#we have original spock
spirk-trek · 4 months
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California K/S | Caren Parnes, Maureen B, Georgia Barnes, Indra, 1984-86
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onwhatcaptain · 10 months
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Captain, you almost make me believe in luck. Why, Mister Spock, you almost make me believe in miracles.
I have always had such love for K/S and this particular drawing was designed to imitate analog (traditional) art, as a homage to the iconic, gorgeous Star Trek fanzines that gave us K/S. They were lovingly and painstakingly made by hand.
This is of course, not from 1979. It's from today, but hopefully doesn't look so much like it. The lovely quote is from A Taste of Armageddon and sometimes I can't believe it's real. I'm thinking about making a companion piece for Spock, let me know if you are interested. And let me know what you think. <3
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unpretty · 1 year
i think what's so annoying about au-ification in fic is that it feels like a fundamental disconnect in how people define a character and Who They Are, and in some fandoms it's more normal to strip away everything that has ever happened to the character, particularly their traumas. i don't even Go Here wrt to spn, (and when i do, it's for wincest lol), but even i know that the whole Thing is that castiel gripped dean tight and raised him from perdition - the power dynamic and the salvation are THE WHOLE THING
yeah i'm getting a lot of notes on that post from people who have clearly never had the experience of reading an au fic an it's just. that's a different person. he seems nice but i have no idea who this man is. there is no conversation with the canon happening here. this is not a "galaxy quest is about star trek" situation. this is a "you are trying to tell me that 50 first dates is about lord of the rings" situation. this is a "if you hadn't told me in the tags i would have no idea this had any relation to the original work at all whatsoever and i'm still not convinced" situation.
i mean i am fanfic positive (obviously) and au positive (obviously) but i think if you see a character and you think to yourself, "wow, i love this guy! he's awful! he's like if someone made a gijinka of the concept of toxic masculinity and that's fascinating! i want to read fic about this guy!" and then you go to ao3 and you sort by kudos and the most popular fic is a 100 chapter beast that's like "what if he had no toxic masculinity at all and handled his trauma by being a perfect victim" that kind of sucks. it's not just that the author could have just changed his name and made it an original work. it's also that the reader has been sold a false bill of goods. "getting people to read fanfic is easier" is actually rude as fuck if what you're writing is fundamentally a different work about an original character. i appreciate authors who recognize this and publish original works with suspicious similarities to popular ships, good for them and also for the rest of us.
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dustykneed · 5 months
so screwed tmr (math) but just remembered this bad boy i made last year like a week after getting into tos and going through the entire spones tag on ao3 LMAO. enjoy
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wrote the whole thing in chi for whatever reason so in case its confusing bc i rushed translation the context is pre-slash spones get sent on an away mission and spock gets knocked out somehow and is out of it enough for his telepathic walls to be down so when bones touches him he figures out bones like likes him and hes processing that but then realises bones is straddling him so he passes out<33
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savpumpkinhead · 11 months
“i do not approve… i understand.” is such a powerful quote for spock to just randomly drop this episode ?!?!?!?! bro omg
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palpunte · 3 months
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1329.1 "Mudd's Women"
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worfianism · 11 months
NO STOP PLEASE MY HEART but there's something soooooo perfect about Uhura, another member of James' future crew and friend being there getting to know him AND being the one to introduce Spock and Jim and that knowing look she had when they shake hands like this is the start of something significant pleaseeee I'm going to cry
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aforgottenthing · 1 year
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A man hurts every woman
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Who comes into his life
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Because his true soulmate
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Is a man.
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tricorderreading · 10 months
Star Trek: Spock Must Die!
Scotty bemoans starfleet uniforms and their shortcomings
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agios-rio · 1 year
*or pansexual or something similar. and not necessarily about each other
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your-name-is-jim · 2 years
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This scene is so funny because Dr. Adams can tell that Kirk and Spock want to speak alone, and I know that in context the reason is that Spock suspects Dr. Adams is hiding something, but the way Dr. Adams talks is like "Your Mr. Spock [Your???] sounds like a very excellent… [meaningful pause] *second in command*, Captain Kirk. *winkwink* I'm leaving you two alone haha" and Kirk is smiling like an teenager who has just been caught talking to their crush lol
[s1 e9 - Dagger of the Mind]
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There are many moments in Return to Tomorrow, this one is very sweet, even if it doesn't happen in the actual episode iirc. Unintentional parallel to Amok Time?
Sargon, the one speaking in italics, is also the one they reference here, who knows what "together forever" means... 😉
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horsechestnut · 2 years
Whoever wrote The Apple had to be a Spirk shipper.
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loverfriendsomeone · 2 years
Headcanons disabilities (star trek aos)
jim: total auditory loss, epilepsy, allergies
bones: chronic pain and fatigue, fibromyalgia, has a prothesis on his left knee
scotty: migranes, myasthenia gravis
chekov: asthma, lupus, schizophrenia
uhura: prosthetic right leg (transtibial) and scleroderma
sulu: diabetes and sleep disorders
spock: migranes and hip joint prosthetic
all of them suffer from mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety on different levels
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
I know Tuvok didn’t complete his Kolinahr because he went into pon farr and married T’Pel but I’d like to tweak that so it’s actually T’Pel who went into pon farr and Tuvok abandoned his Kolinahr studies to be with her anyway. Because I think it’s very wife guy of him.
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Spock makes me so emotional.
Also I learned that my mom, siblings and grandparents all like star trek, so we have something in common but we all watched it in secret thinking the others wouldn't like it.
We all like it for VERY different reasons though...
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