#like i knew i shouldn't be doing that but i hadn't slept in over 24 hours and
rainbluealoekitten · 8 months
i genuinely feel so bad for my ex's gf though because she's out here posting on her insta that it's their 3 month anniversary but boyo is making me playlists with unrequited love songs and posts stuff about being nostalgic about when we were dating, keeps complimenting how i look, and literally yesterday was telling me he still has the sticker we stole from the library where we held hands and cuddled like. he's such an important friend to me but really i guess i will have to cut him off (again) bc i thought we were both over this but apparently not and it's just going to hurt a lot of people if i don't
#also in all honesty i am scared that i will do something stupid without realising it or while in a not very lucid state#like once after we broke up i let him fall asleep on me around 4am then we watched the sun rise together until i finally left to find#my own bed#like i knew i shouldn't be doing that but i hadn't slept in over 24 hours and#he was so sad and so was i and i just needed someone but he just needed me. and we really did seem like we could but perfect#but yk what this relationship has taught me a lot and still does because to him? we should have been soulmates and i get why#i mean we read the same poetry and cry at the same music and he loves it when i infodump about greek mythology and i love it when he sends#pictures of his cats and our art is so desperate for another person to See Us and we danced in the rain once#and it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life#but it's never going to be right and idk he can't accept that i don't and never will and never have loved him. i'm sorry it seems perfect#but it's a good reflection moment for me too in all honesty yk#bc the boy i'm obsessed with also could have been someone fated for me i mean#what's the chance we live on the same street twice despite having travelled the world?#what's the chance he and i-both very private and solitary individuals-immediately felt we could confide in each other?#but apparently that doesn't mean shit to him#and idk maybe he's also just as sorry and as apologetic and maybe even a little#heartbroken over it#just like i am w my ex but. idk#i do not know#anyways once i get the motivation to write a full novel then it's over for everyone#until then you get my shitty journal musings#blue screams into the void
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kaylinelizabeth4004 · 9 months
Young and Beautiful
Alec Hardy (Broadchurch) x Reader
Synopsis: DS Y/N Warner uses DI Alec Hardy’s flat for some late night work
Word Count: 4890
Tags: fem!reader, fluff, smut, praise, sweet, very sweet smut, if your name is Becca look away
She didn't even bother to knock, not knowing or caring if he was in, she just slid open his sliding glass door and let herself inside. Then she plopped the case files on his sofa, pushed his coffee table to the side, and laid them all out in front of in her. He'd come round about an hour later, when all the papers lie in their own stacks across his rug, Y/N in the middle eating a slice of toast with a wild look in her eyes.
"Warner, what're you doing here?"
"There's something we're missing, there has to be, and I'm so close to it!" She said, her baby hairs frizzing wildly as her hair came loose from her ponytail. She either didn't care or didn't notice as she stood up, a paper in hand. DI Alec Hardy stood in his own doorway, flabbergasted to his DS rambling in his room at half past 4am. "I think it has to do with Aaron, it's got to be. His alibi doesn't make sense, he won't tell us where he was, and he knew Sophia well enough. At least more than some of the other persons of interest. I've tracked down the local cab company and one of the drivers says he remembers giving a bloke a ride late that night, said the lad was proper out of breath and not exactly chatty. I've already got him lined up to come in tomorrow for more information. As for the trace amounts of DNA in the victims mouth we don't have a match yet but the lab did say it wasn't as disintegrated as they'd initially thought which gives me hope! I've got -" 
"Warner!" Hardy shouted, interrupting her speech. "What the hell are you doing in my house half past 4?"
She gestured around her as though it should be obvious, "working."
"And you can't do that at your own flat?"
She giggled, and continued to ramble. When she was really tired, like proper one second away from passing out tired, like she was now, she couldn't shut up. It didn't matter if the person she was talking to didn't want to hear it or wasn't listening or couldn't hear it - having a deaf cousin worked to her favor in these instances - she would continue to prattle on about what she needed to, "no. My roommate's got her boyfriend over and they were proper loud. Could practically hear the bed rattling, and it wasn't doing me any good. You don't sleep anyway so I figured I could use the space to lay it out. I didn't think you'd not be home. Why're you dressed nice? Did you come from a date? Is that what this is? Is there some woman waiting outside?"
"No!" DI Hardy looked halfway offended at the suggestion. "I've just got back from work. Was gonna make a cuppa then keep going til you showed up."
She squealed and went for something on the floor, lifting it up then crawling to a different paper,"I take two sugars."
"I know your bloody order. Shouldn't you go and sleep?"
She waved a hand, "I'll sleep when I'm dead. What I really need is for the world to be open 24/7. If I could only call this bloke right now and half my questions could be answered. You know my order? That's sweet."
He scoffed, "it's not unique. Warner, when was the last time you slept?"
"Uhh, I slept a few hours on Tuesday. Why do you look all high and mighty? You don't sleep either, don't eat. You're practically a miserable little skeleton carting your life way through life."
"I am not -" he stopped taking. Partially because she hadn't stopped either, continuing to chatter about whatever her heart desired. And partly because he didn't know if he was going to refute the miserable part, the little part, or the skeleton part. Or if he even could refute it. He snorted, well he wasn't little. He was over 6 foot. And he could eat more, he knew that. But he often forgot about food until he had to.
"I know a fellow who took nine sugars. Can you imagine that! Nine sugars! You're drinking piss flavored juice at that point. Pardon mh French, sir. He was very strange... called himself Witchfinder as though you couldn't search on the web magic shops. Maybe we should start calling ourselves Crimefinders. Criminalfinders? That doesn't roll off the tongue, now does it?"
DI Hardy realized Y/N wasn't going to answer any of his questions in this state, so he shuffled over to the kitchen to make some tea. He took his coat off, tossing it on whatever available counter space there was with a yawn. He wanted to sleep, knew he probably had to, but he'd probably dream of something he didn't want to dream about. Lately it'd been odd mental pictures of his coworkers all hurt, Y/N choked, Ellie crying, hell even Brian made the scene with a glazed look in his eyes. He didn't know why he had these thoughts, he'd never considered himself a particularly caring individual over his coworkers. But it had haunted him off from sleep for the foreseeable future.
He made two cups of tea, disposing two sugars into Warner's as she said. Then he walked back over to his living room and sat down, elbows on his knees as he scanned her work.
"Thank you!" She said, grabbing her mug and take a large gulp of it. "What do you think of this, sir? He doesn't strike me right. Can't place it."
"The name is familiar," Hardy admitted. He went to his laptop and started typing away, trying to place the name. "Ah, he's been arrested for aggravated assault. Both charges dropped, looks like some brawls in the pubs."
"I s'pose that doesn't suggest he murdered a girl."
"Doesn't rule him out either, if he's willing to punch a stranger in a pub what would he do to someone he knows?"
She giggled and scrambled for her pencil, "I should write that down for my novel!"
"You're writing a novel?"
"Mmhmm, started it tonight. 'Adventures of Harner and Wardy.'"
Alec set his mug down, and took hers from her hand as well. "Alright, time for bed now."
"What? No! I've got more novel to write and crime to solve! We've not even started discussing the potential that Louise is lying about her husband's alibi. I mean really? She says he binged Big Bang Theory with her all night and I'm all for binging telly but of all the shows you choose that one? The laugh track is funnier than the actual show half the time - is this your bedroom?"
Hardy had helped Y/N to her feet and led her to his bedroom in the back. She was still rambling about the most irrelevant things when he guided her to sit on the edge of his bed. He didn't often make it, so he was glad to note that it was done up well. Warner hadn't slept in almost a full 48 hours and he knew that even with a brain as sharp as hers, it was dull as Katie's without sleep. He got on his knees before her, carefully untying her shoes and sliding them off her feet. He put them by the door and helped her out of her coat jacket.
"What're you doing?" She finally asked as he hung the jacket on the back of the door. "Are you hitting on me?"
"What? I -"
"Because if you are hitting on me that's totally okay, but I should warn you I'm getting sleepy so I might not be the best lay. But you are proper good looking so I wouldn't say no." She made a face, "my boss wouldn't like that would he? Noooo, can't call someone proper good looking. I'm not trying to be a knob, just communicating that you've got no problems in the looks department. None, like ever. Personality maybe but you took my shoes off for me so that gets you at least a few brownie points."
Alec felt like he was malfunctioning, his arm stuck out, frozen midair from her words. She just called him attractive. And not just good looking, but good looking enough she'd want to sleep with him! He'd never been used to such straight forward compliments and didn't quite know if he believed it. So he just worked on autopilot, helping tuck her into bed.
"Go to sleep, Warner." He flicked off the lights and closed the door. What the hell. What the hell. Alec blinked rapidly like that would make any of what just happened make any sense at all.
He stood awkwardly outside the door of the bedroom. Should he - is he- what's the proper procedure with this? He should know, he was married once, had enough sex to have a child! But it seemed all that knowledge left the moment Claire stole back the pendant, fizzling his marriage, his life, his career. Now he was left taking uneven breaths as the sun crept up, an employee who's attracted to him sleeping in his bed after 40+ hours of not sleeping.
He found himself back at his laptop, slowly typing out what to do when someone admits to fancying you. But the results were not his thing, videos of very forward men and women moving very quickly into other actions. Alec was not opposed to the action, sex. But he couldn't fathom how to get there. So he sat in his kitchen drinking old tea, and staring at his door.
An hour later he crept in to grab a different tie for work, and saw Y/N completely passed out. She was curled in a ball, cradling his pillow and lightly snoring. She looked content. It made him smile against his better judgment. He left her in there, scribbling a note on a piece of paper he taped to the bedroom door before he left for the station.
Y/N Warner woke up nearly 12 hours later. It was practically dark when she opened her eyes. She blinked away the sleep that threatened to creep in around the corners of her eyes, and propped herself up on her elbows to survey the scene around her. She didn't recognize the room she was in, blank walls and bland sheets. There was no personality to it. For a moment, she wondered if she'd gotten a hotel room and just had no memory of it.
Then she smelt a familiar, faint scent. She couldn't place it or really describe it other than she liked it, it was warm. Stupidly, she let her face fall into the pillow to inhale the scent. Oh my god.
She shot up quickly, realizing where she was. The memories of last night flooded her mind.
"Shit, shit, shit." A hand flew to her brow as she tried to process. She'd come here to work because her roommate was fucking her boyfriend into the oblivion. DI Hardy came back, made her a cuppa. She wouldn't shut up, kept rambling about the Big Bang Theory (why?) and Witchfinders (how?) before he guided her here. Then she - "no." She said audibly, she did not make a pass at DI Hardy in his bed, late at night and practically drunk on exhaustion. Her eyes flit around the room before landing on the one piece of decoration, a framed photo of Hardy and Daisy, his daughter. "No." She said again, as though it could stop her ramblings.
Y/N rushed out of the bed, scrambling to find her shoes before she saw them neatly lying next to the door. She was usually very professional, if not a little eccentric. But no one could fault you for being a lot when you were good at your job and solved cases. She brought justice to people, she knew she did. And she might have risked it all because she worked herself too far and hit on her boss. Regardless of how stupid attractive he was, that was still work place harassment.
She shoved her shoes on, forced her arms into the holes of her suit jacket and ambled out into his living space. There were papers everywhere. They covered the floor like a new rug, slouched over the chairs and clung to the walls by hall dead pieces of tape. She looked for her mobile, patting her pockets. Shit, she must have left it in the bedroom. When she turned she spotted a note on the door.
'At the office. Feel free to not come in.'
Oh she was dead. She'd lost her job forever, she would never work again. This stupid blasted career she'd worked so hard on gone.
She ran back and found her mobile among the sheets, shoved it into her pocket and ran to leave the home. Then DI Hardy stood awkwardly at the front door, bags of Chinese hanging from his hands and a weird not grimace not smile expression. He didn't look pleased to see her, but he didn't want to kill her. Good news, right?
"Sir, I am so sorry about last night-"
"Don't worry about it." He waved his hand, coming in to set the food on the counter. He got a lot of it.
"No, I can't not worry about it. I came into your home, made a mess, took your bed and propositioned you-"
"Warner, we've arrested a man for the murder of Sophia Garcia. It was Aaron Baker, his dad's golf clubs, just like you'd said."
Her mouth fell open, "shit, really?"
Alec gestured to the mess of papers while he spoke, "you'd mentioned something about the cabbie last night. When I went in I gave them a ring, and while there was a driver who picked up a grumpy lad it wasn't Aaron. Sounds like a Christie book but it was his twin. Aaron was cross town cleaning up the scene."
"Not good enough," Y/N said softly.
Alec nodded, "not good enough."
"I'm sorry, sir." She said again, her voice still quiet and meek.
He didn't answer her, just stared for a beat before gesturing to the food, "I didn't know what you liked so I bought two of everything."
"All this is for me?"
"You solved the case, Warner."
She shook her head, "I ... you let me sleep in your bed? I ransacked your house, I propositioned you, and you let me sleep and brought me food?"
Alec scratched the back of his neck. He did not like how often Y/N asked questions. It stressed him out, like he had to have an immediate answer to every single one when he figured his actions spoke. But she looked so confused. He just gestured to the food and went to grab plates.
She sat down in surprise, blinking quickly as she watched him come over. "Just a, uh, an egg roll and cho mein please."
He nodded and shoved two of both onto her plate before giving it to her. He didn't put anything on his plate. Y/N sighed and scraped off half of hers onto his.
"Eat, sir. Please."
He blinked, "wot?"
"I've known you for years and never seen you eat. Just eat the egg roll."
He stared at the greasy food. He can't eat that, he thought and was about to say as much when she shot him a dirty look. Tentatively, Alec took a bite of it. He cringed, he didn't quite love the taste but Y/N seemed pleased he was eating so he finished it off just for her.
When they both finished he cleaned up, and she stayed seated. Then he moved past her to the bedroom, undoing his tie and tossing it, along with his jacket, onto a chair in the corner. He started to roll his sleeves up round his elbows when Y/N waited by the door.
"Thank you, sir."
"No need-"
"Let me. Thank you, sir. For the food and the sleep and, uh, well thank you for everything."
"Of course, Warner. I take care of my people." Not typically this much care, but he didn't want to make her feel bad. He focused on sliding off his shoes, shoving them out of his sight.
Alec jumped - well, Alec never really jumped just blinked harshly and cocked the one eyebrow - in surprise. Y/N was now closer to him, her chest heaving as she stared up at him. She was shorter than he remembered.
"I-If I may, sir?" She asked, lifting a hand.
He had a feeling he knew what she was asking, but didn't know for certain. But all the same he nodded. He watched as her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned in, going onto her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
He hadn't been kissed in a long time, and the surprise of her initiating it made him stand there and accept her soft lips against his. When she broke, he could see the fear in her eyes as though she had done something wrong. Alec hadn't kissed in a while, and he felt the anxiety creep in that he didn't remember how. But the look in her eyes made it worth the fear.
He plunged forward, grabbing the back of her neck gently while his other hand came to cradle her jaw. Her skin was soft under his touch, melting as he held her. Y/N's hands came up to hold his jaw, scruffy and itchy in the most delightful way. Her mouth melded with his as his tongue licked along her bottom lip.
She cherished the way his jaw scratched against hers slightly, sighing when he broke to trail soft kisses down her jaw and the length of her neck. The scratch was enough to make her giggle like a schoolgirl, holding his shoulders. He shot back up, hair slightly wild but nothing compared to his eyes as he looked into hers deeply. He needed to be absolutely certain. There was no time for messing about and hurting anyone.
She smiled. He was so handsome to her, but in an understated way. She took the moment to run a finger on his sculpted jawline, along his freckled cheeks and down his crooked nose. No, not everyone might look at those features and call it handsome. But to her, he was everything. Smart, kind, and good-looking as sin. Her finger fell upon his lips, slightly open and let out harsh breaths as he searched her eyes desperately. Alec always wished he could read expressions better, he was terrified he'd make the wrong decision somewhere down the line.
But Y/N smiled, and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to his nose before taking a step back. Then she toed off her own shoes, shucked off her own jacket, and began to undress.
He followed her lead, removing his shirt and pants. Eventually, they both stood in front of one another naked. Y/N felt that pang of anxiety in her chest at being bare in front of a man. She'd made it very clear to Alec that she found him to be hotter than hell, but did he feel that way about her? She wasn't ugly, she knew that, but she wasn't a showstopper.
And yes, she could see the surprisingly length of him hardening before him. But didn't every man get hard when sex was on the table?
Alec came forward and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her forward as his eyes took in every inch of her. He ran a hand along her stomach - an insecure area for her - and up between her breasts, before settling it on the base of her neck. The simple action left her breathless.
His eyes were still on her body before he brought them up to hers. She was struck by how deep his were, how warm and brown, they seemed to go on forever.
"Look at you," he said hoarsely, his accent suddenly get thicker. "You're gorgeous."
"You think so?" She felt stupid asking it. She should be confident, she should pose seductively and tell him to strap in the way girls do on the telly. But this felt real and raw, and raw didn't shy away from the insecurities. Insecurities laced with cellulite and hair, parts that feel too pudgy there and too concave there. Never quite where it needs to be, never "ugly" enough for the world to tell you you have a right to complain.
"'Course. 'Course, look at you. You think I'm g-good too?" He asked back.
Y/N smiled, "thank you for saying that, most men don't."
"Don't they?" Alec asked in surprise, figuring that was just a part of the experience.
She shook her head and let her gaze trace along his body as well. He was lean and tall, with thin legs and arms wrapped in gentle muscle. His stomach was slightly pouchy and soft, beneath it his length was already hard at the sight of her. She ran a hand up from his stomach to his chest, mimicking his actions, and let it stay on his heart. Beneath her touch it thumped violently. Then she looked up to see his face, her favorite feature. His eyes were warm and gentle even when they didn't mean to be. "All of you is handsome to me, all of you."
He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing, "you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. And if it isn't too crass to say, I'd fuck every inch of you."
It was too crass to say, and even a little cheesy, but it made her blossom with a smile. She threw her arms around his neck and let herself fall into one of his all encompassing kisses she was starting to like the taste of too much. Alec's lips were firm but not overpowering as they engulfed her, setting a tingle from her toes all the way up to her head in a heady giggle. His hands held onto her waist, grasping the flesh there with a sweet intensity. His lips parted with a deep groan.
She walked backwards to the bed, leading Alec until he was over her. His arms were poised by her head, his neck brought down as he peppered open mouth kisses along her neck. She laughed lightly at his scruffy beard, moaning when his lips found the spot between her neck and shoulder that shot straight through her. Y/N writhed under his touch, heat searing her skin. His hands were everywhere, branding her, skating up her waist to grab a handful of her breast, down her back to cup her bum, and feather like fingers traveling over the top of her thighs to the place in between. She gasped as he ran a finger down her slit.
"So wet..." he murmured, not expecting her to be so aroused by him. He'd barely done anything for her, hadn't touched down there at all. Yet she was slick to the touch, heat and arousal. Alec loved the way her chest flushed, her eyes closed tightly as she savored his touch on her skin.
He ran his fingers down, keeping his touch light as he experimentally nudged around. When he found her clit she gasped, her whole body tensing and focusing on the nerves right there against his finger.
"So responsive," he murmured, starting to work gently against her clit as she took shaking, uneven breaths. Alec went to speak again, then stopped. Tess never liked when he spoke in bed, said it distracted her from her climax. So he'd learned to stay silent and focus on his partner's body, her mouth as she fought her body's reaction to grind violently against his fingers. He kissed her sternum, biting at the flesh gingerly. Despite himself, Alec growled into her as she bucked her hips to meet his ministrations.
"Keep talking," she said in a hoarse voice.
"Wot?" Alec asked, taken aback.
Y/N looked up at him, eyes heady with need, "your voice is hot. If it's okay to ask, please keep talking, sir."
Alec grinned his charming, crooked smile. He bent down to kiss along her stomach as he quickened his pace on his clit, driving her faster to a climax then she was used to. That deep Scottish voice rang our praises, some loud enough that she could hear them and clench her thighs, others murmurs against her flesh that made her head feel light and airy. She giggled at the thought of all the beard rash she'd have along her body from him. All the same he told her how well she was doing, how beautiful she was, how lovely she looked squirming underneath him.
Then, as her back began to arch and she could feel the orgasm just a hair's breadth away, he stilled. Y/N whined. Actually felt herself whine in protest. He chuckled, clearly meaning to edge her, using his large hands to keep her legs wide open.
"A-are you ready?" Alec asked, his usual confidence lost to the arousal he was trying to keep at bay for her. His hands were large and warm, holding onto the space between her hips and thighs with a firm yet gentle touch.
Y/N's eyes gazed down to his cock, hard and ready. It looked about ready to burst, but Alec squeezed her thighs to look up into his eyes. They were warm and kind. Asking for consent even in a position like this. It made her all the more sure of her answer.
She reached up for his face, grabbing his jaw and planting a warm kiss on his mouth as he started to guide himself inside of her. He was slow, letting her gasp and adjust to the length inch by inch until he was fully inside of her. Alec paused. She could feel her heartbeat everywhere, pulsing desperately for friction.
She nodded, kissing Alec again. She'd never had a kiss like that, so strong and comforting. Kisses were never her thing, she hadn't understood the fuss over them. Just two sets of lips pressed against one another, the taste of the day infecting it. But with Alec it was more than the cho mein or egg rolls, and it was more than chapped lips pressed against one another. It was full of desire, trying to communicate all that words couldn't. She drank it in fully, gasping against him as he started to move inside of her.
Alec was bigger than she expected and bigger than he was used to, and she wiggled her hips to the feeling of being stretched so full like that. He cherished the feeling of her gasps and moans, dipping to kiss every inch of skin near him.
"So beautiful, so gorgeous..." he thrusted in quickly this time and saw her body tense from surprise. "You're taking me beautifully, Angel."
Y/N could listen to his voice all day. Even before she realized he was far from an ugly bloke, she fancied the way his voice poured over her in sexy waves. Deep, guttural, it was honest and raw. He didn't lie, he didn't cover it with some pretense to be sexy. Even when his voice would break, small gasps from the sensations breaking up his sentences, she found it all the better.
Alec leaned back, not wanting to stop kissing her not wanting to miss the view. He'd pulled her hips down to the edge of the bed, him standing and her legs spread wide and resting on the small of his back. With a gentle pace that started to grow more desperate he thrust into her, watching her body flush and squirm beneath him. Y/N threw her arms up, arching her back to take him deeper. Alec was enamored with the way her breasts bounced with each thrust.
"So fucking beautiful," he grumbled, snaking a hand down to stroke her clit. He could feel that he wasn't going to last as long as he would have liked, but by the way Y/N let out little moans by his feather light touch, he figured she didn't mind all that much.
Y/N was in her own world, feeling his voice slide off her skin like oil as she chased her high. His denial of her orgasm earlier made this one all the more powerful. It seemed to slam into her, causing her to gasp wildly as Alec kept firm ministrations on her clit. Then he too reached his climax, grunting in a low voice before pouring out in a shocking spurt.
Then he pulled out, falling beside her as they both gasped for breath. Y/N quickly ambled out of the bed and used the restroom before she came back in, feeling like her limbs were absolute jelly. Alec brought her back to the bed, laying next to her. His hand held hers, thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand.
"That was incredible," he finally said.
"You could say that again."
"That was incredible." They both paused, turning to look at one another, before bursting into a fit of giggles.
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Family is who you choose (USWNT x Adhd Reader)
Continuation of Just tell them
This is a combination of these requests: One, two
I had a shit day at work so you guys get a fic! This was requested a while ago. Hope you enjoy!
4.7k words
So I had forgotten to take my medication again today. I hadn't been able to sleep until late and slept through my alarm. It left me in a rush to get ready which meant I forgot my meds. Once again it was too late by time I realised. I was already dreading the day, my mind would be all over the place, but maybe it would be slightly better now that the team knew. 
The first problem of the day was when I got told off by the coaches. I wasn't sure what I had done, all I had been doing was playing with a ball while I listened to them. It helped me actually focus on what they were saying. 
"Y/n laps now."
"What did I do?"
Ali put her hand on my arm, "Just do them."
I stepped back, feeling myself getting defensive, "I didn't do anything though."
My eyes stung as angry tears tried to escape. When sensory overload starts happening, I was more irritable and emotional. I was already overstimulated, so it wasn't a surprise at how annoyed I was getting. Especially when I was being punished for seemingly nothing. All it did was bring me back to my childhood, where I was constantly in trouble for things I couldn't help or didn't even do. I wasn't one to openly display emotions that weren't good so I shook Ali off and walked away, "Whatever."
The rest of practice, I did my best to listen to the coaches and spoke up when needed, but other then that, I ignored everyone. I was still upset, but I also just needed space so I wouldn't get distracted. I didn't need to get in anymore trouble. Once practice finished, I made it to the locker room before everyone else and instantly went to shower. 
Ali sat down on the bench in front of me as I was putting my things back in my bag. I tried to ignore her, but she pulled my bag away to get my attention, "What's wrong?"
I shrugged it off, grabbing my bag back, "Nothing. I'm fine."
"Ally said when you get quiet, you're likely either over stimulated or upset. We just want to help, talk to us."
Obviously, I wasn't getting out of this one so I took a deep breath to stop myself snapping and sat down next to her, "I'm both. My mind is a mess and I got in trouble for nothing."
"Y/n, you weren't listening, that's wh-"
"I was though! I could have told you pretty much everything he said. I'm not like you, I can't just sit still and listen. If I'm not doing something, my mind runs wild and I can't focus, I can't listen. No one bothered to listen to me though so yeah I'm a bit upset about it."
Ali sighed, pulling me into her side and kissing my temple, "I'm sorry Y/n, I shouldn't have made assumptions. We can talk to coach, explain that you need to be doing something, but you're still listening."
I felt a bit better that Ali actually listened instead of just dismissing me, "That would be good."
One of the girls started playing music, I ended up being dragged up to dance with them. I avoided being touched, that only increased my sensory overload, but I did sing loudly moving around the room without a care in the world. Despite having just finished practice, I had a lot of energy. 
Eventually, it was time to head back to the hotel, but before we could leave I blurted out, "I want to play on the swings. Can we go to the park?"
The girls looked at me for a second before Emily grinned, looking at veterans, "Yeah can we?"
A few of the other younger players all agreed, giving them the same pleading look that I was. After a few seconds, Ali sighed, "Of course you can."
I squealed, jumping up and down before jumping into Ali's arms, "Yes!"
Pretty much the entire team had come with me to the park. I was a bit surprised, they likely had better things to do than watch a 24 year old run around a park. Despite that, some of the younger girls played with me while everyone else watched, laughing and smiling. Besides Ally and maybe one other close friend, I had never had people who willingly went to the park with me and didn't judge me for it. Now they knew about my ADHD, had never judged me for it and were always supportive, I was starting to be more myself around them. It was still a work in progress, but I was getting there slowly. An hour and a bit later, the girls dragged me back to the hotel for dinner. 
It was team bonding night, normally I didn't mind it, I actually quite enjoyed it, but today I was dreading it. I had mostly been able to push through it today, to control the sensory overload, but everything was getting too overwhelming at the moment. I knew I wouldn't be able to sit through a movie or pay attention to any games they may want to play. Ali sat down next to me, hand going to my knee to stop it from bouncing, "We're going to watch a movie, I know you're probably a bit over stimulated so you can play Legos."
My head shot up at the mention of Lego, before confusion seeped in. I didn't have any Lego here, "Lego? What Lego?"
"Here. We got you this today." Alex pulled out a bag. There was a Doctor who Lego set which looked like the inside of a Tardis and there was a Jurassic world one that included a mansion and multiple different dinosaurs. It was two of my favourite shows/movies. I couldn't stop myself as I dropped the bag on the bed and jumped up and down clapping my hands. I was incredibly excited, the hardest part would be choosing which one to do first. 
"Thank you, thank you!! I'm so excited." I gave Alex a quick hug before pulling away and playing with my fingers suddenly a bit nervous. I wanted to hang out with them, but I also really wanted to call Ally. We hadn't talked much today and I missed her, "Um can I play with them in my room?"
I saw concern flash across the veterans faces before Ali stepped forward, "Of course you can Y/n. Is everything okay?"
"Everything's just a bit much at the moment. Sensory overload or whatever. I think I'm going to call Ally, she can always quieten my mind."
Emily looked confused as she spoke up, "But you seem so excited."
"I am about the Legos, they look like so much fun, but sometimes the hyper activeness can get overwhelming. It may look like fun, but I can't control it and it just gets too much and I-I-I-"
Ali quickly cut me off, "It's okay, is there anything we can do to help?"
"A hug? Maybe Tierna?" Ever since we met, Tierna always brought me comfort. She gave amazing hugs and I was always able to relax even if it was just a little bit. Tierna smiled, opening her arms for me to fall into. It helped me relax a little bit, but I wished it was Ally. Even just hearing her voice calmed my mind.
After a few seconds of hugging Tierna, I jumped back up, "I'm going to play with my Lego!"
"We'll check on you later."
I set up at the desk before quickly facetiming Ally. She answered instantly. As usual she was sitting on the floor with papers all around her. She always worked more when I was away because I wasn't there to distract her.
Hey baby
My mind slowed down, body relaxing as I heard her voice, Hi love
You okay?
I forgot my meds this morning, I was just getting overwhelmed. Oh guess what!
You love me?
So much, but look the team got me Legos!! I have a doctor who one and a Jurassic world one!
That's awesome baby, are you going to do those now? What one are you going to do first?
Um, I think maybe the doctor who one. I was thinking I could do this with you on the phone? Unless you'll get bored?
Of course we can stay on call, I'll never get bored of being able to just look up and see you.
Thank you, tell me about your day?
It was sameold same old, but I have a story to tell you
I zoned out completely, my focus on the Legos and Ally's voice. It was just as much fun as I expected it to be. I knew it would be hard to pull myself away from it now that I had started. I don't know how long had passed, but I looked up at my phone, freezing when I saw Ally wasn't wearing anything with water slowly dripping off her.
Whoa, when did you get naked?
Ally laughed, turning to look at me quickly, About 15 minutes ago when I told you I was having a shower. I'm quite surprised the sound didn't make you look up.
You are gorgeous baby, but I was very much invested in my Legos. I'm almost finished this one!
I know baby, I also know you would have looked up in a heartbeat if I said I was getting naked, but I wanted you to have fun with your Lego. It's looking very good.
You are absolutely correct. You do look incredible though Ally.
Thank you, you're not so bad yourself. I expect to be taken with you next time you shower. How have things been since the team found out about your ADHD?
They're protective, but they make sure I take my meds most of the time anyway, try to help when I get over stimulated and I can just be myself. We all went to the park today because I wanted to. They're starting to work out what it actually means for me and how to help without going to far. I guess I need to thank you, I know you gave them tips and tricks about it.
Do I get to say I told you so now? They care about you Y/n, they just want to help, I just want to help, it's one of the only ways I knew how when we're apart.
I'm not upset about it Ally. I appreciate it. I know they care and I'm starting to open up more. I'm still trying to get past the thoughts and feelings of my childhood, there's still a lot I hide from them.
And that's okay, you're getting there though, you are letting yourself be more open, more yourself and I'm so proud of you.
I wouldn't have done any of this without you.
All I did was help you along when you needed it.
Before I could reply, the door opened which made me scramble to grab my phone as Ally still wasn't wearing anything. Ashlyn, Ali and Alyssa walked in, giving me a suspicious look as I turned around to face them, still hiding my phone. They must have got the key from Tierna.
Ashlyn tried to look what was on my screen, but I quickly blocked her, "What are you hiding?"
She scoffed, giving me a pointed look, "Well that's a lie."
"Is that Ash?"
Ashlyn gave me a confused look, almost tilting her head like a puppy, "Why are you hiding Ally?"
I cleared my throat, glancing at the screen quickly before looking back at them, "She uh, she's well naked."
"Naked? You're to young for stuff like that!"
"I'm 24!"
"You're innocent!"
"I'm far from innocent! Ask Ally."
I laughed, along with Ally before explaining, "She just had a shower."
"I'm dressed now."
The girls had grown to really like Ally and I knew she was going to be taken from me so I blew her a kiss, "Bye baby. I love you."
For some reason I was struggling a lot more this camp than I normally would. While taking my meds did help me focus most of the time, I was restless, I wasn't sleeping well, and I found myself getting more over stimulated and irritable because of it. The team had noticed and were trying their best to help. They would distract me when possible, giving me things to do such as colouring or something to do with my hands. They had learnt when I needed a tight hug or to be left alone, when I needed quiet and when music helped. It had taken then a while and they didn't always get it right, but they were trying. 
Today was a particularly hard day. I had slept really badly, I was overstimulated pretty much the minute I woke up. Normally a shower helped, but this morning it barely helped. Every little sound felt like it was enhanced, all the clothes I tried to put on except my sports bra, felt like little pins pressing against my skin and suffocating me. I didn't know how I was going to make it through breakfast. I just felt like I was going to cry at any second. Tierna watched as I tried shirt after shirt, each one feeling the same way. Eventually, Tierna took the shirt from my hand, "It's okay. You don't have to wear a shirt right now. Ali is going to bring you breakfast and we're just going to stay in the room for a while."
"T-thank you."
"Can I help in anyway?"
"Um, maybe a hug."
Tierna wrapped her arms around me tightly, my mind calmed down a bit as I relaxed against her. It wasn't enough to make everything stop, but it was enough that I didn't want to stop hugging her. Before she could pull away I quickly asked, "Please don't stop."
"Come here," Tierna said quietly, guiding me so I was lying down on the bed next to her, head on her chest as she held me tightly. I heard the facetime call tone before Tiernas phone was placed in front of me and Ally appeared. 
Hi my love 
Hi Al, aren't you at work?
I am, but I wanted to call and check in 
I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me when you should be working
Don't do that. You're having a bad day, I'm going to take a few minutes to make sure you're okay. What's going on baby?
Everything's just wrong today. I wish you were here. Tiernas great, but she's not you
I know baby, me too. I'm glad she's helping a little bit at least. Thank you T
We talked for a few more minutes before Ally had to go to a meeting and the other Ali arrived with breakfast. I didn't feel like completely falling apart anymore which was good, but it still wasn't great. Ali gave me a tight hug before leaving while Tierna turned to me, "Do you want me to stay?"
"It's okay. I think some time alone will be good."
"Okay. Text if you need me. Come down if you want to, but you don't have to."
"Thank you T."
I stayed in my room for most of the day except when I went on a short walk around the hotel gardens. The girls brought me lunch and stayed for a little bit to watch tv with me. They weren't their usual loud and chaotic selves which I appreciated more than they would ever know. I was much more relaxed by the end of the day and I was able to join them for dinner. I hadn't heard from Ally again which sucked because she always helped, but I knew she was busy today and I couldn't expect her to always be around to help me. When 8pm rolled around and I still hadn't heard from her, I started to get worried. It wasn't normal to not hear from her for this long. I knew she was likely just working or out with friends. Given my current state though I was starting to let the self doubt creep in. Maybe she had finally had enough of me. 
Ali sat down next to me as I was staring at my phone before it was taken from my hand, "You look like you're ready to murder your phone, what's wrong?"
It was stupid. I knew I was overreacting, I knew Ally would never do anything like what I was thinking. Today though, I couldn't stop it. So I told Ali everything. Ali wrapped her arm around my shoulder before flicking the side of my head, "Stop that. Stop even entertaining the idea. You know Ally would never do anything like what you're thinking. That girl loves you so much even a blind person could see it. You can always text her first, that's allowed."
"She's probably busy. I-I don't want to annoy her."
My temple was flicked again, "Stop that thinking. You don't annoy her when you text her. You don't annoy her full stop. So push that aside and text her."
Y/n: Hey love, I know you're busy, but I just wanted to tell you I love you and make sure you're okay. Look after yourself, don't forget to eat. Call me when you can.
"See, that was easy right?"
"Yes, you were right. Sorry for dumping all this on you."
"Never apologise for that. I'm always here for you."
Ally: Hey baby, I'm sorry I've been out of touch today, it's super busy here. I ate dinner, but I'm still at work. I don't think I'll be able to call again today, I'm exhausted and just planning on falling into bed when I get home, I'll message you before I go to bed. I love you 
Ally had sent a photo of herself sitting at her desk, eyes tired with a matching tired smile. I hated how tired she looked. I hated that I knew most of it was because she wasn't sleeping well without me, the same way I wasn't sleeping well without her, "She's still at work."
"See, I told you so."
I was deep in conversation with Lindsey when there was a tap on my shoulder and a squeaky voice coming from behind me, "Hey beautiful, can I get your number?
"No I ha-" I cut myself off as I flung around to find Ally standing there, wide smile forming. I squealed, jumping up and wrapping my legs around her waist, before connecting our lips in a lingering kiss, "Ally!"
"Hey baby."
"How are you here?"
"The girls flew me out."
Once I pulled away, I turned to find the team standing behind us. Tears sprung to my eyes as I looked between each of them, "You guys did this?"
Ali smiled softly, nodding in conformation, "You've been struggling the last little while. We tried to help you, but it wasn't working. We love you, we wanted you to be okay and we figured this was the best way to help. You're allowed to get your own hotel room while she's here as well. Save Tierna from your grossness."
"Thank you guys. I-I love you, all of you. This, this- thank you."
"You're welcome kiddo."
Tierna was in our room and mine and Ally's room wasn't ready yet so Ally and I had snuck off to the meal room to have some time away from the girls. Ally had an excited smile on her face, "Why do you look so excited?"
Ally pulled out a little box, smile growing wider, "I was going to give you this later, but I can't wait. I saw this and thought of you instantly. It's a promise ring, my promise to you that I will always be by your side, my promise that when the time is right, it will be replaced by an engagement ring. I also know you struggle with rings so I put it on a chain. You can decide how you wear it."
"I love you so much Ally, I love this. I really want to try wearing it, it'll just be an adjustment."
I knew I wanted to marry Ally, but I also knew that we weren't quite there yet. Not because we didn't love each other enough or anything, we just wanted to focus on our careers before making that move. "You know I'm going to marry you one day right?"
"I know and I can't wait to marry you Y/n, but I also know the timings not right yet. You're just starting your national career, I'm working on this promotion. It'll happen when the time is right. I have something else for you. It was supposed to be for our anniversary, but there were delays and it took way longer then planned."
Ally gave me a wrapped package, watching me as I carefully unwrapped it. It was a photo album. The first picture was of Ally on my back, matching grins on our faces as we looked at each other. We had only been together for a month or so when that photo was taken, yet it was one of my favourite pictures. There were many different photos from different stages of our relationship and with our friends and family. Beside each photo of us, Ally had written a little message. Like next to a photo we had taken during a beach picnic, Ally was looking at me with so much love in her eyes while I was looking out at the water. Next to it, she had written 'This was the day I knew I had fallen in love with you. The effort you put into surprising me, the way I knew I didn't want it to end, the way my heart raced and butterflies erupted when you looked at me, I knew without a doubt, that I was in love with you.'
Tears stung my eyes as I closed the album, pulling her into a tight hug. I loved her more than anything in this world.  
"I don't understand! How are you so fucking amazing, so god damn cute? You're so understanding and so loving it's not fair! God I love you so much, what did I do to deserve you? You just need to stop because I-" I ranted, much to Ally's amusement, but was cut off by Emily speaking up. I hadn't realised they had shown up.
"Woah, what's going on? Are you two fighting?"
Ally laughed, turning to the other girls, "Quite the opposite actually. Y/n here is apparently annoyed by how cute and loving I am."
"It's very hard to focus on anything other then you and it's not fair. Like how am I supposed to focus on anything other than marrying her when she goes and does shit like this?"
They looked confused at the book I was holding, "A photo album?"
"Look at it."
They flipped through the different photos of Ally and I, reading the little messages she had written, "This is cute."
"I know! And I love it! It's adorable and it makes me just fall for her even more."
"Then what's the problem?"
"It's distracting! I'm supposed to be focusing on my career and all I can think about is running off to make her my wife. It's not fair."
Ally just laughed, arm wrapping around my waist and leaving a lingering kiss on my lips, "You are adorable Y/n. I love you."
"Yeah I love you too." 
"Has this happened before?"
"Yup, mostly when I do something cute. I find it hilarious."
I pulled her into my side, peppering kisses across the side of her face. Then I remembered the Lego I had sitting on the desk in my room. I pulled away quickly, practically jumping up and down with excitement, "Baby come see my Lego!"
Ally laughed as I dragged her away. Ali called from behind us just before we went out of ear shot, "I expect to see you at dinner Y/n."
I stopped in front of my desk, pointing at the nearly finished Tardis, "Look, look, look."
"This is awesome Y/n/n, is it almost finished?"
"Yes, I want to finish it so bad."
"You can work on it now if you want to."
"I really do, but I want to do this more," I pulled her close, connecting our lips in a soft kiss. I relaxed against her, hands slipping under her shirt as hers looped around my neck. Things got a bit heated as Ally's fingers buried in my hair and mine traveled up her back then trailed over her stomach. Ally moaned when my tongue met hers, pulling me impossibly close. I pushed her onto the bed, lips finding her neck as I fumbled with the button on her jeans. 
Just as Ally finished, my phone vibrated in my back pocket, making me pull away. 
Tierna: I gave you as much time as I could to do whatever it is you're doing, but I've been sent to get you. You have 2 minutes before I open the door. Please be decent. 
I laughed, showing Ally the message. She pecked my lips quickly before going to get cleaned up while I opened the door. Tierna was standing just down the hall, "Thank you T."
"Anytime Y/n."
I sighed cuddling further into Ally's side, feeling more relaxed than I had since I left for camp. Ally kissed my temple, "You okay baby?"
"You're here so I'm amazing. I missed you Al."
She held me tighter, fingers tracing patterns across my arm, "Me too Y/n. I missed you."
"I hate that I have to travel so much."
"It's part of your job, we make it work."
"I know that, I just wish you could come with me to more camps. Purely for my own selfish reasons of having you around all the time."
Ally rolled over onto her stomach so she was facing me, "You know, if I get this promotion then I'll be able to work from pretty much anywhere most of the time."
"Wait, really?"
"Yup. Which means I could potentially come to more camps with you, if you want to be around me that much that is."
"I fucking love you Ally. There's not a second that goes by that I don't want to be around you, that I don't crave being around you. Marry me Ally. I know we said that we should wait, but I don't want to. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. This isn't how I planned it, I don't have a ring and it doesn't have to be now, but right now I want to call you my fiancé. So Ally, will you marry me?"
"Fuck yes, yes I'll marry you Y/n. I don't care about a ring or some elaborate proposal. We could get married in the court house tomorrow for all I care. As long as I get to spend my life with you."
I skipped into the meal room, feeling on top of the world and hyperactive, but mostly happy. It wasn't unexpected, I got to marry the girl I was absolutely in love with and I actually slept well for the first time since camp started. 
"Hello ladies," I sung before skipping over to Ally and pecking her lips, "Hello my beautiful fiancé." 
"Hi gorgeous, you're awfully happy this morning."
"Well can you blame me? I get to marry the most beautiful girl in the world, also I slept really well so you get to deal with that."
Ally groaned playfully, "Oh no, however will I cope? Let alone for the rest of our lives."
"Wait, you're engaged?!? I thought you were waiting?" Tobin asked loudly, gathering the attention of everyone in the room.
I couldn't help the wide smile that grew, "I couldn't wait any longer."
Ali hugged me tightly, placing a kiss to my forehead, "I'm so happy for you kid. I'm proud of you."
"Thank you Ali, I need your help," I whispered so no one else could hear. I needed to find the perfect ring for Ally, but I knew I would overthink it too much. I also knew the girls would turn it into something bigger then I needed it to be. 
"I need help finding a ring for Ally."
"Of course I'll help. We can sneak out this afternoon, just me and you."
"Thank you Ali."
Emily jumped on my back, "So when's the wedding?"
I pulled her off, taking the opportunity to pull her in for a noogie, "I don't know."
Ally separated us, barely containing her laugh, "We were thinking a court house wedding."
"You have to have a wedding!"
As the girls talked about the wedding, I couldn't help feeling that I had found my family. I had found a group of people that didn't see me as my quirks, hyper activeness, overstimulation or problems. They saw me as me, they supported me for who I was. I had the love of my life and my family. I was truly loved by people I saw as family for maybe the first time in my life. I was happy.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Omg that cowboy!eddie angst!! Now we need a makeup blurb (only if you feel inclined)
I've let you suffer long enough (24 hours) I will be merciful just this once (I can not stand that they're sad either so this is mainly for me lmao) this is the og blurb that is angsty
The knock on your door came two days later. Long enough that your tears had dried, but eyes still puffy. You didn't expect to see him there; band tee tucked into his wranglers loosely, under his buckle. He wore his nice boots, you noted. The ones he wore when he took you out, not his work ones.
Eddie was leaning against the door, his own dark bags under his eyes that even in his shaded profile from his hat, you could see clearly. He hadn't slept much either.
"Can we talk?" Eddie rasped, eyes rounding softly when they met yours. "Please?"
You relented letting him in to your tiny town house. It felt weird staying here for the last few nights. You'd nearly moved to the ranch after the first month of dating. Eddie had begged you to not renew your lease next month, come stay with him instead, you were there so much anyways.
You sat across from him, your dining room table that he'd helped you fix when the leg got loose. Eddie's knee bounced, nervous and overwhelmed. You looked at him, arms crossed over your chest. You were angry, of course you were. Hurt and angry and overwhelmed still.
"I'm sorry." Eddie said, fingers tracing the pattern of the wood, but his eyes stayed on you. "I-I'm sorry."
"Yeah?" You raised a brow, swallowing back the familiar burn of tears. "For what part?"
Eddie flinched at your tone. He knew he deserved it but it still hurt. "All of it, baby." Eddie sighed lowly, defeated and a little sad. It made your heart lurch. "I just... I didn't think that you'd be jeal- mad about Lola."
"Why wouldn't I be?" You snapped, narrowing your eyes at him. "Seriously, Ed, she was all over you!"
Eddie took a deep breath, regulating and calming. "Because," He sighed, knee bouncing a little harder. "I don't like Lola like that. I don't give a shit about her or-or really anyone else for that matter, honey. They're not you, and I only care about you."
Your lip wobbled, tears pricking the back of your eyes. You thought you'd ran out of tears, surely, after crying yourself to sleep the night you left and most of the day yesterday. "She was all over you, Ed." You pouted, voice wobbling around the words. "She was in my seat when I got back, and she was all over you, and you were letting her."
"I know." Eddie sighed slowly. "And I'm sorry, baby, I really am. I just... My mind wasn't on her like that, and-and I shouldn't have gotten mad that you were upset, because honestly? If that was some guy talkin' to you like that and sittin' in my seat... I'd be pretty pissed off too."
Your lips curled lightly, trying to hide your warm, smug grin. Eddie caught it anyways, moving to make his way around the table, crouching next to your chair. "'m sorry, honey." He muttered, hands rubbing up and down the soft fabric of your pajama pants. "I'm real sorry."
"I'm sorry too." Your lip wobbled. "For being so... jealous." You muttered, blushing at the admission. You felt silly, really. A little juvenile for getting so worked up.
Eddie shook his head, a small smile that had his dimples creasing gently. "Don't be sorry." He muttered, cupping your cheek. "Didn't do nothing wrong, baby."
"But I did." You whimpered, lip wobbling. "I shouldn't have been so mean, and-and I'm not like that usually. I don't want you to think I'm like a controlling bitch, I just-"
"Hey, easy, darlin'." Eddie cooed, thumb gliding over your cheek bone. "I know, alright? Let's just put it to rest. I don't wanna fight anymore."
"Me either." You sighed, heavy but relaxed, like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. "I missed you."
"I missed you." Eddie muttered, pulling you closer to him. "Sleep like shit when you're not with me, you know that?" He hummed.
You nodded, your lips barely brushing his before his mouth enveloped yours fully, kissing you hard and slow. Hands roaming each others, feet shuffling and scuffing the floor all the way back to your bedroom. Eddie collapsed on top of you gently, the bed groaning with the squeak of the springs, his hands under your shirt, his boots back under your bed.
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haienatrash · 4 years
When They’re Out of The Limelight
Note: Hi everyone, I hope you guys are doing fine. I decided to delete the first version of this fanfic and write another one with a different ending, coz I received some feedbacks (not just from tumblr but also on twitter) saying that the ending was depressing and that I was too cruel to the characters (which was true, i admit that and i’m sorry. Lol.) I love my moots and I don’t want them to be sad. So here you go, this version contains two parts, hope you guys enjoy the story! - haienatrash
Part I - The After Party
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June 5, 2020 - Baeksang Arts Awards 2020
"Everyone's looking for you." Someone with a sexy baritone voice said which made her twirl in surprise. It was Ju Ji Hoon. He was still in his simple yet gorgeous tuxedo with the brooch pin that she had chosen for him to use that night.
Hye Soo smirked at him, a bottle of beer on her left hand. It was that familiar tipsy grin that Geum Ja often use to Hee Jae when they would drink a bottle or more of Soju in Hyena. She sipped a beer before turning her back on him again.
Ji Hoon on the other hand, smiled while admiring her voluptuous figure from the back, taking note of the small details just like the back slit of the dress, how it exposed a little of her skin and the Bulgari Diamond Serpenti flawlessly resting on her back down to the middle of her spine. He was truly amazed at how the black Ralph Lauren dress fitted her body perfectly, flaunting those curves that she maintained through the years.
But his brows creased when he realized she wasn't wearing the white coat she had earlier. She must have left it on the venue downstairs, he unbuttoned his tuxedo jacket and pulled it off from his torso as he slowly walked towards Hye Soo, the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Upon reaching her, he carefully placed the tuxedo jacket on her shoulder to keep her warm before leaning on the railing that reaches up to their abdomen. His gesture made her look up at him, but he was ignoring her stare pretending to look at the 360-degree view of Seoul. They were on the rooftop of the hotel where the Baeksang Arts Award 2020 after party was held.
"Hoon-ssi it's fine, you don't---"
"You're wearing a dress." He cut her off "Exposing your shoulder and your back..." He paused staring back at her before he continued what he was saying "Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against you wearing that sexy dress, but I don't want you to get cold, alright Sunbaenim?" He rolled his eyes the way Hee Jae did, that made Hye Soo chuckle, amused by how Ji Hoon still has a bit of his character with him.
"Hee Jae is that you?" She asked him still giggling a bit "Sorry, but Geum Ja's not here tonight."
"Who says I want Geum Ja? I want Hye Soo." He said not looking away from her.
There was no response from her, now the only thing they could hear was the sound of the gusting wind. Their gazes were locked, she could feel the blood rushing to her face turning her cheeks into crimson red. He never fails to make her feel this way as if it was the first time that someone said those words to her.
"But you can't." She said bitterly, looking away from him, setting the bottle of beer on the railing cap.
Ji Hoon looked down, "You don't trust me, do you?"
"Trust isn't the issue in here. It's the age, the opinion of everyone around us and the career... Your career."
"I'm willing to give it all up---"
"Well I don't, I wouldn't let you give up everything you worked for just to be with me." She cut him off staring back at him. "You're young, you're smart and you're talented, there's so much ahead of you. Don't waste it with someone like me and I am sure you'll find someone much better, someone who can give you a family, a son, or maybe a daughter." She explained but it seems like he wasn't listening to any of it.
"Then I'll take whatever you can give. I love you, and I know you feel the same... Please?" He grabbed both her hands and kissed her knuckles. His eyes started getting wet.
"Ji Hoon, stop." She said pulling her hands away from him.
"This is so unfair. I just wanted to be with you." She saw how tears pooled down his cheeks as he said those words. She felt her heart broke into million pieces, watching him weep because of her.
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She couldn't help herself, but extend her hand to his face, cupping his cheek wiping his tears using her thumb. Then she pulled him closer for the last time and caught his lips with hers, kissing him slowly and softly making it linger, trying to ease his pain.
Hye Soo pulled out of the kiss before saying "Let's not see each other again."
Hye Soo walked away from Ji Hoon and did not dare to look back anymore, because she would just do the foolish thing and gave into her emotion again. It's better to end it right now than to fuck everything up later on.
Part II - The Resolve
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June 24, 2020 - Hyena BD Commentary Filming Day
Ji Hoon tapped the shoulder of his driver reminding him to take the day off and park the car on the fifth level before he came out of the black Mercedes Benz. He was wearing a plain navy-blue colored t-shirt with a large print on the back and a pair of jeans his hair was neatly brushed up the way Hee Jae would like it, with a black face mask and sunglasses on, which helped him disguise himself and not be noticed by the public. He entered the building and walked straight to the elevator, he pressed the thirteenth button and quietly stood there waiting as it lifted him to his floor.
He still felt a bit dizzy and nauseous because of his hangover from last night, he had been like this for a couple of weeks now and it was still because of what happened at the hotel rooftop last June fifth. That was the last time he saw her, and it didn't go well. His heart ached as he recalled how she walked away from him saying that they shouldn't see each other anymore.
He tried reaching out to her since that night, calling her everyday or whenever he was drunk trying to fix everything between them, but she would just shrug him off and ignore his phone calls. He even drove to her house a week ago only to be dragged out by her security. Ji Hoon clutched tightly on his phone, suppressing the tears which was trying to pool out of his eyes, he shouldn’t be like this.
Be professional Ji Hoon. Be professional.
Ji Hoon knew what he did over the past few weeks was pathetic. But he couldn't just let her go, she meant the world to him and he was looking forward to spending the rest of his life with her. He wouldn't get tired of fighting for her. That was his main reason why he wanted to attend the commentary.
Hye Soo Sunbae would be there. He thought.
Ji Hoon kept on saying that to himself, that was the only motivation he had for almost three weeks, that the commentary would be a good chance to speak with her.
The elevator opened, he looked at the indicator saying they were already on the thirteenth floor, he walked towards Studio five and gently pushed the glass door of the studio; he was welcomed by some of the staffs and crews that he had worked with during the filming of Hyena. He bowed to them as a sign of respect mostly to those who he knew was older than him, then he saw Jang Tae Yoo the director of Hyena, standing next to a tall woman with short hair who's back was facing him.
Obviously, it was her. His sunbae. Kim Hye Soo. The director looked at his direction with a smile on his face. Ji Hoon could read his mouth saying, "Ju Ji Hoon is here." to her. She turned to him, she was wearing a simple white blouse paired with a tattered pair of jeans and a white coat draping over her shoulder, it was simple yet stunning. Well, Hye Soo has always been stunning even in those simple clothes, the corner of her lips curved into a little smile as if nothing happened between them.
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Damn, she really is a good actress... He said at the back of his mind. Ji Hoon waved his hand to them, he walked towards them bowing to his leading lady and the director. He felt awkward, not knowing how he should act around her.
"We're glad that you're here already. Maybe we could start in an hour?" Asked Jang Tae Yoo looking up to Ji Hoon. Both leads nodded to him. "Good, we'll go get the lights fixed. Have some snacks first." He said patting Ji Hoon's arm before he left them alone.
Silence surrounded them. He sighed before removing his mask, folding it and sliding it into the back-pocket of his jeans.
I miss you.
I need you.
I love you.
There was a lot of thing that he wanted to ask, and he wanted to say to her but "Hey..." Was all that came out of his mouth.
"Hi." She responded, still with that minimal smile on her lips. She handed him a cookie in pink packaging, which he took instantly like a kid who was given a candy.
She stared at him intently, examining his face. His lips were pale and dry. "Take your sunglasses off, it's a bit disrespectful to greet the director with those on." She said using the director as an excuse to see his face better.
Ji Hoon, without any second thought, took off his sunglasses revealing the dark circles under his unique mismatched eyes, he looked exhausted as if he hadn't slept for weeks. Hye Soo sighed rolling her eyes, she knew it.
"Meet me in the restroom at the end of the hallway going to Studio six and don't forget to put back those sunglasses on." She said before making her way out of Studio five.
• • •
He opened the door of the all-gender restroom then he saw her leaning with her hips on the tiled sink waiting for him. He locked the door before walking towards her, he wasn't sure what she wanted from him but here he was, obviously he couldn't resist her. She stood up properly when she saw him walking towards her, motioning him to switch places with her. Now he was the one who’s leaning on the sink.
"What do you want?" he asked as serious as he could.
"Close your eyes." She stated, ignoring his question. Hye Soo thought he wouldn't do as she said but he did, but as the usual he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He kept on blabbering about how she said the other week that they shouldn't see each other anymore but here they were, in the public restroom, alone. That he called her every day, but she didn't answer any of them and how her security dragged him out of her village. He did all that as she got the wet wipes from her bag, she leaned closer to him and gently cleaned his face, removing the unwanted dirt from his flawless face.
She could spend her whole day just staring at him, memorizing every inch of his face taking note of the small details like the mole on his left cheek that you could barely see if you aren't this close to him and the pointed nose that she compared with the Himalayas, which he found funny.
Hye Soo pulled the primer and the concealer from her make-up pouch. Lucky enough, she still has the concealer that he left on her bathroom the last time he spent the night there which matched his skin tone. She applied a bit primer on his skin and some concealer underneath his eyes. She took her time as she did his make-up, they still have an hour and she wanted this to last, she wouldn't tell anyone, but she missed this dork, she missed him.
"Will you please shut your mouth for a moment Hoon-ssi?" She asked, applying a thin layer of powder on his skin.
"My eyes are closed already, and now you also want me to close my mouth. I don't even understand why you're doing this. You aren't even answering any of my question?!"
"Keep your tone down, will you?" She asked before putting the final touch, a lipstick. From his cheek, her eyes travelled down to his thin lips, it was dry, but she still found them kissable. She gulped.
Don't do it. Don't. Her conscience kept on telling her, but she did it anyway, she kissed him. What she did left him silent, her lips moving against his. It took him a minute or two before he returned her kisses. His hand on her hips pulling her closer to him. The kiss was soft and slow.
“Does that answer all your questions?” She whispered against his mouth before pulling away to catch a breath. "I did that to push you away. Because I wanted to protect you." She placed a hand on his chest. "Let's talk about this later, okay? For now, let's get you ready for the commentary."
He only nodded letting her finish his make-up. After him she fixed herself next, wiping down the smudged lipstick on the corner of her mouth before putting another layer of the same lipstick she used for Ji Hoon's lips.
• • •
After the commentary they drove straight to the Director's house to celebrate the success of Hyena. The whole Team H was there, together with the supporting characters of Hyena, Gyeong Hwa even prepared a cake with the candles saying 'Hyena'. It was fun to be with them again and have a nice dinner while catching up. The celebration ended around ten in the evening, and everyone had gone on their separate ways, but it was different for Ji Hoon and Hye Soo, they still needed to talk.
Ji Hoon parked his car a few blocks away from her house the way he did before. She looked at him and she knew he felt anxious about how their conversation would end up, she could see it on his movements that's why she held his right hand and intertwined it with hers.
"Hey, we'll see each other again, okay?"
"Are you sure---"
"I'm not." She looked straight into his eyes "I'm not sure about what I'm doing and what will be the consequences, but there's one thing that I'm sure of..." She paused, gripping on his hand tighter before saying "And that’s you. I'm sure about you, I'm sure that I want to be with you." She smiled reassuring him that she wouldn't let him go, not anymore.
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- END -
Bonus Content!!
On December twenty-fifth Kim Hye Soo posted photo on Instagram with a silhouette of a man, with a very intriguing caption. Some fans guessed it was Ju Ji Hoon. Then the next day both their agencies confirmed that they were dating.
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Note: This photo collage is edited, and none of these are true. Thank you for reading!! 
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TW: Implied self harm, implied suicide, c!thomas is a sad mess, cussing
Viewer discretion is advised
Here is the song by city and colour
The way it used to be/ ThVi (its sad)
This is the story of a man
Thomas sat on his couch, scrolling through Twitter, replying to mentions here and there, just sitting. He felt Virgil lay down on his lap, going seemingly limp against him. Thomas put down his phone to turn his attention to his boyfriend. "You good there, Virge?" He nodded, smiling. "Having anxiety is just exhausting." Thomas sighed. "Why didn't you come get me?" Virgil shook his head. "Didn't wanna bother you, and besides, it wasn't even that bad. Now I am here with you." He turned on his side wrapping his arms around Thomas's waist. Thomas sighed in content. He knew this would be the rest of his life and he was completely happy with it.
Who took for granted everything he had
"I- I'm sorry okay? Please calm down!" Virgil said harshly not wanting to scream anymore than Thomas already had. "NO! WHAT THE HELL?!!! YOU KNEW THAT WAS IMPORTANT TO ME!!! THAT COULD'VE BEEN MY BREAK!!" Virgil shrunk back a bit. "I- I know, but-but I can't help it! Its literally my job!" Thomas huffed. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ANXIETY!!!!" Virgil flinched. He called him anxiety instead of his name.... Right as Thomas began to opened his mouth again, Virgil teleported to his room, locking the door.
And how he let it all just slip away
From then on, Virgil didn't act the same, flinching away from touches, hardly speaking and never wanted to be touched really. And a few months after a few more fights and awkward encounters he finally came out of his room he only grabbed a book, one Thomas had never seen before, and left. Returning hours later to say quietly that it would never happen again. And he left. Thomas would've gone after him but he had to go somewhere, and he would always be here when he gets back. Waiting for him since there isn't no where else to go.
Never to return again
He arrived back home sad? He hadn't had any anxiety which was unusual since he was surrounded by a bunch of people, bombarding him with a bunch of questions. He decided now was the time to go check on Virgil, say he is sorry and figure out why everything seemed gloomy. He went into the mind palace, and even the living room which was a neutral space was sad, not as much as everything else but still sad. He walked up the stairs, immediately noticing the bright blue door that had dogs and cats with a couple of frogs, was deepened and cracked, similar things done to the other doors. He walked down closer to Virgil's room, when he heard sobbing. Panic seeping in he ran to Virgils room only to stop dead in his tracks. Patton was crying, and was being cradled by Logan. Janus was in tears on Virgils bed, cradling a piece of fabric. He looked in the bathroom and his blood ran cold. Roman had tears steaming down while harshly talking with Remus, who was in the same state. He couldn't make out what they were saying since they were not audible from where he was. And a single limp arm dangled from the bathtub, red streaks streaming down said arm. Rushing in Roman immediately tried to stop him from seeing, but it was too late. He already saw Virgils lifeless body in a bathtub of red from his bleeding wrists. Tears streaming down his face. He faught against Roman to get to his boyfriends lifeless body. Why did this happen?
Now twenty years have come and gone
"Yeah, well fuck you! You shouldn't still be mourning him! And even if you weren't you still can't pretend I am him!" Anxietys distorted voice rang throughout the room. Thomas flinched. It's been twenty fucking years and they still didnt know anxietys name. And he still looked like Virgil which didnt help shit. He looked up to notice that Anxiety had disappeared. He sighed sitting back down on the couch, head in his hands. god what happened?
And still he wonders what he did so wrong
The next week he stayed in his room, refusing to do anything. Yeah it was twenty years ago but seeing anxiety made it yesterday. He soon created a sick little world in his head, where Virgil never died. And they just broke up. But Thomas knew there was hope of getting Virgil to get back together.
And how that he can win back *his* heart
Anxiety was now scared to be anxiety. Patton always trying to be happy, but failing from time to time, but still always vowing to protect him from such awkward encounters with their host. Anxiety would walk down to get a snack and Thomas would have a date set up for the both of them. Always calling him 'Virgil' and ignoring him saying that he wasnt this 'Virgil' he kept speaking of. And even though he failed, Thomas would always try again. He just had to win Virgils heart back. Ignoring Logan who was trying to get him to stop this behavior.
And finally step outside of the dark
Thomas sniffed the Roses he had bought which was purple, contrary to Anxietys black clothing. Satisfied with the purchase he left, waving goodbye to the owner of the shop, who had remembered his name and a few things about him, since he was in there every day.
He buys fresh roses every day
He offered the flowers to Anxiety once again, who awkwardly pushed them away and teleported out of the situation. He felt horrible, only being known for the past him, and not- ... well, him! Who even said he liked roses.
His favorite flower- so he used to say
It was the middle of the night, and Thomas was sobbing into the covers. The only time he wasn't stuck in his fake world since he was on medication which often made him forget his fake world for the night. He was sobbing, going through various memories of Virgil wearing roses in his hair. He reached over to take another swig of liquor, the all too familiar taste calming him a bit. And anxiety had to watch, since he never slept.
And now the memories are all that he has left
His drinking got more prominent, and even Remus was worried, usually his sticking thoughts and jokes would be there no matter what, but he was drained and focused on his host, not knowing what to do, but watch as this got sickening, even for him. Anxiety was on the same page as Remus, just at a lower volume. But he was the one who had to watch it 24/7 and he couldnt bare to look at his host like this.
I'm afraid he'll drink himself to death
While Thomas kinda creeped him out, Anxiety still felt bad for him, and it was still his job to protect his host. He decided to tell Logan about the rising intake of alcohol each night, slowly turning into spiked coffee, and other things. He really needed to stop...
This is the story of a man
Patton set Anxiety down, preparing himself. "Hey kiddo... I know you know that Virgil, our previous anxiety and friend, has passed... away. But I don't think, we ever told you how.... And for you to fully understand why Thomas is the way he is now, you need to hear the story, and I'm forced to tell it as Roman and Logan have been losing their minds, you know because of Thomas pretending that Virgil is still alive..." tears gathered in his eyes as he continued, telling the story as best he could.
Who took for granted everything he had
Anxiety felt bad for his past self and everyone else... he completely understood what Virgil was going through. But hearing it from his father figure made it twice as hard to pretend to be unphased by the information. This is one sad and frustrating story...
And how he let it all slip away
Anxiety didn't know how to feel for his host, anger? Or pity? He really tried to understand what had happened, but the relationship between Virgil and his host was really confusing, how could it not be? Especially towards the end...
Never to return again
Tears were now forming in Anxietys eyes as it became harder to understand Patton who was sobbing. He had lost his 'son' after all... And Anxiety felt like he lost a brother.
It's clear he moved on long ago
Thomas spiraled even further as he realized that his efforts to get Virgil back with him were futile. And he hated it. He hated it so much. He took another sip of his spiked coffee. Hoping to calm his nerves however he could. But always no matter what, when his meds arent making him somewhat sober minded, he always goes back to believing that he could somehow still win Virgils heart...
But still he clings on to the distant hope
He never slept now, even before he got atleast two hours of sleep. But that didnt happen anymore.. Thomas just stared at the ceiling as flashes of them together played through his mind. They looked so happy... Virgil looked happy...
That he'll come back and make a happy home
Everyone was spiraling as Thomas did, but it took more time for some of them. And Anxiety couldn't help because that would hurt his host even more. Anxiety decided to stop watching his host at night. Staring at the ceiling. He felt utterly useless, and he hated it. He sighed sitting up, the TV turned off, so it was playing footage of what Thomas was doing, and unsurprisingly he was still drinking and crying softly...
And now its him and the bottle all alone
As he spiraled he seemed to remember that his world was fake. And this made him unpredictable, and the others were spiraling with him, anxiety was spiraling the slowest. Which forced him to be the one always watching him. Sometimes he would look over at the TV to check on him and see him under a cherry blossom tree that had a swing hang on it. It was there he seemed the most sane. And numb, which kinda made it terrifying.
Sometimes you'll see him in the yard
You could tell by just looking at him sitting in the swing he was broken. Tears falling slowly, smiling to himself while he mumbles things to himself, something about how beautiful the imagination was. Clutching what seemed to be a purple hoodie.
A wounded man with a desperate heart
It seemed to be all he ever was, anxiety sighed sadly watching as Thomas pulled weeds from purple roses in the imagination. It seemed to be more of a calming thing, but it was still sad to watch.
He kept his Roses (hedges) trimmed nice and neat
Janus was watching Thomas with anxiety one day. Sadly noting that Thomas had replaced the area around the cherry blossom tree to replicate the way it looked when they first got together.
To keep them the way that they used to be
Thomas sat there in the swing admiring his work.
This is the story of a man
He sighed swinging back and forth a bit.
Who took for granted everything he had
After that day he seemed to be getting better, going to see a doctor about his spiraling.
And he let it all just slip away
Thomas was in fact getting better. He had stopped drink as much as he did, but it was a work in progress, and he even got a bit more comfortable around anxiety.
Never to return again
Thomas hung up the purple hoodie on his bathroom door. Just... admiring it sadly.
A single dress hangs on it's own
He would often would often smell the hoodie, it still smelled like him...
A scent of perfume all he has to hold
He remembers fading to his final sleep that night, clinging to the hoodie...
A wasted life waiting on a dream
As he closed his eyes one final time he saw him and Virgil sitting on the swing. Having fun and talking, just enjoying the others presence.
Hoping for things the way they used to be
He was happy, finally. Gone from the world he knew as pain. And he smiled.
This is the story of a man, who took for granted everything he had. And how he let it all just slip away, never to return again...
Not really proofread so sorry for any mistakes!!!
But uh yeah hope you enjoyed!!
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Dare: A Guns N’ Roses FanFic
Chapter 20: Moments
Taglist: @queen-crue @gingerspicetalks
All the members of Guns N’ Roses except for Duff, salt in the small backstage room raving about it. Stef had made Mags promise that her and Delilah would join them front row in the crowd next time. She quickly agreed earning a small cheer from Stef who then left her to go sit on her brother’s lap. Was it weird for Mags to see her brother’s girlfriend make out and tease her brother? Yes, but all Mags truly cared about was the smile plastered on her older brother’s face.
"So she's your roommate now." The question came off as more of a statement than an actual question.
Mags poured some more vodka into her glass trying to ignore Axl. Tonight was a night for celebrations. She couldn't make a scene and tell him to fuck off.
"Shouldn't you and Trixy be having sex or something like that right now?," Mags tried to keep her reply causal. She leaned against the small table that was littered with half empty bottles for support.
"She's going to the bathroom," Axl grabbed the bottle from Mags and began to pour some for himself.
"Wow, I'm surprised you're not trying to fuck her in the bathroom. Isn't that like your go to place to do it nowadays," Mags didn't regret pissing Axl off. A couple months ago maybe, but not now. Fuck being nice. Not after what happened with someone she used to be considered her best friend, a sister even.
"Jesus Christ, you're like a fucking elephant. I fucked her one time in the bathroom. I'm not the reason your friendship ended," Axl almost growled at Mags. It had been months since he slept with her former best friend. All it was was a one night stand, but apparently that only made things worst in Mag's eyes.
"Fuck off Rose," Mags quickly replied , but before she could walk away he grabbed her drink.
"What the fuck," Mags voice had turned into a threatening whisper as she spoke. She could feel eyes watching them. The last thing Mags wanted to do was spoil the evening by causing a fight.
"Answer my question," Mags stared at Axl for a couple of seconds, and then quickly backed down.
"Yes, we are living together," Axl's features twisted into a smile as Mags spoke.
"How long?"
"Couple days, can I have my drink now," Mags stared at the drink that Axl held in the air out of her reach. Mags hated, absolutely despised the fact she was short. Why was it that her older brother got all the tall genes from the family?
"One last question,"
Mags nodded at Axl, waiting for him to ask.
"Is she okay?"
This question caught Mags off guard. Why the fuck did he care? She was Duff's girlfriend, not his.
"She's been better, but a hell of a lot worst. Why?" Mags hadn't meant for her tone to come out as sweet, but it did.
"I know about....." before Axl could finish Trixy walked into the room and immediately walked on over towards them. Mags and Axl  shared a look before Mags headed to sit down, joining her brother on the couch.
Mags sent him a simple look, but he knew exactly what it meant. We can talk about this later. 
Part of Mags began to worry about Delilah as time flew by backstage. Successful gigs and moments like this would come and go before any of them would know it, so Mags shot the worry about Delilah to the back of her head. She was with Duff who, unlike Axl, wasn't a complete idiot. Mags decided to enjoy this moment with her brother.
"Someone should go get lover boy, Tommy said that the press might be bugging us backstage too," Izzy broke everyone's conversation as he spoke.
"Lover boy?"
"Duff," Mags quickly said answering Stef's question.
"You call him lover boy because he had a crush on her?" Stef waited for a response as she spoke. If Duff was a lover boy why wasn't Steven or Axl? They all had girlfriends.
"No, we call him lover boy because hanging out with him before him and Delilah were dating was insufferable," Slash replied before having a drink.
"It was without a doubt some of the most cringeworthy flirting I have EVER SEEN," Axl added while him and Trixy joined everyone by the couches.
"Cringeworthy how?" Trixy was more than curious on how Duff made an absolute fool out of himself.
"So quick background about Del, she is from a religious family, and Duff starts coming at her with these pickup lines with HEAVY sexual innuendos," By now Slash was trying to hide his laughter, but was failing.
"She just didn't get what he was going after or you can tell that she is feeling pretty uncomfortable at what he was insinuating. He was striking out left and right. He even got to the point where I caught him brainstorming jokes and pickup lines to tell her," Izzy added.
"How did they...you know...get together," Stef was beyond invested in their story.
"I have no fucking idea! One moment we don't see her for a week. Then one day we're celebrating with a breakfast and she is there with some other people. She then stops by and says hi. Mags ends up inviting her to the next show and boom! They are are dating," Slash was almost mystified at how quickly things went for the pair. He thought he would never see Delilah again. Never hear from her.
Mags sat remaining quiet for a few seconds hoping the topic would change from Duff and Delilah. She felt dirty talking about Delilah behind her back.
"That's weird," Trixy said earning a glare from Mags.
"What? I'm just saying it's weird for someone to be gone for a week without a spec of communication and then suddenly she is practically with you guys 24/7," Trixy threw up her arms in defense. She was just saying what everyone was thinking. Something wasn't adding up with the girl.
"What is your problem with Del, Trixy? She seems like a sweetheart?" Stef was absolutely done with Trixy's bull shit.
Axl rolled his eyes as he shoved Trixy's legs off of his lap.
"Izzy, we should go grab the lovebirds," Axl's voice was monotone as Izzy followed him out of the room.
"So where the fuck do you think they are?" Axl had overheard Izzy and Duff talking earlier, he assumed they were discussing a certain blonde's plans for the night.
"He was able to get Tommy's dressing room. For some reason he wanted some alone time with Delilah," Izzy's smirk was present on his face when he spoke earning a laugh from Axl.
"Yeah, I don't blame him," Axl quickly replied earning nod from Izzy as they weaved their way to get them.
"That without a doubt was our best fuckin show so far. The girls were eating you and Slash up as you guys danced around. Did you see the red head in the front row?" Izzy asked thinking back to the chick with the barely there dress that was one jump away from exposing her breasts.
"She was fuckin hot," Axl immediately replied.
"Did you guys fuckin lose something," Axl and Izzy were pulled out of their conversation by Nikki yelling across the hall. By the sweat that had covered him and a snickering Tommy head to toe, they must have just finished their set.
"Yeah my Bassist, heard you might know where he is," Izzy placed his hand in front of Axl and stepped forward towards them.
"This a-way," Tommy chuckled as he motioned for them to follow him. Nikki all too curious as to where they were heading, followed.
The room was filled with laughter as Duff continued to tell her how he used to have blue hair.
"Blue hair? Like the color of Kool-aid?" Delilah giggled.
"Hey, It looked good. It was very punk!," Duff tried to defend himself only earning more laughter from Delilah.
"Sure," Delilah teased grabbing the bottle of vodka Duff was currently drinking and ran across the room.
Duff couldn't take his eyes off of Delilah who now stood in only her underwear across the room waving the bottle of vodka over her head as high in the air as she could.
"You're going to have to hold it a little higher in the air if you're going to try to get it out of my reach," Delilah laughed as she watched him stand up wearing nothing more than his underwear.
"Come on giraffe, I'd like to see you try to grab it from me," Delilah now stood on her tip toes.
Duff chased Delilah around the room with their laughter echoing around them. Within a minutes Duff wrapped his arm around Delilah's waist, stopping her in her tracks.
"Now this feels like a very similar situation," Duff whispered into Delilah's ear.
"The night we first met," Delilah tilted her head back to look up into his eyes fondly remembering the night.
"You know you promised to show me the stage  that night, but I believe you got a little distracted," Delilah teased back recalling how the second the pair left the room where the others were, Duff immediately kissed her. Delilah would never admit to him it was her first kiss, at least not yet. 
"Could you blame me?" Delilah blushed at his devious smile before he guided her back to the couch and climber on top of her.
"Now I'm gonna show you what I wanted to do to you the first night I first saw you," Every hair on Delilah's back shot up as Duff whispered into her ear. She felt like she couldn't breathe. The butterflies that had grown in her stomach were currently in complete chaos.
Duff leaned in and kissed Delilah. It wasn't a sweet kiss like the many they had shared before. This kiss was hungry.
Delilah let a moan escape her as he began to grind on top of her.
"DUFF," the loud pounding that quickly followed after Axl yelled Duff's name caused Delilah's face to flush tomato read.
"FUCK OFF AXL," Duff looked at Delilah and sighed as he saw her eyes dart around the room in panic.
"I should...I...uh...I'm.." Delilah squirmed out from under Duff and walked around the room looking for her clothes.
"SOMEONE WANTS TO TALK TO US, DO PICS OF THE BAND. YOU CAN FUCK DEL LATER," by the tone in Axl's voice, Delilah knew this was only going to escalate.
"Duff come on, let's just go. I don't want to cause any problems, tonight is your band's night," Delilah faked a smile for Duff who was now dressed.
The two of them stood frozen starring at the door. Duff looked over at her and his heart sunk. She looked like a dear in headlights. She was practically shaking as she stared at the door. Duff walked over towards her and gently wrapped his arm around her face.
"Remember my promise," Duff whispered and leaned down to kiss her.
"Remember, you and me, Delly," he looked down at her and tried to hide a small laugh.
"Hey! What's that for, do I look weird?" Delilah scrunched her face as she talked.
"Sometimes I forget how short you are,"
"Heeeey," Delilah playfully pushed herself away unable to keep her laugh hidden.
"YOU TWO DONE YET," this time the voice was Izzy. Duff assumed that Axl had stormed off not wanting to wait for them.
"Alright Giraffe, let's get going," Delilah teased. Nerves were shooting through Delilah as Duff opened the door.
"Hey guys! Wasn't the crowd killer tonight?" Duff said to Nikki and Tommy. Delilah smiled as he was purposefully pulling the attention towards himself.
"Dude it was FUCKING INSANE," Tommy cheered back.
"Yeah, rowdy crowd," Nikki smirked at Delilah unnoticed by Duff who was now talking to Tommy. It was hard for him not to notice the hickeys that Duff had left on her. It was clear that she tried to cover it with her hair, but she horribly failed.
Delilah immediately looked away and complimented Izzy's hat. Did she sound completely stupid? Yes. Izzy just returned back a smile and thanked her. 
"LETS FUCKING GO!" Axl yelled absolutely fed up.
"See you guys at our place afterwords!" Tommy yelled as they walked away.
"I have a theory," Delilah whispered to Duff.
"His hair is a shade of red because he is angry all the time," Delilah replied earning a snort from Duff.
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