ackerbootytobbi · 28 minutes
To the couple of people asking-
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It's part of a short story on the last couple pages of each manga from 21-34 ♥️
I'm leaving these here because-
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Poor levi
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ackerbootytobbi · 37 minutes
“are you a top or bottom?” i’m a burden bro
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ackerbootytobbi · 37 minutes
i’m a loser but at least i’m self aware unlike some people
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ackerbootytobbi · 38 minutes
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ackerbootytobbi · 2 hours
"stop shoving," levi hisses, tugging the sheets very pointedly out of your grasp. you scoff, shuffling closer to the centre of the bed that's been duly marked with a border of pillows. "or you're gonna be taking the couch, i swear -- takes me long enough to get to sleep without anything else ... interfering."
*interfering?" you mock his dramatic choice of words. "ah, because of course, i decided that the best way to spend my friday night would be to sabotage our apartment's plumbing system, flooding my room and wrecking my grandmother's crocheted quilt, all so i could get the chance to disrupt your sleep cycle?"
you can't see him since your back is facing his but you can practically hear him roll his eyes. "not saying you could control the pipe bursting, obviously, but you can control yourself from shoving the pillows over to my side."
"and doesn't that prove my point about the pillows being fucking stupid?" you quip, rolling from your side to instead lay flat on your back, staring at the ceiling of Levi's room. the dark blue walls stare right back at you.
a beat passes where you think levi might be genuinely annoyed, and you hope he isn't; as stubborn as he can be, he is technically doing you a massive favour by letting you stay.
and it can't have been an easy decision, given how you both decided not to -
"so what's the proper protocol for platonically sleeping in your roommate's bed, then?" he huffs. "there's not exactly a guide for this shit, y'know."
from your peripheral vision you see him mimic your movement from before, switching from his previous spot staring at the door to take up a supine position, grabbing one of the pillows that's nestled between you and using it to prop his head up.
now you can see, to a certain extent, how the low light from his desk lamp throws shadows on his sharp yet delicate features, the glint of his grey eyes as he tries to pretend he's not glancing at you too.
"platonic," you say quietly, and because it's not a question, he doesn't answer.
you see levi adjust his shoulders, fixing the pillow so it's more comfortable, though you could have sworn he wasn't this close to you a few moments before.
well. let's see if your hunch is right.
"it's not like we haven't been in ... y'know ... similar situations," you murmur then, committing to finally addressing the elephant in the room.
levi's breath hitches in his throat so quickly you'd swear you imagined it, but you know him too well by now. you know his tells.
he's looking directly at you now, neck angled so he can meet your gaze. the hostility has melted away, replaced by something far more vulnerable.
"we said we wouldn't do it again. the whole roommate situation -" he begins half-heartedly, sounding as though he's already given up. "it's messy."
"we did say that," you muse quietly.
"we did," he repeats.
"came to a mutual decision."
he mumbles in agreement. "saves things from getting awkward."
another beat passes, heavier this time.
"can we get rid of these pillows now?"
one last moment of hesitation.
"fucking finally."
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ackerbootytobbi · 2 hours
Levi “beat the shit out of them, honey” Ackerman
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ackerbootytobbi · 2 hours
Motivational speeches (Levi's version):
"Even a kick in the ass is a step forward"
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ackerbootytobbi · 9 hours
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Kitty!Levi x Fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW 18+, Levi has a cat dick, hybrids, knotting, oral sex, p in v sex, virginity loss (Levi is a virgin), creampie, smoopy relationship stuff.
Length: 8.2k
Ao3 Link
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Levi's tongue is rough. It's not quite like sandpaper, but there is an odd texture along the top. Short, fine little barbs that are nearly invisible to the eye jut out from the pink muscle, creating an unusual and slightly gritty sensation.
The first time you'd kissed him - really kissed him, deep and passionate, more than just an anxious peck on the cheek or a shallow lip lock - the texture had caught you off guard. You’d jerked away from him at the unexpected sensation, and Levi had appeared both upset and awkward about it for weeks afterward. Eventually, you had to take matters into your own hands, quite literally, and grab him to kiss him again to show him that it was okay.
Sometimes, it's surprisingly easy to forget that he's different. He’s simply Levi, and all the inhuman parts are just a small fraction of the whole man. Now, as your lips meet and his tongue grazes yours with its unique texture, you find yourself welcoming the distinctive sensation as it smoothly glides against your own.
Groaning, you delve deep into his mouth, savoring the sharp brush of his fangs along the side of your tongue. A guttural sound rumbles deep in his chest, puffing out a hot gust of air against your cheeks. Gently cupping the nape of his neck, you push even further into the heated expanse of his mouth, relishing his taste. It's an intimate exchange, and you can't help but notice that he seems to run warmer than you. His mouth, his skin, every exhale filling your mouth is so warm.
A soft thwack resonates as his tail hits the mattress beside your hip, the motion causing a mild disturbance on the bedspread. The next thwack lands on your leg, his fur soft against the exposed skin of your thigh. He sprawls over you, his spine stretching with feline grace, creating a comfortable weight that presses you into the mattress beneath. His hands explore, a blend of caution and eagerness, finding the patch of bare skin between your shorts and t-shirt. The sharp points of his nails graze your skin ever so slightly, sending shivers down your spine.
“Levi,” you moan into the kiss, the intensity of the moment leaving you breathless. Breaking the lip lock, you gasp for air in the humid space between you two.
Wet kisses trail down the column of your neck, each touch a delightful sensation that ignites your senses. This sensual journey is accompanied by the soft lap of his tongue along the well of your pulse. “Mhmm,” Levi hums, the vibration resonating through your skin. “You always taste so good.”
His words, laced with desire, send a rush of warmth through you. The roughness of his tongue against your skin amplifies the sensation, causing your mind to wander to the possibilities of where else his mouth could be working. The thought alone triggers an involuntary jolt of your hips, causing them to roll up into his, the friction igniting a fire within you.
In response, his hips churn into yours with a primal urgency, and the impact sends your head back into the pillow. Seizing the opportunity eagerly, Levi continues to lap at your exposed throat with fervor. “Someone's eager,” he huffs playfully, the huskiness of his voice adding to the intensity of the moment.
“I-” Your breath comes in ragged gasps, your voice betraying your heightened state of arousal. “I missed you,” you manage to explain, your chest heaving against his with each strained breath. Shifting your position, you become aware of a hard, hot pressure pressing into your hip. Adjusting your angle, you deliberately grind into it, evoking a whiney moan from the man above you. “Plus, you're one to talk.”
“Missed you too,” he admits, his voice carrying a hint of longing. Levi is equally breathless, his chest rising and falling rapidly, the rhythmic movement evident even beneath his t-shirt. Having been away on a two-week business trip, he'd only just returned, and finally being together after so long apart intensifies your desire. You had kept in touch through texts and phone calls, but nothing compares to being reunited in person.
His nose flares with a loud huff, and he exhales a warm stream of air onto your neck. “Fuck-” his hips roll into yours again, establishing a needy rhythm. “I can smell you. You smell so good. I can’t wait for a taste.” His words, charged with longing, stir your senses and fuel your passion. “You don't know how many times I fucked my own fist, imagining the taste of you on my tongue.”
“Fuck,” you echo, your own desire resonating in your voice. The awareness that he can detect your pheromones, that he knows your body's response to him, that he's imagined you while pleasuring himself during his time away, adds an intoxicating layer to the experience. The words send your mind into an erotic haze, intensifying your arousal. Instinctively, you grip the short hairs at the back of his head, pulling him up into an urgent, messy lip lock.
Incensed, Levi presses more of his weight onto you, moaning into your mouth. He meets your kiss immediately, delving deep into your mouth with an eager urgency. “You want that, huh?” He breathes, his voice thick with desire. One of his hands ventures, the sharp points of his claws lightly grazing against the fabric of your shorts. His fingers find the crease between your thighs, pressing teasing circles into the fabric just above your clit. The sensation makes you whine, your hips involuntarily jolting in response. “I smell it. You want my mouth against this sweet pussy.”
Yes, yes, yes. You yearn for it. Ache, even. The thought of his slightly rough tongue lapping wetly against your folds, swirling heated circles around your clit. The way he would wrap his lips around your swollen bud, suckling with a fervent hunger. Just the mental image of his head between your thighs, his dark hair tousled and messy, his cute triangle ears tilted towards you to catch even the faintest of sounds, sends your imagination into a wild spiral of desire.
“C-can I-” you struggle to regain your composure, blinking to focus your eyes. Levi’s hair is already tousled, and the usual sharp slits of his pupils have widened, becoming round in his excitement. Your hand ventures, slipping between the two of you to press against the hard line of his erection. There's a dampness there, a tantalizing patch of moisture right where his tip stretches the fabric away from his hip. “You always give. Can this time be about you? Please?”
The two of you have been dating for a little more than six months. After the initial awkwardness of adjusting to dating someone of a different species, your relationship has grown comfortable. You go on dates, spend time at each other's apartments, watch movies, and talk for hours on end. He's even stayed over a few times, though you spend so much time at his apartment that it's almost embarrassing. Today, you even let yourself in -he'd given you his key months ago, a gesture you'd immediately reciprocated- anxiously waiting for him to come home.
However, the physical aspect of your relationship has been strictly one-sided, a fact that worries you deeply. While you appreciate his giving nature, the imbalance aches in your heart. You cherish that he's generous, but you've never even seen him.
His hips jerk into your touch, and you can feel his arousal pulsating even through the layers of fabric. Despite this, the man above you freezes. His shoulders tense, his breath hitching.
Your gaze travels from where he's throbbing against your palm up to his face, catching an expression you've never witnessed before. It appears to be a mix of shock, horror, and anxiety. Concerned, you inquire, “Levi?”
“I-” Levi stammers, his jaw hanging open like a rusty hinge. “I've never-”
“I know-” you respond, perhaps a bit too hastily, given the way his shoulders tense even further. “I mean, I had an idea, considering how you always pull away when I try to touch you. And you mentioned you've never been in a relationship before.”
He sighs heavily, before rolling off of you to face you lying on his side. “And you have…”
“Are you worried that you won't measure up?” you ask, your voice gentle and reassuring. “Levi, I've never felt a connection like this before. It's natural, effortless. I want you for who you are. The rest doesn't matter.”
“I'm not fucking jealous of them. It's not that,” he retorts, shaking his head. “You've never been with a hybrid before.”
Confused, you reply, “Yeah…”
“I’m different,” he states firmly. “Than any of them.”
“Obviously,” you agree softly, voice tinged with fondness. You catch the corner of his ear between your finger and thumb, rubbing a gentle circle into the delicate skin along the inside. The flesh there is thin and particularly sensitive, the fur along the outside heart-stoppingly soft. When you trace your nail along the path of a vein, Levi leans into your touch, emitting a soft purr from deep within his chest.
He'd been so shy about purring at first, trying to resist it even though it's mostly involuntary. But now he purrs for you openly, though a light dusting of pink still decorates his cheeks.
Shaking himself, Levi blinks heavily, struggling to regain focus in his eyes. Brushing away your hand with a flick of his ear, he furrows his brows. “You don't understand. Us hybrids, we're different. I don't want to hurt you.”
Arching an eyebrow, you inquire, “Hurt me? What do you mean?” You find it hard to envision Levi causing you any harm. He's always so considerate and careful around you, always cautious not to leave even the slightest mark. You're aware of his strength, his lithe and muscular physique, his claws and fangs, but the idea of him hurting you feels far-fetched. “I've heard about knots. I- I don't think I'd mind it, if that's what you're worried about.”
“I’m not a fucking mutt,” Levi retorts, a mixture of amusement and annoyance evident in his tone. “It’s different for us cats. We have barbed dicks. There’s a reason why it’s always one and done with cats – it fucking hurts.”
Surprise and disbelief flood your expression as you attempt to visualize what he’s describing. Worry creeps in as your mind conjures up unsettling images. “Barbs? Like spikes?” you ask cautiously, your voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and concern.
Levi nods, his expression a complex blend of frustration and sadness, his ears tilting back in a sign of his unease. “It’s somewhat similar to the function of knots, locking the male inside to ensure successful mating. The barbs dig in painfully. You’d bleed.” The seriousness in Levi’s gaze is evident, his concern for your well-being palpable. “I don’t want you to experience that. It’s bad enough that I accidentally scratch you with my claws all the time.” To underscore his point, the tips of his claws graze gently along your thigh, a delicate touch that contrasts with the potential harm they could cause.
Curiosity guides your next question, your mind still trying to grasp the concept. “Then why would the females ever want that?”
Levi’s reply is swift, his tone matter-of-fact. “The barbs only come out at the end. Plus, if they’re in heat, they’re too out of it to really notice or care until after.”
“So.. we can't…” He seems deeply frustrated by that fact. Rising, you urge him flat onto his back and shift to hover over him with your thighs straddling his. “That's fine. I don't need to go all the way to be happy with you. There are other things we can do.”
His expression shifts from frustration to a mix of gratitude and warmth, his appreciation for your understanding evident.
“Can I-” Your hand ventures again, sliding along the fabric of his pant leg towards his inner thigh. The muscles there tense beneath your touch. “Can I at least see you?”
Even through the fabric of his pants, you can tell that he's softened a bit during the conversation. Your question elicits a twitch from the bulge, quickly swelling again to push the waistband of his pants away from his stomach. It reveals a tempting line of curly black hairs along his navel. Levi swallows audibly, the movement of his throat evident. “A-are you sure? I don't want to scare you.”
As you speak, you notice that his top is still on, and you quickly move to rectify that. With a gentle tug, you lift the fabric up across his stomach, your eyes searching his for any sign of discomfort or hesitation.
He swallows heavily, his gaze fixed on yours as he nods, his arms lifting helpfully so you can pull the fabric away. Flawless porcelain skin and rock-hard muscles meet your eyes, and you find yourself instinctively smoothing your hand along his frame. Your touch moves up along his pecs, where his skin is marked with sorry patches of pink from his with arousal, then down along his abs, your fingers skimming along the edge of the dark curls that disappear beneath the waistband of his pants.
“Y-yeah. Just—” His fingers tremble against your shoulder, his voice barely above a whisper. “Yeah.”
You unbutton his pants, exercising caution to not touch him too much. He already seems overwhelmed. “Boxers, huh?” you playfully remark, your eyes landing on the grey fabric. “I pegged you as more of a briefs guy.”
“They’re comfortable,” he explains defensively, his voice hitching as your fingers brush over his length.
Bobbing free from the confines of his pants, his cock appears almost normal at first glance. The flushed, dark pink hue hints at his need, and just that shade alone makes your own desire pulse. The tip, however, bears a slightly peculiar appearance. Its flared ridges are thick and wide, and the very top comes to a blunt spike-like point. That looks sort of intimidating, but the sight of familiar creamy white oozing from the tip triggers a pang of want in you.
Glancing back up to gauge his expression, you note just how pink his face is. He looks nervous, but he doesn't look particularly uncomfortable or unsettled. As your fingers trace along the curly hairs just below his belly button, his abdominal muscles tense beneath your touch. “Can I touch you?” you ask, your voice soft and considerate.
“Please,” Levi urges, his voice strained. He keeps his eyes tightly shut, his fangs sinking into his bottom lip as he fights for control. “I’m probably going to cum too fast.”
“No such thing,” you reassure him gently. Encircling him with your palm, your hand can barely encompass his girth. The tip of him just escapes your fist, peaking out swollen and pink. His skin is so warm and soft, almost like velvet against your palm. “God, you’re so adorable. I want to taste you.”
“D-don’t,” he manages, his chest heaving. His grip on the bedsheet on either side of his hips tightens, his claws digging into the fabric. “The barbs. Be careful—”
His cock is already so wet, smeared with the pre-come that's been festering and oozing from his tip for so long. Setting a slow pace, you stroke him, watching his face twist up in pleasure. “I'm the first person to touch you, huh?”
He nods in response, gasping for air. It's thrilling, being the only person to hold his cock other than himself. The first person to see the way the little pin-hole at his tip throbs, dribbling a thick glob of white that you smear with your thumb. The sound he makes is almost a mewl, soft and high. He babbles, hips lurching into your touch and back arching. It's almost like he's trying to wiggle away, all the while still seeking more. “Yours- Yours- ‘m all yours.”
Tugging his boxers down a bit further, you reveal his balls. They're big, plump and round in a way that makes your mouth water. “What about here? I'm the first person to touch you here too?”
“Y-yeah,” he manages. He shudders, body quaking from the tip of his tail to his ears. His face is flushed pink, his hair all messy splayed in a halo across the pillow. “Shit- don't stop -don't stop, please!”
“Have you ever.. explored?” you ask, fingers brushing the swollen flesh. His balls throb, shifting beneath your touch. The skin there is soft and velvety, unbelievably warm just like the hot line of his heavy cock.
“N-not really,” Levi stammers, his voice carrying a hint of insecurity. “I- ah- I don’t like how different I am from n-normal men.”
“Levi…” you say gently, leaning down to plant a quick kiss on the jut of his hip bone. Your touch is meant to reassure him, to convey your acceptance. “You are absolutely normal. More than that, you’re perfect, my unique and wonderful kitty.”
His flush deepens even further at your words, and his eyes hold a mix of vulnerability and gratitude. He shifts slightly under your touch, seemingly caught between the desire to hide and the longing for your closeness. “Yours—” he murmurs, his voice a mixture of a plea and an affirmation, as if he’s declaring his devotion to you in that single word.
“That explains why you’re so sensitive,” you coo, a warm smile gracing your lips as you continue to explore Levi’s body with gentle curiosity. Your fingers dance over his flushed skin with the lightest of touches, tracing intricate patterns that elicit soft gasps and shivers from him. “Is it safe down here?”
By your side, Levi’s tail shudders, the soft fur brushing against your arm as a visual reflection of his heightened arousal. “Yeah,” he moans, his voice slightly strained with pleasure. His eyes, half-lidded and pupils dilated, are fixed on you with a mixture of need and vulnerability. His lips part in a silent plea for more as he surrenders to the sensations your touch is conjuring within him. “The barbs start at the base, just be careful.” Despite his cautionary words, his hips instinctively arch into your touch, a silent invitation for you to explore him further.
The heat radiating from his skin seems to envelop you both, and you’re mesmerized by the raw desire he’s allowing you to witness. Your fingers continue their delicate exploration, trailing down along sensitive skin between his thighs. Gently cupping his balls, your touch elicits a sharp inhale from Levi, his body quivering with anticipation. Pressing another soft kiss to his skin, this time closer to the root of his cock, his breath hitches and he gasps shakily.
Levi’s gaze locks onto yours, his eyes revealing a mixture of vulnerability and intense longing. With each kiss you place along his skin, your mouth creates a trail of warmth and reassurance down toward his base. As you near his balls, you meet his gaze with a reassuring smile, your touch a delicate reassurance amidst the charged atmosphere. “I’ll be careful,” you promise, your voice a soothing melody in the intimate space between you.
His chest rises and falls rapidly as he nods, his lips parting in a shaky exhale. The sensations you’re evoking are evident in the way his muscles tense and quiver beneath your touch.
The next kiss lands directly on Levi's left ball, and a sharp gasp escapes his lips. One of his hands comes down urgently, fingers digging into your shoulder as his moans fill the air, his voice a beautiful symphony of need and pleasure. The raw intensity of his reaction ignites a spark of desire within you, a reminder of the power you hold to bring him to the brink of ecstasy with just a simple touch.
The skin shifts enticingly beneath your lips, its subtle movements synchronizing with the heave of his chest. Letting your tongue peak out, you savor the taste of him, an intoxicating blend of musk and salt that leaves an indelible mark on your senses. Levi's response is immediate and visceral—he whimpers loudly, his claws digging into your shoulder as the rush of pleasure courses through his body.
Suckling it between your lips, you alternate your attention to the other side, working smooth circles with your tongue. Levi's response is immediate—he curses loudly, his voice laced with a mixture of pleasure and desperation, his babbling punctuated by your name.
Swirling your tongue, you gather spit. With your mouth now slick from the saliva you've gathered, you rise to let a slow dribble fall onto his cock, making him twitch. As your fingers wrap around his throbbing length once more, you adjust your rhythm, this time moving faster and with a firmer grip, eliciting more profound moans from Levi's lips. The heady mixture of his responses, his vulnerability, and your shared intimacy ignites a fire within you, making you want to take him higher and higher.
His eyes are pinched tight, and his expression is one of utter vulnerability and pleasure. “Keep your eyes closed,” you command in a soft, soothing tone. “Imagine you're inside me, that this is my pussy, tight around you and squeezing you.”
“Shit,” he swears breathlessly, the intensity of the moment affecting his ability to form coherent sentences. “Soft. I bet you're so soft. And warm.”
“Imagine it. Can you smell how wet I am for you?” you whisper, your voice a seductive murmur.
Nodding, his nose flares as he inhales your scent, his senses overwhelmed by the arousing fragrance. “So fucking wet,” he babbles almost mindlessly, caught in the sensations and the vivid mental image you’ve painted for him. “I want it. I want it. Fuck! I'm close.”
Feeling the pulsing rhythm of his cock beneath your touch, you tighten your grip slightly, matching his urgency. “Come for me,” you encourage, your voice a gentle coaxing.
His responses become more urgent and fragmented, his words a series of desperate pleas. “Let go! Let go! Let go!”
Following his urging, you release your grip, watching as his cock throbs against his stomach. The room is heavy with tension, and you're both caught in the intensity of the moment. His body tenses and shudders, and you observe as he surrenders to the pleasure, his release finally washing over him in waves of blissful ecstasy.
His climax is a unique experience, more of a slow oozing than the forceful spurts you’d expected. Only a handful of spurts shoot forth, with one managing to land on your chin. The rest pools down his cock and mingles with the dark hair around its base, creating a glistening mess that coats his stomach.
Levi lays limp, his chest heaving as he recovers from the intense pleasure he just experienced. His breath comes in ragged gasps, and his expression is one of both satisfaction and dazed contentment.
Shuffling up, you reposition yourself, sitting higher on his thighs as you watch his face. He’s still lost in the aftermath, and you’re content to offer him the space and time he needs to come back to himself.
Swiftly swiping at the mess rapidly dripping down your chin, you gather it on the pads of your fingers before bringing them to your mouth. “Mhmm,” you hum eagerly, savoring the taste. Levi’s eyes are barely open, his gaze reduced to tired slits, watching you. The provocative action elicits another reaction from him, his chest heaving as he releases a long, shaky breath.
As Levi struggles to regain his composure, you observe his rapidly softening cock lying limp near your thigh. The barbs that were once hidden beneath his flushed skin are now exposed, sticking out like bristles. They’re scattered all along his shaft with no particular pattern, an intriguing and somewhat intimidating sight. You tentatively press your finger against one of the white spikes near his still-throbbing head, and Levi lets out a long whine in response. They prove to be slightly malleable as you explore, giving way slightly beneath the pressure of your thumb. Even as he softens and his erection shrinks, the barbs remain out, sharp and prominent.
Several minutes pass before Levi is able to speak again. His chest heaves, his gaze foggy and dazed. His fingers find their way to your thigh, tugging lightly at the hem of your shorts. He licks his lips, his voice rough with exhaustion. “I… I want to eat you out, but I don’t think I can move.”
You can't help the soft laugh that escapes your lips. “That’s fine. Tonight was all about you,” you assure him with a warm smile. “And maybe we can make things about you more often from now on?”
He swallows heavily, his voice thick with a mix of emotions. “You’re going to be the death of me.” His hand moves, slow and deliberate as if it takes all of his energy, and he tentatively curls his fingers around your wrist. His mouth opens and closes, struggling to find the right words amidst his fatigue. “There… there is something we could explore… if you’re open to it.”
“I’ve been meaning to bring this up for a while, but I wasn’t quite sure how to approach the topic. And I wasn’t sure if you were even interested in mating.”
The word “mating” hangs in the air, carrying a weight of potential and uncertainty. A mixture of excitement and nervousness settles in your chest as you lock eyes with him. “I am. I want to. I want you. If there are options, I'm open to trying anything.”
Levi shifts slightly, his grip on your wrist tightening as he continues to share his thoughts. “It's a device, something that applies pressure and prevents the barbs from emerging.” He motions vaguely towards his now-soft cock, which rests innocently against his thigh. The barbs have retracted back into his shaft, and with the pointed tip tucked within the sleeve of his foreskin, it looks almost human. “I'll essentially have a knot, like a damn dog,” he grumbles with a hint of frustration. “But I want you. I want you to be mine. My mate.”
His vulnerability tugs at your heartstrings, and the openness in his eyes makes your stomach flutter with anticipation. “I think I'm falling in love with you.” The words slip out without a filter, your emotions laid bare. “Sorry. Damn it.” Heat rushes to your cheeks, embarrassment coursing through you. You roll onto your side, hiding your blushing face in the sheets. “Just forget I said that.”
Levi's touch on your shoulder is gentle, a soothing reassurance. “Hey,” he urges softly, encouraging you to face him again. “Hey, come here.” Your eyes meet, and he cradles your face tenderly, his thumb tracing your cheekbone. “I – fuck, you know I’m shit with words. But I feel the same way.”
“Really?” Emotion swells within you, a mixture of happiness and relief.
“Yeah,” he assures you softly, his eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of earnestness and affection. Tugging gently on your shoulder, he guides your head to rest against his chest, his hand patting your back in a soothing rhythm. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to ask you to move in for weeks.”
A warm chuckle escapes you as you settle into the comfortable embrace. You can feel the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath you, the sound of his heartbeat a comforting backdrop to the moment. “I basically already am,” you reply playfully, a hint of amusement in your voice. You’ve practically become a permanent fixture in his apartment, your belongings seamlessly blending with his.
As you lay there, nestled against him, a soft rumble of a purr begins to emanate from his chest. The sound is like a gentle vibration, soothing and lulling. “I’ll make an appointment at the Hybrid Center first thing in the morning,” he continues, his voice quiet. “Knowing how the medical system works, who knows how long it’ll take to get the thing.”
“An appointment?” Your curiosity is piqued. “You have to see your PCP?”
“Yeah? How else do you think we'll get it?” Levi pats your back playfully. “We need to get the Barb-Ring as soon as possible. I want to be able to mate you properly.”
“I assumed we could just pick it up at Walmart,” you joke lightly. “Maybe CVS if we're feeling fancy.”
“It has to be custom-fitted,” Levi explains, his voice suddenly serious. “Shit’s going to be embarrassing.”
“I can imagine,” you respond empathetically. “Do you want me to come with you?”
Levi shakes his head slightly. “I'll just bring home the brochure.”
It ends up taking several weeks for Levi to secure an appointment with his doctor. The day arrives, bright and early, on an odd Tuesday morning. You wake up to find Levi already pacing anxiously in the entryway, the upcoming experience clearly weighing on his mind. Shortly after he leaves for his appointment, you decide to lighten the mood by sending him a playful text. You attach a few suggestive pictures of yourself along with the message, 'Make sure they get the measurements right' and add a winking emoji. His response comes in the form of a simple frown. Not an emoji, just written out in plain text.
About an hour later, he returns home, his face a bright shade of red. Clutched in his hand is a pamphlet. It turns out to be several pages of images showcasing what appears to be a modified cock-ring. The pamphlet presents various options: different colors, textures, and even single-use rings that come in a variety of flavors. Among the choices are vibrating rings and even a glow-in-the-dark option, which makes you chuckle as you jokingly urge Levi to consider it.
After browsing through the pamphlet together, you both settle on the most basic and reusable ring. While the idea of a vibrating ring is tempting, you decide against it, taking Levi's inexperience into consideration to avoid overwhelming him. Two long weeks after your initial conversation, the order is finally placed. All you can do is wait.
As time passes, you both grow more familiar and comfortable with each other. The transition to living together proves to be seamless, with your daily routines blending effortlessly. You share intimate moments, exploring each other's desires and boundaries. Your collection of toys becomes a shared playground, Levi fucking you with your vibrator in place of his prickly cock. He even introduces you to his own carefully chosen toy—a spine-safe fleshlight—and the sight of him using it for you while you pleasured yourself is a memory you'll savor on long nights while he's away.
Yet, the desire continues to build. With each passing night, the anticipation reaches new heights. And then, after an additional two weeks of longing, the eagerly awaited package is finally scheduled to arrive in the mail.
During your shift, your phone buzzes, and excitement surges through you as you behold an unexpected sight. While Levi often sends you messages during your work hours, this time it's different—a photo. The image captures a nondescript cardboard box resting innocently on the kitchen counter. Overwhelmed by the rush of emotions, you find yourself at a loss for words, responding with a string of incoherent characters. The remaining six hours of your shift stretch out, each minute feeling like an eternity as you're consumed by eager anticipation.
Upon returning home, you find Levi eagerly waiting at the door. His embrace is tight, wrapping around you before you can even shed your shoes or drop your bag. Soft kisses pepper your neck, and the rumbling of his contented purring vibrates against your chest, filling you with a sense of warmth. Holding him close, you share in his excitement, feeling as though this long-awaited moment is almost surreal. “Is this real? I can’t believe this is happening,” you whisper, your disbelief and joy evident.
“It is. Fucking finally,” he affirms, his tongue’s roughness sending shivers down your spine as it traces a tantalizing path along your neck.
Levi continues to purr against your skin, his tongue tracing patterns along your pulse. He's shirtless, clad only in his pajama bottoms -a pair of gray sweatpants that have no business being as hot as they are. Breaking away from his embrace, you kick off your shoes. His hands don't leave you, tugging aimlessly at the bottom edge of your shirt. Your gaze falls on the empty kitchen counter, and you inquire with curiosity, “Where’s the box? Have you opened it already?”
A blush creeps up his face, his ears tilting back shyly as his eyes momentarily avoid yours. “Wait a minute. Are you wearing it?” you ask with an eager grin.
His ears flatten back along his head, an adorable display of embarrassment that doesn't go unnoticed. "I wanted to make sure it works," he admits, his voice carrying a mixture of defensiveness and eagerness.
"During work? How naughty," you playfully tease, a knowing grin spreading across your face. Pulling him close once again, you can feel a distinct hardness pressing into your hip. Despite your banter, you're envious of how Levi occasionally has the opportunity to work from home due to his computer savvy nature. You often can't resist the urge to make the playful joke that he's "good with mice." "And does it?" you inquire with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah," he confirms, a note of satisfaction in his voice. "Couldn't get it off though. I've been hard on and off all day."
"I haven't been doing much better. I think my coworkers noticed something was up," you confess, a smirk playing on your lips. Especially since you let out an embarrassing, loud squeal when you received his text. Your eyes hold a playful glint as you continue, "You don't know how tempting it was to use some PTO and come home early."
"You should've. I miss you when you're gone," he admits, the words carrying a tender weight that makes your heart tighten in your chest, as though someone's gently squeezing it. “Plus, you work too hard. That place doesn't deserve you.”
"And what do I say? 'I'm sorry, I have to go home, my cat misses me'," you reply, mimicking an apologetic tone, a hint of playfulness in your voice.
"Hey," Levi responds with a soft chuckle, his tail wagging behind him in feigned frustration. "I think I'm more than just a house cat." His eyes lock onto yours, filled with affection and a touch of mischief.
"You're right. You're absolutely right," you admit with a warm smile, leaning in to press your lips against his. His hand reaches up, fingers tangling in the hair at the back of your head as the kiss deepens. Your fingers graze his cheek softly, and then you pull back slightly, a playful glint in your eye. "Did you cut your nails?" you inquire with a teasing tone, a hint of mischief in your voice.
“Yeah,” he admits, suddenly a touch timid, his head slightly ducked. “I thought it might help things go a bit smoother.” You pout mournfully, looking at the rounded, blunt edges of his nails. “Don’t worry, they’ll grow back,” he quickly reassures you, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"I'll miss them," you admit, a faint frown tugging at your lips as you trace your finger along the clipped edge of his thumbnail. The gesture holds a mixture of affection and concern, a reflection of your feelings. You hate that he feels the need to change a part of himself for your sake, a sentiment that's clear in your eyes and your touch.
"Just for this time," he assures you with a soft whisper, his voice carrying a comforting tone. Leaning up, his nose gently brushes against your cheek, and he leaves a tender kiss there. "I wanted this time to be special," he explains, his words filled with sincerity and a touch of vulnerability, conveying his heartfelt intention to make this moment unique and cherished for both of you.
"Okay," you sigh, a mixture of emotions in your tone. Gently lifting his hand, you guide it to cup your cheek, your lips pressing a soft kiss to his palm. "I appreciate the thought," you add, conveying your gratitude for his consideration.
With the grip of his hand against your face, he tugs you closer, aligning your bodies more closely. The kiss that follows is a blend of passion and urgency, a simmering heat that ignites between your lips as his tongue explores your mouth with a fervent intensity.
"I can't wait to be inside you," he murmurs against your lips, his words laced with a raw desire that sends shivers down your spine. Urgency takes over as he tugs at your clothing, his movements driven by a passionate impatience. Your own senses blur as you reciprocate, a fierce intensity guiding your actions. In a dizzying rush, you find yourselves stumbling onto the softness of the mattress, Levi's weight pressing down on you.
He kisses you with an almost primal hunger, his lips and tongue exploring yours as if he's trying to consume every part of you. The sensation is electric, igniting a fire that courses through your veins, leaving you breathless and yearning for more. His hips lurch into yours, the hot and heavy line of his cock rubbing right across your clit.
"Fuck," you wheeze, your breath coming in ragged gasps as your head falls back, exposing your neck to him. The sensation of his lips on your skin sends shivers down your spine, and you can't help but arch your back, your nails lightly dragging along the smooth skin of his back. Your hips move with an instinctual urgency, grinding back against him. "I don't think I'm even going to need any prep-work. I've been wet for hours," you admit with a husky breath, desire lacing your voice.
Somewhere between the entryway and the bed, your top has vanished, leaving your upper half bare against his warm chest. Your breasts press enticingly against him as your chest heaves with each labored breath. Your pants, however, still cling to your lower half, a detail that adds a frustrating edge to the building pleasure. The rhythmic grinding continues, a steady and intense friction that leaves you craving more.
"I'm gonna fuck you open with my fingers anyways," Levi responds, his voice a low, lustful murmur. "I didn't clip my nails for nothing."
You gasp, your hips jerking in response. “Please,” you beg, the urgency evident in your voice. “Ah, fuck- just get on with it already then.”
“Always so needy,” he playfully teases, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Rising up on his hands, Levi swiftly shifts his focus to tug your pants down. Your hands join his, your hips lifting in a rush of anticipation as you both work together to undo the button and push the fabric down.
“Shut up,” you retort with a grin, a playful edge to your tone. “Like there isn’t already a stain on the front of your sweats.” You can't see it, but you know you're not wrong.
“Shit, you’re soaked,” he breathes, his eyes locked on the dark fabric at the crotch of your underwear. Tugging the fabric to the side, the heat in his gaze causes a pleasurable shiver to course through you, your body responding to his intensity. “So pretty,” he adds, his voice a husky murmur, as he continues to watch you with a hunger that leaves you throbbing openly under his scrutiny. “Are you that excited for my cock?”
“Y-yeah,” you admit shakily. He tugs the material down. Two fingers swipe one long path between your folds, gathering up the copious slick there to swirl a quick rhythm into your clit. “Ah- Levi- fuck-”
"Can't believe I've never put my fingers in you before," he murmurs, the anticipation evident in his tone as he presses the tips of his fingers teasingly along the rim of your entrance. "How many do you want? Two? Three?"
"Two," you urge him, your voice carrying a mixture of need and impatience. "Start with two."
His fingers slip inside effortlessly, the sensation a blend of stretch and fullness as they curl curiously within your velvety walls. "Fuck, you're so soft," he groans appreciatively, his voice a husky whisper filled with desire. "I can't wait to feel it."
He sets a dizzyingly fast rhythm, each movement driving you further into a haze of pleasure.
Your hands work swiftly, tugging down the band of his sweats to release his cock. The dark black Barb-ring is wrapped snugly around the base, a striking contrast against his flushed skin. It makes him look even thicker, the tip of his shaft flushed a deep red that looks almost painful. "Can you cum with that on? It looks tight," you inquire, your curiosity mingling with your own arousal as you take in the sight before you. It looks far too much like a cock-ring.
“Probably too quickly,” he admits with a breathy chuckle.
“I’m—ah—nhgg, I’m pretty keyed up too,” you assure him, your words punctuated by a gasp as the sensation of his fingers continues to drive you closer to the edge.
Your hand wraps around him, fingers sliding along his length as you match the rhythm of his fingers thrusting within you. The wetness he’s been leaking for who-knows-how-long makes his shaft slick and shiny beneath your touch.
He throbs, heavy and thick in your palm. “I—shit—ah—I don’t think I can wear a condom like this. I can pull out if—”
“No!” you quickly cut him off, your response firm and unwavering. “No, I want you to cum inside.”
"Shit—Yeah?" he responds, his expression dazed as he envisions the scenario. As a third finger joins the others, stretching you further, a sensation of fullness spreads through you. "You want that? My cum in you?" he asks, a mixture of amazement and desire in his voice.
"Fuck—" you gasp, your own desire mingling with a touch of disbelief. "Yeah, I've been thinking about it for months."
"Months?" he questions, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Me too," he admits with a husky chuckle. Slowly pulling his fingers free, he uses his tongue to lap at the cum coating his digits. "I've been imagining it, my seed leaking out from your little hole. I wonder how it'd taste."
“I can't wait any longer.” Shifting slightly, he positions himself at your entrance, the oddly thick and pointed tip of him teasing your rim. "Are you ready?"
You nod, tugging at his shoulders to encourage him to lower his chest against yours. "How do you want to do this? Since I'm more experienced, I can ride you if that's more comfortable."
"No, I want to fuck you like this," he insists, determination in his voice. Rubbing the tip of himself back and forth along your slick folds, he gradually enters you, the stretch and fullness making you shudder at the sensation. He fills you inch by inch, the pace agonizingly slow yet incredibly intense.
"Shit-shit-shit," Levi chants almost thoughtlessly, his eyes tightly shut. The muscles along his shoulders tense and the grip on your hips tightens, his body reacting to the overwhelming pleasure. "You're so—fuck—god!"
"Ah—oh!" Your moans echo his, the pleasure intensifying as he pushes deeper. He might not be overly long, but his width stretches you impossibly wide. It's almost too much. It's a level of fullness you’ve never experienced before, and the overwhelming sensation leaves you gasping for breath.
With his length finally buried to the hilt inside you, Levi stills, his eyes clenched shut as he adjusts to the sensation. His expression reflects his overwhelming pleasure, his mouth slightly agape in a breathless 'o'. His fingers tremble on your hips, a mix of awe and desire evident in his touch. "Fuck, I'm definitely not gonna last long," he admits with a ragged breath, his admission a mixture of exhilaration and the intense need to hold back his climax.
Seeing him overwhelmed only pushes you closer to the edge, your own desire building with each passing moment. Involuntarily, your hips roll against his, making him gasp as he slips out of you by just an inch.
"Shit," he mutters, his eyes fixed between your bodies as he observes himself sliding out, the glistening skin of his cock wet and slick, threads of moisture stretching and clinging to him. "Look at that. It's like you don't want to let me go."
A surge of need courses through you, and your hips jolt again, the sensation of your wet entrance clinging to him driving you wild. "Levi! Please!" you plead, your voice a mix of desperation and longing.
With a deep groan, his hips snap forward to meet yours. The pleasure rockets through your body, your head falling back and your back arching as you feel him pressing into you fully. You're acutely aware of the press of his balls against the crease of your ass, adding to the overwhelming sensation. He sets a rapid, frantic pace that leaves you gasping, your senses overwhelmed by the intensity.
"Fuck—you're so fucking soft. Tight and fuckin’ perfect. And wet," he groans, his voice laced with desire and amazement. "Do you hear that?"
You do. The sound of him thrusting into you is a symphony of lust—wet, filthy, and so incredibly loud that it reverberates in your ears, your body throbbing around him in response. Moans tumble from your lips, your senses consumed by the raw pleasure of the moment.
Reaching between the two of you, his thumb begins to work dizzying circles into your clit, adding a new layer of stimulation to the already intense sensations. "I'm close! I'm gonna cum," he breathlessly admits, the anticipation evident in his voice. "Gonna fill you up so much that you'll be dripping."
The intensity of his words pushes you right to the edge. So close to climax that you can almost taste it on the tip of your tongue. “Fuck- I’m close too! I- I need-” you manage to utter amid moans and gasps, your desperation palpable. The intensity of your need leaves you almost breathless, every nerve in your body alight with anticipation. “-bite me! Bite me- Bite me- I need it!”
In response, he sinks his fangs slightly into the skin of your pulse, just where your neck meets your shoulder. The slight pain propels you beyond the brink, and you shatter into a powerful climax. The pleasure that courses through your veins is electric and all-consuming, every muscle in your body tensing before surrendering to the ecstasy. Your climax arrives with a force that seems to wash away everything but the raw, primal sensation coursing through you. The power of the release leaves you gasping, your body trembling helplessly against his as you ride out the waves of pleasure.
Your name spills from his lips in a drawn-out moan, a symphony of pleasure and need. His throbbing inside you intensifies, and you can feel the base of him, likely the barb-ring, swelling wide. The sensation stretches the ring of your entrance almost painfully as his hips begin to stutter, a clear sign that he's on the brink of his own climax.
Burying his face into your neck, Levi presses heavily against you, his lips finding purchase on your sweaty skin as a hot, primal moan escapes his mouth. The following noise sounds like the air is punched out of his chest, a long whine bathing your neck in warmth. His hips jerk involuntarily, his fingers shuddering on your hips as he rides out his orgasm. In the throes of pleasure, he manages to push himself somehow deeper, his movements guided by a carnal need to feel every inch of his swollen shaft against your slick walls. The swollen bulb at the base of his cock stretches your entrance wide as he works it all the way past the threshold.
He shudders against you, the aftershocks of his climax coursing through his body as he pours his warmth into you. The sensation of his cock lurching inside you, the heat of his release filling you, creates a heady mix of pleasure and connection that leaves you both breathless. His climax extends and amplifies your own, the pleasure of it intense and almost blindingly sharp.
Afterward, Levi's body goes completely limp, his weight heavy and relaxed against you. The room is filled with the sound of your ragged breaths, chests rising and falling in tandem as you both struggle to catch your breath. The intensity of the moment leaves you both spent and sated.
You're the first to somewhat recover, your touch gentle as you softly pat his back, offering a comforting gesture as he comes down from the height of pleasure. The silence envelops you both, a soothing stillness that contrasts with the frenzied passion that had consumed you mere moments ago.
A soft rumbling breaks the silence, the rhythmic hum of Levi's purring vibrating into your torso. The post-orgasmic contentment is palpable as he stretches languidly, his movements limited by the fact that you're still intertwined. With a happy sigh, Levi nuzzles into your neck, the sensation accompanied by a soft, contented hum. "Mate," he coos, his voice tired yet filled with happiness, slightly rough from the exertion. "I love you."
His words hang in the air, a profound declaration that catches you off guard. Your breath hitches at the weight of his confession. He's never said it before, not out loud. You wind your fingers into his hair, guiding him up to meet you for a slow and tender kiss. "I love you too," you respond, fighting to keep your voice even.
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ackerbootytobbi · 10 hours
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ackerbootytobbi · 10 hours
If u interact with my posts, just know I respond like this:
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ackerbootytobbi · 10 hours
can someone please be proud of me like fuck I’m trying
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ackerbootytobbi · 10 hours
not now. mommys making a 0 note post
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ackerbootytobbi · 10 hours
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ackerbootytobbi · 10 hours
I feel like Levi would like indirect acts of affection the most.
Instead of cuddling together in bed at the end of the day, he lays close to you, curled on his side so that you’re able to snuggle up against his back and stay warm.
If you’re sitting together, he’ll do the classic arm on the back of your chair. Not exactly around your shoulders. He isn’t pulling you into his side, but the space is still there for you. His body language is still open to your presence.
When you're walking together in a crowd, his hand finds the small of your back. It isn't in a 'you're dragging behind' kind of way either, but more of a 'we're a unit and I don't want to lose you in this crowd' type of action.
And that's not even to mention the things he says.
'Good job' could be used either genuinely when you do something remarkable, or sarcastically when you do something that he thinks is funny. He doesn't crack a smile, but it's all in the tone.
"Here, eat/drink this..." for when he's concerned you've been overworking yourself and you need a break.
Levi's an attentive man too, so things that you need just sort of have a way of showing up without you having to ask. A blanket will be draped over the sofa or your favorite chair if you shiver even once. If you're the forgetful type, he's stocking extras of your favorite little things like pens/chapsticks/gum/hair ties/etc.
He's never really been the type to explicitly say he loves you, but you know he feels it just from his actions alone.
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ackerbootytobbi · 10 hours
The anon button is not for hate. The anon button is for horny and embarrassed about it.
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ackerbootytobbi · 12 hours
Alysssssa! ♥️ thank you so much! You're super wonderful too 💖
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ackerbootytobbi · 12 hours
Thank you so much, Flo~! You're super wonderful, and I'm glad you're back! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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