#oh yeah also I'm trans and the government where I live is currently trying to take my human rights away so there's that
furby-science · 9 months
Life Update Stuff
For anyone wondering where I've been and why I'm not answering asks and stuff (parent death cw)
My dad died November, 2020
My mom died June, 2022
Sometime between those dates I packed my computer away due to lack of space because I was stuck living with roommates
In July, 2023 I moved 1500 miles to someplace more affordable so I wouldn't have to live with roommates (I have a one bedroom now)
Also started a job at a new law firm
Only took the computer hard drive with me to save money, which means that:
I'm gonna need to buy a whole new computer rig, install Ubuntu on it and
Tear down Sterling to modify the file his microSD card uses to access wifi so I can
SSH into him and finally start coding again.
The only backups I have of Sterling are on that computer hard drive that's somewhere in my moving boxes lmao.
So yeah, getting back into furby hacking is gonna be a time, if I manage it at all. I hope I can because his code is in dire need of optimization. At the same time though, I'm kinda waiting to see what new STT technology comes out and maybe consider porting him over to that. I'd also like to find some kind of Pi Zero clone (or maybe something even smaller that that) with more RAM that doesn't get fuckoff hot while running. Probably a pipe dream considering the laws of physics, etc.
ANYWAYS, someday when I have a proper computer again and the raw nerve to take Sterling apart and essentially do brain surgery on him, I'll get back into coding. The problem with technology is it waits for no one. You have to constantly stay on top of things and I'm... several years out of practice.
But hey. We'll see.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 8 months
I think a lot of anti-voting posts miss the point.
It's not about voting for someone who doesn't give a shit about your human rights, whether You're disabled, trans, a POC, etc.
It's about getting another four years to use actually useful strategies that AREN'T voting to try and cause change. It's about delaying the worst and not letting people who are ACTIVELY TRYING TO KILL YOU get into power so you can work on everything from building stronger community support networks to getting ranked choice voting to make voting less futile to all sorts of other efforts.
I mean, yeah, I hate all the D options on the ballot. It's still better than fucking DeSantis McFascist. It's not about thinking elections are actually that effective. It's about doing one thing to try and keep things from getting worse.
Like yeah, Biden hasn't done jack shit for the marginalized groups I'm in.
He also hasn't actively endangered us one bit more than the fucked up system we're in already does.
I remember bills trying to cut SSI significantly under Trump. Multiple bills under Biden have been introduced trying to make it better, even if they're not NEARLY enough.
The whole point is that there's a difference between "maintaining a bad status quo allowing us TIME to fix things" and "voting for the person who would be quite happy to start an actual literal physical genocide". I genuinely sometimes feel like you could take any genocidal fascist dictator from the past at the very start of their rise to power and it would be an apt comparison to say people are saying "oh yeah Hitler/Stalin/Mussolini is really bad but their opposition won't actually FIX anything so why bother trying to keep them from coming into power".
Like no, I don't think that makes anyone a fascist or a plant themselves. I think it's just shortsighted and ignorant.
Right now, it's not about finding a candidate in our deeply broken system that shares our ideals and will achieve all our goals. It's about taking the safest option so that we have time to continue fixing the system ourselves. It's a bit like going to the doctor with a chronic illness - you're never gonna find one that is both competent AND listens to you AND won't actively medically abuse you. So you pick one that won't medically abuse you and usually go for one that listens and bring the competency to the appointment yourself.
So that, y'know, your chronic illness doesn't kill you before you can tear down the massively ableist medical system and build a better one in it's place.
The doctors are never gonna do that, but when you're in a position where in our current system you NEED a doctor to survive - just like we don't have a choice not to have a president - you don't just say "well they're all shit so I'll just lay down and die instead".
(Also, even if you live somewhere where national elections are completely useless, uh, STATE AND LOCAL ELECTIONS?! Especially since there are genuinely people at that level who do EXACTLY align with your values and genuinely do want to change everything they can??? Like, having enough people in my state government to make SNAP benefits not be reduced based on income if you're on disability would make a HUGE difference in the lives of my partner and I. Voting at least has a CHANCE on that one.)
Anyway, by all means DO NOT STOP with just voting. There's hardly use in delaying the rise of fascism if you're ONLY delaying it. That just shifts the burden from this generation to the next, all while the fascists can build power and resources.
But I will side eye you a little if you choose not to vote even because someone doesn't recognize your human rights as long as they maintain the status quo enough to allow us to keep fighting for those rights. Like sorry, we live in a world where the rights of minorities are neither enshrined nor recognized by majority society. Yeah, it sucks to vote for someone who doesn't care enough to change that. It's better than by inaction allowing someone to come to power who actively wants to strip more rights away and make it so that we don't even have the power to fight it anymore.
Because the fascists ARE voting. Which means taking a few hours once every four years to vote for someone who sucks and doesn't recognize your humanity might leave a bad taste in your mouth - but it also still leaves you alive and with the ability to vote and with enough autonomy and individual ability left to fight to make that no longer an issue by the next time.
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violet-dragongirl · 2 years
I get more and more existentially depressed when it comes to the Individually Arm Yourself Posts and Conversations because it always leaves out people like me
Oh yeah violence is great
And that pacifism/non-violence is racist and WILL get you killed
though tbh I'm tired of the talk of telling people to arm themselves without even considering the nuance of racial and even social implications of individually owning a weapon and I'm tired of the ideals of individualism regarding gun ownership because people fucking ignore those social and racial implications under the politics and nuance of gun ownership
I'm not telling you can't own a gun to defend yourself, I'm telling you that having such a broad message of telling an entire diverse coalition to arm themselves without considering any kind of nuance involved in doing so has some very awful realistic consequences for those around you.
so, now that I've prefaced with that, my question(s) to people who boast the ideal of individual gun ownership that a) they can afford a firearm and b) that they can defend themselves on the fly against people who wan to kill them is this:
1) will you have the same motivation to come to help those in need who can't arm themselves (like most marginalized groups--especially queer poc)?
2) are you prepared to face the State (police mostly) if you did kill the people who are trying to kill us to defend those who can't arm themselves? Are you fully prepared for immediate and future State Retaliation by individual ownership of a gun?
3) are you going to govern yourself when there's a disagreement or an argument that could escalate to you brandishing your gun since you have that power to do so, as a means to de-escalate the situation?
There's a reason why I'm also not stating that those who do not have the mental stability to own a gun, is because that's where the conversation ends when it comes to "it's okay if you can't own a gun". It should never end there and can't end there, not in this very fucking horrid reality that we live in.
It's 20 to 50 times more complicated for me to even consider arming myself with a gun than it is for a queer white person to just buy one and call it juicy.
I wonder how many white queer folk will bend over backwards with their gun to watch the backs of black and non-white queer people within their location and communities when shit goes fucking down. My guess is not a whole lot would.
Generally, not just from my own personal experience, but yes through my own observation of current and past events, people get even more reactive leaning into being scared and anxious that I now can defend myself while also governing myself with such power just like every white gun toting person, all because of the first aspect of my identity: that I'm black
forget the fact that I'm trans, non-binary, a lesbian, a queer demi-asexual person
And I think back of all those times when black people who were unarmed, living their day and having the State shooting them not once, twice, and leaving it at that, but seeing cases and headlines of having bullets in the mid to high 10s to nearly hundreds of fucking bullets in their body. That's already Overkill without us being armed, I cannot and do not want to imagine the amount of Overkill that could be displayed against me if I did own a gun. I don't want to imagine my body being so mutilated to the point no one can identify me other than by name.
Again, if you do own a gun, good on ya I guess
But for someone like me who has an extremely harder time accessing a weapon, what can I do against the state once I pull the trigger on a christofascist, nazi, terf, white superemacist or a combination of all, who wishes to harm me?
And the answer I always come up in the end is: I can't really do much without the political and social ramifications coming down on me.
I just can't put my trust towards gun ownership under individualism when nearly every time, racial aspects of that nuance always goes ignored and dismissed.
I can't trust someone with an individualistic mindset of gun ownership.
I just can't.
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