#im too excited about everything and forget to actually post stuff to the appropriate blog
thoughts on the wawwa finale? ur like the only blog I follow that posts abt it so I’m curious to hear ur thoughts👀
 I LOVED it. i think it is probably one of the best finales i’ve seen? Here are some assorted thoughts,. SPOILERS obviously:
-With the whole thing taking place in one evening before caitlin moves in a different sort of setting it felt really atmospheric and i think had MAJOR before sunrise vibes in the sense they were constantly racing against the clock to experience the show before dawn when they needed to go home in a really romantic cityscape and a lot of almost direct parallels in terms of some of shots and how they were framed. 
-the way caitlin and fraser’s relationship unfolds is really unique imo. you have a FEW other kisses/encounters they’ve had earlier on in the show and in the episode too and they all just feel sort of  forced and uncomfortable to watch and there’s a distinct. lack of feeling? so when they finally do find each other at the end it feels really really unique and tender like an inevitability, 
- i also love the little hints they drop through the epsiode things are sort of shifting with how they see their relationship, like fraser glancing at their hands at the train station and how intimate and giddy they are singing together on the train. And the real happiness you feel watching those moments feels so different from how you feel when you watch them trying to hang out with other people, like you just desperately want them to go back to each other, so it’s like the way it’s filmed makes you  come to the same realizations the characters do in real time. and the relief and sort of inevitability of like coming home you feel watching their performances (which are OUTSTANDING imo) in that last scene where they take off their hats and  fraser kisses caitlin’s face you realize there was no other ending that would have felt good? and you’re really in that moment
-I also think its so healthy and special and unique to acknowledge that romance, at its best is an extension and just like slightly different expression of friendship, and at their core theyre the same! i’m not sure i’ve ever seen a show (esp about young people, where drama and like....weirdly tension-filled situations and dynamics are glamorized) illustrate how much love should be something comforting and tender  and most of all built off just a really genuine, deep affection that comes first and foremost before any preconceived notion of romance? 
-I LOVE a good gay appropriation of a typical romantic trope, so when it became clear fraser was gonna pull a running to the airport to stop the other person situation it actually felt really meaningful, esp in a show typically SO subverting of norms and devoid off cliches this one felt rly natural and special bc it was so differernt in that way 
-ok so i was talking to my friend who i watch this show with and we’re pretty confident luca was imaginary? like fraser was making him up? from the extent he was like. a manic pixie dream boy extension of fraser who disappeared LITERALLY  THE MOMENT he realized he only wanted to be with cait and because of sort of the general weirdness of his character’s existence in general/the fact he appeared RIGHT AFTER fraser confessed he imagined mark. this plus the fact it was caitlins last night makes it seem natural to some extent he would have regressed into a fantasy world to not deal with the pain of losing someone who was closer to him than anyone else he had ever met? but then at the end  he realized their relationship even if it was fleeting or harper had to leave tomorrow was so much more valuable, and that he’d rather see the view with them for a few minutes than try and self medicate with fantasy. like it felt like a real solidification of the “right here right now” theme of the whole show, in that moment he chose reality even if it was just for a little bit because to actually experience a moment and the way you feel about someone is infinitely more important and worthwhile than escaping into fantasy to protect yourself from any hurt
- i think it’s so fuckin cool and radical how they CELEBRATE exploring and not fully having a word or label to put to cait/harper’s gender identity. like it’s something that’s encouraged and considered healthy they’re figuring it out and it’s not something that is like. tragically infused with ONLY pain or turmoil but also excitement!! and joy!! and joyful free expresssion fuck yeah!!! like  it didn’t feel right or completely natural to them to fall into these different labels and that’s just fine bc it’s joyful to fuckin  just express yourself and be on that journey and a lot of times it doesn’t fit into a binary or standard definition someone else made! i loved that i dont think ive seen that before in a tv show just so casually and naturally and like im full adult and felt rly inspired by it and am so happy kids have the opportunity to also maybe feel seen or like less alone because of it 
- the ending reminded me SO MUCH of the florida project?? like the moment he took off through the ending was just so magical and i really really enjoyed that. 
i’m sure i’m forgetting some stuff because i had. A LOT Of thoughts. but. here’s everything that came to mind Right Now
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