#trump Coup
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republikkkanorcs · 1 day
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tomorrowusa · 1 month
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Joy Reid, a liberal constitutionalist, finds agreement with Robert Kagan, a conservative constitutionalist, on the danger of another Trump term.
Casting an idiotic "protest vote" for an impotent third party could put the country in the hands of Mein Trumpf.
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jaceart-politics · 7 months
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trump - Never forget January 6, 2021
(c) JACE
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christinareedy-love · 7 months
VOTE BLUE 2024 🌊
Our voices matter. Our votes matter & we need to take this country back for the people, by the people. ALL the people.
Trump attempted a coup against America. He belongs in prison, not on the 2024 ballot.
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emperornorton47 · 6 months
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About those tourists...
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meret118 · 5 months
The reason there was not more bloodshed on Jan. 6 emerged through investigation into the Oath Keepers, a vigilante organization composed mostly of former military and police. During their trials for seditious conspiracy, members of the Oath Keepers testified about weapons caches in hotels and vans, stashed near Washington, D.C. As one member described it, “I had not seen that many weapons in one location since I was in the military.”
The Oath Keepers were following Washington law by not carrying the weapons in the district, while waiting for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, which gives the president the authority to deploy the military domestically for law enforcement.
The militia was waiting for orders from Trump. That was all that kept U.S. democracy safe from armed warfare that day.
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route22ny · 2 years
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Cartoon and commentary by Clay Jones
Here’s what I want to know: Who are the Republican members of Congress who sought pardons from Donald Trump after helping him try to steal the election from President Joe Biden?
One of the bombshells revealed during the Congressional January 6 Committee’s live hearing last Thursday is that several Republican members of Congress who had helped Trump try to steal the election asked for pardons between the election and Trump’s last day in office.
What this says is that not only did these Republicans know they were lying for Trump, but also knew they were breaking the law. Why would anyone believe they need a pardon if they believed they were only raising legitimate questions about the election? Hmm?
Call me crazy, but I don’t think criminals should hold elected office.
The thing is, these Republicans weren’t trying to make sure the election was fair. They were trying to steal the election. They were helping Trump try to commit a coup and become a fascist dictator.
Call me crazy, but I don’t think people who violate their oaths of office should continue to serve in office.
So, who are all these Republicans seeking pardons for the crimes of helping Trump steal an election? According to Jared Kushner, who was put in charge of sorting through all the requests for pardons (another task he was given that he wasn’t qualified for), there were a lot. There were so many pardon requests for him to go through, that the White House legal counsel’s “whining” about having to break the law for Trump was a distraction.
So far, we know that Scott Perry, the current chair of the ultra-conservative House Freedom Caucus (racist cult goons), asked for one of those pardons. Perry denied the claim, tweeting, “The notion that I ever sought a Presidential pardon for myself or other Members of Congress is an absolute, shameless, and soulless lie.” This tweet obviously means he believes there’s no lingering evidence of his request for a pardon. Based on the track record of Perry and everyone else in the goon conference…or anyone who’s ever defended Trump, I think he’s lying.
But who else asked for pardons?
Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweeted at Congressional Trump goons, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, if they asked for pardons.
Gaetz was tweeting at AOC all day long until she asked the question, so at the very least, she found a way to shut Gaetz up. MTG did not reply either. Boebert did but she didn’t answer the question, instead, changing the subject to shit about gas prices.
Since none of them proudly answered the question or even took the time to lie in a denial like Perry, they’re all suspects. If any of them asked for pardons, this means they’re not qualified to serve in Congress. Of course, we already knew this.
Republicans really have no shame. They help Trump commit a crime, claim it wasn’t a crime, then ask for a pardon so they don’t serve time in prison for the crime.
Call me crazy, but I think members of Congress should be more loyal to the Constitution than to an orange racist gaslighting reality TV show host.
And why is Jared Kushner going through the pardons? Typically, The Department of Justice goes through pardon requests and makes recommendations to the president (sic). But, Trump had a habit of ignoring them such as the time he pardoned the racist Arizona sheriff, or Paul Manafort, or Dinesh D’Souza, or Michael Flynn, or Roger Stone, or anyone he secretly pardoned which we’ll all learn about when they get charged in the future and pull that pardon out of their pockets.
Donald Trump never understood which department did what. While taking pardons away from DOJ, he wanted DOJ to help him steal the election.
Jared also had a pattern of going around federal departments, specifically the State Department as he’d make arms deals with autocratic nations in the Middle East without consulting the Secretary of State. Jared’s only experience with foreign policy is taking bribes from bone saw-wielding sultans. But I guess it’s OK that he’s the one who goes through the pardons since he’s not a lawyer either.
Like his father-in-law, Jared’s only experience to before working in the White House was being a lousy businessman. Keep in mind, that he submitted three applications for his security clearance because he kept forgetting his relationships with Russians before Donald Trump eventually overruled the FBI and gave him a presidential security clearance. Say, did Jared ask for a pardon?
The big challenge here doesn’t end with prosecuting Donald Trump for trying to destroy our democracy in a bloody fascist coup attempt with white nationalist terrorists. We’re also challenged to remove all the criminal fascist goons currently serving in Congress. Obviously, when they’re in yee-haw racist districts that love them some fascism like the one MTG represents, they’re not going to be voted out like Madison Cawthorn.
We need to prove goons like MTG, Matt Gaetz, and Lauren Boebert, among others, actually broke the law. Since they’re not the smartest in Congress (which really says a lot), proving they’re criminals really shouldn’t be that difficult.
Call me crazy, but I believe people who tried to destroy our democracy to turn the United States into a fascist nation ruled by Orange Shitler should not serve time in Congress, but instead serve time in prison.
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thefrankshow · 1 year
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Children Will Listen
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republikkkanorcs · 3 months
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There’s a special place in Hell for Trump supporters.
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rickmctumbleface · 2 years
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I've heard Republicans make a hundred excuses for Trump, but I don't hear even one saying that he's innocent. They know he's guilty as sin and they don't care. That's what cults do.
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