#therefore the source of these desires is also maybe bad. i mean he's a demon. he's got to be bad
autisticandroids · 3 years
hey so you know how you said a while back that cas doesnt really have a moc/demon dean or soulless Sam equivalent but if he did he would act the same bc hes horny and loves dean?? I agree and he would just do it WAY more unabashedly. my question is, in the version of spn where the writers are smarter AND more homophobic, how would they justify cas's actions? bc they cant use the cloak of humanity bc cas doesnt give a FUCK about humanity. so what would they do
okay the thing is that cas doesn't have a demon dean/soulless sam style arc because it wouldn't... do anything? the thing about cas is that he doesn't have inhibitions in the traditional sense. like he doesn't... feel the eyes of god or society watching him.
i had a long conversation with @pietacastiel the other day about whether cas has the capacity for "should" - and he really just... doesn't. there are two things that stand in for "should" for cas - one, "if i do this, [insert other person (usually dean but not always)] will like me," and two, "[insert person who i trust and obey] has told me to do this, and i will obey their command blindly because i am a good boy."
like, basically, number one is an essentially machiavellian calculation. he's trying to be someone that other people want around, so he makes himself useful to them or enjoyable to be around or likeable or what have you. it's entirely self-serving and probably wouldn't change if you took away his inhibitions or his empathy or his conscience or whatever.
number two is like... it's too intellectual to count as inhibitions, exactly - it's explicit rules that he has set down for himself, without internalizing. to give an example, cas knows that he's not supposed to watch porn in a room full of dudes, and he's not supposed to talk about it, but he will never understand WHY those things are true. he will just obey those commands.
in terms of other ethical behavior that cas demonstrates... the thing about cas is that he's just a nice person? he's highly empathetic, he likes to make other people happy, he likes to be friends, he's a sweetheart. he genuinely wants the best for people. he particularly wants the best for his nearest and dearest. this is what's going on when he heals babies, or decides that he's not gonna kill kelly, or sacrifices his life for dean. he is fundamentally doing what he wants. he wants dean to be alive more than he wants to not be dead, you know?
this is actually one of the things that makes cas so dangerous: empathy is fickle. if the only thing that's standing between you and murdering somebody is you liking that somebody and wanting to be their friend, you might murder them once they piss you off. or once something comes up that makes them being dead more valuable to you than you being their friend. and this is why cas is kind of a terrible person! this is why he's constantly doing war crimes. he doesn't really have a system of ethics.
now, here's the thing: cas does carry around a lot of guilt, but it's deeply ineffectual. it doesn't really change his behavior towards other people. it only really does two things: first of all, it convinces him that other people hate him and don't want him around. this intensifies his desperate need to be liked, and therefore his trying to be liked, but isn't the root of it. second of all, it makes him punish himself, stuff like trying to stay in purgatory.
now, if we did a demon dean/soulless sam situation on cas... what would that look like?
well, he would certainly lose all that guilt he's carrying around, but how would that affect his behavior? the main two effects, i think, would be to make him more confident and therefore bolder in terms of trying to be liked, and make him stop punishing himself/deciding that he deserves bad things.
the confidence boost might lead to him, say, throwing himself at dean a bit more than he does, but i don't think the change would be radical. i think it would just be kicked up a notch. but it's an issue of rational judgement more than inhibitions so i think he would stay basically the same. now, cas' judgement isn't the best, and in the context of relationships at least, if nowhere else, his guilt complex does semi-effectively combat his natural tendency towards total overconfidence, so it might have some serious effect, but i still argue it's rather a matter of degrees.
and him not punishing himself so much might lead to him doing things like getting more mad when dean treats him poorly, but not that much more, because fundamentally the reason cas doesn't get mad when dean treats him badly isn't because he thinks he deserves it - he does think that, but mostly he's just scared that if he gets mad or sets boundaries dean won't like him anymore. again, it's a matter of judgement. he's probably less scared that dean won't like him anymore if he sets boundaries because the elimination of the guilt complex makes him less convinced that everyone hates him, but the anxiety is still there - it's just less intense.
in terms of cas' other sources of ethics and inhibitions - wanting to be liked, obedience, empathy - these would be affected differently if he was like soulless sam and if he was like demon dean.
if cas lost his inhibitions the way soulless sam did... he wouldn't change that much, at least in terms of his personal relationships. he would lose his capacity for empathy, which means that he would be more likely to be a dick to randos on the street, or commit war crimes, but it wouldn't really change how he conducts his relationships, because the inhibitions he holds in relationships are intellectual, they're a matter of judgement anyhow. honestly i think he might still, for example, happily die for dean, if we're arguing that soullessness comes from a lack of empathy or conscience rather than a lack of all emotion, because his desire for dean to be alive is entirely selfish. he likes the world more with dean in it and that's that. so i think soulless cas would be more likely to be a dick behind the scenes - maybe pull some godstiel arc ass shit again - but it wouldn't necessarily change his treatment of those closest to him that much.
now, a demon dean style loss of inhibitions would look different, because demon dean's basic emotions weren't dampened - he was made more selfish and hedonistic and rebellious, and didn't care about other people. interestingly, demon dean didn't seem to lose his capacity for empathy - remember in black when he punched that guy who was abusive to that girl? he didn't do that because it was the right thing to do - he did it because it felt good, because he empathized with her situation and it gave him a rush to get her out of it. so a demonized cas' empathy is intact. but his "shoulds" - those are all out of whack. he's actively rebelling against them. obviously he would simply no longer obey the ones that are like, "follow this rule and you will never know why." but he would also stop trying to be liked. i think demon cas might in fact tell dean that he's been in love with him for years - while screaming an itemized list of every fucked up thing dean has ever done to cas in his face, and telling him to never speak to him again. hell, we've seen cas throw a temper tantrum like this before - "you're not my family, dean, i have no family" in the man who knew to much. demon cas would be like that except without it then causing him to have an immediate mental breakdown.
i would argue, however, that cas has had his own loss of inhibitions comparable to demon dean and soulless sam - crazy cas. it even follows the alliteration pattern, heh. this is because cas' inhibitions are far more in his brain than his heart, and to get rid of them you need to impair his judgement, not fuck with his feelings. like, his shoulds are entirely intellectual. i want to be liked, therefore i should do this, which will effectively cause other people to like me. i want to be a good boy for god/dean, therefore i will obey this rule they gave me. if you fuck with cas' judgement, you fuck with those inhibitions. so arguably crazy cas is cas' equivalent to demon dean and soulless sam.
anyway, to answer your question, i feel like soulless cas wouldn't necessarily need a cover, like, he might, oh, i don't know, covertly arrange more opportunities to be alone with dean or stuff like that, but he's not going to try and sleep with him because he still has most of his inhibitions in tact. demon cas they might have to admit is in love with dean and then kill, because i think demon cas would probably kiss dean and then punch him and leave. you know. and crazy cas we saw in canon.
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thesigilsofbaphomet · 4 years
Lucifer Wants What’s Best For You
(And God is Your Enemy)
So... I touched on this in my response to someone talking about using Micheal in Catholic Folk Magic as a protective, social justice spirit. But I cut my overall take short, because it was off topic. But I wanted to talk about it, so, it’s time for one of my rare non-reblog posts on this blog.
I’ll begin by restating my overall premise- If you look at both canonical and folk-loric sources on Satan, you see a figure who simply desires to help people.
The Snake in the Garden
It is important to note that The Serpent in Genesis is not Lucifer/Satan/The Devil. It’s just... a serpent. Like, it’s not even, specifically, a demon. But the serpent, being a magical talking animal who convinces humans to act contrary to the will of God, is commonly seen as a demon. And I’ll go with that.
So, God creates the whole universe. This includes The Garden of Eden, the paradise that God rents to the first humans in exchange for their obedience. They’re allowed to eat from any tree in the Garden, except the tree in the center, known as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (The ToKoGaE).
Note- God created Eden for Adam and Eve. God is omniscient, meaning all knowing, thus he knows that Adam and Eve will eventually eat the fruit of the tree. The general Christian take is that the tree is a test. However, if you know that the test takers will fail a test, and you know you will give them a rather extreme punishment for that failure, is it not extremely cruel to present that test?
So the serpent talks to Eve, and there’s an exchange, and eventually, the snake convinces Eve to eat ToKoGaE fruit. Giving her knowledge of Good and Evil. And there’s some really weird thing here where suddenly she knows she’s nude, because she ate fruit that gives her moral knowledge, and apparently there’s a moral weight to nudity? And it’s bad? But God made them nude? So God explicitly create humans in a state of Sin and this whole original sin shit doesn’t really fucking hold up if they were created in a state of sin to begin with? I digress. Eve gives Adam the ToKoGaE fruit, now they both know their nude, so they start gluing leaves to their skin with sap or something (I refuse to believe they had any actual knowledge of how to weave leaves into clothes like it’s just a thing you can do and not something you have to learn how to do, and there’s literally no reason for them to have done that prior, so this is literally the first time they’re trying to use leaves as cover).
And the usual Christian take is that the snake is wrong in this. But... knowledge is good, and God was specifically withholding knowledge from Adam and Eve. So the Serpent was helping them.
Satan Scares a Guy’s Ass
No, literally. A guy named Balaam is riding a donkey and Satan appears to scare the donkey to stop him.
This story makes no goddamned sense, even when you read it in a vaguely modern dialect. But, basically, the Israelites leave Egypt and settle, and the guy who rules the land next to them says “holy shit, that’s a lot of guys, they might come take my shit.” So he sends some messengers to a seer, Balaam, to ask him to curse the Israelites so he can beat them in battle. Balaam says “Ok, sleep here, I’ll tell you what God says in the morning.” In the morning, Balaam’s like “Bad news, guys. God says I can’t go with you. The Israelites are blessed.” The king sends more messengers who are more official looking and they say “Look, dude, our lord will give you SO MUCH HONOR if you come curse these guys for us”
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So Balaam says “Look, I don’t care if your king sucks my dick gives me his palace and all his money, I can’t go against God. But stay here, I’ll tell you if he says anything more in the morning (and on reflection, it almost seems like this is explicitly acknowledging that God is just extremely capricious). God tells Balaam, “Ok, go with them, but do exactly what I tell you.” So Balaam saddles his ass up, and goes with them.
And God gets pissed off? Because, I’ll repeat, God is a capricious asshole. So Satan (or, An Angel of the Lord, depending on the translation you read, but the original Hebrew says it’s Satan, who, in Judaism, is an angel of YHWH, and basically exists to test humans) appears, only visible to Balaam’s donkey, and the donkey says “oh fuck that, I’m gonna go to this field over here.” Balaam hits the donkey and the donkey goes back to the pass. So Satan appears again, this time in a narrow pass, so the donkey say “eeengghh...” and tries to, like, slide past Satan by scrapping the wall, and scrapes Balaam’s foot, so, again, Balaam beats his ass. Finally, Satan appears on, like, a narrow bridge, and the donkey can’t turn, can’t just scrape against a wall, and so just lays down. Balaam is, again, pissed off, and Satan opens Balaam’s eyes and asks him why he’s beating his donkey, and God opens the donkey’s mouth so the donkey can be like “no seriously, what the fuck, dude?”
But, so, in Numbers, Satan appears to just stop a guy from doing what God told him not to (and then to) do.
“They go through houses — they go up, they ring doorbells”
In Chronicles, David, king of Israel, decides to have a census. Or Satan tells him to. It’s not clear. In Samuel, David has the idea independently, but in Chronicles Satan tells him to. But anyway. David wants to have a census, which is a pretty reasonable thing. Censuses have a purpose, they tell a government how many people there are, and where they live, and, in America, give data that can be used to decide where and how to spend tax money. But for some reason, authoritarians don’t like censuses.
I want to say more about this, but... it’s literally just “Satan tells David to take a census, God doesn’t like that.” and then God sending an angel to tell David “pick a punishment!”
The Outlier--Job
I feel like a broken record, but, again, this story makes no fucking sense. Job’s super devout, and God’s blessed him. Satan walks up to God and says “Dude, he’s only devout because you gave him shit. Let me take his shit, and you’ll see how devout he really is.” And God says “Ok, sure, but you can’t kill him.”
So Satan just absolutely shits on Job. He gives Job boils, he kills his family, he financially ruins him, and through it all, Job refuses to reject God, so Satan is forced to concede, and God’s like “Haha, told you. Now, Job, how’d you like a new wife?”
This is the one story I’m aware of where Satan is legitimately just screwing with a guy and not trying to help him.
And Satan’s There, Too!
Satan next appears in Zechariah, in, like, a vision, and he’s just sort of there? This is another “The Satan” thing, where Satan is an angel of God whose purpose is to test humans. He doesn’t really do anything, he just gets mentioned as being there.
Then there’s a mention of Lucifer in Isaiah, and, literally, it’s just a reference. He’s not even there, it’s just a throwaway line saying “Lucifer was cast out of Heaven.”
Satan Asks Jesus Out to Some Beers
The last three mentions of Lucifer in the Bible occur in the New Testament, two of them are just Lucifer tempting Jesus.
Mark just mentions that Satan tempted Jesus.
Luke actually describes the temptation. So, Jesus goes out into the desert and fasts for forty days. Lucifer shows up and says “dude, you’re the son of God, just turn this stone into some bread, and have something to eat.” Jesus rebukes him in a “completely missing the goddamned point” way. So Lucifer takes him up to a mountain and says, “Look, dude, come with me, and can rule over everything you see here. It’s all mine, and it’s mine to give to who I choose. Just worship me.” And Jesus rebukes him. So Lucifer takes Jesus up to the top of a temple and says “God gave the angels to you, they’ll protect you, jump off and they’ll catch you.” And Jesus rebukes him again, and Lucifer disappears in a poof of exasperation.
Now, what’s the purpose of this? Well, there’s the standard Christian reading that Satan is trying to lure Jesus away from serving God’s plan because he’s EVIL and his SOLE PURPOSE IS TO OPPOSE GOOD AND THAT’S GOD. But... Ok, so Jesus is the son of God, he’s divine, and, it’s reasonable to assume that he can’t die unless God allows it, because it’s part of God’s plan for him to die in a specific context. So.... why does he fast for forty days? It’s not like he can starve, and he’s divine, so it’s not like he can suffer the pangs of hunger, unless he chooses to, so... is there any meaning in his fasting? I argue not. It’s exactly as meaningless as the act of turning a stone to bread and having a bite.
Then, there’s the second temptation. If we assume that Jesus is benevolent, and divine, and I argue, even as a Satanist, that Jesus is benevolent. I also believe that Lucifer is benevolent and the creator god is the standout as the not-benevolent one in the game. But I expect Christians believe that Satan is evil and Jesus good. Therefore, in Luke 4, Satan says “this world is mine, to give to they who I see fit.” And Jesus refuses to even pay lip service. Despite the fact Jesus ruling the world would presumably be better for people than a world rules by Satan. And Satan is offering that, maybe as a fuck you to God, but he is freely offering up his temporal power to someone who would make the world a better place.
The final temptation, I would argue, is Satan trying to free Jesus from God’s plan that demands he suffer torture and death. He’s trying to show Jesus “you have power of your own, you don’t have to subject yourself to this plan that ends in your death.”
If we interrogate the narrative from it’s own perspective, then Jesus is both God and human, and Satan is appealing to him as a human, saying “you’re a god, you don’t have to do this. You don’t have to die.”
Luke 22 is the last mention of Satan in the Bible, and it just says that Satan entered Judas (not in a sexy way), and Judas went out to talk to the pharisees about how he could betray Jesus. But...well, ok, literally the line is-
3 Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.
4 And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them.
Like... it makes me think that a lot of the time, when Satan is mentioned in the Bible, they don’t mean a literal figure named Satan, and they’re using the name poetically to refer to people working against God or Jesus. Because... Jesus’ death is foreordained. It’s part of God’s plan, so why would Satan be involved in Judas’ betrayal of Jesus? Unless this is going back to the Judaic idea of Satan as an angel of God who acts as an adversary of humanity, in which case, Satan is acting on God’s orders to make Judas betray Jesus.
To Infinity and Beyond
So, that’s the extent to which Satan is mentioned in the Bible in anyway, either as a figure never called Satan but often conflated with him, to The Adversary, to Lucifer.
After that, you have to look at folk lore and media, and this is simultaneously difficult, because pretty much anyone can make a story up and it can get traction, and actually kind of easy in this particular case, because... most folk lore is one a single track when it comes to Satan.
Most folk lore involving Lucifer/Satan/whatever you want to call him-
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I hear he misses the old names, so, special shoutout to “Little Horn”
-involves a human who wants something, and Satan showing up to give it to them for their soul.
And this comes to a realization I made last year- In these stories, if you take the Christian worldview, Satan is actually... giving these things away for free, not for people’s souls.
I’m pretty sure I talked about this on this tumblr, but I’ll go through it so you don’t have to hunt it down.
In Christianity, your soul is not yours, it belongs to God, so you can’t actually give it away or “sell” it
However, to do so, if your could, would be a sin
In Christianity, or at least Catholicism, conceiving of a sin with full intent to commit it is the same as committing the sin.
Therefore, even if you can’t, technically, “sell your soul to the devil,” if you decide to do so, you have immediately sinned, and in fact, you have committed pretty much the biggest sin there is in Christianity, Apostasy, one which cannot be forgiven by any temporal power, and the forgiveness of is the sole domain of God himself.
ie, If you commit Apostasy, you are immediately condemned to Hell, unless God himself intervenes. If you decide to sell your soul to Satan, you have already committed apostasy, even though that’s not a thing you can actually do.
Thus, when a person resolves to trade their soul for something, they are immediately condemned, their soul already destined for Hell, simply for deciding they would give it to Satan instead of trusting in God. Satan should obviously know how this works, he should be aware that a person just deciding to trade their soul is sufficient, and Satan has no reason to actually give the person anything.
So, given that, here’s what happens- A person wants something, they want it so badly, they decide to sell their soul to Satan for it. Satan is fully aware that at that moment the person’s soul is already his. But then he goes and gives them what they want.
The only possible way to interpret that is that Satan literally wants to help people.
But What About Hell?
So, how does one suppose that Satan just wants to help people if those people are still condemned to Hell for accepting his help?
Well, again, we’re going to go back to my background of having been raised Catholic.
In the Catholic tradition, Hell is not a place of fiery torment, it is not a place where demons break out the medieval torture shit and rend your soul. The torment of Hell, in the Catholic tradition, comes from the fact that God is absent. The Catholic tradition believes that Hell is painful because God’s presence is not there, that those who are in Hell are cut off from God.
Obviously, Catholics believe a lot of stuff is the natural consequence of this, they probably believe that without the presence of God, people are more malevolent in Hell, and so there are probably plenty of “mundane” torments there in addition.
However, I believe that the presence of God is not a perceivable thing. If it were, there should not be any atheists, or even non-Catholics. If you could perceive the presence of God, then why would you ever not believe in that God? Therefore, Hell should not feel any particularly different from life on Earth. But even if it does, that is, even if the absence of God is apparently despite his presence not being so, I contend that the human spirit can become accustomed to anything.
Therefore... Hell is not a place of torment, especially for the sinful who reject God in the first place.
Aside: Is God’s Presence Desirable?
If we look at the figure of God from the Bible, I contend that God is worthy of nothing but contempt and hatred.
God is said to have created the universe and all life in it--so that it might adore and adulate him.
God is, supposedly, Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnibenevolent (The Three Omnis). But he created a world of pain and suffering, and not all of that is the consequence of free will on the part of the person who suffers. You can argue that pain and suffering is a consequence of people choosing to do evil, but that does not explain the presence of suffering innocents. An omniscient being would know that free will would result in some people choosing to harm innocent children. An omnibenevolent being would wish to prevent that. An omnipotent being, creating a world ex nihilo, could create a world where the natural consequence of trying to harm a child prevents or punishes that attempt. It would not affect free will to create a world where trying to hurt a child caused the would-be perpetrator to burst into flames or have an immediate heart attack--just like it does not infringe on free will that we as humans cannot naturally fly and the natural consequence of jumping off a cliff trying to do so is to fall. It would not affect free will to create a world where children are immune to harm. God created a world where children can be harmed, and he chose to do so, knowing it would happen.
God paid disobedience with exile and painful death--when he would logically know that it would happen to begin with, due to his omniscience.
God looked at his “children” and murdered them in droves for disobedience.
In fact, God killed around 25 million people in the Bible, and that’s only counting adult men. Satan is responsible for about 10 specified deaths in the Bible (Job’s seven sons and three daughters), but the number of Job’s servants aren’t given, and they were slain at his prompting as well. But Job likely wouldn’t have had more than a few hundred servants, and even if he had ten times that number, even if he had 10,000 servants, God is responsible for at least 2,500 times as many, in adult men alone.
Altogether, the Bible itself paints an image of God as an abusive, selfish authoritarian who throws his “children” away in a fit of pique, or boredom, or to win a bet. Is this a figure deserving of worship? Of adoration? Of love? Christians seem to believe yes, believing that their creation at his whim is all that is needed to earn such. It is the position of an abused child who loves their toxic parent simply because of their relation, and despite their abuses.
An Image of Satan
So, on the other hand, we have this figure who staged a rebellion against a heavenly authority, who rules over a land eternal where the only torment is the absence of his foe, who we have already examined and found to be an abusive authoritarian.
A figure who has killed not even 1% of the people this authoritarian did, and who freely gives what is needed to those who, essentially, pledge themselves to his domain.
A Matter of Interpretation
In the end, it comes down to interpretation and belief, since we actually don’t have any kind of primary source on, well, anything to do with the Bible, or religion in general, to be honest. Personally, I think that if you’re looking at the Bible as any kind of authoritative source, then this is the only possible honest conclusion. If you believe that God is any way not reprehensibly abusive, then you can’t view the Bible as any kind of authoritative source, at least as regards God.
I’m a Satanist, so of course I’m given to a more sympathetic view of Satan, but given that there is no particular authoritative source for Lucifer (even the Bible would have been written by his enemy), the character of Satan can only really be inferred from non-authoritative sources, and interestingly, whatever a person says about their enemy, those statements are incredibly revealing of the speaker, as well.
I don’t, necessarily, believe that all Christians follow such a reprehensible creed, I don’t even think all Christians who view the Bible as, if you’ll pardon the pun, gospel, do. But I think a lot of Christians do not take any time to honestly evaluate the Bible and what it says about their God.
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swanhookheart · 5 years
Lucifer season 5 theory
It seems like there are a lot of directions s5 could go, but there's one I've been toying with since I finished season 4. Here are some thoughts, strung together with bullet points:
• Chloe's “God-given” purpose has been fulfilled. She crossed paths with Luci and eventually led him back to Hell, potentially rendering the deal Luci made with dear-old-dad in s1 complete. She may no longer be under God's protection, since He got what he wanted from her and Luci finally did what He wanted. Alternatively (this is what I believe), Ella's point that God doesn't control whether or not bad things happen, but gives people strength through them, might be accurate. Maybe it was Lucifer choosing to protect Chloe all those times that kept her safe. I mean, she has almost died at least once since that deal.
• Chloe was also the subject of the prophecy, and it was in part because of her that evil was unleashed (supposedly). Dozens of people are dead because of the chain of events that began with her working with Fr. Kinley. The man she loves is gone because of it. She nearly poisoned him, and she regrets all of it deeply. The fact that she looked away from Luci's devil face seems to have really weighed on her for the back half of the season, and it resurfaced in the last few minutes of the finale. She's likely going to be grappling with a lot of guilt in season 5, and that's kind of the jumping-off point for my theory/ramblings.
• Maybe the prophecy was self-fulfilling. Maybe not having Lucifer on Earth, helping with crimes and bringing justice to wrongdoers, will be what allows evil to be released.
• Beginning of season 5, I think a few months or even a year will have passed since Lucifer left, and Chloe will have thrown herself into her work, as she does. But it's different because she doesn't have her partne. Luci's just gone, and it's been up to Chloe to explain to everyone where he went. She's got to answer for all the dead bodies in the Mayan, too (because 30+ people don't just die). I think there's going to be a marked difference now in how Chloe behaves, since it's not just a setback; she never expects to see Lucifer again. I think she's going to be different, maybe take one too many risks on a case because she's feeling guilty and hurting. But she is starting to take the first steps toward healing.
• After she's sort of started to let go, she finds something during a case that seems to have something to do with celestials. It’s in a language she doesn’t recognize (but Amenadiel and Maze both do): Lilim. Whatever Chloe finds piques her curiosity enough that it makes her start to doubt the prophecy. Her desire for truth leads her to wondering where the prophecy came from, and at its root, she discovers Lilith (I mean, she was name-dropped a few times this season, and maybe that was intentional). What if she managed to break loose from Hell with the other demons (she would have probably refused to go back, seeing as she’s the mother of demons and the show seemed to have been telling us she’s powerful af in her own right)? Without Lucifer on Earth to keep her in check, what’s stopping her if she decides to wreak havoc across the planet? Maybe Lilith was actually the source of the prophecy, and it was designed to get Lucifer back in Hell and out of the way. Eve was repeatedly cited as being “the first woman”, which leads me to believe that Lilith is not human. Now, this is a stretch, but it could, therefore be possible, that she is either an angel (fallen) or some other species of divine creature, but one that’s been defiled.
• In investigating the Lilith lead, Chloe ends up being attacked and put in a medically induced coma (Schrödinger's death, I guess, where she is both alive and not alive... it was the only thing that seemed to make sense, since she could, in theory, come back from that). She ends up in Hell, and she follows the melancholy sound of an out-of-tune piano to a heavy door standing slightly ajar. She enters and finds herself in Lucifer's penthouse suite, where the man (or Devil, I suppose) sits playing his Steinway. He is her torment. He can't see or hear her (because the guilt of what she did is weighing on her), even though she's right there. She made it all the way to Hell, where her boo is, only for him not to be able to see her.
• The only way she can even communicate with him is by coming to terms with her own guilt over everything that's happened. She'll eventually come to the conclusion that yes, she made mistakes, but she rectified them. She accepted Lucifer, she accepted and admitted her feelings for him, and she voiced her own desires, for once, and asked him to stay. It took her a while, but she came around and went for what she desired. It's the same reason she followed the music. At last, he can see her, and he’s stunned.
• Chloe explains that she’s here because she was investigating a lead about Lilith. She’s escaped. This scares the hell out of Lucifer and he realizes he needs to go back to Earth.
• He saves Chloe, possibly with a feather. And it has the power to heal her, because he’s finally accepted himself as both the Devil and an angel. He’s found peace after sacrificing everything, and he’s able to help heal her. The middle-ish chunk of the season sees Lucifer return to Earth one last time (supposedly) to bring Lilith back to Hell. It’s one last investigation, really. The whole idea is that Lilith is a monster—a perverted celestial—and the only way to deal with her is to bring her back to Hell and keep her trapped just like Mom was for all that time.
• When Lilith returns to Earth, she finds and connects with Maze, who, as much as she wants to hate her, can’t bring herself to. Lilith talks about how horrible Hell was to her, and how it was torment 24/7 for her. She talks about how awful being married to Adam was, and about being under Lucifer in rank. She was his equal, and yet there he sat for millennia on a throne while she suffered. Something, something, and insert talking point about Hell tormenting only those with the greatest guilt. Why does Lilith, tamer of the beasts of the night, feel guilty? Because of how she treated her many many children. She came to Earth to escape that guilt, and because here, mortals treat her like a queen and not like a subordinate.
• The same way that Lucifer took the first steps toward forgiving himself in 4x09, Lilith will now begin to forgive herself for Maze’s sake. If she’s a celestial (again, totally a stretch), maaaaybe this will help her revert to her “perfect” (according to Eve) self.
• Lilith agrees to go back to Hell, but only if Maze comes too. Maze loves the people here, but she finally has a chance to have a relationship with her mother. She can’t pass that up, and so she agrees to accompany Lilith back to Hell.
• Lucifer prepares to leave Chloe a second time, and they have epic hot goodbye sex (I mean…). But Lilith sees how happy they are. She’s never been that happy, but oh damn, wait. She’s a reformed celestial again. She can be queen. She can be with her kids. She can stop being tormented and treated like an inferior. Lilith can rule Hell instead of Lucifer—if he wants.
• If anyone on this show has learned anything at all, it’s that it’s never too late to find peace with yourself, or to become the person you were always meant to be. He forgives himself, he makes peace with the world and with the cosmic. And this all works. The price, perhaps, may be that Lucifer will be mortal. No more Devil face, no more wings, no more mojo. But he gets to live out his days on Earth with Chloe and Trixie (who he adores). During that time, he starts going to therapy again, and he manages to actually make peace with his dad, too. Because dude had his angel wings this whole time; he could have theoretically gone home, he just didn’t think he was worthy of doing so. But this time, when both he and Chloe eventually die (hopefully well into their senior years), they’re both able to enter the Silver City.
That’s it. That’s my theory. It probably won’t happen and it's definitely far-fetched af, but I wanted to share it with this sub anyway because it's an ending that would make my little Deckerstar heart happy.
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Royal Negotiations
A Shadowhunters Fanfic Set between 2x18 & 2x19
Magnus went alone.  Despite what his Alexander thought the choice wasn't about him lying about the soul sword. Despite what Lucian and Raphael thought, the choice wasn't about his broken heart. Going to the Seelie Queen was about survival.
Lucian and Raphael balked at the idea of depending on the Seelie Court because they were both painfully young.  They had grown up in a time when mundanes no longer played the games the Seelie Queen did.  Vampires and Werewolves had their own hierarchy and traditions.  Warlocks, though?
Most Warlocks had grown up in times when courting favor with royalty was common. When the wrong game meant life or death or heartbreak.  They would be able to teach the younger ones how to play the games.  How to court favor and make deals.  They would have learned anyway - if they survived long enough.  Because among the demons that they all shared blood with was a similar culture. Greater Demons.  Princes of Hell. It bled into all aspects of Warlock culture, even in the present day.
He had also known that it would be a harder deal for him than another representative. Maybe he should have sent someone else to the Seelie Queen.  Someone with no title of their own - someone who didn't have the power to stop Valentine with… other methods.
"Your Majesty."
"Magnus Banes. I'm most curious who you are approaching me as." The Seelie Queen did not rise from her throne.  "The High Warlock of Brooklyn? Or the Crown Prince of Edom?"
He'd known that was coming, and he managed not to flinch at her mocking. "The High Warlock, m'lady.  I wish to discuss the terms of protection of my warlocks and I."
"Of course.  The rose has not yet wilted, so my offer of protection still stands."
"Indeed.  However, should Valentine raise the angel and we are forced to seek refuge in your realm… in what manner will we be welcomed?"
"Whatever do you mean, High Warlock?"
"Will my warlocks be… your subjects?"
"Are you suggesting that would be a bad thing?" The Seelie Queen's voice hardened.
"Not at all, your Majesty. To serve one such as yourself can only be seen as an honor.  However, many Downworlders are young.  They do not understand the fine details of courtly behavior.  I fear some may… misstep should they attempt to learn the ways of your court overnight."
"You make a fair point." She ceded. "The mortal realm has grown so lax. They do not understand proper behavior.  They aren't born royalty like the two of us are."
She was certainly twisting that knife today, wasn't she? "Then you see my dilemma."
"Fear not, High Warlock. Downworlders seeking refuge shall be welcomed as loyal guests.  Therefore allowing for… some missteps."
"That is most gracious of you."
"Should any wish to join my court at a later time, though, I am sure we will all be amenable."
What a damn loophole that was.  The Seelie knew how to coerce a wish better than any. "Should any have such an honest desire in their heart, I would not stop them from seeking it."
The Seelie Queen's smile was predatory.  "You are all about following the desires in your heart, are you not, High Warlock?"
Tread carefully now, Magnus.  "In most cases, Your Majesty."
"I was saddened by your most recent broken relationship.  It promised to be such a romantic story. The Shadow World's own Romeo and Juliet."
"Romeo and Juliet were of the Shadow World." Magnus reminded her.
"Ah, true.  But even their story might be said to pale to a romance between a Prince of Edom and a Nephilim.  I suppose spending eternity apart is better than death by poison and dagger in the end, though.  Is it not?"
Right now, Magnus was wondering if the poison or dagger weren't better, but held his tongue. "If that settles the terms, Your Majesty, perhaps I should speak to my fellow Downworlders."
"A moment, Prince of Edom.  The terms are not yet settled."
Magnus felt his heart sink, especially with her mocking use of a demonic title he truly had no claim on. Any claim he might have once had he'd given up when he banished his father centuries ago.  Still, he'd suspected that his ties to Asmodeus would cause her to make more demands.  "I see. Was there more you required?"
"I must admit to being curious why you of all Downworlders would ask of me this favor."
"For the safety of my fellow warlocks."
"And yet you do not need this court to save them, Prince of Edom.  Valentine may be cunning, but in the end he is but one Nephilim. Certainly no match for your father, should you request his aid."
Magnus felt his skin crawl at the mention of his father, and the Seelie Queen's sharp smile did little to aid his growing unease.  "It merely seems to me, Your Majesty, that allowing a Greater Demon loose to stop one Nephilim is a tad… excessive."
"More excessive than asking your Warlocks to seek refuge with my people while a madman destroys the rest of the Downworld?"
"In my father's case, we would merely be trading one source of destruction for another."
"I suppose he may still be upset about being banished to Edom by his son." The Seelie Queen seemed to contemplate the idea as if it were a fascinating possibility. "However, you always were your father's favorite child, Magnus Bane.  To have you by his side may be worth the death of one Nephilim."
He'd thought about it - of course he had. The possibility of asking his father's aid. Just what he may ask in return.  Was saving the entire Downworld not worth his own eternal life spent miserable in Edom? Angry Asmodeus might be, but stopping the angel from rising would be in the bastard's own best interest.  Yet, here he was, asking the Seelie Queen's favor instead.
"Oh!" The Seelie Queen clapped her hands. "I see!  Even now you are optimistic about your romance with the Nephilim."
"What does Alexander have to do with anything?" Magnus gave a hard smile of his own.
"Your Shadowhunter lover may forgive a deal with me.  But not with a Prince of Hell."
"You might be surprised. Alexander is a progressive thinker." Magnus offered, even as his mind whirled.
Was it true? Was that why he was set on this path?  Was he so selfish as to place his own life above the entire Downworld? Should he be summoning his father instead?
The Seelie Queen's laugh sounded through the grove, and she stood to approach him. "Do not look so disquiet, Little Prince of Edom.  We are royalty.  Selfishness becomes us." She circled him, slowly. A predator who smelled blood.  "That is why, for me to aid you and yours, I must ask you not interfere with any other games I may have afoot."
"An eternity without games between us? Surely that would be boring." Magnus countered.  "Shall we say instead that, during the hunt for Valentine, I shall be far too busy to concern myself with other games?"
"And after?"
"Come now, Your Majesty.  We are immortal. What would our lives be without games?"
"Truer words could not be chosen.  Very well, I find that an acceptable term." She continued to circle him.  "Now, as for these council meetings, being under my protection means I and I alone speak for the Downworld.  I have no doubt your jilted lover shall attempt to speak to you directly.  You are to hold your tongue on matters involving Shadowhunters and Downworlders.  I have full say over what is and is not acceptable between us and the Clave so long as you and yours are under my protection. After all, the only way to protect you all properly is to be in complete control of the situation."
She stopped in front of him, her smile amused and her eyes triumphant.  "What say you, Magnus Banes?  Are my terms acceptable?"
"You are most thorough, Your Majesty." Oh, how the next meeting would suck.  He could practically feel Alexander's eyes on him directly, as if he was to blame for it all. He wouldn't be completely wrong to think so, either.  Still, most of the terms affected him more than Lucian or Raphael.  She was asking he tie his hands - but she wasn't asking the same of them. He could only hope they would be up to the task of battling whatever other games she had going.
"I am a Queen, Little Prince.  I must be thorough."
"I find your terms acceptable."
She reached up a hand to caress his face, and it took a lot of willpower not to yank away. "I do so enjoy negotiating with you.  I shall see you at the next council meeting.  Be sure to stay close to my side. Dismissed."
"Your Majesty." Magnus bowed, and retreated from the grove.  Even as he downed a drink in his apartment a few moments later, the sour taste of defeat remained.
As always, I tend to be late getting into a show. I couldn't help but think, watching the end of season 2, that Warlock culture in Shadowhunters is closer to Seelie than Werewolf or Vampire.  Werewolf and Vampire culture seem to follow survival of the fittest rules, with packs/clans that you can both join and split from, and who settle disagreement through fighting. Whereas Warlock culture, like Seelie, seems more court and intrigue based.  It got me thinking that, especially with so many warlocks being old enough to have been raised during times when Monarchies were common, it made sense why Magnus would choose to side with the Seelie Queen.  The transition for warlocks into such a culture wouldn't be as difficult, if it came to that.
I also think the Seelie Queen would have definitely made a point of who Magnus's father was and that he could actually ask for his help to stop Valentine. (Azuzel could have easily killed Valentine when he had him, and he wasn't as powerful as Asmodeus.) Which explains to me why he would have gone to her alone to strike a deal.  Not only would he not have wanted Lucian and Raphael present while she mocked his demonic parentage, the fact that he had another out (But didn't want to take it) would have given her leverage to make more demands on him. (And I definitely think she did.)
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inuykago · 7 years
hey can you write analyses about inuyasha. Like your opinion on who inuyasha loves more? and why you think so? And maybe share all your feels about inukag on certain episodes! Definitely want to hear your opinion since you're watching it for the first time! I really enjoy your blog!
im so flattered by this ask & so so happy you enjoy my blog T-T
i’ve been thinking about this alllll day so here goes it!
so first all, i think Inuyasha is sucha great, great show. It takes a lot for me to really get into a show, let alone create a whole blog dedicated to it, and inuyasha was really able to grasp my attention within the first episode. I either like or dislike a show, and i freaking LOVE inuyasha. The characters are so dynamic and different and all such bad ass bitches in their own ways, and i LIVE for that! and of course the ships in the show makes it 1000000x better. Though there are a lot of episode and people may find that to be dragging, i think it’s really great bc the show preciously shows the story line and doesn’t let its viewers miss out on any detail. Whether it’s just one line or an entire scene, inuyasha really knows how to keep its viewers interested.
Before I give my opinion on who I think Inuyasha more, I think it’s really important to first show I analyze both Kikyo and Kagome (based on what I’ve watched which is up to season 6 so far).
So, let’s take a look back at Kikyo - Kikyo was obviously taken away by Inuyasha, as we saw in the flashbacks, she spent quite sometime with inu, whether it was to seriously talk or just take a simple stroll. From what I’ve seen so far, Kikyo’s love for Inuyasha is much more mature and serious. Kikyo knows what her duty in life was, and that was to protect the sacred jewel. Kikyo and Inu talked more on serious terms, while of course, also enjoying each other’s company, which made both of them forget about their worries and flaws for awhile. She tries to convince Inu to use the shikon jewel to make him fully human. Not only did Kikyo want this as a way to be with him for eternity, but also because she wanted to settle down. She wanted to settle down with someone who has made her feel much differently than ever before. Kikyo wanted to spend the remainder of her life with Inuyasha, and help him grow and just embrace in one another in what they are - a priestess and half-demon. They were defying all odds and both her and Inu fell in love with that. Kikyo wanted Inuyasha to grow up, but to also grow old with her. 
Now, Kagome, despite being Kikyo’s reincarnation, is much more different than Kikyo and I think that has to be one of the most beautiful parts to this “love triangle,” if you will. Finding Inuyasha pinned to the Sacred Tree in the Feudal Era was, obviously, life-changing for her. She was confused, curious, and also a bit scared. However, after Inuyasha saves the village from a demon, I believe she finds herself feeling more safe. Though Kagome didn’t realize it, she had already developed a little crush - a little baby crush. But this soon turns into an innocent, childish love. Not childish like immature, but childish like new and unaware. Kagome loves Inuyasha and yearns to be by his side to experience new adventures, new feelings, new knowledge, and just have fun. Kagome wants to experience everything first with Inu. However, despite her love that runs so deep, she is mature enough to understand that Kikyo will always by Inu’s first: his first love. Though this breaks her heart, she swallows her pride and embraces Inuyasha’s decision to pursue Kikyo first and forth most. Her love is so genuine, she just wants the chance to experience life by his side, even if that means Inuyasha doesn’t reciprocate that same desire.
Therefore, I believe that Kagome loves Inuyasha more (if that wasn’t already obvious lol). I cannot fully express the amount of love Kagome has for Inuyasha. It takes so much courage, understanding, and LOVE to be able to watch the person you love, basically, love someone else and, subconciously, puts you to second-best. As I previously explained, Kagome wants to experience life with Inu by all means necessary. She lives for the arguments, laughter, and danger that comes their way. She knows that though he still has feelings for Kikyo, Inu would never hesitate to protect/save Kagome, and that’s what puts her mind to ease. Her innocent, childish, yet mature love for Inuyasha is impossible for me to ignore because it’s so much more than just “love” itself.
So, if you see all my posts, you’ll obviously see how i go completely berserk when an inukag moment happens, even if it’s for a split second, my heart literally cannot contain itself. Since there are sooooooooooooooooooooo many inukag moments/episodes, I’ll just talk about my top three that I can remember off the top of my head for now!
Season 1, Episode 1-2
of course i had to mention the ICONIC episode(s) that started it all. When i first watched the episode, I didn’t really know what to expect. I used to watch the show when I was younger, but I was like 6 so of course I had no idea what was going on. So let me tell you, how messed up I am now when Kagome saw Inuyasha, on that tree, all helpless, but yet “sleeping” so soundly….I’M REAL MESSED UP. When she reaches for Inu’s lil doggy ears it hurts me so much because I love his lil doggy ears and how he wiggles it around when he hears something or people talk about it. Just the mere fact that Kagome pulled out the arrow out of him (((EVEN THO EVERYONE TOLD HER NOT TO BECAUSE HE WILL KILL EVERYONE))) just makes me really want to punch myself in the face or something because even she knew!!! she had to do it!!! And then as the episode goes on and Inu keeps calling her Kikyo i’m honestly like “really man” and of course it’s understandable why Kagome gets so uptight about it. But that whole thing is the first-hand example of how Inu cannot forget Kikyo. Anyways, when Lady Kaede puts the spell on Inu and gives him a necklace that can’t be taken off and thus the infamous “Sit!” comes in…. dude, when inu just sits there all sassy because he can’t do anything it melts my heart lmao. Then of course in the following episodes Inu and Kagome have to team up to find the shards after Kagome accidentally shatters it, and thus INUKAG IS BORN OUO
 Season 2 Episode 48
Okay, let’s be real here. This episode is/was the actual source of my TEARS. LIKE!!!!!!!! As soon as I realized that Kagome was going to end up seeing Kikyo I was screeching my poor precious Kagome her innocent precious eyes, I didn’t NOT want her to see that T-T But so she did, and my heart was ripped out yet again… When Inu hugged Kikyo and says that he’s the only who to protect her, I was both sad and mad but more sad because !!!KAGOME!! and then when he turns around and sees Kagome and he looks at her with those precious little puppy dog eyes….all the feels man…. all the feels…. Then when Kagome goes back home and thinks about Inu and Kikyo and wishes Kikyo didn’t exist I FELT THAT like spiritually mentally physically… Then later on in the episode when Kagome decides that it’d be best to never go back to the feudal era and give back the shards and forget about Inuyasha and all I literally started crying. I was in my school library and I was crying in my cubicle. but OK AT THE END WHEN INUYASHA AND KAGOME TALK AND I FELT THE TENSION AND EVERYTHING AND KAGOME EXPRESSED HOW SHE UNDERSTANDS THAT INU WILL ALWAYS HAVE FEELINGS FOR KIKYO, BUT SHE STILL WANTS TO STAY BY HIS SIDE AND HOLDS HIS HAND AND THEY WALK TOGETHER!!!!! LIKE!!!! THAT IS WHY IM SO FOR INUKAG AND KAGOME IS A BOSS ASS BITCH. SHE IS SO MATURE AND LOVES INUYASHA SO DEEPLY AND JUST WANTS TO LOVE HIM AND LIVE LIFE WITH HIM AND MAKE SURE HE’S HAPPY AND OUT OF HARMS WAY AND JUST BURY ME WITH MY SHIP
Season 4 Episode 89
Let me just say that i freaking LIVE for episodes that take place in the modern dimension, because I know Inuyasha will always find his way into there because Kagome always gets back “late” (yeah ok or he just CANT STAND NOT SEEING HER) and Inuyasha in modern day is so adorable because he’s so lost and clueless and so used to fighting demons and monsters that he doesn’t even know what it’s like to walk in a city and i just LOVE it. Anyways, the tHING THAT REALLY GOT ME IS HOW OK HOJO ALWAYS GIVES KAGOME FOOD AND FRUITS TO CURE HER “ILLNESSES” BUT IN THIS EPISODE INUYASHA DOES SOME OF HIS OWN HUNTING AND GATHERING AND GETS INGREDIENTS FOR KAGOME AND BRINGS A GIANT LOAD OF IT BACK TO HER HOME AND HE MAKES IT AT HER HOME AND JUST T______T I CANNOT. Then at night when he pat Kagome as she fell asleep and he watched over her and looked through her photo album, i was living and i was loving it. Like my inukag feels NEED these things. And he just spent the night with her like fck my shit up ugh. and when Kagome woke up the next morning and realized she was gonna be later and Inu rushed her to get dressed and took her to school for her “test” !!!!!! I COULDNT HE WAS SO HAPPY TO TAKE HER TO SCHOOL AND HAPPILY WAITED FOR HER TO FINISH UP THE SCHOOL DAY AND HE WAS JUST SO PRIDEFUL AND HAPPY AND WANTS KAGOME TO EXCEL BECAUSE HE KNOWS SHE CAN AND THATS WHEN MY HEART BURSTED 
once again thank you so much for this ask, and anyone who read this!! I know its A LOT but i have a LOT of feelings and inukag murders my soul but i love it and now cannot live without it. Thank you for allowing me to pour out all my emotions
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