#queen in hyun's man
dangermousie · 7 months
Out of all the excellent time travel dramas out there, Korean and Chinese, my favorite is Queen In Hyun’s Man (2012) and this MV is amazing!
The story of a modern day actress and an 18th century scholar is literally perfect as far as I am concerned and the chemistry was insane (the leads fated for a while in RL.) Though god, it drank so much of my blood! I still want to start bawling when I see her pull him in by his tie.
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lurkingshan · 11 months
Thanks to a reminder from @miscellar I have finally started Queen In Hyun’s Man! It’s been on my list for years but for some reason it’s been removed from all legal streaming services, and I have waited in vain for it to return. I finally said fuck it and downloaded it from a grey site (in 360p RIP my poor eyeballs).
Despite the low resolution, I’m six episodes in and I love it. The dynamic between the leads is so great - I love their easy chemistry and the way this man from the past is so quick on the uptake that our modern girl can barely keep up with him. He figures out everything so quickly, and he’s onto her nonsense right from the start (kissing as a standard greeting, girl who do you think you’re fooling). He even gave himself a makeover! A self-sufficient man!
I can see why people speak of this one so fondly.
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snowdrop-yoongi · 2 months
my favorite thing about baek hyun-woo's portrayal is that he isn't even a loser. he's an incredibly cool and competent lawyer who also happens to act like a loser
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blabberingabout · 2 months
this is stupid but...
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Baek Hyun-woo is so baby girl. He's a hunk. A soft, fresh out the oven cinnamon roll but also he's a pillar and a rock. Like a warm hug but also an inferno
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jcpostsobsessions · 2 months
The comfort, the tenderness and the communication. They’ve come a long way. 🥺
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Hyun woo hears her crying and immediately comes to check on her. I love that Haein didn’t cry in her room (where maybe he couldn’t hear), but she instead cried right outside.
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The second she sees him, she bursts out into more tears. And it’s the littlest of attention, but look at Hyun woo touching her, trying to grab her hands for comfort or something to physically let her know, he’s here. Props to KSH for adding that in.
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“It’s just been ages since I felt fine. These are tears of joy.”
Excuse me while crying my corner. Poor Haein.
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Hyun woo moving to embrace her.
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Look how tiny she is, and the way she looks up at him as he gentle wipes her tears. What a great shot.
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inpursuitofnunchi · 2 months
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10underoot2 · 2 months
Episode 10's epilogue but I'm still stuck at that little laugh of pure happiness he gives on getting 'she likes me' from the branch. I don't know how Haein didn't just go out to kiss him right there and then.
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prncssguya · 2 months
i can’t wait to see this family at their lowest; i want to see them groveling at hyun woo and his family’s feet, struggling to exist coexist because they haven’t spent time with each other as a family in years, getting frustrated at the slightest inconvenience because they no longer have servants to wait on them hand and foot. i need this family humbled
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newtmastime · 2 months
did i miss something? if hae-in had thoroughly confirmed her situation like she said she did, then why didn't she see articles, videos, tweets, news outlets, or literally ANYTHING about the time she announced to every living soul in SK that the little bitch next to her threatened her and her husband? like? did that event just magically disappear? and why tf did no one tell her she was being weird for leaving tg w that little shit after she publicly humiliated him? like not even a slight slip of the tongue? from bystanders? paparazzis? media outlets? hello
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afza147 · 3 months
Queen of tears ep7 pre release
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My boy hyun woo got backup plan and know someone is onto him.
This makes me want to see ep7..I don't watch pre release..but this was essential in order for not dropping the drama
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New man watching the recording like watching a drama🤣
Ok please writernim don't screw my baby like ep6 no more.
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seonpremacy · 2 months
EUN SUNG the creep that you are 😍😍😍
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kojandra · 2 months
i hope yoon eun seong eats his little shit bag at the top and resents his mom bc everyone knows the top is not worth climbing when you don't have someone with you that you care about to share the success with
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world-smitten · 2 months
uneasiness is the word for Queen of Tears. This show makes me uneasy. I felt it in the first episodes where a group of men lament having to cook for the Hong's family memorial service (cooking! horror!), I felt it when Soo-cheol opened his big mouth to call Africa barbaric, and I'm still feeling it 6 eps in while Hae-in cavorts around Germany with her lousy husband.
I haven't dropped the show yet because I find it entertaining, and I have no self-discipline. What I like: Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in. The ensemble cast is big and probably expensive, but the money is paying off. They're all individually strong performers, and they work off each other expertly. I like the Hong family, and I like their soon-to-be usurpers. I like how the camera moves - I like how funny the writing can be. I love the soundtrack. Hae-in's fake illness is one of the more compelling fake illnesses in k-dramas. I think everything around her character is sharply drawn, and most of that lies in Kim Ji-won's performance, who knows exactly how to ride that fine line of irony and earnestness. She knows Hae-in is out of touch and vain, and plays those moment with subtle self-riducule, but she also acknowledges that Hae-in is trying, if not necessarily successfully, to be a better person.
Her husband though - lol. Baek Hyun-woo starts out as someone with a degree of responsibility and morality that his in-laws severely lack. Much of the first episodes is playing up his alienation as a decent, modest middle-class lawyer who marries Hae-in, a woman from a vastly rich family, and learns quickly that the companionship and support he thought he'd receive from her isn't there. He decides to get a divorce after he finds out that his wife didn't put him in her will - the last straw, and ultimate proof that she no longer loves him. Fair enough, thought I. Then he finds out his wife is dying. His reaction: stash away the divorce papers and lover her up so bad she'll fall for him again and put him in her will. Okay...interesting! thought I. It was a refreshing turn in his character, having our nice lead be as self-interested and petty as the in-laws he looked down on. And at that point, the writing was vaguely, vaguely aware that he was a prick for it. But it also gave him an out - see, it wasn't really Hyun-woo's idea, but his friend's, whispering in his ear like Lady Macbeth to topple the faithful King Duncan, so y'know, this conniving isn't really Soo-hyun's nature. He's definitely not that kind of guy.
The funny thing is that Hyun-woo's selfishness is the only believable thing about him. Early on, it's hammered in that working for this family is eating up at his sense of justice, but there's no underlying reason or conviction as to why or where he has this sense of justic from. I can believe more that he is a deeply materialistic man, who says the "moral" thing, but ultimatley still cares about status and money and reputation. After all, the moral compromises he regretted making for his in-laws no longer mattered when he was busy chasing Hae-in's bag lol. And like his ethics, his love for Hae-in feels similarly hollow - when he starts to see her through sun-lit filters and flares with ballads in the back, it all reads like artifice attempting to simulate a sincere falling-back-in-love, and I don't buy it. I don't believe that he's a good man, and I don't believe that he loves Hae-in. I cannot believe that people were harassing Kim Sae-ron, a real woman with a real connection to Kim Soo-hyun, over this pairing. Stand up.
In fact, this show is a lot like Hyun-woo - hollow, saying the "right" things re: wealth, but meaning nothing. The villains are grasping class upstarts. The chaebol family are so dysfunctional and bumbling that they become like children, pitiable and endearing. There's a show in here that's brilliant, and I keep seeing flashes of it because I've seen it in other brilliant shows. An upwardly mobile lawyer marries into a conglomerate, and their corruption chews him up and spits him out - Stranger. A chaebol family whose stupidity and pettiness is genuinely disturbing and suffocating - Secret Love Affair. And if you want to ogle and jeer at rich people, then Mine is as indulgent, as excessive, as voyeuristic (bordering on exploitative) as QOT while still having a moral spine. Of course, those shows had very different writers, different aims and tonal registers to Queen of Tears, which is first and foremost a brassy, sweeping crowdpleaser. But QOT wants us to take it seriously - it wants us to at least believe in the romance that it's selling. And well...I don't know if I can manage that. Personally, I'd have cut Hyun-woo out all together, make Eun-sung/Hae-in and Soo-cheol/Da-hye the main pairings (while keeping Eun-sung and Da-hye as two-faced as they already are), and have the messiness of the plot spill out from that.
I think this is all a sign to watch My Liberation Notes again.
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
Throughout the years, King Cheoljong and Queen Cheorin ruled Joseon together. Peace reigned for many years, the country prospered, their people were happy, and so were the royal couple. The heavens blessed them with five healthy and handsome princes, and they have been happier than ever.
However, a couple of months before their 10th year of marriage, they found out that the queen has conceived once more, and on that very same day when her mother and father got married, the princess came into the world.
Of course, the kingdom rejoiced...
Lady Choi however, had mixed emotions, she dreaded the day that a tiny Kim So-yong would come into this world. The queen was already a handful, then the crown prince came. After that, a series of pregnancies and childbirths which brought the second, third, fourth and fifth princes, all born within the decade.
The queen didn't really expect to fall pregnant again, but Lady Choi did, especially when her majesty swore not to conceive again...a vow she makes every single damn time she gives birth. In all fairness, the queen loves all of her children more than life itself, perhaps she just hated the whole pregnancy process. The older lady couldn't blame her, no mother enjoys the nausea and vomiting, being sensitive to everything, weird food cravings, feeling tired all the time, back pains and so on. Not to mention the endless pre-natal education which she already memorized by now, and of course, labor pains and actual childbirth are always the worst.
The king had been supportive of course, always making sure to provide everything his wife needs, comforting her, being with her at the birthing bed while enduring her loud mouth (Lady Choi lost count on how many times the queen cussed her husband while pushing their child into the world). However, when the princess was finally born they were ecstatic, she inherited her mother's beauty. But Lady Choi swore she heard the king mumble a prayer for her daughter to NOT inherit her mother's...unusual personality, at least not all of it. For the record, each of his sons had gotten some of the queen's traits, but he has a feeling that the princess is going to inherit much more.
The royal couple always say that their children are the most wonderful gifts they've ever received, but for the nannies who look after the royal children, it's a nightmare. The chaos brought about by five young boys in the palace has become a normal thing, so it's no longer surprising for someone who sees or comes across a nanny running after or frantically looking for a royal child. They're at their wits end, and who understands them better than Lady Choi herself? That explains why she and the royal cook have been getting more company at the bamboo forest.
"I'll give her a year, when the princess learns how to walk, the new nanny will be joining us," said Man-bok.
Lady Choi scoffed, "Oh please, the moment the princess starts to crawl it will be hell for the nanny, I'd say it's about seven months," she said with confidence.
Placing a bet for how long a nanny would last until they snap had been the old couple's habit since the birth of the king's heir. So far, Lady Choi had a more precise prediction than the royal cook.
It wasn't long after they heard rustles, like someone was coming. To their surprise it was the new nanny, she looked like she hadn't slept for days and was clearly exhausted. "Oh my are you alright? You seemed so stressed out," the royal cook worriedly asked.
The new nanny looked like she was about to cry, "The princess is driving me insane! She really doesn't like me."
"How can you say that?" it was Lady Choi's turn to ask.
"She's the calmest baby when she's with her parents, but when she's with me she won't stop crying and squirming! And her brothers..."
"Why? What did the princes do?"
"They said their sister despises me," the nanny said miserably.
"Those little rascals," Man-bok muttered under his breath.
"Well...children do prefer to be with their parents than other people, the crown prince was like that when he was a baby," said the first prince's nanny, "Just give it some time, she'll get attached to you. I'm not saying it'll get easier after that, no way. In my case, I've been hearing complaints from some elders saying that the first prince is arrogant. But he's not, he's actually confident and assertive, kind, wise and just, he has all the qualities of a king this country needs."
The other nannies joined the conversation. The second child prefers being outdoors (meaning he escapes from the palace almost all the time which stresses the shit out of his guards and nannies), but his adventurous side has made him brave, bold, and street smart. The third born is a smooth talker, he knows how to get himself out of trouble with words, but he is the most level-headed and a true gentleman. The fourth son is usually quiet and prefers to read or practice calligraphy, but when he talks he is very direct and brutally honest. The fifth son, the youngest prince and a ball of energy can already identify almost all of the ingredients used to prepare their meals and likes to banter with the royal cook, however he is also the sweetest and most loving among the siblings.
They may differ in personalities but if there's one thing the boys have in common, it's their love for the king and queen. They have immense respect for their father and they take good care of their mother even at such a young age. Lady Choi commends how the king and queen are raising their children.
"The royal children aren't who you'd expect them to be, but when you really think of it, they're just...children," said the nanny to the second prince.
"They're not perfect, but seeing them grow into fine young princes, you'll realize that our job isn't so bad after all." said the fifth prince's nanny.
"Come to think of it, it's actually amusing how the queen birthed six charming yet mischievous babies, isn't it royal cook?" asked Lady Choi.
"Oh Lady Choi, we have the king to thank for their charms, and their mischievousness? We all know where they got it from."
They all laughed, the bamboo forest had been a safe space for Lady Choi since coming into the palace. It also brought her and Man-bok together, and now the nannies whom they have formed a close friendship with. At least now Lady Choi and the royal cook know that they aren't the only ones who are losing their minds yet still continue to serve the royal family as best as they could.
"But if it really bothers you dear child, you may let all of your feelings out, it will be our little secret," Lady Choi winked at her.
The new nanny nodded, took a deep breath and yelled as loud as she could. With her newfound friends and the bamboo trees as witnesses, "I can't wait until the princess gets older," Man-bok whispered to Lady Choi, they both snickered as they watched the poor young woman pour out her emotions.
She sure has a lot to rant about, and probably more in the future.
The Bamboo Forest (by: Iris)
This fanfic is solely based on the KDrama, Mr. Queen and has nothing to do with the real Cheoljong and Cheorin, as well as Korea's history.
Also, this has been sitting in my drafts for a couple of weeks. I've been imagining what Cheoljong and Cheorin's (from the show) kiddos would be like since I kinda feel sad that I didn't get to see their baby be born but...oh well.
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jcpostsobsessions · 3 months
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When they went towards the hill 🤣
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