#love the designs! all of them are so shaped
nebelihood · 1 day
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Hello it's been many years and I'm still trying to accept (and LOVE) myself ajahsj (It's a process aarghh)
The gum in my teeth, the smaller eye, the fat face, the uneven side, the droppy eyes, the hairy arms, all the imperfections that should shape a more interesting character design. Easy to accept in others but so hard to understand in yourself. It's a process.
Here are some random drawings trying to find some appeal on them ahajsh B))
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drill-teeth-art · 5 hours
I have no idea how to ask but here goes…
How do you shape your characters and your designs so good??? The shapes of them are soo good! Big, slim, sharp, round, etc! They’re all so good, how do you design them so well??
I could write an entire book on character design and how it's changed over the years and how open ended it is and what I think are good principles and what commonly shared rules are honestly a bit too overly restricted because I'm crazy about character design but! Shape work. Let's stick to that for now.
Now of course for bodies and body types my number one recommendation is: For the love of god look at real people of different body types look at actual photos of fat people and skinny people with different bodies different distributions of their weight look at disabled bodies look at trans bodies look at people of all different races and draw them and learn PLEASE.
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Here's a little design principle I like to work with that I find very helpful for spicing up my designs. I find the common character design advice of "simplify your design to ONE major shape motif! circles for friendly characters. squares for stubborn characters. and triangles for villains." to be overly restrictive. And of course the pros giving you that advice aren't trying to say you have to do every design in that framework every time. But they're not really going into detail on how you can use more shapes to add more layers and interest to your character design. Also tbh I think that the "circles for friendly characters and etc" piece of advice is stupid actually. You can easily make a villain character that is all circles and a hero that is all triangles. Plenty exist already in media.
I see a lot of people trying to diversify their body types fall into this trap of drawing all their fat characters with the same fat body type. And even if it is an accurate way fat distributes, it's still not representative of the diversity in fat bodies. Something that helped me (along with looking at references) was introducing secondary shapes. An additional shape motif. As you can see on Toxi here, he's mainly circles and round shapes. But I also added a crescent motif! To broaden his shoulders more and give a pointy and sharp edge to him.
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Your primary shape for a fat character doesn't even need to be a circle. Tempos is square heavy with roundness as the supporting shape to emphasize how unassuming and soft he deliberately tries to look. And you can apply this to characters who are slimmer too. Conductus is composed of longer rectangles supported by triangles to emphasize its speed and electrical theme.
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Viperos' major rounded shapes are supported by triangles to emphasize their flexibility and power. Gaz's square shapes are pushed with round shapes to make him look stronger and more agile. Mesmeris' crescent heavy design is supported with squares to help her look sturdy and imposing. And it's all about context too.
Squares can read as sturdy and trustworthy or rigid and intimidating. Circles can be soft and friendly or flexible and slippery. Triangles can be speed and cunning but also power and mystery. It's not about saying "circles are always friendly!". You can make villains who are round and imposing. It's more about "I want my character to come across as (blank)" and picking what major and minor shapes you want to use to support that. And (blank) shouldn't be just one word. "I want my character to come across as fast and agile while also being large and round" is a much more clear goal for your design than "I want my character to come across as fast".
And again as always please use references of real people too. You can study my art, and I highly encourage you to study the art of other artists you like and how they design characters. And I highly encourage you to get a solid foundation of "what different bodies look like irl" so you can also be respectful and accurate in your depictions. And remember that creativity doesn't occur in a vacuum. Please take the time to also sit down and watch movies or look at animals or read books or look at videos of machines working or whatever. Look at tons of media. Creative designs don't just spawn from my brain. Toxi's look is partially inspired by centipedes that crawl on ceilings I saw a video of. Viperos' look was inspired by snakes and also roadrunners. I was inspired by that Virus Ghost from Scooby Doo And The Cyberchase for Conductus' look. Please remember research is ALSO part of the design process. So I appreciate you asking me how I do things because asking questions is part of good research!
Anyway! Long ramble! Hope all this helps you in your design endeavors.
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maniculum · 2 days
Bestiaryposting Results: Hraetnug
We've got a good variety of results here, so I'm just going to run through the usual stuff and get to them.
If anyone isn't sure what this "bestiaryposting" thing is about, you can find an explanation and previous entries at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting.
All of the art below is based on this entry:
If you want to participate, next week's bestiaryposting will be based on this entry:
And the art is below the cut:
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) decided something with wings that doesn't fly might well be a flightless bird, and has drawn a very good penguin/auk/thing. I really like how it's posed against the starry sky; it's evocative. For additional details, check the linked post.
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@ectocs (link to post here) thought of sea turtles instead -- which I can totally see. I've had the good fortune to witness a few sea turtle hatchings, and the description of the eggs in the sand absolutely tracks. However, there's the issue that the idea of wing-shaped fins is not compatible with "its feet are like those of a camel" -- hence the very cool shell design. I like it; it's quite clever. The linked post contains some additional discussion of the thoughts and inspirations behind this design, go look at it. (Also, thank you for providing alt text.)
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has taught me a new word with this post -- xerocolous. Also, we have a medieval-style dragon here, complete with that ubiquitous wavy-eared head -- it does fully fit the description, too. Always appreciate a little medieval styling; those damned ears made me smile. There's additional explanation in the linked post -- also, thank you for providing alt text.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) has laid out a brief but excellent explanation of their design process. It seems to have gone like this:
"What animals do this with their eggs?" "Snakes do that." "But snakes don't have wings or camel-like feet." "This one does."
Brilliant. Love it. No notes. (Also thank you for providing alt text.)
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@pomrania (link to post here) also went with "flightless bird" and admits the inadvertent resemblance of their design to Big Bird -- it does have a certain Muppet-like quality, I must say. For additional information, please see the linked post. I particularly like the note that giving it a "no thoughts head empty" facial expression was fully intentional.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) also thought of sea turtles and then questioned how this could be compatible with the camel feet. Their solution, which I think came out extremely well here, was to simply draw a camel/turtle hybrid. I kind of love this design -- and, of course, the stylized art.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) has drawn a very charming flightless bird. I really like the sort of shaggy design, which I assume is indicative of kiwi-style feathers. As is normally the case, Strixcattus has also included a modern naturalist-style interpretation of the animal, which I, as usual, recommend reading via the linked post.
To the Aberdeen Bestiary...
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Once again, this is basically the same bird we see in a bunch of these, with the exception of its (surprisingly accurate) camel-like feet. However, this is in fact the ostrich. (I have no idea why one of them appears to be eating the eggs.)
I honestly don't have a lot to add here. Bit surprising to see a different set of myths about the ostrich rather than the "head in the sand" thing.
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puffins-studio · 1 day
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Zombies AU! 🦠
I got to sew another set of Spydoc doll to add to @picnokinesis ’s fic collection! I was given free reign for koschei’s outfit so obviously I did my best to go all out 😆 even added some extra grim! Image description and explanation of his outfit with all the little Easter eggs and things is under the cut
Even if you don’t like the idea of zombies I highly this fic, am not really one for the gore in zombie movies but this fic it have big on the science side of zombies and am a sucker for and it’s don so nicely! I absolutely love it!
@picnokinesis Zombie AU “Future Dust (blood and rust)”
Bonus pictures of our little meet up! Which was totally amazing!! Taka is just a brilliant and kind person! So am really happy I get to make them dolls base on their fics! As always they just turn out to be really fun to make!
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For costumes designed I like zombie koschei’s look as it’s match’s 13’s, the brown shoes, blue pants, purple shirt/sweater. there also a thing going around of villains wearing sweaters but it also give a misleading soft look and the zombie virus probably makes him cold. His jacket have a grey inside and a hood. He also in the same color palette as camper van koschei. I was trying to make him match with Theo and her jacket as what are the chances that they found matching jackets and put them on because it reminds them of each other. A little detail that I added just because I thought he be crazy enough to do something like that, you can see it in the picture but I put a little piece of green felt that matches theo’s bandanna around his wrist just under his sleeve like there a bracelet as if he found a piece of her and he wanted to keep her close/ maybe if it the other way around. And I also just switched which sides their hair parts to what they have in campervan
[ID: The pictures is of two felt doll that are the shape of a gingerbread man with a big head, one is supposed to be the Thirteenth Doctor and the other is Dhawan Master from Picnokinesis’s fic. Dhawan master have light brown felt for skin, black hair with a fringe to his left and sideburns hanging past his ears. He also have brown spotting over his face for scaring. He have on brown shoes, dark blue pants, a purple sweater and a brown jacket hoodie with a grey lining. Thirteen has shoulder length, dirty blonde hair that hang just pass her ears. She has on 13’s purple rainbow stripe shirt, cargo pants and black shoes, and a brown jacket and a green bandanna around her neck. She also has a green backpack with a brown sleeping bag rolled up on top, a metal pipe sticking out of it. With a little embroidery of a planet with a ring, a moon, and a star to be a Easter egg for camper van there a virus shape keychain. 1st picture is them together, 2nd is a picture of the back of the doctor to see her backpack with a brown sleeping bag and a felt metal pipe sticking out of the top, 3rd is a picture of her front, and the 4th is a close up of the master.:ID]
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archie-sunshine · 2 days
bayverse and knightverse r separate tho? the backstory on cybertron is completely different, bumblebee has a completely different story arc and lost his voice by different mechs, optimus has two opposite idealogies— altho if ur just against drawinf complex live-action robots, thats valid. i just dont understand when ppl group the two continuities together, theyre so distinct to me!! and knight and bay have 2 different visions for what the tf franchise is like. knight's 2018 movie was character driven and the bay movies r action focused. anyway sorry for the ramble i just think theyre v different and i love knightverse but hate bayverse
again if its just "no live action" thats valid and ill sit down
alright alright now slow your roll speedracer theres no reason to get defensive! Its okay, im sorry for not knowing the difference between the two, TOTALLY didn't mean to, i havent often heard knightverse referred to as such
see, my problem with the live action movies isnt their plotlines (i havent seen them except for bumblebee and rotb) its their designs.
so youve probably followed me for a bit, but even if you havent youve seen the way i draw. its all pretty simple shapes and i dont typically draw anything too terribly detailed, right?
And the opposite of that is the transformers live action designs. even the newest movie, ROTB, with characters i know and really like are a struggle. i very rarely draw mirage for that exact reason, there is JUST. TOO. MUCH. DETAIL. I personally find their faces, up close especially, a little bit incomprehensible, so if i wanted to consistently draw them i would have to pare down the details, and stuff would get lost, and jumbled, and they might not end up as recognizeable.
I typically stray away from the live action designs for that reason, not out of any malice.
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bluejay-flies · 8 hours
Design Contest Results
It’s time to reveal the winners of the design contest! First off, I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who joined. Your enthusiasm and dedication to this was amazing to see. This could not have happened without you guys, so thank you!
Before I reveal the winners, I’d like everyone to take a look at and appreciate the amazing designs everyone’s created. Truly, this was even harder to judge than last year, every single design deserves a medal.
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This design is by @ricksoo! I love how you have the power radiating from their chest and flowing through their body like veins. It’s such a nice detail, especially since the power surge in their chest is shaped like a flower blossom! Awesome job ^^
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This design is by @haycoat-art! Choosing to take the bluebonnet prompt and make it a porcelain Mewtwo is such a creative idea, and I think it turned out beautifully! The pattern is gorgeous, and I love the detail of the cracks leaking water(I think? It might be blood), because of course a Mewtwo made of porcelain would be delicate. The creativity for this one is astounding!
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This design is by @altaria-andthe-two! Absolutely gorgeous art, the flower at the end of the tail is beautiful! The leave sprouting from the base of the tail and the flowers creeping up their second neck and around their head has such a cool effect. Such a neat design!!
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This design is by @tokyoteddywolf! The patterns on this one are just beautiful, the wavy lines almost seem like water, and the fade between colors on the tail mimics a bluebonnet wonderfully. I love how this one is more blue themed, with the only bit of green being the bluebonnet they’re holding. Amazing design!
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This design was by @risingbrightness! My favorite part of this one is how the tail fades from blue to white to yellow. Blue and white can be difficult to fade into each other and not look too abrupt, and you did it perfectly! The little cape they have with a bluebonnet broach is so freaking cute, I just want to give this Mewtwo a hug. Awesome job!!
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This design is by @fluffymuffincentral! I love this mew so much, the fluffy chest fur seems to mimic flower petals, and the little white spots all over their body seem like stars. Such a beautiful (and huggable!) mew!! Such a cool design ^^
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This design is by @elegantcollectionpenguin! This design uses a lot more yellow than any of the others, and I honestly love it so much!! It contrasts the blue and purple so nicely, which can be difficult to do because they’re very different colors. You’ve managed to pull it off stunningly! Amazing work, they’re such a pretty ‘two!
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This was by @mushroom-for-art!! Bonbon is such a cute name for this guy! The tail being a flower seems to be a common theme for these, but every single person has done it slightly differently. I love how the flowers are mostly white with yellow pollen, the edges slightly tinged with blue. The vines extending from the base of the tail are gorgeous as well, and together it gives such a nice, flowery vibe. Such an amazing design! ^^
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This design was by @starintheday! I love how this one uses so many blues and purples, they all go so well together. And the contrast of the green tipped tail and paws looks super cool! I love a stripy mew and this is exactly what that is. Amazing job!!
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This design was made by @jet-the-hedgehog! Before I say anything about the design, I want you to know your style is freaking adorable. Those eyes!! I love them!! As for the colors, it’s so cool that you have the face almost completely white. The fade between that and the blue of the body is really neat, it looks a lot like how the flower’s coloring fades in really life! And of course, the stem-like tail really ties the whole theme together. Well done!!
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This is by @vanessa-the-mewtwo! Oh my gosh, this one is just absolutely stunning. The flower crown, the vines wrapping around the tail and the tip being the flowery petals, and the ears being un-opened flower buds all contribute to such a regal looking mew, not to mention the flower wrist cuffs! Such a fancy little guy, they’re rightfully name Quiing. They look like a King!! Such an amazing design. Bravo!
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This design was by @ghost1286! I love the contrast with the deep blue of the tail and the purple at the tip! It looks super cool, and I honestly think the abrupt change of color rather than a slow fade had a really nice effect. Awesome design!!
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This design was by @waffledragon10! The flowers around the neck are stunning-they genuinely look real!! I love how fluffy and flowery they are, and the stem tail breaking off at the end into leaves is really beautiful. Another gorgeous, regal mew!!
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This design is by @gunllet! Easily the most unique out of everyone, I really like the armor on them! It’s a really neat idea to have it attached to their body, and it looks really painful, poor guy :(
Awesome design!
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And finally, this design is by @a-shy-mimiktwo! You went for darker blues than most people, and I really love how it turned out! The sharper fades look really cool, and I love the yellow tipped tail. It goes so well with the rest of the colors! Such a cool design ^^
And that’s all of the designs! Genuinely, this was the hardest decision I’ve had to make in a while. Everyone did so well, I just sat here on my phone for probably an hour typing out this post and just utterly baffled at how I was going to choose the winners.
But here they are!! Please, give your congratulations to these three people and their designs.
In first place, we have….
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@haycoat-art’s design!! What won me over was the sheer creativity of it. I’d have never thought someone would do a porcelain Mewtwo, and then you pull this beautiful design out of your pocket! Amazing job.
In second place, we have…
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Quiing by @vanessa-the-mewtwo!! I just love how regal looking they are, and the amount of care you put into the flower and leaf placement is amazing. Such a cool design!
And finally, in third place, we have…
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@waffledragon10’s design!! Third place was the hardest for me to choose, everyone did such an amazing job. I had at least five designs I couldn’t choose between! But in the end, the flowery ruff just pulled me in. It’s like a whole garden in there, and I just think it’s such a cool idea!! Wonderful design ^^
And that’s it! Winners, you can DM me a picture of the character you’d like me to draw, and I’ll have it done ASAP! Everyone has full ownership of their designs and can use them for whatever they want, no credit needed. You made it after all!
To everyone who joined, thank you so much for participating. It made me so happy to see everyone’s art, and I’d love to do another when we hit 300!
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mosaickiwi · 23 hours
Fall Unto Me (epilogue hehe)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Demon!Ren and Angel!Angel my otp!!! I think saying I won't write anymore compels me to write more somehow................... sowwee I just keep lying :3c
cw// religious themes
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
Moonlight gleamed on the gentle waves pushing back and forth to meet the shore. You sat at the water’s edge with your lover, legs curled under you to lean against his side, your fingers drawing shapes in the wet sand that only lived a few fleeting seconds, then washed away in the water's wake. 
The blue eyed demon kept an arm around you for warmth. You still felt cold, sometimes even during the day. It bothered him more than you. Ren silently watched you etch shapes, though they didn't pay as much attention as usual. He was lost in thought.
Almost a year had gone by since the dreaded night that wouldn't leave their mind in peace, when heaven had burned away all you’d ever known without a care for the loneliness you felt afterwards. A nightmare that was sure to stain decades of eternity with you. Centuries past his own damned fall from heaven's gate, they still found a way to punish him.
Your heart healed quickly with his doting and comfort, but the physical scars remained. Each morning was a glimpse of heaven and hell. He was always awake before you, but to ever leave your side would pain them like nothing else. So he waited. You'd open your eyes, smile at him as if he was the paradise you'd treasured dearly—how could you still choose to grace a monster like them with your sacred beauty? Your presence? Your love?—then crawl from the sheets to stretch and start your day. 
The two jagged streaks of seared flesh on your back greeted him like a cruelly blinding sunrise. He could only wonder where everything went wrong.
He hadn’t meant for it to happen so soon. Your fated fallen angel had already waited millennia to meet you again, and he was intent on waiting infinitely more until you were ready. Because they knew you’d eventually come to desire him, to yearn for their embrace above all others. But you’d fallen—both in love and divinity—faster than he dared to wish for. Nevermind a thousand years, you were taken with him in barely a day, even if it took you much longer to realize the gaze you set upon him in the setting sun was more than just curiosity. 
It must have been destiny’s twisted attempt at design. He didn’t expect you that day in heaven’s library, but they were meant to belong to you from the moment— 
“Ren,” you spoke as softly as the ocean’s gentle breeze. Still, they heard you loud and clear through the muddled sea of their mind. You were the only being who could ever pull him ashore. Or astray. 
“Yes, little angel?” he answered. The nickname burned in his heart to use now, but the way your eyes glittered with love like the moon and stars above when they said it… he yearned for that happiness to last as long as it could.
“Did I spell it right?” He cast his gaze to where you pointed. Just out of the crawling reach of lapping waves, you’d written something in the starlit sand.
They’d written your name thousands, maybe even millions of times over and over to keep him sane enough to find his only solace in you. Seeing it here, finally in your own handwriting was something else entirely. He’d commit it to memory.
“Exactly right,” Ren smiled down at your handiwork and leaned over to write the three letters of his name under yours. They were all he could remember of the real name heaven had stolen away. Though it’d been so long that he wasn’t even sure if they were correct.
You stared for a moment, then drummed your fingers on your thigh. “Your real one was certainly longer than this,” you muttered to yourself. 
Your companion absently nodded, those innocent words haunting him with another memory. He’d spilled his heart out months ago in a moment of weakness, one morning when the sight of your scars broke him. About the real first time you met, his own fall from grace, his sinful intentions to take you with him some day. Everything that he feared would make you hate him. It was a way to punish himself further. Heaven’s permanent reminder wasn’t enough—but you forgave everything with ease like the angel you truly were. 
I’d go through it all again if it meant you’d be mine, you told him. As if it was a simple choice. You were more upset to hear that you couldn’t call his true name. That worthless excuse of a god had made a mistake to let you go—one Ren would never even think to make.
The demon had developed an odd habit of brooding. You kissed his cheek to get his attention, one hand lacing through theirs. “Ren, there’s nothing to worry about. Why don’t we go swim? Or take a walk?”
He meant to answer, but a harsh shiver suddenly tore through your body. You felt cold again, even to him. A lance of pain from his own ill fated guilt, and he carefully stood, lifting you into his ink-stained arms. “Let’s go home.” You were clearly about to frown, and he had to correct himself. “Little angel, let’s go home.”
Not even the moon could outshine the immediate smile you brightened his world with.
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crabussy · 1 month
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the perfect specimen vs the perfect specimen + me as lead character designer + double the original show budget
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sysig · 5 months
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You keep underestimating others and it’ll come back to bite you (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Sans#Gaster#Papyrus#And a touch more Fellplates for the road lol#Fellplates#Starting with Sans tho! The poor tired thing </3#He has to put up with an awful lot for all the didn't-ask-for-this and single HP about it#Since it's been so long away I forgot how fun he was to draw - so many lovely designs all over ♪#Onto Fellplates - technically a spacefiller idea that ended up being fun and silly#As much as attaching metal GPS devices to your experiment-children hands can be anyway#Fell!Gaster makes them rose gold to go along with his whole pastel vibe lol#That doesn't make it better Gaster! That's literally just a veneer!#I do love just how extremely done Sans is with him tho lol#Goes right to Papyrus like ''Hey so y'know those ideals could you maybe bend them just a little bit for me as a favour''#Little baby Fell!Papyrus having to think about it! But from which direction hmmm#The Nature vs. Nurture of Fellplates really does interest me quite a bit ♪#Very especially the idea of being told you are ''bad'' and how that shapes you - classic Handplates also explores it! Why not Fellplates#And then back to classic lol - Sans is Angery™ and Gaster as usual Does Not Care#What's he gonna do about it throw him into the Core? Pfsh#Do not 1v1 your child Gaster it doesn't go well for anyone#And finally a couple more sillies of he#Being rude - of course lol - just don't let whoever it is you're insulting see you!#''I wasn't using my own hands'' ''It's the same thing! >:0'' lol#And just a simple one of him inspecting his own bullets :) Gotta make sure they're strong and sturdy! Got a lot of ATK/DEF to do!
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midoristeashop · 6 months
have you ever drawn Pitch before? i think you’ve drawn every character outside of him and North? i’m so curious on how they’d look like in your style!! (ps your style is so cool?! underated!)
Every drawing I have of pitch I’ve kept and buried since he is one of the few I feel I cannot get to look right 😭
Here are a couple I did a while ago!! I can never get to my clean lineart stage with him but here we are (also I’ve always loved concept art pitch so that’s where the sillies came from)
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As for north, I always draw him silly ( but I promise to do something cooler cuz duh it’s NORTH) have a silly north
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Thank u for your ask! <3
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anastoundingmango · 10 months
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all of them are such cringe teenagers. they’re perfect
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maukiki1 · 4 months
my son and his uncooked pasta bit-beast
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also heres th lineart bcs the lineart was especially laborious lol
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fluxydrawings · 1 year
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stickmen go brrr. couplea my friends’ve been drawin/talkin bout Purple recently so i thought id draw their designs/vaguely imitate their styles at the same time :)
Designs belong to: @chosec @alebrijediscordico and @navy-leader!
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rebexquest · 4 months
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Mmm, scrumptious scoundrels abound! Delectably delicious dungeon delvers, ready to dive in! (to charm form soon, probably--)
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2 gillions + 1 chibo = brainrot and happy feelings. ladies and gentlecolts mcas absolutely whipped my ass but we ball
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kirisclangen · 6 months
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She/her, 17 moons, cis molly (she's a butch though)
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