aayakashii · 2 days
I'm not gonna rant IM NOT GONNA RANT but please ppl who say tokyo debunker is a twst ripoff, please PLEASE read the story first 😭 I 100% agree with a lot of the criticism (ai usage, uninteresting gameplay, some characters being too similar to other media etc) but the story couldn't be more different 🧍🏻‍♀️ that's the only thing I'm sure it's not true :/ I honestly could elaborate so much on this, but I dont wanna get stressed 😭
If anything, I think most people play it because the story is unique, and I hope more ppl try to read it someday but idk. Whatever ig
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aayakashii · 6 days
Fixed the grammar I think
touch starved
Part two to this one right here.
Warning: just VERY SLIGHTLY suggestive, kinda angsty, Alan probably crumbling into dust at the faintest touch etc
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“... this is stupid.”
Alan has been staring at the car’s engine for the past 15 minutes, without actually seeing what was in front of him. He doesn't really know what kind of anomaly was presenting itself in that entanglement of wires and metal (and blood red flesh).
He sighs, rubbing his face with his hands, smearing it with soot.
“... What kind of stupid reaction was that” he thinks to himself, eyebrows scrunched as he cringes painfully, remembering how he had made a fool of himself in front of the honor student.
His hand goes to rub the top of his own head, as if he could rub off the ghost of their touch. But if his previous attempts were anything to go by, he obviously could not. 
Alan isn’t a fool – of that, he was completely sure of. He may not be as bright as the other Captains, and he may be a disaster with technology, but he isn’t a fool and he prides himself on the fact that his self-awareness has constantly kept other people safe.
There is no room for longing and pining in his own life, no matter how much his brain tries to trick him into thinking about the honor student for longer than necessary.
He gulps harshly, mouth dry, still eyeing the engine that contorts itself as it swallows more and more bits and pieces of metal.
The honor student has been nothing but helpful towards Vagastrom and the other dorms, and incredibly patient and kind when the circumstances would probably justify their hatred towards ghouls, yet Alan couldn’t help but feel bitter at the thought of them.
It would be so much easier if they were scared of him, if they kept their distance, if they saw him as a threat much like the other humans – but they aren’t, not at all. And this bitterness coats his tongue heavily, like lead, whenever his awful hands touch the top of their head to compliment them for doing a good job, and they turn towards Alan, beaming with joy at his comment. 
Alan unconsciously finds any excuse to touch them and to have their attention, however briefly, and he deeply despises himself for it.
He revels in the brush of his fingers with theirs when he gives them coffee and on the feeling of their hair between his fingers.
More than that, he discovered he has found respite from himself in the way their eyes would light up once they found him in the crowd, and in the blind trust they have on him, even after he drenched himself in blood before their eyes.
Alan clenches his fists, and the anomaly keeps on eating and eating every bit of the metal right in front of him, the car becoming more blood red than gray.
He is ashamed of himself.
Alan knew there was nothing hidden in the way they smiled at him. Yet, in the quiet humming of the night, he remembers those lips saying his name over and over again during the day, and imagines how they would feel against his skin.
How would it feel if he made them say his name over and over again as a whisper, a scream, a moan, a sob – and then he gets dizzy, as the blood in his head goes to a part of his body he would rather not think about.
Not only was he a threat just by existing, but now he's also disgusting? What would Dante say if he knew of these thoughts? Maybe he would feel ashamed he died to someone so pathetic.
Alan sighs deeply once again.
“Another sigh? That's another happiness that is leaving your body, you know?” a sarcastic voice comes from the entrance of the garage.
“Hello, Leo.”
Leo strolls his way towards Alan, looking everywhere but at the Captain.
“What's bothering the almighty Captain of Vagastrom, hm? You can count on your Vice-Captain for anything, you know? Open your little stone heart to me~” The gray-haired boy says, eager for the scoop on yet another possible gossip (or blackmail material. Who knows with Leo).
“... Nothing's wrong.”
Alan blinks owlishly, finally fully coming back from his thoughts, and stares at the anomaly in front of him.
Before him, the unknown anomalous monster has eaten the entire engine of the car, leaving it devoid of any components, with ample space for it to squirm unnaturally inside – a pit of a blood red mess that seems about to either burst at any given moment or eat itself alive, hungry with nothing else to swallow.
“Uwaa… this looks like one of those gross Lovecraftian monsters… this is sooo disgusting.” Leo says as he snaps pictures of the monster on his phone from every angle possible.
“Why are you taking pictures, then.” Alan slams the car's hood down, placing a defensive spell on the opening, sealing the monster inside. He will send it to Mortkranken so they can do their weird experiments on it later. His mind isn't up for any problems at the moment.
“Uuhh, scary~ you're the one that failed to control it, though, so don't take it out on me” Leo sticks his tongue out. "Aaanyways, I saw that mission that the NPC brought us today, and it looks so easy! Can I do it?”
“No.” Alan retorts immediately, staring at Leo with cold eyes, and the gray-haired man immediately scowls, eyes clouding with anger.
“You never let me do anything I want, you're SO fucking annoying. And guess what? I bet it's just because you're in love with that annoying NPC and want to do the mission alone with them. It's ridiculous. AND disgusting. Are you a pervert? I guess you are. Who knew the big boss was just a pervert”
The younger man lets out a string of curses and shows him the middle finger as he walks away and towards his bedroom, without waiting for any answer “You're gonna regret pissing me off!” he finishes, slamming his bedroom door loudly, as if to make his point clearer.
“Okay.” Alan mutters, paying no mind to his endless daily threats, and looks at the entrance of the garage.
At least Leo managed to bring him back to reality, although it was already too late to keep the anomaly at bay.
The boy is right though. He is disgusting. 
Alan presses his palms into his eyes, breathing deeply, grounding himself. He needs to concentrate. To focus on his work, on helping the students. Living on the clouds just isn't an option for someone like him. Not after all he had done.
And as the lights blind him once he opens his eyes again, his gaze quickly focuses on the highest steel beam that stood above the garage's entrance.
There, two Like Doves stare at him, unblinking, unmoving.
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aayakashii · 6 days
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the menstrual cup saga
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aayakashii · 7 days
I was stressed so I uwufied Idia
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Debating if I should make this my profile or not...
3K notes · View notes
aayakashii · 7 days
touch starved
Part two to this one right here.
Warning: just VERY SLIGHTLY suggestive, kinda angsty, Alan probably crumbling into dust at the faintest touch etc
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“... this is stupid.”
Alan has been staring at the car’s engine for the past 15 minutes, without actually seeing what was in front of him. He doesn't really know what kind of anomaly was presenting itself in that entanglement of wires and metal (and blood red flesh).
He sighs, rubbing his face with his hands, smearing it with soot.
“... What kind of stupid reaction was that” he thinks to himself, eyebrows scrunched as he cringes painfully, remembering how he had made a fool of himself in front of the honor student.
His hand goes to rub the top of his own head, as if he could rub off the ghost of their touch. But if his previous attempts were anything to go by, he obviously could not. 
Alan isn’t a fool – of that, he was completely sure of. He may not be as bright as the other Captains, and he may be a disaster with technology, but he isn’t a fool and he prides himself on the fact that his self-awareness has constantly kept other people safe.
There is no room for longing and pining in his own life, no matter how much his brain tries to trick him into thinking about the honor student for longer than necessary.
He gulps harshly, mouth dry, still eyeing the engine that contorts itself as it swallows more and more bits and pieces of metal.
The honor student has been nothing but helpful towards Vagastrom and the other dorms, and incredibly patient and kind when the circumstances would probably justify their hatred towards ghouls, yet Alan couldn’t help but feel bitter at the thought of them.
It would be so much easier if they were scared of him, if they kept their distance, if they saw him as a threat much like the other humans – but they aren’t, not at all. And this bitterness coats his tongue heavily, like lead, whenever his awful hands touch the top of their head to compliment them for doing a good job, and they turn towards Alan, beaming with joy at his comment. 
Alan unconsciously finds any excuse to touch them and to have their attention, however briefly, and he deeply despises himself for it.
He revels in the brush of his fingers with theirs when he gives them coffee and on the feeling of their hair between his fingers.
More than that, he discovered he has found respite from himself in the way their eyes would light up once they found him in the crowd, and in the blind trust they have on him, even after he drenched himself in blood before their eyes.
Alan clenches his fists, and the anomaly keeps on eating and eating every bit of the metal right in front of him, the car becoming more blood red than gray.
He is ashamed of himself.
Alan knew there was nothing hidden in the way they smiled at him. Yet, in the quiet humming of the night, he remembers those lips saying his name over and over again during the day, and imagines how they would feel against his skin.
How would it feel if he made them say his name over and over again as a whisper, a scream, a moan, a sob – and then he gets dizzy, as the blood in his head goes to a part of his body he would rather not think about.
Not only was he a threat just by existing, but now he's also disgusting? What would Dante say if he knew of these thoughts? Maybe he would feel ashamed he died to someone so pathetic.
Alan sighs deeply once again.
“Another sigh? That's another happiness that is leaving your body, you know?” a sarcastic voice comes from the entrance of the garage.
“Hello, Leo.”
Leo strolls his way towards Alan, looking everywhere but at the Captain.
“What's bothering the almighty Captain of Vagastrom, hm? You can count on your Vice-Captain for anything, you know? Open your little stone heart to me~” The gray-haired boy says, eager for the scoop on yet another possible gossip (or blackmail material. Who knows with Leo).
“... Nothing's wrong.”
Alan blinks owlishly, finally fully coming back from his thoughts, and stares at the anomaly in front of him.
Before him, the unknown anomalous monster has eaten the entire engine of the car, leaving it devoid of any components, with ample space for it to squirm unnaturally inside – a pit of a blood red mess that seems about to either burst at any given moment or eat itself alive, hungry with nothing else to swallow.
“Uwaa… this looks like one of those gross Lovecraftian monsters… this is sooo disgusting.” Leo says as he snaps pictures of the monster on his phone from every angle possible.
“Why are you taking pictures, then.” Alan slams the car's hood down, placing a defensive spell on the opening, sealing the monster inside. He will send it to Mortkranken so they can do their weird experiments on it later. His mind isn't up for any problems at the moment.
“Uuhh, scary~ you're the one that failed to control it, though, so don't take it out on me” Leo sticks his tongue out. "Aaanyways, I saw that mission that the NPC brought us today, and it looks so easy! Can I do it?”
“No.” Alan retorts immediately, staring at Leo with cold eyes, and the gray-haired man immediately scowls, eyes clouding with anger.
“You never let me do anything I want, you're SO fucking annoying. And guess what? I bet it's just because you're in love with that annoying NPC and want to do the mission alone with them. It's ridiculous. AND disgusting. Are you a pervert? I guess you are. Who knew the big boss was just a pervert”
The younger man lets out a string of curses and shows him the middle finger as he walks away and towards his bedroom, without waiting for any answer “You're gonna regret pissing me off!” he finishes, slamming his bedroom door loudly, as if to make his point clearer.
“Okay.” Alan mutters, paying no mind to his endless daily threats, and looks at the entrance of the garage.
At least Leo managed to bring him back to reality, although it was already too late to keep the anomaly at bay.
The boy is right though. He is disgusting. 
Alan presses his palms into his eyes, breathing deeply, grounding himself. He needs to concentrate. To focus on his work, on helping the students. Living on the clouds just isn't an option for someone like him. Not after all he had done.
And as the lights blind him once he opens his eyes again, his gaze quickly focuses on the highest steel beam that stood above the garage's entrance.
There, two Like Doves stare at him, unblinking, unmoving.
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aayakashii · 7 days
What the hell is Taiga doing
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aayakashii · 7 days
Trey seeing you like his teasing and bullying, don't tempt the man. He's barely hanging on.
the following is a rough concept? warm up? from a long fic I have been writing on and off for months now. the context is that Trey is sick and Yuu has decided to bring him food before Riddle can kill him w/ Lilia on the assist.
Nothing too explicit... yet. yet
"Seriously." You sigh, focusing on the container and... quivering. Your arms are straining against the containers unintentional vacuum seal, did you run over here to see him as soon as you heard about him fainting? Or were you just too... he doesn't want to say stupid even though it catches in his throat along with his saliva when he sees you roll your lower lip under your teeth and grunt. "It's tight." Yes, something is, wound so tight it ought to snap.
"Need some help?" His voice is uncharacteristically breathy, as is the directness of the offer, and he thinks he can make out disappointment. A phantom strength allows him to sit up as his eyes narrow to let him see just that much better; he tries focusing on your teeth, it's the left canine that's denting your lip. It pushes in as he moves forward, threatens to pierce the flesh. The lump in his throat goes down as he floats more than moves up from the bed, resting his weight against his night stand.
"No." You bring the soup up to your chest before immediately bringing it back down. How silly of you, it must be really hot. "I keep telling you, I'm not doing this because I need you-" Trey moves his arm around to your other side, resting it on his desk and delighting in how clear your surprise is now that he has his glasses on.
"How kind of you." Your tongue peaks out to lick your canine and draws his attention back to your lips. Trey likes your lips, they're so... expressive. Uncontrollable, no matter how much you try to hide how much you want to have him around your lips always give you away. "But you've got to be doing this for some reason." Right now they purse, hooked on his bait and unaware of the line as he leans just a bit more forward crowding you closer to the desk. "That's just how this school works." Your lip trembles. Three more teeth peak out of your mouth and Trey can't even be bothered to list the numbers in his head to distract from where the blood leaving his head is going. He wants to bite down, sink in his own teeth in place of yours and suck-
"Trey!" Thank the seven you put thought to put the food behind you before you went to catch him, Trey's heavy even if you only have to push him back over to his bed which thankfully isn't that far. "You're supposed to be resting." You snatch his glasses from his head before he can even manage to react but he doesn't seem to upset. He wiggles his head back into his pillow, and looks in your vague direction as you finally manage to pop the damn lid off the soup and try to convince yourself the heat hurting your face is from the steam and not your own stupid feelings. "I'll set this over here and get some tea."
"Make some for yourself too." You think you hear him say as you walk on out in a daze.
Trey closes his eyes and tries to take a deep breath without hating himself too much. Something is wrong with him, that's got to be the correct explanation for this.
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aayakashii · 8 days
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Godesses of night in paintings part 2.
Jules Louis Machard (French, 1839-1900) 
Pierre-Narcisse Guérin (French, 1774-1833)
Carl Schweninger, Jr. (Austrian, 1854-1903) 
[part 1.]
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aayakashii · 9 days
Haru is the sweetest softest boy in that whole campus 😭😭😭 I love him so much too
haru brainrot has been so bad like i open my game and hes there waving and me and i wanna cry hes so perfect and the new chapter did NAWT help at all odhcjsjcdkdnjd HIM DRUNK COMPLAINING ABT TAIGAAAAA
anyways sorry for rambling its just so nice to see such a good writer for both tok debunk n twst hehe (ruggie enjoyer !!)
Apparently you get more voicelines from characters the higher you affection is (⚈_⚈) which was enough to get Tohma back on my homescreen but I bet Haru has a lot of nice things to say.
HARUUUUUUUUU getting drunk and saying things... complaints about Taiga trying to eat his child, big compliments for MC... the way he's always so happy to see her it melts my heart. He has this campus event where he's trying to pitch a visit to the animal park before he realizes it's MC and very warmly tells her she can come visit any time. He's so overworked himself but he wants her to rest... my heart he's so nice!!!
(╥﹏╥) no need to apologize for rambling, ty so much for your compliments (you have great taste)
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aayakashii · 9 days
TD anon here, I do feel you on the "torture" scene with Taiga, I didn't want my last ask getting any longer lmao.
While the scene definitely made me squeal, for me personally it was undercut by the emotionally charged scene that happened immediately after with Romeo lmao. It's exactly how I felt with Frostheim too, being excited over the dance with Jin, and then immediately after we get the cigarette kiss scene with Jin and Tohma LOL. But it only makes sense, MC has only just showed up at the school, not enough time to bond, and honestly with these kinds of joseimuke games I don't have much expectations of interactions between the cast and MC so in TD she's already much more involved with the whole comic thing anyways.
Eating the Like Dove raw... was really a raw scene lol. He seems to be attracted to blood for some reason? Since he paused when MC's cut started bleeding, I think he was about to lick the blood tbh.
And yeah I do wonder if his shoddy memory has anything to do with his deal's cost. Another vibe theory time, I feel like his fear of the Like Dove might've been... ingrained in him somehow? Maybe he had a run-in before but can't remember it. The reason why I think this is because when MC met him alone, when she reminded him that she was the Honor student, his response was "Oh no wonder I didn't kill you on the spot", he literally forgot about her but his body/instinct made him aware she's someone he's not supposed to kill.... if that makes sense?
He feels like an even bigger enigma than Towa, I'm curious to know what's going on in his head in the moments he goes eerily quiet. Not to mention he's the poster boy of the game, has to be a reason. Luca feels more in line to be the poster boy but it's Taiga...
I enjoyed Haru's drunk spiel about how helpful MC is lol. Also my eyes going wide when Rui said he wants to know what she's made of too... what does that mean....... I need more Rui content, I love his blatant flirtations lol. I got a campus event with Rui, Haru and Romeo in the bar before I even read the chapter, their unexpected friendship is very cute ngl.
(sorry in case this is sent repeatedly, smth wrong with my net atm)
Generally speaking I have found tumblr doesn't post or send things twice but it sure as hell reblogs them with the same tags 42 times making me look like some sort of freak
for me personally it was undercut by the emotionally charged scene that happened immediately after
Yeah I get this. The cigarette kiss with Tohma and Jin took me off guard, but that was mostly because I thought this was an otome game? Come to think of it I don't think we've had confirmation of the whole joseimuke v otome game thing beyond the existence of the like dove and individual character affinity... Well and that when this was announced it was supposed to be an otome game. I know that the otome games subreddit has been having some, shall we say spirited? Discussions lately about how players feel about ros getting into relationships with each other. The general opinion was that a lot of times the ro x ro relationships feel more fleshed out that the ro x mc ones, and I agree. I actually stopped writing something I wanted to be an otome game because the story started shaping up to be more about the mc's mentor than them, and I personally do not think that is very fun. People do like laid back mcs, they do not like mcs who have no place in the narrative, and some writers aren't good at balancing that. TDB mc is doing pretty well when it comes to interactions with the main cast compared to something like Twisted Wonderland if what you want is explicit romance, so far it feels like Season 1 of og Obey Me! from what I remember of that game, so we'll see.
I didn't get the same level of intimacy from Romeo and Taiga as I did Jin and Tohma? But I think that's because in both cases I thought the like dove had appeared before Romeo got there and was talking to Taiga and the second scene made me think Taiga was angry at him for interrupting his "fun." Whatever that "fun" was going to wind up being because yeeeeeah he seems like he has a blood kink of some sort. I think he was going to suck on it and bite her a bit, but licking seems like a logical first step and less influenced by what's wrong with me. Like I said over here the scene with the Like Dove fascinates me... it says more about Taiga than any other character in the game that we get to see the dove twice and that when given the chance he shoots and eats it... if that isn't a metaphor for denial and emotional repression then I am not sure what is.
he literally forgot about her but his body/instinct made him aware she's someone he's not supposed to kill…. if that makes sense?
YES. I wanted to talk about this but it sort of got into conspiracy theory territory and my answer was getting long. I don't know if anyone remembers, but waaaay back in Book 1 when mc tries to escape the school she isn't able to get anyone's attention. It's like they don't see her, is that because of her curse or is it because of preventative measures put in place by the school? I want to lean towards the latter because it makes more sense BUT I also want to be delusional and say that it's part of mc's curse. There's something about Taiga's instinctual fear of the Like Dove and his comments to the mc that make me think his body knows her but his paranoia and memory issues keep him from knowing it.
This is just me writing fan fic... but Taiga is technically the first ghoul you meet. He is the poster boy of the game, he is the first person to bring mc into the main loop and tell her there's a spy. I want so badly for him to have known her at some point but to have been robbed of his memories... Romeo seems to think he is trying to forget stuff on purpose "gone off the deep end" and "escape reality" are both things he says to describe him though granted that last one was due to a misunderstanding about what Taiga was trying to do with the anomaly. Something real bad happened last year, something I feel like Taiga doesn't want to acknowledge unless he can get revenge on whoever caused it. I mentioned in another post, but I sort of want MC to have something to do with Clementia and that's why she's there at the dorm beyond it just being empty due to the clash. (I do get why Luca isn't the poster boy; he's not a dorm captain and those seem to be what the game wants to push. well them and towa lol)
Haru and Rui
Rui is a bar tender who is described as being "popular with the female students" probably because of how flirty he is ha. I love his dynamic with Haru and Romeo, just a barman and his two favorite customers shooting the shit and trying to relax. Rui is cursed to kill whoever he touches, so I think he wants to talk with MC more because he can relate to her in a very unique way. And he got gate kept from doing so by Haku in book one so he's extra curious now. I have his SR so I'll put him on my homescreen for a bit and see what voice lines I can shake out of him. For the little bit I did have him there he called him and mc "curse twins" which I thought was very cute. In a dark sort of way. The entire section at the Obscuary bar endeared me to all three of those idiots.
But especially Haru. He called Peekaboo his child this chapter too ;-; he's such a good dad. I wonder if he is going to show up next books at all? Or if it's going to be like the previous books and we'll instead see Taiga and maaaaybe Towa? Since he's friends with Zenji. Nothing to do but wait for May 0-0
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aayakashii · 9 days
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Gothic Lolita Bible covers
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aayakashii · 9 days
I have always watched him from afar – at least, that is how I feel.
We have infinite oceans between us, and I would have to swim across them, only to feel his skin under my fingertips. I would need to cross deep, dark waters in order to feel slightly worthy of him.
I avoid touching him at all costs; despite the agonizing itch in my hands; despite the desire to memorize the feeling of him, of his skin, of his lips; despite the need to hold him so he doesn't fall apart like a dream before my eyes; despite, despite, despite.
His voice gravely says my name with a smile, but I feel like I am underwater – I can't breathe, I can't hear you, nor can I say your name.
Yet choking, I whisper a good evening.
And then, with his honey whiskey voice, he tells me of his life, of his endless blinding future and of responsibilities I do not – I cannot understand. Because I am, truthfully, but a speck of dust, while he holds galaxies within him.
Royalty oozes from his pores, blinding me like a thousand green fireflies, and I question myself – how and where did I get the courage to love someone so desperately, in a place where even my blood is alien?
How and where did I get the courage to love someone who trudges the thin line between death and eternity with the ease of a creature who has time and life to spare, while I crumble into dust within seconds?
He smiles and bids me good night, blissfully unaware of the hours I would spend awake, forcing myself into a dream in which I could feel worthy of him.
I drown in self-pity when he's around, yet I drown in loneliness when he is gone.
When, I wonder, will he teach me how to breathe?
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aayakashii · 9 days
Based on one of Haru's voice lines, in which he implies he is barely eating properly 。°(°¯᷄◠¯᷅°)°。 took matters into my own hands and made the hardworking king eat a bit ( –֊ー)✧
I have no idea why I formatted it like this, but I guess I'll be rolling with it
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“I ate a few of the snacks I gave to Peekaboo earlier today, so I'm fine!” Haru says with one of his thumbs up, disheveled hair and mud all over his clothes “I promise, I'm not hungry at all, haha!”
“Haru” you say, in a serious and deep tone “You can't keep neglecting your health like this, you know?”
“But I gotta feed all the animals first, dontcha think?” He says, chucking another fruit towards the angry and starving cockatrices that threatened to bite his fingers off if he took even a little bit longer to feed them .
“Well” you say, crossing your arms and quirking an eyebrow “If you fall ill again, then no one's gonna be feeding the animals, dontcha think?”
Haru gasped dramatically “Come on!! I just got sick last time because I got scratched, now check this out” he says, sticking out his arms and twirling on the spot “I am A-okay, no scratches to be seen at a-oof!”
As if on cue, Towa leaped from one of the tall boulders that surrounded the field, straight into Haru's arms, tightly hugging the Captain.
“Towa! I was just showing (y/n) that I have no bruises, it wasn't an invitation for a hug!” Haru gasped, as Towa rubbed his cheek on the top of his head, just like a cat.
You sighed, leaving the two Jabberwock students behind as you trudged back towards their dorm, tired and incredibly frustrated.
Seeing Haru overexert himself on a daily basis caused a pang in your heart. He barely received any help, and it’s not like you could be properly useful either, since each and every animal in this place could snap you in half with just one forceful push, or tear a limb away with just one bite.
So you had to do your best babysitting Peekaboo whenever he needed, lightening up the load the only way you could.
As you opened the door to the Jabberwock dorm, you made a beeline for the kitchen – Ren was out working at the diner, so it would be fine to take a peek at the state of things without prying eyes.
And… how predictable. There was nothing but animal food in the freezer. And in the pantry, and in the cabinets.
You sighed loudly. You kind of could understand Towa not eating – maybe he just… photosynthesized? – but Haru wasn’t as whimsical as your resident fairy boy that could (probably) live on bubbles, sunlight, and flowers. “He still needs to eat, damn it.” you muttered, closing the refrigerator’s door with a bit too much force.
With a strong resolve, you decide to jog your way to your own dorm.
Since you came to Darkwick Academy, the Chancellor had been extremely kind to you. Granted, the dorm WAS a rundown dusty cathedral in the beginning, but he still made his best to fix everything to keep you as safe and comfortable as possible.
Which means: the Chancellor had given you an entire kitchen and a small allowance that let you buy as much food as you needed since the cafeteria wasn’t open 24/7.
You aren’t exactly the best cook in the world, but you could still make your own snacks, if needed. Sho would probably yap endlessly about your lack of culinary ability if he saw you with all hands on deck, but what mattered was getting by.
Therefore, you got to work: separating lettuce, carrots, eggs and every other healthy thing you could find in your inventory, you prepared four well stuffed egg sandwiches: for Towa, Ren, yourself and, of course, Haru.
After packing the food and a bottle of juice, you strode back to the Jabberwock dorm.
After two sandwiches carefully placed in that barren, sad refrigerator, and a stroll back to the field, you found Haru feeding the Capybus with huge leaves as he cooed, admiring the huge animal anomaly.
“Hey, I’m back” you said, making your way back to his side
“Oh! Hello (y/n), where did you go all of a sudden? I’m about to finish giving her this food!”
Ignoring his question, you pointed at a tree a few meters away from the spot “Hm, when you finish, could you go over there? I need to talk to you, so I’ll sit there and wait”
Haru’s face drooped immediately “Eh, okay…? Is everything fine?! Are you upset with something?”
You waved dismissively as you walked towards the tree “Don’t worry, it's nothing! Just don’t keep me waiting too long!”
Haru finished his job quickly and jogged his way to the tree, sitting under the shadow beside you.
“Wh-what’s going on? What did you need to talk about?” he asked, fidgeting, a worried frown on his face.
“Hey, don’t worry, I told you it’s nothing horrible” you laughed “But I want you to do something for me, if possible”
“Oh!” His face immediately lit up. “What is it?”
You opened your bag and placed the toasty sandwich on his lap.
“I want you to eat properly for once”.
Haru blinked at the food, silent.
His prolonged silence made it your turn to fidget uncomfortably “Haru?”
“You made this?” he asked, his voice quieter than usual.
You nodded. “It’s nothing fancy, but I can’t let you waste away while you do everything in here. I can’t do much besides babysitting the little guys, so at least I want to help you in another way… Is this okay? Sorry if I’m crossing a boundary…”
“No, no” Haru shook his head and turned his gaze towards you, smiling softly “It’s… I really appreciate it. It's just – I’m not very used to something this thoughtful. This was a surprise – a good surprise, obviously.” He said, unwrapping his sandwich.
As the scent of food hit his nose, Haru’s stomach growled loudly. “Oh dear” he giggled, sheepishly scratching his head as a blush appeared on his face “I guess you might be starting to know me a little better than myself”.
You laughed as well, but clutched his arm right before he could actually touch the sandwich, holding a finger up “Wait, wait!”
Rummaging through your bag, you fetched a small bottle and sprayed his hands thoroughly “That’s alcohol. Please always clean your hands before eating” you said, solemnly “You might be a ghoul, but your tummy can ache as well”.
Haru stared at you blankly for a moment, then immediately started laughing loudly as he drenched his hands in alcohol.
“You know, people usually say I’m the mother of all these animals, but being on the receiving end does feel kinda good” he said, still laughing happily, making a blush creep up on your cheeks.
“It’s- it’s just hygiene, okay?” you pouted, cleaning your hands as well and grabbing your own sandwich.
“I know, I know” He said, still unable to control his smile “Well, then… Can we dig in?” Haru asked, holding the snack close to his face, mouth wide open as if he was waiting for your okay to take the first bite.
“Let's eat!” You said and Haru immediately chomped his sandwich, taking a big bite “I do hope it's edible enough…” you murmured, eyeing him carefully to gauge his reaction.
After that big bite, Haru let out a loud “Mmh!!” as he chewed, his cheeks puffed like a squirrel who put one too many acorns in their mouth.
“What?? Is it that bad? I'm sorry!”
He eagerly shook his head as he finished chewing, a small piece of chopped carrot still stuck on his chin “No no no, stop selling yourself short!! This tastes great!!”
You let out a sigh of relief and took your first bite, confirming that, indeed, you did a good job with the snacks.
After a few moments of silence as you two snacked together, Haru ate the last bit of his sandwich, letting out a sigh of pure satisfaction.
“Ahhh… that was so good! Thank you so much, honestly.”
“See? And you didn't even notice at all how hungry you were! Here, now drink this” You grabbed the juice bottle you prepared and opened the lid, tilting the container towards him “Drink it while it's still cold, it'll taste a lot better.”
“... You truly prepared all of this for me?” Haru asked, gazing at the bottle.
“Of course I did. I made sandwiches for Ren and Towa too so they wouldn't feel left out, but truthfully, I made it all for…” your voice trailed off as you looked at Haru.
He avoided your gaze, a faint blush tinting his cheeks.
“Um. Yeah” you cleared your throat “I made it all for you. And I will do it more times to make sure you're eating properly! I don't want you to get sick ever again.”
Haru nodded silently. “I'm sorry for worrying you that day…” he mumbled into the now empty juice bottle.
You sighed heavily. “Hey. It's fine, Haru. Just remember there's a lot of people who always want to see you healthy and happy, okay? I'm one of them.”
He nodded once again, then immediately opened his arms out in a stretch, yawning loudly. He let his body fall heavy on the ground, with his head right beside you.
“I really am living in paradise, ain't I? Got this pretty place, cute animals and now even home cooked food…” he yawned again “I'm living the life… or maybe I already died and went to heaven…” he mumbled, almost incoherently.
“Geez Haru, don't say this type of thing!” You almost went for a playful smack on his head, but right as your hand was about to touch him, you noticed Haru had fallen asleep almost immediately after lying down.
Your eyes softened at the sight of his relaxed figure right next to you, and your fingers found their way to his hair, interlocking them with his soft red locks.
Unbeknownst to you, as you watched him sleep soundly and petted him gently, a pair of pink eyes observed you two from afar.
Towa munched on his own sandwich after picking out the egg and leaving only the greens. His eyes were set on the two of you, and he let out an amused giggle.
“Well, well... I wonder if this will become another love story.”
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aayakashii · 11 days
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aayakashii · 14 days
THATS SUCH A GOOD THEORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAHHHHH
So my current suspicion.
I think Kaito is the spy.
I think this for a few reasons.
The first is that Kaito doesn't really seem like the type to have a demonic pact.
Leo says that it's pretty understandable that none of the ghouls listen to the player--they're all selected by demons. While this doesn't apply to Luca either, he made his pact for noble purposes and generally is of noble disposition. Kaito is a coward who doesn't really fit the idea of a pactmaker. If he's instead working for demonkind to possibly sabotage the efforts of ghouls and darkwick, or just monitor them to understand what they're doing and see that they don't pose a threat, I think that'd make sense. He was probably scared into it, or forced into it somehow.
This also leads me to something else--Hyde seemed uncertain as to what Kaito's stigma even was. He sees auras sometimes, he thinks.
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He's been here for a whole year and you aren't sure??? I know he avoids missions but surely you'd've found out at some point?
Kaito's ability to see auras explains why he saw the monster that the pc saw when enhancing Luca's stigma--except if he could only see auras, surely he'd see a ton of energy rather than actually seeing the thing and his reaction wouldn't have been as intense as this.
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Because everybody else just saw a big red shield
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Even for Kaito that's a bit of an overreaction, I think?
What was Kaito afraid of if he couldn't see the giant houndoom looking thing? He very clearly saw it. It's not likely he was using his stigma at the time either--he didn't just see its aura, he saw the monster.
Next, it's likely to be a second year. Several third years so far(namely Tohma, Alan, and Taiga) seem to be aware of the spy--if it was someone who came recently(as the third years only came in the past three or four months) they probably wouldn't know yet or really be working so dedicatedly to find them, and if it was someone in their year they probably would know more certainly already. Tohma is a red herring because of his naturally eerie nature. Haku also strikes me as a red herring--Taiga peobably would not have trusted him in the prologue if he felt like he was suspicious. (On the other hand Taiga may have simply cared so little about your wellbeing that he didn't care if someone suspicious dealt with you.)
Another thing about Tohma. . .he used to be in Vagastrom. But he transferred to Frostheim, and is keeping up with Alan about the spy(and they had a meeting about this after Luca tried to fight Sho and Leo over insulting Kaito, inciting unrest among the general students about the ghouls). . .which leads me to think the spy is in Frostheim. And I don't think it's Jin. His sword letting him teleport and that he barely leaves his room anymore and Tohma is very attentive to him does lend some credibility to it possibly being him but I don't think he's the spy--Tohma is doing that to get Jin's trust to keep a better eye on Kaito, I think.
Subaru is naturally the next suspicious person due to being introduced and shown behaving oddly a little while after Taiga told you about the spy, but I think Subaru is too. . .obvious.
Also, Taiga's specific use of "keep letting him fool you" leads me to believe it's someone we already know and trust.
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We don't know Haku well enough for it to be him. Luca hasn't been around long enough for him to be suspicious. Kaito's around the casino enough that Taiga could reasonably be suspicious of him.
There's also Kaito's pendant. It's extremely valuable--though why, we don't know--and it means a lot to Kaito. He won't give it away even when threatened, even if it'd save him from other suffering.
Another thing. . .while it makes sense for Kaito to be scared of Mortkranken on the basis of being a coward and that Yuri experiments on people(most people don't wanna be dissected after all!), I also wonder if he doesn't wanna go there because he's afraid of being analyzed by someone who'd probably be able to tell that he's either not a normal ghoul/human, or that he's some sort of demon or anomaly. Like he passed the stigma test and basic health checkups but could he pass closer examination?
I dunno. I also think it's possible that Kaito isn't even aware he's a spy. Like his pendant is monitoring the world around him while he's blissfully unaware. He never consumed or subjugated his demon--it's just around his neck, listening to everyone or something.
I just absolutely believe that Kaito would turn out to be the "bad guy". Even if not on purpose. It just seems like it's someone we already know and trust, somebody who's in Frostheim, and somebody you wouldn't suspect at all.
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aayakashii · 14 days
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aayakashii · 15 days
I'm going through the Sinostra chapter right now and I can't stop making theories omg there might be spoilers below so be careful, although I'm just enumerating my questions tbh lol
According to one of Taiga's home screen dialogs, there might be some sort of time loop happening which he's KINDA aware of? Or maybe just aware when triggered somehow.
He said "long time no see! You decide to ditch this future too? Sorry I'm not dead yet" which is INCREDIBLY ooc as to how he behaves during the story which leads me to
His extreme memory loss, which apparently lasts less than 24 hours. Why is that? Did he go through so many time loops that it started affecting his memory? There was one small moment in which he remembered Ritsu because he saw the MC face though...
The Clash. What the fuck was it
What's Taiga relationship to Haru? Haru sounds eerily nonchalant regarding Taiga even though the man keeps on threatening Peekaboo. And aftewards, Rui briefly mentions that Taiga has a "destroying what others hold dear" schtick, which leads me to believe that Taiga is seeking revenge for losing something important maybe???? Is the fanfic brainrot too big rn
WHY DOES HE HATE LIKE DOVES??????? I dont wanna go full romantic mode, but is he just resentful of seeing a bird that is the physical representation of someone else's feelings or something......
The spy. Honestly no idea. There's some theories floating around that Haku is the spy, but I would rather see him during the Hotarubi episode before jumping to conclusions, but it's understandable how people might think that I guess...? He IS very nice and helpful and randomly finding the MC fleeing by train was way too much of a coincidence... he does seem to always tie the MC to Darkwick somehow, firstly by KIDNAPPING her and then by talking her into staying. If the MC is the trigger to a bigger event, then one could see that as suspicious. But I would like a bit more evidence first lol
Back to Taiga, why is he. Like why
Okay no but seriously. If we take the timeloop thing seriously + Haku being a spy, here's the theory:
Taiga knows the MC is the trigger for an awful event and tried killing them back in the Prologue in order to cut the problem on its roots. Haku, if we consider him as the spy, WANTS the event to happen (considering he could also be aware of the loop), which is why he saved us and took us to Darkwick, therefore letting it all play out once again.
If Haku isn't the spy, then we would have to chalk it up as Taiga knowing and trying to kill us, but destiny (???) being a bitch, therefore putting Haku there as a pawn to make things play out again
Maybe the spy can control other ghouls? Who know tbh
Finally, what is going on during the first scene we see in the game? Darkwick on fire and the first character we choose jumping off of the building? I wonder what would happen if we choose Taiga as our first card....... maybe I should create a sub acc
Anyway if anyone has more questions/theories PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY IM OBSESSED WITH THIS GAME I NEED TO THINK ABT IT
There is also a good theory on reddit made by u/imonlybr16 that states this:
"Before the prologue, when you open the game for the first time, you're greeted with the opening scene involving MC running through the halls of a ruined Darkwick. The question is asked "When the world is collapsing around you, whose hand will you take?"
There you're taken to your character choice screen. The guy you choose is later shown on the railing of a balcony, about to jump off.
Now I think I have a very far fetched and vague idea as to what is going on.
In chapter 2, we learn that the person that Alan killed was Dante or at least he thought he did. But we meet Dante and he's very much alive.
This comes theory number one.
***You can't actually die on campus.***
Note the use of actually here. You can 100% still die, you just end up coming back to life.
If Rui is your home screen he talks about accidentally killing someone else in his dorm and being annoyed with having to lift them back to Obscuary. This struck me as a particularly odd dialogue because Rui's curse causes people to die.
Unless, you can't die on campus.
This would explain Dante pretty much instantly. Yes Alan killed him but yes he's alive.
The campus itself is an anomaly, stopping people from dying doesn't sound too far fetched. I expect this to be revealed with the other two members of Obscuary, as that dorm seems to have a connection to death. One of the things that always pops up is that ghouls aren't immortal, no matter how quickly they heal.
Also explains how Calamari didn't die in chapter 3. Ren ran from the dorm > the caves > the jetty and Calamari was already pretty dehydrated in the beginning.
But OP you might say, aren't all the guys talking like they believe they're going to die.
Luckily, that brings us to vauge and far fetched theory number two.
***The campus is on fire due to a rebellion***
In the very last chapter of the prologue we get to see Kaito's wickhive. There we see three pretty interesting threads.
. There's gonna be an uprising soon
. One of you is a demon
. There's a guy who could see the future
Kaito is surprised at something he sees in this scene but we don't learn what it is. This chapter's 'preview' is one of the scenes we see in the very beginning. Blood and a Lily.
I believe that the first thread is foreshadowing and will . After you meet your chosen guy standing on the railing you get a line of dialogue (or not if you picked Towa) that changes depending on who you picked. Some imply that what they're doing is going to save you(Jiro, Zenji and Sho), some apologize stating that they could protect what they cared about until the very end (Luca,Kaito,Haru and Yuri) but three characters caught my attention
Leo: Life sucks and then you die,right? I just want to make the assholes responsible regret it.
Ren: This is exactly why I didn't to do this! I knew this was how it was going to end.
Subaru: This is all my fault. I don't expect you to forgive me, but this is the least I can do. Please take this as my final act of good faith.
Especially Subaru's and Ren's, that seemingly imply either the MC's (Ren's) or their (Subaru) involvement in the current situation. Now what does this has to do with a potential uprising?
One of the things we learn from the very beginning is the inter-politics of the houses and by extension the ghouls. Especially after the fallout of the clash. Things are pretty tense and an uprising or rebellion seems to be the most likely thing.
As to what happened and why? I have no clue. Though one thing to note is that according to the prophecy, as long as the ghouls are in Darkwick, they prevent a disaster from coming. If Darkwick is destroyed however, the prophecy can't be fulfilled, or can it?"
This is such a good theory too, I really think u/imonlybr16 has probably gotten a lot of things right.
Although it's weird that death is such a big threat to us specifically, but maybe the Academy can't prevent death by curses, much like the Mesmer Matches dont work on someone who's cursed. Hhmm...
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