let these feelings out. Try to take deep breaths, and focus on something other than Ellie right now. You can talk to her tomorrow if you still want to. You keep telling yourself that you have no right to be jealous, but you know that you're jealous nonetheless. You can't help but feel like Ellie and the girl just had something happen between them, and you're jealous of the girl and of the attention she just received. You feel a bit hurt or maybe even betrayed. You thought you were closer to Ellie than that, and it hurts you to see her make these kinds of choices with another girl.
You go back to bed after a bit, and you try to sleep again. You eventually fall asleep, but the emotions from before are still affecting you. You can't really seem to get rid of the fact that Ellie slept with another girl, and you know that this isn't the way you imagined things to go. You're not able to sleep too well because of this, and your mind is keeping you up.
In the morning you went to the kitchen and go eat some cereal and watch as the girl leaves Ellie's room. You notice that the girl has left Ellie's room. You decide to make some cereal for yourself, and you want to see how this is going to play out. Ellie seems pretty hungover and tired as she enters the kitchen, and she just sits at the table by herself. She doesn't seem to have noticed you yet.
You don't say anything as Ellie walks into the kitchen. Ellie doesn't say anything either, and she just sits there in silence for a bit. You want to say something to her, but you know that she's probably embarrassed about what happened last night. You can try and ask her about it if you want, but it may also be better to just let her tell you if she wants to. Right now, it seems like Ellie wants to keep quiet. You finish your breakfast and go back to your room. You probably shouldn't talk to Ellie, and she probably doesn't want to. You have to accept the outcome here, and just go about your day. Ellie might tell you about what happened last night later, or she might not ever bring it up again. But you can't force her to do anything, and you have to let her deal with this in her own way.
You get dressed and go to your classes, trying not to think too much about what happened last night. You probably won't see Ellie at your classes today, since she might be too embarrassed to go or might just want to skip them entirely. But you have to do what you have to, and you have to go on with your life the best you can. You'll probably see Ellie next time you're at home, so you can talk to her about last night if you still want to. But for now, you just try and get through your classes.
You get home at the end of the day, and you see Ellie on the couch slouching still in her yesterday's clothes. Ellie's on her phone, and she seems to be doing nothing else. You can see that she's still wearing the clothes from last night, and you feel a bit weird. Ellie doesn't notice you come in yet, and she seems to be completely focused on her phone. As you close the door, Ellie looks up at you. Her face has a bit of a tired and annoyed look to it, and you can tell that she didn't get much sleep last night either. Ellie doesn't say anything to you, and instead she just looks back at her phone and keeps scrolling through it.
You ask Ellie awkwardly, "So... had fun last night?" Ellie looks up at you again, and she doesn't say anything for a bit. She keeps looking through her phone, and she finally responds with a slight nod. Ellie still doesn't seem to want to talk about what happened last night, and she seems to be avoiding any sort of conversation about it. But from her response, you can guess that she probably did have fun. “Ok, i'll be in my room.” You say embarrassed that you asked anything at all. Ellie looks back at her phone and doesn't say anything else. She keeps scrolling through her phone, and you can tell that she doesn't really want to talk about what happened last night. She just wants to brush it off and move on. You close your bedroom door as you go in, and you can hear Ellie moving around. Ellie is still there, still on her phone in the living room. But you can't hear much anymore since you're in your own room now. You don't know if Ellie wants to talk to you right now - she might just be avoiding you. You'll just have to wait and see what happens next.
A few hours later, you hear the door opening and you can feel Ellie come into the hallway again. Ellie's footsteps are a bit lighter now, and you get the sense that she might want to talk to you or at least say something to you. You can hear Ellie come up to your bedroom door, and you think you hear her knock on your door softly.
“What?” You hear Ellie knock on your door once, and you hear her say "Hey" very softly. Ellie seems to be waiting to hear your response now, and you start to wonder if you want to talk to her or not. You say hi but you don't look at her though. Ellie looks at you, but she doesn't say anything for now. Ellie seems surprised that you let her inside and she isn't sure what to say. She might not have expected you to actually listen and talk to her.  You stay quiet and don't say anything, and you see Ellie stay quiet as well. Ellie looks a bit awkward right now, and you can tell she's not exactly sure what to say. She's also probably a bit embarrassed about what happened last night, and she might not want you to ever bring it up. Ellie seems to want to talk about something, but she's not sure how to begin this conversation. So far, it seems like she wants you to be the one to start the conversation first.
You couldn't bear the silence anymore. You wait for Ellie to speak for a bit, but she still isn't saying anything. After a few seconds of silence, you ask her, "What is it?" Ellie still seems to be thinking about what to say, and she's avoiding eye contact with you. It seems like she wants to talk about something specifically, and she doesn't want to say it out loud yet.
You look at Ellie and ask her, "If you're not gonna say anything, why did you knock?" Ellie finally looks back at you, and she seems to be embarrassed that you were able to call her out like that. Ellie responds, "W-well... I wanted to... talk with you... about last night..." You look at Ellie, and you see that she's trying to find the words to say something to you.
Ellie finally speaks, saying, "I wanted to chat with you... about last night..." Ellie seems a bit hesitant to speak, and she's having trouble saying what she wants. It seems like she wants to talk about the fact that she slept with the girl, and she's trying to find the right way to explain herself to you. You tell Ellie "Ok" in response to what she said, and you wait for her to speak again. Ellie looks at you for a moment "About last night, I just... want to say that... I..." Ellie trails off and doesn't say anything else. She seems to have trouble talking about this, and she seems to think that you might judge her for what she did.
“What is it Ellie?” Ellie looks at you once again and speaks, saying, "About last night... I just wanted you to know..." She trails off again and doesn't say anything else. She seems to be really struggling to speak, and she might be too scared to say anything out loud. It seems like Ellie wants you to know something about last night, or at least how she's feeling about it. But she doesn't seem to be able to say it.
You sit back down at your desk in your room, and Ellie looks at you for a moment before she finally speaks. Ellie says, "I just wanted you to know... I'm... sorry..." Ellie seems to be trying to explain herself, but she's having trouble saying too much. She might be sorry for sleeping with that girl last night, or she might just be sorry for not being honest with you. Either way, she at least has something to say to you. You look at Ellie and ask, "Sorry for what?" Ellie seems to be waiting for your response, and maybe she also wants you to ask this question so she has a chance to explain herself. Ellie hesitates a bit and finally says, "Well... sorry for... sleeping with that girl last night..."
“Why? You and I are just friends... just roommates…” You say a bit uncomfortable.
Ellie looks at you for a bit and says, "I... I know... but... you see..." She pauses for a moment and then continues saying, "It's just... I just... I was feeling a bit... lonely... and she... it just happened..." Ellie doesn't say anything else but it seems that she wants you to know how she feels about last night. You think she feels bad for what happened, or at least for not being upfront with you about it right away.
You look at Ellie and tell her, "You don't have to tell me anything, it's none of my business." Ellie looks back at you and then says, "I know... but..." Ellie takes a deep breath "I don't want to keep any secrets from you, and..." Ellie pauses again and looks down at her lap, trying to find the right words.
“And?” You ask so she continues explaining herself.
Ellie looks up at you, "I don't want to keep any secrets from you, and I... I know you probably deserve to know more than I've been telling you right now. I... I..." Ellie seems to be struggling to say what she wants to, but she doesn't seem to want to keep you in the dark. You pretend to be doing homework while you wait for her to say more. Ellie takes a deep breath and continues, saying "I think I might actually really like her..." Ellie pauses and looks down at her lap again. She seems to be struggling to get these words out and to tell you this, and she seems to be very embarrassed about herself.
“That's okay Ellie, you can like other girls. It's never stopped you before…” Ellie looks up at you and says, "That's okay? Really?" Ellie smiles at you and then says, "Thank you for understanding..." She seems to feel a bit better now that you aren't judging her and you still accept her as a roommate or a friend.
“Why wouldn't it be okay?” You ask not looking at her. Ellie looks at you and says, "I don't know... I just thought you might be upset or something..." Ellie looks down at her lap again "I just thought it might make you not want to live with me or..." Ellie pauses for a moment and doesn't say anything else. She looks like she's waiting for your response now.
She pauses for a moment.  "I was worried that I'd told you all of this and you'd hate me for it. But if you're attracted to girls too, then I can't be all that bad... right?" Ellie waits for you to say something to her, but you don't respond. Ellie isn't sure what to say now, but she does have one more thing to say to you. She tells you, "I think I want to date this girl that I slept with last night... if she'll have me." Ellie smiles at you. "I don't know if she'll say yes, but... I don't feel too ashamed about it... so that's good, right?"
“Yeah, that's good Ellie” You say, feeling super jealous. Ellie smiles at you and says, "Thanks... I wasn't sure how you'd feel about it... what with me being your roommate and all... but I'm glad it doesn't bother you... as my friend." Ellie thinks for a moment. "Do you know how I should even ask the girl if she wants to date? I mean, it might be too soon to ask her on a date, but what are you supposed to do after you sleep with someone? Should I wait a few more days or weeks or..."
“I don't know Ellie, I never just slept with anyone.” You say dryly, still with your back to her.
Ellie pauses for a moment, seems to laugh a bit, and then says, "I didn't know that sleeping with someone could be so complicated."
“Yeah, being drunk doesn't help either…” You say a bit annoyed.
Ellie nods and says, "Yeah... being drunk doesn't help at all... I shouldn't have had so much to drink last night." Ellie laughs a bit and says, "I can't even remember how I ended up taking the girl home... I just... woke up in bed with her and it was like... wow, that happened..." You continue to pretend to work on your homework while you listen to Ellie explain her feelings and thoughts about last night. Ellie seems to be struggling to sort out everything in her head, but it seems like she's really happy that she can talk to you about it. She talks for a bit more, telling you everything that happened from when she met the girl at the bar to when they both ended up in bed together.
“I don't think I want to know the details…” You really don't want to hear the things she did with the girl. Ellie seems to be about to say more but then stops herself. Ellie smiles at you and says, "Oh... right... you don't want to know those kinds of details. Maybe I shouldn't be telling you about it..." Ellie sounds sad and disappointed that you don't want to hear everything that happened last night, but you don't really want to hear all of it anyway.
“I'm sorry, I just don't want to know the specifics.” You felt like you were about to cry if she spoke another word. Ellie nods ."I understand, and that's okay. I just wanted to tell you a bit about it and let you know how I felt about all of it... so that you wouldn't be too surprised when I come home with a new girlfriend..."
“It's okay, you don't have to explain anything to me.” Ellie looks at you and says, "Yeah... but I wanted to... for some reason..." Ellie seems to think that it's important for you to know everything, even though you don't really want to. Ellie smiles at you., "I'm just going to go text the girl and ask her out... so if you don't mind, I'm going to do that now."
“Ok, bye Ellie.” Ellie smiles and says, "Bye... and thanks again for being so understanding about this... I appreciate it..." Ellie takes out her phone and starts typing out a message to the girl. Ellie smiles at you once more and says, "Hopefully this will all work out... and hopefully you don't mind if I bring her home."
“Sure, whatever Ellie.” You were so done with this conversation at this point. Ellie nods and gives you another smile. She finishes typing her message and then texts the girl. She waits for a few moments before the girl replies. Ellie checks her phone, seeming to be reading the message that she just got, and then she gives you a smile. "I just asked her out, and she said yes!"
You give her a thumbs up trying not to show how jealous You are. Ellie seems to be really excited that the girl agreed to go on a date, and she gives you a thumbs up in return. Ellie starts to text the girl again and says, "I'm gonna ask if she wants to come over tonight or tomorrow or something... I hope she can come..." Ellie seems really excited and she waits for the girl's response. You start paying attention to your books again, while Ellie is texting the girl that she just asked out. Ellie looks up at you for a moment and says, "Oh... she said that she's free tonight and that she'll be over in a few hours... so..." Ellie seems to be a bit nervous and excited at the same time, since this will be the first time that she's bringing someone home to the apartment with you as her roommate. She seems to be waiting for your response now.
“That's fine, i'll be in my room, i won't bother you” You start tearing up. You tell Ellie that you won't bother her or her date and that you'll just stay in your room. Ellie nods and says, "Thanks, that would be nice... I hope we won't be too loud i... we probably won't, but..." Ellie trails off and doesn't say anything else. She is starting to have doubts about this whole thing, but she also knows that the date is already coming over in a few hours, so she can't really change it now.
You close the door to your room and it gets a bit quieter. You start working on your homework for a bit and then you hear a knock on the front door. You think, "That's probably Ellie's date." You keep working on your homework but you listen to see what the two of them are doing. You hear them talking for a few minutes but you can't make out what they're talking about.
You put your homework to the side for a moment and try to listen to what Ellie and her date are saying. You still can't make out exactly what they're saying for the most part, but you can hear Ellie laughing from time to time. The other girl also seems to be laughing and talking too, so it seems like their date is going well. You start to feel like maybe you should give the two of them some privacy, so you stop listening to their conversation and you get back to your homework. You focus on your work and you think about your own love life for a moment. You wonder if this is how your own first date will be like, when the time comes. A few minutes later, you hear the front door open and close again. You listen for a while to see if you hear the two of them talking again, but you don't hear anything after a minute or two.
After a few more minutes, you don't hear anything in the apartment. It's possible that Ellie's date left already, but it could also be that she and Ellie are in her room and they're not making any noise that you can hear. You decide to wait for at least another 10 minutes or so before you investigate, but if you don't hear anything by then, you decide to check up on Ellie. You get out of your room and go to the kitchen. Everything looks quiet and you don't hear anything coming from any of the rooms. Your roommate's date might already be gone. As you look around the kitchen, you see a few bottles of beer in the fridge and you wonder if maybe that's how Ellie's date went. That might also explain why you didn't hear anything for a while. Ellie has a habit of drinking a bit when she hangs out with friends, and sometimes it's more than just a few bottles. You hope that Ellie hasn't had too much.
You go into Ellie's room and you see that she is laying on her bed with her eyes closed. Ellie is completely silent and you wonder if she's drunk and sleeping already. Ellie doesn't seem to notice you, and you think she might be napping or maybe trying to sleep off how much she's possibly had to drink tonight.
You knock gently on the door and Ellie seems to wake up. She sits up on the bed and says, "Huh?" She sounds a bit drunk right now, and she probably didn't hear you knock the first time because she was already asleep. Ellie looks up at you and says, "Oh... what are you doing here? Are you going through my room for something?"
“No, just wanted to see if your date went ok…” You lie.
Ellie smiles at you and says, "Yeah... actually... it was pretty good..." Ellie seems to be in a bit of a better mood right now and you think that maybe her date did go well. "You don't mind that I brought her home, right?" Ellie seems a bit worried that maybe you're upset about the whole thing, but it seems like she is starting to calm down now.
“No.” You lie yet again.
Ellie smiles at you and says, "Thanks... I... I'm not sure what to say... about all of this... you know?" Ellie pauses for a moment. "I'm just glad that you're okay with it..." She smiles again, "You're my roommate... so I definitely want to make sure that I don't make you mad or anything..."
“It's fine, I'm gonna go to bed.” Another lie.
Ellie nods and says, "Okay... you should go ahead and get some sleep then... and I'll see you tomorrow." Ellie smiles at you and lays back down on her bed. If she's that drunk, she'll probably be asleep soon. Ellie probably won't remember anything that happened once she wakes up, but you also really hope that nothing bad happens between her and her date tonight.
You wake up the next morning and you realize that you can hear someone else's footsteps in the apartment. Ellie is usually the only person home at this time of the day, so it seems like someone else is still here. You think about your previous night and wonder if maybe Ellie's date spent the night here or something. She does seem to be moving pretty loudly though, and you wonder if it could just be Ellie herself.
You come out of your room and walk into the kitchen, where you find Ellie getting something to eat. Ellie seems quite hungover today, but she still smiles at you and says, "Hey, how are you? Sleep well?" Ellie takes a few bites of her food as she waits for your response.
“What was all that noise?” You ask her a bit annoyed. Ellie looks up at you and then she starts to laugh a little. Ellie seems to be feeling the effects of her hangover, so her laugh comes out a bit more like a chuckle. "Oh... that was... uh... my date last night..." Ellie seems a bit embarrassed by this, and you wonder if it's normal to bring home someone you just went on one date with already.
“Sure.” Ellie nods and says, "Yeah... she... um... yeah... she actually stayed the night... so..." Ellie rubs her head for a moment, "Uh... if you don't mind... I just... I'm gonna spend a bit more time in my room, okay...?" Ellie seems to be in a bit of pain from last night, and she doesn't want to deal with it at the moment. She smiles at you once more, hoping you don't mind if she hides in her room for a bit.
“Ok.” You say, trying to sound like you don't care about it. Ellie smiles, "Thanks, I... I'll come out in a bit..." Ellie takes a few more bites of her breakfast and then she goes back into her room. You watch as she closes her door behind her, and you wonder what exactly she plans on doing in her room. She can't hide away forever, and you think that the sooner she faces her hangover, the better it will be for her.
You start to feel a little jealous of Ellie's date, even though you know that you shouldn't be jealous at all. Ellie can date whoever she wants to date and it doesn't have to have any effect on your relationship with her. You tell yourself that you can't be jealous, but it still just feels a little... wrong. You go to take a shower to try and forget about your envy of Ellie's date. It doesn't help to try and not think about it, and you still feel a bit hurt that Ellie would date someone else after just a few days of trying to be nice to you. You try to focus on the good things about the situation, like how happy Ellie is with her new date, but it still doesn't make you feel much better about the whole thing.
You come out of your room in your towel and you see Ellie in the living room. Ellie is sitting on the couch and she seems to be deep in thought. Ellie sees you and smiles at you, but then her face drops when she realizes that you're only wearing a towel. Ellie quickly turns her head away and she looks around the living room a bit nervously, as if she's waiting for you to go back to your room before she continues with what she was doing. You go back into your room and get dressed, and then you walk back into the living room a few minutes later. Ellie is no longer there, but you do hear some talking coming from her room. You walk a little closer to Ellie's room and you listen for a few moments. You hear Ellie talking on the phone with someone, and she looks like she's having a pretty intense conversation.
You lean in closer to Ellie's door, trying to hear what she's talking about. You're able to hear her voice, as well as another voice that sounds like a girl's. You can't make out everything that they are saying, but you do hear Ellie say, "Listen, I need to talk to you about everything..." It sounds like Ellie might be having a serious conversation with her date. You keep listening, hoping to hear what is going on. You can hear Ellie talking, but you can't make out everything that the two of them are saying. It sounds like Ellie is trying to explain something to her but she doesn't seem to agree with what Ellie is saying. Ellie seems a bit frustrated and upset over the whole thing and the tone of her voice changes to something a bit more serious than you normally hear from her.
You decide to go to your room and to not listen in on Ellie's conversation with her date. As you walk to your room, you wonder what exactly Ellie would be talking about with that girl. You also wonder if Ellie is still just as happy with her date, or if something might have gone more serious between the two of them. You enter your room and close the door, trying to forget about what Ellie is doing right now.
You start messing around with your phone to pass the time, and you try to distract yourself from whatever drama Ellie might be going through. You might know the outcome, but you still want to see how Ellie handles the situation. A couple of hours pass by and you start to hear footsteps outside your room. You wonder if this is Ellie coming back to the living room, or if she is on her way to your room. You wait a few moments longer, and then you hear the sound of Ellie's voice coming through the door. Ellie says, "Hey... can I come in...?" You might wonder why Ellie would be coming to your room, but you also wonder if she wants to talk to you about what happened between her and her date.
“Hey, what's up?” You say as she's entering your bedroom slowly. "Hey... there's something I need to tell you... I... I just..." Ellie seems to struggle with her words for a moment, and then she says, "I just wanted to be honest with you about something..."
“Yes?” You ask. Ellie takes a deep breath, "Okay... so, um... last night, she came over for that date... and... she slept at  the apartment for... the night..." Ellie still hasn't looked up at you and she seems to be a bit nervous about telling you this. You wonder if the two of them did more than just spend the night together. Ellie still hasn't looked up at you, but she continues to talk.  "My date and I... we... we had a good time last night... and... uh... we might have done a bit more than just... spending the night together... if you know what I mean..." Ellie still hasn't looked up at you and she still seems to be nervous about this whole situation. It's not like Ellie to open up about her romantic life this much.
“Oh, ok.....” You start to feel your heart getting heavy in your chest. Ellie takes a deep breath and looks up at you for the first time. Ellie seems a lot more relaxed now that she has finally spoken about what happened the previous night. "So... um... I guess I just wanted you to know what happened... so that you.... um... don't feel like I was keeping anything secret from you... or anything..." Ellie smiles at you and says, "Oh... and... that might mean that my date will start staying here more often..."
“Oh....” You continue, feeling worse by the word. Ellie smiles at you and says, "You're okay with that, right...? Um... I just wanted to make sure that you didn't mind..." Ellie seems a bit worried that you might not react well to her news and she doesn't want to risk causing a fight between the two of you.
“Of course…” You say a bit sad but she doesn't notice. Ellie smiles at you and says, "That's good... I was just a bit worried that you wouldn't be okay with it... um... but... if you're alright with my date staying here sometimes... then... uh... that's great..." Ellie still doesn't notice that you look a bit sad right now, but you want to make sure that you are honest with her about the entire situation. You don't mind Ellie having a date, but the thought of Ellie spending time with another girl other than you does still sting a tiny bit.
“Anything else?” You ask not looking at her. Ellie nods and says, "Um... yeah... there is one more thing..." Ellie looks down for a moment and then she says, "You know... the reason I told you about my date... was... um... I think I... like her... a lot... like... a lot, a lot...." Ellie seems a bit scared of your reaction to this news, but she doesn't seem to be trying to hide this fact from you.
“Oh…” Is all you manage to say. Ellie nods and then says, "Yeah... um... I really like her... like... a lot... I might even... have feelings for her..." Ellie still seems a bit scared, but she doesn't want to hide any of this from you. She just wants to be honest with you about it all and she wants to make sure you aren't surprised or shocked by any of these news.
“It's your life Ellie.” You feel like your heart is as heavy as an anchor now.  Ellie nods and says, "Yeah... I know... it's just... I wanted to be honest with you about it... and... um... I hope that you don't mind... and that it doesn't make things weird between the two of us?" Ellie smiles at you again and says, "We're still friends, right... I just want to be able to trust you and tell you stuff like this without having to be worried about anything..."
“Yeah…” You really don't like this but you hated her just a few days before so you have no say in the matter. Ellie smiles at you, "Thank you... for understanding... and for not judging me... I just wanted to tell you... I feel like I can trust you with everything..." Ellie seems to be a bit relieved by your reaction, and she's glad that everything is still okay between the two of you. Ellie smiles at you. "Well... I guess that's it then... is it okay if my date comes over again?"
“Sure…” You're still sad but she still doesn't notice. Ellie nods and says, "Uh... thanks for being such a good friend... you're seriously the best..." Ellie then she goes back into her room. You think about telling Ellie that you're feeling a little sad, but you don't want to risk making things awkward between the two of you. You hope that Ellie's new relationship with her date will be a good one. You also hope that eventually the sadness that you feel about her dating someone other than you will pass soon, and that you'll start to feel better about the whole thing before too long.
You decide to go to a party with your friends the next weekend. You and your friends go out to the party together and you have a lot of fun. The night is filled with drinking and dancing and you don't think about Ellie and her date at all.
When you come back home, you don't feel too sad about Ellie's date anymore. It's like the feelings have passed and you're happy for your friend to have someone in her life who she cares about. You come home from the party still a bit tipsy and you see Ellie sitting on the couch. Ellie smiles at you when she sees you come back, but she gets up to greet you and asks if you had fun at the party. You tell Ellie that you had a great time, and then she asks, "So... did you meet anyone last night at the party? Any cute girls or anything like that?"
You hug Ellie and you blame your hug on the fact that you drank a little too much at the party. Ellie hugs you back and says, "Are you drunk? You're acting like a bit of a drunkard, you know that?" Ellie smiles and says, "At least you're just being cute... unlike some people at those parties." Ellie shrugs your hug off and then she says, "I'm glad you had fun at the party though... that's good..."
“You think I'm cute?” You ask, smiling, clearly still drunk.
Ellie laughs and says, "Oh, you're completely hammered right now... of course I think you're cute... I've always thought you were cute... and... I've really missed you lately..." Ellie blushes a bit and she looks down at the floor, seeming a bit embarrassed by her reaction. Ellie smiles and says, "I'm not sure we should be having this talk right now... you know... when you're still drunk like this?"
“You missed me?” You ask confused and under the influence.
Ellie looks up at you and says, "Yeah... I mean... I've been so busy with my date lately... I haven't had as much time to hang out with you... I've been missing our hangouts... and... um... I was even thinking about you the other night when I was with my date..." Ellie smiles at you. "But it's good to see you... and I really do miss you... the last few days have been really fun and I... I just hope that we can hang out more soon... is that alright?"
“When you were with her? Why?” You ask her as the alcohol helps you let the words out easier. Ellie blushes a bit.  "Well... I just... I really like being with my date and... I really missed you, but I was also just thinking of you... and... um... I don't know if I should be telling you all of this..." Ellie smiles and says, "I'm probably just being silly... I'm sorry about that... but... yeah... I missed you and I was thinking of you while I was with her..."
“Okay… I like your hugs.” You say drunk as can be. Ellie smiles at you and says, "Yeah... my hugs are a lot more comforting when you're drunk." Ellie shrugs and says, "It's good to know that you like my hugs... but we'll talk about this more later... once you don't smell like beer anymore..." Ellie smiles at you again, "I'm not really sure if I should say what's on my mind right now... this whole alcohol thing is making my head fuzzy... and I don't want to say anything that we might regret, you know?" She had had a few beers too while you were at the party, playing some online games with some friends to pass the evening.
“We can be honest with each other.” You say as you notice she's a bit tipsy as well. Ellie looks up at you and says, "Well... if I'm being honest... then... I've... I've been thinking about you... lately... and... um..." Ellie blushes a bit and then she just spits it out. "I don't know if this is just because I'm a bit drunk right now... and I'm sorry if this is totally stupid and inappropriate of me to say... but... do... do you have any romantic feelings for me... at all...?"
You're still drunk but you need to ask her this. “What about your date?” You look at her confused. Ellie laughs. "My date? Well... I... I mean... I might... like her... a lot... but... I do... have lots of strong feelings for you... and..." Ellie stops and then she looks up at you. "I can't believe I'm telling you this... I'm just... I'm thinking that... um... you and I could be more than friends... maybe a little more than just roommates... but I don't know..." She seems a bit nervous to say all of this out loud. You hug her again a bit tipsy and clumsily. 
Ellie hugs you back and says, "Oh... um... this is totally weird... and... I don't know why I'm feeling like this... but... maybe?" Ellie smiles at you. "Wait... do you like me like that... too...?" Ellie seems pretty confused about how she's feeling right now, but the alcohol is telling her that she likes you... more than just a friend... and she's confused by this realization.
You try to focus on Ellie's face, but it's still a bit difficult since you've had a bit too much to drink. Ellie looks at you and she smiles, and then she says, "I don't know how... or why... this happened... but... I think that... um... there's... definitely... something here... and... um…  Ellie seems to be struggling to find the right words to say what she's feeling, but her eyes say it all.
You kiss her as you have no filter right now. Ellie seems a little surprised by your sudden kiss, but she leans in and kisses you back. Ellie wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you in closer, kissing you more passionately and with more emotion than you've seen her show ever before. Ellie seems to be very happy with this development, and she keeps kissing you for a long time before she pulls away.
“I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that. You have a girlfriend…” You say a bit embarrassed about what you just did.
Ellie shakes her head and says, "No... it's okay... I was... um... I was just as much a part of this... I mean, uh... I liked it... liked kissing you and... um... I don't think anyone has ever kissed me so passionately before..." Ellie smiles at you. "It's good... I like it... I never knew that I had feelings like this for you... and... um... I think that this might... work?"
“What about her?” You ask Ellie, not wanting to wreck anything she may have with that other girl.
Ellie shrugs and says, "I don't know... I... I guess I still like her... and we aren't exactly in a relationship... but... um..." Ellie sighs. "I'm not sure if I really want to be with her right now... I mean... I don't know... I've always had feelings for you... and... um... what if this means..." She then looks at you . "What if... I don't like her like... like that at all... what if it's you that I... want to be with?"
You kiss her again. Ellie's lips meet yours and she kisses you passionately. You notice that she isn't trying to hold back her emotions like usual. Ellie is giving everything that she has into this kiss and she doesn't seem like she's going to stop any time soon. Ellie's love for you is pouring out of her right now and she seems like she can't control herself. You don't have to say anything to her, but you know how much she cares about you based on the way she is kissing you.
You take off your jacket clumsily as you and Ellie kiss passionately. Ellie pulls you closer to her and wraps her arms around you, holding you tightly and kissing you all over. You may be tipsy, but your thoughts and feelings about Ellie come rushing back and her kiss makes it clear that she wants to be with you in more ways than you could have imagined. Ellie looks up at you and says, "I... I can't believe I've been so stupid... I... I want you... I want you so badly now..."
She continues to kiss you back and then you take her flannel off, revealing her shoulders and her pale skin underneath. You notice that Ellie's skin is smooth and her tattoo on her right forearm looks even more amazing in the dim light than it did before. Ellie doesn't seem to mind though, and she keeps kissing you. Ellie is getting even more intense with her kissing now, but you can feel yourself becoming a bit dizzy and light-headed as the alcohol starts to affect you more.
You straddle her on the couch and keep the kiss going. She smiles and lets you straddle her. She keeps kissing you passionately, and you feel the butterflies in your stomach building as you two make out on the couch. Ellie wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you in closer to her, and she keeps kissing you relentlessly as you lie on top of her. Your lips meet hers over and over again in a desperate and intense display of affection and desire.
You take off your crop top and then you kiss Ellie's neck while the two of you are still entwined. The alcohol has finally begun to take hold and you feel your legs starting to get a little bit wobbly. Ellie smiles and then she grabs you and lays you down on the couch. Ellie's face is flushed and you can tell that she is also a bit tipsy. Ellie leans over you and starts to kiss your neck and your chest, and her movements are slow and deliberate.
Ellie's slow and deliberate movements seem to drive you crazy, just as much as she seems to enjoy your passionate embrace. All of your inhibitions are quickly fading away to oblivion, just as the alcohol's effects make themselves known. You find yourself enjoying the moment with no thoughts of anything that might happen in the future. Ellie keeps kissing you passionately, leaving light but soft marks that you may notice in the morning.
You start to unbutton your jeans with all the excitement. Ellie seems to notice you unbuttoning your jeans as she continues to kiss the top of your chest. She smiles and then she starts to move her lips down your body, nibbling her way towards your midriff. Ellie's skin is still a bit chilly, just as her movements are still slow and deliberate. She seems to be taking her time, enjoying every second of this moment the exact same as you are. Ellie seems to take notice of the fact that you're getting shivers as she travels down your body using her lips and her tongue, and they start to cause goosebumps along your skin.
You start taking your jeans off clumsily. Ellie stops and then she smiles and says, "Well... you're certainly not wasting any time... are you?" She laughs a little. "I mean... if this is what you want to do... then I'm not going to object."
You pull her into another kiss. Ellie kisses you back eagerly once you pull her back. She seems to be enjoying herself as much as you are, and her movements don't seem to be quite so slow and deliberate as they were before.
You try to take her wife-beater off. Ellie leans back and lets you take off her top, revealing her bare shoulders and her tiny arms with a thin, almost transparent veil of hair. She's so pale underneath that you can see her veins running along her arms and a bit of her chest. Ellie smiles at you and says, "Thank you for taking off my shirt... I was getting a bit hot in that anyways..."
You look at her body, mesmerized before kissing her again. You two continue to kiss for a few more moments and then Ellie breaks away and smiles at you. She's even more intoxicated now than before. The alcohol is definitely affecting her judgment and causing her to act differently than usual. Ellie seems quite mesmerized by your touch and your lips, and she seems to be enjoying this even more now than before. She reaches up and strokes your cheek before moving her hand down along your neck and to your chest. Ellie is smiling and licking her lips again and her movements are still slow and deliberate.
You look into her eyes as you feel her hand go down your body. Ellie looks back into your eyes and smiles at you again as her hand moves down. She smiles at you and then she leans over and starts to kiss your neck, nibbling on your skin and making you feel your heart rate start to increase. Ellie's movements are still slow and deliberate, but they have more energy behind them now. Her fingertips travel along your skin and she strokes your chest once again, feeling the muscles and listening to your heart pounding in your chest.
You try to unbutton her jeans now Ellie seems a bit surprised when you try to unbutton them. She smiles and laughs a little and says, "Wow..." Ellie leans forwards and kisses your neck again and she's still nibbling on your skin with her small teeth. She's smiling and she's clearly quite into what you're doing, though she still doesn't seem completely sure of what to do next. She wraps her arms around your neck and she starts to kiss you again and says, "I... I'm really enjoying this..." You let out tiny moans into the kiss as she touches you Ellie gasps a bit and she keeps kissing you eagerly.
You take off your bra slowly. You slide your hands slowly behind your back and you take off your bra as Ellie kisses you along your neck and your collarbone. Ellie seems to be quite into it and she doesn't say anything to object. She smiles at you and then she moves her hands over your body as she keeps nibbling on you and caressing you. Ellie seems quite drunk and she's slowly moving her lips over you as she licks your neck and touches you.
“I've wanted this for so long.” You whisper, not even realizing that you said it out loud.
Ellie stops kissing you and she seems a bit surprised when you say that. "Really... you've wanted this for a long time?" Ellie leans back. "Well... um... I guess... I've wanted... this... for a long time..." She says a bit shyly. Ellie still looks a bit drunk and flustered though and she's not completely sure how to handle your admission to her.
You continue kissing her passionately. Ellie leans forward again and she keeps kissing you, caressing you lightly with her hands and moving her lips down to your chest. Ellie seems to be enjoying herself more and more as she keeps kissing you, and she's not letting up yet. She's still got her full attention on you and she seems to want to continue this. Ellie smiles as if to confirm your suspicions and she moves her lips to your throat and kisses you there gently while her hand trails along your chest.
You try to take off her sports bra. Ellie's sports bra comes off eventually and she's now totally topless. Ellie smiles and says, "Hey..." as she looks you up and down, clearly taking in the sight of you.
“hi…” You smile shyly before kissing her again. Ellie kisses you excitedly as she wraps her arms around you and pulls you closer. Ellie's movements are starting to become more frantic, as if she's getting more and more excited. She's kissing you passionately and her breath seems to be leaving her body in a rush. Ellie looks at you and she smiles and then she says, "I like this..."
“I like this too.” Ellie kisses you eagerly and her passion seems to be increasing. She leans over you and her hands start to travel down your body once more, and her eyes seem to be focused on you. Ellie's breath is coming out of her in short, sweet gasps as she continues to kiss your neck, your chest and your arms, and you feel her body right next to yours.
You look into her eyes, filled with desire. Ellie seems filled with passion as she continues to kiss you and she looks directly into your eyes. She seems filled with the same excitement and desire you feel and her eyes say it all. Ellie's eyes are locked onto yours and her smile is making her look even more beautiful than before. Her lips meet yours again as she lays you down on the couch and then she slides over with you. Ellie leans over you and she starts to kiss your chest, your abs and your arms. Her breathing is still quick and shallow, and her hands begin to move down your body once again.
You start moaning a bit, to her every touch. Ellie seems excited by your muffled moans and then she lifts her head up a bit and smiles. She looks into your eyes and says, "Oh..." Ellie's hands begin to move downwards again, down your chest and then along your hips. You can feel her nails lightly scratching against your skin and her lips meet yours once again. She's moving faster and more eagerly now, and she seems to be losing some of her inhibitions as the alcohol continues to affect her judgment.
You kiss her neck and get drunk on her cologne. Ellie leans back and she lets you kiss her neck as your hands go down to her hips and her arms wrap around your back. She's still smiling, but you notice that her breathing is getting more and more heavy. She seems to be loving the way that you're touching her and you can feel her grip tightening, almost as if she wants you to be more aggressive and assertive with her.
You grab her face with both hands and kiss her hard. As you grab her face and kiss her, Ellie laughs a bit and she squeezes your body tighter, holding you more firmly in place and kissing you back more eagerly. She seems to enjoy the way that you're taking control and being assertive with her. As Ellie continues to kiss you and bite your lip, you can feel her body pressing against you more and more forcefully, which feels slightly uncomfortable but you can tell that she's enjoying herself. She leans into you and keeps kissing you with the same intensity that you're kissing her with.
You try to straddle her lap now. Ellie lets you straddle her without saying anything or resisting it. She's smiling and she seems to be enjoying herself. Ellie's hands are still on you, holding onto your hips and you can tell she's trying to pull you even closer. You can also feel her body against yours, she seems to be enjoying the pressure.
Her body feels so good on yours, you feel like you're in a dream. Ellie smiles and then she leans in and she kisses you again gently, holding the kiss for a long time as her hands move again to your hips. She leans over you and she says, "Oh..." You bite her lip teasingly. Ellie seems to be enjoying the feeling of your teeth on her lips, as you bite her lip gently and then you let go again. Ellie smiles again and she leans her head over yours, then she moves her lips onto your neck and starts to kiss you there more softly, with a mixture of bites and nibbles combined with her lips and her tongue.
You feel your core starting to heat up. The heat of Ellie's body against yours and the alcohol in her blood is starting to add to that. You also feel her nails digging lightly into your skin and she's biting your neck gently but with just a bit of force behind it so that she knows you feel it but it doesn't hurt. Ellie is still kissing you passionately, nibbling your neck and your chest, and using her hands more aggressively to pull you towards her. She's smiling but she looks almost a bit feral.
You kiss her with the same energy as you move your hips on her lap, looking from some friction. Ellie's body seems to be reacting to your movements and she bites her lip as she leans in towards you and she keeps kissing you. Her fingers are brushing up against your body lightly as she holds your sides while she kisses you again and again and moves her hips along with you, meeting your pace almost exactly. Ellie's eyes seem to be gleaming in the light and then she leans in and she bites your neck again, only harder this time, and you can see her teeth mark on your skin once she moves away from your neck.
You get up for a second and take your underwear off. You get up quickly and Ellie watches as you do so, but you notice that all of your movements seem to be a bit staggered as a result of the alcohol in your system. Ellie's face lights up and she seems to be filled with anticipation now. You straddle her once more, now without any clothes. You can feel how wet you were getting. Ellie's eyes light up and her face is filled with a mix of surprise and anticipation as you straddle her. She seems to be trying hard to maintain her composure though, and she smiles seductively at you. You feel Ellie's breath on your neck and then her lips are on your skin again. She's nibbling you and biting you as her hands are moving up and down your body. She's slowly moving her hips against yours and then she starts to move even more enthusiastically.
You start moaning as she keeps biting you. Ellie hears you and she smiles. She seems to be enjoying herself tremendously and her hands are now grasping your sides firmly. You feel her breath on your neck as her lips and her teeth move along your skin.
You move your hips faster on her lap trying desperately to create some friction to ease the feeling of how incredibly turned on you are right now. Ellie's eyes turn towards yours and she's smiling as she's keeping her hands firmly on your body and your hips. She's now fully into the moment and the sound of your moans seem to be filling her with delight. You can feel her breathing on your neck as her lips bite you again gently, and you feel her body move up and down against yours as she follows the pace that you set with your hips.
You can feel her hand on your thigh, really close to where you want it to be  and you can feel her fingers gripping it. Ellie moves her hands along your body and then she leans back just a bit so that she can look you in the eye again. She smiles as she holds your gaze and then she leans forward.
You kiss her neck and keep the movements going. Ellie keeps up with your hips and she moves in rhythm with you. She leans back over your face, her eyes glinting seductively as she does so. She leans forward and her hair falls forward onto your arm as she nibbles your neck. She smiles and kisses you on your hand before leaning back and taking a quick breath. Then she leans back forwards and she moves her body against yours with more force.
Her hands are moving along your body again and then she moves away for a bit. She leans back a little just to enjoy the sight of you and she's clearly still very intoxicated. Ellie's eyes are gleaming in the light and she's smiling at you, "Wow... you seem to be enjoying this quite a lot..." You look at her panting and your face is blushing more by the second.
Ellie smiles and caresses your waist and your thighs as she looks at you, and then she leans over your face. She's panting a little but she's also very excited and she's smiling at you. She moves with you again, following along with your hips and you can feel her breath on your neck and her lips nibbling your body.
Ellie moves you down onto the couch and then she leans over you and she starts to kiss your shoulder and your chest. Her fingers are moving along your body more firmly now and she's breathing more heavily as she kisses you, but you can also hear her laughing and she's still smiling. She seems to be having a lot of fun. Her fingers begin to move further down your body and she smiles at you before whispering, "Wow... I think I... I like doing this..."
“I like you doing this…” You respond. Ellie smiles and then she seems to be struggling with her words as she speaks. Her face is filled with a bit of embarrassment and she leans back on top of you. She looks down. "I like this too..." Ellie kisses you again and you can feel her breathing heavily on your neck.
As you try to take Ellie's boxer's off, Ellie smiles and says, "Ah... um..." Ellie seems a bit surprised but then she leans over and she helps you take her boxers off. She's lying on top of you again and she seems to be enjoying the intimacy of what's happening. Her eyes are filled with a mix of excitement and a bit of shyness, but she's clearly not resisting as her fingers are moving down your body again and she's still nibbling lightly on you. Ellie's hand slowly begin to move towards your lower region, her fingers making small movements and caressing along your thigh.
You moan as she touches you. Ellie smiles and seems to be a bit surprised but pleased. She leans back and she continues to nibble your body again, while her other hand moves even further along your thigh and into your pussy. As she feels how wet you are her eyes went wide. “Oh, you’re really enjoying this…” She smiles as she kisses you once more. She starts triling small circles around your sensitive bud and looks at your face as she does it to see your reaction. Ellie has just taken your breath away again and now she's nibbling on your neck once more. She seems to be having a lot of fun now and she's not showing any signs of holding back any longer. You can feel her breath on your neck as she bites you.
She starts kissing down your neck to your chest and your breasts. She fondles one of them and sucks on your nipple and makes you moan. She smiles mischievously as she now sucks your other nipple a bit harder and nibbles on it a bit too. She's loving seeing you like this. All along as she's doing this her finger continues on your pussy, massaging your sensitive clit. You can't hold back your moans as she touches you, it just feels too good.
Ellie starts kissing down your stomach now and you can feel goosebumps forming on your skin. She smiles as she sees you shiver. Her fingers travel a bit lower than your bundle of nerves and she collects some of your wetness as she continues to make you moan. You can feel her leaving wet kisses along your belly as they make their way to your beautiful cunt. Once she reaches it she gives it a long lick to taste you and moves her tongue to your clit wanting to make you feel even better that you already are.
When you feel her tongue on you you roll your eyes due to all the pleasure as you arch your back. Ellie is happy to see you enjoying yourself and doesn't want to stop any time soon. She moves her tongue faster and faster as she feels your wetness growing on her fingers. She starts moving them around your entrance, you look down at her for a moment and she looks like a starved woman eating you out. You start feeling one of her fingers trying to enter your hole.
Ellie cant wait to see you all fucked up from her fingers being inside you. She starts inserting her middle finger slowly inside you, not to hurt you and stretch you slowly as you adjust to the intrusion. She starts pumping it in and out as she's still flicking your little clit with her tongue. Now you understand why all the girls want to be with her. She definitely knows what she's doing.
She's so concentrated on your clit and the sound of your voice that she closes her eyes. As one of her hands is taking care of you she lets her other one travel down her own body and touches herself as she is getting famished. Her core is throbbing and she can't stop herself from rubbing her own clit. Your moans only make her more turned on. A bit later she feels all the wetness she's producing and starts fingering herself, moaning into your pussy. You've never seen Ellie so eager and you're loving it. The vibrations of her moans into your cunt just make things feel even better. You put your hand on her head and tug at her auburn hair so she doesnt stop what she's doing.
She then starts prodding at your entrance with a second finger and inserts it without warning, making you gasp. She looks up at you as she does it and laughs to herself once she sees your reaction. She starts moving her fingers again “You like that?...” She smirks. All you can do is nod. “I knew you liked me all along, you just didn't want to admit it…” She moves faster now making you moan even more. She sucks your clit one last time before coming back up and kissing you passionately. She muffles your moans with her lips and you kiss her back letting your tongues intertwine. She is kissing you hungrily and doesn't want to stop. As the kiss quickens, so do her fingers, making you get closer to your release.  She looks you in the eyes as she inserts a third finger inside you. You frown your eyebrows as she does it trying not to look away from her green eyes. She smiles as she sees your whiny face. “Fuck… You feel so good baby.. I'm gonna make you cum, yeah?” As she says this she starts going faster and hitting the spot that makes you go crazy, making you moan louder than before and roll your eyes to the back of your head. She bites her bottom lip as she watches your reaction to her three fingers inside your tight hole. She keeps her pace going as she watches you reach higher and higher  closer to your peak. 
Your mind is starting to go blanck as the pleasure she's giving you makes you feel better than ever before. When you feel like your orgasm is about to wash over you you look back at her in the eyes. “Fuck… Ellie i’m… I'm gonna….” Before you could finish your sentence You feel your orgasm starting. Ellie cant take her eyes off of you, she's completely intoxicated. “That's it, cum for me… cum on my fingers…” You feel your body reacting to her words and you can't hold it back anymore. You cum as she's fingering you with all her skill.  “That's it… give it all to me…” She says looking down at your cunt filled with her fingers. her eyes shine as she sees all your cum. 
She slowly helps you come out of your high as she kisses you and starts moving her fingers slower until she eventually stops. She takes her fingers out of your cunt slowly, mesmerized by all of your cum. She then brings them to her mouth and sucks every last drop of your juices. She moans as she tastes you, it's like she's been starving for weeks. After, she kisses you so you can taste yourself on her tongue and lips. She smiles while she kisses you and caresses your face and hair. She gets up for a second and comes back from the bathroom with a wet warm towel to clean you up. She then lays beside you on the couch and holds you in her arms as you two cuddle for a bit. You hug her back tightly and don't want to let her go ever again. Her body feels so warm and soft against your skin. Both of your breaths start to slow down as you hold each other.
Ellie looks at you, her eyes are shining, she never felt so linked with anyone like she does with you in this very moment. You look back at her with love. You never knew you could feel the way you do about her ever. She is the most important thing to you at the moment, just like you are hers. A few minutes into the cuddle she says quietly in your ear. “I think I might love you…” Your heart starts beating harder now as you hear her words. You hug her tight and nuzzle your head into her neck. “I think I have loved you since the start…” You whisper to her. She holds you tighter and kisses your forehead. She covers you both with a fuzzy blanket and you both fall asleep holding one another. Maybe you never hated each other after all.
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chuuya-kisser · 1 month
thoughts on bsd 114.5
(this is all over the place sry and yes i took most of this from what i reblogged and edited it here)
spoilers below
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yeah skk always looks pretty but IMAGINE DAZAIS STRESS LEVEL. its probably skyrocketing atp bc he's aware that almost the whole agency is at the airport. where bram is. which means where fyodor now is. which means the whole agency is at risk rn and DAZAI KNOWS THIS. like he already mentioned to sigma, he's doing all this for the agency right? SO IMAGINE DAZAIS SHEER STRESS AND WORRY KNOWING THAT SOME OF THE ONLY PPL WHO ACCEPTED HIM COULD VERY POSSIBLY BE- GOD FORBID- KILLED. pls stop give them a fucking goddamn BREAK ASAGIRI. also is there any way dazai's not being in fukuzawas recollection of the agency related to this or is that just a coincidence
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this mfing smugass asshole. fuck fyodor. and his ability. and him in general. how dare he even TOUCH bram. how dare he take over his body. HOW DARE HE.
i said this before and ill say it again. FYODOR FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR EVER LOVING GOD STAY. DEAD. also i agree that dazai is the only one who can kill fyodor bc dazais ability is so far universal. anything that is an ability will be nullified by dazai. so fyodors ability should also get nullified by dazais. but dazai is technically on the other side of the world and fyodor rn. How exactly would he get there????
but my question is how would it affect fyodor? like, his body swapping ability gets canceled out. what does it do?????? send him back to his original body thats dead?? kill him on the spot? thats the real question here
i dont think fyodor will want to become the singularity bc imo his style of working is from the shadows. i dont think he would want to switch his own physical body to something so... blatant? he would probably prefer it as his pawn
WHATS THIS BITCH EVEN TRYING TO DO????? WHAT DOES HE WANT TO FUCKING ACHIEVE oh. my. god. if he can control all vamps thats gonna be HORRIFYING. but in the anime end, isnt akutagawa back to normal? hes not a vamp anymore. sooooo im just theorising and grasping on straws but could fyodor's taking over bram's body possibly reset everyone bram had converted to a vampire? thus why akutagawa was back to normal in the anime
also i was thinking abt fyodors ability so theres NO WAY that dazai killing fyodor with his ability could possibly.....yk what im talking about. make dazai. yk. i dont even want to say this.
so basically endnote: that was quite a lot and this chapter left me in Shambles.
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beesmygod · 24 days
today is webcomics day. i am bea and i make "A Ghost Story" - part 1: pre-gaming
webcomic day is a yearly celebration of the art form concocted by the screentones podcast team as a way for people to see how the sausage gets made. my webcomic "a ghost story" has been running for over 10 years, and yet i still don't think i can say i am good at making a webcomic. regardless, the comic is getting made because otherwise i become very, very sick in the head. today i would like to share with you the process of making a page of "A Ghost Story" from start to finish. either this demystifies the process or will make you think im so cool and strong for doing this 2x a week. instead of reblogging this one post until it gets very long, i will be posting individual updates that i will then compile and post on my personal website. block the tags now if you HATE comics and want them to EXPLODE.
if you have any questions, even things like "what the fuck are you even talking about" feel free to ask. i want to feel confident in what i make again and i think sometimes interrogation from an outside source is really
that said, let's get started. wait just kidding i want a cup of coffee first, hold on.
ok now im ready. i have a big glass of water. i have coffee. i have a headset for the parts of work that don't involve typing words. i can't type words and listen to some streamer babble in my ear at the same time, so it has to be instrumental music or nothing. i just took my meds so they should kick in after about 30 mins. i woke up late today, which is weird and annoying. but maybe i can work late instead.
first off, i need to know where i'm going beyond this one page. if i dont know where im going with something, then i usually create something that sucks that i have to deal with later. hold on my internet died, i have to reset the router. ok, anyway.
what's rattling around in my brain is that not only do i have to deal with maxine's current predicament, i am also dealing with multiple plot elements i need to wrap back around to from the previous chapter. luckily, im about to put maxine down for a nap, which means i can get back to those other elements:
i need to finish the exposition from the three ankou characters for this story arc establishing their motivations as the oppositional force in the story. the "villain" is not these three specifically, but their boss. they need to have a loose understanding of what's going on in order to communicate this to the audience. god this started turning into a huge ass paragraph so i'll just keep it short there.
we've jumped back to before jack's horrible day from the first chapter of this storyline so we have to make our way back toward that and then lapping it, which means wrapping up his various open threads like:
feeding victoria and learning something new about her
finding out alice is a very exceptional employee who is getting many awards
watching valdo call lily while interrupting her during something personal to ask her for help with maxine's situation.
jack meeting with valdo and lily the day after they first met so jack can just tell them straight up that lily has 4 sisters she doesnt know about.
help that girl with her poltergeist problem. remember that. i've had jokes for this rattling in my head for like 4 years. im going insane.
and also the fucking tilberi!!! that has a point its going somewhere!!! there's a larger menace here!!!
other things to set up the climax of this storyline. sexual tensions, hints at larger emotional problems not immediately evident to the reader
lots of moving parts. and i feel like im moving in slow motion to get to them. i can see them all weaving together in my head, its the process of putting that onto paper that's proving difficult.
ok that took an hour starting and stopping. -_- let me write the next part as i keep brainstorming on how to approach this page. taking a "rubber duck" approach to this might help. heres an image from the last page i worked on (i have a 5 page buffer rn so the site does not match the finished pages) to get us semi-situated.
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also because images will help people understand what skill level we're working with here. i need to be able to communicate an idea to the audience; if the art also looks good on top of that, then that's just an added bonus. but the ability to communicate my ideas is sometimes hampered by my lack of artistic skill or comics language ineptitude. like those speech bubbles kind of fucking suck but at a certain point you have to just hit print on what you're working on in order to keep your already glacial pace.
webcomics is a tightrope act where you're also spinning 4 plates at once. the trick is to keep the audience from realizing how many actually fall or how wobbly they all are. the act sucks but technically its not a failure.
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ryuryuryuyurboat · 9 months
RIRI. i SPECIFICALLY said no lyney angst. ever. for as long as your tumblr shall live. the little pookie wookie cutie sunshine munchkin muffin bear is in love with us returns our love do you understand😡 for legal reasons and so that i dont get judged hard by the people behind me on the train this is purely a joke. but you know WHAT ISNT A JOKE RIRI IT'S MY HEART SHATTERING. absolutely unbelievable. i demand compensation. fluff where lyney accepts confession. and an apology letter. 500 words. (hugs u)
i hate that i know EXACTLY who you are. what's with the hug did you burn the kitchen down again– anyway, here's my apology. love u!
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last kiss
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synopsis: if you go, can i go with you? if you leave me, can i leave me too?
genre: angst. no comfort.
characters: wanderer x gn! reader
warnings: established relationship, reader referred to in 2nd pov, written from wanderer's pov, mentions of wanderer’s birth name, reader gets amnesia, wanderer a little ooc maybe
a/n: i spent so long writing and re-writing this i will actually cry if people don't like this (no pressure though) mwah :3 likes, reblogs and comments highly appreciated!! it helps a lot :>
©2023 ryuryuryuyurboat. do not repost, translate, plagiarise, or modify in any way, shape or form.
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he remembers.
kunikuzushi remembers your first meeting, clear as day. the wonder in your irises as you reach out for his hand, the way you cupped his porcelain face in your hands, running your hands through his indigo locks. he remembers when he accidentally let his feelings slip, freezing up in fear of your reaction– he remembers your light laugh, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to his forehead. 
the balladeer remembers your disappointed look when he comes home to tell you he’s made his decision. you turn and go straight into the kitchen without another word, and the weight of silence has never been so heavy. and yet, as you set the table for dinner, you ask when the ship for snezhnaya will leave. he remembers all too well how you stopped right before boarding the ship, turned back to glare at him, and say your decision to follow him still didn’t mean you agreed with his. and when he fell from the shouki no kami after failing to replace lesser lord kusanali as sumeru’s god, he remembers you rushing forward to try and catch him in your arms to soften the impact.
the wanderer remembers those 2am walks to puspa café, pinkie linked with yours, because you craved some hot food and didn’t want it home-cooked. he remembers those cold nights with you– the rain’s symphony muffled in the background as you move in closer to embrace him tighter under the shared covers, him reluctantly humming you back to sleep. 
he remembers that time you got abducted by fatui agents– any mere mortal would have gone insane from their cruel treatment, and yet, you became the one driving your abductors nuts. he found you with your back facing him as you wield your sword, your chest heaving as you take deep breaths. he remembers how he couldn’t help but let a tear slip as he runs forward to hold you tight, murmuring apologies into the crook of your neck, all the while wondering where you got that much strength from. and he remembers the way you turned around to embrace him, a rare fire in your eyes as you told him those words he wishes he could have imprinted on his skin: “i’m your heart after all, aren’t i? i can’t just go dying on you when you’re not ready to go!”
the wanderer still remembers that promise you once made at 1:58am in the morning, that sweet moment you both shared, the moon being the only witness to your soft declaration of love.
the wanderer remembers that fateful day he found you unconscious in a withering zone, your body bruised and battered— presumably from fighting enemies. he’s grumbling all the way home with you in his arms about how clumsy and bothersome you are, even as he gently cleans your face from the dirt. he refuses to leave your bedside for a single second in fear that you might awake all alone. but he was the one left all alone.
he hates it.
he hates that he remembers.
and you don’t.
he hates seeing that blank stare you give him as you tell him you have no idea what he’s harping on about. he hates that even after months and months of trying, even with lesser lord kusanali’s advice, you still remember nothing. he especially hates that apologetic smile you gave him as you tell him you don’t love him back. because you did. once. and you made a promise never to leave his side as long as your heart beat. once. 
but you don’t remember, do you?
your explanation that you don’t want to continue leading him on because you just don’t feel the same completely shatters him. he has no right to force you to stay, either. not after everything you did for him. but he’s always been selfish, hasn’t he? so he asks you. he asks you for one last kiss so he can keep you in his fond memories. your eyes soften as you mutter an “oh, kuni.” (he insisted you stick to the name that always hung on your lips.) he tries not to show any emotion as you pull him into a tight hug, pressing your lips to his forehead. he tries to smile as he waves you goodbye, because he wants your last memory of him to be a good one. and he tries damn hard not to cry as he slides down the now-closed door of the house you once shared, head in his hands, knowing you’ve forgotten everything as easily as you breathed.
you’re his fourth betrayal. he hates that he has to remember that for the rest of his sorry, miserable life.
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taglist: @i23kazu, @kazumist @oveloof (send ask to be added to taglist!)
if you liked this, do consider dropping me a follow for more :>
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Here at i-am-an-arson-enthusiast, we i am dedicated to bringing you top quality content such as but not limited to: gay things, cats, and even live arson that you don't even have to tune into!!
hi this is my intro post :D
basic questions that i love answering
“hey what should i call you” good question. i dont really care, most of my mutuals call me arson. thats cool. bc i love arson. (clearly) but you can call me really whatever. planet names are dope as shit, but only @marcysbear gets to call me neptune. also enthu is off limits, only @terrifying-acceptance gets to call me that.
for the record: if you call me either of those names and are not either of them, that is crossing a genuine boundary of mine. you ARE NOT allowed to call me those names if you are not the designated person for that.
“ur gay” woah really i didnt know that ur like the first person ever to notice that!! (no ur not, ive known that for years)
“what type of gay” yes. the easiest way to explain it is bisexual. that being said: i use bisexual surprizingly little. i call myself lesbian and gay all the time (as in wlw and mlm).i’m polyamorous and arospec. month three of my identity crisis: uh i think the term arospec works well bc idk where the fuck i am on it but i’m definetly on this spectrum! grayromantic also works i think.
“gender????” im genderfluid. which explains the pronoun changes. im also trans, nb, genderqueer, and any of the genders and terms i need to articulate what the silly lil dudes in my head make me feel.
AUDHD :D explains why i am obsessed with space (going back to names planet names are cool and epic btw)
“do u horny post on main???” i reblog horny posts to my main but i dont normally do the original horny posting. tell me if i need to tw that btw :3
my cool and epic tags
i try to consistanly use them but sometimes i dont. sorry.
woah i’m using queue - i’m actually queuing a post for once instead of spam reblogging (which i mostly do sorry not sorry)
woah a real text post - me positing an actual text post for once but it’s becoming more common
cool ass art - art that i reblog (it’s all cool)
arson does half way decent art sometimes - my art. art i made. yea
the beloved - my beautiful beautiful queer platonic partner @terrifying-acceptance who i tag in a lot of shit :]
i will keep adding more as i remember them and make them so yea :D also i try to tag for things but i often dont add tw or cw because. idk. just havent ever done that. if you need me too you can tell me in any form and ill try my gaddamn hardest to add them. feel free to *kindly* remind me if i forgot. (as in no verbal abuse ya know. if ur scared ur probably fine)
the last section that is mostly important for followers :]
if u wanna follow me it’d be cool if you have a banner and pfp but as long as ur like not a bot ur good.
feel free to ask questions :) this is the point at which i tell you that i love getting asks and dms. my dms are always open unless i am dead. (current status: alive at very least.) also i am in school so you are practically guaranteed to get a response not immediately. give me 12-24 hours to respond before being offended. after that it’s fair game.
I genuinely do not care and give no fucks about what you believe and how you live your life as long as you dont hurt yourself or others, you are not offended by me being very not religious/spiritual and you do not shove it down anyones throat.
I mostly do reblogs and tag them as such half the time
lastly if you interact with this post it lets me know that you read it but i’m gonna look at your profile anyway if u follow me so you don’t have to.
thank you for reading all of that i know it’s long. your cool so here’s a cookie 🍪 also here have this
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credit to @v-4-l-0-n and @theprideful :)
(order of the banners are “exclusionists fuck off”, then this user loves being a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, genderfluid, then non binary)
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tojisun · 6 days
(sorry from a hockey noob) can you explain the hughes post you reblogged? it feels angsty but i dont know enough about hockey to get it:,(
hii of course :3 and u dont have to say sorry my love :((
i think all of the photos used in this edit were from game 7 of canucks vs oilers in may 20th. the canucks lost then, and thus were eliminated from the playoffs; they didnt advance to the semis
the lyrics match the legacy of the canucks who had such a bad run in the previous seasons and had surprised everyone this season with such an amazing performance. their coach even said, “[canucks] put respect back in that jersey and in this city.”
that said, they still lost, thus the edit 🥹
too much rambling under the cut so u can honestly ignore this
the lyrics used are particularly fitting bc of canucks’ recent history (specifically post-2011). they went from a powerhouse (still with off-moments, of course) to a struggling team (dramatic decrease in chances of advancing). there were so many shuffling and trading between players and staff, and canucks was quite literally burning for a while. thats not to say that there are no good players because there are, but the team struggled so much
come 2023-2024 season with quinn hughes (#43) as the captain. (just as a background: he is the 15th captain of the canucks, the youngest active captain so far, and the first defenceman to be the captain in decades. he’s also the first american-born captain of canucks.)
after three consecutive seasons where they failed in making it to the playoffs, hockey and canucks fans had no high expectations this season for canucks. that doesn’t mean no one watches them, but it wasn’t as fervid. then they finished first in the pacific division, advancing in the playoffs
and not just advancing, but it meant they were the highest to be qualified to advance. it was big. i remember coming back home from work, hearing actual celebrations by rogers arena bc honest to god no one expected this turn of events, especially after such tough consecutive seasons years prior
then the playoffs games, and i swear this team is cursed somehow. not only one but two of their goaltenders were injured. demko (#35) is their main goaltender but he was injured in a game and had his season ended just like that. desmith (#29) subbed in but this guy also got injured during the season!! so you know what canucks did? they went and grabbed silovs (#31) who was playing most of the 2023-2024 season for abbotsford canucks in the ahl games (kind of the juniors of the nhl) because v.canucks ran out of seasoned goaltenders
(silovs is good. really really good. no shocker there bc he was named the mvp for the worlds championship; it was the first time that latvia won the worlds in first place)
one of their powerful forwards, boeser (#6) was also injured in this season during a clutch moment—he played until game 6 against the oilers but was, unfortunately, too injured to advance to game 7.
despite these piling injuries, canucks’ plays this season was electric. they made miracles happen—often by turning the tides to their favour at the very last minute. it’s how they won against nashville predators and how they had hoped to win against edmonton oilers
but it was not enough so in game 7, may 20th, vancouver canucks lost 3-2. (game 6 was devastating; 1-5). the best of 7 fell to the oilers so they were the ones who advanced
it was honestly so heartbreaking. hughes himself even said that the loss felt so abrupt that he couldnt even think about hockey for a while. it was just sad. boeser even piped in how he was wondering what wouldve changed if he wasnt injured, and that the loss in game 7 felt personal to him. its…
god im so sorry i rambled. im full of little things ik abt this man and this team but all the ppl i talk to know it already so i kinda. exploded on u 😭
hope this, uh, answered ur question
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andreabaideas · 4 months
Idea : thoughts on Daisy Jones and the Six and why the love triangle worked for me.
I just saw an inspiring publication/post (by @hellcat-in-chaos :https://www.tumblr.com/hellcat-in-chaos/190027062509/hellcat-in-chaos-66-fuucckk?source=share); reblogged by @alwayschasingrainbows
It made think on Djats. 
It finally lets me put into (mostly) coherent words what I thought about both CamiBilly (Camilly) and DaisyBilly (Daisylly) while watching/reading. Thats why i LOVE both. 
The post says that, and i quote : 
"What's the difference?" I asked him. “Between the love of your life, and your soulmate?""
“One is a choice, and one is not."
Billy may be a mess (totally IS), thats why i LOVE him, but i'm digressing...I get him!! Whats better the LOVE of you Life or your soulmate? 
There’s lucky people who finds one or the other, and never gets exposed to both at once (like Billy was) .
There's some others who never find any of them…Thats okay too, your biggest love should be YOURSELF (single Life IS awesome, i'm happier single than in couple,TBH, i'm more Karen Sirko) 
But, and that's when trouble begins, others are like Billy, and find themselves between  ice and Fire , or as my Abu (RIP) said (in spanish):
Está atrapado entre dos tierras…y al final no podrá respirar = he's trapped between two lands, and in the end he won't be able to breathe. 
To me Camila IS and Will Always be Billy’s love of his Life , because he actively has chosen Camila, both in book (better) and TV (not as good, but good enough), Camila IS the one he wants to be with. She is his choice. He loves her to the point of selfdestruction aka the relapse in TV show, when he thinks she has left him in the last episode. He thinks himself broken without her. 
On the other hand we have Daisy…To me Billy loves Daisy too, with every inch of him.
Fuck, even the lovely ever wise Camila acknowledges It (in book, the series did a huge disservice to her by erasing her discourse my fave in the book):
"He loves you, i know that he loves you, you know that he loves you...but hes not gonna leave me" (sorry for any possible mistakes, i read it in my native language spanish, not english, so Its a rough translation).
But… he denies It, because she IS just like him… and he cant admit/choose to loving Daisy, someone Who IS like him…Because at that point hes an addict (that doesnt act on It) but an addict nonetheless , once you are you'll always be , in the story he hated himself.
Billy and Daisy are soulmates (in spanish Its almas gemelas, like twinsouls, but in meaning more like soulmates really) because they hadn't chosen each other…yet they can't avoid their situation/ passion (and remember : passion is a also a synonym of pain) 
They dont choose each other…Because theres no choice at all for them. 
Billy has always had the choice that doesn't make him “broken”, the choice of love : Camila.
And in the end, when he manages to not be broken and only after losing his love, he can choose, from a healthy stand in life, to be with her soulmate (Daisy) and to turn her into another love. 
But that quote is right : Love IS a concious act of choice. Soulmates arent…It is someone whose soul calls to you, like a syren chanting in the shore, and that can be good…or -like syren chants were in legends-  a curse. 
To conclude: I dont get Billy hate at all, i didn't get It when reading the book, and later with the series casting Sam Claflin (my beloved) It didn't help at all for me being objective.
Billy's situation was difficult …His options nearly imposible. He was crying in that Taxi for fucking reasons, you all. In choosing love, he has to deal with the consequences: he loses his soulmate . Also hurts everyone (himself, Camila and Daisy) in the process. 
You find that easy to decide?? What would you choose LOVE or SOULMATISM? (I may create a future poll with this question)
If you doubt or dont know your answer,  then i'm glad to tell you that you are ...~(insert drumroll sound here)~ Billy Dunne.
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indouloureux · 2 years
I dont know if this would be too specific of a request so please ignore if it is but would you be able to do joe or eddie comforting reader after they end a really toxic friendship?
thank you for requesting! ❤️
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eddie sets the glass of water in front of you, the cold drops falling onto the table, and you mentally tell him to put on a coaster but you don't find it in yourself to actually say it as you hear him sigh, the couch dipping from his heavy drop beside you.
"so what's up?" his voice is questioning, tilts into the curious direction. your finger runs through the back of your earlobe to push nothing away. eddie's hand stalls on your shoulder for an awaiting comfort.
"remember, uh, carol?" you clear your throat. "the one that used to hang out with steve harrington? she and her boyfriend slut shamed nancy wheeler and spray painted that- thing- remember?"
"yeah?" eddie removes his hovering hand, lets it stay still on his lap. "yeah, um. i do. i used to go to class with her until she graduated last year."
you blink rapidly. "yes! well, um, we're not friends anymore."
he leans back, palms swiping across his knees as he processes the information he doesn't even need but kind of wants to hear. "what happened?"
"remember when i drove you to your band practice last week?" he nods. "well- she wasn't really fond of you. i don't even know why she's still here in hawkins but, she told the others and they said that i shouldn't even be hanging out with you."
"what- what did you say?"
"that they don't get to tell me who i get to hang out with," you scratch your eyebrow. "so, yeah, i guess i got nancy wheeler-ed."
eddie's eyes widened. "they spray painted on the marquee again?"
"yeah. except this time i'm not a slut. so i guess that's a plus point." you laugh sardonically. "anyway i- i don't even know why i came to you. i just, i need to talk about it, i guess? because i think i made a mistake..."
"what, breaking up with them?" he shifts closer to you. "you didn't make a mistake. that actually was a pretty fucking wise decision that you did. it's far from a mistake."
you take the glass of water from the table, a wet ring left behind as you take a sip. "when i started high school, eddie, i didn't really have any friends," you trace the lips of the glass. "they took me in and- they became my 'friends'. they made me feel like i was known, or i was seen because i was with them. but the thing is, they tried changing me. i was happy being seen as who i was but they wanted me to be like them."
eddie furrows his eyebrows, leans closer to listen carefully at each word. "and, i don't know? i guess i kind of feel like i used them just so i would feel important at least once in my life before all of this is over. but they never really cared, you know? they only ever really cared about themselves. and they got mad that i didn't want to be this- this jackass of a daddy's girl. and i did want them to be my friends, hoping maybe they'd change—"
"but they didn't," he takes the glass from you and sets it on the table. "so you feel guilty for using them? but, they're assholes. they were using you, too. they wanted to make their weird bitch pack even bigger — sorry i called them a bitch."
"it's okay," you chuckle. "they- they are a bitch. i guess maybe the reason why i feel like i made a mistake is because i don't have any more friends. they were the only ones i ever really had."
eddie stays silent for a bit. and with you not looking in his direction, you hear the couch squeak and see him kneel in front of you, hands joint together in the space between his knees, looking up at you through his small eyelashes.
"i can be your friend," he shrugs. "it has it's cons though. like, you're no longer popular but you're a freak," he lifts one finger, then another with his other hand tapping on them. "you'll probably get shit on by them a lot. you'll have to sit lunch with us. and your reputation is forever damaged."
you grin. "i think i can manage that."
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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leebitkitty · 11 months
list of skz nsfw prompts!
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minors DO NOT INTERACT with this content
note: thank you all so much for 300 followers! i srsly do not know what to say, i can't believe yall still scroll thru my content even tho i'm barely active. i will try my best to be more active from now on, as an apology for my absence and gift to my followers, i present to you a list of skz nsfw prompts :)
2nd note: not all of these prompts are mine!! cr to: @fight-me-m8 and @httpseiki !
how to request? pick the number of the prompt + pairing(s). please tell me in the ask if its gn!reader, fem!reader, or gn!afab!reader and if you don't tell me any of these, i will write for gn!reader. multiple members are allowed. next, pick the dynamic. (i.e the sub/dom/switch)
please reblog to spread and go crazy in my inbox!!
1. "caught ya, kitty."
2. "honey, you're perfect.
3. "oh, you are not wearing that."
4. "you're not.. wearing anything under that.. are you?"
5. "oh, please.. touch me already"
6. "god, you're so sickeningly beautiful"
7. "oh, fuck, it's huge."
8. "you're sitting on my lap, we're friends, and im hard. i'm sorry."
9. "p-please.. i've been so good!"
10. "beg for it then."
11. "next time, say that when i'm inside you."
12. "fucking shut up and take it!"
13. "you don't deserve it after being a brat, do you?"
14. "stop dancing like that or i'm going to cum in my pants."
15. "so needy, huh?"
16. "come and sit on my cock"
17. "i'm going to fuck you so hard you'll forget about that dumb asshole."
18. "that was the first time i'd heard you moan.. it was like a melody to my ears."
19. "i'm done being just roomates."
20. "fuck! im sorry! i shouldn't have entered.."
21. "fuck yourself and let me watch."
22. "should i give you a massage?"
23. "bold now, are we?
24. "why don't you come and join?"
25. "you just look so fuckable in my shirt."
26. "it's late, shouldn't you be asleep?"
27. "i'm going to cum if you dont stop."
28. "how was your wet dream?"
29. "stop." "no.. no fuck i can't"
30. "fuck, we really shouldn't be doing this"
31. "your brother is right outside.."
32. "let me show you just how much i love you"
33. "fuck, i can't cum like this."
34. "we're in public, honey.."
35. "ugh.. it's too early.."
36. "i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to cum in my pants."
37. "why are you worrying? thats so cute, it turns me on."
38. "fuck, i'm hard again."
39. "let's start off with touching here.."
40. "i'm sorry, i've never done.. you know.. this before."
41. "whimpering like a puppy in heat aren't you? dumb dog."
42. "yeah? you like that? you like when i touch you there?"
43. "you're mine now. never see that asshole again."
44. "fuck! it's too much.."
45. "the only thing you're getting is my thigh. c'mon, fuck yourself on it."
46. "fuck, i really need you right now."
47. "can't wait to come home to you and fuck you till the last thing you remember is my name."
48. "if you wanted me so bad you should've said it."
49. "what did i say about breaking the rules?"
50. "how about you beg for it first?"
51. "yeah? you want me to breed you? to fill you up with my load?"
52. "let's save water by showering together, baby"
53. "n-no! it's too sensitive t-there.."
54. "i'm sorry i just couldn't wait any longer.."
55. "a-ah! please, i need you so bad, i've been s-so good!"
56. "once this meeting is over, i'm going to get you back, brat."
57. "so is it me or the game, baby~"
58. "what a slut. screaming like a whore under me as i fuck your brains out."
59. "you thought i was asleep? you thought wrong."
60. "cum for me again, i know you have it in you~"
61. "does it get you hard knowing our friends are 10 feet away?"
62. "i came so hard last night just from a picture of you"
63. "stop being a fucking brat and move your hand."
64. "you're driving me crazy right now, you jerk."
65. "i love you."
© leebitkitty, 2023
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underaverageheight · 1 year
Archive 01 - limbo
i found an old piece i wrote when skz-replay came out
LMH x gn!reader angst with a little bit of fluff at the end (mb guys i wrote this with 'limbo' in mind haha) Warning(s): profanity y'all know i dont proofread
You were going abroad. Leaving for school, making you leave behind your current life. Making you leave behind Minho. You were already having a hard time taking in the fact that you were leaving for 5 years to a foreign place with no one you knew.
Minho knew how much you wanted to learn the arts, encouraging you to leave, saying, “5 years isn't too long. It's okay. I'll be here.“ Already ticked off, you retaliated, screaming that he only wanted you gone and that he won't be waiting when you come back.
“Fuck this, I'm going. I might not even come back. Maybe I'll find someone that wants me to stay.” With the slam of a door, you quickly scrambled to finish packing.
“I- fuck. fine.“ Heavy footsteps tread away from the door. Packed, you set out the house key and all the pictures of Minho. Tears threatened to fall but you pushed through and left. It was an hour to the aiport. All throughout the ride, you were quietly sobbing, making the driver uncomfortable.
Minho sat with his head buried in his hands at his desk, a few tears falling. He was so confused. “I only encouraged you to chase your dream, as you did to me…so why, why is it like this?“ He stopped, looking towards the office door, hearing the front door slam. Shit. He jumped up, grabbing his coat and keys.
Approaching the front door, he saw the pictures and keys, scattered all over the floor. He picked one up. It was a picture of you and him, after his first concert. Minho's heart clenched as he left to chase his lover, his best friend, his motivator.
It took an hour and a half to the airport. You dabbed at your puffy red eyes, pulling your hat down even lower. You sat, waiting in the terminal. 1 hour til I can forget and start anew. Looking around, you saw families, couples, students leaving and coming back. I am so sorry. What if he's not actually going to wait? Are we already done? God, I'm so stupid.
Remembering that you bought the tickets on a shared account, Minho found the terminal for the flight as he raced through the airport. 30 minutes. Don't leave me just yet love.
With 15 minutes left before boarding, he made it to the terminal. Staring blankly, you broke your concentration to look at the guy who ran to the chairs, looking around for something or someone. He was covered up, wearing a certain dark navy jacket. The one you gifted him for his birthday.
He's here? Eyes wide, you ran up and hugged him tightly from behind. You sniffled, “Looking for someone?“
“Yeah, you,” a soft chuckle rippled through his body. Minho turned around and picked you up. “I…I didn't mean that I wanted you to go. It's just- when I wanted to give up training, you encouraged me. You pushed me. That's why I fell in love with you. I just want you to chase your dream now,” his voice cracked at the last part.
“Min, I'm so sorry for yelling. I was just stressed- and scared. But that is no excuse for what I said. I am so so sorry.“ You buried your face into his warm chest. Gentle hands traced patterns and softly pat your back, a quiet comforting motion.
“Last call for boarding!“
“Are you going?“ Minho asked, breaking the embrace. “Will you be here when I come back?“
“Of course, love” with a kiss, you left.
A/N: as i said before, i found this when i was organizing my files, decided to put this out there since i haven't posted in a while, i am beginning to progress a bit on Love w/ felix but anyways feel free to reblog w/ or w/out feedback/comments (this is a sub-blog so i can't return comments ㅠㅠ) have a great day and stay tuned ^^
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dreamsclock · 2 years
I was halfway through a post abt how c!Bad isn’t victim-blaming c!Tommy by having empathy for c!Dream, and I was gonna reblog it right up to the last sentence where they said c!Dream was gaslighting c!Sam in prison to make him feel bad 😭 Bitch wtf
Its still surreal to me that ppl think c!Dream was gaslighting c!Sam during the prison arc. Even if you believe c!Dream is the most evil unredeemable cartoon villain in the world he literally had no power in that situation. Like dont u think he’d gaslight his way into not eating raw potatoes all the time or something
Maybe I would b willing to give Dream antis the benefit of the doubt if it weren’t for the fact most of them have no critical thinking skills and they send random ppl death threats for liking a fictional dude smh
it’s a shame people don’t realise “c!bad has empathy for c!tommy but is frustrated by him” and “c!bad has empathy for and maybe even cares for c!dream” can coexist as takes :’) like ! they’re not mutually exclusive !! especially considering nobody really seems to know about exile !!
re: c!dream gaslighting in prison…. are people forgetting c!sam is THE gaslighter girlboss ?? /lh but seriously, c!sam gaslights the hell out of c!bad (and probably other characters but i only specifically remember c!bad). what makes anyone think anything he says about prison activities can be trusted??
i don’t doubt that c!dream was doing his best to manipulate c!sam and c!quackity and his visitors, you know, Because He Was In A Horrific Situation And Was Trying To Escape Slash Survive (and also that’s just. how he rolls.) but GASLIGHT is a funny one.
literally what could he even gaslight c!sam about. “sam Ur crazy. quackity already came to torture me today. don’t u remember. pls don’t let him back in oh my god haaahahahaaa” LIKE ??
c!dream was probably using every tactic in the book to make life even slightly easier for him in prison (faking being worse injured to try and get c!quackity to stop torturing him, lying about escape plans to c!sam, calling c!quackity sir to get on his ‘good side’) but i think the important thing about c!dream’s ‘manipulation’ here is that ultimately he was doing anything he possibly could to survive. nobody blames an abuse victim for doing things underhand to survive. it’s no wonder c!dream was doing those things and i don’t think they should be held against him as like. acts of evil and villainy. when we have c!awesam “gaslight gatekeeper guilt trip” dude to deal with 😭
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Thanks Captain America part 3
part 2 here / next chapter(part 4) wanna be added to the tag list just message me
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18+ just incase Kidnapping implied branding on leg Steve being an ass memories crying sadness angst a little bit of of happiness , lawsuit language Steve surrfering, mentions of stalking and harassment 18+ just incase let me know ow if I missed anything . COMMENTS really appreciated as well as reblogs. No reposting publishing .
Previous chapter
I fell asleep I had to. I was waking up.
While my eyes were adjusting to the sudden yet hazy light I heard a soft
I turn "Hi," I said with a smile.
"When'd you get back?"
"Last night, you were sleeping I didnt wanna wake you."
"So you just thought you'd stare at me until I wake up?"
I turn on my stomach and lean on a folded elbow to face him
"No," he brushes some of my messy bedhead and random curls
"I got some sleep too. I just can't stop thinking about you."
"Hey that's mine line."
"No I believe your line is if I had a dime for everyone that said they were Captain America-"
"It was Halloween give me a break why would Captain America dress as Captain America for Halloween anyway it defeats the purpose."
"What if the purpose was to find a girl whose not into Captain America?"
"Hmmmm still not following. You know I was yours before that. And. I am here with you aren't I?"
"Well yea"
"But those tights do wonders for your Ass."
"That's it Missy you're getting punished."
I fake a incredulous gasp "am I?"
He rolls on top of me.
"Oh you are" he kisses me,
"I love you, so much you know that right?
I hate every second I'm away."
"Yeasure you're just saying that because you have the upper hand here."
His eyebrows pinched together and his eyes were so intense and sweet as he stared.
"No. I mean it. I love you. Why do you think I'm here? The minute we landed. My tact suits' right there. You wanna check the draws or maybe my toothbrush and body wash?"
He laughed into my neck and I giggled.
"Ok okay." My smile faded- something felt off.
"You believe me now baby? How much I love you."
“How about we go for a walk today."
"But you said-"
"The trail."
"Hmm am I the only one who knows about 'sides you and some odd 90 or 100 year old."
"Yea only you."
"I love you," I threaded my hand through his soft hair. "How about we stay here all day?"
"Come on baby you need sun you were just saying that."
"I was?"
"Yea. You're getting too pale inside for far too long," he peppered kisses on my face. "You need fresh air. You dont get enough and we'll sit under our tree just you and me what do you say?"
He leaned forward putting his forearms crossed and near my collarbone. But he was pressing too much weight on me.
"Steve, you're hurting me.” He was moving it was like he was pressing down harder.
“Steve come on its not funny" it was like he was pinning me down
"Dont you love me?"
It was like me was pinning me down and the man weighs a ton
I think his nails were going into my skin.
"Steve stop I don't- Steve?" I shot up sweating I heard laughing outside the door and a steering pain on my calf. And something Dripping.
"Its just sweat" I told myself "just sweat and I must have somehow caught my skin on the bed frame. It wasnt blood it wasnt a burning pain like from a cutling iron or brand- it was sweat and I hurt it on the bed frame." I pulled the blanket up to my neck I didn't look. I never looked.
I remeber that day most of it most of that dream was real. I remember I said why don't we stay here all day and he said you need some vitamin D and I couldn't hold back my laughter at his innocent remark.
But we did go on the trail he held me under thris giant oak tree. He told me my hair looked golden under the sun he even took a picture of me on his work phone. He never did that before. It was a fun day actually. I kept crumbling the leaves next to me on the ground. Steve asked me why I kept doing it. I told him I just thought it was fascinating hoe they were so sturdy and look sturdy and they fall to the ground complete but the tiniest extra push and they just crumble to dust. He grabbed my hands and said "mnmmn no dust no darkness only sunshine for my golden girl." Kissing me. Every kiss me gave me got giggle which was "his favorite classic tune " so that frankly went a long time, but I loved that day.I was so happy.
I still don't understand what he meant by that sunshine and golden girl. Its obvious I wasnt. I'm stuck in here. If he cared he would have found me.
I dreamt of that day that night. It was perfect just like I remember. When I woke up I cried. I mourned my new life, the lies I was told, the harted that filled me and my heart. How could it not. Steve never let anyone be held this long. Any agent he always found within days. Its been what two weeks. I only prayed for Hayden that he wasn't being blamed. But maybe he didn't notice I was gone. Maybe no one did. I hoped that no one got hurt because of me, well no one but Steve. I missed out on love.
"Steve you need to sleep." Buck stood in the doorway with Nat
“I can't every time I sleep I dream of her of us and then it turns sour every time to me I betrayed her. Every moment with Rachel.I wish it was Rachel who was taken. Does that make me a horrible person.”
"Yes" Natasha thought.
"Why does it have to be the girl I love so much. She keeps getting taken from me. Why? Why am I being punished."
"because you're a bastered. Ever think if you weren't so obsessed with her and following her no one would've though oh thats Captain America's girlfriend. Maybe they would have left her alone. Ever thought that's why she was taken if she meant that much to you you should've had her shadowed for longer. If she meant that much to you you would have told us about her just like ever other girl you liked." Nat thought. She didn't say it even though she wanted to. He was doing a great job of punishing himself.
Then the Lawyers stormed through the doors. Apprently the night guard slept through them flying up the elevators.
It was a suppona from Hayden's father and lawfirm sappening every single document pertaining to the threats and disappearance. As well as Steve Rogers' cell phone pertaining to a stalking and harassment charge being brought against him. His cell phone was on the table. It was seized before Steve got a chance to crush it. He'd be found guilty he knew. He had tons if pictures of her after they broke ups. Ones he shouldn't have had. But Steve knew her routine he missed her so he followed her daily hoping to be able to talk to her- Is that so wrong? Apprently a grand jury thought so. And so did everyone else
Tony's lawyers were able to easily prove that Steve was the best chance at getting her back. While The Avengers could do it without him the stupid super soilder would run through hell fire and get riddled with bullets to get her back. Tony knew they all knew. Even Hayden knew. So the stipulation was that once she was found and safelt back on the QuinnJet that was if she was found the restraining order would come into play. Granted, it would be a little tricky inside the tower but everyone knew Tony had the best doctors and facilities. And she deserved the best. Tony had promise that Steve would keep his distance and if anything was to occur she would never be alone with Steve. And of course Tony's A.I. would keep track of them both. But it was all what if's and thens because if she didn't come back it didn't mean a thing. Everyone was trying to pitch in but Steve was even protective of this... HE wanted her back with was HIS fault so HE had to fix it. But the longer the time passed the harder it would be. Even Tony stop his teasing.. The most they could hope for now was that she was being taken care of properly treated properly so she could flaunt her as a hostage or that it was quick and painless.
Next chapter(Chapter 4)
Taglist if u want to be added let me know
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja
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sir-to-a-princess · 8 days
I deleted this blog in 2018 I believe. Nearly 6 years later I decided to come back, to try and make sense of what I fucked up when I deleted the previous iteration of this and so many of the people I cared about are gone.
Catching up on some of the blogs that remain but are dormant and I am nearly in tears to see what transpired, and more to the point how hideous and awful some of the communities I was involved in actually were at their core.
I deleted my blog because I had failed the one person I pledged to care for so comprehensively that I couldn't stand to even look at my blog. I had become everything I abhorred and detested and spoke out against.
I abandoned my submissive. I lied to her. I chose myself over her and I think about it every single day. There is a lot of background information being left out with the specifics of the relationship, but when I left I cut the heart out of myself by abandoning the D/s lifestyle and anything relating to it.
I have spent the last several hours combing through a blog of someone I had limited exchanges with, but that someone is a person who I absolutely believed in.
I do not have the words to explain how I feel. I have always empathized with victims of abuse, I have always felt on a deep level that I wanted to care for anyone who is harmed unjustly. I still do not know how to live with myself after I did what I did.
I don't believe I am worthy of or deserve any sort of forgiveness. I wish I could make amends but don't believe it would actually help the former Princess-to-a-Sir, in fact I worry it would just reopen old wounds that she doesn't deserve.
Since that day I don't know who I am anymore or what I want, where I should be, or how to figure any of it out. I am so lost, and now that I'm finally being honest with myself I have been lost since she told me that she no longer wanted to be with me (months before things ended).
I did her a massive disservice though and regardless of if either of us actually was holding on to the dynamic we once had (I was still), I became what I told her were all the qualities of someone undeserving of her submission.
I don't know who I am anymore. I dont know where to go. I had hoped coming back would help me remember who I was, if I could claw back and reblog all my old writing and posts that were the best parts of me, but all that seems to be left here are ashes...
If she somehow ends up here though;
Princess-to-a-Sir, you were right. I was so wrong, and I wish with all that I am that I had been all that you deserved of me and that I had said fuck it all and risked everything to choose you over all else the way I promised I would.
The way that I should have...
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