#jack black slayed as bowser
shrimpsodas · 2 years
i dont actually know anything about smb but i like luigi and i think bowser is cool in a gender kind of way. and i am excited for the movie but just for them
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scarlethallow160 · 1 year
the mario movie was so much fun god i loved it sm
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gayboyrocklee · 1 year
Mario movie was okay
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plague-karm · 2 years
I just saw the new Mario movie trailer and I have got a LOT to say. Forgive me for the crusty ass screenshots but I have to get this out of my system NOW
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First off, the Luigi X Bowser shippers are eating GOOD tonight I’m happy for ya’ll (also Charlie Day sounds great and Jack Black Bowser continues to have me in a chokehold sorry not sorry-)
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In summary, the autism didn’t just win the battle, it won the fucking war. (Also yes, that colosseum scene was cathartic for me as well)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Me Rating the Super Mario Bros movie characters performances (now that the Euphoria of the movie has calmed down)
Spoilers below
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Everyone wants to bag on Chris for being Mario. But I will say, He pulled it off well. There was an accent and if you weren’t listening for it, you probably wouldn’t know it was Chris Pratt voicing him. Say what you will, but Chris knows how to voice act the Everyman hero type. That’s Mario. His love for his brother and Captain America levels of determination make him admirable and not stale. The decision to go more for a Brooklyn accent was a nod to the 1980’s show and I appreciate it. It’s nothing spectacular but it’s what was needed for Mario. 7.5/10
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Charlie day was near perfect casting for Luigi. I will be honest, I thought this would just be Charlie day voicing luigi and while funny he usually would teeter on annoying. But for his performance, Luigi had great comedic timing, relatable, supportive and cowardly. It’s honestly captures luigi perfectly. He does get some great lines, I will say the only flaw is how he was sidelined. It felt less like a Mario bros. Movie and more like a Mario and Donkey Kong movie. But in the third act he does bring in some good chops. I do like how they maximized his performance. 8.5/10
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Anya Taylor-joy as Peach. So I’m conflicted here. It’s not a bad performance, but I wouldn’t say the voice felt like peach. When Peach has the softer moments and is acting like a ruler, I think she is great. But the first half of the movie, she felt surprisingly cold to Mario. And I get that he is a stranger, but peach’s whole bit is her compassion and care. Peach can kick ass, that’s not the issue (plenty of source material shows she can hold her own) my problem is that she felt like she was missing her sweetness. Near the end we see her soften and it could be argued that Peach wasn’t really feeling sweet because of the situation… but anyone whose played a Mario game knows that’s not an issue. She didn’t need to be a damsel in distress, I just like when my peaches are sweeter. Also I wanted some Mareach. But I’m not gonna reflect that in the rating 5/10.
Donkey Kong
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It’s just Seth Rogen’s voice. Now it’s not an awful performance. But everytime he spoke, I heard Seth. That being said, the character was fine. I liked Mario and DK’s Frenemy dynamic. They clearly butt heads and compete. It’s amusing. That being said, I wish Luigi got more scenes, instead of Seth Kong. He is never irritating, I do enjoy the cockiness and overall flare, but I wish they did something more with it 5/10
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Keegan Micheal-key’s Take on Toad is inspired. I found myself enjoying whenever Toad is on screen. I had no worries regarding his performance. But similar to Luigi, he isn’t given much to do. His main thing is a couple of gags and moving the plot along. I love him and wish he had more time given. 8/10
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Kevin Micheal Richardson didn’t just do good in this roll, HE ABSOLUTELY SLAYED as Kamek. The loyal servant/father figure/ hype man of Bowser nails that slimy ness and fear he has for bowser. His dialogue is great, he is also just so much fun on screen. He did not need to go this hard for Kamek, but he did. 9/10
Cranky kong:
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Fred Armisen phoned it in. This didn’t feel at all like Cranky to me. He didn’t even sound old. I’m glad he isn’t in the movie long but it bothered me. It’s just the kind of performance where you aren’t mad, just disappointed
King Penguin
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Khary Payton, For a character basically made for the movie, he was perfect. My bias on both the Voice actor and Penguins. He had great lines, coming off as epic and comedic. His reaction to the Luma was also glorious. He wasn’t there for too long but he was there the right amount. 8/10
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Let’s talk about Jack Black as bowser. It’s perfect casting. Jack black PERFECTLY blended all of the bowser’s together to create in my opinion, the best version of bowser. In a vain similar to how Heath Ledger combined different Joker’s to make his performance. This bowser is intimidating, arrogant, funny, a simp, cruel, and overall everything you want in a kids movie villain. I could write a whole analysis on how this bowser is basically a perfect kids movie villain. But that is for another day. The power ballad alone makes him worthy of 10/10. Easiest 10/10 ranking I’ve made
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yuurivoice · 2 months
What do you think of Keanu Reeves voicing shadow the hedgehog and sonic three?
This might not be very cash money of me...
...but the uproar from voice actors and fans who are mad it wasn't a "real voice actor" was clownish and embarrassing.
I'm thrilled!
Keanu has one of the most stellar reputations of any major star in Hollywood, is an absolute boon to any production he's a part of, and will very likely slay the role.
Star power matters on multiple levels. If we wanted to go back several DECADES and say that casting big names in roles is something we reallyyyyy need to rally against, then yes, that is when we needed to get pissed.
But also, the pretentious attitude some folks seem to have like stage and screen actors suddenly go blank if they're in a VO booth is really silly. The backlash is warranted sometimes, Chris Pratt's Mario was abhorrent...but that same movie gave us Jack Black as Bowser which was almost unanimously adored.
I saw a whole lot of groaning from folks who couldn't sell ten tickets to a local production of Streetcar Named Desire acting like there was some grave moral flaw in casting Keanu fucking Reaves as Shadow the Hedgehog. Come on now. 😂
Anywho, I will be seated, and if there is some theater chain that has a cool Shadow popcorn bucket, it will be mine. 😤
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Literally everyone is praising Jack Black as Bowser. Rightly so, naturally!
I think we all had a feeling he would've slayed but, somehow, he's even BETTER than everyone could've predicted!!
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doodlebloo · 1 year
Mario Movie Review but I just tell you if the voice actors slayed or flopped
Chris Pratt as Mario: Flop but not quite as hard of a flop as I expected. 4/10
Charlie Day as Luigi: SLAY for sure. Needed way more of him. 8/10, would be 9/10 if he was in more of the movie -_-
Anya Taylor Joy as Peach: Flop. That is not what Peach should sound like. Literally just a Generic Cool Girl Voice. 3.5/10
Keegan Michael Key as Toad: SLAY. Made the character so lovable. 7.5/10
Jack Black as Bowser: OH YOU KNOW HE SLAYED. Sang a song as Bowser and I almost cried tears of joy. Vocal performance of the year 11/10
Seth Rogan as Donkey Kong: Not nearly as distracting as you'd think, in fact he actually did a pretty good job. 6/10
Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong: I wanted him to slay but the voice sounded like it took him so many tries to get right. But I don't think he quite flopped so I'll call it a wash. 5/10
Kevin Michael Richardson as Kamek: SLAY he did a perfect freaky old wizard voice. 8/10
Charles Martinet: All like 3 of his lines were delivered so perfectly as always. 50/10 and fuck Illumination for not casting him
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
I'm legally obligated to ask. Do you have Bowuigi thoughts? What did you think of the new trailer?
Jack black is absolutely slaying as bowser, and hearing Luigi's voice makes me think like, if these are their voices in canon ignoring real people portraying them, how did mario end up having such a bland voice xD
Bowuigi is strange to me because I'd never say that I'm like, a fan of super mario bros, but I know a lot about them and i've always had a soft spot for luigi (Im a younger sibling, hes a younger brother, i used to have debilitating anxiety growing up, his main traits are being timid and easily frightented, it just works out)
that all being said OF COURSE I'm a bowuigi shipper, that's like, right up my alley. its especially fun to think about since Mario and Bowser are like. Mortal enemies. like thats the whole point of the games.
i got really excited when i saw that bowser was kidnapping LUIGI instead of princess peach, cause i love luigi and i want him to spend time with bowser. idk if ill see the movie but if they like. interract a lot or have a significant subplot going on that'd be dope.
ALAS i dont have many other bowuigi thoughts to share, just vibes. thanks for asking though.
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alfairy · 1 year
Okdokey, so I saw the Mario movie…
A lot of you already know my initial reaction. I loved it! Now it’s time to talk about some of my general thoughts about what I liked and what I didn’t
This will delve into spoiler territory, so be aware of that before you read on
Mario and Luigi’s relationship is a personal highlight for me. They love each other so much! The movie shows time and time again that they’re always there for each other and are stronger when they’re together. Also Mario does this thing where he calls Luigi “Lu” as a little nickname which is so cute and endearing. He literally will square up with people three times his size for Luigi’s sake, I adore that aspect of his character.
Peach slayed this movie. The small peek into her backstory was neat, i hope they might eventually explore that more. It finally offers an explanation why there’s a human ruling over the mushroom people.
Bowser was what threw me for a loop. Cause in the trailer he comes off as so threatening and menacing but in the movie he is a massive SIMP. He spends half the runtime swooning over Peach and getting jealous that Mario and her are growing close. He’s writing ballads dedicated to her and practicing proposing, he’s just a romantic sap. A maniacal one, but a sap. Jack Black killed it, as always. Bowser had me laughing during a lot of his scenes. He’s so menacing, but just wants to be loved. …I mean, if he’s still single, then maybe I could…? 👀
Now, some things I didn’t really like…
Man, with how the trailers were looking, I was like “whoa we’re finally getting a animated movie without a forced pop song!” But no. I swear, this movie has like five different moments where they have songs crammed in. Most of the time it doesn’t really fit for me and just takes me out of the movie for a moment. The only one I really liked was the “I need a hero” scene. They put Take On Me in here???
The pacing. It feels like everything happens way too fast and the characters don’t have time to have moments together. This movie is just on a roll once you get past the first 20 minutes. I personally like the third act the best, it has the best action and animation.
Again, because of the pacing, the characters don’t really develop. Every time I think we’re gonna get a emotional scene between characters, it quickly wraps up and is done with. Mario and Peach? That talk finishes quick. Bowser and Luigi? If you’ve seen the trailers then you’ve seen the entirety of that scene basically. Like it seemed like Mario and DK were having a moment at one point in the movie? But then it very quickly ends so they can move on to the next scene. It never really gets resolved?? It’s something I can look past I guess, but I can’t help but want more.
Luigi got sidelined hardcore. He needs to have more screen time if they continue making movies.
I kinda tuned out the fact Chris Pratt was Mario when I was watching this. He’s fine I guess??? But he’s clearly the weakest voice actor when compared to everyone else who’s giving it almost 100%. He’s giving it like… 70% if I’m being generous.
Overall, I’d say a solid 8/10, pretty fun but could’ve used some polishing on the plot and pacing
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mondaybear21 · 1 year
Alright, Mario Movie thoughts post time! Some of these could go into spoiler territory so all of it will go into the “Read below” thing below! You have been warned.
-Why does King Boo during the wedding scene look like that? This is a minor nitpick but the fact that they look wider than usual feels off or something; also who is that long Pirhana Plant in the pews? Honestly they should replace them with Petey Pirhana unless the latter’s morality is to be evil when they decide to be idk
-Oh yeah for voice acting Chris Pratt’s Mario voice ranged from okay to good at points, Jack Black’s Bowser slayed for sure, and every time Seth Rogan did the funny laugh with DK I was like “oh dang it’s the hehhehhehheh”
-I dunno if this is funny or not but I think it’s gonna be funny that some people are gonna also refer to Peach’s bike racing suit now to her "girlboss butt kicking" suit
-also seeing references to Wave Race, Disk-Kun, Punch-Out, and Pikmin (and basically seeing reference to other Mario/Nintendo stuff) this film had me like
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ravenfeet222 · 1 year
I know I don’t normally post abt anything that isn’t ants but like, I just saw the new Mario movie today and my autism is going BONKERS abt it. Sometimes I forget how much of a massive Nintendo bitch I am bc I noticed a vast majority of the little details and references packed into that movie 😭 it just felt like such a labor of love for the series and I am. So emotional oughh eugh I don’t even know how to summarize it so I’ll just yell really loud on here
I fucking HATE Chris Pratt so I’m going to pretend like he didn’t even exist as part of the movie but like thank u Jack Black for Bowser he is so so silly <3 also Peach kicked ASS?? They rly let her slay so hard I adore when women,, she deserved to be as strong as she always has been and they really pulled through
I just didn’t rly know what to expect, I honestly thought beforehand that the movie might’ve been terrible but it made the series come to life and feel cohesive!! I may spontaneously explode soon
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valleyfthdolls · 2 years
Here’s my take on the Mario movie
- Fuck Chris Pratt and his shitty fucking Mario voice and fuck Illumination and Nintendo for giving the role to him- I’ve never heard someone play Mario THAT badly- and fuck everyone in charge of casting for just giving Charles Martinet a cameo when he deserved center stage
- Peach shouldn’t be a Strong Female Character. It’s great to see her stepping up as a political leader in a time of danger and potential war and destruction for her kingdom, good for her, and good on them for making her an actual princess (queen?) and leader of a kingdom and not just a pathetic woman who needs a big strong man to save her. But she also shouldn’t be the token girlboss. She’s a princess and she should maintain a “royal” presence and ideally her soft-spoken voice and kind personality. The solution to “all girl characters are prissy damsels in distress” shouldn’t be “all female characters are Strong Independent Women Who Don’t Need A Man.”
- None of the jokes were funny
- Why don’t the fucking toads sound like toads. They’re sucking all the whimsy out of Mario.
- Except Jack Black. Jack Black is slaying as Bowser.
- The proportions of the character models look AWFUL in most of the shots. Why do they look like that? The game models look fine. Couldn’t they make them look the same at least?
- It feels like they’re pulling an inverse Sonic movie with Mario and Luigi being from a different world. It could be interesting but I’m not yet sure what that accomplishes.
- Bowser is gonna be the highlight of the movie
- If they wanna make the characters’ voices less exaggerated what they’re doing now is not the way to go about it. Have Mario and Luigi use actual Italian accents and shit instead of whatever that is. Make the toads still sound gravelly and froggy, but a bit easier on the ears. Give Peach a softer and less “serious woman character” voice. Don’t settle for zero effort generic bullshit.
- I really hope Peach doesn’t start and end this movie as a serious untouchable girlboss for the #feminism. I want her to be an actual character. Female characters need actual personalities and so many movie studios just switched from one cookie cutter to the next when criticized for the misogyny in their depictions of women. I want her to be the Peach we know, who looks after her kingdom in times of doubt until she’s abducted (see the toads with spears in Galaxy), who has a taste for beauty and femininity, who can fare on her own as a leader but of course needs help when she’s fucking kidnapped, who loves her kingdom and her people and loves Mario for protecting it, even if she’s not romantically interested in him, who invites him over for cake and vacations because the care he shows her and her kingdom means that much to her. Peach is the kind of person who would find a spider in her room, gently scoop it up and take it outside, chatting with it all the while and asking it “what are you doing in here? Do you need to get back outside?” She’s not a generic progressive movie female, she’s a sweet woman who wants herself, her kingdom, and her loved ones to thrive.
- If Peach does get kidnapped I think she and Mario should form a plan to get her out together, not a typical face-off but a secret rescue mission, which ends up going wrong leading to Mario needing to face Bowser.
- If Bowser x Luigi isn’t canon I’m rioting that dumb fucking scene from that trailer for this shitty movie made me ship them and if it’s all for naught I’m killing a bitch
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felixfathom · 2 years
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rainyraisin · 1 year
Oh btw the Mario movie was actually very slay!!! I was excited for it but gen wasn't expecting to have as much fun with it as I did. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen but definetly the most fun movie I've ever seen!!!! Probably wouldnt break my top ten though sadly. Will have to think about it a bit more tho.
Not gonna spoil anything but STAY TILL THE END OF THE CREDITS. You will be thankful you did (I'm not really into Mario and I still went "oh, nice" so uh do with that what you will)
P.S. Jack Black as Bowser is the best part but you already knew that
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stormseer-knight · 2 years
I really had to go look up these new trailers for things to see how they are. Thank you internet for letting me know that the Mario Movie exists and has a trailer.
Overall I love how the animation looks, Jack Black slayed it as Bowser, the world looks amazing, I am pleasantly surprised.
Gonna keep expectations low to wait and see how this goes, but of all things I ended up discovering today, I wasn't expecting to call Luigi a flipping blorbo for the 8 seconds that he was on screen
God freaking damnit I truly am a Tumblr user
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