#yeah okay patrochilles reference…
cephiius · 3 years
okay, this is officially the cutest fantasy podcast ever.
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i just finished this like ... a minute ago and it is adorable. it's basically a cheesy fairytale gay enemies-to-lovers story (but there is more than that!) and it's just SO FUN. it heavily reminds me of bbc merlin, especially with the personalities (not to mention the references they keep saying) and kinda how to train your dragon with a hint of cartoon network style of storytelling. also some of their qualities remind me a lil bit of patrochilles. but yeah! pretty light hearted with some intense scenes here and there-- overall it's just magical.
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pussyd0n · 3 years
Okay , so I had a pretty big brain moment today and I realised there are so MANY parallels between pjo and Actual Greek mythology. Although I doubt Rick knew what he was doing and maybe it's just some coincidences ... But I'm pretty sure the Two of these were glaringly obvious and intentional
Zeus-Poseidon : Percy - Jason : Honestly this rivalry is EXTREMELY overrated. Jason and Percy both kinda (or at least should) loathe their godly parents. So I want them to be best bros . I don't have anything against Jercy either. So yeah ... This rivalry was extremely unnecessary and cliché
Demeter-Hades : Meg - Nico : I gotta say they have an adorable dynamic , it's nice
In real mythology Poseidon was a god who frequently got into fights with various gods , Just like Percy.(and providing that by showing Jason Percy rivalry is a really basic and poor way to show that) ,. So I like to believe , that as much as Percy is loved , he has just as many haters too.
Without further ado let me explain the rest, hear me out :
Percy - Piper dynamic: in real mythology , Poseidon had a rivalry with Aphrodite. They were both in a relationship with Nerites (the only brother of the 50 neirids) . And that was quite a fight. I like to believe that Piper not finding Percy attractive was a way to express the grudge she had on him because ,well Piper had quite a crush on Annabeth (which may or may not be just as bad as Nico's crush on Percy). I like to believe Annabeth was her lesbian awakening. But she got over it eventually. Okay I get it, that Percy is the hottest demigod on the planet. But let people have crushes on Annabeth too. So yeah , Piper did not like Percy right away.
But Later on Piper and Percy bonded over loving the sea , and having one of the best Brotps , because both their parents are related to the sea.
Silena-Clarisse: Sorry to Silena × Beckendorf shippers , but Silena actually loved Clarisse and wanted to die wearing her armour (which is a nice reference to patrochilles and I cry over it more often than you can imagine , I'm not talking about it here). Silena grew up hearing that Aphrodite was an ultimate male magnet and that she had to live up to it. She was so sick of following the heteronormative ways that she held a grudge against her mother and went on to join Luke's army. But that's not the point.
The point is Aphrodite was forced to marry Hephaestus , but her heart belonged to Ares. The same way the heteronormativity forced Silena to pretend to date Beckendorf (a child of Hephaestus) , but her heart belonged to Clarisse (a child of Ares) , ouch.
Annabeth and Percy rivalry (before they got together): okay , Rick made a major mistake by making Annabeth a Mary Sue kind of character (while trying to portray their die hard rivalry and failing miserably). Because oh my god, the possibilities ?? of ?? Athena - Poseidon rivalry !!! Need I say more ? They faught like cats and dogs.
Poseidon: Oddeysus can't return to his wife and will wander the sea
Athena: Haha , he's my son now , I've adopted him.
Poseidon: This land shall be mine !
Athena , turns around on the chair she was sitting in: You're late to the party. But you sure do deserve a temple in Athens . Well bestie ,you tried.
Imagine the chemistry Annabeth and Percy could've had. Pure enemies to friends to lovers. I mean , that's already the plot, but it'd have been better if Annabeth and Percy would've been more competitive. You know what I mean ?
Lastly Will and Percy rivalry: Even though this isn't canon , I am 100% sure it's canon. We consider it canon. Apollo and Poseidon faught not once but twice. They're the literal definition of 'the boys'. Including that one time both Poseidon and Apollo were cast down as humans.
Will and Percy clearly have exactly the same kind of dynamic. They fight on the smallest of the matters. And it's almost comical to see two grown up boys fighting over what bathbombs taste like (I'm pretty sure Will and Percy have had a bathbomb eating competition).
These are just my takes on them , feel free to add more if you find any .
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