#the fact that these have ALL been used on romangerri posts says so much about my shippy habits
peniscat · 2 years
What you do you think about how some people think Romangerri is abusive?
obviously everyone is allowed to have their own opinion and if someone perceives their relationship to be abusive, that's on them! some of the aspects of their relationship are definitely on the grey side, but i think that context is very important when it comes to roman and gerri.
i haven't really seen much of the discourse around this (because i have no wish to see it) but i imagine some people would be bothered by the power imbalance and the sexual dynamic, maybe by how gerri treated roman in s3? i really don't know. but personally i feel like the power imbalance goes both ways – while roman might technically be gerri's superior in s2 and he's quite relentless in pursuing her, we all know gerri has more credibility than roman. she's the one clearly setting the boundaries in their relationship, anyways. and we know she definitely uses roman's attraction to her own advantage (i don't think that makes her the abusive one, either)
roman's sexual issues is a topic that merits its own post and it's a valid question to think about why humiliation is the thing that works for him, but i don't think that their sexual dynamic is something that makes their relationship abusive. in both instances it seems to work for them and basically the fact that it happened a second time is pretty solid proof of consent to me.
gerri basically denying anything having happened between them in s3 is something i initially had a bit of trouble accepting, but i think context is incredibly important right here. saying that she doesn't know what roman's talking about when he's referring to their sexual activities is a way to keep them safe. while it's probably not the nicest thing to do, it's necessary. it's important to remember that circumstances are definitely against them all the time.
also the fact that gerri has known roman for a really long time is just a bad excuse, they obviously haven't been that close since roman didn't even remember her husband's name or that he's dead. even if that's not enough to convince you, we literally don't know anything about their relationship pre-series so in my opinion it's kind of useless to think about that.
the dick pic gate might tie into this too, but my brain hurts from trying to justify to myself why romangerri might be abusive and context matters so much too in that one – just to be clear, i do think it was a wrong thing to do and he deserved the consequences, but i understand why he did it. that's also something for another post i think.
and also if anyone tries to use the age difference as proof of abuse, i'll personally come to their house and steal their belongings <3
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