#taman ayun temple
inclusivebalitour · 9 months
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dejahisashmom · 2 years
Tri Hita Karana: The Mystical Philosophy of Bali Rice Terraces - Historic Mysteries
Tri Hita Karana: The Mystical Philosophy of Bali Rice Terraces – Historic Mysteries
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samlarej · 1 year
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When you travel around Bali and witness the many temples scattered on the island, you will notice some very distinct architectural features. When it comes to the larger temples, the most impressive feature you will see are the meru, the multi-tiered shrines that tower high-above the rest.
The term ‘meru’ is a reference to Mt. Mahameru, the sacred mountain of Hindu (and Buddhist) cosmology. It is fabled to be found at the ‘centre of the world’; its summit, at a million kilometres high, is where heaven is located, the abode of the gods. With its religious importance, Mt. Mahameru has been symbolically represented through architecture, such as the prang in Khmer temples of Cambodia and Thailand, or the Balinese meru towers.
The meru towers, or pelinggih meru, are easily recognised with their pagoda-style, multi-tiered roofs that diminish in size as they ascend. The tiers, known as tumpang, are nearly always oddly-numbered, going from one to as high as eleven levels – except for one meru found at Taman Ayun Temple, which features two levels.
You will find these meru in the jero of a temple, the innermost sanctum reserved for the most sacral activities. As pelinggih, or shrines, they are therefore ‘seats’ for gods and spirits, who will temporarily reside within them. Being symbolic of the great holy mountain, the height of the meru thus shows the importance of the residing god or spirit; the higher up the mountain, the holier the ‘resident’.
The eleven-tiered merus are often reserved for the highest of the Hindu gods – Shiva, Brahma and Wisnu – such as that found at Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, whose towering meru is dedicated to Shiva and Paravathi, goddess of fertility and love. The five-tiered merus are dedicated to Bhatara Mahajaya, god of Mount Agung; the three-tiered meru of Pura Luhur Uluwatu is dedicated to Dan Hyang Nirartha, a legendary Hindu priest.
The roofs of a meru are constructed with the black fibres of the sugar palm tree known as ijuk, and the whole structure is carefully constructed according to the philosophies of traditional Balinese architecture
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indra69 · 1 year
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When you travel around Bali and witness the many temples scattered on the island, you will notice some very distinct architectural features. When it comes to the larger temples, the most impressive feature you will see are the meru, the multi-tiered shrines that tower high-above the rest.
The term ‘meru’ is a reference to Mt. Mahameru, the sacred mountain of Hindu (and Buddhist) cosmology. It is fabled to be found at the ‘centre of the world’; its summit, at a million kilometres high, is where heaven is located, the abode of the gods. With its religious importance, Mt. Mahameru has been symbolically represented through architecture, such as the prang in Khmer temples of Cambodia and Thailand, or the Balinese meru towers.
The meru towers, or pelinggih meru, are easily recognised with their pagoda-style, multi-tiered roofs that diminish in size as they ascend. The tiers, known as tumpang, are nearly always oddly-numbered, going from one to as high as eleven levels – except for one meru found at Taman Ayun Temple, which features two levels.
You will find these meru in the jero of a temple, the innermost sanctum reserved for the most sacral activities. As pelinggih, or shrines, they are therefore ‘seats’ for gods and spirits, who will temporarily reside within them. Being symbolic of the great holy mountain, the height of the meru thus shows the importance of the residing god or spirit; the higher up the mountain, the holier the ‘resident’.
The eleven-tiered merus are often reserved for the highest of the Hindu gods – Shiva, Brahma and Wisnu – such as that found at Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, whose towering meru is dedicated to Shiva and Paravathi, goddess of fertility and love. The five-tiered merus are dedicated to Bhatara Mahajaya, god of Mount Agung; the three-tiered meru of Pura Luhur Uluwatu is dedicated to Dan Hyang Nirartha, a legendary Hindu priest.
The roofs of a meru are constructed with the black fibres of the sugar palm tree known as ijuk, and the whole structure is carefully constructed according to the philosophies of traditional Balinese architecture, 
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capstoneholidays · 3 months
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vikhyatr · 4 months
Beyond the Horizon: Uluwatu Temple's Architectural Marvels and Mystical Myths
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Bali, the revered Island of the Gods, unfolds a tapestry of cultural richness and spiritual sanctity through its ancient temples. Amidst these hallowed structures, Uluwatu Temple and Pura Taman Ayun stand as testament to Bali's unique blend of Hinduism, steeped in animism and reverence for nature. Perched dramatically on the southern cliffs of the Bukit Peninsula, Uluwatu Temple, with its architectural brilliance, and Pura Taman Ayun, nestled within serene courtyards, beckon visitors into a world where history, spirituality, and natural grandeur converge. As the sun sets over Uluwatu, casting an ethereal glow on the Indian Ocean, and Pura Taman Ayun reveals its tranquil beauty, we embark on a journey to unravel the layers that define these two iconic temples in Bali.
I. A Glimpse into Balinese Hinduism:
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Balinese Hinduism Primer: To understand Uluwatu Temple, one must delve into the unique amalgamation of Hinduism that flourishes on the island. Unlike the predominantly monotheistic Hinduism of India, Balinese Hinduism is infused with animism, ancestor worship, and a deep reverence for nature. This section provides a brief overview of the spiritual tapestry that forms the backdrop of Uluwatu Temple.
II. Uluwatu Temple: A Cliffside Marvel:
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Architectural Splendor: The architectural brilliance of Uluwatu Temple is a testament to the skilled craftsmanship of Balinese artisans. Carved out of black coral rock, the temple stands tall against the backdrop of the azure ocean. This subheading delves into the intricate details of the temple's design, highlighting the significance of its elevated location.
Strategic Placement and Ocean Panorama: Perched 70 meters above the sea, Uluwatu Temple offers an unparalleled view of the Indian Ocean. This subheading explores the strategic significance of the temple's location and the breathtaking panoramic vistas it provides, making it a hotspot for sunset enthusiasts and photographers.
III. The Legends of Uluwatu:
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Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa and the Sea Temple: Every Balinese temple is steeped in myth and legend, and Uluwatu is no exception. This section uncovers the story of Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, the supreme god in Balinese Hinduism, and his connection to the sea temple of Uluwatu.
The Monkey Chant and Hanuman's Presence: Uluwatu is known for its resident monkeys, believed to be the guardians of the temple. The Monkey Chant, a traditional dance performed at the nearby Uluwatu Kecak and Fire Dance, is rooted in the epic Ramayana, depicting the heroic deeds of Hanuman. This subheading delves into the cultural significance of Hanuman in the context of Uluwatu Temple.
IV. Uluwatu Temple: A Spiritual Hub:
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Kecak and Fire Dance: One cannot experience Uluwatu Temple fully without witnessing the mesmerizing Kecak and Fire Dance. This traditional Balinese dance, performed against the backdrop of the setting sun, tells the tale of the Ramayana. This section unravels the significance of this dance as a spiritual and cultural expression.
Pilgrimages and Rituals: Uluwatu Temple is not merely a tourist attraction; it is a sacred site where Balinese Hindus come to pay homage and perform rituals. This subheading explores the various ceremonies and pilgrimages that take place within the temple grounds, shedding light on the spiritual vibrancy of Uluwatu.
V. Conservation Efforts and Challenges:
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Preserving the Temple Ecosystem: The popularity of Uluwatu Temple has led to increased footfall, raising concerns about conservation. This section discusses the efforts made to preserve the temple's natural surroundings, including flora and fauna, and the challenges posed by tourism.
VI. Uluwatu Beyond the Temple:
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Suluban Beach and Surf Culture: Adjacent to Uluwatu Temple lies Suluban Beach, a hidden gem with towering cliffs and world-class surf breaks. This subheading explores the symbiotic relationship between Uluwatu Temple and Suluban Beach, as well as the vibrant surf culture that thrives in the vicinity.
Luxury Resorts and Cultural Experiences: The Bukit Peninsula, home to Uluwatu Temple, has evolved into a luxury destination. This section delves into the high-end resorts that dot the landscape and the cultural experiences that visitors can partake in, offering a well-rounded exploration of Uluwatu's contemporary allure.
In the heart of Bali's southern cliffs, Uluwatu Temple stands not only as a cultural treasure but also as a living testament to the island's spiritual essence. From its architectural grandeur and panoramic views to the myths that shroud its existence, Uluwatu weaves a narrative that transcends time. As we navigate through the rituals, performances, and conservation challenges, it becomes clear that Uluwatu is not just a destination—it's a journey into the soul of Bali. In concluding this exploration, we find that Uluwatu Temple, with its spiritual resonance and natural splendor, encapsulates the very spirit of Bali itself.
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itspetraveler · 9 months
Bali-városi részek, Indonézia, Ázsia
Csütörtökön este átrepültünk Indonéziába, Balira. A repülés 3 órát vett igénybe este 6 órától, majd további 3 órára volt szükség - az útlevél ellenőrzés, a vízum és a biztonsági ellenőrzés miatt - hogy eljussunk a szállásunkra Ubud-ba.
Bali Indonéziához tartozó sziget, trópusi éghajlattal, vulkanikus eredetű hegyekkel, esőerdőkkel, hosszú tengerparti szakaszokkal, vízesésekkel, rengeteg rizsfölddel és szentélyekkel. Közkedvelt sziget a turisták körében, hiszen mindenkinek tartogat a sziget látnivalót és kikapcsolódási formát aktív és passzív nyaralás-pihenés keretében.
Bali fővárosa és legnagyobb városa Denpasar, de a turisztikai központja Ubud, így nekünk is arra esett a választásunk, hogy az első pár napot Ubudban töltjük el. A szállásunk egy kis családi vállalkozás által üzemeltetett apartman volt, közel a városközponthoz.
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A pénteki nap Ubud felfedezésével telt. Első állomásunk a Monkey forest - Majomerdő - volt. Kicsit “féltem” a nem mindig barátságos majmoktól, de az erdőben a területhez képest szerintem nincs sok majom és csak akkor őrülnek meg, ha a szemükbe nézel, vagy ha közelről akarod őket lefotózni. Utóbbi esetében félő, hogy eltulajdonítja a telefonodat. Szerencsére egyik sem történt meg velünk. Kis - távolról - aranyos állatok voltak.
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Második állomás - ami az egész délutánt körülölelte - a rizsföldek közötti séta volt a Campuhan rizsföldön. 3-4 órát sétáltunk, mialatt átjutottunk Ubudból egy másik városba, ami a cél is volt.
Indonézia fő termése a rizs, nagyon sok háznál meg is terem a rizs és azt el is fogyasztja a család. A mondás úgy tartja, hogy ha nem ettél rizst egy nap, akkor nem is ettél semmit.
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A célunk az Alas Harum Bali - Cretya Ubud - volt Tegalalang városában. Ez a hely is tulajdonképpen egy rizsföld, ami köré épült egy szórakoztató központ, benne: infinity pool-lal, többféle hintával, étteremmel, mini kávé készítő bemutatóval. Minden zöld és természetközeli nagyon. 1-2 óra alatt körbe lehet járni és a végén a kalóriát vissza lehet tölteni vacsora vagy/és desszert formájában.
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A szombati napon egy egész napos - 8-9 órás - autós túrára mentünk. A repülőtéri taxisunk - inkább hívom idegenvezetőnek - felajánlotta, hogy elvisz minket egy egy napos túrára megmutatva Bali északi részének szépségeit. 9 órakor vett fel minket a szállásunknál és indultunk Taman Ayun Temple nevű szentélyhez. A területen több pagoda - többszintes tetős főként fából vagy téglából épült építmény - található, valamit egy folyó övezi. Éppen táncos ünnepre készülődtek, így ünnepi(bb) díszbe volt öltöztetve a hely. Érdekesség, hogy itt Balin minden háznak rendelkeznie kell egy kis szentéllyel, lehet kicsi vagy nagy, de ha az utcán sétálsz, könnyen lehet, hogy betévedsz egy családi házba, mert azt hiszed, hogy látnivaló. Itt jegyzem meg, hogy a nap folyamán a helyiek virágdíszt helyeznek el a házuk bejárata elé, jelezve a “rossz erők” elűzését. A virág mellé gyakran füstölők is társulnak.
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A szentély megtekintése után egy kávé ültetvényre autóztunk el, ahol a képen látható kávé fajtákat kóstoltuk meg. Egyszerre kicsit sok volt a 7 fajta kávé és a 6 fajta tea, plusz megkóstoltuk a híres macska kaki kávéját (Luwak kávé) is. Nekem az avokádó és a kókusz kávé tetszett a legjobban.
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Kávézás után ismét rizsföld látogatás következett, jó, hogy minden napra jut egy rizsföld. Bár itt jutna 4-5 is, de akkor nem lehetne mást megnézni. A mai rizsföld neve: Jatiluwih rizsföld. Ez a legnagyobb - 60 hektár területen elfekvő - és a legmagasabban lévő - 700 méter magasan - rizsföld Balin. Az elhelyezkedése lépcsős, háttérben látható - ha nem felhős az ég - a Batukaru hegyvonulat. A rizsföld területén különböző hosszúságú És domborzatú túraútvonal között lehet választani, mi egy órás sétát választottunk. Nagyon nagyon szép a látvány.
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A rizsföldet újra szentély követte, de ennek érdekessége, hogy egy tavon terül el: a Beratan tavon a Pura Ulun Danu Beratan szentély. Én ezt is szentély komplexumnak nevezném. Több szentély van és mellette különböző szórakozási lehetőségek gyerekeknek és felnőtteknek egyaránt. Itt már kicsit fáradtak voltunk, így csak körbesétáltunk és készítettünk pár képet.
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A szombati nap utolsó állomása a Leke leke vízesés volt. Nagyon magasról indult a fél órás túraútvonal. A fáradtság nem, de az 509 lépcső nagyban segített lejutni és megcsodálni a közel 50 méteres vízesést.
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A vasárnap utazással, majd pihenéssel telt, de erről majd később.
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americanlivingincebu · 11 months
Bali Taman Ayun Temple 1 of best but away from the major tourist areas s...
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kangawi-seo · 1 year
Tanah Lot Uluwatu Tour
Uluwatu Tours is an exciting tour to visit some old and historical places such as Taman Ayun Royal Temple, Tanah Lot, Uluwatu Temple, Jimbaran Bay Sunset Dinner.
Tanah Lot, the 1st most visited places of interest in Bali, it is located on the West coast of Bali, at the Beraban village in the Tabanan Regency. Tanah Lot also called Tanah Let which means ancient land and also Tanah Lod/Kelod, which means the land at the south. Tanah Lot temple which has spectacular temple that lies on the lava rock on Indian Ocean. It is very famous because it has very beautiful sunset point in south west Bali. Tanah Lot Temple as dang Kahyangan (the big Holy Temples in Bali), because the history and the Penyiwi (The people taking care of the temple) are from the local people from Tabanan regency and surrounding area. Beside Tanah Lot Temple there are other temples which can be seen on your visit to Tanah Lot such as Batu Bolong Temple, Batu mejan Temple and Enjung Galuh Temple.
Uluwatu Temple is the amazing Hindu temple on the cliff bank with the deep rocky beach under its. The temple is blessed with the breathtaking view of the Indian Ocean and sunset as backdrop. It is tours to visit the beautiful place with the cute group of monkeys which dwell the habitat around the Uluwatu temple. Our professional tour guide is outstanding offer our best service to keep your convenience on this trip. It is come with our private full air-conditioning car transfer and safety driver will complete your tour to Uluwatu.
Uluwatu Temple is one of Balinese Hindu Temple located in southern part of Bali right on the cliff bank with magnificent view of the Indian Ocean. It is very amazing that this temple is built on the narrow peninsula with deep rocky beach under it. It’s has very beautiful view in particular of the sunset time. There are group of monkeys live around the temple that keep and protect the temple from the bad influence based on the local resident’s believes. Uluwatu Temple owns the history and culture heritage that is one of the value and feature that many visitors visit this place.
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kirktonic · 1 year
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ꜱʜᴀᴅᴇᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱʜᴀᴅʏ 📍 ᴛᴀᴍᴀɴ ᴀʏᴜɴ ᴛᴇᴍᴘʟᴇ, ʙᴀʟɪ, ɪɴᴅᴏɴᴇꜱɪᴀ 🇮🇩 🌐 ᴡᴡᴡ.ᴋɪʀᴋᴅᴀᴍᴀꜱᴏ.ᴄᴏᴍ ✅ ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ ᴏɴ ᴛɪᴋᴛᴏᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ: @𝙠𝙞𝙧𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙘 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎 (at Taman Ayun Temple, Mengwi, Kabupaten, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CojiD0ISuDB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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itsmemychal · 1 year
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Loving this Portrait Picture that @mardika_g took me on our Temple Visit in Taman Ayun Thank you @galihbalitours for an epic Temple Run Tour that suitable to our schedule. Truly Wonderful Indonesia 🇮🇩 #galihbalitours #baliguide #balitourguide #legian #seminyak #kutabeach #travel #love #photography #guide #ubud #kintamani #legianbeach #seminyakbeach #nusapenida #kelingking #brokenbeach #bali4dayspackage (at Taman Ayun Temple, Mengwi, Kabupaten, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmYOPsPfdw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mom-of-rochnrosh · 1 year
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𝟷𝟸•𝟷𝟿•𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟸. 𝙳𝚊𝚢𝟷: 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 & 𝙻𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 - 𝚃𝙰𝙼𝙰𝙽 𝙰𝚈𝚄𝙽 𝚃𝙴𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴. #chetongsadventures #chelandbetonginBALI2022 #chelandbetong #wheninbali #friendlybalitours (at Taman Ayun Temple) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmb4DKhyVDK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yashvitours · 2 years
TOP 8 Incredible Things You Should Never Miss In Bali
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Bali, an Island in Indonesia, popularly known as the Islands of Gods, needs no introduction. It is the Southeast’s most popular tourist destination. Everyone can find something to enjoy here, whether you prefer breathtaking natural beauty, lush Balinese greenery, majestic rice fields, revered temples, exhilarating adventure activities, or relaxing spa treatments. Its real beauty lies in the narrow alleyways, Balinese culture, making it a land of endless experiences and beautiful markets. Despite the chaos in the popular tourist areas of Bali, the island is rich in scenic beauty and offers attractions for all types of tourists. Bali is a wanderlust’s dream destination. 
So, Tighten your seatbelt and get ready for an exotic joyride on one of your most treasured vacations ever. Bali is waiting for you, so brace yourself. This all gives you the reasons to book your Bali Tour Packages. This blog will help in finding out the best things to do in bali. 
Here is the List of Exciting Things to do in Bali 
Soak Up Some Rays on Sanur Beach 
Cool ocean breeze, tan skin, salty hair, and that book you want to read for all ages – what could be a more relaxing way to relieve stress than visiting a beautiful beach? 
Sanur Beach offers mouthwatering evening cocktails, exciting water sports, captivating surfing, and award-winning beach huts for overnight accommodations. Pack your sunscreen, wrap up your bathing suit, and create a playlist of your favorite songs. So, tick mark this beach off your bucket list by booking Bali Holiday Packages. 
Explore the Temples
Bali is pervaded by temples all around, and thus, exploring them is one of the best Bali things to do. For instance, Ulun Danu, Tanah Lot, and Taman Ayun were built in the 17th century (other temples are even older). They look simply majestic with their delicate carved exteriors and exquisite architecture. 
Although it is impossible to visit all 20,000 temples on Bali’s island, many can be covered, especially those that are close to one another. For example, the most revered temple is the Pura Besakih temple, also referred to as “The Mother Temple.” Tourists can find other significant temples near Mother temple, including Gunung Kawi Sebatu, Tirta Empul, Ulun Danu Batur Temple, and many more.
Enjoy Water Rafting on the Ayung River
Water rafting on the Ayung River is one of the most exhilarating activities in Bali for adventure seekers. On an inflatable raft, you can experience one of life’s most breathtaking adventures while navigating the swiftly flowing river. The rafting excursion is a great trip to be mesmerized by the magnificent scenery and enjoy some of your best photographic opportunities ever. Enjoy this thrilling Water Rafting with your spouse by booking Bali Tour Packages for Couples. 
Balinese Massage “Aah, A Spa”
The Balinese Spa boasts traditional Chinese and Indian techniques that involve applying pressure on the muscles to relax the tired muscles and stimulate their nerve endings. From blissful royal experiences in some exotic spas to pocket-friendly massage options, availability helps to uplift your mood and relieve stress. 
There are various options, including everything from Ayurveda to acupressure, as well as numerous other aromatic and oil treatments intended to pamper and indulge the visitor in the height of luxury and exotic experience. Visit one of these facilities to experience the fantastic services firsthand. 
Trekking to Mount Batur 
Despite how palm trees sound, swimming, and riveting beaches, one may get tired of them after weeks of exposure. Accordingly, Trekking Mount Batur can thus be the next best activity of your trip to rouse the thrill-seekers and overcome laziness.
One of the most magical experiences in Bali is seeing the sunrise from the top of Mount Batur, which has the most active volcano on the island. You can enjoy trekking to the summit begins at night to reach the top, just in time for the sunrise. After all, what’s a more enchanted and satisfying way to end the day than with the magnificent sky at night? Explore the distant corners of Bali by booking Bali Holiday Packages. 
Explore Tukad Cepung Waterfall
Waterfalls may look surreal, and you will realize this once you visit Tukad Cepung Waterfall on your Bali visit. The waterfall is surrounded by high gorges from all sides, so the experience of being here feels like witnessing an indoor plunge. 
At certain times of the day, the sunlight filters through the rocks, illuminating the waterfall and the pool below, making the place look all the more appealing. To avoid crowds and enjoy exclusivity, it is advisable to visit this marvel of nature before 10 am. Book Bali Tour Packages and experience Bali like never before. 
Visit Ubud Monkey Forest
Walking through the monkey forest in Bali Ubud is another best thing to do. It is an adventurous trek through a lush forest known for its monkeys and a sacred site. As a result, thousands of tourists visit the forest in Ubud each year.
It is renowned for its community management program and is one of Ubud’s most well-known attractions. Here, you can marvel at the playfulness of monkeys swinging from one tree to another and explore the numerous historic temples located in the forest.
Experience the Thrill of Waterbom in Bali
Waterbom Waterpark is a place you should never miss to spend a thoroughly enjoyable day with your family. This waterpark has a vibrant atmosphere and a huge selection of rides and attractions suitable for all age groups, sure to brighten your day and add some enjoyable highlights to your trip. 
Twist down the long slides, scream at the top of your lungs as the adrenaline level starts surging, and plunge into vast pools. From exhilarating rides and slides like Python and Boomerang to simpler attractions like Lazy River, there is a wide range of experiences here. In addition, the vast park also includes tropical gardens and a wide variety of dining establishments to provide visitors with a complete package of joy. Fill the Thrill Today by booking Bali Trip Packages.
Buckle up, GUYS, and plan a trip to Bali with Yashvi Tours & Travels to create lifelong memories. The plenty of things to do in Bali for friends, honeymoon, families, and even solo will provide you with an amazing experience. Fly Away With Us by booking Bali Tour Packages from India. 
Whether you wish to attend a dance festival, taste local cuisine food, or swim with the fish, you can customize Bali Tour Packages with us and have a blast on your holiday. 
                                       “EXPLORE, LOVE, TRAVEL”     
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umakantm · 2 years
7 Best Hindu Temples of Bali, Indonesia
7 Best Hindu Temples of Bali, Indonesia
There are thousands and yes thousands of Hindu temples in Bali. Most of them are family temples and community temples. However there are a few very large temples which are popular tourist attractions. This video shows 7 important temples out of the hundreds of temples we visited in Bali. 1. Batuan Temple, 2. Goa Gajah Temple 3. Tirta Empul Temple, Tampaksiring 4. Wuluwatu temple 5. Taman Ayun…
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villagreenmangobali · 2 years
Famous Bali Highlight: Pura Taman Ayun Temple
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Pura Taman Ayun Temple is a famous family temple of Mengwi empire. This is one of the most visited temples in Bali by both local and foreign tourists. The temple complex is embellished with magnificent traditional architectural features throughout its courtyards and enclosures. The expansive and lush green garden has lotus and fish ponds. Make sure to visit this place if you have great fancy for architecture.
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Taman Ayun Temple
July 22
Taman Ayun Temple, Bali
Taman Ayun Temple (translates to Garden Temple in the water), built in the 17th century, is also known as a Royal Mengwi Temple. It is one of six royal temples in Bali. The temple’s three grounds denote the three cosmological levels known to Balinese Hinduism: the world of man, the realm of gods and deities, and the topmost, the divine level.
The temple ground is surrounded by a moat
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