aicosu · 9 days
If anyone wants to be in a taylor swift discord speak now.
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aicosu · 13 days
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aicosu · 25 days
hejka, mam pytanko dotyczące dziennika artura z rdr2. Widziałam że jest o tym post z 2019. I moje pytanie brzmi czy jest już gdzieś cały zrobiony z brakującymi zwierzętami. Też przy okazji nie do końca wiem jak potem złożyć to w całość i czy macie jakieś porady do tego albo jakiś filmik
Tak, to koniec!! Nie mam porad ani filmu, ale mam różne wersje, których możesz użyć i które są oznaczone. Wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, jest tutaj.
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aicosu · 29 days
Just a curious question because you’re always active in communities and always speak out about an injustices. You’re not speaking about Palestine because of your book? Not judging truly just want to understand
Let me be crystal clear: Palestine should be free. What is happening to Palestinians is genocide. Isreal is using US backing and funding to excuse genocide and its abysmal. We support palestine and condemn the murder of its people. We arent scared to say that.
The only reason there arent posts on here because I really just do not interact with tumblr all that much. And instagram too. Sy deleted all his social media and Ive tried really hard to limit my time on it cause it just isnt good for our mental wellness.
I interact more on twitter, but even then, I try to only use socials for updates and little else, but I like and retweet what I can.
Heres a thread on twitter I have bookmarked on ways to help Palestine even if you dont have money to give. That includes your daily clicks.
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aicosu · 30 days
Hope it is okay to message, I just wanted to say I'm reading Message Sent and absolutely adore it. I saw that you write fic for hellcheer as well TASTE. Are you still writing Message Sent or dragon age fic in general? Maybe once the new game comes out that will inspire you lol. If not that's okay tho, from what I've seen you are a great writer so good luck with all your other endeavours!! <3
Ive been reading your comments as you read through dreading when you got to my hiatus!!! All week I was like No pooor soul!!!!
But. And I know to others I sound like a Liar, but I promise and have always promised that I have the ending, I want to finish it and I will finish it!!!!
I swear to all that is holy that if my book gets a deal the first thing im doing it finishing Message Sent and Lilac and Lush so I can thank everyone whose read my writing over the years that made me delulu enough to get published. I SWEAR IT
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aicosu · 30 days
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I'm agented!!!! The book is being prepped to send to publishers!! Once again, if you want this to exist, signing up for the newsletter helps immenseeeeelllly!
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aicosu · 1 month
HELLO I've been querying this book to agents for a year and I have big news about it coming soon and if you want to support it, get free art, and hear all the news please sign up for my Newsletter!!!!
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aicosu · 2 months
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aicosu · 2 months
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I have crossed oceans of time to find you...
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aicosu · 2 months
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aicosu · 2 months
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aicosu · 2 months
Darling! I saw the twitter posts in regard to Latine authors and publishing, and now I'm worried cause I'm finishing my MFA program with a debut novel that's Latine-centric and the fictional world is inspired by Spain, but now that I'm seeing how much struggle there is to get rep. I'm slightly panicking, wondering if my baby will ever get published ToT asdkjf why is this a thing in the year of 2024???
It's not that bad!!!!!!!
It does happen, but if we give in to these systematic norms then it will never change. And it is getting better!! There are agents and publishers advocating for marginalized voices. And there are Latinx authors out there with super successful debuts! It is just a little more research into who you are querying and the publishing houses they are connected with!!
So DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE!!! YOU GOT THIS! there is WANTED space on bookshelves for our stories. And even if publishing trad sucks, indie and self pub is and can be just as wildly successful and that's all in our hands!
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aicosu · 3 months
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Eddie wake up.
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aicosu · 4 months
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I know you. If I were blind I'd know what you are. ✨️🦄✨️
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aicosu · 4 months
THE EXCERPT IS FAKE by the way, congrats tumblr on perpetuating attacks on an Indie author even though the Twitter op admitted to FAKING that except just to drag an indie author they don't know.
Look, some books aren't for everyone that's fine. Continue internet bulling "the straights" if you want (no confirmation the author is straight btw) but don't spread misinformation that can cost someone their career. People are slamming it and ITS NOT EVEN OUT. She's not even got a publisher! Relax!!! Fuck!!!
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i’m lmfao at this shit
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aicosu · 4 months
Chapter 13
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ᕼEᗩᖇ ᑕᑌTE
Love is Blind AU. Or: Eddie Munson is forced into a reality TV dating show because of his shitty contract and inconveniently catches feelings.
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aicosu · 4 months
do you have a 'lemonade' specific tumblr that we can follow? 🍋🍸✨
I DO NOT but thats an amazing idea. I'll probably make one if it gets repped!
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