28-destiel-505 · 4 hours
Does anyone else imagine a double date between Louis and Harry and Miles and Alex. Maybe a dinner party, where afterwards Louis and Miles sit on the sofa chilling, drinking beer and playing FIFA, and Alex and Harry remain at the table, passively aggressively drinking red wine, not speaking and trying to out cunt each other?
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28-destiel-505 · 3 days
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It was Jensen!!
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28-destiel-505 · 5 days
LOL. "I really like the strap on", then makes the gesture, I suppose, to make sure he's not misunderstood.
lmao that’s the best part. the miming of the guitar strap. 
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28-destiel-505 · 10 days
It's not an "abandoned" WIP, I didn't intentionally leave it in the forest to die and forget about it, it is a lost wip who wandered into the forest despite my pleas not to. I sit at the edge of the forest every day and hear it calling for help but there is nothing I can do. It is a haunting wip
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28-destiel-505 · 12 days
Omg just heard that the cesties called what happened to jackles in 2019 at jib a 'hate boner' and I can't stop laughing 💀💀💀
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28-destiel-505 · 12 days
Guys... If I learned something after being in multiple fandoms where PR relationships and stunts were used, it's that YOU DON'T GET PAPPED UNLESS YOU WANT TO and i'm not the one saying it, Niall Horan is. Paparazzies are. And when I say 'unless you want to' i'm not saying the celebrity is the one who wants that.
In Alex's case, I would even say he ISN'T the one who wants to get papped, especially with a certain someone but the fact he is getting papped and that we are getting a lot of recents means something is going on and they need the publicity. So prepare yourself I guess...
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28-destiel-505 · 13 days
Guys... If I learned something after being in multiple fandoms where PR relationships and stunts were used, it's that YOU DON'T GET PAPPED UNLESS YOU WANT TO and i'm not the one saying it, Niall Horan is. Paparazzies are. And when I say 'unless you want to' i'm not saying the celebrity is the one who wants that.
In Alex's case, I would even say he ISN'T the one who wants to get papped, especially with a certain someone but the fact he is getting papped and that we are getting a lot of recents means something is going on and they need the publicity. So prepare yourself I guess...
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28-destiel-505 · 13 days
How I sleep knowing whatever happens Misha Collins' got my back:
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28-destiel-505 · 13 days
Guys... If I learned something after being in multiple fandoms where PR relationships and stunts were used, it's that YOU DON'T GET PAPPED UNLESS YOU WANT TO and i'm not the one saying it, Niall Horan is. Paparazzies are. And when I say 'unless you want to' i'm not saying the celebrity is the one who wants that.
In Alex's case, I would even say he ISN'T the one who wants to get papped, especially with a certain someone but the fact he is getting papped and that we are getting a lot of recents means something is going on and they need the publicity. So prepare yourself I guess...
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28-destiel-505 · 13 days
People can hate Misha as much as they want but the reality is that none of the other actors on SPN, including Jensen and Jared, have done an ounce of what Misha did to make fans feel welcome and supported over the years. Misha, to this day, remains the only cast member from the main cast who will not shy away from discussing any topic fans want to talk about.
Yes, Jensen & Jared will of course also answer questions but only to the extent of it being their job. It'd be easier for Misha to behave like them, just to show up to a panel, give politically correct answers, bag the money and go home. But that's not the kind of person Misha is. He really cares about the fandom and thinks of it as his group and friends so it is especially sad when so many people cannot seem to be able to return the friendship back and will indeed do their damnest to always take everything he does or says in a bad faith, misinterpret things he says on purpose and insult him on daily. That is not how relationships work, parasocial or not. The anonymity of the internet gives a lot of people the cover to show their true colors and at the end of the day fandom drama is fandom drama but I'd be lying if I said I'd want any of these people in my circle irl either.
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28-destiel-505 · 14 days
in the good supernatural cas would have been talking to animals all the time. dean and sam are discussing some case and in the background you see cas chatting with a pigeon and nodding while it chitters to him. in one particularly tricky case cas disappears before coming back saying "i have new witnesses" and trailing him behind him are a dozen stray cats who are purring at his feet. random animals just pop out of his trench coat with no explanation. he interviews a suspect with a blue jay perched on his shoulder and a squirrel in his pocket.
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28-destiel-505 · 15 days
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28-destiel-505 · 15 days
Things my cluster b folks understand that others (probably) don’t
Unable to love someone and be mad at them at the same time. Anger automatically equals hate. I’m angry at you, I hate you. I’m not mad anymore, I’m done hating you.
Several months of psychologically damaging social isolation followed by one shallow, purely transactional friendship you’ll purposely torch into flames at the first sign of a reason.
All the hindsight in the world and almost no foresight.
When someone insults you so now your whole identity is ruined and you have to discard that one in favor of building another
Being so irritable for no reason. You just start getting angry at strangers for existing in your vicinity, and your personal space gets multiplied by ♾️ Now everyone feels way too close even when they’re nowhere near you.
Being totally convinced others are using you based solely upon how many things you didn’t want to do but agreed to anyway because you forgot you have feelings and needs
Raise the bar so high that you don’t have friends, get so lonely that you just straight up get rid of the bar and have no standards, get hurt, raise your standards exceptionally high to prevent yourself from letting anyone near you again. But now you’re lonely… so you get rid of the bar-
Moving on from everything really fast. Emotions last seconds, minutes, a couple hours. Even largely complex, traumatic emotions like grief and mortal fear. It’s Tuesday, the end of all that’s alive, and then it’s still Tuesday.
Always craving some specific form of emotional void-fill. You don’t know what you need, but you do know it’s never anything you obtain. “I’m so goddamn thirsty, but all this water I’m surrounded by has no effect no matter how much I drink.”
Every want and need has to be a dilemma for some reason. Because being on the same page with yourself is just illegal for us. Love me, hate me, want me, and leave me alone. Yes, all at once. You physically can’t? Well, shit. Screw everything, then.
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28-destiel-505 · 19 days
"I'm the one who fucked you hard and raised you from perdition." -Misha Collins, 2024
"If the CW wasn't so homophobic, Dean and Cas would've been balls deep for sure." -Misha Collins, 2024
April, 2024
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28-destiel-505 · 19 days
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sorry i needed to. dunno if someone has done this already
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28-destiel-505 · 19 days
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28-destiel-505 · 19 days
Are you a boy or a man?
Alex : I'm a pretty girl 🥰
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alex turner, 2009
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