#progra 2
llycaons · 3 months
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does this seem sketchy to anyone else
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yukidragon · 2 years
An Examination of Joseph Cullman’s Childhood
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Okay, while I don’t want to make a habit of answering twitter asks here on tumblr, this got my brain buzzing, and I want a little more room to ramble than in a tweet thread.
Before we get started, the lovely artwork I’m using for this post was drawn by Sauce/Jambeebot and was posted on their public twitter before it went down. As always, I’ll gently remind you not to post any of the private pictures from the SnaccPop Studio patreon. It’s only $3 to sign up, and it really supports this engaging game. Also, consider joining the Sunny Day Jack kickstarter, but hurry since there’s less than 2 weeks left to get the rewards.
Quick warning, Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack is an Adults Only game, so there will likely be some mature themes discussed. At least one image I use will depict a person committing self-harm while being encouraged verbally to do so. Take care when indulging in this fandom.
Also, before I begin, I want to tag @channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars. If you want to be tagged when I make these headcanon posts, please let me know!
Oh, and while I’m at it, please let me know what you think about my SDJ fanfics, Sunshine in Hell and Sunshine in Another World. Thank you!
With all that out of the way, let’s get down to business.
First, let’s list out the facts we do know about Joseph’s childhood that are canon according to the official Sunny Day Jack twitter.
Joseph Cullman was (presumably) born in 1959, according to this memorial marker.
He attended Haberdae High School until he ran away during a school day at 12pm.
He traveled on foot and was last seen by train tracks.
He would be 63 years old at present day.
He got into trouble at school on a regular basis, as evidenced by comments on this disciplinary report.
Joseph had a habit of skipping school to the point that it seemed to frustrate his teachers.
He carried around a lighter and a small knife.
He “smelled of smokes” (cigarettes).
The disciplinary report was written on August 23, 1973, around the start of the school year.
He was given a 1 month in-school suspension.
The teachers were given permission to search Joseph’s belongings before class.
Joseph had changed his last name to Haberdae when he got the part of Sunny Day Jack.
As an adult, Joseph is concerned about putting children “in a bad position,” or something to that effect.
Joseph stated that he got his tattoos when he was in high school when he, “didn’t know any [better].”
The show’s psyche and development consultant made these assessments about Joseph at their first meeting:
 Consultant: I’m willing to bet that you had a very hard life growing up. For someone so young to be so defined(?) in themselves and to lash out like that, making permanent adjustments to their bodies in order to stand out… You wanted attention, didn’t you? You wanted to be seen and heard and felt and loved…
Consultant: I’m sure you especially understand what it’s like to, say… have a parent or guardian tell you that they love you, right? But, maybe even as young as, say… six, you could tell that they didn’t really mean what they were saying.
So far, there’s no information about Joseph’s biological family, or about any friends he may or may not have had at any point during his childhood. The only relationship we get a glimpse of is the (presumed) frustration of the teacher writing the disciplinary report, as suggested by the use of excessive exclamation marks and the phrasing used.
Students in the USA attend high school at ages 14-18. Given that Joseph was born in 1959, and the report was made in 1973, it’s most likely that he was 14 at the time the report was made.
The punishment for his behavior was to put Joseph on an in-school suspension for one month and allowing teachers to search him before class begins.
What is in-school suspension? Well, here’s an definition I found:
In-School Suspension (ISS) is a behavior management program for student misbehavior aimed at keeping students in school to complete their work while being isolated from the rest of the student body. ISS is used as a school punishment for infractions that are not severe enough for suspension but require behavior remediation. Students who are in violation of school rules and regulations can expect to be temporarily assigned to the ISS classroom where they will be supervised by school personnel or a teacher.
From all this, we have a brief glimpse at the timeline of Joseph’s high school life. Right at the start of attending Haberdae Highschool, he was skipping classes, presumably to sneak off to smoke, as he was found smelling of cigarettes with a lighter and a knife on his person. There were no cigarettes on him when he was caught.
Joseph had frustrated his teachers, and his behavior resulted in him being isolated from his peers for at least a month with an in-school suspension. At some point after this report, he ran away from school during lunch and hadn’t been seen by anyone who knew him since then.
This immediately makes me think of a piece of art where Jack said certain things that stood out to me.
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While technically this picture isn’t canon due to it not being in the game or on the official twitter, I think the things Jack says here connect directly to his experiences in Haberdae Highschool. What’s also telling is that there are two styles of font - the more easily read white on red text, then the more faded and smeared text.
What’s interesting is on the Patreon, this image was voice acted and was slightly modified. While I won’t share the video file here, I’ve been told that it’s fine to discuss what is seen on Patreon, so I’m going to do a quick transcript.
(panting, out of breath, sounding like he's speaking through faint TV static)
There we go!
That wasn't so hard, was it?
It's all done now.
You won't ever hurt them again.
(more breathy and composed)
Isn't that nice?
Aren't you glad?
It's for the best, I promise.
You just aren't special enough for them~
(slightly tense but still "cheerful" tone)
This is the right away~
(more breathy, quieter voice)
You're so worthless.
You can't do anything right anyways.
You're just a burden to the whole class.
I'm sorry, but you failed.
I'm clean now.
Don't ruin this for me.
(no static filter, normal speaking voice, tense yandere tone)
They don't need you.
I'm the only thing they'll need... forever... and always.
(knife slice)
I highly recommend joining the patreon to listen to the audio for yourself, as the transcript doesn’t give the marvelous voice acting justice. Jack is very chilling in this audio.
This picture suggests the duality of the cheerful Sunny Day Jack persona conflicting with Joseph’s core feelings and issues. The former is written in the more bold text, more confident and almost “cheerfully” delivered as if he’s trying to keep acting like the teacher he played on TV. The latter is delivered in almost a whisper to himself, as if he’s projecting things that once were directed at him as Joseph to this unknown victim.
I suspect that Joseph was told, among other things, that he was “worthless,” “a burden to the whole class,” and that he “just can’t do anything right anyways.” Given that the last known class he attended was high school before he ran away, it would seem to be these were things teachers said to him. If he’s projecting these words on people he finds, as his profile might suggest, “inferior,” then that suggests how he felt about himself at this age... or at least that’s what others labeled him as.
It also suggests many scars from Joseph’s childhood are still lingering to this day.
This paints a strong picture that Joseph was disliked by his teachers during high school. Whether or not he acted out earlier during elementary or junior high is difficult to speculate, but it’s unlikely these behaviors started on the first day of the new school year.
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I’d like to take a quick look at this picture of young Joseph (along with fully grown Jack). While the canon of this picture must be taken with a grain of salt, it does suggest a few things. Joseph is roughed up, his clothes scuffed, he’s covered in bandages, his clothes have a patch on them, and he shows a rebellious attitude, sticking out his tongue and flipping the bird. He gives the impression of a typical “punk” teenager.
If the consultant’s assessment was accurate, then Joseph, when younger, acted out to get the attention, most likely the attention of his parents/guardians. This suggests that his parents/guardians were neglectful of him and his needs. They paid lip service to being his caretakers, but in the end didn’t actually care about him at all. This sort of neglect often leads to kids lashing out in order to get some sort of attention. After all, bad attention is still attention.
The game takes place in El Paso, Texas, where the SunnyTime Crew Show was filmed, but that isn’t necessarily where Joseph is from. It’s hard to say how far his hometown is from El Paso, but either it was a good distance away... or the people in his hometown weren’t trying very hard to find him.
According to the interview with the reporter, the SunnyTime Crew Show was “inescapable” and “everywhere” with Jack being regarded as the “leader,” otherwise regarded as the face of the show. The reporter commented, "I'd put money on you being the crush of at least half of the housewives across America who tune in." This implies that the show was broadcast nation-wide and was very popular, which suggests to me that, even though Joseph is still actively listed as a missing person, no one is cared enough to really look for him.
This ties into the themes of Jack being deathly afraid of being forgotten. Joseph was ignored unless he lashed out, only to be isolated from others as punishment, and even as a missing person with his face plastered on televisions, lunchboxes, books, and other merchandise, no one bothered to look at Joseph even after he ran away from home as a teenager.
All of this paints a pretty bleak picture of Joseph’s childhood, one devoid of love or affection. It’s no wonder he’s so desperate for it now and why he’s abandoned his previous identity for one that was actually cared about and remembered... until the studio buried his memory, of course.
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Ben Gates & The Navy, a Rabbit Hole
For a recent article on injuries I was looking into what exactly Ben’s diving experience and qualifications are (and whether they would have equipped him to jump the ~100 ft off of the Intrepid). Which led me to looking into Ben’s relationship with the U.S. Navy. Which led me to questions.
When the FBI arrives at Ben’s apartment in the first half of National Treasure, Agent Hendrix reads off this list of Ben’s academic background:
degree in American history from Georgetown
degree in mechanical engineering from MIT
Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center
It’s the second two items that have me particularly intrigued.
Let's dig in:
Now, the out-of-universe screenwriting explanation seems pretty straightforward: this is a streamlined way to tell the audience that Ben is an experienced scuba diver. From a character perspective, it lets us know he’s been training to be a treasure hunter for a long time, and is perhaps a little bit more badass/physically capable than we've been taking him for.
And more concretely, it sets the stage for two plot points later on: Ben’s trading his diving watch as collateral to the Urban Outfitters cashier, and more significantly, setting up the plausibility the he is prepared to make the jump and torpedo-aided swim from the Intrepid later on in the film.
The Navy Diving and Salvage Training Center is a) a real thing, b) fancy and formal sounding, and c) even includes “salvage” in its name so we require no further context as to what Ben was doing there. And why was he allowed to be at this Navy diving facility? He did ROTC. So from the screenplay’s point of view: exposition dropped, moving on.
But I’m much more interested in what this implies from an in-world perspective, because it leads us to two fascinating questions:
Did Ben Gates serve in the Navy?
When and why did he choose this path?
Did Ben Gates serve in the Navy? My suspicion is that no, he didn’t, and I think that for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Agent Hendrix didn’t mention anything about military service during his background on Ben, and service records would be as easy to come by and important to mention as his education history. Second, I think this would change the way the FBI approached the hunt for Ben. Maybe not hugely, but I think they would see him more as “one of their own” than as some crackpot historian. Or perhaps even a bit more “armed and dangerous” than some overzealous idiot out of his depth.
And thirdly, I think Ben having actual military service on his resume would change the narrative in a way that would become distracting. Again, this is more from a writer/audience perspective, but “Veteran steals Declaration of Independence to prove family theory” plays differently than “Local weirdo steals Declaration of Independence to prove family theory.” It just does. There in an implication of subtext there that, at least in my opinion, would detract from the central plot and theme of the film rather than add to it.
So from in- and out-of-universe, no actual military service for Ben.
Which leads us back to question 2, and opens up a third question as well:
How did he get out of his ROTC obligations?
When did Ben choose NROTC? If you’re unfamiliar, ROTC stands for Reserve Officer Training Corps. It’s a scholarship program that provides full tuition to top U.S. universities so students can “enjoy a traditional college experience while preparing to serve as a Naval Officer.” Basically, on top of your regular university courses you attend naval science classes and other training and participate in summer training cruises. After graduation, Naval ROTC students are commissioned as officers in the Navy or Marine Corps and are required to serve for five years. (ROTC is actually the largest single source of Navy and Marine Corps officers. There are also ROTC programs for the U.S. Army and Air Force.)
There is also a second way you can participate in ROTC called the Navy ROTC College Program. In this program, students pay their own expenses instead of receiving the scholarship. Upon graduation they own 3 years of active duty service, rather than 5.
It is possible to do ROTC as a graduate student, which invites us to ask for which degree Ben participated. I’m assuming, by the way, that Ben accrued these degrees in the order Hendrix reads them, making them a bachelor’s degree in American history and a masters’ degree in mechanical engineering. The fandom wiki disagrees with this, btw. We’ll get there.
I think this order makes sense because I don’t see Ben putting off the history degree. It’s his real passion, and there’s always the risk that he wouldn’t get to go back for a second degree for any number of reasons. There’s also the difference between a bachelor’s and masters’ degree to consider. The higher you get in higher ed, the more specific you get. A bachelor’s in American history would give Ben the greatest breadth of study, and the freedom to explore any and all topics he was interested in. A masters’ degree in the same field would ask him to zero in on a topic, perhaps more than he’d want to. Likewise, I think that depth over breadth would benefit him in his engineering degree. That way he could focus in on the areas most relevant to him and treasure hunting.
MIT and Georgetown both have celebrated NROTC units (Georgetown is part of the George Washington University battalion), but he would have a much better chance of being accepted while pursing a masters’ degree in mechanical engineering rather than a degree in American history, especially if he was taking the scholarship option (per the Navy academic major tiers.)
However, I think it's plausible that he participated during either. (Or even both! It is possible to do ROTC in undergrad and also receive an ROTC scholarship for graduate school as long as you’re only using up 4 years of tuition total. So Ben could have joined ROTC as a junior and then continued on to MIT still in the program. That level of maturity and investment may also have helped his case for getting trained at the NDSTC.)
Let’s talk about the wiki The National Treasure fandom wiki lists Ben’s education as follows:
 “a Bachelors degree in archeology and cryptology at the University of Philadelphia, a Masters degree in mechanical engineering degree from MIT and a Doctorate in American History from Georgetown University. While in Georgetown, Ben also enlisted in the US Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps for the next four years and received official certification from their Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center”
That's a whole extra degree! I don’t see a source for this though, so if you know it, please leave a comment or tag!
For the purpose of this analysis I’ll be focusing on the information presented in the first film. However, if this is Ben’s actual academic history, it follows the previous logic while also introducing new factors. At least presently, applicants must not have reached their 27th birthday upon graduation and commissioning. Ben is smart, but I’m not sure he’s “finished a B.A., M.S. and Ph.d. from different schools before age 27” smart. I think it's more interesting if he isn't! He's just a normal-ish guy with an obsession! But feel free to disagree.
The wiki article also says he did ROTC for four years. Most of the ROTC graduate scholarships appear to be for 2 year programs, not 4. And I don’t know how keen the Navy would be on an American history Ph.d, given that their priorities are on STEM.
So I’m inclined to disregard the Ph.d.
How did he get out of his ROTC obligations? No matter when Ben might have participated in ROTC, if we think Ben didn’t serve for five years in the Navy, we have to consider how he got out of his service obligation. Once they’re past what’s called the Obligation Point (the point at which you owe the Navy service in exchange for participation in the program, which is the start of sophomore year if you join as a freshman, and on joining for all other students) students who want out of the program, or who fail to meet the academic requirements, owe the Navy one of two things:
two years of enlisted service (vs commissioned service as an officer, which is what ROTC is signing up for)
full reimbursement of tuition
Again, I don’t think Ben spent any amount of time in the active duty military. That means he would have had to pay back his tuition in full to get out of his service obligations.
But before we go farther into how he got out of it, let’s talk about why he joined in the first place.
Why did Ben choose ROTC in the first place? In order for ROTC to make sense to Ben as a path forward, he has to be reasonably confident of two things:
The ROTC curriculum contains material or access to material he needs and cannot get through other means.
He’ll be able to pay back the tuition. Otherwise he’s taking a huge gamble! 2-5 years away from the hunt?? That’s Ben Gates’ worst nightmare.
I don’t think Ben ever intended to join the Navy, at least not as his primary objective. The man has had one (1) goal since he was 10 years old and that is finding the treasure. A 5-year stint in the Navy would take him much farther from the treasure than he’d be willing to be.
The obvious answer here is that Ben joined ROTC with the specific intent of training at the Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center. The NDSTC does train several types of Naval officers, although I don’t have concrete evidence that ROTC students would have access. However, if we believe he was never a commissioned officer but did train at the NDSTC, then he must have trained while in ROTC.
The Navy or local police departments can be the best places to train as a salvage diver, but there are other options that don’t risk giving up 5 years of potential treasure hunting in exchange. If order for this to be the best path to the treasure for him, Ben has to either feel that the Navy will give him unparalleled training and/or be the more affordable option. Commercial diving programs can cost up to $20,000 (nowadays anyway), meanwhile with the scholarship option, ROTC is paying for you to learn. Then after he disenrolls, he has ten years to pay back the debt.
So yeah, ROTC probably was the best option for Ben to get trained as a salvage diver (assuming that kind of specialized training was available to him before commissioning.)
But plausibility is actually not my main interest considering Ben’s time with the ROTC.
My main interest is this:
Ben and Patrick Whenever you think Ben spent time in the ROTC—as an undergraduate, grad student, or Ph.d. candidate—that marks the latest possible time for Ben to become estranged from his father. As with so many things in the National Treasure-verse, the secret lies with Charlotte.
When Ben shows up and says he found the Charlotte and Patrick responds,
“The Charlotte. You mean she was a ship?”
Patrick seems genuinely surprised by this revelation, as if he had never even considered that Charlotte might be a ship. And that means he never knew Ben was looking for one. Patrick is a smart guy, so if he knew that Ben was participating in ROTC at all, let alone studying salvage, taking diving lessons, or in any other way involving himself in the world of aquatic treasure hunting, it would have occurred to him that Ben could be looking for a ship.
Obviously the treasure wouldn’t have been something they openly talked about much, since both Patrick and Ben made their opposing views on the hunt very clear from the start, but you’re telling me that Ben pursued ROTC in college and attended the Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center and Patrick never once considered that his son was searching for a ship?
Which makes me think he didn’t know about it at all.
The earlier you think Ben joined ROTC, the earlier he and Patrick would have to have essentially stopped speaking in order for Patrick to never even get wind of what Ben was up to.
Oof my heart.
But actually I think Ben’s going off to college (or grad school etc) makes a lot of sense as the boil-over point for the two of them. With each degree, Ben was officially declaring what he wanted to pursue with his life and Patrick wouldn’t have it. (Or Ben wouldn’t have his dad’s not having it. I’m not sure who boiled over first.)
So yeah, there’s your angst for the day.
The Charlotte By the way, I’m ignoring what Riley tells Jess in Edge of History. It’s my general policy that any years-later sequels or franchise additions work on an “a la cart” canonical basis. If I like something, it’s mine; if I don’t, it doesn’t count.
All evidence we have suggests that Ben used his ROTC status to get certified at the NDSTC with the specific intent of being able to find and salvage the Charlotte. No other piece of the treasure legend points to an aquatic clue, so the latest you think Ben trained at the NDSTC is the latest he could have realized Charlotte was a ship. And he would have done massive amounts of research before committing to the theory. He would be checking old port records, shipping manifests, sailors’ journals, and shipbuilding companies to see if a ship named the Charlotte even existed in the time frame necessary to be a plausible answer to the clue. Only once he’d confirmed that the Charlotte existed and had been lost at sea would he know he needed salvage diver training.
And if he could only train at the NDSTC while he was an ROTC student, that would have been way before he met Riley. When they find the Charlotte, Ben says to Ian that,
“Two years ago, if you hadn’t believed the treasure was real, I don’t know if I ever would have found Charlotte.”
Ben was not in the ROTC two years ago, because based on his driver’s license he’s 39 at the time of the first move, way past the ROTC age restrictions. Furthermore, what is Ian investing in if Ben doesn’t have a concrete theory by this point? “I think there’s this treasure out there somewhere and you should pay for me to look,” is a much less convincing investment pitch than “I’m looking for this ship and my theory is that it’s in this place.”
And yes it definitely would have taken Ben the full two years to find the ship, even with Ian’s financial support. And probably much longer than that. The Whydah Gally, the only authenticated Golden Age pirate shipwreck, was only discovered 260 years after it sank under just 14 ft of water and 5 ft of sand even though there were eyewitness accounts of where it sunk just 500 ft off shore. Shipwrecks are hard to find. That’s why I also don’t think he hooked Ian with a different theory and then pivoted to the ship-Charlotte idea later. I think those two years were all shipwreck all the time.
Also, Riley didn’t join the team until after Ian got involved. Ben says,
“Riley, you’re not missing the little windowless cubicle we found you in, are you?” (emphasis mine).
So Ian was involved in finding Riley. And while Ben is pretty buddy-buddy with Ian in that first scene in the snowcat, Riley is much more guarded. I don't think it's just that he doesn’t like being ragged on; I think he was the last one to join the expedition and isn’t quite 100% sure about these people.
So while it made for a cute callback in the show…I’m not buying it, at least not for the purpose of this analysis.
How did Ben pay back the Navy? That leaves us with our final question: How did Ben pay back his tuition and thereby excuse himself from the ROTC service obligation? The boring answer is that he paid the debt back over the 10 year installment period, probably sometimes scraping by with the minimum payments of $50.00 per month. While the Gates’s aren’t poor, the movie makes it clear that treasure hunting doesn’t pay (until it does), and nobody in the family has accumulated much wealth in the course of its pursuit.
“You know what that dollar represents? The entire Gates’ family fortune.”
The more interesting answer is: he found a treasure. Not the treasure, obviously, but a treasure. Maybe he salvaged a different shipwreck, or discovered a reasonably valuable object on land. We know that in the course of his quest he found a George Washington 1789 Inaugural campaign button. He’s almost certainly found other objects of value as well.
So, for the purposes of drama, let’s say he’s left ROTC and is pursuing his next degree and/or searching for the treasure, but this debt is eating him alive. He owes too much not not be working full time, and that's slowly whittling away at the number of hours he’s able to spend treasure hunting, until it’s virtually none at all. He can’t ask his father for money (and while he probably could ask his mother, we’re sticking to the information given in the first movie, which implies she's dead). Then, shortly before he’s really in trouble—give-up-the-hunt kind of trouble— he finds it. Treasure.
Maybe he scrapes together his last few hundred bucks to go on one last dive off the Florida coast and finds a long-sought Spanish Galleon or a Gilded Age cargo steamer that sunk in a hurricane. Maybe he’s exploring the basement of a big old house in Maryland and, in a crack between the bricks and the molding, finds a soldier’s discharge form signed by George Washington himself.
So Ben pays back his scholarship and is free to treasure hunt full time, or at least as full-time as he can manage before Ian comes along to foot the bill.
Conclusion My conclusion here is that I hadn’t spent a lot of time thinking about Ben's time in the ROTC, or what his and Patrick’s relationship was like between Ben hearing the legend as a kid and showing up on his dad’s doorstep with the Declaration of Independence thirty years later. I hadn’t imagined just how messy it might have gotten, or how little they’d been involved in each other’s lives, but based on the timeline that ROTC constructs, even Ben’s latest entry point means they haven’t been speaking for ten years. And, as I think the screenplay hoped all along, thinking through Ben’s education impressed upon me just how intensely he was willing to train to put himself in the best possible position for find the Charlotte, and how long he had to have been searching for the ship.
My other conclusion is that I have no first-hand knowledge of ROTC or any other topic here so if you do and you’ve got a different theory, I’d love to hear it!
Thank you for joining me down this rabbit hole.
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dotslashchloe · 26 days
I remember running a terrible Zoostorm laptop when I was 12 and It had 1GB of RAM in a time when machines came with at least 2 as a standard option, and some people believed that you'd never need more than 4GB for anything.
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My parents bought me this thing because I had caused a little bit of an issue in our house, and that was my constant need for floppy disks post year 2000. We ran an Amiga 1200 in the dining room of our home as it was what my parents both used to code on in the mid 90's. We had tons of software for that thing but the coolest by far was a programming environment called AMOS. It used a proprietary (read: now unsupported) programming language called AMOS BASIC and the only resources we had for the language was whatever my dad remembered and the official language guide which, if i remember correctly, was thick enough to beat a goat to death with.
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The guide was sometimes really good at explaining language features and best use cases for mid 90's game development methodologies.
You can actually still download AMOS and run it on a Windows machine, or OSX and GNU/Linux if you have the tools to run applications meant for windows.
I moved from an Amiga sporting 2MB of chip RAM and 8MB of fast RAM to a Windows 7 laptop with a whopping, for the time, Gigabyte of Random Access Memory.
I couldn't wait to see the types of software that I could make with 32 bit technology and how I could use new... Oh, it crashed.
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Windows 7, at least on my machine, was a garbage fire. Somewhere along the way when we transitioned from floppy disks to hard drives and hard drives to solid state, programmers suddenly forgot how to make good decisions. The amount of driver errors, lag spikes, and crashes I experienced on that platform made me hate Windows, and even to this day, I really don't trust it.
I once turned my laptop on to find Windows using 90% of my available RAM, and it wasn't even running anything.
This frustration led me to look further afield. I knew that I liked the UNIX like systems from helping my dad run a FreeBSD server, and because of that, I very nearly bought a mac. Nearly. I still like to have a usable computer and do things that Apple don't want me to do, like change my settings in a way that matters.
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I finally found out enough to flash Arch to my USB drive and install it using a guide i found on a reddit thread. after editing all of my settings, i pressed enter, sat back... And bricked the fucking thing. Archinstall was a blessing from the gods, but we didn't have that yet.
2nd choice was Debian. Not only was it pre-configured out of the box, it had a package manager that made sense and came with development tools already built in. I played around with a few other distributions over the years until i discovered that they're all either Debian or Arch with a different package manager and desktop environment.
GNU/Linux blew my mind. The fact that all of this software was just out there for free fort anybody to use and change astounded me, and it still does to this day. You need to run a piece of hardware that nobody has made a driver for in about 20 years? Debian probably has it built in. You want to make video games? Debian can do that flawlessly. You want to play video games? Steam installs natively and comes with Proton!
By the time I was ready to go to College at 16, I was using Linux full time, and Archinstall had been added to the installation ISO (thank god). I used arch for all of my studies there, and all of my studies at University. I passed my degree because my software was free. I even had a C# compiling and running for my Programming 101 classes.
I do occasionally run Windows at some point from time to time, but i always make sure that WSL is installed. I do not see the need to download a piece of software to do something when Debian has the command built-in.
If it were not for the FOSS community, and GNU/Linux as a whole, I probably would not be the programmer that I am today, and I wouldn't have been able to learn many of the complex topics I needed for the field I have worked in due to the closed, corporate nature of the vast majority of software out there.
Sorry for yapping.
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primdordiumaugmented · 2 months
Your name is PROGRA AGORAH You are DECENT at HOBBY ELECTRONICS,you are the PRIMARY FAN of BLUE RASPBERRY FLAVORING and the PRIMARY HATER of GLITCHES. your chumhandle is primordiumAugmented and you [ tend 2 speak clearly ]
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allaboutmarketing4you · 4 months
Marketing Strategies And Marketing Mix Of Adobe
Source: The Brand Hopper
"Adobe’s Marketing Mix (4Ps): A Deeper Dive
Adobe’s success can be attributed to its strategic implementation of the marketing mix, the 4Ps: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Let’s explore each element in detail:
1. Product:
Breadth: From Photoshop and Illustrator for design to Premiere Pro and After Effects for video editing, Adobe covers diverse creative needs. They even offer XD for web design and Spark for social media content creation.
Depth: Each software has various versions. Photoshop Elements caters to beginners, while Photoshop CC caters to professionals. This ensures accessibility and scalability for different user groups.
Innovation: Adobe Research invests heavily in AI, machine learning, and other cutting-edge technologies. This translates into features like Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop and Rotoscoping in After Effects.
Integration: Adobe products work seamlessly together. For example, you can edit a photo in Photoshop and directly export it to Premiere Pro for video editing.
Services: Adobe Creative Cloud offers 20GB of cloud storage, access to Adobe Fonts, and integration with stock photo libraries like Adobe Stock, enhancing the overall creative workflow.
2. Price
Subscription Model: Adobe transitioned from perpetual licenses to subscriptions in 2013. This makes their software more affordable for individuals and small businesses, especially with monthly payment options.
Tiered Pricing: Individual, team, and enterprise subscriptions offer different features and functionalities, catering to diverse needs and budgets.
Free Trials and Freemium Options: Adobe offers free trials for most products, allowing users to experience the software firsthand. Some products also have limited free versions with basic features.
Discounts: Educational institutions, students, and teachers receive significant discounts on Adobe Creative Cloud, expanding access to future generations of creative professionals.
Bundled Offerings: Adobe Creative Cloud offers various bundles combining multiple products at a discounted price. This incentivizes purchases and increases perceived value.
3. Place
Direct Sales: Adobe sells directly through its website and flagship stores, offering personalized recommendations, tutorials, and in-depth product demonstrations.
Partner Channels: Strategic partnerships with leading tech companies like Microsoft and Apple expand reach and distribution channels. This makes Adobe software easily accessible through familiar platforms.
Online Marketplaces: Adobe software is available on Amazon and the Microsoft Store, increasing visibility and accessibility for users who prefer these platforms.
Cloud Delivery: Adobe Creative Cloud is delivered through the cloud, eliminating installation hassles and allowing users to access their files and projects from any device with an internet connection.
Mobile Apps: Adobe offers mobile versions of popular products like Photoshop and Lightroom, catering to the on-the-go creative needs of users and expanding their creative potential beyond desktops.
4. Promotion
Content Marketing: Adobe offers high-quality content across various formats. The Adobe Blog features in-depth tutorials, industry insights, and creative inspiration. They also have dedicated YouTube channels for each product, offering tutorials, tips, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.
Community Engagement: Adobe fosters a strong community through forums like the Adobe Help Center and user groups. They also host events like Adobe MAX, which connects users, showcases new features, and inspires creativity.
Social Media Marketing: Active engagement on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube builds brand awareness and connects with users directly.
Influencer Marketing: Collaborations with renowned creative professionals like photographers and designers amplify brand messaging and reach new audiences. Adobe also has an Adobe Creative Experts program, empowering passionate users to share their knowledge and expertise.
Events and Conferences: Adobe hosts and participates in industry events like Adobe MAX and Adobe Summit. These events showcase innovation, connect with potential customers, and build brand awareness.
Paid Advertising: Adobe uses targeted ads on platforms like Google and social media to reach specific audience segments and drive traffic to their website and free trial offers.
By strategically implementing these elements, Adobe has created a marketing mix that is comprehensive, effective, and adaptable. They have gone beyond simply selling software; they have built a community, fostered creativity, and established themselves as a leader in the industry. This approach not only drives sales but also builds brand loyalty and establishes a strong foundation for future growth. "
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the-halfling-prince · 6 months
Abe please gimme Harlow lore (I’ve seen snippets and am Intrigued)
The Harlow fans are getting FED tonight. (Idk how many of those there are, but there's at least you)
So just so y'all know I've got the basics of the series all planned out, but ive only got the first book written (draft 2 is almost finished). A lot of things I say here may contradict with things ive said in the past or will contradict with things I say in the future. Anyway let's go.
The main setting of the books is The Alavenik Archipelago, a small group of islands who's culture is inspired by (but not super directly) Norse (and a little Celtic) aesthetics. Of course most of the stories take place in the main character, Harlow's, home island of Drakenvel (the southernmost island in the archipelago.) The other islands are called Njotidan, Yfgusti, Krowethia, Nihdrikah, and The UnNamed Island. The islands are home to mostly humans, deer, birds, fox, rabbits, wolves, and oh yeah dragons. There's dragons in my Nordic inspired fantasy books don't look into that too much. (I'm a huge fan of httyd and skyrim what can I say?) The culture around how the Alavenikians treat dragons is basically just they avoid them like the plague. The dragons have human intelligence but they don't speak the same language. Our main character, luckily, is autism and thinks it's weird to not try and befriend the creature of equal intelligence that live in their home. This obviously gets her into trouble.
Drakenvel Island is very small. It's got cliffs all along the western shore, and forests covering most of the island (minus where the village is). The archipelago's islands trade with eachother regularly, and the Drakenvellians have mostly livestock and crops to offer. Their land is good for farming, with the main farm being owned by the Freyrson family (Wintergrow Freyrson is the head farmer. She's not super important to the story but her oldest kid is, just wait).
Another important thing to note about Drakenvel is that epithets are important to them. Almost all of the Drakenvellians go by an epithet/nickname of some sort. It can change later in life but typically it doesn't. The exception to this is the chief and his heir, who go by their real names (aka Harlow and her dad. I didn't bother giving him a name tho ngl). Like Harlow's best friend Tiger, who's real name is Björn. Or his dad, Inkwell, who's real name is also Björn. (Also until very recently in Drakenvel history, all the families had patriarchal last names. But slowly they've been transitioning to just having last names. Some of them have previous family members' epithets as last names, such as the Stormrages and Crowthornes, and some of them kept the patriarchal last name they had when making the change, for example the Freyrsons. Inkwell and Tiger's family hadn't made that change yet, but they basically decided they were going to stick with Björnson, since the past three generations have had that name. Hence Tiger's unfortunate full name being Björn Björnson the Second)
The chief is in charge of the village, but there is a council. This council consists of: Chief Stormrage, Wintergrow Freyrson, Inkwell Björnson (who owns the library), Halvor (the children's training leader, more on that later), Spiderweb and Bloodfell Crowthorne (more on them later. Hate them, tho.), and of course, Harlow. (Cause why wouldnt you have a 12 year old on your council.)
Real quick wanna mention Harlow and Tiger's mothers, Harlow's mother (who doesn't have a name yet I'm working on it) and Bullseye Björnson where adventurers who went missing when Harlow was four and Tiger was two. Harlow was basically raised by her mother's mother, and Tiger was raised by Inkwell (who is the best dad ever btw take notes y'all I love him)
Now I mentioned earlier that the kids have training. So on that: Drakenvel is a mostly peaceful village. But after Halvor first showed up from Yfgusti (a not very peaceful village), he suggested that they start a training program for the youth to learn to fight in the odd chance that they do go to war, just like they had on Yfgusti. The chief wasn't sure, but his wife thought it was a good idea so he agreed to it. From ages 10-18 the kids train in swordfighting, archery, wilderness survival, hunting, etc. They do that a few times a week. Harlow is great at it. Tiger is not. It makes for fun dynamics idk
Okay okay enough of Harlow and Tiger (never) what of the other kids? So glad you asked! There's four other kids in training. Catface Freyrson, Darkwind and Burnchaser Fjordson, and of course, my boy, my main man, the motherfucker himself: Careless Crowthorne. Careless is constantly described as an expert archer. I really like archery so I talk about him and his archery a LOT in the books ngl. Careless and Cateface have a history similar to Harlow and Tiger, extremely loyal childhood best friends, but as circumstances changed Careless and he became a jerk, that rubbed off on Catface (and Darkwind and Burnchaser) and in the words of Catface himself, they "became less friends and more 'the bully and kids who followed because they didn't want to be a victim'". Unfortunately, even after Careless had his half-assed redemption (it gets better in later books but his initial redemption was so bad even Harlow talks about it, he really just wanted to clear his own conscious) the rest of the boys we're still assholes.
Holy shit this is getting long
oh btw Harlow's dad doesn't like Tiger. This bitch has beef with a 10 year old fuck OFF i hate him.
Wait, hold on, aren't there some more important main characters in this... Hmmm... I talk about this all the time who am I forgetting... ah yes.
Daliah. (And another I'll get to next just wait, Cloudstorm fans)
Daliah of Krowethia. A mysterious girl who just showed up on Drakenvel one day. She's secretive, but doesn't really try to be. She just never talks about herself, and everyone else assumes she doesn't want to talk about her past. Anyway, they find out later she mysteriously showed up on the docks of Krowethia as a child, not remembering anything, and being taken in by the owner of a boarding house, a woman named Meilani. More of her another day. But Daliah had an urge to see the rest of the archipelago, and taught herself how to sail, and survival skills, and she went island to island, enjoying the landscapes (and avoiding dragons, which she was deathly afraid of)
Oh yeah there's one more member of their little gang. Another outsider from another land. A little dragon, an Amber-Winged Wyvern by the name of Cloudstorm. Harlow is obsessed with Amber-Winged Wyverns. In the same way someone who will never see their favorite animal IRL would be. Seeing an artic dwelling dragon is an unattainable dream for poor Harlow (me too girlie when do I get to see a caribou just out in the wild. Except her seeing an animal native to the artic is more likely than me seeing a Caribou so damn I guess.) She's only seen illustrations. But yeah then she finds on on her island???? The fuck??? (When will a Caribou show up in the Southern USA come on man. Sorry I got distracted. Anyway.) She talks to the dragon (because of fuckin course she does) and desperately wants to befriend him. Cloudstorm wants nothing to do with this weird kid. The rest of the gang wants nothing to do with this dragon.
More dragons come into the story later, but the first book is very much about the main group becoming, well, a group.
Also the dynamics between Harlow and the other main characters are so fun to me. Harlow and Careless and both headstrong leader types, but Harlow more boisterous, and Careless is more idk menacing is the only word I can think of. Harlow and Daliah are both adventure seekers, but Daliah is a play it safe survivalist, and Harlow is way more spontaneous. Then Harlow and Tiger are almost complete opposites. With Harlow being the boisterous, headstrong, adventurous, spontaneous leader, Tiger is a shy, weak, careful pushover and follower. Yet they're somehow best friends. Harlow and Cloudstorm are basically the same which makes their dynamic so funny. He treats her like she treats her own authority figures. (Not that Harlow is Cloudstorm's authority figure that was just the comparison I had)
idk if I have anything else to add RN but I'm willing to answer any about specific things
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pftones3482 · 2 years
"The future for the species looked dismal until the bird’s fortunes were revived by, of all things, an animated film. Rio, the story of a domesticated male Spix’s macaw called Blu, who is taken to Rio de Janeiro to mate with a free-spirited female, Jewel, was released in 2011. The film, and its sequel, Rio 2, earned almost $1bn. Crucially, the films revealed the threat facing the species to a global audience."
Never let anyone tell you media can't make an impact on real world issues.
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flordomamore · 15 days
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luxuryrehabfinder0 · 2 months
Luxury Rehab Reimagined: Exploring India's Leading Rehabilitation Centers"
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Introduction to luxury rehab centers
In recent years, the concept of luxury rehab has gained prominence in the field of addiction treatment. Unlike traditional rehabilitation centers, luxury rehab facilities offer a combination of upscale amenities, personalized care, and holistic treatment approaches. This article delves into the world of luxury rehab, with a focus on India's leading rehabilitation centers.
Overview of rehabilitation centers in India
India has witnessed a significant growth in the number of rehabilitation centers catering to individuals seeking treatment for addiction disorders. Factors such as affordable healthcare, skilled medical professionals, and serene natural landscapes have contributed to India's emergence as a destination for luxury rehab.
Characteristics of leading luxury rehab centers in India
Location and environment
One of the defining features of luxury rehab centers in India is their picturesque locations amidst tranquil surroundings. From the lush greenery of Kerala to the serene beaches of Goa, these centers offer a rejuvenating environment conducive to healing and recovery.
Facilities and amenities
Luxury rehab centers in India boast state-of-the-art facilities and amenities, rivaling those of five-star resorts. From private villas and gourmet dining to spa treatments and recreational activities, these centers prioritize comfort and luxury without compromising on the quality of care.
Treatment approaches and therapies offered
In addition to luxurious accommodations, India's leading rehab centers offer a comprehensive range of treatment modalities tailored to each individual's needs. These may include cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, art therapy, yoga, and meditation, among others.
Case studies of prominent luxury rehab centers
Example 1: Serenity Retreat
Located amidst the scenic beauty of the Himalayas, Serenity Retreat is renowned for its holistic approach to addiction treatment. With a team of experienced therapists and luxurious accommodations, it provides a transformative healing experience for its clients.
Example 2: Oasis Wellness Center
Situated in the heart of Rajasthan's desert landscape, Oasis Wellness Center offers a blend of traditional Indian healing practices and modern therapeutic techniques. Its serene ambiance and personalized care make it a sought-after destination for individuals seeking recovery.
Success stories from individuals who have undergone treatment in India's luxury rehab centers
Several individuals have shared their stories of transformation and recovery after undergoing treatment in India's luxury rehab centers. From overcoming substance abuse to reclaiming their lives, these success stories serve as testimonials to the effectiveness of holistic rehabilitation approaches.
Challenges and criticisms of luxury rehab centers
Despite their many benefits, luxury rehab centers also face challenges and criticisms. Issues such as accessibility for marginalized populations, affordability for low-income individuals, and concerns about elitism and exclusivity raise questions about the ethical implications of these facilities.
Luxury rehab centers in India offer a unique approach to addiction treatment, combining luxury accommodations with evidence-based therapies and holistic healing practices. As the demand for personalized and immersive rehabilitation experiences continues to grow, these centers play a crucial role in reshaping the landscape of addiction treatment.
Unique FAQs
Are luxury rehab centers only for the wealthy?
While luxury rehab centers may have higher costs compared to traditional facilities, many offer financial assistance or payment plans to make treatment more accessible.
How long does treatment at a luxury rehab center typically last?
The duration of treatment varies depending on individual needs and the severity of addiction. Some programs may last for 30, 60, or 90 days, while others offer extended care options.
Do luxury rehab centers guarantee success in recovery?
While luxury rehab centers provide a supportive environment and evidence-based treatment, success in recovery ultimately depends on individual commitment and ongoing support post-treatment.
Are luxury rehab centers only for substance abuse disorders?
No, luxury rehab centers may also offer treatment for a variety of behavioral addictions, mental health disorders, and co-occurring conditions.
Are luxury rehab centers regulated by any governing bodies?
In India, luxury rehab centers are subject to regulations and standards set by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, ensuring quality of care and safety for patients.
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there-goes-trouble · 2 months
Okay in case you need help for any reason (USA)
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If other forms of financial aid aren't coming through, try 211--one phone call can save you hours of headache while you're already in a tough spot:
Separately, while there are still public funds for it, you can be tested for COVID & FLU by a nurse from home in just abt every state:
Online resource for people who hate calling:
Food for Women Infants and Children:
Health & Human Services for medical help:
More medical help:
Help for homeowners about to lose their home (involves placing a lien on property):
This is for finding natal care related to living in a post-roe v. wade world:
There is so much pride in using resources our government might provide if you qualify because why shouldn't you get help? Tough spots happen, thats why these programs exist. & that's pretty cool.
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Pusat Ketergantungan Obat di Jakarta Lentera Bersinar Indonesia
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Kehadiran pusat ketergantungan obat di Jakarta Lentera Bersinar Indonesia membawa angin segar bagi mereka yang terjerat dalam narkoba untuk kembali pulih seperti sedia kala.
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Pusat ketergantungan Obat di Jakarta Narkoba sudah layaknya penyakit yang merusak masyarakat. Pasalnya, penggunaan narkoba tidak hanya membahayakan kesehatan. Namun juga bisa memicu berbagai tindak kekerasan dan kerusakan sosial. Rehabilitasi merupakan solusi terbaik bagi para korban penyalahguna yang berkomitmen untuk memulihkan diri.
Pusat Ketergantungan Obat di Jakarta Lentera Bersinar Indonesia
Lentera Bersinar Indonesia menggunakan pendekatan rehabilitasi holistik untuk membantu proses pemulihan penyalahgunaan narkoba. Pendekatan tersebut melibatkan rehabilitasi fisik, emosional, mental, serta spiritual. Adapun program perawatan meliputi konseling, terapi seni, religi, dan kegiatan olahraga. Rangkaian program perawatan bertujuan untuk membantu pasien untuk membangun kembali kehidupan mereka.
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Maka dari itu, Lentera Bersinar Indonesia juga memberikan pendidikan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran mengenai dampak narkoba, strategi pemulihan jangka panjang, dan pelatihan keterampilan. Selain itu, mengingatnya pentingnya dukungan keluarga bagi proses pemulihan pasien, kami juga menyediakan layanan konseling keluarga. Tujuan dari layanan ini adalah membantu keluarga sehingga dapat memahami dan mendukung proses pemulihan. Sebagai pusat rehabilitasi narkoba premium, kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan program perawatan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan unik dari setiap pasien. Kenyamanan dan keamanan setiap pasien juga menjadi prioritas bagi kami. Untuk mewujudkannya, Lentera Bersinar Indonesia menyediakan lingkungan yang nyaman dan fasilitas pendukung terbaik. Tersedia juga tim medis yang siap 24/7 untuk mendukung pemulihan pasien.
Layanan Lentera Bersinar Indonesia
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Terdapat tiga jenis layanan rehabilitasi yang kami sediakan, sebagai berikut: 1. Ketergantungan NAPZA Layanan yang pertama bertujuan untuk membantu korban penyalahgunaan NAPZA untuk memulihkan diri dari ketergantungan. Melawan ketergantungan merupakan perjuangan yang sulit dan panjang, sehingga perlu pemantauan tim medis. 2. Kesehatan Mental Kami juga menyediakan perawatan untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah kejiwaan, seperti depresi, kecemasan, gangguan bipolar, psikosis, gangguan stress pasca trauma, dan gangguan obsesif kompulsif. 3. Masalah Adiksi Lainnya Ketergantungan tidak selalu karena penyalahgunaan narkoba. Apalagi, jaman sekarang ada banyak faktor yang dapat memicu masalah adiksi atau ketergantungan. Lentera Bersinar Indonesia menyediakan perawatan untuk membantu mengatasi perilaku berlebihan, seperti kecanduan judi online, kecanduan film dewasa, dan belanja kompulsif.
Program Rehabilitasi Narkoba
Pusat ketergantungan obat di Jakarta Lentera Bersinar Indonesia menyediakan program rehabilitasi yang terdiri dari beberapa jenis, meliputi: 1. Detoksifikasi Detoksifikasi melibatkan proses pengobatan yang bertujuan untuk membersihkan zat adiktif dari dalam tubuh pasien. Proses ini juga berfungsi untuk mencegah timbulnya komplikasi medis akibat penyalahgunaan narkoba. 2. Rawat Jalan Pengobatan rawat jalan dilakukan di tempat tinggal pasien. Dengan kata lain, pasien tidak perlu menginap maupun pemantauan terus menerus. Biasanya, perawatan ini untuk pasien dengan tingkat ketergantungan ringan atau sedang. Rawat jalan juga merupakan opsi yang lebih ideal bagi mereka yang memiliki tanggung jawab lain. 3. Rawat Inap Program rawat inap mengharuskan pasien tinggal di fasilitas rehabilitasi selama masa yang ditentukan dokter. Hal ini karena pasien memerlukan pemantauan 24 jam oleh tenaga medis. 4. Aftercare Program ini berlaku bagi mantan pengguna narkoba yang telah menyelesaikan masa rehabilitasi. Tujuan dari aftercare adalah untuk membantu mempertahankan pemulihan pasien sekaligus mencegah kambuhnya penggunaan obat. 5. Family Support Group Dalam program ini perawatan melibatkan orang-orang terdekat pasien, seperti orang tua, pasangan, saudara, maupun anggota keluarga lainnya. Mengikuti kelompok dukungan keluarga memungkinkan pasien dan keluarga untuk saling berbagi. Selain itu, program ini dapat membantu pasien memerangi perasaan terisolir.
Keunggulan Lentera Bersinar Indonesia
Mengobati ketergantungan narkoba bukanlah hal yang mudah. Bahkan, bagi banyak pecandu, melawan dorongan memakai narkoba merupakan perjuangan berat yang penuh tantangan. Hal tersebut karena ketergantungan sering kali menimbulkan berbagai efek samping yang merugikan. Selain itu, penghentian penggunaan obat juga disertai dengan berbagai gejala fisik dan mental. Proses pemulihan juga dapat melibatkan perang internal melawan gejala depresi yang sering kali mengarah pada perilaku berbahaya. Inilah mengapa melakukan rehabilitasi sendiri bukanlah pilihan yang tepat. Pemakai narkoba perlu pemantauan dan konsultasi dengan tenaga ahli. Pusat Ketergantungan Obat di Jakarta Lentera Bersinar Indonesia memiliki berbagai keunggulan sebagai tempat rehabilitasi premium. Berikut beberapa keunggulan kami: 1. Staf Profesional Lentera Bersinar Indonesia menyediakan tenaga medis profesional untuk memberikan perawatan terbaik. Staf kami memiliki keahlian dan kualifikasi khusus untuk membantu pasien melawan adiksi, sehingga dapat pulih dengan baik’. 2. Pengalaman Selain berbekal kualifikasi yang mumpuni, staf kami juga merupakan tim profesional yang telah berpengalaman selama lebih dari 20 tahun merawat pasien. 3. Dukungan Premium 24/7 Berkomitmen membantu pemulihan dari adiksi, Lentera Bersinar Indonesia menyediakan layanan konsultasi terkait penyalahgunaan NAPZA dan ketergantungan yang tersedia 24 jam. 4. Program yang Baik Kami menyediakan perawatan untuk mengatasi adiksi dengan serangkaian program yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pasien. Program perawatan kami meliputi berbagai aspek, mulai dari fisik, mental, hingga spiritual. Pendekatan yang menyeluruh tersebut membantu pasien untuk dapat kembali menjalani kehidupan bermasyarakat. Efektivitas program kami terbukti mampu menyelesaikan 95% masalah pasien. 5. Fasilitas yang Nyaman Perawatan kami memprioritaskan keamanan dan kenyamanan pasien. Oleh karena itu, kami menyediakan fasilitas dan tempat yang nyaman untuk menjalani program pemulihan.
Fasilitas Lentera Bersinar Indonesia
Dedikasi kami dalam memberikan perawatan terbaik untuk pemulihan pasien adiksi bisa Anda lihat dari ketersediaan berbagai fasilitas. Sesuai dengan pendekatan holistic dan berbasis bukti, Lentera Bersinar Indonesia menyediakan berbagai fasilitas unggulan. Mulai dari kamar yang bersih dan nyaman untuk pasien yang memerlukan rawat inap hingga fasilitas olahraga dan hiburan. Berikut daftar fasilitas yang tersedia di Lentera Bersinar Indonesia: - Medical Room - Medical Equipment - Mushola - Taman Hijau dan Air Terjun - Rooftop sebagai Sarana Olahraga - Kamera Pengawas 24 Jam - Security 24 jam - Water Heater - Air Pam & Filter - WiFi 100 Mbps - Smart TV - Dinning Table - Magnetic Ecobike - Soccer Table - Billiard
Pentingnya Memilih Tempat Rehabilitasi Terbaik
Melansir dari Addiction Center, Indonesia termasuk negara di Asia Tenggara yang memilih aturan paling ketat terkait penggunaan obat berbahaya. Meskipun demikian, penyalahgunaan masih terus terjadi. Bahkan, banyak penyalahguna yang terjerat ketergantungan sehingga semakin sulit untuk berhenti. Melalui program rehabilitasi narkoba yang baik korban penyalahguna NAPZA dapat pulih dan kembali ke dalam masyarakat. Maka dari itu, penting untuk memilih fasilitas dengan program yang tepat dan pelayanan terbaik. Lentera Bersinar Indonesia hadir dengan pendekatan holistik dalam proses pengobatan adiksi. Perawatan kami mencakup berbagai aspek, termasuk reintegrasi sosial. Sehingga selain memulihkan kesehatan fisik dan mental, pasien juga akan mendapatkan pelatihan dan pendampingan agar dapat kembali produktif.Dapatkan perawatan terbaik dari pusat ketergantungan obat di Jakarta Lentera Bersinar Indonesia. Anda juga bisa menggunakan layanan konsultasi gratis kami dengan menghubungi nomor 08118125437. Dapatkan edukasi tentang narkoba, pencegahan, dan solusinya di LBI Ensiklopedia. Read the full article
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marianeaparecidareis · 2 months
“Arrepender-se seria o passo inicial. Mas não é tudo!! Portanto, muito mais impor-tante é a aceitação da Vontade que grita por mudanças e a tomada de consciência, uma vez que SOU EU clamando em cada coração por mudanças radicais!! Este começo de Século é de suma importância, pois realizarei a eliminação de poderios exacerbados de Forças Inimigas. Ajoelhai-vos e prostrai vossos corações diante de Deus! Temei estar em pecado diante da LUZ... ATENÇÃO! Estai cercados de LUZ. Ainda há tempo! Correi!! Dias, meses, anos passam num piscar de olhos e logo...
Criança, sei que tens medo. Porém, acos-tuma-te a transcrever TUDO exatamente TUDO que vos falar. São importantíssimas Orientações que não podem ser omitidas.
Vossa grande sorte é que existe INTERNET e tudo pode se espalhar rapidamente por toda Terra. Conecta teu pensamento em MIM e o resto deixa que outros façam... Desliga-te de todo o resto. Os meios e os fins determino Eu!...
Outrora mandei diversos Profetas anunci-arem Revelações muitas delas que se reali-zariam quase 2 ou 3 mil anos depois!! No teu caso não diria a mesma coisa! São imediatas e representam não só o AMOR que sinto pela criatura humana, mas a URGÊNCIA DOS SINAIS que aí estão!
O Mundo percebe instabilidades. Criaturas correm afobadas rumo ao nada!... Sentem vazio, medo, angústia; sensações intensificadas que não conseguem entender. Filha, SÃO MEUS SINAIS!! A alma de cada um poderá captar o que está por vir. Basta aquietar-vos, fazer silêncio interior e escutar a alma!
Mas a imensa maioria está ocupada de-mais! Correm como verdadeiros robôs au-tomatizados, fazendo sem emoção ou consciência o que seu celebro foi progra-mado a fazer. Aí está!!.. Nessa área o Inimigo atua com desenvoltura: A MENTE!! Ele não entra no CORAÇÃO! Lá habito EU!!..
A Porta de Entrada (do Inimigo) é a MENTE desatenta, ávida por realizações materiais, iludida de que suas forças con-seguirão vencer o mundo! Esse é o efeito devastador desse Inimigo ardiloso e es-perto. Fazer com que Meus filhos foquem apenas a realização pessoal, sendo o ‘eu’ o centro de tudo. Naturalmente a PRESENÇA DE DEUS fica completamente empalidecida, rejeitada e escondida atrás de grandes muralhas de Orgulho, Ganân-cia e Desprezo!!...
Seria como se a mente fosse sendo pro-gramada a fazer tudo o que faz, às vezes até com sucesso, (o demônio facilita bem as coisas) mas puxando essa Minha alma para longe DAQUELE que ele ODEIA e TEME= DEUS!!...
A ação dos anjos caídos é sorrateira e silenciosa!! Eles não se apresentam com fantasia de diabo!! Muito pelo contrário! Se fosse assim, seria fácil reconhecê-los. Seu Maior Trunfo é chegar disfarçado de vestes puras, inocentes e muitas vezes até santas!...
Ardilosas criaturas que sorrateiramente vão se instalando na existência dos Meus filhos até que os liquidem totalmente com grandes desvios de conduta e comportamentos muitas vezes irracionais. Muitos estão tão ‘endemoniados’ que até se pare-cem com eles!! Falam igual, MENTEM IGUAL!... Agem com a mesma esperteza, escondendo uma grande vaidade, ganância e sede em conquistar o mundo, como grandes pessoas poderosas, criaturas com EGOS INFLADOS exatamente como o Inimigo planejou.
Ah! Como existe o domínio do Mal!! É estarrecedor perceber o grau de destruição no mundo. Acordai desse imenso pesade-lo!
Sentai pois, debaixo de uma árvore distante de tudo que vos aprisiona e meditai quem é o DONO de vossa vida!... QUEM É O CENTRO DE TUDO? Quem escutais quando tomais decisões?... Se a resposta é em vós mesmos, CUIDADO!!! Aí dentro quem está deitando e rolando é o DEMÔ-NIO completamente dissimulado em forma de ‘pensamentos’ muitas vezes até bons e altruístas.... Mas que servem apenas para disfarçar o orgulho de serdes melhores, mais santos, mais inteligentes e muitas vezes mais ESPERTOS que a grande maioria!!...
Essa é a política do eu, eu, eu, eu, que impera nesses tempos terríveis. Eu, eu, eu, eu, e mais eu!! Eu sou, eu posso, eu tenho, eu faço.... E EU pergunto, e daí??? Quem é esse bando de ‘eus’?? Quem são essas pessoas que nada mais são do que soldados treinados a seguir o pelotão rumo aos Infernos!?! Irão marchando bem firmes cantando: ‘eu, eu, eu, eu, eu, eu, eu...’ despencando nas profundezas onde os horrores os farão calar apavorados. Só assim perceberão que existe uma OUTRA PESSOA na existência Humana!... Aí seus clamores, seu desespero e súplica estarão muito distantes do MEU ALCANCE! Que pena filha!!! Bem que tentei salvá-los diversas vezes!!...” JESUS
“Senhor, sei que existem coisas escritas ontem e anteontem que por medo não re-li ainda. Sei que vão me trazer intranqui-lidade. Jesus Misericórdia!! Me explica melhor o que é isso de “profeta!!” Jesus, acho terrível decifrar códigos indecifrá-veis... Se me desejas como “profeta” que seja de forma simples e de fácil entendi-mento. Senão a grande “massa” como gostas de falar, vai ouvir e se perguntar: Bem e daí??? De que me serviria isso???”
“Aproximai-vos das Antigas Fórmulas de aprendizado onde tudo a ser aprendido era passado de forma definitiva e integral. Hoje tudo é efêmero, rápido e descartá-vel!.. Nada que se aprende tem valor por muito tempo. Tudo é mutável...
O que aprenderão vossas crianças? Apertar botões?? Comandar imagens, decidir individualmente o que querem e o que re-jeitam?? O retrato do triunfo do Inimigo!! São robotizados para o Mal. Estão fixos em programas que em nada lhes pode acrescentar, enquanto ser humano. Muito menos como pessoa ‘Imagem e Semelhan-ça de Deus’.
Filha, entrai no meio dessa programação, e se precisar, ‘plantai bananeira’ para chamar a ATENÇÃO!! Quero uma Ação conjunta e forte para esse Combate! Não é apenas um ‘Site’ a mais e pronto. Isso não é digno de um DEUS!!!... Usai recursos, meios e pessoas influentes. Discuti possibilidades, interesses e a aglutinação de ideias onde o General seja Eu!!...
Somente um DEUS pode saber em que área atacar, que recursos usar e de que forma surpreender! Filha, tu entras aí nessa área... (???) És tremendamente criativa. Tens bom senso e bom gosto para comandar profissionais da área. (???) Quero surpreender!!.. Quero causar curio-sidade e espanto pela INOVAÇÃO!!
Tudo deverá ser contado de forma diferente para que seja gravado na mente o que foi visto...”
“Filha, é isso aí!!... Captaste a dificulda-de de se comunicar a existência de Deus, sem cair no ridículo e no fácil esquecimento, como acontece com os Catecismos de hoje! Seria mais que tempo de uma enorme Reestruturação que divulgasse o oposto, numa proposta onde o BEM esti-vesse atrelado ao BOM e MODERNO!! Que o Mal estivesse fora de moda; que o malandro egoísta caísse no ridículo!..
É a mesma coisa que tivesses que inverter o Mundo de ponta-cabeça. Ou melhor, de ponta-cabeça ele já está... Seria então o inverso!! Colocá-lo em pé, de onde ele jamais deveria ter saído... A situação che-gou à tal limite que ou agimos com forças parecidas utilizando os mesmos Veículos, ou seremos grandemente atingidos e mor-tos pelo Demônio e seu incalculável exér-cito.”
“Filhos prestai atenção: Eu poderia sim-plesmente fechar os olhos e Me calar! Mas sois Meus pequenos Anjos que saíram do Céu para passarem alguns momentos na Terra. E não Me conformo em perder-vos para sempre. Sois filhos amados, e a Per-dição dessa vida não vos poderá arreba-tar. Quero-vos Comigo crianças!!
Que Satanás arda nas chamas de seu In-ferno bem longe dos Meus! Recuperarei a Soberania deste Mundo contando com a força de milhões de pessoas que já pres-sentiram a urgência dos tempos. Infeliz-mente haverá um
que marcará essa virada!! Ninguém pode saber quando, justamente para que o Ini-migo não fique sabendo. Por isso alguns Enigmas e Segredos. Nada que ele possa saber é revelado à alguém!..
Aparecerá Sinais evidentes de que caminhas segura. Capta tudo, filha! Saiba que estou indo à frente te cuidando. O ama-nhã poderias imaginar da maneira que bem quisesse!!...
Como Deus, desejo com Vitória, apesar das sangrentas lutas com o adversário ardiloso e tremendamente imoral. SUAS ARMAS SÃO SUJAS!!... A escória da podridão; nojo da promiscuidade.
Filha, não quero falar mais disso!.... Teu coração odeia que Eu fale dele. Pois en-tão!! Queres falar do quê??... De Anjos, de trabalho, de jovens, o quê?.. Eu diria que o que mais Me aflige são os jovens!! O que mais Me alegra são os bons Anjos, e o que mais tenho vontade é trabalhar nessa HUMANIDADE! Houve rédeas soltas muito tempo.
Sabe filha, nada do que acontecer poderá pagar tantas almas que foram (serão) perdidas. E olha Eu falando de coisa triste outra vez!...
Bem! Alegria é Eu contar com tua presteza e dedicação. Alegria é ver quantos es-tão desempenhando seu papel no Meu Plano...
Alegria é perceber muitos voltando à Minha Casa!! Alegria é saber que muitos ainda voltarão aos bandos!!... Querida! Presta tua ajuda e milhões acharão o Caminho mais facilmente. Dedica-te como tens feito e muitos chegarão até Mim!!... Obrigado!....”
Teu Pai e Amigo JESUS a Marjorie Dawe (31 Março 2000)
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egitim-ve-is-hayati · 3 months
Yurt Dışı Lojistik Dağıtım Ağları Destek Programı (YLDA) Firmaların Rekabet Gücünü Artıracak TruKKer İcra Kurulu Üyesi, Avrupa & BDT Genel Müdürü Hakan Arıkan, Ticaret Bakanlığı tarafından uygulanacak Yurt Dışı Lojistik Dağıtım Ağları Destek Progra...
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sfrzlrynd · 3 months
AoC Summit Tahun Ini
Kesalahan terbesar kita, sebagai manusia, adalah saat kita memiliki ekspektasi yang terlalu berlebihan kepada orang lain. Seharusnya, jangan terlalu berharap kepada manusia, karena bisa mengakibatkan kekecewaan dan kepahitan hidup. Karena harapan itu sepatutnya hanya disandarkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa. Namun, kembali lagi, pada akhirnya, berulang kali, kita tetap berekspektasi yang berlebihan kepada manusia.
Apalagi jika ekspektasi yang dimaksud ialah berupa sebuah harapan akan proses perbaikan atau improvement. Ekspektasi yang membuat semangat kita naik kembali, setelah sebelumnya menurun karena bosan dengan kondisi yang gini-gini saja. Juga harapan yang dititipkan oleh tim supaya bisa tetap bersama. Namun ternyata semua harapan itu seperti pepesan kosong, seperti opak angin, seperti gentong kosong, tak ada satupun yang kesampaian.
Dua paragraf di atas merupakan sebuah premis pembuka tentang pelaksanaan AoC (Agent of Change) Summit tahun ini. Bagaimana sebuah event yang seharusnya kami ikuti dengan sangat antusias, tiba-tiba menjadi awal bagi merontoknya semangat-semangat kami. Padahal satu minggu sebelumnya, di Malang, kami telah berkonsolidasi bersama 'pembina' untuk menyukseskan acara AoC tersebut.
Kami, beberapa anggota AYC, sangat bersemangat ketika diajak berdiskusi membahas kegitan AoC Summit. Karena kami memiliki puluhan ide kegiatan dan program AYC (atau AoC secara umum) untuk dapat dilaksanakan di tahun ini. Ide-ide tersebut didapatkan dari pengalaman selama setahun sebelumnya ketika mengerjakan kegiatan BOSS, CCIT, dan AoC Compiler, bahkan ketika menginisiasi program AKHLAK Day. Dari kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut muncul catatan dan evaluasi, yang berakhir menjadi ide-ide gila. Sehingga, kami tidak mungkin melewatkan momen AoC Summit. Momen ketika, seharusnya, kami bersepuluh berkumpul, mungkin dengan anggota baru, melakukan Forum Group Discussion (FGD) atas ide-ide yang dicatatkan.
Harapan tetap menjadi harapan. Maksudnya, tidak menjadi kenyataan. Tujuan AYC tidak dapat dicapai. Pada sesi FGD, kami dipecah menjadi 4 kelompok dengan bahan diskusi yang berbeda-beda. Ibarat lidi, kalau tidak dikumpulkan, akan mudah dipatahkan. Memang benar kami memiliki puluhan ide gila, tetapi jika tidak dibahas bersama 10 orang, ide itu akan menguap karena tidak ada yang saling memompa. Kami sempat mencoba untuk mempertahankan program kami sebelumnya dengan mengusulkannya pada tim FGD, tetapi pada akhirnya tidak ada satupun yang berhasil lolos sampai detik ini, ketika tulisan ini dibuat. Tak ayal WAG AYC ramai membahas permasalahan ini.
Tidak bisa masuknya ide-ide kami, bahkan program-program AYC sebelumnya, ke dalam project charter adalah 'penyesalan' pertama. Kondisi kedua, yang membuat kami, andai waktu itu kami tak berekspektasi terlalu tinggi, adalah kami bersepuluh tidak bisa lagi menjadi AYC. Ini adalah kondisi yang paling parah. Padahal semua stream telah berjalan dengan baik selama 2 tahun, tapi tiba-tiba dirusak. Hidup damai, sampai negara api menyerang. Tentu saja WAG AYC tak mungkin tidak meng-ghibah.
Itulah dua hasil yang amat sangat disayangkan. Yang dalam pandangan kami, seharusnya tidak perlu terjadi. Mengapa? Karena memulai dari awal hanya akan memperburuk kondisi AoC, yang berusaha untuk 'naik kelas' tersebut.
Tak hanya hasil, kami melihat proses-proses yang dilakukan saat AoC Summit sudah tidak tepat.
Pertama. Para kelompok FGD belum tentu sebagai eksekutor. Saat pertama kali memulai forum, saya bertanya kepada 'pembina', siapa yang akan menjalankan program yang dibahas saat FGD? Karena tentu akan berbeda cara pembahasannya bila menjadi eksekutor atau tidak. Jika menjadi eksekutor program hasil pembahasan, tentu tim akan berusaha menelurkan ide-ide yang feasible untuk dapat direalisasikan. Tetapi jawabannya adalah, yang penting punya ide dulu, eksekutornya akan dibahas nanti.
Hal tersebut merupakan sebuah kesia-siaan. Meskipun saat forum diskusi, saya sudah mencoba membatasi supaya program yang dibahas hanya satu dan berpikir seolah-olah kamilah eksekutornya. Sehingga programnya sederhana dan kami sangat merasa memiliki.
Ternyata di akhir, program tim FGD saya ditambah-tambahkan ide dari tim lain. Saya mengerutkan dahi tidak terima, bagaimana bisa ide berasal dari tim lain tetapi tim saya yang harus menjalankan. Sampai sesi presentasi di hari kedua, saya dan tim tidak mempermasalahkan, kami tetap membawa ide 'jahitan' tersebut.
Kedua. Tidak melibatkan anggota AoC dalam mengelompokkan ide-ide yang sudah dibahas, ke dalam program akhir/final. Ketika hari pertama berakhir di sore hari, setelah semua tim menyampaikan gagasan hasil pembahasannya yang masih mentah, kami bubar dan dijadwalkan untuk melanjutkan diskusi pada malam hari ba'da isya.
Alangkah terkejutnya saya dan tim, mendapati ketika kembali ke ruangan, dan 'pembina' melakukan presentasi. Yang mereka klaim sebagai kesimpulan. Yang berisi pengelompokkan program-program 'sejenis' dari 4 tim FGD. Pengelompokkan dan tambah-kurang yang dilakukan sepihak oleh 'pembina' membuka mata saya, bahwa sedari awal, memang semangat kami sudah berbeda.
Saya dan tim AYC yang menganggap bahwa AoC adalah sebuah gerakan arus bawah, bottom up, sehingga semuanya duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggi. Ternyata tidak sejalan dengan 'pembina' yang maunya top-down, mereka yang meyimpulkan, mereka yang menentukan, dan anggota AoC hanya sebagai 'anggota'. Orang-orang yang melaksanakan (eksekutor) ide-ide orang lain. Semangat gerakan mulai hilang. Padahal kelebihan dari sebuah gerakan adalah keterlibatan semua tim karena sama-sama merasa memiliki gerakan tersebut.
Akhirnya apa yang dilakukan 'pembina' di hari pertama membuka mata kami semua, tim AYC. Kami khawatir semangat AoC era baru ini malah akan mengakibatkan jumlah anggota aktif berkurang satu demi satu. Sebab tak ada lagi sense of belonging.
Ketiga. Target yang salah sasaran. Apakah nilai AKHLAK adalah segala-galanya? Apakah itu seperti nilai KPI yang akan memengaruhi bonus (uang)? Meskipun nilai AKHLAK fungsi turun dari tahun sebelumnya, tetapi terlalu berambisi untuk mengejar nilai 'semu' itu menurut kami, tim AYC, bukanlah keputusan yang bijak. Memangnya apa yang dikorbankan? Tentunya, seperti yang disebutkan sebelumnya, yang dikorbankan adalah semangat anggota untuk memiliki AoC.
Dengan banyaknya kegiatan yang bukan murni ide dari masing-masing tim, apalagi ada stream (baru) yang memiliki program seperti pekerjaan, mengurusi dasbor, tiket-tiket, dan lainnya. Intinya tidak mengandung unsur Fun Theory (seperti AoC tahun sebelumnya). Terlalu berfokus kepada nilai akhir, hanya akan menjadi beban bagi member AoC. Seperti pekerjaan, yang top-down, bukan dari bawah. Sangat berbeda dengan AYC, saat menyukseskan program-program tahun lalu, kami membawa semangat yang sama, yaitu bersenang-senang dengan AoC.
Setiap meeting AYC kami jadikan hiburan di kala penat dalam menjalankan rutinitas kerja harian. Target kami hanya satu, menjalankan kegiatan AYC dengan perasaan ikhlas. Apa manfaat yang diterima? Kami sangat kompak. Kekompakan tersebut tentu berimbas pada pekerjaan. Kami yang sebelum tergabung di AYC, (tentu) masih belum saling kenal dan agak canggung saat berkoordinasi terkait pekerjaan, setelah belasan mengikuti meeting bersama membahas program AKHLAK, kami menjadi sangat akrab. Pembahasan soal pekerjaan menjadi tak lagi ada batasan. Sangat toleransi apabila ada permasalahan. Sangat peka apabila ada yang membutuhkan bantuan. Seharusnya target AoC itu ya seperti yang dilakukan AYC, kekompakan tim. Bagaimana menyelesaikan program-program dengan menyenangkan.
Kami tidak akan pernah tahu 5-10 tahun ke depan, anggota AoC akan menjadi apa. Tapi, jika di awal, kami sudah dibebani oleh target nilai, haqqul yaqin pasti tidak akan ada yang bertahan. Apalagi sampai sekarang belum terlihat siapa yang akan menjadi para penggerak. Yang sebelumnya diperankan oleh anggota AYC.
Demikianlah, yang dapat saya tuliskan, mungkin masih banyak sekali hal yang mengganjal, tetapi ada baiknya tetaplah menjadi memori jangka pendek di dalam kepala. Tidak perlu diabadikan di dalam tulisan untuk saya baca di masa depan.
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krispydreamerking · 4 months
THIS IS A PRINE EXAMPLE OF WHAT "Trump" IS TALKING ABOIT AS TO INDOCTRINATION OF YOUR CHILDREN BY SCHOOL ATHORITIES: ACLU of Maine raises concerns about Caribou High School's fingerprinting program sansationed by the Democratic Gov. Mills and Bellows. Administration of Maine.
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