acry-baby · 6 years
Tumblr media
A request for @acry-baby for their character Luka! I love his design and hopefully I made him “soft” enough to still look like him. I’m out of practice with young anime boys but he’s such a cute one.
(These requests are taking a bit because instead of drawing while on vacation I slept 13 hours a day and did a whole lota nothin’ so now I’m drawing and working 40+ hour work weeks. BOOOO.)
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acry-baby · 6 years
my blog is up and running. yay * 0*;
Bookmark me if you’re curious or bored. tales of a wannabe nursing student. 
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acry-baby · 6 years
i finally moved over my school blog back to wordpress.
i think i’ve decided to keep that one p serious and only use it for school/degree stuff while i use tumblr for giggle crap and personal. 
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acry-baby · 6 years
who am i
I know I followed a bunch of people recently who might be wondering who I am.
You may know me as herb/koco/vrosal.
I don’t know my old tumblr and I can’t seem to reset it, so it’s a sign to start anew right?
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