#the ‘feature film’ does not exist sorry
tearlessrain · 2 months
please help me- i used to be pretty smart but i’m having so much trouble grasping the concept of diegetic vs non-diegetic bdsm!
gfkjldghfd okay first of all I'm sorry for the confusion, if you're not finding anything on the phrase it's because I made it up and absolutely nobody but me ever uses it, but I haven't found a better way to express what I'm trying to say so I keep using it. but now you've given me an excuse to ramble on about some shit that is only relevant to me and my deeply inefficient way of talking and by god I'm going to take it.
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SO. the way diegetic and non-diegetic are normally used is to talk about music and sound design in movies/tv shows. in case you aren't familiar with that concept, here's a rundown:
diegetic sound is sound that happens within the world of the movie/show and can be acknowledged by the characters, like a song playing on the stereo during a driving scene, or sung on stage in Phantom of the Opera. it's also most other sounds that happen in a movie, like the sounds of traffic in a city scene, or a thunderclap, or a marching band passing by. or one of the three stock horse sounds they use in every movie with a horse in it even though horses don't really vocalize much in real life, but that's beside the point, the horse is supposed to be actually making that noise within the movie's world and the characters can hear it whinnying.
non-diegetic sound is any sound that doesn't exist in the world of the movie/show and can't be perceived by the characters. this includes things like laugh tracks and most soundtrack music. when Duel of Fates plays in Star Wars during the lightsaber fight for dramatic effect, that's non-diegetic. it exists to the audience, but the characters don't know their fight is being backed by sick ass music and, sadly, can't hear it.
the lines can get blurry between the two, you've probably seen the film trope where the clearly non-diegetic music in the title sequence fades out to the same music, now diegetic and playing from the character's car stereo. and then there are things like Phantom of the Opera as mentioned above, where the soundtrack is also part of the plot, but Phantom of the Opera does also have segments of non-diegetic music: the Phantom probably does not have an entire orchestra and some guy with an electric guitar hiding down in his sewer just waiting for someone to break into song, but both of those show up in the songs they sing down there.
now, on to how I apply this to bdsm in fiction.
if I'm referring to diegetic bdsm what I mean is that the bdsm is acknowledged for what it is in-world. the characters themselves are roleplaying whatever scenarios their scenes involve and are operating with knowledge of real life rules/safety practices. if there's cnc depicted, it will be apparent at some point, usually right away, that both characters actually are fully consenting and it's all just a planned scene, and you'll often see on-screen negotiation and aftercare, and elements of the story may involve the kink community wherever the characters are. Love and Leashes is a great example of this, 50 Shades and Bonding are terrible examples of this, but they all feature characters that know they're doing bdsm and are intentional about it.
if I'm talking about non-diegetic bdsm, I'm referring to a story that portrays certain kinks without the direct acknowledgement that the characters are doing bdsm. this would be something like Captive Prince, or Phantom of the Opera again, or the vast majority of bodice ripper type stories where an innocent woman is kidnapped by a pirate king or something and totally doesn't want to be ravished but then it turns out he's so cool and sexy and good at ravishing that she decides she's into it and becomes his pirate consort or whatever it is that happens at the end of those books. the characters don't know they're playing out a cnc or D/s fantasy, and in-universe it's often straight up noncon or dubcon rather than cnc at all. the thing about entirely non-diegetic bdsm is that it's almost always Problematic™ in some way if you're not willing to meet the story where it's at, but as long as you're not judging it by the standards of diegetic bdsm, it's just providing the reader the same thing that a partner in a scene would: the illusion of whatever risk or taboo floats your boat, sometimes to extremes that can't be replicated in real life due to safety, practicality, physics, the law, vampires not being real, etc. it's consensual by default because it's already pretend; the characters are vehicles for the story and not actually people who can be hurt, and the reader chose to pick up the book and is aware that nothing in it is real, so it's all good.
this difference is where people tend to get hung up in the discourse, from what I've observed. which is why I started using this phrasing, because I think it's very crucial to be able to differentiate which one you're talking about if you try to have a conversation with someone about the portrayal of bdsm in media. it would also, frankly, be useful for tagging, because sometimes when you're in the mood for non-diegetic bodice ripper shit you'd call the police over in real life, it can get really annoying to read paragraphs of negotiation and check-ins that break the illusion of the scene and so on, and the opposite can be jarring too.
it's very possible to blur these together the same way Phantom of the Opera blurs its diegetic and non-diegetic music as well. this leaves you even more open to being misunderstood by people reading in bad faith, but it can also be really fun to play with. @not-poignant writes fantastic fanfic, novels, and original serials on ao3 that pull this off really well, if you're okay with some dark shit in your fiction I would highly recommend their work. some of it does get really fucking dark in places though, just like. be advised. read the tags and all that.
but yeah, spontaneous writer plug aside, that's what I mean.
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relaxxattack · 2 months
you are so very homestuck knowledgeable. when you have the time and should inspiration strike, please tell all your headcanons about oliveblood trolls.
ooo what a great question! for this one i think first we'd need to break down current stereotypes about olivebloods. there's actually not much that we're given about them tbh
according to the homestuck wiki, which is based on info from both the comic and more dubiously canon things like friendsim and hiveswap, the olive caste's two singular traits seem to be "wild animal" and "romance liker". both of these, obviously, are traits pulled from our wonderful main girl nepeta, who was the singular representation of the olive caste for a long time; alongside her dancestors. which is quite cute, who doesn't love nepeta?
the thing is though that i am one of those nitpicky people who likes to say, "well, hey now, nepeta isn't actually representative of her caste at ALL." in fact, none of the beta trolls are. i honestly feel like it should be assumed that just like the beta kids, the beta trolls are weirdos, and not really the 'norm' in their society.
nepeta lives out in the wilderness very specifically away from society in a way that is remarked on as being unusual even for someone of her color; and she does not even understand what role her caste would have given her in normal society. and i mean... considering aradia tavros and sollux are LOWER than nepeta, it doesn't really make sense for them all to have nicer houses than her unless she's unusual in her situation.
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^ nepeta is in fact NOT a good representation of olivebloods.
which means... no, i don't think all olive trolls are romance obsessed wilderness girls, actually, sorry, hiveswap friendsim, i have to shelve you from my alternia analysis for now.
luckily, there ARE other olivebloods in the series!
first of all, the other leijons. unfortunately, none of them are really "good" examples either. meulin is from an entirely different planet, and disciple is from an ancient history perhaps even less representative of "normal" life than nepeta is. all we really get from them is stuff we already knew from nepeta-- the wildness, the relationship interest. with an added fact that both meulins seem to be somewhat bookish.
and so who does that bring us to? the final canonical oliveblood.
that's right.
troll will smith.
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troll will smith is canonically an oliveblood. not only that, but he's a famous actor, which means he is basically a "model" for society- for what it looks like once you "have it all made". i would imagine this goes even more for alternia, supposedly a very movie-geared society.
the two troll will smith features that canonically exist on alternia are Fresh Prince and Hitch. in both of these films, will smith plays a character that is self-made and clever, a regular guy who is just skilled. it should also be noted that while a "threshecutioner" is a job with a heavy blueblood populous, greenbloods can also be one, and it's common enough that a show about it wasn't cut by the alternian dictatorship.
so therefore, what traits can we pull that all of these olivebloods (and equius lol) display to us?
olive trolls are lower class, but they're capable of working up through their connections
likely due to this, olive trolls are often clever and self made. they're likely quick-witted and sharp
they're good at their jobs! most olive trolls that are seen in the comic are very good with their respective practices (be it drawing, writing, bookkeeping, or melee fighting)
it's possible that olive trolls have a good intuition, and are fairly in touch with their own instincts. this would explain why some of them seem to fare better in the wild or in fights, and also why they are stereotyped as having a natural inclination for relationships. i think this is also a good transition ground between the impressive physical psionics of the castes lower than olive, and the emotional/mental psionics of the highbloods above them.
so, there we go. these are my olive headcanons! they're not comfortably well off or anything, but they're not wild animals either-- they're hard workers and skilled at what they put their minds to. probably usually working a nine to five and doing their best in life hoping to move up with a good quadrant or promotion. at least, in my headcanon anyway- no need to take this as fact!
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Vil, Jade: Wanting to Shine
Schoenheit mama lore 👁️ Mmm, somehow TWST keeps managing to impress me with just how diverse its families are. There are characters with bad relationships with their guardians, characters with good relationships with their guardians, and then… non-existent relationships altogether. Ruggie is one such example (since his mom died before he had the chance to know her), and now we have Vil as well… I wonder why he feels so impersonal toward his mother?? 🤔I hope we can find out more details someday.
Aaanyway, sorry that this is so late, I got super busy with irl things 😅 but happy belated birthday, Vil!! (xbjsvsjwnz Right as Ruggie’s Broomquet art was revealed too lol) ***WARNING: spoilers for episode 6 of the main story!!***
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What would you like to do this next year?”
Jade glanced up from his clipboard. “If the answer is to come from someone as tenacious as yourself, Vil-san… Your goals must be ambitious indeed.”
“Ara, is that so? Sharp, aren’t you?” Vil tucked a finger under his chin. “You would be correct in your assumption.”
“You’re but 18 years of age, and one age my senior—yet you’ve already accomplished a great many things, much of which the common man can only dream of. “Modeling for the top fashion brands, playing the lead roles in a number of feature films… Many, many accolades,” Jade chuckled, his voice dropping to a gentle purr. “What more do you hope to do?”
“My, you’ve got quite the grasp on my resume.” Vil’s brows pinched slightly. “However, you misunderstand one key point.”
“Oya? And what might that be?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Vil laughed, tipping his head back with a smirk. “This is nowhere near the pinnacle of my career. No—there is much more that I will achieve.
“For starters, I wish to expand the scope of my presence on set. I’ve dabbled in directing and producing my own modest works through my Film Research Club, but there is still much more for me to learn. Before I graduate, I would like to leave my mark in that area.”
His lips pulled into a smile—small but proud and genuine. “At present, we are working on a short film. The plan is to submit it to a contest and to take home the grand prize.
“Everyone is putting forth their best effort to make that dream into reality." Vil's deep-set amethyst eyes twinkled with fire. "Life makes no promises, so we must seize our stories and write our own fates."
"Spoken like a true leader--how commendable. We underclassmen truly have a wonderful senpai to look up to."
Vil allowed his broom to lean into the crook of an elbow. "I'm no stranger to compliments, but I shudder to hear it coming from you. It's far more benign coming from Rook or Ortho."
"Ah, that reminds me. Ortho-san recently joined the Film Research Club, yes? How does he fare under your tutelage?"
“Need you even ask? Of course I've welcomed him with open arms. He is proving himself to be an excellent asset for our productions. There are many things that only Ortho is capable of doing, from special effects and audio to getting clear aerial shots.
"His acting has also improved considerably. A bit clumsy at first, but with time and observation he has quickly learned. It's impressive just how much Ortho's 'heart' comes through in his performances."
"Oya, such high praise. Idia-san must be a proud big brother."
"Indeed, Ortho is a star on set." Vil tossed his hair over a shoulder. He still smiled, but there was now a cold, lethal beauty edging his lips. "He's setting a high bar for the other spudlings--but I won't be outdone by him, nor by anyone else.
There was a hesitance, the soft sucking of breath through teeth, and then... "Do you recall when I returned from Styx? The state that I was in?"
"How could I forget? Why, you were so old and withered, we barely recognized you as the same glamorous Vil Schoenheit that graces magazine covers and TV screens. It was very memorable, fufufu."
"Stop that grinning before I smack that smirk right off of your face," Vil snapped. (Jade immediately obliged.) "As I was saying, that experience... it opened my eyes to a great number of realizations."
"Oh? You don't say."
Vil nodded. "It was like my life was flashing before my eyes. A full 18 years of memories and feelings colliding at once, and the chilling thought that I would soon be robbed of what little life I had remaining, my future stolen from me... It was terrifying.
"But you know what? I'm glad for having gone through it. Unpleasant as it was... I looked into that mirror and walked away with a glimpse of what lies far ahead for me--and I am here now, able to make the most of the present.
Vil lifted a hand, cupping the stars above in his fingers. "When I live, I want to shine. I want to put my best effort into every piece, every production, that I am a part of. With my name and face out to the public, I can reach more hearts, inspire more people. Then..."
He lowered his hand, fingers closed in a fist--as though he had fished a precious piece of starlight right out of the sky. Vil's lashes were heavy, fluttering like petals in the wind upon his cheeks.
"... That would most definitely carry on into the future. Not just into my future, but into the futures of all I have impacted through my acting. My spirit has become a part of them--and through the lives I have touched, my spirit is alive, and I will continue to shine. That is the power of art and media: it persists long after the creators are no longer with us."
“I see." Jade spoke delicately, as though he, too, were bewitched by the beauty before him.
Such raw, overwhelming charisma and determination. Such… power.
The eel suppressed his mirth.
“In that way, you would be leaving a piece of yourself with the organization. Long after you have graduated, your legacy will still live on in the Film Research Club and through your countless fans."
"You understand."
Vil held his interviewer's gaze. There was a solidarity to their silence, a knowingness, a mutual agreement, between the two. The night, its moon, and the stars, were their audience upon that shared stage.
"My 'beauty' will be eternal, no matter the age I am. I'm certain of it."
His declaration was loud and resolute against the night.
Above the duo, the hands of a grand clock tower turned, locking them--and Vil's promise--into place. Bells roared to life, ringing in a new hour with their deep, reverberating song.
Bing-bong, ding-dong! Ding-dong, bing-bong!
The time of reckoning had arrived.
"I believe that's my signal to exit stage left." Vil swept his broom in an elegant arc. Pink, violet, and maroon particles fell from the bouquet affixed to one end.
"Yes, we wouldn’t want you to keep your beloved fanbase waiting.” Jade took a step back and dipped into a bow. His eyes humbly lowered to the ground, he said, “I wish you safe travels—and the best of luck with your endeavors.”
“Hmph, just who do you take me for?” Vil planted himself on the handle of his broom. He folded his arms, assuming a haughty stance. “I don’t need luck, I’m confident in my own abilities to see my goal through to the very end.
“Now then… Be sure to sear this image into your memories. There won’t be many opportunities for you to witness me at the height of bloom.”
“As you wish.”
With that, Vil departed, his broom rising steadily before sailing off into the darkened sky. Poised, and as close to perfection as he could manage.
A wayward spring breeze tousled his flaxen locks. Silver moonlight wove itself into the gold of his hair, seeping into the cream of his skin.
Petals scattered around him, swarming the birthday boy in a storm of flowers. Vil caught one between his thumb and forefinger—a petal so rose-red it was like blood upon freshly fallen snow. He planted a tender kiss upon it before releasing it back to the wind.
The illuminated face of the clock tower cast him in a heavenly glow. His silhouette, sharp.
A beautiful promise for the future.
Jade smiled after him. Not warmly, but not coldly either.
I’ve learned many things about Vil-san today. Yes… many, many interesting things.
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besttropeveershowdown · 2 months
The Worst Trope Ever Showdown: Round 2, Side B
Humanoid Female Animal
Mainly a thing in animation (tho comes up in CGI in otherwise live action movies or w/e). the male of an animal species will range from somewhat anthropomorphic to looking pretty much like a normal animal, but the female of (supposedly) the same species will be extremely anthropomorphised & sexualised. often includes long hair on the head, heavy makeup, and boobs where the animals they are supposed to represent usually have none of those, and the males usually don't have any either
ugh. UGH. can a female not exist without being a sexy sex doll? can a female not be hairy and animalistic like the male counterparts? can a female not have ANY interesting design features/ any design at all except 'sexy'??? CAN A FEMALE ANIMAL LOOK LIKE A FUCKING ANIMAL PLEASE. IF YOU'RE GRANTING THE MALES THAT GRACE WHY NOT EXTEND IT TO THE FEMALES JFC. IS THE ONLY PURPOSE OF A FEMALE CHARACTER OF ANY KIND TO BE SEXY TO THE AUDIENCE??? IS IT????? (also they just always look terrible like c'mon that thing is meant to be attractive somehow? to be visually pleasing to you somehow?? (sorry)
gotta slap a bow and eyelashes on to Girl character design bc god forbid we can't tell the boy and girl bunny/lion/deer apart!!!
Aside from the obvious sleazy aspect, it is also, in my opinion as a working character designer, deeply uninspired and often a symptom of a lack of real consideration going into the designs and/or world-building.
Always Chaotic Evil
A whole race/culture within the setting who are just evil for the sake of being evil.
Racist as fuck!
From a narrative standpoint, it does limit storytelling and opportunities for character development. On another level, it’s riddled with dodgy implications when played straight (ie certain cultures/races/ethnicities are purely and inherently evil with maybe one or two exceptions and anything the “good races” do to them is justified or just doesn’t matter). Given how frequently speculative fiction (you know, Sci Fi, Fantasy and Horror) is used to mirror or comment on the real world, this gets a lot uglier and more horrifying for too many reasons to go into here. Look, when Dungeons and Dragons are moving away from this sort of thing and even JRR Tolkien (the father of modern fantasy) thought that trope was distasteful and regretted not showing more sympathetic aspects/members of the orcs in the text, it’s safe to say that this is a bad trope.
making an entire fantasy race all pure evil w zero nuance is just...hmmm
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ok so I’m gonna overexplain my thoughts on the goncharov meme now @moonlitlex​  I’m sorry for not replying on the original post but this is gonna get long. here’s the original post you replied on
I’m gonna try to keep this neat and tidy but this might take me a while I’m largely including lots of links because I don’t have the spoons to transcribe this sorry followers.
ok so lets begin with the crux of my complaint, that being Goncharov over took black panther: wf in popularity on tumblr for White reasons. I say this for 2 reasons.
1)  goncharov existed as a meme since 2020 but didn’t overtake tumblr until November 2022.
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so you may notice from the wiki article that Goncharov is attributed to Scorsese
why  does Scorsese mean anything? and what does that have to do with black panther 2?  well back in 2019 scorsese said that “marvel movies are not cinema“  source: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2019/oct/04/martin-scorsese-says-marvel-movies-are-not-cinema
what was going on in 2019 for the mcu?  avengers 3 and 4 had just come out and it was the biggest thing that had ever happened in the movies. also... black panther the first movie had made history in being the first mcu movie to be nominated in a category other than technical at the oscars and other award shows https://envelope.latimes.com/awards/titles/black-panther/  too.  
so martin scorsese isn’t just against some of the mcu or superhero movies in general (you will remember that heath ledger won the oscar for the dark knight). no he’s against Marvel specifically. and just at the moment that Marvel films were becoming more diverse than ever before. ok I’m not gonna keep harping on how groundbreaking that black panther which features an afrofuturist country in the biggest franchise in the world with a nearly all black cast won so much acclaim.  
this brings to the second issue I have with goncharov
2) goncharov was largely billed as having great slash ships (homoeroticism if you will). but like the rest of Scorsese’s actual works the cast was all white.  there was no interracial ships to be fawned over there was indeed no poc actors cast in this fake film.  but see this is the key thing in november 2022, in the 3 years that had passed between scorsese first comments on the lack of artistry in marvel films several things had happened to the mcu
which brings me to point number 3: the diversity of mcu films had basically expanded on every single phase 4 film.  the whitest film of the phase 4 was black widow but that was directed by a white woman and featured a cast filled with white women. the next whitest movie was spiderman no way home and that still had a diverse supporting cast in ned and MJ.  the third whitest film was doctor strange 2 which was still directed by a Jewish man Sam Raimi. the next whitest film was thor 4 with a Jewish/Maori man Taika directing it and Tessa as King of Asgard, Valkyrie
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that leaves Shang-Chi, Eternals, Black panther 2.
All films that centered people of color all films directed by people of color and at least eternals and bp2 both had queer rep. thor 4 had canon trans rep.
like this era of marvel were referred to as “the flop era“ or “the MSheU“ precisely because it was so different from the original 2 phases.  there was intense hate for the diversity and scope of the mcu phase 4 that couldnt be explained by any other fact than the diversity inherent in mcu phase 4.
anyways bp:wf had at its center Black Women, and brown indigenous man as the villain.  but you couldn’t load tumblr without running into like 2 goncharov posts within the first page of your dash. nothing about the artistry of bp:wf tho.
anyways I’m tired and more than a little cranky.
mod ali
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gildeddlily · 8 months
side characters ONly can be gay!!11!1! yep
I could write an essay about the way Marvel is just the reflection of how mass media deals with the queer representation "problem" nowadays
(I should study for my exam but fuck it I have time)
first of all, how many queer characters actually are part of mcu's big ass cast?
Searching on the internet they'll tell you about twenty- but it's enough to read who is queer to understand that they only care about seeming all woke and you know, kind and allies and all that good shit, but the truth is that if you're queer you'll get no more than five minutes of screen time
Loki is a bisexual genderfluid god, it's canon in the comics and in the shows/film, but does he actually acts on it? like, does he ever talk about the men he had a thing with? does he talk about his gender identity? no. and you know what, I don't want a long speech about feeling accepted and finding your place in the world and understanding yourself, I'd be ok with him being like "yk what, i feel like cunt today" and poof tom hiddleston is no more man.
we have a two second shot were he's labeled as genderfluid. that's it. he has a love story arc with his female alternative version.
like saying the bar can't get lower- all the time there's a man at his side, and they're so queer coded guys. they are so fucking queer coded. they'd have all the potential to be a good couple, and they prob could since Loki is canonically attracted to males too! but no.
let's choose the female you over the dilf grabbing your waist and telling you that you're more, that you matter and have a chance to be good.
can Loki count as representation? maybe.
it's shitty representation, tho.
then there's America.
America's a lesbian, daughter of two lesbian women, and they were proud of it probably- if it weren't for the fact that America's there, she live the adventure, and she has a lgbtqia pin. a pin. all her identity is expressed in a pin.
one could say, but the film is not ab America and her non-male partner, is about the story yk?
then why does every fucking marvel film features a man and a woman being in a relationship?
i guess that when it's about man Tony Stark and woman Pepper Potts everything's ok, you can give all the minutes you want to their sweet relationship- but if they're queer I'm sorry, the best thing you'll have is a pin.
then a few gays out there.
random man in endgame missing his bf. random girl in hawkeye mentioning her wife (slay). that one sexy dora milaje who has a sexier gf. slay you too ig. that Eternals guy who kissed his bf on screen (first time ever, and they feel revolutionary. fucking 2021).
the only thing that can be saved is Thor 3/4 because of Taika Waititi. the queerness is something Taika did because he wanted to.
Ragnarok's about this dude, his bi brother, this guy who flirts with both of them and has orgies with all kind of beings, a lesbian valkyrie and a gay rock. Love and Thunder is about this guy, his bamf ill girlfriend, a lesbian valkyrie who's trying to find some girl to eat out, a gay rock that ends up having strange sex with his bf, and greek people fainting after seeing said guy's naked body. (and that weird moment between Thor and Peter? that was made to be gay guys)
while it's not perfect, it's one step above everything else.
Taika Waititi's film's queerness is not there for looking more inclusive, it's there because gay people are there, we actually exist dude, and they deserve their space, and they should have it.
and like Taika Waititi's said, the world will be healed when people will stop saying "oh you know that new marvel series? yes, there's a gay gal in there", when people will treat queer people like the people they actually are.
it's like walking around in a forest and being like "oh look, a tree!". we aren't a different species ffs
representation is good, and of course gay characters sometimes are gonna be just there on the side cheering on the main character- because that's how life goes. I'm the cheering-from-the-side girl queer friend to my straight friend, and mcu stories are told by straight people, so it's kinda natural that we're kinda useless.
the thing that really, really makes me want to cry our is how they're able to destroy any queer "lead" they put here for us, for me, and I'm starting to believe behind those scripts there are some seriously repressed gay dude who can only express themselves by writing those things.
like Steve and Bucky? the classic we're best friends and we totally didn't have sex?
or Bucky and Sam?
why was the chair scene necessary? If i see something like that happening to a woman and a man my first thought is "they're a thing", and it was the first thing I thought with Sam and Bucky too- but ofc people will tell us "y are you making everyone gay?" it's not my fault princess it's the writers'
or, again, Loki and Mobius?
"you can be good, just in case no one ever told you" WHAT THE HELL DUDE
and you know, those things can be said between two friends too, but people gets disperate. I get disperate, after watching hours upon hours of two guys eye-fucking each other and ending up being all "yeah bro i love you this is my girlfriend amy". so I wrote, I draw, I think about them being "hey dude, d'you want to be the amy to my myself?" because the alternity is writing a fic about a random man who says he misses his husband on a three second scene.
(in a fandom like good omens I don't have to worry about it. I have my queer besties, my fav lesbian couple, and a lot of representation.)
mcu's representation is bad representation.
every time they write a queer characters they're all "you see that? we did that!" like they did something special- but they didn't.
they write gays for the straight, in order to feel better about themselves and make straight racist sexist homophobic ppl (the "I'm inclusive guys!!!" kind of person) watching it feel better ab themselves.
(I'm not gonna start talking about the fact that this entire post talks more than anything else about the way the mcu treats women, bc it's a rabbit hole I'm not ready to talk ab cause I've been jumping in it for too many years.)
(sorry anon ily)
10/20 edit: valkyrie is bi my bad🧎‍♀️
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blackfilmmakers · 9 months
I honestly can't get over the fact that people care more about Elemental than Soul,Soul is a far better movie,it features a black protagonist and many diverse characters, amazing animation that doesn't hurt my eyes, emotionally powerful and memorable scenes.I could go on but I'm not happy that some fans are saying how Elemental is a better movie than Soul or heck, even Turning Red.sorry but I can't stand Elemental for so many reasons i can't say other than the animation is not that good, especially the art style with the fire and water people and that I found the protagonists super annoying both Ember and Wade.
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Well you're probably not going to be happy to hear this anon, but I hated Soul. Probably not as much with Elemental, but even for Elemental I'm more indifferent with it's existence
Soul on the other hand makes me actually upset. Partly because I originally did not want to watch another movie where a Black character is turned into an inhuman being for majority of the movie
When I expressed this, everyone convinced me that's not what happened, he is only a blue blob for a short bit, and you do get to see his human body for most the film from what I was told. So I watched it, believing all this like a dummy
And they were right in a sense. We don't see him as a blob for most of the movie. Because he was turned into a cat for most of the movie. An ugly ass looking cat. "Oh but you see his body for most of the movie," yeah we sure do as it's being stolen and taken away by some white person's soul like this is Get Out. "They aren't White, they are just a soul" yeah if the characters bring up it sounds like a white lady and everyone draws them White, safe to say we all saw this as a White person. Only we were supposed to feel sorry for the little white soul because the black character is too mean and angry with his body being taken away for some reason
And people got upset with me because I did not appreciate being deceived like this. Some were just typical Disney adults. Others apparently really didn't understand what the issue was, and tried to make me like this movie. I just don't
As for the story's message, it's fine I guess. It just doesn't stick out to me. The movie already showed itself to be an ironically soulless project
They try to advertise this movie as something for Black people. It's literally called Soul for a reason. But nah. It didn't really play onto those themes. Like what does Soul have to do with Black people? Why do Black people feel the need to outdo everyone and make something for themselves? Why is the main character's mom treated as the bad guy for wanting her son to fulfill his passion but also remain financially stable?
Does the character from Soul show how he is related to Blackness more than the water guy? Yeah. But barely so. It again doesn't help he didn't remain human for most of the movie
Also the movie just ugly
Anyways if you're looking for Black-coded blue blob characters, Osmosis Jones is literally your best bet
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Replies! About the LiliMal comic + a lot of other stuff.
Anonymous asked:
Waittttt may I ask whose butts are featured in your latest LiliMal comic because there's a certain cake standing out from the rest~
Ahhh I’m sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t have anyone specific in mind when I drew this sufhsui BUT. I’m pretty sure Lilia does this to everyone (well other than Malleus), at least playfully (some of his slaps are not as neutral in nature 👀 )…
But damn you’re right, that cake is huge. I can’t think of anyone this big other than Jack but there’s no tail :( HmmMMMmmm
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Lilia hitting Malleus' butt literally awoke a fever of fanfic writing, so thanks for that boo!
Also, I feel like Lilia would try to find out all who thought touching Malleus was a smart idea and probably kill them either from jealousy, loyalty, or straight him being possessive and does it cause "He was mine. He will always be mine"
You’re welcome! I hope Malleus gets buttslapped more often… he deserves it lol
Lilia’s case is interesting, because on the one hand, he does want Malleus to have more connections, relationships, all this stuff, but he really is more possessive than even he himself realises, not to mention super protective. So I can picture him going after people with an excuse of them overstepping, but in actuality because he’s way too used to thinking that he is the only one who is allowed to treat Malleus this way.
Anonymous asked:
Nope! I’m just very slow + I have been busy lately, so I had to prioritize asks with shorter replies… but you’ll get your replies too, Anon! Here is one, but the other one will have to wait, since it’s a hc ask, and it’s more time consuming for me to wrote them…
Anonymous asked:
thoughts on the popular theory Jade ate his siblings? do you think any other Leeches existed, or if they did, if he had anything to do with their death?
So about this! We actually talked about it about a year ago here and there, and even though we mentioned it briefly, we still like this theory a lot. Katsu and I pretty much consider it canon lol Of course while keeping in mind that it was only implied and the circumstances around their siblings’ death might have been different yada yada you know what I mean.
So yeah, other Leeches absolutely existed, Jade and Floyd are the only ones who survived and it only happened because they joined forces. And we all know that Jade and Floyd both are quite hungry, so the scenario in which they hunted every single sibling down and ate them to grow stronger just feels correct, horribly morbid and super fun at the same time.
I don’t know, it’s just a very amusing thing to think about when you look at them doing regular college boy things. Especially Jade, since he likes acting all polite and proper. He’s out there doing his vice-housewarden things, talking to his classmates, managing finances for the Halloween event, and you look at him and think “this guy munched down his siblings when he was little” lol
It’s almost like they’re from a completely different and a much more cruel world…
Anonymous asked:
You've probably been asked before but, have vil and Ortho ever made a sex tape? If so who initiated and if not what made them think against it/do you think Ortho ever secretly filmed sessions for himself?
I don’t think Vil would want to have a sex tape even if it’s for a personal use; he’s probably heard so many stories about leaks and ruined reputations. He grew up surrounded by paparazzi and all kinds of nosy vultures, so he is very careful and secretive (and a bit paranoid) about his private live. So he probably treats every time he has sex as “once in a lifetime performance for his lover only”.
Which is ironic because Ortho really loves recording everything he sees and does. He loves rewatching, revisiting and analyzing (and doing other stuff if it’s sex tape we’re talking about hehe), so he’ll absolutely ask Vil to record everything or at least take some pictures or audio recordings, and he’ll be bummed out when Vil refuses. Vil is usually very doting and he allows him to do so many things, but this is something he is stubbornly against.
But if Vil doesn’t know about it, there is no harm, right? Ortho knows how to put cameras and sound-recording devices in a way he would never notice…
And if it’s the robot!Ortho we’re talking about, he doesn’t even need any extra devices: he records everything directly to his memory.
Anonymous asked:
I think everyone wants to bite Idia’s thighs tbh
Facts. And it’s funny, because Idia doesn’t even have much to bite there…
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Idia is touch-starved? I personally think that but I’m interested to know your thoughts
I think he is starved to the point of not wanting anything anymore, so he’s touch-died-of-hunger-years-ago. So it’s not like he is actively suffering, buuuut if someone was to get physical with him, his body would suddenly remember that being touched by someone actually feels very good, so he’ll get overwhelmed in a good way. He is very sensitive….
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scaryspears · 7 months
I love 2013 Carrie
I have a few thoughts on the 2013 Carrie. I understand the dislike for 2013 Carrie, but I don't at the same time. To be fair, I was at least 8 years old when I saw the film and I had no clue that it was a book first and had 2 movies before it, but I loved the hell out of that film.
I remember the rage and relatability I felt with her character. Granted, it wasn't until secondary school that I was harshly bullied, but I still went through isolation and being berated for things that no one should've cared that much about (P.E, ect.).
Now to the films: In the 1976 and 2002 version, the prom massacre is presented in a way where Carrie loses her mind, the '76 (Spacek) seemingly hallucinating. 2013 everyone is actually laughing at her and Carrie consciously offs them. I'm not saying they deserved it but rent was due. As Shang Tsung would say, how deliciously cold blooded.
I remember finding out that people hated the 2013 version and being confused until I found out why. She wasn't accurate. Chloe Grace Moretz is very pretty, and she was a very pretty teenager (sorry if that sounds creepy). With the new found knowledge that I acquired it was hard to accept her as Carrie even though my 8 year old self had already accepted her.
According to Carrie | Anatomy of a Franchise (a youtube video), from what I remember Moretz wanted the role because of her sexuality, and that sense of being 'othered' from the people around her. Although I am not queer, I can understand this feeling of otherness. I showed that a person didn't have to be what society views as ugly to see themselves in Carrie, there could be anything about you and Carrie as a character could spark a mirror.
Looking back at the previous movies I can see why Moretz's version is not appealing to many people. Appearance aside, there was another thing wrong that I didn't realise until James A. Janisse pointed it out on his kill count. A normal girl acting like an outcast. Moretz didn't have Spacek's timidness or Bettis' shaking behaviour, nor did they attempt to make her look strange (dark circles under eyes, ect.). But the more I thought about it the more I came to my own conclusion.
At this point anyone can be Carrie, even though that's very far fetched. Hell, I would play Carrie if I was given the chance. I haven't read the book, yet, but I know Carrie's features. Some of them at least. She is plus sized/chubby, has pimples and bad skin. Sounds like me, except I lost some weight (according to my mum), and I wasn't really chubby. But my skin did occasionally go bad (my lips going monstrously dry and scabby during winter) and I have dandruff. My dandruff would build up and a bunch of tiny pieces would fall whenever I scratched my head, and get stuck under my fingernails. I would rarely cut my nails unless they chipped off by themselves somehow. I had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. I still have pimples on my forehead.
I'm also a 19 year old (currently) who's been told that they look like 15 and have been confused for a 15 year old. I'm certain I could play teenager Carrie.
I know that's too much information and that it means that there was something wrong with me, in the sense that I wasn't taking good care of myself and may have been dealing with something mentally.
Why does this matter? Both Spacek and Bettis were past their early 20's unlike Moretz who was 15. Spacek and Bettis' appearance was nothing like the book's description of Carrie. Both are very skinny, with Bettis especially having sunken cheeks. But with this in mind it could imply that their movie versions were not very well fed, thus either highlighting the abuse from the hands of Margaret White or their low class background.
Ugly or not, odd or not, a person is still going to be targeted and othered. Spacek's Carrie is very beautiful, but she felt like a ghost in the mystical sense. Just there and seemingly existing, but being unfortunately disturbed by the ever so rude living humans. If you look at Spacek as an actress it would be hard to believe that she is Carrie.
The result of writing this: Something can be done and seen with any Carrie, no matter who she is.
I love 2013's Carrie. Another thing I really admire is the scene where Tommy asks Carrie out to the prom. It could be that cold tone that every 2010s horror movie had at the time, but it truly captured how unsafe and suspicious Carrie felt and how suspicious Tommy seemed. Tommy sort of had good intent, but he was being creepy with how persistent he was being. Something that isn't realised in the '76 film, considering consent wasn't much of a thing back then (major yikes). It was nothing sexual, but no means no and he kept dismissing that. Dude showed up to Carrie's house and everything. Also, he cheated on Sue with Carrie. Why aren't people irked?
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
In Praise of Unlikable Women
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I saw the sharp, funny, inventive M3GAN twice in theaters (mild spoiler ahead), and when I realized that it was directed by Gerard Johnstone of HOUSEBOUND fame, it occurred to me that he might have a knack for realizing difficult female characters. HOUSEBOUND tells the story of Kylie, a petty crook on house arrest at the home of her awful mother Miriam, who insists that the place is haunted. Miriam is ignorant, intrusive, and attention-seeking, while Kylie is a bit of a psychopath; their misadventures in the house are highly entertaining, but this was a tough experience when it was on The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs. Anybody following along on Twitter may remember many, many viewers expressing the sentiment that "Kylie is a fucking bitch and if I were her mom I'd slap the shit out of her" etc. I thought...sure she's a fucking bitch, but why does that have to be such a big problem for us non-fictional humans? If we only tell stories about characters who everyone would want for a best friend, doesn't that severely limit what kinds of stories we can tell? Besides which, I also think it should be possible to like people who don't meet your criteria for civilized perfection. Sure, Kylie has all the moral fiber of a feral tomcat, but she's also assertive, independent, funny, and charming in her own amoral way. ...Isn't she?
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I may be fairly accused of falling for female characters who don't present as dutiful wives and caregivers. M3GAN (whose savvy script is by Akela Cooper) offers a model of the type in Gemma, a hardbitten careerist whose busy schedule of being alone is interrupted when her estranged sister dies, forcing her to foster her traumatized niece. In a way, M3GAN features no less (and possibly more!) than three difficult women: nerdy loner Gemma, angry little Cady, and M3gan herself, a high tech educational toy whose very existence tests Gemma's underdeveloped ideas about socialization. Mercifully, the movie does not conclude that Gemma should give in to the prime directive and just admit that women can only fulfill themselves through motherhood; rather, Gemma evolves by learning to empathize with Cady's hardships. Sure, the implication is that Gemma will raise Cady herself, but the conversation is not about maternity, so much as it is about respect. M3GAN ain't no SWEET HOME ALABAMA, and Gemma doesn't have to give up who she is in order to acquire the new skill of acknowledging other people. I don't know if I've ever been so grateful that a movie has no love interest in it.
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For me, the success of M3GAN is largely dependent on the fact that Gemma is likeable and interesting as an antisocial workaholic, before she ever has to grapple with child care. I suppose there will be viewers who feel otherwise, that Gemma is a cold unfeeling asshole (sorry if that's a little vivid), and she only becomes worthy by transforming into Cady's full time carer. I'd rather avoid such people, but I know they're out there. Apparently there is even a recent New York Times review of TÁR that accuses the film of condoning the predatory behavior of its eponymous antihero. I haven't read the review...and I don't wanna! This attitude is all too familiar to me from the censorious, moralizing atmosphere that has settled over public media dialog recently, which treats every movie as if it were proposing a Constitutional amendment based on its own content.
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That state of affairs has made me intensely aware of my own unusual flexibility regarding what I think makes a character likeable and interesting. For the last couple of years I've been collaborating on a very-TBA fiction project, and I came up against some unexpected opposition to the way I had written a certain woman. My colleagues felt that I'd cast her as too harsh, cold, and adversarial, and I received a mandate to soften her up. The criticism wasn't wrong, or dumb, but I was still disappointed that I had to dial back what I liked so much about the character. She was an outlet for my own proud antisociality, and a screen onto which I projected my desire to be even more pragmatic and cutthroat than I'm capable of being in real life. I liked her the way I wrote her, but I needed to heed the warning that not all audiences will relate. Conversely, I've been commissioned to write a novelization of an older movie (also TBA and no I won't tell you if you guessed it right) featuring a female character who I think was originally written in sort of a misogynistic way: someone whose aversion to motherhood is supposed to be kind of a red flag, something that lays the groundwork for bad things to come. Separating myself from what I perceive to be the filmmaker's intentions, I really like this character. I think it's not hard to see depth in her, and to imagine what made her the way she is. I dig her antisociality, her lack of maternality, her withholdingness, and her amoral devotion to her career. I'm doubling down on that stuff and writing her in a way that I personally think makes her sympathetic and intriguing, rather than making her even more repulsive and culpable...but what the hell do I know! Someone will tell me if I'm doing it wrong, hopefully. And in the meantime, I can study the work of Gerard Johnstone. It seems like the rest of his filmography holds even more of that bad girl shit I crave.
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pinkpuppp · 9 months
Are the space cow idols a species or something? Are we allowed to make our own OCs? Would you ever show how they work (anatomy, magic, etc)? Sorry for all the questions. 🌸
Hi hi!! I guess they count as a species? Of course you're allowed to make your own OCs though!! I just would think it's cute and would appreciate taggin back to me/credit so I can see 'cause I love seein' folks OCs and stuff!
Basically, every star in the universe is a space cow based on a type of milk! So like Starberry= Strawberry milk, Choccostar= Chocolate milk, Starnana= Banana milk, Milkstar= Plain milk! So if you ever want to make a space idol cow OC just have some cow features and make it based off a type of milk! Like you could make one based on almond milk or some crazy flavor like cookies and cream milk! In my story they all have an idol form which is just how they look in space: typically hair up, cute outfit! if they land on a planet with life by someone wishing upon their star/visiting/crashing then their hair typically comes down and they can wear whatever!
For anatomy they always have some cow features! Starberry and Milkstar have hooves, they have cow ears of varying types, etc. They also have heart shaped tails! Plain milk is the only type with two tails! Though they also have canine features, like sharp teeth/fangs, like Starberry's hands or Choccostar's feet! Milkstar has only cow features, no canine since plain milk! Starnana has mixes of canine and hooves for his feet and hands! They are all males and no female stars exist, though they can have both/either male and female anatomy cuz space rules! They also form themselves based on what lifeforms exist in their galaxy! So since my space cows live near humans, they mimic the human form! If they lived near some typical alien species they'd mimic those instead! So if they lived for example: near a planet of mothmen they'd look like mothmen.... mothmen space cow idols.
Oh and the only reason Milkstar is ghost themed is because well, he's dying! He accidentally crashed onto Earth and if a star cow doesn't get back to their home (their physical star in space) they slowly die out. His cow spots is actually space parts from him fading away! He's stuck on Earth because no one made a wish for him and he crashed so he has no way out. Starberry is stuck too! Belle made a wish and forgot what it was and since no one has wished upon Starberry before they don't know what the wish is. Every star has themed wishes: like Choccostar grants love themed wishes if someone makes a love themed wish while eating a bunch of chocolate. Once Belle does remember though, Starberry will fulfill the wish and head back to space and Belle will forget everything!
Magic wise they can do a lot! On planets they can just poof whatever clothes on they want (not in space, they keep their idol forms in there unless they are filming a music video and make a contract with higher space beings to wear certain outfits for those.) they can change their weight and chest shape! They do not have the ability to change their height though! Stars can be born with both female or male anatomy, they cannot change what they are born with but they are all males anyway! Stars are born through just appearing! They aren't really born or anything. Also only people who make a wish can see stars/space entities until the wish is completed!
Sorry that was a bunch gkfdhgkd but I hope I helped! :0
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lunarriviera · 1 year
i have finished reboot & i am sad
it's bittersweet—i mean, it was time to be finished with it; i've been watching it literally over the course of the pandemic. but enough! all things must end, even the arduously dragged-out conclusion of a whacked-out chinese tomb raiding drama featuring poisonous gas, hordes of insects, zombies, hand crabs, flying carnivorous clams, and "coffin dew," which like all the rest of those things does not exist. ruminations and pictures and spoilers behind the cut!
1. so why is this xie yuchen the most boring xie yuchen out of all of them? i don't even know this actor's name because i never bothered learning it. also when the hell did he become a doctor and do sketchy operations on people without anaesthesia? he's wearing pink, he's rich, he has the same name; but there the resemblance ends. this is not the xiao hua we know and love. where is my bitchy swishy opera-singing organized crime boss? no wonder there's no chemistry between him and xiazi; this guy barely has a pulse. sorry to this man. nice sweater, tho.
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2. i was trying to prove that pangzi says "that's not your xiaoge" (which he doesn't, those are bad subtitles; he just says "that's not xiaoge") and instead captured this adorable picture of drunk bai haotian. xiao bai gets a bad rap—mao xiaotong is adorable and sweet and honestly kinda hot when she's not trapped in a bowl haircut and overalls. i appreciate that wu xie, busily dying of lungs, doesn't have time or patience to explain to her why he's not available, but zhu yilong plays it wisely straight down the middle, face impassive. ship it or don't, he seems to be saying; i don't care, it's not up to me anyway—the viewer can read it however they want. (but wu xie does manhandle her on more than one occasion and that's also kinda hot.)
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3. admittedly liu sang is very very pretty but i still don't want him in my pingxie, like mint in my chocolate chip ice cream. no thank you please. i have always considered myself a multishipper, a live-and-let-live fan; but this fandom has taught me i'm monogamous and i guess there's nothing i can do about that. still. look at liu chang's beautiful features. he made me care about jinx beyond just his function as a whump magnet, and that's an achievement. someday maybe his ouxiang will give him the hug he deserves.
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4. speaking of beautiful just look at these total idiots. i'm going to miss their stupid faces. xiaoge drinking water, so he can be sober enough to take his drunk husband home and put him to bed. wu xie so plastered that i have inadvertently captured the one (1) image of the most beautiful man in the world making a derp face.
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BONUS: whatever this beautiful cranky bitchy "doctor" has going on. which definitely involves feelings he still has for wu xie, after what happened in germany. (you know what happened in germany.)
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and that's it, that's a wrap. in the meantime zhu yilong has been in cannes being absolutely heart-stoppingly fucking divine, and i will bet you a hundred flying carnivorous clams that the next time he's there, his film will be in competition. the condé nast cover story didn't hurt. with each entrée he cements his reputation and, more importantly, protects himself from the increasingly nasty sweeps of china "cleaning up" c-ent. i honestly don't know what there is to clean up anymore; there's almost nothing left. immortality and the live-action of tgcf not being released; justice in the dark just abandoned not even halfway through. this doesn't end well.
at least as far as lost tomb goes, though, i've decided i'm proceeding backwards—so next i'm watching sand sea/sha hai, because i want to spend time with mob widow wu xie (qin hao has won me over via gifset) and ji chen's xiazi. until then, pouring one out for li jiale and chuchu. and wu erjing i guess. 干杯!
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aliciadreams · 6 months
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ok so I’m gonna overexplain my thoughts on the goncharov meme now @moonlitlex​  I’m sorry for not replying on the original post but this is gonna get long. here’s the original post you replied on
I’m gonna try to keep this neat and tidy but this might take me a while I’m largely including lots of links because I don’t have the spoons to transcribe this sorry followers.
ok so lets begin with the crux of my complaint, that being Goncharov over took black panther: wf in popularity on tumblr for White reasons. I say this for 2 reasons.
1)  goncharov existed as a meme since 2020 but didn’t overtake tumblr until November 2022.
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so you may notice from the wiki article that Goncharov is attributed to Scorsese
why  does Scorsese mean anything? and what does that have to do with black panther 2?  well back in 2019 scorsese said that “marvel movies are not cinema“  source: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2019/oct/04/martin-scorsese-says-marvel-movies-are-not-cinema
what was going on in 2019 for the mcu?  avengers 3 and 4 had just come out and it was the biggest thing that had ever happened in the movies. also... black panther the first movie had made history in being the first mcu movie to be nominated in a category other than technical at the oscars and other award shows https://envelope.latimes.com/awards/titles/black-panther/  too. 
so martin scorsese isn’t just against some of the mcu or superhero movies in general (you will remember that heath ledger won the oscar for the dark knight). no he’s against Marvel specifically. and just at the moment that Marvel films were becoming more diverse than ever before. ok I’m not gonna keep harping on how groundbreaking that black panther which features an afrofuturist country in the biggest franchise in the world with a nearly all black cast won so much acclaim. 
this brings to the second issue I have with goncharov
2) goncharov was largely billed as having great slash ships. but like the rest of Scorsese’s actual works the cast was all white.  there was no interracial ships to be fawned over there was indeed no poc actors cast in this fake film.  but see this is the key thing in november 2022, in the 3 years that had passed between scorsese first comments on the lack of artistry in marvel films
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 9 months
Greetings benevolent witches!
Does the coven dabble in the RPF rec arts?
I'm looking for a RPF that features a scene in which Dan and Noah are filming Pregnancy test, where they're kissing in the store. Noah presses against Dan's inner thigh and says something like, "Did you think this wasn't effecting me?" Or something like that. Sorry for being vague. Can you help?
I'm so glad the coven exists. You all keep the fandom alive and lively with your recs and your comments. Thank you!
Hello, you!
The witches do indeed dabble in RPF!
We believe that might be Get a room by hmmaboldclaim.
Let us know if that's the one.
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lothiriel84 · 5 months
The Words of a Gentleman
It would never do to give her father cause to worry, and besides, she would rather not have rumours of a rift between herself and her fiancé bandied about – not until she was absolutely certain there was no other course open to her but to own to it and submit to the flow of commiseration that would invariably follow.  
A Emma ficlet. Aromantic allosexual!Emma. Written with the 2020 film adaptation in mind.
“When is Mr Knightley to come, my dear? I thought we were expecting him for tea, like always.” 
Emma took a moment to compose herself before she could form an appropriate reply. It would never do to give her father cause to worry, and besides, she would rather not have rumours of a rift between herself and her fiancé bandied about – not until she was absolutely certain there was no other course open to her but to own to it and submit to the flow of commiseration that would invariably follow. 
“I forgot to mention it, Papa,” she explained with such exemplary calmness that could not be farther from her true feelings. “He sent word earlier on excusing himself – he is sadly detained on estate business, you see, and does not know when he will be at liberty to visit us next.” 
“Dear oh dear,” Mr Woodhouse lamented the disruption to the easy routine they had all three of them settled into since her entering an engagement to Mr Knightley. “I do hope he does not overexert himself; you know how much Mr Perry disapproves of such things.” 
“I am sure he will take good care of himself, Papa,” Emma assured him with her best impression of a smile, even as she blinked away the tears that threatened to fall at any moment, were her grip on her own emotions to falter even for an instant. 
In all the one and twenty years of her existence, Emma had never thought herself as happy as she had felt since consenting to Mr Knightley’s proposals. And although she did not wish to flatter herself on a point of such delicacy as this, she had believed Mr Knightley to be just as happy with their understanding as she herself was; and perhaps he had been, she reflected somewhat gloomily, until she simply had to go and ruin everything between them, as she appeared doomed to keep doing, over and over again.  
The possibility of a quarrel had not even crossed her mind that afternoon as they sat on a blanket under the horse chestnut tree – her shawl discarded as soon as they had been out of her father’s sight, though she would of course make sure to drape it safely around her shoulders the moment they were about to step into the house. For all his professed inarticulacy on the matter of his own feelings, Mr Knightley had been more than eloquent in his regard for her, and while she did not precisely mind the warmth with which he addressed her, she could not help but wish he would forego such unnecessary speeches in favour of showing her instead. 
She had not at all been prepared for the sudden flash of hurt which had crossed his features the moment she so much as attempted to indicate her preference; he drew away more sharply than he had ever done in all the years of their acquaintance, removing his hand from her grasp as if he could not bear the contact an instant longer.  
“I see I am boring you,” he addressed her somewhat stiffly, and made to stand. “Allow me to escort you back to your father.” 
“Mr Knightley!” she exclaimed then, so completely bewildered as to forget herself for a moment. “If I have displeased you with my forwardness, then I am exceedingly sorry. My only excuse is that I was led to believe this sort of attentions to be not so entirely unwelcome; but I shall of course endeavour to follow your lead on this matter, as is proper.” 
Far from appeased by so heartfelt declaration, Mr Knightley’s pinched brow and lips spoke volumes about the extent of his current vexation. “Unwelcome indeed – you know very well I could never resist you, but I am beginning to see the unfair advantage you seem determined to exert over me as a direct consequence of my own weakness.” 
“I wish you would speak plainly,” she shook her head, feeling more than a little frustrated in the face of his veiled accusations so unlike the frank manner of speech that had long been in their habit. “I have long been used to your scolding, as you must know, and I will most certainly not shrink back from it now that we are to be married.” 
“Are we?” he retorted in so impassive a manner she felt her very blood chill in her veins. “Emma, I could not help but notice that, while I have taken every opportunity to confess my love for you, the nature of your own feelings in my regard has never been touched upon in any of our conversations.” 
“I fear I do not have the pleasure of understanding you, Sir,” Emma replied as haughtily as she could manage, and steadfastly refusing his assistance pushed herself to her feet. “Next you are going to tell me I am deceived in my recollection of my acceptance of your kind offer of marriage – that I only imagined the entire period of our engagement, and therefore could not have possibly given you any indication of my own affections.” 
She saw his shoulders droop in defeat, and her heart sank further before he even spoke. “As much as I wish to, I cannot flatter myself that you accepted me out of any stronger feeling than the long familiarity of our friendship, and dare I add, your – perhaps not entirely conscious – reluctance to see another woman take precedence over yourself in my affections. I had convinced myself I could live with that so long as I would never have to suffer through the prospect of a more permanent separation, but I am beginning of late to reconsider the wisdom of pursuing such an ill-advised outcome.” 
“You wish to break our engagement,” Emma exhaled through the tears she found unequal to repress any longer. Ever the gentleman, Mr Knightley offered her the use of his handkerchief, though she was no longer under any illusion it signified more than the kindness of his concern for a female acquaintance in some distress.  
“I do not wish it,” he shook his head, his voice perilously close to breaking. “But as of right now, I cannot help but wonder whether this might prove to be the best course of action, for your own sake as well as mine.” 
She had let him walk away then, the shock of being plunged without warning into abject misery too much even for her habitual resolution. That had been two days ago, and she had not seen him nor heard a word of him since. 
When the fifth day since Mr Knightley’s hasty removal from Hartfield dawned with very little anticipation for a change in her circumstances, Emma found the end of her forbearance, and set out at once for a long walk – a first for her since Isabella had left for London after her marriage – in the hope it might assist her in seeking some clarity with regards to her own feelings, if nothing else. 
She knew now she had only fancied herself in love with Mr Churchill in compliment to the expectations of her closest friends and acquaintances; and while she had enjoyed his attentions, she was perfectly aware they were nothing when compared to the warmth of Mr Knightley’s regard for her, and even more importantly, for her father. Even their frequent disagreements brought her more pleasure than she could ever imagine taking in another man’s suit; not until Box Hill she had ever had any reason to fear the loss of his good opinion, and afterwards, she had naturally come to assume that extent of her devastation at so unthinkable a prospect was proof enough of her own attachment in his regards. 
Still, she could not but admit she had never truly contemplated marriage until she was led to believe she would soon have to give way to another – one who would henceforth come first in his affections, be it her own dear friend, or someone even more deserving of his consideration. Thinking back to Harriet’s impassioned declarations of feelings for her soon-to-be husband, she was forced to compare those with her own situation, and ultimately had to acknowledge herself lacking.  
Oh, she was exceedingly fond of Mr Knightley, and could scarcely imagine how utterly devoid of meaning her life would be without him. And for all that it was not proper for a lady of her breeding to dwell upon so indelicate a subject, she had come of late to discover that there was at least one aspect of marriage she anticipated with much eagerness. Every single one of their stolen kisses had left her wanting for more, and she had shocked herself on occasion by wishing him less of a gentleman, in this if not in any other particular. 
As it was, it was fortunate that he had never truly compromised her. This way, he would not feel himself honour-bound to her when she eventually gathered the courage to do what she must and release him from their engagement, just like he himself had requested. The mere notion filled her with so acute a renewal of her prior misery that she all but crumbled under the force of it, and she let herself fall quite dramatically to the side of the path, covering her face in the unreasonable hope that she was never to be discovered.  
She was aching all over from the exertions of walking so long a distance, and on a rather hot day at that. Her gown and shoes were ruined beyond repair, but she could no longer bring herself to care; she felt weak and miserable and faint all at once, and she barely had the presence of mind to search for her handkerchief – or rather, Mr Knightley’s handkerchief, as she was yet to return it – before she could make even more a spectacle of herself by bleeding all over her chemisette.  
She had long moved to debating the merits of locating one of Mr Knightley’s tenants – she could not be more than a mile off Donwell Abbey, even less, perhaps – and beg them to assist her in returning home, when she was startled by the unmistakable sound of a horse approaching from her intended direction. Scrambling off the path with as much haste as her entirely unsuitable outfit allowed her, she had no time to prepare herself for the extent of her mortification once the identity of the rider was revealed to her.  
“Dear Lord, Emma!” Mr Knightley cried out, jumping off the horse with such haste she was surprised to see him come to no harm. “What has happened to you? Are you hurt? Where is your carriage?” 
“I thank you for your concern,” Emma ventured to reply as soon as she found she could control her voice to a reasonable extent. “I am not hurt, except perhaps my pride. There is no carriage, as I came on foot, though I beg you refrain from informing my father of the great risks I have put myself through in doing so.” 
“Upon my word,” he began, only to immediately reconsider his approach. “Emma, I know my conduct in your regards has been unpardonable these past few days, and I am deeply ashamed I could not prevail upon myself to visit you sooner. I was just now on my way to Hartfield intent on humbly begging for your forgiveness, and your father’s, too.” 
“That was very noble of you,” she laughed somewhat hollowly, only to discover, much to her horror, that she was about to give way to tears in his presence for the second time in less than a week. “I can assure you, there was no need for you to take such pains for our sake. We are both well, and I suspect my father will be even more relieved when he finds I am not to marry after all.” 
“Emma, no,” Mr Knightley rushed to silence her, gathering both of her hands in a surprisingly strong grip. “I was mistaken to speak you in such a manner. No gentleman worthy of that name should ever stoop so low as to begrudge the nature or intensity of a lady’s affections, even more so when they were offered to him freely and far in excess of all his previous expectations.” 
“I cannot, I shall not be instrument in condemning you to your future unhappiness, Mr Knightley,” Emma declared with perfect conviction, and equally perfect wretchedness. “There is every chance that your affections should find a more deserving object in time, and I will not have you settle for anything less, not even for the sake of an old friend.” 
“Emma, my dearest, most beloved Emma, will you please listen to me? I am sorry, exceedingly sorry for the pain I have caused you by expressing an ill-formed concern without affording us both the courtesy of allowing some further reflection on my part. As it is, I can truthfully attest that any reservations I might have harboured on that front are entirely over, and I shall be happy for you to name the day when I may finally call myself your husband.” 
Emma had begun crying in earnest by then, and she was all too conscious of the frightful mess she was presenting – her face streaked with blood and tears and Heaven knew what else, and that without even considering the state of her dress. Still, her heart leapt in her chest when she suddenly found herself in Mr Knightley’s arms, his lips pressing in turn to her cheek, her brow, the tip of her nose, and ever so tenderly at that.  
“I would marry you tomorrow, if you could but convince my father,” she laughed in between her sobs, though the reasons for her crying had now changed from abject misery to unexpected happiness. “But I fear you and I will have to exert our patience a little longer.” 
“In the meantime, allow me to convey you safely back to Hartfield before you suffer any ill consequence from the events of this morning, an eventuality which would undoubtedly cause your father to withdraw the consent he has given with enough reluctance as it is.” 
“It is very fortunate that I am not of a sickly disposition, then,” Emma told him quite judiciously, electing to ignore the pointed stare aimed at her bloodied nose and chin. Mr Knightley rolled his eyes in that particular manner which vexed her so greatly, and offered her his arm – once more the very picture of the perfect gentleman. 
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Imagine this. James Moriarty is staring out the window as he's driven to his next meeting. His usual smile is but a ghost as his mind works out how his latest plan was unraveled by Sherlock Holmes, it isn't a total loss, in fact, he already has another plan in play. But that Holmes fellow has been sniffing around too many of James' less interesting plans, it's losing its charm. When suddenly his eyes narrow in on you as you leave a shop. He tells Jack to circle back around the block, and he does. This time at the start of the street when he sees you, he turns to Sebastian. "Follow them." And the man jumps out without a question and starts tailing you. James waits a few moments before he exists and goes into the shop you exited. He is going to find out more about you. (sorry, I'm a bit rusty)
WHAHAUSGSH ANON 😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 This got me running LAPS AROUND MY HOUSE ‼️💛 My mans really said “Yea that one 🫵” right off the street LMAOOO. I need togo lie down and have this play in my head like a feature length film for the next 8 hours
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