#we're not finished fleshing this out ourselves. me & my friend wanna create a lettering system next
bitsbug · 1 year
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Me and a friend have been developing this conlang thing for use in co-op play, both for immersion and so we don’t need to constantly pause to type things. I call it slugsign :-)
I should note that neither of us know ANYTHING about language structure or conlanging, we just developed it naturally lol.
some grammar notes:
-’punctuation’ style signs (such as ‘question’, ’attention’, ’relax’) come before the rest of the sentence. this is for clarity of intent
-’relax’ can be used to initiate longer, more complex conversations
-signs are VERY position specific. the limitations of the medium make a lot of signs look similar, so using the right starting and ending positions are important.
-’region’ specifies which region you’re referring to by the direction of your arm waggling, and the regions adjecent to the one you’re currently in. For example if you were in industrial complex and wanted to refer to chimney canopy, you’d waggle upwards.
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