afandompirate · 18 days
Doing more than one? Choose whichever you found the most helpful. ❤️
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afandompirate · 18 days
Literally every episode of My Cat from Hell
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afandompirate · 28 days
As a Jew I wholeheartedly believe that, folks who are pretending nothing is wrong and Palestinians aren't being murdered every day would have absolutely ignored the Holocaust and let my folks get killed without blinking an eye.
Americans have a lot of heroic fantasies about what they would have done during the Holocaust or chattel slavery, and the answer for a lot of them is absolutely nothing. They would have complained about the people actually doing things for being too disruptive. We Jews did the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and they would have called this terrorism. They would have also complained about MLK and Malcolm X, the former of which took the economies of entire cities hostage. Modern day disruptions don't hold a candle to historical disruptions.
In a two of more decades, people are going to use excuses like "I didn't know!" or pretend they were supportive all along, making tear jerking films about the Palestinian plight. We need to not let them do this.
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afandompirate · 1 month
I've seen discussions sometimes about how fanfiction-based fandom culture is heavily influenced and dominated by people who are not cis men.
One thing I haven't seen discussed as much though is how much of fandom in general is shaped by neurodivergent people.
I mean, you have autistic and ADHD people with special interests or hyperfixations collecting information and writing detailed meta, connecting very strongly with characters and fandoms. I would not be surprised if the percentage of autistics in fandom communities was significantly higher than in the general public.
And that's not even getting into other types of neurodivergencies and how they influence fandom culture.
I sometimes see people try to divorce fandom culture from the idea of being a "geek", and I understand that this is sometimes because of the association with the sexist geek stereotype, but I also know that there is a connection between the two concepts, and it's probably us neurodivergent people.
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afandompirate · 1 month
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has anyone done this yet idk?
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afandompirate · 1 month
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why small kittens are always either the most pathetic or the most evil creature you've ever seen
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afandompirate · 2 months
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Via @danacea at Bluesky.
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afandompirate · 2 months
So, did anyone else know that if you log out of your Google account, youtube doesn't show ads. Like, at all?
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afandompirate · 2 months
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Pablo Antonio Míguez was born in 1963 and disappeared in 1977. He was kidnapped along with his mother, Irma Beatriz Márquez Sayago. He was 14 years old. About his time in captivity “Pablo was an introverted, happy, intelligent boy. He had suffered a lot. When they were kidnapped, they took him to the clandestine center El Vesubio. They used it to get my parents to talk. They made him witness the torture and rape of his mother. And there a dilemma appeared in the military. Pablo was too small to kill, but too big to let go, he had already seen a lot.”
They then transferred Pablo to the Clandestine Detention Center that operated in what is now the former ESMA. That's when he crosses paths with journalist and survivor Lila Pastoriza. She was kidnapped between 1977 and 1978, and while they were together, Pablo told her part of his story and Pastoriza was in charge of spreading it.
“When he was at ESMA he was very skinny, with long hair, and a very sad face. By mid-1978 there are no more records of him,” says his brother Eduardo. “But they didn't break them. "They killed my parents at the end of '77. They were part of the death flights." Pablo's fate is not known, it is believed that it was the same as that of his mother. The location of the Parque de la Memoria work makes sense: it is in the Río de la Plata, where many of the victims of the last dictatorship were dumped, and where Pablo's mother was dumped, and, perhaps, he was too.
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afandompirate · 3 months
Sub-Radio, the band that did Stacy's Dad, coming out with another banger for Pride.
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afandompirate · 3 months
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I hope everyone enjoys this little Crow Time update about the commonality of love! Even stars have travel buddies, that's what constellations are for.
If you like my work, do me a favor and donate a little to the PCRF to help children and families in Gaza. It's easy to do, kind to do, and do not feel guilty if you do not have much to give. Everything counts.
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afandompirate · 4 months
I think I've worked out (part of the reason) why there's been such a huge uptick in folks who don't reblog things on here.
This post has like 14k notes right now, and the tags and comments and reblogs are FULL of people who didn't know about fast-reblog, and -- you guys have been slow-reblogging this whole time!?!??!?!?
In the interests of a) making your lives easier, and b) encouraging you to reblog posts, which is what keeps this site alive, here's how you fast-reblog:
On mobile: press and hold the reblog button. Your blog icon will appear. If you have sideblogs, all of the different icons will appear. Drag to whichever blog you want to reblog to, and release. Job done.
On desktop: hold down the E key and click reblog. Job done.
You're welcome. Now get reblogging.
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afandompirate · 4 months
"Putting yourself on someone else's shoes" does not mean to imagine what you would do in a situation someone else is in. To me, at least, it means seeing the state a person is in, REGARDLESS of what the situation is or how you would react to it, and empathizing with what the person is feeling.
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afandompirate · 4 months
i hate it when i cant even write a poem about something because its too obvious. like in the airbnb i was at i guess it used to be a kids room cause you could see the imprint of one little glow in the dark star that had been missed and painted over in landlord white. like that's a poem already what's the point
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afandompirate · 4 months
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afandompirate · 4 months
Friendly advice: If you're not feeling good about yourself, don't google old classmates.
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afandompirate · 5 months
Isn’t it funny that you never see anyone throwing a hissy fit over the inclusion of flora not native to Medieval Europe in Tolkien or other fantasy works.
Tomatoes, tobacco, POTATOES, tea and sugar, are all perfectly acceptable and normal for Tolkien to have included in Middle earth, but depict a single character with brown skin, and suddenly it’s not realistic, and WHAT ABOUT OUR HERITAGE.
Forget that we don’t analyze the heritage of white actors playing these rolls to make sure they’re from the proper culture to represent Tolkien’s extremely English story. Has a single person ever complained that Frodo and Sam were played by Americans when Hobbiton is CLEARLY based on rural England?
According to some, Hobbits can grow food and other crops that were only introduced into Europe through the violence of imperialism, but to have the hobbits look like the people who originally grew those crops is sacrilegious.
Medieval Europe, which wasn’t as homogenous as people think anyways, is only ever trotted out to justify hating the inclusion of black and brown characters.
If Sam can wax poetic about potatoes, he can look like came from Peru, like potatoes did.
And if that idea bothers you, maybe examine why.
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