#when i say this is my favourite version of anakin i MEAN IT
marvelstars · 9 months
I can go anywhere I want just not home: Ahsoka and Anakin
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So my favourite part of the chapter was the way the actual ages of Ahsoka and Anakin played a part in their interaction, Ahsoka tells Anakin that he looks the same and Anakin answered that she looks old, which is true, Ahsoka is close to aging beyond Anakin´s age of death at 46 and while Anakin "looks" like clone wars Anakin, he isn´t just Anakin, this is post ROTJ Anakin, someone who already lived 23 years in the light and 23 years in the darkness, he is Vader, he is Anakin, he isn´t young at all and he is living in a whole other level in the force compared to the one Ahsoka lives, because she is still alive.
In fact the first question Anakin ask Ahsoka is if she still remembers Baylan Skoll, because that means she is still alive, she can still come back, "That´s good" he says.
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I love how adult Ahsoka automatically reverts to her teenager personality when she noticed Anakin, she smiles, her eyes bright up, she makes jokes and teases Anakin just like in the good old times, because she missed him so much, in many ways he is her home and if he wasn´t there anymore she could not return home, as simple as that, she could not act as if Vader was Anakin, he was a broken version of her master, consumed by darkness, she probably was happy to hear from Luke Anakin died in the light but he was dead and she didn´t get the chance to say goobye but THIS, this is her brother/father, he is back, he looks the same, she can lower her guard, smile and tease because he is here to take care of things like he used to do when she was a child.
She only gets serious when Anakin isn´t automatically teasing her as well, when he says he needs to teach her one more thing, when he gets serious, then Ahsoka remembers Anakin isn´t just Anakin anymore, she knows him but he´s grown into someone she doesn´t know anymore either.
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So Anakin begins by teasing her back, putting her at ease and then, he sends her to the heart of what´s bothering her, the clone wars. In many ways, she is still that child fighting over and over again, she no longer has a particular reason to keep fighting and she is tired. It´s such a good contrarts how while adult Ahsoka is teasing with Anakin, child Ahsoka is grumpy, she complains, she questions, she asks, just like she did in the past, this child is adult Ahsoka allowing herself to be a child again, to not have all the anwers and to complain to Anakin to give her a reason to keep fighting and explain why does it matter anymore. She could not do this with Hera and Sabine because Hera is her friend but they are not that close and she is also her superior in the alliance and Sabine depends on her to make the decisions and guide her but Anakin? He is family, she can complain all day long knowing he will try at least to listen to her and try to guide her to the best of his hability and this isn´t teenager Anakin either, this is post Vader Anakin so she knows she can get snippy, angry, mad and hostile with him all she wants, she has all the right to be and he will take it.
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Anakin doesn´t just listens anymore, he counsels but he also pushes her into talking about what she doesnt want to talk about
"Do you really want a padawan?" "Being a teacher isn´t all that"
Low key Anakin is giving her the freedom of not being a teacher if she doesn´t want to be, Ahsoka looks at him affronted but it´s true, she accepted Sabine because Hera wanted her to and Sabine wanted her to but she herself isn´t sure she wants a padawan, in fact she already abandoned Sabine once, what is keeping her from doing the same again? and part of the reason she doesn´t know the answer is that she wants to be able to give Sabine or any other padawan something more than war, death and the training to be a warrior as a legacy but she is convinced there isn´t anything else she can give, because emotionally she is still that little girl forced to fight in a war, mourning for each death, mourning for her master fall and she believes that´s all she is ever going to be in the future. She fears her master fate because she believes that is going to be her fate too.
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So Anakin, Vaderkin, tries to explain she has to adapt to the times, his master teached him to be a guardian of peace because that´s what he was, Anakin teached her how to be a soldier because they were fighting in a war and she would have died if he didn´t teach her how to survive war but this doesn´t mean she can´t adapt to the times she and her padawan are living and this is precisely what Ahsoka is refusing to do, she is stil in mourning so she can´t enjoy her present.
Anakin tells her she is more and even if she believes she can´t because she has his teachings in her, she is more because he also is way more than Vader.
So when Ahsoka answers him "you are more but more dangerous and powerful than anybody thoguht" and if that´s what he is, then what hope is there for her if she has inside herself his legacy, his teachings?
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Is this what this is about? I gave you a choice live or die
Here Anakin gets mad because she isn´t understanding, she has his legacy but she isn´t him, his fall, his redemption, his good and his bad side are his own, not hers and in time she will have to make her own decisions, adapt, grow and teach her padawan what she had learned, they are the legacy of previous masters but they are also MORE, they are also what each one of them adds to that legacy.
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So Anakin brings his other half, Vader, to teach her and test her with the same lesson Anakin learned along with Luke, his Son, you are more, you make your own choices and you can choose again and again and that´s what defines you, only you can define yourself, not others. He pushes Ahsoka with Vader´s persona to defy her to live once again but he also pushes her by showing her , her deepest fear, her falling, her becoming a darksider and he gives her an ultimatum, kill him and die herself, not just physically but the light inside of her, or live and stay in the light.
Ahsoka chooses the light and lets her lightsabers fall, just like Luke did, her lightsabers are no longer her life, she is more than war, she is more than just a warrior fighting in an eternal war but more than that, she is still herself and it´s her choice if she wants to stay being herself or die and fall.
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Anakin reverts back from Vader to himself again, proud of her, happy with her choice, he reverts to show her how if he, who was in darkness for so many years, buried and dead inside could still come back, then there´s so much hope for her to make her life anew by not letting her past or her lightsabers define her anymore and this is symbolized with her being taken away from the water towards safety.
In the end, he didn´t just wanted to teach her how to live physically again or how to leave behind her past, enjoy her present and enjoy life, he also wanted her to learn she must live by not falling to the darkness and even if she falls, there´s "Hope for her still" because there was also hope for him as well and now Ahsoka can remember him without mourning, without regret.
Just so many great interactions between them. Loved this chapter. Hope we see what other scenes Anakin is going to have because this story isn´t done yet.
PD: Post ROTJ dead Anakin is so relaxed, happy and vibing, love it, honestly, good for him.
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tennessoui · 8 months
I think I really lose braincells each time you post about couples counselling au - because I have never felt a characterization of Obi-Wan and Anakin fit *so much* to my own headcanon that it drives me crazy. The lack of communication? The desperate need to please (Anakin) the delusion of thinking you're giving someone complete access (Obi-Wan) while keeping them out. It is SO perfect, it's literally my favourite obikin fic, I am so invested in this au. The questions you have them answer at the end. When Obi-Wan said he's "happy to make the list as an obligation" because free time means a lot to an enslaved man. Kit. KIT *stick figure gore of me sinking my talons into your shoulders* When Anakin says he has nothing to hide from Obi-Wan but Obi-Wan never asks and he feels like he's getting away with something each time he learns something while Obi-Wan is like. He can ask me anything. KIT *BLOOD IN MY MOUTH*
ahhh thank you so much!!! i really love writing chapters and answering asks about this fic because i'm really attached to these versions of obi-wan and anakin like. their motivations are so interesting to me, especially at this part of the story, in the beginning, when all they are are motivations
anakin absolutely feels this need to please and be loved and the focus of his master's attentions. he also feels helpless in the face of thinking obi-wan will never let him in like that. he also is unhealthily controlling in small ways (checking and rechecking his closed door, for one, trying to have a say in what he eats out of concerns for his health) but he just loves him so much and he really experienced like.d devastation when obi-wan was temporarily dead that i feel like altered his motivations fundamentally, especially because he restarted his heart so.....probably a tiny part of him....illogically feels as if that's his heart now......
and obi-wan absolutely thinks he is so transparent for anakin!! he has let him in!!! more than he's ever let anyone in at all probably, but it's probably not that much. he's so practiced at keeping him out and hiding his real emotions that that's second nature. not to mention he feels betrayed in his own way at anakin marrying padmé --instead of just having an affair with her-- and he's trying to frantically detach himself before anakin leaves the order because he'll be devastated when that happens. not to mention he can also be shit at respecting boundaries (he reads the messages on anakin's phone when he's asleep)
and it's all just so interesting especially because there's so much narrative bias and just narrative inaccuracies where the narrator/POV character completely reads the other's reactions wrong, which makes the little questionnaire at the end have so much more weight because the counselor is 1000% right when she says that that's what's most important--how they feel about each other and their relationship after honest deliberation and reflection
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consceleratuswrites · 10 months
Hi Hi hi ANOTHER ANON HERE (I just wanna be private) I just wanted to say I love your work and your writing rocks!
I was wondering, despite the obvious voice lines and what we kinda get from Galactic Emperor Sigma's depiction (for the crumb it was - thanks Blizzard) how do you go about characterizing him? I kinda like how you aren't afraid to make him into a bit of an asshole (lol) do you have a headcanon you go off?
There are quite a few of you guys! And it's all cool - as long as you're all comfortable! Never wanna force anyone x
This is an interesting one as it relates to my personal views on Sigma as a whole, which I could go on for HOURS ABOUT. Mainly because the trailer makes him come across as this maniacal hubris-based scientist who is incredibly intimidating and self-interested in his own research. Then you have the in-game characterisation which is this rather tragic figure being manipulated by an organisation that uses him as a weapon. 
There is this beautiful dichotomy in his character (which is why he's so beloved, as he has this depth on a self-referential level). I do not doubt that he is equally as gentle and a tragic anti-hero as he is an egotistical and (at times) a vicious-mad-scientist force to be reckoned with. That's due to the in-game Canon!Sig voice lines range from quite endearing to being quite callous (to me at least). And I could go on and on about my personal feelings about the mental health allegories that can also be gleaned from him (I'm someone who has pretty bad anxiety and PTSD, so the drifting in and out of thoughts is something that got to me).
So for Emp!Sig, I wanted to magnify those aspects and dial them up to be more ruthless and more arrogant. And I loved that we got this antagonistic-bad-guy version who will call you a "pathetic worm" if you get in his way. But then I like the thought of him being multifaceted here too (I have this saying that I talk to my friends that I think of 'salty and sweet' when I write him). And I like giving him these little anxiety-fuelled moments where he's painfully vulnerable.
I have a lot to thank @akoiromanticstudent for (I tag her a lot as it's her help that's made her indulge this hard, and I love how she writes sig in his professor ways).
I have a literal page-by-page list in my notebook (because I'm crazy and do this for fun HAHA) of who I've taken some inspiration from for his characteristics so here we go I shall list a few (and this isn't even all of it so - lmao YOU ASKED)
Game of Thrones' Tywin Lannister is a massive influence on me as well. His dialogue is excellently written, and he was my favourite character in the series for being this rather diabolical yet magnificent bastard. I love how Charles Dance plays him as this character hardened by the world around him and too far gone with using violence as a means to an end. He's undoubtedly cruel and has this stubbornness that is fun to emulate and spar with.
I also take some inspiration from Hades - the Hellenic god (being a bit more of a neutral yet incredibly threatening force within ancient Greek polytheism). And his representation from the HADES game series and the Disney-fied version (for the back and fourth in his dialogue and dynamic).
I also really loved Peter Stormare's representation of Lucifer from the 05' Constantine film - I love how terrifying and threatening he is with his presence and invading personal spaces. Stormare plays him as this ancient, wise, sinister force, and I just adore it. Despite the film being of typical noughties-popcorn-movieness (but I love it for that too). So I've taken little pieces of that there as well.
Obviously, Star Wars plays as an influence (Darth Vader/Anakin being the tragic villain he is and Palpatine because I just love that silly evil old man.)
There's obviously a few Lovecraftian cosmic horror elements in there as well.
Also adding loads of representations of various Gods, Kings, and Emperors in history, Leonidas being one of them, Ceaser, Odin, Ra the list goes on and on all of which are in the mixing pot.
Thanks for reading this if you did I hope it was interesting - I get started on something and then it grows and grows because, as I said, I'm crazy.
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rancidjuno · 9 months
1,2,4,5,7, 34, and 50 from the barrissoka ask but for kenduli 😍
Ty for asking !!(I’d never shut up about them if I could) – for anyone curious this is based on Bailey’s barrissoka ask game! I will try my best to answer these well without too much word vomit <3
How did they fall in love?
I think for Kenduli that’s an interesting one because, as childhood friends there’s always beenlove there—it’s just it manifesting as romantic that’s more tricky. I go between ideas on this, but keeping things mostly canon compliant I would say Luminara would only allow herself to think of Obi-Wan like that post Barriss’ betrayal. At that point she’s facing the reality that if you want someone to know you care about them sometimes you have to tell them that – and after Barriss, Obi-Wan is probably the person she cares for the most.
That’s not to say they haven’t been together in other forms prior to that, I am very pro the Luminara and Obi-Wan friends-with-benefits arrangement that could have existed from when they are much younger. For Obi-Wan I think it’s more of a steady build than a sudden realisation—he’s got terrible luck (RIP Satine and Qui-Gon) when it comes to the people he loves so I think he’d keep a distance, wait for her to initiate that if she ever wants to. He loves her, and she him, and they always have—but taking that next step is something he’d leave in her hands.
Who fell first?
It’s a similar thing here where there is no strict falling as much as it’s this steady incline of affection and familiarity. That said, I think maybe it manifests more in Luminara first in unconscious ways. For teenaged Luminara, I think my favourite hc is that she has an underlying envy that manifests in ways she wouldn’t understand—for example, when it comes to Satine, she is not jealous of Satine or the relationship that she and Obi-Wan have but potentially of the bond, the closeness that she wouldn’t ever allow herself to have that young. So I guess that could count as falling first? Not that she would know it lol
Obi-Wan knows this, and so he would never push. But hey, maybe if Luminara had been more open before he met Satine they could have gotten together much sooner? So, in conclusion, I think they’ve both been that way all along.
Who would confess first and how?
I’ve written a few versions of this and I think my favourite is when it’s not a confession of love, it’s a confession of possession. And in that case, it would have to be Luminara. She loves her friends, maybe she won’t use that word but Obi-Wan knows that, Quinlan knows that—what the real confession is, the thing that plagues her, is the desire for fidelity, and in turn possession. Friends-with-benefits is fine but it’s when she wants him to herself that confession comes in.
To be clear, I don't mean possession in a: oh my god he's so possessive (Anakin) way! I just mean it in the claiming of something, the claiming of Obi-Wan's fidelity.
Obi-Wan’s played that game before, he felt it for Satine but that didn’t work out—these are feelings he’s been through and understands. And he can’t force Luminara to be okay with those feelings, there are many Jedi who would never be, so it would be his kindness to not say anything until she does.
First kiss, and how would it go?
This one’s fun because it’s another I’ve written a few different ways, but I would say it’s probably when they’re quite young—like the 15-17 age range. It’s pretty harmless, a bit awkward like most first kisses are but it’s not only their first kiss with each other it’s also their first kiss ever so that’s to be expected lol. The safety of having those experiences with each other, who they trust so implicitly, leaves an affection between them that’ll never disappear.
How would their first date go?
I mean, these fools have been going on dates all their lives—their first date was probably a toddler play date lmao. But if we’re talking a proper date date then I think they’d keep it simple. He cooks for her, they just talk for a while, maybe go out for a long walk after. Their daily lives are full of such chaos that the calm of their relationship is incredibly important.
It wouldn’t have been an official date because Luminara’s emotionally constipated and Quinlan probably tagged along but when they’re in their twenties I think they had a bit more of an outgoing taste, like bars and clubs. Maybe that’s me projecting, but the experience of barely being able to think with the music blasting and being surrounded by so many people would probably be something they’d both enjoy at that time. They’ll grow out of that one, though, lol
Who’s more likely to get jealous if someone makes a pass at their partner?
Neither Luminara nor Obi-Wan strike me as particularly jealous people. I mentioned that Luminara has an unconscious jealousy of Obi-Wan’s ability to be open when they’re young but that’s not really targeted at any person other than disappointment in herself. The core of their relationship is an unshakable trust, and because of that neither of them have any concern about the other betraying them in any way.
That said, it definitely depends on how the pass is made. If it’s just a little harmless flirting then I think they’d just find it amusing, maybe even encourage it a little, but if it’s like a physical grabbing or something that clearly makes them uncomfortable then the other would step in. So maybe Obi-Wan, just because Star Wars has lots of sexism (really cool move I hate it), and if anyone ever made an inappropriate pass at Luminara he would shut it down pretty quickly even though she’s very capable of doing it herself. But it’s more concern for her safety than it is jealousy, if that makes sense?
What are some songs/quotes/poems/stories/movies that make you think of Kenduli? I always write and draw to music so there’s a lot of stuff I associate with them even though there’s no real connection. I have Star Wars playlist that is just like by default kenduli songs in my head. Beyond that though, not really! They’re very unique as a pairing to me, and that’s why I like them so much.
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sammonroe · 2 years
I agree with everything you said. Honestly I don't know what else to say, probably have some stuff but I'm overwhelmed with emotions rn as I often am when it comes to Scott and Higher Ground in general. I really appreciate that you took time to respond with such a thought-out response! And now I know how to spell Auggie😂
Some more heavy topics ahead
I was a LOT like Shelby (dealing w sexual trauma by being overly sexual/hypersexual) and a lot like Scott because I had to turn 17 to realize that hey, what happened to you when you were 10 wasn't right!!! Stop blaming yourself! Stop being so angry and just.. talk. Or at least these two resonated within me the most.
I do truly believe that a friendship between these two would have been more impactful as well. But I can also see the realism in their choice to be a couple. Especially since back then moreso than now a guy and a gal couldn't be JUST friends.
And ooh I remembered what I wanted to say originally!!
I believe there's truth to both versions of why Scott wrote Elaine the letters. I think he was scared that especially given her initial reaction, telling Shelby that he thought it would make it okay if he loved Elaine would kind of get a better reaction and sympathy from her since he wants her to like him (Idk how to put it any better) and definitely not think he's in the wrong.
And I think he told his mom a slightly truer version- perhaps the objective truth, not how he tried to cope with the situation in his mind by reasoning that if he loves his abuser it's okay- because what does he have to lose? His mother is already in New Mexico with another man and his father has custody of him. Perhaps he just realized or accepted that that's the reality of his situation. And maybe deep down he knew that his mother would probably not judge him harshly.
Either way I actually really liked that Scott gave two different answers when it comes to the letters. Once again it was more believable to me and I know I'd done similar things because I was scared and desperate to get some sympathy for the shit I had to go through.
Anyway, you've quickly become one of my favourite blogs! I only have one friend with whom I can talk abt Hayden and the many characters he's brought to life. Currently Scott and Sam (Anakin is constant haha) because I love these two boys so much and I feel them deeply. I don't know if you do emoji anons but I'll sign my stuff with 👻 if you don't mind :) cuz I'm a ghostie :p
sorry, this is so late, this year got busy quick, but I love Higher Ground for the reason you just gave; a lot of kids were able to relate to these "troubled" teens (sadly), and not with typical issues. they're heavy and managed to tackle them without getting too graphic about it. now, the show's not flawless, there are some stereotypes and personal beliefs that make me raise my brows, but I was none the wiser as a literal child back then (8 years old) first watching it.
I like to think the latter was Scott's truth, the reason he gave his mother; because even if they're somewhat estranged, I know Scott loves his mother, and even though he'd grown close to Shelby, I like to believe he trusts his mother more than a girl he recently grew fond of. it makes sense she made him write down the things he couldn't say to her so she could later use it as blackmail if Scott were to open his mouth. she's a parasite, and the fact the series ends on her "getting away with it" like Scott feared in the first place, (and the reason he didn't want to open his mouth), is the worst kind of denial of closure I've had in fiction.
but that means a lot to me considering I rarely post, haha. I appreciate it.
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wenellyb · 2 years
For the tfatws ask, 3, 13, 14, 17.
Hi Anon!!!
I'm sorry I'm a little (a lot) late but here are my answers!!!
3. what's your least favourite TFATWS episode?
I loved the show and all episodes but I have to say my least favorite episode was episode 4 because of Lemar's death. I hated that they did that.
13. would you have loved to see more of sharon? or was her part good enough?
Yes, to both, I do think her part was good but I also wish we got to see more of her. I think I'm the only one here who likes the plottwist of her being the Power Broker but I love it. Because she's not a villain villain, so the storylines they could come up with with this new situation are infinite. So I would say I liked her part in TFATWS because I liked her storyline but I definitely want to see more of her in upcoming shows/movies.
14. what's your opinion on zemo?
Oooh Anon, how do I reply to this without writing pages???
Short version: Love the character, hate the fandom.
Long version: This might raise some eyebrows, but Zemo is one of my favorite MCU characters, I really got in the MCU because of Anthony Mackie, and after seeing his promo with Seb for Civil War, and one of my favorite storylines in the movie was Zemo's ( not comics Zemo, I never read the comics, but MCU Zemo),him and T'Challa had the best backstories in my opinion. They really were the best part of the movie, and the scene at the end when he talks about how his son, wife and father were killed in Sokovia and T'Challa deciding to break the circle of vengeance was so emotional, so powerful, it didn't really feel like an MCU scene. So yeah, I have been a huge fan of MCU Zemo since then and I was thrilled to hear that he would be coming back in TFATWS. At least I was thrilled until the MCU fandom happened.
There is this observation I have made in fandoms, and funny enough I call it the "Zemo effect". And it means that there are some White characters the fandom will not care about, unless the only alternative is stanning a Black or non-White character. Let me explain this better with an example. In my opinion, the only reason why Kylo Ren, and the Reylo ship was so popular is because the only other alternatives as a protagonist or love interest was Finn, a Black character. Kylo Ren's backstory isn't even interesting, he's not Anakin Skywalker, he doesn't have a compelling backstory, except being a little *sshole who hates his parents for I don't know what reason. But somehow he managed to be one of the most popular characters and have so many White fans relate to him, why? Because Finn isn't White. This happens a lot in fandoms.
And it's the same with Zemo, Zemo wasn't very popular after Captain America Civil War, even though that's when his storyline was the most interesting, why? Because there were plenty of other White male characters Steve, Bucky, Tony, etc,... But, in the FATWS, Sam was Captain America, and suddenly Zemo's fandom grew like crazy? Because he had a nice coat and did that little dance?
And don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing anybody who liked Zemo after TFATWS, I like his character too, but from what I have seen whenever I went to the tag, TFATWS care about no one but Zemo, completely dismiss Sam or don't even talk about him, and when it comes to shipping, they ship him with who? Surprise, surprise, they ship him with the other White guy, a guy he had abused in the past.
And I'm going to say this, but please do not take this as any encouragement to ship Sam & Zemo because it's not hahaha, but logically, if you were to ship Zemo with anyone in the show, it would make more sense to ship him with Sam, they had more interesting scenes together, there is more of a potential with Sam and Zemo's interactions, and last but not least, Sam and Zemo don't share a history of abuser/victim, unlike Zemo and Bucky.
All of this blablabla to say that I like Zemo's character, I've always liked him, but it's a real struggle going into his tag after the show aired, so I just don't bother.
I can only trust Zemo fans who were fans of him before the show aired.
17. what's a scene you'd add to an episode?
If you don't mind I'll make this one short because I got the question a few times already :). A scene between Sam and Steve, set after Endgame and before TFATWS. A flashback scene of what happened between Sam and Bucky after Endgame. More flashback scenes of Sam after the blip!
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meandmyechoes · 3 years
Star Wars Visions Review Part 2
[Part 1] [Part 3]
Akakiri: Lucky I put this towards the end when my head was clearing up to be critical. Like its hatchmate TO-B1, Akakiri feels like a short. It’s a complete story, and a familiar cast of character tropes and romance that lends itself to the limited runtime. The reliance of musical rhythm and camera composition is a delight. I love the transition flashback shot of Misa on top of the palace. The drum beat in the bookend fight scenes trying to force the protagonist into the predestined and we have to witness the inevitability of his defeat. It haunts me how the score trails off in a mocking laughter with the weight and uncertainty of Tsubaki’s future. Akakiri meaning ‘red mist’, as a metaphor of the dark side and visions clouding Tsubaki, translated onscreen is a beautiful imagery of the bloodlust and madness of the dark side. I wanna commend the dub for making Masago’s voice more robotic gradually towards the ‘join me’ scene. The ‘Man to Machine’ (and vice versa) for the Sith is a motif seen similarly in TO-B1 and The Twins. Another detail I noticed is Misa offering 500 credits as to the guides, by inflation this is set quite a hundred years before the film? Either way the short has the feel of a historical play, or should I say Jidaigeki? Shakespearean? Wuxia? Maybe bits of all three.
What makes it so close to home culturally is the discussion of destiny. I can neither speak for Japanese or Korean beliefs but fighting/following your destiny is such a Chinese thing at least. 'Destiny' has a negative connotation to it because usually if it was good things, you'd call it 緣份. Buddhism tells you there is a master plan but you can still do good deeds for good returns while Chinese philosophy is more pragmatic and asks for self-reflection. Tsubaki's fall is foreshadowed by his choosing the forbidden mountain path, trespassing on 'Place of the Gods', as he would later choose to do so to bring his love back from the dead. The inescapable destiny rings bells in childhood stories and Greek tragedies alike.
I like it better than the first time, and I am thankful for a rewatch to catch the foreshadowing, very beneficial. The heart of the script parallels Anakin's fall. It is warmly familiar from that Star Wars storytelling to the natural landscape. I knock one mark off of a perfect score because I weigh the introduction of new concepts to Star Wars bit higher for this anthology. Akakiri is an essence of a beloved story, told in various languages through the millennia, and it still has my heartbeat.
5:5 / 9 (Japanese:Star Wars ratio + score out of 10)
The Duel: This is probably what people think when they hear ‘Star Wars meets Japan’, makes sense it kickstarts the series. It was an over-the-top retro homage and I love that. I expected to like its style over the story but it has an interesting hook as well! More interested in Ronin’s novel now.
It’s really interesting they introduced a non-aligned Force user that collects  bleeding* crystals, masterless and may be branded dishonourable. Kind of reminds you of a certain tragic live-action adaptation episode in a poorly imitated set huh. Well, let’s treat ourselves to some authentic representation this time. The move in which ‘Sith’ and ‘Jedi’ are defined draws out this blurred line of good and evil. The Sith is identified with a tool, the red saber, while the Jedi his ability to use the Force. It echoes with the question in Akakiri and The Empire Strikes Back: whether a Jedi judges or can be judged by appearance. Another aspect is Force Buddha! It’s a simple temple instead of a complete set of faith in The Village Bride, but alternative view on the Force is one of my favourite topics!
The Duel’s dub is the only one I look forward to because Lucy Liu, and I found there’s quite a difference in the performance of the Bandit Leader. The JP version is more unhinged, a mad warlord from the start; while in English she was calmer, more poised and mysterious. For example the growl after Straw Hat R2’s ambush (MVP), JP sounds angered but EN makes a softer, frustrated sound. Speaking of which, the traditional Japanese orchestral spin on Battle of the Heroes is the cherry on the cake. For the lack of a better word, the ‘eeh eeh eeh’ vocal is a welcomed friend from how much I’ve been looping Joran’s soundtrack (ah yes, all femme fatale in Japanese cinema is inspired by Lady Snowblood, of course). I appreciate the Easter egg of A New Hope poster in the town square. Then, a semi-reference that makes sense only to me: 通りすがりの仮面ライダーだ
9:1 / 8
The Elder: Sad to say this is more disappointing than Ninth. I was expecting the whole thing to be more mysterious and epic but it was quite straightforward. Maybe a bit of disguise or mind games from the Elder and Dan learns more than a patience lesson. Didn’t seem that deep their reflection with the dark side as well. I was bored during the dub rewatch and there weren't even pretty backgrounds to drool at. I read somewhere else the pace is not dissimilar to A New Hope, guess that’s why it doesn’t sit well with me plus its lips-only animation and descriptive dialogue. At least the lightsaber duel is not bad. Sufficient mix of kendo moves and your iconic Qui-Gon grip. Dan’s personality is kinda cute. Do have to commend the Master-Padawan duo feel close yet different enough from the Disaster lineage.
4:6 / 6
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val-aquenta · 3 years
Ok so I got asked to talk about sexism in Star Wars. Specifically the judgement from fans being harsher for female characters as opposed by their male counterparts. 
I’m often hesitant to talk about sexism in general because I’m not super well-versed on this topic despite being a woman myself lol. And I’m also hesitant to talk about it in relation to Star Wars because the fandom is so very sexist, but I’ll give it a shot. 
So the big issue is pretty obvious in the sequel trilogy. Rey was, and still is, heavily judged for a multiple things that are ignored for male characters. Off the top of my head, I can think of the whole training thing. Many people say that Rey doesn’t really do any training, meaning she is undeserving of any of the powers she has. While, to a degree, I agree here. (The whole force healing thing was pulled out of thin fucking air ok) I don’t think she deosn’t do training. She knows how to fight with a staff, it’s demonstrated. Despite the fact that a lightsaber is different, the skills do translate over, so it makes sense that Rey is able to weild a lightsaber as good as she handles a staff, which she is hown to be really comfortable with. Main problem is that lots of folks are mad about this, but fail to see similar things happening with otehr characters who are male. Honestly, I see both sides of the story. I think that yes, Rey knows how to weild a lightsaber from her staff, it makes sense. I’m not greatly versed in the OT (I mainly stick to prequel era garbage. I love my Jedi ok) but I do recall that Luk loses his first fight with Vader because he isn’t trained well enough. Similar to that, Anakin loses a hand on the first fight we see with him a decade after he begun training, but imo that was about him being reckless not untrained. Anywas, my point is Rey can weild a lightsaber well because of her staff fighting, and that completely makes sense. what doesn’t make sense is the amount of fucking hate she gets for this. The problem is peopl nitpick so so fucking much at Rey, but then they fail to do the same to male characters who got hrough similar shit. There is this double standard in that men can learn at very fast rates and there be no issue bu god forbid a woman do the same. 
Next part is about Luminara lol. I fucking love her ok. So, there are plenty of characters who are reserved in Star Wars. Obi-Wan is pretty reserved especiall in tcw, Cody and Fox are both reserved. Mace Windu as well is reserved when he has to be, yet they are never called out for it, or they very rarely are. However, when a female character is reserved, suddenly they’re eMoTIoNleSs. For example. Cody is beloved despite seeming pretty reserved (imo especially pre s7) and many people really love Cody. I do too. Obi-Wan as well is one of my favourite characters despite his reserved and calm nature, and especially in tcw for some reason. One of the reasons I love him is that he isn’t like a volcano of emotion like Anakin is, and knows to control himself lest he become a threat to his friends. This is one of the reasons I love Luminara and Shaak Ti, because it is obvious that they do care, but they know that they can not get carried away with it. It’s why I love Jedi traditions/philosophy. Controlling oneself is extrememly important, and I love that there is a group of people who are like that when it’s so often shown that being overly emotional is good. However, for some reason, a lot of people really hate Luminara and blame lots of dumb shit on her. I would probably say a lot of it is sexism because women are ‘meant’ to be ‘emotional creatures’ so when a character breaks that mold and doesn’t fall apart at the idea of possibly losing someone they love, they’re villified for it. And my thing is, why do so many people hate Luminara for being reserved and knowing that being overly emotional is not the best answer, when they like other characters because they’re reserved. Big example is Obi-Wan as he is one of the most liked characters (I think. Lol I’m biased) But yeah. he’s pretty stoic, but no one says shit about him that much, but god fucking forbid Luminara be the same.
And kind of going off on a tangent here, but the sexualisation of women in Star Wars. Yikes. Like of course Padmè had to wear an artuflly ripped crop top version of her skintight white thing at Geonosis. Of course. And putting a 14 year old Ahsoka in a tube top and leggings....? HUH? Kinda yikes. I get not making a flowy nun outfit or whatever, but Obi-Wan isn’t wearing a tube top thing, is he? They could have given Ahsok cool robes like Shaak Ti or Luminara but no... they’re going to give her some ridiculous skintight thing. Anyways yeah. Also the amount of nitpicking over a character is always on a character who is female of a POC or something like that. I don’t see people nitpicking about shit for Kylo Ren, but of course y’all hate Rey for no reason other than existing.
So... yeah. I hope I was able to communicate my thoughts properly? If you need clarification, just ask Sorry if it’s salty, but yeah. 
@jedimasterbailey hope this was good? I’m not super good at articulating my thoughts, but here it is. 
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gakkubi · 2 years
Hello! gakku 🙌🏻😌
I know you like Naruto a lot, but do you have other animes that are your favorites apart from this one?
Hello~♡! First, I think it's so sweet you're curious about my other interests apart from Naruto, it made me smile so much 🤣 💖💖 Ahh! ♡ I'll give you a more long-ish answer to make up for the fact that it will be rather disappointing... 🤭
So, lame, but I don't have the habit of actually consuming stuff, especially if I need to watch them. I started watching (first part) Naruto because it was broadcasted on the local TV, but my only contact with Shippuden was through the manga for many years. I had already read all the manga until vol.50 by the time I stopped to watch my first episode of Shippuden. I find consuming media in general a bit emotionaly costly, because I like loving the characters, and I can't love a lot of people... not with all my heart, least. Haha!
Anime/manga wise, FMA was one I read the whole manga years ago (never watched either animes), and I absolutely loved it. I'm still not over Envy's death, it blew my mind so much hahahaha. Nowadays I think the only anime I "watch" is Jujutsu Kaisen, mostly because I'm crazy about Sukuna/Getō (they're hot) -- I have tried drawing Sukuna a few times but I always end up drawing Pain instead LMFAO. One day I'll do it... 💪
The only other "media" I like as much as Naruto is Star Wars, Prequels especifically, and it's because I just love Anakin Skywalker so much. Anakin was my favourite character ever until I watched Naruto again in 2020 and lost my heart to Yahiko. 🤣 You can see I have a taste for 2-in-1 men (Yahiko/Pain and Anakin/Darth Vader, Original & Destroyed versions). But the love I have for the Star Wars prequels is absolutely crazy... story wise, art wise, just everything about them. I could talk about them for hours. The movies definetely shaped a lot of who I am today, and I'm not kidding when I say I watched Revenge of the Sith over 40 times 🤣
Star Wars is a story that masters both visual storytelling and symbolism (making references both to things in the "real world" and inside the story) - it "rhymes," as to quote George Lucas himself, and makes beautiful use of visual and symbolism for that. The Prequels have a lot of what I love in Pain's Arc (Naruto in general!), and for me the two stories are examples of genius storytelling in various artistic aspects. 💘
I think everyone consumes content differently and I'm the kind who will fall in love with certain stories and give my heart to them forever, hahaha 😂 (Which means that Yeah, I won't stop drawing YahiKona anytime soon 😌🧡💜).
EDIT: Completely forgot to say I'm also obssessed with Death Note and have dreamed a couple of times of reading the manga -- my dreams were literally just me reading the manga hahaha (I woke up very disappointed to not actually own the mangas each time). Obata Takeshi is such a great artist and he has actually made some fanart of Anakin and Padmé coincidentally?? I watched Death Note two entire times, I don't know why I forgot to mention it lol. L is so dear to me <3
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thehistoricviking · 3 years
So to preface this I'll be briefly discussing some aspects of the second season of The Mandalorian, so if you don't want any spoilers just stop reading.
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Mother. Fucking. Dark. Troopers!
It was so amazing seeing Dark Troopers in live action for the first time. They looked beautiful and terrifying just like they were back in the 90s (though maybe a bit less bulky). As a very young kid I played the entire Kyle Katarn series of games starting with Dark Forces and fell in love with all that lore.
The Dark Trooper project is one of my favourite Empire era programs. It built on previous Droid research and was the brain child of General Rom Mohc who believed that close combat was superior to any sort of superweapon (like the Death Star).
There were four phases of Dark Trooper. 0, 1, 2 and 3. Phase Zero was the first iteration of the program that focused on improving existing Empire soldiers. Clone trooper veterans who were still alive and serving were taken and forcefully given cybernetics (similar to the kind that transformed Anakin into Vader). Phase Zero was overall a good indicator that having a soldier that was more machine than organic was the way to go as they performed better in combat than their purely organic comrades. The downside was that the Clone troopers usually committed suicide due to believing that they were stripped of their humanity... thanks Empire...
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Phase Zero was stopped as the Empire became less dependent on clones, but the results of their cybernetic altering wasn't unnoticed. Phase 1 started after the Battle of Yavin when the Dark Trooper project was officially greenlit by the Empire. Phase 1 Dark Troopers were skeletal in appearance, and possessed more melee focused attacks. They were essentially a testbed for later versions. Though the Phase 1s were sent to a rebel base, as retaliation for the destruction of the first Death Star, to test their capabilities. They wiped the base completely.
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This is where Kyle Katarn comes in. Pretty much my favourite character in Star Wars (and I'm not biased just because we share a first name, I swear). He was tasked by Mon Mothma to stop the Dark Trooper Project. If you don't know about Kyle Katarn I'd recommend you look him up. There's way too much to say about him. He's just badass. Kind of a mix between Han and Luke in a way. He wasn't afraid to use traditionally "dark side" force powers such as lighting and grip like other Jedi. He knew the balance and used those powers for good.
During Kyle's journey to destroy the program the Dark Troopers went through two other versions: Phase 2, which were more bulky than Phase 1 and were given better equipment and programming. Phase 2 made up the majority of Dark Troopers and were the most common and produced in the project. Near the end of the project's life they made Phase 3. Phase 3 were essentially walking bipedal tanks. Large, imposing, and powerful. On top of all that they could be entered and used as a mech suit. As menacing as Phase 3 sounds, there were barely any made as Katarn destroyed the project before Phase 3 took off (thankfully).
Now why have I written this block of text on Tumblr where no one follows me? I don't know, I just like to ramble about my nerdy interests... so... in The Mandalorian they refer to the Dark Troopers as Phase 3. Now, they obviously aren't humongous tanks and they don't appear to be enterable as a suit, but that could still be explained in a legends way. Since the Project was destroyed, and the Empire is now all remnants it would make sense to me that they took the remaining Phase 2 troopers and made some improvements that the Phase 3's had. Gideon was lucky to have such an imposing force at his disposal.
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All of this boils down to me just really wanting Kyle Katarn to show up at some point in Star Wars again. If you didn't know, Katarn was responsible for delivering thr Death Star plans to the Rebels. In the new Canon this doesn't work, since Rogue One exists... but that doesn't mean that Kyle can't still exist. He could still have destroyed the Dark Trooper Project, and be friends with Luke just like in Legends.
So to end this unnecessary essay, I VOLUNTEER TO PLAY KYLE KATARN. I'll do it for free even. I can act. Jason Court, who played Katarn in the FMV scenes in Dark Forces II, did a decent enough job. It was nice and cheesy FMV, and I could do it too. Man, I'd love to do it...
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Some possible scenes/ideas that could happen now that it’s officially confirmed that Hayden is coming back as Darth Vader (and I just remembered that he’s only played suited!Vader for one/two scenes so excuse me while I go cry):
The ghost of Anakin coming to haunt Obi-Wan on Tatooine: a personal favourite of mine. As far as I know, Obi-Wan found out that Vader survived a few months/years after Mustafar, so he never met Vader in the suit until A New Hope. Meaning that Ghost!Anakin could be either a flashback version of his younger self, as in, that’s how he would be if he [Anakin] lived, or most likely a suited Darth Vader hallucination. Maybe a distorted voice switching from Vader’s to Anakin’s like it did in Rebels during his fight with Ahsoka, and “blaming” Obi-Wan for everything that happened? Either way they’re going to talk to each other or at least acknowledge each other’s presence, either as an Anakin hallucination or a Force manifested Darth Vader presence. But seeing them together in one shot, in live action after so so many years, would be enough to send me to uncontrollable tears. Rating: 10000/10 I would definitely not be okay after watching this and it would be the only thing I would talk about for the rest of the decade. Very Angst/Hurt and little Comfort because we all know how their story ends.
What’s Darth Vader been up to? It’s been ten years since the Empire became a thing, and while we know what he’s been doing through comics and other media— we don’t really know what he’s been doing when it comes to... well, Obi-Wan. The show is about him, after all. We know Vader’s obsessed with finding Obi-Wan because hello, it’s Anakin we’re talking about, but we don’t really know what he does in his free time. With this being said, if we get any shot of Vader’s daily routine I won’t be able to handle it. Show him walking around an imperial ship, staring into the stars, being moody and add a sparkle of ✨drama✨ because turns out that I missed seeing this sad dramatic man on screen more than I realised. Rating: 66/10 definitely would cry again.
Maybe yes, maybe no, but 10 year old Luke Skywalker. It hasn’t been confirmed but the series is going to be set ten years after Revenge of The Sith; so Luke and Leia would be about ten. I don’t think I should elaborate on this one, but Obi-Wan was never too far behind Luke, so maybe a scene or two with a smiley blond kid on Tatooine could appear. Obi-Wan quietly watching him play in the sand, always from a distance, and making sure that Luke was safe. Rating: 100/10 of things I could definitely not handle.
Any scene that shows Vader’s scarred face and head would be top tier. Bonus points for yellow Sith eyes. They wouldn’t bring Hayden back and not show that he’s under the Vader mask, so this is most likely going to happen. This is most likely going to happen. Oh my god this is actually happening... Rating: 100 AHHHs/10.
These are just some ideas out the top of my head but regardless of what they do I am happy and glad they brought Hayden back. I loved him as Anakin and I hope his experience now will be better than it was fifteen years ago. He’s the perfect age to play Vader, as he always wanted to, and I just know that I’m so starved for prequels content that some character could just say “Lord Vader is in the planet” and I would be like “hell yeah he actually is!!!”... I’m very excited and so used to talking about Hayden returning in conditionals and “somedays” that now that it’s actually happening I don’t know what to do with myself.
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ohgodmyeyes · 3 years
Hellooooooo my queeeeeeen!!! Just a really weird question. When it comes to writing out chapters how many words do you usually aim for?
what a cool question!
My short answer is that a chapter is as long as it needs to be, and that's that. My longer answer, which is just me blathering on about my own shit because I don’t actually know anything about writing/how to write, is below the cut.
For me, the number of words in a chapter is heavily dependent upon the kind of story it's going to be added to. Usually, word distribution evens out pretty quickly once the fic finds its rhythm, and the people reading get an idea of what they can expect (and I get an idea, however vague, of what it is they want).
I think the first chapter of Disassembly has fewer than 2k words, but once everything got established, 2k words stopped seeming like enough to work with. (Granted, I didn’t think anyone was going to read it at first.) Something sort-of similar happened with Counselling. (fyi: almost everything I wrote before Counselling is an embarrassing, structural nightmare and shouldn't be read by anyone.)
Something people seemed to like about Eventide was that although the narrative was linear, it also sort of jumped between moments in time without much transitioning. Some of those moments ended up being longer than others, but overall, they were all communicated fairly succinctly, with as few words (600-1.5k usually) as possible. It's a style I love, but frankly one I'm not very good at executing. I'm so happy I got it right (or almost right) at least once! If I could go back and write that story again, I'd probably add a few more ‘moments’, although not necessarily longer ones. (That story didn't need a bunch of meandering contemplation from Reader; it wasn't her style. She was proactive more than she was a thinker, I guess, which is something else to put that weird story outside of my usual repertoire.)
The 'industry standard' for chapter lengths is 1.5k-5k words, I think, and most published novels don't seem to aim for any particular consistency in chapter length: The chapters are as long as they need to be to communicate what they want to say. Flow and readability is the name of the game in publishing, which I really do think is ideal. 
Fanfiction is (usually) a different kind of storytelling, though, and I find that some of my favourite of my own fics are the ones I can cut into fairly equal chunks (Worthless, Little Box, and Stay Still all come to mind). This is probably because lots of readers consume fanfic incrementally, and lots of authors post as they write. I don't (usually) write way ahead, nor do I ever publish long stories all at the same time. That means having to take into consideration the fact that an audience who's gotten used to 3-5k words of meandering prose every update (as in Disassembly) is inevitably going to be disappointed by a 1.5k word, dialogue-heavy snippet, no matter how well it fits, or how 'good' I think it is. (Likewise, I think a 5k word chapter of Reader's internal turmoil would have pissed off the people enjoying Eventide, no matter how much fun it would have been for me— that's not what they came for.)
(*As an aside, for that Fat Anakin longfic I write, I try to keep the chapters above 2k words solely because I figure that if people are reading the story for the same reason I'm writing it, then they probably need enough time to 'finish up'. Again, it's me trying to read the room.*)
Truthfully, I'd probably think a lot less about chapter length if I didn't share my stuff... but I love sharing it, partly because it's really nice to have the company of other like-minded people while I write. This is my hobby; it needs to be fun. In respecting those like-minded people, though (no one has to read my shit and I know it lol), I might sometimes make structural decisions I otherwise wouldn't. It’s worth noting that fics which are finished probably come off much differently than works in progress to new reader... but since I write as I go, it’s not something I often take into account.
If I were to write a story and keep it to myself until it was finished, I likely wouldn't give much thought to that kind of balance. I've been very, very lucky to accrue at least a small audience for most of my longer stories so far, but I'd be lying if I said that having readers didn't affect some of my stylistic choices. If I ever post a fic that absolutely nobody reads, it might end up looking very different from anything I've written before. (The only way to find out is if you ignore me, but please don't do that. I love you.)
So... the short version of my long answer is that fanfiction is weird, partly because it's more like publishing a serial in a magazine or even airing a television series than it is like writing an actual book. (Could you imagine if some episodes of Loki or TFATWS were 45 minutes long, and then some others were only 6?) Some fanfic authors certainly do write like novelists (and pull it off, too!), but most don't, and I'm definitely not one of them.
Thank you for asking me that question. I know literally nothing about actual writing, but I sure do love talking at length about it, if only to myself lol.
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wayward-wren · 4 years
The world sucks, I'm tired and have a headache, it's time to watch A New Hope again.
The opening of a star wars movie never fails to make me smile
A) the stormtroopers slipping all over the place amused me, b) the stormtroopers checking the downed troopers gives me clone feels
I love how much history and world is just implied. "The princess won't get away this time." "We'll be sent to the spice mines of kessel for sure" "
Vader's voice bring me back to being 8 and watching star wars on our little box TV.
"I have traced the rebel spy to here" Ah, must have been very difficult, running directly from Scarif. The opening is very amusing after Rouge 1
Man I love Jawas
Ooh man the CGI dewbacks are kiiiinda jarring not gonna lie.
Sunshine child Luke! It my boy!
Luke: What's this? R2, instantly, knowing full well what he means: What's what?
I firmly believe that Luke and Leia, being twins, have some Force connection even before meeting.
"I guess you're too small to run away on me if I take this off" HA someone doesn't know R2. He instantly denies having the message as well what a troll.
"He won't. I don't think Obi-Wan exists anymore, he died about the same time as your father." hhh my heart
Obi-Wan living his best life being absolutely feral in the desert what a legend
I love how the two wise old Jedi we see in the OT are introduced by one of them making weird screaming noises to scare off tuskan raiders and the other being a feral gremlin in the middle of a swamp. Legendary.
Dang i always forget his first words are literally "Hello there"
Alec Guinness is such a good actor dang.
"I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid" R2: boi you what you know me I know you know me come on now I will fight you.
I can't get over how much emotion Alec Guinness has that fits with the story so well. Like, I know I'm probably projecting a lot onto him because I know the story, but the amount of emotion he conveys without knowing Obi-Wan's story is amazing
Luke be like "I can't go to Alderaan. I have homework"
I love Tarkin but as a villian and as a horrible person to hate.
"Your sad devotion to that ancient religion..." said religion was destroyed not even 20 years ago.
Okay for real though I legit didn't realise there were skeletons of Owen and Bereu smoking outside the house for years. I don't know if we were told to look away at that point or if I just blocked it out of my mind but when I realised they full on showed their charred skeletons I was shooketh.
Everytime I see a stormtrooper with one of those orange shoulder things I think of Cody it'd be wild if the trooper Ben "These aren't the droids you're looking for"ed was Cody.
Cantina music is a BOP it's fantastic
Dang Luke just reaching across the bar and grabbing the bar keeper's shirt is just rude
I love all these iconic creatures whose designs haven't changed much really over the years. It's so cool how much you see them elsewhere and they're still basically the same!
R.I.P. Greedo.
Oh no CGI Jabba.
Oh but Boba's here also this makes it okay.
"Jabba, you're a wonderful human being" I love Han.
I did not realise Han was the first to say "this is where the fun begins" I love how many inside jokes the films have with each other.
Tarkin needs to stop touching people's face without permission. He did it to Ahsoka, he did it to Leia.
R.I.P. Bail Organa and Alderaan.
"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck" idk why that hurt me but it did because everything has gone wrong in Obi-Wan's life he's literally never been lucky in his life.
Mouse droid mouse droid I love mouse droids!
Han just casually leaning against Chewie is iconic
The way Luke leans in before saying "She's rich" is cracking me up.
Mouse droid! Chewie don't scare it
Yularan full on walks past while Luke, Han and Chewie are waiting for the elevator that's wild.
Which probably means he was in the Death Star when it explodes so rip him.
Han bluffing at the radio is fantastic "We're fine, we're all fine here, now, thank you... How are you?" and his face after he says it.
*blasts the radio* "boring conversation anyway." legit one of my favourite parts of the movie
"into the garbage shoot, flyboy" I love Leia
Everytime I see Leia's outfit I get mad at George 'There's no underware in space' Lucas the beginning of Jedi is going to send me into a RAGE. it's a shame cos the movies are so good otherwise, Carrie Fisher's treatment and they way they treated her costumes and her weight just makes me so angry and I'm gonna stop before I go on a big rant. But my flatmate refuses to watch star wars partly because of Lucas' treatment of Carrie Fisher and part of me doesn't blame her, even tho she's missing out on a fantastic story.
Anyway rant over let's keep going.
'donk' the fact that they added a sound effect to the dude hitting his head cracks me up. Also implies that he's a clone cos they made Jango donk his head when entering Slave 1 in AOTC and Rex donk his head in that one clones wars episode as a reference and that makes me Sad.
3PO thinking they're dying when they're celebrating not being crushed is iconic
I love how Obi-Wan has just been wandering around this whole time
Wilhelm scream!
Aaaand now I am getting Obi-Wan and Anakin feels again.
Honestly kinda looks like Obi-Wan is disassociating somewhat he has a very blank stare and I'm projecting emotions again but still this is the first time since Mustifar he's seen the person who was his brother he must have had many Emotions. Not to mention this all happened in like... a day, he's had his past thrown in his face in so many ways
Luke being more sad about Ben's death than the people who raised him. I mean like same, but I guess he's still somewhat in shock from all that's happened
I love R2's chuckle
"Whatddya think, do you think a princess and a guy like me-" Luke, instantly: no. What a savage.
Lookout guy on Yavin IV is me and my brother's favourite background character. I distinctly remember a conversation about throwing food up to him and him having an umbrella in case it rains.
"This will be a day long remembered" Funny that, it's the day the time is calculated from in the star wars universe
Ey! I wasn't sure if the Biggs reunion scene was in this version I feel like it's not in all of them? Either way I wasn't expecting it and it made me happy and also buildup for more sadness down the line
Lookout guy again! I love him
X-wings are legit one of my favourite ships
I really do enjoy the dogfight and all the chatter over the coms
Wedge my BOY I love him
You can see Vader's eyes a couple points in that dogfight
R.I.P. Biggs
And boom. I forgot how good that battle was.
Where's Wedge's promotion/medal tho?
Man. I forgot how good this movie is and that's saying something cos I've loved this movie for as long as I can remember. I haven't properly watched it for years and it's been long over due!
Now I'm very keen to watch Empire and Jedi again because it's been even longer since I watched those!
Imma go watch the deleted scenes cos I don't believe I've seen em and then go to bed.
Huh Red leader met Anakin, wonder if that's still canon and if so, when.
Man the cantina rough cut really does show how much editing and post production brings to it.
The Tosche station scene is awesome, seeing Luke's friends is cool. They're also kinda mean. It also gives more character to Biggs which is cool! I should have watched it ages ago.
"Listen to how quiet I am you can barely hear me" Luke you nerd
See the downside to that deleted scene is that now I'm even more sad about Biggs' death.
And that's all folks! Headache is gone and I'm feeling less depressed, so I think it worked! Hopefully Empire tomorrow night, if I'm on top of assignments.
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underwaterwoods · 4 years
so i saw the star war
spoilers ahoy
i guess this is just gonna be random bullet points
* i actually feel pretty chill about it. yay for being spoiled. also like.... if you ignore the ridiculous stuff there’s actually a lot to have fun with in this one. i don’t know how i’ll feel about it once i’ve processed it more. i just know i had fun while watching it, which i know isn’t true for everybody. i totally understand the negativity - it all makes sense to me. i’m just glad i sort of.... FORCED myself to have enough distance to just go in like ‘i’M PrepArED fOr wHAtEveR’
*i did like all the jumping around between locations in the first half and how ben would show up everywhere rey was. what a ‘you’re everywhere i go’ pairing. /chef’s kiss/. also having the different locations gives a sense of spaciousness (even if it’s all happening over a short period of time) which i missed in tlj.
*one of the things that gave me the most joy as the hux thing ??? X’’’D it was EXACTLY like that ‘the farce awakens’ ep where hux LITERALLY JOINS THE RESISTANCE cuz he can’t stand kylo. like what kind of fanfic...... how do the hux fans out there feel? (i really love the hux fans they’re a great bunch XD). shame that he was gone right after though.
* i actually enjoyed the trio dynamic? like i get the desire to move away from ‘trio mentality’ but the rey/poe tension with finn as mediator was fun. and finn and poe as joint generals? adorable. shame that the whole finn/poe thing got a bit clouded by.... stormpilot baiting and rose erasure and all the things... Also i’m not anti any character - i like zorii - but.... let poe stay a gay icon? i guess he can still be a queer icon it’s all good i’m down for whatever.
*speaking of finn.... loved seeing more of his humour back. didn’t love that there was no unpacking of how he feels taking out stormtroopers. but loved the found family of jannah and the other ex-stormtroopers. i feel like that gave SOME resolution/depth to finn’s origins. and finn being a non force user but seemingly super attuned to the force and its ways? i can roll with that.
*more speaking of finn... i wonder what they were doing with the ‘thing he wants to tell rey that he never gets to tell rey’. seems like an obvious ‘i love you’ thing. but at the same time we got reylo (/basks in that for a second/). it feels to me like throwing a bone to the finnrey people? like they didn’t get it in this movie but it could be a thing in the future? regaurdless, i did like how finn and rey were very connected and back to that loving friendship they had in tfa. we never quite got the ‘you have a force bond with the supreme leader?!!’ conversation but we got.... SOME conversation.
* speaking of the supreme leader... kinda love that we got renperor AND ben solo TM. i prefer to view ben more holistically (he is both ‘ben’ and ‘kylo’) but i get that making them two distinct identities was a helpful shortcut of sorts. he could ‘kill’ kylo and switch to being ben in a single scene. i always prefer Soft Boi Ben but if we were gonna get Bad Boy Kylo i’m glad they established it right out the gate. it was like ok, this is what to expect; this is where we’re at with this character. 
*ben with his costume change at the end....... omg. gave me BIG smuggler!Ben vibes. urgh, give me all the AUs. ben deserves more.
*the amount of swagger when he was fighting the KOR
*idk i feel like i’m not even touching on the big stuff. this was just a ‘get all my side thoughts out of my system’ post.
*adam’s smile after the kiss though......... ...  /the most beautiful thing in this world/
*truly iconic that people were right about the strategic, covert introduction of force healing via baby yoda like one month before tros.
*oh yeah it was wILD that so much of the imagery from the trailers/tv spots etc was in like the first five mintues of the movie ??? i totally assumed the ‘i have been every voice you’ve ever heard inside your head’ moment would be climactic rather than right up front
*oh yeah the vader mask.... that didn’t really mean anything in the end then did it?
* re: ben’s death. maybe it’s because i was braced for it but in some ways it’s the best way he could have gone. he was definitely happy and reunited with the light - both through love of rey and of his family. hIGHKey could have done with ben’s force ghost also appearing at the end? the only good thing about not seeing it is.... LF deciding to retcon his death ? ??XD obs they’re not gonna but if you want a crackpot silver lining there it is.
*what exactly does rey’s future look like, may i ask?
* oh yeah, Passing The Saber Through The Force. maybe my favourite moment. the force bond as a bare concept is so romantic to me i would watch a whole trilogy just exploring the magic system of that - it’s limitations and possibilities. 
* i do like that jj developed the visual style of the bond. we got to see them occupying the same space, the way each of them would be seeing the other (’can you see my surroundings, i can’t see yours, just you’)
*i miss that rian johnson sound editing on the bond though..... god, the iNTIMACY of the tlj bond scenes....
*’i DID want to take your hand’
*also just the word choice of ‘take your hand’/ ‘i offered you my hand’. it’s extremely marriage.
*there was also a moment in the hanger when ben was like ‘we’re one’ basically? he was saying it in the context of rey’s lineage but still...............the validation. one soul. 
*palps was like ‘you live and die together’ which made me REALLY think of skytalkers podcast. obviously assumed they would both have to LIVE together but.... /deep sigh/
*blah this could go on forever i’ll add more later
edit #1:
* OH YEAH! reverse anidala was such a thing! why did it have to be SO reverse anidala though? X’D instead of taking her life, he gives her his own. (i know it’s not clear anakin totally killed padme etc etc but ya feel me)
* ok i hate that ben died obvs obvs but, taking that for what it is, it was very romeo and juliet. i kinda love just the imagery of it. like... the physical blocking/choreography of adam getting daisy into his arms, holding her, then he falls and it’s her holding him. the way she catches his neck. really reminded me of the smoothness of the bridal carry. and rey’s flexed foot in that moment of shock. love the body language. back to that kind of ‘’staccato’’ rey of tfa days.
edit #2:
*lololol @ LF trying to establish how ‘bad’ kylo is by having him kill a bunch of people in the beginning. it was just.... Hot.
edit #3:
* rose deserves better. obviously. she looked so good though. i like that she had some moments with connix too. 
* ben called han ‘dad’......
*ben standing there, overlooking the waves, with his leG EXTENDED BEFORE HIM. wanderer above a sea of fog. wanderer above a sea of foggg.
* rey having compassion for the snake thing. we been knew. kinda nice to have it in there. obviously good set up for ~later force healing shenanigans~
* OH YEAH OH YEAH. i kept thinking about atla. i know people have been making comparisons to it from the start and i’ve been DEEPLY INTO those comparisons. but it was truly a blessing for me to remember.... there is a version of this out there that you love and that is Good Content TM. legit i can just go watch atla again to heal from this. omg yeah cuz REY HEALING HIS WOUND ALSO HEALED HIS SCAR. very crystal cave.......... nah but nah but - the ‘you are every jedi’ was EXTREMELY avatar-esk..... like, engage avatar state. i don’t like how it ended up being the same old conflict between jedi and sith - ‘good’ and ‘bad’ - OBVIOUSLY THE POINT IS TO INTEGRATE THE CONFLICTING PARTS OF SELF; THE SHADOW SIDE; TO TRANSCEND OLD DICHOTOMIES - but i did love hearing all the voices from past jedi. that’s some good ‘the ancestors are with you’ shit.
edit #4:
* i think the first thing we hear rey say is ‘be with me’? ngl i was like ‘pls be invoking the force bond’ X’D i am a clown. that was a beautiful shot though. and love that a version of the bond kicked in like two seconds after that. 
edit #5:
*there’s that bit where reylo are fighting on the death star ruins and he’s winning and rey kinda falls to her knees panting and lowkey defeated and, not to be a shallow bitch but..... it was Hot.
*obvs i wanted rey to be truly no one. but casting jodie comer as rey’s mum ? ????? urgh, pefection, i love it.
*palps was so random i stg..... his plan was.... convoluted to say the least. 
*also who was under all those hoods?
*the KOR just kinda... being around again was hilarious. no explaination required. the boys are back in town. ben facing them without a mask and essentially wearing his pjs? loved it. 
edit #6:
*seriously though ben’s redemption outfit.............. /heart eyes emoji into the sunset/.......... you can see his collar bone.............. /cares about the important things/.................
edit #7:
*one thing i loved about the reylo was how Space Wizards TM they both were in this movie. it so highlights their connection by making it clear that they are each other’s only peer. i thought it would be a thing of ‘why is the supreme leader constantly interacting with/going after this girl?’ but it’s not because it’s so clear that they are the only two people on each others’ level. no one would dare question the fact that they’re constantly circling each other in a lustful murderous rage.
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acearchivist359 · 4 years
My Rise of Skywalker Opinions/Commentary
this is mostly for me but and for my other blog (not on tumblr) but I thought I’d post it here too cause why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ happy Star Ways Day fellow humans, may the force be with you 
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   Okay so here's something I have a lot of opinions about. I'm gonna have to say right off the bat, I didn't like Rise of Skywalker. Being said though, I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. I've seen it twice by now, I wrote my notes having seen it once, I've had lengthy debates about it with multiple people ranging from one of my parent's friends to one of my best friends to my little brother. I saw it like the day after it came out, I wrote my notes on January 1st, so I've sat with this for awhile and I'd sat with the movie before I wrote them. I kinda forgot about it all for a bit cause I blocked it out of my head and then I thought it might be too late to post it but I put a lot of, frankly chaotic, effort into my notes and I figured when it came on Disney+ people might start talking about it again so here we are.  Now I'm still using my original notes, which I added to after seeing it the second time, cause I have no desire to watch this movie again. I really don't. I honestly wouldn't have even seen it twice but I had told my grandma I'd go with her cause she loves Star Wars and she had no one to go with. My grandma loved it, but my grandma loves them all "because it's Star Wars." My mom also saw it and liked it, she's only seen the originals though and had no idea what was going on. I, on the other hand, spent a lot of time hitting myself in the head (the first time round) and there was a few occasions where I honestly said "what the fuck??" out loud in the theatre.  So one more thing I have to note, I feel the same way about the whole trilogy I don't really like any of them and I never did. But I'm not entirely just looking at this as one movie, a lot of what I've got to say looks at this as the end of the "Skywalker Saga" cause that’s what it is. I also have some things that go back through the entire trilogy but this is mainly based around TROS since it's the most recent and I refuse to watch the others to make notes on them. Also, I'm aware of the problem they had with the whole George Lucas vs. Rian Johnson thing and how they wrote them separately, however I'm still gonna call them out on things they should have done to tie things together from the beginning cause that was a really dumb way to do things anyway. Plus like I said I'm looking more big picture on a lot of things (mostly cause there's major plotlines that I hated). One of these days, I'll make a positive review but it won't be about the sequel trilogy, I'll tell you that much.  With all that said, I vote that I get on with this. Just for reference though, none of this is in chronological order. There are some things I did like about this movie, I will give it that, so I feel like we should start there. Small Positive Things:
The first thing I put in my notes is just "Finn and Poe" and honestly that's still a mood. I really liked them in this one and I really saw why people ship them.
The next point in my notes just says "death star" which boils down to two different things: the aesthetic and the Imperial March
I know I said positive things but I didn't think of it in my notes and I need to address this. You're telling me that the Death Star exploded but there's still that big of a piece in tact??? But whatever not the point.
The aesthetic: vague continuity thing aside, I fucking love the Death Star in this I really do. It looks awesome. It's really cool to see this broken down, abandoned version of the Death Star. I loved the Stormtrooper helmets scattered on the ground, for some reason that part really stuck in my head. Being said though I generally love the old Stormtrooper helmets, the First Order ones just don't do it for me, but seeing them scattered around.. Idk it was a nice touch I think
Imperial March: so like the Imperial March is the shit, obviously, but that soft, subtle hint of it in that scene as Rey steps into the throne room is one of the only parts of that movie that made me hit my brother's arm in excitement (we do that at the movies, it's our thing). It reminds me of that thing they do in Clone Wars when Anakin does something just a little Darth Vader.
Right so the next thing I had was that part where Kylo Ren finds Palpatine and he      switches from his voice to Snoke's to Darth Vader's.
It was a little thing but I liked it a lot. As far as having to tie it all together, the idea that it was actually Palpatine manipulating Ren wasn't so bad. (That being said the       whole how Palpatine is around thing is pretty far fetched, but they tried.)
My next thing, and this I actually laughed at as opposed to like confused laughter, is the part where they get back from their little mission to find the map to whatever the place was called and Threepio introduces himself to Artoo and Artoo literally does a double take and backs up like "what the fuck??? " That was such a human expression for a robot, it was hilarious. Also Threepio being like "You're not messing with my head!" *cuts to Artoo messing with Threepio's head* Basically anything Artoo cause I love him.
Again tiny random thing, but the Jet Troopers and the Sith Troopers were really cool. Me and my brother quote the "they fly now??" "they fly now!" part all the time. Also just like red Stormtroopers..
So here's a thing that gave me feelings. (I'd like to just point out that this is one of the      only things that gave me feelings and it's about to be clear why.) Chewie finding out Leia died. That hurt my heart. I knew that they couldn't possibly go through that movie without having Leia die, and I said this before the movie ever came out. What I said before was that they really had two options: they could have Leia die off screen which would have been disrespectful to both Carrie Fisher and Leia or she could just sorta disappear which would have also been bad. However they gave her the death scene she deserved. I mean sort of, jury's out on it really. But Chewie making sad noises and falling to his knees hurt me. Similarly Artoo beeping at her sadly made me weepy. (The Anakin in me really jumps out whenever Artoo comes up but like I love him)
I honestly have nothing else to say for this point besides: I can't believe Harrison      Ford agreed to do that
I just wanna touch on Poe again cause he was always my favourite of the new characters, I wasn't really  connected with any of them (which is so uncommon for me) but Poe was my favourite cause he was funny. He was really good in this one, I thought he was funny, again him and Finn had a brilliant thing going. For whatever      reason this one made me appreciate Poe more.
I have some (general) grievances to air out now
I have to say one thing that really irks me about this trilogy is that none of the original characters reunite. The exception of which being everyone and Chewie. Also are we counting Luke and Leia's? I guess in the end they end up reunited in the force in the end either way but still. I mean really Han and Leia have their scene together, and I love that scene, but other than that nothing. No Han and Lando, no Han and Luke reunion. Han and Luke is the one that bothers me though cause them and Leia are the trio and Han and Luke are the only ones that don't reunite. We never see Leia and Lando together on screen either. It's a crime.
I don't know how I feel about Hux being the spy. I feel like it was just kinda lame, you know? Pretty predictable when you think about it, would have been cooler if he wasn't the spy. Seemed like it was just comic relief when it should have been a plot point.
I think it would have been cool if there were more Jedi in the final scene. Like all those Jedi voices spoke to Rey, but only Luke and Leia are there at the end? I get the symbolism with the lightsabers and Luke's place and all that, but still. Like at least, you know, Obi Wan or Anakin. This is one of those full circle things but still, I think it would have been a cool scene.
Okay so this is just me being petty but like I don't care it bothers me. The fact that they keep acting like the lightsaber Rey has is Luke's when it's actually Anakin's bothers me. I know it's a little thing and Not Important but it's dumb. Cause it's not Luke's lightsaber, Luke made his own later on.
Also the fact that they started calling it Rey's lightsaber annoys me so much for the       same reason. She has her own lightsaber now, leave Anakin's alone.
Okay so, we have reached the point where I start talking about things a bit more, bear with me (if people even bother to read this at all idc this is mostly just for me to rant and stuff):
So like look, I'll be the first to say not a Kylo Ren fan. He had potential, I will give him that, and that's where I'm going with this. The other movies had him as this whiny, try hard, Darth Vader wannabe and I just really didn't vibe with that. I mean this is the first real villian since Darth Vader (not counting palpsy during the prequels cause he was just behind the scenes and every movie had a different Bad Guy) and he throws a temper tantrum. Those stormtroopers were hilarious but still. But anyway, did not expect to come out of this movie having wished Kylo Ren was in it more. If they had had him be the way he was in this one the whole time, I might have actually liked him. He did some cool stuff for once in this one so let's discuss that:
I talk about things being full circle a lot (but with movies as nostalgic as Star Wars there should be full circle, fight me) but him fighting with Anakin's lightsaber was very full circle
I do like that it was Leia's death that triggered his return to the light side (I mean I'll get into some things about that later) as opposed to some romance bullshit with Rey. I really don't ship them, like at all, and I think it makes it more compelling that it was his mother's death instead.
He did some cool shit at the beginning, that fight scene was cool. I like the part where he slams the guy down on the ground, don't ask me why I have no idea. I saw it in the trailer and I liked it.
The Han Solo in him really jumped out in the end there and it was really entertaining
The fight with the Knights of Ren was really cool (besides that one jump thing he       did cause I see where they were going with it but it just didn't look as good)
What was definitely cool is the part where he pulls the lightsaber out from behind his back, that was a cool move
Alright so here's my thing and this is gonna make me sound bad probably but like as already established, I don't really like the new characters as much. I just didn't connect with them on the same level as the past trilogies characters, which is fine it's whatever. But I am just gonna say it, I don't really like Rey. But here's my thing, I've always been indifferent towards her but like not really caring either was but there are some things she did in this one that just.. bothered me so this being my platform I'm gonna talk about it.
So the thing with Star Wars movies for me and most people is the family feel right. But like Rey just goes off on her own and ditches Finn, Poe, Chewie and Threepio all the time and like I get that she's sensing something or she wants to get to the death star but she could say something instead of just.. disappearing
Okay so here's another thing, and I know they wanted to find a way to tie it back to the originals but….. a Palpatine?? There are so many other characters they could have gone with but it's like they just wanted to do the 'watch the light side defeat the dark side' thing in as many ways as possible in one movie (Which I'll talk more about later)
Alright so here's my last solely Rey related point and like I don't know where people stand on this cause they seem to either love it or hate it. But Rey Skywalker?? Here's my thing, I've a really hard time getting past the Palpatine thing on that one. But also is that supposed to be the Rise of Skywalker? Because I don't know that I consider that to be rising for her.
Alright, on the topic of the light side vs. dark side thing. Yes I am aware that this is a fundamental part of Star Wars and always has been. However they did it in two      different ways in the same movie. Here's the thing I don't like Rey or Kylo Ren over each other, I have the same level of indifference with both of them. So this isn't me being a Ben Solo stan, promise cause I could not possibly care less if they bring him back, I'm not gonna fight them on it. But the storyline of him overcoming the dark side, would have been more interesting to me. Because I knew Rey wasn't gonna go to the dark side, this is Star Wars. But I wish we could have seen Kylo/Ben struggle with the dark side vs the light side more. I mean they gave us such a good look at it with Anakin, we watched him struggle and fall. That to me would have been rising.
Not to mention Palpsy literally just tries to use the same trick on Rey that he       already tried to use on Luke. That's not full circle, that's Palps being dumb.
Okay, now for the full circle nonsense I keep talking about. The thing with this is that it probably would have been the things you do over two movies and not just the one but just cause they didn't write them that way doesn't mean I can't imagine it.
For one thing, I'd have had Ben kill Palpatine.
Hear me out: Palps himself refers to Ben as the "Last of the Skywalkers" and given that Palpatine is the reason behind all the Skywalker drama from the beginning. With that being said, having the last of the Skywalkers kill Palpatine and thus end his insane, saga long reign over the universe would have been amazing
Not to mention this would be finishing what his grandfather started which was his thing the whole time. Anakin tried to kill Palpatine at the end, and having the last Skywalker, the last of Anakin's blood genuinely finish what he started would have brought the whole thing to an end
Along the same lines as that, the power the all of the Jedi scene would have in that case (and I'm saying this like he was good for more than the last 10 minutes of the movie) been so much more powerful. To have him hear Anakin's voice, like he always wanted but guiding him towards the light instead. Not to mention his mother.
And also, small thing but on the topic of finishing what Anakin started and all that but his grandson, the last of his blood (I'm gonna keep using that) using his lightsaber, the very one he had when he first fell to the dark side, to kill Palpatine once and for all would have been one of those full circle moments that I expected the movie to have more of.
 SO yeah that's everything, all my thoughts and feelings. This literally took me forever to finish. It's been like 5 months but it's Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with You!) so I had to cram to get it done or I'd die. Plus once it started to get away from when the movie actually came out, I figured I'd wait for it to come out on Disney+ and it has so here we are. I'm glad to be done with this and get it all out cause I honestly just don't care for that movie. I'd rather watch Clone Wars (the finale was soooo good).  Anyways, peace out and may the force be with you, always!  -Moony
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esandcasg · 4 years
B Dog’s Ranking of Star Wars Films
Some months ago Big A challenged me to list my order of Star Wars films, from worst to best. Having re-watched a number now in recent months I felt it time to get this down on paper. Admittedly I haven’t watched all of them, so this might need updating in the months to come.
Let me know your thoughts or add a similar blog!
11. The Last Jedi
It is something of a tribute to Disney that it took me some time to decide my least favourite Star Wars film. There were two obvious candidates but in the end I went with the Last Jedi. Admittedly, I feel that The Rise of Skywalker is a worse film, but I give the honour of the shittest Star Wars film to this steaming pile of crap because it set the precedent for what was to follow. The whole film is based around the idea of doing something different with the force and the Jedi, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it was done in such a bad way. I’ve recently re-watched it and it felt like 90% of the film is treading water whilst they develop the Reylo relationship. “What shall we do with the other characters?” I don’t know, stick them on a spaceship being chased by a Star Destroyer? “Fuck me, that’s brilliant.”  I recently read that Rhian Johnson’s biggest regret with this film was not being able to do his usual private showing to close friends before it came out due to security issues. I regret that too, cos they’d have told him what a big pile of crap it was.
10. The Rise of Skywalker
The true level of shittiness of this film has been discussed a lot; it was so bad that it even inspired a B Dog film rant blog. The first ever, if I am not mistaken? The fact that they have had to release information intermittently to explain the gaps in the story says it all really. A total turd. 
Don’t worry, my swearing will ease now along with my hatred.
9. Attack of the Clones
My ninth favourite (or perhaps more accurately, the third worst) Star Wars film introduces the prequels into the story with Attack of the Clones. I don’t hate this film like I do The Rise of Skywalker and The Last Jedi, so we start to move out of “hate” and more into “meh” with AotC. I don’t hate it, I don’t particularly like it. I nothing it (nod to #BigAsFilmReviews).
This film has a few things going for it, namely it features a young Hayden Christensen, who of course has a strong resemblance to a young B Dog, and it includes Anakin and Padme’s brilliantly written, acted and directed romance scenes. “You are in my very soul, tormenting me.” Beautiful. I jest of course, it was total cringe. But the issue that I have with this film is that it doesn’t feel like Star Wars. At least with The Phantom Menace there are elements that align with the prequels like the scenes of Tattoine. AotC just feels like a bit of a misfit. I wonder whether it was where George began to get a raging hard-on for green screen and prioritising wanky graphics above, you know, a decent storyline, and that impacts things? Or maybe he started flirting with the darkside long before this? But generally it is an entertaining enough film, just a bit shit.
8. The Phantom Menace
I struggled for a while with the order of Attack of the Clones and The Phantom Menace but in the end decided I preferred this one. But it’s a close one.
The issue that I have with this film – even above Jar Jar and the awful dialogue – is that I don’t get the target audience. There is loads of content for kids such as (the aforementioned) Jar Jar and the pod race, yet it is effectively a film about politics and features things like trade blockades. I mean, the opening crawl features gems such as “The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute... While the Congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events.” 
I watched it with Sebastian and he didn’t have a clue what was going on, but he sat there patiently waiting for the arrival of arguably my favourite Star Wars character in Darth Maul. But as I mentioned above, TPM still feels like Star Wars and the lightsabre fight sequence at the end is enough to get it into 8th place. But we are still very much in “meh”.
7. Solo
But not for long as we start moving into “like” territory. I like this film. But the issue that I have is that it’s not really Star Wars. It’s a decent sci-fi film but I can’t associate Alden Whatshisface’s portrayal of Han to the original. It is largely forgettable mind; I have watched Solo once and couldn’t really tell you what it was about. Something to do with Solo and Chewie and Lando, and they went through an asteroid field, and Emilia Clarke got sold or became a slave, and the Falcon got wrecked. That’s all I remember. But I do remember feeling like the whole “Kessel Run” idea was totally different to what I had in my mind – I figured it was a famous smuggling run - and if they really had to do a backstory on Han then they could have come up with something better.
6. Revenge of the Sith
Probably the only prequel that I will stand behind. It is flawed, largely because of the overuse of green screen which can’t be easy for actors/actresses (exhibit A: Natalie Portman who is pretty wooden yet claimed an Oscar a few years later in Black Swan), but I feel like RotS is actually a fairly decent addition to the Star Wars portfolio with the actors starting to get used to the methods of Lucas or perhaps even pushing back a bit helping the script flow better. Hayden Christensen seemed a bit more comfortable playing a more complex and evil character than a loved up teenager, for example. However, there is still a large amount of Lucas “style over substance” going on still and the Darth Vadar “Noooooo” bit at the end is like something from an 80’s Arnie film. “I’ll be back, Kenobi.”
5. Rogue 1
I really enjoyed this film right up until the last few minutes when the arrival of Leia almost ruined it. I don’t quite know why, I think it just felt shoe-horned and unnecessary. There are other flaws that don’t align with the start of A New Hope and the characters lack any real depth, but overall I’ll let all this slide as it was a pretty exciting and well-made film. With Rogue 1 I am sensing stronger feelings… there is good in these films. I can sense it.
4. The Force Awakens
The first time I watched this film I didn’t like it. I think because I just expected too much – or something different - and I didn’t particularly like the way they killed off Han without the film or trilogy really getting going. What was the point? I thought Rey was totally wooden too. But I’ve watched it three times now and the last time – just before TRoS came out – I actually really enjoyed it, bordering on feeling that it was brilliant. I admit it is a fanboy tribute, but… if the cap or evil sith mask fits and all that.
3. A New Hope
It will come as no surprise that the podium spots are reserved for the original trilogy, and we move into love – of course - with A New Hope. It is slightly controversial to have this one in third place as I know a lot of people see ANH as the best of the lot, but I just prefer the other originals being honest. Whilst it is undoubtedly a great film, I find it more of a setting the scene kind of film: it’s a bit slow going in places and even as a kid I don’t feel it had the same levels of excitement as the other two. The toys that I played with weren’t the X-Wing and Tie Fighter from the Death Star scene, it was the AT-AT (I had two) and snow speeders from Hoth, for example. And re-watching them recently with Sebastian it has been the one that I struggled to sit through the most. I guess ultimately it is laying the foundations for the whole Luke vs. Vadar/good vs. evil element, which is what drew me into Star Wars as a kid.
2. Return of the Jedi
I know this film has flaws, but I love it. Well, the old version before Ol’ George started adding shit like the band in Jabba’s palace and another Vadar “Nooooooo”. But the whole film is great: the sequence at the start concluding with the fight over the pit of sarlaac through to the three phased fight sequence at the end. As I have said to you both, I have recently watched the original trilogy with Sebastian and he told me that he was exhausted at the end of the film, and I guess it’s that sort of excitement that I still associate with RotJ. One interesting thing is that watching the recently has opened my eyes to how hot Carrie Fisher was back then. I never really got it. No wonder my dad used to pop in for the Jabba’s Palace bit.
1. The Empire Strikes Back
And therefore the winner goes to the masterpiece that is The Empire Strikes Back. I don’t have anything negative to say about this film, and for me is in a league of its own compared to the other ten films, and up there with one of my favourite films ever. The Hoth fight scene, Yoda training Luke and the cave scene, Cloud City and then Vadar and Luke crossing swords for the first time. From start to finish it is exciting and so well made. But it’s also interesting to have a good vs. evil film finish on such a dark note, with the good guys going off to lick their wounds. In a lot of ways that is also what appeals about this film; it’s not just a straight up good guys win type of scenario.
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