#otp: married irl
oakt733 · 6 months
i just think that joel smallishbeans and lizzie ldshadowlady
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commanderpigg · 5 months
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30 day OTP challenge - Ash x Paul (2013-2023) by CommanderPigg
A 30 day challenge that took 10+ years 🙃
Directory + commentary under the cut ⬇
Directory (in chronological order, some numbers got mixed up):
01 - Holding hands 9/26/2013 02 - Cuddling somewhere 9/27/2013 03 - Gaming 9/28/2013 04 - On a date 9/30/2013 05 - Kissing 9/30/2013 06 - Wearing each others’ clothes 10/1/2013 07 - Cosplaying 10/2/2013 08 - Shopping / 09 - Hanging out with friends 10/7/2013 10 - With animal ears / 11 - Wearing kigurumis 10/13/2013 12 - Making out 12/7/2013 13 - Eating ice cream 12/7/2013 14 - Genderswapped 12/20/2013 15 - Dancing 9/14/2014 16 - During their morning ritual(s) 10/12/2014 17 - Spooning 10/18/2014 18 - Doing something together 10/4/2015 19 - In formal wear 3/25/2018 20 - Cooking/baking 3/16/2019 21 - Gazing into each others’ eyes 10/20/2021 22 - Arguing / 23 - Making up afterwards 10/23/2021 24 - In battle, side-by-side 10/4/2022 25 - Getting married 4/30/2022 26 - On one of their birthdays 5/17/2022 27 - Doing something ridiculous 5/22/2022 28 - Doing something hot 3/11/2023 29 - Doing something sweet 12/18/2023 30 - In a different clothing style 12/27/2023
Longest time between posting: 2 years. 5 months, 21 days (18-19)
Post amount ranking: 2013 (14). 2022 (4), 2014/2021/2023 (3), 2015/2018/2019 (1)
Most popular on Tumblr: Holding Hands (159 notes)
Personal favorite: On one of their birthdays
I started this challenge with the intention of finishing it within 30 days, which is evident with the initial posting habits. I'm quite happy with some of the earlier drawings, as they were fresh and snappy, definitely leaning more towards comedy than romance. But Life Happens and of course the consistency was all over the place. And the longer it took to complete the challenge, the less relevant the prompts became to me... But through stubbornness and stupidity, I finally finished it a few months over the 10 year mark!
This challenge developed some of my favorite concepts like the IRL middle school AU, Veilstone Academy, and mirror world versions. And even if the themes are outdated, looking back at it reminds me of a simpler and fun time in fandom.
Thank you if you've been here since the very beginning! I hope you enjoy this compliation~
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Daemyra stans on Twitter are so misogynistic, illiterate, and racists. They missed the entire point of Rhaenyra’s story. It’s scary how they refuse to admit that people have several loves in their lives. I hope they never met a remarried widow/widower irl.
*EDITED POST* (10/8/23)
Please refer to this post to get a more in-depth answer.
It's pretty clear that in both the show and the original story these two would have preferred to marry each other from the beginning. I am not totally sure if book!Daemon would have actually pursued, developed a relationship, or "looked" at Laena while married to Rhaenyra like I suspect he did "when developed a romance/had sex with/pursued/"looked" at Rhaenyra when she arrived at Driftmark and visited during the duration of her friendship with Laena.
Repeating myself, which is most likely? IF Rhaenyra was not okay with an open marriage nor in love with/attracted to Laena herself: Book!Daemyra marry from the jump and Daemon has a relationship with Laena or acting on the attraction I think he'd still have & pursuing a relationship with her? Or Daemon and Laena being married & later Rhaenyra shows up and he pursues/looks/develops a relationship with her while married to Laena?
I do not think he stopped loving or caring for Rhaenyra in their unique way after he married Laena. However, in the original story it is more than obvious he loved & cared for Laena.
Here's the thing, I was/am a Daemyra Stan before and after HotD existed and I love their story. I read them as intentionally the OTP of the narrative. But I also don't really get how book!Daemon was seen as uncaring didn't love or wasn't at least emotionally as well as physically attracted to Laena in the beginning and came to lover her more beyond that.
I as a reader/audience/consumer of stories do prefer soulmate and one-true-love stories over many other types of love stories, but it's not enough for me to measure a person or character's worthiness based on how many people they've been with. And in real life, it's just a fact that people fall in love (and I still don't know what that's supposed to mean myself, what "love" is) more than once in their lives. Doesn't seem fair to be so repressive and deny the possibility for DaemonxLaena to have more respect, affection, or care in a TV adaptation, which is what some do. The show we do have barely delivered and made it seem that Daemon cares but is much more distant than even what the original text shows.
So I don't begrudge people for saying show!Daemon should have been genuinely in love with or loved and cared for Laena, even while also in love with Rhaenyra. One, the text supports that possibility, and two, love could be different without being less or "more" or "less" as in quantity, whatever that is supposed to mean.
Outside of narrative, yes I do think it's possible for a person to want to be with one person more than another person, and the original story gives enough for us to believe that there was real love and caring between Laena & Daemon. In canon, they marry they married in 115. In 116 A.C., he took it upon himself to write a letter to Viserys un-flashingly (as is his way) to get him and his family to stay at Driftmark so their daughters could grow up in one of their ancestral homes. Before that, they lived together touring several Essosi cities before settling in Pentos so Laena could birth the dragon twins 116. Only a few months pass before they move to Driftmark so the girls can grow up there. So they had been married for a year or so, alone, for a year. At some point in 117, Rhaenyra becomes friends with Laena. Laena died in 120 A.C., so Laena-Daemon-Rhaenyra was a unit of some kind longer than Daemon and Laena were but Daemon was obviously still sleeping with Laena for her to be pregnant and die of her labors in 120 A.C. The man also grieved heavily after she died.
Meanwhile, he spent a few months with Rhaenyra after he came back from the Stepstones in 111 A.C. and before his next exile. Still, Rhaenyra admired him familially/platonically before Mysaria's exit and for years. I do not think he ignored her or did not spend some time with her before he went to the Stepstones, and he was not responsive to that, even if not to the same degree. There was a bond made there that facilitated/informed their later bonding after he returned and began to court/"court" her.
This is what I think DaemonxLaena's pre-marriage relationship was like and why he chose her/she chose him in the first place.
I don't think he loved her exactly like how he loved Rhaenyra nor that they immediately built a relationship like the one he does with Rhaenyra, but these women are two different people and the circumstances of their getting together are very different. And I am not sure if Laena thought of him as her great love so much as her partner because it likely wasn't that type of relationship, as: the text centers Daemyra more; we do not get a clue as to Laena's feelings for Daemon as much as we have considerations for how he felt for her besides her wanting to marry him (and not likely not wanting to marry a freeloading poor Braavosi boy-man); and the text emphasizes how much Laena loved dragon-riding and her bonding with Vhagar at 12 over any romantic feelings for Daemon while they were married. Her relationship & feelings of love (of any kind) for Rhaenyra also seem evidently stronger than her feelings for Daemon to me during the actual marriage. (But IDK, bc we don't have actual details!)
Is this because Laena had a smaller role to play in the story and did not do any political act besides marry Daemon have his kids and betroth her kids to Rhaenyra's and therefore there was less attention paid to her and her feelings for Daemon? Is this because those who could have brought more insight for us were at the Essosi cities the couple spent more time in than in Driftmark? Or is this because she just actually didn't express affection with Daemon in their time at Driftmark? IDK.
It's also safe to say that he really did love/care about Laena when we know how he treated Rhea Royce. But, I can see how Daemon would love Rhaenyra more...intensely, I guess? There's a je-nais-se-quois to it.
Because it is without a doubt true that he spent with Rhaenyra not very long after Laena's death if he hadn't already been doing so before she died. Pretty sure that post-death sex was for intimacy and to "consummate" something interrupted and thus longed for.
Like I said in an earlier post, it's better to say that book!Rhaenyra was Daemon's first, enduring, and most intense(?) love. It's hard to impossible to quantify the unquantifiable.
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*siiiiiigh* Soooooo, first of all, I would like to apologise to @jencsi for taking so long to answer the ask. But then of course when I want to answer it, Tumblr has it made it disappear. So anyway I'm posting as a post. This is for the character asks thing. Jen asked all questions for Gil Grissom.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Sherlock Holmes 🤷🏻‍♀️
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I know that I'm the resident Linkin Park fan, and I'm all over 9x05, but, LOATR is just about one particular aspect of his life.  It doesn't encapsulate the full depth of him.  And, honestly, that's what I really hope that I captured in my video.  It's basically a marriage proposition to him at this point.  I hope I did the song and him justice.
(I am using Leave Out All the Rest this year though (:  )
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Autistic.  Hearing impaired.  Misanthropic humanist.  I love bugs because of him.  I'm learning to sign because of him.  I got into CSI because I love bioscience.  Ghost/social outcast until we find the right people.  Struggle with emotions and relationships, and ultimately learning to choose love over fear (which is, one again, something I learned from him. If he can do it, so can I. The fact that my role model is a fictional being). Bullied because of being nerdy.  Bullied because of "weirdness" aka autism.  We're uncomfortable around people but care very deeply about them, especially if they're our loved ones.  Honestly a lot of it is the autism and everything that comes with it.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Lemme just say, boy am I glad I am on the we want to fuck that old man website.  Because, at first, I was embarrassed and self-conscious that I was in love with someone much older than me (hence why I love GSR; it gives me so much more confidence), but then as I got into the tumblr fandom I saw that I'm not alone.  So thank you everyone.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
When people hate him overall for the way he treated Sara well in the early seasons.  Like, hello *gestures to his whole development arc*  you see this?  Or were we not watching the same show?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Oh my god it's gonna be so fucking quiet.  For once in our lives we'll have someone who'll actually respect our sensitivity/stimulation needs and not belittle us.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
We're two of a kind.
11. Would you date this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
His father's name is Arthur, since that's his middle name, and it's not uncommon for catholics to make their first name the middle name of their child.  And irl Billy's dad is named Arthur Edward Petersen, and his brother is Arthur Petersen Jr.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
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15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Someone jokingly tagged a post with [#otp: i have bugs in my office] and while I'm glad it's not an actual ship...yeah I'm glad it's not.  It gave me fucking whiplash.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Grillows.  I'm actually multiship.  I ship GSR, Grillows and Kessom.  I've even been okay roleplaying Grissom/Nick with someone in the past, and I'm also okay with Warrick and Greg being shipped with him.  Hell I even find him being dopey with Teri Miller cute XD
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Catherine.  #brotp: it will play our song forever
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
I wanna say Ecklie but that's like, everything about him
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
If not Cath then Heather XD
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love loving him.  I write my stories with him with so much love and care.  And I'm proud that my audience say it's obvious how much I love him.
I don't like him being hurt so I never write it.  Like, I'll just say it:  I'm glad it was Nick who got caught in Grave Danger and not Gil.  If it had been him I...I don't know what I would've done.  Even though I'd have known  that he was gonna be fine in the end, during the process I'd break down, no matter how many times I've watched it.  The thought of him being hurt just...I can't say it.  Sorry Nick, I love you too but Gil...Gil is the most special to me.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
I love when people write about his disabilities.  His hearing impairment, how he signs, his experience speaking both English and ASL.  His social and emotional struggles because of his autism.
My dislike would be when people write him as allosexual...  💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Sherlock Holmes
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
First impression:  wow he's so cool and smart and good at science.  I wanna learn from him.
Now:  Will you marry me?
26.  Freebie question.
Extra headcanon:  along with riding a rollercoaster with someone every 9 years and 34 days because that's how old he was when his dad passed, his favourite is the Mosaic because his parents took him on it for his 9th birthday.  Then a month later Arthur kicked the bucket, so Gil likes the memory of his father.
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persephoneed · 11 months
I’m very old and tired so I’m not going to fight or argue with anyone who disagrees but these are some of my Thoughts™️
I’m a very normal amount of obsessed with Hunter Doohan so I listened to that entire podcast episode he was on recently the one where we all lost our minds because he used the words “Wednesday,” “Tyler,” and “sexual compatibility” all in the same sentence
At one point he brought up Wenclair and he was really cute about it! He said that he found it to be the “great irony of his life” that he would play the love interest that “gets in the way of the queer ship” because he’s gay and happily married to another man irl. He even said how the Wenclair shippers are sweet to him, and he loves their enthusiasm for the show and the characters.
He also talked at length about online harassment he gets…he never mentioned any of it being stemmed from shipping wars. All of it was related to his personal life and his sexuality, which is unfortunately very reflective of the recent backlash we’ve been seeing towards the lgbt+ community.
I want more love, hype, and support for Hunter from everyone in the fandom regardless of shipping preferences or opinions of Tyler. He’s really sweet and talented, seems like a down-to-earth guy, and he just deserves it!
Does it get annoying to hear people call Tyler “boring”? Or frustrating to see people dismiss the grooming and manipulation that happened to him? Does being a Wyler stan sometimes feel like you’re on board a sinking ship? Absolutely.
But honestly the best way to be supportive of Hunter (or Tyler or Wyler) isn’t to become defensive against queer interpretations of characters. Whether Wyler remains canon or not, Hunter is not going to lose his job; the writers seem invested enough in his character to keep him in the storyline whether Wednesday is romantically involved with him, someone else, or no one at all.
On a smaller scale, the best way to support Hunter is by being supportive of those queer character interpretations; on a larger scale it’s to be a good human and be supportive of the lgbt+ community. Because that’s what actually affects him on a daily basis. Being so “anti” towards Wenclair (even if you’re in equal amounts against Wavier) isn’t helpful towards that goal. Nor does it do any favors for the actor playing one half of your OTP.
Honestly, it isn’t a betrayal to Wyler by imagining any of the characters as anything other than straight - for whatever reason that may be. Just because on the surface Wyler is a heterosexual ship doesn’t inherently mean that either or both characters have to be heterosexual, nor does it mean that any of us are forbidden from having lgbt+ headcanons.
And it especially does not mean that we tolerate homophobia or biphobia in our community.
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wyattlife · 2 months
A confession to the We Bare Bears community
I... I... I love Grizznom and I'm not afraid to admit it
I love Grizznom
I would do anything for Grizznom
I would try my best to make Grizznom canon
I believe Grizznom is OTP and the only OTP ship, who even likes Panlie gross 🤮 🤮 🤮
I would spend $50,000 for someone to make a Grizznom AMV
I would want to make fanfiction where Grizz and Nom Nom have children
I want to make art of Grizz and Nom Nom getting married
I want to eradicate every We Bare Bears "Fan" that hates Grizznom (Grizznom Haters DNI!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃
Grizznom is best ship in the whole wide world
Grizznom slays every day 💅 💅 💅 💅
I want to see people show their support for Grizznom irl
P*nlie is inferior, Grizznom is superior
You are not a real We Bare Bears fan if you don't ship Grizznom
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quailfence · 2 months
For the ask game:
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Ship: Kay/Sebastian/Klavier
Ask game
For anyone who hasn’t played Stardew: Some of my answers may make more sense if you’re aware that the player character (the Farmer) is meant to be a self-insert and can marry several different characters
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Penny for marriage candidates/romancable characters, for non-romancables uhhh
Least Favorite character: Pierre maybe? I don’t hate him like a lot of other people but I also don’t find him very interesting
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Farmer/Penny, Abigail/Sam/Sebastian, Penny/Maru, Emily/Sandy, Farmer/Emily
Character I find most attractive: Caroline or Sandy
Character I would marry: Penny, she’s my favorite of the marriage candidates and is probably the one I’m most likely to marry IRL
Character I would be best friends with: Probably Abigail
A random thought: I’m really excited to see what’s new in the 1.6 update! I’ve already played through three in-game weeks on the new farm
An unpopular opinion: I actually enjoy the fishing minigame.
My canon OTP: Player/Penny (for or Kent/Jodi
Non-canon OTP: Abigail/Sam/Sebastian
Most badass character: Tempted to say the Farmer themself but if that’s a copier then Mr. Qi
Pairing I am not a fan of: Sorry Shane fans but he’s my least favorite of the marriage candidates - I don’t hate him I just. Am not very interested in him
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Demetrius - While his in-game dialogue is alright in and of itself, his behavior in cutscenes plus not mentioning his stepson, Sebastian, at all combine to make him unsympathetic and a bit off-putting. (Honestly, just fixing the “not mentioning Sebastian” thing would be fine - the idea of them having a complex or even somewhat hostile relationship is fine with me, but I wish the game either delved into it a bit more or dropped it entirely).
Favourite friendship: Abigail & Sam & Sebastian
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it: You talking about shipping them made me think about shipping them. (I should probably mention that I haven’t played investigations or Apollo Justice, so all my knowledge of them both as individual characters and as a ship comes via fandom)
my thoughts: Not one of my main ships but it’s nice and cute
What makes me happy about them: I’m having a hard time putting this into words but like… Kay and Klavier are both pretty confident and energetic, and while Sebastian isn’t as confident and energetic he still (would) get(s) along with them, and they encourage him to open up and try new things, and maybe some of their conference ends up rubbing off on him
What makes me sad about them: that they’ve all had to deal with different flavors of Family Bullshit TM
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: N/A
Things I look for in fanfic: N/A
My kinks: N/A
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Sebastian: Franziska. Kay: Also Franziska. Klavier: Ema, Simon, or Nahyuta. Not as into Klavier/Apollo but I don’t mind it either
My happily ever after for them: Even if they don’t settle down together they still keep in touch for the rest of their lives
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somin-yin · 1 year
Gihun? 💜
Thank you so much for the ask @metoskohatipoglu, I really enjoyed talking about Gi-hun ❤️
Sexuality headcanon: Gi-hun is bisexual and I'll stay on this hill, Sangwoo and him had something, I just know it ❤️😂
OTP: SANGIHUN, SANGIHUN, SANGIHUN (my Sangihun brainrot has awakened since I talked about Sangwoo again)
BROTP: Ali and Gi-hun, let's face it Ali gives major big brother vibes, and Saebyeok and Gi-hun, they're like father and daughter ❤️
NOTP: Gi-hun x Saebyeok in a romantic context but I don't judge if someone ships them 🤷‍♀️
First headcanon that pops into my head: I have no doubts that Gi-hun loved Sangwoo even more than his own daughter, I realised this because he was willing to sacrifice the money for his daughter just to go home with his love, I mean with Sangwoo. Gi-hun has ALWAYS had a crush on Sangwoo since they were kids. ALWAYS, throughout these whole years. So if they really were together in the past then it was like a fever dream for Gi-hun. In Gi-hun's head there was no logic as for why someone as smart, genius, skilled and handsome as Sangwoo would be with someone like him, in his eyes Gi-hun sees himself as good for nothing, some nobody with no chances to thrive in life. But Sangwoo did have those chances to thrive in life, he was full of potential and Gi-hun could only confirm it when Sangwoo got accepted into SNU. So at the beginning Sangwoo didn't want to go because he didn't want to get away from Gi-hun but Gi-hun encouraged him to go and reassured him that nothing would change between them. So Sangwoo went to SNU and time passed, since at that time there was no internet, it was impossible for them to keep a long-distance relationship but Gi-hun used to go visit him to SNU whenever he could. Whenever he visited he realised all the opportunities Sangwoo was missing because of him, and he didn't want that, he didn't want to hinder Sangwoo's future, someone as brilliant as him deserves the best, not a nobody so they started to fall apart, time passed and they lost contact, Gi-hun heard Sangwoo had started dating (which was a not true, that was just a rumour Sangwoo's mother spread because she misunderstood what Sangwoo told her) and Gi-hun thought "well, this is it, he has moved on, I should move on too" and he met his ex wife and got married but he never loved her, he always loved Sangwoo, that's why his marriage failed, for him everything was more important than his wife and Sangwoo will always be the love of his life 🤷‍♀️❤️
Favorite line from this character: "Smart ones never eat too much" (he said this when Sangwoo gave Ali his food 😂 I like this line because it's so silly and it made me laugh when he said it 😂)
One way in which I relate to this character: Gi-hun is the one character to whom I don't relate at all, I've been thinking and thinking if we have something in common but I found nothing 🤷‍♀️
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: When he can't help but tell every person he comes across that Sangwoo went to SNU and that Sangwoo is known as the pride of Ssangmun-dong, please Gi-hun, I know you have good intentions and you're lovely but that's uncomfortable, please stop ;-; (I'm kinda projecting my issues here not going to lie)
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Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll all the way ❤️ I kinda know that people like Gi-hun wouldn't survive in the games if they existed irl ;-;
Tagging @moonlitdayy because you asked about Sangihun so here's the Gi-hun part!
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gwensparlour · 6 months
Sì, ma nella tua OTP chi è la Sandra e chi il Raimondo? Translation for all not-Italians: In your OTP, who is Sandra and who is Raimondo? (Referring to an Italian sitcom from the late 80s-late 90s about an old married couple—who also happened to be married IRL)
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bluedalahorse · 1 year
One time, almost a decade ago, one of my friends got married. During the reception the rest of my friends and I were all hanging out at our designated table and having a good time, and my friend’s new husband came by our table and told us he needed to have a serious talk with us.
What he said was: that he and my friend who married him were happy together, and yes they were married now, but they still needed the other relationships in their lives. That their friends still mattered to them. And he wanted us to promise we would still come and see my friend and invite her to things and generally hang out with her as before, because he knew she needed all of us.
It was a very genuine moment, not performative. And it was so helpful to me as an aromantic, because our general cultural atmosphere pushes so much the idea that a monogamous romantic partnership that lasts forever is the highest and most important kind of love. I spent a lot of my 20s worried that I wold gradually become less important to people and lose all of my close friends as they paired off. Thankfully, that hasn’t happened. But I know a lot of people who’ve had that fear, or who still struggle with it.
Anyway, not to drag this back to fiction and fandoms on main, but this is why I want to push back against amatonormativity in things like ‘shipping and romance stories. That doesn’t always mean pushing back against ‘shipping and romance stories period; I’m an aroace fan who likes my ‘ships and romances and even kissing and sex scenes in fiction. (The idea of feeling the butterflies IRL is absolute horror to me, but it’s kind of fun when you get to inhabit a fictional character’s head for a while and see how they experience it.)
What it does mean, for me, to push back against amatonormativity in these spaces, is that I wanna see romantic stories where even if the romance is foregrounded, you know that the character’s platonic relationships are important—sometimes just as important—to them. Where it’s seen as a positive sign when the potential partner clicks with the best friend and they respect one another. When someone goes out of their way to connect with a potential partner’s close sibling or other significant family member. I also think it’s really important that these platonic connection characters feel like real, three-dimensional people, and react to the main romantic relationship in a range of ways—and not just in a way that involves bland cheerleading for the One True Pairing. When someone close to you enters a serious relationship, there is always an adjustment period as you figure out how to work this new person into your life. And this integration process isn’t always linear, either. Sometimes serious conflicts can arise. It takes time and communication!
To wrap up, this is why I find most fic and fiction scenarios where it’s only the main couple, only having eyes on one another, being very singly focused on one another, and very few secondary characters feel fully realized in the story, and everyone who is Good among the supporting characters automatically cheers the OTP on and if they don’t that’s a sign of Evil… well, it all feels a bit bleak to me. Like yes I want to read the snuggle scenes and the grand declarations of love but I also want the moment where the partner meets the friend group for the first time and accidentally expresses a controversial opinion about whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza. I want the more serious moment where the potential partner cares for the protagonist’s close sibling and the protagonist goes yep I can trust that person they’re for me. I also want people to have to work through the difficult stuff, too. There’s story potential in that.
Tl;dr even if platonic relationships are not foregrounded in a piece of fiction, they should still matter. I’m glad I’ve been able to find more writers recently who do a good job with that. And I will always take more recommendations (especially fanfic-wise) for authors who do that well!
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blubushie · 1 year
TF2 questions for ya:
Favorite ships if any?
How well do you think you'd get along with the various mercs? Not how much you like em as characters cause I know I very much enjoy Soldier as a character but I could not last 5 minutes in a room with him before we started arguing and it would probably end poorly for me.
I love canon so SoldierZhanna is my only "real" OTP but I basically consider HeavyMedic canon at this point and I enjoy that ship and their chemistry a lot. I also very much enjoy ScoutPauling because Scout's so cringefail but I also want him to be happy and get the girl of his dreams because I'm a sucker for romance and happy endings, and I think he'd be great for helping her relax and have some freedom aside of work. I also enjoy SniperScout because "never shuts up" and "never talks (much)" is a fun dynamic to me.
Favourite crackship is AdminSniper because they're married IRL and I don't think shagging your boss is very professional so it's funny to me. Be professional (except when you're shagging your boss).
How well do you think you'd get on with the mercs?
I kinda covered this here? I'm going to copy-paste some of that but also add more because reasons.
Scout: His incessant yabbering would probably get on my nerves at points but it'd also mean I'd always have someone to talk to. We could discuss baseball and shit. His idiocy is endearing to me and I would constantly take the piss out of him in subtle little ways that he probably wouldn't even notice. Probably easily impressed too. I could skip a rock and he'd sing my praises and I appreciate a little ego stroking (and I'd laugh my arse off when he goes "Pssh, I can do that to" and the rock immediately sinks). Honestly I'm just a sucker for rays of sunshine. I enjoy peoplewatching so I'd love to take him camping and sit down in a folding chair with a beer and watching him try to figure out how to pitch the tent (and then be surprised when he finds out I don't usually even use a tent).
Soldier: Reminds me of my dad. I'd like to get in his head and talk about the military and shit (not that he ever actually was in it, but still). Would take him off-roading but end up dumping him like an unwanted dog when he breaks my Hula Girl.
Pyro: Scares me. Would still do a tea party with him and let him dress me up in a skirt or paint my nails even but only if he promises not to chop my hand off or start a bushfire. Would kill to be a badass and light a dart off his flamethrower. Also would just enjoy reading to him as long as he doesn't tell me to slow down.
Demoman: So many stories. Would love to share a bottle of single malt Scotch with him. I need him to rate my mixology skills (of which there are none. I can make a screwdriver and that's it, but I try). Would love to discuss chemistry with him and have him show me how to make [redacted by the ATF]. I don't know much about Scotland so I've love to discuss legends and cryptids native to our homelands. I can cover two countries!
Heavy: Would like to discuss Russian literature with him. Gives me "alcohol and heavy machinery weapons don't mix" vibes so I probably wouldn't be able to drink with him, but I'd love to discuss books and philosophy and hang shit on communists and go shooting with him. Bonus points if he lets me shoot literally any of his miniguns.
Engineer: He makes me wish I was taller so I could tease him about it. Bonus points if we're just the same height because that's even funnier. "I'm short but I've been told I'm Spiritually Tall, therefore I'm taller than you." Also if he wouldn't mind a little extra work I'd let him have a butcher's at Matilda to find out why her engine makes that ticking noise sometimes when I got over a hundred. I'm not very smart with machinery (my greatest achievement is making a battery out of a lemon) but I'd love to hear him explain it to me even though I wouldn't understand a goddamn bit of it.
Medic: Bloody hell you have no idea how much I wish I was mates with him. Look at my blog and is it any wonder? Oh, to be his assistant for just one day. I've got steady hands! We can discuss bush medicine and natural toxins and all kinds of weird drugs and a million other things. Would let him scar me. I want him to literally rearrange my guts and chat with him all the while because I'd be awake and watching and asking dumb questions like "Is that my appendix?" despite knowing fully well that it's on the other side behind my liver and not my stomach just to hear him correct me. I want him to praise me on the condition of my heart and liver and then backhand me about the condition of my lungs despite me not inhaling. I should've listening to my parents and gone to medical school.
Sniper: ...Aheh. The bush is lonely and bushmen have a tendency to stick together (when we aren't at each other's throats threatening to kill each other territory). I want to make him brekkie with something I hunted (or fished) and we could talk firearms and snares and wildlife and Australia and stars and whatever else. I want to do shrooms and DMT with him. I want to hear the story of every scar he has, I want to exchange stories of our time in the bush and Outback, I want to ride horses with him and have him be my muster mate for just one ride. I want to hear about the world and all the places I've never been from the eyes of someone who gets it like I do. He is the only person I would ever allow to shoot my rifle.
Spy: French, incredibly obnoxious, but I'd still like to be mates with him. I'd love to hear his stories of espionage and women and jobs gone wrong and jobs gone right. I want to sit in his smoking room in a silk smoking robe and enjoy the finer side of life for a while. I want to smoke a $6000 Cuban cigar and taste its flavour on my tongue and chase it with a sip of Scotch that's so rich I'll dream about it for years to come and cost more money than I'll ever see in my lifetime. I want to indulge and discuss tobacco and fine liquor and antique revolvers. Only bloke I'd ever dress up for and I'd put up with him taking my measurements for a suit.
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Thanks for playing, Cupcake! <3
Favorite Female: PARKER!!!
Favorite Male: ELIOT
3 Other Favorite Characters: Hardison! Breanna! Sophie!
3 OTPs: Hardison/Eliot/Parker, Nate/Sophie/Maggie, Tara/Sophie
NOTP: I don’t really think I'm aware of any ships I NOTP?
Funniest character: GENUINELY depends on the situation. They're all hilarious, but it really depends on the context they're given
Prettiest character: Parker? Eliot? Hardison? Eliot? Parker? Hardison? Why would you make me choose???
Most Annoying Character: CHAOS that little BITCH
Most badass character: Eliot FOR SURE have you SEEN my boy?
Character I’d like as my BFF: Mh. Tough question. I love them all but they are also all very... uh... special people that I don't think would be very compatible with me IRL?
Female Character I’d Marry: PARKER! THIEF WIFE!!
Male Character I’d Marry: Best Man at the Wedding: I think that Eliot would give me the best bachelorette party, like, can you imagine the FOOD???
Character I hate/dislike/least like: I wonder if the answer to this will ever be a different one from 'annoying' because in fiction there is no crime worse than being annoying, so... Chaos
Fandom Ask Game
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baezdylan · 2 years
Okay, me again 🤭 seems like Little Women is preoccupying my thoughts tonight, and I don't remember if I've seen you talk about this, but I'm really curious: thoughts on Jo and Bhaer ? I really liked him in the book (which i read before seeing the movie) but not as a romantic interest for Jo, bc he's so much older than her. Then the movie made him younger and I feel like the actors had so much chemistry, I was genuinely rooting for them! And while they do end up together in the end, I read this article talking about how this did not happen "irl" but what Jo put in her book bc the editor wanted the main female character married off. This was also supported by the colors of the scenes, how the present day scenes are all duller/cold colors vs flashbacks/scenes of the book Jo writes being so sunny; the epilogue scene (where Jo and Friedrich are married) is drenched in sunlight, and the scene of her chasing him to the train station is also very warm-colored. So thoughts on this whole thing? It's all the more interesting for me to hear them bc I'm obviously looking at this from a very romance pov (can't help it lol) but platonic, friendship love is the lense you look through most of the time (or so I've noticed).
There are two witches within me. One loves Jo and Fritz and doesn't care about the nature of their relationship as long as they're having fun being their lovely nerdy selves, the other one is perfectly aware that I, as someone who strongly identifies with Josephine Jo March, would only agree to marriage if it resembled the one Jo and Fritz have in the books. (Would still elope though, let's not get too ahead of ourselves, was talking to a childhood friend a few weeks back and my sister joked about me possibly having already eloped with someone and my childhood friend said: Jo. That would be very you. I rolled my eyes and started to talk about how incompetent the writers of my bio textbook are, but who am I to argue, I'm just the person in question here.) I strongly recommend reading Little Men and Jo's Boys because, to be frank, those works forced me to accept the grip this fictional relationship has on my rotten, evil, spinster-wanna-be heart. The rest is under the cut because it all got concerningly long. How shocking :O
It's complicated! But it always is with me and my romantic otps because I always identify with the people involved in those ships that I almost ship them in spite of myself. It's easier if I identify with both parties and if I identify with them in a way that doesn't make me completely insane (aka I don't identify with them entirely), but offers me a certain amount of comfort probably because I've already come to terms with the thing about them that I relate to. (this is how I feel about sparkly GG's Dan and Blair) BUT with Jo and Fritz or with Ten and Rose I just go :| because they involve characters who find the idea of settling down repelling and uncharacteristic to their understanding of themselves, like in total contradiction of who they are or have always been and then there's this person and it's just... well this. I think what makes it even more unsettling for me is how this isn't exactly a conscious decision, it's just that Jo and Fritz love spending time together. They simply enjoy being around each other and geeking out and talking literature and art and politics and philosophy and Jo feels so seen and understood in an intellectual sense for the first time ever and that's so big and so important to her. And I think that's what will always be true about their dynamic no matter how you view it. (and I beg to argue that lw 2019 offers enough room for any interpretation)
(Mainly talking about book Jo x Bhaer in the following paragraphs because I don't ship them in the 2019 movie and my interpretation overlaps with the one you presented in your ask, boy do I love having multiple versions of the same story in my head.)
Idk they just kinda slip into sharing their personal worlds with one another, there's not really a big realisation about the nature of their bond while they are together, the italicized oh moment is a result of overthinking the interactions after they have already occurred. While they're together it's just fun and pleasent and Jo doesn't have the time to go through potential meaning of it all while it's happening which is quite telling because, with Jo being a storyteller, she observes every moment from that lens, but with Fritz reality is somehow enough? YOUR HEART UNDERSTOOD MINE?!?!??!?! That's from the book, that's the essence of Jo and Fritz. You can't exactly stay immune to that. Like Fritz is the most Jo-ish love interest Jo could have gotten. He's bookish and an outcast and raggedy (affectionate) and so deeply kind. In the words of Penn Badgley (I love using his name as one of a great philosopher, @/tumblr girlies jochase has A Type) it's this completely heady thing where Jo falls for this person because he's her imperfectly perfect intellectual match and he gets her and he listens and she ends up loving him romantically because of all that. It's a progression! This is Jo March, of course it's a story in chapters, right? Everything is a story with Jo. And Fritz is kind of her indicator that real life can be just as literary, but maybe not in the way that she expected it to be? LMA really said if I have to marry my girl off she's getting the most unconventional marriage there is or she's dying, like that's it. All in all, it's such a cool dynamic regardless of the label you decide to put on it, but I think in the book you can't read it as anything other than romantic because it kinda takes away from the power of what LMA did with them, you know? Also like. I love how, in the book, Fritz isn't portrayed as conventionally attractive, but it's quite clear that he is attractive to Jo, which is also a brilliant move on Alcott's part. Also peace.mp3.
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neutrallyobsessed · 6 months
I challenge you to make a tier list of your opinion on Ace Attorney ships >;)
Challenge accepted motherfucker >;))))
i did like 5 different lists cause not all them where complete enough to my tastes and then i found this MASSIVE tier list (with a lot of crack xdd) so i was able to do it, fortunally the nrmy week gave me some time to work on this and EVEN THEN some kinda obvious ones were missing so i had to edit them in from the other tierlists, plus stuff i made up lol
also, for it not be too long and mark very clearly my Heterosexual Bias, the list was divided in two, so let's start: (spoilers for investigations cause shih-na doest appear as shih-na)
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The OTP category is very self-explanitory, so the second place is all other ships that i like and ship too just not as hard since i have OTPs for the characters already~~
Ohters I like and Im listening have varying degrees of crack but im still considering as potential ships to like seriously
the canon ships acting as a neutral divider, they are canon, you can't complain about that (or you can im just a tumblr post you can do what you want forever). if they arent higher is cause they are not as interesting or funny as the above ships, i still love them very much
then theres the absolute crack that i find amusing but couldnt take to ship it seriously and then ships that are either boring: too tame, lack spice, feel like avoiding being problematic was the priority instead of they'd be cute togheter; or ships that feel a bit too cruel for comfort and i percieve as no longer fun, but sad
this tier list didnt have ema/nahyuta but did have poly ships that included the three so there we go, the only het ships i dont like (2)
finally, the only gay ships i consider to be neat, silly funny friends-to-lovers not overly popular, very cool and epic
And now, the interesting one:
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Rangu referenced and teased by canon joke ship goes first of course!
for real tho, there's friends to lovers OR rarepairs OR lawyer x assistant ships, being my go-to in het ships they'd rank higher here
Evil People In Love! What else can I say? When 2 people are down bad for each other and down for destroying everyone and everything whether for revenge or the lulz cause they're bad and they're doing it togheter it's just beautiful~!
anything crack or toxic in a funny way goes next
incest as a neutral divider since being gay is super normal thus uninteresting but adding the taboo incest spice that will NEVER be approved by society IRL will make me a bit more interested but like you know- neutrally
any boring crack or toxic in a unfunny way goes next
and finally we reach my real (yet still neutral) beef with the ace attorney shipping fandom, being the popular ships that get talked about ad nauseum and if you wanna talk about any other ship you get ignored at best or harrassed at worst. Overrated could be the perfect way to describe this ships as they're so oftenly rated over other ships when they're SO LAME AND BLAND AND BRING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. i am not criticizing originality, you know im unoriginal as well, but other fandoms have this something called ✨VARIETY✨ that EVEN IF the boring bland m/m ship still is number one ship of everyone and their grandmas, it'll still be in a relative equal number of fans and content (or directly opposite where Super Popular Ship has like 100 fans producing stuff and literally anything else has like <5, so you only have to block 1 or maybe 2 Super Popular Ships and then is smooth sailing full of variety~)
tl;dr they're annOyedTPs actually they're not bad, they are meh plus the over exposure can really grind someone's gears, second place being not AS popular thus annoying but still pretty much talked about and liked by many people as they are second places to ships in the normie zone
and finally finally what i actually dislike, shipping canonically het married characters with same-sex characters (and not in the funny way)(specially the gay best friend in love with their straight friend, my absolute belothed) or any flavor of enemies-to-lovers, whether it's a tame rivals-to-lovers or a legit hero x villian (stockholm syndrome can be fine but it depends on how its presented....or if it's... y'know funny) or same-age shipping where the characters maturity levels are SO DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT idk it feels kinda icky :////
In any case, i'm still answering asks for particular ships if y'all want a more in depth opinion ^w^
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lokislytherin · 1 year
Heyyyyyyyy so this ask is just out of pure curiosity, but what is your lookism
kinda popular pairing u cant just jive with so much
hello curious anon! thank you for the ask hope you're having a pleasant timezone!
otp: idk if you've seen my posts or my ao3 but i am literally a janiel writer. jaeseok is literally The lookism otp for me. but if i had to pick a second otp it would be zami bc they're so good for each other sorry vinzackers but zami is one of my only few valid het ships that i'll actually die fighting for (i like danizoe too but i think they're better off besties bc they both need a bestie of the opposite gender so 1) zoe can realize guys are not that great 2) daniel can realize he can be good friends with girls without having to date them)
rarepair: idk if anyone ships this other than me but yuimira? i made a bs headcanon post when i saw lookism rarepairs prompt-ish thing and i'm too lazy to link it but if you search yuimira on my blog i bet you'll find it but anyway! mira's 'i can fix them' energy is so strong (read: zack, johan) but she's also really sweet and her angel energy could really balance out yui's bitch energy you get me? hence why i raise you the even rarer rarepair of zamiyui bc zack is also a bitch at least to others you can't tell me no
non-ship: hmmge. HMMGE. CURIOUS ANON YOU'RE GONNA GET ME STONED FOR THIS but i'm gonna say quite a few ships actually so i might as well let the homies flame me sooner rather than later btw some of this might get a little nsfw!
gundaniel: i'm sorry but you can't tell me daniel would ever love gun romantically of his own volition. i only ship it as gun simping for daniel and daniel being terrified and disgusted / noncon / possibly dead dove ish with the broken bone and blood kind of gore combined with noncon
gungoo & jakemuel: they act like brothers. i thought they were brothers for the longest time i can't ship them romantically, sorry for the anon who asked me to write gun x goo and jake x samuel sheesh both of my non-ships!
jakejiho: idm jake but i HATE jiho with a burning passion. i love his bastardisation arc and it was really well written but 1) it took up too much of the main story imo like daniel literally wasn't the mc of lookism for that arc 2) his ending SUCKED. he just died like that and i think it was just like ??? why so sudden?? why he just end like that? haiyaa ptj-nim you already made him bad why not make him Worse and keep him in the story (and keep me fuming every other chapter /LOL jiho's the one guy i would hate irl more than gun bc he's so fucking pathetic istg)
vasco and jace: this is the one i'm gonna get flamed for more than anything but LOOK. vasco's neurodivergent aroace vibes are so strong to me and just. male friendship yk. they're platonic soulmates bc that's good too yk. they're more than besties but not lovers in that sense... not me hinting at my vascojace platonic soulmates agenda in hit and run with "jaeyeol and hyungseok have the special bestie telepathy like vasco and beomjae, but it's different for jaeyeol and hyungseok" as in romantic difference, and one of my readers immediately went omg yeah vascojace should totally get married and i was sobbing like NO THAT WASN'T WHAT I MEANT AT ALL
vinzack: i just can't see it. sorry. i believe in mira supremacy but that might be bc i'm gay and i would date mira if zack doesn't
phew that was a lot LMAO but it had to be said! once again thank you for the ask curious anon feel free to come back to ask more!
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raytm-moved · 1 year
talk about rook & idia-
and I’ll break their ass down:
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how I feel about this character: i adore idia, his entire vibe is immaculate and i just wanna give him a little pet as a treat. perhaps it's because im inherently drawn to the introverts: see levi from obey me but also the level of sass this man generates for someone who cannot hold a conversation irl without either perishing or going on a tangent for ten years is hilarious. all the people I ship romantically with this character: honestly i have not put a lot of thought into this of yet. i feel like it takes a certain brand of extrovert to haul his ass out of his perpetual blanket cocoon and actually do smth. angel showed me idia and cater which is been on my mind and mildly hilarious but im not sure. it would take plotting and the fucking slow burn of the century. either that or you hold his hand and he explodes instantly. oh, and yuu. My non-romantic OTP for this character: both lilia and ortho. i love those little gamers !!!! elaborating on their relationship would take me ten whole decades but i jsut want them to go on coop adventures and have a good time !!!! ortho is so important to him, the crux of his entire life basically, i just have a lot of feelings regarding the two of them. My unpopular opinion about this character: i think, despite the fact that idia is quite the introvert that he flourishes amongst other people. not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but he is out going !!! it's just getting passed the trauma and the i am mildly terrified of people era. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i just want him to hang out with his friends more !!!!
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How I feel about this character: honestly, when i saw rook i had literally no idea what to make out of this strange lil guy. he just has some antics ??? he does and says things that make me go alskdkjasd but after seeing his interactions and witnessing him do his thing i'd say i've become pretty fond of this funky little guy.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: rook and vil are married even though they have been in their divorce era on and off for a while now. rime is slowly selling me on him with leona idk what their deal is but it's there. My non-romantic OTP for this character: literally all the characters he interacts with in chapter six and any other character he interacts with. rook has this innate capacity to just bring out emotions in others and me that make me go he could be amazing or hilarious interacting with literally anyone. and then ruggie bc the one part where he pats ruggie's tail is hilarious. My unpopular opinion about this character: i feel like he gets comic relief slotted sometimes, maybe not as much as other's but i feel like there is a seriousness to him that is often neglected to shine through as much as the fact that he is batshit insane. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i just think he deserves a good mani pedi and to get his hair done.
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