#ultra group
veveisveryuncool · 3 months
did street painting with chalk in my city today :]] i must spread my kirby propaganda to all
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employee052 · 7 months
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[control group au]
when crows crows crows started the task of updating the game into unity for The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe, a split between the narrator occurs. One goes on to gain the ability to overhear the players and ends up escaping the clutches of the parable [fourth wall au, aka the one where oswin and lynne exist/the main universe of this blog], however one ends up without the ability.
(aka, me reusing my first narrator design and making an au where i dont self insert myself into the story)
for ref as to my old narry design before i got virgil:
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leahthedreamer · 2 months
My hope for next season and leading into the Olympic season is that the ISU somehow revives womens skating cause yes it’s beautiful yes it’s lovely but is it exciting? Ehhhh.
In my personal opinion it’s the discipline that’s stagnated the most post Covid. You can argue that the crown goes to ice dance in that regard but even though the judging is shitty and the ISU insists on ridiculous themes for the rhythm dance we’re still getting quality and creativity through the bouts of corruption.
I just feel like women’s choreography has plateaued, it’s become uninteresting, very little memorable programs. Same elements same ordering same music like it’s becoming a by bland to watch. And my honest wish for the future is to reignite the spark it once had.
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tyrianluda · 1 month
I dug through the trenches out of my TF2 hyperfixation so I can sketch the birthday boy
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My favorite just a guy ™ going through the horrors (the narrator)
Proships DNI
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hello, love ur content! you mentioned before about the bad ultras, but could you tell us more about their purpose? how do they come about, is it like a mini fan club? i saw in the rolfo photo that she was holding a flag with an anime person and the england flag, is that also ultras? do you know what the different ones are? thanks!
thanks anon! sure, but i do have to stress that there is a historical difference between "supporters' clubs" and "ultras" and differences between these groups in the men's game vs. the women's.
the average supporters' club is basically a fan club. it's an organisation that will host events pre and post matches, viewing parties, traveling and logistics support to away games, and that sort of thing. alexia's uncle is actually a member of one and sits with his fan group at every match (see below for their banners). the picture with rolfo in your ask probably was with one of these types of groups. a lot of supporters' groups are pre-existing, but new ones are formed all the time. for example, if you live in a city or village that does not have one for barça, you can start your own!
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the name "ultra" refers to someone who is more than a fan, but rather a team's most extreme and passionate supporters. ultras actually first emerged in the late 1960s and 1970s in italy, connected to pseudo-paramilitary groups. there's a negative connection with ultras groups and their association with right-wing factions, nazism/skinheads, racism, and hooliganism in men's football. here are some resources to read about how ultras came about in football:
fanaticism and the ultras movement
violent football ultras reveal why they attack rivals
inside the violent world of far-right ultras
thankfully that sinister element has not taken root in women's football. since all the years i've been playing and watching women's football, i feel like women's fans and fandom in general are not so territorial or tribal when it comes to their teams and certainly are not so aggressive against fans of the opposing team. for example, it's more common for women's fans to be fans of multiple clubs. it feels like more of a safe space, and sure there are rivalries, but for the most part, it stays respectful. and ojalá, it stays that way!
so tl;dr, be more like alexia's uncle and not like the boixos nois!
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honorthysalad · 9 months
quick prediction but I think at some point Yoshiki’s parents’ marriage is gonna fall apart and his mom is gonna move back to Tokyo with Kaoru and Yoshiki will have to decide between leaving the village or staying with ‘Hikaru’.
because his mom being from Tokyo has to amount to something, and Yoshiki has been wanting to leave the village and go to the city for so long. It’d present him the option to literally run away from all his problems.
but he swore he’d stick by ‘Hikaru’ and he’s been learning so much about the village, unraveling centuries of history, that he’s kind of past the point of no return, so he decides to stay in the village except now ‘Hikaru’ is his only attachment. Nothing to hold him back, nothing to keep him from going too far.
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final-milf-ratchet · 5 days
Dreadwing/Optimus/Magnus/Predaking again
Optimus and Ultra Magnus have been separated for soo long, they don't even know if the other is still alive..
Optimus is so happy that Dreadwing agreed to live with them, he really had a feeling something bad would happen otherwise.. The rest of the team gets used to Dreadwing at varying speeds (Arcee being chill with him is so funny but also I can see it perfectly). But Optimus *really* gets attached, spending a lot of time with Dreadwing (which makes sense, he's the team leader and the one who convinced Dreadwing to stay !)
Optimus and Ultra Magnus are SO relieved once everything calms down and they can finally rejoice that the other is still alive.. Despite all this time spent lightyears apart, despite the War, they're together again and still as in love as ever..
Though of course, Optimus is quick to explain to Magnus how Dreadwing joined them, how he's gotten attached to him and how he thinks it's more than friendship.. They have a long talk - while cuddling in bed - and Magnus ends it by giving Optimus his blessings to pursue Dreadwing.. though now he really wants to learn to know the guy better ! It's no small feat to snatch his husband's heart.. (Magnus and Dreadwing do form a friendship, at the same time Optimus and Dreadwing get involved romantically)
Then somehow Magnus, after being taken during the fight, convinces Predaking of their side of the story, and soon enough he's coming back to the team with Predaking, and there's some weird thing going on there as well.. Optimus is wary, but as long as Magnus is happy then he is as well. And Predaking seems to get along with Dreadwing - they're both warriors of honor etc, they have quite a few things in common - so really, all is good...
Oh my GOD. Dreadwing and Magnus are already pretty big mechs (a truck and a jet !) but Optimus is HUGE, and Predaking, somehow, is even more huge. The space they take up standing is already a lot, but laying down ? It's ridiculous. Of course, Dreadwing and Predaking HAD to curl up together, no other way around it..
The first thing they do, when everyone is getting settled after winning the War.. is get the biggest berth ever, so they can all cuddle up together and be comfortable..
Now. They have an appropriately sized berth. Perfect to pin down their blue boyfriends.. Dreadwing and Magnus are clingy in bed, so whenever they can they're kissing and holding hands.. Optimus and Predaking LOVE watching them do that as they rail the two into the berth.. watching their kiss get more and more messy the longer they go, until Dreadwing and Magnus are basically just holding and nuzzling each other..
luckily nothing bad ever happened to Dreadwing :) never ever :)
augh.... Optimus and Magnus cuddling and talking about how their lives have been since they last saw each other... Optimus telling Magnus more about Dreadwing..... Magnus HAS to get to know the mech whos captured Optimus' spark!!! Magnus and Dreadwing fwiendship 🥺🥺🥺
Magnus somehow convincing Predaking to at least listen (magussy)(actually it was facts and logic™ and mostly Magnus being a fairly stoic put together guy, but also the magussy definitely was a factor)
ohhhhh noooooooooooo Predaking and Dreadwing have to cuddle. oh no 😈😈 Dreadwing has to be the little spoon to his big buff dragon boyfriend-in-law 😈😈😈 (meanwhile Magnus and Optimus are having very soft cuddle time) a massive berth is a MUST!! maybe its a gift from the other autobots (and because they're tired of hearing everything)
hehehheheheheheheh 😈😈😈😈😈 Magnus and Dreadwing being fucked so hard they can only cling to each and moan~ it's so embarrassing for them at first, but Optimus and Predaking are both SO into it, seeing their cute boyfriends make out is so hot! Ehehehehehe... After they're done they give Dreadwing and Magnus a break, and then they switch sides 😈😈😈😈
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cyndrastic · 9 months
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Here’s Craig!! Ignore that i drew him kinda young here, this was just a doodle, he’s like early 20s in this au
Anyway plenty of people know about female selkie myths: they go on land, get their skin stolen by a man, and they’re forced to marry and live with him till they either 1: die or 2: find their skin and return to the sea
but there are male selkies with a bit of a different lore >:)
male selkies follow the same rules with skins as women do: they shed their skin to become human, and without it, they can’t go home. But, according to mythology, if a heartbroken or unhappy woman cries 7 tears into the sea, she summons a selkie to fall in love with her and take her back to his underwater kingdom.
the stories range on how much of this is the woman’s free will vs. mind control, and no one seems to agree on how long a male selkie can stay on land, but this is kinda important to this au. Not the main focus, but i wanted to mention it anyway cause i found it cool.
but yeah expect more of this cause i’m brainrotting very hard atm <3
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
i dont think they like each other
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i’ve been real bored recently, should i finally start writing this story that’s been in my drafts for a while where i rewrite udg but replacing the warriors of hope with the remnants? please help i need writing motivation i’m on a block
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employee052 · 17 days
[A new ending and a new beginning.] (art + a fic)
[I accidentally wrote a lot for the art piece, so the full art is at the end under the cut!]
"An odd silence fell between the two of them as the sun began to gently rise from its slumber and out into the sky above. A soft drizzle pouring onto the ground below as Stanley clung to the jacket resting on his shoulders. The breeze hitting his skin as he realized what this was.
It was weather.
It was the rain. It was the cool breeze against his skin, the warmth of the sun above, the grass below him, the trees surrounding him.
It was freedom. Just like the way the two had hoped that they would one day see.
The Narrator smiled softly, Gently grabbing Stanley's hand as they sat side by side on the hilltop.
He gazed out into the world around them. The sunlight making his eyes shine a familiar yellow as he turned to see all there was to see in that moment alone. There was an odd sense of finality to his face, as though he was conjuring another story in his mind. Only this time, there were no more endings, no more resets.
Simply a story with a beginning and an end.
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Stanley looked at him curiously, nudging his arm as The Narrator turned to face him with a guilty look.
This made Stanley nervous. Despite having only seen the Narrator in person for a short amount of time, in all his time within the office, he never once imagined that the same man that he was hearing all this time would be sitting beside him looking at him like he was his world.
And perhaps he was, Stanley thought to himself.
'It's funny, isn't it Stanley?' The Narrator asked in a low rumble, 'To think, the ending we've both desperately dreamed of achieving, and all you had to do was get me to listen."
Stanley smiled, it was a challenge to get him to stop without a voice. An even bigger challenge to get him to listen to what he had to say.
Yet as his legs ached from running up those stairs towards the escape pod, The Narrator holding his hand as he wondered if they were really about to be freed. Stanley knew that he would do it all again if it meant that the two of them could sit on this hill together for just a brief moment.
The Narrator sighed, looking down at their hands in silent acceptance. Gently caressing soft circles on the back of Stanley's hand.
Stanley didn't need to look. The weight in his chest telling him all that he needed to know.
Stanley kept his eyes on the Narrator's face. Set on dedicating it to memory as the soft wisps of distortion chipping off the Narrator's body. His coat on his shoulders growing steadily lighter.
'It's okay,' The Narrator reassured, his free hand wrapping around Stanley's torso in a gentle side hug. 'We've both achieved our freedom. Even if it was for a brief moment.'
A sob escaped Stanley's throat. A soft gasp before he broke out into tears. He pulled The Narrator in for a hug, clinging desperately to him as he felt him hug back. The two of them holding onto each other desperately as the ending was in sight.
'Oh... I have so many things I wish to tell you Stanley.'
Stanley felt the Narrators lips press against his head tenderly.
'But this isn't my ending to live. It's simply another beginning to your own story.'
The two stayed like this for another moment. Holding each other in their arms as the stars faded for the morning skies' hues to colour the atmosphere above them. Tears streaming down their faces. Stanley felt the Narrator's grip grow weaker feeling the distortion grow more intense as he clung to him even harder.
'Stanley, would you mind if I narrate this moment for us? For old times sake.' He whispered. 'It will be different, I promise.'
Stanley chuckled quietly. His shoulders shaking as he nodded, wiping his tears. For once, he never thought his lines would bring him this much comfort.
The Narrator coughed, the distortion about to overtake him as he pulled Stanley in closer. Speaking with whole chest befitting for a true and final ending.
'And so, Stanley and The Narrator could feel the breeze against their skin. A new ending, and a new beginning for them both. The feeling of freedom within themselves.'
'This was exactly the way, right now, that things were meant to happen.'
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'And Stanley was free.' "
[The End]
[For different versions of the art!- uh... we can only have one cut, so just... scroll down lmao]
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eurovision-revisited · 10 months
1998 Birmingham - Number 6 - Ultra Bra - "Tyttöjen välisestä ystävyydestä"
Gosh this one's complicated. Let's start with Ultra Bra (Very good - in Swedish). They're a band with explicitly left-wing political origins, being formed at a music competition held by the Finnish Democratic Youth League. The band have a had a large roster of members who come and go, with differing numbers of members at any given time.
In 1998, their star was in the ascendant, having had their second album Kroketti (Croquet) sell very well on the back of a few years of buliding their reputation on tour around Finland. At their heart were three people Olli Virtaperko, Kerkko Koskinen and Kerkko's wife Anni Sinnemäki. Anni Sinnemäki was not in the band, but wrote many of the lyrics to their songs. She also went on to become the Finnish Minister of Labour as a member of the Government, the Leader of political party the Green League. Later she became Deputy Mayor of Helsinki. Yes - Ultra Bra are that political.
This song Tyttöjen välisestä ystävyydestä (About Friendship Between Girls) is weird. It's an upbeat, pop-rock number with massed voices almost shouting its words in close harmony. A choir of chanting voices telling Finland about two girls so into each other that passers-by have to swerve to avoid them, but then they want the same boys and also hide on roofs. I don't know much of this is Finnish idiomatic language and how much is poetic expression. There's a cultish sensation about both the singing and the song.
Nevertheless, it's catchy as hell. Close-harmony choral singing is often compelling and here there's no exception, especially backed by the orchestra.
This is another of the songs in Euroviisut 1998 that finished joint third in a very close competition. They got points from the experts, the fans and the televote, not really being favoured by any of them. The song itself went on to be a fairly big hit in Finland. Ultra Bra entered Euroviisut again in 2000, but without such a good result. They split as a band 2001 with various members going on to form several other bands including Scandinavian Music Group.
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
8 for the ask game and make them wear a pink outfit 🔪 (yes I am adding unasked for instructions)
Hope this is pimk enough???
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This is Echo :) resident middle child that's forced to be a mediator between her siblings. Very anxious and mostly hangs out with roommate/bestie, and is forced against her will to deal with both of her siblings' weird relationship drama.
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karizipan · 2 years
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Something lgbt happened to me last night
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