#woodland creatures tour
mmemirrorball · 11 months
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a little folklore girlie
I just feel like the little squirrel in my front yard would be a mirrorball girlie
so I drew her as such
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circeyoru · 4 months
The Spirit’s Favourite Human _ Part 2
SURPRISE! I can't take the suggestion out of my head and written another one. But it's long................................................
[Human!Alastor x Spirit of the Forest!Reader]
Part 1
Part 2 (here)
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Maybe you shouldn’t have put your hand in his offered one after several more of his visits to your forest to ‘chat’ with you. Because now you found yourself clinging to Alastor’s side as the lack of nature elements frightened you, it was odd to hear the sounds of humans chatting over the chirps of the birds or the bellow of the trees. The only comfort and safe haven you had was Alastor and you stuck to him like roots to the soil
Alastor didn’t mind the closeness of you hugging his arm, not at all. He loved it since you hardly came close to him, even during his visits to the forest, as those birds would come to you for any gossip that he couldn’t understand. Though it was wonderful to hear you speak to him in his mind, it was like you were everywhere around him
What he minded was how onlookers would stare at you and your perfect form. You’re clothed, yes, but it was off and revealing. He didn’t even notice until he was with you in the streets with people around and not the creatures of the forest
He placed his coat over you as he led you to the boutique. Picking a bunch of clothes that he thinks would look good on you. But they were too formal. So he had to change to another shop
You caught onto what he wanted to do and looked around while he took a break at a bench. A flowery shop drew your attention as you pulled Alastor along to see what was inside. It was another boutique with more comfy and casual wear that he wouldn’t like. He was going to bring you away but the look on your face stopped him and he let you pick whatever
The moment you stepped out from the changing room, he felt his heart drop and his body freeze over. Oh, you looked so divine he didn’t think it was possible. Flattery came from his lips like a song dedicated to you. The blush on your face was a good look on you, but don’t hide that expression from him. He brought everything you tried on and then some, he was glad you didn’t have the concept of money else you’d be declining his gifts and the bags that decorated his free arm like jewellery 
Last destination was his home. He noticed that look you had, it was wonder and curiosity. He knew you liked it when you dragged him around and had him open doors and fiddle with other objects that fancied you. There was one place you hated. The library or study he had
You suddenly bend over and place your hands over your ears as screams and cries come at you. Alastor thought the radio he had on was too loud and left to turn it off. When he left, you stepped forward, looking for what the screams and cries were directing you to. The books, the papers, the shelves. It was all made from the trees that gave you home
When Alastor returned, he only found you amidst the flying books and papers he used for his radio show. Your fury was another side he rarely seen, your lips moved and your eyes glowed as you glared, not directed at him, but he felt your rage. “Humans. Hurt. Home.”
So you knew some words and expressed yourself. He understood, the trees were hurt and turned to another form by humans. He only had that idea to try and soothe your pain and anguish. He’ll show you his basement that you have yet to pry into. He was going to let you find out during your fun tour of his house but it seems now’s a better time
He led you out of the study, ignoring the paper cuts that accidentally got him. He shut the door as he disregarded the state of the room you turned into. Had you been someone else, he’d bring them to his basement for another reason entirely
“Humans aren’t your woodland friends, my dear.” Alastor spoke as he opened the hidden doorway, lighting the way before the two of you began your descent. “You’ve seen my work and helped me in the forest. But before you pushed down those bodies…” He showed you the room where his tools lie and the heavy smell of iron remained. “I bring them here, if I could, to make them cold.”
Your raging emotions seemed to simmer down. Right. Cold. Death. That’s what you can associate. Alastor kills his kind, no different to the predatory birds that would eat other birds. The place Alastor calls home was like another forest. A place where the strong survive
Those trees lacked a spirit like you to protect them, you’ll protect your home. You weren’t a gentle spirit that would let humans cut down your friends in your home. Your duty was to protect the forest and its residents
You turned to Alastor, he was a human yet you weren’t angry with him. Not even when he hunted deers and other animals in your home. Well, he didn’t go over the line. You’ve seen other hunters that were disrespectful. No, Alastor honoured his prey to the best of his abilities
You cupped his face by his cheeks, healing his paper cuts and restoring his energy. “You. Protect. You. Good human.”
His smile melted to a smaller and more comfortable one as he leaned against your hold. “You’re a blessing in my lonely life, my dearest spirit. I’ll protect you as well.”
So started your life with Alastor in his human city. The first thing he taught you was communication in the human tongue. He found out the easiest way to teach was through songs and singing. You had some basic knowledge of words. But he was beyond surprised to see you imitate questionable phases and movements, saying that you watched other humans and listened to try and learn some
He added more targets to his list after that
You were a quick learner. Easily managing the new human knowledge that Alastor taught it, you chalk it up to his voice and demeanour being pleasant to you and you didn’t think it was useless to you since you liked Alastor and wanted to stay with him
Of course, you weren’t always in town with him. You had your duties back in the forest. And Alastor understood that. He’d bring you bodies of humans to bury and offer as nutrients for the forest. In turn, you offered him something you didn’t realize you were doing. A connection and care that he missed after his mother’s death
Alastor and your relationship became the talk of the town. The once famous and popular radio host that seek no relationship had someone that can invade his personal space without being shoved aside! Big news!
Someone had came up to ask the closest of your relationship with Alastor once while you were out shopping for some plant seeds to add to Alastor’s backyard so you could be alerted if the situation need be. But Alastor hadn’t taught you much about relationships, since it’s was closeness. You’d agree you and Alastor was close
“Is Alastor courting you?”
Courting. Alastor had mention it was done to someone close to another, and you and Alastor were very close that he’d share with you those ‘dark secrets’ as he called it. So you nodded and said ‘yes’ then left
When the news went to Alastor, he thought someone found out about his plans to formally court you. There was a reason why he didn’t teach you about relationships. He wanted to surprise you since nature was your ally and you’d know everything after getting a topic, it was like you knew all. To his surprise, you were the one that said yes before he had the chance to propose his courting to you
“My darling, you never cease to amaze me.” Alastor came back to you that night and hugged you like no tomorrow. You were confused but welcomed the touch. Then came Alastor’s explanation and your blushing to the next realm. “You’re not planning on backing down from your claim, now, are you?”
There was not much change, but Alastor did bring you out more often and showed you off more, even on his radio show. You can’t help but smile and blush at his praises. But his listeners would be envious of you two, sometime Alastor would have some comments coming in to tell him to get a room or move onto the next topic. That gave both of you a good laugh
That aside. You were the perfect accomplice. Your powers completed what he lacked. While his current methods were satisfactory and allured the police from pointing fingers at him, with you by his side, it was even better! Bodies can go missing for weeks and no one would know, only the missing posters increased, but not the number of murdered victims. He gave him a sense of thrill, power, and control every time he had to report it on his show
You sometimes couldn’t understand why Alastor would reveal where some of the bodies were on his radio, saying it was a tip from someone anonymous and pointed the police to find the body that was somewhere else (ones that wasn’t buried in your forest)
Still, as long as Alastor was happy and your home was safe. You didn’t mind. There was a term for this. Not just the romantics that Alastor announced to those around him. No, it was something you never showed to the other humans. Maybe to some children that would visit the forest, but never to this extent
“Favouritism.” You spoke as you caressed a black rose, sitting by the open window that gave you a clear view of your forest. A bird came by with a note in its beak, you recognized the cursive to be Alastor’s writing. You smiled as you kissed the petals of the rose. “My favourite human.”
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Note: This would be the stuff that happened before that ask I answered
Another thing. You guys love the {Demonic Companion} one huh. Question, should I do a masterlist to include links to the posts? Or is without one okay? Or should I wait till there's more stories posted?
(″ ´ワ` ″)
Circe Y.
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Lisa Frankenstein Filming Locations
“It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another.” ― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
As promised, here are some of the filming locations for Lisa Frankenstein. As I just saw Kathryn Newton at Spooky Empire in Orlando this past weekend, I decided to stalk filming locations for some of her cooler movies. Or you can just watch the video I made, which covers all the locations but it goes into much less detail:
I found most of the locations on my own, but then received a location list from a person on the film's production team which confirmed the ones I'd already found and gave me the ones I was missing. Big thank you to that person!
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***Spoilers below***
We'll start with Lisa's home which is located at 2552 Cypress Lawn Dr, Marrero, LA 70072. The shed in the back yard for the tanning booth is really part of the property, & can just be seen from the street (circled in red in second image).
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Now, if you go there, remember, THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY. Perfectly fine to admire it from the street, but do not trespass, do not knock on the door, do not ask for a tour, & do not ask if Lisa is home. Please. Now, if the folks living there say 'Hey' & invite you in when they see you in the street taking selfies with the house, that's another thing entirely - but otherwise, low profile it.
Although they filmed a little bit inside the real house, at least for the scenes where Creature first arrives, most of the house interiors were filmed on a sound stage which I know thanks to Zelda Williams posting this photo:
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And that sound stage is The University of New Orleans Nims Center Studio located at 800 - 824 Distributors Row in New Orleans. I know this because of this picture from a behind the scenes video showing the entire cast & crew taking a group photo with two distinct architectural features circled. The next image is a Google street view of the same location with those features also circled.
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Per the locations list, the party house Lisa & Taffy go to early in the film is located at 12565 Patterson Rd, New Orleans, LA 70131, which I've confirmed via location detail on Google maps:
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And the high school is Belle Chase high school at 8346 LA-23, Belle Chase, LA 70037, which I've also confirmed via architectural detail:
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The exteriors for Bachelor's Grove Cemetery & the woods around it, the wooded paths, & the bench scenes all take place in Brechtel Park, which is located in the Algiers neighborhood of New Orleans.
The park offers roads for driving scenes as well as thick woodland with vines & dense ground cover for the cemetery set - which, sadly, was entirely fake. Below is the exact location of Bachelor's Grove.
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Bachelor's Grove is located at GPS coordinates 29.9100534 -90.0124431. The easiest way to get there is to take an asphalt sidewalk that you'll find about 100 feet to the right of the entrance. That sidewalk will take you around the north edge of the park and then turn left (south) where you will look for the 2nd marked trail. Follow that trailfor about 50 feet and you'll find a second marked tree, which I call the Twisted Tree, and you're in Bachelor's Grove.
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Moving along, the scene at 1:17:37 in the film where Creature goes to retrieve Janet's (Lisa's step-mom's) car and kills the mean old man who is harassing the kid who can't start a lawn mower, was filmed at the south dead end of Dede Street in Marrero, LA at GPS 29.855776, -90.093451.
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Rather pleased with myself for finding that one - not easy.
Creature then returns to just outside Bachelor's Grove, which again was filmed in Brechtel Park, with precise location circled in the third image.
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Lisa & Taffy arrive there & Lisa psychs herself up to go into the cemetery to kill Creature at GPS 29.906104, -90.009096
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This is still in Brechtel Park, they just moved the cars about 30 feet to the west & spun the camera around - the dead giveaways are those posts along the road & the two small hills in the background.
Lisa then runs down a wide, woodland path.
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This photo of one of Brechtel Park's wide, wooded paths is the same path, located at GPS 29.908912, -90.011958.
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And here's that spot circled below:
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When Dale, Lisa's dad (played by Joe Chrest, who also plays the Wheeler's dad on Stranger Things), & Taffy visit Lisa's grave at the end, they are standing in the southern section of Carrollton Cemetery in New Orleans, at GPS 29.947097, -90.121813.
The reason they used this location is because Carrollton is one of the few New Orleans cemeteries that has a large section where all the graves are below ground, as this movie is supposed to be taking place near Chicago.
As for how I know they used this specific location, I have a wine bottle shaped tombstone to thank for that. In the below image, we see that odd tombstone from the front.
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And here we see it from the back, as I wasn't able to get a clear image of it from the same perspective of the above image:
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Also rather proud of that find.
And the final scene on the bench is also in Brechtel Park at the location circled on the map, GPS 29.909290, -90.010784.
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So the only significant filming location I can't find is Michael's red brick colonial, but whatever. Found Michael's house, too!
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Anyway, here's to hoping we all find that special someone who was reanimated just for us. 🦇🖤🦇
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creaturesfromelsewhere 5-23-2024
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hoezier · 3 months
Soundcrew anon once more. Seems like I emerge from the shadows like a woodland creature every time there's Hozier news lol. 
Hope all is well with you and you're enjoying the EP that dropped! As always, hoping to see you & some of your followers on the rest of the tour (it'll be a long one until November)
All the best <3
OMG Hi Soundcrew anon!! It's so good to hear from you!! Are you well? I hope you're having fun and taking care while on the road <3
The EP is fucking AMAZING!! I'm so so so glad we got these songs. If you're willing, and have access to Mr. Hozier, please tell him that I'm so glad he's choosing to release some of the work that didn't make it to the album. These songs are incredible and I'm so happy he's giving us a chance to listen to them.
Anyways, you're the best Soundcrew anon. Take good care, friend <3
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barmans-fault · 11 months
You made a good point of how this staged photoshoot will lead to increased exposure and ticket sales esp ahead of the US tour, because correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think all their US dates are sold out? They’re not as popular in the states and it’s been a couple months since I checked but I only saw a handful of shows that showed sold out. All this just reminds us of a curated version we have of him. Someone who likes privacy and wants to be lowkey doesn’t date attention seekers consistently and calls the paps on themselves. He just lost all credibility he had
Words of wisdom here from a lovely anon and thank you for sharing these thoughts, i agree with every word 💘
I think people generally get very caught up in the whole "alex is a romantic little prince too busy with his mind on clever lines he's innocent and private and not like other celebs and his privacy has been violated" narrative and tend to forget how much of a business this whole thing is.
The primary purpose of any business, be that show business or not, is to make money. The band is an asset that needs to generate revenue. American market has huge potential for that, alas, as the anon above correctly pointed out, very few of the US shows are sold out at this point, just a month ahead of the tour and the sales need to be boosted. The best strategy would definitely be to hype it up a little. American audience seems to be really into the whole straight dominant greaser bad boy persona (where do you think all those endless alex/your name fics with that shitty 50 shades of grey vibes come from?) and the target audience must be catered for. Both parties benefit: Alex gets the publicity of a cool rockstar kind of tired of his fame with a beautiful gf by his side on an expensive posh Italian resort. The pictures will now be all over insta/twitter/tiktok igniting interest in new fans and rekindling the old ones. The girls will fantasise about taking Louise's place in his arms (oh to be a girlfriend of this rich handsome millionaire musician who is also intelligent and talented and famous and who will fuck you like a whore then treat you like a princess!) and the boys will be jealous of him and his beautiful French girlfriend, wanting to be like him (oh to be this rich handsome millionaire and get all the girls!). Some more tickets will be sold, some more records, some more merch, and a couple of tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars will be made. Louise on the other hand, will get more followers and will have more ads, which will also lead to more revenue for her and hence whoever is managing her. Not bad, no?
Alex is usually perceived as a poet with his head in the clouds, an ethereal creature, a poetic and storytelling genius, vulnerable, autistic woodland creature, too exquisite for earthly problems, fragile and defenseless. He is, however, in no way disconnected from reality or too naive not to know how the business works - after all, he's been in it for almost twenty years. And I am supposed to believe his privacy has been violated when it has hardly been violated for the 5 years he was hiding from everyone and no paparazzi whatsoever gave a fuck about him? Oh give me a break. His net worth is estimated to be millions of dollars, same as the band. He is one of the richest rock stars of the generation. I am not saying it is a bad thing - well deserved, he is a genius after all, - but money, even for geniuses, has to be earned. Their music is a product that needs to be sold, and their public image is one of the means to increase those sales.
I do not think that Alex or Louise called the paps themselves last minute - I am pretty sure the whole thing has been set up by the management in advance, with Alex's explicit consent. Again, it is just a marketing strategy which the sales and marketing department decided to go with in order to maximise the revenue. Why would Alex refuse? And please spare me the argument of 'he doesn't need any more money'. Maybe he doesn't (although i am not sure), but the band and the whole machine working for them definitely does as it employs hundreds of people who need to get their paychecks from this whole thing. Mr. Schwarz is staying strong for them, remember?
Once this is all over, the tour is over, the contracts are done and he disappears without a trace, we'll remember this and count how many times paps will ever try to take pictures of him or his gf (zero, mark my words).
Thank you for coming to my ted talk (or thesis defence, more like)♥️
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hornedadvance · 2 months
Horned Advance
Chapter Spooky - Palo, the Ghoul
A couple years before our story begins, a younger Palo and a smaller Quinn find themselves prepping to go ‘Trick or Treating,’ a strange concept to the critter but one that Quinn assures will be fun and worthwhile. Quinn had stolen a set of bedsheets from her bed and cut out two eye holes, bringing this brand new ghost costume to her forest creature friend.
"It’s perfect! This way we can walk together and no one will suspect a thing!" She says, a wide grin spread across her round face. 
"I don’t think this’s a good idea, Quinn…" Mutters an ever cautious Palo, with a look of resignation on her face. She’d tried many times to sneak into normal human cultures in her yesteryears, being stung every time she did.
"Bah! Quiet you. We’ll be dandy.." Quinn snaps back. ‘You could get away with no sheet at all this time of year… But this way we’re being extra safe, just how you like it alright? So I’ll be having none of that from you.’ She lectures Palo in the same way you would lecture a cat, jokingly scolding her for her party-pooping. "Plus, you’ve always wanted to try it right? Touring the town and getting a taste of each little home." She says, throwing the sheet over Palo’s head. Palo bears a sour frown, unable to shoot down Quinn’s jolly hopes. "We’ll head out together, we’ll load up and we’ll come back here to chow down, ok? I told my parents I’m out with the village girls, so they won’t be expecting me back any time soon." Quinn reassures. Palo keeps her cautions, but concedes to Quinn’s insistent plan, picking up a spare bucket she’d brought over from her parents house.
And so the two set out into the night, Palo leading the way through the dense woodland within which she’d been living back to Quinn’s small town of Babilia. After a couple scrapes to the sheet, leaving it with a more worn and ghastly look they arrive on the edge of town, staring down all of the houses ripe for the tricking. Or treating. 
"How do I look?" Quinn asks, with her outfit now made clear by the bright lights of town. She wore a frilly white dress with feather wings far too small for her poking out from her back and a cheesy yellow halo poking up over her head, held up by a thin stick. In all honesty she looked pretty bad, the shrubbery they’d passed rubbing off on her outfit- staining it green and covering it with fabric tears. Despite this, it was clear to even one thick skulled as Palo that this meant a lot to her, so she replied, "Great! You look great." With the best not at all forced smile she could manage. A coy smile creeps across Quinn's face before she turns back to face the town. 
"Let’s go, then!" She says, leading the way with a hop in her step.
The two girls knock on the first door of the night, with it swinging open to reveal an elderly woman, one Quinn seems to know.
"Trick or treat!" She says, with Palo following in a much less confident fashion.
The two girls walk away from the first house with their buckets already a good bit heavier, Quinn skipping jubilantly.
"Y’see I know all the best spots. My parents had me go on errands for them so often that I know most of the village by name… Which means I also know who has the biggest stashes!" She announces with a hint of mischief in her voice. Palo could tell from here that it would be a long night.
Hours later, the clocks nearing midnight Palo and Quinn return to the critter’s little forest den, Quinn’s legs tired from all of the prancing about town. The two empty their buckets on a stone slab Palo had been using as a table, taking in the awesome visage of their candy mound.
"It’s… It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen…!" Quinn mumbles under her breath, this time even Palo taken aback by the sheer ocean of diabetes laid out in front of her.
"Can we eat it?" The critter asks, desperate but unsure if it’s ok to do so.
"Of cour- WAIT… One moment… I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t touch anything!" Quinn says, springing out of her seat and sprinting off into the dark.
For a moment it was quiet. The night was dull, and away from the city there was no light or cheer beyond the quiet gaze of the starry night sky. Palo felt a deep sense of loneliness cut into her, as she realised she’d be once again spending a night of festivities without any family or companio-BAM! Quinn thuds back into the scene, bursting through the makeshift door Palo had put in place to conceal her woodland cave home. 
"I’m back!" She proclaims, as if she hadn’t made it clear with her presence. The girl pants for air for a moment before steadying herself and sitting down next to Palo.
"You really thought I’d forget, didn’t you… That it’s your birthday!" She says, pulling out something from a little knapsack she had tied around her shoulder since leaving. She pulls out a handful of tinfoil, before unwrapping it to reveal a scruffy little chocolate cake, the icing pulling away with the foil. It looked a mess, and Palo could see the light draining from Quinn’s face as the cake essentially fell apart in her hands, but didn’t want to let the sweet gesture go to waste.
"Thank you… Thank you so much." The critter says, taking the mess of a cake from her hands.
"Ah, wait!" Quinn blurts out, pulling out a single candle and a matchbook from the sack, sticking it on top of the cake and lighting it up. "Now it’s a real birthday cake." She says, with her radiant positivity restored to her face. In this moment Palo feels the most sincere appreciation she had felt in her life up to this point, and tears begin to roll down her cheeks. Not once before now had anyone even noted her birthday, let alone celebrated it with her, and for one such as her this was too much. She places the cake down atop its foil on the table, and pulls Quinn in for a tight embrace; tears now streaming down her face in one of the few honest shows of emotions in her life. "Thanks… Quinn.. Thanks.." Was all she could manage, in the unusually shaky voice for a hardened survivor such as herself. Quinn hugged her back tightly, before turning to the cake that she’d brought over.
"You’d best start eating this… Or I’ll be done with it before you get a chance!" She taunts, reaching for the cake. Her action prompted Palo to react, snatching at the cake and gobbling half of it down before Quinn could even lay a finger on it. Palo wipes the tears from her face and genuinely smiles, not a sight you see often.
"Oh, that’s right! The candle. You need to make a wish!" Quinn says, gesturing towards the mangled corpse of the cake, the candle leaning awkwardly off the edge. "Blow it out, and make a wish in your head…"
Palo takes a moment to consider what she might wish for, mulling over her options in her head but in this moment there is only one thing she could really consider.
"I wish we can grow old together." She says, blowing out the candle.
"Gahh! You’re not supposed to say it out loud!" Quinn cries, "Now you’ve jinxed us forever!"
Palo looks at her for a moment, and Quinn looks back, before they both burst into a fit of giggles. And so they laughed the night away, the night of Palo’s first real birthday, and one that cemented the two as friends ‘til the end.
Chapter Spooky 2
Link to All Chapters
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sjsmith56 · 6 months
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At Home in the Rocky Woodlands - Chapter 18, Lord Buchanan
Summary: Lord and Lady Buchanan tour the castle as he introduces her to the staff. A tenant dispute draws Buchanan away then he and his commander visit the Giant, discovering something surprising about his past.
Length: 4.8 K
Characters: Lord and Lady Buchanan, Mary, Cook, Commander Rhodes, Farmer Patrick, two tenants, Bruce the Giant.
Warnings: Ileana feeling uneasy about comparisons with Buchanan’s late wife, Mary being briefly insensitive, assumptions.
Author notes: Credit for the image of Bucky Barnes (Lord Buchanan) to Instagram artist Nixakimbo. Bruce the Giant reveals his past as the only modern man to appear in this world. In my head canon, Bruce appeared here during a time when he was in his Professor Hulk phase, well after Thanos was destroyed, as he was able to reason but was still angry at being ripped away from his world. It is ambiguous as Bruce will reveal he knew Bucky Barnes and admired him for successfully dealing with his past. Since his arrival Bruce maintained the means to coexist with the Hulk but chose to live as a hermit after Buchanan’s father helped him while his son was in the Holy Land.
<<Chapter 17
🐄 🐂 ☕️
While the older Barnes was playing with the young wolf cub, Mary arrived to pick up the breakfast tray. The first thing she noticed when Lord Buchanan introduced Ileana to her, was of her resemblance to Buchanan's late wife, Elena. As a woman used to speaking her mind Mary noted it then immediately felt sorry as Lady Ileana betrayed some uneasiness in her manner at the comparison. Before she could apologize for her presumption, Buchanan found it necessary to comment on their differences.
"Aye, but Ileana is as different to her as you are," he said. "She is also a modern woman, is quite independent minded and is in the Queen's Guard.  She will be continuing her training for as long as her condition allows."
"Condition?" said Mary, then a look of realization appeared on her face. "You are expecting a child, M'Lady?"
"I am, Mary," replied Ileana. "I only started feeling morning sickness this past week."
"I see," she said, neutrally at first, not sure if that was a good idea then she smiled at both of them, noticing how soft and tender Buchanan’s manner was with the young woman. "That is joyous news.  Now, what is this creature your father has with him?"
"This is Sky," said Buchanan, "a wolf cub who lost his pack and chose us as his new pack. It is my intention to train him so he will be at my side inside and outside. You can see he has already taken a liking to Father."
"As you wish, M'Lord," she replied. "He is a bonny looking fellow and will be a fine looking wolf when he is grown. No doubt Cook will have plenty of scraps for him. Perhaps M'Lady would like to inspect the kitchens right now?"
"I was going to take her there myself," said Buchanan, then he turned to Ileana. "I have known both Mary and Cook since I was a boy and usually eat in the kitchen with them. Do you object to eating there instead of the dining hall? We can still eat in the hall when we entertain the King or other Lords."
"I will eat wherever you do, My Lord," replied Ileana. "Please, I wish to see the kitchens."
Buchanan and Ileana took the tray so that Mary could stay with his father and the young wolf. He pointed out various rooms on their way to the kitchen then begged her to take care on the stairway as they walked down. When she stepped out from behind him she smiled for the kitchen was nothing like she imagined. Brightly lit due to the tall windows that lined the outside wall of the kitchens it was spotless and she could see that the person in charge took great pride in how it was organized. There were several maidens preparing food and two teenage boys were turning meat on spits in the great fireplace. They all readily greeted Buchanan when he entered.
"That's a lot of food they are preparing," said Ileana. "That's not just for us, is it?"
"No, we will get our portion but this is the food being prepared for the garrison and the castle staff," he replied. "Cook feeds everyone. Here she comes."
The rotund woman came out of the larder and her eyes lit up at the sight of Buchanan. She took the tray from him then noticed Ileana, giving her a small curtsy.
"This beauty must be Lady Buchanan," she said without waiting for introduction. "I am Hannah, M'Lady but in this kitchen everyone calls me Cook for it is my joy in life to feed people good food."
Ileana laughed at the easy familiarity of this woman. It reminded her of someone in her world but she couldn't quite place who.
"Well, Cook, I have heard much of you and I must say your kitchen would be admired in my modern world," said Ileana. "I can't wait to taste your food but I warn you I have just started feeling morning sickness so if I don't eat your breakfast it is because of that."
"A child? Already?" she cried out in surprise, then smiled broadly at Buchanan. "You wasted no time, M'Lord. Truly you both are blessed. I look forward to having your bairns running under my feet as I spoil them with sweets."
Buchanan's blush was evident in his pink cheeks, making Ileana giggle at seeing him react to the cook's gentle teasing. They took their leave and made their way out the door to the courtyard, bustling with soldiers from his garrison going to and fro as they tended to their duties. All greeted him and were greeted in return. At the garrison building itself he knocked on the door before entering it. His commander Rhodes and second in command Wallis were seated at a table, with both standing up to acknowledging Buchanan and Ileana.
"We arrived an hour ago and I am giving a quick tour to Ileana," Buchanan said by way of greeting. "My Lady, you remember Commander Rhodes and this is Lieutenant Wallis who trained Luna for battle."
"Are you happy with your horse M'Lady?" asked Wallis. "I found her easy to train and ride."
"So did I, thank you sir," replied Ileana. "Do all the soldiers live here in the garrison?"
"No, M'Lady," replied Rhodes. "All the unmarried ones do while those with families live just outside the walls in separate homes with a plot of land so they can keep chickens or grow a garden. Only my family lives in the garrison as I am on duty at all times."
"Your wound, it has healed?" asked Buchanan with concern on his face.
Rhodes smiled and pulled his sleeve back showing only a small bright scar on both sides of his arm. Buchanan nodded, satisfied. Both men accompanied them as he showed her more of the garrison. Rhodes wife Naomi, was out hanging up laundry and he proudly introduced her to Ileana.
"M'Lady, is it true you are one of the Queen's Guard?" she asked. "Will you be continuing your training now that you have taken residence in the castle?"
"That is my intention," replied Ileana. "If Commander Rhodes and Lieutenant Wallis can help. The doctor at the palace said I can train until my sixth month easily."
Both men looked confused but Naomi laughed. "A child on the way," she said knowingly. "This should be interesting. Most men think a wife carrying their child should be resting but they don't realize a woman can't stop just because she is pregnant."
"I agree," said Ileana. "I can still do battle training for some time and when I become too large then I can work on my archery and tactics."
Buchanan said nothing during all of this but his smile of pride in his wife was evident and both soldiers realized they would have to adjust their thinking on the matter. Before they left Buchanan gave them notice that he would be meeting with the entire garrison soon. On the way back to the castle he glanced repeatedly at Ileana. At first she gave it no mind but as they stepped back inside and he led her up a vast staircase she stopped and looked up at him.
"Why do you look at me like that?" she asked. "You're making me nervous."
He laughed and pulled her to a higher stair so their faces were level. "You make me happy," he said simply. "I wasn't sure how you would react to my home. In the years I have lived here I did little to make it more accommodating or welcoming, although Elena seemed constrained at times. Yet you seem to be quite at home here and it confirms my belief that we were meant to be together."
"Where are you taking me now?" she asked.
"Our quarters," he replied. "I left orders for it to be updated so it was more pleasant to you. I'm a little nervous myself."
He came to a large set of double doors and opened them to a room with a fireplace and wooden armchairs assembled in front of it. Several cushions were assembled on the floor in front of the hearth in a way that Ileana knew they would spend many happy times together there. There was a latticed wall through which a huge bed was visible. Taking the step up into the bedroom proper she was pleased to see more of the same type of windows that were in the kitchen above the bed. All had rich red velvet curtains that could be pulled across for privacy or to control the amount of light. The bed itself was a large wooden framed bed on a raised platform. Its coverings looked and felt luxurious. At its base was a table and a bench. Just past the latticed wall on either side were doorways. He led her into one where she found a bathing and dressing room for her with large wardrobes. Inside were many beautiful dresses but also several sets of cloth and leather breeches and vests for Ileana to wear while training.
"When did you do this?" she asked. "We've only been married six weeks."
"The moment we married I sent messages to Mary asking her to take charge," he replied. "I hope you like the dresses. If you haven't already guessed my lands have many water streams and water falls which we use to power mills for both grain and woven fabrics. The weavers take great pride in the products of their looms. You wearing them shows your pride in their handiwork as well. In return they work in a safe environment and are paid well. Since I became lord we have more children in school than ever were before. No child has to work until they reach their mid teen years and those who have excelled in their studies are encouraged to continue them. I remember too well the lost childhood of my own life when I toiled in the fields with my father."
He stopped for a moment and Ileana felt such love for this medieval man with modern ideas on life. She and Queen Peg had thought she was there to change the man but Ileana realized he had already wrought many changes in his domain well before she dropped into it. Cupping his face in her hand she raised herself on tip toe to kiss him gently and he responded by enclosing her in his arms and kissing her in a similar manner. When he pulled away slightly he smiled at her in the way he often did prior to a coupling and she returned it, kissing him sensuously.
"You feel it also," he stated as fact. "I wish I could enjoy a coupling with you but I must go out and hear some tenant concerns. Stoke that fire for now, my love, and after I return we will have all night to please each other in our own bed at last. First we lunch then I must away."
They went back down to the kitchen where three places were set at the table. Mary was down there holding Sky and introducing him to Cook. They both looked at Buchanan when he arrived.
"M'Lord," exclaimed Cook, "is it true this young cub followed you for miles and latched himself on to you and Lady Buchanan?"
"It is true," he admitted. "As my wife stated when we realized he chose us, the white wolf now has a black wolf cub. I'm sure stories are already being told of it."
"He has won my heart," said Cook. "We will help him grow into a fine beast. He will need training to relieve himself outside and not to harry the livestock but he seems to prefer human company already."
"I'm sure your kitchen will become one of his favourite rooms in the castle," replied Buchanan. "Now, perhaps you have some lunch ready for Lady Buchanan and myself?"
Cook dished out bowls of stew and sliced fresh baked bread with cold butter for them and for Mary as the third bowl was for her. Sky was placed on the ground where Cook put a small bowl with stew in front of him. They all were amused watching him eagerly stick his head into the food and attack the stew with gusto. Ileana's first taste of the food was a revelation to both the quality of it and the realization of who Cook reminded her of.
"Cook, this wonderful," Ileana exclaimed. "I haven't tasted stew this good since I was a child and my Romanian grandmother placed a bowl just like this in front of me. It reminds me of her so much and so do you."
It was probably the best compliment ever paid to her. Both Cook and Ileana became a little emotional over it. As the queen of the kitchen used the edge of her apron to dab at her eyes Ileana stood up and offered the woman her arms in comfort, which she gladly accepted.
"You have chose well, M'Lord," said Cook, finally, looking at Ileana with affection. "I have heard other Lord's consorts look down on those who work in the kitchens but your Lady is a gem and will always be welcome at the kitchen table."
He said nothing, just continued to eat his stew and gaze proudly on Ileana. The moment passed all too quickly and the time arrived for him to ride out to rule on a dispute between two tenants. As he and Commander Rhodes met in the courtyard Ileana stood with them both as they awaited the arrival of their horses.
"What will you do while I'm away?" asked Buchanan.
"Mary is showing me all the rooms of the castle and their contents," said Ileana. "She will also introduce me to some young women that she has assembled so I may pick one to be my attendant and dresser. Then we will discuss how she runs the castle so that if the time ever comes when she is no longer with us I will know what to do."
"That should take considerably longer than an afternoon," he joked. "Mary has had many years to manage the household but she is a smart and gentle woman. Listen well to her, I beg of you."
The horses arrived and both men mounted. As Ileana turned back to the castle the two men rode out through the gate and out over the high paths that just the previous week were the site of a battle.
"Pierce, has he been transferred to the King's prison?" asked Buchanan, once they were out of earshot of the courtyard.  "I am glad he was not here to witness Lady Buchanan's arrival."
"Aye, he has," said Rhodes. "Good riddance to him. He was as arrogant in his cell as he was a Lord. His daughter, will she be able to be the new steward of those lands?"
"The King and Queen believe so, having spent more time with her," said Buchanan. "She stays at the palace, has begun her Queen's Guard training, and is being schooled in laws, and managing an estate. By all accounts she is a quick and eager learner. When she has been named as Baroness I will escort her to her lands and stay for a few days to make sure all accept her position. The garrison commander there, Coulson, is proving to be a man of his word and I believe he will serve her faithfully."
They crossed a stream together and came up the bank to a scene that puzzled them. A farmer and his sons were gathered around a rather large metal plate in the ground. Buchanan and Rhodes pulled up beside them.
"Farmer Patrick, what is it you have there?" asked Buchanan.
"M'Lord this mound has always been here and always made it difficult to plow in a straight line," replied the farmer. "With all of my sons here today we decided to dig the mound out and make the land level but we found this. I have never seen a piece of metal this large and we haven't even uncovered all of it."
"Part of it has hinges, M'Lord," said the farmer's oldest son, Ronald. "Those hinges are attached to the strangest rock I have ever seen."
Buchanan dismounted and looked closely at the rock and hinge structure with a growing sense of excitement. He calmed himself and remounted.
"I have seen rock like this before," he said to the farmer. "It forms part of the destroyed structures of the ancients. This looks intact and may be a structure that still exists. Continue to uncover it but do not attempt to enter it. Advise me when you have uncovered the top of it, as it may be of importance to the King. I will compensate you for your time as this is important."
To prove its importance he reached into his jacket for his coin pouch and withdrew a gold coin, handing it directly to Farmer Patrick. The man's eyes lit up as he accepted it proudly. He and his sons returned to the excavation with enthusiasm as Buchanan and Rhodes continued on.
"What is the importance of that structure?" asked Rhodes.
"I made a discovery that was confirmed at the King's Palace," said Buchanan. "This was once a modern world and that structure is the proof of it. It is obviously the top portion of a larger underground structure. Ileana spoke of missile silos, large towers that housed giant rockets used to defend against hostile nations. There is a greater threat against our world that those rockets may be directed against."
"What kingdom would threaten ours now?" asked Rhodes.
Buchanan stopped Magnus. "No kingdom but a threat from the heavens," he replied. "There are untold number of worlds in the sky that we are unaware of. Most stay in orbit around their suns like we orbit ours and everything progresses as it should. But there are rogue entities made of metal and rock, governed by the laws of nature and not by men. They can encroach on our world and do great damage. The Sorceress has seen one such giant rock threatening our world with destruction, and several others that may harm our livelihoods. That is our next battle, Rhodes. To relearn the wisdom of the ancients, to find the tools they used like the giant rockets and then send them to destroy that which threatens us before it reaches our skies."
His commander said nothing but Buchanan saw that he was shaken by the revelation. He moved Magnus closer and leaned over to clap his friend on the shoulder.
"Cheer up, James," he said heartily. "It isn't imminent, so far as I know, but it is something we have time to prepare for. With all of the modern women that have been dropped into our world recently it has become obvious that God is with us for he has sent us many brilliant minds to plan our response. My job and yours is to help them implement it. The times are changing and for good reason."
"I will trust your judgment on this, M'Lord," said Rhodes. "I'm guessing this isn't to be shared freely yet."  Buchanan nodded. "Very well, I will keep it to myself."
They continued on their way and in an hour arrived at the scene of the dispute between two tenants. Rhodes dismounted, advising the farmer that his lord was present. The man came out and complained how the neighbour's bull had wandered into his lands and had its way with all of his cows, impregnating all of them. Now the neighbour wanted half of the calves as payment for the bull's efforts.
"Do you not have fences between your properties?" asked Lord Buchanan. "Did the bull jump the fence?"
"Aye, I have fences but the bull must have grown arms because the gate was open and he freely walked in during the night," replied the man.
"The gate to where you keep your cows in safety overnight was left open," repeated Buchanan. "By whom?"
"Not me, M'Lord," he replied indignantly. "There were three ties on that gate and each one had been undone. I only impregnate a couple of cows each year so that I have a continuous supply of milk for the cheesemakers. Now, with all of them in calf they don't want the milk until the calves are born as they claim it affects the quality of the cheese. That has affected my livelihood."
Buchanan listened as the man railed on about the disastrous effect this had on his farm, disrupting the schedule of calving that had sustained him. He and Rhodes rode on to the next farm to hear the other neighbour's version of events.
"This is Farmer Brendan's land isn't it?" asked Buchanan. "I can't see him deliberately disrupting William's livelihood. They had that arrangement for years where Brendan's bull would impregnate a couple of cows every year. He got free milk out of it."
"It was Brendan's land but he passed away two months ago, and his son, Sean, is the new tenant," said Rhodes. "He's not the straightest plow, if you understand me."
"You think he deliberately untied the gate and allowed his bull to go through at night?" asked Buchanan. "Why would he do such a thing?"
"Possibly to set up his own dairy herd to take the cheesemaker's business as his own," suggested Rhodes. "With half of the calves from William's herd he would have the beginnings of his own milk business. So I've heard."
Buchanan scratched his head as they rode to the next farm. This was going to take some doing. It was obvious that Sean had attempted to undercut his neighbour and take over his place as supplier to the cheesemakers. His father Brendan had taken the milk that he earned from William and sold it in the village, dropping it off daily to those who lived there. It was a service that was appreciated by those who had no means to get out to the dairy farm but it wasn't easy work as he had to get up daily to collect his share of milk from William, then take it by cart to the village and distribute it to his customers. Through snow, rain and heat he did that every day. It was evident his son Sean, didn't want to work that hard. It also meant the village was without a person to deliver milk to them.
By the time Buchanan heard Sean's side of the dispute he came to the same conclusion that Rhodes did. Farmer Sean was young, arrogant, and felt he was entirely within his rights to demand payment for his bull's efforts. When Buchanan asked him about the milk delivery to the village he flat out said he didn't want to do it. Someone else could. Lord Buchanan agreed and came to his decision.
"You will get half the calves from Farmer William," said Buchanan. "They will be males, all castrated before they are delivered to you. You can fatten them up and sell them for beef when they are of age. Farmer William will continue to deliver milk to the cheesemakers and I will ask him if he wants to deliver the milk to the village as well. In the future you will offer your bull to impregnate a couple of cows per year, as it was done for many years previous, only now your payment will be in one calf being delivered to you. If you ever undo the gate again to let your bull run wild your farm will be confiscated, and you and your family will be turned out. Do I make myself clear?"
Sean nodded and cast his eyes down, knowing he had overstepped himself with his ambitions. When Buchanan and Rhodes gave William their decision he was delighted. His oldest son had suggested they take over milk delivery since Sean didn't seem interested in it. He wasn't happy about losing half of the calves but when Buchanan told him to give Sean all castrated males he changed his tune and thanked his lord for his wisdom. In his mind the dispute was settled. Buchanan and Rhodes started back towards the estate but stopped at a pathway.
"We are only a short ride from the Giant by this path, are we not?" asked Buchanan. "I wanted to stop and see him on my way back but didn't. Would you mind if we go see him now?"
"As long as my horse can withstand it," said Rhodes. "We'll have to dismount some distance from his hut and walk the rest of the way."
"A good stretch of the legs," retorted Buchanan.
Just a short time later they did just that and approached the Giant's hut on foot, having tied up their horses further away. The Giant had built a small paddock for the two cows he took as payment for his help in the battle against Pierce. Another paddock further away housed his young bull. Buchanan hailed Bruce as they approached and the Giant came to the door then outside.
"My Lord Buchanan," said the Giant in a pleasant manner. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Your wisdom," said Buchanan, surprised at the genial tone of the big man. "I seek it."
The Giant went into his hut and came out with three mugs and a jug. He poured a hot, dark liquid into each and offered the two men a mug. It was unusual hospitality from the Giant and he knew it.
"I acquired coffee from a pedlar who was brave enough to come down the path," he explained. "I never knew how much I missed it until that first mug."
"You knew of coffee?" asked Buchanan, puzzled. "The only ones that knew of it before that pedlar were the modern women who have been dropped into this world by fate."
Bruce sighed, then came to a decision. "I am also from a modern world," he admitted. "I was a scientist and worked on many projects. I was also part of a group of unique warriors. Then one day I found myself here, in the Middle Ages. I was angry, out of control, and a danger to many. They all treated me as an animal, except your father. He spoke to me as a man one night and helped me escape from where they had cornered me, intending to slaughter me as a beast. He helped me build this hut so I could live in peace. That is the debt that I owe him."
Buchanan thought for a moment. "The warriors that you served with," he said, watching Bruce carefully. "Were they the Avengers?"
Bruce stood up immediately, his eyes flashing in surprise. "How do you know about the Avengers?" he asked.
"A woman who calls herself a Doctor but of science, not of medicine," replied Buchanan. "She said she worked for SHIELD and with the Avengers. Her name is Jane Foster and she is with King Thorn. Along with the other modern women they are trying to find a way to destroy an asteroid that threatens this world. I saw travelling lights, satellites they are called, orbiting our world one night and we looked through a telescope at one large one. Lady Jane called it the International Space Station. This was once a modern world and now we seek that technology and the wisdom to use it against the threat."
"How long until it hits?" asked Bruce. "The only technology we would still have would be defence missiles still in their silos but they would have to be reprogrammed and additional fuel added to extend their range."
"I don't know when but everything you just said was discussed," said Buchanan. "You obviously have the knowledge but will you help?"
"Yes," said Bruce. "It's obvious that's why I'm here, isn't it? You needed my knowledge.  All this time I could have been doing something and instead let my anger rule me."
Buchanan told him everything and the Giant's excitement grew, surprising both men with his amenability to being part of the efforts. When Buchanan told him about the plan to meet with all the Lords to begin working on the defence of their world Bruce insisted he be there. It was agreed that a messenger hawk be sent to the King to advise him of the Giant's participation and to advise Dr. Foster that Dr. Bruce Banner was also in the kingdom. She would understand the message. When Buchanan and Rhodes took the hour long trip back to the estate it was with the knowledge that their chances of survival had increased greatly.
Chapter 19>>
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Top 10 Things To Do In The Fairy World
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Welcome to the enchanting world of fairies, where magic and wonder are around every corner. The Fairy World is a place of ethereal beauty and unparalleled mystery, where the impossible becomes possible and the extraordinary becomes ordinary.
If you're looking for an adventure of a lifetime, then look no further than the Fairy World. Here are the top 10 things to do in this wondrous land:
Visit the Fairy Queen's Castle The Fairy Queen's Castle is the heart of the Fairy World, a majestic fortress that towers over the surrounding landscape. It's a place of regal beauty, filled with treasures and secrets waiting to be discovered. Take a tour of the castle and meet the Fairy Queen herself. Who knows what kind of adventure she might have in store for you?
Attend the Fairy Ball The Fairy Ball is a grand event that takes place once a year, where fairies from all over the world come to dance and celebrate. The ball is a spectacle of color and light, with fairies adorned in their most extravagant outfits. It's an event not to be missed.
Explore the Enchanted Forest The Enchanted Forest is a sprawling woodland that is home to all sorts of magical creatures. Take a stroll through the forest and see if you can spot any fairies, unicorns, or dragons. But be careful not to get lost, as the forest is full of twists and turns.
Visit the Fairy Market The Fairy Market is a bustling marketplace where fairies buy and sell all sorts of magical items. It's a great place to pick up some souvenirs to take back home with you.
Attend a Fairy Concert Fairies are known for their love of music, and there are plenty of concerts to attend in the Fairy World. From classical symphonies to rock concerts, there's something for everyone.
Ride a Unicorn Unicorns are one of the most iconic creatures in the Fairy World, and riding one is a truly magical experience. If you're lucky enough to spot one, don't hesitate to ask for a ride.
Visit the Fairy Library The Fairy Library is a vast repository of knowledge and wisdom, filled with books on magic, history, and mythology. It's a great place to learn about the Fairy World and its many wonders.
Take a Dip in a Fairy Pool Fairy Pools are natural bodies of water that are said to have magical properties. They're a great place to relax and rejuvenate, and maybe even make a wish or two.
Visit a Fairy Circle Fairy Circles are mystical formations of stones that are said to be portals to other worlds. They're a great place to meditate and connect with the spiritual energies of the Fairy World.
Attend a Fairy Tale Fairy Tales are theatrical productions that retell classic fairy tales with a magical twist. They're a great way to experience the stories you know and love in a whole new way.
The Fairy World is a place of endless wonder and adventure, and these are just a few of the many things you can do there. So pack your bags and get ready for the trip of a lifetime!
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lauriecaffery · 1 year
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Icymi, I’ll be on Instagram Live at 6pm EST tonight for a spring restock preview! I’ll give a quick tour of the pieces that will be available. Can’t wait to show y’all what I’ve been working on! Tomorrow at 8pm EST, join me for the Spring Restock! I have so many delightful pieces that I’m so proud to share! 🥹 As for motifs, there are lots of little woodland creatures, unicorn astronauts, industrious honeybees, camping scenes with pups, and bright cozy cottages. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGMZNoLzAV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mmilotours · 2 days
Discover the Best Things about Pilanesberg Sunrise Safari
Are you planning for a Pilanesberg Sunrise Safari experience? Pilanesberg National Park is an experience that transcends the ordinary and transports you into a realm of untamed beauty and raw wilderness. The golden rays during sunrise over the vast expanse of the Pilanesberg Park make each moment filled with anticipation and wonder. You can also get glimpses into the lives of the park’s diverse inhabitants.
Why Is Timing Crucial for a Sunrise Safari in Pilanesberg National Park?
Optimal Wildlife Viewing:
The early morning hours are when many animals in the park are most active. During the cooler temperatures of dawn, predators such as lions and leopards are often on the move. By embarking on a sunrise safari, you can increase your chances of spotting these elusive creatures while they are still active and visible.
Beautiful Lighting:
The soft, golden light of the sunrise creates stunning photographic opportunities, illuminating the landscape in a warm glow and enhancing the colors of the surrounding vegetation and wildlife. Photographers and nature enthusiasts alike appreciate the magical ambiance of the early morning hours. It helps capture unforgettable moments at the PilanesbergNational Park against the backdrop of the rising sun.
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Maximizing Safari Duration:
Starting the safari at sunrise allows for a longer duration of exploration. You can make the most of the comfortable morning hours and get an extended timeframe to explore different park areas and track elusive animals.
Timing is vital for a sunrise safari in Pilanesberg Park because it offers the best chance to observe wildlife in action, experience the beauty of the African dawn, and maximize the duration of the safari. Setting out early in the morning helps you enjoy a journey into the heart of the African wilderness, where every moment offers excitement.
What are the top attractions that await you on a Sunrise Safari in Pilanesberg National Park?
Seeing The Big Five:
No safari experience would be complete without encountering the legendary Big Five – lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinos. Pilanesberg National Park is home to these iconic species, offering you the rare opportunity to witness these magnificent creatures.
You can see an awe-inspiring sight of a lion pride basking in the morning sun or the gentle giants of the elephant herds. Every encounter is a testament to the park’s conservation efforts and the resilience of Africa’s iconic wildlife.
Discovering the Scenic Landscapes:
Pilanesberg is within the crater of an ancient volcano and boasts a diverse array of breathtaking landscapes. You can discover open savannahs dotted with acacia trees and dense woodlands teeming with life. Every view provides a peek into the diverse tapestry of African ecosystems.
As the sun rises over the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold, the beauty of Pilanesberg Park’s landscapes is unparalleled. It invites visitors to immerse themselves fully in the splendor of nature.
Enjoying the Sunrise Magic:
Perhaps the most enchanting aspect of a sunrise safari inPilanesberg Park is the magical moment when the first rays of sunlight illuminate the landscape. It seems as though a gentle warmth is enveloping the savannah.
As the dawn chorus of birds fills the air and the animals begin to stir, you can feel a palpable sense of anticipation and excitement.
It feels as if the entire bush is awakening to greet the new day. The sunrise in Pilanesberg Park is a moment of pure serenity and beauty that will stay with you long after your safari.
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Guided Interpretive Tours:
To truly appreciate the wonders of Pilanesberg NationalPark, consider joining a guided interpretive tour led by experienced guides, rangers, and naturalists. These knowledgeable guides will help you spot elusive wildlife and provide fascinating insights into the park’s ecology, geology, and conservation efforts. Whether you are a seasoned safari-goer or a first-time visitor, a guided approach ensures the best experience.
A Pilanesberg sunrise safari offers a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in the splendor of Africa’s wilderness, encountering iconic wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. There is something for everyone to discover and cherish in this remarkable corner of the world.
So pack your bags, set your alarm, and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime with a reputable Pilanesberg Safari Tour Operator–Mmilo Tours! Contact us today to discuss your Pilanesberg safari requirements!
Contact Information:
Call: +2712 654 5308/ +27 83 770 5298/ +27 123498343
Skype: mmilotours
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vnatureresorts · 3 days
Discover the Beauty of Kanakapura Lush Greenery at Our Luxury V Nature Resorts in Kanakapura 
Resorts in Kanakapura Settled during the lavish greenery and peaceful scenes of Kanakapura, V Nature Resorts offers a idealize getaway from the hustle and flurry of city life. Found fair a brief drive from Bangalore, this untainted withdraw guarantees a mix of common excellence, enterprise, and unwinding. Whether you’re trying to find an end of the week eludes, a family excursion, or a corporate trip, V Nature Resorts caters to all with its differing offerings.  
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A Characteristic Heaven  
V Nature Resorts in Kanakapura is famous for its wealthy biodiversity and beautiful excellence. V Nature Resorts is deliberately arranged to offer visitors an all-encompassing see of the encompassing slopes, woodlands, and water bodies. The resort’s plan consistently coordinating with the natural environment, permitting you to inundate yourself within the tranquillity and splendour of nature. As you step into the resort, you're welcomed by rich gardens, chirping feathered creatures, and the alleviating sounds of nature.  
V Nature Resorts offers a extend of convenience choices to suit distinctive inclinations and budgets. From sumptuous houses with private overhangs neglecting the slopes to cozy tents for a more rural encounter, each remain guarantees consolation and a near association with nature. The rooms are well-appointed, highlighting advanced comforts whereas keeping up an eco-friendly ethos. 
The cabins at V Nature Resorts in Kanakapura are planned for those who look for extravagance amid nature. Each bungalow is open, carefully outfitted, and prepared with all present-day comforts. The huge windows and private overhangs offer breathtaking sees, making it a perfect spot to appreciate your morning coffee or an evening dusk. 
For experience devotees and nature significant others, the resort offers comfortable tent housing. These tents give a special opportunity to encounter the incredible outside without compromising on consolation. The tents are prepared with fundamental conveniences and give a hint association with the encompassing scene.  
Exercises and Encounters  
V Nature Resorts in Kanakapura isn't almost unwinding; it’s too a centre for adventure and fun. The resort offers a plenty of exercises that cater to all age bunches and interface. 
Experience Exercises Trekking:  
Investigate the adjacent slopes and timberlands with guided trekking visits. Find covered up waterfalls, assorted greenery and fauna, and appreciate the excite of the climb.  
Shake Climbing and Rappelling:  
For adrenaline addicts, the resort offers shake climbing and rappelling exercises. Proficient teaches guarantee security and give direction for both apprentices and experienced climbers.  
Involvement the surge of flying over the treetops with the resort’s zip-lining course. It’s an invigorating way to require within the all-encompassing sees of the region. 
Water Exercises Kayaking:  
The nearby lakes and waterways give idealize settings for kayaking. Appreciate a quiet paddle or a bold ride on the waters.  
The resort’s swimming pool is a perfect put to unwind and loosen up. Encompassed by nature, it offers a reviving elude from the heat.  
Leisure Exercises Winged Creature Observing:  
V Nature Resorts in Kanakapura could be a sanctuary for feathered creature watchers. The resort organizes bird-watching tours, where you'll spot an assortment of native and migratory birds.  
Nature Strolls:  
Take a comfortable walk around the resort and its environment. The nature strolls are planned to assist you interface with the environment and learn approximately the neighbourhood biological system.  
Yoga and Contemplation:  
Revive your intellect and body with yoga and contemplation sessions conducted in quiet settings. The resort gives a tranquil environment perfect for self-reflection and unwinding.  
V Nature Resorts in Kanakapura takes pride in advertising a delightful culinary involvement. The on-site eatery serves an assortment of cuisines, arranged with new and locally sourced fixings. From conventional Indian dishes to universal favourites, the menu caters to assorted palates. Appreciate your suppers within the open-air dining area, surrounded by the excellence of nature.  
Occasions and Celebrations  
The resort is an amazing scene for hosting events, be it a corporate withdraw, a family gathering, or an uncommon celebration. With roomy occasion ranges, customizable bundles, and a committed group, V Nature Resorts guarantees that each occasion is paramount.  
Maintainability and Eco-Friendliness  
V Nature Resorts is committed to sustainable tourism. The resort takes after eco-friendly hones such as squander administration, water preservation, and the utilize of renewable vitality sources. By remaining at V Nature Resorts, you contribute to the conservation of the normal environment.  
V Nature Resorts in Kanakapura is more than fair an occasion goal; it’s an encounter that reconnects you with nature. With its shocking area, comfortable lodging, differing exercises, and commitment to maintainability, it offers a idealize mix of experience and unwinding. Whether you’re looking for peace and tranquillity or exciting experiences, V Nature Resorts guarantees an exceptional getaway.  
Arrange your visit to V Nature Resorts and find the charming magnificence of Kanakapura. Elude the conventional and drench yourself within the uncommon!    
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renatours · 1 month
Journey of a Million Hooves: The Epic Tale of the Great Wildebeest Migration
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Every year, nature orchestrates one of its most awe-inspiring spectacles: the Great Wildebeest Migration, a mesmerizing journey undertaken by over 1.5 million wildebeest across the expansive plains of Tanzania and Kenya. This epic migration, a true marvel of the natural world, follows a circular route that showcases some of Africa's most breathtaking landscapes and demonstrates the remarkable adaptability of these iconic animals.
The journey commences in the vast Serengeti plains of Tanzania, where the Wildebeest Migration explore on their quest for fresh grazing lands. Traversing immense distances, they graze upon the grassy savannas and open woodlands that define this iconic region, their movements a testament to nature's grandeur and complexity.
Yet, amidst the beauty of their migration, the wildebeests encounter numerous hazards. Rivers must be crossed, and treacherous terrain navigated, all while facing the ever-present threat of predators such as lions and crocodiles. This annual pilgrimage becomes a true test of survival, showcasing the resilience and tenacity of these remarkable creatures.
It is precisely this struggle for survival that renders the Great Wildebeest Migration such a compelling and unforgettable spectacle. Each moment is infused with drama and tension, as the wildebeests contend with the forces of nature in their quest to reach greener pastures.
For visitors explore on Tanzania Safari Tours, witnessing the Great Wildebeest Migration offers a firsthand encounter with the wonders of the natural world. It's an opportunity to immerse oneself in the dramatic landscapes of Tanzania and bear witness to the raw power and beauty of the animal kingdom in its purest form. These events are central to the allure of Tanzania Destinations, drawing adventurers from around the globe to experience the magic of the Tanzania Destinations and its spectacular wildlife encounters.
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kumarshivam · 2 months
Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Sundarban: A Comprehensive Tour Guide
The Sundarbans, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a legendary and delightful mangrove woodland placed in the delta region of the Bay of Bengal. Sunderban offer a unequalled and never to be forgotten face-off for nature enthusiasts, enterprise seekers, and flora and fauna lovers alike. Let's plunge into what makes Sundarban a must-visit destination and explore the wonders it has to offer.
 Discovering the Mangrove Wilderness:
This tour is a possibility to submerge yourself in the astonishing allure of the largest mangrove woodland in the world. The heavy mangrove plant living, interrelated waterways, and a beautiful ecosystem establish a mesmerising landscape in a Sunderban Tour in contrast to any other. Visitors can explore the complicated web of creeks and channels on board of traditional wooden boats, permitting them to eyewitness the peaceful allure of the mangrove forest up close.
 Wildliving Encounters:
One of the main salient features of a Sundarban is the possibility to face-off the magnificent Royal Bengal Tiger in its illicit environment. The Sundarbans is house to a considerable people of Bengal Tigers, and detecting one of these evasive creatures is a thrilling face-off. In add-on to tigers, the Sundarbans is also populated by other fascinating flora and fauna, in particular spotted deer, wild boars, crocodiles, and a diversity of bird kind. Birdwatchers will be pleased by the possibility to locate uncommon avian kind such as the masked finfoot, mangrove pitta, and white-bellied sea eagle.
Cultural Immersion:
Outside its illicit wonders, the Sundarban also offers a wealthy imaginative heritage that is profoundly interrelated with the adjacent landscape. Visitors can engage with the territorial communities, known as "Moushok," who have adapted to living in the mangrove forest for generations. In a Sunderban Tour explore their traditional way of living, find out about their customs and rituals, and relish delectable territorial cooking prepared with fresh seafood and traditional spices.
Adventure Activities:
For those searching for some adventurous, and fun activities Sundarban offers a multitude of exciting activities to satisfy in. From thrilling boat safaris through narrow creeks to jungle treks and nature walks, there's no scarcity of adrenalin rush-pumping face-offs to savour. Fishing enthusiasts can take part in catching fish prized game such as the Hilsa and the Giant Trevally, while nature buffs can go for birdwatching trip to spot uncommon and migratory bird species.
Embarking on a Sundarban tour is an unbelievable voyage into the centre of nature's splendour. Whether you're extracted to its immaculate wilderness, beautiful flora and fauna, wealthy imaginative heritage, or adrenalin rush-propelled experiences, the Sundarbans has something to offer for every traveller. And when it comes to experiencing the utmost of what the Sundarbans has to offer, Sunderban Tiger Roar Resort rises out as the best escape. With its deluxe housing, perfect hospitality, and skilfully curated trip, Sunderban Tiger Roar Resort makes sure that your tour to Sunderban is nothing short of exceptional. Book your stay today and get prepared to board on a  beautiful venturein the mesmeric domain of the Sundarbans.
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tigersafariban · 2 months
Witnessing Wildlife Wonders with Kanha National Park Delights
Finding places for rest and relaxation has become increasingly important in a world that’s always busy. People are now more focused on taking breaks from the daily noise and finding quiet spots where they can feel closer to nature. And in India,Kanha National Park has become a leading choice for those looking for a gentle retreat into the wild.
Will I be able to find a gentle retreat alongside wild creatures?
The term "gentle" isn't typically linked with wildlife, but at Kanha National Park, it perfectly captures the essence of experiencing nature up close. The park is known for its well-preserved habitat that offers a serene escape where the only sounds are the calls of the wild echoing through the majestic Sal trees. Here, visitors have the unique opportunity to witness tigers in their natural habitat alongside a diverse array of other wildlife like leopards, wild pigs, barasinghas, and a variety of bird species, which makes every safari an unpredictable adventure.
Other residents include the panther, sambar, chousingha, langur, wild pigs, sloth bears, jackal, and reptiles like python, Indian cobra, Indian krait, viper, Indian garden lizard, and more. The park also houses a range of ecosystems including grasslands, meadows, and woodlands which creates the perfect habitat for its diverse inhabitants.
What are the best times for a safari?
If you're planning a visit toKanha National Park, aim for between November and March. This period offers warm days which are ideal for exploring, with wildlife often spotted in the meadows. That said, mornings in December and January can get quite chilly, which is perfect if you enjoy brisk, refreshing starts to your day. For those eager to spot tigers, April and May are your best bet, as the drier conditions and fewer water sources make sightings more likely. But be prepared for the heat, as temperatures can climb uncomfortably high.
Keep in mind that the park is closed from July to mid-October due to the monsoon season.
Intrigued by Kanha National Park’s natural beauty? MP Tiger Safari Tours & Travels can tailor your dream safari experience. Contact their team today to discover Kanha's wonders firsthand. Reach out to [email protected] or call their team at (+91) 88 89 469120 / (+91) 83 19 775908. You can also visit their website at www.tigersafariranthambore.com for more information.
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batonrougepowersport · 2 months
Exploring Baton Rouge on ATV: A Thrilling Adventure
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with its diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage, offers endless opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to explore. One exhilarating way to experience the beauty of Baton Rouge and its surrounding areas is by riding an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle). Whether you're a seasoned rider or a novice adventurer, hitting the trails on an ATV promises an unforgettable experience. Here's why ATV exploration in Baton Rouge is a must-try adventure:
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1. Scenic Trails:
Baton Rouge boasts a variety of scenic trails that are perfect for ATV enthusiasts of all skill levels. From lush forests to winding rivers and picturesque bayous, the terrain in and around Baton Rouge offers a diverse range of landscapes to explore. Trails such as the Comite River Park Trail and the Kisatchie National Forest Trails provide thrilling rides through dense woodlands and along meandering waterways, offering breathtaking views of the natural beauty that Louisiana has to offer.
2. Wildlife Encounters:
Riding an ATV through the wilderness of Baton Rouge presents the opportunity to encounter a wide array of wildlife species in their natural habitats. Keep your eyes peeled for native Louisiana wildlife such as white-tailed deer, wild turkeys, alligators, and various bird species as you traverse the trails. The chance to observe these creatures up close adds an exciting element to your ATV adventure and creates lasting memories of your time in Baton Rouge.
3. Cultural Exploration:
In addition to its natural beauty, Baton Rouge is steeped in history and culture, with numerous points of interest waiting to be discovered. Many ATV trails in the area pass by historic landmarks, plantation homes, and other significant sites, providing riders with a unique opportunity to learn about the region's rich heritage while enjoying an adrenaline-fueled adventure. From the iconic Louisiana State Capitol building to the charming streets of downtown Baton Rouge, ATV exploration offers a dynamic blend of outdoor thrills and cultural immersion.
4. Community Connection:
ATV riding in Baton Rouge is not just a solitary pursuit—it's also a chance to connect with fellow enthusiasts and members of the local community who share a passion for outdoor recreation. Many ATV trails in the area host group rides, events, and gatherings where riders can come together to share stories, swap tips, and forge new friendships. Whether you're a solo rider or part of a group, the sense of camaraderie and community spirit that surrounds ATV culture in Baton Rouge adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the experience.
5. Safety First:
Before embarking on an ATV adventure in Baton Rouge, it's essential to prioritize safety and adhere to all rules and regulations governing off-road riding. Always wear appropriate safety gear, including helmets, gloves, and protective clothing, and familiarize yourself with the capabilities of your ATV. Respect trail closures and environmental restrictions, and be mindful of other trail users, wildlife, and natural habitats. By riding responsibly and respecting the environment, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and others.
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6. Planning Your Adventure:
When planning your ATV adventure in Baton Rouge, research available trails, terrain conditions, and any permits or fees required for access. Consider renting an ATV if you don't own one, and inquire about guided tours or local ATV clubs that can provide assistance and guidance for riders of all levels. Pack plenty of water, snacks, and emergency supplies, and inform someone of your intended route and estimated return time before setting out on the trails.
ATV exploration in Baton Rouge offers an exhilarating way to experience the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and community spirit of this vibrant Louisiana city. From scenic trails and wildlife encounters to cultural landmarks and community connections, riding an ATV Baton Rouge promises an adventure-filled journey that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime. So rev up your engine, buckle up your helmet, and get ready to explore Baton Rouge like never before on the back of an ATV!
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wawamouse · 3 months
Oz Rewatch 3: S3E04: Unnatural Disasters
Andrew Schillinger in Oz; Schillinger is upset; Keller, O’Reilly, and Beecher plot
Howell sues McManus for sexual harassment and is reinstated at OZ
Said’s sister comes to visit him to ask about Patricia; Poet asks for permission to write again; Said meets with Patricia again
Sister Pete: meets with Chris Keller, meets Miguel to propose the prison-victim program
Out of Solitary, Miguel is recruited to fight for the Latinos in the boxing match against Cramer
O’Reilly running bets; fixing the fights; drugging the players; Miguel loses to Cramer
(mini) Cudney gets in front of the TV during Miss Sally
Hughes stuns El Cid with a smuggled stun gun; Glynn gives him a slap on the wrist
Hanlon gets off Death Row and is killed by Stanislofsty
In Unit E, Nappa talks to Mukada and decides he wants to confess his sins before he dies
Kenny turns 18; his mother visits with bad news about his baby and girlfriend/wife; Kenny schemes to have his girlfriend and her new boyfriend killed
I liked this episode overall, I'd say. I feel like Andrew Schillinger arriving to Oz is a fun plot point, especially with the way that everyone starts conspiring against him. Like, he never got a chance, but it's also pretty entertaining and I like seeing the Keller/Beecher/O'Reily team up, especially Beecher's turn toward being more calculating and vengeful while also being uncaring. It's just more exciting to me than when some of the drama/guilt/fallout stuff is happening. More straightforward action, basically. I enjoy the scheming and plotting and being determinedly two-faced because I think Toby is a little smarter with the way he goes about things (at, least when he's doing evil lol; his plots to do good have negative consequences).
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Sister: Ok, that was a pretty good cut. I’ll give them one point
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Sister: doesn’t he looks like an earwig? I mean, doesn’t he look a little buggy up top?
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Sister: Why does he still not have a mustache? He looks like if he was in an animal cartoon, he’d be a badger. And with the cane, too? I know he'd be a woodland creature with a cane.
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Sister: Can you? You don’t have a mustache. You can’t even help yourself.
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Sister: Whaa?
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Sister: Why do they keep giving Said so many life lessons? He’s like nonstop educational after school specials. This episode’s moral was like “You must be true to your heart”. It's like that puppet show they watch. Everyone else just gets to be the boobies and he’s out here having to learn the lessons. Why don’t they give O’Reily a life lesson for once? He hasn’t learned anything in this show.
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Sister (muttering): Not eye-to-eye?
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Sister: you know, I had a dream the other night that we were in a tour group for something and they were offering tours with language options in Mexican Spanish, Castilian Spanish, and Catalan, and everyone was so happy that Catalan was being included because it was like they never had that option.
By the way, after some investigation, I believe he is saying “Tu error, mamao” right here --> “your mistake, stupid”. Mamao is Caribbean Spanish slang from "mamado", and as slang, means something like "stupid".
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Sister: I thought they were going to steal his towel like some kind of dumb high school hazing thing but then I realised that would be stupid because their showers already have a bunch of windows. Me: I could see him doing that just to be petty…
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Sister: (sighing) Maybe Alvarez won’t be thirsty. He’s been in Solitary. He’s been drinking pee. He’s lost his taste for water.
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Sister: You know, the problem with this is that usually in boxing there’s a story so you can get behind someone. Here, they don’t tell you any story. Me: The story is that Alvarez needs to regain his honor. Sister: No, but I mean like usually they wear costumes and stuff and have characters. Me: That’s professional wrestling. Sister: What’s this? Are they allowed to kick? Me: No. This is boxing. Sister: I’m reading a manga right now where they’re allowed to kick, though. And the sabotage is a lot better. They do the drugging the water thing just like this, too, but then another guy drinks it and passes out and they realise it's drugged. Me: That’s probably MMA, not boxing. Sister: What's the difference? 😔
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Sister: Maybe his liver and kidneys are super-powered now. They’re so used to him drinking his pee, they’re just like “mm toxins everywhere!” Maybe this won’t affect him.
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Sister: He’s gonna snap that dude’s neck.
Stray thoughts:
Sister was very distressed by Beecher’s lack of mustache (“I guess he’ll grow a mustache once he has his next mood change”)
I liked Said’s sister. I never noticed in previous watches that she was wearing a clerical collar; google says that women in the Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches were clerical collars so I guess it’s one of those
Sister, who is very into Ancient Egyptian history, kept heavy sighing during the Narrator monologues when he was wearing that Party City pharaoh costume lmao
Sister on Tina Rivera: Why’s there always a yelling family member whenever tough decisions need to be made? Like in medical dramas? The patient is always chill and then there’s like a mom or wife flying off the handle and being a shrew.
Sister: They include the captions of the guy yelling about the orgasm, which you could barely hear, but for the Spanish, they just wrote “speaking Spanish”...
Final Thoughts:
Sister thinks the water drugging boxing plot is really dumb because the drug they’re using (chloral hydrate) is a apparently very bitter tasting sedative; “They should be dying with how much he’s dumping in the water”; “I guess the water in Oz just tastes that bad??”; “Also, it’s a sedative, so even if they don’t overdose on it, shouldn’t the guards find it odd that the losers are always falling asleep like 5 minutes after the match ends? I mean, they should be like passing out on the walk back to Em City, right???”
Sister enjoys Nappa (“Mr. Carrot”) a lot; his scene talking to Mukada is the only time she’s specifically commented positively on the acting in this show
Sister thinks Ryan should be forced to go in the ring and fight someone because Cyril already beat up someone so technically he’s already proven himself lol
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