#like yall don't and will never understand mental illness until you see how severely it affects the person and everyone aroun them
yoharrysaidshe · 22 days
#i know two schizophrenic people and one of them being literally the worst person i've ever met and in my life is kinda wild to think about#the other person i love her i really do and i wish i had the energy to help her rn but i don't#i'm at a breaking point#like yall don't and will never understand mental illness until you see how severely it affects the person and everyone aroun them#like this shit is UGLY relationship destroying life ruining pathogen type beat i hate it here so bad#like the quality of life is abysmal#i wonder how it is to not have to deal with it must be heaven on earth#sorry just wanted to vent and this is kind of barely coherent#thoughts#also the resources to help ppl like this are practically nonexistent and this country needs to burn#at every turn it's been apathetic beaucracy and incompetency#if you don't have monu they said fuck you and die#we gotta burn this place#and honestly it just feels like a bunch of judgement for not draling with the circumstances better sympathetic condolences#and glad-that's-not-me's#really sucks to be us energy fr rn ://#all or our youth is passing us by and its just... beyond our control#mum's wailing in her room in utter despair bc mentally ill sister got evicted bc she's been swiping ppl's packages from their front doors#for months#really wanna d1e#i love the former person this i mainly about (sister) but most days if not every day i hate her is the god's honest truth#but also i get why she's here and how she's got there and relate to a lot of her hatred of everyone and everything including herself but ya#there's too much there#and i'm not strong enough for forgiveness and neither is she#so she's on the streets god knows where with a fucking dog and she's gonna appear tomorrow morning again and ofc we'll let her in#sigh#my sobriety was kinda nice for the last 7 months it lasted
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kyubbikyut · 3 years
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mental illness, abuse, blood, murder mentioned
juric stans where yall at
obsessive relationship ¡
juyeon suffered from OCPD but he didn't knew it. Currently he's in relationship with eric, his 20 year-old boyfriend. He had been always controlling eric, if eric didn't obeyed him, he'd hit him. he had abused him several times, actually.
Eric woke up that morning. Juyeon approached him and kissed eric's lips softly. " morning, baby, " eric smiled softly and he hugged juyeon.
"now go, shower. then we can go out to get something for breakfast," juyeon said and eric pouted. "five more minutes, please,"
"i said now," juyeon raised his voice. eric was currently in the 2nd year of college, he graduated earlier but he decided to re-study and re-took the exams.
eric bit his lower lips, listening to the other, he quickly got up and went to get ready for college. as usual, juyeon brought some food, then sent him off to school and he went back home doing house chores.
"eric, hey, how are you?" sunwoo asked. "I'm still sleepy," eric rubbed his eyes and bomin came over them. "you should get rid off him, bro, before its late,"
he said and there sanha came, all of them walked together to the class. "what's today's plan," sunwoo asked bomin. bomin was trying to solving some problematic mathematics questions.
" uhh, I have to get my homie back then I'm free." bomin said and put up his head. " cool, we can go drink or partying later," sunwoo smiled. eric whose eating the sandwiches quietly looked at them.
" can I follow too?" he asked, making the other three of his friends looked at him in disbelief. " why? " bomin looked back at his work paper and lightly screamed. "ah, fuck! I forgot the formula again," he said and quickly scribble the other paper.
"you knew how juyeon acted, right?" sunwoo asked. eric nods and he looked at sanha. "bro, I'm 100.000 percent sure. you'll not make it alive if he found out," sanha said and took a sip of his caprisun juice.
eric pouted and he looked at the problematic bomin whose trying to solving the questions. "bomin-ah, let me see them," eric said, trying to get rid off the topic they're talking about.
he hated when people talked bad about juyeon. he knew that his lover suffered from a mental illness. but he loved him so he promised to himself to make things better for him and juyeon.
he stared at the question and he shrugged. "bruh, bomin this is so simple how can you not do it, oh my gosh," _ "you're a genius, that's easy for you," bomin pouted.
they continued class as usual and went back home except for sunwoo and sanha who had their part-time job together at a local restaurant. sunwoo and eric raised their eyebrow.
" it's okay, I understand you," sunwoo said and eric nods. "he got hotter than usual," sunwoo squinted his eyes as he looked at juyeon. "shut up," eric grinned and walked to juyeon.
juyeon put his phone back in the pocket and hugged the younger. "how's class today?" juyeon asked. "it's great," eric smiled and juyeon caresses his cheeks lightly.
"let's go home, i made some apple pie for you," eric smiled and they walked to the car, getting home as quick as possible. then he putted his bag beside the study table, he grab his towel and went to shower. while juyeon in other hand, he reheated the mushroom soup that he cooked earlier and went to toast some breads.
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"juyeonnie, can I.. ask you something?" eric stopped munching on his food and look at juyeon. "sure, sweetheart. what is it?" juyeon looked at eric with his sharp eyes, making eric almost scared to ask.
"well, my friends always went to parties and they're together all the time until late night," he said and juyeon hummed, telling the younger to continue his words.
"well by any chance, can I go together with them? I never go to any party," eric pouted, but his eyes shaked as juyeon puts his cutlery down. he started to shivered lightly.
"I've told you before, it's a no. if you want party, you have to go with me." juyeon said. "b-but those boys are sunwoo, bomin and sanha! you know them well too,"
"eric, I said no, no is enough" _ "freak, you didn't let me do anything! you treated me like I am your pet or something!" eric raised his voice. he then realised what he just said and did. "what? eric, you just raised your voice," juyeon said.
' fuck ' eric cussed in his thoughts. he probably knew what's going to happened. juyeon gets up as eric stayed there. he went to take a glass of hot water and put it on the table.
he walked passed eric as the younger trembles. he took out a rope and tied his hands back he pulled eric's hair harshly back, making him screamed a bit. he took a small cloth and put it inside eric's mouth, preventing him from screaming.
juyeon poured the hot water on eric's neck, eric screamed in pain into the clothes. he began to cried and screamed.
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"are you okay?" sanha asked and eric could hummed as a response. he was wearing a grey hoodie that sunwoo once gave him on his birthday. but something was off because he was wearing a turtle neck and a facial mask.
"hey, what's wrong?" sunwoo checked on eric, he didn't see any new bruises on his hands though. eric pulled off them and walked away from them.
"eat," sunwoo gave him a leftover sandwich he gets earlier. "just a bit, come on," sunwoo said but eric kept shaking his head. bro, what's wrong?" bomin pulled off eric's mask.
"holy- eric! what did that shit do to you," they saw the skin of eric's neck that redder, probably getting burnt from the water. sunwoo pulled off the turtle neck quickly, they saw the scars too.
"he's going overboard," sunwoo said. "I thought he just beat you or something. bitch, he poured hot water on you," sunwoo cursed and he looked away.
"listen, we'll get you out from that hell, we promised," bomin said. "I'll help too," hyunjin appeared from nowhere. he's used to be eric's ex-boyfriend back then before he met juyeon.
"hyunjin.." eric whispered lightly. "we'll text you tonight, is that okay?" hyunjin asked. "he hold my phone after 12," eric said. hyunjin hummed. "it's okay, we can still text you, right?" sunwoo asked and eric nods. "okay here's the plan.."
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that night the both was together, hugging and cuddling each other like nothing happened. suddenly eric's phone rang. it was around 9pm so he still can communicate with the other.
he picked up the phone. "first, go to a nearest room," bomin whispered lightly. eric got into the bathroom because they don't have any other room. eric opened up the shower. "great, now just wait,"
juyeon heard a knock from the door and he went to reach it. there's hyunjin in a delivery man cosplay while wearing a mask. "delivery for eric sohn?" juyeon nods and took the packaging bag from him.
something cool happened from the other side, bomin and sanha just entered the house from the main window and they quickly ran to a closet, hiding in them. juyeon put the package on the table. he knocked the bathroom door and went back to the couch.
eric walked out and went to kitchen. juyeon glances at him and looked back at the tv. eric peeked back and saw bomin and sanha. they all nods together as eric putted a large bowl and the stove and let it opened, then he walked back to juyeon.
bomin tried to move as his sleeve stucked on a hanger, he fell off and juyeon looked at them. " bomin? sanha?" he said weirdly. "what are you guys doing here?" juyeon said and grab eric's arm harshly, pulling him closer.
"fucker, don't do that to him," bomin cursed. "do what?" juyeon asked. "bruh you abused your fucking boyfriend," sanha said. they get into a mouth fight while sunwoo and hyunjin outside were planning a plan B.
eric was wearing an airpods but juyeon didn't realise. "eric, find the most sharp things nearer you, stab him! quick!" hyunjin said. eric could see a pair of scissors nearby him. he managed to take it and hide it.
juyeon in other hand were punching sanha, both of them were in fight. "eric, quick!" sunwoo said and he grabbed the scissors, he firmly hold them and he closed his eyes, stabbing juyeon's back.
he dropped the scissors and he fell. what did he just do? did he killed him? many thoughts came across eric's mind that time. bomin picked up eric and brought him out as they realised the house is getting foggy due to gas pipe leakage eric did earlier,
sanha pushed juyeon aside and they gets out. "eric! gosh thank god you're okay" sunwoo smiled. eric couldn't say anything as he couldn't stop thinking about juyeon.
"I'm sorry guys," eric said as they were sitting together quietly. "what do you mean?" sanha asked and eric looked at the house, he began to cry. he gets up slowly before running back to the house, he gets into the house and closed the window.
the other started to running off to eric, they tried to open the window but eric locked it. they can't do anything other than watch both of them dying because of the gas.
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