aceofpatience ¡ 8 months
Etsy Shop OPENED🥂
For those of you who liked my readings and have been wanting some more personalized messages, you're in luck.
Now you can find me on Etsy and order ✨personalized✨ intuitive reading tailored especially for yoooouuuu. ->
I just started so there are not many order options yet, but it will keep growing, trust me hue hue.
Anyway, hope you having a great day.
Sea ya. 🌊
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aceofpatience ¡ 9 months
🩶Sexual Intimacy with Your Soulmate → 18+ messages🩶💦
Hello, dearest oysters🐚
I have come back from the land of the eternal rest to bring you this kinda horny reading. [Warning: some graphic wording ahead🌶️]
I channeled the energy of your soulmate, how they perceive you and your intimacy and spicy times together in general.
Please leave your thoughts in the comments and as always: Shall we SEA??
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PILE 1. → blue rose
Your soulmate's energy: Cancer/Leo/Scorpio. “Who am I today?” Persistent but also a bit impulsive. their emotions are like a storm, an elemental force. They handle conflicts well, maybe because they are used to it. What’s important, they are not afraid of any uneasy, less pleasant feelings, they embrace it both in themselves and others. They are very wealthy, maybe even work in finances, but they are not stingy with their money, they like to share their wealth. There is some family drama going on, I’m sensing some rich but cold uncle vibes contrasted with the loving poorer side of the family. They had to balance between those two sides. They might travel and work a lot. Their awaited position at the top is gonna come and they know it, so they are not in a hurry, and work as much as they do because they actually like what they’re doing. They have a habit of cutting off past engagements if they feel they no longer serve them, it’s kinda ruthless tbh. They might sometimes change their looks but more often their demeanor, how they present themselves to others. It’s the change itself that drives them, not any preconceived goal or aim. They feel good among people, even in the spotlight they’re not shy. For sure they like engaging in discussions or debates - kinda ENTP vibe lol. They like intellectual chaos and challenges - painfully blunt sometimes but it serves them. Very deep inside they hide their romantic nature, one that longs for The One. Waiting for their special person to unlock their inner tenderness. Very all or nothing.
How they view you: Immediately found you attractive when they first saw you (purely physical). They like your boobs (or chest) xd. I’m feeling you might meet during summer vacation, near some body of water (pool, sea, lake, big puddle lol). You’re like chilling and sunbathing and they are like *eyes* *smitten* *wow* *mesmerized* *damn.* “Is this a Goddess?”. They view you as a bit mysterious, maybe even spiritual and kinda closed off. And listen to me, that’s important: BLUE FLOWER (maybe you will be wearing it or sth?). At first they might not see you fully and you might do some casual spicy action BUT this action will serve to you as a confirmation. Love will bloom out of that. You’re kinda a challenge, something sacred and they see how brave you are. They realized that you’re not as delicate as they might have viewed you at first. It not only impresses them, they also see you as someone on par with them. They like fighting with you, arguing (not toxic but just clashing ideals). Pretty quickly they start to see you as someone they want to start a family with.
Your sexual life overall: A lot of flirting. Netflix and chill (except not chill at all lol). Rough and fast sex, but you both can keep at it for a long time. I’m talking about destroying furniture around, that intense. During your first time they see you as a tease (and they love it). [Also your first time with them might be the first time with sex for one of you, but it’s not awkward at all. After it you both grow so attached to each other, you cannot imagine them leaving] For sure, you are both big on dirty talk during and after. You may call them ‘daddy’ or ‘sir’, any BDSM play is very likely. You can be switching between dominant and submissive. Also: public sex, screaming each other's names, mirror sex, period sex (fingering, fisting, pounding), bondage.
Extra messages: Some jealous ex maybe. You may make the first move (physically), but they catch feelings first. They can be a bit jealous of you (they see you as someone many people would want, which is both alluring and upsetting). Maybe there is an age gap. If they are a man they might have slightly longer hair. And again: blue flower, dudes.
PILE 2. → black tulip
Your soulmate's energy: “Way down we go” They are working their ass off. They are chasing their destiny, they have some serious rivals, perhaps family or coworkers or someone in close proximity. They have to fight inner demons as well as external forces, enemies. They are focused on surviving and feel the constant need to prove themselves worthy. They are highly talented and so strong mentally and physically but they underplay those strengths, they cannot comprehend their own greatness. They might be drawing or sculpting or sth else (artistic like an architect I think). They are the silent type but they are not typically grumpy, might be an awkward turtleduck kinda lol around people. They feel like you deserve better than them, even view themselves as a villain. You might see them as this deadpan jerk but later you will understand that they smile only with you coz you make them happy. So cute “I hate everything but you.” Also you may have known each other or even been actually together for a brief moment but all those issues lead to a split. So there might be some animosity between you two at first, some past grievances - kinda vibe of enemies to lovers (It’s giving modern Zutara xd).
How they view you: “Queen of Peace”. They really think they are the devil, poor baby lol. They see you as a soulmate immediately, an equal in every sense. This attraction and emotional bond is very balanced. As a form of reconciliation they might awkwardly give a flower aww. They might seem too shy to make a move but they will surprise you, maybe you make them more bold. They see you as a gift from fate, something too precious for their hands. They are afraid they will drag you under. They see you as this ideal almost magical creature, something too good for them. It’s like they are expecting you to realize this and leave them, but you manage to show them that you love and choose them. They also admire your inner fire and passion and moral code (you always stick to your inner convictions).
Your sexual life overall: A lot of embraces. They love to hold you close and finger you, kiss your neck, and admire you. They just love pleasing you. More than the sex itself, the real intimacy for you is when you’re holding each other. Even when both of you are consumed by this fiery desire, you’re so tender and sensual, you worship each other. They listen to you and know your body so well it surprises you (and they show it in bed and you like it a lot xd). In terms of sex, you might do it a lot standing up or against a wall. You will gradually prove to them you won't leave.
Extra messages: Security and affection. They might have a dog, or some pet. Also I’m seeing some facial hair. They’re like a puppy in love. Also: coffee shop meeting/date; they might come from a rich family, and you might be a celebrity, influencer, internet fame or sth.
PILE 3. → blooming peony
Your soulmate's energy: Family. Tradition and discipline. They seem to be the stereotypical “family man”. Once, they had this positive, kinda childlike light about them that brought people in but I think something traumatic might have happened. I’m sensing death in their close proximity, a family member who passed away and they may have even witnessed it. Their world view kinda shifted. They still care about others but they had to mature faster and their light dimmed. Now they are more closed off and come across as kinda intimidating or detached. They might try to scare people away a bit. But there is strength in them, they can easily attack and take a hit when necessary. They act like the provider and are very protective of their family (but not in a controlling way, they leave others the space to grow). They also might work in real estate or sth?
How they view you: Intense silence from them lol. But they know you’re their soulmates, they see you as this feminine mother, queen. Somebody very nurturing and soothing as well as strict and able to keep up with them every stem of the way. They see you as somebody SO talented. You’re their world, you can speak to their wounded inner child and you both talk about your childhoods a lot, able to open up to each other. They see you as their only choice, somebody they’re gonna marry and there is no doubt in their mind: “This one is a keeper.” They want to provide for you, they see you as perfect, they want to quit their usual routine for you. Make a change for the better.
Your sexual life overall: They love to give oral to you, eat, and drink you out. I see them kneeling before you, worshiping you - from your feet to your head (and the most important parts as well heh). For your first time, you might be dressed up nicely and they might sensually undress you - they are giving this vibe of a chivalrous knight that turns into a passionate barbarian lol. They like to do it from the back, gripping your hips or ass. You might also like to dress up for the sex, not only lingerie but also dresses/suits in general - fancy clothes.
Extra messages: Seahorse. They are very attractive, bulky or muscular (big frame). I feel you’re quite tiny compared to them. They might naturally have a high body heat. For them, meeting you is a fresh new start. Hurt/comfort. You might be more chaotic or energetic than them but you complete each other nicely. Also there might be some pregnancy or kids down the line for you. You will just create a home for each other, a safe space.
PILE 4. → Gladiolus
Your soulmate's energy: Cold and ruthless. Smug ass. Filthy rich. So powerful and controlling but still have this playful, flirtatious side, a hidden inner trickster. [VeRy masculine, devil vibes] They are not above playing dirty to get what they want. They worked their way up on the top, they are like a dragon that keeps hoarding up its goods, content in its victory. They are not the ones to get attached easily but when they do, it’s all or nothing. When they were younger they had this vibe of a cute little prince of darkness lol (they cared about their appearance and reputation - now they don't really have to heh). For sure they are big city people, maybe they live in some high building, high above the ground. Some family tension - they might be forcing help (money maybe) on to their family even when it is rejected, which creates some clash. But overall, they know they’re attractive and intimidating (when they were younger they might have been using it far more, now they kinda don’t care). They have a bit of a silver tongue - a skill they perfected over the years - but I feel even without it they would get by fine. I’m getting that vibe you might be working together or under them lol so at first you both tried to keep things strictly professional, but as you guessed it doesn’t work. They can be very intimidating at the first meeting, but I feel you won’t be as impressed with their attitude as the rest.
How they view you: They cannot stop staring. Everything they have built and gathered over the years suddenly seemed insignificant after meeting you and it might throw them for the loop (caught them off guard). “I have never met someone like you before.” For a long time they wanted to keep their distance from you (again, because of work and their personality lol) but once they saw you in this more sexual light, there was no coming back. They couldn’t throw you out of their mind. Btw, do any of you have slightly red hair? Just curious lol. You are kinda unbothered with them, able to keep a straight face, which ignites their want to pursue. That’s kinda specific BUT there’s a story I see → You work together, maybe on some less than fully legal project and they NEED somebody they can trust on this and you come through. You become partners after this and the bond becomes more founded on mutual respect. So they trust you, your judgment, decision making skills, intellect and see this more delicate, emotional side of you. That starts pulling them towards you and they cannot stop it - they trust you now and they never trust people. Before all of this you might have had some casual hook up. Because the attraction was always there and strong. But then the feelings came. uhuhu (you are allowed to be more in your feminine when you are with them). They might like showering you with gifts, especially jewelry. I’m seeing a black necklace. They will try to make you lose your poker face and show your true emotions, so demanding.
Your sexual life overall: They like to hold you down and see you squirm a bit. I’m seeing them hovering over you. Spending 30 hours getting freaky lol. A lot of missionary, long lasting sessions on the bed. Slowly undressing. Slow and sensual kisses. For sure you both like to take your time. They might even enjoy you being naked, wearing only the jewelry they bought you. You like to kiss during sex. They enjoy watching you play with yourself, maybe even use toys. You like to scratch their back. They like seeing you lose control. (Somebody might be into biting).  Before you got together you might have been looking up each other's pictures online and really enjoying them, if you know what I’m saying. If you actually attempted to keep things casual (fuck buddy situation), when you would be apart, you both would be painfully missing each other which comes as a surprise.
Extra messages: You both start to enjoy simple mundane things in life, something you rarely did before. Marriage is also possible, but for both of you it will be “How did I get to this?” moment lol. They’re such a smarty-marty and you both find each other SO attractive. I guess they are the leader and you are their right hand man (again, some work situation or sth like that). For some of you, you are both working in some law-related profession, or came from Harvard (random I know, but true). It may even be a past life connection (confirmation on you being soulmates). You might be meeting during winter time.
3K notes ¡ View notes
aceofpatience ¡ 9 months
Love reading for singles💋
Hello, my dear oysters 🐚 Hope you doin' well.💎 There's some PAC mainly for singles but if you're just looking for the love, it can work for you as well. There are some messages about your meeting, first date etc... Please let me know if anything resonated, I always love your comments. Now, take a deep breath and... shall we sea??🌊
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Pile 1. ❤️
Why haven’t you met the one: Your current goal is independence, right now you’re mainly focused on building up your position. There are a lot of things on your mind right now, but you kinda like it that way? Or it’s more like you need to keep yourself occupied all the time lol. You have a lot of determination and strength to do what’s right, but it keeps you far from creating connections. + You haven’t always been very strict and conscientious towards duties (other things have always come first). BUT now things are starting to shift. You were put in a situation or position that requires a lot of responsibility out of you.
What should you do to attract your partner: Rest. Sleep. Allow yourself to feel, to have desires about your future and to act on them freely. It’s YOUR future. If you know what you want, others wouldn’t have to guess what’s on your mind. So allow others to see you without your shell. I also see a man kneeling in front of a woman. Let them worship you as you deserve, you’re the goddess.
The first meeting: Opposites attract. You two may be quite opposites and this will be very much visible in the circumstances of your meeting. For example in the place where the dress code applies, one of you would be wearing a bright outfit or stand out from the crowd. But both of you will have the energy of „I’m on mission”. Also, one of you follows the law, while the other prefers to break it lol.
The first date: 333 Longing and desire. Some anxiety at the beginning, but there will be strong attraction regardless. Some bold action might happen rather quickly if you know what I mean heh. And again, there will be a duality of energies - strong confidence on the one side and some uncertainty on the other. First kiss is very likely to happen! And even something more. As for physical things I think there won’t be any awkwardness, you will be exploring each other’s bodies at ease. Even if you're not usually that kind of person who would have sex on the first date, everything will feel just right with them. Also, if you have some body insecurities (I’m getting especially stomach and breasts) - that person will show you how beautiful you are. Gosh, they are so… empowering. loVE IT.
Etceteras: They might call you princess or something like that (some nickname for sure). For some of you, after the unearthly first date (and night??) some circumstances will keep you separate for a short while and it might be tough for you. I’m seeing both of you talking to yourself „It was just one date, I need to chill out duh. What is wrong with me??” *than checking phone and opening messages for 45782 time*. And for some of you - important words: Winning. Golden crown. Sooner or later. See me through. Neck kisses. Honoring. „Winning you will be a damn price itself.”
Pile 2. 🖤
Why haven’t you met the one: „Just chill for a minute, ok?” Lol. Maybe you’re too quick to judge people, you try to rationalize everything instead of listening to your gut. Definitely an overthinker. You feel the pressure to change your life or whatever (looks, personality) every damn week and it’s tiring. I’m hearing „take a deep breath, look around you - you’re safe”. You probably keep some distance between yourself and the world around you and the change of perspective might do some good to you, you will see.
What should you do to attract your partner: Omg, this message is really damn strong - connect to your inner child! For some reason your inner child wants to communicate with you, they have some important message for you. Also, you might feel better if you would openly embrace your sexuality, your passion - in your mind and soul as well as your body. Don’t be afraid to express yourself and your feelings through your body.
The first meeting: Very romantic scenery, maybe evening, night time - it will feel like a proper date (for some it might be on the roof of a tall building or sth like that). Even if your first meeting will be purely accidental or happen to be in a very crowded place, the moment when you notice each other, will make you both feel like it’s just the two of you in the world at the moment. It’s giving me the Darcy and Lizzy moment when they danced and the whole world disappeared for them, gosh, that’s sooo beautiful.
The first date: 11. One of you might come late and feel awful about it. This date, I feel, will take place after a really hard day at work or after a tiring week - perfect distraction from everyday problems. You might be surprised how good it felt to just talk with this person, how smoothly and charming the meeting and conversation went. You will be bewitched and you as well will be casting a damn spell on them. I’m seeing dark dresses and dark lipstick. Quite an elegant place. Expensive alcohol. Butterflies in the stomach while putting-on a straight face. But surprisingly open and sincere conversation. You may dance around each other (or literally dance!), and flirt and all, but the connection will be serious af.
Etceteras: Spider and the full moon. For some of you, the decision about starting a relationship will be at odds with your rational mind, but the answer in your heart will be one big fat „YES”. I’m also seeing that one of you might debate with themself about whether to start something serious, but then see the picture of the other person and any doubt immediately fades away. „It’s you”. After this everything is developing quite rapidly between you. You know each other so well! In this relationship: seduction and courtship will last. ALSO: this person might come across as rather sophisticated and official but they might be really kinky in bed. I’m also hearing: „hypersensitivity to details” and „This person will be the one you want to look at all the time.”
Pile 3. 🧡
Why haven’t you met the one: 8 You party a lot lol. You also know how to take care of yourself, you don't need others for that. You have a lot of self-assurance and I love that for you. However, coz you prefer to focus on the part of your life which is profitable, stable and gives you joy - you can’t really see whenever you lack something. Maybe it’s just this quite timid voice in your head that tells you that you want more. You keep your circle of friends tight, you do not expand it. You may come across as fearless, but change is always scary af. And your potential to create is enormous.
What should you do to attract your partner: Share your sun. You can make the first move or just tell yourself mentally that you’re ready for something new. You are able to balance your life and make place for somebody unique. I also wanted to know what your person loves about your body and they said „everything”. Everything, it is. You have every right to feel powerful and confident. I think your person will be at first very much attracted to your look, your demeanor and then they will fall in love with your mature soul and fresh joyful mind. Sorry for the cliche, but just be yourself. And don’t be afraid to show your loneliness to others - ultimately, we are all alone.
The first meeting: Winter or spring solstice. You will meet „the one” when some cycle in your life comes to the end and something new will start to grow. Of course it will be scary, even though the change will bring you a lot of abundance and strength. There may be some trip or vacation journey. You will have to make a responsible decision that will likely affect your future (and that’s itching you). I'm seeing the garden (nature for sure!) - that might be the place where you meet them. Air heavy with tension. The connection is so strong and all-consuming it might even start as a one-night stand (in your case rather one-day and night stand lol you can’t keep away from each other). But both of you will be motivated to go further no matter the possible complications. You both will be equally engaged in this relationship.
The first date: Your first date might be the extension of your first meeting. Having breakfast together the day after something like that. Picnic, nature again. Roses. Peace and harmony. Trees around you. I think both of you will quickly think about the next step. Your date will be very emotional and I think it might be very new for you to be that open with someone you barely know. Very much thanks to your lover's energy - you will be revealing your darkest secret lying naked in another person’s arms. Sealing your union.
Etceteras: Spiritual connections. Soulmates. Eros and Thanatos. Tree again! (Nature might be important for both of you). You might get married very quickly if that’s what you’re into. You and your person have a very mythical bond, your conversation might sometimes get very deep and philosophical. I think you will get to grow old with each other. Your energies are quite similar - this strange combination of steadiness with complete chaos and impulsiveness. Strong love and friendship.
997 notes ¡ View notes
aceofpatience ¡ 10 months
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18. The Moon, tarot deck Arcane Limbus, Senkai Yami
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aceofpatience ¡ 10 months
PAC: what type of lover do you attract?
hello lovies, i hope this reading reaches you well. in this pac reading, you will find out what type of lover/romantic partner you naturally attract. this reading is for entertainment and enjoyment purposes. ask upon your guides/higher self to help guide you to whichever pile/photo you should choose, then read the message. images are not mine. pick a picture to begin ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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pile one (the nails): the type of person you attract is kind-hearted and good-intentioned. they bring out the best in you, which makes you very happy whenever you two spend time together. they also have a tendency to spend their money on you, whether it be for buying you lunch, drinks, gifts, or covering your tab. they enjoy spending their money on you, no matter the price. they might, however, play a little game of hard to get. once they've gained an interest in you, starting to leave hints of their attraction, they want to make sure you'd put an effort into the relationship. they might even want you to make the first real move, beyond the lingering gazes and fleeting touches. but it's worth the effort. it might take some time, but once you two are officially together, the relationship is very fun. enjoyable, like dating your best friend or partner in crime. you'll tease each other in light-hearted fun, and you'll wonder what took you two so long to get here.
pile two (the lily pads): the type of person you attract is charming and exciting to be around. they make you feel flustered inside, butterflies in your stomach, because they're so alluring. you're like a moth drawn to a flame. maybe their a little impulsive, but it's never too much, and it adds to their appeal. you probably spend a lot of time with this person in social atmospheres, like bars, clubs, or social gatherings. if you're a more introverted person, they try to convince you to spend time with them at these kinds of events. but they enjoy nights in as well-- they use it as a time to simply talk. they are a great conversationalist, and a great person to confide in. beyond their outgoing persona, they could be a relatively sensitive person deep down, and don't handle jealousy well. conversations with them regarding what both of you seek in a partner might be a way they try to hint at their admiration for you. once you're together, they'll want to brag to everyone about how great you are, and probably post you on social media often.
pile three (the florals): the person you attract is someone whose intelligent and mysteriously compelling. they are someone you've met before, who reappears in your life after a few months or so. they have a cool front, it's hard to read them, and they keep things to themselves, however deep down they are so immensely passionate. they're the type to yearn and pine for weeks before they ever make a move. because of their stoic upfront, you might not even notice their admiration for you, and may not consider them in a romantic way-- at first. because once they finally make a move, maybe with a bold flirt or innuendo, you realize what you've been missing out on. and the relationship, once it begins, is cool as fuck. they'll take you out on dates that have you try new things, that ignite your senses. their kisses and their touch practically set you a flame, you can't get enough of them.
pile four (the bunny):
the person you attract is so adorable and considerate. they're someone who expresses love through physical touch, in romantic and platonic relationships. they care so deeply for the people they love. they dote on you, making sure you've ate, that you got home safe, and that you're having a good day. they are a great listener, and this might be something about them that you find attractive. they love getting to learn things about you, interested in what you like, your hobbies, your goals, etc. they may struggle with admitting their feelings towards you, possibly having a fear of rejection or having bad experiences with love in the past. you'll likely have to make the first move, but once the relationship is brought to the next level, their doting increases ten fold. they'll offer to give you massages, make you dinner, and spend time doing things they know you enjoy.
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1K notes ¡ View notes
aceofpatience ¡ 10 months
🌙Your past life🌙
Well, hello my little oysters 🐚 This reading is an insight into your past life. I was looking into your energy, your previous job, goals, love, family, obstacles and advices form your past self etc. So there might be some things that could possibly trigger you (mentioned death, life difficulties). But, as always, take what you please, comment if anything resonates and just enjoy.
Shall we SEA?🌊
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Pile 1. Uroboros
Who were you: Scorpio energy. I think you were in some position of power. Very secretive, always keeping things to yourself. Also keeping yourself in the shadows as you didn’t like being in the center of attention. You knew you were smart and you used it to your own advantage. Old soul, maybe during medieval times. A part of nobility?
Your main goal/want: I’m getting the vibe that you were born in an upper family but you just wanted more. However your ambitions were not all wishful power lust - it was more rational, strategic. You despised sitting still and doing nothing. You were deep into the game and you were good at it, trust me. To be honest, I’m getting some Game of Thrones energy - not only with fighting houses but also with the setting (castle corridors flooded in semi-darkness lol). You wanted to make things better (whether it was literal things or something more abstract).
What did you do (job/finances): Your wealth (at least in the beginning) came directly from your family or heritage. You didn’t need to work for money, you worked for yourself, maybe some relatives. You liked the struggle, the puzzles, the intrigues. It kept your mind occupied. „Finally, a worthy opponent.” *hides a smile*
Love life: I’m sensing some arranged marriage or marriage of convenience (but it’s not like you were pushed to do it - maybe even you were the one who thought it would be a good idea to get married for some reason). You were for sure not looking for love. BUT. With the marriage ceremony completed, true love was served to you on a damn silver platter. Y’all just skipped the dating phase lol. And, what is important - your spouse had very similar energy to yours. You joined forces (world domination couple xd). It’s like when Loki of Asgard fell in love with the alternative Loki. For some of you, it could be the same sex relationship (but then it would probably be in the shadows). Or it could also mean that there was actually no marriage - because it was your decision whether to have one or not - and if you knew it wouldn’t serve you, you simply wouldn’t get married.
Children (or not): I’m getting some only child energy. It was your decision to have a child - not only you planned it but you actively chose one (adoption maybe??). Or maybe you had a pupil for whom you were not only a guardian, but also a mentor. For sure your child has grown to be just like you. I don’t think you were that kind of a parent who shows their affection openly (I know, shocker), but you were a protector. And your child admired you. For sure.
Obstacles: Passion has always been a dangerous field for you in your past life. Dangerous dance. As well as all the people around you. You didn’t mind competition, but to find out that you actually deeply care for winning? That wasn’t something you signed up for. It was scary to find out that the game actually affected your emotions. You worked better with your mind engaged only.
An issue that progressed into your current life: Sometimes a spilled coconut milk is just a coconut milk. 🧉 It’s not about being grateful for shitty things in life or just being grateful - just look around to see other things. Maybe don’t focus only on this milk. Maybe on some fruit, mango perhaps idk. You don’t need to win every day to be happy. (Sorry for philosophical bullshit but I heart these one loud and clear)
Life purpose in your past life: Power, strength and wisdom (the holy trinity lol). You were surrounded by spirits who really enjoyed watching you mature. And by maturing in that case it meant being able to look in the mirror (and face your emotions).
Lesson from your past life: Sharing is caring lol. Appreciate your family or don’t be afraid to create one. Some battles are worth fighting for, even if you know you are going to lose. And sometimes it’s okay to step back (you made your point, so what? Everyone is dead already, nobody heard your damn point). Sometimes it’s enough to fight for what you need, not for what you want.
Death: I don’t think you died of old age, you were at full strength. You just grabbed a higher position when it happened. You fell off your high horse lol. Or maybe you literally fell off some rocks.
Pile 2. Orange tree/sefirot
Who were you: Sagittarius. Love given. Love received. Strong personality. You had all you needed in you. The real magic in a real person, who cared deeply for their family. Your touch made things grow. It’s like your everyday chores were a spell you cast on things around you. A warm happy gaze.  You did ponder the way the universe works, karma, past and future lives. I think the person you once were, was actually aware of who you are right now. You saw the future! And, I think you lived somewhere sunny and warm. Maybe the south? I see an orange tree.🍊
Your main goal/want: Peace. Harmony. Trust. The connection to the spiritual world. You had and still have really strong roots. You saw my gaze once. I feel there was a time in your life when you wanted revenge (or something similar) and as a result it carried you away from the life that you truly wanted.
What did you do (job/finances): Your previous job required an enormous responsibility on your part, you had a high position. So maybe you were a doctor, a judge, a scientist, or a soldier.
Love life: A lot of passion and desire, but also heartache. One of you had a position lower than the other. I’m also sensing some age gap, and there was some imbalance in that relationship. I think you often split up and got back together a while later. Maybe people around you were against your relationship and you had to hide it. I’m sensing you both went through a lot of changes during your lives - you grew up together. And you never gave up on each other.
Children (or not): Surprise child. Unplanned pregnancy. Maybe you live in times when your relationship was forbidden and you couldn’t get married. And with the baby you both found yourself in a difficult situation (but you made a choice to keep it). Very much your choice. That’s random, but I feel that despite all odds your child was very happy and optimistic. A little ray of sunshine. You cherished your child, spoiled them with love.
Obstacles: An illusion you wanted to live in. I don’t think you were naive, but some people might have judged you as such. It’s more like you just couldn’t stand the ugliness of the world sometimes, so instead you decided to create a small perfect bubble for you and your family. A cheerful oblivion. But it wasn’t oblivion after all - you weren’t oblivion, you just couldn’t stand all the bad things.
An issue that progressed into your current life: Number 8. Like it was in your past life, you still have the urgency to help others. You have hope in you, which is beautiful, but some people might use it against you. You crave your ideal life, but be careful or you’ll end up stuck in your fantasy. I'm hearing the words: „Don’t drown”.
Life purpose in your past life: Motherhood (not necessarily literal). You had such amazing nurturing energy, capable of creating life. I’m almost seeing this as if you could make a tree blossom just by touching it. You were a perfect listener, you made people feel seen. Also you could have been a truly amazing protective parent (I’m getting the vibe of a mama-bear).
Lesson from your past life: Protect your home and yourself first. If you genuinely want to help others, make sure to care for yourself first. Giving yourself to others doesn’t mean slowly destroying yourself. Breathe.
Death: I think you lived to an old age in your past life. And as you were getting older, you were separating more from the world outside. I think it might have something to do with your death. “For two grandma swore.” (don't ask lol).
Pile 3. Atlas holding the sky
Who were you: Responsibilities. Religion. You were a human lucky charm, attracting good things. Fate either with or against you in your life, no in-between. Your existence made others believe in miracles, even though you yourself were quite a down-to-earth person. You gave off the vibe of a noble knight who helps their neighbors and everyone loves them. I'm seeing a sentence: „It’s not who you are, but what you hold within yourself.” Idk bro. And I think you lived rather close to nature, so no big cities.
Your main goal/want: Your goals mostly revolved around material things (you weren’t greedy, just responsible lol). That’s random but I think you wanted to own a part of the land (take care of it, cultivate it, use it, and live there).
What did you do (job/finances): You were so hardworking. Couldn’t sit your ass down. Something school-related? Or maybe church? Professor or a priest? For sure your workplace gathered a lot of people for whom you were a mentor.
Love life: A love that is a gift from the Universe. Steady relationship. Instant attraction, a lot of courtship. Something that was supposed to be just a physical thing turned out to be a deep connection. You both understood each other so well - you could have had a conversation without talking, just with your eyes. You quickly got married but not without making a little sacrifice (moving out to a new place, a downgrade to your life before or something like that). But, like I said, this love was a gift. You didn’t waste it.
Children (or not): You planned your family. You had all the time in the world, so you could go the traditional way. I think you had a couple of children after you got married. Your home was idyllic, seriously. I’m even seeing some flowers in your house and a beautiful garden. Safe bubble of comfortable ease.
Obstacles: There was some unconscious desire in you for some drama. A big action, a great gesture. Don’t get me wrong you were SO fulfilled at the family level, but something about your spiritual life, your faith, got you kinda restless. It’s like you heard the fate calling out to you, but you loved your family too much to follow it. But the call stayed. A small rip inside you.
An issue that progressed into your current life: You still can’t stand to do nothing. I bet even if you tell yourself you can rest, your thoughts just keep running and running. It’s maddening. And I think you rarely ask others for help. You might seem open and friendly but all the most important stuff you only keep to yourself. 
Life purpose in your past life: Guiding others. You held some authority you knew how to use. And the call - I’m sensing that some goddess above or idk, some spirit, might have been a bit bitchy about you choosing the family instead of your divine mission. But you go, bro! Show’em!
Lesson from your past life: „Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source.” Listen to uncle Iroh! Don’t take yourself so seriously. And trust your instincts. Remember that the distance from the real world might be painful - history shows that gods rather often ask for sacrifices than handle gifts.
Death: Your death was quick. Maybe poetic? Or just tragic. Happened at the moment when you ended some important part of your life. No specifics here, sorry dudes.
Pile 4. Prometheus
Who were you: You were a warrior. A street-smart person. You experienced so much at a very young age (I’m getting the number 16). Because of that you had to grow up too fast. Mature eyes, but a young face. You were rather reserved, distrustful, often skeptical. But also strong, resourceful, independent. People might have felt intimidated or even scared of you.
Your main goal/want: „What am I working on now?” You wanted to master your skill. Even though you’ve already gone through the training phase, you still wanted to prove yourself. You were being deceived by your own personality.
What did you do (job/finances): You commanded others. You had to face forces much bigger than you, all alone. You were giving orders, but it doesn’t mean that you didn’t work as much as your subordinates. You were responsible for others but demanded the most from yourself all the time. Your job was rapid, you definitely weren’t sitting behind a desk.
Love life: Twin flame. Your spouse was destined for you. You met at a crucial moment, when you both needed somebody like the other in your lives. You both were on a tough path: I’m seeing two soldiers supporting each other while marching. (I don’t mean your job was for sure connected with the military - it's more about your resilient energies together). Intimacy. Passion balanced by a soul connection. Whispering secrets to each other’s ears in the dark. Sharing quick kisses in the daylight. You will meet again. Coz that's what you do - you keep on going and your paths are always crossing.
Children (or not): I think the moment when you and your spouse were safe enough to start a family, was actually the biggest victory for you. For your children you were the biggest authority. They looked up to you all the time. As for you, I’m feeling a lot of pride and fear for them. You wanted to be a perfect parent, again putting too much pressure on yourself.
Obstacles: Some circumstances in your environment made you move around the world. For some time in your life you couldn’t stay in one place for long. The politics of the times in which you lived put crutches under your feet.
An issue that progressed into your current life: You have this tendency to make sacrifices, putting yourself in danger. It eventually may lead to a whirlwind of less fortunate events that cannot be stopped.
Life purpose in your past life: Embracing solitude. Finding out you are as much human as the rest of us. You can make mistakes and still be reaching greatness. You can be alone, but what for?
Lesson from your past life: Focus on love, connections. Learn to combine opposites within yourself. You don’t need to choose one path. You can be with others and not lose yourself at the same time.
Death: In your sleep. You had some kind of divine protection - as you died, you were taken care of and guided home.
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aceofpatience ¡ 10 months
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aceofpatience ¡ 10 months
🤍Love Messages from your soulmate🤍<- Pick-a-Pile reading
Hello, my little oysters!🐚
If you wish to know what your soulmate would like to say to you, you are in the right place 🍪. I will be channeling their energy, looking into their love language and seeing what they love the most about you, as well as any extra messages that might come through. If anything resonates, please leave me a comment below. It will bring me much more joy than any chocolate bar can (so you know it's serious). Hope you enjoy! Shall we SEA?🍫
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Pile 1. -> The Tower
Your soulmate energy: Duality, twins. Your person chooses the hard way. They are the savior, rather in the shadows. Even though you are destined for each other, they still want to be the best option for you. If they have the inclination that you could be more secure by yourself, they would step back and love you from afar. They have strong energy, kinda stubborn - when they set their mind on something they see it to completion. And that’s how they feel about you. No doubt in their mind that they want you. For you they are the noble knight, but for your enemies? Not so much.
Their love language: Communication. A lot compliments. They just expres their feeling for you openly. You can see on their face how much they adore you. Quality time - always ready to choose you over other things. Providing space for you. Neck kisses. Playing your body like an instrument (love to hear you moans, being vocal). Playing with your hair.
What they adore about you: Your quirks. They really appreciates how you two perfectly completes each other in terms of who is the more dominant or submissive partner (quite effortlessly) - it can shift from time to time. They love that they can see themselves starting a family with you. Also your hair, figure, curves (whenever you have them or not).
The messages: They want to say A LOT to you. Very prominent throat chakra. They really want to protect you, take care of you and your needs, again knight vibes. Classical provider. „Even if right now I cannot take care of you, I will, when it’s time and nurture you. You, my love, deserve the best and I have to make sure I can give you exactly that, nothing less.” It’s all or nothing for them. Even if they are away from you, it’s in order to create a safe environment for you. „For now, I’m in the shadows, waiting for you to call for me.” They are so devoted to you, they want to eliminate any danger in your life. „I just need you to choose me, my dear.” -> It’s almost like you have someone else in your mind right now. It’s your call who you will choose.
Pile 2. -> The Death
Your soulmate energy: Intense, captivating gaze. They are alone right now. I see them sitting by themselves by the water, calmly smirking (??? Idk, dude). But the big change is incoming - the water turns it’s color. Longing in their heart. I think when you finally come together (lol), you will quickly commit. And it’s gonna heal them, with you they will be given a whole package (the family for example).
Their love language: Snake. Teasing. They love pulling you close to the edge (both sexually and not) and than withdrawing, keeping you on your toes. Might be into begging (big on oral sex). They observe you VERY closely but you might not even notice to what extend. It’s like out of the blue they bring you some gift you always wanted, but never told them about. And you like „How did you know???” And they just *smirk*. And they are kinda controlling, but let me explain! They give you the space to make your own decisions, but it’s like they knew from the begging what you will chose. Cos they know you.
What they adore about you: Equally pulling forces. They love you both are able to keep up with the other’s pace. It’s not about what they adore ABOUT you, they simply love how you are inside (It wasn’t supposed to be that dirty lol) - I mean your SOUL. To them you are strong and stubborn and invincible in your ways of being. You have so many faces and they love them all. Im getting the feeling you both knew each other in the past lives (one tribe energy). And you legs - they find them hot for sure.
The messages: Sleeping beauty vibes. „I know you’re sleeping now, *insert nickname*, but I will get to you as soon as I can, I promise. And I will bring some nice gifts.” *Winking.* Very cheeky energy, very flirty. I feel they might be using some corny nicknames for you, first as a joke to poke you, but you will (secretly) learn to love them. „I’m on my way to you, you are my most important MISSION. Wait for me, trust this connection. Don’t stres about it, darling.” They love your face, to them you are unbelievably beautiful, kind of like a fairytale princess/prince.
Pile 3. -> The Magician
Your soulmate energy: Powerful. Determined. Sooo smug. „Rich boy” vibes. I feel like they grew up in a very wealthy environment, surrounded by people who sometimes were ready to fulfill their every need as a child without any questions. But even though everything is going great for them, they are seekers, constantly chasing after something. When they want something they go after it, they love to chase. They appear more put-together and serious to the outside world but you see their more chaotic and emotional, even mischievous side.
Their love language: Even in relationship they will still act as if they want to win you over, still putting in the effort. They are your biggest supporter, they see the sides of you you don’t like and put them into the light, turning them into art. In this relationship you will reach your full potential.
What they adore about you: Your intellect. And maybe your more rational side. It’s like you’re the only one that gives it to them straight. Your harsher words might turn them on.  As a child they may have been coddled a lot and they love your honest approach, even if  it can be rough. They like to bargain and negotiate with you, even about small things. Your fight might evolve into something more steamy… heh. I feel you might have a lot of inside jokes.
The messages: „You’re so special.” They love the feeling of being in love with you. Being alone with you brings them emotional fulfillment. „I see how you have become more indhpentd and I’m so proud with you. You’re my queen and I can’t wait to find this solitude and peace with you.” Even when you are fighting they feel at peace. And again - kinda SMUG. Maybe for some of you - this connection may have started as a hookup that led them to the need to win you over just for satisfaction of winning AND THEN they actually feel in love. There is no doubt in their mind that they want you, they will reach you and claim you. hEH.
Pile 4. -> The Moon
Your soulmate energy: Solitude. Mysterious. Rich spiritual world. They might get cold feet when they think about you (more literally than metaphorically lol). Your connection is guarded form above (Angel protectors squad). They are very patient and mature individuals. They are not very verbal about their emotions, but it’s not like they are neglecting them, they ale calmly staying by your side.
Their love language: No grand dramatic gestures of love, but you will find yourself in this warm and beautiful atmosphere created by them. They are great listeners, offering you support and showing their care through simple everyday actions. You will feel seen, never neglected or alone.
What they adore about you: A LOT. Words aren’t their strongest suit, but their love for you is true. They love your youthful, enthusiastic or a bit overconfident energy. Compared to them you seem as a big ball of sunshine. They love emotions and especially how you express them. The joyful part of you make them come out of their shell. They love your body, I think they are actually quite kinky lol. It’s like they seem reserved, maybe innocent, but then this demon comes out to play. 
The messages: They want to take care of you, every day make sure you’re okay. If you will be apart they for sure will be texting you every second, checking up on you (gif and emojis). A little mermaid (without a voice!) „You are a completely new creature to me, but you’re my dream come true. I want to be a part of your world.” They leave their comfort zone for you, and even though it scares them, it’s SO worth it. Im getting that they have so many warm feelings about you, that it’s hard for them to put them into words.
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aceofpatience ¡ 10 months
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aceofpatience ¡ 10 months
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aceofpatience ¡ 10 months
🌟Your Next Significant One -> Pick-a-Pile reading🌟
I'm looking into both your and their energy, your first impressions of each other as well as the relationship itself.🤍 It's VERY specific. And kina long. Heh.💀 Tell if anything resonated! Take a deep breath, meditate and dive right into your reading! Shall we SEA?🐚
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PILE 1 -> Lapis lazuli
Energy of pile 1: Hurricane. You managed win despite everything. You overcome any difficulties thanks to your own inner strength and healing energy. I’m thinking that others may have given up on you or at least didn’t truly believe that you would succeed on your own. They might have show support but only after you won in this situation, did they feel actual respect for you. You are or you soon will be in the position of power. You have the ability to help others, but your biggest strength is how you can soothe yourself in any circumstances. It’s like you have your own inner healer/therapist, ha.
Energy of your person: You knew they were the one the moment you saw them. It’s like you’re connected by some spiritual link. There is no other option for you. You will just know. They may be hurting even if they don’t acknowledge that - it’s like they’re constantly in a hurry, always busy with something. A bit of a workaholic maybe? I think they might not even know what exactly they are lacking in life, so that’s why they are always chasing (after another win). Somebody hurt them in the past (I’m getting the vibe of a childhood friend), yet they still decide to put their trust in people. So loyal. And very down to earth. They are rational - there is a lot of on their mind all the time. Also they may have a loud inner child, who needs some attention.
Who are they -> Work/study/responsibilities: I think it’s something sport-related. For sure it’s providing them with some public recognition or prestige. More so than the material gains, it brings them satisfaction. They want to show the world how strong and capable they are. Sometimes it’s like they are their own harshest critic, aiming to prove themselves to the world.
Goals: They want to show their victory was the result of their own hard work, not just a fluke. They wish for a sense of security that they cannot really find in their work/study-related environment - it’s like they cannot rest, they must keep fighting all over again in order to prove something, maybe their own capability or resilience.
Looks: Ravenclaw vibe. People might see them as a bit of a robot, but they just prefer to keep their distance from others. Strong features (nose, chin, jaw, cheek bones), yet very subtle facial expressions at the same time. It might be difficult to decipher what they’re thinking based on their body language. Their hands are important - maybe you will pay special attention to them. Rigid figure, always keeping their back straight (I’m feeling that what’s they were taught to do in youth). They have this natural pride about them (seen also in their posture), that some might mistake for arrogance, but it’s just them and how they carry themself.
Meeting -> Your POV: "Another love". You may meet them at a time when somebody extends an offer to you, some kind of helping hand. This will result in you gaining new independence (either financial or outside of your parents’ influence). It will be a time of new prosperity and abundance for you.
Their POV: They are ready to give their heart to you right away. You will meet at a moment, when they are discovering that their previous relationship (platonic or romantic) was kind of toxic - definitely not serving them, it doesn’t seem like they got any support in it. Now they want to move on, even if their heart is still healing. But what I can say for sure is that, it quickly becomes yours.
Romance -> How you see them: At first a bit like a sad robot (but a sexy one lol). They seem intimidating, closed off, cold and calculating; you might be a bit hesitant to talk to them. They appear to be very strict (maybe it will happen in a work environment or sth official). Because of how quickly you will feel this attraction and the feeling of vulnerability it brings, you will be afraid of them hurting you. However it’s certain there won’t be any problems in the „professional” sphere - you may make a good team. Only you can see through their armor, and discover the hidden warmth and a kind of a childlike innocence to them. This unseen side of them is what is intuitively pulling you towards them, in spite of other people’s reservations about this connection. But their true feelings are obvious, you see them beyond the walls that they’ve build.
How they see you: They like a moth that is enchanted by your light. Your harmony and  stability (and for some also self-confidence). You for sure don’t pretend who you are, and they love it. You’re kindred spirits - you are the definition of a family for them.
Relationship -> White bull (it might be your symbol idk). Also the number 3. The Cupid arrow. Your feelings are evolving quickly, there is no control over them. You change their worldview - and maybe they change yours. Since the first conversation it’s over - you know they are the one for you and vice versa. The strength of you bond might frighten you for a minute, but it will eventually lead you to your greatest victory. You both are perfectly balanced together and I think your inner children will understand each other greatly (trauma bonding hue hue). And one of you will be great at dirty talk or just super smooth.
PILE 2 -> Green Aventurine
Energy of pile 2: You are trying to find yourselves - either by trying out new hobbies and activities or by constantly seeking change. You are mastering your abilities, honing them to perfection. You might have a lot of different talents, and I have a feeling that no matter what you touch it somehow always ends in success. You lucky bastards heh. For some of you - you might have left your family house behind or cut contact with your relatives, but I’m feeling you will eventually reconnect with them. You give off strong fire and air placement energy. Or those signs might be important to you in some way.
Energy of your person: Consciously or not, they feel responsible for others. This constantly evolving energy of yours is what’s really alluring to them. They themself have a sort of fluid energy, experiencing transformations of their own. But despite all that, they are quite stable and somebody that people can rely on. All their changes might be mostly superficial, like changing up their appearance or style from time to time. They might have a tendency to mirror those around them, but inside they remain the same. Grounded, Earth placement energy. Also BIG romantic vibes off of them, but I will elaborate on this later. For some of you, you might have known them before, but haven’t thought of this person in years before this meeting. And all the memories attached to them suddenly resurfaced.
Who are they -> Work/education: Rather stable line of work, that has a lot to do with them sitting by the desk. It’s a routine, but a rather pleasing one. They work or study alone, maybe sth with a computer. It might not be something they dreamed of spending a majority of their time doing, but it keeps the „money” coming lol. It’s just something that they recognize as a normal responsibility for themself. They can’t really see any other options, so for now it’s the most suitable alternative for them.
Goals: They wish to have more time for themselves, so that they could finally focus on all the small everyday pleasures - ones that usually had to stay in the background. They  truly yearn for a true romantic love, but deep inside they might fear they will never find it.
Looks: Really pretty/handsome overall. They take good care of themselves, both in term of health and looks. So they may have a daily skin-care routine. PEARLS. This is either an important symbol for them, or it can mean that they like to wear jewelry, have some significant tattoos or wear makeup? I feel they might often change their appearance, for example by dying their hair or mixing up their outfits. For some of you, and take it as it resonates, they might wear a green scarf or some other piece of clothing in that clothing lol. And their shoulders are hot.
Meeting -> Your POV: „Devil Doesn’t Bargain". A lot is going to be happening in your life at the moment  of your meeting. You may have just ended a relationship of your own but idk. You are trying to get out of some situation you don’t like. It’s not even necessary a bad or a difficult situation, but one that you intuitively feel isn’t right for you (work/love/study idk). For some of you it might entail some sort of sacrifice, that you may „use” people around you to get your way? But it sounds more dire than it will actually be lol. I also see that during this transition period, you again will be perfecting some skill. You chose to leave behind that former stagnant situation, and on your way out you completely destroyed the status quo. Maybe it was some kind of a group project, that might have ended in conflict. Bottom line is, you will be pretty occupied with all that „drama”, you won’t really be looking for any romance at the moment. So at first, you won’t recognize THAT person as someone significant to you.
Their POV: „Cardigan”!! They will be lonely. Very much so, but out of their own choosing - they are waiting for love, for the right person. Maybe it will be work that brings you two together, teamwork maybe? Or you both will be leaving your studies/job environments at a similar time when you meet.
Romance -> How you see them: At first you might see them as a rival, a competition to your authority in the group. I have a feeling you like to be in the centre, therefore this person stealing your spotlight might unconsciously trigger you. You may have seen some quality in them, that you yourself wished you had. But this irritation will last only for a short moment. You will quickly realize that you both can benefit out of having a good professional relationship with each other and them quickly discover that you actually make a good team. Then comes the chemistry of course, and the rest you can probably figure out, heh.
How they see you: Instant attraction, they feel something pulling them towards you. It like they recognize an old friend in you, someone familiar. They admire you, seriously. There are no slimy intentions on their part, they genuinely respect your position in the group, as well as YOU yourself. They are givers, they just wish to show you how devoted they are to you. And they might commit quite quickly to this relationship. Before they were looking for a place to belong and with you they finally feel like they found it. Seriously, they are really sweet. They are putting your connection first and foremost. They are probably not very vocal about that, but the feelings are very much real and intense xd.
Relationship -> 22. Intimacy. At first you might be hiding that you two are a couple, so maybe some workplace romance?I also feel that before making things „official” you two might fantasize about each other a LOT. But you will get together pretty quickly. The attraction and sexual tension is HIGHH. I feel that you guys might change up who the „dominant” party is often, as in interchanging who leads the other. You will encourage and inspire each other equally, true power couple vibes (world domination!!). When one of you experiences change, the other is able to keep up with them. Some of your friends might view your relationship as slightly „toxic” or „codependent”, but it’s only because you are stronger and more powerful together than you are by yourselves. You both have this kind of wildness in your hearts, full of ambition and hunger - one that you acknowledge, accept and love about each other.
PILE 3 -> Tiger Eye
Energy of pile 3: Hats. You have ambition and energy that is hard to focus or direct in one particular way. You are a family person, I think you might have a lot of relatives - and you can rely on them. For some of you, I see some kind of heritage coming into your surroundings. It looks like your life is put together pretty well, you have things that occupy your time(your work/studies/passion projects) and you seem to always expect quite a lot form yourselves. You may be feeling overworked, but there is still something bright and joyful about your energy. There might be something charming about your attitude, that makes people enjoy being in your presence. I have a strong feeling that you got some  really special quirks (for some of you, I repeat: collecting hats!), but people around you might perceive it as something cute or funny. (Little they know how deep your weirdness goes). I’m getting the earth and fire energy (Aries or Sagittarius). Othala rune.
Energy of your person: It’s giving strong female vibes - the energy of creation, fluidity - you can never tell what is underneath. Artistic soul (music or sketching, but signing also may be significant here). I’m getting an Ophelia vibe - but without all the tragedy lol. They have a lot of possibilities before them. They are true dreamers and heave a strong, spiritual personality. They might seem less organized than you, they don’t really do plans, but still - everything is going smoothly for them.  It’s like someone is watching over their chaotic asses lol. The energy of cats - your person is  a very independent and unconventional creature, that’s why others may either love or hate them. For some of you: the sakura blossom flower may be their signature scent or symbol (a tattoo probably?). Algiz and laguz rune.
Who are they -> Work/study/anything more official: „Go your own way”. I think they are starting a new project or something like that. And they know they will succeed - their confidence may be slightly excessive given the situation, but still. They’re right. They are just great. Maybe singing is their hobby and something they’re pursuing.
Goals: They would like to be more rational, more down to earth (I think it’s something they are always repeating as their new year resolutions, while holding their new journal or calendar. Spoiler: it never works out, heh).
Looks: Longer hair, strong eyebrows. Something about them seems untamed and wild - for example hair, pointy ears or longer canines). Powerful, enchanting voice or laugh. For some of you: icy shades of hair or, on the contrary, burning fire red.
Meeting -> Your POV: You might find yourself in the situation in which your hobby, quirks will be in the foreground (…The second-hand shop with hats?? Just thing about it…) When you get to meet your person, you will be far from home, your family and friends - new town, moving houses or simply a vacation? It will be your me-time, for sure. You both will meet either by some dating app or your mutual colleagues will set you up for some kind of a blind date. I feel you will have many options in the realm of dating, and your person will be one of them - but from the very second you know them, everyone else will fade in comparison.
Their POV: „Sky Full Of Songs”. They didn’t look for a relationship (like I said, they don’t often do planning of any kind and just go with the flow). But the moment they meet you, they will just have to know you and „win” you. Claim you. (And one of you will give the other sunflowers). Your first (blind?) date will be just perfect. You don’t have to fear there being any awkwardness or uncomfortable silence. You will just get along. A lot of talking, laughing and shared heated glances - that’s what I see for you, pile numer 3. Falling in love.
Romance -> How you will see them: You will see a confident, strong, ethereal person. Beautiful in unconventional way - seductive like a nymph or some demigod. But there won’t be anything intimidating about them, you will connect easily. They just have this inner warmth, which you will adore. They will be funny and full of life (energy of a bubbly sunshine, I would say). You two won’t be able to stop talking. You will be attracted so much to their natural way of being.
How they see you: They will find your strength irresistible. It’s like you are the shoulder they can rest on their head on. A very sexy shoulder. Hah. You give them a sense of security and a safe space - they know you would never judge them. They won’t waste any time and will give you their heart in no time. Also they intuitively notice all the „wounded” parts of you that you keep hidden from most, and will love and cherish them. I think they are going to admire your more strict and rational side of personality. (Yes, big sir energy lol). And your quirks? They’re gonna see them as important and will love them as much as you do.
Relationship -> Everything just great, nothing to add. Your energies are made for each other. Communication is your shit, you rule at this. The chemistry? Wow, dude. High af.
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aceofpatience ¡ 10 months
✨Welcome to the family, my little oysters✨🔮🔮
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I am a simple witch that enjoys looking into other people’s futures. And being right. Heh🖤
I will mostly be posting simple pick-a-pile readings. I will be random about them lol
I especially enjoy love readings, but if any of you have any suggestions or specific questions go ahead. I don’t discriminate.🥃🤺 I like weird shit. My ask box is open for u, love. *insert Klaus voice*🩸
In the future, if this blog gets enough followers who resonate with my style of readings, I might create an option for longer personal readings that can be requested.
But we shall SEA.🤍
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