7amaspayrollmanager · 4 hours
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U know I remember i used to have an issue with this quote bc I prefer not to exceptionalize the palestinian struggle and see it in comparison to other colonial struggles but now I see what edward Said is trying to say is not that South Africa apartheid and French Algeria didn't have an intention to kill the native it's that in palestine they did not come in with the idea to exploit the resources and people but to expel them in a way that's dissimilar to Algeria and south Africa and why it must be fought differently
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7amaspayrollmanager · 20 hours
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poem by gazan poet nadine murtaja—(nadine.with.dr on instagram) shared on ig by majazz project
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7amaspayrollmanager · 20 hours
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No... they found more of my posts
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Virtually every Palestinian-led organization in America is actively against Biden yet you have liberals online talking about "youre not helping Palestinians if you don't vote for Biden"
I'm sorry are organizations led by Palestinians not real Palestinians? Are we unable to make informed decisions about how to help our people back home?
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Also Bidens callous disregard to Palestinians in America will only be transferred to the very activists whose issues are intertwined with Palestinian liberation. You think climate change is on Bidens agenda when he sent bombs to gaza that projectiled tens of thousands of tons of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere? America is not in a bubble, you can't cut the world into things that affect you or not depending on borders. Climate change is an issue that cannot be separated from colonialism
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So...literally proved their point
Meanwhile mainstream climate change activists and lgbt activists are with Palestinians lol.
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So...literally proved their point
Meanwhile mainstream climate change activists and lgbt activists are with Palestinians lol.
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The implication of this is that the Democrat party will lean further right to win next time. That sounds like a them problem. But it also implies that at this moment there is a meaningful difference between both parties which is all about perception because if you know basic American history and actually follow the policies legislated/enforced and not the ones campaigned you would know that both parties are Center Right ideologocally but I also don't care for this question and hope the white house b*urns down with Biden in it. Hope that helps
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Truly will never forgive liberals for being fine with violent xenophobia as long as the president is a Democrat. Y'all used immigrants like fucking tokens during the first Trump campaign and presidency but when those of us directly affected or with family members affected by violent anti immigration law and action by Obama and Biden were vocal in our criticism for these administrations, we were divisive and making a big deal out of nothing cause surely "conditions are better than if it was Trump".
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You cant donate with one hand and vote for the person creating the gofundmes you have to donate to. America is declining further right and has been throughout Bidens presidency acting as if that process can be stopped by voting for Biden is ignoring all the signs it's also ignoring that Biden has actively continued the many things that made Trump a "monster" like cracking down a protests and free speech like the deportations of migrants. Biden is only superficially liberal like he's "pro choice" in word but allowing anti abortion laws to increase across the nation.
Genocide is dozens of ongoing processes like starvation and disease that will not stop with an election now that the Israelis have made it to Rafah and have no intention of leaving. There is no reversing the situation only escalation of a genocide under both presidencies that Biden allowed to happen.
Protests and calls to Congress have not been enough to dissuade Biden. He has ignored them and has allowed the police to violently stamp them out. The FBI is repeating and escalating post 9/11/ Bush policies of surveillance of Muslim and Palestinian communities because of the protests. He has shown that he will not listen to any protest so the last thing to do is to attack is his reelection but not only his but the campaign of every congressman who thinks they can ignore thousands of calls from their constituents asking them to stop voting for bills sending weaponry to Israel. Not voting IS a political strategy that adds pressure to politicians to change their position especially if they lose tens of thousands of their constituents and nearly lose an election for their position
Virtually every Palestinian-led organization in America is actively against Biden yet you have liberals online talking about "youre not helping Palestinians if you don't vote for Biden"
I'm sorry are organizations led by Palestinians not real Palestinians? Are we unable to make informed decisions about how to help our people back home?
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I'm trying to figure out where a post that was pointing out a flaw in a liberals argument that voting for biden will help palestinians while in reality every Palestinian organization is actively campaigning against bidens reelection ended up being comprehended by liberals as a post where I asked people to vote for a third option lmao.
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Masterful gambit, sir. Surely this will secure your win in November. We are confident Stephen Miller is drafting his endorsement statement as we speak!
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Let me repeat this. There is no "option" when genocide is happening. If biden is aiding a state committing genocide he is not a moral option. My post never implied that there is a third option my post is to say that alot of liberals like yourselves excuse genocide. We palestinians know that no matter the presidency gaza will suffer why can't you guys fucking comprehend this instead of coming onto a post to justify voting for biden. I don't care if you do I don't fucking care vote for that monster go ahead. Assuage your guilt by telling yourself you're helping Palestinians by voting for the monster who lies on television implying the death count is not that high. Vote for the monster who genuinely does not value palestinian life so much so he is losing tens of thousands of voters. That's not our fucking fault he is on campaign he has to prove he is better than the alternative. To me and everyone with a conscience he has not persuaded us that he is "better"
Virtually every Palestinian-led organization in America is actively against Biden yet you have liberals online talking about "youre not helping Palestinians if you don't vote for Biden"
I'm sorry are organizations led by Palestinians not real Palestinians? Are we unable to make informed decisions about how to help our people back home?
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hello! we are CREATIVES FOR PALESTINE, a collection of artists raising money for palestine relief in exchange for art!
rbs appreciated!
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Seeing comments from Europeans about Romani and u see that Hitler was just the average white guy in Europe
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I've criticized ngos and know they are not here to free us so don't think that that analysis is excluded in this post. But it's kinda funny how Palestinian ngos like PCRF have been working overtime to get aid into gaza and raised millions and you still have israelis say "the israeli leftists and standing together which you guys demonize are the ones helping Palestinians the most." Standing Together is basically theater has not contributed material change to the lives of gazans and they still say this stuff completely unironically.
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