#i'm so wishy washy oh my gosh
twilightbloom · 8 months
Bear with me I just need to yeet my thoughts into the void for a second
I have played HSR's 1.4 story quest a little while ago but having felt really conflicted about it I honestly didn't know what to think and needed some time to gather my thoughts, but... the quest was good, don't get me wrong, but my thoughts on Topaz are quite complicated
Like I've read around and I've seen people either being like "y'all are awful to Topaz this is why Hoyo doesn't do morally ambiguous women!!" or "Topaz is a horrible character and I hate her so much" and my take is that while I do enjoy Topaz's character AS A CONCEPT I just wish HYV would've decided her framing in the story
Like I get the first argument. Morally ambiguous women get either waifu'd like Raiden (and my opinion on her character is in line with most of the community that she was horribly mismanaged for all of her buildup, until the second character quest put a bandaid on her) or not that explored in the story (see Yae). Topaz is in a very awkward middle ground, with the complicating factor that she is a tax collector so she will rub some people in a very wrong way.
Still, my issue is that she jumps between being a cold "I'm just doing my job, no hard feelings" kinda gal and "oh my gosh animals are so cute and I'm so kind uwu" with almost no in between. I would really like to see HYV commit to one of the two in the framing, because while I can kinda see the "outside of work she's a sweetie" angle they were going for but given what kind of work she does, and WHO she is working for, it doesn't really work for me. And it ended up souring her as a character for me.
That's without covering the fact that we KNOW most people in the IPC are assholes after the Aurum Alley event, and Topaz doesn't really help their case. She's "one of the good ones", supposedly, but... Ehhh. I would've preferred she stayed an antagonist and they weren't this wishy-washy while treating her. It's a shame, because I feel like she would've been a really cool antagonist/villain had they not flip flopped around with her personality and tried to absolve her of the IPC's darker sides.
Idk basically I like her design A LOT and wish she was framed better by the narrative, like they either should've stuck to plushy waifu (which would've weakened the story though I feel) or antagonist/villain with OCCASIONAL hints of a softer side underneath.
Basically, 1.4's story was good but ironically enough Topaz was my least favorite part of it. Shame. Hope her story/companion quest makes her character feel more defined so I can decide my stance on her.
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nellie-elizabeth · 12 days
Grey's Anatomy: Burn It Down (20x10)
Ughhhh. Wow. That was not a good finale for me, for a lot of reasons.
Gosh, where to even start, my list of grievances is so long. I guess let's go with a couple of the smaller irritants first: Jo being pregnant is such a no from me. And her not telling Link about it? What? Yeesh. I guess I'm glad that her dramatic passing out was just exhaustion and that she's fine, just pregnant, but I'm also very grumbly about the whole thing. It does seem like this show prioritizes storylines that I'm less interested in, and pushes aside the things that would really compel me.
Case in point number two, Lucas and his future fate. I wanted to be moved by everyone showing up to plead his case in front of Catherine, and in a way I was: good on Bailey and the interns for standing up to Catherine Fox, she badly needs to be told she's overstepping, honestly. But Lucas is just so fundamentally uninteresting to me, that the idea that the cliffhanger of the whole season is "but what about Lucas's career" just... sucks, from an investment perspective. Yasuda and Kwan and Jules are at this point far more interesting to me, and I like Simone a lot when she's not tied up in Lucas's drama. I'm just bummed about where the story investment is going, is I guess what I'm saying.
There's been a lot of retreading familiar ground this season, as I think at least for some of the characters, this show is really showing its age. Never have I felt that more than with Richard. Holy shit, Richard's role in this episode pissed me off like you wouldn't believe. The wishy-washy way he's almost retired or stepped back from surgery over the years makes every story like this feel like the boy who cried wolf, but honestly? Fingers crossed he actually finally fucking retires. Why? Well, so we can stop hearing about it, for one, and also... he killed a man???
I was honestly flabbergasted by the handling of this patient's death in this episode. The fact that Richard can wax philosophical about his past and say "it might really be time for me to put down the scalpel" after he realizes he made a totally preventable mistake and it resulted in a patient's death is just... so off, tonally, to me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Isn't this the kind of shit that should get Richard, and the hospital, into big, big trouble? Should we have seen the consequences through the reactions of this dead man's family or something? It just felt so flat! Someone tell Mika and Jules that they're not responsible for this man's death! And someone take Richard's badge away from him. Go on, Catherine, you're kicking every damn body else out of this joint, why not add your husband who clearly can't do his job anymore?
Before we get to Catherine, and oh boy are we getting to Catherine, let's talk about Bailey. I love Bailey, I love Ben, but this was another story that felt like such a retread of things we've seen a million times. Bailey being affected by Ben's job, worried about him constantly, it's nothing new - we see it all the time, whenever they want to amp up the potential drama here. Ben, evidently, survives the finale of Station 19, so I think hopefully we can put this to rest. I'm seeing rumblings that Ben might be coming back to surgery and thus jumping back over to Grey's. Wouldn't be mad about it, to be honest. Let's set this whole firefighter husband worry behind, for Bailey.
Then there's Nick and Meredith. Not much to say about this. I find them boring. I don't get why Meredith is invested in him. He is a nothing character with nothing interesting about him whatsoever. I hate that because of Meredith's part-time status on the show, we're probably just going to keep seeing the two of them go along in their boring relationship for the rest of however long this show goes. I wish Meredith could have been sunsetted off the show with a character I give a damn about.
And last but not least in my long list of complaints... yeah. Catherine Fox. You know, I've struggled to figure out my distaste for this character for a long time. Grey's is filled with brilliantly complicated characters, in particular it's filled with women who do bad things for good reasons, or even for bad ones, women who have egos and ambitions, women who refuse to fill a palatable role to make everyone comfortable. I'm fine with a flawed character, I'm fine with Catherine being in the wrong sometimes. But yowza! Her ego trip, her inflated sense of her own importance... I cannot with her! Do you know how much a character has to be pissing me off for me to take Owen's side on something? But when he snapped at her to let Teddy help with the surgery, I was cheering him on!
The pettiness of taking Meredith and Amelia's research away and giving it to Tom Koracick? Now, don't get me wrong, if this means we'll see Tom next season in some capacity, I'm all for it, but in terms of Catherine's actions here? It's aggravating beyond compare. Her playing politics with information that could actually save so many lives? Her complete lack of awareness that she's the one who fucked up by trying to silence Meredith in the first place? The absolutely petty move of cutting Owen's badge access off, along with Teddy's and Amelia's? Like, what the fuck did Owen do except snap at you a little bit for trying to stand in the way of a firefighter's life being saved? The audacity of her firing him too for that? Seemingly? Yeesh. Take several seats, Catherine Fox.
Despite my many complaints about this episode, there were actually several moments I enjoyed just fine.
Catherine being annoying did allow for Owen to be a badass, and for Meredith to be even more of a badass. When Catherine says she's just like her mother, Meredith says "good, that means I'll win." Hell yeah, Mer. You tell her.
I also love Amelia so much, and I think the friendship between Amelia and Owen is honestly very charming and mature, so good for both of them there? I loved when Amelia asked him for advice and Owen said that she'd never taken his advice before, so why start now? He does eventually tell her that he personally wouldn't be giving the research to Tom Koracick, but that's just because he has extremely legitimate reasons to hate that dude.
I'm grieving hardcore for Yasuda not sticking around next season, and I hope there's a way for her contract to get renegotiated or something! Because that Yasuda and Jules almost kiss? Yes please? I haven't felt this invested in a romance that probably won't even happen in a long time on this show. But even without it being definitively a romantic thing, I love their friendship so much. I hope someone tells them right away that they aren't responsible for the death of that patient!
I'm still not "on board", exactly, for the Winston/Monica thing, but I suppose I can enjoy it for the drama for the time being? I do want Winston to be able to find happiness, honestly. I just hope Amelia/Monica is a thing we get to see in the future, too.
I'm also still in denial about Schmitt leaving next season, but I did like how annoying he was in this episode, honestly. He can be kind of a lot to handle, and I like that he's allowed to be a little more openly frustrating sometimes. Him being annoyed with Jo for not telling him she's pregnant was such a funny bit, as he realized what he had inadvertently done.
As boring as I find Lucas, I did like the little plot thread where he helps with the app to connect people who are trying to find each other. And I like that Dorian is finally discharged from the hospital - a happy ending for that patient was sorely needed after everything he's been through!
So... yeah. All in all, I'm annoyed with this episode. I'm annoyed with Catherine, I'm annoyed that Jo's pregnant, I'm annoyed that everyone's focused on Lucas, I'm bored by Nick. I'm happy that Dorian got discharged, and I'm happy that Meredith is standing up for herself, I guess? We'll be back for hopefully a bit longer of a season twenty-one. And we'll find out what the heck is going on with Kwan's amnesiac ex-fiancee... man, this show can be endearingly ridiculous sometimes.
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So now that I finally devoured A Whole Man is Hard to Find on AO3 (and am very much looking forward to more) I do have a couple of questions: first, how old is Rosey? I picture Elvis as being in his mid-thirties in this and was picturing Rosey to be in her early twenties but realize that I might be wrong. Second, I'm a little confused by something that might have been addressed but I may have missed. Rosey and Elvis are technically married as of the last chapter, even if it was more of a business transaction rather than a romantic gesture, but it's mentioned that Elvis doesn't want to fully consummate the relationship out of a marriage bed. Was their court ceremony retconned or does Elvis not see their marriage as real yet? I imagine he also doesn't want to consummate the marriage yet because he doesn't want to risk getting Rosey pregnant and is also dealing with a lot of internalized shame surrounding his sexual history.
Gosh that’s one large and heavy meal, I’m so flattered you’ve gotten through it all and I can’t wait to finally update it. I’m still working on eighteen, I’ve not forgotten. 🙈 Oh how I love these sorts of questions.
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Ok so her age, I am terrible at choosing a date and sticking to it for this AU, I want to cram too many 1870’s things into one year to make it ever viable so I’ve kept the year -and hence the ages- a bit nebulous for a reason. But. It’s pretty easily surmised -it’s been right about a decade since the war ended. 65-75. Which means I do imagine Rosey to be just into her twenties at this point, and an odd combination of oddly hardened for the young age and terribly sheltered due to being stuck on the plantation and deprived of social interactions.
As for CP, it’s mentioned he got into the war quite young, im thinking sixteen or so, and applying the same math, by wars end, he’d be around twenty. Quite young, as he’d need to be for the life and occupation he embarked on post war. So that would land him at early thirties now. But again, I left it nebulous (even began it as a reader insert) the better for y’all to pick which age you wanted to imagine, so, do what you will with this.
As for the marriage -yes, this is entirely hinging on Elvis’ view of it and has rather religious logic behind it. They married in a strictly civil ceremony for the expressed purpose of shifting assets to her name. Hardly, in his idealized imagination, the sort of thing you marry for. Marriage in his mind is swearing before God to love and take care of someone, not for profit or the swapping of gain, and worse yet, yes, consummation could lead to pregnancy which he’s already got a poor history with, it would also cement the marriage as more than a bargain and he’s not sure she’s fully aware of how awful her position as “Mrs Presley” will/would be when this whole scandal breaks. Which he assumes Parker will make it break and splatter it across the papers, it would then be safer for her, he estimates, to not be so entangled, much less pregnant when her husband’s in danger of being hung for past crimes.
So, there’s that and a significant amount of self loathing due to past history mixed into this more selfless logic, combine that with the fact he never really took this change of events into account for his life and, well, it takes a stubborn and dogged man like that a minute to adjust to make a spot for her by his side and in his life in the ways that matter -which would be, taking her before God.
So, no he doesn’t consider them technically married, as he told her even, but watch him be wishy washy on that score because he keeps falling deeper in love and he’s proud she’s his wifey even if she’s not fully his wifey and he’s possessive and she glows when he calls her that and …he’s a mess, pray for him.
WELL THAT WAS LENGTHY. Thank you for asking, I’m always down for blabbing about my intent. 😉💋
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carlos-in-glasses · 11 months
hello! 17, 18 and 21 for fic asks please 💜
Hello and thank you 🥰
17. What's the most memorable comment or review you've received on one of your fics?
Oh my gosh there's actually quite a few that have stuck with me! But the first thing that comes to mind is @heartstringsduet's comment on Afterglow of a Supernova, which I read while I was at work. A mistake - because it overwhelmed me so much that I had to fight back tears! I don't know if I should tag the other people here because it's more personal, but I've also been told by someone that they dreamed about a fic I wrote and someone else got a tattoo not because of my fic on the whole, but partly because a certain scene served as an extra nudge towards getting it. I have seen the tattoo and it is stunning.
Editing to add @erythrocytebuffoonn who rocks my world with the time and care put into reading and commenting! (I just read you Swim Fic comment and I want to cry about that as well 😭)
18. Are there any fics or authors that have been particularly influential or inspiring to you?
Yes! Not to be super wishy-washy and general about it, but basically, if I've ever bookmarked/recommended/commented a fic, that author has inspired me and left me awestruck. That includes you, Lola! I just can't look at olive oil the same now.
So many talented writers here. I just want to squeeze something.
21. Have you ever used fanfiction as a way to explore your own emotions or personal experiences?
Absolutely. Darkly, I had a certain experience in my late teens, which I wrote into a fic this very morning, exploring it through TK. I also based my own version of Alex in Chasers on my own ex. Poor TK. I'm giving him all my shit. Don't even get me started on being a queer catholic kid with daddy issues lol. Fan fic is such an outlet in different ways and I really value it.
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namimikan · 6 months
fayt's just so wishy-washy. "oh i can't help bc of the up3", "i'll help you bc i don't want to die", "actually, no, i don't want to help contribute to even more death", it just.
honestly, good for nel for blackmailing and coercing fayt and cliff. tbh, cliff's a lil more amoral, he's willing to lie and leave the hypocrisy alone, he's not actually got scruples the same way fayt does. nel is a spy, and wants to end the war and minimize death, but there will be death regardless. this is her planet, and she will do her duty.
but fayt and his idealism. it's just headache inducing. wants it both ways, and then fails to commit to either, so he just comes across as spoilt.
fayt will nearly faint bc of a "headache", and when nel and cliff are worried about him (bc they did just escape from an ice cold prison), he lashes out at them and be like stop treating me like a baby. just. ffffffffffuck off. they were right to be worried and care about you, they don't need you acting out at the thought of being babied.
like i'm not going to say edge maverick in so4 was perfect either. he was idealistic as hell too. but when he asks the clearly very evil lady "hey if i give you the information you want, will you use it for good and the betterment of mankind", and she replies "well from my perspective, i am doing good, so yes?" and she instantly tries to blow up the planet
like i know that was v. obvious a bad decision and edge was being too naive, however!!!! didn't feel quite so judgmental and tiresome, bc it actually suited edge's character. and he did beat himself up about this afterwards.
but so3, is just. oh christ, nothing is good enough for fayt leingod. doesn't want to help bc that means breaking the up3. doesn't like nel doing her fucking job as a spy, or the fact that farleen and tyrese are willing to sacrifice themselves for their country. oh but does fayt have a solution for this? no!!!! he'll just complain and act outraged bc how dare anyone do anything, fayt is here to shut people down.
at what point does he actually become likeable? gosh, i wish i knew. i know it happens at some point, but thus far it's just... resisting the urge to throttle him.
thank god for cliff, and nel tbh.
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WIP challenge!
((Time for 87000 “Untitled document” with annotation of what that means in each case! Tagged by @novantinuum!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs (or as many peeps as you want, really- ‘tis just for fun!)
Well that’s not fair, I think it’s possible I have as many WIPs as I have followers
These are in the order they appear in my Google Docs account. “Untitled document” will be annotated with a basic description of what the untitled document is since asking for “Untitled document” with as many as there are would be ridiculous. XP I’ll stop when I feel like it or when it hits 3pm, whatever happens first.
Untitled document - Two chapters of Rose to the Occasion; collectively it’s “Mr. Andy” and Gem Harvest
Untitled document - Arthur fanfic
Untitled document - The WIP I mention in the opening note on The Candle Burns Low But Still It Burns
Untitled document - A treatment of a potential second chapter of It’s Okay to Need Help (immediately following this doc is a different treatment of the same chapter with the same document name so it’s not getting an individual bullet, and neither is the other untitled document that does this later. or the fourth one. why are there so many)
Untitled document - A document that is never leaving the catacombs
Untitled document - Describing it with more than “going to Torrid” would give away more of the plot than I’d like without specifically being asked to elaborate
Untitled document - Similarly to the above... I’ll just say “teaching”
Untitled document - My doc for Auto-Injector, contains posted and WIP content
Untitled document - set after Snow Day
Untitled document - A doc that was probably more writing exercise than WIP, set in the same universe as Just a Little Something Else Instead
Rose to the Occasion - First named doc 11 docs in?! This is not just the chapter that’s been posted
SU x Holes
Untitled document - SU and Hero Elementary
yeah idk
Beach City Accessibility Audit but it’s permanent this time
Untitled document - anemia
Untitled document - not leaving catacombs
Steeb is a monster and making him think he isn't is harder than just hugging this time
Untitled document - Rugrats in Paris (but not a RiP fanfic)
Angsty Ramblings of a Robonoid (AND) A Robonoid Helped Write This Fic
Only Jasper and Mister Rogers can calm down wormy boy apparently
Untitled document - 3 year old
Untitled document - something something trial
this has leak spoilers in it and i am once again here not knowing how to title things
Untitled document - Two ones next to each other which are both Realism-related
...It’s 3pm. I only got to docs last opened on or after November 29, 2021. ._.
Go wild! Please ask me questions?! Maybe this will help me prioritize what to finish
There is only one person I’m following off the top of my head who has ever posted fanfic ever, is still active, and is not the person who tagged me (the person I am thinking of is @grits-mcallister). I just felt weird doing my usual of “yo, if anyone wants to do this, take it as a tag!!” so... feel free to do this? Or not? XD))
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rockcandyrebels · 7 years
A Really Important Chapter
So let's see...how did the last dream end? With Kysme jokingly saying "that totally makes me wanna kiss you" and Liyah just going "Well, why haven't you?" not so jokingly...
I assume there wouldn't be a real action taken right now? Instead, Aaliyah just...turns her head back towards the sky, silently. "I kind of mean it, Kysme. Why haven't you kissed me yet?" And there was silence, or at least a certain type of white noise in which you know somebody is talking, but the words fall on deaf ears. (I imagine Kysme replies dumbly, "What do you mean", or a variation of that)
" Actually, no, I have a better question- do you think there could ever be anything between us? I don't mean anything casual or like friends with benefits sort of shit. Could you see us being more than friends, the meaningful way?" No white noise, only silence. Aaliyah probably huffs, her face feeling kind of hot on account of being embarrassed. She shouldn't have brought this up, but oh well, it's already up. She might as well continue. So she does. "You don't gotta lie to me or anything, coddle my feelings or some shit. I just wanna know! And I'm not trying to force anything on you, because I don't really know how I feel about you either. I know that I care about you at least, and sometimes i mix feelings up within myself. I just want things to be clear. So..." She'd blow a strand of hair out of her face with a sigh. "Yeah."
There, she said it. Now all she has to do is wait.(edited)
And that's when things got unclear because how the fuck am i supposed to figure out meaningful dialogue for kysme by myself-
My girl.
//Clutches chest
The bravery-
GOD YEAH tbh I think the whole journey of this dreamscape just...came from that talk a long time ago? Me asking you if you think that kysme could toy with the fact that the two could be something more? (Rightly named in the blog "something more") basically just liyah putting her heart out on her sleeve all vulnerable and what not and trusting kysme to be serious with her for a second.
if only I could be like that in real life tho, shitttt
I feel serious Kysme would be silent a lot since he's actually taking time to chew over his words before spitting them out. So yeah those silences are something-
Oh gosh, glad that was right on the mark then. Don't take too long though, Kysme. Liyah might start feeling real silly, getting up and trying to brush it off like
Memphis-Rex :
And hmmmm. I feel like he might counter with a question first. After a tense moment he relaxes back into the grass, staring at the sky as well. "I don't know. I don't usually feel this way about people either. Am I even worth a genuine effort at something more? I fuck up so easily."
In that brief moment his tough guy persona slips aside, and you can see his own insecurity of losing things he cares about and his fears of being emotional.
Maybe, for once, his voice sounds gentle.
Kysme is fully aware of how shitty he can be. Sometimes he can't help it. In a way, he doesn't want to be the one who hurts her.
Would he be able to forgive himself for such a thing.
Oh, hey Memphis?
Fuck you???
This hurts more than it should?? Vunerable Kysme????ouch???
Lmao you can sleep now though if needed, you'll be rewarded a nice piece of HC. Thank you for your efforts.
His response would make liyah do a double take-turning her head to watch him again, her face obviously surprised by his change of tone. Wow. Just wow. Imagine her mouth opening to form words, though not being able to really say anything at first. Just studying his face.
"You're worth it."
Not a general, safe, 'everyone is worth it', or a shrug and wishy-washy kind of deliverance. It would be said with a quiet kind of conviction, like she actually means it. Because she does. And she smiles a bit at that, fondly. "Trust me, Kysme. I've been through the ringer a couple times with this kind of shit. Fucking up comes with the playing field- don't be so hard on yourself."
And I can see her doing something sweet, like reaching out and grabbing a hold of kysme's hand, gently so. Something to know that she's there, that she hears him. "But someone else's words probably mean nothing when your mind is convinced. Maybe you have to convince yourself that youre worth it, yeah?" She'd sigh, still her hand on top of his, a comfortable sort of silence.
There's gonna be a pause as he relishes the sensation of her hands on his. You know with how often he takes her hand jokingly to stare at its glistening surface, it's probably the first time she held his hand of her own accord. He'd bite his lip, say something like "I'll work on it." Another moment. Then, a careful movement as to not crush the arm that was previously holding his hand, he rolls over to lie on his side, closer to her, propping himself up on one elbow. There's this intense look in his candy colored eyes as he gazes down upon her face, and this time he doesn't hide it (recap-- the time he'd get distracted looking at her while she talks about movies). He's just taking it all in, up close, straightforwardly. "...But we can change one thing first." He says, referring to the earlier question of why he hasn't kissed her yet. And---
(ok if Aaliyah isn't down with this we can always change it XD)(edited)
Pt. 2--- Hypothetically speaking, if they do indeed get together, I feel nothing too much will change about their dynamics? They still have their silly banters and teasing, but finally they're not repressing their feelings so it feels more..liberating? To show some act of affection.
And I'm not saying Kysme becomes perfect boyfriend material immediately. He still makes her eyes roll to the sky with his stupidity. ("Shit, he's the biggest dumbass in the world but he's my dumbass" suddenly crosses my mind)
But there are some subtle changes in the way he acts now.(edited)
Is she going to feel bothered by his habit of occasionally sleeping with strangers (seeing her past with another pretty boy cough cough)? Cause I think the amount of times he fools around will dwindle if he's in a relationship but habits/hobbies die hard...He would try to be transparent about the matter though.
(First of all aaliyah is down yes of course the fuck you think memphis //still reading/)
(And you woke up?! Now?!)
(also doesn't hurt to double check lel)
(LOL my body must have realized that I was missing straight up PERFECT QUALITY HCING)
(And true! Okay hold on while I respond something good.)
Oh gosh, your respond to the HC kind of like, feels like the perfect end already, but I will add on one thing to it- the idea of Aaliyah's heart thumping faster and faster as she realizes what exactly kysme is about to do. A loud thump, thump, thump pounding against her ears. Her eyes growing wider and her heart jumping at her throat, because holy shit...is he really gonna do it? Is he really going to do it? and when he does do it, its like something clicks in place with her head. Something nice and tender and a little scary. She'd close her eyes and sink into the kiss almost immediately, moving her hands up to cup his cheeks and hoping to god that that burning sensation comes soon- it would be safe to assume that she herself has been guilty of wondering how it would feel on her lips, sue her. (If it does come soon then she's probably left breathless and panting and if kysme asks if she needs a second she just goes "Fuck no." She was waiting for this kiss, even if she didnt think she was ever going to get it. (stay tuned for pt.2)
And I was gonna say that too, tbh! Like...they didn't need much to shift at all- theyve always been pretty comfy with each other and to the outside viewer it probably doesnt look like anything at all has changed unless they spot some nuances (like couch hand holding, aaliyah not complaining when the guy touches her, even if he grabs her by the waist or something, her sitting on his lap while watching a movie, etc) It just kind of...comes naturally. Liberating, as you say. Just...everything is right for once. (Also don't mind me but I totally wouldn't mind if this became non-hypothetical, if ya know what I mean, hueh hueh. //rubs my grubby raccoon hands together/).
The stupidity becomes endearing in a way, exactly as you say ("my big pink dumbass").
No, I don't think she's going to be bothered by it if he's honest about it (and as long as he saves his sweetest parts for her, you know? Like don't go confiding in strangers when you have a perfectly good girlfriend here to cuddle with.) The issue that destroyed her and Samael's relationship, besides the politics, was the lying to cover the hookups and the using and emotional abuse. It wasn't the fact that Sam was sleeping around, its the fact that she was the last to know, usually through other people. And what a shitty feeling is that. So even if he still has trouble with the deep conversation portion or the relationship, as long as he isn't lying to her face on petty shit, she wont make a big deal about it. Maybe even jokes about it when he tells her. ("Oh, cool. So is that the one you were talking about organizing the threesome with?") And that is to say that although she herself isn't someone to sleep around, I could see her branching out herself, once or twice. Lol (also speaking of which if we are going down this road she 'll likely tell him about that whole relationship fiasco, get ready for that can of worms kysme)
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