#it’s a pretty scary combo to witness
grailfinders · 1 year
Brute Grail Front Review #3
Yeah it’s another one on mobile, sorry. We’ll get links on it when we can, and the rest should be earlier in the day and full-featured
The Enemy
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tbh, this team feels a lot weaker than the first two. sure, Odysseus and Sherlock Holmes have powers that basically let them cheat to be smarter than everyone else in the room, but they’re working with Romulus and Eric, two characters I was sure DW forgot about before this grail front happened.
having two barbarians on the frontline helps their defense a lot, but it also means their tactical prowess in the back lines are kind of wasted.
Who to Bring
I don’t think you need to overly worry about who you’re bringing to this fight, but it’s best not to be complacent around Odysseus.
so hear me out: eric killed a king to take the throne, Mordred killed a king to take the throne… maybe he can bring eric to your side? eh? if not, having elemental damage against barbarians is still pretty useful.
if you want to match wits with Sherlock, you need Moriarty, that’s just facts.
if we’re going to mess with the plan man Odysseus, we either need someone super smart or someone so difficult to predict. there’s plenty of smart assassins, but we’re already using a lot of points so let’s grab Jekyll and Hyde and call it a day. he can’t predict us if we can’t predict us!
finally, Romulus is a barbarian and a druid, which is a very scary combo, so we need someone to shut that shit down. that’s where Babbage comes in. he’s got enough defense to keep up against Romulus, and his size and speed combo can block Romulus’ movements no matter what what he is.
man, this turned into London part 2 real quick, huh?
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a-shared-experience · 9 months
Drugs don’t really make people violent… circumstances, emotions history of abuse.. those make people violent. The pursuit of power and money. Alcohol is one of the most violent substances and you can buy it on any street corner. Untreated severe mental health diagnoses mixed with substance can be a nightmare for sure… mostly it’s schizophrenia and vanilla extract or listerine that make for a scary combo. Those are all legal substances. Down tends to make people pass out and meth improves cognitive function in most and makes people more alert. It’s literally prescribed for adhd and obesity and we call it desoxyn at the pharmacy. It definitely can make people irritable but so can traffic jams and coworkers and long line ups.
I hate violence and I’m all for serving and protecting but I’ve witnessed peace officers and police break people’s meth pipes who are houseless and smoking in an area where kids don’t go, a place that’s for drug users and houseless individuals. Harmless people who were sitting on a bench doing absolutely nothing to bother anyone. So let’s be realistic about what the police intentions are. We keep dumping money into enforcement and ranting about tax dollars but I assure you it cost much more to not help people. I don’t mean forced help , I mean meaningful help.
Legalize drugs and that leaves gangs pretty broke. Remember when we knew like 18 people who sold pot and now we just pay extra to buy it at the store? It’s a multi billion dollar business. spoiler alert… no one wants to deal with gangs and no one wants to be arrested for using substance. The reality is that many people use substances and by default some will be kinda sucky but mostly it’s just regular people. Oh yea and turns out pot doesn’t kill brain cells after all. If only scientists had of told the politicians this.. oh wait they did.
Create affordable housing for people to live in.
Make mental health a part of provincial healthcare and heavily invest in multi cultural social programs to begin rehabilitating entire communities instead of punishing individuals
Recognize physical and mental health are the same because the body is entirely interconnected - perhaps allocate more than 3 % of our healthcare budget to go towards mental health programs.
Don’t give a person who’s uneducated on a very important topic which involves human life and human death a microphone and audience to sway.
Crime is definitely concerning but I reckon we’d have less if we started addressing trauma, getting folks a safe place to live, offering 24/7 behavioural crisis units compromised of medical professionals, psychologists, counsellors, peer support and cultural supports. People who are trained to deal with medical crises such as addiction and psychosis instead of those trained to restrain, arrest, detain, and ultimately kill.
I often wonder what the agenda is because we live in a time where we have a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips via the internet.
I go to the doctor when I have a health problem , not the cops
How long have we tried enforcement ?
Who’s winning the war ?
Give people fucking dignity and they’ll become kinder. When a person has to shit in the streets because we’ve closed all public washrooms it will eventually break them. We treat people like animals and get mad when they bite. You can’t cage em all in our little jails.
When the nearly 21000 at risk of homelessness lose their home to rent increase are we gonna bring in the army ?
I saw an article about police wanting to change the laws so that officers could smoke pot off duty- you don’t get to enforce a law that states cannabis is a scheduled one drug, give people criminal records and steal portions of their life and get our sympathy in return.
No pot for you
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shibaraki · 2 years
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"Where's Dabi?"
Shigaraki doesn't even spare you a glance from his console, both pinkies held up out of habit even with his gloves on, thumbs clicking frantically at the buttons as he completes another combo. "Not my problem. I don't care where he goes as long as he's back tonight," he mumbles offhandedly.
The others aren't much help either, though Toga does point you in the direction of the fire escape, mentioning that he skulked through there around an hour ago for some air. You push the door open, frowning at the weight of it and making sure to close it carefully before you begin to search the alley.
It isn't long before you hear his voice. You know it's him and yet, it sounds completely different to the man you're used to — gentle and low, coaxing almost. As you come up to a sharp turn you press your back against the wall, slowly peeking round, not wanting to be caught. You were so used to his monotony, always quick to irritability and adept at sarcasm, that you wanted to know what could make him so tender.
There, crouched in front of a large dumpster, Dabi held his hand out towards a very scrawny looking ginger cat, a finger slightly extended to let it smell him while also maintaining distance. "I know I look scary but I promise I'm not," you hear him say, "you're pretty cute though aren't ya?"
At that the cat leans heavily into his touch, almost flopping forwards with enthusiasm. His laugh, though quiet and barely audible from where you stand, has warmth kindling in your chest. A part of you felt guilty for intruding on something clearly private, for seeing him so unguarded and content, but you just couldn't look away from his barely there smile.
"Probably hard for you out here too, huh?" he continues to pet the cat as he leans forward onto the balls of his feet to look beneath their tail "such a good... boy. Good boy".
You listen to the feline reply, pitched high and melodic. Perhaps it was still a kitten. The sound only pulls Dabi's lips wider, grinning softly, though not enough to strain the sutures in his cheeks. You watch then as he meets the cat's eyes and blinks, purposefully slow, and you have to tuck yourself away against the wall to cover the small coo of affection building in your chest.
To your relief he doesn't hear you, and eventually exits the alley with the cat at his heels. If he knew you'd witnessed such a sweet moment he'd surely snap out of embarrassment, but the secrecy suited you just fine. This part of him that you'd never seen before — you wanted to keep it for yourself. Atleast for now.
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sdaomine · 3 years
NXX Boys and Their Sisters
Tears of Themis Boys If They Had Sisters! Yay!
⚖️ Artem Wing
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Eleanor Wing
• 36 years old
• same height as him (artem hates it)
• has short, auburn hair with a bob cut; blue eyes
• basically Artem's carbon copy istg but more mature-looking
• is also a top-notch lawyer abroad
• artem is a serious, hard-working man? jokes on you, eleanor is thrice as serious and ambitious as him
• will never ever have a boyfriend because she's scary asf
• wants to be artem's rival in court one time but only because she wishes to tease him
• she's not showy but she loves and supports his little bro sm that she planned to throw a big gathering when she discovered artem got himself a girlfriend
• almost choked when artem told her he got himself a girlfriend
• almost cried when artem told her his girlfriend is a lawyer (yay! family of lawyers!)
• intimidated the hell out of you when you first saw her
• istg she looks scarier than artem. scarier than his entire family, actually
• looks so stern but is actually a softie when you talked for the first time
• plus she's gorgeous and intelligent asf
• forget about artem—can i take eleanor?
• has a really beautiful speaking voice
• is jealous that artem can cook and she can't
• teases artem all night long in front of his family, and so you witnessed his tomato face the entire evening
• gives you boyfriend/relationship tips even when she hasn't dated anyone yet
• tells you no one has ever asked her out yet, but irl she rejects all of them
• will murder for artem and you
• then she'll save herself in court
• always calls you and invites you to hang out with her when she has free time, therefore pissing off artem because you decide to go shopping or do coffee dates with her instead of your boyfriend
• you see artem's text to her saying, "Eleanor, stop asking my girlfriend out."
• she's such a good friend and companion it makes you wish you become each other's shopping partners forever + you want to continue your girl dates. well, honey, you can make that possible if you marry her brother
• lowkey slips the topic of marriage during conversations, making you blush
• the kindest person on earth, don't fight me on this one
• is like your elder sister but can also be your mother figure if u want her to
• heaven-sent angel
• artem loves her so much even if he's not showy too
• she'll automatically be your relationship counselor once u get married to artem bc that's one of her specializations
• asks you straightforwardly about your sex life as part of your girl talk
• you're a simp for her, don't lie to me
🔎 Luke Pearce
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Lucy Pearce
• 17 years old
• is smol like you and she's adorable for that
• has long, wavy, chestnut-brown hair and eyes the same as luke's
• she's really pretty you bet lots of guys are pursuing her—but they're kinda unlucky because luke is her older brother
• she's really genuine to everyone esp her brother. with their parents long gone, the two only relied on each other (and you and your parents, of course, since you took them in)
• she loves you sm she gets really excited when you three hang-out
• has been trying to set you up with his brother for a long time now but you have no idea because you're denser than the earth
• she's just TOO kind and genuine you'd get your hands dirty if someone ever hurt her
• hates math and science but loves literature
• teaching her high school math is the worst thing to ever happen to luke
• has a kawaii sense of fashion and you always go thrift store shopping with her because you want to play dress-up
• is a very talented fashion designer
• loves chips and milk. not a good combo tho
• has the worst tantrums + makes it really difficult for luke to console and make peace with her
• she has a really big crush on marius von hagen and luke hates marius even more for that
• is smart but sometimes a little too dense
• tears of joy when you told her you're in a relationship with her brother
• always nags at luke to remind him of how he should treat you well
• is very protective of you now because if you break up with luke her brother's gonna be losing his first and last chance of getting himself a wife
• is a big bully towards luke
• pesters you to tell her stories about you and her big brother and you end up telling her, anyway
• you braid luke's hair together
• you tried to cook together but to no avail + the house almost got burned so you swore to never do it again and just buy some take-out
• sweet, sweet lucy has a crush on her best friend's brother. her best friend is Zofia von Hagen
🖌️ Marius von Hagen
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Zofia von Hagen
• 17 years old
• long, straight, violet hair with bangs + purple eyes too
• always wearing a ponytail
• maybe she's allergic to the sun because she always wears her shades; with new designs and different brands every day
• her iPhone is superglued to her manicured hands
• it's either heels or sneakers for her
• has her personal stylist because she's too lazy to style herself in the morning
• a really talented guitarist, unlike her brother marius
• for some reason she's not in good terms with their eldest sibling
• is the biggest snob you'll ever meet
• personality's a huge contrast with marius's
• only talks to people she's close with
• not as hard-working as marius but survives in school because she's hella smart
• marius's biggest bully + basher
• bitch is so fucking good at martial arts. she chose martial arts over music/arts, but she learned how to play the guitar by herself
• she can move the way annie leonhart does
• can be sweet when it comes to her best friend, lucy pearce
• doesn't want a boyfriend but a girlfriend instead
• also gifted in the field of arts but doesn't want to pursue it
• is the real spoiled brat in the von hagen family
• daddy's girl
• dude... this girl's in love with lucy pearce
• dude she likes her best friend
• fuck you, marius. lucy's mine
• lucy > rich and handsome boys
• this kid sus when you first met her, and you're surprised when she asks you, "has my brother proposed to you yet?"
• when you said no, she lets out a relieved and sigh and smiles—and straight out tells you, "good. you can still back out from this bad decision you're making."
• she may seem like a bitch at first, but when she warms up to you, istg this kid's gonna do literally everything for you
• her new life motto: must protecc miss attorney (aside from lucy)
• always makes sure to pester you when you're at the von hagen estate so that his brother can't make any moves on you
• always interrupts it when marius is about to kiss you
• there was a time when you were making out with marius in the living room and he receives a text from her that says: use condoms you idiot
• has the worst mood swings but they don't apply on you because she wants you to be her sister-in-law
• plus she can blackmail marius whenever she wants to
• *sighs* seventeen-year-old me won't probably be friends with Zofia von Hagen
🌹 Vyn Richter
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• Marie Victoria Elizabeth de Haspran
• aka Tori or Victoria Richter
• is 31 years old and probably the gods' ultimate favorite because she's just so damn beautiful she could be venus herself
• has pearl-white hair that is always tucked in a neat, royal-looking bun
• she has a million-dollar hair clip that never really leaves her hair; you'd think she wears it even when she showers
• well, jokes on you because she doesn't shower—we kinda forgot she owns eight different types of bathtubs back in their estate
• has really pretty golden eyes she could hypnotize you with them; also has a mesmerizing smile
• this family's got damn long pretty lashes
• her voice is the softest, most beautiful
• her laugh will be the end of everyone
• she has a close relationship with vyn, but vyn despises her every time she addresses her as albert
• victoria our sexy, elegant queen
• good at speech, writing, and noble sports and other activities these rich peeps do
• has her pinky raised when she drinks tea
• vyn never lets her drink wine (or too much wine) or he always has to be there when victoria is drinking because her alcohol tolerance, i'm telling you—is ten times worse than artem's
• tea > every other drink in the universe
• can beat vyn's pathetic ass in a game of polo; never misses the bullseye when doing archery
• she's vyn's role model istg if victoria can be this perfect, then so can he
• piano and flute skills are way past heaven
• a really, really good big sister to our vyn
• this woman's so charming and nice you'd lower your guard when you're around her when in fact you really should not
• NEVER let your pathetic guard down when you're around the Haspran family, okay
• istg she knows what's running in your mind but you don't know that because she's in front of you, relishing her tea and wearing the prettiest smile
• queen of emotion-control and vyn admires her for that
• the love of her life is a prince from another domain and he's the only one who could make victoria de haspran blush to her death
• she was the first one to send you an official letter rom Svart stating that she would really wish to see you
• your cheeks burned so much because she addressed you as "Miss Y/N, future duchess of Svart" and victoria knows that, ofc. she planned all this. she knows every little thing she says to you. to everyone.
• she prepared a grand tea party just for you
• meeting her was one of the best experiences you ever had and you'll treasure it forever
• conversation with her and vyn is so easy because they share a good relationship with one another
• these siblings are so experienced in so many fields that sometimes you feel out of place, but they are quick and skillful enough to change the subject and make it about you
• she tells you she wants you to dress up and make acquaintance with the other nobles sometime soon and and intentionally said, "but i am afraid, miss attorney, that you will be sneaking your way into the hearts of Svart's noblemen."
• vyn glared at her as if she's his greatest enemy
• he was swift to tell his sister that there is no need for such thing, but if she insists, vyn will come with you
• you always catch victoria admiring your beauty
• you think vyn can be sly and manipulative? you haven't seen this woman in action yet
• victoria's gotten so close to you that she revealed to you her greatest secret
• —that she likes to read historical smut
• ngl you feel like she's made you blush countless times because she always slips into conversation how adorable your children with vyn would be
• and tells you some of the lovemaking ideas she has read about (vyn lowkey wanna walk out)
• you got really sad when you and vyn returned to stellis because you just wanted to be with victoria for a while
• because she's just too perfect
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paintedwithapalette · 4 years
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Monsters Incorporated could be a ticking bomb waiting to happen at times. With its reliance on laughter to fuel their city, it wasn’t entirely uncommon that they’d receive laughter so powerful and potent that it would cause a shortage. This was one of those times. At least, for the upper floors of the massive complex where some sort of outage had taken place, and considering the CEO of the company had Boo with him, he didn’t want to turn her visit into a mess of running from floor to floor like the last time she was there. As much as he and his best friend loved her, they didn’t want Boo slowing them down either. They thought it might be best if she stayed in the lower levels where the power was, thankfully, still intact. 
The good news for Mike Wazowksi and James P. Sulliven was that a certain fuzzy exterminator who carried an oversized key was in the neighborhood. Though, this time he didn’t have the one-eyed duck and green dog with heterochromia iridum accompanything him. Instead, it was an unfamiliar girl wearing a stylish pink dress with her periwinkle fur, large paws, four eyes, and horns. It was a far cry from the much more outlandish looks of Donald and Goofy they remembered. 
After a quick introduction to Kairi and thanking the two for stopping by to do them a favor, Mike and Sulley scurried off to reach one of the main generators on one of the upper floors, leaving Sora and Kairi to care for Boo themselves, They entered Sulley’s office where the two had left Boo to play with her dolls while they stepped outside to have a chat with Sora and Kairi. 
“Boo?” Sora asked no one in particular. The room seemed fairly standard for an office: a desk located in the back with a computer and shelves of books surely collecting dust. “Anyone home?” 
As Sora and Kairi stepped further inside and searched the room for any signs of the young girl, Sora accidentally stepped on a doll and carefully picked it up. 
“This must be hers,” Sora concluded. 
“Do you think she’s okay?” Kairi asked, concern painted on her face. 
Sora didn’t say anything. Monsters Inc. was a big place and there was no telling where she could have gone. Boo was a sweetheart but she could be a troublemaker as well if left unsupervised. Sora crossed his arms and closed his eyes, contemplating what their next move should be. 
“AGH!” Sora yelled, wincing. 
When the dust settled, he saw the culprit reveal herself from behind Sulley’s desk, covering her mouth with both hands as she giggled at the reaction she was delighted to have witnessed from Sora. 
“Whoa, Boo! Where’d you come from?” Sora asked. 
Kairi laughed. “Looks like someone got a little spooked.” 
Sora cleared his throat and rubbed right under his nose. “Yeah, scared that you’d get hurt,” he excused poorly.  
Kairi gave a knowing smirk. “Yeah, sure.” 
When Boo looked at Kairi, she tilted her head at the unfamiliarity of her. Kairi recognized the little girl’s uncertainty and hunched over with a friendly wave. “Hi, there! You must be Boo. My name is Kairi. I’m Sora’s girlfriend.” 
Despite the validity of her bold statement, Sora couldn’t help but blush with a goofy smile lingering on his face that was only concealed thanks to his fur. Boo wasn’t sure what exactly a “girlfriend” was but she assumed it was something similar to Mommy and Daddy. With a giggle, she ran towards Kairi, talking to her as if she could understand whatever gibberish she spewed as she took her hand. 
“You are just the cutest little thing,” Kairi cooed as she picked up Boo. “And probably a lot braver than Mr. Scaredy Cat over here.”  
“Whaaaat?” Sora said. “I am not. I mean, okay...” he crossed his arms. “Some of the monsters around this place kinda give me the heebie-jeebies, but... I wouldn’t say I’m a scaredy cat.” 
Kairi sent him a teasing smirk. 
“What?!” he said defensively. 
Kairi laughed, settling into a sigh. “Oh, Sora. Remember when you and Riku would come over and we’d steal scary movies from my parent’s room to watch at midnight? You pretty much hid under the blankets the whole time and couldn’t sleep with the light off for a week.” 
“I was seven!” 
Kairi shook her head, the smile on her face never leaving. “You haven’t changed a bit. Even your monster form looks non-threatening.” 
“Huh? No way! I can totally be scary when I wanna be. Right, Boo?”
The only thing that came to mind for Boo was the unforgettable Funny Face Special that cracked her up the last time he visited. “Scary” was the last thing her developing brain categorized Sora as by any means. She giggled just thinking about it. 
“Aww, no. Not you too, Boo!” Sora dropped his head in shame. 
“Then it’s settled,” Kairi concluded as she and Boo laughed. 
“Hmmm.” Sora folded his arms and looked to the ceiling, thinking to himself until an idea came to him. Maybe if he scared Boo, it would show just how intimidating he could be. With a sinister-looking grin, Sora raised his hands and wiggled his fingers, a low growl murmuring under his breath. 
However, what Sora perceived to be a sinister smile came off more as a silly, non-threatening look Boo assumed was meant to be as funny as it looked and once again rewarded Sora with affectionate laughter. 
While Sora loved making her happy, he wasn’t sure what he was doing wrong either. He spent the next ten minutes doing whatever he could to make Boo at least a little fearful; he made every face he could possibly muster, but they all resulted in either blank, confused stares or laughing frenzies from the girls. 
A lightbulb popped over his head as an idea came to mind. “Stay right here,” Sora requested as he hurriedly turned off the lights, blanketing the three of them in complete darkness. 
“Boooooooo,” Sora sang in a deep, haunting voice. “I seeeeeee youuuuuuu.” 
Sora couldn’t see it, but Boo’s lips quivered. Thankfully, she had Kairi to hold onto tight, making the dark not as scary as it normally would’ve been. Sora carefully and quietly crept around the office. 
“Boooooooooo,” Sora echoed. 
“Kitty?” Boo said in hopes of her favorite monster friend coming to her rescue at any moment. 
Sora stealthily crept closer to where he pinpointed where Kairi stood and snuck behind her. He lifted his finger, ready to tap Boo on the shoulder in hopes of giving her a good fright, but instead, Boo heard him at the last second and grabbed his finger just before he could touch her.  
“Boo!” she said. 
“WHOA!” Sora cried,  rushing back to turn the lights back on. Kairi howled with laughter at how poorly Sora’s plan backfired. He groaned. Maybe that was what he deserved, trying to scare a little girl just to prove a point. Still, as he watched Boo laugh heartily with Kairi knowing that he was the cause, it did make him feel warm and fuzzy inside. . 
“I guess you’re just too cute to be scary, Sora,” Kairi teased. “Just stick to what you do best, okay?” 
Sora smiled. Kairi was right. If anything, he was more glad to have been able to bring Boo such joy rather than be the reason she would have a nightmare that night. “Looks like you win, Boo,” Sora said. “You’re tough! Guess nothing ever gets you down, huh?” 
Boo only responded with more giggles before she spoke a set of words he wasn’t expected. “Funny Face! Funny Face!” 
“Huh?” Sora questioned aloud. To his surprise, she really did remember that from the last time he visited. 
“Funny Face?” Kairi asked. “Oh, you mean like when you first met Donald and Goofy, right?” 
Sora rubbed the back of his furry head with a bashful smile. “Ah, I guess you would remember that, huh?” 
“Yup!” Kairi affirmed with a laugh. “And honestly, I’d like to see it, too.” 
“Well, I guess I can’t disappoint,” Sora said. He set his feet, tied his hands behind his back, dipped his head down with an imaginary drum roll playing in his mind before he shot back up with his eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head, showing off his pearly whites. 
Just like last time, Boo laughed like a little madwoman. Kairi found the sight amusing as well, it was her first time seeing this face from a third-party’s perspective rather than when she was inside his heart when he first did it. 
Sora chuckled. “Hey, Kairi, give it a try!” 
“Oh, m-me?” Kairi asked. 
“Sure! Let’s see how silly you can be.” 
“Well, I guess I can give it a try,” Kairi said. She turned Boo in her arms to give her a better look at her before she dipped her head down, imaginary drum roll and all, before she lifted her head with her crossed-eyes pupils and her tongue sticking out. “Neeeeeeeeee!” 
Boo was hit with gut-wrenching laughter she couldn’t contain, tears leaking from the little girl’s eyes as the deadly combo of both Sora and Kairi sending her the silliest faces they could manifest was too much for her to handle. Before long, Sora and Kairi noticed the lights in the room beginning to flicker at a rapid rate. They ceased their onslaught of silly faces, but Boo didn’t stop laughing at the fresh memories. 
In an instant, the lights cut off and shards of glass from the broken lightbulb crashed onto the floor, thankfully out of reach to not hurt Boo but close enough to make Kairi let out a slight shriek. 
“What happened?” she asked. 
Sora nearly forgot that laughter was what fueled the city of Monstropolis. Having Boo laugh so much must have caused some sort of overload. He chuckled nervously. “I think we might have gone a bit too far.” 
Before Kairi could ask a question, they heard Mike Wazowksi’s muffled voice from the other side of the door. “See, Sull? What’d I tell ya? That generator was a piece of cake. Still, where’s the electrician when you need ‘em?” 
“You probably could’ve used the exercise yourself, Butterball,” Sulley replied as the two entered the office only to find that it was pitch black. 
“Uh, guys? You in here?” Mike asked. 
“Yeah, Mike,” Sora said, leading Kairi outside into the light of the hallway. 
“You guys playing hide and seek?” Sulley asked. 
Sora rubbed the back of his head. “I, uh... think you guys might need a new lightbulb.” 
“What the heck is that s’posed to mean?” Mike asked. “What in the world were you two doin’ to make Sull’s whole office pitch black?” 
“Making Boo laugh,” Sora admitted bashfully. 
“Yeah, like this!” Kairi said, offering a demonstration as she made a similar face from before. 
Sora, Mike, and Sulley reached out their hands dramatically. “Kairi, no!” all three said a variation of. 
But it was too late. Boo went into another burst of laughter and before they knew it, the hallway lights flickered and after another resounding pop, they stood in the midst of darkness. 
“Oops,” Kairi squeaked. “Sorry... I didn’t think her laughs were that powerful.” 
“But if the entire hallway blacked out, then does that mean...?” Sora prodded. 
Sulley sighed. “You guys think you might wanna take a trip down to the generator in the basement?” 
Mike nearly had a heart attack. “OH, FOR THE LOVE OF—”
Definitely one of my sillier and lighter pieces for this week! Lol the adorable full piece will be posted by @amyhayanora​, so check her out! 
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tackyink · 3 years
Rambling for real about things that happened ages ago. tl;dr my school from 16 to 18 was pretty crappy
I was reading the link to the Père Lachaise bat lore on the last reblog because I did a project on that cemetery, along with a few others, when I was 17. In order to graduate from our equivalent of high school, you need to do a big project with a presentation on your last year, and my school forced us to make it a group project because the faculty just didn’t want to deal with triple or quadruple work. They heartily recommended us to pick people from our own class and do something related to our branch of study, so of course I went and joined forces with my close friend group, which was split into three separate branches (tech, humanities and social sciences). Our homeroom teachers didn’t seem to mind a lot, so we went to grab something to eat after school and brainstorm about what we could do.
In the end, we settled on cemetery art. There’s a couple of interesting cemeteries in our city, so we could do field work instead of just doing a lot of copy pasting from the internet and books.
Problem was that not only did the faculty not want to work, our Art History teacher, who actually liked the idea, was unavailable, and no one else wanted to work specifically with us because they thought the subject was too creepy.
Let’s keep in mind that these were a bunch of 50-something year olds refusing to supervise some teens’ project because they thought looking at angel statues was scary. I... just... what.
In the end, we were assigned the French teacher, who according to the only one of us who had her as a teacher was a bit nasty, and hoo BOY.
There were two groups under her supervision, and she favored the other one and couldn’t even be discreet about it. At least once a week we met with her for an hour to review our progress, and she spent at most 10 minutes looking at our material, not even feigning interest or offering any suggestions, to then go to the other group and chat with them until the time was up. This went on for months. This project was 10% of our grade and the most civil thing that woman said to us all along was that it was nice that we had translated and cleaned up a statue chart that we found on the internet. We ended up doing everything by ourselves.
My Spanish Lit teacher, bless his certified weirdo soul, and my homeroom teacher were the only adults that attended our presentation in a cramped room that wasn’t even used for lessons, and I guess the French teacher hadn’t been saying very nice things about our work because both were pleasantly surprised with the result and congratulated us.
Then, the final nail in the coffin was when the grades came out. We got a 9 out of 10. Nobody in the school got a 10 because according to the teachers we asked, “the perfect project doesn’t exist.”
This was a problem, because students averaging 9 to 10 on a global scale get their first year of university free, and there’s a limit to how many of those a school can give out. One of my female-presenting friends and I were essentially competing for one of the three available spots, and we really needed that extra point because guys had an advantage over us: our PE teacher was a sleazy sexist bastard and it was well known that he never graded guys below 7 and girls above 6, barring two exceptions: we could get up to an 8 playing extracurricular sports or, in one spectacular case we witnessed, being a literal model with very bouncy tits. This isn’t a jab at her, she was a professional model and dressed as such, even to school, and looked older than her age. He liked that. How’s that for creepy, faculty?
Adding to that, I fucked up my knee playing basketball when I was 15 and relapsed at 16, so I had to sit out PE classes for most of the year. I had a flat 5 in my report card.
Our saving grace came with the final meetings the teachers had at the end of our second year. I would bet a lot of money that it was a combo effort by our homeroom teachers, the Spanish Lit wacky man, and the Latin teacher, but they decided to up our PE grades so we could have a 10 in our global grade and get that free pass to university. To which we went together, by the way, so group projects were never shit again.
I didn’t fully realize the gravity of all this until I was older, but the rampant disfunction and cronyism in that school nearly left me out of university. There’s no way I could have afforded it, and with the rapid rise of uni prices in the following years and the economic crisis, there’s even less of a chance that I would have been able to save money and go later. I was very fortunate to have a few choice people willing to stick their necks out for me, but I also hope the French and PE teachers choked on a spiky dick in the years that have elapsed since then. At least they fired the English teacher after only ~10% of us passed the English test in our uni access exams.
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anathemafiction · 5 years
Three Sunrises
Commission made by the wonderfully supportive @dizzy-tx.
The Pitch: Clumsy blushy MC+ blushy awkward Hadrian combo. Featuring Aura, the perky sweetheart with a fondness for animals, and Hadrian.
Fluff so sweet it will rot your teeth.
2.8k words
Hadrian was sure he would die any moment now. 
It had seemed like such a good idea at first. They had three days before the ship was to leave arbor. Three days in this remote outpost, with barely enough size to be called a village, in a tiny island right in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. 
Three full days Hadrian would get to spend with you. And even if just walking through the peaceful Greek gardens alongside you, or sit by a rock near the cliffs, in quiet company. Even if all you both did was listen for the twentieth time to that old bent woman go on a maddened rant about pigeons, and Hadrian would be blessed to hear your snorting laughter once again and witness your reddening cheeks, and...
Even if doing any of these again was enough to bring a nervous flutter to his chest, and a hopeful pressure on his stomach, and slip his lips wide in the kind of smile Alessa always deemed foolish, he had gone and suggested you two sparred in the mornings. 
And now here you stand, long wavy blond hair tied high in your head, exposing the fair, elegant lines of your throat. Wearing a sleeveless shirt much too thin for his sanity, and light leggings and small feet bare. Looking up at him with bright green eyes and a grin on your red, full lips, and Hadrian just now realizes his mistake. 
Much too late. 
Oh Lord thou in Heaven.
"I'm sorry, I'm late, I had to brush Billy's mane. It was full of twigs and leaves. I have no idea where he ran off to, but well..." you sigh lightly, your grin morphing to a tender smile like it always does whenever you mention your horse. It's something Hadrian is fond about you. 
Your devotion to that stubborn animal. "Well, you know how he is," you laugh and walk closer. His own green eyes, deeper than yours, darker, are instantly drawn to your neck. A few golden locks had come apart from the leather tie and clang to your skin. 
Gold in the morning sun. Radiant. He ignored the tingle in his fingers that long to tuck them into place. 
Oh, this has been a very, very bad idea. 
"But here I am, ready for anything you deem to-" your feet get tangled in one another, and next thing Hadrian knows, he's diving forth to catch your smaller body within the safety of his arms. Your head hits his chest, nose clashing in what can only be painfully against his collarbone, and his hands grab hold of your upper arms to steady your wavering legs. 
"Aura!" he calls, staring worriedly down at you. Your forehead is red, and you're blinking away the instant tears that have risen to your eyes. You bring a hand to your nose, and his brow lowers. 
You are amazing with your daggers. Fast and precise. Deadly when needed be. But somehow, you managed to simultaneously be the most clumsy person he has ever met. Hadrian has watched you trip, stumble, stagger and clash far too many times to count. 
It made his heart leap every time. It kept him up at night. He knows all it takes is one wrong move, one wrong turn. And you could be taken away from him, just like so many others. 
It made him never want to leave your side. 
"I- thank you," you say, your eyes suddenly too big, and Hadrian's hands fly away from your touch when he spots a red hue tinging your cheekbones. By God, but are you beautiful.
He swallows. "Of course," he says, bobbing his head up and down, feeling like the biggest fool in the world. What is he supposed to do with his hands? Hadrian clutches his cross, its holy shape grounding. Good Lord, he could feel his ears warming. 
You were staring down at your feet, lightly biting your lower lip. His eyes can't help but trace the movement. He gulps, and suddenly, the air is much too warm. 
A silence falls between you. Something that seems to be happening with more and more frequency. These charged silences, stretching and long. Awkward and clumsy and inexperienced. And so terribly exciting. 
At last, Hadrian coughs, and your eyes fly up, back to his own. He flushes harder but strengths his resolve. "Well, uh. Let's start, maybe?" he asks you, unsheathing his sword, pushing all stray thoughts away. 
They would seize this three days to hopefully work on improving your balance. And he would focus on what mattered: Increasing your odds of survival. 
You nod back, face settling into a hard line. Focused. Hadrian did [not] think of how adorable it made you look. You spin your daggers between clever fingers and bounce on your toes. "I'm ready," you say, and leap towards him, and this time, your step stays true. 
Chest heaving, brow drenched in sweat, and shirt clinging uncomfortably to his back. His arms are tired from holding his greatsword, but a wide smile brightens his face. Hadrian lifts a hand when the sun is almost at its peak and straightens up. "I think that's enough for today," he says, and laughs from deep in his belly when you deflate so suddenly, you almost fall to the ground. 
"Oh, good," you say, breathing erratically, skin red from exercise, but your smile is as wide as his. "Any minute now, and I would have fainted. And then you, Hadrian, would have to be forced to call for help and I'd thus soiled the good Company's name in this tiny, little island."
He laughs again, eyes crinkling at the corners, as the both of you begin to walk side by side towards the old lodge you're staying in. Eager for a bath. "Oh no, I'd tell them you collapsed protecting the coast from scary pirates," he teases back and takes delight in how your eyes shine at him. "They'd be forced to treat you as a hero instead."
You smile, shaking your head, and his heart leaps at the sigh. Hadrian loves your smile. He wishes he could always make you smile. "That would just inflate my remarkably overblown ego."
Your feet pause by the stairs that lead to your room, slim hand on top of the balustrade. Hadrian turns serious. "Aura, you were great today," he says in a low tone, pride blooming in his chest. "Same time tomorrow?"
Your green eyes freeze on his face for a moment, but before Hadrian can question it, you're breaking eye contact and staring down at your feet instead. That same pretty red on your lovely cheeks. His neck heats. You bite your lip, Hadrian's knees falter. 
"I-" you hesitate and then peak up at him from beneath your lashes, and he's honestly surprised his heart doesn't just tear open a hole in his chest with how fast it's beating. "I would like that, Hadrian," you say in a low voice, tone shy. 
He will never tire to hear his name on your lips. "Right," he nods. Scratches the back of his neck. You smile at him, tentatively, and he takes one stumbling step back. "Right. Tomorrow, then. I, uh. Goodbye."
And then, he's turning away. Walking as fast as he can, cursing his dumb, foolish tongue and his awkwardness and thinking only of your shy, gentle smile. 
Oh Lord. But I will not survive this.
Here is morning one! Two more to go 👀 The full commission is available on Ko-fi for one-time supporters (this includes those who have requested a commission or donated!) or monthly subscribers!
The Commission
This one was honestly a blast to write. My pen was just flying over the paper. I hope you like it, Dizzy! 🖤
Do you want to request a commission yourself? Or are just feeling generous? Here is the link to the Ko-fi (◠‿◠✿)
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edh-a-to-z · 6 years
MtG Rotation Guide - Amonkhet
Just got back from vacation. Time to plop out another Rotation Guide.
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Cycling Duallands
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The Dual Cycle Lands have dropped in price to under a dollar, making them an attractive alternative to shocklands.
The land typing makes it nice to fetch by fetchlands if you have them, or by other ramp creatures that care about land types like Nature’s Lore. Cycling makes it nicer than the EDH-pre cons which usually have monocolor cycling lands. Solid choice, all.
Hazoret & Co.
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These gods aren’t quite as good as the Theros ones in utility. Hazoret especially is hard to build around, an Bontu can be a pain to use regularly. but all of them work pretty well on the Battlefield. 
Liliana, Death’s Majesty
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A solid walker. Light milling helps a res deck, and she protects herself. A second ability that resurrects your biggest and baddest creature (and Zombie types them) is great, and a one-sided board wipe as an Ult really shape it up.
She’s heavily board invested, and her abilities are defensive, and no removal or utility abilities reduced her versatility, but what she does, she does well.
Gideon of the Trials
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Nominal usage in defanging scary Voltron or other buffed out creatures is nice. And of course the Tribal Gideon emblem is a nice consideration (a superfriends deck can field 6 of them now).
Not super stylish, but worth experimenting with.
Anointed Procession
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The Doubling Season cousin, this is one of my favorite enchantments of the set - and it has the MaRo doubling seal of approval. Every serious token deck that can should pack one of these in.
As Foretold
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Another great toy for EDH, the ability to abuse this on other players turns in a Multiplayer format is tremendous - by the time it’s back to your turn, you’ve had like 4-5 plays.
Check for more rules on As Foretold over here. Time for some naughty Sorcery-at-Instant fun!
Vizier of the Menagerie
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Even though EDH asks a lot out of creatures, this Vizier helps smooth out any problem a creature based deck can have - more draw and mana fixing. 
Prowling Serpopard
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The other part of the Amonkhet 1-2 creature punch, it also has nominally useful creature tribal tags, and preventing creatures from being countered makes them more reliably win-cons.
Lord of the Accursed
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A rare Uncommon for my list, for being a Lord and more, this is an Auto-Require for any Zombie tribal deck.  
Also, it can give menace to your opponents Zombies, so that might be fun, politically speaking. (who am I kidding that’ll never come up)
The X Gods
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While Scorpion God is still kinda lame, the ability to dodge the commander tax and have amazing Bodies and abilities, these Grixis pair gods are absolute monsters.
Especially The Scarab God. 
Bontu’s Last Reckoning
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I’m always sweet on a non-damage based board wipe. I think that -X toughness is the best, as it can pin Indestructible, but I’ll take wipes any day.
Mono black doesn’t have as many as White, and a 1 mana discount on Wrath of God is phenomenal. The Defeat drawback of not getting a Land untap is not as bad in EDH with artifact and creature ramp being readily available.
The Rest
By Force - a nifty Artifact removal card, for those who think $10 is ridiculous to pay for Shattering Spree
Angel of Sanctions - I like removal, and I like removal I can use twice.
Approach of the Second Sun - Alt Win-Cons make me happy, and this one can be broken easily for EDH
Glorybringer - Nominally useful for Dragon tribal
Archfiend of Ilfnir - For all your Tribal cycling needs
Commit//Memory - Messing with spells, then refilling the hand (and messing with an enemy’s hand) can be pretty nifty
Aven Mindcensor - Always fun to mess with enemy Tutoring
Champion of Wits - Nominally interesting fill the yard and draw
The Commanders 
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Going over the Legendary Creatures not mention earlier...
Hapatra  - Fun with interesting build-around strategies, and lets a lot of previously unusable -1/-1 counter cards have some time to play
Neheb 1.0 - Minotaur Tribal still to weak, but an important piece for the future.
Samut - Interesting for a Bant Voltron. Has a heck of a word salad. 5 CMC is a slow time to come down, but makes up for it with Flash/Haste, so all you need to bring is some protection
Temmet - worthless
Djeru - solid pick as 1 of the 99 for every Superfriends deck
Neheb 2.0 - amazing Burn commander.
Razaketh - Borderline ban in my group, but actually pretty fair. Paying life and Sacing dudes makes a great combo collector.
Unesh - Like Neheb 1.0, there’s not a lot of great Sphinx Tribal options, but this has an amazing effect, so it’s worth a Jank brew.
Working on a Halloween deck tech. See y’all real soon campers. Let me know whatcha think.
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Rokhoudou 12 (FINAL) | BnHA 51 | Boueibu HK 12 (FINAL) | Island 1 | Hanebado! 1 | Angolmois 1 | Angels of Death 1 | Harukana Receive 1 | Chio’s School Road 1 | Music Girls 1 | Cells at Work! 1
That’s a lotta debuts...
Rokuhoudou 12 (FINAL)
Ankoro mochi.
Temari seem to be round ball-like candies.
Youkan is a jelly-like sweet. Manjuu are sweet buns.
Tsundere grandpa strikes again, LOL. (There was another one in Saiki Kusuo, come to think of it…)
You can see some of the previous customers in these pans, like Isago.
I think tsundere grandpa said umai (“delicious”) after he was served the tea.
You can see…er, I forgot his name, but chicken tempura guy…dancing around in the background, LOL.
I feel sorry for Isago. He didn’t get much of a word in there…
Can we not with the shaky cam???
The framing of this show is exquisite. Just look at how Yakyou is backlit by the shop, showing how isolated he is in comparison to the warm Rokuhoudou Night inside.
Putting these two brothers side by side and back to back is really something special, symbollically. It shows how they’re equals.
Gure’s got his duck boat coat (happi…?) on.
Gure even has a duck boat shirt!
That one pose when Sui and Tokitaka declare Gure/Tsubaki’s combo to be like a festival…Tsubaki’s got no pupils for comedic effect there, ha.
“It goes down easy.”
Tsubaki…sensei? When did Gure start calling him that? Or is that just a joke name, like Gure does?
Haha, Isago’s face was scary.
Tsunozaki even got Yakyou some osechiryouri! That’s committal to the man!
Sui’s hanging with Kotsuru and her grandpa in the ED. Interesting.
There’s a little rubber duck on the table near Sui.
The lanterns say “Edo” on them.
Sui’s camera is a “Nion”, LOL.
Hey wait a second! This last shot of the guys looking at the night sky is what they normally show in the ED, but it’s in a different style and from the back.
Okay, that’s a wrap! I’d be glad to see another season of this just based on the warm and comfy atmosphere alone…
BnHA 51
Was it just me or was the taxi CGI?
Can we please get Mineta out of this show already???
They animated Mineta with such…er, gusto. Why???
Why is there a rabbit? More importantly, why are the girls wearing Iida’s glasses?
Meanwhile, Bakugo’s just going ZZZ…I think he has the best taste, simply because he chose to ignore the competition, haha. Update: I thought about it and Bakugo was being really nice this episode, surprisingly. Maybe he really is mellowing out!
I don’t really get Tsu’s popularity, but at least I understand her feelings of becoming anxious when everyone disobeyed her request.
Boueibu HK 12 (FINAL)
Sorry, I’m just really mad and disappointed at myself…so if I seem out of sorts and willing to laugh at everything, then that’s why.
“Bing”? Why “bing” and not “oof” or something else?
Uh, subbers? There’s no exclamaton mark on the ep title, y’know?
CGI arrows? Now there’s a usage of CGI I’ve never seen before…Update: They’re actually spears.
Wait, does that mean Zundar, Dadacha and Wombat come from Honyara Land too????
Uncle??? Oh great, more family business. *sigh*
Hey, this soldier-making machine is kind of like the mech…alright, I’ll stop with the comparisons to season 1. It’ll only make me feel bitter.
“You wanna step outside, huh?!” – Uh, Manza? You’re already outside…
“…they project a shadow behind them.”
I love how they’ve managed to retain Kamopapa’s uncertainty in the subs.
Hey, with all the best shows I’m able to see parallels to the themes in weird moments like this one. So seeing Ata relate to Furanui shows how there’s a parallel between Ata/Ryoma/Kyoutarou, Wao/Kamopapa/Karurusu and Kamopapa/Karurusu/Furanui, and I couldn’t see that in previous seasons (either that or it wasn’t there), meaning this show is thematically better than seasons 1 and 2.
Aw, brotherly love…
Admittedly, season 2’s Postcard Memories (that’s apparently what you call the style with a lot of streaks) are the best, so I can see why one measly eyecatch from season 3 can’t compare…this one doesn’t have any streaks on it anyways, so it’s not like it could.
“Stop ducking responsibility!” – Was that a pun on kamo? Or a typo?
Hey, just like season 1. Why is it that people believe upright stalks in tea give you good luck anyway?
Aw, I wanted them to keep tradition with this moment and have Taiju go, “I don’t know.” But no matter, keep watching.
Well, here’s the lyrics to Happy Ready?????! Sing along, friends!
It’s interesting that Ata/Taiju/Maasa’s swords have details on them that match their outfits.
*giggling at how stupid and silly it all is, plus how infectious the song is* But seriously guys, those wands aren’t microphones…
…*surveys the bath shot* Wait, where’s Ata??? Update: He comes in later.
So they’re going to stick with their guns and say that Kamopapa is a duck? I see, I see.
Wait, they flew to the school (in the OP)?! Has that ever happened in the previous episodes?
See, even if Happy Ready????? takes the stage, the OP is the best in the end! Hahaha…sorry, had to rub it in there.
That second-last sentence means something along the lines of “If we could meet again, I’d be happy.” That’s literally speaking, though. They probably stuck “are you happy?” into the ending just to piss people off, though, hahaha…or to admit they got caught up in all the catchiness of Happy Ready…
Anyways, that was (probably, LOL) a better ending than season 1 in regards to story and themes, so that’s just great! Happiness for everyone! See you again someday.
Island 1
I got so unsatisfied by how small the offerings were this season and needed something to keep my mind off a huge annoyance (one I can’t get rid of, you can see me being troubled by it in the Boueibu commentary above) that I know I’ll hate myself for watching this show, but…here we are.
Kid with amnesia. *sigh* Anime trope count: 1.
Robot dogs? That’s so early 2000s.
Ridiculous anime hair. Trope count: 2.
I knew that faceplant was coming because I read up on reviews before starting this (that’s specifically why I thought I was going to hate it), but on the other hand…thank goodness I didn’t have to see his (I already know his name’s Setsuna, so Setsuna’s) junk.
So if Marine Day (Umi no Hi) is celebrated on the 20th (see the calendar in the background of Karen to see what I’m talking about)…it must be July in universe. Just from a quick Google, it might be 2015 or it might be 1875 (see one of the Google results that says when the holiday began)…then again, Marine Day is celebrated on a Monday…
*raises arm to the sky to block sunshine* Trope count: 3. I need a bingo chart for these tropes, man.
This “outsiders must stay away” reminds me of Shiki, which is…uh, not the best comparison, considering what I’m comparing.
The one with the dandelion hair is…meant to be voiced by Hibiku Yamamura, right? I heard she was switched out because her company didn’t want her to voice the girl, which is the only reason I know this show in the first place.
What a lurid angle Karen’s been shot from…you can focus on her *erhem*(whispers “nonexistent balls”) from here.
“…you can punch or kick me to your heart’s content.” - Well, at least Karen avoids bringing up the trope count (by slapping Setsuna).
“…I’m off the hook.” ��� No need to spell it out, Mr Obvious. I’m grumpy here plus not really enjoying myself, so if you make any false moves you’re in for the drop.
Why are Setsuna’s eyes so small in comparison to everyone else’s anyway?
Well, the song finally got my attention. Congrats, you’ve just won my non-apathy, Island. (sarcastic)
“Cruzeiros” seem to be the currency on the island, huh? By the way, there’s a movie called The Island involving a gory staple gun scene. You might not want to refer to this show as The Island for that reason…
The bear slippers are an odd touch (aka an interesting detail), don’tcha think?
“You’re really rich.” – You don’t say, Mr Obvious?! (That’s strike two. You can do better than that, show!)
The way the mother converses is like the mother from Big Bang Theory, only with less talking…
His bed isn’t even springy, yet he bounces…? What?!
Why are all the main girls we’ve seen so far tsundere???? Why does she (Rinne) have a choker??? Most importantly, why am I using so many question marks???
Turtle apron…I’m not going to judge that, now, am I? It’s actually cute, in a vague sort of manner.
Ugh…tsundere acts are terrible when you’ve had to witness them thrice…
The monologuing…it’s losing me…but what’s a tachyon? Okay, here you go.
*falls over, starts having a nosebleed* That…was a comedy moment, right? Completely lost me…
How did Setsuna get back to Rinne’s house, anyway?
Uh, Rinne? Why aren’t you afraid of sexual predators? Are you really alone on Urashima?
Somehow I anticipated the last part of, “When the light touches me, I’ll die” before it occurred.
Rinne kinda looks like Menma when she’s just in a white dress. Update: I haven’t even watched AnoHana, by the way.
Anyways, that was boring. That’s a drop.
Hanebado 1
Another show I’m going to hate myself for…oh great.
Welp, I’ve read around about the shows on offer and this was one of the more favourable ones. I can see why, because aside from the boob jiggle and random slow mo, it was pretty well-animated.
What’s up with the extra-long ribbon in that girl’s hair, though?
Random yuri moment (on the paper, mentioning the “queen” of something)…? Not what I’m here for, but okay…
Short-haired girl seems to be way too angry. Why so serious?
I don’t have that much badminton knowledge, but I do know YONEX (see bag) is a real badminton brand.
Urgh…those panty shots, boob jiggles etc. are really making me regret watching this. However, there’s a real dynamism to this OP’s visuals that really sparks my interest, which is really saying something.
Apparently “hane” is what you call the shuttlecock in Japanese (aside from the more obvious “shuttle”). Makes sense, as “hane” can also mean “wing”.
“Bad” as in short for “badminton”. Not actually “bad”, y’know?
Strangely, they sexualise Aragaki the least. As if she’s the manliest in the bunch. That’s already true without saying that though, since she’s got the short hair and savagery more typical of a man.
There’s a box where the tilde should be, LOL.
They pretty much make the girls think about either boys or the sport. Can’t girls have more objectives than that? Diversity, people, diversity.
Can we not with the butt shot? Seriously, you can tell this was made by a man with a passion for badminton.
Why don’t we see these girls’ faces? *makes face of confusion*
Seriously??? This is what passes as comedy this season??? “Mistaken for perv”??? Ick.
Huh. For once, Aragaki speaks some sense. Considering what’s been bringing me down since before I watched Island, I completely get that feel, Aragaki. Maybe I’ll watch your show, then, if you can tell me how to feel again.
What’s with these feet shots, though? They’re almost as weird as the fanservice ones…
Hmm…the palpable tension…Alright, this gets another episode. If the fanservice is intolerable, I’m outta here.
Angolmois 1
I read some good stuff about this on ANN. This should be great!
I think I’ll end up liking this OP…and everything else about this show. Just look at that animation!
Wadatsumi…isn’t there a manga named after him? Update: Yes, there is!
Is it just me, or does the show look a bit…grainy?
Teruhi seems kind of like a siren for some reason…hmm…should I be suspicious of her?
Ryuugyuu Palace = Palace of the Dragon King.
ANN (I think it was) said Goryeo = Korea. Not sure which Korea, but…maybe at this stage, it was one unified Korea.
Whoa! Teruhi’s got some sadism behind that smirk…! Wouldn’t want to die by her hand, for sure.
The thing is…I wouldn’t normally support anything involving Mongolians, because most of my expertise comes from China/Japan (both forces who traditionally aren’t that happy with Mongolia…then again, they aren’t very happy with each other, either). However, I can see myself getting behind this for sure now that Teruhi’s shown her hand.
Tsushima Island.
Basically, Kuchii is the equivalent of an Australian convict…just with less water between his homeland and his new land.
Everything in this show looks like a Postcard Memory, geez.
I can see the little night vision boy being like a wakizashi in Touken Ranbu, i.e. a fast one who leads the pack.
Oh dear…just when I was enjoying the show, Teruhi gets captured. Dang. Just what I was waiting for (sarcastic).
Wait, a blonde blue-eyed person using the Gikei style? Wuh? Must be a missionary or someone related to one. Maybe he’s Dutch…?
Is that Gon-oh, never mind. It was Kuchii.
“A message from the ones watching Goryeo.”
At least Kano’s treated like a non-damsel in distress!
Why do I think these Mongolian ships are CGI? I’m not sure myself…
Hey, this title card reminds me of Nobunaga no Shinobi! In fact, the two are pretty similar, it’s just the war that’s different.
Despite my slight misgivings, this is a strong contender for best of the season already! Phew…it could even take out Hinamatsuri…and that’s an interesting prospect, huh? Especially because I don’t have a winter show to take that spot.
Angels of Death 1
I checked up what satsuriku means and apparently it means “slaughter”. So yeah, that’s a perfect translation…not to mention I haven’t read ahead on this show, so anything for it is a surprise.
I thought the OP was going to happen after that titlecard, but nope. Just an OST track…
Why would anyone talk to a typewriter? Sure, it responds to your voice, but…eh, I guess anything happens in a horror show.
Geez, those wall effects are realistic. Just like I’d expect from a game adaption. Now if only I had an adaption of Alice Mare, which I’ve played before…
The effects on the walls remind me of Despera promotion, actually…
Should horror shows and other media teach a consumer the value of life? Or the horrors of humanity? Who knows, maybe both…?
Like dude, don’t wonder if there’s an elevator when there’s a sign right in front of you saying “elevator passage”!
So, uh…what happened to the bird, Rachel?
Wellllllllll…that’s not sketchy at all. Your doctor saying he’s actually your doctor, that is.
I wonder if Rachel’s sewing up of the bird represents her insanity…or her humanity…
(Trigger warning…?) Why does the doctor’s words seem so much…like a paedophile’s?
CGI door…geesh. Why is it I get the feeling Rachel’s being dragged along on a plotline she can’t deviate from?
What’s with this awkward pinning position? Sometimes it’s meant to be sexy, sometimes it’s meant to be horrific, but this…with the doctor’s tongue hanging out, it looks kind of dumb and takes you out of the show.
Aw, c’mon. The slicing of the head was enough, you didn’t need to add blood rain to it…
“I’m a grown-ass man, you know.” – For some reason, I found that line funny.
That’s a lot of blood splattered on the walls…maybe too much for a human…? I’m not a medical specialist, don’t ask me.
Hmm…I don’t know about this one yet. In mystery terms, it’s better than Island – it does pull twists off very well, simply because I can’t really see them coming. However, as a horror, there are a few eyebrow raises involved. It’s good enough to keep for now, but it’s probably going to get lost in the rabble later on.
Harukana Receive 1
Ooh no, I’m going to hate myself for this…I’m only watching this for my resolutions and the fact all the good stuff debuts late! You understand???
Is it just me, or are all the shows getting English titles on their titlecards from day 1 these days? It was the same with Satsuriku no Tenshi…
I’m already zoning out of this episode a tonne, and that’s just the plane zooming overhead to establish the setting!
I don’t get the green edge of Haruka’s eyes (note I read up on this show with the ANN preview guide beforehand). I mean, why is it green???
Wait, in the airport it’s only women. C’mon, that’s just unrealistic. Not to mention there’s a bit of emphasis on how Haruka’s…tatas…move, which is vaguely annoying.
Sorry, but there are some reallllllly ugly CGI cars in the background that distract me a lot. It’s pulling me out of the show.
All the girls so far have had green-edged eyes, but this one’s got red…
Oof…that sun…that sand…I can smell the beach already. At least that’s a pro of this show.
And…boob jiggles. One last strike and I’m kickin’ you out, show!
Why are all anime turtles called Kamekichi? I mean, Touken Ranbu’s Urashima’s turtle is also called Kamekichi…
Narumi (red-edge) actually has purple eye edges. My bad.
I thought the ball was going to hit Haruka, just for comedy. At least I was wrong…
There’s something really CGI and round about the ball. There was this beach volleyball game I remember seeing someone play, and the ball looked exactly like that.
There’s something vaguely annoying about Haruka’s enthusiasm. For the show, it’s nice for the sake of moving plot (and “plot”)…but I find it a bit grating.
Narumi reminds me of Ahagon (Umiko) in New Game.
Why do I feel like I’ve heard the “we don’t need aces” spiel before? (Not just because I read about it a few days ago, too.)
Geesh, more boob jiggle.
Is it just me, or do Kanata and Narumi look similar when there’s a closeup on them?
Oh yeah, protip. Mikasa is an actual provider of volleyballs. Not just an Attack on Titan reference.
They were clearly trying to go for comedy with the lines and stuff. I learnt from Acchi Kocchi that if I’m not impressed with a comedic moment time and time again, it’s likely the show will fail on me.
Wait, these girls are cousins, right? This is edging into yuri right here…eesh.
There’s something oddly realistic about the sand. I’m not sure whether to be happy about that or not.
What was up with the slow-mo??? Urgh, it frustrated me!
Actually, Narumi is kind of like Hifumi from New Game as well…quiet and unable to stop others from pushing her around most of the time.
Nothing came up on Google about inamuduchi. Update: Oh, it was because I typed its name wrong. Fixed it!
Rasmus…Faber? The guy who attracted me to Asterisk War??? He’s here??? That’s it! That’s the last straw! Every show he’s assigned to is terrible for me, and this is no exception!
(Trigger warning) Lemme guess…Kanata’s parents died and so she couldn’t play anymore.
Turns out Mikasa (the volleyball guys I was talking about earlier) helped out with this show too. No wonder it seems true to life…but that Kamekichi joke was terrible. Terrible, I tell you.
See? I did hate myself for that! Urgh!
Update: That was Haruka’s mother??? I thought that was her older sister???
Chio’s School Road 1
Why…do I get such a bad feeling about this show???
Tsuugakuro literally means “commute to school road”, so thank goodness I don’t have to deal with that mouthful.
What’s with the boob jiggle this season??? That’s why I passed on this show initially! Also, are those really bad graphics…intentional?
Alright, because this OP ends with a man’s fly being down, I’m going to stop it right there. I could do without that in my life…
…Alright, Plyasm talked me into properly watching this one. If I hate it again, it’s his fault.
…(exasperated tone) Dude. I like the gamer girl trope, but not the boob jiggle. The heck am I meant to think???
As much as I can relate to not wanting to be pointed out in order to not stand out, I feel like that’s just there to make an objective of the endgame. I don’t know why I think that, I just do.
The kitty is very fluffy at least.
How is Chio not slipping as she runs across the rooftops???
For a second, I thought the bird was trembling in mid-air! That’s just impossible…y’know?
Huh? I don’t get the yellow monkey joke…and that’s not a name pun either. It’s just a random statement made from exaggeration with no basis in the language! My enemy when it comes to jokes!
Okay, when even side characters have bouncing balloons under their shirts, I. Just. Don’t. Get it.
Panty shots…the only thing worse than boob shots.
Assassins don’t help people, though…
The reaction faces…aren’t even as good as Mahou Shoujo Ore’s, c’mon. They’re just…kinda there. They aren’t even memeable.
Samejima Gakuen…enjo kousai (compensated dating)…? *giggles a bit properly for the first time this episode*
Is it just me, or do the teacher’s eyes not match? One’s blue and the other’s…brown? I don’t know.
It’s the start of the second segment in the first episode…and I can see this premise wearing thin already…
Why do the little men on the crossing signals have hats, anyway?
*sigh* Another panty shot…
I think the spinning made me dizzy…it was probably done like this to maximise laughter, but it sure didn’t make me laugh.
Ouch, wouldn’t want to be on the end of that kendo practice sword…and he hasn’t even hit anyone with it…
I thought…she was going to say “thank you”…that would’ve at least gone for the feels. I just feel vaguely disappointed, y’know?
With that, it’s another drop…but I can’t really complain to Ply either because I didn’t entirely hate it, either…Maybe if I understood the gaming references I could understand it better, but it’s a flop nonetheless.
Music Girls 1
Oh dear…as soon as I went in, I immediately got a feeling of “I will suffer from this, won’t I?”
Girl, c’mon. You’re at least 2 years too old to be playing with dolls.
Wait, are we welcoming Japan or are we being welcomed to Japan? Dangit, English!
Kotoko looks like obvious comic relief, you can tell from the face alone.
Roro looks like she’s 10! Heck, what is her deal?
I feel like all of the show’s production budget went into animating that one sequence with the cows. That was just an imagination sequence, people!
Wow, suddenly you’ve caught my attention, show. Just by having the pigtailed girl’s hair go up when she was surprised.
Hey. Wasn’t Mr Ikehashi suffering from salt in the eyes? Shouldn’t he have cried it out more than that? Why didn’t anyone clean up the salt afterwards? It’s questions like these you need to answer, show.
The background characters in this show look terrible, by the way.
*sees a loving pan of the girl (Hanako), starting from her boobs and stopping near her mouth* Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…I’m really regretting the decision to watch this now.
Why is it that the shows this season look so good, but they’re so trash under the surface, trying to break through??? (referencing a Coldplay song)
Didn’t you guys notice the name “King Records” in the opening credits? When that plane was there? Okay, well, now you know. “Pine Records” isn’t the most blatant of shout-outs, but the spirit of it is still kind of there.
You don’t get the candy-stripes of the girls’ outfits in this show? I don’t, either.
Hey…you’re kidding, right? 2D animation! Not even Idolish7 did that to the max! You really have my interest now!
That girl’s counting in English wasn’t bad. At least not enough to require subbing.
This eyecatch…makes this girl look like an extreme loli…
“That’s why you know the steps.”
I can see the blueprints for the shipping now – Uori x Kiri…(sarcastic)
Wait, so when did Hanako listen to On Stage Life anyway???
Why do they colour the whole girl in with luminscent blush? It’s kind of weird…
Why haven’t Hanako’s parents actually gone looking for her???...Oh, spoke too soon.
CITIZEN clocks are an actual thing, haha.
How does Ikehashi know Sachi???
Oh dear…well, at least her singing was enough to surprise me.
Have you noticed most of the Music Girls’ fans are male??? No, all of them are! Aside from Hanako, that is.
I just know I’m not going to memorise these girls’ names at all…
Okay, if this doesn’t have a card game to go with it sooner or later…then you can have as many digital cookies as you want.
Strangely…I had a much better impression of this than I thought I would. It’s better than some of the other shows simply by being mostly devoid of fanservice, anyway, although there is a loli in there…I think her name was Roro.
Cells at Work! 1
Yay, finally something I was looking forward to! It’s been a few years since I did biology classes, but I’ll give it a shot!
Ohmygosh, LOL. I still remember that dendrites look like trees…or aliens.
Aren’t white blood cells a little bit yellow due to the plasma they have…?
“Another blunder!” doesn’t quite equal “Machigaemashita!”, but it does work in context.
I never thought I’d say this…but I can see why Red Blood Cell is considered moe. Endearing, but not too annoying! Plus just a hint of cute.
Oh yeah…platelets. I forgot about those guys.
The Helper T Cell looks like Kazuma from Noragami! Wahaha!
To quote Web MD: “The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.” That’s why the killer T cells are being threatened with being chucked into the spleen.
Thank goodness they explain all this stuff, like hemolysis. I’d probably be lost otherwise…I probably did learn it all those years ago though.
Capillaries are meant to be small veins, right? No wonder RBC is getting all confused…there must be tonnes of them in a body.
Huh? *has to suppress laughter* Even RBCs have senpais, LOL!
That RBC doodle on the door is so cute~!
Why does this pneumococcus keep announcing what he’s going to do anyway? He keeps losing the element of surprise, man.
Mucosa. Also apparently called “mucous membrane”, which is a term I’m a lot more familiar with.
The pneumococcus was CGI in his bubble for a second there…
Oh, it’s been a while since I saw the term “eosinophil”. Apparently, it’s a kind of WBC.
Oh…dear. I think I remember reading once that your average sneeze is 2G (as in, this G). So if you ever thought your sneeze was powerful, now you know. *cue The More You Know GIF*
I think I ship it already, the unrequited love of a WBC and an RBC. Also, WBC is probably going to be bae of the season, even though he’s…well, a WBC. And a muscleman.
I’m not quite sure what gas the RBC has in the ED, but I think it might be CO2…
Ooh, definite keeper!
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ijohnmathew · 3 years
5 Ecommerce Forecasts to Help You Evolve Smart Ecommerce Solutions
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Keeping track of international growth trends in ecommerce development services is the best way to know the future of ecommerce. You need not strive hard to collect pieces of information from many sources. We are here consolidating some powerful trends in ecommerce solutions to help you have a quick peek into the ecommerce future.
Changes are always scary and exciting. But it is these same changes that make growth possible. The same principle applies in ecommerce development services as well. It’s an ever-changing landscape. And if you don’t keep abreast of yourselves, you will lag behind. Foreseeing changes and adapting to suit your ecommerce solutions is the best way to stay competitive.
We’ve curated 5 predictions on the future of ecommerce. It will be an eye-opener for you to make your movements right. Read on, move on, and make decisions wisely.
5 Predictions for the Future of Ecommerce
1.   Ubiquitous presence of Conversational AI Chat Bots
Conversational AI is the artificial intelligence that makes machines adept at understanding, processing, and responding to human language. It does a lot beyond simply translating website content into simple chatbot responses. It smartly interacts with people in a humanlike way. It’s a great tool to bridge the gap between human and computer language.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) make chatbots capable of doing it. More and more websites will be adding chatbots through a plugin or to improve customer support. These chatbots will also help in delivering vital marketing messages and manage basic sales tasks. The future of ecommerce will see AI chatbots in most ecommerce solutions and websites.
How Bots Will Completely Kill Websites and Mobile Apps throws away the popular misconception that bots will never become more widespread than websites and mobile apps. It sheds light on the near possibility to bots totally replacing websites and mobile apps.
If you are into offering ecommerce development services, you just can’t ignore the ubiquitous nature of chatbots in the future. Some bold predictions say that business websites without AI chatbots will look silly and novice. Be prepared to face an increasing number of consumer demand for chatbots as they deliver super satisfying customer experience.
2.   Virtual Reality Shopping can wait
Virtual Reality (VR) shopping experiences could not march ahead as expected due to the pandemic impacts. As per reports, the VR market saw a set back by about 7%.
VR in the retail industry is still in its early stage. It vows to offer something new and innovative. This ultra-modern technology will help retailers to plan, design, research, and lift the customer experience.
Financial instability of 2021 is a major reason for consumers to keep away from expensive tech. Nevertheless, graphics cards and new gaming consoles witnessed constant changes and high sales. The status quo is clear: Customers want to spend. But they need this difficult time to get over to invest their hard-earned money in high-ticket VR gadgets.
When it comes to ecommerce solutions, VR cannot be an appealing ground for online shopping currently and may be in the immediate future. Now the focus of customers is to have an online shopping experience that is easier, faster, and more seamless. The craving for immersive shopping experiences has taken a backseat.
Being said this, Augmented Reality (AR) seems to have a stronger grip on the ecommerce development services landscape. Because AR experiences are lightweight, convenient, and handy, just as it shows you whether a pair of glasses will look good on you or not.
3.   More obvious data collection and tracking
The clash over data and privacy will define the ensuing internet era. After years of public uproar over the threats to online privacy administrations are spreading out regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Online companies and ecommerce development services providers have to make alterations and comply with these new restrictions. They need to accurately notify visitors about the data they collect.
Simply tracking everything, even if proposed by experts is just a waste of time. Smart retailers of the future will rely increasingly on machine learning to capture data, analyze it, and use it to give a personalized shopping experience. It will also help in implementing effective marketing campaigns, price optimization, stock supply scheduling, and for customer insights.
The pandemic scenario has introduced “new normal” disclaimers and “opt-out” options all over the web. We don’t see any reverse of these laws even after this situation gets over.
At the start of 2021, both businesses and consumers are still getting used to this “new normal” of disclaimers and “opt-out” options all over the web. Companies that don’t comply with the new rules will have to face high-profile legal acts. More attention to data privacy and disclosure is a notable element of the future of ecommerce.
Ecommerce solutions providers need to pay attention to the use of data more prudently than ever before.
4.   Online Shopping will be more Interactive and more Fun
Though they are concerned about the privacy of the data collected by ecommerce solutions providers, they expect collaborating and pleasurable shopping experience.
Researches show that an entertaining shopping experience is a crucial factor that tempts them to indulge in more shopping. This factor weighs pretty higher than influencer recommendations! Those who keenly want to know the future of ecommerce should note this point as an increasing number of marketing dollars flow into the influencer sphere.
How to make shopping as entertaining and amusing as possible? This is the challenge of ecommerce development companies while shaping ecommerce solutions for Gen Z consumers. Livestream shopping shows are gaining prominence in America and around the globe where compelling hosts show off products in an engaging way.
Ecommerce retailers can be prepared to add more accommodating and enjoyable human assistance to the web shopping experience. A good live chat agent can be as engaging as a smart in-store clerk. They should offer the right suggestions by analysing their past shopping bahavior.
Micro-influencers + live streaming will be a hit combo in the future of ecommerce. Brands should scale up fast with the right blend of influencers and global marketing strategy. In the end,  the act of shopping will become nothing but seamless.
5.   A unified physical and digital retail phenomena
The future of ecommerce sheds light on the possibility of a digital and physical meet. The debate over whether the brick-and-mortar stores are dying or thriving is rampant nowadays. Especially in this pandemic situation as most people stay indoors and prefer to purchase online, it seems like physical retail stores are going to go extinct.
One thing is for sure. Physical stores are changing with an eye toward digital. Using the internet to enhance the physical experience is the best tonic for brick and mortar stores rather than considering themselves as separate units.
Location-based marketing strategies come handy in these situations. Through geofencing and proximity marketing retailers can leverage physical location data from smartphones or IP addresses. They can resort to target messaging consumers who are physically close to an actual business location.
In-store and in-app in tandem will be a significant trend. Ecommerce solution providers should eye a unified multichannel strategy covering retail apps, website, events, services, etc.
Key Takeaways
I’m sure that this curation of the future ecommerce trends will help you spark new ideas, tame the obstacles, and make you a successful ecommerce business owner for the years to come. Don’t you feel you need to have a smart technology partner to help you evolve smart ecommerce solutions to stay ahead of time?
An experienced ecommerce development services company like GetMySites can be a great choice! Call them to get a winning ecommerce solutions strategy and/or an ecommerce website that boosts conversions and on-site engagement.
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Time Tripping with Galaxie 500 (2004)
Sunday interview! This is a long one, conducted for Neumu around the time of the Don’t Let Our Youth Go To Waste DVD. All band members were very nice. 
The camerawork may be shaky, and the sound decidedly lo-fi, but short of the invention of a time machine, some of the footage on Galaxie 500's newly released DVD, Don't Let Our Youth Go to Waste, is as close as we're going to get to experiencing what it was like to witness the group at the beginning of their career. Take a look. It's 1988, and Galaxie 500 are onstage at the then-fledgling Middle East club in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Guitarist Dean Wareham looks pale and uncomfortable. Drummer Damon Krukowski nervously fiddles with his drum kit. Bassist Naomi Yang tries hard to project the impeccably cool stage presence she'll later perfect, but mostly comes across as bored. Krukowski counts off the beat and the band fumbles through "Oblivious," a tune that will appear on their debut album, Today. All three look relieved when they reach the end of the song. But even in these early days, there is something unique, something special about this band. Wareham's Velvety guitar tone, Yang's melodic bass lines, and Krukowski's imaginative drumming all make up a bewitching, cohesive sound. As "warts and all" as the Middle East footage may be, it's a priceless artifact. 
There are countless more moments like this on Don't Let Our Youth Go to Waste, a double disc set compiling live footage, television appearances, and promotional videos, out now on Plexifilm. "This is a refined version of recycling," Krukowski said from the Cambridge office he shares with his longtime partner Yang. "You know, you go through your closets and find things you never even knew you had. And we thought, ‘Can we do anything with this stuff?'" "It turned out that we just had these boxes full of stuff," Wareham said during a separate interview, on the phone from New York City, where he currently fronts the band Luna. "I had some and Damon and Naomi had some. I had totally forgotten about the tape of the Middle East show, for example. That was quite a shock to see. We had no idea what we were doing." 
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Inspired by the Velvets Galaxie 500 formed in Cambridge after Krukowski, Wareham, and Yang graduated from Harvard University in the mid-'80s. All three were big fans of proto-punk groups like the Velvet Underground and the Modern Lovers (itself a Velvets-influenced combo), as well as more recent British exports like Spaceman 3 and New Order. The footage of the band at the Middle East captures one of their earliest gigs. "That was very exciting to us," Krukowski recalled. "We didn't think we were going around the world or anything like that. That was not in the cards for bands of our type at the time. So playing a local show and making a record that we thought was worthy of being on vinyl was what we wanted to do. And it was exciting — people were there and they listened and they applauded, and that was a thrill." Watching such early footage now, the former band mates are both amused and horrified. "There are a lot of 'least favorite moments,'" laughed Yang. "Some of the early stuff is vaguely embarrassing," agreed Wareham. "[Early in your career], it takes a while to get used to being onstage and using a microphone. It's kind of scary. And everyone goes through that, I think. But not everyone has videotapes of it." "You're not so used to watching yourself play," Yang said. "You see a lot of still photos of yourself over the years, so you're used to that. But the film/video footage is so different. So it was a lot more surprising. It made you remember exactly what it was like that much more. It lifted the veil of nostalgia that a photograph could have. It was like YOU ARE THERE." "That's what I think is good about it," Krukowski added. "It's funny to watch how we change. We set up that first disc chronologically so people can watch us gain experience and change. So it ends up being a little parable of a band's life." 
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Making Records With Kramer The band recorded its debut with underground producer Kramer, who ran the Shimmy Disc label and produced and played on records by Bongwater and Jad Fair, among others. "Part of that process where you see us changing [on the DVD], is when we met Kramer and we'd been in the studio with him," Krukowski said. "He really instructed us musically. He taught us to arrange our songs differently." "Just watching him work taught us a lot," Yang added. "He's a great musician, and he has an amazing ear." "He took us seriously," said Krukowski. "He thought we were bringing in material that we could make great records out of. So you see us change our musical attitude." "The first record we made in about 18 hours, maybe three six-hour days," revealed Wareham. "Kramer probably didn't do very much except put a whole lot of reverb on it. But we were really stunned how good we thought it sounded when we took it home and listened to it. After a year of playing in our rehearsal room, and after making some demos that we thought didn't sound that good, we were really pleased." "Kramer's an amazing engineer," Krukowski continued. "The thing about Noise New York [Kramer's studio] is that it was a big room, with high ceilings and all that. Kramer had no interest in separation; he mixed things as he went along. He put a lot of reverb on everything; he allowed bleed-thru on all the mics. There was none of the kind of stuff that at the time passed for pro studio sound. But the thing was that he was really making a great sound with the materials he had at hand." The band went on to make three records with Kramer, 1988's Today, 1989's On Fire, and 1990's This Is Our Music, all released on Rough Trade. The albums sounded unlike any others that were being made at the time, whether in the underground or mainstream musical scenes. "I think they hold up pretty well because they don't sound like the '80s," Wareham said. "What we were doing was pretty different from what everyone else was doing in Boston, or anywhere else." "We didn't know at the time what our records should sound like, but we knew they had to be records," Krukowski said. "We didn't want to document the band, we wanted to make records. And Kramer wanted to do that too." 
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Almost on the Cover of Sounds The band quickly gained a following in the UK. "It was really different over in England," Krukowski said. "When we went over there, [the music press] took us very seriously as representatives of some new movement, which is the way they received every band. So we were portrayed as spearheading the 'wimpy' movement. So it was a weird situation. We were only in a scene in this most strange scattered sense [in the U.S.]. And they were trying to make it into some kind of more cohesive, next-big-thing type deal. And they need like 10 of those every week! And that's both why we did well over there and why we never broke out completely there. Because we weren't the next big thing." "That's the thing — a lot more happened than we thought would ever happen, but it's funny because in retrospect people think it was much bigger than it really was," Yang continues. "I remember that the record company kept being disappointed. There were three magazines over there, Melody Maker, Sounds and NME, and Sounds was going to put us on the cover. Sounds was like the lowest selling of the three. But the publicist in Rough Trade's English office was so excited! And then in the end they didn't put us on the cover, and she was so devastated. I remember us trying to comfort her. So it wasn't like we went over there and were on the cover of every magazine." "We almost made it on the cover of the third best selling English music weekly!" Krukowski said with a chuckle. "We were the first band on the first day at 11 a.m. at Glastonbury!" laughed Yang. "You know, we were having fun and it was all great. But in retrospect it was not very large-scale. We were not the Pixies." Nevertheless, Galaxie 500's audience grew steadily on both sides of the Atlantic, and the band became a potent live act. On the DVD, a November 1990 performance at the University of London shows the trio stunning a sold-out crowd with a powerful set of psychedelia-tinged guitar rock. In just a few months, however, it would all be over. 
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It's All Over Now, Baby Blue Wareham left the band shortly after a tour in support of This Is Our Music ."Why did we call it quits?" he mused. "Let me see if I can remember. I guess we were getting on each other's nerves!" "It was really confusing at the time," recalled Krukowski. "Many, many bands go through this — you leave your little circle and enter this wider world with all of these commercial aspects. And it puts all kinds of pressures, and everybody responds differently. And Dean and we responded quite differently. There were a lot of disagreements rising up in the band. And that was the moment when the major labels woke up to everything that was going on. They all kind of swept down." "They had just signed Nirvana, so they were like, 'What else is out there?‚'" said Yang. "Everyone we knew was being courted. It was some kind of frenzy." "Suddenly everybody had the chance of making money, and making it big and having fame and fortune," continued Krukowski. "And people went nuts. There was a lot of awful behavior, a lot of awful people on the scene. We were at the time negotiating with major labels. We were very much enmeshed in all of that. And that's when the band split up. And in retrospect, it's like bands either get through those times or they don't. And we didn't. We just couldn't. We hadn't developed a way to deal with those things as a group or to mutually agree on them." "In some ways, a band is an unnatural thing," Wareham said. "They all have the seeds of their own destruction in there from the beginning. It's fun to collaborate with people, but it's difficult to collaborate with the same people for a period of years and travel together all the time and make decisions together all the time. You don't really see that in any other art form. People put on a play or a movie, and the collaboration is great, but then it's over. I don't think bands are supposed to last forever. Damon and Naomi were very angry at me when I quit. When you break up with someone, they get angry at you. But bands are weird democracies. And we were a three-piece democracy where the other two were a couple. I think it was bound to put a strain on me." Wareham went on to form Luna with members of the Feelies and the Chills, and continues playing with them (in a somewhat altered lineup) to this day. Krukowski and Yang record under the name Damon and Naomi and run a publishing company, Exact Change, together. Despite the band's acrimonious end, all three are proud of their early work in Galaxie 500. "Truthfully, the dream is that you can make music that can communicate for longer than just this week," said Krukowski. "If it does, that's a miracle to us." Does Don't Let Our Youth Go to Waste signal the end of Galaxie 500's archival releases? Wareham isn't so sure. "There are a few Peel Sessions left over," he said. "There is some good stuff on there. The highlight for me is a performance of the Sex Pistols song 'Submission.' We're talking about trying to put some of that out at some point." Krukowski just laughed. "There are still other closets we haven't gone through!"
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ok but y does jody say she *had* a daughter when she talks about claire? cause claire didnt disown jody or something; she called jody her mom last time we saw her. if i didn't know kathryn has been filming, that line would be freaking me out.
I don’t think they’d kill someone off in the gaps between episodes and then barely mention it except in grammatical implications, regardless, if it makes you feel better :) (Maybe as a joke, for a character we’re not invested in)
I think that line was about emotional responsibility for Claire. She’s older than all the other characters (except I don’t think we know anything about Kaia) - her 18th bday was in season 10, which is the adulthood coming of age birthday, and she’ll be 21 in season 13 which is the weird American drinking law age, which has been used to describe her immaturity in several episodes. 
12x16 was a sort of coming of age as a hunter thing for her and I think Jody hasn’t seen her since before that episode, because Claire’s struck out on her own. Her call to Jody at the end of that episode was her tentatively calling Jody her mom, but it sounded like it was the first time she’d tried that on for size (Amelia only died 2 years ago at that point) so I think the Claire and Jody relationship was a bit more fraught than how it worked easier with Alex. 
Here’s the call anyway - 
CLAIRE Hey. It’s me, Claire. Okay, um, here it goes. I’ve been hunting. Alone. And I know it’s not what you want to hear. And I know it sounds scary. It scares me, too, sometimes, but… this is something I have to do on my own. Just for a little while. But I’m ready, and I never would’ve been if it wasn’t for you being my mother. Well, I better go. Um… Tell Alex she better not touch my stuff. I love you guys.
Jody and Alex had an onscreen moment of “so you’re going to come live with me and we kinda know the deal about me projecting onto you a bit” kind of exchange at the end of 9x19 (also Alex has been there since season 9 :P). Claire just showed up off-screen after 10x20, and when we finally see how their dynamic is going in 11x12 it IS messy and they only really reconcile towards the end. In 12x16 Claire still doesn’t really feel she belongs in that family although she loves them and cares about them and considers them family (reeeeally convenient Cas parallels to 12x12 :P) 
I think Jody saying she considers Claire a daughter is awesome and a sort of answer to how she took that call (since Claire wasn’t mentioned in 12x22)
(Also, wait, timeline-wise, I wasn’t keeping great track at the end of season 12, but the last 5 episodes all took place back to back, and all the season 13 episodes have taken place back to back, so there might only be a couple of months at the very most between 12x16 and 13x02 because we’ve really been averaging about 3 days an episode for 8 episodes in a row now, so you could cram 12x19-13x03 into a month, easily) 
I think Jody might also have taken a while to warm up to Claire as a DAUGHTER even if she had taken on responsibility for her immediately and didn’t find her so feral she’d kick her out again. But I also think this sort of relationship feeling has really only sprung up SINCE Claire decided to leave. Jody sort of nurtured her there over 2 years and now Claire has flown the nest… It might be easier for them to think of each other that way when they DON’T have to live together… if they were biologically related they might be a very shouty mother and daughter combo, but the only knowing each other 2 years thing has probably prevented a lot of door slamming in their house :P
But, yeah, they only knew each other 2 years and then Claire left a message that she had to find her own way in the world, thanking them and letting Jody know how she felt about her, but then apparently not coming home since. In 12x22 when they knew Claire was in danger from the BMoL and Jody was around, Claire was pretty much left out of it - maybe there was a deleted bit where Jody worried about her, but they sort of had to trust her to survive on her own wit at that point if she was out of their reach. I think because Jody no longer has responsibility over Claire and she never really enjoyed a proper mother/daughter relationship with her like she has with Alex, who has been dependant on her for much longer and is still a couple of years behind Claire, so Jody got more of her formative years, the “had” a daughter thing is much more about realising what it was after the fact, and emphasising that Claire has dropped off the radar. Jody is probably worried about her, but letting her do her own thing.
(I hope Claire is okay because she’s an enormous disaster zone sort of person but on the other hand if they’re writing her as an adult now they might not keep on putting her in scenarios where she’s the kid and a trainee hunter… Of the younger Wayward girls she’ll be the oldest and the only one with hunter training unless Kaia also is a hunter; if not she’s basically going to be the big sister to the entire lot of them when it comes to fighting evil and will swap around to being the most experienced. I suppose if WS doesn’t start until next year if it’s picked up, she’ll also be the same age Sam was in the Pilot by the time that all kicks off? Which is young but at least adult and competent hunter aged at the barest minimum :P) 
tl;dr it wasn’t BAD disowning but Claire did still… kinda disown Jody. In a positive personal growth way!
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sadrien · 7 years
prince of cats
chapter six: good pilgrim
on ao3 || on ffnet 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
kind of forgot it was an update day because i have something i need to finish for a friend and i'm stressed
“It wasn’t a date,” Marinette says, holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she unfolds fabric. “We sat on the couch and watched a bad Hallmark movie.”
Nino scoffs on the other end. “Mari, I hate to break it to you, but that’s basically what mine and Alya’s last date was.”
Marinette rolls her eyes. “This is the difference: you two are dating. Adrien and I are not.”
“Sure, sure,” Nino drawls.
“The intention is different,” she insists. “Anything can be a date if there are romantic intentions.”
“How do you know there weren’t any?”
Marinette puts down the fabric. “Why are we friends again?”
“Because you love me,” Nino says with a smile in his voice. “And because I gave you crackers on our first day of school.”
She hums and goes back to her fabric. “I’m still pretty sure you’re seeing things that aren’t there.”
“And I think you aren’t letting yourself consider the possibility that Adrien likes you back because you like him so much.”
She scoffs. “If you say that I’m afraid of getting hurt—”
“Isn’t everyone a little afraid of getting hurt?” Nino asks. “I feel like that’s a very human thing to be afraid of, you know?”
Marinette raises her eyebrows. “That’s very deep, Mr. Lahiffe.”
“I can be deep if I try.”
“Yeah I remember our three in the morning sleepover talks.”
Nino laughs. “Aw man, yeah those were great. We should do that again.”
“We’re grown adults,” she reminds him.
“And? Who cares. Let’s have a sleepover, Mar. Just like old times. You, me, Alya— hell, we can even invite Adrien to the fun.”
“Oh god no.” Marinette steps away from her kitchen table. “If you really loved me, you would never do that. I do not want Adrien witnessing the disaster that is me after one it the morning.”
“But after one in the morning Mari is the best Mari!” Nino protests.
Marinette collapses onto the couch. “Hard no.”
“We could play spin the bottle. Seven minutes in heaven.”
She snorts. “Okay, are we in uni again? I remind you that you have a very serious girlfriend who you love very much. Spin the bottle is very hard to rig.”
She can almost see Nino shrugging. “If some of the kisses don’t match up exactly it’s not the end of the world. It’s not like we’ve never kissed before.”
“True,” Marinette murmurs, checking her nails.
“Same with Alya. So really…to complete the square, we all have to kiss Adrien.”
“Is that what counts as initiation into our friend group?” Marinette asks. “Kissing?”
She shakes her head. “If you didn’t scare him away before, you’d definitely scare him away now.”
“We were plenty nice!” Nino says. “It’s been two weeks since we exchanged names, you sure we can’t get his number or something? Alya is going to have a cow.”
Marinette huffs. “Don’t tell, Al but… I don’t even have his number.” She makes a face at the long silence.  
“Goddamn, Mari. Why not?”
She shrugs. “We live next to each other. I’ve never…needed it? I mean, would it be nice to have? Sure. But I don’t want to push him and he’s never offered so…”
“Do you need me to take on the Alya role because she’s working?”
Marinette sighs. “Is saying no going to stop you?”
“Get his number, girl!”
She clicks her tongue. “So many demands. Last names, universities, phone numbers— do you need his blood type too?”
“I’m sure Alya could find some use for that.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. We’re lucky she didn’t go into like, espionage or something. She’d be scary.”
“Are you saying she isn’t scary now?”
“No,” Marinette admits. “Alya is still very scary now. She’d just be way more terrifying in covert operations.”   
“She really would be,” Nino muses.
Marinette smiles to herself. “You love her a lot.”
Nino sighs happily. “Yeah I do. It’s a good thing I’m such a dumbass. Probably wouldn’t have gotten her attention otherwise.”
Marinette raises her eyebrows. “I’m sorry, weren’t Alya and I friends before you two started dating?”
“Yeah, but nothing really gets someone’s attention like chugging a Monster-coffee combo ten minutes before class.”
“Hm, I suppose that’s true. How did you survive lycée again?”
“A good question, my dude. A really good one.”
Marinette looks up as there’s a knock at her door.
“Is that the boyfriend?” Nino asks.
“Shut up,” she mutters. “I’m not sure, but I’ll call you back later, okay?”
“Sure thing, man. Remember all the details for, Al.”
“I always do. Bye.”
“Peace, dude.”
Marinette pulls open the door and Adrien holds out a book. She stares at it — the book, not the hand holding it out to her, definitely not — for a long moment before looking up at him. “Hi?”
“I totally stole this from you the other day,” he apologizes.
Marinette takes the book and flips it over to skim the summary on the back. “Honestly, I didn’t even know I had this book. I’m not sure if I ever read it. Was it good?”
Adrien shrugs. “It was okay. Kind of predictable ending, but it passed the time.”
“Hm. Not sure if I’ll ever read it, but I’ll keep your indepth review in mind.”
He smiles. “Thanks for letting me borrow it, even if you didn’t notice.”
“Of course, what’s mine is yours,” Marinette says before realizing that may be a little too revealing. “I really like your ring by the way.” She gestures to the silver ring on his right hand. She’s noticed him wearing it before, but she’s never really gotten a good look at it before. Plus she needs to change the subject as fast as humanly possible.
“This old thing?” Adrien asks, holding up his hand. “Thanks, it’s an old family heirloom. It’s sentimental, but it’s not really worth anything.”
Marinette shrugs. “Sometimes sentimentality is all that you need.”
“Yeah,” he murmurs, examining the ring. He shakes his head. “Anyway, I have to get back to work, but I’ll see you later?”
She nods and tries not to smile too widely. “Yeah, that sounds great. Have fun at your kitchen table.”
“Always do,” he says with a crooked smile as he turns to his door.
Marinette closes the door and cleans against it, clutching her book to her chest.
She’s so gone.
✦ ✦ ✦
Marinette skips dinner.
She’s been working on an idea for a new line all afternoon and her mind feels like jello. It’d probably be a good idea to take a break and let her mind rest, but she’s kind of in the zone, and she doesn’t want to risk losing it.
It takes Alya sending thirty two texts about something that happened at work for Marinette to finally put down the pencil and grab a quick sandwich and a drink while she reads through Alya’s rant.
And then she goes right back to work.
Page after page of failed design and scribbled out notes. She resists the urge to scratch things out and rip pages out of her sketchbook so she can crumple them up and throw them away. She tries to keep everything she designs, even things that she doesn’t like that much. It’s good for learning.
But when she’s low on patience, she scribbles them out anyway.
She almost breaks her pencil crossing out a pantsuit that makes her want to quit her job and return her degree.
“I hate this,” she grumbles to herself, hitting her sketchbook against her forehead.
She stands up with a sigh, doing a quick stretch and pacing around the apartment for a few minutes. Then she turns on her laptop and finds some music to listen to it and plugs in her headphones because it’s too late to blast music aloud.
She starts a dress and gets halfway through the skirt before she realizes she’s already designed this dress.
Back to the drawing board.
✦ ✦ ✦
Marinette drags her hands down her face and glances over at the clock. Half an hour after midnight.
Time to give up.
She packs up her laptop and tablet and puts them into her bag by the door. She thinks about her plan for tomorrow before adding her current sketchbook and some markers to it as well.
She wanders around the apartment for a few minutes, drinking a glass of water and trying to calm her anxiety. A little bit of artblock never killed anyone. She’ll get past this hurdle and be back to designing things she’s proud of in no time.
She’s looking forward to work in the morning. She’s looking forward to having some direction. Any direction.
Marinette flops on her bed and stares at the ceiling for a long time.
Tomorrow will be better. It has to be.
✦ ✦ ✦
Marinette jerks awake as a loud beeping pierces through her dreams. She didn’t know what it was in her dream, she just knew it was annoying, but now her heart is pounding and she feels like she’s about to be sick.
Fire alarm.
For a moment, she wonders if it’s a drill (do they even have those anywhere other than school?) or was pulled on accident, before the alarms in her mind start going off because that doesn’t matter.  
She snatches her phone from her charger as she runs out the door, nearly tripping as she slips on a pair of flip flops she always has by the door and grabbing her work bag because her entire life is in that bag and she knows you’re not supposed to take anything in an emergency but it’s right there.
As soon as she throws open the door, she can smell the smoke and she doesn’t know how she didn’t notice it before now. She blames the adrenaline.
People are rushing out of their apartments. Someone’s child is crying and heavy footsteps echo through the stairway.
This is actually happening.
Marinette can’t move.
She gasps as someone grabs her arm and drags her along. She finds herself looking at Adrien with terrified eyes.
“We have to go,” Adrien says, running a hand through his hair. He has his phone in his hand and his long black trench coat on, but he’s barefoot and each time he drags a hand over his hair it gets messier.
She probably shouldn’t be focusing so much on him as they follow the crowd out of the building, but he’s strangely grounding. Him, his face, the pressure of his hand on his arm.
They always say to be calm and quiet if there’s a fire in school, but everyone is running and pushing. People are screaming and crying and yelling out to others.
The smoke gets thinner as they go down, but it’s still starting to burn Marinette’s eyes. A mother next to her covers her child’s mouth with her sleeve.
Marinette gasps as they step out into the humid night air. She feels like she’s about to start crying; there’s a lump in her throat and a pressure in the back of her head.
Adrien freezes next to her. He lets go of her arm and shoves her forward. “Go!”
“A-Adrien?” she asks, twisting around to look at him.
“Just go!” he shouts.
He turns and pushes back inside of the building.
Back into the smoke.
Back into the fire.
“Adrien!” Marinette screams, her voice breaking.
The crowd drags her forward. Someone crashes into her. She can hear sirens down the street above the screaming.
Adrien is gone.
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chimericarchitect · 7 years
kurvakiousSexekutionoir 2
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 17:43 --
[05:43] KS: Hey! hoow are yoou?
[05:43] TS: Hey! Long time no see. :P
[05:43] TS: I'm good.
[05:44] TS: Whaddup?
[05:44] KS: I was woondering.
[05:44] KS: yoour having this party thing
[05:44] KS: hoow are peoople getting there? me foor example
[05:45] TS: Well, in your case I will be picking you up!
[05:45] TS: So there's nothing for you to worry about
[05:45] KS: .... where are yoou having it if we have too avooid yoour guardian?
[05:46] TS: Mmmm, not my hive!
[05:46] TS: I got a place though
[05:46] KS: which means were goonna use that weird jumpy thing...
[05:46] KS: doosnet it
[05:47] TS: You mean a transpotalizer...?
[05:47] KS: witchcraft
[05:47] TS: (eyeroll.exe)
[05:47] KS: technoocraft?
[05:47] KS: freaking freaky either way
[05:48] KS: but i doo it foor yoou kiwi
[05:48] KS: um alsoo
[05:48] KS: loots oof peoople?
[05:48] TS: Not a lot! ONly 9 so far.
[05:49] KS: 9?!!!
[05:49] KS: thats soo many...
[05:49] TS: The Halloween one I went to had 30 people ;D
[05:49] KS: .... ooh goog
[05:49] KS: Thats...
[05:50] KS: were there aloot oof scary peoople their?
[05:50] KS: there
[05:50] TS: I dunno! They didn't seem scary to me.
[05:50] KS: Yes but yoou a very sweet little shut in...
[05:50] KS: oor ex shut in?
[05:50] TS: Hey!
[05:51] TS: Look, no one was scary! They were all very nice.
[05:51] KS: then why was the party soome hoow saved by oone persoon oonly being there foor a few minutes?
[05:52] TS: Mmm, Probably because that person doesn't get along with the host?
[05:52] TS: Can't say!
[05:53] KS: *whine* soo whoo rsvped?
[05:53] TS: Hang on, lemme look
[05:53] KS: kay
[05:55] TS: 1. subborealcetacean 2. violetbard 3. kurvakioussexekutionoir 4. aesthetic-virtuoso 5. ad1ostoreador 6. wa2p 7. adeysia 8. feralvulpecula 9. solbee-captor
[05:55] TS: These are they
[05:56] KS: hoow many oof these are highbloooods? just oout oof curioousity
[05:57] TS: How high of a blood do they need to be in order to be highblood?
[05:57] KS: aboove teal
[05:58] TS: Not including teal?
[05:58] TS: Just one!
[05:58] KS: ah... im guessin viooletbard is... yeah
[05:59] KS: ooh geez oone sec. mooms chewing oon a roock
[05:59] TS: Your lusus is weird
[06:00] TS: You are what you eat, so she must be dumb as a rock
[06:00] KS: never mind it was a very red peice oof wooood.
[06:00] KS: hey!
[06:00] KS: shes smarter than yoou'
[06:00] KS: guess thats noot saying much :p
[06:00] TS: Prove it :P
[06:01] TS: You called a transportalizer witchcraft
[06:02] KS: looook, i knoow their coommoon. but anything that takes my parts disoolves them and refoorms them is fucking scary
[06:02] KS: what if it gets turned ooff half way!
[06:03] TS: Thennnnn
[06:03] TS: You die?
[06:03] TS: I don't know
[06:03] TS: Never happened! :D
[06:03] KS: .... Yoou die shoould noot be acoompenied by smiley face
[06:03] TS: Hehehe~
[06:04] TS: Well, I don't think it dissolves you anyway
[06:04] TS: That's a misconception
[06:04] KS: what is it then?
[06:04] KS: what dooes it doo?
[06:04] TS: Smoosh!
[06:05] TS: Space!
[06:05] TS: :D
[06:05] KS: hndfjsdhfksdi im goonna dieeee
[06:05] TS: Eventually! ^_^
[06:05] KS: im goonna lick yoou...
[06:06] TS: Gross
[06:06] KS: right in the ear
[06:06] TS: Ew
[06:06] KS: really wet
[06:07] TS: UR Disgustin'
[06:07] KS: yoour a troollgladite
[06:08] KS: Are yoou ignooring my amazing wit
[06:10] TS: Yeah, "amazing" is one way to describe that
[06:10] TS: But I wasn't ignoring you
[06:10] TS: I was working on my Uni-Stitch
[06:11] KS: yoour croochet?
[06:13] TS: Hehe, yeah, let's go with that ;D
[06:13] TS: What're you up to?
[06:13] KS: ... what else coould that mean?
[06:13] KS: ooh um
[06:13] KS: i am attmpting too make my cloothes foor the party
[06:14] TS: :O
[06:14] TS: D'you want some help?
[06:14] TS: What're you going to wear? It's not a costume party
[06:15] KS: ive goot it moostly. im just having a hanioous time with the design
[06:15] KS: i knoow but i alsoo doont want too wear my ragged cloothes ya knoow?
[06:15] TS: :T
[06:16] TS: You sure you don't want me to make/get you something?
[06:16] KS: woorried ill embarass yoou?~
[06:18] TS: Nope!
[06:18] KS: truth is im recycling an oold thing i made foorever agoo.
[06:19] TS: Mmm? :3
[06:19] KS: yooull see ;)
[06:19] TS: Okay. So long as you are comfortable, that it what matters
[06:20] KS: ooh theres gooing too be aloot oof peoople.
[06:20] KS: im gooing too be freaking oout inside
[06:20] KS: ooutside ill be hoot as fuck
[06:21] KS: this isnt foormal is it?
[06:21] TS: Not formal, no.
[06:21] TS: Casual is fine.
[06:22] KS: ookay cooool
[06:22] TS: Are you excited?
[06:23] KS: i am alsoo scared but yea
[06:23] KS: but i have oone questioon foor yoou.
[06:23] KS: this is a human hoolliday oor soo has been said.
[06:23] KS: whats a human
[06:23] TS: Ohhh myyy GOOOODDDD
[06:23] TS: This again??
[06:24] TS: They
[06:24] TS: Are
[06:24] TS: Aliens
[06:24] TS: Pinky softy aliens
[06:24] KS: what doo yoou mean again?!
[06:24] KS: alsoo fucking ew what?
[06:24] TS: :O
[06:24] TS: Wait
[06:24] TS: I thought we talked about this?
[06:25] KS: ... i yoou "multiverseing" again?
[06:25] KS: are
[06:25] KS: noot i
[06:25] KS: wtf
[06:26] TS: I am always multiverse-ing!
[06:26] TS: You are too, now
[06:26] KS: ... i.. did i coonsent too this
[06:26] TS: Yep!
[06:26] TS: You're welcome
[06:27] KS: ... that soounds like yoou coonsented foor my kiwi
[06:28] TS: No way! You totally agreed.
[06:28] TS: You're in it now
[06:28] TS: :P
[06:28] KS: mmmmmmmmmmm
[06:28] KS: i knoow
[06:28] KS: soomeoone foolloowed my bloog
[06:28] TS: !! :O
[06:28] TS: Who?
[06:29] KS: succinctlysevered
[06:29] TS: aiylsihbvs'
[06:29] TS: BAD
[06:29] TS: OH
[06:29] TS: D:
[06:30] KS: ???
[06:30] TS: That guy is scary
[06:30] KS: they seemed ookay when we talked foor a sec.
[06:30] KS: but i was awkward soo we havent really talked again
[06:30] TS: He is really
[06:30] TS: REALLY
[06:30] TS: into killing and stuff
[06:30] KS: ....
[06:30] KS: troolls
[06:31] KS: oour whoole race
[06:31] TS: :(
[06:31] KS: sweet little shut in kiwi
[06:31] TS: >:(
[06:31] TS: It grew eyebrows just for you
[06:31] KS: such a precioous innoocent sooul
[06:32] KS: yoour gooing too be eaten alive
[06:32] KS: and noot in the fun way...
[06:33] TS: D:<
[06:33] TS: Kitty
[06:33] TS: STFU
[06:33] KS: oohhh sensitive
[06:33] TS: I can be tough
[06:33] TS: I'm trying
[06:33] KS: awwwwwwwwww
[06:34] KS: kiwi
[06:34] KS: im soorry yoour just too cute
[06:34] KS: like a baby meoowbeast trying too attack a dragoon
[06:34] TS: I will block you
[06:34] KS: noooooooooooooooooooooo
[06:34] KS: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[06:34] KS: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ccccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[06:35] KS: dddddddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttttttttt leav me
[06:35] TS: stahp
[06:35] TS: garbage words
[06:35] TS: ew
[06:35] TS: I had to read this
[06:35] TS: SEVERAL times
[06:35] TS: in order to understand you
[06:35] KS: *whine*
[06:35] TS: (Squint)
[06:36] KS: doont bloock me
[06:36] KS: doont leave meh
[06:36] TS: Why are you being dumb
[06:36] TS: it was a joke kitty
[06:37] KS: mir
[06:38] KS: kiwi why doo yoou doo this too me
[06:38] TS: Do what?? Make jokes?
[06:38] TS: Now who's sensitive, you weenie?
[06:38] KS: blugh
[06:38] KS: shuddup
[06:38] KS: i am noot
[06:38] KS: hT{OO:GReyfjtmsrga
[06:38] KS: FYGUNLE
[06:39] KS: ,VKJOOUEFY8Wgab
[06:39] TS: (SquintX2 Combo)
[06:39] KS: cvgfkvm.
[06:39] TS: stop
[06:39] KS: moom was oon the keybooard again
[06:39] TS: Your lusus is dumb
[06:39] TS: XP
[06:39] KS: she likes yoou thoough
[06:39] TS: XPPPP
[06:39] KS: did the spit ever coome oout oof yoour shirt froom when she licked yoou?
[06:40] TS: I had to destroy that shirt!
[06:41] KS: why?
[06:41] KS: it was just spit.
[06:41] KS: and a little blooood..
[06:42] KS: ookay maybe there was moore blooood than their shoould usually be
[06:42] TS: YEAH
[06:42] TS: I had to destroy the evidence before Anista saw
[06:42] TS: Couldn't risk it
[06:42] KS: ooh... yeah thats fair....
[06:46] TS: So what're you doing?
[06:46] KS: well i just sewed part oof my finger too my dress... soo i seam ripping.
[06:46] KS: yoou?
[06:47] TS: You sewed your finger onto your dress? How??
[06:48] KS: stoopped paying attentioon and went throough the calloouse
[06:49] TS: Are you bleeding on your new clothes?
[06:50] KS: noope
[06:50] KS: im gooood doont woorry
[06:50] KS: cant see it anyway. im wearing black
[06:51] TS: Mm.
[06:52] KS: soo what will yoou wear? goobblebeast coostume?
[06:58] TS: No way! The event is CASUAL
[06:58] TS: I will wear something CASUAL
[06:58] TS: Not a COSTUME
[06:58] KS: ......
[06:58] KS: yoour a meme i doont belive yoou woont be extra
[06:58] TS: Holy shit
[06:58] TS: Called THE FUCK out
[06:59] TS: by my own friend no less
[06:59] TS: You absolute monster
[06:59] KS: if its private i think its just calling hoooofbeast shit?
[07:00] TS: >:O
[07:00] TS: I guess??
[07:01] TS: Well, either way, I am dressing CASUALLY
[07:01] KS: alright.
[07:01] KS: its gooing too be oon yoour shirt istn it yoou little turd
[07:05] TS: No!
[07:05] TS: I was gonna wear something normal
[07:07] KS: alright fine i relent
[07:10] TS: Good
[07:11] TS: Sorry, I've been pretty busy
[07:11] KS: its all gooood
[07:11] KS: whats wroong?
[07:11] TS: Nothing is wrong!
[07:11] TS: Not right now, anyway
[07:11] KS: yoou sure
[07:12] TS: Yep!
[07:12] TS: Just checking for cracks
[07:12] TS: Fixin' the place up
[07:12] KS: .... croochet doosnt crack...
[07:12] TS: :?
[07:12] TS: Sure it does?
[07:12] KS: earlier yoou said yoou were dooing croochet
[07:12] TS: :D
[07:12] KS: It disnt
[07:13] KS: what are yoou danceing arooung yoou degenerate lightning bug
[07:13] TS: Hehe! You're funny. ^_^
[07:13] TS: ZZip! ZZap
[07:13] TS: Lightning!
[07:14] TS: Don't worry about it. :P
[07:14] KS: fine....
[07:16] KS: hey
[07:16] KS: soo ive been looooking aroound gaming sites
[07:16] KS: any yoou coould suggest too me?
[07:17] TS: Sure!
[07:17] TS: I know a Karkat who plays the Sims
[07:17] TS: He enjoys it!
[07:17] TS: I could ask for a copy
[07:17] KS: sims?
[07:17] KS: and what doo yoou mean a karkat
[07:18] KS: ... theres moore than oone
[07:18] KS: multiverse
[07:18] KS: ooh good theres moore than oone
[07:18] KS: is there anoother me?
[07:18] KS: oof coouse theres anoother ma
[07:18] KS: hooly shit
[07:19] TS: I haven't met another you yet, if it's any consolation
[07:19] KS: doo yoou think there are peoople whoo goo betweaan these universes? noot just with a weird techmagic server
[07:19] KS: but like
[07:19] KS: peoople
[07:21] KS: what if thats what all these peoople can doo
[07:21] KS: am i the oonly oone whoo cant
[07:21] KS: am i really that fereal
[07:21] KS: am i crazy????!!!!
[07:24] TS: You are feral and crazy! :P
[07:24] TS: jk
[07:24] TS: But
[07:24] TS: I had to travel across the multiverse to go to that party you know
[07:24] KS: ooh my good transpoortalizers are actual fucking witchcraft
[07:29] TS: Well
[07:29] TS: Not all of them
[07:29] KS: ....
[07:29] KS: is this soome hoow linked with yoour brain poowers
[07:32] TS: My brain powers? Really?
[07:32] TS: A lot of lowbloods are psychic!
[07:32] KS: yes but i mean yoou seem too be... extra...
[07:32] KS: i dunnoo
[07:33] TS: :?
[07:33] KS: yoou seem really stroon coompared too oothers ive knoown
[07:34] TS: Oh. Really? :3
[07:34] TS: I'm flattered.
[07:34] TS: What makes you think so?
[07:34] KS: pfff oone persoon i used too knoow coouldnt lift a spoooon. yoou fly
[07:34] TS: Ohhh
[07:35] TS: Well, I'm not REALLY strong
[07:35] TS: But I'm decent!
[07:35] KS: impressive.
[07:35] TS: ^_^
[07:41] KS: blugables
[07:43] TS: What?
[07:44] KS: ooh thats the soound oof my incooming death because yoour cute as fuck
[07:50] TS: Why must you do this?
[07:50] TS: Oh hey
[07:50] TS: I just remembered
[07:50] TS: I met someone
[07:58] KS: what?!
[07:58] KS: wait
[07:58] KS: like
[07:58] KS: MET?????!!!
[07:58] TS: Face to face? Uhhh, yeah?
[07:58] TS: I went to a party!
[07:58] TS: But if you mean did I MEET someone...
[07:58] TS: ;)
[07:58] KS: quadrents bitch doo yoou have them
[07:58] TS: I do! :D
[07:59] TS: Haha
[07:59] TS: His name is Tulket
[07:59] TS: What do you wanna know?
[07:59] KS: tulket...
[07:59] KS: tulllket
[07:59] KS: Crestaciean?
[08:00] KS: the guy whoos handle soounds like shellfish?
[08:01] TS: !!!
[08:02] TS: subborealcetacean you brute
[08:02] KS: what even dooes that mean
[08:02] TS: LOOK IT UP
[08:02] TS: You language bound hooligan
[08:02] KS: nyaw looookit yoou
[08:02] KS: getting all prootective
[08:02] KS: cute~
[08:03] TS: Can it you trout >///<
[08:03] KS: canned troout? this reminds me
[08:03] KS: isnt he a fishy?
[08:03] KS: kiwi and guppy?
[08:03] KS: sitting in a tree?
[08:03] KS: k
[08:03] KS: i
[08:03] KS: s
[08:03] KS: s
[08:03] KS: i
[08:03] KS: n
[08:03] KS: g
[08:04] KS: ?
[08:05] KS: be right baclk ookay?
[08:12] TS: You are GARBAGE
[08:12] TS: XPPP
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] is now an idle chum! --
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] is now an idle chum! --
[08:31] KS: yes i knoow but still
[08:31] KS: alsoo after reaading anything and everything i coould oon his pages
[08:31] KS: ...
[08:32] KS: ill be woorried but yoou are ookay with him i think.
[08:32] KS: just knoow
[08:32] KS: if he ever hurts yoou, i will find him.
[08:32] KS: i will capture him
[08:32] KS: and i will make sure my lusus eats him in teeny tiny peices
[08:32] TS: Oh, you're back. Thanks for making this unpleasant. >:T
[08:33] KS: ~ just looooking oout foor my girl
[08:33] KS: anyway im super happy foor yoou
[08:33] KS: yoou deserve happieness
[08:34] TS: XPP
[08:34] TS: What were you doing, anyway?
[08:34] KS: ...
[08:35] KS: i may have goone and cyber staled him too make sure he wasnt a serial killer oor cannabal oor anything woorriesoome
[08:35] TS: O_O
[08:35] TS: Creepy
[08:35] KS: what?
[08:35] KS: i care aboout yoou
[08:36] TS: Okay, but Tulket is a good person!
[08:36] TS: You coulda asked me
[08:36] TS: OR
[08:36] TS: You could talk to him yourself!
[08:37] KS: ... i think ill wait oon that
[08:37] KS: but yoou shoould tootaly tell me aboout hi,
[08:37] KS: 'and yoou guys as a cooupel
[08:37] KS: wait
[08:37] KS: dooes he knoow aboout yoour blooood?
[08:37] KS: and if soo hoow did he find oout
[08:37] KS: was it inaproopriate?
[08:38] TS: >:O
[08:38] TS: You lewd thing!
[08:38] TS: YES
[08:38] TS: He knows about my blood color
[08:38] TS: HOWEVER
[08:38] TS: I don't think he gets it
[08:38] TS: He's a teal seadweller
[08:39] KS: thats deffinately oodd foor sure
[08:39] KS: still doosnt tell me weeather oor noot yoouve pailed
[08:39] TS: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08:39] TS: NO
[08:40] TS: I haven't known him that long!
[08:40] TS: D:<
[08:40] TS: What if I said we did, huh? Then what??
[08:40] KS: awww soo embarassed~ i bet if yoour emoojis were accurate im sure theyed have little lines
[08:41] KS: then id be impressed. maybe. id proobably ask hoow gooood he was
[08:41] TS: (SQUINT)
[08:42] KS: what? im curioous
[08:43] KS: hiding froom scoociety and coonstantly mooving doosnt give aloot oof "scoocial" time
[08:45] TS: (((S Q U I N T)))
[08:45] TS: Look
[08:45] TS: I gotta go
[08:45] TS: I'll talk to you later
[08:45] KS: ooh..
[08:45] KS: ookay
[08:45] KS: i wast trying too make yoou actually mad. soorry broo.
[08:45] KS: talk too ya later ookay?
[08:46] TS: Yep!
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furederiko · 7 years
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1st post for the month of August 2017! And it's the 'Clash of the Reds'. Yes, a belated write up for Kyuranger episode 24!!!
NOTE: This recap-view is for the episode that aired on Sunday, August 6th, 2017 07:30 JST. It was initially meant to be published last week, just a few days after it was broadcasted (precisely on August 8th). Unfortunately, the plan got sort of derailed. Long story short... the social media detox that was only planned to last for a week, got unexpectedly extended for another because I was bedridden afterwards. So yeah, hence the long delay. But not to worry, recap-view for episode 25 will arrive very soon to make up for that!
- Assuming the show will be 48-49 episodes in total, that means it's officially around its halfway point. Yes, eventhough things are already feeling so heavy and serious, we still have HALF a season to go from here! NOTE: If it's 48 episodes in total, that means this episode marks the end of the first half. If it's 49, then the next one (episode 25) serves that purpose. - We should know by now that Kyuranger isn't the type of show that likes to drag plot points. This episode is just another solid proof of that. Just three episodes in, and Tsurugi's facade of bravado has been peeled away, revealing a more sentimental true personality. Interestingly, we also get to see him struggling with memories of the past. I wonder if it's in a way, implying that Tsurugi is suffering from a... war PTSD? O_O. In order to get to the bottom of this, he needs to know 'the truth'. Thus, he sends out Spada and Raptor on an important mission. Which of course, also serves as the show's usual excuse for characters to be absent from the episode. Not that I'm complaining... - But the two aren't the only ones who need to be... benched out. This episode is clearly a double focus for the Reds, as they try... or rather, 'forced' to work out their differences. Hence... it doesn't even take long for everyone else (sans Commander Xiao, who stayed on the Rebellion) to get literally swallowed by our MotW, Malistrate Gabbler! IMHO, this right hand of Tecchu is a scary MotW that should really have had higher rank in the Shogunate. Why? With his ability alone, he actually succeeds in taking down SEVEN Kyurangers all at once! WOW, right? - Anyways, eventhough he doesn't approve Tsurugi as Kyuranger at first, Lucky begins to... sense there's something 'wrong' with Tsurugi. Commander Xiao wisely helps him realize, that the 'legendary hero' tends to act the complete opposite to his words. Proof? Tsurugi's boasting about immortality, eventhough he had already lost that ability before his cold-sleep. And hearing a holographic projection of Don Armage making fun of his fallen comrades, causes him to lose his composure. Symbolizing that inspite of his words that dismissed them as 'expendables', he actually CARED for them. Also, he's telling the Kyurangers to be his shield, yet he's the one who does that to protect Lucky! Oh the irony... - Speaking of being a 'shield', the show introduces a new character in this episode: Kuervo (VA: Daisuke Namikawa, who previously voiced Engine Speedor in Go-Onger). He's one of Legendary 88 Warriors that represented the Corvus Constellation System, their strategic advisor, and also a personal close friend to Tsurugi. He was the one whom Tsurugi refered to as 'sacrificed his life for him', during the battle against Don Armage in the past. Thus obviously, he's the one responsible for leaving behind a deep 'scar of friendship' in Tsurugi's heart. Fun Trivia: The word 'Cuervo' is actually the Spanish word for 'Raven/Crow'. And yes, in case you're unaware, Corvus is the Crow Constellation! So as always, TOEI isn't even trying to be subtle when it comes to names. LOL. - Intriguingly, assuming Kuervo's truly dead, then that means there's only one sole candidate who might end up becoming the new Don Armage: Olion (whom you can see using a sword and a mostly white outfit in the flashback scene). Remember my theory that proposes Olion as the Darth Vader of the show? This reveal just adds that notion. Then again, we never really witness Kuervo's body (just like Scorpio) as well, so anything's still possible here. Beside, we also know how that much-hated Jedi eventually became Vader? Meaning we can't rule out anyone yet, because the rule of death is pretty much flexible in science-fiction. - Lucky challenges Tsurugi to share his story (get it? his-story? XD), even if just to put them both on the same page. Instead, that makes him understand the reason behind his stand-off-ish demeanor: Tsurugi simply doesn't want to sacrifice any more comrades in battle. Aaaaaw... T_T. That's why he wants to deal with Gabbler and Tecchu alone. So yeah, someone's definitely having a lone survivor syndrome! Tsurugi even proves that point, by taking Lucky's Leo Kyu Globe as hostage, to prevent him from joining the fight. Fun fact: I just realized. True to his 'Soldier' namesake, Tsurugi is acting like a drill-sergeant. Showing all tough and mighty bravado on the front, but secretly tries to protect his comrades. He even has his share of warfare PTSD. That's a really good angle right there. - Due to the duration, of course said twist doesn't last long. Tsurugi gets into a fickle due to his previous wounds, and Xiao and Lucky arrive to save the day. The younger Red then proposes a new 'system' to Tsurugi's face: "If the current saviors... and the old savior work together... We... can create a new legend!". So yeah, ignoring the fact that it might have arrived a tad too quickly (I WAS expecting more resistance and stubborness)... the 'Rivalry of the Reds' has been resolved. It shouldn't come off as too surprising though, as Draco Commander says it best... "Say what they will, these two get along pretty well.". Indeed, they ARE actually two of a kind. Probably the reason why they're both Red, right? LOL. - While Draco Commander distracts Tecchu, the duo works together to free the other Kyurangers. Good timing, because they are all (including the mechanical ones like Balance and Champ, the joke's on them) almost on the verge of having all their life energy drained! With none of them being fit enough to join the fight (thus preventing any of the mecha sans Gigant Phoenix to be used), it's up to the Reds to handle the giant battle as well. Taking down Gabbler is easy, but what can they do when Tecchu decides to tag along? That's when a miracle occurs. Or in the words of Tsurugi, "It's about to be truly legendary!". - Yes, the other 10 Change Kyu Globes (including those of Spada's and Raptor's... who are busy tinkering around with a lever-like contraption) join the battle in their own free will! They boost the power of Leo Voyager and Phoenix Voyager, thus forming... the 12 Kyu Globes combination, Kyutamajin. Gotta admit, it's a rousing and exciting sequence. As for the robot itself, when I first saw the catalogue picture, I thought the new combo looked weird and odd. But now that I've known the concept and seen it in action, saying I've warmed up to it would be a huge understatement. Because I'm actually DIGGING this combination! Sure, some parts still looks a bit awkward (like the giant ball on top of the head), but this is a smart design, that unites all 12 heroes in one mecha without overdoing it. And this is coming from a guy who actually liked those messy-complicated clusterfuck formation in Go-Onger and last year's Zyuohger. LOL. In a way, it's a solid mecha. - The problem is, only the two Reds are using Kyutamajin! And knowing how the internet works, this has surely rubbed some fans in the wrong way. Of course, since this episode aired two weeks ago (once again, this recap-view is a week late), everyone should know by now that there's a logical reason to why only Leo Red and Phoenix Soldier are sharing the control of this mecha: because the others are being saved for episode 25! LOL. Then again, it's not like the Reds aren't hinting about it throughout this episode. I mean, they ARE repeatedly asking the tune of, "Can we really move it with just the two of us?". They're not even being subtle about it. I guess impatient fans wouldn't be able to see these hints past their complains, huh? LOL. NOTE: Kyutamajin isn't even using its ultimate finisher in this episode. "Kyutamajin! Meteor Booster!" is a just a secondary attack that only manages to take down Gabbler. Don't forget, Tecchu is still at large! - Tsurugi officially joins the team, as proven by his Kyuranger License. Yep, the one that Kotarou delivered for the team at the start of the episode. Something that even Xiao hasn't owned before (hence why he 'forgot' all about it, huh? LOL). It's nice to see all 12 onboard the same ship, right? Hold on, the question here is... what about Spada and Raptor? - Turns out, they are in Planet Tocky of the Horologium System, in search of the Horologium Kyu Globe. Why? Because Tsurugi wants to use it... to travel back in time, and see with his very own eyes, what really 'happened' to Don Armage. Yep, time travel is the show's next big arc! And this discussion comes at the right time, because Spada and Raptor pop up on the communication screen with a 'distress call'. Why? Because something is going on in the Planet that can't be handled by only the two of them... A few additional notes before I wrap this up: - Bandai Japan released a Special "Henshin Series" episode after this episode was aired. And it was.... hillarious as always! I thought the company was going to release one after every episode (they should, tbh), so it was a bit of a bummer when the series stopped four months ago in episode 6 (following Mr. Pega's short-lived debuted). The fact that the previous extra members (Xiao and Kotarou) haven't had their time in the spotlight yet, also added to the disappointment. So obviously, the arrival of this special episode was more than just a pleasant surprise. That's right, because all extra members get their chance to show off! Interestingly, this video didn't include Phoenix Soldier's henshin pose. Does this mean we'll be getting another one in the future? Especially with that rumored new transformation gadget? Here's hoping... - More movie scenes can be seen in the opening, as well as the new trailer that debuted after the episode. There were two standouts from them. First, Leo Red is using Herakles Kyu Globe in the movie, to somehow deal with the Kerberos one. Second, there are obvious scenes hinting that Commander Xiao is killed in the movie. Remember, this is Japan and their habit of spoiling things in advance. Eventhough the movie is doing really good! Then again, should we really believe that Xiao is dead? I seriously doubt it. Just look at what happened to the Kamen Rider Ghost's summer movie last year... LOL. - Haruka Tateishi (Amu of last year's Zyuohger) is giving an exclusive on-location tour for Kyuranger's G-Rosso action show. Go ahead and see it, it's all kinds of fun. Makes you eager to see her character returning to meet the Kyurangers in the upcoming Versus Movie, right?
Overall: Tsurugi's 4-part debut arc has come to a close. Thanks to the show's swift pacing, it didn't take long for the legendary soldier to get grounded and humbled down. Even his signature arrogance has already been taken down more than a notch, revealing a more painful and broken nature. I love how he and Lucky seems to exhibit contrasting personality from one another, while in actuality, they are still the same color. Yes, the conflict between them got resolved a little too quickly for my taste. Then again, it also proved my point that they are basically two of a kind. And in a way, Tsurugi was welcomed to the team in an organic manner, so I'm not complaining. Overall, a great albeit imperfect episode, with a stunning but equally imperfect debut for a new mecha combination. But that's because the next episode will be... something else! You'll see... Next week: Prepare for tissue, because Kotarou is giving us all the feels! PS: Expect the recap-view for Episode 25... in just a few hours from now! ;D
Episode 24 Score: 8 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: August 15th, 2017 - Version 2.10. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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delctrl-archive · 7 years
♫ – five times my muse swears it’s nota date and the one time it maybe is.— @sycophanticvisionary​
      “Just pick one.”
      “I don’t know? I’m still thinking.”
      “Look, it’s not that hard. You’re over-complicating it.”
       “I’m just not sure.”
      “Ryan, if you don’t choose, I’m going to choose for you.”
      “All right, all right, gimme a minute, will you?!”
Easy for Joe to say; these are his selections. After process of elimination, the remaining films limit two in the same genre: Goodfellas or The Godfather III. Why is he not surprised this is something Joe likes? Ryan’s never been into gangster movies himself—someone has to force him to watch the first Godfather actually—so maybe he’s stalling on purpose, even though the line behind him is getting antsy.
      “Sir, you need to make your choice soon. You’re holding up the line,” the box office clerk wheedles impatiently.
He wants to reject both options, if only because Ryan really wants to see Total Recall, but Joe isn’t a Schwarzenegger fan [how is that even possible? He’s amazing as Conan the barbarian]. Part of him wants to see Edward Scissorhands because that’s a unique concept and Nightmare Before Christmas is bizarre in a good way, even if as a kid Ryan finds it scary. But whatever, he has to decide, otherwise not only will people be pissed, Joe will probably walk out on him.
      “Two for The Godfather.” It takes all his willpower not to sigh.
Glancing at Joe, the small smile on his lips tells Ryan he chooses well. That makes him smile in turn as they head to the snack bar.
      “What do you want to eat?” he hears Joe ask, though he shrugs.
      “You decide. I’m pretty cheap.”
Joe doesn’t argue, just orders them a combo popcorn and fishes for his wallet. It occurs to Ryan that Joe’s paying for everything and that makes his face hot with embarrassment. Does that mean—?
      “Is this a date?” Ryan blurts.
It stills Joe from handing over a twenty-dollar bill, his eyes slowly sliding towards Ryan. Ryan swallows nervously, staring back with what he doesn’t realize is anticipated hope.
Joe turns away to gather napkins as Ryan stands, deflated, watching. He doesn’t enjoy the movie as much as Joe does.
Ryan’s probably never laughed as much as he had since getting out of prison, but witnessing someone as tall as Joe MacMillan try to toss a giant heavy ball down a laminated aisle and miss is ridiculously priceless. More than likely Joe doesn’t appreciate being the butt of the joke, but can’t say he doesn’t laugh either whenever Ryan misses a strike out—which isn’t a lot. He practically grows up on this game thanks to his dad’s company team. Ryan knows how to roll a ball before he knows keystrokes.
So, yes, it’s a little unfair he asks Joe to verse him, knowing the advantage he has, but it feels nice to be good at something again, especially against Joe MacMillan, a man who is seemly flawless at what he puts his mind to, regardless of skill level. [Ryan has seen the man’s code, and while it’s like looking at the aftermath of a wild keg party, there’s still some gold nuggets that can make a decent brewery. He may never be great at it, but he’s not unteachable.] When they decide to pause in Joe’s losing streak—he laughs again at the typical-wounded-ego pout on his face—they stop for a pizza break. Ryan carries a tray over with their huge slices and styrofoam soda cups; the one with the hot-pink crazy-straw indicates Ryan’s Dr. Pepper and the cup with lots of ice is Joe’s Coke. The fries they split. Ryan dunks his in too much ketchup, makes a mess of his shirt, and Joe just looks at him with fond exasperation when he gets more napkins.
      “Do you still think you’re capable of beating me?” Ryan taunts through a grin and half a mouthful of pizza. “I mean, I gotta admit, you got spunk. Don’t think that’s good enough though.”
Joe scoffs goodnaturedly. “You’re sure of yourself. Don’t get cocky, Ryan—”
      “Too late!”
      “―You might be surprised. I could suddenly win this and you wouldn’t even see it coming.” Joe’s steady, self-assured voice causes doubt in any other situation but this one. Ryan’s heard it a few times when they’ve spent hours and days looking for something before finding NSFNet. That tone marks the man’s determination as well as an ace hidden up his sleeve.
Not that Ryan heeds it. There’s no way Joe can turn this around in time. There’s a little over thirty minutes of the game left and Ryan’s ahead by twenty-two. He stuffs the rest of his cheese pizza in his mouth, devours it, and slurps down more Dr. Pepper, shaking his head. “That doesn’t scare me, Joe. You’re all talk.” Ryan smirks. “C’mon, prove it.”
He’s not exactly prepared for that look Joe gives. Like he’s said the wrong thing, or maybe the right thing, to put that fire in his gaze; the way he stands so abruptly just screams You’ll regret that. Ryan watches a little dumbfounded as Joe steps into the little sitting area, food forgotten, then takes a minute to peruse particular bowling balls. He ends up choosing a shiny black one, as if it’s an enlarged 8-ball. It’s a surprise when Joe walks up, stands perfectly still, but suddenly executes a perfect throw with just the right amount of leverage and twist that sends the ball gliding across the lane, knocking down the white pins forming a Greek Church. 
For a dumb moment, Ryan has the impression of pillars of an old god’s temple being destroyed by Joe MacMillan: a cannon ball come to wreck a false way of life.
The next half hour plays out similarly. Joe keeps nailing his shots over and over until he’s caught up to Ryan, who hasn’t said a word to joke or laugh at Joe’s expense. He realizes how easily he’s been played, that Joe is going easy on him earlier, and that miffs him the slightest bit. But in the end it’s Ryan who wins; as good as Joe apparently is at bowling, Ryan’s better.
       “That was fun,” Joe announces on the drive home. “We should do it again sometime.”
       “Yeah, sure,” Ryan answers, distracted, with his attention out of the window. He may still be a little bitter at how Joe played him. So he isn’t expecting the hand on his arm that gains his attention on the man driving instead.
       “Hey, you okay?”
The concern in Joe’s words melt whatever ire builds. Coupled with that glance of caring worry behind horn-rimmed glasses, Ryan simply smiles and shrugs it off. “Yeah, I’m good, I’m good. We’re good.”
Joe smiles, small and delicate, and nods. “Good. Let’s play again sometime,” he encourages.
       “It’s a date,” Ryan agrees mindlessly. 
Joe’s smile doesn’t waver, but his eyes close off. He looks back at the road ahead, stepping on the pedal once the light turns green.
Ryan’s two hours deep in Mortal Kombat, the joystick of his Nintendo 64 in danger of snapping from how vigorously he jerks it left and right, but he can’t care about that now, so close to K.O.-ing a FATALITY on Rain’s flamboyant, Japanese-purple-poncho, black death mask wearing ass. Ryan didn’t unlock Smoke as a character just to have him look pretty with his long white hair and mysticism. He’s been glued to the console ever since he buys it for himself as an early birthday present. Not even his brand new Microsoft PC has steered him from fighting fictional assassins and ninjas designed by America’s greatest video game developers. 
It’s Joe’s fault anyway.
“Fault” as if Ryan’s mad—hardly. The day Joe hands this gem over in neat red wrapping paper, Ryan swears he falls in love. After replaying [and beating] Super Mario five times, he’s in need of something new; Joe delivers.
Speaking of Joe, a shrill ringing interrupts his gameplay in time for Smoke to land the finishing blow. “Yes!” Ryan praises, leaping up with arms shooting high the same moment Smoke does a victory taunt. Adrenaline plants a wide grin on his lips and he pats the wall for his phone blindly, but eventually grasps it. “Hello?” he breathes, not quite over his excitement.
       “Ryan? It’s Joe.”
        “Joe? Hey, man, perfect timing! I just killed it on Mortal Kombat!”
        “Mortal Kombat?” Joe is genuinely confused. Figures.
       “Yeah, Mortal Kombat, it’s that game you bought me a few weeks ago. For my birthday,” he tacks on just in case he really has forgotten.
       “Right, I remember. I’m glad to know you’re liking it so much. Listen, can you do me a favor? I wouldn’t ask if I had somebody else, but—”
       “What is it, Joe? It’s not like you to stall.”
There’s a pause, and Ryan imagines Joe’s debating telling him never mind and hanging up, but he’s happy he doesn’t. “There’s this thing I have to go to for Gordon. Business party. A lot of investors will be there—I need someone to come with me.”
       “Like a date?”
       “No, nothing like that. It looks bad if I go alone.” Joe is too quick to dismiss the idea, but what else is new. It no longer hurts Ryan’s feelings.
But he does chuckle to hide his scoff. “You don’t think showing up with a guy will look bad?” Ryan points out incredulously. He realizes how bad that sounds though. “Not that I have a problem with it, just—”
       “Will you go with me or not?” Joe demands sharply, his voice like a cold knife.
       “Sure, yeah, yeah, I’ll go. Sure. Look, I’m sorry if I—”
       “Great. I’ll pick you up a six o’clock. Wear something nice.”
The line goes dead. Ryan feels like shit for putting his foot in his mouth and he knows he’s going to make it up to Joe somehow. Over the years the guy’s gotten a little more sensitive about his sexuality, the AIDS epidemic startling him into awareness and caution. Of course Joe’s never taken lightly to cracks about the gay community. Sometimes he can be downright vicious defending it.
Before Ryan has long to mope about his carelessness, he checks the clock. It’s four minutes from 5:00 PM and Joe doesn’t live far. Whatever remorse Ryan feels gets replaced by panicked annoyance at classic Joe MacMillan expecting him to break his neck getting ready in a small window of time. Ryan flicks off his television, then hops over his couch to rush down the hall towards his bedroom, shirking clothes as he goes.
He’s proud of himself when he opens the door to Joe exactly at 6:00, dressed in a starch white button-up, open maroon blazer, and black slacks. The contrast of deep red truly makes his skin glow copper. The way Joe looks him up and down slowly only adds to Ryan’s conceit. It doesn’t even diminish when Joe reaches forward to fix his black bowtie before half-smiling at Ryan. They’ll make quite the pair: Joe also looks dapper in his silver-white three-piece suit, his skin freshly scrubbed clean to give a polished peach gleam. Ryan forgets all about how much he hates parties and whether Joe admits it or not, he tries not to focus on the fact it feels very much like a date.
Ryan pretends Joe doesn’t.
Joe invites Ryan out to the water with him. He tries to teach him to surf. It’s the first and last time he tries as they learn Ryan is stupendously awful at keeping his balance on a surfboard while the waves are rocking. He probably swallows more sea water than is healthy, but at least he coughs up some of it.
On shore Joe hands Ryan a towel that he gratefully accepts, rubbing his messy soaked hair after he’s squeezed out excessive water onto the sand dampening beneath his bum. These wetsuits make Ryan uncomfortable, a little more conservative about the skin-tight fabric than he’d like to be. He wishes he can be like Joe, who struts around in his wetsuit like he’s born to model them, or even something as simple as rolling the top half of it down, scars on display, just to lay on a towel while the sun warms them both. Joe looks mighty comfortable lounging on his back, hands atop his stomach, while Ryan imitates a drowned cat vigorously trying to groom himself. Instead of his tongue he’s got a terry cloth that’s mostly drenched—not much good for drying anymore.
       “I think I’ll leave it to you from now on to be the surfing expert,” Ryan grouses, drawing his knees up to his chest and hugging himself. It’s a silly attempt to heat up faster, but he’ll take what he can get.
Laughing, Joe peeks a bright eye at Ryan. “Come on, you weren’t that bad.”
Ryan snorts, tossing Joe a look as if he’s crazy. “I got booed by a water skier passing by us. I sucked, let’s face it.”
       “They were kind of assholes,” Joe argues mildly.
       “Those assholes weren’t wrong though,” Ryan insists.
Humming, Joe’s quiet for a second as he thinks it over. He comes to a decision shortly. “I suppose you’re right. You were pretty bad.”
Ryan sits up straighter, raising his chin, and affects a haughty air. “Thank you.”
It makes Joe laugh like he intends, yet they both go quiet afterwards. Joe tips onto his side, eyes closed, the corners of his mouth faintly curl up, Ryan staring at him for a second too long. He doesn’t want to say what this feels like—out loud—for fear of Joe shooting the idea down. Rather than humiliate himself more, Ryan bunkers down next to Joe, a respectable amount of space between them without seeming too intimate nor too distant. He tucks his hands behind his head, well on his way to relaxed. Ryan will just keep it to himself how he considers this outing to be a date as well.
Ryan has a hard time believing Joe’s never gone to an arcade to actually play on one of the machines. He knows that’s where he and Cameron almost hooked up and where he recruited her, so it possibly has a sour taste in his mouth, but he chooses a different hotspot—plus, it’s not like Joe’s life revolves around a timeline of B.C. and A.C.: “Before Cameron” and “After Cameron.” At least he hopes not. Sometimes when she’s brought up he gets this erstwhile look, one of whimsical nostalgia, but mostly wistful remembrance. Ryan has been trying since the day Joe offers home and heart to him to help remedy that ache, but it may be impossible.
The most he can do is subdue it, except admittedly this isn’t one of his better suggestions for a date. 
       No, not date: hangout.
Now Ryan feels bad. “We can go somewhere else if this if this is too weird for you.”
It’s not a shocker that he’s barely able to finish his sentence before Joe turns on his heel and heads back for the car. Ryan jogs after to keep up, but does give some space. Joe seems a little angry, which is probably better than his sadness. Ryan doesn’t know what to do with sad. Anger? That’s easy.
The ride to Joe’s place is thick with silence. Ryan doesn’t try to talk again, nor after they get inside and Joe handles him a little too roughly when he steers Ryan towards his closed bedroom. In the morning Ryan may have bruises from how tightly Joe holds Ryan’s wrists down or how hard he sinks his teeth in Ryan’s shoulder and he knows for certain he’ll be a little sore sitting because he asks Joe not to hold back [“Just fuck me, Joe. I can handle it.”] and that’s all Joe needs to let himself go and not treat Ryan like some breakable china doll.
In the morning Joe asks Ryan to leave and Ryan does without argument. A couple days later he calls to apologize, regardless if he’s not sure what he’s apologizing for, but Joe accepts it and Ryan feels lighter. Unfortunately they’re both busy after that.
Obviously he can still be surprised. “You cook?”
Clearly there’s food set out on the table that definitely isn’t store-bought frozen meals or nearby takeout. There’s some flavored rice, what he thinks is cut-up baked fish mixed with vegetables, and  cheesy broccoli. A bottle of sweet red wine even stands between two glasses.
       “Yes, I can cook. Why do you sound so surprised?” Joe’s a bit insulted.
Ryan ignores it as he peels off his coat. “’Cause I mean, you’re Joe MacMillan! Cooking is so… mundane.” That makes him sound like a douche, doesn’t it? “It’s just—you didn’t strike me as the type to like that sort of thing.”
Joe eyes Ryan critically, his hard stare skeptical, like he may have made a mistake. “You’re right. I don’t really enjoy it. But I thought…” He looks across the set table and examines the placement and food choice subconsciously, his hands on the back of a chair. His fingers tighten nervously. “I thought you might like it.”
       “Oh, I do! I really do, you just caught me off guard, is all.” He’s quick to reassure that Joe doesn’t waste his time with this gesture. “This looks great, thanks, man.” Grinning, Ryan moves to take a seat, but is moderately amused when Joe pulls out his chair. Ryan doesn’t comment, simply lowers himself gingerly into the seat, eyes on Joe, full of unasked questions.
He follows suit while he reaches for his napkin and places it on his person properly, treating his dining room as a five-star restaurant. When he looks up at his guest, Ryan scrambles to do the same after a delayed second. 
Joe smiles. “I thought we could try a proper date.”
        “A date?” Ryan must have misheard.
        “A date,” Joe confirms.
Nope, he hears correctly. He’s not sure what to think. “So this is a date then?” he repeats dumbly. It’s hard to believe after Joe denies all the other not-dates they’ve had.
       “If you want it to be,” Joe murmurs, peering at Ryan, fixated. He holds his breath.
Understanding how serious this is, Ryan slowly smiles and he notices the tense line of Joe’s shoulders relax as he breathes. “I want it to be. I do, I really do.”
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