#i'm pretty sure i wasn't supposed to lineart these but oh well
rubia-peregrinart · 4 months
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little groups i like :}
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dovelydraws · 11 months
If you don't mind me asking,
What's art styles ended up influencing .. Well your art style?
Oh, this is a fun question, thank you for asking!
Hmm, I think it's a little hard to say since I've been drawing since I was basically a toddler, lol. Every little thing I've ever enjoyed has had some sort of influence. I'll try to go through the timeline though.
When I was a little kid, I had a special interest in zoology (still do! but it's not as obvious as it was back then.) I used to wake up first in the house specifically so I could turn on the tv to the animal planet channel and just watch documentaries all morning, and I carried a giant animal kingdom encyclopedia with me to school every day to just flip to random pages and read whatever popped up. During this time of my life, I pretty much exclusively drew animals- particularly elephants, canines, and horses. I had no interest in people.
I had no real interest in stylization at this point- obviously as a little kid I was never able to achieve perfect anatomy or anything like that, but I was more interested in making my animals look real than cartoonish- which meant I was never really influenced by the disney movies I was watching, since they stylized their animals so heavily.
I remember the dreamworks movie Spirit held my attention for a very long time, and I think it may particularly have been that way because the horses looked and acted more real than they did in disney movies. They were still stylized of course, it was a cartoon after all, but it wasn't to any extremes. I still find myself wanting to mimic that in my animals now; cartoon, but not cartoon-y.
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I think these two gifs help illustrate my point lol.
After this exclusive animal obsession (followed by dinosaurs, and then dragons) I got really into Sonic the Hedgehog around age 11. Drew sonic characters, and made my own OCs for it, for basically the entirety of middle school. I've pointed out in the past that it seems the way I draw hands was heavily influenced by this phase
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Very round, almost rubbery, where the ends of the fingers tend to flare out a little bigger than they are at the knuckles.
Then after sonic, I got into my first anime, Soul Eater, and this is really where I first started venturing into drawing people and more realistic human anatomy.
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Interestingly, this artstyle seemed to also do the Sonic Hands thing, lol
After this I had a big anime phase, as well as just a general "I want to study actual human anatomy" phase during early high school. I was following a lot of skeletal/muscular system tutorials during this time.
Following that I started getting back into american media, in particular I remember invader zim, steven universe, and tmnt 2k12. I'm not sure I can really tell myself where the steven u artstyle is present in my own, but I've had people tell me they can tell I was into it at some point after saying so.
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Then there was the Rubberhose Boom of 2017, with the release of Cuphead and BATIM very close together; I had a big hyperfixation on that artstyle specifically at that time, and I feel like I may owe some of the loose-ness in my artstyle to that.
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Then, I suppose, we come to Rise of the TMNT. That show ended up being a major inspiration to me, and I think I owe a LOT of recent artistic growth to it. Rise pushed me out of my comfort zone big time. I always liked doing dynamic poses, but rise encouraged me to push things further, and I started drawing more backgrounds and making bolder color choices because of it as well.
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I think my artstyle became just a bit more angular after drawing so much fanart as well.
And I suppose that's where I'm now at presently! Aside from media, I also can't say I'd be where I am artistically today without the influence and support of my many friends. :) I owe a lot of things about my artstyle, particularly specific things like my lineart, to compliments my friends paid me which made me pay more attention to the things I was doing accidentally that they happened to like, then making it purposeful and more refined as a result.
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childofaura · 2 years
Hello how are you? Still accepting feh artist opinion? Not sure if this has been asked, but how about Hagiya Kaoru? I've known this artist because of the mobage I played long time ago (Chain Chronicle). He was like Rika Suzuki who only drew fe cipher before joining feh with resplendent Ike or Galle as his first one I think.
I think my fav part of his art is the face. Especially the eyes and the shading near eyes. Whenever I see the art, I can tell pretty much that must be Hagiya Kaoru works. Though I'm not fan off his normal portait L.Byleth face. Maybe it's because hair color which is more soft tone if you compare to female one. Oh and his Yen'fay is top notch👌good unit as well and really worth it to +10
I want you to know I wasn't ignoring this ask, I was just at work and I've been itchin' to answer this one all day ;w;
I LOVE Hagiya Kaoru's artwork. Their lineart is really well defined and gives the pieces a really crisp feel. I think "crisp" is how I'd describe their artwork when I look at it, because it's just sharp and angular and I love that about the art. Although to be honest I actually like L!M!Byleth's hair more than L!F!Byleth's hair more simply because it's easier on the eyes whereas F!Byleth's hair is like... a lime, lol. But that's just my opinion! I totally understand where you're coming from though, because it IS supposed to be more drastic and the lime green is a good color.
But getting back to Kaoru's artwork, their color palette choices are great, their anatomy is accurate, and they've got some great posework!
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Though I will say that Yen'Fay's pose, while absolutely true to character, feels a little... too rooted:
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Which again, it's not a bad stance and it's absolutely in-character, but for an attack pose you need a forward dynamic when the pictures are panning in from the left or right side of the screen.
And I almost forgot to mention it, but as you guys saw from my post this morning, it was just revealed that they did Lon'qu:
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Awh MAN look at that pose! And that special effect! And they even made it reflect in the lighting! They were honestly the best pick for Lon'qu.
Now I think the only true criticism I can think of for Kaoru's artwork is that we haven't really seen them draw a huge variety of characters, only men. But according to their Twitter (which I clicked today out of curiousity) they DO draw women as well.
All in all, Hagiya Kaoru's a 9.9999999/10. I just wanna see them draw a wider variety of characters but everything about their artwork is practically perfect; they've pretty much got a grasp on all the important stuff for FEH art.
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