#thomas squishing the crap out of his adorable baby
halo-jpeg · 4 years
Hi dear. I hope you're ok. If you have time could you do hcs slashers (Brahms, Michael, Jason, Bubba, Tomas and Vincent) with chubby reader fluff? Please/thank you
Some Slashers with a Chubby S/O
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms is a book of endless praise. He’ll pat your head and kiss your cheeks, making sure you feel valued and appreciated!
You won’t ever even have to worry about him teasing you. He knows how badly it hurts to be teased for things you can’t change.
He can’t leave the house to protect you, but if you’re ever dealing with someone who’s making fun of your weight, he’ll comfort you as best as he can.
He loves to lay his head in your lap, your thighs make the perfect pillow 💞
He likes to cuddle you, as if you’re a big teddy bear. You’re so warm and soft, the perfect little spoon!
Michael Myers
Michael totally has a thing for chubby girls. They’re different from the usual sex-driven teens, they actually have hearts.
He loves to squish your thighs and upper arms, admiring the softness and the way the flesh shifts.
He’s so overprotective of you, constantly following you around and making sure no one says a thing that might sound offensive. If they do, he’ll make quick work of them.
At the end of every day he’ll hold you in his lap, cuddling you tightly and admiring every little thing about you.
He gets jealous way too easily. Anyone who gets too close is a potential target for his next hunt, simply because he didn’t like how they spoke to you or looked at you.
Jason Voorhees
You’re the absolute cutest to him!! You’re so smol and somft and dkkdndjskdkekfk
He’s so afraid for you no matter what! You’re just so little and defenceless and the forest is so scary!
If the animals aren’t dangerous enough, what if you got in the middle of a hunt?? He wouldn’t be able to cope if you were to get hurt!
He thinks summery clothes fit your form so perfectly, no matter what others might say. You are perfect 😡
He likes to carry you around like a baby, nuzzling your face.
Bubba Sawyer
You.... chubby.... he.... chubby.... 🥺💕
He always gets teased for his weight, so having you there, knowing what he goes through is so comforting to him.
He doesn’t let anyone give you crap for your body type. Nubbins and ChopTop better watch out, because here comes Bubba with his chainsaw of respect.
He likes to make you dresses that match his, so you can twin!! He’ll also offer to make you a mask so you can go all the way, but something tells me you won’t be too keen on wearing human skin.
He likes to pinch your cheeks! He’s relentless about it, too.
Thomas Hewitt
You’re his actual baby and he would move heaven and hell to keep you safer than anything in the world
Luda Mae pinches your cheeks so much. Poor you :( Tommy always kisses them better if they hurt.
Like Bubba, he and his momma love to make you clothes!! You don’t need to bug your own!
He’d cuddle you every day forever if it was an option. His chores could be forgotten, he didn’t need to eat or sleep- just you, just him, just hugs 🥺
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent respects the living hell out of you and your body type. You’re so adorable to him. Bo better not be an asshole to you, cause Vincent won’t take any crap.
He starts to carve more plus size women for the town- he had never realized how little of them there were until you stole his heart!!
He likes to lend you his big sweaters. You’re just so so so so adorable in them omg
He doesn’t let you leave the basement when tourists arrive, he’s too scared you’ll get hurt.
He has sketchbooks full of drawings of you in all sorts of settings, and in all sorts of outfits. They’re his favourites!!
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