aaron-romave · 4 hours
In the Danny is Damian’s brother trope what if instead of Damian not telling the family about Danny wasn’t because of grief or shame or any of the more commonly used reasons for his silence. What if it was because he heard about how his father talked about Jason after his death, focusing and exaggerating the negative. That he was violent, angry, never listened to orders but in some iterations and popular fanon is that Jason was a cheerful and studious Robin.
What if while compiling info and researching the former robins during his tumultuous introduction he saw what kind of robin Jason was, good with kids and victims. Talking about his favorite books while on patrol and similar. Reminding Damian of his most Beloved brother.
Then he finds out about how Bruce talked about Jason after he died. Using him as an example as what not to do, erasing his good traits and just using him as a cautionary tale of what happens when you don’t follow orders. Just like what Ra’s said about Danny.
So he didn’t tell the family, not out of guilt or grief. But because his father stripped away Jason’s positive traits after death, the son he chose, adopted and loved. Who when he failed because he was a child led astray by his mother. What would he do to his brother, who loved the stars and excelled in stealth, who was quite in his kills but had no lust for killing.
Whether or not Bruce would do this to Danny’s memory doesn’t matter. B’s actions are gonna affect how Damian views his father even years after the initial actions. Because Damian will protect his brothers memory from being twisted even by their father.
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aaron-romave · 1 day
I will NEVER not want Danny to have Multicultural Zone Vibez.
Like? To just... just HAVE shit you CAN NOT GET in "this" Reality.
Is it a tee-shirt? The podcast he's listening too? Those snacks? Maybe it's the tea! He has a distinct accent. No one can place it. He talks about hitting up The Market. Is suuuuper vague about WHICH market, but it sounds awesome. He apparently gets like? ALL his shit from there.
Amazing deals on everything.
You've been over to his place. The linens look like something out of a fantasy novel. HAND MADE sorta shit. Like? It must have taken, what, months? Years? To make that? He got it "cheap", supposedly, because the shop owner is no longer in their "space phase".
None of his plates match. Some look futuristic, some are hand made, a few look CARVED. Is this bone?
"Don't worry about it."
You recognize maybe a third of the movies he owns, AT BEST. But you could have SWORN like three of them weren't out yet. And details are off in two others.
The dude is weird. His PLACE is weird. His FOOD is all knock off brands you've never heard off. They've gotta be. There's fruits you can't recognize in the fridge and he uses a vegetable you've never seen before in the stir fry. Tastes pretty good. Kinda garlicky. But, like?
You've NEVER seen him use any of them local grocery stores. You're half convinced, that even with a gun to his head? He would be able to tell you WHERE THEY ARE.
And, yeah, it's a major city. A DC city of your choice. His weirdness lvl is so low, if constant, that it barely registers. Frankly? Everyone just thinks "ah, yes, an immigrant from... somewhere. Don't be a dick about it, me." And moves on. Gives it no further thought. But?
Eventually he's gonna make friends~
They ARE gonna want to know more about him.
And they're gonna realize he's WEIRD AF. Give them the LORE, Danny. It's driving them crazy!!
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @lolottes @mutable-manifestation
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aaron-romave · 1 day
Hi, sorry if this is annoying but I've had this idea for a while and I can't get it outta my head and I'm not a good writer. So here it is
Danny inherits an old amusement park from his deceased grandfather, it would've gone to Jack or Jazz but knowing Jack it would've been demolished in a week from him kool-aid manning himself through attraction walls and he didn't think Jazz would want a whole amusement park so he gave it to Danny, especially since he hated Maddie for encouraging the whole ghost nonsense with Jack.
So that's how a nineteen year old Danny found himself in an abandoned amusement park on the outskirts of Gotham and standing over the Joker who he accidentally knocked out with a 2 by 4 while assessing what he needed to fix. In Danny's defense the clown snuck up on him and he had headphones in. Now if only the group of furies would understand this was an accident
This isn’t annoying at all! “Kool-Aid maning” love that.
Danny would have to show them the paperwork he has that show that he now owns the place, but he doesn’t have it on him so he’s freaking out, thinking that he’s going to jail or something for trespassing on his own property. The Bat Fam are smart enough to know that he’s probably not lying about owning the park now, but they are going to need to do a background check and get the paperwork, because he is kinda sus. They are thankful that they don’t have to deal with Joker for a few more nights as he’s sent off to Arkham(idk how to spell) again. Some members jokingly want him to join, and the idea horrifies Danny so much he almost passes out from that alone.
And side note, it was Jack’s side of the family that seemed to be obsessed with the supernatural, see the blood blossom episode. But I do like the idea of different Fenton members believing in different supernatural creatures and not believing in others, so it still works for my head canons ha ha👍
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aaron-romave · 2 days
It’s been years since I watched Danny Phantom, and I totally agree that show Danny would lose in a fight to Superman but in my mind, the biggest thing that would determined who would win is if Danny knows how to use his intangibility. It’s one of his main ghost powers and you know how incredibly OP it is to be able to control when your opponent can hit you or not. Also, this might be fanon, but doesn’t Danny have some martial arts training from Maddy who is a black belt or something? Again at this point, I’ve probably spent more time in the fandom then actually watching the show so IDK.
Do you think Danny can take Superman in a fight?
Personally, I love stories with OP's Main characters. I love it when he shows up as the ghost king. The idea of Danny, with his ever-growing powers, can be very OP, but when it comes down to it, Superman would realistically win.
Not only because he had his powers longer, but Superman also had actual training—not as excellent as Batman or Wonder Woman. Even if he isn't the Superman with the Justice League, Clark has trained in his fortress using the tech his father put in there (I'm not the best comic book lore. Most of my DC comes from shows), and I've seen him train against robots.
Danny is known for throwing a good punch and outlasting his opponents, but he is often easily overwhelmed by his enemies when they first meet. This could be due to the show being only a few months after he gained his powers, so it makes sense he struggles with them.
That being said, Superman usually already has years of his powers—since Clark tends to be in his late twenties when he debuts as Superman—so he would easily overwhelm Danny.
It's all about experience. Danny could eventually catch up to Clark, but he would need to fight against him often or outsmart Clark to win. Danny is clever and quick on his feet, and so is Clark, so they would be evenly matched in a game of wits.
Danny would lose, but he put up one hell of a fight against Superman at age fourteen, and that's something to be impressed by.
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aaron-romave · 6 days
Danny gets summoned by justice league only problem is that he's in his pajamas which happen to be a superman t-shirt and pajama pants with the bat symbol on them. Danny had been in the middle of getting eight hours of sleep for once and was not amused
He’s just standing in the middle of the summoning circle, eyes half open, mouth partially agape. He was immediately transformed into his ghost form, but his clothes remained the same, just with a bonus Crown of Fire floating above his head. I’m also picturing him holding a glass of milk in one hand, because that makes it ever so slightly funnier. Like he partially woke up after the summoning began, and went to reach for a glass of milk that he got before he went to sleep. A little treat in addition to having a peaceful night.
And then he gets summoned. Someone asks if this really is the Ghost King, and the magic users begrudgingly confirm it, pointing out the crown. Superman compliments Danny’s Batman pants.
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aaron-romave · 6 days
Alley Chat (Dp x dc)
Danny leaned on the dirty alleyway walls, his head down, as he tried to stave off tears. Taking one more shaky breath, he did his best to let it out slowly.
“You’re fine,” he gasped. 
Then, one more gulp, “You’re safe.”
And then, “Breathe.”
“C’mon just-“ he heaved in a breath, “breathe goddammit.” 
Then he tilted his head backwards as his eyes slid shut. He inhaled through his nose and exhaled through his mouth, his heart-rate finally slowing down.
He brushed away the wet of his cheeks with the rag he’d shoved in his barista apron earlier. Figuring it was already ruined as it was he blowed his nose in it as well. Now if he could just splash his face with cold water, he’d be almost as new.
He reached for the stick of gum he knew he’d left in the bigger pocket only to freeze as he felt something smoother under his fingers. The card from earlier.
“This is for you,” his father had said, looking more unsure of himself than Danny had ever seen him. “Danny-o…”
“We’re sorry, Danny,” his mother had taken over, and there had been tears in her eyes. “We’re so sorry, we didn’t know-“
“You can’t be here,” Danny had said calmly enough, though his hand had been shaking.
“Danny-“ his mom had started, as she had reached towards him and Danny just couldn’t do this.
He had felt his pulse in his ear, his chest constricting and he hadn’t been able to think past the need to get out, out, out.
There’d been bright light, and then he had been away from the noise, and he had ran until he couldn’t breathe. 
And here he was getting pushed to the precipice by a fucking card.
“No,” he told himself but his eyes were already watering. “No,” he choked out, fruitlessly.
“Goddamit,” he hiccuped as tears began to fall. And then it was as if the dam had broken. Every single tear he’d managed to repress were now coming back twofold. His whole body was wrecked by big heaving sobs and he had a moment to be glad he’d found himself a secluded place to have his fit in peace.
“Oh, buddy,” he heard from behind just as the thought registered.
He turned around to find a guy in a skintight red suit looking at him.
“Are you ok?” The guy said before rallying. “That’s a dumb question, isn't it.”
The halfa just looked at the man.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Danny shook his head. He was actively trying not to think about it.
“Is it ok if I stay here ?”
Danny was too drained to care about a stranger witnessing this, so he raised his shoulders.
“I can talk if you don’t want to, I’ve been told I’m quite the motormouth.”
The man let a bit of silence pass before apparently he decided that was an agreement and he started blathering on about- rainbows was it?”
“-sure if compared against the big fishes, Rainbow Raider is far from the worst but I just can’t get over how petty his reason to turn to crime is. I’m not saying being colour blind would make being an artist easy but it doesn’t make impossible. Beethoven was deaf and look at him now! Ok that was poorly phrased, but you get what I meant-“
And on he went, talking about anything that was going through his head it seemed.
As it went on, Danny realized his hands had stopped shaking and there was a tugging at his lips that was ever so slight, but near miraculous so soon after his cry session.
“-where does the iron even come from? Like do spinach plants just make it? What does a spinach plant look like for that matter? I’m picturing like a salad plant but where do the stalks come from then,” the man hummed before there was a sound like a TV’s white noise and the man straightened. After a moment, he turned towards Danny and gave him a smile.
“I’m gonna have to run,” he said. “I’m not often in the neighborhood, so we might not meet again, so I wish you best of luck, bud.”
Another brilliant smile and he turned away.
Danny jumped forward in time to stop the man’s immediate departure. Said man turned to give Danny a quizzical look.
“Thank you,” said Danny painfully sincere.
The man’s face softened in a smile for a moment and then he was gone.
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aaron-romave · 10 days
I am loudly pushing the batdad agenda i am loudly pushing the— DPxDC Prompt
“Woah. You look like shit."
Granted, that’s probably not the first thing Danny should be saying to the guy that just bit the curb, but in his defense; he’s not running on 100% right now either.
The man -- tall, towering, and broader than Danny is tall -- whips around on his heel, black frayed cape flaring out impressively. Danny would've whistled in appreciation, but he takes the time instead to wipe the back of his hand across his mouth, smearing the blood running from his nose across his cheek.
"Sorry." He blinks widely, not even flinching as the man with the horns zeroes in on him. "That was rude of me. I have a really bad brain-to-mouth filter; Sam says its what always gets me into trouble."
And she's not wrong either, per say. His smart mouth is what landed him in this situation -- with blood blossom extract running through his veins and cannibalizing the ectoplasm in his bloodstream. Thanks Vlad.
The man grunts at him; a short, curt "hm" that shouldn't make Danny smile, but he does because he's somewhat delirious and probably concussed. The man keeps some kind of distance, sinking towards the shadows of Gotham's alleyway like he dares to melt right into it.
If it's supposed to scare Danny, it doesn't work. Danny's never been afraid of the dark; he's always been able to hide himself in it. He blinks slowly at the mass of shadows.
"You look hurt." The shadows says, blurring together around the edges. Danny squints, and licks his lips to get the blood dripping down his chin off. Ugh, he hates the taste of blood.
"I am." He says, "My godfather poisoned me. M'dying." The agony of the blood blossom eating him from the inside out looped back around to numbing a while ago, so all he feels is half-awake and dazed.
"Hey," Danny stumbles forward towards the man, a bloodied hand reaching out to him. "You-- you're a hero, right? You're not attacking me; which is more than I can say for most costumed people I've met." Maybe it's a poor bar to judge someone at, but he's already established that Danny's not in his right mind.
The man makes no change in expression, but Danny realizes blearily that it's hard to tell with the shadows on his face. He stays still long enough for Danny to latch onto the cape -- stretchy, but almost soft under his fingers.
He looks up blearily into the whites of the man's eyes. "Can you help me? I don't-- I don't wanna die." Again. He doesn't wanna die again. He blinks slow and lizard-like. "I mean- I'll probably get to see mom and dad again, but I told them I'd at least try and make it to adulthood."
There's a clatter down the street, and Danny's ghost sense chills up his spine and leaves a bitter, ashy taste in his mouth. He immediately knows who it belongs to even before the deceptively gentle; "Daniel?" echoes down the way.
"Daniel? Quit your games, badger, Gotham is dangerous for children."
Danny's mouth pulls back, and blood spills against his tongue. "Please." He rasps, and grabs onto the shadow's cape with both hands. "Please. He's going to kill me. Please--"
"Daniel? Is that you?"
His lips part, dragging in air to plead with the darkness again. He doesn't need to, the whites of his eyes narrow, and the cape whirls around him before Danny can blink. Soon swaddled in shadows, the Night lifts him up, and steals him away.
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aaron-romave · 11 days
Amity parkers are feral and insane
Somehow, someway, Casper high finds their selves in Gotham.
It could be a field trip or a ghost shoved them in a portal, doesn't matter, they're in Gotham.
As they arrive in Gotham, the Casper teachers decide to turn this into something educational and hire a tour guide from Gotham Academy (or was it Gotham university? I forgot) GA agrees and also Sends some of their students to partner up with the amity parkers as a sort "buddy" and to hopefully teacher em the ways of surviving in Gotham.
To the gothamites, the amity parkers look like children who have never been exposed to crime in their life, never been mugged, never been been kidnapped.
But the truth is, compared to the BS amity is used to, Gothams issues are like kindergarten.
First thing the tour guide hears when she greets Casper high Mr lancer telling them to, "Please don't walk into danger, please don't try and provoke the joker, I know he's a bitch but still. If you find yourself in a tricky situation, do not hesitate to punch yourself to freedom, but ABSOLUTELY NO CRITICAL HITs these are NORMAL people they're not like us or the ghosts, they will not survive. Please do not give phantom problems, He's already failing in class he doesn't need more problems"
Its important to keep in mind that:
amity parkers and ghosts are buddies now.
The Ambient ectoplasm gave them a form of super strength, also making it so that they are able to touch ghost.
They join the ghost brawls everyone in a while and has some wins.
Most, if not all are liminal in a way.
Everyone knows that Danny is phantom but have signed an NDA that says they aren't allowed to tell anyone who isn't a native amity parker who he is.
Things is, The gothamites don't know about this and take it as if Mr lancer and the students are underestimating Gotham. So as a from of pettiness, all the Gotham students decided to bring their amity partner to the most dangerous places they can think of.
Niky has lead sam into a park that poison ivy frequents. Of course, poison ivy is there but instead of running away in fear like niky expected, Sam runs up to ivy, complements her and joins the path of eco terrorism.
Tucker and his partner Vic finds himself in the middle of a riddler attack, locked in a room with no way out, a countdown timer with 20 secs remaining and a riddle in a computer.
Vic is panicking as he tries to figure it out, he looked to tucker for help. Tucker just shrugged and hacked the computer, not even bothering to solve the riddle. It worked and Vic is baffled and the riddler is frustrated.
Danny find himself in the hands of the joker, (his partner ran the moment joker was seen) hanging upside down on top of a large pool of acid, because, it's classic for joker. He is also being live streamed.
The teachers in GA are panicking, the bats are panicking.
Casper high teacher took one look at the stream and shrugged. "Eh, he'll be fine." They also called the number that joker has displayed on the screen, just to say, "Daniel Fenton, make sure your back before in GA 6 pm or else were leaving you to find the hotel on your own."
The time is 5:30 pm.
It takes 25 minutes to walk from Joker to GA.
Danny sighs, might as well start walking.
He uses intangibility to free himself and fall into the vat of acid.
The Gothamites are shocked and screaming, the bats are shocked. Amity parkes went "oh" and continued placing bets on how fast Danny will get back.
Danny then proceeds to swim out of the acid pool, punch the joker in the face, knocking him out in a single hit and then proceeds to casually squeeze out the acid from his Casper high "I am a proud amitian" shirt as if it's regular water.
All of this was done in 5 minutes.
All of this was caught on stream.
The Gothamites are passed out, the bats are questioning everything. Batman is searching up everything he can about acid side effects and about Danny but ends up with nothing.
The amity parkers just raised their bets even further.
Danny somehow makes it back 10 minutes late and Wes wins the bet.
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aaron-romave · 13 days
Danny is a Fae at Starbucks
So! Danny works by Fae Rules, Names and all, but he has no idea about that because he was forced to run away from Home (and the Ghost portal) before his Ghostly Education could be completed.
He runs to Gotham and eventually gets a job at Starbucks, or some other Cafe.
He has to ask the question "Could I get your name please?" A LOT while working there. And unintentionally steals hundreds of Names by the end of his first day, much less a week or a month into his job.
One day, Constantine visits Gotham for a Meeting with Batman, but by the time he gets to the Meeting Point he has bigger issues to discuss.
"Why the hell does half of your City belong to a Fae Lord?!"
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aaron-romave · 19 days
Dan, bound to a clone body and experiencing a relatively calm life with the Fentons, gets de-aged by a jealous Vlad and is held hostage by the man, who wants to be involved with family things. Vlad, somehow, loses the baby.
14 years later, Jason Todd is desperately looking for his mother, only for the DNA test to match him with a 30-year-old transman and a billionaire over 60.
Oh, and his own missing person's report.
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aaron-romave · 24 days
DCxDP Fic Idea: New Management
It starts off small, in controlled, barely noticeable areas of Gotham.
Over days, the litter and trash vanish, the sidewalks are washed and cleaned, and even building yards long since abandoned are trimmed. No one notices at first because Gotham is so used to ignoring how dirty everything is until Poison Ivy makes a public announcement thanking the person who cleaned up Gotham's parks.
You know, while she was tearing up that one street with her vine monster.
After the Bats had her locked away pending a trial, they stopped to look around and realized, yes, someone had been cleaning house. No one really knows who, but things have started to change. Streetlights are replaced, graffiti is painted over, and cracked windows are fixed. It's a nice thought, but all this had the gangs up in arms, especially when their tagging disappeared.
To control the goodie-two-shoes, a few gangs burn down a few local parks- mostly the ones near or around Crime Alley- and they also loot the smaller businesses. It's a warning that the mystery housekeeper should be reminded of their station, but- well, it's all for nothing because, like magic, the following night, the damage is repaired and somehow better than before.
What's crazy is the water change. Everyone notices that right away.
Gotham's water system was just as corrupted and descriptive as its class system. If you were one of the elites- your water was clean and crisp- if you were one of the poor- your water was practically tar with how contaminated it was. Anyone in between got a fifty-fifty chance of drinkable water, depending on what side of the city they lived on.
It became an identifier, really. Depending on how often you were seen at stores buying bottled water, people could tell how well off your family was.
That's why, on a random Wednesday, Gotham lost their collective mind that the entire water system was fixed. Regardless of class, every household had clear, scent-free water from the tabs.
The few who wandered outside trying to figure out what in the world was happening were left stunned at the sight of Gotham's surrounding bodies of water.
They were clean.
All the rivers, the harbors, the silly little fountains found around Old Gotham- everything. It was safe to swim in them now. That was just wrong.
"What's happening?" Jason growls, crouching at one of Wayne Manor's main windows. His eyes are barely visible over the edge, allowing him to peek out into the yard, but he must not be fully visible, lest he become a target.
"I don't know," Tim hisses, taking a similar position on the second floor. He grips the communicator with a white-knuckle grip, trying his best to ground himself. "I just don't know. There are no witnesses, no evidence, no clues whatsoever on who's doing this to the city!"
"I don't like this!"
"No one does, Jason," Bruce intervenes; the accompanying sound of keys typing is familiar background noise. He's still in the cave, attempting to run through all reports of horrified Gothamites on social media, trying to find a pattern. "Babs? Do you have any new updates?"
"No!" She hisses, her typing sounding far more aggressive. "I can't find anything on those responsible. Nothing on the internet, nothing on public camera feeds, and nothing on rumors through dark web chats. It's like I'm trying to track a ghost!"
"This isn't natural, B," Steph cuts in. She's hiding in her bedroom closet, voice low in case her mom hears. After they realize some new lunatic is running loose in Gotham, her mom calls her back home to barricade them. If they had a bomb shelter, they would have been in it long ago.
"It's worse than we think," Duke huffs. He's somewhere near the top floor, having chosen a higher vantage point, hoping his meta powers would spot someone coming towards the manor. "I think I see glimpses of blue in the sky. If this continues at this rate, we'll have a clear blue sky in about two hours."
Multiple gasps of horror are heard throughout the communication lines. Bruce starts to type faster, barking orders for everyone to remain where they are and not go gather information. They had no idea what they were dealing with.
Damian stands with a confused Cass, Dick, and Alfred. The only bats not originated from Gotham, so while they can claim to have years in the city, none of them truly know. "I do not understand. Is this not beneficial to Gotham?"
"It may be too much at once, Master Damian." The Bulter tells him carefully. He only speaks that slowly when Alfred thinks of every word before saying it. "Whoever is behind this must not be from Gotham. If they were, they know that people would lose their collective minds upon the improvements."
"But who could be responsible?" Cass asks, watching Jason duck and army crawl to a new window once some sunlight manages to break through the clouds where he was originally hiding.
"I wish I knew Miss Cass."
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton leans back in his computer chair in a dimension of hope and a skip away. He laces his fingers together, bending them until satisfying cracks are heard. It was a productive hour of work, but he thinks now that his virtual city had cleaner water, his NPCs should start healing and developing better.
He was suspicious of Madam Gotham—a new ghost that appeared within his territory of the Ghost Zone—but after a quick conversation, he decided to befriend her. Danny is glad he did, seeing as she was in danger of fading away. Her core had suffered severe damage due to denying her obsession for so long.
Danny could do nothing for her. Madam Gotham needed professional help that only certain Yetis could offer. Although the Yetis usually turned away anyone not of their kind, with Danny backing her up, they had been willing to take in Madam Gotham.
She had been stubborn, though, refusing to get help because she was too busy playing her silly little game. The computer she played it on was unique to her realm and could not withstand the cold temeture of the Far Frozen. Danny was literally watching her melt—a horrific reminder of Dani and her siblings' disabling—before he could take it anymore.
Only after agreeing to watch her video game did she decide to be moved to the Far Frozen to receive medical treatment. Now, Danny never really liked those farming simulator games, but this was different in the sense that the city was already there.
His job was to further develop the city into a utopia. It was interesting to learn what modern issues the city had and how he could make decisions based on point costs on what to fix.
He gained points from making his citizens happier, supporting the Bats—the city's defenders—or choosing to develop options that significantly raised the value of his city.
It was rather addicting, really. He could see how Madam Gotham got so sucked in, even though it didn't really have much action for him to make. Mostly, he would let his citizens react to his new choices and use his points to delete trash and gunk.
There were some side quests he liked to work on, too, like helping certain citizens with drug addiction, depression, anxiety, or anger issues. Danny has no idea why Madam Gotham allowed so many to develop so badly, so every day, he would give them all one good luck point to brighten their days.
He had three full tabs of characters, a brief explanation of their lives, and whatever issues Danny could make them go through. He would tackle the number of homeless youth next by fixing up the city's affordable housing and infrastructure.
It was a bit narcissistic of Madam Gotham to name her game town "Gotham City," but it's better than any name Danny could have come up with.
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aaron-romave · 24 days
DCxDP fic idea: The Summoned Demon
Danny is sitting in class, trying to make sense of Mr. Lancer's explanation of the light getting through Scrooge's nightcap in A Christmas Carol. The light symbolizes him trying to suppress memories, but he cannot, so it passes the cloth he clings to when a portal appears around his desk.
He doesn't even notice it is forming until Flash screams. He turns his head to see what the bully plans to do to him- because he always intends to bother him somehow- only to find the blond pointing down to the ground.
Or, more specifically, the glowing circle of runes leaking ectoplasm in a slow swirling mess, filling until it reached the middle—right under Danny.
His other classmates also scream when they notice it, but before they or anyone else can do anything, the portal fully forms. Danny makes horrified eye contact with Sam and Tucker before he falls. His scream is louder than the rest, but it's quickly cut off as the portal slams shut.
Danny was not expecting to be thrown through a portal in the middle of the day without his Ghost Scense even being triggered, so instead of thinking rationally and shifting into Phantom, Danny fell. He fell through green swirls of green and black, his nose picking up a disgusting smell of copper, and he flew in the air.
The free fall finally stops when a second portal appears at the end of the slightly downward tunnel. He slams into the hard ground, an echoing splash accompanying his shout of pain, and his tailbone is probably broken when he lands on it. He groans, rolling to his side and hissing in pain.
A few swears escaped him, nothing too bad, but if his mother had heard him, Danny would have to pay half of his allowance in the swear jar, cursing his darn luck.
Some liquid is around him, quickly splashing onto his clothing and on the right side of his face as he presses it to the ground, trying to ease the ache from his fall.
Danny can barely think through the pain- ever grateful that his healing factor was kicking in. If only it stopped him from feeling pain in the first place.
After a moment, he has the strength to pop open an eye and take in his surroundings. He is left staring at a large dark room lit only by candle lights, a fair amount of figures in dark red robes stand a little further down from the stage he sits on, and the horrified faces of three naked teenage girls tied to pillars on stage with him.
Danny sits up, water dripping down the right side of his face onto the ground- He seemed to have landed in some kind of shallow pool, likely would only reach his ankle were he to stand- and gawks.
At once, the room reacts.
When the figures realize Danny is looking at them, they all fall to their knees, bowing so low that their foreheads touch the ground. The candles all start flicking from yellow to dark green flames, making the atmosphere more unsettling.
The three girls start to struggle against their binds, yanking on the ropes that are pulling their limbs in four different directions, but it's to no avail. They are stuck, and they cry against the gags tied to their mouths.
Their cries are what snap him from his confusion.
Danny quickly turns his gaze away, pressing a hand to the side of his face so they do not appear in his peripheral vision. He is not sure what is happening in the world, but he knows to at least respect the women.
One of the figures, wearing a giant head crown around his hood so likely the leader, left its head. It sounds male- old, maybe late to middle sixties- but Danny can't understand a word he's saying.
It doesn't sound like any language he's ever heard before. He just knows that the tone is excited and awed. When he is done speaking, the rest of the bowing crowd starts to chant in that strange, fast-paced language.
"What? What are you saying?" Danny tries, but their chants are louder, and he is still looking at the dark-colored water-covered ground. The chanting grows in volume, and a new circle of runes appears around Danny.
His eyes widen, and he lowers his hand. He turns his back on the girls splashing through the water and lowers his head to try to make out what the symbols are saying.
If they are under the control of whoever those hooded people are, then he is not entirely sure he likes them. He squints, straining his eyes to try and see them clearly, but the green flames are blending the light, and he can't make it out.
"What is this? What are you doing?!" he demanded of the people, forcing himself to stand and turn again to the crowd. He quickly turned his head to the side when he spotted the pillars.
Right, he does not like that they are tied up like that. He needs to get them out. Worried that they will try to stop him, Danny presses his feet firmly into the ground and sprints towards them, pushing some of Phantom's strength into his hands.
It's not a full transformation but it should be enough to give him a little help in setting them free.
The girls' cries grow louder, and they cower away from him. Danny feels bad, but he has no time to reassure them as he reaches towards the metal chains of the one closest to him. He wastes no time in ripping it apart—surprised to find it fall apart like paper.
They had seemed pretty thick, but maybe it was all for show? Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, Danny quickly releases her from her bonds. She screams, kicking at him and throwing punches in a desperate attempt to get away.
He hardly feels it though, pushing her gently away, so he can reach the others. He hears the hooded people cheer, chant, and praise in crazed tones, but Danny has no time for them. He is busy ripping away the chains of the other two.
He then leaps downwards towards the hooded people. They all startle, likely not expecting Danny to come for them- though why they would assume he wouldn't is a mystery- he reaches for the one closest to him.
He grabs hold of the hood, turns it transparent, and pulls it off a teenage boy who is gaping up at him. The teen is shirtless but thankfully wearing pants. Danny turns to the two others next to the boy, doing the same, and is a little surprised to find that they are all teenage boys as well.
The one with the headpiece says something in an "A-ha!" voice, and the three boys pale. They start to beg, their voices raising in panic in that strange language, but Danny ignores them. He rushes back up the stage to find the girls cowering in the center.
They tremble as he throws the stolen hoods at them.
"Here, use that to cover yourselves." He tells them, determinedly turning his gaze to the side. Danny is pretty sure they can't understand him but he hopes his message is clear enough for them to get it.
A cry is heard from the crowd of people in red robes. He twists around, fist raised in case they try to do something to the girls, only to blink in surprise that they are dragging the three boys towards him.
The male teenagers are kicking and screaming; one is crying, and another manages to break away from the hold but is quickly tackled by another. They are thrown at Danny's feet, the rest of the figures chanting.
The last teenage boy weeps, clinging to Danny's leg and begging.
"Dude! Dude!" Danny yelps, stumbling back a bit, but the stranger clings to him hard, not letting him go. "I can't understand you- get off of me!"
One of the red robes, rushes foward and starts to tug at the boy's pants- attempting to get them off against the guy's will!
Danny feels hot rage fill his entire being as he reels back a fist, smashing it against the person's head. "What the hell are you doing!? Leave him alone!"
Now Danny only meant to daze the other person, maybe knock him out if he was lucky. What happens instead is that they are flying clear across the room, smashing against a far wall and slumping to the ground.
The room goes dead silent.
That's when the window above them is smashed in, and a man dressed like a bat falls on top of Danny. He yelps, smashing against the ground. Danny flings him, but only barely.
Three other figures follow the weirdo in the bat suit, attacking the people in robes. Their actions blow out the candles, plunging the room into darkness. There is nothing but chaos and screams, so Danny blindly reaches around him, finding the six teenagers and pushing them behind him.
He stands protectively over them as the sounds of battle echo. Eventually, it all goes quiet, and a flashlight is shone on the group of trembling teenagers.
Danny raises his fists, ready for a fight, when one of the teenage boys calls out, sounding to be pleading with the attacking furries. The four figures pause outside the light- their white pupils, eyes narrowing at Danny.
He has never seen ghosts like them before, and he yanks the boy back lest they attack. Danny shifts until he stands before the group again- protecting them. One of the girls- now wearing the stolen robe- managed to remove her gag. She cranes around Danny, speaking in near sobs.
Whatever she says seems to satisfy the strangers, who carefully step out of the shadows. Danny eyes a man in blue, another in a red helmet, a teenager clutching a staff, and a small boy wielding a sword.
He also notices the light is reflecting the dark liquid.
It's red. A nasty horrible dark red that smells like copper.
"Blood," Danny whispers, horrified, looking down at himself covered in it. "This is a kiddie pool of blood."
He knows the strangers are speaking to the teenagers; he can't understand a word they are saying, but there is a rising in his ears. His breathing is coming in fast pants, and he can't look away from the blood that is literally covering his entire right side.
His hands are dripping in it.
The man in the bat suit clutches his arm, speaking slowly, claiming tones. The man takes slow breaths, tightening his grip on Danny's shoulder and repeating the actions. Danny realizes that he's attempting to get him to copy his breathing. He's having a panic attack.
It's been a while since he last had one. It was during a terrible ghost fight that Jazz's suit malfunctioned and she was rushed to the hospital, cloaked in red and clinging to her life.
Danny had never been so afraid in his life.
He is honestly grateful the man seems to be aware he's not going to calm down on his own, and he quickly stabs him with a needle. The world turns dark and blissfully silent in an instant.
"Wait! He didn't do anything wrong!" Molly cries, watching Batman knock out the demon. She tries to rush to Batman but is quickly detained by Red Robin, who steps into her path. "He saved us!"
"We saw him protecting you." Red Robin tells her gently. "We aren't going to hurt him."
"Do you promise?" Jack asks, his voice still trembling slightly. He is on the ground, holding out his leg so Nightwing can diffuse the bomb strap to his ankle.
The cultists had kidnapped anyone from the age of fourteen to seventeen who was unfortunate enough to be at the park the day before. To prevent them from running away and ruining the sacrificial summons, they placed bombs on all of their bodies.
The girls had been the ones who were tied to the altar, but the boys were plan B in case the demon preferred males. The bombs would explode if they got too far from the stage.
For a second, Jack had thought they were all done for when something had fallen through the manic cultists' portal. It had spoken in harsh, rapid hissing noises, rolling around in the blood before sitting upright in near statue-like stillness.
Jack had been relieved when it had approached the girls in the dark corner of his heart. If it took the virgin girls, he would live and leave unharmed. Then, it rejected the sacrifices for him and his two friends.
Jack had been sure that there was no escaping his fate, but if he could offer himself to the creature- no matter how human-looking it was- then at least his friends would be spared. He clung to its legs, begging it to choose him as a meal or a bed warmer instead of Liam or Alex
He made offer after offer, praying it would choose him and not his best friends, as his friends beg Jack to stop. They went ignored because the demon wasn't looking convinced; if anything, it looked disgusted.
He had only a few seconds of terror when one of the cultists ordered him to strip for the demon when it had defended him instead. Three tugs on his pants were all it took to send the monster flying- and he didn't mean the demon that was summoned.
He hates to think that after all it did for them, the Bats would punish it instead.
"You have my word," Batman growls, holding the demon over his shoulder and vanishing into the darkness. The rest of the Bats vanish with him.
Jack sighed in relief as the doors were kicked open, and the police rushed to the scene. He gets to live another day, and his boys are safe, too. That's all he could ask from this hellish nightmare.
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aaron-romave · 27 days
Aquaman was only patrolling the ocean, not expecting a baby mer swimming with the whales along the way.
It one of the few things he would like to do in his free time is to help the ocean sea with minor problems, a seal having his neck stuck with a plastic can holder, a a couple shark with a hook stuck to her fin/nose or tailfin, a couple of trapped rare fish in poacher traps.
He wasn't expecting a small group of whales, mainly a momma whale and two Baby whales to swim by singing their song while hunting a vast enormous group of krills.
Only to hear a tiny little baby mer singing along with them. It was a boy, with chubby lil arms, a beautiful trails of sparkling white and neon green color, fade gray and black tips mer tailwind. A fainted trail of electric shock probably from a mishap by jellyfish tracing from one of his chubby hand down to his body.
Hair white as snow, eyes greener then the grass on land, tanned skin and a odd sliver mechanism purple clock on a necklace that was ticking slowly despite being in deep underwater.
Arthur was going to get closer but the Momma whale Block his view using her vast body after she noticed him getting closer, the two Baby whales hiding behind her along with the baby mer.
Meanwhile Danny as clockwork apprentice until he grows into his state as the ruler of ghost realm and away from noisy observators has been on a mission to keep the timeline in check in other dimensions. Clockwork insisted this form would do the trick
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aaron-romave · 29 days
Danny puts up with a lot of stress, okay. His coping mechanism is....okay, it's a little weird, he's not gonna lie.
It is widely known that he has a human form and a ghost form; it is not widely known that his ghost form can do pretty much whatever he wants it to.
This includes making it smaller. Changing the ghost tail to a fish one. Making the suit be scales instead of a suit.
He does it so many times he now officially has three forms, and one of them is purely for himself and no one else.
His stress relief is to go to the aquarium, switch to the tiny merman form, and hide in the rocks of his favorite exhibit; the shark exhibit.
He stays in the back, away from the people visiting it's sight, and just vibes. He's even made a small cave the sharks can't fit into a tiny little nest.
No one would expect him there. No one would be looking for him there. He was free to just...take a moment.
Well, so he thought.
Because the humans visiting did see him. Multiple times.
They took pictures.
Now the Amity Park Aquarium is in some deep shit with Atlantis, because there's documented proof that they're keeping a literal baby mer in there as a spectacle.
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aaron-romave · 1 month
The reveal went right. Too right. Jack and Maddie will do anything to protect their son. Vlad will do anything to protect his new daughter. Dan will...suck it up.
When Danny told his parents he was Phantom, not only did they take it well, but they immediately started rallying to get the Anti-Ecto Acts taken down.
They rewrote their research, reached out to other Paranormal Scientists, and did everything they could.
That was when the assassination attempts started. They were all targeting...Danny. Not Jack, Maddie, or Jazz. Just Danny.
Moving Danny in with Vlad didn't stop them; if anything, the assassination attempts got even worse.
During a fight with one particular assassin that got past Vlad's security, Danny, Dan, and Dani knocked over some of Vlad's more...unstable experimental Ecto.
It...changed them. Reflected the age of their Ghost selves.
Danny and Dani are now two years old. Dan is somewhere around twenty-four.
Vlad...thinks this is perfect. He has an idea. The government is trying to kill a sixteen year old, they won't look at a couple of toddlers.
He smuggles them out of Wisconsin and gives Dan a bag. Inside of that bag is cash, fake IDs, and all the fake history Dan would need to start a new life. His cover is he's a single father to a set of twins.
Vlad looks pleased with himself. Dan valiantly restrains from punching him.
It has nothing to do with the fact that there are two toddlers watching him with way-too-big eyes.
Dan...sucks it up. He's an adult now, he can just kill all the agents, he doesn't understand why Vlad is so desperate to run. But whatever. Fine, he guesses.
He starts his shitty new life.
His only saving grace is that his neighbor, a guy named Roy Harper, is also new to the whole parenting shtick. They end up hanging out more often or not, letting Roy's Lian play with Danny and Dani, and typically babysit for each other if they can.
Years later, Dan ends up saving Lian's life during a huge attack on the city that caused the apartment to collapse.
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aaron-romave · 1 month
There's an American town that John likes to use to freak people out. It's funny.
If he needs to talk to someone he doesn't like, he teleports them both to Amity Park for the discussion over some of those awful but strangely delicious Nasty Burgers.
Amity Park feels alive in a way it shouldn't. There's a dense fog, and the citizens of it come out of nowhere. Everyone moves like a buffering movie, and the air tastes metallic and rotted. There's whispers in languages no one can understand (That's a lie John knows what the ghosts are saying and it's hilarious), and for all that the town is full of people, if feels like stepping into someone else's empty home.
John's fine with it; it's just a town saturated with Death Magic, and the little ghost that claimed it as his territory already said John was fine to visit so long as he brought back souvenirs. It's a little offputting, but John's been by so many times it barely phases him anymore.
But it will never not be funny watching people he doesn't like squirming in the booth of a fastfood joint.
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aaron-romave · 1 month
In Amity Park, you pour your cooking oil down the drain. Wes was not told that this action was inappropriate anywhere else.
It served two functions; the melted plastic bits would bring about the Blob Ghosts that liked fixing things, thereby making sure they had some on hand in case the house got damaged by a ghost attack, and the blockage would slow down the other, more ravenous Blob Ghosts; the ones that ate trash.
Except that "trash" really meant "anything inanimate", and it was better to hold those off with a distraction while summoning the helpful Blobs.
When Wes was doing what he normally did, his new roommate almost broke his legs vaulting over the counter to stop him.
"What are you doing?!" Jimmy shouted, voice cracking. "You'll melt the plastic bits and clog the pipes!"
"....Yes?" Wes didn't understand.
Then he did.
"Oh! You don't have the-okay. So how do I get rid of it here, then?"
"No, go back. We don't have the...what?"
Wes sighed, put down the pan, and pulled up a copy of the NDA he'd signed to be able to leave Amity Park.
Jimmy, somehow, convinces him to break the NDA on the grounds that NDA's are not legally binding if the corporation or group that made him sign it were doing anything illegal.
Then Jimmy convinces him to say everything about his town again, but to his reporter friend Clark Kent.
Somehow, that evolved into Wes visiting his parents and smuggling both Jimmy and Clark into Amity Park.
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