#she's a good girl
elphabaoftheopera · 2 months
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click here for the good kitty poll
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legend-of-cupcake · 5 months
I’ve seen a bit of discourse on Twitter, with people calling Nene toxic because she shot 3 Cupid arrows into a sleeping Hanako. It’s… wild. Imagine hating the main character of the entire manga 💀 I could make an essay on why she’s not toxic, but instead I’m gonna go down the other route and say:
If you think Nene is toxic, then oh boy do I have some news for you about Hanako!!
Let’s list Hanako’s toxic behaviours:
Tricked a young girl into swallowing a mermaid scale so he could make her destroy yorishiro’s
Literally admits himself that he didn't plan to care about Nene and was just using her until he caught feelings
Heavily flirted with Nene until she became confused about his intentions, which resulted in her crying
Threatens to turn Nene into a fish when she doesn't bend to his will
Intentionally keeps Nene's lifespan a secret from her, and only reveals it to her after she confronts him about it
Tries to harm Nene's best friend twice! Despite knowing full well she would disapprove (for those who may not remember, along with literally trying to kill her in Nene's stead, Hanako attempts to drop a chandelier on Aoi to lure out the clock keeper he was hunting)
Hanako quite literally locks Nene away, against her own freewill, because he decided it was the best way to save her (despite how much she didn't want to stay there)
Becomes overly possessive and jealous about Nene, to the point that he doesn't even like the idea of anybody saving her life other than himself (there's so many examples I can give on Hanako's possessiveness alone, but just know it's a pretty toxic trait of his)
Constantly thinks he knows what's best for Nene and will act on that interest, never consulting her on anything even though it's about her
Refuses to entertain Nene's desire to die and stay with him, even Tsukasa says he was selfish for that one
Do I even need to mention chapter 71? The entire severance? How Hanako, after realising he wouldn't be able to make Nene forget, decides to try and make her full on hate him and acts cruel towards her Honestly I am certain I am forgetting things, but this is a list of Hanako's toxic behaviors from the top of my head. He isn't innocent by any means!! And sure, I admit Nene has flaws and that's okay, but if you're going to say she's toxic then I'm sorry but you have to include Hanako too because he's far worse. And btw this is just Hanako's toxic behaviors towards Nene, she actually gets off easy, because everyone else gets it far worse from him. Like? Tsukasa anyone?? Murdered younger brother who was abandoned for 2 decades?? The hypocrisy runs deep.
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artnfiction · 4 months
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Look at him defending Eva...
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starstaiined · 11 months
you know those plaques that some zoos have for penguins? where it's like the "star penguin/naughty penguin" and then the reason for the rankings?
yea the yellowjackets have that in the locker room pre crash
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agentoctosims · 3 months
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Anya had added the vegetable patch to her list of chores while Aris recovered and the extra load was taking its toll on her. Balancing her duties, nursing her husband back to health, and worrying about what her family would do day in and day out with a strong facade was draining.. When the kids were at school she would steal a few moments for herself
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Irene had noticed her mother struggling since she was the one home most often.. and one day while her father seemed to be strong enough to walk into the garden, she asked him to show her how to care for the plants too.
The garden had always been a place of solace for Irene and now it felt even better to help out while her parents had so much on their plates. She could be found in the garden every day after school until it was dinner time
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 months
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She has plenty of couch space she could have, but no, she must be right behind Dad.
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kydrogendragon · 1 year
This is completely random, but look at the painting of my chicken I did! I am quite proud of it. Her name is Chai. She loves mealworms and violence.
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stitchedragdoll · 9 months
DO A FLIP YURRR -Bird anon
*Stitcher does a double flip*
*she is now looking at the sky (you) for praises*
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wretchedbirdthing · 7 months
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man, idk, i just can't help but feel bad for her. imagine being called out that hard by none other than the author
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gainprincess · 11 months
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"O-One time...Ms. Merlin chugged an entire boob-worth...thinking it'd be funny..."
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"Mr. Merlin had to spend an hour crafting a spell that would reduce her weight and bring the base back from under her ass..."
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elphabaoftheopera · 2 months
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click here for the bad kitty poll
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shadowen · 6 months
Daily Word Count: 827
November Word Count: 23754
Project Word Count: 59192
Line of the Day: Tribble, who had been waiting outside the infirmary, followed obediently beside him with a small whine, as if she blamed herself for not being there to help. 
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theradicalace · 11 months
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new household creature!!
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thestonedknifeman · 5 months
How to tell if you have a good girl........
She's always nose first in the bush and ass deep
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just-a-mod · 7 months
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so i realized my last happy piece of art was that stardew valley Zalla picture i did
so, gonna try to share some of the happier doodles ive done of late, which i doubt i'll clean up
i found a cover of song of the ancients today, and it's adorable and sounds like a child singing
and so all i could picture was Kailope singing at Tyme to get it's attention. and despite the fact typically you need two voices or two people to sing the song, it works because Tyme has a soft spot for smols
and Kailope in particular
so they get up for her, regardless of the fact she's not doing it 'right'.
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multiverse-swampy · 9 months
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Lawful Good
People who are Lawful Good believe that an orderly, strong society with a moral government can work to make life better for the great majority of the people. When the laws are fair and the people respect them and try to help one another, humanity as a whole prospers. Therefore, people who are Lawful Good strive for a social order that will bring the greatest benefit to everyone and cause the least harm. Lawful Good personalities may sometimes find themselves faced with the dilemma of whether to obey the law or do good when the two conflict. For example, when upholding the law of the land would lead to unfairness or harm or when there is a conflict between two orders of what is right, such as between the ways of their community and the law of the government.
Tagged By: Stole it from @electricea Tagging: Steel it.
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