#well if were going by may and liv's implied relationship in the movie
igucci · 1 year
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what if they met...
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skygemspeaks · 5 years
Spider-Man. Any show or movie or comic is fine.
Okay folks, we’re going with spider-verse because I’m obsessed with it rn!
My all-time favourite character:
Miles Morales - He’s a total sweetheart and I love everything about him. I want him to grow up healthy and safe and protected and I really can’t wait for a sequel!
A character I didn’t used to like butnow do:
Prowler - I guess? Like, he was a villain so obvs I didn’t like him, but upon finding out who he was, I couldn’t hate him anymore. Obviously it doesn’t make what he did okay, but he redeemed himself a bit in his conversation with Miles.
A character I used to like but nowdon’t:
A character I’m indifferent about:
Peni and Ham. Yikes, I know I might get some flack from the fandom for this but I don’t really care much for either of them? Like, they have their moments, but they don’t have enough of an impact on the story for me to care for them much. Through my interactions with the fandom I have grown a little affectionate of them, but I still don’t really care for either of them much.
A character who deserved better:
RIPeter - I will never not be upset about his death, and everything he and Miles could have had together as mentor and mentee. I seriously loved the relationship between Miles and Peter B, but I still mourn for RIPeter. He was, like, the perfect Peter? He would have been an amazing mentor for Miles. And not to mention it would be totally kickass to have had two spiderpeeps in one universe. I really liked the choreography of the fight at the end where all the spiderpeople were fighting together, and I think you could do a lot of cool things with more than one spiderperson.
A ship I’ve never been able to getinto:
Liv/May - I get where it comes from, but I just can’t see it happening, given the fact that, y’know, Liv is a villain and May had a superhero nephew.
A ship I’ve never been able to getover:
Jefferson/Rio - They are so cute together y’all! They complement each other so well. And they’re just such good parents I’m die. I love that they played such a big role in the movie, since you don’t often see much of the parents in stories where teenagers are the main characters.
A cute, low-key ship:
Peter B/MJ - It’s implied at the end that they get back together and that made me so happy! I want them to be happy together and to have cute lil kiddos that Miles can visit and be a big brother/uncle to and maybe babysit.
An unpopular ship but I still enjoyedit:
Can’t really think of anything tbh.
A ship that was totally wrong andnever should have happened:
Noir/Ham - I know for a lot of people this is a crack ship but like....really?
My favourite storyline/moment:
The entire movie was phenomenal, but my favourite scene would definitely have to be that one that everyone is obsessed over. When Miles takes his leap of faith. Everything from the moment he jumps off and the glass breaks, to Miles rising through the frame as he falls towards the ground. That scene was breathtaking.
A storyline that never should havebeen written:
Listen. I loved everything about this movie. But that scene where Miles’ hand is stuck to Gwen’s hair? I cringed so hard. The second-hand embarrassment nearly ko’d me right there in the theatre. Both times.
My first thoughts on the show:
Stunning. Flawless. The best piece of animation I have ever seen of my life. I want to see more from this universe.
My thoughts now:
Stunning. Flawless. The best piece of animation I have ever seen of my life. I want to see more from this universe.
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kurtwagners · 5 years
Watched Spider-verse Again even MORE spoilery thoughts
-I really liked how Peter Parker’s intro speech directly contrasts Miles’s final one, he calls himself “The one and only Spider-Man” and says that “There’s only one Spider-Man, and you’re looking at him” while Miles says “Anyone can wear the mask, you can wear the mask”. I feel like this movie was very direct in subverting expectations (ayyy) of what “Spider-Man” is and how its become more then Peter Parker
-Idk why but 42 shows up a lot, I realized this when Miles falls off the building and breaks the key. Numbers fall off the sign when he crashes into it, and 4 and 2 lay on the ground with him. It’s the number of the spider and the lottery number that got Miles into Visions Academy, as seen in the intro (the spider dangling and the balls that fly around after we see Peter for the first time) 
-I feel like not many people are mentioning that the spider that bit Miles might be from another universe itself? IG this is based on the belief that there is always one spider and one Spider-Man for every universe, and because Miles’s universe had the tampering with the Multiverse it caused the loss of this universe’s Peter. There’s theories that Miles’s spider is from 2099 Nueva York or was intentionally sent but idk how I feel about that. The spider could have just been created by Liv and was glitching from exposure to her experiments
-I really liked that there were subtle hints/implications that give characters and their worlds depth and substance even when the movie doesn’t have enough time to cover it. Like when May recognizes and calls Doc Ock Liv, which she previously said only friends call her. Also when Peter B Parker wants to go talk to MJ Gwen tells him something along the lines of “Don’t do this, its painful and I’ve been there”, implying that for Gwen, seeing Peter B was painful for her, and even though he’s from a different universe she wants nothing more then to tell him all the things she wishes she could’ve told her Peter. Even though their relationship isn’t directly fleshed out there’s many small indicators of Gwen being distressed by Peter’s presence. I’m sure there’s more that I missed!
-There was a youtube comment that was talking about how Liv’s hair resembles an octopus body and how her tentacles resemble soft robots that are replacing metal/steel with more spongy materials to simulate natural muscles and fluid movement, like an elephant’s trunk. Just thought that was cool!
-Everyone knows this already but when Miles joins the final fight he uses a bunch of the original Peter Parker’s moves from their first meeting in the beginning of the movie, to which Peter B and Gwen wonder if they taught him that :( Miles recorded Peter and Goblin’s fight on his phone so he probably looked at that for reference.
-After he defeats Kingpin theres a solid like, 5-10 second shot of Miles looking into the Multiverse and a kind of trippy, music video-like sequence of the camera going through the Web of Life of Destiny, the spiderweb that holds the Multiverse together and enables traveling between dimensions. The web is reflected on his mask and at the end I think his eyes sort of widen in realization. I’m not really sure but I feel like this scene was too long to not have some implications.
Uhhh there was something else I thought about while watching but I forget now...I think it was one of Miles’s voiced lines that was performed extremely well and its implications but I forgot :(
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