17-imagines · 3 years
Hi yesterday i discover your blog and i Think I'm in love !! Your write is so good ^-^ ! *Sorry for any mistake English isn't my first language* Pls do more Wonwoo fluff scenarios with a idol render.
hii, thank you!! i luv u, ill keep it in mind ^_^
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17-imagines · 3 years
I stumbled into your blog and saw your mingyu red string of fate scenario and did you write that before the announcement of 24h, their jap comeback? Because if you did, i'm amazed 😂 because the concept for their jap comeback is the red string if fate i—
omg LOL i wrote it before, i wrote it in 2017 jiasodjaiosdj
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17-imagines · 4 years
quick little update,
i am thinking of writing again, but i just haven’t had the time :-( i’m in my 3rd year of uni, so it’s hard to find time to write when i’m buried in lab reports and assignments. thank you for 3k, will be back soon ♡
i am doing a full reset on requests. when i get the chance, request queue will be reset to 0, and i ask that you resend requests you really want to read. please make sure they follow the guidlines linked on my page!
also, i saw seventeen!!!!! i lov them so much, seeing them live was amazing :((((
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17-imagines · 5 years
[scenario] the moon & the star
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title: the moon & the star
member: lee jihoon ft. kwon soonyoung + members
genre: angst, fluff
warning(s): none
word count: 1622
synopsis: jihoon’s lost first love might not be so lost after all. it’s all thanks to a stolen bracelet and kwon soonyoung. 
a/n: if it’s confusing im happy to answer questions!! my first original writings since hitting my wall pls be gentle 
Nights in the city are pretty.
The dark sky is illuminated by colorful billboards and street lamps, and the city is blanketed in a white noise consisting of cars whirring past and small talk.
The nights you spent with Jihoon were prettier, though.
You know that much.
Keep reading
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17-imagines · 5 years
[imagine] stargazing with unit leaders
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what’s in the bag, seungcheol??
oh. you aren’t ready
he pulls out a thin blanket and spreads it out on the grass, then pulls out a thicker blanket and wraps it around you. he also tosses out a pair of gloves, earmuffs, and a scarf. just in case. better to be warm than sorry
he wiggles into your blanket from behind (literally ducked beneath it and wormed his way up) so that you’re sitting between his legs, and he just holds you like that while looking up at the stars
his breath is warm against the back of your neck, sending a small shiver through your body, to which he only chuckles because. he’s doing it on purpose 
he enjoys nights like this. you, him, and the stars
don’t get him wrong, he loves the members with all his heart but sometimes it’s too hectic especially when he just wants to shower you in love
he begins to spend more time watching you tbh, how the stars reflect in your eyes and how lovely you look with your cheeks flushed from the cold
it ends up overwhelming him and he starts to tear up - and when you ask him what’s wrong he replies with “absolutely nothing, that’s the problem”
you turn to face him as best as you can and wipe his tears away, and you lean to kiss him slightly
he pulls you closer against him and he kisses your head, mumbling a soft ‘i love you’ before settling into a comfortable silence
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isn’t it too cold for this?? 
we could do this from the window
stops complaining once he sees the view, and the childlike grin on your face
sits beside you silently as you point out constellations, admiring the twinkle in your eye as you describe each one
he wonders if this is how you feel when he shows you how he composes. full of warmth and admiration
he holds one of your hands in his and wiggles his fingers against your own, listening intently nonetheless
it is a little chilly, but nothing he can’t fix. he shrugs off his jacket and places it over your shoulders, refusing to let you return it to him
the silence is nice, a change from always wearing a pair of earphones or headphones. he likes that he can hear the rustling of grass and trees swaying. he also likes being able to hear you. just you
he sighs, content, and squeezes your hand as a way of communicating to you that he’s still there
you squeeze back and lean into his side, your head against his shoulder. he leans his head atop yours and wonders if he should write a song about this moment, just for you.
the moment he realizes he’s in love.
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are you sure this is legal?
I mean, the door didn’t say it wasn’t illegal. and it was unlocked
soonyoung wanted a break from dancing and this led to stargazing on the roof of the Pledis building. 
prohibited or not, soonyoung comfortably settles himself down on the concrete floor
you join him, and he smiles brightly at you before directing his attention to the stars
they’re hard to see, especially in such a bright part of the city, but he manages to point some out
he’s slightly disappointed because he wanted to be able to see them clearer. next time, he says, he’ll take you somewhere you can properly see them. next time.
but for now, this will have to do.
he’s still warm from hours of practicing, so he doesn’t hesitate when he pulls off his hoodie and shoves it over your head
‘can’t have you catch a cold before our first real date,’ he says, enjoying the fact that your blush is more prominent in the dark
he uses the last of his courage to hold your hand, and from the corner of your eye you can see the matching blush on his face
you quietly tell him you like him, to which he responds ‘i like you more’.
he doesnt let go of your hand until you’re both back in the practice room, and even then he’s reluctant to let go
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17-imagines · 5 years
[scenario] the moon & the star
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title: the moon & the star
member: lee jihoon ft. kwon soonyoung + members
genre: angst, fluff
warning(s): none
word count: 1622
synopsis: jihoon’s lost first love might not be so lost after all. it’s all thanks to a stolen bracelet and kwon soonyoung. 
a/n: if it’s confusing im happy to answer questions!! my first original writings since hitting my wall pls be gentle 
Nights in the city are pretty.
The dark sky is illuminated by colorful billboards and street lamps, and the city is blanketed in a white noise consisting of cars whirring past and small talk.
The nights you spent with Jihoon were prettier, though.
You know that much.
Instead of colorful billboards and street lamps, the dark sky would be illuminated by dozens of twinkling stars, and instead of the sound of cars and conversation, it would be soft breaths and crickets.
It makes you wonder if he looks up at the stars and thinks of you, even after becoming a star himself.
And in a city so blindingly bright, you wonder if he even remembers the stars at all.
“Excuse me?”
You tear your eyes away from the night sky and meet another person’s gaze.
“Um… You’re standing in the entrance,” he points out, with a small laugh.
“I am? I am. Sorry.”
You step out of the convenience store’s entrance and smile bashfully at the stranger, gesturing for them to go in.
“Thanks,” he says with a grin, slipping into the shop without another word.
Note to self: find a better place to stargaze. Preferably, not in front of a convenience store in the middle of Seoul. Maybe you should start eating at home.
Soonyoung glances back once more at the stranger visibly cursing themselves out and chuckles, dumping an armful of snacks into a basket.
He looks back again to see the stranger get into a taxi and disappear down the street, a bag of instant ramen and chips in their hand, and a strangely familiar bracelet around their wrist.
Soonyoung shrugs it off and makes another round of the store before checking out, the bracelet now the least of his concerns.
If only he hadn’t lost that game of Street Fighter, dooming him and his wallet the victim of the midnight snack haul.
He sulks back to the dorm, three bags filled to the brim with snacks in hand.
Once he’s through the door, the members that aren’t glued to the screen scramble over to claim their snacks and return to their seats.
Seeing that Jihoon is currently button smashing the controller with Wonwoo visibly disgruntled beside him, Soonyoung grabs a bag of chips for the both of them to share and plops in between them.
He squints at the complex combination of buttons Jihoon’s pressing, and gets lost in another wave of X’s and O’s. He finds himself staring at the bracelet snugly fit around Jihoon’s wrist, and it’s then when he’s reminded of the stargazing stranger.
“You know, I saw someone with the same bracelet as you at the convenience store.”
Wonwoo sighs in defeat and drops the controller, and Jihoon reaches for the bag of chips in Soonyoung’s lap as the screen fades to a victory for his character.
“It’s not uncommon.”
“It was black and white, braided, and had a charm hanging from it,” he shrugs. “Dunno what it was. A moon maybe? I didn’t get the best look.” He tosses a few chips into his mouth, and mumbles, “They were weird. Who looks for stars in Seoul?”
Jihoon traces the outline of the charm through his sleeve, the metal cool against his wrist.
A star.
That night, Jihoon leaves the curtain slightly lifted, just enough to see the night sky.
It’s been years since he’s seen the stars properly but the moon never fails to shine, even with a few clouds in the way.
You were the moon to Jihoon, and Jihoon, your star.
Stars fall out of the sky, but the moon stays the same.
Would you love him the same, even after falling out of your sky?
“Oh, it’s you!”
You look up from your phone to see the convenience store stranger, frantically waving his arms your direction. You glance around only to have him run over and pull you away from your bench.
“I’m Soonyoung,” he states, promptly shaking your hand before releasing you, away from the crowd of curious onlookers.
“(F/N),” you reply. “Did you need something?”
“Kind of,” he grins, “I need to see your wrist, please. Preferably the one with a bracelet on it.”
“How did you -”
He pulls your arm forward and tugs your sleeve back, bringing his face inches from your wrist.
“Yep. It’s exactly the same.”
“Mind explaining?” You ask, withdrawing your arm slowly.
He steps back to a respectable distance and asks, “Do you know who Lee Jihoon is?”
You prepare to respond, but he cuts you off.
“Well, maybe if I asked if you know who Woozi is, you would know. Then again, you don’t look like you recognize me, either.”
...And now that you think about it, he does look oddly familiar.
“SEVENTEEN,” you sigh, “Yeah. I know.”
“You don’t sound very excited,” he frowns.
He waves off your apology, and reiterates his question.
“Do you know Lee Jihoon?”
“Yeah, I do -”
“Great! Then this will be easy.”
He grabs your wrist and pulls you further down the street, into a side street you recall having no public access, and you’re about to speak up before he flashes a smile at the security guard, who grins in return.
“Where are we going?”
“To Jihoon.”
You pull at his arm, bringing you both to a stop.
“Soonyoung, I haven’t spoken to Jihoon in years. I wouldn’t even know what to say. What if he doesn’t want to see me?”
An onset of emotions begins to bubble up within you, and Soonyoung’s firm hold on your wrist is the only thing preventing you from running in the opposite direction.
It’s then when Soonyoung’s playful smile morphs into a reassuring one, soft and sweet.
“If he didn’t want to see you, he would’ve taken the bracelet off years ago.”
Jihoon hears the heavy metal door behind him scrape open, followed by light footsteps.
“I don’t want to hear about your failed mission again, Soonyoung.”
The footsteps gradually get closer, and Jihoon spins around, scowling.
It’s not Soonyoung, that he can conclude.
Unless Soonyoung had magically transformed into the one person he’s given his heart to.
“Shit,” Jihoon murmurs, “he really did it.”
Jihoon recalls watching Soonyoung loiter around the convenience store by the dorm, spending a large majority of his time waiting for the so-called ‘convenience store stargazer’.
Jihoon had already lost hope after the first day.
Five had passed, and Soonyoung had actually found you.
He owes him an apology.
“He’s persistent,” you quietly admit, smiling softly.
“He is. He’s a good friend.”
“You’re lucky,” you remark, and Jihoon chuckles.
“I am anything but lucky.”
He kneels and sits on the concrete floor, leaning against the fenced-in ledge. He pats the spot beside him, and you join him, shoulder-to-shoulder.
“Why’s that? You’re surrounded by so many people who love you, like SEVENTEEN.”
He shakes his head, staring down in his lap.
“I lost you.”
“Did you?”
You lightly tug at the bracelet snug around his wrist, the star charm reflecting in the dim light.
“Last time I checked, this was mine.”
Jihoon stifles a laugh and you smile softly, tracing over the soft fabric.
“I can’t believe you switched them before you left,” you sigh, “I wouldn’t have noticed if my mom didn’t mention it.” You look over at him, a slight pinkness in his pale complexion. “Why’d you do it?”
“Promise not to laugh?”
He rolls his eyes before shutting them, a shy pout on his lips.
“I thought it would piss you off and give you a reason to come to Seoul.” He scrunches his face as you begin to laugh, and he adds, “It took you a couple of years.”
“Right, I came to Seoul because I was pissed at you for switching our bracelets five years ago.”
“What other reason is there?”
“You, in general.”
He feels his heart clench in his chest, and he steals a glance at your solemn expression.
“I thought I loved that town. I do, kind of, but I think I was more in love with the memories made there than the place itself. So I left, and it’s true,” you sigh, bringing your knees up to your chest, “I only loved that place because it’s where I first loved you.”
Jihoon’s heart is about to beat out of his chest, both literally and figuratively.
He’s always been the person who has a way with words, but you’ve always been the person with the ability to leave him tongue-tied.
He can’t think of any other thing to say but ‘I love you’, and as if automatic, you respond with ‘I love you too’.
It may have taken a few years, with the help of a worn-out bracelet and a curious yet persistent Soonyoung, but once again, you’re connected.
And somehow, the stars and moon look a lot brighter, even against the city lights.
Jihoon holds the controller up in victory as Wonwoo’s character is executed on screen, prompting the other to throw himself back onto the floor, exasperated.
Soonyoung lets out a loud ‘oh?!’ prompting the others to glance at him, confused.
“Moon?” Soonyoung points, brows furrowed. He turns to your dozing figure beside him and lifts your arm, revealing yours. “Star?”
You tug your arm away and burrow further into the warmth of Jihoon’s hoodie, grumbling.
“It’s mine,” you groan, “he stole it. I came to Seoul to get it back.”
“Oh. So it wasn’t because you’re in love with Jihoon?”
“So you kiss people you’re not in love with?”
“I -”
“Really? Kiss me, then!”
“Maybe it’s time to move back,” Jihoon scowls, shooting the members a ghoulish glare, “I always thought the city was too loud.”
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17-imagines · 6 years
guess who is back haha!!!!
will b posting soon srry school has been eating me
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17-imagines · 6 years
Hey! Do you have a list of works in progress?
hi! yes i do (and yes i just made it rn hahahah), it’s here
if you want to know if i have a certain request in my queue, feel free to ask!
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17-imagines · 6 years
Mobile Masterlist
scenarios - ✧  |   imagines - ♡  | texts - ☆
Keep reading
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17-imagines · 6 years
the only way I can describe my feelings after reading euphoria is ckjsifnsnicakjdkskdjjsksks my heart is so full rn thank you for writing such a lovely piece!! it was so well written and I love how the scenes transition into the next and akfjksk
sksksksk IM SOooO HAPPY U LIKE IT I DID MY BEST 💓💖✨ ty for taking the time to read it 🤧💗
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17-imagines · 6 years
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17-imagines · 6 years
[scenario] euphoria
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title: euphoria
member: kwon soonyoung x idol!reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: none
word count: 2,321
synopsis: you and soonyoung are forced to choose between loving each other or the job you both love. 
a/n: mercy pls ive been gone for too long
With your bag slung over your shoulder, you flip off the lights in the practice room, shutting the door quietly behind you.
You’re startled at the sound of footsteps at the end of the hall, and a quiet ‘hey’ is thrown your way before you can identify the stranger.
“I haven’t seen you lately,” they continue, footsteps growing in volume as they get closer.  
You squint at the approaching figure, and let out a small sigh when you realize who it is - Lee Jihoon. He has an iced coffee in one hand, and his phone in the other. He watches you expectantly, awaiting an explanation.
“...Right, yeah, uh… I’ve been…” you gesture to the practice room behind you, “...working.”
“Without Soonyoung?” Jihoon asks bluntly, sipping his drink. “Did you guys fight?”
You frown slightly.
“It’s complicated.”
Jihoon nods slowly, then glances at his phone, a screen full of notifications visible.
“They want me home,” he sighs, rolling his eyes. “You should head home too. It’s late.”
You hum in response, turning towards the stairwell. Jihoon crinkles his nose in disgust, but waves you off with a soft smile as he waits for the elevator.
You make it a few steps down when you see the silhouette of a person seated at the bottom step, and upon hearing your arrival they quickly stand and swivel around.
“Sorry, I -”
“It’s fine, you -”
You find yourself face-to-face with Kwon Soonyoung, whom you haven’t seen since the conference that crushed you both.
Painful memories flash through your head, and from the pained expression on Soonyoung’s face, they’re flashing through his too.
An overly chilled conference room.
The words the CEO spoke, stinging your hearts like venom.
Inappropriate. Prohibited.
The tears that dripped down your faces, staining your sweater sleeves.
The last kiss that sent chills throughout your bodies.
A few beats of silence pass, and Soonyoung is the first to break eye contact, his watery eyes straying to the tops of his sneakers. You glance away, focusing your teary blurred vision on the stairs.
“Sorry,” he says again, nodding his head slightly, gesturing for you to pass him. You oblige, quickly slipping past him without another word, tears threatening to spill over.
You disappear down another flight of steps, and Soonyoung sits back down on his step, dropping his head into his hands, wiping away the wetness surrounding his eyes.
“Fuck,” Soonyoung mumbles, rubbing his face.
“Language, Kwon Soonyoung,” a voice chirps. Soonyoung glances back at the descending male with a slightly confused, hurtful expression, earning an eye roll.
“The elevator was taking too long,” Jihoon shrugs, sitting a step higher than Soonyoung. “You good?”
Soonyoung shoots him a dejected glare before dropping his head back into his hands.
“Not in the slightest.”
Soonyoung sighs breathily and Jihoon swirls the ice around in his drink, the sound echoing throughout the empty stairwell.
“You still love her?”
Soonyoung glances up from his hands, sending Jihoon a soft, bittersweet smile.
“...I couldn’t stop even if I tried.”
“...I see.”
Jihoon hates seeing the other like this, so broken and vulnerable, and although he wants to think positively and think that the members will be able to make him bright and cheerful again, he knows nothing and no one will be able to fill the void in Soonyoung’s heart except you yourself. 
And no one has made him as happy as you have. 
Jihoon’s phone buzzes, interrupting him from his thoughts, and he turns it towards Soonyoung, revealing a thread of messages from Seungcheol, demanding that they come home.
They oblige and return home to a fuming Seungcheol, who’s leaning against the wall facing the entrance, ready to let them have it. 
But then Seungcheol remembers how much Soonyoung has gone through during the past week, and concludes that the last thing he needs is Seungcheol nagging him like an overprotective parent.
He pats Soonyoung’s head as he walks by, sending him an unreturned smile before the younger slips into the comfort of his bedroom.
He deserves the privacy.
He doesn’t want the members to see him like this.
He’s a unit leader.
A hyung.
But in this vulnerable, weak state…
He’s just a broken-hearted Kwon Soonyoung.
He’s started to sleep longer than Jihoon, and no one has the heart to wake him up for morning practices.
They know he deserves the rest. 
The escape.
But when news comes in that you collapsed during a recording, Seungcheol doesn’t hesitate to barge into the younger’s room, despite orders not to ‘notify or alarm’ Soonyoung.
The members came to a consensus that Soonyoung deserves to know, because it’s not just a matter concerning public image, but someone he loves.
And that overrides any authority.
“...Hyung?” Soonyoung grumbles groggily, sitting up slowly.
The bed sinks beneath Seungcheol’s added weight at the foot of the bed, and he lets out a soft sigh.
“Seoul National University Hospital, Room 202.”
Soonyoung squints at the elder, sleep still heavy on his mind. “...What?”
“(F/N) collapsed at a recording.”
That’s all Soonyoung needs to hear before he’s out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweats and jacket, grabbing for his phone on the nightstand. 
Before bolting out of the dorm he stops and turns back to Seungcheol, who’s watching him with a proud grin.
“Thanks, hyung.” He frowns, brows furrowing slightly. “If the company finds out they -”
“I’ve got it under control, Soonyoung. Go.”
Seungcheol always knows what to say during times like this.
Soonyoung can only hope he can get out a sentence - a word, even - when he sees you.
Since the conference, the two of you have been forced to cut off all contact, and are not even allowed to be in the same room, even while feet apart.
‘If the press gets word that the two of you are romantically involved,’ they said, ‘you will face suspension from activities or contract termination.’
So it’s understandable that his heart skips when he sees reporters lined up at the entrance.
You need him, though.
Cameras begin to flash and shutter behind him as he sprints past and towards the elevator, ignoring the nosy questions shouted his way, the baseless accusations being made.
They’re the least of his concern.
They can say what they want, and the company can do as they please.
He can move out of the spotlight,
he can get another job,
but he can’t get another you.
Soonyoung nearly rips the door off its hinges when he reaches your room.  
There’s no company staff to drag him out, but there’s no doubt in his mind that they already know, especially after the reporter fiasco on the ground level, but this is his choice.
You are his choice.
“Soonyoung,” you greet softly, “you shouldn’t - oof.” 
He envelopes you in a comforting embrace, your worries about the company quickly fading.
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, (L/N) (F/N),” he mutters sternly, reveling in your familiar warmth and scent.
“Are you okay?”
He asks you without letting go, the words muffled slightly by your hair, his breath warm against your skin.
His hold on you is tight, as if you’d disappear otherwise, and you gladly lean into him, comforted by his presence alone.
“Now that you’re here,” you answer quietly, balling your fists into the back of his jacket.
His heart aches at the action, and he pulls you even closer, holding you even tighter.
A million thoughts are running through his head at the speed of light, including regrets of not seeing you sooner and not defying the company’s stupid dating policy sooner.
Soonyoung feels you tremble against him and his thoughts come to an abrupt halt.
None of those thoughts matter in this moment, because he’s here now. You’re here now.
And not soon after, tears begin to fall from the both of you.
“I love you so much, you know that? Losing the job...although painful, doesn’t compare to losing you, (F/N).”
He shudders against you as a sob escapes him, causing your heart to sting.  
You pull away slightly to press a kiss to Soonyoung’s wet cheek, sending him a small smile despite the tears rolling down your face.
“I love you too, Soonyoung. More than anything.”
You wipe his tears away to the best of your ability, and he does the same for you.
Soonyoung pulls away further and brushes a thumb over your lips before kissing you gently, the taste of your chapstick and tears intermingling.
The kiss is comforting, and although your thoughts are in disarray, an odd calm feeling washes over the both of you.
It’s as if the universe is telling the both of you everything will be alright as long as you have each other, because no one can tell the both of you to stop loving.
No one except yourselves have the right to make that call.
And...some contracts are meant to be broken.
The next morning you awake with Soonyoung resting in a chair beside you, his hand tightly interlaced with yours.
His phone rests beside your leg, buzzing with notifications, the most recent one being from ‘manager-hyung’, reading: ‘conference room @ 10. bring (f/n)’.
The word ‘conference’ alone sends a chill down your spine, and you slowly awaken Soonyoung, who’s just as restless as you are at the sight of it.
You’re permitted to return to the company after a thorough checkup, and although you can walk fine, Soonyoung insists that he gives you a piggyback ride up to the conference room.
“If it’s the last time we ever step foot in the company, we might as well do it in style,” he says.
You laugh, genuinely, and Soonyoung knows this is the right path to walk down.
The fans will understand.
In fact, if he didn’t choose you - choose love - he feels that they’d just get more upset.
Your phone buzzes in your back pocket, and you’re confused at the string of Instagram notifications on your screen.
pledis_boos tagged you in a post. min9yu_k tagged you in a post. joshuahong951230 tagged you in a post. xuminghao_o tagged you in a post. chwenotchew tagged you in a post.
Soonyoung’s interest is piqued, as well as yours, and before heading into the building you open the posts.
They all contain the same video of you and Soonyoung dancing, exchanging laughs and chaste kisses, all the while unaware of whoever’s filming.
It’s a genuine display of affection, raw and uncut, posted by five members of SEVENTEEN, captions translating to the same simple phrase: “love finds a way”.
Within seconds, views and comments pour in, and you and Soonyoung scan over the love and support flooding the posts.
The fear and anxiety is quickly washed away and replaced with the happiness of acceptance.
Soonyoung comes to the conclusion that whatever occurs in that conference room, as long as he has you and SEVENTEEN by his side, everything will be okay.
You put your phone away and take Soonyoung’s piggyback offer, making your way up to the conference room with newfound strength.
However...out of all the possible outcomes you both expected, this wasn’t one of them.
Upon entering the conference room, you’re bombarded by the sound of cheering and confetti.
The members of SEVENTEEN and your groupmates surround the perimeter of the fairly large room, exchanging gleeful glances and short giggles.
“What in the world...are you guys up to something? Is this our going away party??”
Soonyoung lets you down and you stand beside him holding his arm, sending him a skeptical look.
“It’s nothing of the sort.”
You both freeze at the sound of the CEO’s voice, announcing his arrival.
The members are urging you both to turn around, and you shut your eyes as you turn slowly. Soonyoung nudges you, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
“Open your eyes, jagiya.”
In front of you, the CEO is shooting you both an apologetic smile, a small cake in his hands. The icing on top reads ‘love finds a way’, and the number of candles lit corresponds to the amount of time you’ve been with each other.
“I would like to apologize. I should have realized that ordering you to separate would do more harm than good. It is obvious that our dating policy needs to be revised. As long as your relationship doesn’t interfere with your performance...then I shall give you both my blessing.”
He holds the cake up as a peace offering, and you and Soonyoung blow the candles out.
Cheering ensues again, and the CEO slips past you both to place the cake on the conference table, giving you some degree of privacy.
“Don’t cry,” he starts, bringing a hand to your cheek, caressing it softly.
“Says you,” you retort, reaching up to wipe away the tears he hadn’t realized were falling.
He whines and pulls you in for a kiss, and you mumble something about having an audience, to which he pulls away to give you an abrupt shrug.
“The more the merrier.”
“Soonyoung, that’s not the phrase-”
He kisses you again in an effort to cease your nagging, and as much as you’re annoyed by i, it works.
Since then, everything has gone back to normal.
You and Soonyoung are sitting on the floor of the practice room together, sharing a pair of headphones, lost in each other.
He begins to pepper your face with small kisses, and doesn’t even bother to flinch when a chorus of groans resound around the room.
Maybe not everything’s ‘normal’, because instead of sneaking around like before, you’re now displaying your affections for everyone to see.
In short, they’ve...got some things to get used to.
But in the end, you and Soonyoung are together, happy - how you should’ve been from the start - and that’s what’s most important.
One without the other is impossible.
You’re the cause of each other’s euphoria.
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17-imagines · 6 years
hey! may i have a request on how do you think joshua will act infront of the person he likes? thankyou:>
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hihi posted! it’s kind of short so i apologize, i have a lot of stuff to get through - but nevertheless, i hope you like it!!
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17-imagines · 6 years
[request] [imagine] jisoo around his crush
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a/n: i wrote this in they/them so virtually anyone can be the crush╰(▔∀▔)╯♡ requested by @josushihong !! (fr some reason i cant tag x-x)
lots of glances he thinks is subtle, when in reality he’s been staring for at least 3 minutes and the other members have begun to notice
when confronted/asked if he likes you, he begins to laugh hysterically, says something along the lines of ‘no way brooOo’ 
but really all the members know bc he’s so bad at hiding it
one time he tries to look cool and pin drops but falls on his ass instead
it works out though bc his crush immediately kneels down to help him up, asking if he’s okay 
he’s still embarrassed and the blush on his face shows it,, but brushes it off and smiles at them, assuring them he’s okay 
the members are like rEAlly,,, that worked ??? and watch on in disgust as jisoo & his crush enter their own world
his voice is even softer when speaking to them, and his eyes light up whenever they’re around
always opens doors for them, checks that their seatbelt is on, and makes sure they walk on the inside of the sidewalk
when alone together, he sometimes stumbles on his words and breaks into a giggly fit, apologizing with a bright blush on his cheeks
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17-imagines · 6 years
Hello!! Can I request 17 and 30 with jeonghan in a college au? Thank you so much! and congrats on hitting 1K FOLLOWERS!!! you honestly deserve an even bigger number^^
fjkfdjl it’s posted!!! i’m so sorRRy it’s late OTL ily and i hope you like it (x) 
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17-imagines · 6 years
Mobile Masterlist
scenarios - ✧  |   imagines - ♡  | texts - ☆
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17-imagines · 6 years
[request] [scenario] tell me
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17: “You say I got us into this, but didn’t stop it from happening, either.” 30: “I tried my best to not feel anything for you. Guess what? I failed.”
title: tell me
member: jeonghan ft. members
genre: college au // slight angst // fluff
warnings: none
word count: 691
synopsis: a late night study session turns into a drinking session, and drunk soonyoung has a loose tongue 
a/n: dis short and late am srry )-: requested by @lowsugi  ((this is from an old ask game, i am not doing an ask game currently!!))
“You say I got us into this, but you didn’t stop it from happening, either.”
Jeonghan glances at you with a small collection of beer bottles in his arms, and you roll your eyes in response, picking up the empty fallen over takeout boxes and shoving them into a garbage bag.
“I didn’t think they’d drink themselves to hell - we still have three pages of review left.”
Seungcheol grumbles something in his drunken sleep, pulling the pillow in his hands closer to his chest, knocking over his pile of review sheets in the process, scattering them across the floor.
You sigh and begin to gather the pages, the rustling of the pages disrupting Soonyoung’s blissful sleep on the living room floor.
“(F/N)-ah shhh,” he slurs, then giggles, “I love you ♡”.
He shoots you a cheeky grin, eyes still shut, and you scrunch your nose, laughing quietly.
“I love you too, Soonyoung-ah. Now go back to sleep.”
“Don’t lie,” he whines, “You love Jeonghan-hyung!”
You noticeably stiffen at the statement, the tips of your ears filling with heat as you feel Jeonghan’s burning gaze settle on your back.
After a long pause you quietly murmur, “Just sleep, Soonyoung.”
The light snores that emit from his sleeping figure signals that he’s finally out cold, and you sigh, staring down in your lap.
The soft thud of socks on hardwood floor approaches you quietly, and you feel a heavy presence beside you, instilling an uneasy feeling upon you.
“Was that… true?” He asks softly, crossing his legs, your knees slightly touching. You scoot away from the contact, pulling your knees to your chest.
“It wouldn’t matter, true or not.”
You keep your gaze fixated on the tops of your knees, and out of the corner of your eye, you could see Jeonghan’s intense gaze focused intently on your face.
Jeonghan scoffs and shakes his head, using a hand to turn your face upward and towards him.
“That’s not your decision to make, (F/N). It does matter. To me. So please - is it true? You love me?”
The desperation in both his voice and expression sets off an aching feeling that spreads throughout your body, leading up to a buildup of burning tears in your eyes.
With one blink they spill over, leaving trails of wetness that lead from your eyes to your cheeks.
“I tried my best to not feel anything for you, but guess what? I failed. I...” You take a deep breath, a soft smile crossing your expression, “I love you, Yoon Jeonghan.”
In an attempt to keep your dignity you turn away and cover your face with the sleeves of your sweater, only to have him move to the space in front of you, pulling your hands away.
He gently wipes away the tears streaming down your face, and sighs softly.
“Is being in love with me that bad?”
“Jeonghan, we’re friends. I don’t want to ruin that.”
“I understand where you’re coming from, but by making that decision, you’re ruining what we could be.”
Jeonghan takes your trembling hand in his steady one, and squeezes it gently.
“I love you too, (F/N). I want you to take a chance on us.”
His gaze drops to your interlocked fingers, and a quiet ‘please?’ leaves his lips.
And in that moment, all you could think about was wiping that saddened expression off of Jeonghan’s face.
Your lips meet his, the taste of his vanilla chapstick and tears intermingling together. He smiles against you, whispers a soft ‘thank you’, and pulls you closer.
The next morning, you wake up between Jeonghan and the couch, a blanket draped over the both of you.
His lips are noticeably swollen and the tight hold he has on your waist is enough reassurance that last night was real.
“Like what you see?” He sleepily smiles, yawning.
You shrug, eliciting a semi-loud ‘hey!’ from his lips, disrupting the sleeping boys around you.
Soonyoung is the first to wake, and he groggily rubs his eyes, glancing you and Jeonghan over curiously.
“You two - since when?”
“Since you so kindly exposed me last night.”
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