#im due for my testosterone shot in a few days but i dont have the money or time to go to the doctors lately so its being pushed back
transguyjesus · 10 months
4 years on Testosterone
Oof, its been a hard four years. Not bc of hrt, but life in general. Im gonna graduate uni in just two more years if everything goes well, family has died, we found some lost family as well... anyway
- i recently went through old photos and the changes are incredible and im so happy with how far ive come
-i grew out my hair again, i used to not be able to have it longer than my neck, now its about mid-back
- i shaved for the first time a few days ago. I was terribly hesitant to shave since facial hair has always been one of my main sources of gender dysphoria so i just trimmed to look tidier. And i still didnt shave everything, i left my mustache and a lil bit under the lip (and i didnt really like the style so i might not do it again hfhdhfhs) but it felt nice
- i found some old boxers i had from when i was pre-t and tried them on and they were really loose. I knew ive gone down two sizes (ive had to buy a belt and replace pants throughout the years) but this was like a revelation of just how much of a difference there is.
- i can maintain a tune again. My voice still cracks when i talk every now and then but thats because i tend to get excited sometimes (infodump) and thats just a natural part of the experience hfhdhhs
-my parents once again just straight up gaslighted an old friend of theirs who knew me from before LMAO "didnt you have another daughter?" "Nope, always have had this son" "but what about *deadname*?" "Who? You must be confusing our kids with somebody else's kids."
-bad but expected news: my hair is thinning. Genetically i know that eventually going bald is inevitable and im mentally prepared to shave my entire head at some point in the future. Still, I'm going to try and do my best to delay it for as long as i can, as i dont wanna have to do it now at 24, i'd prefer to keep my hair for at least one more decade, thank you very much lmao
All in all, im really happy with how far ive come. Still, im going to be purposefully delaying my next shot (which is in a week) because of the aforementioned thinning hair. I'll be seeing a doctor for some sort of medication to treat it (as well as something for my skin condition which has gotten more annoying than usual lately) and resume HRT once ive been using the medication for one month so it sets well and blah blah hfhshs its not the first time i get delayed by one month (due to economic or other issues) so i know that its gonna be fine (*・∀-)b
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dfge45tsd · 4 years
how did u get t. . . .😳
So when I turned 18, I looked around for clinics. In my state, as long as youre 18, you dont need any kind of documents beforehand. I got super lazy but eventually scheduled an appointment in November.
You can probably just look up " transgender hormone clinic " and itll show you places around you can call and schedule an appointment with. All you have to tell them is that you wanna start testosterone.
First appointment is mostly questions and making sure you're not in an abusive household at least for me. A lot of it is safety and then they'll do labs and a short physical to make sure you're good to start T.
Then youll get a 2nd appointment shortly after and they just teach you how to take your T, your dose, etc and make you practice. Its easy after you do it yourself and you'll usually get T the day of. Again, I had issues with my appointments because I was out of state a lot lol but I finally started in February.
After around 2-3 months, youll need labs again so they can decide if you need more T, less, or your dose is perfect. Its a LOT easier than I thought.
And if/when you do start, as a tip, get subq injections if not be default. Do your thighs, never your hips or further back. Do 2 shots on one outer side before switching to the opposite leg. You'll bleed a little at first but it tappers off, and your shots will get a little more painful due to fat redistribution after a few months but Im sure youll do great. If you have any other questions let me know.
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