#thirteen is obviously my kinda queen tho
minimoefoe · 2 years
Thirteen Era Rewatch: War of the Sontarans
I'm re-watching Thirteen's era in lead up to the Centenary and since this is likely going to be my last full re-watch for a while I thought I'd do a post on each ep where I just go over all the things I love, hate or just have some general thoughts on.
When S13 aired I made a posts similar to this after re-watching each ep before the next one came out. The War of the Sontarans post can be found HERE.
It’s fluid! The use of the word ‘fluid’ here is cool and feels important. Like it a lot
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I love Dan having a moment of wait is this real and 13 being like kinda sarcastic in her response. I feel she has a no dumb questions policy. Like when ppl are shook at the TARDIS and says ‘it’s not possible’ she’s like obviously it is possible’
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Part of me loves that Yaz has WWTDD on her hand but another part of me is like… it’s kinda cringe. And it’s also bold as fuck. Like surely the Doctor has seen that?? Idk. It’s a cool way to represent what Yaz is feeling/thinking but it’s also a bit ridiculous imo
I feel like Time being completely ran by a race(?) of women is a Choice
This reminds me of the Monk three parter
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Made a teeet when the Queen died about how 13 wouldn’t give a fuck but idk maybe she’s a Queen hater after all
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13’s vibe when talking to the Sontaran is 10/10. It’s fully like she’s having a great time messing with and intimidating him
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I know ppl love to cry about in the last ep Yaz said former police officer but in this ep she said ‘formally known as..’ but I really don’t see the issue. It’s obviously bc Vinder just introduced himself with a long ass title and she wanted to be more on his level and show she also knew what she was doing. Her being like ‘lol yeah I’m not anymore tho’ wouldn’t exactly have done he any favours. Ppl blow this wayyyy out of proportion tbh. Literally just think about it for two seconds and it’s a non issue
I looove how sick of the General guy 13 is. Also ngl I love seeing the Doctor be treated lesser bc she’s a woman lmao
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Also the whole first Sontaran confrontation is amazing. I think it had a good balance of seriousness and also Sontaran ridiculousness
I love this scene
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I think I used to be like ‘lol he’s jealous that the Doctor chooses humans over him’ and I do still get that vibe a tiny bit but it also just feels like straight up he doesn’t get why 13 likes humans generally rather it being ‘why does she like humans over me specifically’ Either way this is a cool scene. Swarm (and Azure) feel like very powerful villains so far. I know some people don’t like they end up. I don’t remember how I felt about them, guess we’ll see soon lmao
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Okay Danvanista
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I also love the scene where 13 going back to her uni lecturer roots. You can tell she just loves to talk at people for lengths of time lmao
Oh her vibe is just absolute chef’s kiss
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This is just cute idk I just like the way Dan responds.
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Her face her makes me actually insane like ??? Another solid cliffhanger fr
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Overall a solid ep, one of the best of the series probably. I think I just love that this ep is more focused on a more contained story whereas 13.01 was introducing us to a bunch of stuff. I also looove 13’s vibe in this ep. She always acts a nit different when she’s not around her companions. I also don’t really mind that Yaz and 13 and Dan spend so much time apart. I think it’s a shame a little bit but also the story we’re getting from is great so I can’t be too annoyed.
This feels kinda like one of those eps where I don’t have too many specific things to say bc I just enjoy basically all of it and would be listing off every scene being like ‘yeah this is 10/10’ and that would be long lmao
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legobatjoker · 1 year
BTW BTW LIST OF GOOD LEAKED TAYLOR SONGSS funfact i has a unreleased taylor songs playlist but i j put all the songs in their so to get together a list i made another playlist called top tier unreleased taylor along with the one thats just called unreleased taylor. real daniel vs the cooler daniel vibes DFHDFHD anyway !! okay first of all battles and drama queen are on there idk if uv listened to them yet but they are SO GOOD so listen to those and also okay the thing abt all these other songs (at least the ones im listing here bc idk abt the others on tht google drive that i didnt listen to) is theyre all from the . around the time of the songs from her debut album so theyre all v debutcore by which i mean theyre all very country (which im 90% sure ur v much good with so 👍🏽) and also like bc she wrote her debut album when she was very young (and some of these songs she wrote when she was even younger apparently? idk most of my info is coming from the little information thing tht genuis lyrics has for the song at the end and most of them arent v descriptive for unreleased songs lol) they songs have like a v like. earnest teenaged vibe to me the same way tht debut does (mean tht in a /pos way btw its one of the things i love abt tht album and these songs) anyway WOW this ask has been going on fora while without me actually giving you any songs anyway BASICS i'd Lie, Sweet Tea And God's Graces, The Diary Of Me i feel like those ones are like prettyyy basic leaked songs like. u can find them rly easily online i had heard them all before this even tho i didnt always seek out unreleased songs bc i feel like theyre rly common to find but also dont take this as me shaming u if u havent already heard them im j saying tht since i had already heard them in my mind they were the Basics but who knows maybe the other ones are also rly easy to find i just hadnet before today ANYWAY those three are all rly good imo id lie is the BEST !! so fucking good one of my fave unreleased taylor songs but the other two are also rly good sweet tea and gods graces is a bit christian-y but to like. the same extent as our song about so like not a hugee deal DFHDFHD anyway also OMG some songs that stand out as rly good to me are Firefly, Better Off, Drive All Night (Just South Of Knowing Why), Thirteen Blocks (Cant Call It Love), and Tell Me theyre all SO GOOD my most faves are firefly better off and just south of knowing why but theyre all so good !!! also not as good imo but i also rly like Live For The Little Things j bc i i enjoy thee vibes nd think its rly cute, R-E-V-E-N-G-E bc its so petty in such a fun way, For You bc i think its rly sweet and Lucky You just beucase i think its really fun and cute !!!! so i wld say listen to all of those ones :3 thts my recommendation at least its not comprehensive i didnt listen to every song on tht drive and i might be missing a few rly good ones) if u wish to pls tell me what u think of those songs >:> !!! ALSO idk if its in that google drive bc already had it downloaded (regardless i know it was on youtube at least at some point + i cld always send u the file) so i didnt bother looking but Me And Britiney is also really good so if its on there download tht to ALSO ALSO i recomened looking u the lyrics to the songs but maybe thts bc thts something i need listening to most songs the first time? but cld also be bc its leaked its not badd and some have it better but the audio quality isnt as good as an official song wld be (at least i think lol) but Live For The Little Things all the lyrics iv found are REALLYY badly transcribed for some lines like there a line thats very obviouslly listening to it saying "that love as first sight" but the lyrics say "that love and person" which is . not what is being sung?? kinda obviously imo but whatever do tht for the songs tht arent that one FDHDFHDF anyway YA !!!!
OMG OMG I AM SOOO EXCITED TO LISTEN TO ALL OF THESE WHEN I GET THE CHANCE…… i will tell u what i think when i do but ahhh im excited tysmmmmmm for sharing the link w me and telling me ab it :333!!!! also yah some of them being p country is so so so not a problem for me like. i can b a country girl if its good LMAO
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sanchoyo · 2 years
ok some Free Range bnha thoughts. I think I left off around 300 when I paused reading it week to week so I started at 290 to Refresh. obviously, spoilers below the cut , but I'm not saying anything that hasnt been said b4 probably. just My Thoughts. turns out I wasn't like, 80 chapters behind but roughly 30-40, which is. A lot less thank GOD. but yes these are my thoughts (mostly typed as I went, borderline liveblogging lol) as I just binged and caught up completely ✌
-afo needs to Not Be a BodySnatching DICKBAG!!!! love spinners lil moment of wtf. youre not who im following </3 same bestie get your boyfriend and run!!! or pick up ur sword and Stab afo. whichever.
-I really have mixed feelings on the whole todoroki situation that im reserving to talk in depth about until the manga finishes because, im not sure if this is true but ive heard its near its end, and I'd like to see how they tie it up and 'resolve' that situation before being too harsh. but for now: rei was brave to go in the hospital room and talk to endeavor. I think bb touya is SUCH a sad situation. I just feel bad for all of them UGH. my kids now.
-the talk w the ofa users in dekus mind had me kinda laughing, it looks like a kingdom hearts cutscene w the THRONES. also deku quitting school, oof. the series is called my hero ACADEMIA NOT MY HERO DROPOUT!!! (i can make this joke as a dropout. deku 🤝me dropping out I guess) Nana asking if he could kill shigaraki HURT I KNOW SHE DOESNT WANT HIM TO EITHER BUT STILL. READING IT HAD ME LIKE NOO!!! NO!!!!! very happy with dekus answer tho. good egg. u better not. trusting u deku. dont
-first ofa user Pretty. they said his name and I immediately forgot it <3
-dekus vigilante look is SOOO SICK THE EYES MAN!!! obsessed. also all might basically acting as support/sidekick is SOOO good. making him eat n stuff. Dad Alert.
-im glad they brought back some of the villains in the jail break!! it was a rly nice way of showing dekus progress, like the muscular fight was so hard for him way way back when and he just basically took him out super fast/easily now..the Progress!!! I love to see it.
-lady nagant top 10 girlbosses. hawks wishes he was her. chad nagant vs virgin hawks etc etc shes what I wanted his character to be (im not...super disappointed w hawks bc I never 100% believed hed go bad fr like some ppl did, but I loved the fanworks that explored it, and shes basically the Defected Ex Hero I wanted...and shes VERY PRETTY and I am very much a lesbian, so I love her. Her colors too!! are cotton candy colors!!!! and shes got the Guns (literally and also Muscles!!!) she looked afo in the face without flinching and was like oh why Should I Help u U Bastard, no fear at all. even if she ended up working for him or whatever for a few chapters. still A Queen <3 a very small screentime queen but. women in shonen mangas. u know.
-class 1A literally Fighting To Get Deku to Come Home and Bathe. is touching and very sad. the power of friendship plots always GET ME. URGH. BAKUGO!!!!!!! APOLOGIZING!!!!!!! ITS FINE THIS IS F I N E "SAVING PEOPLE IS HOW WE WIN" GOD THE CHARACTER DEVOLPMENT!!! BAKUGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O;
-I know we've seen it before (or partially) but thirteen has an incredibly cute face. it has to be said
-NAME a more iconic duo than uraraka and that bigass megaphone
-ragdoll SPOTTED. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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-and the guy from the very first chapter!!! this dude has always been the real mvp. hes stll being nice and supportive. king. give him a spinoff
-im glad they explained why kurogiri(and, bc we havent seen them, im assuming also gigantomachia and compress?? are also there or somewhere thats kept private??) werent in the jailbreak (that they carted them off elsewhere) I was wondering abt that...
-all the callbacks really makes this arc feel FINAL. my god, even the woman all might saved from kamino is back!!! I knew abt stain coming back (tho I didnt know exactly what hed do) but seeing HER got me for some reason. anyway. gay icon stain . also feminist ally stain (slitting the 'woman collector' guys throat) we have no choice but to stan
-tsukauchi stubble???? ok??? its a look I guess. is all might into it
-'shigaraki tomura will be a Complete Vessel in three days time' NO THE FUCK HE WONT!!!! STOP THAT. THATS ILLEGAL
-...has spinner just been stuck in a cave with afo. stuck with him, sassing him. this is hilarious to me for some reason god I would be at my fucking limit. spinner stay strong you amazing wonderful funky guy. wheres the rest of the league. LOOK at spinners face, hes so done with this I cant. this is the Most Important Thing.
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-'the one who SPINS this tale' look I know its a line from afo but that RULES and hes right. spinner is SO important. stan spinner or Die
-god, the league members basically being promoted to being cult leaders/borderline WORSHIPPED 'hold them sacred, endow them with divinity' thats SO RAW I'm!!!! losing it like they all came from nothing now theyre SYMBOLS. my god. spinner doesnt even seem happy about it, none of the league members they were showing looked remotely happy. Makes U Think...
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hot. next question (wait is it weird to simp when hes partially afo. hm.) (also that HAIR GROWTH!!!!!! NEVER CUT IT NEVER NEVER NEVER.) it spontaneously grew after I typed that, so consider ME pleased
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-YESSS MR WORLDWIDE COME TAG AMERICA WE LOVE U HERE. ABSOLUTE JOY. sorry about the fact ur fused with afo rn and will possibly have uhh. identity related crisises and traumas from this later but. glad u look like ur havin fun :')
-damn america getting his ass. im so sorry :( (but also, kicking afo ass which is a good thing?? SOO conflicted I dont want tomura to die but afos gotta GO)
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-again, hot, which is conflicting bc afo is very much also present, but, cmon, its tomuras body and face....n probably at least 25-50% tomura still...:/
-im...glad?? they delayed the complete fusion?? but owchie. at what cost to my boy :(
-the scene with afo patting shigaraki (who is thrashing around on the floor) parallels the scene of that happening when afo had taken in shigaraki at first and he was on the floor crying and wanting to kill those random alley thugs!!! that has to be intentionally calling that back, right? the imagery is very similar. again, loving the callbacks
-I rly thought they were gonna make invigirl the traitor and i was like ok who Cares abt that tho. then they did a lil switcharoo and made it MY BOY AOYAMA?? MY SWEET SON WHO I SHARE A BIRTHDAY WITH??? WHAT THE FUCK!!! HOW DID I NOT GET SPOILED ON THIS?? I remember the cheese stuff and being like haha good red herring. FUCK!!! NO!!!! hes such a good boy im WEEPING. HE WAS ORIGINALLY QUIRKLESS TOOOOO NOOOO!!! baby. babyboy. hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever, and omg invisible girls FACEEEE SHES SO CUTE. but god. aoyama. and dekus reaction to his whole story and still reaching out to him I AM. EMO. the drama of it alllllll . hes literally one of my fav student characters in this class and HAS BEEN FOREVER bc I love his whole knightly costume and SPARKLES and this just made him SKYROCKET FURTHER ON MY LIST OF CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME. hes so so so good. I need everyone to take a moment to just. Appreciate him.
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-THIS is what absolute perrfection looks like. look at her!!! her belt is a cat. cat girls always win and save the day.
-toga sucks her own blood as a ?? comfort thing?? thats. should I say cute?? would it be weird to call that cute. would it be weird to say dabi burning her house down was also very cute, and nice, because she said it too, so like. very nice of him. top 10 reasons hes not Totally Lost: hes Nice to His Friends :)
-spinner being the...new symbol/leader in redestros place is SO???? UGH. UGHHH. HES ALWAYS BEEN A FOLLOWER AND NOW HES JUST BLINDLY FOLLOWING ORDERS TO BE MADE A SYMBOL, OR WHATEVER, I GUESS. very sad and I feel like him saying 'it doesnt matter what I think, this cant be stopped' are u implying u want to stop it. u can. u gotta. reach out to him man u HAVE TO BE THE ONE!!! its the bakugo/kiri kamino situation all over again. even if deku has to guide u it HAS TO BE U!!!! STOP FOLLOWING AND THINK FOR URSELF!!! U CAN DO IT!!!!!! 'anyone can become someone elses hero' YEAH HES GONNA. U BET HES GONNA. I BELIEVE IN HIM!!!
-....YOU NAMED YOUR STRONGHOLD TROY???...ALRIGHT. SURE. THATS FINE AND NOT WORRYING. I mean we already KNOW the war is gonna Go Down But. cmon man. CMON.
-togachako REAL
-shouto is too good for this world he wants to go to dinner w his big bro :( DABI COME HOME 2K22
-im sure ppl have figured out theories about this before but, something about the way they phrased it when they were wondering why afo needed tomuras rage (and why he was always smiling, implying smth is Fucking Wrong with Him, besides all the Murder and Crimes) had me like. hm. are we.. actually going to get more afo backstory at all or an in depth explanation for that? I'd kind of like to, even if I think its fine if we don't because we Get The Gist and idk how much the creator wants us to sympathize/understand his character beyond the ~evil demon king~ (and thats not me saying he needs anything beyond that, tbh not every villain needs it and esp not the big bad in a lot of cases) but. this story, esp in this last arc has us AND the main characters sympathizing with the villains a Lot and exploring why theyre like that, and it makes me wonder if theyll extend that to him at all, or just, keep trying to Get His Ass. And we do know togas quirk is the reason shes Like That, so it doesnt feel like a stretch to say afos quirk is why hes Like That also. (NOT ME SAYING HE NEEDS ANYTHING LIKE REDEMPTION DEAR GOD. AFTER WHAT HES PUTTING MY BOY THRU. ARGH. deku would have to be a SAINT. which he is, but...) actually, proof of this is also just. him going after star and stripes quirk KNOWING tomuras body wasnt finished, even saying it was a risk but basically being like. 'well..but... I WANT it. even if i know its dangerous to get it Right Now. But I want it Right Now.' as a reason KJDSHKJASNJ its very likely thats the case. quirks being a very literal nurture vs nature exploration I guess?
-very glad I typed all the above out WHILE reading bc if I wouldve waited, I wouldnt have had a coherent thought. its almost 5 AM but I am...caught up. And about to look at leaks before I sleep >:")
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theseerasures · 4 years
@counterpunches​ submitted:
Once again there are too many to choose so I’m going to pick too many, but really it’s your fault no I won’t be taking any criticism.
how me that solvable problem
ethically sourced kid!Elsa
well this prompt feels custom made to talk about self-harm
she drops the silver chain of sound
a love sTRONGER THAN BLOOD SISTERS r u kitten me
oh hey! you picked some that actually ended up too unwieldy to keep writing in longhand
show me that solvable problem: post-Frozen II canon divergence where Arendelle sank under the sea like a good little metaphor on sins of the father. kinda your typical “but what does it actually MEAN to step into ur power, mum” thing on both Elsa and Anna’s side, with a side helping of Honeymaren/Elsa, Kristoff discovering ~his past, and uh. a lot of political talk on indigenous knowledge and politics of redress (Arendellians are refugees now, Northuldra have been settler colonized for decades, what do?? that kinda stuff)–almost too much, but ultimately a reasonable amount!
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ethically sourced kid!Elsa: stems from my…uh. inability to understand the appeal of present day Elsa meeting a POST-Incident kid!Elsa when obviously her meeting a PRE-Incident kid!Elsa has so much more inherent drama. kid!Elsa steps into an idk portal and shows up at the castle in the post-Frozen II world. it’s been a few years; Anna is VERY comfortable with her current life and is expecting her first child, so um. the child version of her older sister showing up out of the blue throws her into a not-insubstantial tailspin. present!Elsa superficially is more capable of keeping it in stride, but the elephant in the room of “well do we TELL her what’s coming” just looms larger and larger until it all ends in tears, because Elsa and Anna disagree about what to do, and it ends up being their first no holds barred FIGHT, where they both accuse each other of being selfish and they’ve somehow turned into the worst parts of their parents. Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf spend most of their time basically being Bow from season 4 of She-Ra; Honeymaren meets the kid version of her now-girlfriend, immediately and justifiably is like “wow! weird vibe,” grabs Ryder and leaves. poor, poor kid!Elsa is a) kind of a hellion, pre-Incident, which everyone forgot about, and b) comes to a whole slew of horrible realizations, beginning with the fact that her parents are both dead now, Anna is being weird and closed off around her, her present self is being less weird but apparently did something HORRIBLE that no one will talk about, and it’s. it’s bad. if someone has any advice on how to tag dialogue with two characters that are the same character, just time-displaced, that would be lovely, because the closest i came was that kid!Elsa would be called Kid Elsa ala Kid Flash and obviously present!Elsa would be The Elsa (and they fight crime! jk they cry a lot and kid!Elsa ends up throwing hands with her older self, by which i mean Elsa gets a nice taste of what being shot to the heart with ice magic feels like)
well this prompt feels custom made to talk about self-harm: the prompt was “angst, loss, scar,” so. five times Elsa didn’t scar. the self-harm part comes in a few times, but the reason i approached it at all was because i imagined Elsa going through a ~phase as an adolescent where she tore through every medical text she could get her hands on to find out what’s wrong with her, and it…spiraled into thinking some dark thoughts about what would happen, since the magic mostly comes out of her hands, if she…hurt them in some way. she ends up being too chickenshit to go through with it because she’s THIRTEEN, ELSA WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO BREAK YOUR THUMB. it ballooned out into a longer meditation on Elsa grappling with her not-quite humanity, where she’s never entirely sure what rules of mortality apply to her (all of them actually! Elsa u fucking melon), going all the way to post-Frozen II, where she’s…weirdly maudlin about her death leaving no trace on her physical body, until Anna shows up. they actually end up talking about Mattias, and the ways he’s visibly aged from his portrait (Anna commissioned a new one for him)–it all ends with something about how, like. yes living does leave its marks on you but maybe Elsa should stop thinking about it in such extreme ways, and also see a therapist
she drops the silver chain of sound: another *sigh* RWBY fic, this one charting Winter and Robyn’s relationship in universe, from Academy years to post-canon. i haven’t been able to find any fic about them that responsibly handles the nuances of Winter a) being abused a lot of multi-layered ways, but also b) being complicit in war crimes and her own transformation into an instrument instead of a person, and (as of V7) STEADFASTLY COMMITTED TO IT. basically starting from the place of “Robyn doesn’t owe Winter jack shit and is Busy, it’s Winter’s responsibility to change herself,” and trying to be realistic about the ways Winter would and would not let herself change. truth kink! it’s a thing with them. a lot of talk about agency and identity, and weird detours about how Cartesian dualism is a tool of the colonizer–but honestly, you can’t make one of your main mechanics be “an extension of the soul” and not expect me to inject some woo
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a love sTRONGER THAN BLOOD SISTERS r u kitten me: to answer your PS about which fires i’m embleming: i started with Sacred Stones and then moved through Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn (still have no idea what a Fire Emblem is, which i think is v sexy of me). Radiant Dawn has some BONKER-TASTIC sapphic moments–your standard “i’m queen but i’m shy” archetype has a ladyfriend who is the CAPTAIN OF HER GUARD. Captain gets taken hostage, gets her hair lopped off (…by a professional hairdresser i guess, since this is what she looks like after) and sent to Shy Queen in a VERY STANDARD “i have your precious” moment and then has to debate over saving the Captain or the Kingdom and it’s just. so
anyways of course the extreme gayness goes blithely unacknowledged for the rest of the game, and the epilogue has the AUDACITY to say that their bond was “stronger than blood sisters,” which is…fine! it’s fine. the fic is mostly just about actually ADDRESSING the intimacy that they have through some hair washing.
PS: i’ve started Awakening, which a) looks promising re: knowing what a Fire Emblem, and b) has caused me to start a new WIP called “NO YOU’RE NOT YOU’RE OBVIOUSLY LAURA BAILEY”
PPS: appreciate the recurrence of Standard Nintendo Plot Pattern Sigma (gender fuckery to stop a bad time thing), which i THINK is what’s happening in Awakening–no one tell me if i’m right tho!!! i wanna keep speculating about whether ~~~Marth is my daughter or my grandma’s niece or Taylor Swift’s second cousin
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excorcismic · 4 years
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ALRIGHT SO HERE’S THE DEAL ; if misa is my first favorite death note character , this angy kid right here is my second - i adore mello to pieces and he’s very close to misa in terms of how much i love him , but ultimately does she remain queen . but ! the cool thing is that in the series they never actually interact ( the closest being mello spying on her for a brief period of time ) which means i could play my two blonde fashion icons and voila , here they are . so here’s the gist on mello in canon & alucard and most importantly the plots i am digging bc my muse for him rn ?? is off the charts . LESGO !
IN A CANON NUTSHELL ( HUGE DEATH NOTE SPOILERS ) : So Mello’s introduced during the latter half of Death Note ( or maybe it’s more the final third but either way there’s a part where it significantly breaks in two ) - or , the very end of the first half , takes center stage during the second . He’s from the original home of the detective L , an orphanage of gifted children known as Whammy’s House - and essentially , the goal of the children is to maybe one day live up to L , one person taking his place . Mello !! Is one of the candidates . But he has a permanent chip on his shoulder since Near - the other candidate - always managed to beat him at everything . So when Light Yagami gets his way & L dies , Near and Mello are told that L didn’t choose a successor between them . When the idea that they work together to do just that is brought up , Near ( who honestly really liked Mello ) is like ‘hey! let’s do it’ and Mello ( still angy that Near is always right in front of him ) is like ‘FUCK you I’m gonna catch Kira myself’ and leaves the orphanage . Five years later , he works with the mafia , even getting his hands on a Death Note & with the help of a shinigami ( that he scared the living piss out of ) concludes that a rule that states a human will die if they haven’t written in the notebook in thirteen days is fake . He also like , blackmails the president and orchestrates an explosion that Soichiro Yagami dies after but he gets a wicked ass scar afterwards so it’s okay . Now working with L’s third potential successor , Matt , he spies on Misa Amane and makes connections between the second L ( Light Yagami ) & Kira , deduces that Kiyomi Takada is an accomplice , and kidnaps her to try and expose Kira as Light Yagami - but . . . he dies in the process , and so does Matt . The cool thing is though his discoveries led to Near’s breakthrough in the Kira case ( as he and Near met one last time , where he gives Mello the photo he has here in Alucard ) and Mello kind of gets the last laugh post-mortem . And also a kind of neat thing , his last appearance is as the narrator in the Death Note prequel , the Los Angeles BB murder cases - I’m gonna quote the whole thing in my eventual intro but ! It’s an awesome book and Mello is an awesome narrator . ( dn spoilers end here tyvm )
IN AN ALUCARD NUTSHELL - So Mihael Keehl ( his real name in canon , mind you ) is a twenty year-old runaway from the foster system - also sometimes lived in an orphanage but when he wasn’t , the constant tossing around because of his rebellious tendencies wrecked him . He isn’t employed , not does he actually have an actual home - living in a beat down truck most of the time if he can’t get a motel / hotel room for a night or a few . He makes basic expenses and fills his basic needs by doing odd jobs in exchange for money or favors - stuff like ‘if I do this for you for x amount of days or I get this for you you’ll pay for my phone bill for the next two months’ and that stuff . Basic arrangements . And he knows he can like , maybe try to commit to a job or a home but he’s actually . . . way too fucking scared of being tied down or in a worse situation that’s somehow more stable so the nomad life is kind of what he sticks with . But he’s homeless & it’s not good for him . At all . He’ll never flat-out admit that though which is why he calls himself a drifter . His main reason for being on his own , and refusing any extensive help from anyone outside of these favors , is because he has a point to prove - because that inferiority complex kicks in because the other kids he grew up against are doing amazing things and he wants to do better , and not receive any large amount of help . He just ,,, doesn’t understand he’s not doin’ any good for himself .
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so the biggest connection in the sense that it’s the most open , i mentioned that mello mainly pays for his own expenses ( or more so , gets other people to pay for them ) by doing favors or small jobs in exchange for either money or other forms of payment . so obviously , people he has these arrangements with - they can range from anything , mello is extremely smart ( a thing that comes up is that he has a shit ton of wasted potential ) in the books , technology , the streets and has a bunch of small talents he’s picked up over the years of living on his own ( saving money , sewing and mending / caring for clothes how else is he gonna keep that amazing fashion , cooking with very little ingredients , cleaning with little tools , fixing the kinks / souping up automobiles , ahem sexual stuff , tutoring , sometimes even mild illegal shit , you name it . ) so he can offer these talents / skills / etc . to other people who could use them ( most of the time repeatedly ) and in exchange , the other muses will pay him in cash or by doing things like paying his phone bill , car insurance , health insurance , food / groceries , hotel/motel room for a few nights , or even just offering him a place to use the shower or bathroom or even a bed for certain days of the week . This can also lead to many of the other plots I have listed here in the sense it’s a start , and it can happen with anyone , anywhere , for any reason .
literally the thing w/ mel is that he knows no limits and will do anything for anyone and is hardheaded as fuck about it because he’s got a point to prove and things to do and he won’t waste time refusing but the moment you offer your help in exchange for nothing or you’re trying to hold his hand a little too much and he catches on , the arrangement’s over and you’ll be lucky to see him again .
okay so uh . in that sense ?? maybe ppl who kind of helped him out and he did like . one thing for them and once he got his payment for that one thing he kinda bounced n they never heard from him again for whatever reason . nothing against them but he rly isn’t gonna make a habit of staying in one place for too long . 
obviously , those people that really think he’s gotta give up the ghost of trying to survive like this bc it’s wearing on his health & he doesn’t wanna admit it . and he’s tried shaking them off but he won’t leave and sometimes he’s forced to give into the help they offer but tries making them take a payment back .
old peers that felt whatever way about him back then but feel pity for his wasted potential ( at the moment ) , bc this dude was like . . . a straight-a student and was rly good at a bunch of things and now he’s living the way he is . whatever they wanna do and however they felt about him and how he interacted with them back then Differs but . there’s kind of like ‘damn u live like this’ now . gimme some kids who had crushes on him , kids he was rivals with , kids he got into fights with and maybe socked in the jaw a few times , kids who always admired him , kids who hated his guts - it always comes down to what life is like now vs. what life was like then .
i’d like some friends who were formed from the favors - and maybe they’ve stopped whatever they had with him but they still regularly hang out or something , maybe offer a place to stay for the night . 
just in general ?? people who keep their home open for him and whether he takes them up on their offer on a rare basis .
pls some folks trick him into accepting their help like leave him basket of chocolate candy and trap him or something like just . make it ‘wait what’ deal bc they all know he’s stubborn .
also uh . he’s been arrested for minor offenses a few times so some ppl who’ve bailed him out pls and he’s tryna repay him back .
mentor figures . mentor figures pls he’s trying not to accept their mentor-y guidance from .
so maybe the hero  . . . maybe the one person who was like the l to mello of alucard ( maybe even the Man himself ) that he just . looked up to forever and probably still does .
. . . favor idea ?? maybe he’s a stand-in boyfriend or date for events or somethin’ like mello kinda has that bad boy reputation but maybe he dated them for show on their whim at some point or they have that kinda thing ‘pls pretend to my boyfriend and i’ll let u use my shower every weekend for the next month’ or so .
also , one night stands or friends with benefits he uses only for the bathroom / a place to sleep . folks he’s dated for a period bc he did feel something and therefore he had them as an outlet but then broke up with them ( most likely ?? he was the one who ended it bc he has never known love stability & got spooked on it ending and just - did it on his own accord before he could further get hurt BUT THAT NEVER WORKS and he has hella commitement issues ) and tried to shrug it off as ‘ just another fling ’ even tho he’s highkey sad over it . ppl he’s slept with and then disappears with only a ‘thank you’ note as the evidence he was there . and do they accept it ?? are they pissed over it ?? that is up to You but it’s probably gotten around that mihael keehl has never had a stable relationship and never , ever stays . 
lots of ppl he probs has the above two arrangements or scenarios with bc again , gotta get shit done somehow .
enemies . . . he has an endless grudge with for some reason like maybe they screwed him over , 
i want . . . folks he can eventually get soft with and maybe actually seek that comfort in even tho u gotta chip at the five thousand concrete walls to get to that stage . i want to see him become better and that’s an ultimate goal for him in alucard ( even though it’s gonna be a bit more difficult with his memories returning ) to get better , commit to something , accept stability and get his life on a better track .
and yes , that includes an eventual ship ! really it can build off of any of these dynamics just . give me sneaking in through windows late at night , soft words and gentle kisses and protective hugs and please stay i know you never stay but please stay with me and the thought that maybe he should leave but he doesn’t and they wake up with him after a night and he’s still there and maybe there’s a scare he left like he always does but he made chocolate chip pancakes and he feels safe & alright which is . . . a rare occasion in his messy ass life . maybe something like friends to lovers , fwb to lovers , an old flame , anything this could be fun to do !! end goal though , i’d like something on the softer side that’s healthy and loving because that’s really what he needs . 
( some notes tho bc he’s only twenty i’ll sayyyy max i’ll do the more romantic / spicier stuff with in that aspect is . . . 23 - 24 ?? bc he’s almost 21 like if we put the fact we’re in october into account and his birthday is december 13th that isn’t too far away so . That’s That . he’s also pan as fuck . )
BUT , yes . the main connections / plots there are what i can think of . ik a lot of these are so wordy and i’m sorry bt as always ! i will take literally anything i love plots and i think with what i have for mello there is so much potential in what we can do here .
and as always . give me other death note characters . near or matt specifically would fucking make me cry and i’m here for it .
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ogdenismymainbish · 7 years
My thoughts as I watch the season premiere - MAJOR SPOILERS
Jackson’s burial was beautifully filmed, the music was amazing, I might have teared up a bit…
« We are not honoring those who dishonor the constabulary » omg someone kill that fucking asshole please
Alright I wanna support Miss Marsh (i always support a woman in charge) but if she’s evil she can gtfo
I wonder how much time has passed since the season finale?? Couple hours? A day? Several days?? It’s a bit confusing since it started with the funeral idk
Aw poor Higgins is having visions of Crabtree it breaks my heart they’re the best bros
Nina is a good actress with Graham, such a cool character I hope her potential is not wasted in the episodes to come
Why do they need a confession from Murdoch though? Can’t they just hang him if the judges think he’s guilty? Maybe the bad guys know the judges trust Murdoch, after all he’s brought a lot of criminals behind bars, they must know him… let’s pretend that’s why they need a confession.
Also they still have Julia but how come other constables and station houses are not investigating her disappearance? Do the bad guys have that much power over Toronto? Isn’t her wealthy family doing everything they can to find her? Are we supposed to forget she has a family at all?
God I love Watts he’s so cute and witty though slightly socially awkward
Yayyy we’re about to see Julia 😍😍😍 oh never mind she kicked this guy’s ass and left 😂😂😂 I guess I’ll wait a little bit more to see her pretty face ugh
I can’t imagine Higgins’ ptsd after the shooting.. poor little cinammon roll. He looks so grown up (I know he’s an adult but he doesn’t seem like it most of the time, which is why I love him)
« Make this city great again » haha nice, I love the parallel between two gigantic assholes (two bad one of them is actually real…)
Juliaaaaa 😍😍😍 with a mustache but still pretty how does she do that, this woman is out of this world I swear
Lmaooo kissing Julia with the mustache, did you like that Murdoch? 😏😏😏😏
Oooh Nina has a knife, but I doubt she’ll kill the guy… I don’t know, I kinda hope she will tho
Why does Murdoch have some kind of poison/potion on the alcohol shelf??
That flashback with Julia pretending she can’t breathe… what’s the point of untying her wrists? How is this going to help her breathing? I just don’t get it. She’s badass tho so I still love that scene
Yasss Brackenreid!! And Crabtree!!! And the epic music haha I’m loving it
Oh Hodge!! So cool to bring him back
Damn Bracks is fast, Davis didn’t have time to shoot! Bracks’s a fucking ninja you guys!! He’s badass I love him let’s rename the show Brackenreid Ninja Moves
Wait Watts was at the church during the shooting?? What was he doing there? How did he know?
Miss James!!! Aaaah finally!!!
Aah the good old myth according to which you should take a bullet out, when it could actually make things way worse in real life :)) also she’s a surgeon now? Wow doctors at that time were superheroes
Miss Marsh has read about Murdoch’s faith? Where?? (Yes I’m being an asshole and looking at every detail, I must have watched to many CinemaSins videos on YouTube)
Awww Julia and Rebecca hugging! I want them to be bffs
Lmao Julia looking at the corpse still dressed as a man 😂 I have a really hard time taking her seriously hahaha
« I should get out of this » I mean yah that would be nice especially if you’re planning on having reunion sex with your husband, unless he’s into it… he seems to like it 😏
I’m wondering about the Queen’s Hotel… can just anyone get in and up to the rooms??? There’s like no security at all for such a high standard hotel
Watts is the best
Miss Marsh wtf bringing Williams to Murdoch?? Isn’t it a bad idea there’s Julia and Bracks there?!!!
Oh i guess they don’t give a fuck now lol
Lmaoooo are George and Murdoch going to kiss?
Wait so they have Williams but what about the other guy?…. ooooh fuck they need to get Graham
Damn Murdoch is fast to get a close shave and a bath
Nina is gonna be the one to get the ultimate proof of Graham’s guilt isn’t she
Wait not really but she was a key element good I like her
« Affidavit » I guess I just learned a new word today lol thanks Murmurrr
« I too have friends, much better ones » he sounds like an annoying thirteen year old 😂😂😂
Ooooh is that a new outfit for Julia!!! I like it she looks super nice👌👌👌👌👌
Lmaooo Crabtree and Higgins are the best I love them! And god gracious 20$ is an awful lot of money in 1904, I wonder why Henry needed it
Thank god Bracks is here to honor Jackson’s memory
Yayyyy Watts is here to stay!!!
Murdoch is so cute smiling and all!
« To Jackson » 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Alright overall this was really good. I’m still pissed that they decided to do that for the ending of season 10 tho. This episode, the season premiere, this should have been the season 10 finale. It made no sense to make us wait, we all forgot about the story, and the whole « who lives who dies » was actually annoying on such a long period of time.
It was a good episode though, I liked it. The plot was good and structured, they all had a role to play.
I wonder if Miss Marsh will return? I hope she will, at least for the next episode. Otherwise it would seem like they just created a character in order to solve the mystery, as if they didn’t know how to do it any other way and thought « oh well let’s just add this woman she’ll help us along the plot but we’ll just ditch her afterwards because she was just a tool. »
They obviously did not answer all the questions I had back when the season finale was broadcasted, but I was expecting that. And as you can see last night’s episode brought up some more unanswered questions.. oh well I guess it doesn’t really matter.
It was a good story tho, I enjoyed it! Did the show need two episodes like this? No. Were they my favorite episodes? No. But it was good, i loved how every character was useful and needed to solve the story. It was a smart ep.
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