#i miss bellarke 😭
bellamyblakru · 3 months
omg your tags dkfjsdlkfjs. i do also agree that s6 was pretty good bellarkewise. the bellamy bringing clarke back to life storyline is WILD. they were even more set up for s7 than they were for s5. for me though, s5 is just such a mess. i still think ultimately that was when they should have gotten together. i wish the bellamy bringing clarke back to life storyline from s6 had happened in s5 instead. then, between that and bellamy learning that clarke called him every day for 6 years, there's just no way they wouldn't happen in the finale of s5. and then we could have gotten two full seasons of canon bellarke *big sigh*
NO FR BC I REALLY CANT STAND S5 LMFAOO SO SAME. thats so interesting though!!! i never thought about it like that—it wouldve made more sense both story and character-wise😭i genuinely loved s6 bc of eliza’s acting and bellamy’s pure heart to get her back after he is the first to realize what was wrong. it was just so !! to see how he fought for her when everyone else was sitting on their stupid high horse 😭😭😭like hello ugh
thats such an interesting way to redo it tho omfg bc it would solve my violent dislike of season five while keeping my love of six while making season seven somewhat enjoyable LMFAO its funny how most bellarke fans ive seen also hate s5 bc just how ???? out of character all of it is??? like ur telling me bellamy (and raven, for that matter) *wouldnt* have understood madi’s importance to clarke?? like this is the child that clarke has rasied LONGER than she knew them. and they know her devotion and loyalty and love firsthand—ofc she is gonna choose her CHILD over people who blatantly ignore her ONLY wish to not involve madi like helloofodldldsk
i digress 😌 ur post made me almost cry bc i miss bellarke sm. maybe its time for a rewatch-rewatch fr
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clarkegriffins · 2 years
Are you doing okay? Only asking because I see you reblogging bellarke and any other the 100 related on my dash.
NO ADIE I’M NOT HELP ME I MISS THEM 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i want jroth in jail so badly, i want that men to be homeless
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widogest · 2 years
nancy drew cw is really out here giving nancy/ace everything i ever wanted for bellarke and it’s still not enough to make me ship them as much as i shipped bellarke because at the end of the day, they’re not bellarke 😔😔😔😔
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alphinias · 2 years
I miss bellarke so much :( I just rewatched the episode where she runs to hug him after escaping Mount Weather and gooood I remember how insane that was
That scene was absolute magic. It’s one of those things that nothing will ever give me the exact same feeling for again, that’s how good it was.
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The way she ran to him, the music, his REACTION (which is probably the best part 😭).
They really had something that will never be replicated.
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burninghoneyatdusk · 4 years
7x02 Thoughts & Ramblings
I’m 110% sure this is simply me not remembering but I didn’t think Diyoza knew for sure Octavia was following her into the anomaly so I was confused by the whole “I thought you were right behind me.” Shoulda rewatched S6, clearly
ANYWAYS this lil diyoza/octavia/hope fam, I’m HERE for it
“You’re just like me...thanks Bell.” 😭😭
“Octavia said you were smart.” Lmao Echo’s face at that comment
me 12 min into the episode: this plot is already above my head
hi there, I’m still not over ‘aunty O’
the spy stabbed her boyfriend’s sister and kicked her over a cliff 👀👀👀
you have to appreciate Gabriel’s one track mind. Like he’s generally unphased by everything except ~figuring it out~ from an analytic stand point. Much like Bellamy being dragged by an invisible force, it’s honestly comical in a way I don’t think it’s supposed to be.
super weird to be reminded Gabriel and Becca were from the same time, that they KNEW each other when she was like this historic legend/religious figure to Echo & company.
“God I had a crush on her.” Okay Gabriel is the most adorable nerd, I want one.
Love to see Octavia fighting to get back to Bellamy. Besides Bellarke, I’m most interested in the resolution of the Blake arc this season.
I COULD BE BACK WITH BELLAMY, CLARKE, AND MADI she says, like the family unit they are. Here for Octavia as The Bellarke Captain for S7, someone’s gotta do it. And shit, that’s BEFORE she sees Bellamy bringing back Clarke from the brink of death in S6.
Even Murphy. Lmao. That statement, that tone...it describes his whole character tbh.
I just need to tell him I understand. Hi, I’m legit sobbing. This is fine.
I was truly unprepared for the Blake feels that this entire episode is. They should’ve just titled it that....anyways, that letter. I am Not Okay™
Aw the Echo/Hope hug. I just already love the Gabe/Echo/Hope dynamic, talk about different personalities coming together. I never saw it coming and I’m so here for it.
“Pen. I need a pen. PEN.” I’m cackling.
Octavia hiding Hope under the floor in the wall, how poetic
Hope left completey alone is so heartbreaking and honestly horrifying. Reminds me of Clarke (and I guess Madi?) in 5x01. The idea of literally having NO ONE gives me anxiety. Cannot even imagine.
One garden. Two serpents. Eden never stood a chance. I’m embarassed it took me until almost the end of the episode to understand the metaphor they were playing with, with the physical (successful) garden and episode title.
Honestly even though I miss bellarke this episode was super interesting and makes me even more excited to see how this all plays out. Also I’m already a Hope fan, she’s awesome 🤗
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theyellowbuttroad · 5 years
Okay first things first. YOUNG BELLAMY!! Zoo we mama! Like yes older bell is a hot dad but young deviant bellamy 🥵 that slicked back curly hair! Those freckles! Fuck me up! Anyways :) lets also talk about how much this hurts 10000x more knowing who is gunna die and how *cough* Jasper *cough* bc im crying just looking at those people. And that forest scene with finn and clarke would have favored more as a bellarke scene you cant change my mind i am sad that the next six seasons i wont even see them kiss 😭 and knowing that Wells didn’t turn in Clarkes father and watching her treat him this way and him just take it makes me HURT! Hes such a good guy i love and miss wells every day and wish his ugly cult following father would have died instead ://
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bellamyblakru · 2 years
oh man okay rewatch of the 100 initiated. ill be posting thoughts and shit after each episode, so if you don’t wanna see them pls blacklist #ashleyrewatchesthe100 !!!
bro the first ep is so dramatic LMFAO i missed my delinquents. first, remember when abby loved clarke and showed it?? absolutely bonkers how that arc just dissipates in the late seasons. secondly, BELLAMY WHATEVER THE HELL WE WANT BLAKE IS SO JSJSKSKAKAKAK. i forgot that we weren’t supposed to like him at first but i cant help it😩mans iconic. next, i fucking LOVE clarke mf griffin, and ill say that every episode. she is so intense i love her😭she cant help but emit leader energy 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️ and lastly, poor wells✋🏻😭man deserved so much better. it would’ve been so interesting having him around when bellarke was kicking ass!! bellamy and wells friendship would’ve been everything. (also,,, they are such BABIES!! murphy and jasper and monty and o!! and bell’s hairstyle🥲)
tl;dr - im excited to keep watching fidkdksksk i think i might do a gif series too with each episode bc imma ✨try ✨to go slow♥️♥️
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burninghoneyatdusk · 4 years
Re: Clarke finding old Bellamy. What if he sees her and obviously knows it’s her but she’s processing seeing an old version of him and she’s confused because there’s no way it’s her Bellamy. So to help make things clear for her, he just smirks and says “brave princess” 🤯😭
dhdjsk I totally missed this ask in the post premiere madness. I don’t remember if this was in regards to a specific post but...doesn’t matter.
Do answer your question, much like the emojis I would spontaneously combust. I’m one of those annoying people who is praying for any form of a princess nickname callback this season 🙏🏻 I’m just sentimental and love any bellarke callbacks and references. That sounds heartbreaking, but also, sign me the fuck up.
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alphinias · 3 years
the bellarke one is so accurate i’m actually crying 🥺🥺😭😭😭😭
I’m going to cry because I miss them
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