Behavior: Anger
So this is a little thing I’m going to start. The Header says Behavior, so this isn’t necessarily a reaction or.. I'm not really sure how to explain it xD But this is after I’ve put a LOT of thought into each of the member's personalities I’ve come up with a few things. You’re always welcome to request an emotion!
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Shownu: Shownu strikes me as the type of man that when he's angry, he paces. He's very tense. Stiff. He strikes me as the man that will pave back and forth through the house muttering things to himself. Maybe slamming doors, then realizing "Ah, shit I'm a little too worked up." and then apologizing. It's kinda weird to think of Shownu mad. But let's face it. He's obviously human. He isn't perfect-despite what we all see and how we all feel about his talent. :) But because he is so quiet and squishy like the bear he is. That's actually exactly why I believe he's like this. Think of it. Bears, real ones. They're cute as fuck. They look so lazy and puffy. Like no cares in the world--that is till you've made them mad. 
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Wonho: Poor baby Wonho. I had a hard time thinking about this. I mean he's so damn happy and smiley and caring and ~ SQUISH. So. I took personal experiences in mind. When I met him with my sibling. My sibling started balling the second they saw them. (Which not gonna lie, I laughed my ass off after it all. Poor Kid.) My sibling was crying, and Wonho saw this and STARTED TO CRY TOO BECAUSE HE WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT THEM. So. I took into account how emotional he is. With that said, I see Wonho being kinda like myself. He gets mad, but he bottles it all up. He makes himself the target. He will shut himself away and cry. He will be so angry and he's not a violent person I firmly believe-so I see him separating himself to keep the 'monsters' at bay. I see him being so overwhelmed with it all he just cries and shakes. My poor child. D:
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Minhyuk: I literally had the hardest time trying to figure him out. Minhyuk. He reminds me of a bouncy-ball. All over the fucking place. So, when it comes to anger I see him getting mad about one thing. But when he 'bitches' about it- all sorts of petty things come to the surface. He's bitching about something from 6 months ago or something that happened when he first met someone. It's all kinds of shit xD. I see him being one of the WORSE instigators though. LOL. He likes to poke the bear. (No, not Shownu lol) He enjoys pushing buttons. I think he likes to get a rise out of it. Not exactly sure about this one. Because he is kinda all over the place.
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Kihyun: Kihyun. Ohhh~ Mother K. I firmly believe Kihyun can be scary when mad. But I think it takes a LOT of shit to get Kihyun to that point. And he normally wouldn't let himself get that far. I see him being the type to throw your past mistakes in your face as a reminder. It's a dick thing to do, and I don't think he does it intentionally. But I see him as the type to "Get Diarrhea Of The Mouth" if you will. (gross term I know) But when he's mad there's absolutely no filter. He's crazy sorry after obviously, I mean come on. It's Kihyun. 
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Hyungwon: Hmm. He's a sarcastic asshole. Lazily. But he is. I think the only time he gets mad is when someone wakes him up XD No but for real. He does those little 'pop shots' lol Snarky things that just piss the other person off. I see him shrugging 98% of shit off though. Like "I'm so fucking mad. I hate you all." then locking himself away to sleep it off then; TADA. No More Mad Man LOL I also believe his favorite thing to say when he's mad is "Just screw off!!!" LOL
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Jooheon: Jooheon is scary. I think he's the worst. Now I know you might think "WTF ADMIN, HOW IS HE THE WORST?!" Hear me out!! Please! Jooheon is a terrifying being. He has that venomous stage presence that's all business and little play. He's got that swag, that smooth way about him. Then he's got that absolute adorable fucking baby that you just wanna die over because he SO DAMN CUTE AND- *clears throat* Anyway. I'm not a Jooheon stan at all. Pft. He has so many sides, and I believe that he's very good at hiding his anger. But I think once it's out- It's OUT. I see him being a HUGE Sailor xD He swears so much when he's mad. Just; "Fuck this shit, I'm so fucking with all this God damn, fucking SHit!" like. Every few words there's at LEAST one curse word XD I also see him be the type to punch walls. He'd get so mad that he can't get it all out with simple swearing. He's gotta get a LOT of it out in one burst. And rather than lash out needlessly at a member or another person. He will risk breaking his hand or fingers before hurting someone. (also like me. LOL)
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I.M: I think he's like Minhyuk tbh. A mixture of him and Hyungwon. I.M doesn't care. He's mad, He's mad. lol, He gonna bitch and snap and talk shit and make little comments that make the target of his anger, angrier. LOL Basically an 'I'm so mad, I'm Mad I'm Mad. I'm gonna make YOU mad so WE can be MAD and maybe fight?!' xD I have no idea. But I do see him being the one to be all "I really don't care what the fuck you have to say sooo... bye." LOL
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PS I can’t believe I found pictures from the SAME shoot. I also love how they 100% clash with the emotion LMAO
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Monsta X
I Want More(Jooheon x Female OC)
Coming Soon
Behaviors: (Feel free to requestion an emotion or situation)
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Chapter Three: “Are you my Mom-Friend?”
Word Count:1,492
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In the end, I couldn't just call him. I felt too odd. I sat there staring at the computer screen just willing myself to tap that stupid pad. I decided that I'd go to my cell phone company tomorrow and add on international texting. I'd find some way to afford it.
I'd managed to do a repeat of the night before. But this time I had a hangover on top of it all. Staring at the computer made me depressed last night. I wanted so badly to see him and be in Korea again. But we were an ocean apart. It would have been too hard to hear his voice or see his face, knowing he was so far. I'd had a full bottle of wine to myself. I sat there in my PJs, flipping through old photos of him and I together; my laptop open to the side just waiting for me to hit the green button. It shouldn't be this hard. At least what I had told myself over and over again. I totally missed my study group because I'd gotten so lost in loose photos of my Korea memories. I'm sure I'd regret that come midterms. So now here I am. Standing in line in a not so grand part of town at Sprint. I wore flip-flops with long loose-fitting jogging pants and an oversized hoodie. My purse was strung over my shoulder and across my chest. My hair was in an impressive mound on top of my head with strands sticking out everywhere. Kind of mimicking a sea urchin in the water. But they look cool, me- not so much. The line seemed to be going slower than a snail's pace. I was becoming impatient. Something that, granted- was a pretty common occurrence. But between a screaming child that was demanding she wanted to leave, to the woman in front of me who I swear to you, took a bath in perfume- my hangover- well, wanted to hang me. My head was throbbing from the noise, the lights, and the walking perfume bottle. I nearly ran over a child when I heard a sales representative to my left say he could help someone. Get the fuck out of my way, was my only thought. I had been here for forty-five minutes. I needed to get moving. Slamming into the counter a little more aggressively than planned because someone's loose minion was in my way and I nearly busted the kid in the face with my knee. Not on purpose, I assure you. So it was more of a landed trip, than slamming into the counter. He gave me a weak smile. "What can I do for you today, Miss?" I smiled as best as I could, "I need to add international texting and calling to my line, please." He nodded and gathered information, confirming my name, address and account PIN number. It only took about 15 minutes for everything to be 100% set up and verified. I learned that I'd be paying about $20.00 more a month for this, which shocked me. I would have thought It'd have been at least $50.00. Not that I'm complaining. As I turned to leave, the child that'd I'd nearly bashed in the face- his mother was glaring at me. I ignored her. Not my fault you have a child who wants to run around and get into shit. Or the fact you don't care to actually watch him. Now, I realize these things make me sound like an awful human being, and I assure you I love children; and can't wait to have my own. But all in due time. Finally, I made it onto the crowded sidewalk and headed back to my apartment. I opened my contacts and tapped the number that'd been testing my sanity. 
To: +82-555-0011-1234 I'd like to offer $5.00 ransom for the green sock, you're holding captive.
Send. If he didn't get that- I was going to have to smack him next time I saw him. After hitting send I realized that it was 4 am by him right now. Whoops. But knowing him, he's snoring with no fucks to be given, drool dripping down one cheek and his hair in a worse state than mine could ever be in. As I droned mindlessly back to my apartment- my phone vibrated. 
From: +82-555-0011-1234 And if I refuse...?
I laughed and stopped in my tracks to reply. Yes, don't judge me. I can't text and walk, I'm not quite that magical. Yet. I quickly tapped back-
To: +82-555-0011-1234 You Feind!
I resumed walking hearing people grumble, I assume because I'd come to a complete stop in the middle of the sidewalk. Sorry man, would you rather I walk into you with your fancy business suit and make you spill your coffee because I was trying to multitask, where I can not? Wait..
To: +82-555-0011-1234 Excuse me- What exactly are you doing awake...?
Yes, I double texted, sue me. I have no fear! The rest of my walk home my phone remained quiet. Maybe he'd woke up to use the bathroom or something and fell back asleep...? I rummaged through my purse coming near the steps. "Common, where are my keys-!" I was grumbling to myself so dead set on finding them, I hadn't noticed someone coming out of the main door. I slammed into them. "Ah-! I'm so sorry!" I looked up, "Oh. Just you." I said monotone. The person just glared back, "Excuse me, Bitch?" they snapped back. Silence passed between us, and we both started laughing. "Girl, you look like shit, what the Hell happened to you...?" she said eyeing my homeless style. "Ohh, you know. Boys, lack of sleep, working overtime." I nodded it off like it was so simple. But she knew. "Honey, at least take a shower!" she said pinching her nose and waving her hand in front of her face. "You smell like you had sex in a bottle of perfume." I busted up laughing, "So sweaty and 100 gallons of old lady musk?" I questioned, she nodded, fanning still. "Stop that!" I laughed, "Some old lady at Sprint bathed in the shit- I didn't think I smelled like it though." I said smelling my hoodie. Mistake. "Good Jesus, Maybe that's why people were grumbling as they passed me," I said feeling my eyes water, and nose hairs curl. In case you're lost- this is a normal conversation between my best friend and I. Harley. She's a Phycology Major at the same college as me, and also my study buddy. Ohhh... "Ahh, sorry about missing the study group last night. I found myself trapped at the bottom of a wine bottle, buried in old memories." She only looked at me, studying me. "That explains the bags..." she said pointing at her own under eye. "I look pretty rough, don't I?" I said pitifully. She only nodded, with a look of 'get yourself together'. We mother each other constantly. I think that the only reason we're actually able to survive college life. We are each other's, mothers. "Did you lose your keys again..?" she asked, seeing I was elbow deep in my purse, still not grabbing hold of my Anime themed lanyard. "Potentially..." I mused quizzically. That earned a laugh. "I've got your spare, hang on." she opened her purse and dug into her wallet, yanking out a dingy silver key. "Ahh, you blessed angel," I said opening my arms for a hug; to which she abruptly stopped me. "Shower, then we can hug." I chuckled and nodded. "Fair enough." Finally, in my apartment, I realized how absolutely messy it was. Company always makes you aware of these things. Now I get why my mom always rushed around after learning we'd be having guests. Completely get it now. Sorry, Mom. "Jesus Christ Katrina!" she scolded as she passed the threshold. "Yes mother, I'll clean today." I waved her off. "No ma'am, now. This place looks like a landfill, and smells like one too!" she said squishing up her face in disgust. I whined but understood. "You get the living-bedroom and I've got the kitchen. And do I even want to look at your bathroom...?" she said looking slightly queasy. "Shockingly, I'll have you know- it's rather clean," I said happy with myself. "Because you haven't showered in a month I bet!" she basically screamed. I gave her my best-offended face, "Two weeks and one day I'll have you know," I looked away, "thank you very much." Not helping my case. "Kat, why didn't you just move into the dorms like everyone else, you pay the same here as you would there," she questioned me as she picked up empty Ramen cups and threw them in the garbage. "We've been over this," I warned, she only shook her head and urged me to actually clean. To which I obviously protested. But she won.
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Chapter Two: “Bridge Troll”
Word Count: 1,146
Warnings: No Warnings
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After my not so smooth greeting, and less than stellar cooking, my mom humored me and gave me some simple cooking tips, or so she says. Our conversation slowly faded into silence. My mom and I didn't talk much since I moved out. She'd always end up crying at some point. Not that I didn't, but she doesn't need to know that. 
Thankfully she didn't question me more about the mysterious letter I'd received in the mail. She agreed to overnight it, and I've basically been hovering next to my mailbox since I got back. I probably look like I've done some sort of drugs for how coffee buzzed I was. The lack of sleep from studying most of the night, and then I got called into work about two hours after I'd finally gone to bed. But I was probably only sleeping for about forty-five minutes, and that’s if I was lucky. Some moron decided to pull a no-show. So they called the one person who is always up to take more hours. I didn't mean the 4 am hours. But as dad says, 'beggars can’t be choosy.' But, Jesus Christ; I do need some sleep. I also need the hours. I have to be able to cover rent in this damn town. Chicago is no joke dude. I live in a studio apartment and it costs more than a 3 bedroom back home. Almost a thousand a month. Thankfully my landlord gets that I'm on my own, busting my ass between work and college. So I get to pay my rent all month long. Just as long as I get it all in before the next cycle. Which- was almost impossible. I've lost so much weight. Probably too much weight. I basically live on coffee, sarcasm, and instant ramen. A college kid at their finest. But I digress. I sat on the steps of my apartment next to the mailboxes, with a coffee mug in one hand and my phone in the other. I had on my ‘oh in so much need of a wash’ hoodie, with my hair looking like I'd stuck my finger in a socket. I think I may have even spooked the neighbor’s cat when I turned my head after hearing her meowing at the 'stranger' that was me, on the stoop. The poor thing might have thought I was one of its hairballs come to life, with nothing but murder in my heart. Technically that wasn't all wrong. I was so damn tired, if someone dared to even think of being a dick to me right now, I’d chug my coffee and smash my mug on their head. Yeah. Bad mood. Finally, after about two hours of sitting there dozing off waiting on the mailman, I saw why it was taking so long. A new guy. And of all things, He was Chipper. Oh, this'll be good. I stood not caring that my hoodie reeked, I had coffee-stained teeth and probably would be mistaken for a troll that's lost its way going back to its bridge. "Good morni-" "Katrina Dawson- Apartment 2B. It should have been overnighted. Please-" I said sticking my hand out in his direction to which he looked at it back at me and, believe it or not- had the nerve to smile and resume his thoughts- "How are you today Miss?" he asked taking his sweet time digging through his mailbag. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Look," I started. Oh, common girl, he's new- don't do this to him on his first day. Oh, but my lack of sleep was far more than my manners at this point. "I am a full-time college student, I work full time, I hardly have time to eat and sleep, worst of all I-" "Ah! Here it is! Ohh-" he cooed, "What language is this? It's very pretty!" I was boiling at this point. Stomping down the stoop snatching my very important letter out of his hands. "O eoseo!"(Oh, Come On!)  I managed to mutter-somehow not screaming at him in English. "Oh- sorry!" he still held that same annoying smile. I sighed after having the letter in my hands, instantly recognizing the scribbly handwriting in Hangeul. I glanced up to the mailman who was putting mail in the other boxes. "2A is a witch, put everything in relating to size, like bigger shit on the bottom. That's probably why you have this route. She tried to beat the other mailman with her cane." I gave him a simple wave. I mean, I know I just snapped at him- but shit, he was two hours late; and then could clearly see I wasn't sane. I wasn't sorry either. But I didn't want 2A to go after him, she's completely off her rocker. Chicago does things to a person. Once I'd gotten up to my apartment and settled on the small sofa bed. I looked the letter over. I smiled as I flipped it overseeing the little cartoon doodle that looked to be peeking out from under the flap. I tore into it carefully. As I unfolded the paper, I was greeted with something I hated. "Oh-my god. I'm gonna kill him." I grumbled as a mass of rainbow glitter dumped in my lap. I gave up and looked at the letter. There were numerous pages. The first page basically read with 'Hey, I know it's been longer than we'd planned.' followed by a load of apologies. I read on to find the reason; "After you left, things got really busy and I couldn't write you. I wanted to! I just couldn't." I could tell he was actually remorseful for not writing me. "Anyway- I have some cool news- but oh! I've got a cell phone again- My number is- +82-555-0011-1234!" It was followed by some weird babble that kinda loses its amusement in translation. The other pages were random writings that were dated months ago. He'd been writing but wasn't allowed to send anything. Some of them had things like "Oh my gosh remember when you tried octopus for the first time!? You looked green!" or "I was cleaning up the dorm and I found that other green sock you lost. I guess we have mice cause there's a hole in the toe...?" I blushed reading that- that damn sock. It was from my favorite pair of socks. They probably did have mice, but the hole was from me wearing them so much. Memories upon memories filled the pages, and him just wondering how I was. I got teary-eyed. I didn't have international texting so I got on Skype and entered the number. I paused for a moment. "It's been a year. What do I even say..?" I pondered aloud. I got up and grabbed my good headphones and plopped on the couch. Here goes!
Hey, I hope you’re enjoying thus far! Please always give feedback to fanfiction authors, because that's why we stop updating! We feel unloved and like it’s not worth it unless we get some type of feedback. Please reblog, and ALWAYS like if you took the time to read it, whats 3 more seconds to like and reblog.
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Chapter One: “Adulting”
Hey guys, so I’ve made a whole new page- so if you have seen these, I had this one on two other accounts, that I’ve deleted. So this is the only posting now! I hope you enjoy it if you’re new! If you’ve read it- I’m aiming to pick it back up and finish it finally. I haven't written much in the last two years, so I’ll aim to finish what I’ve started lol. Enjoy!!
Word Count: 820
Warnings: No Warnings
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"Ah, Shit!" I hissed. I must be secretly doomed, at least when to comes to cooking myself something to eat. "Well, there's another burn to add to the list." I looked at my already blistering hand. Look, no one said it'd be easy living on my own. But all I do is work, study, and sleep. I hardly have time to eat, and when I do- this happens. 
"Yep, Doomed." I finally decided. My phone began to buzz on the counter, because, what better time to call. I reached for my phone as I used the other hand to turn on the cold water. Oh, crap. I thought as I read the caller ID. "Hi, Mom!" I said a little too eagerly as I picked up. Obviously fake. "Uh-oh. I know that sound," she paused and I deadpanned; "that's the sound of adulting being hard, isn't it?" she said knowing damn well what I was trying to cover. I just sighed, no use in lying. "Yeah... Burnt myself while cooking, again." I said the last bit quietly. I didn't like not being kitchen savvy, but I was always like this. Even when I lived at home. Burning myself was a normal occurrence. "Well, are you okay? Are you running your hand under cold water?" she asked- as I stuck my hand under the cold stream. "Ah, ouch- shhiiittt. This one's a doozy," I couldn’t keep the burn directly under the water- the cold made it feel like it was still being scalded, "and my hand is under the water now, but it's not really helping." I ignored the first question. Why? Well, I was beyond stressed. Between work, college, and trying to keep a steady schedule for eating, sleeping, bathing, and maintaining somewhat of a social life- I was losing my mind. I hadn't even been out of my parent's house three years, and I was damned to keep my twenty-four-year-old ass out of their house. Plus, it's not like I could easily just up and go home, not that I'd want to. Don't get me wrong- I love my family. But there comes an age when you're parents no longer seem like parents. They seem like controlling roommates. Three adults fighting for the upper hand, all demanding the exact type of respect, but none willing to back down and bow first. "Honey," she started. "Mom please don't get emotional and tell me to just come home, cause I can't. You and I both know that. I needed out. I need to get this damned degree and do it alone." I said getting frustrated with myself. She sighed. "As I was going to say. You've got this." I felt stupid. I pinched the bridge of my nose and willed the tears to not even tempt me. I've had enough of 3 am sobbing fits and angry bursts over a sock not coming off as fast as I wish it would. "Sorry...” My voice was small, but she heard me. She knew this was as hard for me as it was for her. "The reason I called is actually, um..." she sounded smitten- My tears no longer pricked at my waterline, I was suddenly very aware of the shit I could have either left behind, an old boyfriend or God forbid- friends?! I know that sounds weird, but when I moved, I kinda didn't tell anyone. Well aside from my family. My friends back home weren't exactly; well, they were shit people that I tolerated for the sake of being lonely. "Oh, then?" I let a nervous chuckle. She laughed- "It's not for anything bad," I felt a ton of bricks leave my shoulders. "It's actually something that came in the mail for you today. I haven't opened it." she paused- I was starting to feel those bricks being added on one by one again. "It's from Korea," she said finally, bricks tumbled off again. "Ooookay? Who's it from?" I dried my hand off carefully slightly hissing as I did. Damn, that's worse than I thought. I thought to myself inspecting my hand. "Well- it's in Korean. I can send a photo of it quick?" she suggested, "Yeah, do that." I finished wiping up the spilled broth and gave up. My phone vibrated under my ear, slightly startling me. "I just got it, hang on-" glancing at the photo; my heart stopped. "Mom, will you please overnight that to me tomorrow!?" I practically pushed my lips through the phone into her ear. "Well, yes- but who's it from?" she challenged. My guts twisted, I couldn't just tell her. It's far more complicated than that. "It's a friend I met while I was in Korea- I told them to write to me if they ever need something. So it's really important mom!" She didn’t dig any further. She knew I was hiding something- and I was grateful she just left it as is.  
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I Want More
Lee Jooheon x Female OC
Chapter One - "Adulting"
Chapter Two -  "Bridge Troll"
Chapter Three - "Are You My Mom-Friend?"
Chapter Four - "Naked Phone Call"
Chapter Five - "Can't Wait!"
Chapter Six - "A Lady of the Night?"
Chapter Seven - "You Were Missed"
Chapter Eight - "Nightmares"
Chapter Nine - "Marco... Polo?"
Chapter Ten - "A Little Spilled Milk"
Chapter Eleven - "I'm Doing Swell"
Chapter Twelve - "We Were Best Friends"
Chapter Thirteen - "Mirror"
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Master List - Under Construction
Monsta X
Vixx Percy Jackson Universe (Rick Riordan) Avatar The Last Airbender  Voltron
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