#they're both real lookers I tell you what
thebigolbee · 25 days
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Quick little doodles of Lug and Micheal from @skaiind 's Fallout comic Living on the Sands! Wanted to celebrate Lug's arrival somehow… really excited to see how it plays out :)c
If you want to check it out the comic, give it a gander here -> @livingonthesands
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amethyst-allium · 2 years
I think there's a lot that people forget about the ending of Third Life, in an effort to make the ending as dramatic and angsty as possible.
The 'you may slay me and take the enchanter' bit happens in a pond after Grian discovers that Scar had betrayed him, long before the final fight. Scar frantically whispers "I have a plan" in chat, to Grian, as both of them begin wailing on Bdubs, the whole time Grian is screaming about Scar betraying him.
They were going to to take a tie. They were going to say they won together, but the spectators wanted blood.
Grian and Scar's eventual fight happens in the cactus ring, surrounded by the ghosts of the friends that died before them. Scar and Grian don't die alone, they die encircled by Watchers who are screaming at them in chat to fight each other to the death.
Grian states before the fight "No matter what happens here, I think we can both agree that this is a double win" implying that both He and Scar won the game, together. The final battle is just to appease the on-lookers. Grian sounds genuinely sick to his stomach when he and Scar are in the cactus ring, Scar is spam-hitting at the air, he only gets a couple of hits on Grian, and Grian yells at him, nearly begs Scar to hit him back.
I think the fandom's got it all wrong. The angst and the pain isn't after Scar has died and Grian is alone. Grian jumps off a cliff so quickly afterwards that its hardly a second thought.
The pain and the heartache is when they're throwing punches and Scar is missing- I think on purpose- and Grian is practically shaking, begging Scar to hit him back. The last fight is so much pain, the physical kind yeah, but there's pain in Grian's voice as he kills the man who he promised to stick by until death did they part.
And upon death, they don't really part ways. Because Grian can't live with himself long enough to see himself as the real victor. He jumps off the cliff and joins Scar, he's won, but he's telling himself they both won, because if that's not true.. then what was it all for?
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kiss-my-freckle · 10 months
Damon's desire to be open and honest, inviting Elena to truly see them. That's what I love about him in The Night of the Comet, episode 1x2.
Introducing her to his crow was Damon's first act. This was after he had it slam into Bonnie's windshield, after he had it chase Elena out of the cemetery, after Bonnie saw it in her psychic reading at the bonfire. He was flat-out admitting to both acts just by pulling it into the house for her.
Closing the door behind Elena was Damon's second act. He wants her to question how the door got closed.
Literal as hell with his comment about Stefan. "I see why my brother's so smitten." No different than him saying, "If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it." No different than him saying, "She was beautiful. A lot like you in that department." They're all doppelganger comments. He follows it up with an even bigger clue. "It's about time." Since 1864, I'd say it's about time lol. Name-dropping Katherine was his third act, and it's his most common because she's Elena's biggest clue. Elena won't get the full understanding of Damon's comments until the 10th episode. "I look like her…"
"Oh, don't be silly. You're welcome any time. Isn't she, Stefan?" Welcoming Elena to come over any time was Damon's third act. No need to warn them with a phone call. A huge deal, considering Damon could have a dinner party at any time lol.
"You know, I should break out the family photo albums or some home movies. But, I have to warn you. He wasn't always such a looker." Offering photo albums and home movies was Damon's fourth and final act. Photo albums and home movies that date back further than any human's would. A coincidence that Elena learns they're vampires by watching a video from 1953? Probably not lol
It's clear to me that Damon wants Elena to learn their truth. At the same time, he doesn't want to be the one to tell her. He's leaving it to two fates:
Stefan tells her.
Elena discovers it on her own. Either through the sum of clues he leaves her, or faith in herself and the belief that vampirism is possible.
Damon isn't the one dating her, so he knows it's not his place, but he wants her to know because she SHOULD know. Her knowing their truth is the only real way to protect Elena.
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iwanttobethevoid · 1 year
You can tell something is experiencing when there is evidence of it taking those things in, when it becomes its environment (right?). I can say this both confidently and with some level of skepticism. Why? Because it makes no sense. Because the moment at which you best reflect what is around you is the moment you most stand against it as a 'different' thing, as a living thing. Your attention outward, your emotional ties being all wrapped up in it...it means you are connected to it, that you, yourself, can pay attention to it. That you are immersed. As opposed to the 'dead' who stand far away and cannot manage to talk about things that do not concern them (the day to day). You can't even get into the picture because you see it as a picture, much less arise from within it like that.
They always make fun of those people who document their day, the food they ate, the things they saw...But isn't that kind of consistency attractive? That kind of holistic puzzle where the pieces are snapshots of a reality that you 'figure out', by seeing how they look out, you look in. Some kind of subtle art; where you piece together the things that they like, the things that they avoid.
Listening in on the silent frustrations, the connections, glimpses to a world in which that person has relationships with others, others who you do not know. I've seen a lot of lookers who look at lookers and they always find the people who provide the most windows, those are the ones who appear the most real. The ones who are able to pry themselves open and put some bare experiences out on the writing slab and really 'connect' to themselves and other things.
Maybe they're brave.
Everyone agreed when you asked "Is insecurity really unattractive?" that it was. That confidence is attractive (but they were careful, not all confidence, all the time), and maybe it's confidence to talk about the minuscule details of your life.
But I also think panic stirs things up, like a pot boiling too long, it spills over the sides and it all comes out if you want it to or not. Fear hones in on you because it requires you to protect yourself, and then it is obsessive and you can't see a damn thing anymore; it's all you, you, you, you failing, you looking bad, you awkwardly stumbling around, you being watched by everyone who knows what you're thinking, you dying, you showing them you're unstable, you being trapped, etc.
I guess there's another thing that takes you out of the 'Immersive Experience'.
It starts to get disgusting when you think about it. Probably because of the distance. I think we as creatures feel worse when we get further away from things. And that's what it is to think about them like this, stepping away.
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hello-confess-to-me · 5 years
Of course! Memories like those should always be kept near and dear. Lovely flowers! Poppies are bold and brave despite their size. Geraniums are friendly lookers! I bet they smell real nice, too... Ohhh I have to agree with you though. Plants that extend and reach for the light/something to grow along- they're so enjoyable. Whimsical if you will! Have you seen Wisteria or Honeysuckles vines?-🥔
I'd like to think I'd never forget those memories and I really hope I dont. Sadly my parents didnt exactly like my brother since he wasnt sticking to their description of what a man "had to be". He came out as gay around 6 years back. Our parents hated the idea of two men being together stating it was wrong and he needed mental help.
Then when he chose to become a photographer our parents yet again tried to tell him that was a "girls job" and he should either become a doctor, or join the military.
While he did a little bit of physical training in the military for a while he finally decided that he would rebel against our parents. When I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety our parents cast out the both of us onto the streets. My brother did all he could to make me feel better and he eventually got a small apartment. That's where I live to this day.
Honeysuckle vines are amazing! They not only grow so wonderfully but they also just look beautiful.
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reapers-carino · 7 years
Can you please please do a short lil continuation to the reader that sees Jesse all filled out after being gone for awhile, where she's introduced to the hero's and they're like holy shit it's just female mccree? I'm from the south and I lowkey fucking love the way you wrote the reader in that lil story
“Jesse McCree”, you growled out under your breath, managing to keep a sweet smile on your lips as you walked past a group of people. “I love you but you ‘n me are gonna mix soon as we get back to the hotel.”
Jesse snickered softly under his breath, his hand on the small of your back as he led you further into Overwatch’s Swiss campus. When the two of you had woken up that morning, he had promised to take you somewhere fun and he assured you that you would enjoy it. What he had failed to mention, was that he intended to take you back to the Overwatch base, introduce you to his new family and then take you out on that promised date. Your hands carefully smoothed down the red plaid shirt you had stolen from Jesse’s bag and fashioned into a dress, tugging it down and thanking God that you had the foresight to wear jean shorts under the makeshift outfit. Grabbing at McCree’s shirt, you stopped the man as you lifted a leg, dusting off the toe of one of your cowboy boot. Straightening up, you shot him a venomous look that could kill a copperhead, huffing in agitation.
“My nana–God rest her soul– is rollin’ in her grave Jess”, you practically whined as he began to guide you again, his arm slipping around your shoulders gently. He was pointing things out about the main Overwatch campus but the complete disregard for manners and proper behavior distracted you, pausing again and stomping your booted foot lightly. “Bringin’ me here without a gift ta give ‘em! You know that ain’t right!”
“Yer a guest Y/N”, Jesse insisted as he turned into a building and then turned down another hallway. You could see he was beginning to become a bit exasperated by your harassment but you were mortified. Whether a new neighbor, new boss, or newborn, it was tradition to bring a small gift, usually food, to say thank you or welcome. “‘Sides, don’t think Ana woulda allowed ya to. She and Reeha been harassin’ me all week ta see ya and if ya came with a gift she’d feel mighty guilty for not gettin’ ya anything. Now, you ain’t trying to upset anyone now, are ya?”
“That ain’t fair Jess”, you sighed, the irritation pulled from your sails, hands snaking around Jesse’s waist gingerly. Respecting your elders was important…So you would concede this time and try and listen as he told you about various things about the base. Thus far, you had been enjoying Switzerland thoroughly.
The food was delicious, the people were kind, sightseeing was enjoyable and getting to see Jesse was the absolute best part. He had been the perfect travel guide and romantic boyfriend, and he had been telling you about all his new friends as carefully as he could. Parts of the Swiss campus were open to the public; a museum, cafe and memorial to those lost. But it appeared that Jesse was taking you deeper into the official buildings, his keycard coming out several times as he ushered you through certain doors.
“Alright now they’re just behind this door”, Jesse said, stopping in front of a door labelled ‘Lounge’. He stood in front of you for a moment, chuckling softly at the nervous look that crossed your face, and gently stroked your cheek. You nibbled on your bottom lip as he smoothed a hand over your hair and placed a hard kiss to your forehead, easing some of the nervousness away with his tender actions. “‘M sure they’ll love ya just as much as I do sweetpea.”
Lifting your hand, you fixed the Stetson on his head so it sat properly, running a hand over his cheek and raising onto your toes to give him a small kiss.
“Yer lucky yer a looker”, you teasingly warned as you released another slow breath and setting back on the flat of your feet. You slipped your hand into Jesse’s, lacing your fingers to his and squeezing tight, giving a small nod.
He placed his hand against the electronic keypad the door sliding open to reveal a room full of people. Jesse gave your hand a gentle squeeze before ushering you in and introducing you to everyone there. Everything became a whirlwind but you committed each name and face to memory,  not wanting to forget the people that had grown precious to Jesse. There were the Amaris, Ana and Fareeha, a sweet yet sharp older woman and her mischievous little girl who Jesse treated like a little sister. Reinhardt Wilhelm and Torbjorn Lindholm, a giant, affectionate man and a gruff yet sweet smaller man. Angela Ziegler someone around your and Jesse’s age, a sweet, soft-spoken blonde.  The Lacroixs, Amelie and Gerard, polite and sociable and obviously deeply in love. Liao Shen and Olivia Mirembe hung back, kind yet to themselves. You almost threw up when meeting Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes, literal heroes of the world who quickly dissolved into playful banter between one another before targeting Jesse and expressing surprise at having someone crazy enough to date him. Gabriel even called him ‘mijo’ a few times, flustering the cowboy and making him blush–much to your enjoyment. It even looked like they had set up a meal for all of you to share, much to both your and Jesse’s surprise. Settling at the tables, you looked around at everyone warmly.
“Well”, you started, gently patting Jesse’s head before swiping his hat from his head and setting it on the table next to him. He shot you a look but you shot him one right back that sent a course of laughter around the table before you turned to look around as you spoke. “Since I reckon Jesse ain’t said it, I just wanted to thank y’all for takin’ him in and turnin’ him around. He’s…he’s a real good guy and I can see that y’all really do care for ‘im. Even if he ain’t got the sense God gave a goose, it’s nice ta know that there are people that really got his back. I can tell that y’all are really good people. If’n you have any trouble with him, I trust y’all ta set him straight and take of ‘im. So thank you, really from the bottom of my heart.”
“You are more than welc–”
“Woah she’s just like Jesse!”
“I know right, it’s like she’s a girl McCree!”
You blinked rapidly as you looked at a giggly Fareeha and Lena, slowly looking around the table as the rest of the table chimed in their agreements. A ruddy blush began to burn across your cheeks, rubbing the back of your neck lightly as you listened to them playfully try and imitate your and Jesse’s talking mannerism. Looking up at your boyfriend, he tried to keep the laugh down, earning a light good-natured elbow from you.
“There ain’t nothin’ wrong with the way we talk”, you exclaim, voice full of mirth and laughter as you joined them. Lifting your hand you gently wiped tears from your eyes as you nodded. Yeah, you could definitely trust them to take care of your love.
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duanecbrooks · 7 years
A Couple A' White Chicks     Remember when--and I've done it more than once--I touched on the fact that one of my all-time favorite category of YouTube items are the ones that involve those pair of Access Hollywood Live chicks Natalie Morales and Kit Hoover? Well, in my continuous satisfaction of my YouTube fix, I've come to tune in to those gals more and more and, upon getting a certain definite helping of them, I can say unabashedly that Nat and Kit--as they're famously and affectionately known--have come to be my second-favorite pair of non-narrative-television girls, my favorite pair being, of course, the Today show's Kathie Lee and Hoda (with my admiration, indeed, my love not decreasing a bit whenever Jenna Bush Hager fills in for either one of them).             Before going into what exactly has caused me to give my heart to said AHL she-babes, let me give you my history concerning viewing them during their individual careers.             First, Natalie. I first discovered her, of course, when you did--first on the regular Today show, then, as time passed, on the aforementioned program's Third Hour. I right away fell in love with her billowing, lustrous brown hair; her exquisitely-shaped, sparkling eyes; her rich, well-proportioned jawline; and her excellently-sculptured bare feet. Indeed, Natalie was the Today regular who was barefoot the most often (bespeaking an entirely admirable trait that I'll elaborate upon as we continue). Also: There was (as there still is) her unstoppable vivaciousness. This girl, frankly, was (and remains) a helluva lot of fun. Although she, bless her, had the maturity and the gravitas to handle Today's serious-news readings, she could easily switch gears and be wholly convincing--and wholly appealing--bantering with her Today colleagues and doing the Today fun stuff (Only her Today sisters Tamron and Sheinelle have this ability). Finally, there was (and still is) the factor of Natalie's relentless good-sportmanship. This gal was (is) in no sense a prig, being always ready, willing, and able to, to quote the famous words from the legendary 1980s theatrical dance flick Footloose, "cut loose...kick off [her] Sunday shoes," and let her hair down and have fun. Indeed, said line regarding "kick[ing] off [her]Sunday shoes" especially applied (applies) to Natalie, as, as was mentioned earlier, she went barefoot more often than any other member of the Today family (The latest example of her aforementioned good-sportsmanship came when, during a week when she was the drop-by Today anchor and there was a segment on closed suitcases, and what were inside, she was genuinely scared shitless when, upon one of said suitcases being opened, out crawled a facsimile of the girl from the picture Rings [After calming down, Natalie told the girl: "I'm sure you're a lovely person." Later, laughingly recalling said moment during the Today Third Hour, Al Roker chuckled: "I loved it when [the Rings girl climbed out of the suitcase] Natalie hid behind Hoda. It was like: 'Leave me alone! Take my colleague from the [Today] 10:00 hour!'"]).                 Now to Kit Hoover. I first became aware of her when she co-hosted this (alas) short-lived ESPN morning show called Cold Pizza, which was comprised of the typical morning-show elements--cooking segments, celebrity interviews, et al--but with, being that the show was on ESPN, a decidedly athletic emphasis. The most distinct memory I have concerning her time hosting that show is her interviewing this fellow who worked part-time as a children's entertainer. His final words of the interview were: "If I can bring a smile to a child's face, it's all worth it." And Kit responded, with a warm smile: "Well, you've certainly brought a smile to my face." In sum, Kit conducted that interview with the kind of welcoming warmth and graceful charm that couldn't help but one immediately on her side (This view, sad to say, was, judging from viewer feedback online, not the majority one. Such feedback consisted of comments like: "Oh, my Lord, it should be blindfold and last cigarette time for whoever sold this concept to ESPN. The hosts are lame, the topics are lame. There is not bad enough to be said for this piece of crap...ESPN, have mercy on us [viewers] and kill this turkey," and "How can you have a former Road Ruler [Kit was previously one of the hosts of this non-narrative-TV program called Road Rules] hosting a morning show? That'd be as preposterous as having Paula Abdul judging a singing competit...Oh, wait [referencing Abdul's being one of the judges of American Idol]").                   Very well. Now to the specific items that have put me squarely on Nat and Kit's side.                 .Nat and Kit, while on this European beach and clad appropriately--short-short pants, clingy blouses, and barefoot--played a game called footvolley, a volleyball-like game wherein use of the hands is prohibited, with Marcus and Moe, two bikini-Speedo-adorned hunks (When our gals were informed of the rules and they were facetiously told: "No shirts," they laughed, and Nat, still laughing, responded: "That's not happening"). There was a prologue wherein our AHL chicks Discussed Strategy between themselves (Nat: "Think we can take 'em?" Kit: "I think so. What do you think?" Nat: "I think we can take 'em. Just because they're wearing Speedos doesn't mean they're any better than us"), then we saw the game, during which we saw quite a lot of highly delectable skin, mostly, happily, that of the ladies, and the very ingratiating segment ended on a very ingratiating note, with all of the players placing their hands upon one another's and yelling: "Footvolley!"           .On one AHL segment, the girls played a game of "Total Christmas Recall" along with the veteran actor/television personality Terry Crews with the Full/Fuller House player Dave Coulier officiating. While playing said game, the gals were tethered to each other, both of them wearing Christmas sweaters (Nat's read: "I've been nice," Kit's read: "I've been naughty." For the record, the former wore black thigh-high boots, the latter wore black high heels and matching stretch pants). The format of the game was that Coulier read the descriptions of Christmas-themed pictures and the ladies and Crews raced to this bell and, when it was rung, there was a guess as to which Christmas picture Coulier was describing. As I remember, it was Nat and Kit who wound up winning and, at game's end, high fives were exchanged all around, with Kit lightheartedly telling Crews and Coulier: "You two Detroit boys hug it out right here." It was a highly uplifting end to what was, in all, a highly uplifting segment.                     .Nat and Kit interviewed the actors Sandra Oh and Anne Heche, who had then wrapped a greatly physical picture called Catfight. The conversation ranged from the AHL she-lookers being shown how to throw a punch (Oh: "Before you throw a punch to your partner, you need to make sure that she's seen you") to the liberating quality of Catfight itself (Nat: "I love that it's empowering. It's a feminist thing") to whether or not Oh will ever return to Grey's Anatomy (Oh: "It means a lot to me that a whole generation, a new generation of fans is discovering the show...I just don't know [if I'll ever go back to Grey's]. It would have to feel right"). In sum, we AHL viewers got to spend quality time with a quartet of attractive, appealing females.               During the 1990s, a pair of blonde career women/bombshells came out with a book detailing how women can "have it all" (fulfilling career, satisfying family life) wherein they described what were then the two perceived real and true roles of women: "the Hot Babe In Bed and Sex Machine." While both are of course a monumentally limited view of the female sex, it is getting a dose of Nat and Kit that brings on an intensely strong temptation to--in the positive sense--adopt those outlooks.
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