#yeah I'm talking about the zodiacs
isablooo · 7 months
One thing abt yoshihiro togashi is he will introduce 20 of the ugliest characters youve ever seen then spend the rest of the arc justifying their existence (affectionate)
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etakeh · 4 months
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Doing great, why do you ask?
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huhniebowl · 10 months
hi!!!! could you possibly do something where the reader and dom are on a podcast together?? i think that would be super fun☺️☺️
anon, this is probably the funniest request i've ever worked on oh my god.😭 i had so much fun writing this! thank you for sending it in!
this is heavily inspired by the drake podcast with bobbi. i also read a few of dom's interviews, so a good bit of the dialogue is based on some things he's actually said.
this is dialogue heavy just so you all know! hope you love it!
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You move the mic stand that your crew set up, so it’s level with your face, and adjust yourself under the blankets of your guest star's bed. 
“Okay, tell me when,” Dominic says. He’s holding the clapperboard, and watching your crew for his signal. 
“Marking.” He says into the mic, then snaps the take. He grins, while one of the crew members come to take the clapperboard. “Ah, bet you didn’t think I knew about that huh?” 
It’s episode seven of your podcast, and you somehow managed to get Dominic Fike as your guest. You’ve been a fan of his for years, and have followed him through his ups and downs of fame, fortune, and misfortune.
You’re a little shocked at how well you’re keeping your composure by being able to have your favorite artist featured on your show, but you're thankful for it. 
“Hello everyone, welcome to episode seven of I’m Not in Your Bed, and today I’m here with.” 
You look over at Dominic, and he leans into his mic.
“Dominic Fike. How are you guys today.”
“Are you talking to me or the viewers?” 
“The viewers.” 
“This isn’t live though, so you won’t get to know their responses.” You turn on your side so you're facing Dom, and move your mic in front of you. 
“Well yeah, but, isn’t that like proper podcast etiquette or some shit.” He starts to trail off towards the end and he looks at the staff. You hear a few of them chuckle, and you almost do too, but you can’t break character. 
“Who taught you that?” 
“Well, I just sort of.” He pauses for a moment, “Fuck you.” There’s no bite to it, and the staff laughs out. 
"You think Drake is watching this?" He asks, fixing the glasses on his face.
"Maybe, he was my episode four."
"Were you in his bed too?"
"Yeah, I was."
"Fuckin’ cheater dude." That earns him a few laughs behind the camera.
“How does it feel having a stranger in your bed?” You ask. Dominic tilts his head in thought. 
“Well, it’s not too weird. I used to have random women in here all the time.” 
He then grabs hold of the mic and stares dead into the camera. “Not anymore though. Completely abstinent. Not fucking. Stop having sex. I’m talking to you. The one watching me say this while probably planning on having sex later.” You stare at him and press your lips together, letting the silence after his proclamation linger in the air. 
“And how’s that been going for you?” 
“You know, it’s been well. I’ve stopped a lot of crazy shit recently. Stopped smoking, stopped drugs. Stopped drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day.” 
“How do you like your coffee.” 
“Black. I hate that creamer shit.” 
“You know it’s reported that some of the most known serial killers drank their coffee black and were Capricorns?” Dom’s eyebrows raise. 
“Oh fuck, really?” 
“No, I made it up. But you feel a little crazy now don’t you?” Dominic drops his head and starts laughing, the staff right along with him. 
“What’s your sign?” He asks once he gathers himself. 
“Ah, that makes sense. You probably have a mommy kink or some shit huh?” You look at him in disbelief and suck your teeth when your staff betrays you with giggles. 
“I do not–” 
“Dominic.” You warn, glaring at him. He bursts out laughing, and you can’t help the scoff you let out. 
“You know, they do say that Capricorns and Cancers are the mom and dad of the zodiac.” You try to reason.
“You’re the mom right?” He asks. You squint your eyes at him and dig around the space between you two. He’s simpering at you, trying to prove his mommy kink bit.
“I lied, I'm a Leo.”
“No, you’re not.” 
“I know.” You pull out a little knitted beanie baby from the blankets. It wears the hat Dominic had on during Coachella. “A fan made this for you right?” 
“Yes, she did! Isn’t it sick?” 
“It is. How does it feel having some of the most creative fans there is out there?” 
Dominic looks between you, and the plush, then reaches his hand out for it. “You know, it's almost surreal. This fame shit kinda came out of nowhere for me, so there was a huge adjustment period I went through when it came to people supporting me and giving me things they put so much time into.” 
You nod, letting him continue.
“I think I’m still adjusting to it really, but nothing brings me more joy than like seeing this stuff you know? I love my fans, and I’d be nothing without them.” 
“It seems they love you back just as much, if not more.” Dom grins and nods, “Yeah, I’d say so. They’re so fucking creative.” 
“Have you read your fanfics?” 
“Jesus fucking Christ.” 
“Because I have one right here we can—” You stop mid-sentence and pull out your phone. 
“Are you serious?” He looks at the camera as if he was Jim from The Office when you ignore him, and begin typing with urgency.
“This is the most excited I’ve seen you since this started.” 
You ignore his comment and hand him your phone with a fic pulled up. 
“Read this.”
“Yo, do you read these yourself? You found this way too fast.”
“I found this one last night. Now read.” 
It’s a Tumblr story you saved for this very moment, and you wouldn’t pass up the opportunity. 
“Smut? What’s smut?” He looks at you for an answer, but you just gesture your hands toward the phone for him to keep reading. 
It’s silent for a few, and you signal your cameraman to zoom in on Dominic’s face. 
You watch as his face morphs into confusion, then surprise, then what you assume is mild interest, before he’s pulling the phone back and his eyes are blown wide. 
“Holy fucking shit y’all write porn about me?” The crew erupts into laughter, and you tuck your lips in to avoid laughing too. 
“Smut.” You say. 
Dominic glances from you, back to the phone. 
“Why am I kinda turned on by this.” 
“Because I wrote it.” 
Dominic whips his head towards you, and his mouth drops.
“Wait really?” You don’t respond, reaching down to the floor and pulling up a box of Reese’s Puffs cereal. 
“Reese’s?” You ask, dropping a handful into your mouth and holding the box out to him. 
“Where did you—” Dominic keeps the same shocked expression and turns back towards the camera. The cameraman starts to laugh again and zooms in on his face. 
“When did you—” He stops, watching you chew with mild interest to his confusion. So he presses his lips together, clicks your phone off, and folds his hands together over his lap. 
“Yeah, let me get some.” You wordlessly lean over and Dominic tilts his head back so you can shake some cereal from the box into his mouth. 
“Good?” You ask while chewing. 
“Yeah.” He nods. Silence ensues while you both continue to chew while staring at each other. Then at the same time, you turn to the camera with monotone expressions. It’s unplanned, and the crew let out chuckles once again. 
“So how was touring?” You swallow, and reach down towards the floor again, pulling up two bowls with spoons in them. Dom’s learned not to question you anymore at this point, and just accepts a bowl. 
“It was fucking fun dude. I wasn’t expecting everyone to know the words of my album for the first few dates since I toured a solid week after the release.” 
“Resse’s, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or Lucky Charms?” 
“Cinnamon Toast Crunch.” 
You pull up that box, and pour some into his bowl, then yours. “It must have felt incredible to hear them yelling it back to you. Did it?” 
“Oh man, I don’t think that’s something I’ll ever get used to. A lot of my songs are me just fucking around and making stuff that people can dance to you know?” You nod, and bring up a jug of milk, filling up your bowl, then Dom’s.
“So when I’m performing, it kinda feels like me and my fans are just kicking shit up. I’m dancing, they're dancing, it feels good. It’s fun. Whatever’s bothering them can just be forgotten for a bit.” He takes a spoonful of cereal to his lips and hums around his spoon. 
“I was at one of your shows, the LA one. And what I noticed was that your energy on stage is unbelievable.” You press your cereal down into the milk with your spoon, before continuing. 
“Like, you look so youthful, and just in your element up there. You bring such an intense and loving energy to every show and I strangely found myself missing you when it was all over and I’d never even formally met you until now.” 
It’s silent for a moment, Dominic soaking up your words while you begin eating. 
“Was that your way of confessing? Are we like gonna kiss now?” 
You roll your eyes and your crew giggles. 
“No, but seriously, thank you. That means the world, especially when like I said before I’m still adjusting to this shit.” 
“Well for what it’s worth, I think you’re navigating through all this perfectly. It’s why I became a fan in the first place. Your talent is unique to you and only you. And I mean it when I say talent like that only comes once in a lifetime.”
You point your spoon at him, “I’m sure I can speak for all of us when I say we’re beyond lucky to experience you and all your greatness in our lifetime.” You give him a big smile. 
Dominic stares at you, and you can’t read his expression but you also don’t look for too long. Opting to look into your cereal bowl, because you could feel the love-sick look that was about to show on your face.
“You’re too good at this sentimental shit dude, what the fuck.” His voice sounds a bit choked up, so you try to lighten the mood. 
“Don’t start crying on here or I’ll be forced to use it as my thumbnail for views.” The staff comes to your aid with laughter, and Dominic joins in. 
“You wouldn’t do that.” He goes to wipe his face with his shirt but is met with silence and your face back to its deadpan. He looks between you and the staff, then the camera. He speaks a little unsure, his voice going up a pitch.
You fully break character and full-on laugh. Unable to keep up your act with him. 
The podcast continues for a bit longer before you bring it to a close. 
“Is there anything else you’d like to say before I take a nap in your bed?” The cameraman zooms in on Dominic. 
“Um, thank you for having me. This was easily my favorite interview I’ve done. The cereal was great.” he laughs and holds up the bowl. “To my fans, I love you all so much, thank you for always showing out for me.” 
“Please continue to love my album, and stay tuned for what’s to come.” Someone behind the camera whistles, and everyone begins clapping.
The camera zooms out and shows you staring at Dom with the expression you feared the most. You’re looking at him with a dopey smile, cheek resting against the palm of your hand. 
One of the staff calls out your name, and you blink, jumping up and looking at the camera, then back at Dom who’s looking at you with a shit-eating grin. 
“Oh my god, were you falling in love with me just now?” 
“No, what.” You scoff, looking around like he’s crazy. 
“Holy shit, you were totally falling in love with me!” He laughs while moving up and pointing at you excitedly. The staff once again, betray you and join Dom. You mutter curses and pull back the blankets, stumbling off the bed and speed-walking away. The camera follows you, as you go behind the staff and all the equipment.
“Wait, I’m sorry!” Dominic’s still laughing, hopping up and following after you.
“Let me take you out to dinner, I’m sorry!” He calls, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and slinging himself over you, while you cover your face and groan. 
The camera follows you both all the way out until you turned the corner. Laughs still loud and boisterous on the set. 
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natailiatulls07 · 4 months
Pen Pals
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Oscar Piastri x Female!Reader
Summary - Strangers to pen pals to lovers
Warning - Cuteness overload!
Reader works in redbull as a media girl
Hi there,
I'm Y/n and I'm excited to write you! I've had a few pen pals in the past but none have really worked out.
But I digress, maybe we should start by introducing each other with a few fun facts; I love formula one! I am and will always be a cat person, having two cats of my own and my favourite past time would have to be finding and trying new recipes which either works or becomes a disaster, there's no inbetween!
I look forward to hearing about you and hopefully we'll get on well with eachother!
Yours truly,
Dear Y/n,
It's lovely to meet you! This is my first time so go easy on me! I loved reading your letter and found it quite ironic as I am also a big fan of formula one.
A few facts about me is that my favourite film is 'ten things I hate about you' even though my friends always tease me for it. My favourite formula one driver would have to Oscar Piastri, next best rookie since Hamilton in my opinion.
Who's your favourite driver? And which team do you support??
Yours truly,
Dear Oscar,
What a coincidence! I would definitely agree that Oscar Piastri is a great driver, espercially after winning a sprint in his rookie year! But however, I am a Max Verstappen girl through and through so that also means I'm a redbull supporter as well. But I have respect for each and every other driver and team!
I don't see how your friends can tease you about your favourite film, it is a iconic late 90s film with a stunning cast! See picking a favourite film for me is hard! There's too many to pick from like paddington or pretty woman or even oceans eight!
So what gotten you into starting to write pen pal letters??
Yours truly,
Hi Y/n,
Yeah with my job I find that alot of the people I talk to are very fake and greedy. I felt as those if I just starting writing letters to someone I could keep an anonymous identity. I hope you'll respect that, I'm sure you will!
Don't get me wrong I love my job, it's something I worked my whole life for. But it feels some what suffocating sometimes.
What about you? You said that you've had pen pals in the past but none have really worked out. I can't see why though, you seem lovely and have a great taste in sport!
Yours truly,
Dear Oscar,
Understandable. I promise to remain respectful and I won't pry. I think a pen pal is the perfect way to step away from our lifestyles, it gives us someone that won't judge and you can realise to them.
I started writing to pen pal when I started college. I moved away from all my friends and had a rocky break up with my boyfriend at the time.
So from then I tried to find the best pen pal. But believe it or not, not many people start a pen pal to talk to others and hear others but to just talk about themselves.
A pen pal relationship should be equal and not one sided so often those relationship will have lasted just under two months. But lets not dwell on the past.
Wait important question now! What is your zodiac sign?? It tells you alot about a person.
Yours truly,
Time skip a few months -
Hi Y/n!
Just read your last letter, loved your descriptive story about your now sister in laws hen party! I need to see those drunk photos immadiately.
My summer break just started, I have a lot of down time and not a lot to do. Please do you have any suggestions!? I have a feeling that I'm going to spend my summer moving between the gym, my apartment and my local store.
How did the date with that guy go? Was the trip to the jungle mini golf really worth it? I remember I went on a date once, we went to a nice restaurant and by the end of the night she was black out drunk. WORST DATE EVER!!
Yours truly,
Dear Oscar,
I would give you suggestions on what to do this summer. However just like you, my sofa becomes me seconds home after my bed. Well actually every summer me and my bestfriend deciated a day to binge watching all the Harry Potters! We go all out, getting themed snacks and making a fort out of blankets.
Oh my god! The date was horrible! All he did was talk about his family riches and how 'successful' he is. And to add salt to the wound the place was filled with whiny children. NEVER AGAIN!
Also I've add the photos from the hen party to the envelope, non of them have my face in it but you can see that the bride is enjoying herself.
Yours truly,
Y/n <3
Photos in the envelope -
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Hey Y/n,
Looks like the hen party looks as exciting as it sounded! Send my crograts to the bride and groom please.
I'm sorry your date went like that, I hate rich snobs who just glot and I work around them a lot lol! A girl like yourself doesn't deserve to be treated like that, you deserve fancy restaurents and meaningful date. I know I would give you the world.
Harry Potter marathon?? Mmm doesn't sound like a bad idea, I might rope my friend into then, he's british so he'll feel right at home!
Anyways I've been thinking...over these last few months I've grown to trust and adore our little letters back and forth. And I was wondering if you wanted to exchange numbers or something, idk.
I'm actually in Barcelona next week for work, but we can arrange something if you wanted. I just feel like I'd want to put a face to a name and exciting personality!
Yours truly,
Hi Oscar,
The world huh? Thats a bold statement...
Wait that ironic! I'm also in Barcelona next week, we could meet somewhere. I can't really do Thursday through to Sunday, that's when my work really starts.
But yeah we can meet at some coffee shop or something, I seen some nice recommendations on tiktok recently.
I'm actually really excited for this! I've never had a pen pal that actually worked out, let alone wanted to meet me, so I feel lucky! Yeah these letters have been fun to write, it's like I've learnt so much from you. Thank you so much!
OMG did you watch the last f1 race in Montreal?! Oscar Piastri, Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo podium! I'm sooo proud Piastri, he is slowly but surely moving up and competing with Verstappen for my fav driver! There I said it!
Yours truly,
Y/n <3
Dear Y/n,
Is Piastri growing on you Y/n?? Ooo that's exciting! But you wouldn't want to disappoint the current world champ, his no 1 fan is going to the dark side!
I would definitely give you the world! In a heart beat actually, you've single handedly made me feel normal and human again and I am forever thankful for that!
So you're working Thursday through Sunday...the exact days that formula one is active in the same city. I feel bad for you honestly, I'm sorry...
How about we meet up on the Wednesday? Should we meet at the three marks coffee?? I've heard great things about their coffee!
Meet me there at 1pm! I actually can't wait! See you then!
Yours truly,
Oscar <3
Outside the cafe -
Stood just outside the cafe, Y/n fiddled with her bag. She didn't know why she was so nervous, she would trust her pen pal Oscar with her deepest darkest secret if needs be.
Busy was an understatement. And Y/n knew fully well why, it was the reason why she was here this week. Formula one. Being one the media girls at redbull meant that she had to attend every race, not that she was complaining.
Just down the street was Oscar, walking head held high and a large grin on his face. He was beyond excited to meet the mysterious Y/n.
When they both began sending letters to each other, they agreed that neither would pry for surnames, addresses and other personal details.
The one thing they decided to do today was dress in all white, making it easy for each of them to pin point each other.
Oscar approached the cafe, his eyes scanning the area for a women dressed in all white. Until he spotted her, it was love at first sight!
He was obsessed with how she stylied her hair, and what she decided to dress like considering the white rule. "Y/n!" Calling out her name, as he made a quick walk towards her.
Y/n could hear her name being called and when she turned she came face to face with the one and only Oscar Piastri smiling down at her. A gasp broke through her lips, surprised that he was her pen pal.
"You're my pen pal?" She asked in disbelief. The Australian driver nodding his head excitedly. "You let me hype you up about your driving and didn't tell me?"
They both broke out into laughter. "Yep! And I loved it!" Oscars face held a cheeky grin, that Y/n instantly fell in love with.
After settling down in a small secluded table just outside the cafe, Y/n turned to Oscar. Her face now holding a cheeky grin. "Is now the best time to tell you that I work at Redbull as a media girl?"
Now it was Oscars turned to look shocked, shaking his head in disbelief.
"So you're telling me we've been right under eachothers noses the whole time!?" Neither expected that they were in reality quite close to each other whilst they were sending letters back and forth.
"What are the chances? Right?"
"Fancy leaving Redbull and join me in Papaya? maybe then Oscar Piastri will be your favourite driver..."
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nanaminded · 2 months
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐑 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝐌𝐄𝐍
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 ⭑ 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 ⭑ 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 ⭑ 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭 : Do they prefer cloudwatching or stargazing with you?
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : Cringe if you're a hater, est. relationship, skinship, not proofread
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𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 五条 ⭑ 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠...in a field
Loves to feel the grass on his skin as he finds you both a lush spot with the right view and lays down.
Has one hand folded under his head and the other stretched out on which you rest your head.
The only time he'll actually ever shut up.
Speaking only to ask you what you make of the shape of a specific cloud and what he thinks it resembles.
Lowkey reminds him of Geto.
Absentmindedly plays with your hair.
"Do you want to pause time to stay like this forever?"
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 夏油 ⭑ 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠...on a rooftop
Prefers stargazing but is paranoid of encountering curses that might hurt you.
Takes you to a somewhat high building top and sits you down near the edge before joining you.
You lean your head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around your waist.
Speaks in a low, calming voice.
Points at various fluffy clouds and talks about what they look like.
Intertwines both of your fingers.
"The clouds remind me of the shape of your soul."
𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 建人 ⭑ 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠...at a camping site
A romantic weekend at a hilltop camping site with a stunning view.
Sets up those lil' foldable chairs around the campfire you started.
Points at the stars and teaches you the names of constellations and how to recognize them.
Arm around your shoulders as he pulls you into him.
Tucks away stray strands of your hair that get ruffled because of the wind.
As you catch up and continue to talk, the conversation always ends with planning every detail about your Kunatan getaway that you both are so excited about.
"I like nights like this, and I want to spend many such nights with you."
𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 伏黒 ⭑ 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠...after a long drive to the beach
Long drives with no destination. Past familiar streets and through the woods, you end up at a secluded beach tucked away from the city lights.
After walking along the shoreline with the water lapping at your feet, you both lay on the sand.
Both his hands folded to be placed under his head while yours rests on his bicep.
Listens to you talk about the different zodiac signs and constellations and asking him if he can recognize any.
Stares at you as you passionately yap away.
"Yeah I'm don't follow but would you like to be with me forever?"
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©️𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃. Do not copy or repost without credit or I'll cry.
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charmikarma · 6 months
Breath as Influence and John in the Epilogues
Breath is probably one of the better understood aspects. “What is it?” someone asks – and the whole fandom is like, “Oh, Breath is about freedom and wind and detachment.” Which I don't disagree with. But I think most people miss a key piece of it – Breath as influence.
I'm no seasoned classpector, but I am a Mage of Breath, so I feel like I have a deep and personal understanding of Breath, particularly because of how it has manifested in my life. Yeah, I know, claiming I'm an authority on the subject because of my self-imposed alignment within a fake typology system makes me sound like an asshole. But I'll have to ask you to trust me, because if I start talking about my own experiences, I'll sound like even more of an asshole.
Anyway, let's kick this off with the official description of Breath, per the Extended Zodiac:
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In summary: the Breath-bound are flexible, driven, detached, and maybe a little self-centered. Also, other people tend to get caught up in their personal development, which tends to make them good leaders. But the most important thing here for the point I'm making is this:
others ... feel inspired by them.
This word, inspired, has been rolling around in my brain for the past few weeks, because of its connection to Breath. Hey, did you know that “inspire” comes from Latin spirare, meaning "breathe"? And if we include the Latin prefix in-, it becomes "breathe into."
The Breath-bound have an ability to breathe into, or inspire others. They're not aware of it – after all, they are just living their lives for themselves. But wherever they go, they are inspiring people. Or, more accurately, they are influencing people. Actually, the influence of Breath goes beyond just people. I could even get meta with it (and I will. I apologize in advance). But let's start small for now.
Tavros Nitram
So, Tavros. Page of Breath. Pretty much all of Tavros's contributions to Homestuck as a story happen as a result of someone doing something to him. Vriska paralyzes him, which kickstarts the whole FLARP cycle of revenge arc. And again when the truce is broken in Act 5 Act 2, it is because Vriska kills Tavros. If this doesn't sound like influence to you, you're right. Tavros has very little influence. He's a Page, after all, and if there's one thing I know about Pages, it's that they're weak as shit until they reach their "true potential," which is pretty much always something stupidly overpowered. Y'know, like Jake overpowering Jade's first guardian powers. That was pretty batshit, I'd say.
But Tavros's contributions don't end there. He actually does reach his true Page-y potential right at the very end of Homestuck, when he gathers an army of ghosts – honestly, probably every single ghost in the furthest ring – by just talking to them. Was this something of a punchline to a very long joke? Probably. But it is also a pretty good example of the kinds of things Breath players typically do.
On a meta level, though, this argument kind of falls apart, because... As far as I can tell, the army of ghosts doesn't really do anything. Nothing important, anyway. Lord English's defeat is pretty much entirely at the hands of John, Dave, Davepetasprite^2, and alt!Calliope in the body of Jade, as described in the Epilogues. The ghost army just isn't relevant, in the end.
But you know what is relevant? Vriska.
Half the people reading this just groaned, I can feel it. Why are we talking about Vriska, a Light player, on a post about Breath?? I hear your question and I raise you this: Why the fuck is Vriska so obsessed with Breath players???? Personally, I think it's because she has an innate sense for their passive ability to decide what's relevant.
But before we get into Vriska, let's talk about John.
John Egbert
John, Heir of Breath. The protagonist of the story. In the context of my thesis of "Breath as influence," isn't it interesting that the protagonist is a hero of Breath? And even beyond that, he's an Heir, a class typically interpreted as "becoming" their Aspect, or "inheriting" it. If you find my argument compelling, you could even say John is the influence that drives the story. Which is exactly what a protagonist does - after all, what is a story without a protagonist?
This question is actually addressed in Homestuck, kind of. At some point in Act 4, Terezi manipulates John into visiting his denizen early, which gets him killed. The story is left without its protagonist, and progress grinds to a screeching halt. Jade doesn't enter the Medium and presumably dies. The reckoning never happens. Dave and Rose are trapped in a doomed timeline. They lose contact with the trolls. For what is a world without the breeze, without air, but a place of complete standstill? The story needs John to continue. Okay, it needs Rose and Dave and Jade just as much. But it's interesting that the story makes a point of John's death being the turning point that makes this particular timeline doomed.
Okay, sorry for the wait. It’s Vriska time. Vriska's driving motivation is to be relevant. She does everything in her power to steal the spotlight, which may or may not be related to the fact that she's a Thief of Light. Again, I'm not an experienced classpecter. I only really have a surface level understanding of Light. But I'm getting off topic here.
In Act 5 Act 2, Vriska starts talking to John. Why? Well, partially because she wants to compete with Terezi, who is talking to Dave. But there's also the fact that she wants to be the force responsible for Bec Noir. And also for John reaching god tier. And everything relevant really??? She's really fucking good at being relevant, I'll give her that. Or at least presenting the illusion of relevance, but that's a big topic that I think I should save for another day. Another essay, maybe. The point here is, John has a tremendous amount of influence over Things That Happen just by existing, and Vriska knows it. Maybe she torments Tavros because she senses the same sort of potential in him, but that's probably a stretch.
In any case, this is baby shit. There's better evidence than this. Let’s talk retcon powers.
You could argue that the retcon powers are separate from John's abilities related to his classpect, and on some level you'd be right. But in a game that "knows" everything that is going to happen, I have to question if extraneous powers like this are taken into consideration when Sburb "decides" what classpect it gives a player. I feel similarly about Jade's First Guardian powers. Teleportation is a pretty space-y power, in my opinion. And definitely one that... "breaks rules," I guess. Among all the other things First Guardians get to do. Once again, I'm no classpector. But Jade getting access to First Guardian powers upon reaching God Tier strikes me as very Witch of Space-y. I feel similarly about John's retcon powers - they strike me as very Heir of Breath-y.
And not just because I view Breath as influence, though that is definitely the most obvious way the retcon powers could be interpreted as Breath-y. Even on a surface level, they're pretty Breath-y. When John first talks to Roxy, he gives a whole spiel about everything he's been to up until this point, most of which is obscured by "blah blah blah." But little phrases come through occasionally, and when he starts talking about his brand new retcon powers, he uses the phrase "UNSTUCK FROM CANON." Which sounds a lot to me like "freedom from the narrative." But maybe more telling is the fact that John's quest as an Heir of Breath requires that he use his retcon powers. Getting rid of the oil, freeing the fireflies - his quest as established at the very beginning was always intended (in universe at least; I can't speak for Hussie's intentions) to be solved by his retcon powers.
So retcon powers are at the very least Breath-adjacent. What’s that got to do with Breath as influence? I’m sure you see where I’m going with this. Retcon powers are basically the ability to do whatever the fuck you want to any point of any timeline. I’d call this influence but I’d sound silly, actually. It goes way beyond influence. It’s way less subtle. I guess you could call direct intervention like this influence at its most powerful. Well, almost. There’s one step above this that John never really taps into. Which brings us to...
The Epilogues
For better or for worse, I fucking love the Epilogues. I think Candy, on its own, is a fantastic and surreal deep dive into a mind high on depression. And as for Meat, I’m an absolute sucker for metafiction and narrative fuckery. I eat that shit right up. My favorite anime is Princess Tutu, etc., etc. This is your warning: Yes, this section will contain evidence toward my claim that Breath is influence. It also doubles as an Epilogues analysis. It kind of turns into one at the end. Sorry, but I needed to get it out of my system.
So, in case you missed it, the step above retcon powers that John never taps into is direct narrative control, like we see Dirk engaging in throughout the Meat side of the Epilogues. The fact that Dirk is revealed to be the narrator of Meat begs the question: who is narrating Candy? It’s never outright stated, but it’s probably alt!Calliope. Unlike Dirk, alt!Calliope doesn’t have an agenda, as far as we’re aware. So why is Candy so fucked up and weird? Why is everyone out of character? I know this comes as a shock, but: it’s probably John’s passive influence over the narrative.
Before the Epilogues even begin, John’s been wasting away in his house all day, every day. He’s depressed as hell. Sort of dissatisfied with how artificial and "perfect" Earth C is. Some have suggested he also feels disconnected from the post-retcon versions of his friends, and I think this holds some merit. It would explain why he feels disconnected from reality in Candy.
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(Candy, 11)
Depression colors your view of reality. It darkens some parts, brightens others. People who look happy will appear so to an unsettling degree. Fucked up things will appear even more fucked up. Depression ups the contrast, if you will. And that’s pretty much what happens in Candy. Jane’s pretty bad in Meat, but she’s like a billion times worse in Candy. Jade causes some awkward moments in Meat, but she is pretty much a sex pest in Candy. The positive parallels are a bit harder to find, since Meat pretty much sucks too, but you could speculate that John perceives Rosemary to be happier together than they actually are, so they’re, like, uber happy together in Candy and raising a daughter and shit. It is John’s warped perception of reality that in turn warps it beyond recognition.
This isn’t just me theorizing, by the way. There’s pretty compelling evidence to suggest that this idea is accurate to what is happening. It’s pretty clear in a conversation between (Vriska), who has just arrived on Earth C via the black hole in the furthest ring and her descendant/clone Vriska (aka Vrissy in HS:BC). The two of them stare up at the sky, pointing out clouds and what they are shaped like, when (Vriska) has a realization.
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(Candy, 37)
John’s influence over the reality is so absolute, even the clouds bend to his will. I think Vriska only notices it because she’s a new arrival to Johntown. It isn’t long before she’s absorbed into the John-ness of the timeline. And then, she goes on to say exactly what I’ve been saying this whole time. Remember earlier, when I said Vriska knew that John had an incredible amount of influence over Things That Happen?
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(Candy, 37)
Yeah. That wasn’t speculation.
The last thing she says, though, that he’d be relevant even if he was dead, is actually a reference to Meat. So let’s talk about it!
As we know, Meat is narrated by Dirk. Dirk’s narrative style is a lot of fun for me, personally. He’s sassy, kind of an asshole, and has no time for bullshit. The second John puts that meat in his mouth, he gets to work, pulling the strings of his little puppet show.
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(Meat, 1)
He wastes no time putting words in John’s mouth, writing him out of the story of Earth C as quickly as possible. It’s almost with a sense of urgency that he pushes John to complete his mission. Which is probably necessary, seeing as the sanctity of canon relies on him going back to tie up the loose end that is Lord English. But I think Dirk has ulterior motives. I don’t think Dirk has the ability to impose his will so overbearingly with John around, because for some reason, John’s power of passive influence prevents him from doing so. Is John more powerful than Dirk, even after his ascension to Ultimate Selfhood? Maybe. I certainly think so.
But John’s pretty gullible. He’s easily influenced. He doesn’t have the same safeguard around his own mind, for some reason. Or maybe he does, and it’s just taken Dirk this long to crack him? This is speculation at this point. Not important.
So Dirk eventually kills John. Why? Well, first of all, it’s harder to control the narrative with him around. Though I speculate that’s not very important to Dirk anymore since he fucks off to who knows where around when John comes back. I think, more likely, Dirk finds John’s influence on the narrative unsavory. I mean, just look at Candy. What an absolute disaster of a timeline. Maybe his awareness is such that he knows that letting John live will result in a similar degradation of his friends’ personalities as he knows them. I can’t really say one way or another. It’d explain why he wants John’s body on the ship with him, though. Y’know, to make sure he never gets revived. And yes, he wants him on that ship. He pretty much tells Terezi outright to captchalogue his body before convincing her to join him.
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(Meat, 35)
There’s one problem, though. I don’t think John being dead even erased his influence on the narrative?
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(Meat, 36)
Right there at the end:
The gentle breeze is all she can hear. It’s louder than my voice, and in some understated way, makes my case for me more persuasively.
I don’t think there’s any other way to read this than the breeze representing John. This is a literal manifestation of John’s influence. I guess it could be symbolic – like Terezi doing a “what would John do?” kind of thought process. But I dunno, Dirk doesn’t strike me as that kind of narrator. Besides... It’s a little too on the nose. Say what you will about the Epilogues, but I believe a great amount of care went into them. This certainly isn’t a throwaway line.
Okay, sorry. I really went off the deep end into Epilogues Analysis Land there. You may have noticed that I didn’t talk about Homestuck: Beyond Canon. That’s partly because I haven’t gotten there in my reread, but mostly because I’m not yet convinced that it has – or will have – nearly the level of plot consistency of its predecessors. We’ll see, I guess.
In any case... Breath as influence, huh? There’s probably more evidence for this hidden away somewhere. I probably could have talked about Rufioh. I didn’t want to though. I also probably could have pointed out the word inspire from the Extended Zodiac thing and called it a day, but instead I blacked out and wrote this. Weird!
If you read all, uh... *checks word count* 2.7k words of this??? Jesus fuck. If you read all this, thank you for reading. I’m open to feedback! I’d love to discuss some of this more! Especially the Epilogues stuff. I have a million thoughts. Bye!
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aaron-m-geist-ff · 4 months
NOT EVEN GONNA LIE ZODIAC ASKS ARE SUCH A COOL IDEA!!! 😭 AFTER STALKING YOUR PROF- AHEM SORRY- READING YOUR WORK- couldn't resist the irresistible energy to toss my hat into the ring *wink wonk*. A-KNEE-WAYZ we're twinning- I'm a gemini tooo 🤭🔫 and honestly I would love something fluffy (tho I wouldn't say no to some smut either teeheee) life's been stressful lately :(( I'm pretty new to the fandom so I'm rather curious to see what you'll give me 👀...OH and I use she/they pronouns :))
PS: May I ask you what your favorite flower is?
PPS: Your writing is phenomenal, imma go stalk your ao3 later
Your newest supporter.
Omg your ask made me smile so much because of how absolutely unhinged it is 😂you can stalk me all you want! And I could already tell you were a Gemini just from the first sentence 🤣A-KNEE-WAYZ, I will give you what you want now!
Ps: I like white daisies and any red flower ☺️
Pps: thank you for supporting me so strongly, twin!🩷💅🏻
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You got…🥁🥁🥁
Satoru Gojo!
“Oh my god!! And then, you will never believe what happened next, my co-worker actually told me that her step daughter got cheated on! Isn’t that crazy?! I was so shocked, clutching my pearls and everything!” You continued to ramble on and on about one of your crazy stories.
Gojo sat there with his blindfold on, taking a sip of his soda as he listened patiently.
“Satoru, are you even listening to me?” You stopped telling your story all of a sudden to ask the question.
“Am I talking too much?” You asked. You were beginning to feel insecure. In the past, people used to straight up start ignoring you because of how much you talked. You really valued your boyfriend’s opinion of you and didn’t want him to end up disliking you for some reason. You couldn’t hide the concerned look on your face.
Gojo chuckled.
“Nah, baby. Talk all you want. I’m listening~”
He sounded so fucking dominant when he said that. It actually made your cheeks start to heat up. You weren’t one to get flustered easily, but having Gojo order you to talk more did stupid things to your Gemini brain.
Gojo smirked when he saw your blush. He rested his chin on his hand, leaning back on the couch.
“In fact…Come sit on my lap while you continue that story of yours.”
Gojo’s voice was so attractive to you. It made you nervous. And the idea of sitting on his lap made your heart do a flip in your chest. As a Gemini, you have a tendency to be a little too flighty. Your mind is often all over the place. Gojo enjoys being your anchor.
You sat on his lap, facing him as you straddled him. Your cheeks were flushing so much out of embarrassment. You swallowed thickly, wrapping your arms around Gojo’s neck.
“Right…So, anyway…W-where was I in the story? I think I lost my train of thought-“ you stuttered.
Gojo’s large hands moved to grip your ass. He squeezed it casually.
“Your co-worker’s step daughter got cheated on and you clutched your imaginary pearls,” he said with a short laugh.
You giggled, trying to ignore the arousal flowing through you.
“Y-yeah! Sounds about right!” You chirped cheerfully. It made you really happy that Gojo remembered those little details. He seemed to pay attention to you just like he promised. It made your heart feel warm to be appreciated in such a way.
“Ha…Y-yes…Right there, Satoru-“
You moaned quietly, your face pressed into Gojo’s neck as you rode his cock. You could feel the tip pressing into your special spot, sending little shocks of pleasure through you.
“And what happened next in the story?” Gojo teased lowly, uttering the words right beside your ear.
You whined. “Satoruuu! I can’t….ha, fuck… I can’t talk-“
You were always quite vocal during sex, and how could you not be?? Gojo fucked you too well. He chuckled at your pathetic response.
“Oh? My little Gemini can’t talk anymore? Must feel really intense, babe.”
Gojo gripped your hips as he began to fuck you from below, pushing his cock up into your tight entrance. He moaned under his breath, getting lost in the feeling as he thrusted roughly without any hesitation.
“Fuck…Gonna fill you up, princess.”
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corrodedbisexual · 10 months
Like a cannonball
Steddie | M | ~3.3k | AO3 link
Written for @thefreakandthehair's wonderful summer challenge. I'm glad there were still some unclaimed prompts when I showed up late with Starbucks. 🥰 Prompt: cannonball.
Featuring: Fluff and Humor, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Coming Out, Friends to Lovers (idiots to lovers more like), Getting Together, Drinking, Marijuana, Summer, Moving In Together, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington's slutty shorts
Snippet below!
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“Be careful, you might have to sweep me out of here with a broom or something in the end.”
“You can stay if you want.” Steve shrugs, a tiny roll of his shoulders. 
“You asking me to move in, Stevie?” Eddie chuckles. “Geez, buy a lady a drink first.” 
“You’re not a lady,” Steve points out.
Yeah, that’s kind of the whole point, Eddie thinks. He winces. 
“I guarantee you, you don’t want me living with you.”
Steve frowns at him. 
“Why? The way I see it, the pros outweigh the cons.” Steve sits up, cross-legged next to Eddie, and starts bending the fingers on his hand one by one as he talks. “I know for a fact that you can cook. You always pick good movies to watch. You know how to fix shit when I’ve got two left hands. You’re great company and fun to be around. You always have weed on you.” 
Eddie snorts. 
“And the cons?”
Steve appears to be thinking for a moment.
“Well, your music is terrible. Hey!” He yelps as Eddie throws at him the nearest thing in reach, which turns out to be an empty beer can. “Okay, your music is terrible and you’re really sensitive about that, but I’m gonna count that as one. Two, uh…” He stares at his hand with only one bent forefinger. “Actually, I got nothing.”
“I’m messy as fuck,” Eddie supplies.
“Eh.” Steve shrugs. “I’ve been to your room Eds, I wouldn’t put that under messy as fuck. You’re not like, a serial hoarder, or something.”
“Wayne always complains about my hair clogging the drain.”
“Baking soda and vinegar. It’s not rocket science.”
“I’m gay, Steve.”
Eddie stares up at the ceiling, and the silence that follows his words feels like an eternity, even though realistically, it’s probably only a few seconds.
“Okay,” Steve says, and his voice sounds… fuck, like Eddie just told him his Zodiac sign, or something. Eddie turns his head slowly to find Steve smiling. “I thought we were listing the cons here.”
Read on AO3
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dumbkatsu · 1 year
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You ask and I deliver! I'm so happy everyone is enjoying the Mu Qing hc, so let's start:
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Mu Qing would notice the littlest things about you.
From how you style your hair, how you prepare your coffee/tea, what you put first in the bowl if it's the cereals or the milk to the little gestures you do when you're nervous.
He just loves your little mannerisms so much. He finds them endearing.
Even the way every week you organize your books in a different system
He would notice how you sometimes forget to take care of yourself properly so he would help.
If you are a very busy person in the morning and forget to eat breakfast he'd prepare it for you to take away with a sticky note saying: "Don't forget to eat dummy"
When you first introduced him to MBTI he was really confused.
And when you explained the concept to him he low-key thought it would be another zodiac thing.
Which made you really pissed
So you made him do the test.
(And during the test he was a bit bored ngl)
It gave him ISTJ
At first, he was confused but as he read his results he was starting to doubt his convictions and so he became interested in mbti's
Cue you sending him a shitton of mbti memes 24/7
And whenever he saw a meme roasting your mbti he would def sending you
You would def make him dress up as your mbti for Halloween
But he wouldn't mind
Because if it made you smile he would do anything for you
When it comes to communication in a relationship, he can get a bit shy and insecure, so there will be times when he won't say wants to say. But if you talk to him and show him that you can give him a safe space to express his feelings he will become more confident and it will show.
OH! I totally feel like mu qing is the type to avoid you when he realizes his feelings for you (pre-relationship)
If you were close friends before and this starts happening it can be very hurtful.
You try to corner him but to no avail, he just gives a half-assed excuse and weasels his way away from you again.
It takes Xie Lian, Feng Xin, and even a tiny roast from Hua Cheng to make him apologize and confess to you
"Mu Qing you should be honest about your feelings, it's clear that they like you too!"
"Yeah bro you need to go head in and do it, it's been too long and now that you decided to very obviously distance yourself they've kinda been upset these past few days"
"Only a pussy bitch boy wouldn't admit their feelings and just confess instead of causing mindless hurt to both parties, isn't that right Mu Qing?"
"San lang..."
Yes that was basically the last drop for Mu Qing and he decides to drive up to your place
(cliché warning: I'm about to be so corny on this one I hope you can forgive me)
It started pouring rain and Mu Qing cursed himself for not doing this sooner and just being a blatant coward.
When he reached your driveway he calls your phone
"Hey, why are you-"
"Come outside"
"Mu Qing it's raining"
"I don't care just come outside, I want to take you somewhere"
"Fine. Give me a minute"
You basically leave in your pajamas and go on a late-night drive with Mu Qing.
He obviously gives you the aux cord bcs he likes your taste in music
You guys drive for a bit until he stops at a place with a nice skyline
You guys stay silent until he turns the engine off.
Mu Qing sighs to himself as you look at him expectantly
"Look Y/n I'm sorry. I have been a first-class dick these past few days and I really didn't want to hurt you by doing it but...it's just that... " he stops.
The words he wants to say can't get out of his mouth it's stuck in his throat until he feels your hand on top of his giving him an encouraging nod
It's incredible how you make him feel like he can conquer the world without uttering a single word really.
"I have feelings for you y/n. I never felt like this before. I feel like I don't deserve to feel like this, I feel like I don't deserve you in my life because I can't treat you like you should be treated. You've been here for me through thick and thin and I would do anything for you. But I am honestly feeling very fucking scared for what it might happen next."
You stay quiet trying to process all of the information you were just told. It was a lot to take in. Until you broke the agonising silence.
"I like you too Mu qing. I always have" you said with a beaming smile
"And yes you were being a total asshat, I was so confused. I thought you were upset that I ate the last chocolate pudding in your fridge"
You two broke in silly laughter and when you opened your eyes you saw mu qing really close to your face.
He was looking at your eyes with such adoration that it was hard to maintain eye contact with those grey eyes.
He momentarily looked at your lips and his Adam's apple bobbed
He looks back at your eyes again moving closer. Your lips almost touching
"Can I k-kiss you?"
You guys can figure out the rest ;)
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laismoura-art · 9 months
Y'all I just finished the Story Mode and all endings!
I'll talk about them all eventually, in the meantime, I did say I was gonna write a fic about Tomas ending but with that one little twist!
Well it is coming together! So please, have a peek:
"How old are you?" I demand.
And the question seems to have angered him, he frowns and refuses to answer. Now is not the time to grow bold, kid.
"When I ask you a question, you better answer. How old are you, lad?"
“Twenty?” Ha! Ha! "In your dreams, kid! You must be what? 15? 16 perhaps?"
"Have you ever seen a 16 year old??" He barks. Oh, it seems I've struck a nerve! But at least I got an answer: "I'm eighteen."
Bullshit one all the same. "Right. Have an ID to prove?"
The kid scoffed at that, he is growing bold. "Yeah, I’ll give myself the trouble to put on a mask and also carry an ID in my pocket. Sounds about right!"
Sarcasm now? Huh.
Though I must admit, he's got me there... "Good point." But still, better safe than sorry. "What year were you born? Quickly.”
“2005.” He answers immediately, so most likely not a lie.
2005? Just turned 18 then, or did he? “What month?”
“March.” He replies with annoyance. “Want the day and time too? Zodiac sign perhaps?”
“Sure. And perhaps a name too.”
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It's the first time I write Smoke as the narrator! It was fun!🩶
Also, Hanzo being a sassy little shit!💛
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starryeyedgifty · 1 year
Things I have noticed about astrology placements as someone who has been into astrology since 5th grade.
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♍︎ Virgos: if someone is a Virgo or has predominant Virgo placements AND they have a lot of trauma that they NEVER heal from they have the potential to be the worst person alive. They will probably shit talk or harass everyone around them and think everyone else is the problem and never even think to correct their bad behavior.
♏️♊️♎️ ♒️ Scorpios and air signs: Scorpios aren't the most mysterious sign it's Gemini or any air sign. The reason is that air signs tend to talk about superficial stuff or just downright unique/crazy theories they have to the point it's hard to see what they really think about in their heads when they are alone... they also are experts at switching up their personality to get along with others, so sometimes I'm like how are you actually? love y'all tho 🫶🏿.
♈️♉️🦀 Aries, Taurus, and Cancer: Aries' temper isn't scary it's Taurus or cancer that is. Maybe it's because I grew up with Aries brothers and a majority of my best friends have been Aries. I don't find them scary when they are mad especially since they tend to be angry often lol. I think Taurus or Cancer is the scariest probably because they are very slow to anger and are usually calm and they tend to be more physical when angry (just my experience) but yeah Aries anger is still awful to experience tho 😅.
♎️ Libras: Libras stereotype as being cordial and friendly and everything pink is not it. Some of the most aggressive people I have encountered have been Libra. They definitely do have a lot of friends and are likable but they are so argumentive sometimes I'm like you can't be the Libra I have read about. Although I will say libras are either pretty looking or their vibe is very alluring. (Venus influence of course)
♐️ Sagittarius: Sagittarius is so misunderstood. They are seen as the unserious goofballs of the zodiac but they are so much deeper them that. I would describe Sag as a photo of the whole world. like if it was possible for the entire globe or a big region to be photographed that would be Sagittarius. Not because of the obvious reasons as in sags being interested in different cultures and wanting to experience everything. but because Sagittarius thinks and goes through so many things it's impossible to capture it all...
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natlacentral · 2 months
‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Crown Prince Dallas Liu Had Elliott Smith on his Zuko Playlist
With the Netflix show officially renewed for two more seasons, the actor talks to GQ about his personal style, his cult series PEN15, and bending lightning.
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Before he found his calling, Avatar: The Last Airbender star Dallas Liu considered becoming a stuntman. But when Liu was only 12 years old, his soon-to-be manager discovered his competition videos on YouTube and asked him if he'd ever thought about acting. The answer was yes: “Martial arts had definitely inspired me to become an actor, because of the performance aspect of it,” Liu tells GQ from his home in California.
Now, at 22, Liu’s credits include a Gen-Z cult comedy (PEN15) and a high-profile Marvel film (Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.) He’s been able to channel his eclectic background to play the complicated villain at the center of the Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise, Fire Nation royal Prince Zuko.
A few weeks before Netflix announced that Avatar had been renewed for a second and third season, Liu talked to GQ about how playing Prince Zuko changed him, his love of A24 films, and the Pen15 renaissance.
Were there any Avatar scenes that you were really excited to film?
All of the flashbacks. All of episode six was super fun, but specifically the scene between Aang and Zuko in that shed after an escape. And then, when Zuko sort of blows up at Zhao, at the fight at the Northern Water tribe.
The writers had given me a lot of good stuff to work with, and so I was just happy that in our show Zuko gets a character arc. In the first season of the animated series, he’s sort of one-note and quite melodramatic in each scene—he's sort of being repetitive about his motives. [But] he was always my favorite character as a kid. I just loved Zuko. Being able to play him was a dream come true.
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I saw in another interview that you said that it was great to humanize him. Was there anything that you kind of discovered about yourself through playing Zuko, because he's such a complicated character?
Yeah, since he’s so complex, playing him opened up my heart while I was off-set. When I had originally arrived in Vancouver to work on the show, I was similar to Zuko in that I was very narrow-minded in what I wanted to do, in terms of how I wanted to be an actor on set. I thought this was my one opportunity in life to prove to the people that I have a spot in this industry.
I was like, I'm focused on my work, do my job, go home, rest, and just take care of myself. And throughout that process, that's what it feels like with Zuko and Iroh. Zuko is like, "I'm just going to capture the Avatar, and then return them to my father and then I get to go home." And we see that that's not the case.
There are so many things that are involved in this journey that Zuko and Iroh go on, and something that I felt was my relationship with the other cast members and with the crew members started to grow. I found myself wanting to open up my heart and share this experience with them, and share all the love that I had inside of me that I had been trying to hold back on.
If you were not playing a character from the Fire Nation, what powers would you want to have personally?
Oh, it still definitely would be fire. It’s the most aesthetically-pleasing one in my opinion. In the world of Avatar, you can start to manipulate other elements once you become a master of that base one, and I think lightning is something that I've always thought would be super cool to bend. I think fire represents me, my heart.
What's your Zodiac sign?
I'm a Leo.
That adds up.
Wait, why?
Leo is a fire sign!
Oh, yeah, that's true!
Have you seen the TikToks about the Pen15 renaissance?
During my time shooting it, Pen15 was still blowing up. It's been on this continuous rise, which I'm so happy because that show—now it's really, really popular. But at the time, it was so underrated. I was still tapping into a younger version of myself on that series. But [for Avatar] I took inspiration from watching Maya and Anna act out as kids, for Zuko being an innocent child himself in the war meetings, in that first scene with Uncle Iroh in episode six.
I mean, you were still a kid. You were 16. That's a child.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I guess it's a lot closer to Zuko, and that he doesn't think he is.
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Did you really shave your head for this, or did you do a bald cap?
Given that we were trying to stay faithful to the original and what it represented in the show, I thought it was extremely important for me to shave my head. I had a choice. I won't get into what it represents so much, but you get to see a little bit in some of the Avatar lore that exists outside of our series. But it gets you into character so much because it pisses you off so badly every morning. Waking up on the weekends when I'm not working and I just want to go out, I have to throw on a beanie. But waking up and staring at myself—This is my life now, this is who I am—I think it certainly got me into character very easily.
I really liked your red velvet suit at the premiere. How has your style evolved from your younger years to now?
My mom has always been my biggest fashion influence. She's the one who sort of turned me into this picky critic when it comes to outfits and clothes. Even when I was younger, I wouldn't ever let her pick out my outfits. And because I didn't let that happen, I ended up looking really stupid and goofy a lot of the time.
But I think everyone starts in sneakers—very common, especially for guys. You start with basketball shoes, and then you transition into Jordans, and then you transition into some form of streetwear after that. And at that point, you could go, I think, either into this world of vintage or archive clothing, or obviously, people love designer clothing and mixing up that world of streetwear with that.
But for me, I think I just really elevated basics. My style has just become less about brands, obviously, and more about quality. I'm 22 now, so I'm paying for all of this stuff myself. So I'm like, is this worth it? Am I going to be fine without this? On carpets for the Avatar premiere, I wanted to go all out. When I'm in real life, I just stick to all black and different shades of gray.
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Did you make a playlist for Zuko, his character to get into character?
I did, but at some point, I stopped using it just because I sort of found my groove from the character. But some artists that were in there were Elliot Smith and Duster.
Which Elliot Smith songs did you put on there?
“Between the Bars.” And just all of his most popular stuff for sure, because especially “Between the Bars” relates to some part of Zuko's life, whether it was his actual scar banishment or catching the Avatar.
Are there any genres you want to dabble in next?
I honestly love drama so much. Obviously, the new Dune film just came out and I just love Denis [Villeneuve]. Every actor, I feel like can agree with me on [that]—and that we want to do an A24 film. But honestly, I'm still just trying to take any work that I can get, because I do want to show my range as an actor. I'd love to work with Willem Defoe on something, that'd be cool. So, just projects that are grounded, but have a stylistic element that separates it from Hollywood blockbusters.
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honeydbee · 6 months
( quotes from across the percy jackson books. feel free to change names, pronouns, locations, etc. as needed ! )
“If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.”
“Where’s the glory in repeating what others have done?”
“With great power…comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”
“Deadlines just aren’t real to me until I’m staring one in the face.”
“Sometimes the best we can do is to remind each other that we’re related for better or for worse… and try to keep the maiming and killing to a minimum.”
“Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing.”
“Humans see what they want to see.”
“The real world is where the monsters are.”
“Life is only precious because it ends, ___.”
“Getting something and having the wits to use it…those are two different things.
“I’m nobody’s sidekick.”
“Medusa is your mom? Dude, that sucks for you.”
“Every time I’m around you, some monsters attack us. What’s to be nervous about?”
“You weren’t able to talk sense into him?”
“Well, we kind of tried to kill each other in a duel to the death.”
“I see. You tried the diplomatic approach.”
“Excuse me, but if you’re going to kill me, could you just get on with it?”
“There is always a way out for those clever enough to find it.”
“Sugar and caffeine. My willpower crumbled.”
“Maybe it’s okay to still be a kid once in a while.”
“Behold! The god’s chosen beverage! Tremble before the horror of Diet Coke!”
"What could be worse than hummus?"
“Like the zodiac sign? I’m a leo.”
"Hercules, huh? That guy was like the Starbucks of Ancient Greece. Everywhere you turn--there he is."
"Delaying death is one of my favorite hobbies."
“I try not to think, it interferes with being nuts.”
“What if we promoted, like, Adidas shoes? Would that make Nike mad enough to show up?"
“You think it’s ok we’re eating Rudolph?”
“Dude, I’m hungry. I could eat Prancer and Blitzen too.”
"I can see the stars again, ___."
"I appreciate the offer, but my mom told me not to accept curses from strangers."
"I'd had years of practice looking dumb when people threw out names I didn't know. It's a skill of mine.”
“I didn't understand how, but the toilets had responded to me. I had become one with the plumbing.”
“Back in my day we died all the time, and we liked it.”
"Don't I get a kiss for good luck?"
“You, Me. To the Finish line.”
“You're cute but you're not my type.”
"You're death would be great for me."
“But remember, ___, that a kind act can sometimes be as powerful as a sword.”
"It's okay. We're together."
“I’m sure you both would’ve been wonderful at killing each other. But right now, you need some rest.”
“So…you knew you liked me from that moment?”
 “I hated you at first. You annoyed me. Then I tolerated you for a few years. Then—”
“Besides, ___, I just thought we could take a walk. We haven’t had any time to be together alone. I want to show you something—my favorite place."
“Save yourselves! It is too late for us!”
"Come on, let me introduce you to my other family.”
“Lots of death, huh? Personally, I'm trying to avoid lots of death, but you guys have fun!”
“Being a hero doesn’t mean you’re invincible. It just means that you’re brave enough to stand up and do what’s needed.”
“Hmm… I can call a friend for a ride.”
“Oh, yeah? Me too. Let's see whose friend gets here first.”
“Please, ___... change your clothes. You smell like you've been run over by an electric horse.”
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Dating Ging Freeces
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Ging Freecss x fem! reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex/intimacy but nothing actually happens
A/N: Why do I do this? Because I'm me and I have little dignity left
*slams head against wall repeatedly*
Tiffany you dumb bitch why do you have to develop stupid crushes on toxic men
*rests head on wall, take deep breath*
Ok I'm fine now
Being with Ging is annoying to say the least
Honestly you probably wonder daily why you are still with this man 🤨
But love is a crazy thing YN
In all honestly, Ging is probably more the fwb type
He doesn't like to be tied down
As evident by his lack of parenting to Gon 🙃
Gon you sweet angel you deserve so much better 😫
He'd probably be like "It's ok my dad's an amazing hunter :D"
So if you are looking for a "relationship without labels" Ging's the guy for you
When you first met him, you were turned off by his brass attitude and rude behavior
He's might be shy but he's outspoken on alot of things
If you are a ruins hunter like him, he will test your knowledge, constantly feeling the need to on up you 😒
Yep he's one of THOSE guys
But don't let it bother you YN
Don't play into his games because we all know he's just testing you
When he tries to one up you, just say "oh thats nice"
Ging 👉🏻😐😑
There is no real definite moment in your relationship where you become a couple
Honestly you guys just start hanging out together and that's kind of it
Actually you two probably just sort of form of truce and that's it 🤷‍♀️
Intimacy doesn't start right away
And like your relationship, it kind of just happens
Like Ging will just walk up to you one day, kiss you passionately and that's all she wrote 😅
Intimacy does happen often when he's with you
I will give him this, I think he's a pretty passionate guy
He's also romantic but not on purpose
Will take you to some of the most gorgeous places on earth without even thinking about it
Mans enjoys the little things life has to offer and wants to experience them with you
While he might be romantic, he will also just up and leave you 🙄
After a night of passion don't be surprised if you wake up in a bed alone
He will leave you a note on the pillow that says something like
"I'm off. I'll reach out soon. Ging"
You will have to be pretty secure to be in a relationship with Ging
Mans will not contact you for weeks or even MONTHS!
And when he does, it's not much
Just a text or two
BUT they are cute 🥺
"*sends picture of gorgeous landscape* I can't wait to bring you here" or "the only thing that could make this place more beautiful is you"
😫😫😫 mans is romantic
He's also possessive and jealous as HELL
Seriously, you two might not have a defined relationship
But Ging will make it VERY well know that you are his and his alone
Even if some guy is merely talking to you, Ging is in the corner, glaring 😑
He's literally a child YN
Gon and Killua are more mature 🙄
You are a social and sweet person
Many hunters think of you as a literal Angel sent from heaven
And they truly have no clue why you are with Ging 😒
Honestly that's the question that surrounds most of the Zodiac meetings
Oh, btw you and Ging serve on the zodiac council together
And while Ging rarely shows up, you often get hounded about you relationship
Totally get thrown under the bus with that one YN
"Alright before we start does anyone have any issues to being up?"- Miss Cheadle asks
"Yeah I have a question, YN when are you going to realize how shitty Ging is and dump his dumbass?"- Kanzai asks
You 👉🏻😐🙄
"Seriously YN you are gorgeous and perfect and Ging, well Ging is Ging!"- Pyon asks
"Everyone please! This isn't a quarrem about YN and Ging's love life"- Cheadle adds
"Thank you"- you
"Even if we are all confused as to why someone like YN would date Ging, we should be respectful"- Cheadle
You 👉🏻😐 thank you
"I mean, the man is a literal child abandoning jerk who rarely shows up to meetings but it's not about that! I'm sure Ging and YN make a great couple"- Cheadle
You 👉🏻😐 yep
"And I'm sure whatever weird connection they have makes them both happy even if Ging tends to ruin everything"- Cheadle
You 👉🏻 ight imma head out ✌🏻
I told you, you gotta be tough to be in a ship with Ging YN
And when Ging does show up to meetings, you can bet there is ONE person who will irritate him to no end
"I'm so sorry to keep everyone waiting, where is Miss YN?"- Pariston says smirking at Ging
Ging will probably growl at the mere mention of your name from Pariston's lips
You come in the conference room and take you seat next to Ging
"I'm sorry, Beans needed my help with something"- you say smiling and sitting down
"Miss YN you are always so kind and giving! I would live to have someone like you working at my agency"- Pariston smirks
Ging will seriously be growling so loud at this point
YN do something 😫
"Pariston, thank you but I'm very happy where I am"- you say calmly
Ging grabs your hand under the table because the feral man needs to chill out
But don't worry, that won't stop Pariston
Oh no no no
Because he's equally as annoying as Ging 🙃
God I'd HATE being a member of the zodiacs with those two on board 🥴
At every turn, Pariston is trying to get under Ging's skin
"Miss YN, can I just say how beautiful you look today?"- rat man
Ging 👉🏻😑😠
You 👉🏻 😐 🙄 thank you Pariston
"Miss YN you should be vice chairman when become chairman. I'd love to work closely with you"- Pariston
"OVER MY DEAD BODY RAT"- Ging yells 🤬
You 👉🏻😐🤦‍♀️ thanks Pariston but I think I'll pass
But the absolute best thing EVER happened during the question and answer session the zodiacs held for the hunters
You know the one where Leorio punched Ging 🤪
Honestly classic 👌🏻
You sat there while the crowd applauded Leorio for his amazing performance
"I told you to go visit him"- you say as Ging gets up from the floor, rolling your eyes
As you stand up to check on Ging, you cross in front of Pariston
Causing the rat to stick his leg out and "accidently" trip you
As you fall, gracefully 💅🏼
My headcanons and I always wished I was graceful so let me live my dreams ☺️
Pariston stands quickly and catches you mid fall, like in one of those romance books
You stare into his eyes, blushing
"My goodness Miss YN, are you-"
Before he can finish, Ging's fist is connecting with Pariston's face and that's all she wrote
"I said, get the HELL away from my girlfriend you rat"- Ging
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 girlfriend?
The zodiacs 👉🏻😱 he finally admitted it
All the Hunters 👉🏻 standing ovation for Ging punching Pariston 👏🏻
It's like the WWE up in here!
After the meeting, you help patch Ging up
"Girlfriend huh??"- You say trying not the smile
Ging rolls his eyes
"Well it's true isn't it?" He scoffs
"Yeah I guess just never thought I'd see the day"- you shrug
"Well I guess I just need to introduce you to Gon then"- Ging says
"Oh I already met him"- you waving your hand
Ging 👉🏻😃 whet-
"Yeah Kite introduced us. He's a really sweet boy Ging, not sure where he got that from"- you chuckle
"Hey I'm sweet! I defended you against Pariston didn't I?!?"- Ging groans
"Like I couldn't have handled him? How do you think I've managed at meetings when you don't show up?"- You
Ging 👉🏻😑 I'm going to kill that asshole!
You roll your eyes knowing Ging is a true man of his word 🥰
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ghostsandfools · 8 days
Okay, it's been a couple hours and I'm feeling coherent again, let's talk about that LAES episode.
First of all. 5 in a row???? Are they okay over there????? But also, THANK GOODNESS! I think I genuinely have an issue, I wake up early in the morning and spend my whole day waiting to see if Gemini will be in the lore episode that day, and can only be productive after I have confirmed or denied their presence. And then if they are in the episode I just can't function for the next hour.
ANYWAYS, enough about me. Pollux not talking because she was the one who presented in the trial???? I don't even know how to describe that, i dont know if I'd call it cute, or interesting to her character, or cool, or both, I don't even know I just love her.
Lunar being annoyed about being on probation was funny to me cause like- Yeah. You killed somebody. I'd say that's a pretty light punishment, even if you're being monitored by Taurus.
When he was first introduced, I thought he was super intimidating, but you know what he reminds me of? He reminds me of an older brother who cares about his siblings and tries to tease and mess around with them, but also has a couple impulsive/negative personality traits and ALWAYS takes it too far.
Anyways, in celebration of Taurus finally showing up maybe possibly, sometime soon, here are some cool facts about Tauri (What is the plural form of Taurus?) that I gathered from some quick and probably unreliable google searches :]
Tauruses like stability and don't like their routines interrupted, while Geminis don't like to be bored and can't stand repetitiveness, which is probably why they don't get along.
Tauri are apparently "Sensual, romantic, and charming", which I find crazy because like... Do some zodiacs just have more rizz????? Who decided which zodiacs have the most rizz???????????
Tauri are incompatible with air and fire signs, another reason why he probably doesn't like Gemini, but I'm sorry, Leo is a fire sign???? I don't know why, I always thought Leo was a water sign, but nope! So Tauri and Leos don't get along, despite their clearly stated friendship in the show.
They're very loyal. And they also fear the unknown, so maybe that's why they don't like Lunar???
Tauri are "often described as having a muscular or blocky build", which again, HOW DOES BEING BORN IN MAY DETERMINE THAT??????
Apparently the plural is Taureans????? TAUREANS???? They really missed the opportunity to call them Tauri, like cacti.
They struggle with inadequate self esteem, interesting possibility for future character arcs.
Anyways. All of this was coming from a Libra who's AWFUL at astrology, so if you're an astrology nerd and you see this, take it up with google, not me. I hope Taurus shows up soon, I KEEP DREAMING ABOUT HIM, swear to god I'm acting like Moon, I keep looking up facts about Taureans, I had a dream that I went to band camp with him???????? I need him to show up in the show, DESPERATELY.
Thank you for reading my mad-man ramblings.
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stargatebarbie · 9 days
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @spurious 😊
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Yes! 7 years this November
02) What was your dream growing up? I wanted to be a psychologist for a long time but tbh glad I didn't end up doing that I am not suited to it
03) What talent do you wish you had? It'd be cool to have an idetic memory. Or even just like, a good one. My memory is shot lol
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? I could really use a proper coffee rn
05) Favorite vegetable? like good cherry tomatoes. the home grown kind. Or maybe potatoes
06) What was the last book you read? I'm currently reading Dungeon Meshi! I'm really enjoying the anime and decided to pick up the manga, just finished the first volume
07) What zodiac sign are you? Cancer 🦀
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Yeah ears stretched a little, I think they're only 1cm & septum piercing. I haven't gotten around to getting any tattoos atp, shit's expensive, but I absolutely want them
09) Worst Habit? stealing all the cups and forks in the house
10) What is your favorite sport? not to be a stereotype but I don't really do sport. ig hockey?
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? naturally pessimistic but i really try to like. practice optimism
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. one time I was locked in a bathroom with a goat
13) Do you have any pets? Yes! A cat named Moon :)
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Scary for sure. I blame my mum she hung a clown puppet in my room as a baby
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? boy howdy would I love a breast reduction
16) What color eyes do you have? grey/blue
17) Ever been arrested? No but I have been detained for like. safety reasons oop
18) Bottle or can soda? Bottle i suppose? I don't really drink a lot of soft drink though
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? probably fund my move out of state
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh. or the beach when it's not too crowded or cold
21) Do you believe in ghosts? No, to almost a cartoonish degree. I saw a ghost as a child & I still don't believe in them
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? any of my 8 million art/crafts/creative hobbies (currently mostly crochet, tatting, & drawing) & binge watching tv
23) Do you swear a lot? Ohhhh yeah. not only am I Australian, I'm from mining country
24) Biggest pet peeve? People being willfully inconsiderate of others in public spaces. trolley parked across the isle, tiktoks with no headphones on the bus, talking on the phone at the cash register, that sort of garbage
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? um. weird?
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? Yeah but like. I suck at it lol
27) Favourite and least favourite food? fave: potato bake & least: sausages
28) Do you believe in God? Nope lifelong athiest
29) What makes you happy: hanging out with my cat, rotating the blorbos in the brain microwave, finishing a project (in theory), and uhhh I'm replaying totk with my gf right now that's pretty great
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: listening to a country & folk playlist, folsom prison blues just came on shuffle
31) Favourite place to spend time: uh yeah home
32) Favourite lyric: truly i hate to choose favourites there are so many um. okay
I'll be the jester as long as you are my queen Make a fool out of me I wanna be the source of your laughter
33) Recommend a film: I almost never watch movies uhhh. I recently forced my gf to watch the Birdcage with me bc she'd never seen it, it's so good
34) Recommend a book: Peter Darling by Austin Chant my beloved. Also I'm reading Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke rn and I'm really enjoying it if you work in an office and have slack or similar then I highly recommend especially
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: Stick Season by Noah Kahan is just SUCH a good album
36) Recommend a TV show: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - great for lovers of musical theatre and/or the mentally ill 😌
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I'm from Queensland and currently live in Tasmania. I've moved back and forth between QLD and TAS a few times, and plan on moving to Melbourne eventually
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? The aforementioned cat, I got him from a shelter & they got him from a dumpster <333
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? during a drinking game I once took a shot that included; soy sauce, fish sauce, Worcestershire sauce, vodka, a warhead (sour lolly), fanta, and probably some other stuff I'm not sure I was very drunk and 18 year olds should not be unsupervised with that much alcohol bc they'll invent the world's worst drinking games
40) How did you 'find' fandom? A friend of mine sat me down in front of her family computer in their bible library (not a joke, whole library of bibles & Christian religious texts) & said hey. have you heard there are people on the internet who write stories about these two guys from this one series kissing? and I was immediately hooked lol
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. work laptop (bc I am on the clock oops), personal PC, crochet project, calcifer plush, & my cat glaring at me from my computer tower bc I wouldn't let him sit on my keyboard
42) How do you style your hair? Well it was a mullet but it's super grown out now so it's more of a shag & I mostly just chuck it in a bun or something. I desperately want to shave it but it's so cold, idk maybe I'll just make a few beanies & buzz it anyway
If you want to join in please consider yourself tagged! 💖
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