#posting just to be sure as i haven't seen it yet on this hellsite but im very out of the loop recently
smimon · 12 days
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Photo by Mikke, post by jeskiedes on insta
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 months
Something that I've noticed for a while now, and something that's honestly become really irritating for me, is that people have suddenly apparently lost the ability---or maybe just the courtesy/empathy---to filter their fandom experiences and leave people alone.
I've just seen @antianakin's recent post of them responding to someone who didn't like that they posted about hating Anakin, and it just reminded me of all the fucking comments and reblogs I get about people seeing posts where I'm critical of a character, or a show, or something the fandom does---and, instead of just blocking me and moving on like a normal person, they feel the need to express how much they disagree or think it's stupid that I've decided to make a whole fic/post/whatever about how much I hate or am critical of that one particular thing.
And it's not just me!
Plenty of my mutuals and the people I follow, and tbh plenty of the Pro-Jedi/(x character/show) critical people who I don't follow but whose posts I see, have responded to countless comments and reblogs and asks from people who won't just fucking filter their content. It's always-
"I don't see why you felt the need to make a whole post about this." - a response I've gotten many times on some of my anti-Anakin posts.
"I think it's ridiculous that you're just writing a whole fic to bash a character." - a response I got to me being critical of Ahsoka in the Ahsoka show and my anti-Anakin fic ideas.
"Why do you want to make a whole event just to express your hate of one character?" - a response I got to me pitching the idea of an Anti-Anakin Week, so us that hate Anakin could blow off steam.
Like...are people being fucking serious?
I haven't been on Tumblr for a very long time, not even a year yet, but I knew as soon as I got on this hellsite that---if I didn't want to see certain content---I needed to filter the tags and block the people I didn't like.
I don't understand why so many people can't just fucking do that.
It's not like we're not tagging our fucking posts properly or purposefully trying to make people who disagree with us see our stuff, we're just posting our own shit in our own spaces!
And, ironically enough, those people who often come on these posts and complain about us making them---namely anti-Jedi people and Anakin Stans---are apart of the same group of people that literally will not tag or purposefully mis-tag posts so that the rest of us with the tags blocked have to see it!
This has probably been an issue for a while on Tumblr and I just haven't been around long enough to remember, but holy shit can everyone just start blocking people and filtering tags instead of making your discomfort everyone else's problem?
Guess what? I also like stuff in Star Wars, and it makes me upset when I see critique or hate of that stuff too! But I also understand that not everyone likes that stuff and that it's not their responsibility to cater to me---it's my responsibility to make sure I don't see that shit. The only responsibility anyone else has is to tag their posts properly, the rest is 100% on me.
So can y'all please get with the fucking program?
Filter your tags.
Block people.
Leave the rest of us the fuck alone.
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please-give-dd-bread · 8 months
hi so remember when i reblogged that gay webcomic??? yeah i've thought of an oc but i have far too many projects that i'm procrastinating on that i really shouldn't think of drawing something else (actually though i've got this very excessive Kyary Pamyu Pamyu fanart with references to past MVs, a cat based on PONPONPON, some Elmy fanart, my enby oc's character sketch, and this cat cafe concept where i drew cats based on foods people typically serve at cafes and a drawing of me and a friend that has left the country and is currently in Canada) so here imma give you some details instead
there may or may not be gore-ish kind of under the cut but also i kind of don't feel like forcing you to read a literal essay
also while i was studying today i was playing the ost of my favorite movie (which is a whisker away if you didn't know) and that may or may not influence what i thought of while creating this character in my head
so they have no name cuz i can't think of one
very talented at art cuz yes i am talented too (i think) but they're so freaking goooooooooooooood
the Protector™ of the queer peeps at said school
pretty much posted the entire thing (as in the romance and the notes and whatever) on this hellsite
has learnt the art of MURDER for this thing.
okay don't cross them.
they WILL LIVE TO SEE THIS QUEER COUPLE LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. so please don't be queerphobic. unless you'd like to be sent to the ER.
anyways they practically guarded Damian and Ollie's lockers before Damian got a phone somehow don't ask
and if anyone other than Damien or Ollie touched those notes on the lockers. the ppor person would probably get dropkicked and end up being severely traumatized and get the living daylights knocked out of their being.
and because that scene in nakineko was a thing where Miyo jumps off ths school building
i thought one day she/they just randomly walks around during lunch, hanging out with friends at like the upper corridors and then suddenly??? some random dudes start being a-holes (i don't use swear words don't judge me) and then they start trash talking about them and she/they is. the most PISSED PERSON ON THE PLANET RIGHT NOW and yells at them to take it back but they ignore she/they and then she/they yells at them again and then they piss her off a bit more cuz they're queerphobic little rats or something and then she jumps off the building into a tree so SHE/THEY doesn't/don't die but ends up getting a butt ton of scratches and bleeding wounds anyways so. she/they walks up to a-hole peeps.
and in the back Damian is RUNNING and carrying Ollie (you read that correctly) and then Damian drops Ollie, half expecting him to pick himself up. um they just arrived to see the tea and im not sure if they know that she/they put their notes under high security cuz i haven't figured that out yet but sometime soon i shall
all the while she/they is suffering from blood loss and after some "WHAT DID YOU SAY???"s and "DON'T YOU DARE"s and stuff the rude peeps are just like "...let's get out of here" and of course because Damian and Ollie were part of the crowd that gathered and they were mentioned or something, um, eyes are also on them or something idk i can't describe a school fight i've never been part of one and haven't seen one yet unless my memory sucks
anyways she/they walks up to the couple and is like im sorry you had to see this :((( but i can't just let them slander you guys like this and then literally just collapses on the floor, head hitting the ground and then passes out
and while she/they is literally just lying there, bleeding out someone finally gets the sense to call an ambulance
and then flash forward to the ER where she/they is rn i guess, not sure what injuries to give them
and that is everything i can think of so far because i'm tired and probably should go to sleep but i can't otherwise i'd forget and then i'd never forgive myself for forgetting something that's related one of the most important posts here
also we need more of that wlw couple as in NEED
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Hi Quil/Dira!!! It's been a hot minute since I sent an ask (Or even gone on tumblr) so sorry about that!
Anything of note happen recently? Got the tumblr polls yet? Got any vanilla extract
I've scrolled a little to figure out what I've been missing out on, but... What are the presentations???
Also I started school this week and!!! I am!!! Not sure how I feel!!! On one hand, boooooo, on the other, I really like my classes and teachers :( so I can't fully hate going to school :(
Also, what name do you prefer? I saw the post about how Dira was your og name that you changed because you felt you had to. You're right it's a really pretty name.
I hope you're doing alright, my good sir! Have a nice day(?)
Omg Heathen! Hello! I haven't seen you in forever welcome back! Congrats on not being stuck in this hellsite like I have been for the past five years :)
I do have tumblr polls! I don't have a lot to ask about though so I haven't used them much--though I do have a poll about whether sock seams or sleeves bunched inside other sleeves are worse at the moment. Also when I was adding vanilla to my oatmeal this morning I couldn't help thinking about. Vanilla Extract. I'm never going to escape it now.
As for the presentations, that's part of Roisin's Reading Rumble! Roisin (aka camelspit) found a study guide of questions for the first keeper book on Shannon's actual official website, and he started the rumble with it! Essentially, for about 2 weeks she posted one of the questions (we didn't do all of them, he omitted a few), and anyone who wanted to participate would reblog with their answer. Roisin, aka Professor Spit, would then grade them the next day and provide the next question.
It turned into a bit of a thing--in a good way. We all played into the bit. I got sent to Time Out and that was a whole thing for a day or two. We got invested in it, but of course not everyone has the time or focus to consistently answer the questions. So after a while it was mostly me and two other people (Ashton and Gail!), and Professor Spit started developing lore for the class. he kept hinting at horrible things happening to good students. About a curse. And then on the final day, she posted this lore. So that's essentially what the reading rumble is, which connects to the presentations because they are the final assignment of the Reading Rumble! Those of us who signed up create a presentation of some kind about a character we were assigned (I chose Ro), and the posting goes until the 14th! Whether we'll get eaten by the beast afterwards remains to be seen, but it's been a fun bit of like. almost an rpg-ish interaction with each other :)
Also oh no! School! I'm the same, I like learning and there are a few classmate's whose ideas I like hearing. But I don't enjoy physically going to school (very draining and time consuming) and I don't like homework. That's not counting my online classes, those I'm more okay with because I picked the courses. There is a fair bit of work though. And one of the classes is a bit of a disaster technologically, but oh well.
As for names, I don't really have a preference! I've been using Quil so consistently for so long that I usually default to it, and it's what most people solely know me as so. I don't expect many people to change or need them to. The Dira is mostly for my sake. But people are also welcome to use it! I've had the idea maybe I'd use it more in Spanish since it sounds better with the accent, and then Quil could be more for English, but I haven't really decided.
With names, people can basically just call me whatever they want! I'm not particular. Pick one of the two, switch between them, call me a nickname, pick a random name you want to call me, whatever! I'm very loose with names and labels and everything :)
And thank you! I am doing okay! I'm going to have to make an entire presentation on Monday (we've known about this for weeks I just haven't done it and I will not spend my weekend time on it) and then give it sometime after that, and I'm not looking forward to it. But I worked it out with my professor that I wouldn't have to give the second presentation this semester if I did this one (he knows I don't enjoy them, but does want my peers to benefit from me sharing). So it's. I'll get through it.
And it is day when I'm answering this! I hope you've been doing well, whatever you've been up to. And I hope you also have a nice day!
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