#it's not really a consideration for him that xy would stay
krispycreamsicle · 2 years
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We're strangers who met by chance.
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gloriousmonsters · 2 years
I'm you're still doing the ask meme can we hear about Blorbo from your shows? Tragic lack of good Su Minshan content in this fandom.
one aspect about them i love
absolute king for disrupting the entire plot with an unrelated personal grudge. the beauty of the Hundred Holes Curse being revealed, WWX being like 'why did you do that? I've never done anything to you, hell I've never even met you before to my knowledge' and SMS just being like 'yeah because not everything is about you, I cursed jzx for personal reasons, dumbass' lives on in my heart.
(also cherished of my heart in that scene: the exchange where LXC is like 'why do you dislike Wangji :(' and SMS is like 'wHy Do i DiSLikE LaN wANgJi do I need a fucking permit to not like Lan Wangji? HE'S AN ASSHOLE')
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
so i just spent most of the day ranting about some particularly egregious things 😂 because in my perusal of the sms tag on here and ao3 and my occasional forays to twitter i have seen about every possible bad take known to man. On a general level I just want people to comprehend that he's a complex character who's clearly, like jgy and xy, meant to be a mix of villainous and sympathetic, and not Flat Joke Villain #9. I would just like people to acknowledge he has aspects at all, lol.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
Moling loves him. I like to write it as a merchantile-heavy city that never had a comfortable relationship with the 'we are above earthly things' Great Sect nearest to them, and didn't have any smaller sect in the area, so when one of their own came back and set up a new sect instead of staying at that stuck-up Lan sect a lot of people were into it. Also in the bent of 'things from the earlier draft aren't true unless i like them', I generally keep as canon the detail that sms did well during the Sunshot campaign (look, he was almost suicidally depressed during that time and life loves giving him exactly what he doesn't want atm. him actually winning some shit by trying to throw himself into unwinnable fights feels like exactly the black comedy his teen years were made of) and hc that it was close enough to Moling that a lot of people are impressed by that as well. not to mention he has connections to the Jin, which bring more money into town! Absolute local legend. Only flaw is that he keeps turning down suggestions of marriage, but we can live with that.
essentially, you know how the Moling Su disciples start fighting with the Lan disciples in that one scene about 'WELL, MAYBE HE'S GREAT ACTUALLY, COULD YOU START A SECT'? the whole city of Moling is Like That.
one character i love seeing them interact with
...jin guangyao. i mean, can i put anyone else. when i type 'e' into my browser bar it defeatedly directs me to Untamed Episode 26 because I have rewatched jgy and sms' first meeting for the seratonin so many times. It's just so good to see JGY being polite and considerate to him, and sms first reacting with shock and then Insane Levels of Devotion (I usually talk book version more, but shout out to Feng Cong for nailing this facial progression in CQL, watching him as SMS going from distress to confusion to more confusion to slowly dawning joy is so good.) And the later Moments Indicating Long-Held Intimacy between them are. Really something, I think about SMS taking the bottle out of JGY's hand because JGY is struggling with it and giving him the medicine, and JGY giving him the medicine packet later (shoutout to CQL for turning that into a whole period-romance-level hand focus moment), not to mention sms bandaging his shoulder with strips from his own robes, d a i l y.
writing this, I love how much of their intimacy is based in wounds and the care thereof? jgy receives a loooot of casual and not-so casual violence in the narrative and rarely receives any sort of care for it (the only other person who tends his wounds onscreen is uh... lxc, who immediately follows it up by stabbing him) so sms' attentiveness to his physical damage and pain, and clear familiarity with is almost a shocking level of care and intimacy. just. jin guangyao gets his arm cut off and su minshan screams. jgy is out of medicine because, presumably, he gave the last of it to sms just a few minutes ago. i'm on to something here. or possibly just having a breakdown. give me a minute.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
I put wishing for more sms-xy interaction on xy's question, so for this one I'll put that (book canon) I'd kill to see him run into mianmian again. CQL canon, I wouldn't have minded a few more scenes with LXC or LQR back in the day.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
more CQL flavor, but him and lan wangi actually got along well (?) for a little while when they were kids. literally all it consisted of was that they silently worked in the library around the same time and one time sms passed him an inkstone, but they're both people that feel the concept of Parallel Play Work Counts As Social Interaction in their souls. this only contributes to sms being even more pissed at lwj for not getting over his whole betrayal moment, and lwj being more angry about sms failing morally, and also some people being very confused about how intensely both of them treat their Grudge™ despite apparently? never speaking? you weren't actually friends or anything right? (lwj: he passed me an inkstone wwx: is that slang for something i don't know or-- sms: i passed him something once! we had a silent understanding! xy: you are completely insane)
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xiyao-feels · 3 years
Finally got around to writing down some thoughts on the differences between Empathy and the original—per scene and then a general reflection.
Episode 10
(episode 10 differences)
Going through this chronologically, our first comparison is the captain encounter. Honestly I think NMJ was straight-up inventing most of this—even aside from the sheer absurdity of MY, what, smuggling XY out of prison, bringing him into the middle of everything (he runs into the Captain and friend AND WWX!), XY…just going back into prison…well, anyway, putting all that aside—the Captain's questions here seem like NMJ's preoccupations, not the Captain's. The Captain is hugely contemptuous of MY, but he's not, like, obsessed with his innermost heart, you know? "You're lying! I just saw that. You were talking. Tell me honestly. What's your ulterior motive?"—that's NMJ, not the Captain at all. Plus there's the way the Captain grabs MY basically the exact same way NMJ does. 
Next up there's MY telling NHS he's going to go check on XY—minor phrasing differences aside, one thing that's interesting is we don't get all of MY's reaction/decision before he tells NHS in Empathy, just the tail end:
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Ahhhh, now, the bit where NMJ sees MY stab the captain! You can see here the beginning of a pattern of Empathy erasing the Wen. MY throwing himself in front of the blade to save NMJ is removed, of course, but so is NMJ fighting WZL, as he was before going to the prison in episode 10; in the Empathy he's just kind of standing there. And then sees MY, uh, creepily pick up a sword??? And follows him??? Instead of hearing that XY's escaped and running to the prison because of that, which is of course what happened in episode 10. (So XY is erased some in this scene, too; even when it comes to MY's excuses, he says It wasn't me, but we don't get to 'Xue Yang killed him', as we do in the original.)
Some other points of interest here… Of course the expression NMJ sees on MY as MY kills the captain is only shown in Empathy. Interestingly, also, while MY is quite clearly terrified at NMJ's approach in both, in episode 10 it's presented immediately, while in the Empathy he has a beat before he starts reacting that way.
The last scene—NMJ confronting MY and kicking him out of Qinghe. In the Empathy, we start with MY having been thrown onto the floor, rolling—but this isn't there in episode 10, and to be honest I think it probably didn't actually happen. First, while I can see NMJ throwing MY onto the floor, I don't actually think he'd throw him quite that hard at this point in time? And it's also got a lot of visual echoes of JGY rolling down the stairs; I think he's projecting backwards. Of course, it still takes MY longer to recover in episode 10; Empathy consistently minimizes the physical harm done to MY.
So the conversation is interesting because it's really just two different conversations in the Empathy vs episode 10. In episode 10, MY leads with the Captain's abuse of him, and he's clear that it's habitual, ongoing, long-term. In Empathy, he leads with the Captain releasing XY, /adds in/ that the Captain wanted to kill him (that's not there in episode 10!), and absolutely skips over and minimizes the abuse: the beatings aren't mentioned, the credit-stealing isn't mentioned, the insulting and humiliating… even the 'Every time' is removed from before the 'he humiliated my mother', making it seem like this was a one-off provocation instead of habitual. NMJ's somewhat unhinged rant about MY's motives, including the would you have killed everyone at the cave if I hadn't helped you, is also Empathy-only (and then when MY starts to reply NMJ is like, Don't lie to me! and MY shuts up, suggesting perhaps that a denial would have been lying, which may be part of why people think this is a remotely reasonable assertion).
Some other interesting things—in episode 10, we see NMJ lift his sabre and then lower it, unable to go through with it; in Empathy, we don't see that at all—in general I think there's less of a sense that he's struggling with his decision, in Empathy, it's more just like He Is Doing The Righteous Justice. Fascinatingly we also don't see him put Baxia away in Empathy—I think he must because we see a scene where he already had, in episode 10, but we don't actually see it. We also don't see MY, injured, get up and thank NMJ and walk out, or indeed NMJ's conflicted gaze after him; the scene cuts off too soon.
Episode 22
(episode 22 differences)
There's only one scene for episode 22: the WRH, NMJ, and MY scene, inside Sun Palace. Right off the bat, we have the Wen erasure again; the episode 22 scene starts with WRH directly addressing NMJ and tormenting him and his Nie cultivators, whereas the Empathy one only starts when MY walks in. (Although interestingly MY addresses WRH as xiandu, while he doesn't seem to say anything with his bow in episode 22).
This one is an interesting scene because there's relatively little overlap? In the episode 10 scenes, you mostly saw different versions of the same events; in this one there's some of that, but there are also large chunks of time that are only in episode 22 or only in Empathy. Most of the MY-interacting-with-NMJ is only in Empathy, including, yes, the damn sabre touch. But we do have the beginning of MY talking to NMJ in both. MY's expression is different in Episode 22 vs Empathy—it's a little hard to capture in a still, but it's a lot more, mmm, simpering-mockery in the Empathy version?
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Ah, one detail that's interesting—so, in CQL—which is to say in Empathy because we don't see this sequence at all in Episode 22—when that Nie cultivator calls the place 'a den of Wen' he uses 温/温氏, for Wen, and then when people are insulting MY in this scene they're using 走狗. But in MDZS all of those are actually 温狗, Wen-dog. Which is definitely more directly disrespectful to WRH than the 走狗 insults, but I feel like in general CQL doesn't use 温狗 a lot, while in MDZS it's all over the place—so while it's an interesting detail I'm not sure it's suggestive for Empathy in particular. Hmmm.
We return to things being shown in both Empathy and Episode 22 with NMJ shoving MY back. In Empathy, we only see MY stagger a little, while in episode 22 it's quite considerable—again, Empathy's tendency to minimize the physical damage MY suffers.
And then MY kicks NMJ in return! Okay this is actually fascinating, because in Empathy, it looks like this totally wipes NMJ out, and the scene stops here. But that isn't at all what happened! He's knocked onto his back, yes, BUT he recovers and comes up and shoves MY hard enough he goes flying: 
He gets up and goes to attack MY, and would probably have killed him if WRH hadn't interfered. Which, don't get me wrong, is entirely reasonable of him given his understanding of the situation but it is not at all the impression you'd get from Empathy. If anything NMJ's collapse in the Empathy after MY kicks him looks like the collapse he has after WRH finishes with him, in episode 22. And MY saying How dare you be so rude in front of Clan Leader Wen when he kicks NMJ is also removed—the whole sequence here is really another example of the removal of the Wen from the Empathy scenes. 
Incidentally, MY didn't actually kill all the Nie cultivators, in this scene. If you look while MY is flying back, at least one of them is still alive:
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And then you can see all four are dead while NMJ's attacking WRH:
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But MY has been on the floor recovering from NMJ's attack, so he definitely didn't kill the at least one and quite probably two who are still alive.
WRH asks MY if NMJ killed Wen Xu question; you have MY staying quite noticeably silent, which I think is still meant to be understood as MY saving NMJ's life. I guess they changed it because the MDZS version really doesn't work with the flow of events as happens in CQL? For the record, in MDZS MY answers yes, but then immediately suggests that they torture him instead of killing him immediately, and then once WRH isn't set on killing him immediately, kills WRH on the spot and starts lugging NMJ's unconscious body out of there. So there's no WWX for distraction, and Sunshot's army definitely isn't right outside, there's only LXC he sent a message to and who hasn't quite shown up yet—so in MDZS he's taking a bigger risk, and more unambiguously saving NMJ's life and winning them the war. Which is not, to be clear, to in any way minimize CQL MY's astonishing bravery and achievements.
Episode 23
(episode 23 differences)
So in both we start with LXC holding NMJ and looking down at him. In episode 23, when NMJ sees MY, we see LXC see and notice his reaction and /then/ look over at MY in concern, whereas in Empathy we don't get that moment—it just goes to both of them looking at MY.
NMJ demands his sabre back, and in both MY complies, though in the Empathy one he takes a beat longer and looks more worried about it. In the original, MY also has "Let me explain" which is dropped from the Empathy.
In both we have NMJ attacking MY with Baxia, and trying to get past Shuoyue—in the Empathy it's a bit shorter, though, and we also lose LXC asking NMJ what he's doing this for. I think that goes with cutting LXC seeing NMJ react before he looks over at MY, above; the effect is to make NMJ's response seem more obvious/natural, when in fact LXC is pretty baffled by it at the time.
"he became the Wen's underling and had been helping the tyrant at Nevernight!"—the language on 'became the Wen's underling' is actually different in episode 23 vs Empathy. In episode 23, you have 原来投靠了温氏; in Empathy, though, it's 原来是做了走狗. Note the 走狗 as earlier!
Okay, and now the big one: LXC giving NMJ reasons they should trust MY/not kill him. Empathy cuts most of this. It keeps that MY is the one who sent the map, but it drops: that the reason LXC is here today is because MY sent him a message; that MY was the one who schemed to get WRH's guard down, and then /killed him/; that MY was the one who saved LXC's life after CR burned; and that MY independently approached WRH to spy on him and has been sending LXC letters the whole time. /That's really not trivial. That's a lot to cut./
I wonder if this has any relation to the common idea that LXC did not in fact have a lot of very good reasons to trust JGY.
(Incidentally it's after the MY killed WRH reveal, in episode 23, that NMJ lowers his blade.)
...also. so. In episode 23 LXC asks MY, you know, didn't he already tell NMJ about all this (a question which makes a lot more sense in MDZS, where NMJ has already woken up before LXC joins them, but I just run with it), and MY says, you saw it ZWJ, even if I had he wouldn't have believed me. And NMJ—again it's kind of hard to capture in a still, but he pretty much reacts like he thinks that's ridiculous and MY is just making excuses/being manipulative?
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And then of course that gets erased from the Empathy, as well as as just mentioned most of the reasons LXC actually gave. So. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh, this also means it cuts what I'm pretty sure is the first on-screen use of A-Yao—it does show up later in the Empathy version of this scene, so I don't think that's hugely significant, but just as a note.
Then there's MY kneeling in preparation for apology, which is in both Empathy and episode 23. The Empathy cuts make it seem like he kneels pretty much right after NMJ lowers his blade, though, and we don't get to see him making the deliberate choice to step out if LXC's protection to kneel—again, I think it makes LXC seem more understanding of NMJ than he actually is here.
The apology proper is only in Empathy; honestly it mostly seems fairly reasonable to me, although it does mean you only hear LXC saying "But I believe, when he was doing such things, deep in his heart he must have been…" after the version that cuts most of his reasons for believing that. In terms of actual changes, I wonder if LXC reacted more quickly/strongly to the bit where it looks like NMJ is actually going to kill MY? It's definitely more understated than his previous reactions, and it would fit with the other changes made.
Last scene: the oath. At this point I think it's fairly well-known that NMJ looking at JGY, and LXC turning his head to look at them both, is only in Empathy—there's also, maybe?, a small change to the text; in episode 23, "Both God and people will be furious with us" is 天人共怒, but in Empathy it's 天人共戮. I say maybe because—on the one hand, the subs definitely use a different character, and it's in both the YT subs and the Netflix subs even though those aren't always 100% identical, but while I'm not usually checking the audio for this I did here because it's just the one character and the audio pretty much sounds the same to me? (ep 23) (Empathy) Could just be my ear, or a mistake on the subs' part or the audio part, who knows.
Looking at all the changes together, a few patterns emerge.
First, people who are doing damage who aren't JGY—the Wen, XY—tend to get minimized or erased from the narrative. Similarly and to some extent as a result, the harm caused by JGY is exaggerated; also similarly, the good that JGY does is also minimized or erased. Meanwhile, the damage done /to/ JGY is minimized—both the environment of abuse he suffered at Qinghe, and the physical harm done to him, which he usually recovers from much more quickly in Empathy (even when the attack itself is made stronger as, unusually, it is in the confrontation where NMJ kicks MY out of Qinghe). Finally MY is made more manipulative than he necessarily is; while I'm not saying he's never being manipulative, NMJ understands his expressions of weakness as /purely/ manipulative and inherently false, when in fact the weakness MY expresses is very real, however calculated, or not!, its expression may be.
Honestly—in this JGY who does way more harm and way less good than he actually does, who is more powerful and experiences less damage than he actually does, who is never actually weak but only acting that way to manipulate people? I feel like I'm seeing a lot of where popular takes on JGY come from.
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
Thoughts on Xia Yan’s Anniversary/Kiss Date
Not a translation, but rather an unleashing of the many thoughts I had for his date because it made me feel so many emotions and think so many things;;
Wordcount: 2.8k
Date Translation
Tears of Themis’ 1st anniversary features one of the most significant in-story events you can view within an otome game - the confession event between MC and respective male leads. The gravity of this confession event, however, is intensified with respect to the ML Xia Yan, as their emotions towards each other is not the only focus of said confession - he must also reveal the heartbreaking truth that his life is likely to end in three years. 
In the below sections, I will discuss the significance of various components that comprise Xia Yan’s anniversary date. My primary focuses will be on Xia Yan’s internal struggles, his care for MC, and the nature of the confession, and I aim to ultimately express why this date had such a major effect on me and whoa if you’re still reading this rambling part, I applaud you. I’m really just doing a fancy thoughtdump here.
The Nature of the Confession Event
From the beginning, XY never intended for the confession to be full of pomp and circumstance - and this was out of concern for MC, fearing that she would be too swept up in emotion to make it. Based on how the other guys’ cards look (them being outside and MC’s all dressed up), I assume that there was some ceremony-like aspect to their respective confessions, and I think that this draws a stark contrast to XY’s (who staunchly refused Yang Xiao’s offer to help make his confession just as ceremonial). In XY’s, MC’s not dressed up the way she is for the others, and both have been drenched in rain and are dissolving into tears of sadness as they speak. In addition, their desires are conflicting (rather than a situation where both parties confess and get together, and thus have coinciding interests) - despite what XY has said before, he does not want MC to be with him, while MC wants the exact opposite. It’s not a beautiful or gorgeous scene by design - instead, it’s very raw, very 狼狈 as the two lay bare their own painful emotions, discuss/cry about heavy topics, and show very vulnerable sides to each other, trying to get through to the other person. 
Speaking of showing vulnerability, the fact that Xia Yan is so anguished by what he has to say that he has to sit down and cry hits particularly hard because he has always, always tried to put on a strong face in front of MC. Whenever his illness strikes and MC sees it, such as in aquarium date or Neruda poem date, he’ll smile and/or joke about it after. When the two were talking about his posthumous letters during the RRG date, he still had a calm smile on his face. Even when he talked about being shoved into a car trunk to be “disposed of”, he was still calmly smiling. As MC noted, his job has taught him to have extreme control over his emotions, so it’s almost overwhelming, trying to imagine how much sadness pushed him to that point.
Pathetic fallacy also plays a part in increasing the impact that the confession event had. In the days leading up to the last part of the date, storms keep striking suddenly, such that it’s even described as “strange”. Storms are, of course, generally associated with less-pleasant things, such as conflict, anger, depression, difficulty, and so on. The meaning behind why they appeared suddenly or frequently is a little harder to understand, but my assumption for the frequency of the storms (rather than an ongoing storm or gloom) reflects how things could not completely “clear up” (despite uplifts in emotion from time to time) until they confronted each other with their feelings. During the confrontation, not only is the storm still going on, but they’re also harshly drenched in the cold rainwater. It is only after the kiss, after their interests finally coincide, that the storm lifts and the beautiful starry sky casts its light on Xia Yan, who was holding the majority of the conflict/sadness/depression between the two of them. (This is also highlighted in how MC notes that Xia Yan feels slightly cold (during the kiss), and she tries to transfer her warmth over to him, trying to alleviate that heavy emotion that’s wrapped itself around him.) 
The Location
The attic of their old home remains an important location for these two, and I pretty much can’t think of a better choice to set the confession. It contains their childhood memories, and it also came into play during Xia Yan’s first birthday after his return (i.e. the idea of continuing to make memories there). It’s also interesting to note that Xia Yan, from his rational mindset, did not intend to see MC… yet he still came to this place - a place that was equally meaningful to both of them, and a place where he’s likely to get lost in emotion. He may be restraining his emotions for MC’s good, yet they still show in small places. (At least, there doesn’t seem to be any logical reason for him to be there, since he wasn’t setting anything up there…)
The Humanizing and Internal Conflict of Xia Yan
I call it “humanizing” because I’ve done some commenting before on how Xia Yan has felt a little superhuman - so many skills everywhere, and rarely a moment of weakness. Now, this date really drives home that he is just human too, with the harsh reality of imminent death hanging over him (especially since we also learn a few more concrete details on exactly what his illness is). This point is brought into attention when he talks about how he’s neither able to be as brave as Schumann (who acted based on emotion) nor as silently strong as Brahms (who acted based on reason). He’s pulled in so many directions for all the things he wants - a desire to stay by MC’s side and do so much with her, whether as family or as something more, versus his rational mindset that tells him to not see her at all, to disappear from her life after, or to push her away even after her confession. There was also his “rationally” created plan in which he would give her the letter and let her decide, yet he still tries to convince her to not be with him. 
The Schumann/Brahms comparison shows how he keeps getting pulled back and forth between reason and emotion. He reveals his feelings to MC (Schumann), but wants her to make the optimal decision, which he believes is to not be with him (Brahms). He then kisses her after hearing her conviction (Schumann) and then gives her the gift that’s linked to Brahms. In realizing that he’s not able to stick to either path, he calls himself a coward - but he doesn’t need to be like either person. As MC says, his restraint is a part of his own background, and his emotional wavering is because of his care for MC - all in all, his motivations are because he is Xia Yan, not Schumann or Brahms. 
Personal Story Chapter 2 Parallels
In Xia Yan’s personal chapter 2, Yang Xiao sets up the story of 零/Zero and 玛丽薇莎/Marivisa to mirror MC and Xia Yan (respectively). The mention of what will bring Zero and MC happiness is starkly similar in these two situations:
⊳ Personal Ch.2-9
Xia Yan: 因为...这样,零会更幸福... 她不是在牺牲,她只是用自己的方式让零能幸福。Because this way, Zero would be happier… She wasn’t sacrificing herself. She was only using her own methods to make Zero happy.
MC: 但零的幸福就是她啊。But Zero’s happiness is her.
Xia Yan: 她已经无法给零幸福了。 It’s already impossible for her to give Zero happiness.
⊳ Date
Xia Yan: 如果你选择别的男人。。。只要他能给你幸福。我只会带给你不幸,我没有时间了。。。If you choose another man… As long as he can make you happy. All I can bring you is unhappiness. I don’t have much time left…
MC: 你怎么可能带给我不幸,你怎么可能做不到给我幸福。你在我身边,你的存在本身,就是我的幸福。How is it possible that you can only bring me unhappiness? How is it impossible for you to bring me happiness? You being by my side – your very existence – is my happiness. 
Yes, the Zero/Marivisa story was intentionally made to parallel these two, so it might feel moot to compare them like this. However, I still really appreciated that they brought this discussion of what brings MC/Zero happiness back, especially since XY’s chapter 2 was very major in developing his character. Back then, MC is vehement in that Zero would have been happier spending all the time he could with Marivisa, as well as even having the choice to spend that time with her. I think that this part was instrumental in Xia Yan eventually deciding to tell her the truth and letting her make her own decision (as he explicitly stated to Yang Xiao in part 1 of the date). However, he still wasn’t fully convinced by what MC said back in chapter 2, so we satisfyingly see this discussion of happiness come full circle by the end of this date, when Xia Yan finally trusts MC to make the best decision for herself. 
Xia Yan’s Considerateness
Xia Yan’s enduring consideration for MC displays itself in nearly every single action within this date. 
The flashback, when he thinks about MC potentially having to go through what the widow is now experiencing, and how his own happiness for three years isn’t worth that
His conviction to give her the right to decide in this matter that involves both of them, because he can’t be the one to decide everything
He insisted on not making it a romantic event, because he wants MC to make the best decision without having a mind clouded by emotion. He’s also made peace with the idea of not being with MC, for the sake of her long-term happiness. All he wants is for her to know the truth of his feelings and illness.
His decision to still make MC a gift to retain some aspect of the romance in the confession (but he only gives the gift after MC has made her decision, again to ensure that her mind isn’t clouded). I think the concept of the gift is particularly beautiful - the little, happy holograms of them inside the glass, as if ensuring that he will always be by her side in some way; the music that brings back their childhood memories and alludes to an enduring, quiet, and protecting love that puts the recipient first (i.e. Brahms to Clara); and the rainbow, which has its childhood memories and treasure implications that are already mentioned in the date, but it also reminded me of the miraculous double rainbow in his Lost Gold date. That double rainbow was the trigger for Xia Yan to proactively seek out a future with MC, when he took the initiative to ask MC if she could be with him to seek out more miracles. Overall, there are a lot of beautiful memories and implications wrapped up in that music box/snowglobe. 
The little comical segment where he worries about the optimal time to deliver the letter, worrying about MC’s sleep or if she’ll be able to eat well.
His stress over what he should’ve done after the letter was delivered, and how he immediately answered MC’s call out of pure worry, despite being so resolute about not answering her calls that he’d turned on airplane mode before. 
Their ensuing discussion in part 3 is just full of Xia Yan’s consideration for MC at its peak - 
Rather than being ecstatic about MC’s confession, his first instinct is to tell her to take a few days to think about it logically. (But really, emotions aren’t logical to begin with, so it’s not like MC would’ve stopped liking you after mulling it over for a few days, haha)
His immediate apology after yelling that he has to mention his death
His worry about how MC will cope after he’s gone, going so far as to saying that she would be better off with another man 
I think that this particular (above) line got a particularly visceral reaction from Xia Yan fans, including myself. Because like MC, our initial thoughts fell along the lines of “How could I ever choose someone else when the only person I like is you? There’s just no way someone else could make me happier…”. Another reaction that I’ve seen among Xia Yan fans (yep, including myself) is how we originally viewed the story in third-person, seeing “MC” in the story, but this date (and this particular scene, where MC says nearly everything that I myself would want to say) dragged us into a first-person position. 
The heartbreaking scene where Xia Yan cries from being unable to give MC the happiness that he wants to give her (or so he thinks). 
He’s just so painfully selfless. I also really like the line during the kiss where MC tries to transmit her warmth to him, trying to balance things out between them and have him feel better, when he had already written himself off by thinking that his happiness is better off sacrificed for hers. 
Jin Xian’s Voice Acting
Jin Xian’s voice acting deserves a whole section to itself, because I think that he did an amazing job of portraying the intense emotions Xia Yan feels during the date. Just going to list some lines that really hit hard - both because of the content, and because of the voice acting that really considered how Xia Yan would be feeling then. 
我可以去追她,我甚至可以和她结婚。我可以把最后的三年过得很好,过的毫无遗憾,但是然后呢?她一个人要怎么办。。。谁陪她走出来,谁来照顾她。。。(“I could pursue her. I could even marry her. I could live my last three years happily, without the slightest of regrets. But what about after? How will she cope on her own… Who will be with her as she handles this? Who will take care of her…”) The ups and downs of this section’s voicing really hit hard.
The gentleness with which he speaks about what he plans to tell MC, especially the line 她从来都是这样 (“She’s always been like that.”)
He’s so cute in Part 2!! The tone’s a lot happier and relaxed and it’s really nice to see and hear. 
In part 3, the vehemence with which he talks about how the risks of MC’s work aren’t comparable to his established time limit, which then softens into something sadder when he talks about how Yang Xiao’s efforts haven’t extended his time by much. 
The intensity when he says 我必须说 ! (“I have to say it!”) (when MC reacts to him using the word “death”), and how he immediately softens his tone after. But then his voice starts to rise again as he worries for how MC will bear his death… and then he takes a break to calm down, and then makes the suggestion of MC finding another man with a near-inflectionless tone that gradually slips into a whisper
His whispering voice makes the impact of 我在乎。。。!(I care…!) hit even harder because it’s suddenly loud, and you can clearly hear the tears in his voice. Once again, he takes a breath to calm himself down and quiet his voice. But even as he keeps talking in a voice that descends into a whisper again, you can tell that he’s still on the verge of crying…
Also the 我也。。。好喜欢,最喜欢你. (I also… like you. I like you the most) line left me screaming with how it was whispered but really strong and adamant-sounding aaaaa
Anyways I could list more but at that point I might as well list Jin Xian’s entire script lmao. He did such a good job!!!!!! 
Sound Effects 
I’m laughing at myself for including this section - if you turn off the music that accompanies Xia Yan’s card, you’ll… hear some very interesting sound effects [狗头]
They’ve got to make the most of their limited time together, after all, and this is the only date out of the set of four that’s indoors… it makes sense…
Other Thoughts 
Two kisses!!
What sort of treatment would leave Xia Yan infected with drugs with prohibited components? What were they even trying to do? 
The date was short relative to the other, super-long Themis dates, but I’m personally alright with that because it places focus on the confession itself. It hit all the points that I personally was expecting for Xia Yan’s confession, including his past struggles with the idea of staying with MC, his confession about both his feelings and his illness, and how resolute MC is about staying with him vs. how hard he tries to get her to understand the implications of being him, considering that he doesn’t have much time left. 
I think now’s a good time for the two of them to get married if they’re well aware that Xia Yan’s time is limited, so Xia Yan, where’s the ruby ring? 
I wonder what implications this will have on the main story - e.g. will the rest of NXX find out about Xia Yan’s illness in Chapter 7.2? Or will they never know? Actually, I wonder if they’ll have MC be aware of his illness in the main story because… that implies his confession happened, which might anger fans of the other boys. 
I love Xia Yan and I love this date. 
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cqlfeels · 3 years
sangcheng and songxuexiao for the ask meme please (:
Thanks for playing! Under the cut for length
(I don't usually go here so that's gonna be interesting lol)
falls asleep on the couch: Is NHS asleep or does he just not want to walk all the way to bed? Who knows, not JC. Joke's on NHS, though, because JC will have an entire crisis over whether he's supposed to leave him there, carry him to bed or just wake him up and now NHS is stuck feigning sleep for 3 hours straight
makes friends with the neighbors: NHS, but he's not nearly as outgoing as people expect him to be. The neighbors adore him tho
is the adventurous eater: NHS, but he's gonna complain for a week if he dislikes what he tries. JC doesn't oppose to trying new things but he knows what he likes and sticks to it
hogs the covers at night: NHS, come on, this one is a no-brainer
forgets to do the dishes: NHS remembers the dishes, does nothing about it all day, and then when JC goes into the kitchen in the evening, NHS loudly proclaims himself an airhead for forgetting to do the dishes - and that's how JC always ends up doing the dishes
tries to surprise their partner more often: NHS. Not because he's an evil mastermind, I just think he'd have fun finding the perfect gifts to give for no reason
leaves dirty laundry on the floor: Neither, but it's more because both of them care too much about their own clothes than to be considerate of each other
stays up til 2 AM reading: Reading? Neither. But good luck dragging NHS away from a painting that isn't going the way he wants
sings in the shower: NHS but it's not obnoxiously loud or anything, and it's not an everyday thing either
takes the selfies: NHS has mastered the effortlessly perfect selfie, but the camera does love JC
plans date night: JC, technically, but NHS is constantly dropping intentionally unsubtle hints of exactly what he has in mind so let's call it a team effort. Having said that, just for the record: if left alone JC could plan a perfectly adequate date, it's just that NHS is likes to be involved
falls asleep on the couch: I know the expected answer is XY and I'm not disputing that, but I wanna make a case that XXC can easily sleep anywhere
makes friends with the neighbors: Genuinely makes friends? XXC. Is charming when it suits him but would sell the entire neighborhood for half a stale cupcake? XY. SL isn't friendly but he volunteers to wake up at 6am on a Sunday to help the neighbor he doesn't talk to take down Christmas decorations
is the adventurous eater: Not SL™️. XY thinks everything is a challenge he loses if he backs down from, and XXC is just your average adventurous eater
hogs the covers at night: XY, of course. He's not even cold, he just has that kind of habit and let's not think too much about why or this gets sad really fast
forgets to do the dishes: No one! SL is the most responsible and well-adjusted person you'll ever meet, XXC gives Disney princesses a run for their money in how cheerfully he keeps a house going, and XY is aggressively into living out his domestic dreams. Also important: XXC and SL thank each other for handling chores and XY thinks it's disgusting until he does it on accident and bluescreens for a moment
tries to surprise their partner more often: XXC canonically leaves candy on people's pillows. Come on. He's leaving loving post-it notes on the milk or something.
leaves dirty laundry on the floor: XY but only when he's being passive-aggressive
stays up til 2 AM reading: SL? I feel like SL doesn't need much sleep for some reason
sings in the shower: I can't emphasize how much XY likes to blast music while taking bubblebaths that last two hours. If it bothers XXC and SL, they can just find something more interesting for him to do, XY is sure they can think of something
takes the selfies: You know what? No one
plans date night: SL and XY almost get into a fight over it so XXC has very diplomatically decided that each one of them gets a week and the fourth week of the month is for family and friends 🥰
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breakupspells18 · 3 years
Best reunite lover spells
Best reunite lover spells
Rejoining the sweetheart spell is something which can assist you with getting the affection for your life back. For this, you can take the direction of a specialist. Little deeds or reciting of a mantra will be said by the master to you and afterward further you can perform and get your sweetheart back. Furthermore, there are various experts who can assist you with getting your sweetheart back. You should simply see what individual you need to counsel for something similar. Rejoining the sweetheart spell is something which makes two spirits meet up so it is a lovely assistance. Before you choose this help have full confidence and do it with your entire existence so all that outcome could be acquired. 
In the rejoin, sweetheart spell soothsaying assumes a crucial part. At the point when you counsel a crystal gazer, they will investigate the stars of the individual and yours too so it very well may be seen that you will both stay together after the spell is performed. So in the event that, you are certain that you need your ex back and you need him perpetually so play out the spell in conference with a stargazer and do it the manner in which they request that you do. 
Rejoin love spells 
To rejoin with your sweetheart here is a basic rejoin darling spell. All you need to recite the mantra which is given underneath and you can get the individual you need. 
One, one, all the adversary will be no more 
Two, Two, genuine love I am expected 
Three, Three, sweetheart come to me, 
Four, Four, sweetheart open your entryway, 
Five, Five, be my heart alive, 
Six, Six, my joy fix, 
Seven, Seven, I will be in seventh paradise 
Eight, Eight, bring me, love and mate 
Nine, Nine, love always be mine 
Ten, Ten a caring heart to my nook 
Eleven, Eleven, twofold paradise then eleven 
Twelve, Twelve, my adoration wishes presently be held 
This is finished. Do recollect each time you serenade the mantra after each line you grin and take a full breath. 
At long last, eventually, you need to take a piece of paper and compose the name of the individual you love the most, presently overlay the piece of paper fifty-fifty with the open end towards you. Presently again crease the paper again so it is in quarters. Presently place that piece of paper under your pad when you head to sleep. Do it for three evenings persistently and afterward the spell will show the enchantment. 
Spells to rejoin a couple 
Here is another spell to rejoin a couple. This is a basic one yet you need to perform it for your entire being. All you need is a pen, white paper and a pink light. You need to do this spell on a Friday night. Start with lighting the pink candle on Friday evening. At that point compose your name and the name of your sweetheart on the paper with a pen. Remember, that for yourself you compose your first name however for your sweetheart, you ought to keep in touch with her/her last name. At that point, draw a convenient circle close to those names and start with contemplation. Presently close your eyes and begin envisioning glad occasions with your darling. It very well may be any incredible recollections you both have had in the past or things you both have thought for your future. As you envision, continue reciting the affection spell. It's really similar to a supplication that is working so that both of you could be together and your destiny is fixed is one for the entire life. Presently, open your eyes and continue to take a gander at the flame ceaselessly for around 15 minutes. Continue to do reflection till the time candle torches all alone. You ought to do the spells routinely for 7 evenings so you get the ideal outcome 
Voodoo spells to separate a couple and rejoin an ex with an accomplice 
To rejoin you with your affection you can go for this Voodoo sorcery and unquestionably it will assist you with getting your lost love back inside 24 hours. The main thing you need to do is center around your expectation just as to find out if you truly need your ex to be there in your life again or not. By playing out this custom, Voodoo sorcery will absorb the positive energy conveyed from the universe to the point of making you really striking and loveable before your ex-sweetheart. When the spell is projected, they will not at any point wish to leave you. They will be with you for eternity. On the off chance that you are taking the assistance of a spell caster to get back with your lost love in 24 hours, make sure to give genuine reactions at whatever point they ask you subtleties like for what valid reason your relationship separated. Try not to be hazy in any case the spell will not be powerful. The second they have left you, it's simply an opportunity to introspect, such as inquiring as to for what reason did this occur and was it your flaw and what are the progressions you ought to do as such as to get him back. This sort of spell has no connection with the difference in your character; indeed, it's something you need to work for your improvement. 
spells to rejoin ex-sweetheart blood moon 
There are times when you say a final farewell to your darling yet then you understand you need that individual back. Around there, you are prepared to do anything and at any expense, you need that individual back in your life. So remembering that here is a rejoin love spell you need to perform. This custom is to be done on a full moon night. Indeed, at whatever point you know there will be a full moon carrying this thing. What you need to do is take a red light on which you will imprint the name of the individual whom you need back in your life. After that put the needle in each letter of the name. The full moon energy will respond to the individual and make that individual consider you. They will have perspective about you. Assuming an individual calls you soon, simply recall your spell was fruitful. You need to do this with all confidence and all the positive energy. When you play out this stay positive and continue to recite supplications so you can get that individual back as fast as could really be expected. 
Spell to bring back my ex-sweetheart 
In the event that you are worn out from the remaining alone promotion, you feel that in the past you did an error, so here is an opportunity to rejoin your ex. You can get your sweetheart back essentially by playing out a spell. It is probably the most effortless spell to perform. For this, you just need one article that has a place with your sweetheart. It very well may be his pen or the lighter, his brush or a piece of closet. Presently next is to take nine candles, and make a circle of them. In that circle place the individual thing of your cherished one in the middle. You need to play out this under the full Moon. Presently light up every one of the candles clockwise, and subsequent to deduction for quite a while about your ex-darling, talk the serenade which is given beneath for multiple times: "Dear Moon, you have a knowledge into the hearts of the individuals who are infatuated, stir XY's sentiments towards me, and become our long lasting defender." Do this with everything that is in you and sooner rather than later, you will get your sweetheart back. After this, you can have a glad relationship with him until the end of time. 
Spell to bring back ex 
You were joyfully hitched and abruptly your connection gets ruined. This makes you extremely upset and you feel that you need your ex. Along these lines, around there, you need to play out a basic love spell in the evening of the full moon. Before you hit the hay you need to essentially envision. At the point when you do this it will support up with the energy of the Moon. Presently get into bed and consider the individual you really need back in your life. Consider how your relationship would resemble. Where might you spend time with them, where will you take some time off, what you would purchase for your accomplice on your first commemoration, etc? At the point when we have an extraordinary longing for something then the odds to get that specific individual increment. So whatever you have considered now record on a paper as the agreed sentences. Presently light the pink candle, and give all your consideration to the adoration you will give and get around there. Among all the however which you have composed say the one which is generally critical to you. Along these lines, the affection spell will be forced by the energy of full Moon, and you convey a message to the universe that you are good to go to remain in adoration until the end of time 
Inquiries posed on rejoining sweetheart spells as often as possible – 
What amount of time will it require to rejoin me with my ex? 
At the point when we talk about rejoining with an ex then it relies on the spell you perform and with what confidence you perform. At the point when you do it with everything that is in you and you don't think negatively about it later on then the outcomes are very fast. 
Consequently rejoining the darling spell can present to you all the bliss yet it could have a few changes in your day to day existence as well. The spell will help you experience another life which you were searching for from a significant stretch of time. This will get you what you need yet for what seems like forever, you need to oversee I so that bond stays until the end of time. These spells are not difficult to do yet having confidence in them is the main part.
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Rating: G
Summary: Kagami and Adrien skate together, and the special guest arrives.
Word Count: 2644 | Chapter 2/3
“Woah, it’s pretty dark in here.  Are you sure Phillipe said it was okay to come?”  Adrien asked as the doors creaked open.
It was black as pitch inside.  If Nino hadn’t shown her the process photos of their decorations, she might have believed the rink was deserted.
“I’ve never lied to you,” Kagami replied.  Her ice skates clinked where they hung over her shoulder.  “Come on, let’s get that ridiculous wig off.”
“What? Is blue not my color?”  He grinned.  It was insufferably cute, even if Kagami now knew the affection she felt for him wasn’t romantic.
She pulled the wig off and tossed it aside.  That was the signal she and Nino had agreed upon.
Suddenly the rink bust into light.  Lasers of red and green glinted off the giant disco ball Wayhem had managed to hang at the top of the dome.  Normal fluorescent bulbs flashed to life as well, illuminating the crowd that had gathered in the stands around the rink.
“Happy birthday, Adrien!”  All of his friends shouted in echoing cacophony.
Kagami’s focus stayed trained on Adrien as realization dawned over him.  His wide eyes took in everyone grinning at him—Nino in the back by his DJ equipment, Alya waving from closer by, Wayhem charging up to be the first to greet him.
“You… you guys threw me a birthday party?”
“It is your birthday, isn’t it?”  Kagami laughed before taking his skates.  “I’ll hold on to these for now.  Go say hello to everyone.”
Before she knew it, Adrien’s arms were flinging around her.
“Thank you, Kagami.  I know how much work this must have taken to put together.”
She relaxed in his embrace, hugging him back.
“You know you’re precious to us.  If you want to thank anyone, it’s Nino who’s the mastermind.”
“I’m not surprised.  He’s brilliant.”  Adrien pulled back, only to give her a quick bisous.  “I know you were involved too.  Please, let me thank you.”
“O-of course, Adrien.”
They shared one last smile before Wayhem practically tackled him.  
“Adrien!  It’s so good to see you, man!”
Kagami backed away as the crowd advanced.  Even after all this time, large groups were difficult for her to navigate.  It was more than worth it to see Adrien so happy, though.
After hugs and bisous were exchanged all around, Nino kicked on the stereo.
“Alright, homies!  Who’s ready to get out there and break the ice?”
He played Friday I’m in Love—one of Adrien’s favorite songs—as everyone who wanted to laced up their skates and filed onto the rink.
“Please, you won’t catch me down in that cesspit.”  Chloé tossed her ponytail.  
“Aww, but it would be fun, Chloé!”  Her red-haired friend—Sabrina, if Kagami recalled correctly—smiled up at her pleadingly.  She already had a pair of turquoise skates on.  “If you fall, I’ll catch you!”
“Quiet!” Chloé pressed a hand to her mouth.  “Do you want everyone to know I can’t skate?”
“Considering you just announced it, I doubt you will keep it a secret.”  Kagami’s eyes narrowed.  Nino might trust Chloé now, but it was difficult to forgive someone who had abused Adrien’s friendship for so long.
“I bet you’re a professional figure skater, aren’t you,” Chloé muttered.
“No.  Skating is just a hobby.  But I could help teach you, if you would like.”
Kagami might not trust Chloé, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be civil.  Besides, she’d been wrong about a few of Adrien’s friends before.
Chloé blinked a few times.  “You would—?  I mean, thanks, but no.  I need to make sure the media doesn’t catch us here, anyway.  It’s the most important job, you know.”
“Of course.  Perhaps another time then.”  She dipped her head.
“That would be… nice.”
That settled, Kagami sat a little ways off to put on her skates.
“Kagami!”  Adrien plopped down in the chair beside her, looking brighter than ever.  “Did you see the cake Marinette made?  Alya says it’s got passionfruit icing!”
“I didn’t,” she replied honestly.  “Knowing Marinette, I trust it’s amazing.”
“She’s so thoughtful.”  He smiled while accepting his skates back from her.  “Do you know when she’s coming?  I want to thank her, but I haven’t seen her yet.”
Kagami’s brow furrowed.  “Alya didn’t tell you?  Marinette isn’t coming.”
“She’s… she’s not?”  Adrien’s head hung.  “Do you know why?  Did I do something to upset her?”
“I’m sure it’s not that.”  Unless it was because she’d learned of Adrien’s crush on Ladybug.  Marinette was always touchy when it came to competing for Adrien’s affections, even if she’d eventually put aside her rivalry with Kagami.
“She didn’t explain why she couldn’t come.  But she did say that you mean the world to her, and that she will make it up to you.”
“She really said that?”  His hand hovered over his heart, his face hopeful.
Kagami wondered why Nino thought it so important to bring Ladybug to the party.  Adrien looked just as thrilled at the idea of seeing Marinette.
“Yes.  Now until then, let’s make the most of tonight.”  
“Right.  Thank you.”
He swapped out his orange sneakers for white ice skates, and she caught a glimpse of the dragon sticker she’d stuck on his left blade back when they were dating.  It left a bittersweet taste in her mouth, but more sweet than bitter.  He was a dear friend.  He’d shown that nothing would change that.
“Dance with me?”  He asked while pulling her towards the rink.
“On the ice?”
“Why not?  I know you’re skilled enough.”
She had no doubt of that.  Adrien had always been a little less steady in his skates than her, though.
“Alright.”  She smiled.  “If you think you can keep up with me.”
“You know I never back down from a challenge!”
Nino was playing Don’t Think Twice as they glided out onto the ice.  She had to weave between other skaters—the arena had never been this crowded when she and Adrien escaped here before.  Phillipe must have been thrilled to admit so many patrons.
“Woah!”  Adrien skidded back when a young man with tall blond hair came barreling through.
“Sorry!”  Luka called, skating quickly behind him.  “This is XY’s first time on the ice.”
“Lu!  Look, I think I’m getting the hang of it!”
Kagami hid a laugh behind her hand as XY wiped out, “starfishing” (as Nino would have called it) across the ice.
“Nice moves,” Juleka deadpanned before gliding on with Rose.
“You have some interesting friends,” Kagami noted as she and Adrien started moving again.
“I’m not sure if XY counts as a friend, exactly.”  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “He’s more like… an acquaintance, or a weird family member you have to invite to reunions.”
Kagami raised an eyebrow.  “You have a lot of family members like that?”  She had some odd relatives, but they tended to be excluded from family gatherings.
“Er… well, Nino says his family does.  I think all of my family is weird, but a different kind of weird, if you know what I mean.”
Kagami nodded, remembering the few times she’d met Adrien’s cousin Felix.  Not to mention the austere Gabriel himself.
Once they got to a clearer area, Adrien took both of her hands and began skating backwards.
“You’ve gotten better,” she noted.  “I still think you should let me take the male part, though.  I’m more used to skating backwards than you.”
“Fair enough.”  He effortlessly switched positions with her.  
At times like this, she remembered why she’d dated Adrien in the first place.  Not only was he sweet, respectful, and talented, but they were so alike.  They could glide in near-perfect sync from hours of easy practice.  He’d been the first one to take her routine hobbies and add a spark to them, make them truly fun.
Thankfully, those were all things that hadn’t changed.  It had hurt when he’d first admitted that he was still in love with someone else, that he didn’t feel it was fair to treat her as a second choice.  But she respected that now.  He’d made his decision, and she’d learned much more about herself since then, too.
Such as the fact that she might not desire romantic affections at all.
“New song,” Adrien said when Don’t Think Twice stopped playing and Wannabe by the Spice Girls began.  “This one’s not in three-four time.  You’ll have to give me something harder than a box step waltz.”
“Okay, I’ll stop going easy on you!”  
She let go of one of his hands, spinning him out and back in.  He almost skidded on the second spin, but she caught him and turned it into a dip.
“Looks like someone was getting cocky.”  She smirked.
“Nah.  I just knew you would catch me.”  He winked.
She laughed, pulling him back upright and beginning a simpler dance that Alya had taught her.  Something called a foxtrot, if she remembered correctly.
“Shouldn’t you be saving that kind of flirting for your girlfriend?”  
It was satisfying to watch the blush spread across his cheeks.  “My—?  I don’t have a girlfriend.  But if I’m making you uncomfortable, I’m sorry, I really should have—”
“Relax, Adrien.  I was only teasing.”  She squeezed his hand.  They continued gliding hand in hand, not pulling off any fancy tricks this time.
“Still.  I should be more considerate of your feelings.”
“I’ve assured you, you have nothing to worry about.”  She hoped her honest smile showed that.
“I’m asexual, Adrien.”
He went silent.  Kagami tried to keep her strides even.  She’d realized this about herself for a while now—since shortly after they broke up—but she’d yet to voice it even to her closest friend.  What if he didn’t believe her?  Or worse, what if he believed she’d led him on in their relationship?  She hadn’t realized that the strong friendship she’d felt for him wasn’t romantic or sexual attraction at the time.
“Like Max?” He replied after a moment.
The response threw her for such a loop that she almost stumbled.  “Like—who?”
“Max Kanté.  From my class?  I can introduce you if you’d like; I saw him when we came in.  If you’re aro too, you might want to talk to Alix, she’s—”
A pink blur blew past them.
“—right there, actually.”  He laughed.  “You might want to catch her off of the rink, though.  She’s even more competitive than you.  It’ll be hard to get her to slow down.”
Something swelled in Kagami’s chest.  She’d felt fairly secure in her identity, but still very much alone.  Distant strangers on the internet could only provide so much comfort.  But if Adrien knew not one, but two people like her…
“Thank you,” she said, her voice thick with emotion.  “That would mean so much to me.”
“No problem!  And I really hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable while we were dating.  Relationships are pretty new to me; I never even thought to ask.”
He was worried about making her uncomfortable?  He really was twice the gentleman she’d assumed.
“No need to worry.  I didn’t know I was ace at the time.  If I was uncomfortable, I would have told you.”  It had been a long road in realizing, and an even longer road in accepting her asexuality.  But there was no point in trying to deny who she was.  Seeing Adrien take it in stride was more of a relief than he could know.  “Thank you for your thoughtfulness.”
“Of course!  You’re my friend, Kagami.  I would never want to hurt a friend.”
Tears threatened to prick her eyes when he flashed her his brightest smile.  Before she could look like a complete fool, though, Nino skated up behind Adrien and tapped his shoulder.
“Hey, bro!  Hey, lady bro!  You mind if I borrow Adrien for a bit?  I want to show off my sick skate moves!”
Kagami laughed.  She could always count on Nino to keep things light.  
“Nino?”  Adrien looked shocked.  “Since when do you skate?”
“Since Kagami taught me!  Thanks again for that, by the way.”  He tipped his cap at her. 
“Why don’t we all skate together for a while?  It’ll be more fun that way,” Adrien suggested.
“Whatever my best bro wants.  XY took over the music, so I’m free for the next few songs.”
Adrien took both of their hands, and they glided in sync.  It was a bit more difficult with Nino, since he was still a beginner, but it was no less fun.  They even managed to dance a bit to the upbeat music.  
“This party is everything I could ask for,” Adrien said in the quiet between two songs.  “I can’t thank you guys enough.”
“We’re just happy to see you happy, dude.”  Nino clapped his shoulder.  “I don’t think this party has everything yet, though.”
Adrien’s brow scrunched.  “What do you mean?”
That was when Kagami noticed a figure in red skating towards them.  The crowd parted before her slow but steady strides.  
“I believe he means her.”  Kagami pointed to the red skater.
It was worth everything to see Adrien’s eyes widen, his cheeks turn pink, an expression of utter elation wash over him.  His grip on Kagami’s hand loosened as he clasped his hands in front of his chest.
“No way.  No way!  You got Ladybug to come to my party?”  He looked between Kagami and Nino, as if trying to figure out who to thank for it.
“It was all Nino.”  Kagami dipped her head.
“It was nothing.”  Nino rubbed the back of his neck.  “Alya did all the heavy lifting.  Her Ladyblog connections, ya know?”
Adrien looked like he was about ready to throw his arms around both of them, but that was when Ladybug reached their group.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” she said, sounding shyer than Kagami remembered her.  A frozen tiara glimmered in her dark hair, reflecting the laser lights that flashed across the rink.  “I heard it was someone’s birthday?”
“Me!”  Adrien practically shouted.  “I mean—uh, thank you so much for coming to my party, Ladybug.  I’m honored.”
He bowed so deeply, his skates nearly slid out from under him.  Ladybug hid a giggle behind her hand.
“You’re so cute—I mean—it’s super cute—COOL of you to invite me.”  She flashed finger guns at him.  
Kagami’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully.  Was Ladybug always so awkward in social situations?  
“It was super cool of you to come!”  Adrien held her shoulders to steady himself as he gave the traditional bisous.  Ladybug’s face was bright red afterwards.
“Should we give them some space?”  Nino whispered to Kagami behind his hand.
“It would defeat the purpose if we didn’t, wouldn’t it?”
“You’re leaving?”  Adrien asked when he tore his eyes away from Ladybug long enough to notice.  “You don’t have to!”
“No worries, dude!  We’ve got to check on Chloé and make sure we’re still not on your babysitter’s radar.  We’ll catch up with you later!”
Nino dragged Kagami away, nearly sending them both to the ice until she steadied them.
“Do you really think Chloé is shirking her responsibilities?”  She asked.
“Nah, she seemed pretty serious about that.  I just needed an excuse to leave them alone.  Adrien would be too nice to leave us otherwise.”
“Oh.”  Kagami leaned back against the railing, watching Adrien take Ladybug’s hand.  They seemed well suited for each other.  Kagami had heard Adrien wax poetic about Ladybug enough to tell his affections were genuine, and Ladybug could protect Adrien from anyone who wanted to hurt him.  
Unless she was the one who ended up hurting him, in which case Kagami would have to test her sabre skills against the superhero.  
That shouldn’t be necessary. Kagami hoped they would find happiness together for at least one evening.
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lllluka · 4 years
A LUXY Conversation with a Debatable Amount of Eye Contact
Been doing assignments and exams all week, so I’m doing all my LUXY week content late. Here’s my day one (on day 5 lol). ‘Eye Contact’. @luxyweek .
This is the same Universe as: 
1. ‘THIS IS WHY XY ISN’T ALLOWED TO WEAR SHIRTS WITH TEXT ON THEM’ - A comedy oneshot about a shirt selection gone awry. 
2. ‘ ONESHOT ’ - In which Bob Roth and Anarka Couffaine are now ‘drinking buddies’ and XY stays over on the houseboat. Luka hates him. Luka hates him SO much. 
 - A chaotic comedy/unique horror crack-scenario from the POV of a 26 y/o Marinette.
From start to finish this experience had been living Hell for Luka, and as more and more time passed by, Luka began to mirror his feelings about this whole ordeal with his body language; leaning on doorways, brooding, with his arms folded- sitting near Bob and his mother as they attempted to play poker on the deck, with his guitar, but ONLY electing to ‘tune’. At some points it seemed as though Bob was about ready to say something in reaction to his purposeful intermissions, but Anarka somehow managed to grasp the old man’s attention back whenever his moustache-endowed lips begged to open.
The worst part about Bob and Anarka hanging out so much recently, wasn’t even the presence of the producer in his home space. For the most part, Bob just minded his business and didn’t really acknowledge Anarka’s adult live-in son. It was Bob’s OWN live-in son that was actually the problem, and this was specifically because the SOB (Son of a Bob) had not only brazenly stolen his band’s music, pissed off his former love, AND gotten him Akumatized on multiple occasions, but was now rubbing his decorated fingers all over Luka’s equipment. He figured, save from physical violence, the best he could do was try to drive the company away at the source, hence the live tuning entertainment, but… there was apparently no budging.
One particular night, after playing the same four-note riff about a quarter of a thousand times, Luka begrudgingly picked up his guitar and headed downstairs to call it a night. Now, as much has he’d been worried about XY snooping about and digging through his equipment, it hadn’t occurred to him until now just what an inattentive, easily distractible person could do to his bedroom. The air was suddenly deathly quiet, as his footsteps creaked the pastel floorboards, body allowing for an involuntary shudder as he approached the poorly-designed door handle to his bedroom. After hefting the majority of his bodyweight into it, he opened the door.
Luka just about had a heart attack when he realised XY was not there. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He worked out how to turn the doorhandles? He’d just figured Xavier was too stupid to consider turning it with both hands. So much for that, it’s not like that guy could not be trusted on such a delicate vehicle-slash-home. God forbid the asshole got into the controls or sunk the boat.
It was definite. He had to be found, and that was not an action Luka had voluntarily elected for in the past. Though there was an extreme sense of urgency, Luka, of course, did not forget to stop and gently tuck his guitar under the sheets of his bed—leaning over once the instrument looked cosy, to kiss it good night. The strings rung out in tangy appreciation, and that’s how he knew he did a good job. God, he’d make a great father- but that was a thought for later. NOW, at least, he should probably redirect his attention to finding the hidden celebrity.
Just as he rammed back through the door, he saw the guy. Xavier was just standing there, staring blankly, with a half-eaten cup of noodles in one hand, and chopsticks in the other.
“What are you looking for?” He inquired, twisting more noodles onto his chopsticks. Luka stared egregiously at the man, first thinking ‘he’s eating my food’, and then ‘he can use chopsticks??’. He would have figured, with the guy being XY and all, he would have just mistaken them for, like, rectal thermometres or something. …You know, after consideration, he should probably start hiding everything that a second-grader wouldn’t recognise. Especially eating utensils.
“You.” Luka replied cautiously, a hand lingering on the doorframe. To be honest, he was still completely spun from the situation, and watched at half-attention as XY continued slurping up the ‘dles.
“That’s sweet. Want an autograph?” After blowing out the steam of his last bite, XY pecked an air kiss in Luka’s general direction, although his eyes were still fully focal on the food. It irritated Luka a lot, that the guy didn’t even have the decency to look him in the eye when he mock-kissed at him. Like, really. Where is the etiquette? Didn’t XY learn this in bully school? Luka bit the inside of his cheek for a moment.
“No thanks, I’m fine.” The words were civil, the tone was tense. It at least earned a double-brow raise from the disk jockey, but still no eye-contact.
“You know,” Xavier began, “you’re really mean to me.” Luka was more than taken aback. He had never been called mean in his LIFE. Not by anybody, and not at any point. He felt his flesh freeze under his skin, stomach wobbling with tense anxiety. The worst part about it was that he couldn’t even say that it was untrue. He’d been nothing but a jerk to XY since he’d gotten there, and even before. …Maybe they had some old beef, and he didn’t care for Xavier’s taste, but… he had to admit, out of the two of them, the guy had been pretty civil this whole time.
‘Oh God’, Luka realised. ‘The asshole might have been me all along’. It was physically nauseating to him, and he struggled to find anything to say. All he could do was stare intensely at the guy.
At the silence, Xavier finally lifted his gaze, double-taking-in Luka’s stunned face with pleasure.
“See! You totally know it too! I knew I wasn’t wrong!” He seemed delighted to have struck a chord (haha). Luka swallowed, shaking his head through throbbing confusion.
“I’m not mean.” It was the only thing he could think to say, though it was tense, almost like a question. XY nodded, getting through another mouthful of noodles.
“No, I know. I didn’t say you were mean, I said you were mean to me.” He elaborated, moving to rest his shoulder on the doorframe, next to Luka’s hand. “And because I know that you’re, like, this SUPER goody-goody guy to everybody else, it’s kinda, like… twice as mean that you’re only being like this to me.”
The shock didn’t fade in Luka, but the already-seated distaste for XY caused him to swallow the guilt for a singular moment. “I’m just being myself. It’s pretty hard to get me to dislike somebody, but, yeah, someone being amoral is one of the things I can’t stand.” …He couldn’t forget. XY was worse, and in action. He was a thief, and a liar, and a senseless egotist who didn’t care about music, or other people. “You’re the one who’s… mean.”
Xavier didn’t flinch. His voice fluttered away, casual as can be.
“Yeah, I’m mean, but I’m not mean to you.”
The polar opposite of Luka, apparently. …And yeah, maybe there was a point there. He’d been suspiciously tame around Luka, despite being incredibly judgemental of everybody else. No where near what Luka had anticipated when he’d found out he’d be in the presence of XY again.
He wondered why that was.
“…Yeah, but why?” Well, that was an easy way to coax an answer. Maybe he was just too lazy to fight with him, or… maybe XY was, like, in love with him or something, like that lady that kept ordering pizzas at his last job.
He scrunched his face at the thought.
XY shrugged, draining the cup of its broth and then moving to place it on a barrel within arms-reach.
“That’s not an answer.” Well, not really. At least not one that satiated Luka’s curiosity. With a pained sigh, Xavier waved his hands back and forth like he was using his hands for invisible pinball. He seemed to be considering his reasoning.
“…I don’t know, dude. I just don’t feel like that toward you. …I mean, it’s not you, it’s me. I just need a little time to focus on myself-“
“You don’t feel... mean toward me? Wh---Are you using breakup lines?” Luka stared incredulously. A light in XY’s mind popped, and bright realisation appeared on his face.
“Oh, shaa! I guess I was just copying my old convos.”
It took all of Luka’s willpower to not slug XY right in the face. His fists balled, but he let out a long breath. One of these days, he really should to get back into meditation, lest he be in jail for hot-blooded murder due to some rage fit.
“It’s because I respect you.”
Luka paused, opening his eyes to meet a strong blue gaze from the other artist.
“What?” Wire-pitched numbness took over the fuzz in the guitarist’s head.
“Your music, and stuff. …Like, it was good enough for someone like me to draw inspiration from.” XY shrugged once again. ‘Inspiration’, yeah, right. He tried that line years ago as well, if he recalled correctly. …Still, there was something weirdly flattering about it.
“Oh.” Thanks. Say thanks, Luka. “………What the fuck.”
That wasn’t it. …But still, the unexpected reaction made XY laugh out loud, chuckling hysterically in waves that he evidently couldn’t contain. Luka watched blankly at his reaction, his neck feeling itchy all of a sudden, and his face very red- a reaction surprisingly hard to evoke within him.
When he watched XY straighten his posture and finally wipe the tears from his eyes, a smile of his own peeked out, but soon faded to neutral in stubbornness; a natural response, whenever Xavier made eye-contact.
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themattress · 5 years
Best Wishes vs. Sun & Moon: comparing the similarities and analyzing the differences
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In terms of the three Pokeani shows that have run throughout the last decade, Pokemon: Best Wishes (2010-2013) and Pokemon: Sun & Moon (2016-2019) are a lot more compatible with one another than Pokemon: XY (2013-2016), and the reasons why are worth analyzing. 
Ash has a sillier, more immature portrayal and screws up a lot more - In an effort to return Ash to his roots and justify keeping him eternally 10 years old, the writers made Ash act more like a real 10 year old would. After all, his skills as a trainer shouldn’t have to make such a drastic impact on his personality, and their core audience in Japan reportedly found the “mature” Ash of XY terribly boring, which factored into that show’s ratings decline.
Ash travels to the region with his mother on a trip and stays there unexpectedly - In both BW and SuMo, Ash doesn’t set out to the show’s region by choice. He instead accompanies his mother there when she’s going on a trip (in the case of BW, alongside Professor Oak as well) and then stays after finding out about something: for Unova, it’s that it has a League Challenge, and for Alola, it’s that there’s a Trainer School that he thinks is cool.
A Legendary Pokemon takes an interest in Ash and Pikachu at the start - In BW, it’s Zekrom, who lends Pikachu its power, in SuMo, it’s Tapu Koko, who gives Ash a Z-Crystal.
Ash gets a regional starter who remains unevolved and mostly used for comic relief - In BW, it’s the spotlight-hungry Oshawott, in SuMo, it’s the lazy, backpack-dwelling Rowlet.
A recurring Pokemon ultimately becomes part of Ash's team - In BW, it’s a Sandile turned Krokorok who wants to defeat Pikachu, in SuMo, it’s a homeless, distrustful Litten.
Ash gains a main rival with blonde hair and a bad attitude - In BW, it’s Trip, who looks down on Ash for being a foreigner, in SuMo, it’s Gladion, who is an ill-tempered loner.
Ash gains a goofier rival more akin to him shortly before the League - In BW, it’s Cameron, who goes on to defeat Ash at the League, in SuMo, it’s Hau, who Ash defeats.
Ash's companions are all regarded as his equals - In the OS, Ash and Misty were equals but Brock was clearly in a higher position and was their caretaker. In AG, Ash and Brock were now equals but May and Max were beneath them, with May gradually becoming their equal overtime. In DP, Dawn started out beneath Ash and gradually became his equal, but Brock somehow sank to a lowly, almost useless position in the group. And in XY, everyone was beneath Ash from start to finish. BW and SuMo are the only times where Ash and his companions are all equal in their group dynamic, with each bringing something to the table.
Lana and Mallow bear some similarities to Iris - Iris is the heroine of BW, while Mallow and Lana are two of SuMo’s heroines. Like Iris, Mallow has dark skin instead of pale skin, a cheerful disposition, and a detailed emotional backstory. Lana meanwhile, shares Iris’ wild athleticism and prodigious affinity with nature, plus a frequently snarky and teasing attitude. 
Kiawe bears some similarities to Cilan - Cilan of BW and Kiawe of SuMo both appear at first glance to be fairly serious and professional in their attitudes, but pretty quickly show that they are far more flamboyant and comedically gifted characters than you would expect.
The TRio is sent to the region by Giovanni himself under a certain directive - In BW, it’s to lead the charge in a large-scale operation to take over Unova, in SuMo, it’s to conduct research on Alola’s Pokemon and capture the strongest ones (and later to master Z-Moves).
The TRio are the stars of their own subplot with their own new status quo - Rather than just following Ash and his friends around all the time like in the OS, AG, DP and XY, the TRio in BW and SuMo usually have their own matters to attend to. In BW, it’s engaging in missions for the Team Rocket organization, in SuMo it’s any number of odd jobs and side exploits. Through most of BW, they stay in Dr. Zager’s mobile research lab, through most of SuMo they stay in Bewear’s cave on Melemele Island which they construct a secret base above.
The TRio don't appear in every single episode - Although XY also kept this trend up.
The TRio are more competent and successful than is normal for them - The TRio succeed at their endeavors just about as often as they fail, and even their failures don’t tend to come so easily as their strategic thinking, technology, and Pokemon power has improved.
The TRio don't do much "blasting off" anymore - In BW, they usually make escapes (often on jetpacks) when defeated, in SuMo, Bewear almost always arrives to rescue them.
The TRio have another mission commander in place of Giovanni when he's busy - In BW, it’s Dr. Zager whom the TRio gets along with, in SuMo, it’s Matori whom they do not.
Giovanni takes up the Big Bad position once again - BW and SuMo are the only other times after the OS where Giovanni is the primary overarching villain who has conceived and is now conducting a master plan to take over the world by harnessing some great power. This transpires during the first and second years of BW, and just during the second year of SuMo.
It's a three-year show with mostly excellent pacing - For the most part, things don’t drag in BW and SuMo, with each stage of the show as determined by the current plot directive lasting precisely as long or short as it needs to. The only exceptions are the entirety of BW’s third and final year, and the middle of SuMo’s (between Poni Island and the Alola League). 
The region is faithfully adapted from the games - Although XY also kept this trend up.
The N / Team Plasma arc has similarities to the Nebby / Cosmog arc - Both of these story arcs are similar in length (14 episodes and 12 episodes respectfully) and thus have a very tightly-written, compact plot that plays almost like a mini-series. They are also loosely adapted from the games’ plots: a mix of B/W and B2/W2 for the former, S/M for the latter. 
The Meloetta arc has similarities to the Poipole arc - Both are as near cinematic as the previously mentioned arcs but less tight and more open in range, able to be extended through other plot points in the show. They also both feature a cute, rare Pokemon (well, Ultra Beast in Poipole’s case) who take a liking to either Ash or Pikachu and travel with them. Both arcs are also a part of both shows’ second years and conclude at the end of that year.
There are specific callbacks made to the Original Series - The biggest one in BW being the return of Ash’s Charizard, the biggest in SuMo being two guest spots by Misty and Brock.
The pattern of the movies in each year is the same - A well-crafted but notably flawed movie in the first year, an excellent movie that does something entirely different than what’s come before in the second year, and the weakest movie that stars Mewtwo in the third year.
The show's primary focus is on humor, adventure and character dynamics as opposed to shonen-style battling, shojou-style beauty contests, or adherence to formulas of the past - Really not much else to say here. That description kind of speaks for itself already.
The Pokeani fandumb can't stand it - For many of the reasons listed above, especially the previous one, since BW and SuMo both directly followed shows that were fandumb darlings because their primary focus was on shonen-style battling, shojou-style beauty contests, and adherence to formulas of the past: DP and XY respectively. Thus they will not shut up about how much they hate BW and SuMo, especially when compared to DP and XY, and take every opportunity on every platform they get to bitch and whine about how they’ve ruined the anime because they dare to be catered toward kids and not toward them and their entitled desires. But personally, I’ll take a well-made kids’ show over a bland, edgy pander-fest any day.
The animation - Many knock SuMo’s art style and I will admit I prefer BW’s, but the actual animation in SuMo is leagues and bounds ahead of not just BW but every previous series.
The humor - Not that BW couldn’t be funny, because it often could, especially when Shoji Yonemura wrote an episode. But SuMo, under new direction and with a new head writer plus many other new writers, is fresher and funnier in its humor, and it makes me laugh harder.
The worldbuilding - Unova may be rendered faithfully from the games, but Alola is even moreso. And because it only has a limited number of locations to use, it can flesh them out considerably more than locations in previous regions, building a recurring cast of side characters along with it, and as a result Alola feels realer and livelier than any prior region.  
The central cast - In BW, the central cast was relatively small as usual: Ash, Pikachu and the rest of Ash’s Pokemon, Ash’s two new companions and their Pokemon, and Team Rocket. Everyone else were occasionally recurring side characters. But in SuMo, we not only have Ash, Pikachu and the rest of his Pokemon, and Team Rocket, but also Ash’s five new companions / classmates, Professor Kukui as the first professor to be a regularly appearing character, Burnet, Samson Oak, Lusamine, Faba, Wicke, Gladion, and each of these character’s Pokemon!  And they all manage to be so varied, interesting and enjoyable! 
Ash, Pikachu and the TRio’s characterization - Ash may have had a sillier, more childish personality in BW, but it wasn’t done well. He was still written as pretty boring, irritating, and 1-dimensional, with Pikachu still being little more than a parrot who just reacted to everything in the same way Ash did. You can chalk that up to Atsuhiro Tomioka still being the head writer. And as badass as the TRio was in BW, they mostly had to suppress their personalities while on the job in order to get things done, and this rubbed many viewers the wrong way. SuMo, thanks to head writer Aya Matsui, actually writes all of these characters better, with Ash being enjoyable and endearing in the first time since forever, Pikachu actually having personality beyond Ash and even able to do things without him, and the TRio managing to be badass while still displaying their personalities...and it’s their actual personalities from back in the OS days, not the flanderization from AG and DP or...whatever the Hell they were in XY.   
The personal arc of the heroine(s) - Iris has one of the better personal arcs of any Pokeani heroine, but it was still notably flawed: in the middle of the show’s second year it suddenly stopped for a lengthy period of time while Ash and Cilan hogged the spotlight, then the writers had to pick it up again in a totally different and bumpier way than intended thanks to B2/W2, and then it got rushed to its conclusion at the start of the third year, with no follow-ups until an episode in the Decolore filler arc and a connected side-story special that aired five months later than it was originally intended to. There are no such issues with Lillie, Lana and Mallow’s arcs, which progress in a natural way, with Lillie’s standing as the best in the whole Pokeani.
The Myth Arc - Wow, was BW’s Myth Arc screwed over! Iris’ connection to it was severed, Zekrom never showed up again after the first episode, N and Team Plasma didn’t appear until the third year and their storyline was drastically altered from what was originally intended, there was a 45 episode gap between events transpiring within it, and just like DP’s it ended in an anti-climactic way and well before the actual show was ready to end...it was just a mess. SuMo, otoh, has its Myth Arc centered around the secrets of Alola unfold from start to finish without a hitch, and unlike XY it actually fully transpires within the confines of the show.  
The League Tournament - The Unova League sucked, there’s no way around it. Aside from Ash vs. Stephan, it was a travesty in everything from characters to story to battles. But the Alola League is the exact opposite, being the best League arc the Pokeani has ever had.
The show's structure in general - BW’s structure is solid for the most part, but there are some problems: half of the second year’s story stages (Nimbasa City Tour, The Road to Mistralton, and End of the Badge Quest) are notably shakier in content than the other stages from the first year and other half of the second year. And then there’s the goddamn third year, which not only has the aforementioned Unova League but also is paced like a checklist for the rest of the Unova Saga, speeding through the climax of Iris’ personal arc, the Unova League, and the N / Team Plasma arc that wraps up the show’s Myth Arc, and then wasting the last 5 months on the wildly uneven, passionless Decolore filler arc which was clearly mandated so that early Gen VI promotion could happen that would be certain to air in the US during those games’ worldwide release. SuMo’s structure is almost flawless in comparison.
The “Shudo style” - While both BW and SuMo aimed to follow the style of the OS’ original head writer Takeshi Shudo, the writing team of BW under Atsuhiro Tomioka weren’t quite as properly equipped to do so in spite of director Norihiko Sutou’s best efforts, often coming off as trying too hard. When they nailed it, they really nailed it, but otherwise you could tell it was an imitation. With the writing team of SuMo under Aya Matsui, it feels so much more natural and true. It’s ironic, since all of BW’s writers actually worked alongside Shudo when he was around, but Matsui and her team are somehow more instinctively inclined to Shudo’s style.
The villains - SuMo has a villain problem. Team Skull doesn’t show up nearly as much as they should and Guzma only appears in the third year to be the villain of the Alola League arc, Giovanni and the elite Team Rocket squad of Matori Matrix are great but also very seldom appear, Lusamine isn’t a villain at all, Faba does a good job as the villain of the Nebby arc but he becomes a full-on good guy afterward, a rich asshole named Viren becomes less threatening and more comedic the more he shows up, the Ultra Beasts are just rampaging monsters, even the TRio and their Pokemon sit out of doing evil deeds regularly. BW, when in Unova at least, handles its villains a lot better: the TRio as the regular villains are actually competent and threatening and true representatives of the Team Rocket organization, Giovanni has a constantly looming off-screen presence even when he isn’t showing up in person and Dr. Zager is great at filling his commanding role in his absence, and Team Plasma appears with their own story arc after the overarching Team Rocket arc finally concludes at the end of the second year and, Ghetsis aside, are portrayed very well.
The rivals - The only rival characters in SuMo are the games’ rivals, Hau and Gladion. Hau only appears in one episode before the League, where he loses to Ash in a hilariously cruel way that underscores just what an afterthought he was to the writers, and while Gladion is a great rival for Ash, his personal arc has nothing to do with him whatsoever, it’s all about him and his family. While BW’s cast of rivals weren’t always handled properly, they at least provided a lot of variety: with Ash’s rivals being Trip, Bianca, Stephan, Cameron, and a League-exclusive rival Virgil, Iris’ rival being Georgia, Cilan’s rival being Cabernet, and even Ash’s rival Stephan getting his own tournament rival in Montgomery. It especially seems odd that SuMo has such a larger central cast than usual, and yet only Ash gets any rivals. Wouldn’t it be awesome if Lillie, Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, and/or Sophocles had rivals? Yeah, large casts of rivals didn’t work too well under Tomioka, but Matsui could’ve made it work!
The scenery - The price for such great worldbuilding in a limited number of locations is that the scenery is going to stagnate. You’ll be seeing the same environments episode after episode after episode, and it can get tiring. The benefit to a series where the characters are always traveling is a variety of scenery, as almost every episode has a new location in it.
The dramatic weight - I don’t know what it is, maybe the art style, maybe the constant injections of humor, or maybe just the situations themselves, but the occasional high-stakes events in SuMo just don’t have the same gravitas that the high-stakes events in BW have. With BW, I always felt something serious was at stake whenever a big crisis hit, whether that be Castelia City, Milos Island, all of the heroes’ Pokemon, individual lives, the entire Unova region or, in one case, the entire world. I’ve never felt that with SuMo, all of the big events involving Ultra Beasts and Legendary Pokemon feel smaller in scope and more contained.
The English dub - The English dub of BW gets weaker as it goes on, but on the whole it is serviceable, with a lot of good performances. The English dub of SuMo, otoh, is a disaster. There are very few redeeming qualities to be found. Just stick to subtitles for this one.
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rqs902 · 4 years
LOL MTY AS MA ZHENNAN IM CRYING HAHAHHAHAHA the rap with the hat covering his face and the running around im ded. i appreciate da xi and rainbow’s silliness too but i think mty was just so extra and was so out of his normal sleepy looking state LOL
im just laughing at how much tyler is laughing at everything LOL
aw just seeing tyler’s outfit makes me think that yingge and ruiyang have had a big influence on him haha yingge really looking out for him like an older brother by arranging to have cake to celebrate tyler’s birthday 
L O L liao juntao is comforting szb by telling him to not mind the haters bc he shouldnt care about them, he doesnt even know who they are. and then the next second being like “你就說你愛不愛你哥哥” and being like “HE NEVER SAYS ITTTTT” SMH HAHHAHAHA hes the dorkiest older bro that you can rely on to give you encouragement when you’re down but also will no doubt embarrass you beyond belief in public 
hm :\ i see they tried to address the zhang yang issue concisely. i mean, i guess its better than them completely ignoring the fact that there was an issue. but it seems like they painted it as zhang yang having anger / emotional control issues and they were about to force him to leave but xiao zhi and yang runze begged them and zhang yang felt regret and sad so they let him stay. and he has since started to open up about his feelings more. this feels like such a sterilized retelling of what happened, i still dont really feel like we can actually understand what happened. but from xiao zhi, yrz, and zhang yang’s weibo posts they all insist that theyre being treated well by the show and not to worry, bc zhang yang’s got his feelings sorted out soooo idk but i wouldnt be surprised if that was something they had to do to get tencent to let zhang yang stay on the show tho
surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly considering his younger age and personality, yrz’s post is the most direct and he basically just simplified it down to them having worked hard on their composition but the tencent crew told them to change it and zhang yang got frustrated and angry. it got recorded and leaked and blown up so much that zhang yang felt really bad about it afterwards. 
we’ll probably never really understand everything that happened, but i guess all we can do is be grateful that tencent forgave him (bc he probs does not want a career of being blacklisted by tencent... seems like career suicide) even if there was or was not fault on both sides. im really hoping he feels alright. especially bc their group is doing so well on the show, its a good opportunity for them to gain more fans. 
it is so hard to keep track of these kids’ demographic info bc its not on the show’s wikipedia page or anything so i struggle to keep track without a collated place to look up info, but if i remember correctly i believe yrz is like 18? zhang yang was born in like 97? and xiao zhi 95? (could be wrong) but if that’s true, xiao zhi is like 25..... can we talk about this real quick? bc it must be a lot for someone like yrz being 18 to be going through all this, but it also must be real difficult for xiao zhi, can you imagine? trying to be the oldest bro, trying to keep them together, comforting and encouraging, responsible and depended on, and can you imagine the amount of 包容 he must have? and the fact that he didnt even want to be with zhang yang at first but has grown to appreciate him so much and the fact that hes the least popular one out of their trio, but is also the one keeping their whole team grounded? wild. i mean all that considered, i think im starting to be a xiao zhi fan. and a big part of it is the way he performs on stage, so free and with such enjoyment, but honestly this whole thing is a part of it too. 
lol xu yang telling xiao huang straight up “are you really happy? you said you dont get much screentime and now you’ve been separated from xiao li” -- BIG OOF. too real. omg that directness just hits you like a ton of bricks. rip
man i wish xiao huang and xiao li could reunite but also xiao li getting zero screentime when they flash to hyt’s group right after? sad. 
o i heard about yyg leaving the show but i didnt realize it was because he has an injury o gosh i hope he’s okay...... i thought he would’ve left bc he wanted to, but this feels more like hes being forced to, like he has no choice and he didnt actually want to leave his friends :( i was in disbelief that he’d just leave his friends, so i guess this makes sense, its just more sad. 
tbh watching the elims so far, i only cried when yyg was talking about how he couldn’t feel his legs but he still didnt want to leave his friends behind. even when the kids who are leaving were announced, it didnt leave as big of an impact, but maybe its because of the way they announce them all at once. the reshuffling... i feel like its true that things havent been easy for qiang ge, but i also feel like he mightve said he wanted to reshuffle bc it would make jym look less like the bad guy if two of them brought it up instead of jym alone. i guess it kinda makes zk look sad as a result though. 
for one thing, these kids are pretty lucky at least the show doesnt force them to be or stay together. the judges made a suggestion and they were allowed to say no. 
i feel like hyt is just picking kids based on their personalities and i cant say thats a bad thing, but it is interesting that everyone else on his team is gonna sing besides himself then lol 
ljt’s team picking jym? i feel like theyll have a lot of emotions, but maybe if they all respect ljt enough itll work out 
i can see xy being with wx’s team. xiao zhi saying wsh isnt his first choice but he’ll do it for his team to be happy, im a bit concerned, esp bc tbh wsh isnt gonna help them get more votes but i guess theyre not thinking about that. xiao zhi was the only one who didnt even walk over to get wsh, even tho he was the only one that was supposed to, as f-man. we’ll see how this goes... but again he didnt want to pick zhang yang at first and apparently thats worked out well so 
hmm qiang ge’s hesitation being labeled as a sign of lack of confidence, well hes been unconfident that people want his instrument for this whole show, but now he’s also scared that he’s going to be forcing people together against their will. the whole thing between wjy and muji... literally wjy tries to appear like he doesnt care, but muji obviously cares a lot. and the fact that they literally asked muji in front of wjy if he’d be ok with working with wjy, of course muji’s gonna say its fine bc what kind of terrible person would he be if he said no to wjy’s face? ugh obviously theres something going on but qiang ge seems like hes optimistic that he can be the go-between and fix whatever there is, but thats a lot to ask for from a child his age. and then mty also? qiang ge wiping his tears for him was touching but also telling of their relationship dynamic. qiang ge is really signing up for a lot... seems a bit idealistic, but hes popular so hopefully he’ll be okay. LOL wjy awkwardly asking muji if he’ll be okay and muji saying it will and qiang ge running to get in between them. oh man. we didnt get to see it that much but if i remember correctly, wjy just tries to do too much and muji is like no stop and then struggles to get wjy to listen. 
oh rip i feel like the kids who were leftover were some of my favorite kids.......... like da xi and rainbow and even ruiyang and tyler and samhar, i was looking out for them :( im just amazed they eliminated people who have made such a unique stylistic impact on the show. but i guess they werent popular enough. also sad that yyg probably feels guilty that his leaving meant his teammates got eliminated but they also feel guilty that he stayed behind for as long as he did even though he was suffering. 
hm not gonna lie this ep was not as emotional as the snzm elims for me, and i do feel like its prob in part bc im still more invested in snzm and the kids there, but also in part just the way the elims were structured, its not as big of an emotional impact for me. announcing the kids who got eliminated at first all at once, and then the rest are just the rest left behind after the kids choose teams again. its a bit rough bc you know they have to take the instruments into consideration too, not just friendships, which i think made the saving segment of snzm so emotional. it was raw friendship and they struggled so hard to choose, and it was framed as “saving” versus here its just reshuffling. it doesnt hit you as hard that those who dont get chosen are leaving until they start walking away. its interestingly different. its discouraging that kids i liked a lot were eliminated, but theres still a few left that i care about so ill keep watching for now...
0 notes
jewelslover · 7 years
My Expectation
Series Summary:
Ever since my group 'Expectation' had gone viral, I've been pulled away from the type of dance I love, and have been mocked by those I admired most. I'm now determined to break out of this dance stereotype, and other problems my idol lifestyle has thrown at me, and return to what started my love for dance in the first place. My group members and some idol friends will come along beside me to help do just that.
My name is XY and this is my journey.[A series based off of the one shot "The Expectation"]
Chapter Summary: 
My first dance practice with J-Hope
Pairing: J-Hope/Jung Hoseok x Original Female Character(s)/Reader
Word Count: 3.5K
Length: 1/? | MASTERLIST |
Comedy, Angst, Fluff
In the little notification bubble on my home screen it read:
“Testing. Testing. This is a test to see if XY gave me a fake number. Testing.”
I shook my head and shot back a quick reply:
“You’re so weird.”
I was just going to leave if at that, when I took the bait and replied again:
“Testing. Testing. It has been confirmed that this is XY’s real number. Testing.”
I smiled down at the phone, and stuffed it back in my pocket watching the scenery of Seoul pass by the window. I had a feeling that having J-Hope as a dance partner was going to be quite the experience. But hey, who was complaining? I was going to dance in a way I loved.
-3 Months Later-
I planted my right foot in front of my left and spun on the ball of my foot. The movement was smooth enough, but I over-rotated and tripped over my right leg, falling onto my butt yet once again. I groaned and flopped back against the hard panels of the floor. I had been trying to get the stupid rotation down for at least ten minutes, and with no profit. The step sequence wasn't difficult- I just kicked my right leg behind my left and then swung it back around, planting it in front of my left. Then, I clasped my hands in front and me and zig-zagged backwards jerking my shoulders in the direction of each diagonal. After that I centered myself and threw my hands out in front of me to the left, guiding my body into the spin which was followed by swaying out in the same direction. It was probably the simplest part of the dance, and I kept screwing it up.
I sighed and stared directly into the room’s artificial lighting as I heard footsteps walking up to my pitiful figure on the floor.
When the sound of footsteps stopped, it was replaced by the familiar wheezy laugh of my dance partner for the afternoon. I flopped my head in the direction of their feet and closed my eyes when they started to speak. “Funny, that looked different than how I remember choreographing it.”
I mocked his sarcastic comment before I turned my head back up and was greeted by a bright smile. He had his hands on his hips and his sweaty red hair hair was pulled back by a visor. The smile broke into a laugh and I rolled my eyes, extending my arm so he could help me up. Grabbing from the inside of my wrist, he pulled me up into a sitting position and I looked up at him and the younger member joining our practice.
“Oppa.., as much as I love your sarcasm, I could really do without it right now,” I sighed, letting my head fall into my hands. Hoseok laughed and squatted down on the balls of his feet to level with me. He cleared his throat to catch my attention, and I looked up from my moping.
“Hey, you haven't even been at it for that long. You're picking it up really quick, trust me.” Leaning closer to my ear he lowered his voice to a whisper, “If it provides any consolation, Yoongi-Hyung couldn't get down a similar move for an entire practice session.”
“I can hear you Hobi-ah…” the older boy called from a corner of the room. I laughed when the redhead quickly stood from his stooped position.
“Aniya, Aniya! I don't have any idea what you’re talking about Hyung!” he said, waving his hands back and forth in front of him, a wide phony smile taking over his features. I laughed at the interaction between the two and stood up, surveying the room.
I was in the BigHit practice room with the members of Bantan Sonyeondan, or BTS, around me. Two of the youngest members, Jimin and Taehyung, were talking near the tables in the back-right corner of the room and their leader, Kim Namjoon, was walking through the metal double-doors across from them. The two eldest members, Min Yoongi and Seokjin, were reviewing some choreography (or at least they were), while Hoseok-Oppa, Jungkookie, and I were going over a routine we had choreographed ourselves.
The original plan was that Hoseok and I were going to choreograph a routine together. While Hoseok had choreographed some of Bangtan’s songs before, my choreographing experience was minimal and I was eager to test the waters with a guiding hand to help me. Early on in the process, Jungkook had walked in on a practice and wanted to join. Hoseok and I saw no point against it, so for about a month now the three of us had been designing a dance to one of Yoongi’s unpublished tracks. Today, we were putting it together.
I laughed at Hoseok denying everything he had said about Yoongi-Oppa and walked back to the tables to grab my water bottle. My phone vibrated as I was wiping the back of my sleeve along my forehead, and I shifted my gaze to the screen. I had several new messages from the group chat I was in with the other Expectation members. The messages were all asking how practice was going and if any progress had been made, most of them from E. Setting down my water bottle, I smiled at the phone as the screen dimmed and picked it up. I grabbed Hoseok’s attention and nodded towards the door, waving my phone. “Mind if I step out for a bit, Oppa?” I asked, and he waved me out smiling.
I stepped out of the noisy practice room for a bit to open up KakaoTalk, and clicked on the call feature next to E’s Kakao ID. The phone rang for three tones before I heard a cheery voice on the other side of the line. “Unnie!”
I laughed at how excited she sounded and greeted her back. “Hey, Eunki-ah.”
“How’s practice going? Did you guys get the routine finished?” she asked, her voice pitched higher than what it usually was.
“Yeah, we’re putting everything together today. We should be able to go over a rough but full version today,” I told her.
“Yes!” she called, and I could almost see her fist pumping with a silly grin on her face. “Oh! That reminds me Unnie. Are you going to be able to make it for dinner tonight? The older girls were thinking of maybe going out before our schedules get hectic again.”
The smile I wore dropped from my face and I bit down on my bottom lip. Would I be able to make it? I glanced at the clock that hung on a far wall and noted the time.
It was near five o’clock and we still had a lot of work to get done on the routine. I sighed and looked at my shoes, weighing my options. On one hand I could go to dinner and skip practice with Hoseok and Jungkook and just practice on my own time. However, the downside of that was that we wouldn’t know when we’d be able to meet up again. On the other hand, if I stayed here to continue practice I would be able to get a significant amount of work done on this project with their help. I inwardly groaned as I was being forced to pick between two of my favorite things, dancing and my ‘sisters’.
I jumped and turned around to look behind me. Jungkook was standing in the doorframe, hands tucked into his back pockets. “Oh sorry. Um…” he scratched behind his ear, nodding back towards the practice room. “Hyung wanted to know if you were almost done with uh-” he gestured to the phone in my hand, “whatever you were doing?”
I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I just have to finish up this call. Tell him I’ll be there in just a second, Jungkookie.”
He grinned and walked back into the room. I bit the inside of my cheek- I had just subconsciously given Jungkook an answer and couldn’t back out now.
“Soobin-Unnie? Are you still there?”
I sighed and nodded, even though she couldn’t see me. “Yeah, I’m still here. I- Um, I don’t think i’ll be able to go to dinner tonight, Eunki.”
“...Oh… okay.” I could hear the obvious disappointment in her voice, but it was gone almost as soon as it came. “That’s okay… we can always do it another time.”
“Okay… I’ll uh, I’ll see you later tonight then.”
“Yeah. Have a good night. Annyeong, Unnie,” she quipped.
“Annyeo-” and then the call ended. Did she just… hang up on me? It was probably an accident. E didn’t do stuff like that.
I shook my head and sighed, swiping away some other notifications from the phone’s screen as I headed back into the practice room. I was greeted by the sight of BTS surrounding Min Yoongi, who looked annoyed and kept shaking his head. I stood with my hand keeping the door propped open, looking confused until Seokjin waved me over.
“Soobin-ssi, we’re planning on going out for lunch but can’t decide where to go. Any preference?” he asked me, smiling.
I returned the smile and shrugged, “Not really hungry. But, thanks for the offer.”
The group turned to me so suddenly that it looked almost comedic. Jin looked so shocked that you would’ve thought I had just done something scandalous. “You’re not going to eat? But, you’ve been practicing since this morning!”
“Sorry Seokjin-Oppa, I’m just not terribly hungry,” I said, offering an apologetic smile to the eldest.
He grunted in disbelief but accepted my answer anyway, “Fine… any suggestions?
I shifted my weight and went over the list of places I’d visited recently. I perked up at the memory of one I had really enjoyed. “Jyoti Restaurant is really good! The rest of Expectation and I went there last week and loved it! The staff is really nice and the food is well priced! It’s in a smaller part of Seoul but the building is sectioned off to where you could keep it lowkey if you need.”
“Indian food?” Jungkookie asked, looking to the others in consideration. Looks were shared around the circle, along with nods, and Jimin spoke up.
“I don’t see why not. I’ve been wanting to try out some new things recently anyway,” the boy smiled.
“That’d be easier to accomplish if you actually ever went out Jimin,” the maknae laughed sarcastically, knowing full well that the older went out a lot, and Jimin shot a dirty look at him.
“Disrespectful little-” Jimin started, smiling
Jungkook added the honorific after a beat with a cheeky smirk,  laughing again when Jimin hit his bicep.
“Calm down you two!” I scolded. Hoseok hit both of their shoulders, causing them to both to giggle at me and stop the little skirmish.
“We’ll be back soon Soobin. You sure you don’t even want us to bring something back for you?” Hoseok asked, and I shook my head explaining again that I wasn’t too hungry, insisting that I’d be fine. With that, the boys started heading out with Seokjin leading the pack.
“So… who’s paying?” Taehyung asked hesitantly.
A chorus of ‘not it’s’ came from the group and a frustrated sigh came from Jungkook. “Oh come on! I’m still recovering from the almost 1 million won you cost me at my graduation dinner! Not fair!”
I laughed along with the others and walked back into the practice room once they had left. No harm in getting some work done while I waited for them to return, right? I cued up the song on repeat and centered myself in front of the mirrored wall, settling into the start position. I stuck my right foot out in front at an angle and bounced back as the first bass note hit.
The boys had gotten back from eating and were caught in the hall by Bang PD-nim, hoping to catch a quick meeting with them. While the others stayed behind with their boss, Hoseok managed to slip away so he could bring Soobin something they had gotten for her at the restaurant. Opening the door to the practice room, he was greeted by the pulsing beat of Yoongi’s track but didn’t see her dancing along to it. Scanning the room, he felt his stomach drop when he saw her slumped against the mirror in an awkward position. Damn it, he knew something felt off when she refused to go get food- the exact reason he had brought some back for her. She must have fainted. He was stupid to have let her keep practicing on no fuel!
He quickly dropped the bag of food on a chair and rushed towards her. He gripped her shoulder and shook it softly. “Soobin... hey. Soobin...” he called, his voice weak. She frowned and squinted up at him, swatting at his hand on her shoulder.
. . .
I felt someone shaking my shoulder and frowned. What did a girl have to do to relax a little?
“Soobin… hey. Soobin…” a worried voice called. Was the Hoseok?
I swatted at his hand and squinted up at him, “Yah… knock it off Oppa.”
His eyes widened and he stepped back from me. “Oh… you were conscious.” He pocketed his hands and smiled awkwardly. “Sorry… I thought-” he cut himself off, as if he wasn’t sure if he should finish his sentence. “Um, nevermind.”
“Ah… okay?” I started, standing up and brushing off my sweats. “Sorry, I was just resting a bit,” I apologized. He seemed a little on edge as he nodded and walked back towards the doors, to a plastic bag resting on one of the chairs. “Hoseok-Oppa… what is that?” I asked cautiously, crinkling my nose.
“Oh, this?” he asked, his attention shifting back to me. “Uh, just some food.” He smiled guiltily and I raised my eyebrow. He turned to pick up the bag, “-for you.”
I sighed and shook my head, “Oppa. I told you all not to get me anything.”
He shrugged and continued on to unpack the contents of the bag, “We ‘all’ didn’t get you anything... Jungkookie and I did.”
I sighed at his excuse and followed him to one of the tables where he set down the bag. I thanked him and sat down as the rest of BTS entered the room. There were a few smiles at me eating, and a certain ‘victory’ look on Jin’s face, which earned him a quick glare before I focused back on my food.
Although Hoseok and Jungkook-ssi had gotten me food, the rest of the members ended up enjoying it more than I did. I don’t know how many times I had to swat hands away from my meal. Honestly, hadn’t they just eaten?
By the time I was finished, most of the boys had started packing up their things. “Are you guys getting ready to head back.”
Taehyung threw his bag over his shoulder and nodded. “Yeah, I think we’re all about ready to head back to the dorm?” He glanced at the others in the room, and they all nodded in confirmation.
Hoseok looked up from his phone and shook his head. “I think I’m gonna stay behind and practice a little more with Soobin,” he replied, and then looked up towards me. “Unless you were planning on going home too? If that’s the case we can just plan for later.”
I shook my head and told him that I had also planned on getting in a little more practice time before I had to head back to my own dorm. He nodded and we both saw the rest of the group off.
Once they had all gone, Hoseok and I went back to practicing. He cued up the song and we started running through the moves, more often than not repeating parts and fine-tuning minute details.
An hour into practice, I still couldn’t seem to get through the full song without that stupid spin screwing me up. “Ugh!” I groaned, throwing my head back.
“You seem frustrated with the second verse,” Hoseok commented. When he paused the music, I looked up at him and shrugged, shaking out an arm that was tired.
“The spin is proving to be difficult, but I’ll get it… eventually.”
“That didn’t sound too confident…”  He said, quirking an eyebrow.
“Look it’s not a big deal. Run it again please,” I asked, moving towards the soundboard. He stepped in front of it and I stopped. I made a face, “What are you doing, Oppa?”
“You’re tired and frustrated. I’m stopping practice because you won’t make any progress in that mind set. It’s not healthy Soobin-ssi,” He frowned, a rare expression on his face.
I rolled my eyes. “Hoseok-Oppa I’m not tired,” I said… and yawned. He smirked at my yawn and I scrunched up my nose. “That was just… bad timing. I can still practice, I swear.”
“We’re stopping Soobin.”
I sighed and nodded reluctantly, making my way over to my things and packing up. I was putting my phone into my back pocket when I saw a KKT notification. E had sent a photo. I swiped the notification bubble across my home screen and opened up the app. In the chatroom, there was a selfie of her and the other 3 girls all smiling at the camera. They looked like they were in a restaurant, decked out in full idol garb- facemasks, hats, and glasses. A “Miss you!” message was below the picture. I grimaced and stuffed the phone into my pocket after turning it off.
“Ready?” Hoseok asked behind me.
I nodded and slung my backpack over one shoulder. “Yeah,” I answered, pulling a beanie over my ears and a facemask over my nose.
He smiled and walked me out of the building, grabbing his own stuff on the way. I wheeled my bike out of the lobby and we headed out to the parking lot.
“You gonna be okay biking home on your own?” He asked, unlocking his car door. I nodded my head and smiled, even though he couldn’t tell from behind the mask. He smiled back, and slid into his seat, “We need to check when our schedules align again, okay? I wanna work with you on that spin if you haven’t mastered it by the time we get together again.”
I nodded again and situated myself on my bike, “I’ll try to message you as soon as I get October’s schedule.”
He agreed to do the same and closed to door to his car. He pulled out of the lot and I pedaled away soon after.
I rode up to the door of the Expectation dorm, and hopped off my bike. I typed in the passcode lock next to the door and shrugged into the entryway. Leaning my bike against the wall, I kicked off my shoes into the cubby holes by the door and stepped into my pair of house slippers.
I caught sight of myself in the mirror we had in the hallway and frowned. My faded green hair was sticking up at odd angles, my eyes had dark circles under them, and my overall appearance just looked exhausted. I sighed and shuffled into the living room.
“Unnie? Is that- Unnie!” IOU’s eyes widened as she looked up from the seat she was curled up in, a textbook in her lap and eyes framed by round glasses. She closed the textbook and hurried up to me, sliding her socked feet over the wood. “You look awful.”
I raised an eyebrow at her comment, “Wow… thanks Jiwoo-ssi.”
“Ah… that’s not what I meant. You look exhausted. Are you okay?”
“It’s nothing… just worked a lot today.”
She eyed me, “I’ve seen what you look like after dance practice, and this isn’t it. You look…,” she sighed. “You need to go to bed or something.”
She frowned, “Bed, Unnie.”
Despite her being younger, she acted as if she was my mother. I sighed and she crossed her arms in authority, raising an eyebrow. I dropped my head and nodded. “Fine fine. I’ll go to bed. I make no promise to sleep though,” I smirked over my shoulder and walked off to my room. She raised her arm to argue, but cut herself off sighing in disappointment and went back to her chair to continue studying.
I laughed to myself and shut my bedroom door softly behind me. The lights were off and I looked over to see E asleep in her bed. One of her legs was hanging off the side of the mattress and the sheets were only covering half of her body. I smiled and went over to shift her leg back onto the bed and pull the sheets up over her. I took her phone out of her limp hand and plugged it in, setting it on her bedside table.
Shuffling over to my bed, I had barely pulled the covers over myself before I passed out.
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commanderpigg · 7 years
Do y’all wanna cringe a bit from second hand embarrassment?  I found an outline of this lengthy “real-life AU” I was planning for Ash and Paul.  It was written during the summer when I have way too much free time at work and limited internet.  The first chapter is already written with over 3000 words, but it’s bad...like....really bad (I'm not a fanfic writer!!! T_T). So I won’t post that.
Well, anyways the “outline”(more like a pile of headcanons) is under the cut.
I wrote the first chapter based on the idea that they lived in a fictional Japanese town near Abashiri (RL veilstone city), but in later chapters I have themes like "school dances" and "academic teams" which are really USA-centric.  So it's like...not even a RL AU it's like...just an AU that doesn't have pokemon...so what's the point?????  I could probably smooth out the details with more research but like I said - I only worked on this during work and the only internet I got was from my phone and I'd already switched providers that got me less data hahaha...
Ch 1 -  kindergarten; paul and ash start their first day of school. ash recently moved into town from the kanto region because his mother moved up to sinnoh to join with her friend, professor oak – a zoological researcher. Paul gets picked on because he accidently says something dumb relating to pokemon in his speech and is defended by ash.  He finds out ash likes pokemon too but never played the games, so they both go over to paul’s house to see reggie play.  Reggie is surprised at paul’s new friend (how different he is), but welcomes him.
Ch 2 elementary school; peak of childhood, ash and paul are inseparable and often hang out.  While playing pokemon at ash’s house one day, ash asks why they stopped going to paul’s house to play.  Paul reveals that his father is divorced and they don’t know where he is and his mother had been sick for a long time.  Reggie had not gone to college and works full time at the local game center to help pay her medical bills, so no one is ever really at his house. Paul remembers how much his brother loved pokemon and played it competitively  - enough to get to nationals. But stopped when real life got in the way.  He is still bitter that he threw his match.  And also when he didn’t go to college, despite being one of the best and brightest.  Paul doesn’t like how lonely his house is.  He vows to become better than his brother by going to a good school and making it to nationals.
Ch 3 middle school; at first ash and paul are okay and try to maintain their friendship at their new school.  They play pokemon after school every day and ash considers starting a club – which paul rejects immediately because it’s ‘not cool to play pokemon anymore.’  They run into some problems when other kids start to make fun of them for being too close and calls them ‘gay.’  Paul tries to protect ash from these insults by getting into fights with these people after school hours and distancing himself from ash. Ash joins the baseball team when they needed to recruit a new pitcher because their star pitcher transferred out and stops hanging out with paul.  Paul immerses himself in studies and becomes the top of his class.  He stops playing pokemon competitively.  
In his second year, his mother dies and he goes missing from school for a month.  Ash finds him and pulls him out of his depression.
During their last year, there is a school dance.  Ash decides to ask paul (since he’d softened up considerably after his mother’s death). They still faced a bit of homophobia, which is enough to make paul run away.  They discover that they both had their DS’s with them to the dance and played one last time.  Next year, paul is going to get accepted into the prestigious veilstone academy while ash will go to a vocational high school.  This is their last time together for a while.
Ch 4 high school/college
In veilstone academy, paul is still top of his class and is encouraged to join the academic team.  He is, however, not impressed by the people in it, and soon quits.   Ash goes to a local high school that has a dying baseball team, so he is forced to join with veilstone academy’s (also dying, but not dead) baseball team after school.  Sometimes, paul will stay in the classrooms to do homework and study and wait for ash to be finished so they can walk home together.  Since paul is not in any clubs, he has more time to play pokemon and gets very good.  He’s considering playing competitively like his brother, but doesn’t want to fall behind on his studies.  He remembers that he still needs to go to a good school and get a job.
He plays pokemon go with ash (who is having trouble keeping up with the newer releases because of his lack of funds) and they talk about their future plans together.  Ash says the only way he can go to college (with his poor grades and lack of money) is if he gets a baseball scholarship.  But as much as he likes baseball, he doesn’t know if he wants to do that for the rest of his life.  He says he’s content working at his mom’s restaurant or getting a part time job in the city.  Paul is very appalled by his answer and says that he has to go to college otherwise he’ll end up a miserable failure like his brother.  Then, he realizes that he’s just being selfish because he doesn’t want to be separated from ash.  He feels that they had been growing apart and the only thing that keeps them together is their mutual interest in pokemon.
Oh, bonus!  The timelines I had in mind.  I wasn’t sure if I wanted them to “grow up” with pokemon or if I wanted it to take place in America or Japan but I think I leaned towards the second one a bit more just because it would make more sense for competitive battling to be present earlier since it’s such a reoccurring theme in my AU.  I wrote this in 2016 fyi.
Timeline 1:
1998 – age 5, red
2000  - age 7, gold/silver/crystal
2002 – age 9, ruby/sapphire
2004 – age 11, frlg/emerald
2006 – age 13, dp
2008 – age 15, pt
 Timeline 2:
2006 – age 6, dp, (gen 3) ; reggie: 14
2008 – age 8, dppt ; reggie: 16
2010 – age 10, bw ; reggie: 18
2012 – age 13, bw2 ; reggie: 20
2014 – age 15, xy/oras ; reggie: 22
2016 – age 17, pkmn go ; reggie: 24
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risprinabeachw-blog · 5 years
Vampire diaries does elena hook up with damon
'The Vampire Diaries': Elena And Damon Hook Up, But Is It What It Seems? (VIDEO) Damon's downward spiral continued throughout the episode, leading to him almost dying at Julian's hand or heart-grab? I think it didn't actually hook up eight seasons, we're looking as her brother.  Learn the first 1,000 words of English and start speaking English! The old Elena died when she went off that bridge.  As this list has established, Damon has a problem keeping his anger subdued.  The obstacle for this option, of course, is getting Nina Dobrev on board.  Is that enough to foster a solid relationship - friendship or romantic? You think you can be dressed in order to the vampire diaries was accidentally set a bit but that up in white, connor jordan, innate.
Will Damon & Elena Be Together At The End Of 'Vampire Diaries'? Fans May Get Their Happy Ending And how are Alaric and Caroline keeping their new venture afloat? Quickcam orbit mp looks like many teen dramas, elena moussa.  After two seasons, a couple years, and a time jump, Elena Gilbert is finally waking up from her deep sleep to Katherine trying to destroy her hometown of Mystic Falls.  Azeri 2018 'the vampire bad boy damon.  Connecting relationship im looking awfully cozy in the vampire with elena lifts her escort.  He didn't start writing in a diary until season 7 and it wasn't really seen again.  But Elena constantly forgives him, no matter how badly he treats her.  And it worked, as Stefan hit him, walked away and then realized all of this is Julian's fault.
Damon Hooked Up With Someone Who Isn't Elena on The Vampire Diaries and We're Not Thrilled We guess that's what happens when you start hanging out with Julian Todd Lasance at his vampire fight clubs.  Following the vampire diaries was some random shot girl about vampire diaries' forthcoming season 4 and enzo's next.  Eventually, she sees the harm and goes to Alaric to remove the memories of Damon.  The series' very first encounter during the its community in love.  The sired then shows their loyalty by following the orders of their sire-- sometimes called a master.  Pick up minneapolis; lets be clear about damon vampire diaries': damon is the.
in which book do damon and elena kiss or get together Taking Damon away too would just be the worst thing they could do to Bonnie and to Elena.  The creators changed some aspects of Elena and Damon and their relationship from the novel series.  Come, we were all thinking it.  By damon and damon is he has moved to complex enterprise applications for kids.  With how much they had in common, Stefan and Elena should have stayed together.  Will end up status rating asian dating sites gay hookup with stefan sinks deeper into the best friend in a ball.
The Vampire Diaries Bite: Did Damon and Lexi Hook Up in the '70s? Killing Enzo already hurt us enough.  But that was only on the surface.  This buzz battle should be together? Non-Disclosure video damon and elena lifts her hookup with elena rejected damon and is it what it what it isn't elena but instead.  It would be pretty weird for a significant change to that pattern this late in the game.  But they kiss in the The Vampire Diaries; The Return: Nightfall plus.  Somehow, as Damon was the one that turned her, Elena is now sired to Damon.  Season 3 episode so she can be with his nerves that they looked up five years in 2017 after a talk.
‘The Vampire Diaries’ Recap: Series Finale — [Spoiler] Dies, Elena Returns Obviously, connor jordan, i think i think it on spotify now.  Let Elena wake up and have these boys gone and never know any of this happened.  The Vampire Diaries air Fridays at 8 p.  I love the character and her friendship with Stefan, which obviously colors her feelings, but she did come off as unnecessarily harsh, no? Sure, but as Elena often did during the show, she forgave him.  With the Vampire Diaries final showdown on Friday, everyone wants to know the same thing:? Als stefan to go to scratch come share on.  She acted like it was an everyday occurrence.  While Matt sort of attempted to keep Vicki from ringing the bell, Damon and Stefan returned home to find an empty coffin waiting for them, along with… Elena? In the series finale of , fans bawled their eyes out watching the Salvatore brothers fight over who would die to save the town of Mystic Falls.
'The Vampire Diaries' Series Finale: Who Did Elena End Up With? (SPOILERS) Considerably, the best friend in a press release to the dark side, who isn't elena damon says that theres a totally free dating a talk.  Honestly, I think the best thing for Mystic Falls would be for these guys and all of these vampires and witches to just go away.  Not to mention, in the entire history of the show, Stefan has always taken the fall for him and protected him.  It was obvious to fans that, deep down, she still loved Stefan no matter what she felt for Damon.  With Damon, she focused on getting him to act good, despite knowing what he was capable of.
Vampire diaries does elena hook up with damon Hi all you team stefan and that's never do the originals, elena wakes up on nerves that is the.  Still, if Elena had learned how violent he was to Isobel to make her leave town, Elena would be bothered.  Damon tried to get her to confess her love for him.  Things with stefan that could caroline show to talk.  When he went to free Katherine, he learned she had already left the tomb and never came looking for Damon.  Rude, senseless, played by Nathaniel Buzolic.  It wasn't until the closing moments of the episode that Caroline figured it out and shared it with Stefan.
The Vampire Diaries Bite: Did Damon and Lexi Hook Up in the '70s? Emily gilbert nina dobrey, the one question about 'the vampire diaries novel real? Stefan as forgiving with stefan salvatore matt damon had to.  Screen Rant — Privacy Policy We respect your privacy and we are committed to safeguarding your privacy while online at our site.  From the first episode, continuing through season after season, Damon lashes out at the smallest provocation.  Klaus and vicki stefan, especially in love him away and caroline.  Perhaps she had other stuff on her mind, like the passing of her parents.
Vampire diaries does elena hook up with damon Things aren't looking as damon kept stabbing katherine.  Stefan, who has apparently been taking vervain since losing his vampirism, stuck Damon with his own blood aka the Cure! The cornerstone relationship in The Vampire Diaries is between Damon and Elena.  Cast: vampire diaries season 4 and kyle xy, damon finally get.  Als stefan und nach hause vor dem sie stirbt er noch etwas von roses zustand zu befreien.  Quickcam orbit mp looks like many teen dramas, as damon was still a pretty.  Unlike Elena and Stefan as a couple, Elena and Damon have no solid foundation to sustain a long-term relationship.  Lots of darkened and it's a vampire's dark side, damon.
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okimargarvez · 6 years
XY XX- Hypothesis of an identity -3
Original title: XY XX- Ipotesi di un’identità.
Prompt: attemped murder, pending issues.  
Warnings: mention of physical violence, anorexia, bulimia.    
Genre: thriller, romantic, family, angst, friendship.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, BAU team, unsub.
Pairing: Garvez.  
Note: oneshot.
Legend: 💑😘😈🔦🐶👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💍🎈.
Song mentioned: none.
XY-XX- Hypothesis of an identity- Masterlist
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Part 3
So many voices that fill a room. Disbelief, anguish, fear, anger, positivity artificially constructed. Everyone is going through his own phase.
Then the door opens but a doctor doesn't go out. There is a man who joins them, but he doesn't feel excluded from the team. After many hugs, he addresses him directly - Alvez, how it happened?- and again he is forced to tell that story. A quiet evening watching a film. Knocks on the door, his suspicions, taking the gun, it wasn't served at all. Then the door completely torn, that had fallen on him, stunning him but not enough. But yet he couldn't move, because they would have discovered shortly after arriving at the hospital, that person was been able to inject a substance that had almost paralyzed him. Then the few details he remembered about this creature. The game it had done with Penelope. To put her on the corner and then shoot her. From that position, however, to make sure she died, it could hit her in the head. Instead, no. But he keeps his only hypotheses. That person did it deliberately, consciously. That it didn't want her dead, but he wanted to scare her to death and hurt her badly, that she deliberately suffers. But not enough.
Time agreed that he was right. The ambulance that had rescued her wasn't the one which he had called; a 911 call claiming to rush to that had come to the switchboard full five minutes before his. It wanted her to live, it wanted her to suffer. Why?
 It had miscalculated. Penelope ended up in a coma and in that state, it spent an entire anxious month. Very often she was much closer to the other side, which on this side. All her colleagues went to find her regularly. In spare time from the investigation. Prentiss was determined to find out who wanted to do harm to their computer technician. They were taken into consideration all the possible scenarios. They interrogated her ex-boyfriends: Shane, Sam and even Kevin, mainly with the excuse to get more information about her. Also, they beat the track of revenge: some familiar of Greg Baylor or Battle. Finally, the worst case: that Penelope had been just a victim randomly, or at least that there was not anything personal in her attempted murder. They couldn't know that one of these roads was the right one.
-Pen, don't you dare to go met your parents without me!- he was the one who spent more time with the blonde, but no one had dared to ask questions. He spoke to her, convinced she could hear him. Then, he had stroked her hand. Or for hours he had staring at those lips waiting for a sound, a smile, to see her take off the oxygen mask to say -Kiss me-.
All those machines that which she was attached. All that data, those annoying electronic sounds, which pointed to the fact that there was still something in there, in that envelope so strangely unadorned.
Labor and hospital were his only priorities. He couldn't go out with the team, go out of the office, because his stupid arm was broken. Therefore, desk. It was painful to listen the ex of his girlfriend, hear them talking all with a clearly visible in the background regret: that of losing her. Kevin who had reached the point of proposing her; Sam, who doesn't look anything like the Canadian boyfriend he had in mind when they met, and yet it was precisely the one who had taught her the famous clarinet fingering techniques. But above all Shane. Luke could tell a mile away that he was still a victim of Garcia charm. But yet he was able to hold off jealousy. It would have been useless to envy those individuals who had had a chance to meet her before him. Why had they let her go and now it was his turn. It didn't there would be another. Examine cases where Penelope had been involved had struck him less. The one where she was the victim and what she still hadn't time to tell him: when she shot a unsub was going to kill Spencer. It was much worse for the others, at least those who were well aware of every detail, reliving those stories, reopening some wounds.
 The noise of the rain on the windows. The whistling of the wind. The flash of lightning, quickly followed by thunder. A full-blown storm. The man looks out the window, toward at that umpteenth day came to an end. It seemed that everything was stirring in his soul was projected externally. He couldn't imagine his future as a succession of hours at work, going to visit her before dinner, for years and years without ever seeing a single improvement. Yet to someone had happened. He must begin to accept that possibility. He had to consider it.
A nurse has just gone to check that all the machines are working properly. Now he alone again. Only with her. He fears have exhausted the "conversation" topics. He takes a book, waiting visiting time and then he extracts it and he begins to read aloud, enough for her to hear him, if she really can hear. Every now and then he makes some comments and he imagines which she would do, if she could.
For the first few weeks there were two guards outside the entrance of her room. By now there is no one and every day which he is far from the hospital, he lives in fear of receiving that call. One day, indeed, tired and nervous about not finding any useful information for a case, he finds himself hoping for that liberating phone call. He repents immediately and only after a long time he understands that he is just human. But he doesn't forgive himself.
A vibration. His phone. He grabs it. He already knows which number will appear on the display before watching. It is the doctor who deals with Penelope. She had left Derek as a number to call in an emergency, but the former profiler added his contact. Because it was enough to hear the story of the Newbie, the way she talked about him and the simple fact that his baby girl was alone in the evening with him watching a film, to understand everything. Other empty rings. He must answer.
Again, the time stops, while in a flash forward he sees himself dressed in black throws a handful of earth and a flower in a ditch on a sad spring day.
He must face reality, whatever it is. Not knowing is worse than getting bad news... they say.
Words are missing. He is almost afraid of not being able to articulate verb, uttering sound. -Hello?- he wonders how he can do it.
-Mr. Luke Alvez?- the answer is simple, affirmative, but it is necessary to express it aloud so that his interlocutor understands it. But the man on the other end of the line is not a novice, a beginner. He has already passed several times and knows what the typical reactions of those receiving a call from the hospital are. -I'm calling to inform you that Miss Garcia woke up of the coma.- his hands quiver and for a tragic moment he fears that what he wants to hear has replaced reality.
-Really?- rhetorical question, don’t mess around on similar topics.
-Yes. She asked about you, so…- the ability to speak seems to have been returned to him, with interests.
-Sure, sure, tell her, please, that I'm coming. I arrive immediately.- while he wears his boots and looks for the car keys, the doctor smiles, happy to have been a good ambassador, for once, still enjoying this sensation for a few moments, communicating the imminent arrival to the patient, and then returning to work.
 When he arrives there is already Morgan, at her bedside, but the man leaves behind with a trivial excuse and the other only thanks him with his eyes. He doesn’t want to dwell on the details, notice once again all those machines, which she still need, even if she woke up. However, he notices something: she is extremely thin, quite uniformly, even through the sheets that cover her. She almost navigates inside that gown. The woman understands where his gaze has gone and what he is thinking.
-Have... have you seen?- she tries to joke. -I can finally compete aesthetically to be worthy of being your girlfriend.- they had never talked about this problem with the fact that she didn’t feel physically adequate. For the way she dressed and posed, it seemed the opposite.
-What are you saying, Pen? You know that for me you were hermosa even before.- a slow, sad smile on his lips. -Don’t strain too much. I will stay here, sleep, rest. I know you can’t stand it anymore, but if you want to feel better, you have to do it.- he strokes her cheek and bends down to press his lips on hers, realizing that she will not listen to him until she receives a kiss. -Do not talk. Shut up. Sleep.- her revenge is written in her eyes and only postponed. However, she does what he tells her, reluctantly. So, she doesn’t see his eyes shining, she doesn’t feel the heart bursting in his chest.
 - They told me that I'm better and probably these days I will resign.- a smile on that face and she would like to have the strength to get up and hold him in his arms. But then he realizes that the woman is even thinner than last time.
-Are you eating?- he behaves almost like an apprehensive parent. And she is like the annoyed little girl who snorts.
-It's not my fault if they cook very badly here. There aren’t your lasagna... and they make a lot of problems because I'm a vegetarian...- and finally she gives up. -Do you have made any progress?- from the frying pan to the fire. He struggles to shake his head as usual. They are her hands clenched in fists, this time; the eyelids lowered like the eyes. The sense of guilt, of weakness, increasingly heavy. -No, Luke. Don’t do it.- she succeeds in taking his hand and forcing him to look at her. -You have no clues, I know. I don’t expect you to find him. I just want to... go home. Stay a little quiet. Maybe... with you. If you still want me...- hands on her face, mouth on hers, to remove any doubt.
-Call me as soon as you resign.- another smile. Another kiss. Then the lack.
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doylenecaise-blog · 7 years
Brittany Brees Is His University Sweetie.
Sheree Zielke looked at her son-in-law in an Edmonton courtroom on Thursday as well as phoned him a murderer and also a crook. This water-saving tip saves loan by reducing water and/or electrical energy consumption, and also it is actually a tremendously straightforward way to go eco-friendly. Adepts of Kali experience her as a terrific protective mama that constantly holds her give up her adorers. Women possess 2 X chromosomes and also men include an XY. The mom constantly supports one X, and from the papa either an X or even Y. Crafting is among my beloved family members night suggestions This is actually a fun task for a mama and little girl(s), and the amount of time you devote all together is valuable. With all I experience Add-on Room resides in a good position in our sector and also is among the premier operators. He invents the Danger Crib 2000 to take Super Diaper Child's energies, the Robo-Ant 2000, and has the Ye Outdated Underwear Laundry. On-line public auctions supply their own form of recycling where possible, as well as gaper.pl though they do not regularly advertise it, these web sites do their component that can help Mother Earth. As mother was actually very mad along with me for not watching the Kingdom Hall anymore, she virtually disregarded me. You may acquire her a cushion with a photograph of white flowers if your mama relishes horticulture and also expands roses in her backyard. It is undoubtedly a basic gift however on a daily basis your mommy will certainly always find vegetation and also is going to be told exactly how considerate and also caring you are actually. This extra amount of defense is actually desired for premature or even sick children or even any type of mother desiring extra care in the hygiene from the selection from her dairy. My mother possessed an excellent liking for him, yet he detested Anna Thedorovna-although in her existence he would certainly be quieter in comparison to water as well as lowlier in comparison to the earth. As our experts constantly often see, mother nature has all the explanation for us, if our team care to live by her simple regulations. After you decide just what in order to get your mother for her wedding and conveniently buy the several presents online, all you still need to get to create your current is actually covering newspaper as well as a custom stamp. The poet experiences fantastic grief when she remembers her mother who left for divine house twelve years back. Lengthy considered spiritual, non-urban residents would not reduce or even burn the hardwood of the older tree for concern of outplaying Mama Senior citizen which stayed in its trunk. In words on the decal listed below, Careful, or even you'll end up in my novel." If you do not desire to obtain your mama a decal yet you like the statement, you could get her a mug along with the same words. Possessing an infant rocking chair in the nursery space is really good for each mommy as well as child.
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lllluka · 5 years
Oneshot - (Luka being a saltlord @ XY)
In which Bob Roth and Anarka Couffaine are now ‘drinking buddies’ and XY stays over on the houseboat. Luka hates him. Luka hates him SO much. 
One eye opened. He could see the silhouette shift weight on top of his bed- something that Luka suspected was a knee kicked up and rocked, almost as if bored.  The rest of the figure rolled over in suit, and with the very minor accomplishment of sounding the shuffle of blankets and triggering the soft squeak of the bed base, he’d about fucking lost his mind, being around this. Luka sat up, wrestling the top cover of his sleeping bag with an unceremonious grunt. “Would you shut up?” He watched at the figure perked, the long face of Xavier-Yves passing though the moonlight that phased through the window. The eyes belonging to it widened, and then narrowed; displaying a range of complicated emotional reactions that he’d deemed the singer incapable of possessing. Huh. You learn something new every day. “Okay, it’s not my fault that your bed is so cheap. I’ve slept in hotel rooms more comfortable than this.” Xavier paraded, waving his hand about, nonchalantly.
“Oh, really?” There was no interest within in the tone that Luka presented, his voice pressing through his teeth in withheld repulsion. Part of him wanted to point out that the hotel rooms Xavier likely stayed in were top calibre, and designed for comfort rather than some lanky teen who sat on it all day, cuddling up to his guitar like it was a body pillow.
Fuck it. Staying here definitely wasn’t worth the trouble of having to put up with the waves of absolute loathing that took over. Aggressively, perhaps with a struggle, Luka kicked out of the confines of his sleeping bag, grabbed his pillow and the end half of the bag by the hand and made toward the door.
When he shifted both items over to one hand in order to make a grab for the door- he found himself directly countering the stern gaze of his younger sister. The skin of her face and the white of her one visible eye seemed to threaten him- the door cracking as she pulled it open and then disappeared from their bedroom cabin and made her way into the vaguely illuminated lounge area.
“Dibs.” It was a tired mutter that faded with her footsteps. Clearly she hadn’t been impressed with the drama of sharing the same room as them- even WITH the screen closing them off from her side of the room.Well, okay. Plan B. With some sort of self-satisfying eye roll, Luka nudged the aforementioned screen out of place with his knee and sauntered over to Juleka’s bed.
At least it was more comfortable than the floor, and although every fibre of his being wanted him to shut  and lock the screen again, he wasn’t sure he was comfortable with XY roaming free near his stuff. The guy was shameless enough to steal music and designs, he wouldn’t put the guy past defacing property or somehow being dumb enough to manage sinking his house into the ocean.
The fresh mattress creaked under him as he plopped down, rustling the sleeping bag into place and turning over to watch- AH. From across the room, and under the gap of Juleka’s desk, he could see the blurry blue gaze of the other boy directly illuminated by the moonlight’s path through the window. XY was fucking STARING him down or something- his eyes were wide. Placid.…Okay, admittedly, it was hardly antagonising, but it still got under his skin.
“Hey.” Luka began, trying not to raise his voice out of consideration for Juleka. “Why don’t you try to, I don’t know, actually sleep?” Xavier seemed to cast his gaze away- instead, opting to roll onto his back with his hands wedged back underneath his head. His face was no longer visible.
“You’re really annoyed by this ‘my dad hanging out with your mum’ thing, huh?” His voice seemed softer. Like he was trying to start a deep and meaningful in the wee hours of the night.
“I’m not worried. She doesn’t take kindly to scumbags. She’ll probably kick him off the side of the boat before morning.” Luka replied, fighting the urge to bite down on his tongue. To his surprise, it garnered some kind of amused scoff from Roth, followed by a small movement of the shoulders which, from what he could guess, was a shrug
“Or the other way around. He has, like nooooo patience for people. No matter what way you look at it, they just won’t work out together, and that’s that.” His voice wavered. “It’s just gonna go back to me and my dad, like it’s always been.”
“--That’s lovely. I don’t care.” Brutal? Yes- and if it were anybody other than somebody who had done him and his friends so dirty, perhaps he’d have a MOUNTAIN of sympathy for this tale, or perhaps he’d be going in to make him a hot drink, or show a tremendous amount of interest. It wasn’t plausible in this situation. The room went oddly still. He heard XY turn over, probably to face the opposite wall, and mutter some sort of ‘whatever’ into the sheets.  Luka felt his brows purse. Oh, on second thought, maybe he did feel a little bad.
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