1987vampire · 9 months
Good day/night, author!
I love the details you put in your writing, those tiny details make me foldd
I wanted to request something cause I love your writing, and I wanted to see how you'd write this prompt <3
Slashers with a fem! s/o who sends them suggestive pictures of themselves (referring to the s/o). Could be sliding polaroids under their door/ leaving polaroids for them to see, sending them virtually, etc etc.
Thank you! Have a wonderful day/night, and Happy Holidays!
warnings(s): 🍋, description of s.x acts, reference to female anatomy, blood (only with asa)
a/n: thank god, finally an excuse to be thirsty,, also tysm for the very kind words!! it means a lot to hear from yall :) some of these go further than others, so just drop an ask if you want any of them expanded on.
🔞i check the notes. minors don’t read & don’t interact.
thomas hewitt
* it’s risky business trying to get him the photos without somebody else getting to them first, so you stick them right in the pocket of his apron.
* almost the whole day goes by without so much as a glance from him. he doesn’t check his pockets until the day’s work is finished. but when he does

* he almost shouts. it catches him entirely off guard. not that he hasn’t thought of you that way, but
 taking stuff out of the bedroom is new to him. he’s checking over his shoulders even though nobody really comes into the basement but him.
* he likes it though. he’s a possessive guy. hoyt is always giving him shit, saying he’ll give you what Tommy’s too frigid to provide. this makes his chest thunder.
* you can tell he’s checked the pocket when he next enters the room. his eyes are dark from how huge his pupils have gotten.
* “like them?” you ask allusively, a grin tugging at your features. if you listen close, you can hear the click of the door locking before he’s upon you.
* despite his size, he works smoothly. you’ve reassured him enough by now that he’s confident around you. especially when you’ve shown him vulnerability like that, he can certainly return the favor.
* his shirt and belt go on the floor, and your fingers slide across his scalp when he lays forward between your legs.
* it’s become sort of a ritual for the both of you. he undresses both of you, but you get to take off the mask.
* even in the dimness of the room, you can imagine his blush easily. his cheeks are radiant with heat.
* although he’s usually all about taking his sweet time, this go around, he takes you like a starving man.
* he can’t even be bothered to take your clothes off all the way. two thick fingers, quickly dipped into his mouth, slip past your panties and right into your pussy. his other hand presses you down at the waist, steadying your body against his.
* his hand is large and calloused and scarred, but it works so deftly on your body. in any other case he’d feel guilty for being so greedy, but he needs you too badly right now.
* one heavy hand on your breast, he sucks dark, tender marks into your inner thigh while the pads of his fingers skim teasingly against that one spot that makes your legs go rigid.
* he does that until you’re half sobbing, chest bouncing with each choked breath. he doesn’t tease you like this often, either — he prefers indulging you — but the way you sound crying his name makes him hard as steel.
* “tommy
 Tommy, please
” it’s only him that makes you breathy and rushed like this, and he knows it. he relishes in it.
* but he doesn’t keep you waiting forever, don’t worry.
brahms heelshire
* bold of you to assume he doesn’t already have a collection of pictures of you in his attic hideout.
* he might have shown you a few before, just to tease you. there’s a few of you getting dressed/undressed, one or two of you asleep without a top on, and a particularly blurry one that appears to be you with your hand between your legs

* but he’s absolutely not complaining that you’re contributing. he’s overjoyed, in fact. he takes a particular interest in perverted stuff like this
* he doesn’t spend a ton of time up in the attic since you got together with him, but when he pops up to get something, he notices the addition almost immediately (living in one room for over a decade will do that to you).
* it’s taken in the master bathroom, one of the only rooms he doesn’t have much surveillance on. the tiled walls make it nearly impossible to poke a hole in without taking chunks out that get noticed and repaired immediately.
* he can see a big claw foot tub and a nice wide sink, and one wall with a floor length mirror nearly the size of a door.
* most importantly, is you. naked as dawn, with one leg stretched up on the mirror, and one hand between your legs, revealing your perfect cunt.
* of course, he pulls his dick out immediately. he doesn’t even bother shutting the door to the attic room. just drops to his knees and starts stroking.
* brahms is breathing hard under the mask, barely blinking as he gazes at your glistening pussy and slides one hand up and down his cock, thrusting into his fist.
* he’s loud, too. by the time he’s finished, no matter where you are in the manor, you definitely know. you can’t help but admit, you’re starting to get the appeal in listening to someone else moan your name.
* you’d better get up to the bedroom, though, since he’s ready for a round two with the real thing now.
billy lenz
* similar deal as above, he’s already got some of his own. his selection is much more lewd, though. he’s a little more dedicated to seeing your private moments than Brahms.
* and he’s definitely whipped them out for you, before, too, so you know where he keeps them.
* you’d set the camera on a timer and gotten to work with your favorite toy. in the end, you couldn’t bring yourself to choose a favorite, so you picked a few.
* the first is from behind, and shows the perfect ‘pretty stretch’ he always talks so much about.
* the next is up closer, two of your fingers stringing a trail of lube away from your pussy; you’re confident he’ll like this one.
* the last is of your face, and probably your favorite. tears are hanging from your eyelashes and glittering in the flash, the toy pressed firmly into your mouth. drool dribbles from the corner of your lips and slides deliciously down your chest. you’ve written ‘piggy’ and a heart on the edge of the photo in pink pen.
* the pictures stand out, piled in a neat stack on top of the messy stash in his drawer.
* (there’s also a suspiciously stained pair of your panties in the drawer. you’d been looking for them for ages. you take them back and drop them in the laundry.)
* and just like brahms, you know the moment he finds them. although, he doesn’t bother to even try taking care of his erection by himself. he goes right to you.
* “i’msofuckin’LOVEYOU, sweet-t-t pigGY! sosweetsogoodfor billy, billy l-lovesyouSOmuch, good-d girl, soOOO fuckin’goodforbilly—” his mouth is going a mile a minute up until you kiss him. he can’t help but giggle into it, hands all over you, grabbing, squeezing, pinching. he doesn’t even seem to notice that he’s grinding his dick against your hip.
* “—mh, please, pl-l-lease,” he breaks away from you, gripping your arms hard and blushing even harder.
* “use your words, billy.” you smirk, pressing against him. you can feel him throbbing.
* “nngh,” he whines, but does so anyways. “s-suckmeOFF! ple-ease, please
” he can hardly get the words out, he’s so excited. he throws his head back, giggling, only to smash his mouth against yours again.
* you have to pull his fly down and grip his dick hard to get him to pull away again. his speech devolves into mindless whining and giggling as you drop to your knees.
* he’s not awfully thick, but he is long. it takes a good minute of him thrusting into your throat and you jerking away from him, gagging, before you can get him all the way down.
* you know exactly which buttons to press — he doesn’t waste time making you guess.
* he likes it when you press your nose against his belly and swallow, feeling your throat constrict around him.
* he likes it when you maintain eye contact and flutter your eyelashes at him when he says something you like.
* he especially likes it when you drop your tits out and squeeze them. so much so, in fact, that he finishes down your throat without warning.
* it sends you coughing, but he holds you down until he’s finished, keening and chattering praise in your name.
* when you finally lean back, you’re a mess. you’re teary-eyed, chin and neck coated in slobber.
* he’s still twitching and pulsing even though he’s already gone soft.
* better clean up before he gets any more ideas

billy loomis + stu macher
* they’ve both had wet dreams about this kind of thing. they’ve probably floated the idea to you once or twice and received coy-but-promising responses.
* they both have phones, but they’re both also suckers for physical media; see also their extensive vhs and disk collections.
* Billy finds them first, and immediately drags stu into the bedroom to look.
* stu’s giggling like a schoolgirl as if you didn’t take them yourself. he sobers up when billy points out that you’ve written their initials on your inner thighs in what seems to be sharpie.
* depending on if you’re home or not, they might just jerk off then and there. they’re impatient like that.
* if you are home, however, they slide up next to you on the couch with these shit-eating grins on their faces.
* “didn’t know you had a side gig doing mags.” billy teases.
* “now i can tell everyone i’m dating a pornstar.” stu snickers.
* “except tatum.” you remind him, which only makes him laugh more.
* “c’mon, sweet cheeks,” billy leans you over into stu’s lap, skimming his fingers under your shirt. “give us a private dance.”
asa emory
* the camera had been a gift from him. you can’t be sure if he bought it or stole it off a body, but you’re grateful nonetheless. (who knows what would happen if you weren’t)
* usually you only take photos of things around the hotel. his exhibits, interesting bugs you found crawling around, maybe a shot or two of the sky through a window. he always takes the pictures away. you’re confident he keeps them all somewhere. a small part of you hopes the somewhere is his home.
* at one point — after a particularly long night with your fingers inside yourself, wishing they were his — you decide to take photos of something else. the lighting is dismal and you don’t have anything terribly flattering to wear, but you make it work.
* you’re rather pleased with what you end up with. some five or so photos of you on your knees, eyes wide and doe-like, gazing up as if looking to a master.
* you decide to leave them out for him to find.
* when you next hear the door unbolt, your heart leaps into your chest. you hold statue-still as he locks it behind him, glances around the room, sees the photos. you see something in his expression change as he leafs through them. it’s impossible to read his expression with the mask on, but you’d like to imagine it’s admiration. maybe disgust. maybe want. maybe all of it.
* he sets the photos down where he found them and crosses the room towards you. he’s entirely unhurried. doubt writhes in your gut. your eyes dart to his belt, the knife hooked into it.
* you twitch when he grips your jaw and tilts your head back to look at the ceiling, but don’t flinch away.
* he leans close. you don’t know what he’s doing. he doesn’t ever get this close. you’re sure he can hear your blood thumping in your veins. heat and pressure rise in your skull.
* he breathes in deeply. his lips part. his teeth scrape lightly against the skin of your jugular — you didn’t think he would be able to, with the mask on — then press in. his jaw eases down on the soft flesh of your throat slowly, all the way until you feel his teeth grind against something solid. you think you might be suffocating. you think he might break your trachea.
* a strangled cry slips out of you. you tense even tighter, ready for him to do it.
* instead, he releases with a self-satisfied hum. it might be closer to a growl. you aren’t sure, being preoccupied with the blood rising in the little ring of indentations where his teeth split your skin.
* it stings when he sucks the blood from the wound, but the pain startles you less than his body appearing atop yours. he’s gripping your arms hard like you might try to run. instead, you find yourself clinging to him, legs hooking around his hips; which earns you a chuckle that sounds nearly genuine.
* he’s coaxing out weak sobs and tears for so long, you begin to wonder if he intends to do anything else. slowly, though, he’s bunching up your clothes and peeling away layers. he alternates between biting and lavishing attention on your skin, splitting and bruising the skin with his incisors before smoothing his cool hands across each plane and curve of your body to disperse the sharp pain.
* when he reaches for your panties, your fear spikes again. the sensation of his teeth skimming over the tender flesh of your inner thighs makes you tense up. the reaction doesn’t go unnoticed.
* he curls his arms around your thighs, not breaking eye contact. you inhale sharply when he captures your clit between his teeth. he hasn’t even bitten down, and yet your body’s already prickling in expectation.
* then his tongue slithers out. it takes every ounce of your self control not to lock your legs around his head. you can feel the hot, wet muscle pressing against your hole. your insides burn with lust as he pushes it inside you, tasting you. it drags inside you, writhing and contorting deliciously.
* each reaction earns you an approving hum. to you, it’s praise. to him, it’s positive reinforcement. habit building. another exercise to shape you.
* he wouldn’t admit it, but he craves you the same way. his love is grotesque and cruel, but something about him enjoys pleasuring you, too.
jesse cromeans
* cute, that you think he doesn’t already have his own series of homemade pornos featuring you and him.
* he’d never refuse submissions, though. he has a secret fondness for watching the security footage of his penthouse from when you’re alone in the bedroom, anyways.
* you’ll have left them on his pillow, the glove box in his car, maybe even at his work desk. you’re not worried about anyone else seeing them, since if they did, they’d have a day to live, maybe two, tops.
* he’ll tuck them into his wallet for later and go about his business, maybe send you a sly text, something along the lines of what you should be wearing when he gets home.
* you’re checking your hair and kicking your legs when his car pulls in. you’re up against the window, waving and looking down at him as he gets out. when he looks up at you, you receive only a signed ‘naughty’ in greeting.
* he takes his time at the front door, tucking his shoes into the closet and hanging his coat as if you’re not wearing his favorite pair of silvery-gray lingerie, kneeled right in front of him.
* “my knees are going to bruise at this rate, you know.” you admonish, and the look you receive could turn you to stone.
* “good.”
* “guess i’ve learned my lesson: never sending nudes to you again,” you say playfully. that’s all it takes for him to yank you off the ground and press you against the wall.
* you hook your legs around his hips on instinct and can immediately feel his hard cock through his slacks.
* it takes a moment for him to relocate his tie from his neck to your eyes, but it’s worth it when you hear the mask clatter to the floor.
* “is this a punishment, or a treat?” you wonder aloud, grinding yourself against his crotch as he slides off your panties. his teeth sink into your shoulder at the same moment his fingers find your clit. both, you decide.
bo sinclair
* he is definitely 100% a fan. he’s standing in your doorway grinning the moment he finds them.
* “these are something special, sweetpea.” he drawls, smirking at you. even though it was your idea in the first place, you can’t help but blush. there’s something about his complete and utter assuredness in himself right now that makes you feel especially small.
* “i can’t help but want to recreate a few of these.” of course he’s going to rail you then and there. what else could the photos be but an invitation?
* hardly even takes the time to get your clothes off. there’ll be plenty of time for that later. just tugs your pants down off your hips and spits between your legs, sliding his fingers through your folds only once or twice before pulling down his fly and pressing his cock against you.
* you must have a dumb look on your face — you hadn’t even realized your mouth is open — because he feels the need to pause and lave his thumb across your tongue. “hungry for somethin’?” you can muster only a graceless ‘uh-huh,’ the weeping head of his cock still pulsing against you.
* “good.” then there’s that stretch. every single time, you have a moment where it feels like he won’t fit. you can feel exactly how tight you are around him. every thick, winding vein along the length of him. you only come back to yourself upon feeling his body press flush against yours.
* he fucks like an animal. his breath is ragged and hot across your skin, occasionally broken to bite and suck at your breasts. your ass and thighs have already gone numb from his skin clapping against yours. you can only press your forehead against him and scream for him.
* oh, he’s keeping the photos, too. he’ll even ask for more. he’s sticking them up around the garage, his room, the rear view of his truck. teases you if you complain about it.
vincent sinclair
* nearly creams his pants. i mean it.
* it’s not like he hasn’t seen you naked before, but this is really something else. with pictures, he’s less embarrassed about staring. he doesn’t need to worry about accidentally making you uncomfortable.
* with vincent, you know he appreciates every detail. every curve and plane of your body, the way you’ve got one of his sweaters pulled up just far enough to reveal your slit. he’s nearly drooling.
* “hey,” you’re stepping languidly down the basement stairs — still in his sweater — catching him right as he finds them. he yanks down his shirt over his crotch as if it would hide anything
* you can’t help but grin at him and nudge his hands away so you can straddle his lap, stretching your arms past his shoulders and pushing your chest up to his face.
* he’s kind of frozen in shock, but it’s not hard to tell he’s losing his mind for you, either.
* eventually his eyes raise to meet yours and he tips back the mask to kiss you.
* “i like it when you wear that.”
og myers
* he’s perfectly aware of what you’re trying to do. he knows you want to get him worked up so he’ll fuck you to pieces. and being the person he is, he does the exact opposite.
* sticks the photos in the breast pocket of his coveralls and goes on his merry way.
* days pass. you wonder if he’s even found the photos you left.
* (in the meantime, you’re resisting the urge to touch yourself by just thiiis much. it’s torturous. you’re not sure you want to wait for him to make the first move, anymore.)
* you test the waters by finding reasons to get into his personal space. first it’s just your hand against his. then, you’re up against his shoulder. eventually, you’re perched up on his lap and he’s barely acknowledged that you’re even here.
* “michael,” you hum, face hidden against his neck. he only grunts in response.
* you can’t help but suspect he’s doing this on purpose.
* “i missed you today.” grunt.
* “i’ve been thinking about you.” hmm.
* “michael, i want you.” mhm.
* finally, you flatten your hands against his cheeks and force him to meet your eyes.
* “mikey,” you whine. you don’t mind begging, but this is just excessive. “please, fuck me.”
* silence. you’re about to give up and stomp out of the room to go find your hitachi wand or something when his hand shoots up to your throat.
* in one quick motion, he forces you underneath him on the bed.
* it’s his turn to tease, now.
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1987vampire · 9 months
I don’t know if you’ve done this before but what about period sex? đŸ„ș I feel like the slashers are so used to blood it wouldn’t be upsetting to them. (Preferably with Thomas Hewitt because he’s my current hyper-fixation)
I honestly can't remember if I've written this. I thought I had but I can't find but even if I have, I'll happily write it again! Period sex had become a recent interest of mine to be honest...
Period Sex with The Slashers (NSFW):
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas is phased by blood in the slightest, he's been working with it since he was old enough to work after all. However, it's different when it's you that bleeding!
He panics at the slightest sign of you being hurt, always wanting to protect you.
I doubt he has any real knowledge about periods, maybe he knows that some people have them but he definitely doesn't know much more than that.
When you're on your period, he likes to fuss over you and make sure you're alright. Especially after you explained everything about your experiences and if you have bad cramps.
You have to be the one who brings up the idea of having sex when you're on your period, because he definitely won't.
You're bleeding there! He assumes that because you're bleeding it would hurt, which you figure makes sense but you'll explain that you might be more sensitive but it won't be painful.
Thomas just need some reassurances that he's not going to hurt you or anything, and becomes more eager when you mention that orgasms can actually help ease cramps.
The blood doesn't bother him at all, he's not in the slightest bit put off or grossed out, it barely even registers with him once he's reassured that you're not in pain. But he still makes sure to be extra careful with you.
You just seem so...raw, that it could be painful. So, he'll just go slow and be careful.
Since he has absolutely no problem with blood, he will go down on you with as much enthusiasm as any other day. He doesn't mind getting his hands or face dirty.
Michael Myers
Michael has no problem with the sight of blood. In face, it might even lean in the other direction.
The blood doesn't put him off, it actually entices him. Gets his blood pumping like those moments before a hunt.
You might not even have to bring up the subject. He's still plenty open for sex, no matter how heavy your flow.
Still, he's not exactly educated about periods so might assumed your injured. But once he knows you're unharmed, he just shrugs it off as mostly unimportant. Is still going to be interested in sex as he is any other day. More so maybe.
Michael loves to smear the blood around, to have his hands coated in it, smearing bloody handprints over your hips and legs and everywhere else on your body. He has no interest in keeping things clean and tidy, it's a waste of time to even lay a towel down to be honest.
He doesn't take it easy on you either, even if you are feeling more raw and sensitive. In fact, he's only encouraged by your increased squirming and the sounds you make.
Jason Voorhees
Oh sweet Jason.
Sex is already a taboo thing to him, at least in the beginning of your relationship, and so are periods.
You've helped him so much when it comes to having a healthier relationship with sex and you've also taught him plenty about periods, because he wanted to learn, wanted to help you.
Jason always treats you like you're ill when you're on your period, wanting to dote on you and make sure those cramps aren't bothering you too much.
The thought of having sex with you on those days doesn't even occur to him. Not because he thinks it's gross or because he has a phobia of blood, but because he figures it would harm you in some way. I mean, you are bleeding and Jason has only ever associated blood with pain and violence and death. Not exactly sexy.
And when you make a move on him, he's more surprised than anything. You want to do that with him while you're bleeding?
Just very worried and concerned for your wellbeing.
Once you reassure him, he's willing to try it, though. You wouldn't lead him wrong, after all.
He'll lay down the towels and be gentle with you, every touch feather light and tender.
He's not really into the blood, more just unbothered by it. It's there but he doesn't care, it's not a turn on or a turn off.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms is a horny bastard and if you think some blood is going to put him off, you clearly don't know him well.
Blood doesn't phase him anyway, so it's really not a problem.
You don't have to reassure him or anything, he's already tugging your underwear down.
He doesn't care about making a mess, about staining sheets or surfaces that you will have to clean later.
Doesn't have many feelings about the blood itself other than enjoying the feeling of it, warm and wet.
Will dip a finger in the blood and draw a little pattern on your stomach, just for the fun of it.
Also won't care about washing up before going to sleep, curling himself around you and drifting off while his thighs are still smeared with your drying blood.
You'll have to fight him into the shower, either before he falls asleep or in the morning. Which, of course, only leads into another round but at least he's a little cleaner now.
Bo Sinclair
Bo loves marking you up, claiming you as his.
The two of you might have even given blood play a try before. Bo's definitely into it and has fantasied about it at least.
He's an asshole when you're on your period, always blames your bad mood on it, and is just a general menace.
He's also a huge tease, especially if he knows you get horny on your period.
He'll have you against the kitchen counter, push a hand under your waistband, bring you to the edge of orgasm before slipping his hand out and sucking the blood from his fingers. Leaving you flustered and unsated.
And when he does fuck you, he can't take his eyes off of where you're connected, of where the blood smears over you both.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent isn't so interested in blood but he's seen more than enough so that it doesn't faze him.
So, he's not put off by you bleeding, he's just more concerned than anything.
If you're uncomfortable or in pain, his mind isn't going to sex. So, you'll probably have to be the one to initiate it.
He's not off put but it, just fusses to make sure you're certain and that it won't hurt you in anyway.
Puts all his focus in making sure you're comfortable.
Despite not being interested in blood in any sexual way, he does get a little curious. It's something new to explore with you and he's intrigued.
He's not very messy with it but finds that he does kind of like the way it stains the inside of your thighs at least.
Cleans you up so tenderly afterwards until there isn't a trace of blood left, just being his sweet self.
Lester Sinclair
Lester is not in anyway phased by dirt or blood or being messy in anyway.
It's not a flattering comparison but he handles roadkill everyday, he's not doing to be bothered by some blood.
The only reason he doesn't really consider having sex during those times is because he assumes you wouldn't want too. Just kinda assumed you don't desire it during that time, especially if you've ever mentioned being in pain with cramps or feeling 'gross' in someway while on your period.
However, he's not opposed to it when you suggest it. He's surprised when you hurry to assure him that it's alright if he doesn't want too, that you understand if he'd not into it while you're on your period.
Lester really doesn't care about any mess you make and you will have to be the person to grab the towels, he just wouldn't even think about it.
Doesn't care how heavy your period is, he has no fears when it comes to touching you or bringing you pleasure.
While Lester really isn't fazed by being dirty, he'll help you both wash up. Afterwards, if you just want to soak in the bath for a while, he'd more than happy to join you.
Bubba Sawyer
Blood is nothing to Bubba, might as well be water to him.
However, he does know that blood usually follows pain, and if you're bleeding, he's going to be concerned that your hurting. And lets be real, he might not even know what a period is.
So, after plenty of explanation and reassurances, we can talk period sex.
Once you've assured him that it's all normal and the pain is more in the cramps than anything else, Bubba really doesn't think much of it. He becomes more concerned about the cramps than the actual blood aspect. The bleeding itself is no big deal to him.
So, when you express that you would like to have sex with him even though you're still on your period, Bubba trusts that you know better than him on whether it's alright for you or not.
For Bubba it's just like the blood isn't there, just an addition to sex that he doesn't really need to worry about because it doesn't mean that he's hurting you.
Billy Lenz
Some blood isn't going to stop him from wanting you, from needing you.
Billy has a complicated relationship with blood. It's always followed negative feelings and experiences but it's also kinda...pretty?
He doesn't want to hurt you or make you bleed but if you're already bleeding and unharmed then...
Truly has no worries about mess, he loves when the two of you end up all sticky from bodily fluids. If that includes blood, that's perfectly fine by him.
He'll grin at you with your blood staining his mouth and cheeks, will smear bloody hands over your body and paint you with it.
He doesn't know why he finds it so enticing, so arousing, but he does. His eyes shine as he paints you both with your blood. And he's able to do all of this without harming you, which is a huge bonus for him.
Like Brahms, he'd happily just go to sleep without washing the drying blood off first. You have to drag him off to the shower and change the sheets because Billy will just sleep in the mess without worry.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
In general, blood is not all that new in your relationship.
Asa has definitely indulged his blood play kink with you, whether it was with your blood or somebody else's. So period sex isn't the craziest thing for him and he's not going to even bat an eye at it.
However, he is going to indulge.
Asa is pretty thrilled about you being more sensitive than usual, ready to find all new ways to torment and tease you.
You're not about to be ruining his sheets though, he's doing to be clean and tidy about it. He's using a mattress protector at the very least, or having you strapped to a table for him to experiment on you.
He has you squirming and pleading until there are tears in your eyes and you feel raw between your legs, even more so than you already did.
Slips his fingers between your lips, having you taste your own blood.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
Come on, a little bit of blood isn't going to scare him.
In fact, blood arouses him and he isn't ashamed of that in the slightest.
You can try to initiate or he will, it doesn't really matter. A period isn't going to have Jesse dancing shyly around you.
Blood play is nothing new for the two of you so he turns it unto a bit of a challenge instead.
He'll have you ride him while he's fully dressed, warning you not to make a mess of his clothes.
And if you do get blood on his nice new suit, well...he's just going to have to punish you, isn't he?
Otis Driftwood
Otis is super into blood play and has already participated in it with you if you share his kink. If not, he's at least mentioned it multiple times.
So, this is just blood play without having to tend to wounds afterwards. That suits him just fine.
In Otis' opinion, the heavier your flow, the better.
He paints you both with it.
He loves seeing you covered in blood, the source of that blood is pretty unimportant to him (unless somebody else has hurt you, obviously).
He's not shy about his interest in the blood but by this point, you should know that it's something that turns him on. There is precious little that doesn't turn him on really.
Honestly, let's a little annoyed if there isn't enough blood for his liking but whatever.
By the end, he'd got drying blood on his face, hands, and thighs. Blood clotted in his facial hair and his teeth stained red, the coppery taste on his tongue.
The sheets are definitely ruined and if you don't get rid of them, Otis will keep them stains and all. He doesn't care about some dirty bedsheets after all.
Baby Firefly
For so many reasons, Baby isn't shy about some blood.
If you're on your period, she doesn't see why that should change your sex life unless you don't want to have sex on your period. Which she would respect, she knows how it can make you feel.
But she also knows that orgasms help with cramps and that sometimes a symptom of a period is being horny, and she will use these things against you just to tease you.
Come on, there's no need to deprive yourself just because of a little blood. She isn't fazed! Let her help!
Doodles little patterns all over you with your blood, giggling to herself about them.
Will paint her lips (and yours if you let her) with your blood just for her amusement if nothing else.
See! There can be some perks of a period when you're with Baby!
Yautja (Predator)
You don't have to tell your mate when you're on your period, he can smell it (not in a way that it smells bad, he just has those heightened alien senses).
He panics at the scent of blood first since Yautja don't menstruate so he assumes you're injured in some way.
He's quick and happy to learn though, and then stops being so concerned about it when your period comes along.
Other than the initial panic, your mate doesn't care about blood in the slightest. He's an Yautja, a predator, a hunter. Blood is a daily occurrence for him, it doesn't faze him.
And when he learns that pleasure can ease period cramps, he will practically insist on it for pain management reasons.
Honestly, the fact that you bleed like this monthly and just carry on with your life like nothing is wrong is admirable and worthy of respect in his eyes.
Having sex with you when you're bleeding, well, there's just something so primal about it.
The scent of your blood and your arousal has his own blood pumping and a growl emitting from behind his mandibles.
He loses himself in the sight of your blood, smearing it over your skin, tasting it.
Afterwards, he just holds you, nuzzling at your skin. Both of you still stained with your own blood.
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1987vampire · 9 months
literally just a wellness check— you alive still? hope you’re surviving and stuff, so, yeah. lmao sorry text is awkward sometimes so i’ll just leave now. <3
I mega appreciate you for checking in. Still alive just in financial mental and physical hell rn but shit happens fr. I wanna start writing again soon I jus don’t have the time or mental energy rn. I’m sorry I kinda jus dropped off the face of the earth but I am alive !!
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1987vampire · 10 months
who wants to PayPal me money for nothing in return serious inquires only
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1987vampire · 11 months
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oh my..
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1987vampire · 11 months
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As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you
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1987vampire · 1 year
The Lost Boys (1987) x Fem! Reader - Payment
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Warnings: None
Fandom- The Lost Boys 1987
Pairings- Poly! Lost Boys x Female! Reader
Title- Payment
“Is she awake yet?” 
Marko’s voice was unusually soft as he entered into the nesting area where you lay resting in Paul’s arms. You were laying on your side, your face pressed into Paul’s chest as he sat still on his back for you to use him as your personal teddy bear. 
“Not yet,” Paul whispered back, eyes not leaving your form as you breathed deeply, in and out, almost in a entrancing pattern. 
“We’re heading out soon, you should wake her up,” Marko nearly bursted into laughter at Paul’s horrified looking face. 
“You know she hates when she wakes up and we’re gone,” Dwayne murmured lowly, hovering in the doorway. 
“I just hate waking her- she looks so peaceful when she’s sleeping,” Paul’s pout was obvious as he looked to Marko and Dwayne with puppy eyes. 
“I’ll help you,” Dwayne decided, his lips upturning into a smile as he approached the bed, crawling to lay behind you just where David had been hours before to help you fall asleep. 
Rather than wake you though, the two simply watched- all desire to awaken you from your deep slumber gone. Your breath was deep and slow, your mouth open ever so slightly as your cheek was squished against Paul’s body. Your lips looking soft and pretty and oh so sweet, something they always remembered from your kisses. The answers of someone like you could love a rowdy group like them always evaded them. You were gentle, pretty, soft, and kind. Heart swelling of sympathy, your heart always on display. In concert with that you were understanding, trying your best to understand everyone- even if they had hurt you. Now these guys? They killed for fun, terrorizing people on the Boardwalk when they got too bored, and enticed others to make bad decisions that would end up benefitting them despite the hurt it would cause to those actually making such decisions. 
“Babycakes,” Paul murmured lowly, tone not too loud as to not startle you awake. “Time to wake up, sweet thing,” He leaned his head down to press kisses against your forehead, arm reaching up to draw patterns on your back. 
“It’s time to get up, little one,” Dwayne whispered from behind, his hand massaging yours- each knuckle getting an affectionate rub before he moved to your palm. 
Stirring from your sleep, Paul frowned as your expression lost it’s peacefulness and was replaced with scrunched brows- your mouth shutting as your head twisted to bury more into Paul’s chest. 
“Oh, c’mon now babycakes,” Paul couldn’t help but laugh at your antics, making a sleepy grin form on your face as you pulled yourself from his chest to stare at him. “Why d’ya wake me up?” Your words were slightly slurred from sleep, your eyes bleary as you pouted up at him. 
“So you could have time to wake up before we left, love,” David now called from the doorway, Marko standing at the edge of the bed. 
“Mmm,” You closed your eyes in thought. 
“Hey hey, don’t fall back asleep,” Marko called out to you, making you open your eyes again with a laugh, “I wasn’t trying to, I was just thinking
“Thinking about what?” Dwayne murmured, taking your hand up towards his mouth to give a kiss to it. 
“Thinking about- those,” You looked at Dwayne, making his eyebrow arch in a silent question. 
“Kisses,” You clarified, a grin spreading across your cheeks. 
“Oh I see, our little love wants kisses?” David grinned, approaching the bed.
“As a payment, of course,” You nodded at David, “Payment for waking me up so early.” 
“A payment is only fair,” Dwayne murmured, turning your head to press a kiss to your lips, a sound of surprise leaving you before you melted into him. The kiss ended all too soon, only for Paul to tilt your face towards him for his own kiss to be placed on your lips. 
David’s hands were free of his leather gloves for once, his hands feeling much softer than the leather as they cupped your cheeks and brought you into a deep kiss. 
“My turn,” Marko’s voice greeted your ears in a singsong manner after a moment, his impatience showing as when you opened your eyes he was already biting his nails to stave off his urge to approach you. 
“Marko,” You cooed, arms open for him as he eagerly clambered onto the bed, careful not to crush you with his weight as he pressed kisses all around your face, your laughs filling the room and their hearts before he captured your lips in his. 
Maybe they weren’t the nicest people, or the kindest- heck they were murderers
 but you chose them, chose to love them and you didn’t shy away from their secret when they told you but embraced them with a warmth that never dimmed. 
“Mmm,” You sighed, “I think that satisfies payment in full, my dear boys.”
Tags- @icefrozendeadlyqueen​
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1987vampire · 1 year
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i know that hug is super comfortable
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1987vampire · 1 year
To make a very long and frustrating story short, I got fired from my job of two years (3rd shift cook at Waffle House) because I had an upper respiratory infection so severe that I could not take a full breath, walk for longer than ten minutes, or stand in front of that godforsaken grill for longer than five minutes without throwing up. They told me if I couldn't work, I was fired. So I was fired.
I am now 800 dollars in debt because I still had to pay my rent/bills for the month, and I need a bit of help. I'm mainly just trying to get money to get my cats food right now and maybe get my account a bit more out of the negatives. So, any help is appreciated.
It's 10 dollars for a drawing - an extra 2 for every extra person you want to add. I will share progress with you halfway through so you can make any changes you want, and when it's done, I'll scan and email it to you!
Here are some references for how I normally draw. Most of it is creepypasta as that's what I'm obsessed with at the moment, but I can draw whatever you're feeling!
DM ME IF YOU'RE INTERESTED. If you just feel like throwing some money at me, my cashapp is $Orpheus89 Thank you!!
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1987vampire · 1 year
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"Oh! How does this frame look?"
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1987vampire · 1 year
Price comes into their shared safe house after he had to shave and all he gets is chaos. Soap's close to hyperventilating as he points at him. Gaz is screaming about stranger danger. Ghost looks like he's seen a ghost (pun intended), absolutely shell shocked
Shaving his beard was only practical for the under cover mission ahead of him considering it was his most recognizable feature. It was strange seeing himself without it. He looked so much younger. When he walked out of the bathroom after finishing, Laswell did a double take.
“Wow. Forgot what you looked like without a rat on your face.”
Price rolled his eyes, “Very funny.”
He kept feeling his face. He felt like he was missing a part of him without the beard.
“I’m sure you gave the boys a heads up, right?”
Laswell gives him a look, “You really should tell them. Before you get stabbed or blown up or shot.”
“Kate, they’re not going to react like that.”
“John, you look like a whole different person. Have they ever seen you without the beard?”
“No? But that doesn’t matter! I don’t look that different. They’re smarter than that.”
Price ignored the face Laswell was giving him. He needed to head back to the safe house and get ready to leave for the mission. He had two meetings he needed to attend, as well. Laswell just wished him luck instead of a usual goodbye. He scoffed, she was overreacting. The boys were all grown men. They may be taken aback by his missing beard but nothing extreme was going to happen.
Price was tired by the time he got back to the safe house. It was late but he knew the boys were still up. Most likely waiting for him so they (Ghost) could lock up the house properly. He opened the door and all but slammed it shut, that way Ghost knew he was there and didn’t try to kill him. He took his hat off and hung it up, groaning as he headed to the kitchen.
Ghost was there, sipping some tea.
“Hey, Simon-“
Ghost looked at him and immediately dropped his mug. Price jumped as ceramic shards and tea went all over the floor.
“What the hell, Simon?!”
Ghost stared at him, eyes wide. Soap ran into the kitchen not long after the mug shattered.
“Si! Are you okay-“
Soap cut himself off when he saw Price. His mouth hung open and he lifted his hand and pointed at his face. Price instinctively rubbed his face.
“I shaved.”
Soap gasps and stumbles back towards Ghost. He only stops when his back hits the man’s chest. He kept trying to speak but nothing comprehensible came out. He started breathing heavy as Ghost stood there like a statue.
“Breathe, Johnny-!”
“What’s going on in here-“
Price turned as Gaz walked into the kitchen. The man took one look at him before he just screamed at the top of his lungs. Price winces as Gaz screams bloody murder, Soap dropping to the floor. Ghost continued to stand, unmoving.
It took two full hours to get the three to calmly sit in the living room. They stared at him as he explained the mission he was going on, not hearing a word he was saying. Price stopped talking when he phone started ringing. He winces when he sees it was Laswell.
“Kate, hey-“
“I told you.”
Price blinks, groaning when he remembered that Laswell had full access to the security cameras around the safe house. He rubs his face, missing his beard.
 you did.”
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1987vampire · 1 year
Feel like dying in a glue trap tbh
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1987vampire · 1 year
Is there someplace where you're updating your Proxy Dogs series? Deeply enjoying my first good poly story :)
AH! technically I have the first chapter to the sequel posted on AO3 and Wattpad maybe but I literally have not gone back yet. Currently it's cuz I lost my fucking laptop charger and haven't been able to get a new one yet to write but. Most everything is going to be on AO3 my friend
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1987vampire · 1 year
for @thychuvaluswife and @fwckriley. Welcome to Ghost week where I try to get all my Ghost requests done
"f-fuck, slow down—" simon groans, face set in concentration as he watches you slowly split yourself on his cock.
it's not often he takes his time with fucking. sex has always been more stress relief than a thing for love and pleasure.
simon doesn't indulge very often past the brutal pace he sets when his only focus is to chase release with his fist wrapped around his length, too pent up for patience.
but now— you.
soft, eager, teasing, you. you who smiles up at him and knock the breath out of his lungs when you trail kisses on his split knuckles.
and damn it all, he wants to make you feel good, wants his name spilling out your lips.
"sweetheart," he pants, voice broken as he trails a hand to squeeze your waist.
you're only halfway sank on his throbbing cock and he can already feel the painful coil of his orgasm in his lower stomach. "you can't, i'm gonna—"
"please," you interrupt him, voice breathy and all but begging him, slick and sweat glistening your skin. "need you to fuck me.. please, si.."
"mhmmph..fuck." simon grits his teeth, a tension setting in his jaw as he lifts you from his cock entirely. he tries to ignore the way a shiver wracks his spine. "fuck... okay, sweetheart, whatever you want."
it's damn near painful to not be inside you so he makes quick work to lay you underneath him, hands under your thighs and bending you till your knees hug your head.
he shushes your sweet cries, soothes your hands that are clawing at his arm to urge him to utterly use and ruin you.
"sweetheart," he growls, tipping forward so his weight presses you to the soft mattress, hard chest against yours.
it's a warning, if anything, to keep still.
he fails to keep the whimper from escaping him as your walls squeeze around his cock. "i need you to relax, love, you're, fuck, squeezin' me too tight-!"
when he finally bottoms out, fully wrapped in your hot and slick walls, his eyes roll up and his body tenses with barely held restraint. sweat covers his skin in a sheen, arms shaking as he tries to delay his orgasm from crashing against him.
"don't—" he manages to croak out when you start getting impatient, shifting your hips from under him to get any amount of friction you can.
he doesn't say that he's so near the edge that tears are prickling his eyes, shame coursing through his veins.
simon only gasps a breath and whispers, "don't" like a plea.
"si, please, just—" you whine, watching the furrow of his brow deepen as you clench around his cock to spur him on.
simon is big, bigger than anyone you've ever taken before, and so hot inside you that you think you'll simply die if he doesn't start moving.
you clench around him again, drawing out a keening noise from your boyfriend as he buries his nose in the crook of your jaw.
you're about to clench down on him again when he starts babbling out a desperate string of, "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry-!" as you feel a searing warmth flood your walls.
when simon finally comes down from his high, his cheeks are aflame with embarrassment.
deep down, he fears you'll finally realize that he doesn't deserve you.
both emotions disappear quickly though when you stare up at him with big pleading eyes and beg,
"one more
 fill me up one more time..please si," you shake with a sob. "wanna be full of you."
and goddamn, he is going to deliver.
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1987vampire · 1 year
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honestly this is just for pi day plus a sweet little proposal and some sexual talk, nothing too heavy dw
You blink as Simon thrusts a box wrapped in plain brown wrapping paper towards you, holding it out for you to grab.
"What is it?" You look up at him from your seat at the kitchen table and take it from his hands. It's cold and has a decent weight to it.
"Just open it, you nerd."
You raise an eyebrow at his words--good-natured teasing for being a mathematics professor--but a confused smile makes its way on your face as you lazily move your hands to tear the wrapping paper from the box in your lap.
"Why are you being so weird?"
And you're not just talking about right now, Simon has been in and out of the house for two weeks, acting a little stressed out about something. You didn't push him to tell you anything, knowing he would tell you if he really wanted to, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't the least bit curious. At this point in your relationship with him, Simon is comfortable enough to share anything with you, but he seems to have been avoiding you slightly like he used to. Plus, he was gone all day today; this is the first time you're seeing him and it's just before sunset.
Simon says nothing, just glancing down at the cold box in your hands and back up to you, raising his eyebrows expectantly. Laughing, you take his hint and look down at the box to continue your unhurried tearing of the wrapping paper.
"Fine, be mysterious. You know, people love that shit."
"Is that why you love me?"
Eyes darting up to look at where he's still standing in front of you, you throw him a small grin and look back down to the box in your lap, a strip of paper being torn off.
"You're not mysterious to me. I know you Simon Riley, and you know exactly why I love you."
"Remind me."
Looking back up at him, you pause your unwrapping and smile impishly at him.
"Because of that amazing ass of yours."
Simon rolls his eyes, but his lips spread out into a beautiful smile while his cheeks tint a light pink hue.
"Ah, so you only love me for my body, is that it?"
"Mmhm." You nod mock seriously. "Your ass, your face, your di--"
"Careful, Professor." Simon smirks and crosses his arms, the fucker purposely flexing so you stare. "Might have to call you into my office for that blatant unprofessional lusting of yours."
"Apologies, Lieutenant," you giggle. "I'll try to control myself, but just so you know: my office door is always open and I offer extra credit if you're interested."
"I'll keep that in mind." Simon chuckles and drops his arms again before setting a large hand on top of your head and directing it firmly yet gently downwards so you're looking at the box that's still mostly covered in wrapping paper. "Now open it."
"Bossy, bossy," you mumble with a smile in your voice as his hand drops from your head. You start tearing at the paper again and speak up a little louder. "And I love you because you're you, Riley. If you gave me the time, I'd write an essay about all the things I love about you with quotes and sources and all that fancy stuff. You know how much I hate writing, but I'd write an essay for you."
"I don't need an essay, I know you love me, flaws and all, just like I love you, despite what a massive nerd you are. And I've read your old uni papers; you're not a bad writer."
"Fuck you, you dick!" You laugh and tear off a chunk of the paper. "Just because I like adding numbers, that doesn't make me a nerd!"
"It does, darling, it really does." There's some laughter in his voice, but it's nothing mean, just gentle teasing and adoration. "But you're my nerd, you dork."
"Bully." You roll your eyes but hide your smile by ducking your head. "Always calling me names."
"Bully? Thought you liked my teasing, that's why you have a degradation kink, yeah?"
"Or was it a praise kink, you've always been a wild card."
"You fucking asshole!"
"Yeah I'll be fucking your ass later, just be patient, love."
"Put a gag in it, why don't you!"
"Oh, you want me to stuff your throat, do you? Well, I won't be complaining."
At this point, you stopped unwrapping the box in favor of covering you face with your hands, feeling hot with embarrassment. "Simon, please! I'm trying to unwrap this like you wanted me to!"
"Already begging?" Simon chuckles. "Usually that takes longer, but I guess I'll show you some mercy."
You peek at him from between your fingers before sighing and dropping your hands with a pout. "You're relentless."
"Just the way you like it."
Shaking your head, you don't dignify him with a response in case you might instigate another suggestive one from him. Instead, you go back to unwrapping the last of the paper, silently ignoring him. You're not really upset with him, but Simon sure has a way of making you a flustered mess. It's both a blessing and curse with how much he teases you while simultaneously making you feel good.
You rip away the last of the paper, and underneath it is a plain white foldable box. You look up at Simon to where he's still standing in front of you. "What is it?"
"I thought you were supposed to be smart?" He snarks, but Simon has a small smile on his lips. "Open it, idiot."
"Thought I was a nerd," you reply absently, but move to fold the lid back. Balancing the box on your lap, you look inside and raise your eyebrows once it registers what you're looking at. You look up at Simon. "A pie?"
His expression has changed to something more subdued and cautious, but Simon still holds a soft look in his eyes as he nods, answering, "For Pi Day. March fourteen. Your favorite 'holiday.'"
"Simon . . ." An exorbinant amount of love for him swells up inside. You feel like you could burst. "You--"
"--Wanted to do something special for you." He shuffles his feet, shoving a hand into his pocket. "For today."
All this for your favorite day of the year. A lump forms in your throat as your lips wobble at the sweet gesture this man did. That's why he was gone all day! Why he was being weird for the past two weeks. You could cry at how soft this man can be.
But, you still feel like something is missing. Why was Simon going out and about in those two weeks? Couldn't he have just placed an order for the pie and been done with it? Why did it seem like he was avoiding you, not that you were worried. You trust Simon, it just feels a little weird to go through all that trouble for some pie.
Looking down at said pie in the box, you smile, feeling your worries melt away. It doesn't matter. You're happy, and this pie just made you fall in love with Simon even more.
Picking up the box, you shift in your seat, turning away from Simon to place it on the kitchen table. You stare at it for a moment, unable to stop smiling at it before you turn back to look at Simon.
"Thank you, Simon, I love it--I love you. You didn't have to--holy fucking hell."
Your words come out as a nervous jumble as you look down at Simon in your seat.
He's on one knee, with a tiny box in his large hand, presenting it to you while his other hand hangs awkwardly at his side in a tight fist. He avoids looking at you.
"Let's get married," he starts abruptly and then pauses, licking his lips. "Get your name changed and act like normal people do when they get married. Didn't really plan a speech, so this is about as much as you're getting."
You bark out a laugh at that and Simon sends you a fond smile. Of course that'd be his proposal 'speech', not that you're complaining. In fact, you rather love it. You love Simon. So, so much.
Nodding your answer, barely able to think of any words to express what you're feeling, you lean forward to cup his face in your hands and press a kiss to his forehead and then another one on his nose with one last kiss on his lips.
"Of course I'll marry you, Simon." You grin against his lips. "Gotta leech off of those military discounts from you."
He pulls away to hit you upside the head--a laugh spills from your lips--but he's gentle about it and gives you another quick kiss afterwards. "Can't believe I'm gonna be stuck with you, you're so annoying."
You snicker and pull back to stand up, tugging Simon to do the same. You direct him into the chair you were sitting in and settle yourself in his lap, legs thrown across his thighs. You grab his hand that's still holding the ring box.
"Don't blame me, you chose me. This ring right here proves it." You open the box and take out the ring, holding it to him. "Now put this on me, Riley."
He does just that, slipping the band onto your finger before placing a soft kiss to your knuckles. "I love you."
"I love you, too." You smile and snuggle up against him. "So is this why you've been acting weird for the past two weeks."
"Was trying to find the ring," Simon mumbles as he tilts his head back and closes his eyes. "And I knew I wanted to ask today."
"On Pi Day?"
He nods, hands coming up to hug you closer. "You like Pi Day. And it's an infinite number, yeah? An infinite number is how long I want with you."
That just makes your heart race.
"Simon Riley, you can't just say something like that." You hide your face in his shoulder. "You are a sweet man."
"I'm not, be careful what you say, Professor."
"You are to me! And it's Professor Riley now. Or Dr. Riley. Whichever one is fine by me."
"Not quite yet, you nerd."
"You're such a shit, I will pie your face. I'm not a nerd!"
"I'd like to see you try, Professor Riley."
"Thought my name wasn't that yet?"
"It's not, but we'll start calling you that."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah. I like the ring to it."
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1987vampire · 1 year
Werewolf 141 Boyfriends
the furry cod fan writes a werewolf au! everyone is not shocked! lmaooo
pt 2
!!NSFW minors dni!!!
cw: werewolves au, monster f◇cker content lmaooo, nsfw and fluff HCs, human gn!reader, tail wagging, fur scratching, light bondage, "not" đŸȘą, transformations, blood, raw meat, consensual x, rough x, biting, etc, self indulgent ☆♡, breeding, no reader description
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they transform on full moons, new moons and have 1 week of continuous werewolf-ability the week of Halloween! usually the 1 week is much more calm. a slow, rolling transformation over the course of 2 days and the rest are taken up by him nuzzling you and marking your body lovingly.
of course they have increased smell and hearing but also strength and drive to protect you.
you are their person and nothing will come between you and their person
most energetic of them all, especially the days before his transformations. thankfully he can funnel all that energy into a mission or preparing to sit out his transformation at home.
lots of whining and whimpering when he's transforming. full moons make him pant like he's in pain. new moons are much less aggressive. he asks you to sit with him. he gets overwhelmed if you hold him so just light hand touches until he's fully shifted.
werewolf mohawk. long fur down the center of his back and tail
he gets mouthy when he's shifted. he doesn't mean to bite you hard or even bite you at all. but he holds your fingers in his maw and licks at the back of your neck when he's hunched over you in the kitchen.
doesn't know his own strength like every other big dog. knocks you over, knocks things over, has bumped the entire sofa onto its back.
behind the ear scratches or mohawk scratches. it gets his leg going like thumper
drooler. in his human form he's already a wet kisser, let him shift and it's a done deal for you.
when he kisses down your torso, leaving wet licks and nips at your skin he's practically leaving pools of drool dripping down your sides. he apologizes but doesn't mean it. he loves seeing your skin slick and shiny
his tongue has a mind of its own when it's pressed against your skin and it doesn't take long for him to press his tongue into you.
groans and huffs when he's transforming. Kyle finds a comfy spot in the house and rides out his transformation best his can without bothering you much. sometimes you come home and find him in your closet, your tub, under your kitchen table.
he lifts his head and huffs when his eyes meet yours. his head immediately falls back in exhaustion, planning on just riding out the rest of his shift.
hungry boy when he's shifting. usually a couple days before he fully shifts he's eating everything in your fridge.
apologizes profusely when you catch him eating the steaks you were saving for dinner. raw. he's hunched over your kitchen sink, sharp claws covered in red from the steak when his canines tear another bite
you hate to admit it, but it's hot. the claws and the happy wags he gives when he's really enjoying something.
it's very common when you're in bed with him, especially the morning after he shifts to his werewolf form. he's curled around you in bed, claws desperately grabbing at your hips to wake you.
he huffs and nuzzles into you, rutting his cock between your thighs. his claws are sharp enough to draw blood if he pulls at you too hard, so he really tries not to.
your "mm.. morning to you too, " mumbles make his tail thump on the bed. no sleeping in for you, now that you're awake, you're all his!
pants like a mother fucker when he's shifting. he can't even enjoy a cigar when he's going through it because hes panting so much.
hes probably hot with all that fur. he's the closest to a bear as you can get when it comes to werewolves, big big teeth and claws. all the better to protect you with my dear
asks you very gently if you can supply him with a water and a bourbon every now and again, but its hard when he clings to you the way he does.
price is one of our only boys that wants you to be wrapped up in his arms when he's transforming. Soap and Gaz like for you to be around but holding them is a bit much on the senses. John however, needs you.
if you aren't around when he's shifting he gets grouchy, downright angry if it's bad enough. this is terrible news for anyone who crosses him too harshly
apologizes between licks when he's got you in a mating press, knot plugging his thick cum in you.
when you give him the ok he shifts positions so you're sitting on top. you're free to get up whenever you can relax enough to let his cock slop free, but good luck.
even coming down from his high, he's rutting into you, exposing his neck so you can scratch from his chin down to his muscular chest. wag wag wag
oh Simon ♡ oh our sweet werewolf bf Simon
hes a howler for sure. you've gotten a noise complaint or 2 from his howling getting louder as his shift progressed. you've started to learn to quiet him down slightly by doing very hushed howls with him. he tries to match your volume instead, but it only works so long
he only locks himself away from you on the nights of fullmoons, finding his hunger insatiable those nights. but he does ask you to bind him for every transformation. he asks you to only bring him food when necessary. why would you listen to that?
slowly but surely you can feed him on full moon nights w his hands bound and muzzle strapped to his face. you slip raw meat slivers through the holes of his muzzle, onces he graciously eats whole. he honestly prefers this than to be locked alone in a room all night.
he especially prefers when you feed him with your fingers. he licks at your fingers, savoring the taste of the meat and your skin against his tongue.
he doesn't trust himself fully to have sex with you in his werewolf form without any precautions. he asks you to keep him bound and muzzled, only allowing himself the pleasure of thrusting his hips into the apex of yours.
he secretly hopes you can tame him well enough to where he doesn't need at least the muzzle. he's desperate to lick away your sweat and tears when his knot fills you to the brim.
scratch at his happy trail when he cums. he can't stop his tail wagging even if he tried.
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1987vampire · 1 year
Bright Moon Sleepiness
╰┈➀ đ˜Łđ˜Šđ˜€đ˜ąđ˜¶đ˜Žđ˜Š đ˜­đ˜ąđ˜”đ˜Š 𝘯đ˜Șđ˜šđ˜©đ˜”đ˜Ž đ˜Żđ˜Šđ˜·đ˜Šđ˜ł đ˜©đ˜¶đ˜łđ˜” 𝘱𝘯đ˜șđ˜Łđ˜°đ˜„đ˜ș.
(proxies x gn!reader)
short little oneshot to feed ur soul
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cw, } mentions of murder and blood (other than that none cause this is FLUFFYY)
summary, } on the way home after a mission, you happen to be tired, and a few boys around you seem to notice

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“Tobes, I’m tired
 We’ve been walking for so long! When are we getting back?” You whined, turning to Toby as he raised his goggles so that they were on his head so that he could throw a glance at you better. Once he saw your exhausted expression, he pulled his mouth guard down, grabbed your arm gently and pecked you on the forehead. Masky and Hoodie, noticing you two lagging behind, stopped and glanced backwards in confusion.
“Everything alright?” Masky’s raspy voice spoke, making you turn around and look at him with a tired expression.
“Are ya tired, sweets?” He asked, trotting towards where you and Toby were. You nodded and rubbed your eyes, sighing heavily.
“I g-guess th-that vi-victim was a t-tough one, h-hmm?” Toby twitched, wrapping his gentle and strong toned arms around your waist as you leaned into his warm chest. Even while you were both covered in blood, he still had that woodsy smell to which comforted you so much. Hoodie was watching this interaction from the sidelines, gradually etching closer to make sure you two were okay.
“We’re almost there, sugar. You wanna hang onto Toby the rest of the way?” Masky asked, pointing at the messy brunette next to him as the aforementioned boy nodded in consent to the idea, putting his orange goggles back on to shield his eyes from the bright moon shining on your group, reminding you all how late it truly was.
You gave an uncharacteristically shy nod, and the twitching male next to you took that as a go ahead. He picked you up with his lean arms and hugged you close to his body protectively. Your legs wrapped around his waist while your arms hung around his neck, your head resting onto his shoulder as he gripped your thighs with his leather gloves. You closed your eyes and let his breathing lull you to sleep.
The boys all looked at each other lovingly, knowing that they wouldn’t trade you for the world.
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